kirishimas-headband · 4 years
📝- Story from your childhood?
in school when you start to learn cursive you learn to write “L” and “E” because those are only loops, and I was thrilled with this new talent that I had acquired.
sO when I got home, I was in my parents’ bathroom and had this epiphany (that only a child’s mind would be able to have). my parents didn’t know I was learning cursive, so if I etched something into the wall, they would never know it was me
the perfect crime
of course,,, they would know, because my sister was younger than me and neither of my parents would scratch anything into the walls, but my child brain didn’t think of that
so,,, I etched the only word I knew
up until the day we moved out of that house, there it was on the bathroom wall- beautifully handwritten- the word “eel”.
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shippeh · 5 years
conciteque replied to your post: Ship this abo coffee shop au is glorious tell us...
This is glorious but also I can’t help but wonder how you’re going to introduce your trademark angst in there…
kirishima’s really dumb and just,,,, can’t quite convince himself that the really cool well-dressed rough-edged manly alpha is actually goign out of his way to do anything for him so bakugou’s just like,,, well Fuck It, im Going Big, he plans a move that will leave Zero room for doubt because honestly this is taking up a lot of his free time and he’s spending too much money on coffee and courting gifts, so,,,
so he brings a thin box wrapped in black paper to the shop and gets to the counter but its the stupid pothead blond who is there instead,, ,kirishima’s on his break, man, i dunno, so Bakugou just says “FUCK” really loudly because he really did Have to Work himself up to this Big Move and kmarinaris liek ‘UH you want like a complaint card or-”
or what, bakugou doesnt know because he storms outta the building and just like crumples angrily into a bench outside, he even kicks a rock like he’s four years old and crosses his arms and the gift over his chest with a huff and then feels extra stupid because its Break, kirishima will be back, this is a very dumb alpha hissy fit he’s having right now, good thing it’s public courtesy that everybody wears scent blockers because he’d be souring the whole fucking street otherwise,,
then the doors slam open and there’s an audible movie-style skid as kirishima bursts out the door like ‘oh shit dude i heard u cussing are you okay’ and bakugou looks at him and its very poetic theres sun shining and the light glints off the spikes on his collar and hes very hard to look at so bakugou looks away and kirishimas like ‘aw man ur in a mood bro, well i got like 5 min or something on my break and honstly i draw in so many tips that they’d never fire me haha so-”
by the time he’s done talkin he’s already sitting next to bakugou on the bench and bakugou’s like ‘hnNNNNNnnnhh well at least there’s not a whole line of people watching this wild act im bout to do’ so he picks up the box and slams it over towards kirishima who takes it like :o oh huh and bakugou’s like “open it moron”
and kirishima tears the paper way too carefully for a rowdy boy and also too carefully for bakugou who has to stop the growl encroaching on his throat
but then he opens the box and hes like ‘hmmmmm how’d you know my shirt size’ and bakugou’s like ‘what?’ very thrown off and kirishima is pulling out the shirt better and unfolding it and kind of frowning because he doesnt get it and it’s too much to look at so Bakugou recrosses his arms and sternly looks away again
and then kirishima realizes what this used black shirt in his hands is because he can smell it and he’s like real soft ‘o-oh’ and then bakugou cant resist looking back at him and he’s just holding the fabric crumpled in fingers that shake and his eyes are wide and his pretty mouth is open and bakugous like
YEAH WELL in for a penny as they say,,, NO HALF MEASURES
so he swings himself off the bench and onto his knees in front of the omega and “oh, ow, fuck-” the asphalts real hot under his hands, here, ok, focus- at least kirishima’s staring at him, now, for sure, “i’m, uh-” ok he’s watched so many stupid clips about this whole courting thing and read so many guides but FUCK it SURE aint as easy as they make it right??? but then he meets kirishimas shocked eyes and ok ok suddenly its. a lot easier,,,
“I’m tryna to fucking court you,’ he says, ‘officially. for real. uh’
and kirishima looks at him and looks at the scented shirt and looks at him and is like ‘me???????????????’
and bakugou’s like ‘who the fuck else you dumbass’ and kiri laughs So Fucking Hard that suddenly bakugou’s taken aback like ‘ok uhohhhh’ but
kirishima sets the shirt back in the box and reaches his hand for bakugous, who offers his in turn, and kirishima slips by his hand entirely and grabs his wrist, holds tight and hauls him back up into the bench
and his touch lingers because bakugou’s sure as hell not able to let go
but eventually kirishima slides his hand back skin to skin and he’s blushing a perfect pink collar, his blush so pretty it almost washes out the red of his collar, and bakugou realizes with a sharp pain in his chest what kirishima’s just done and he slowly lists his hand over his mouth, pulls his palm and wrist up and breathes and breathes and 
kirishima smells like coconut and salt, like a brilliant beach on a vacation day that never ends
and its a faint, barely there wrist gland scent that fades before bakugou’s ready for it to be gone but he’s been scented and theres no denying it
and then five minutes is up and kirishima’s scrambling to his feet holding the shirt to his chest like it’s the solution to every problem in the world and they are both
but kirishima has to go back to work, so he does, beucase he has to
and bakugou trembles outside the cafe because that worked????????????????? it worked? it worked???
coconut and fresh air
he laughs so fuckin hard that kids across the street stare at him
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arxaris · 5 years
hnnngh, i wasn't ready to feel this much in the morning, my heart is still soft and your reincarnation drabble is so cute! I love how strongly Bakugou reacted and how both him and Kirishima were drawn to their "natural place". Arx what do you put in your stories that turn my brain to mush every time? I feel so many things it makes my heart ache, and yet I can't put words on any of them! But if I go to the Coloseum one day, I'm sure I'll be thinking about this! This AU is going to stay with me
Ahhhhh thanks conci ❤️ I’m so glad you liked it! I pretty much walk around all day in Rome thinking about these two, so I feel ya. Every time I learn a fun fact I’m instantly like “that would fit so well in X chapter” lmao.
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let-me-wander · 4 years
3 & 7 pls!
Thank you for the ask Conci!!!!!!!!
3. slowburn or established relationship? 
Oof oh gosh.  This is a hard one.  But I think I’m going to have to go with slowburn, I think it’s much more conducive to well-thought out character development.
7. would you rather read a plot-focused fic or pwp? 
Plot-focused!  Give me all the stories and settings and narratives!  With a side of spice haha.
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chonideno · 5 years
I just want you to know that I was reading earlier and came across the word "home". It reminded me of "the fool's rush" and I started tearing up and had to stop reading because the feelings I have for this fic... were too strong... So yeah I really love it! (And your writing in general)
aaahhh thank you so much!! I still love this fic dearly, I’m glad I’m not the only one lmao. thank you ♥♥
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girafeduvexin · 5 years
6, 26 et 46 pour le writing ask~
Heeeeeey thanks !!!
6) What’s your biggest strength as a writer?
On m’a déjà dit que je caractérisais très vite un personnage, et perso, j’ai l’impression que je suis pas mauvaise en personnages en général, psychologie etc. 
26) Who is your favorite fictional character in general?
Huuuum, bonne question. 
Dur de répondre, je ne pense pas en avoir un seul - j’aime les personnages compliqués, remplis de tensions ou de regrets, de traumatismes non-résolus, que ce soit visible ou pas. Par ex, Kakashi, Snape, Pearl... j’aime voir des personnages être victimes de leurs propres caractères, évoluer... ou pas. 
46) What’s your favorite line of your current WIP?
Ok, ok, ok. 
“J’espère que tu le comprendras, mais je t’aime trop pour te voir effacer de ma vie, comme ça, d’un coup de stylo.”
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slythraven · 6 years
“Il ne peut plus rien faire sans que ces pouvoirs se manifestent de façon inattendue, avec des conséquences parfois catastrophiques. Allons-y, pour expliquer pourquoi toutes les ampoules de l’immeuble ont soudainement explosées. Ça, ce n’est qu’un détail parmi la myriade de manifestations. Encore un peu et ils vont avoir une de ces émissions débiles avec des chasseurs de paranormal du dimanche qui vont se pointer dans l’immeuble avec des faux exorcistes et toute la brochette d’escroc pour prouver que l’immeuble est hanté. Les lieux ne sont hantés que par deux choses : sa mauvaise humeur et ces pouvoirs à la con. “
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madokasoratsugu · 6 years
conciteque replied to your post “shokugeki deadass started with a middle school girl getting tentacle...”
I feel you. I used to like it because of the weirdness but it was pretty good in spite of it. And now look at them, letting a 15yo become director, as if it was... you know... a sane and legal decision? What will the board members say? Did the majority of the elite 10 agree? Ugh...
yeah tbh i was willing to let go of A Lot of iffy situations and weirdness w the excuse of ‘its a shounen manga’ but this latest chapter is just pushing it. because it doesnt even make sense in the plot’s universe ?? sure, yeah, let’s let a teenager run this place. it’s not like the previous group of teenagers did poorly and nearly burned it to the ground :D
also you’re so right. what about laws. is erina even legally allowed to be a principal. follow your own rules, series, god fuckin damn it.
aarlert replied to your post “shokugeki deadass started with a middle school girl getting tentacle...”
god i also thought after how much i loved the autumn election and the stagiaire arc that “maybe this manga won’t be 100% garbage” but. here we are. i just want to pluck all the best characters out and put them in the manga they deserve
same lmao. cant believe the same arc that made me put so much faith in the series would also be the last good arc in it /sheds a tear/ shokugeki should have ended ~100chaps ago imo lmao. i wish this had been cancelled instead of hell’s kitchen. that one was Good.
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howardlinkedin · 7 years
Hi! I stumbled upon Shelter while trying to quench my thirst for more Cross Marian in my life and OMG THIS IS THE BEST THING I'VE READ IN SO LONG! I love the dynamics between the characters so much, especially the relationship between Cross and Allen. Also, I'm in love with Allen's synesthesia. I just had to pause every once in a while to laugh or just calm down a bit because this was too much for me! Anw this is getting long so I'll just say that I love it and I wish to read more of what you do
YELLS thank you!!!!
It’s always exciting to hear from people who like it! :))) 
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dragonkirizine · 4 years
Introducing our amazing contributors!
It's time for contributor announcements!! Please browse through the post full of wonderful, talented artists and writers who will be filling these PDFs with delicious Kirishima goodness!! Anakito  Tumblr: @anakitoart Twitter: anakitoart  
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BeautifulWorld  Tumblr: @the-fartsy-artsy-blog Twitter: beautif51504434  Instagram: 0thisbeautifulworld0
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Terrakickz Twitter: terrakickz  Tumblr: @terrakickz
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Chiluver  Twitter: chibolts Tumblr: @winterbolt
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ChibiChubbz Twitter: chibichubbz
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Chipp  twitter: nsfwchipp
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ChocolatteMelt  Twitter: Chocolatte_Melt Instagram: rarelysoftlatte Tumblr: @chocolattemelt
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Cree Instagram: bliss_cree Twitter: doodledreamly  Tumblr: @bliss-cree
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Ghostinimartini Twitter: ghostinimartini Instagram: ghostinimartini Deviantart: Ghostini
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Hackwolfin Twitter: hackwolfin  DeviantART: hackwolfin Toyhouse: hackwolfin
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Hoshibara  Twitter: hoshibara_art  Tumblr: @hoshibara-blog
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Kaydeefoxx Twitter: kaydeefoxx
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SleepyHeadKL Instagram: SleepyHeadKL Twitter: SleepyHeadKL Tumblr: @sleepyheadkl
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Sun_scientist Tumblr: @sunscientist    Twitter: Sun_Scientist
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LexiLopezi Tumblr: @writerdragon Twitter: LexiLopezi
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Major  Instagram: majorashby Twitter: majorashby  Tumblr: @majorashby
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Mochi Twitter: @MochiPastell
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Nahanli Instagram: nahanli Twitter: nahanili
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Ninecloud7 Tumblr: @bakusquad-plus-ultra Twitter: Ninecloud_Se7en
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Novallion Twitter: novallion_ Tumblr: @pulling-all-mighters
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PetrichorCrown Twitter: PetrichorCrown Patreon: PetrichorCrown DeviantART: Prince-Petrichor
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Qwan-Hei Twitter: QwanHei 
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Raph Instagram: raphodraws Twitter: raphodraws  Tumblr: @raphodraws
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Sieraheron Instagram: seiraheron Twitter: kurdupel113 Tumblr: @seiraheron
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Soap  Tumblr: @soapyoakships Twitter: thebestoff235
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Xana Instagram: inkroker Twitter: Roker_Flower
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Yumenofude Tumblr: @yumenofude Instagram: Yumenofude Twitter: Yumenomu
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Amuk Tumblr: @kumeko Ao3: Amuk Twitter: @amukWrites 
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Fanficismything  Twitter: Fanficiswrites Ao3: Fanficismything 
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GemmaRose Ao3: GemmaRose Pillowfort: GemmaRose Tumblr: @gemmaroses​
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Helix Tumblr: @bakubakuboom Twitter: doubled_helix Ao3: doubled_helix
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Lee Twitter: cragboard Tumblr: @i-write-wins-not-tragedies​
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Lillabelle Twitter: Bellethreal Tumblr: @Belletheral AO3: Lillabelle
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Livinglittlelie Twitter: Livinglittlelie Tumblr: @livinglittlelie​ Ao3: Livinglittlelie
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Lorelei Tumblr: @mermaidlorelei​ Twitter: mermaidlorelei3
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Maplefudge Tumblr: @maplefudge​ Twitter: _maplefudge
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Milligramme Tumblr: @my-obsession-academia​ Twitter: conciteque
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Paperficwriter:  Tumblr: @paperficwriter  Twitter: paperficwriter Ao3: paperficwriter
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SacramentalWine Twitter: WineSacramental
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Shippeh Twitter: Shippehbitch  Tumblr: @shippeh​
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Zacksy Twitter: pointyhatwitch  Tumblr: @pointy-hat-witch​
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kirishimas-headband · 5 years
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shippeh · 5 years
Obviously, their first child is called Tetsutetsu but the kanjis of his dad's name are reversed
lkjedfh fsadfhas HOLY FUCK CONCI THIS IS,,,, YE AH
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It's finally time for my preview for the @dragonkirizine ! ✨
Can I get a big "WHOOP" for finishing this piece IN TIME? 🙈 I was nearly not able to do it so I'M QUITE HAPPY MY ART (hopefully) JUSTIFIES @CONCITEQUE 's WONDERFUL FIC 💕💕💕
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Go ahead and buy it here, you won't be disappointed 😏💕
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sweetonmylove · 5 years
The “I Took Your Hand and You Took My Heart” KiriBaku Assorted Fic  Rec List
This is part 1 of the assorted KiriBaku fic list that I promised! I’d like to give a special thanks to @arxaris for guiding me on the “Read More” and Hyperlink tools so that my lists weren’t overwhelming your feeds... I’m not especially tech savvy but damnit, I sure learned how to hunt down KRBK fics quickly!! Without further ado, I present you with yet another rec list to peruse at your leisure <3
What Makes A Man *M* ~ Mermaidlorelei (In Progress/ 3? Ch)
Fantasy AU, Worldbuilding, Dragon Kirishima, Mythical Beings and Creatures, Slow Burn
This was supposed to be on my AU list, but Laptops suck when they crash. Anyways, my dudes, I cannot rave enough about this right here. Lorelei freaking nails fantasy with this one. The descriptors are palpable, people. You can get lost in the writing and feel as if you are in a whole other world while sitting in the comfort of your own home. This writer just astonished me to pieces and I highly encourage you to give this a look. You can feel the love, devotion, and craftsmanship that was put into this dream provoking fanfiction
Shit, You're Actually Hot! *G* ~ Shinsousshin
Getting Together, Mutual Pining, Jealous Bakugou, Fluff
Basically, Kirishima is supposed to wear contacts but ruins them everytime he tries to use them and don't even get him started on the glasses, because he hides them. A sudden discovery by Bakugou kick starts some confessions
Marketable *T* ~ Eggstasy
Love confessions, Getting Together, Pining
Bakugou gets a by-proxy manager and Kirishima becomes jealous that his best friend has been spending less time with him
The Truth is Out *T* ~ Maplefudge
Kirishima gets hit with a truth quirk and ends up making his feelings for Bakugou known in the dumbest way
One Night of Forever *E* ~ Deviance for Arxaris
Porn w/o Plot, Porn w/Feelings, Aged-Up, Established Relationship, Liberal use of Pet Names, Top Kiri, Bottom Baku, Fluff and Smut
This is basically an indulgent fic for Arxaris' precious little heart. It is steamy AF
Just A Parting Kiss *T* ~ Sailrsierramoon
Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Idiots to Lovers, Gay Panic, Fluff
Eijirou and Katsuki's first kiss isn't something either of them planned or were prepared for
Laugh Like Fire *G* ~Thornfruit
Sharing A Bed, Fluff, First Kiss, Unresolved Romantic Tension
Bbakugou is drunk on sleep and has a shard time keeping his emotions in check
Dare Me *T* ~ Ashii Black
Truth or Dare, Crushes, Love Confessions, Kissing, Humor, Fluff, Romance, Getting Together
Urarake gives Bakugou a dare and Kirishima isn’t sure what to think about it
Smells Like Home *T* ~ SummerBummin
Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Confessions, Triggers, Trauma, Scents and Smells
After Kamino, Bakugou is triggered by the smell of alcohol from being held captive in a bar… he sneaks over to Kirishima's house in search of a more comforting scent
Braces *T* ~PandaDawgBE
Fluff, Pining, Surprise Kissing, First Kiss, Katsuki has braces
Bakugou gets braces and Kirishima thinks he's super cute with them… Bakugou is quite insecure about them
Shake It, Break It, Get Off Your Feet *T* ~ Idioticfangirl
Quirk Swap, Injury, Confessions, Protectiveness
Bakugou and Kirishima are hit with a quirk swap and are told to sit out any action… they don't listen very well
Gathering The Courage To Say I Love You *G* ~ efemerald
Feelings Realization, Love Confessions, Fluff, Friends to Lovers
Bakugou asks Kirishima and the Bakusquad out to a play… the only one able to attend is Kirishima… they are pining the whole way through said play
Bro Bracelets *T* ~ Kirikatsu
Friendship Bracelets, Soft Bakugou, Confessions
Bakugou misplaces the friendship bracelet given to him by Kirishima and he feels extremely guilty
Missed Connection *NR* ~ TMG_Fanfiction
Aged-Up, Pro-Heroes, Coming Out, Fluff, Love Confessions
Bakugou and Kirishima haven't seen eachother in a year since graduation but unexpectedly run in to one another at the airport
An Unexpected Pride *T* ~ Shadowwolfgreen
First Pride Parade, Strangers to Lovers, First Kiss, ARTWORK BY SE7EN!!
Bakugou gets lost at his first pride parade since coming out, luckily there is a sweetheart named Kirishima, who is there to help him navigate
Kiss Him & See How You Feel *G* ~ Claus_Lucas
Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Humor, Coming Out, First Kiss, Heart to Heart, Background KamiSero
The first time Bakugou sees two boys kiss, he realizes something about himself and how he feels about his best friend Kirishima
Pros and Cons *T* ~ Sailrsierramoon
Cosplay, Mutual Pining, Love Confessions, First Kiss
Bakugou and Kirishima run into eachother at a local convention while dressed up as All Might and Crimson Riot… neither knew the other cosplayed
Paint It Red *T* ~ Milligramme
Blood w/o gore or injury, Unsexy Shower, Getting Together, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Dramatic Bakugou, Worried Kirishima, Slight Angst w/ A Happy Ending
Bakugou returns from a shitty patrol, tired and covered in blood… All he can see is red
Love Language *T* ~ SimplyUnknown
Idiots in Love, Miscommunication, Love Languages
Ever since Kamino, Bakugou has been giving Kirishima way too many gifts. But this is all platonic, right?
Countdown *G* ~ Meta_Pan
Friends to  Lovers, Idiots in Love, Mutual Pining, Fluff
Kirishima is pining for Bakugou (obviously), Bakugou is pining for Kirishima (of course). They're best friends and there's some gay panic. This is really cute, funny, and sweet.
@arxaris @maplefudge @bakusquad-plus-ultra @ashiiblack @maraudermonkey @conciteque @mermaidlorelei
Thank you to the writers for sacrificing their time and offering us a peak at their talent. You are greatly appreciated and admired <3 <3 <3
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pure-bakusass · 5 years
❤a cute message for struggling writer❤
@conciteque dear! I had literally no idea how to answer a message divided to three parts and I wanted to put it all together because I think every struggling writer should read this, I hope you don't mind ❤
Here's what @conciteque messaged me:
So I read your fanfic dream post, and I just wanted to tell you that you shouldn't feel ashamed of where you are now, and just do your thing. You have to start somewhere, and I can assure you that your words will resonate with people as long as you like what you do. When I started writing, people told me I had a good style, and when I look back now, I find lots of bad habits and things I could have done better, but it didn’t matter because I still had readers who enjoyed it.
You’re going to keep improving, and there will always be people to support you along the way and love what you do, the way we all love your drawings and headcanons (two important proofs that you have the right spirit and nothing can go wrong with writing, really). Also, if anyone is mean, we’re also very ready to kick ass!
Take your time to be ready, but please, don’t stop yourself just because you think you’re not good enough. There will always be people better than you, and that’s great because you can use them to become better yourself! And sure, you’ll probably never write like them, but it’s also fine, because you’ll write like you, and no one else can do that! (phew, sorry, it took so long... I hope it helped and didn't seem annoying or anything ^^)
Thank you ❤❤❤ It very much does help, I'm going to take your words to heart. You're such a gentle sweetheart I can't even, bless you! ❤❤❤
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rawengrey · 5 years
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“Parle à ma main !” says Tomura.
Request from @conciteque
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