trulytiredhermit · 10 months
Totally random and out there thought (can be x reader or just travel companion reader)
But can anyone imagine a musical conductor Reader?
Like a trained conductor Reader able to do all that conductors do, with the flare and everything.
I just… imagine how powerful Reader would be with the wind waker baton— cause let’s be real here, Wind (as much as I adore the little guy) is not a trained conductor and only knows a few little songs that can change the direction of the wind.
But I’m talking like Reader conducting something like Dies Irae for fun one time and causing a literal storm because of the conducting.
Idk I think it could be a cool concept, but I’m also awake at like 1:32 am rn and should be asleep since I have classes tomorrow.
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sansisnes · 4 months
Been re-reading orv and I'm gonna get the physical copy tomorrow
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Continuation of this ask
Conductor x reader Deliberator x reader
He was the rhythm of life, the Conductor, spinning his baton and making melodies out of hopeless noise. He and his brothers and sister kept the world in order, or as much order as they could when up against Improbability.
The Employers lived on a split plane or reality, comparable to heaven in some aspects, except not even good souls could wander this realm, only the Employers could inhabit this place.
And yet to every rule, there was an exception, that being you. Cold marble tiles lay beneath your feet as you sat in contentment in the garden, lazily reading a book while lounging on an iron bench, which had been given plush cushions for your enjoyment.
Catching the fancy of these godly being was near impossible, and yet you'd managed to attract the maestro of life, black and blue wrapped rightly around your fingers. Flicking the page, you set the book down and took a sip of your tea, Romulus raising his furry head to look at you, before setting it back down.
Of course, the Employers had pets, Rom being the pet wolf of one you rarely saw but often heard screaming at Auditor for some unknown reason. He would often lay around in the garden when you were about, seemingly keeping an eye on you, as did his counterpart.
Remus darted down, plucking loose fluffy tufts from Rom and flapping back into the large apple tree at the centre of the garden, letting out a caw now and then.
A sweet bass melody echoed around, Conductor was drawing near. He had a habit of humming as he walked, the deep vibrations calming the environment around. Rom looked up, letting out a "urf" while getting to his feet, Remus flying over and landing on his head.
Your lover would always shoo the pair away when he came to see you, and by now, they'd learned to leave before he even arrived.
His slight heels clicked on the floor, while you continued to read. "My muse," He spoke with a low tone, his voice naturally deep. "how radiant you look today, bathed in the light."
"Hello Connie," You set your book down, laying the bookmark in and closing it, giving him your full attention. "thank you love." He took your hand, placing a kiss on the back of your palm.
To everyone, he was the Conductor. To you, he was Connie. Anyone else who'd care call him your nickname for him would be taught a valuable lesson. "Muse, my dear, my inspiration is currently lacking. Allow me if you will to share your space and soak in your glory to fuel my passions."
Under his angry, stern exterior was a hopeless old-timey romantic. To anyone else, he'd command, but to you, oh you, he'd beg at your feet for your adoration. "Of course, you know I love to spend time with you Connie."
Conductor swept you into his arms, taking your place on the bench with you resting on top of him, your head resting on his chest, you could hear the drumbeat that was his heart. Everything in him was music, even the faint blue veins in his black arms looked like sheet music, little notes formed into them as well. They made up the same melody he always hummed.
He was a busy being, it was rare the two of you spent a long amount of time together, so every second you got was precious. Absentmindedly, you traced patterns along his sternum, relaxing both of you.
"I am a little troubled." He looked at you, half lidded blue eyes. "Stygian was talking with me earlier. He brought up a decently valid point. You... Are still a mortal, at the end of the day, and I don't feel I spend enough time with you." Conductor sighed, even in melancholy, he was so beautiful.
"I don't bring it up to you frighten you. Steeg says you've still got plenty of time on your side. Yet he reminded me that.... In the grand scheme of things, your life is but a blink compared to mine. And it worries me." You looked into his sad eyes, sparkles of stars reminding you why you loved him.
"Connie... I know we're vastly different, but that's what I love about us. I know I won't live nearly as long as you, but that makes the time we spend together even more precious, doesn't it?" You continued to rub his chest, and he sighed longingly.
"Muse, you always soothe my worries." Conductor leaned down, kissing the top of your head. "My love for you grows deeper and deeper, I will devote as much life to you as I can from now on."
You shifted your position, chest to chest with Conductor now, and you peppered his face in kisses, a smile breaking across his face, before turning to gorgeous laughter. "Better my love?"
Conductor kissed your lips, rubbing your cheek with adoration. "You always make my life better, my muse." He needed reminding of it now and then, how fragile your body always was compared to his. Yet when your time came, he'd turn to Stygian again, finding your reincarnated S-3LF over and over, as he had for centuries. In many lifetimes he loved you, and he'd continue to love you for many, many more.
Decision making was a good quality of yours, you would swiftly and continuously end up making the correct choice anytime one happened. Your friends even joked you were blessed by some sort of god because of your skill, and they weren't far off the truth.
Deliberator spent much of his free time watching over this curious mortal, he'd become a little obsessed, gifting them with the power of foresight, watching them scurry around their silly man-made city like a mouse.
He knew fine well he and his kin weren't really meant to mess with the life below them, but each still bent the rules and dipped their toes into mortal life now and then, one off experiments to see how the life reacted. Yet Deli found himself coming back to this one, he couldn't put a finger on why though.
Frequently he'd transform, hiding his Employer appearance to a grunt, blending in as best as he could, but some things, such as his glowing white eyes, couldn't be changed. He'd hide them with shades, even then, they'd glow slightly.
Deli sat alone at a table, pretending to read a newspaper at the booth he occupied while keeping a close eye on you at work. A small and homey diner, which prided itself on good and fast service.
"There you are hon," You smiled, setting down a fat stack of pancakes in front of the frequent customer. He was quiet, rarely ever speaking a word to you, but he tipped generously and was fairly handsome. Salt and pepper hair, sunglasses, dressed in a pressed suit and white shirt, looking like an aged businessman.
You topped off his coffee, leaving enough room for him to throw in the multiple cubes of sugar into the black liquid. "anything else I can get you?"
He set his newspaper down and gestured at the space across from him. "Perhaps a moment of your time?" That was a strange and unexpected request, yet curiosity found yourself humouring him. Deli fought off a smile, the corner of his mouth turning up slightly. Of course you would, he knew you'd always make the correct decision.
"Well it's not something on the menu, but I guess I can take a couple minutes break." It wasn't too busy right now anyway, everyone else busy in talking, drinking and eating.
"You seem to have adept judgement." He tipped the entire container of syrup onto his pancakes. "Help me with something I've been mulling over."
You looked at his pile of sugar and held back a laugh. "Is it that you've been wondering if you should ask for a second syrup cup when you eat here?"
"Ah, heh. No, something else. But perhaps I should. From all the things your kind had invented, processed sugar is no doubt the peak of your creations." Deli slipped up there, and he knew you'd picked up on it. "If by some chance, a higher power was looking down and observing you, what would you think?"
Sitting across from him, your eyes meeting the dark shades covering his own, you pondered for a moment. "Like a god? Can't say I'm too religious, but it'd be pretty neat I suppose. But I'd have to wonder why they'd take time from their busy day to humour me."
"Maybe because I see something in you." Deli shoved a mouthful of sugary goodness into his maw.
"You see something in me? What, you're telling me you're some kinda god or something? Pretty far-fetched. Did you happen to break out of Seeking?" You tilted your head, trying to decipher the clues he's dropping, but it's not making sense.
Deliberator set down his fork and took off his shades, revealing white eyes filled with intricate and beautiful abstract patterns, dark grey shapes shifting infinitely in glowing ivory. "No, I do believe I am some form of god to your kind." You stared at him, and the silence around you settled in.
Glancing around, you and your regular still seated in the booth, yet the diner and all else was gone. The pair of you in the comfortable seat lost in the inky black nothing. "Wha-what the hell is this?" Perhaps you'd gone mad too.
Looking back to the stranger, his disguise had faded, showing his Nevadian form. Pluming black fire, black geometric shapes surrounded in milk white lines floating off his body and turning to nothing. "It's uncouth for my kin to take such a deep interest in the world we watch over, and yet something draws me to you. Allow me to properly introduce myself,"
He set down a white glowing set of scales on the table, perpetually equally balanced. "Your kin calls me Deliberator, and I oversee balance and justice in your world. And you, my curious little friend, just so happen to be precisely what I'm searching for."
His hands took yours, and the vast emptiness filled with stars around you. "Another being of balance, one of keen and sound mind. It takes me centuries to find those worthy of my time, there are so few. You have no idea how long I have yearned to find you."
Fear, curiosity, wonder all filled your mind. This had to be a hallucination or something. There's no chance in hell any of what was currently occurring was real. "This... Has got to be the weirdest dream I've had yet. Until a few minutes ago it felt so real. When do I wake up from this?"
Deli spun you around, showing off the world, his world, the things he sees, feels and lives in every moment. "Perhaps when you open your mind to me, see things from a new perspective. It's a lot to ask, a leap from your familiar into the unknowns of godhood, but you'll behold such wonderful sights, experience things you could never have comprehended.
The universe exists on a knife's edge, judgement to maintain balance is needed. I trust in you to uphold that, if you'll take on the burden."
Decision making... A fine quality you upheld over and over, each time making the correct choice...
"With you? I will."
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headcanonstation · 2 years
Joker/Ren writing about crush
its been a while since I drove the train, but time to dust it off and try to get it back up and running. Give me a bit to remember the controls and lets hope we don’t crash~
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We all remember how he has that handy dandy saving book right 
His diary, if you will
Mans already writes about a lot of his life anyways, so to an extent, why wouldn’t that possibility extend to his feelings 
Our boy here certainly writes about his crush 
More so if he isn’t dating them
As he writes, he gets this silly little smile on his face, his eyes going soft and seeming to just be in dreamland
its so precious and cute 
Usually, he doesn’t mind his friends teasing him about his crush- but tease him about him writing about them and he will more than likely get a little flustered
Uses it to kind of just to be able to shamelessly gush about how cute and adorable you are overall
Your smile, laugh, voice, what you two did that day, and that sparkle in your eyes- 
Agh, your too cute
He’ll also just write about how you just make him feel all the time
Is also mostly using this to “bide his time” when it comes to the concept of a potential confession to you
While relatively shameless about... 90% of things, his journal entries about you are for him and him only
He isn’t really keen on sharing whatever it is he wrote to anyone- even if you two end up together, he’s still more thank likely not gonna show it to you
His friends know about his writing though, I mean, the guy seems to write about everything 
So they kind of more so guess that’s part of what he’s doing, but its more of a “I’m guessing, but I’m pretty sure I’m right more than actually guessing on this”
If anyone asks what he’s writing about, he’s gonna kind of just brush it off and say just about plans or what he’s planning to do that day
Honestly, the concept of his journal entries fluster him more than he would expect it to
He likes going back and reading some of the entries, as it’ll give him memories of the day when you two hung out and relieve some of those memories
I mean, he’s got pictures too. But reading it just hits a bit different than a picture
Even when he starts laying it on thick of his crush on you, he’ll continue writing
Though that writing will start having some more “frustration” in it if your not catching on
But on the same note he feels he can’t even blame you because he doesn’t help his case at all- he playfully flirts with his friends, so no wonder you may not be taking it seriously
Morgana has read them, because of course he has
“Oh-ho-ho, so that’s why you’ve been writing a storm-”
Not happy about it ™
But what is he gonna do? I mean, Morgana is with him practically every second of the day- it was kind of bound to happen eventually, whether he liked it or not
If you ever read any of it, please save him the embarrassment and don’t bring it up
This is legit probably one of the few things that will get him so flustered
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The Conductor from ahit with a spouse
If you somehow manage to break this guy's walls down far enough that you both got married? Congratulations, your one lucky motherfucker. At this point in your relationship you both have surpassed a bunch of hurdles, you know each other to a T.
Baring the last name of the famous movie director is gonna lead to your name showing up in new articles right next to very biased headlines, birds calling you money hungry, fame seeking and so on. The Conductor reassures you that they are all fake, he knows first hand that you earned the title as his one and only and he won't shy away from showing it.
There aren't many out there that stick around him due to his anger issues and massive ego. Hell, even the few relatives that are still kicking are surprised at such a feat, but they're happy for him non the less.
Despite Dj Groves rivalry with the owl he can't help but be happy for him, even though there mutual adversaries he's known him the longest, ironically enough, and he's seen his highs and lows. So this is a nice change of pace, still he can't help but tease the easily riled up bird, nothing serious.
Like I said, there aren't many birds that stuck around when his rise to fame began, so he was a bit clingy and somehow distante in the beginning of your relationship. But through trial and error he learns that there's nothing to fear.
Whenever you're around he gets greatly humbled, like a switch in him flipped, he could go from yelling at one of his workers to chatting with you in a matter of minutes. It gives the other owls whiplash but they're grateful that he's not yelling anymore.
Whenever he looks at you or spots you in a crowd he can't help but smile, he's just so prideful about your relationship, not to mention protective, especially if you were to be carrying his yung.
A previously unknown instinct activates within him during and long after your pregnancy, it tells him to provide, care for and protect, this man would die for you and your unborn child.
Also, due to not only those instincts he's temporarily excusing himself from his job, he can't work due to the constant feeling that he should be somewhere else than the studio. He works from home until it's time. You're both often snuggled up on the couch, him working on his scripts while you read one of the many books from your rather large bookcase. Sometimes he asks for your input on his scripts, reenacting the scene in great detail and voicing a few lines in exaggerated voices, definitely not a ploy to get you to laugh.
(Although it probably doesn't fit his character i can't help but imagine the Conductor pointing at your stomach and going “i made that”)
Talking about stomachs, when the baby bump starts to show he gets progressively more nervous, you often find him staring out a window or towards a wall. It doesn't take much effort to coax him into telling you his worries, he's been reflecting on his life in general, wondering if he would be a good dad due to his past actions and anger issues. you tell him that just like their relationship it's gonna take time to learn the ropes around parenthood, but they're gonna learn together. He can't help himself but let out a sigh. His fears might have been soothed but his protective urges subsequently increased, he needs to restrain himself from growling at others when they come a bit too close for his liking.
He doesn't yell around you after getting the news that he's gonna be a dad (not that he was doing that much before anyway). Stress isn't good for the baby nor the mother, so he opts to just handle the more mentally straining situations elsewhere. Or deals with the problem through gritted teeth, others find this frightening, scared that they might set him off if they prod too much.
When the cramps get bad he gives you massages, makes you a warm bath, massages you in said warm baths and just in general tends to you and your needs. Like your sudden strange cravings or mood swings. When it gets later into your pregnancy and it gets hard to walk, he will legit carry you, if he could. Otherwise your bedrested in your shared “nest” which is just your bed surrounded by pillows, clothes and blankets. Conductor might be able to fight off assailants but he can't fight off his instincts.
vfndjkmlrng i was,, melting when i read all of these headcanons 🥺 they were so gooood! I wasn't 1000% percent sure if this was meant for quest tober but I put it in here anyways and made a small fic for it. Here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
The Conductor x Reader - With Him
“...What are you doing?”
Currently, the love of your life, the apple of your eye, the center of your world… was carrying an armful of blankets. 
To many, he was known as The Conductor, a movie director and a train aficionado. However, to you, he was all of that– and your silly little husband. 
“Um.” He adjusted his hold on the blankets, giving you a light, ‘don’t worry about it’ laugh. He wasn’t in his usual attire, and hasn’t been for a while since he has been working from home. Now, he simply wore comfortable outfits. “Just… gatherin’ a few t’ings together, dear. No need ta stress!”
You watched with a fond smile as your husband maneuvered the blankets, trying not to let them spill onto the floor. Ever since you got pregnant, he has been very… over protective. Not that you minded, though.
"Alright, but what's the occasion, my conductor?" You teased, stepping closer to him. You reached out to help, letting your fingers brush against his. The connection, even after all this time, still sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. 
“Ah… it’s a surprise,” he said, heavily rolling the second r. 
“Oh?” You tilted your head. “What kind of surprise?”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if it isn’t hidden, my lovely!”
You pouted at his use of sweet words. Sometimes it would distract you, sometimes it wouldn’t. “Uh-huh… well, can you do this surprise without tripping on a blanket?”
“Probably!” He shuffled over to the bedroom you shared with him, shutting the door and stopping you from peering inside, leaving you out in the hall. The house wasn’t the most modern place to live in, so it creaked and groaned as the door settled in the frame. 
You rolled your eyes. Your husband was… something else…
After deciding not to follow him, you chose to busy yourself with something else in the meantime, finding a nice book before settling down on the couch in the living room. As your pregnancy went along, it has become… mildly difficult to stand up for too long, so you’ve taken to sitting down more often than not. 
You turned the pages of the book, hearing faint noises in the background. Some of it was from the wind outside, and other noises were from, presumably, your husband struggling to put together your ‘surprise.’
As you read, you occasionally glanced in the direction of the bedroom, curiosity tugging at you. The anticipation of the surprise was growing, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was concocting behind those closed doors. What exactly did he have planned that involved blankets, of all things?
Time seemed to stretch in those moments, the minutes feeling longer than they actually were. Even reading didn’t seem to help– you really wanted to know what your husband was doing.
You were about to get up but scrunched up your nose instead, rubbing at your back. The weight of your stomach was really starting to get at you these past few weeks despite having sat on the couch for the past ten, twenty minutes. It was a small price to pay for the miracle growing inside you, sure, but it didn't make it any less taxing.
After a while longer, you got up from the couch with a groan, setting the book to the side and taking a moment to stretch. 
After stretching out the stiffness, you made your way to the bedroom. The creaking floorboards seemed to echo your steps, a comforting rhythm in the mostly quiet house. You paused at the closed door, a sense of anticipation building within you. Should you enter? He seemed so… interested, with what he had been doing… 
“My conductor?” You lightly knocked on the door, being polite. “Are you just about finished?”
“Uh… j-just a moment!” Came his voice.
You lowered your bottom lip. “Oh come on… you’ve already taken a long time,” you complained. “I wanna lay down– my back is starting to really hurt. Can I just come in?”
…There was a deep sigh before footsteps came up and he opened the door. He seemed embarrassed, which was rare for him. “Yer really hurtin’ right now…?”
“Well.” You gave a small smile. “Just a little bit– nothing too bad, I promise.”
Your husband stepped to the side, allowing you to enter the bedroom. It was obvious to see what he had been doing; on the bed was a ‘nest’ of blankets and pillows, likely positioned in a way to maximize comfort. 
You… laughed. “I guess you really are a bird.”
His face sparkled with a mixture of amusement and sheepishness as he tilted his head towards the cozy arrangement on the bed. "Well, issa nest fit for my love bird, isn't it?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his playful analogy. He always had a way of making even the simplest gestures feel special and endearing, even though he could be quite… firm, with everyone else. 
As you carefully made your way to the bed, he hovered nearby, ready to assist if needed. Gently easing yourself onto the blanket nest, you let out a contented sigh. The softness and warmth enveloped you, providing instant relief for your tired body. Not to mention that it was big enough to where you wouldn’t have to curl up like a shrimp. It was so nice…
“...So, yeh like it?”
You settled in, shifting around to get comfortable. “Yeah… did you take some of these straight out of the dryer? And some of these seem new…”
His feathers bristled. “J-Just get some rest!” He barked out, embarrassed.
You giggled like some teenager, covering yourself up with one of the warmer blankets. The house never held heat well, so this felt amazing to you. 
After a moment, you patted the spot next to you. “Come lay down?”
He joined you on the bed, settling his head next to yours.
The two of you nestled together in the makeshift nest of blankets, finding comfort and warmth in each other's presence. His proximity was a balm to your tired body, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for the man beside you.
His breath was soft, and you could hear the gentle rustle of the blankets as he shifted. You reached out, intertwining your fingers with his, relishing in the connection. 
“I… appreciate you doing this for me,” you told him softly, pressing a kiss to his face before smiling weakly, “Even if it is a bit unusual.”
“Yer my spouse– I should do everythin’ for yer comfort,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You hummed quietly in response, a wave of drowsiness washing over you. After a moment, you closed your eyes, slowly falling asleep whilst cuddling with him.
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nocuref0rme · 10 months
I don’t want to be annoying when I ask this, but could somebody send in a request for AHiT? I need an excuse to write for these silly little guys, exams haven’t been too silly….,.,,..,
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crescentblossom66 · 1 year
Decaying Mind
You slowly opened the door to the front of the train, slightly agitated and a little disappointed at this whole workday. You wondered why the Conductor had given you such a pitiful role this time and wanted to confront him about it. You weren't used to it, as he usually liked to have you in a lead role, and it wasn't like you minded playing a side character, but...a mere extra, that was more than a little strange.
As per the usual around this time, you found him at the front of the train, humming a small song to himself, it wasn't one that you knew, but its melody was strangely...uncommon, pleasant sounding, but a tad off, you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but the closest you could describe it as was a dirge, some sort of weird death march, strange because the recording today went quite well. His ear-like feathers rose when he noticed you enter and he turned around slowly to face you. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” Your inquiry was met with a low chuckle.
“What's wrong, me sweet?” He gave a warm smile, you were glad to see it again after all the trouble that you two went through those past months. It had taken him quite some time to recover form his severe injuries and he still ached from time to time, but it had gotten significantly better the past few weeks.
You returned the soft smile and approached him slowly. “Is there a reason why you have me play a mere extra this movie? I found it a bit strange is all.” The smile on his face widened a little as he got up form his seat.
He walked a bit closer, his beautiful, yellow feathers giving off a gentle glow as the setting sun shone on them. You were once again reminded why you loved this owl so much. “I'm just givin' me best actress a break. Nothin' wrong with that, eh?” His gait was a bit...unsteady, it was hard to describe but it was as if his muscles didn't quite want to obey him, it was as if he was a little lethargic, but you attributed that to the long day of work. Maybe he was simply a bit sore.
You were caught off guard and blushed a little when he randomly grabbed you by the shoulders and gave you a soft kiss. It was a bit uncharacteristic for him, he wasn't one to show that kind of affection out of the blue like that, it was mostly you who initiated intimate actions. You appreciated the gesture nonetheless, taking it as a sign that he was finally starting to get comfortable with affection again. “Did something good happen?”
“I have ye now, what could be better?” He smiled and touched your face. You returned the affection and started to caress his cheek tenderly. You were a little shocked when your strokes caused quite a few of his feathers to drop to the ground, and you don't recall it being molting season. The yellow bird didn't even seem to notice, but his smile now turned unnaturally large. “Yes, I have ye, so no one else can have ye now.” His voice turned a lot deeper when it was before and his grip on you tightened.
“Uhm...it's starting to hurt, could you loosen your grip a little?” He simply shook his head, which caused more of his feathers to drop to the ground together with a few big chunks of skin which slowly peeled off his face. You stared in horror as he pulled you close and his suit started to get holes and tears, almost like it was being destroyed by moths. A putrid smell reached your nostrils a moment later, it was strangely sweet, but absolutely repulsive.
“I cannae let ye go, yer me lass, and I love ye more than anythin'.” The strangeness in his behavior was only trumped by the way his body felt, normally it was soft, but now, it felt thin and bony. You looked back to his face and to your horror, all his feathers had fallen out and the skin on the left side of his face was hanging down his face only supported by what little was left of it on his jaw. The muscles and tendons started to follow soon after, revealing pieces of the bone underneath. He moved a decaying wing up to your face to stroke it, the hairs on the back of your neck rose up at the coarse feeling as it made contact. His voice distorted more and more when he spoke again, you were so horrified and stunned that moving a muscle was a herculean task, let alone force your vocal cords to speak instead of making chocked noises. “Yer mine, I have had enough o' all the other birds leerin' at ye.”
He was gradually getting colder not only in his now rough strokes and his harsh grip, but his body seemed to lose heat. You made the mistake of looking down, hoping that the rest of him didn't look the same as his face, but you almost puked when you could see his heart...literally. The feathers and skin around his chest had fully decayed and behind it, now only protected by the bones of his rip cage, was his heart. It had stopped beating, yet he still seemed alive. “Let me go!”
You finally managed to break out of your stupor and tried to free yourself from his grip, especially now that he moved his face closer to you to kiss you, but he wouldn't let go, his grotesque smile only grew bigger as a black liquid slowly dripped from his mouth and accumulated in a small puddle on the ground. “I ain't lettin' ye go, you'll be with me for all eternity, and only with me!” He cackled, his unsupported jaw now swinging left and right slightly as he did. You wanted to throw up, but found that you couldn't, you couldn't even turn your head away when he gave you a kiss, which caused not happiness, but disgust and terror, you could smell the scent which you finally pinpointed as the smell of decay.
This was too much, you finally managed to scream in sheer terror at the decayed bird that you loved. “Y/n! Y/n! Ye willnae escape!” You closed your eyes, hyperventilating and trying desperately to not look at him. “Y/n! Y/n!” You shook your head to try and make his chanting stop...It stopped abruptly when the twisted and low chanting turned back into the panicked yet familiar voice of the owl you loved.
When you opened your eyes, you were sitting upright in bed, panting and sweating. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but you found that you were in your bedroom. You could feel a talon on your shoulder once again, but this time it was stroking your shoulder instead of holding it in a death grip. The Conductor gave you a concerned and near panicked expression when you turned to look at him. “Thank peck ye woke up, ye gave me quite a scare, lass.” He sighed in relief and stiffened when you hugged him after you realized that he was okay. You started to cry a bit after that traumatizing nightmare and buried your head into his shoulder. He wrapped his wings around you and pulled you close after realizing that you were scared, and that he was right in assuming that you had a nightmare. “It's okay, it was just a bad dream, luv. I'm here.”
@yourlocalductor There you go. I hope you like it. I'm not the greatest at writing horror, although I do enjoy writing it. I didn't know if you wanted psychological or physical horror more, so I did both.
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chloedoesart · 1 year
what got you simping so hard for the conductor in the first place.
This reads like you asking me if I am insane, so let me just clear one thing up before we begin: yes. I am.
cracks knuckles okay anon, you asked for it. You get the whole story. I'm not holding back.
It all started when a dear friend of mine began playing this little indie game called A Hat in Time—you may have heard of it—and posting a lot of content from it in our discord server. One of the characters stood out to me, and I quickly learned upon asking her who he was that this character checked all of my boxes.
And by that I mean boxes for kinning, not simping. That comes later.
Even before I knew of AHiT's existence, I was on my way to working in the film industry. One of my goals in my career is to create a western on par with the classic Sergio Leone films. I grew up riding horses and traveling in the wilderness, so westerns are naturally close to my heart.
On top of that, I have been associated with knives, fire, and my general chaotic nature for many years. Birds of prey have been my favourite animals since I was very young, and I grew up in love with trains of all types (Thomas, ridable miniature railways, the Polar Express, etc.). Someone even told me that they thought I was Scottish before they'd heard my voice.
My point is, Conductor was immediately on my blorbo list. Of course this grumpy Scottish bird movie director with a huge knife and a chaotic alignment was going to be my favourite character! How could he not?? I actually ended up buying AHiT for the DBS chapter just because I was so excited to have a film studio represented in a video game.
Little did I know I would fall for this guy in a different way barely a month later.
I've always had a big ego—cough cough like someone cough you get my point—so it's no surprise that I'd fall in love with one of my kins, aka someone that's just like me. However, what I wasn't expecting was for it to happen so fast and so much. I rarely simp for characters, and when I do, it usually takes me a while to get to that point.
I remember the very first time I got a lil flustered and had that terrible thought of "oh no, do I simp for this guy?" with Conductor. My friend and I had made a little kinnie AU with our sonas as the Hat characters we kinned, and she at one point drew my Conductor sona (which eventually evolved into my current bird sona) with canon Conductor doing a funny Team Rocket pose, for fun! Right?
Wrong. Because what she'd unintentionally done was drawn Conductor and I holding hands. And when I saw that, I thought about how I want to hold his hand and oh gods wait do I like him???
And it was all downhill from there.
It didn't take me long to accept my fate and start pondering all of the ways I liked his character in a new light. My friend's constant support only sped things along, really. What's funny about me is that I sort of grow attracted to a character's traits and personality first, and only months later find the actual physical attraction. I think that has a name, but I don't really like labeling my orientation or fitting myself into a box.
I hope that very long story helped kind of lay the foundation for what my simping has become today, AKA nearly two and a half years of self-insert nonsense and a nearly 433,800 word roleplay.
Maybe you're still wondering why I like him, to which I must respond, so many reasons. That's a whole separate post worth of material. I love his fearlessness, his passion, his tough yet deeply caring nature. I love his detail-oriented brain and his over-confidence in himself. I love how he tries so hard to win, every year, just to maintain his place on top. He values himself and his creations, and I admire that. I want to nerd out with him about movies and trains while we sharpen our knives and drink whiskey. I love how he's old fashioned, like me. And so much more.
If you're curious as to how I think our relationship would line up, I did do this shipping meme last year that is still fairly accurate and fills in a lot more of the details. Really, it all comes down to two nerdy chaotic people who have large knives and way too much confidence.
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ingo-ingoing-ingone · 2 years
i trust in you and your writing, and i'm def interested in the fic - i actually am a twin who was conjoined at birth but we were able to be separated (iirc we were only sharing some intestines? idk the details, it was a pretty traumatic delivery and situation for our mom so we try not to ask about it too much) - so i was just wondering if the twins would end up physically separated at any point?
i'm neutral about it, but i feel it would be p traumatic regardless, so any sort of heads up would be nice. you can ignore this ask of course if you don't want to, no hard feelings.
I didn't want to outright say so originally, but imo ignoring this just to keep an element of surprise would not be very kind.
Yes, since this is Ingo and Emmet and PLA exists, they do. It is not a great situation, and it would be a A Lot for some readers.
I will absolutely add tags to the fic when that chapter comes up, warnings in the author notes and on tumblr, and plan on having a small, simple summary for folks who want to skip that chapter to read.
It is one purposefully short chapter (and a few bad memories recalled later), and it is not at all the main focus of this fic. The main focus is like my other submas fics, and so many PLA era fics in general, is being apart and then how it goes when they meet each other once more. I just put a. bit of a spin on it, I suppose
There's also no magical cure-all for disabilities in this fic, so a heads up about that as well. I did not want to go that route!!
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tomodachikun · 2 years
Oh god, here we go. Don’t have much on my mind right now and really want to write, so uhm…request are open so, give things if you want, be it nsfw, angst or sfw—I don’t care really! Send me your Genshin characters! Please be as specific as you can as well (*^o^*) (just please be sure to limit how many characters you want, 2 is max if you want a full story!)
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iceunhie · 3 months
— KISSES OR KISSES? : honkai star rail
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premise. testing out your new lipstick is no fun (normally), so what better way to make use of it by kissing your lover senseless? not to mention, leaving a little something behind.... (aka, lipstick kisses with them.)
ft. blade, dan heng, boothill, dr. ratio, aventurine !
warnings: feminine reader! reader is ultimately genderless but you may interpret this as fem!reader if you want, reader wears lipstick. nicknames hehe, boothill is his own warning, mid writing tbh, unedited
a/n. the lipstick trend does not escape me at all 😞😞 but this consumed me so now i write about it ijbol
MAIN MASTERLIST || PART 2 (sunday, jing yuan, gallagher, sampo, gepard.)
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“what are you doing?”
BLADE ceases all functions. like, immediately.
you'd think he'd even stopped breathing once he'd felt the soft sensation of your lips on his, and the pretty sight of the normally aloof stellaron hunter covered in multiple lipstick kisses all over his face to his neck nearly makes the rest of his other comrades keel over from laughter. his silence is indicative of his rather unusual state of shock, the only indication a menacing furrow of his brows (to an outsider, they'd think he's plotting a murder spree, but you know him too well for that) that twitch and simultaneously react the more you kiss him everywhere on the face.
silverwolf will then relay to you that blade walked around for nearly 5 system hours covered in your... marks of ownership, kafka helpfully supplies, and was only made aware when firefly accidentally bumped into him, face exploding in red when she saw the audacious sight of blade covered in your lipstick. “er, blade.... your face is...”
blade has never known mortification quite like today, but the intense feeling of something akin to shame is vivid as he stares at himself in the mirror, glaring.
his face is a mess, to put it simply. trailing a hand on the red stains your lips left on to him leaves him with a smudged countenance, furthering the utter chaos that is his kiss-ridden face.
“...ridiculous girl.” avoiding the uncharacteristic way his fingertips feel hot, blade reckons this is probably why firefly stopped dead in her tracks and gaped, stared, and flustered.
clever as you were, and with your equal penchant for mischief, blade, the ever unsuspecting lover he is (he doesn't normally allow anyone to touch him, but you're not just anyone) had easily become the target of your new tricks.
“pfft, nice get-up, old man. got yourself a good day?”
....so that's what silverwolf meant.
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DANHENG immediately scolds you, but not in the serious way he normally does whenever stelle wants to eat an origami bird or dives into trashcans or when march accidentally destroys one of the archive books, but in a way that only dan heng ever shows you. he's red, painfully red, and is struggling to face you because he knows that the smug grin you're holding has to do with the sight he'd glimpsed himself to be in moments prior.
unfortunately for him, for all his ways of trying fervently to remove the lipstick stains plastered all over his face, it only took march one look and a melodramatic gasp before the entire express knew, the conductor included.
“dan heng and [name], sitting on a tree-”
my friends are all senile, dan heng thinks, rolling his eyes while avoiding himeko's friendly (read: eerie) smile. and he's already given up on trying to meet welt's eyes. (read: concerned but not surprised)
the reason? the rouge tinted matte lipstick generously spread all over dan heng's face, slightly smudged and spanning from his cheeks to his lips, nearing his neck.
he'd never tell, but a part of him—one that was reptilian in nature, a primal need of possessiveness—adored the show of affection you showered upon him. it was only right—he was yours, and you were his.
welt is sheepish, coughing lightly that all five heads of the express members turn to him (pom-pom included) “dan heng, is that your tail wagging?”
(a resounding click! can be heard afrerwards. oh, dan heng is so going to steal march's camera.)
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the loud whir of BOOTHILL’s cooling system can't even keep up with how fast he's overheating, because one thing led to another and one look you gave made him weak in the knees and now his body is covered in your kisses, scarlet against the metal gray of his limbs. he no longer has a heart, but the rapid feeling of heat emitted by his body speaks more about his current mental state in more ways than one—he can't even form words because his brain chip is practically glitching itself up into overdrive, because your lips were so warm, soft and gentle and—
“...oothill? boothill? your circuits are—”
a startling sound that sounds just like a mini explosion reverberates somewhere in the tangle of wires near boothill's power source.
oh dear.
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( p.s: no warp trotters were harmed, rest assured )
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“[name]...” AVENTURINE’s voice falters when you press a soft kiss near his forehead, your lover closing his eyes as he lets out a soft sigh of joy — a bit like a peacock preening... but in any case! he certainly sees no argument being swayed by you, his dignity in shambles, yes, but when you were showering him with affection like this (which, in all honesty, aventurine did not think he deserved) leaves in in a flushed and tattered mess of a man, whose strings are wholly puppeteered by you and you alone.
you are everything; and aventurine certainly can't get enough. (he doubts if enough will even be enough someday) he's the lover who'd proudly want to flaunt such salacious marks everywhere, though his craftily built reputation as a stoneheart—blood sweat and commodity code and all—leaves him to hide your marks on him, as much as he'd like them to stay. (you are a weakness that aventurine keeps like an oath, and an existence that he'd do anything to keep.)
that doesn't, however, stop him from getting you to leave a kiss near his collar, discreet enough to signal his status as irrevocably, undeniably yours.
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DR. VERITAS RATIO is actually the most calm and most normal (read: boring) of all the men above when barraged by your kiss attack. letting out a tsk that's more chiding and speeachless than actually annoyed, he casually pulls you away from his face, nevermind his rapidly heating cheeks, which is only made more humorous given his lipstick stained face.
“stop that. you're making too much of a mess of me, fool.” <- is visibly leaning to your face to allow said actions. you're not fooling anyone here, doctor. smh.
however, he does get pretty flustered when a certain blond gambler notes the new addition of a ‘tattoo’ right near his lower lip. “wow, doctor. seems you woke up on the good side of the bed today.”
he spends a whole day scolding you hoarse afterwards, whatever that may entail ;).
(as a way of petty revenge, he will make sure to kiss you senseless right after, until he's sure his own lips are swollen and covered in the warm red of your chosen shade.)
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a/n: blog is running on queue as of today, so this post will probably come wayyy overdue lol but hope u enjoy nonetheless!
@ ICEUNHIE: do not repost translate or plagiarize my works.
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ayyy-pee · 28 days
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Discord 18+ - Twitter
Pairing: Outlaw!Suguru Geto x Female Reader Genre: Western AU WC: 8.7k Summary:
“Gettin’ train tickets ain’t easy. Where ya headed?” “Just a few towns over. Goin’ to visit family,” you explain, now more relaxed with him. Something about the way he was able to soothe your nerves makes Suguru feel proud. It also is making him clearly insane, because some sick part of Suguru begins to think he could be your family. If you’ll let him. “What about you?” His brows shoot up in surprise. Why would you want to know about him? “Me?” You nod quickly. “I know you’re…” You lean forward and Suguru mirrors the action as shivers race up his spine when you whisper scandalously, “...an outlaw.”
Story Warning: Train robbery, hostage situation, lying and scheming, profanity bc bitch it's me??, dub-con, Suguru has a corruption kink, needy downbad Suguru, "virgin" reader, guns, smut, blowjob, riding, fingering, spit, thinking about spitting, i love spit, dirty fantasies, titty sucking probably, using ropes, hair pulling (lmfaooooo), threats of violence, dirty talk, inexperienced reader, spit!, overstimulation, humiliation kink, Suguru is kinda pathetic, actually real pathetic, don't get your hopes up idk
Artist Credit: @/tsumusbeloved (on twitter)
A/N: FINALLYYYYY. This has been sitting in my drafts for like 3 months!!! I hope yall enjoy!!!
Tags: @syubseokie @yasu-1234 @cassayeee @glmpsfs @struxkbylightning @aotdump @oidloid @sunnysdiarythoughts @stillseren @lovebittenbyevans @avaatara @elliesndg @luv-kae @megtheebimbo @buttercupblu143 @toffeebrat @kaqua@moggleatlife @candy-s72 @sukunadckrider @xixflower @apchmon
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It’s the shrill screech of the metal meeting metal on the train tracks that Suguru enjoys most about his work. How this massive tank of metal carrying so many people can just fly across the country, providing beautiful views of miles and miles of desert sands and mountains. The wildlife roams free on the frontier without a care in the world. And the train just keeps going, filling the sky with thick curls of black smoke.
Yeah, this train has many people on it.
Which means, this train has plenty of goods that will soon be his.
“Ah, you dropped your hat, boss.” A smooth voice speaks behind Suguru, holding open the train door as one other clambers in. Suguru kindly grabs his hat from the man, placing it atop his head as he watches his partner take the last person’s hand, lifting them inside.
It’s a woman, small and with strawberry blonde hair. She grabs onto the man before her. The disgust is clear on her face as her eyes roam along his body.
“Couldn’t pick another day to wear no shirt, Larue?” She complains, spreading a small cloud of dust as she brushes her clothes off.
Larue shrugs, chuckling lightly while he closes the train door. The rushing roar of the winds finally subsides. “It’s hot as all hell outside, Manami. Why not be shirtless? Besides, it gives everyone something spectacular to gawk at.” He motions towards his chest where his new set of ink lies – two hearts, one where each of his nipples are.
“A drunken bet gone right, if you ask me,” Larue had said the night after. “They’re gonna love these at the whorehouse.”
“If you two’re finished…” Suguru begins. Both Larue and Manami straighten up. “I wanna get in ‘n outta here. No funny business. Larue, take the back of the train. Better for you to be there in case the conductor gets any ideas. Grab what ‘ya can get your hands on – jewels, shoes, money. Don’t matter.” Suguru taps his chin in thought, running through his mental list to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything. “Oh! And don’t forget to check the bars for any spoons or forks. Y’know what that silver’s worth. Me ‘n Manami will take the front of the train.”
Larue nods, no further instruction needed and Manami smiles next to him excitedly. She quickly shuffles over to Suguru’s side, looping her arm through his and Suguru rolls his eyes before slipping his arm out of her hold. Manami shoots him a pouty look before she quickly recovers, folding her arms over her chest.
“Alright, Boss. I’m ready.” She says with a hushed tone. Larue gives one more nod before he turns around and heads the opposite way. He slides the door slightly ajar, peering inside and just after he enters and the door has been shut and locked, Suguru and Manami hear the muffled shrieks of the passengers in the car.
“Hands in the fucking air! This is a stick up!”
Suguru peers down at Manami who is already staring up at him with eager eyes. And it takes everything in Suguru to not roll his eyes in response. She really gets on his last nerve.
‘I gotta get rid of her after this one,’ he thinks as he moves past the woman and into the opposite end of the train.
He slips through the door, closing it quietly behind Manami once she’s in. No one bothers to look up when they come in and Suguru counts his lucky stars that this will be easier than he anticipated. They make their way along the aisle, offering soft smiles to the passengers that happen to look up as they pass. Suguru thinks there’s nothing but a bunch of carefree monkeys too relaxed and stupid as all hell on this train. They don’t even know what’s coming and if they know what’s good for them, they won’t bother to fight back when they find out.
He lets Manami do the work of maintaining a mental checklist of every item worth its salt in this train car. This is where he’ll leave Manami to do her part. Then Suguru will take the final car where the stragglers usually reside. Larue is already taking care of everything in the back. When he’s done, he’ll pile up all the goods in an empty car and then make his rounds to grab what Manami and Suguru collect.
When they reach the end of the current car, Suguru turns to Manami who is already reaching into her blouse. She beams, eyes locked on Suguru as she slowly pulls out a pretty little Colt’s revolver. Her lips pull up at the corners, a sly grin on her face. If it’s meant to be alluring to Suguru, it’s not working. In fact it’s having the opposite effect. It’s so annoying, the way her pupils dilate when she looks at him. It’s only been a few months since Manami joined their group, but it’s only getting worse for Suguru. She spends half her time trying to seduce him and failing. And it’s not that Manami is unattractive. She’s a very beautiful woman, but she’s not exactly Suguru’s type.
He’s looking for someone a bit more…inexperienced when it comes to this life of crime. Someone he can mold into his ideal woman, untouched by the roughness that west has to offer. Manami has been doing this for far too long, and already has habits that consistently get under Suguru’s skin. She’d never interest him that way.
The pink haired woman flashes Suguru her gun, pointing her chin towards the last car as a signal for him to go on. Suguru nods, spinning on his heel and heading towards his destination. And just in time too, because he hears the door on the other end of the train car close and he knows Larue has finished and has come to assist Manami.
The train car slides shut behind Suguru right as he hears the passengers scream in the car behind him. It’s louder than the first instance and catches the attention of the passengers in his car who now stare at him with wide eyes, mouths agape like a sea of fish.
Suguru rubs the nape of his neck, frowning. Then, offering a goofy grin, he mutters, “Ah well…” He reaches behind him, wrapping his nimble fingers around the cool, wooden handle tucked into his waistband. He whips out his revolver, the sun glaring off of the fancy gold weapon as Suguru aims it at the passengers who all shriek in terror. The women clutch their jewels. The men hold onto their women. And Suguru? He laughs raucously before he barks out, “Put ‘em up!”
- - - - - -
It’s a little surprising how easily the heist goes, but Suguru tries not to give it too much thought. You start thinking something’s gonna go wrong and it damn sure will. While Manami is guiding passengers into the back cars, Larue has the conductor held hostage, locked away with threats of a bullet to his skull unless he continues driving. He’d only shown his face and quickly hid away in his cabin when Suguru told him to use his fucking brain unless he wanted it splattered across the window.
Now, Suguru finds himself roaming the cabin to see if there are any stragglers. And there is one. A very beautiful woman, at that. There you sit, in the last seat of the train car. He slowly makes his way over to you. Suguru thinks you must be some type of saloon girl. Your pretty little dress and waist neatly cinched in a leather corset is the giveaway. He glances over his shoulder, just to be sure this cabin is empty, only to find that it truly is only himself and you left. He hates having to wrangle the stragglers. That’s Manami and Larue’s job. And Suguru hates it even more when they’re not doing it.
He tightens the grip on his gun, turning to give you an earful until his eyes meet yours. They’re so wide and glistening, like you’re on the verge of tears. Your lips are quivering, your bottom lip protruding in a pout. It reminds him of the look Manami gave him just before the heist started. Except when coming from you, for some reason, it’s bringing out a different reaction. 
His heart rate quickens, and Suguru’s hands suddenly feel clammy and not from the heat in this train car. He can feel sweat beginning to bead on his forehead and he has to swallow to quell the dryness that’s forming in his throat. Then he’s tucking his weapon away into his holster and moving towards you.
“I beg your pardon, ma’am,” Suguru speaks calmly as he takes the seat in front of you. You peer up at him, with apparent fear in your eyes and he wants nothing more than to see that look disappear. Usually, he’d use force to get you out and rounded up with the rest of the passengers. He’s not sure why, but there’s something about you that makes Suguru want to take care of you. “Why didn’t you leave with the rest of the crowd?” He questions.
You’re fidgeting with the fabric of your dress in your lap, visibly shaken even as Suguru removes his hat and sets it on the seat in front of you before he sits down.
“I–” you clear your throat and bite down on your lip, seemingly to calm your nerves. 
“I’m not gonna hurt ya, ma’am,” he tells you softly, reassuring you. “Just wonderin’.” Suguru takes this time to drink in your features – how soft you look, the way your body so beautifully fills that dress of yours, how you’ve got a face that will be burned into his memory long after this encounter.
And for some reason, it also feels as if it was burned into his memory long before this encounter. There’s a familiarity about you that Suguru can’t quite place. He’s certain he’s seen your face somewhere. He had been through many saloons and brothels in his time traveling the frontier. Perhaps he had run into you in one of the many establishments he frequented? 
No. No, Suguru would remember if he saw a woman who looked like you in any of those places. You would have easily stood out in the crowd. He would have called you up to his room on any of those nights. 
You bite down on your lip as you stare at Suguru. As afraid as you look, you don’t break eye contact. To see you so stricken with fear, and yet you steadily look him in the eye without blinking. You show courage even when faced with danger, and it does something to him. 
The look on your face has him picturing all sorts of things about you and he doesn’t even know your name.
“I was afraid,” you mutter quietly. 
Thankfully so, because Suguru was just about to begin imagining a life outside of crime with you. Which is shocking in and of itself. Three minutes of simply staring at you had him visualizing a future on the prairie hanging laundry on the line while you fed the cattle.
‘Keep it together.’
“Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt nobody,” Suguru reassures you again. He tries to calm your nerves with a smile which seems to work because he sees you visibly exhale. You return his gesture with a small smile of your own, and his imagination runs wild once more.
“Promise?” You ask, Suguru’s smile widens. 
‘Cute,’ he thinks. He wants to see more of those. “I promise, sweetheart.”
He can hear the way you huff, something between a laugh and a sigh of relief. And Suguru finds himself becoming more and more infatuated with you as he keeps the conversation going.
“Gettin’ train tickets ain’t easy. Where ya headed?”
“Just a few towns over. Goin’ to visit family,” you explain, now more relaxed with him. Something about the way he was able to soothe your nerves makes Suguru feel proud.
It also is making him clearly insane, because some sick part of Suguru begins to think he could be your family. If you’ll let him.
“What about you?”
His brows shoot up in surprise. Why would you want to know about him? “Me?”
You nod quickly. “I know you’re…” You lean forward and Suguru mirrors the action as shivers race up his spine when you whisper scandalously, “...an outlaw.”
He leans back, rubbing his chin thoughtfully while he purses his lips together. His gaze is locked onto you because he wonders if you’re up to something. If you’re not as sweet and innocent as you look. But when you lean back and flutter your lashes at him, he begins to doubt it. That sweet face of yours is a rare one to see on this side of the wild west; beautiful and unscarred. You don’t look like you’ve been exposed to anything more dangerous than a thunderstorm. And it’s arousing. The air of innocence that you carry has Suguru shifting in his seat, his pants suddenly feeling tighter.
This is exactly what he’s been wanting. Someone opposite of Manami, someone who is interested in his life, but not involved with crime in the least. As far as he can tell, you’re clean as a whistle. And Suguru likes to think he’s good at reading people.
“Never seen a outlaw before?” He drawls. You shake your head, back to messing around nervously with your dress.
“Never,” you answer softly, batting those pretty, long lashes at him. “Only seen ‘em on signs. Wanted…dead, or alive.”
Oh, you really are sheltered.
“Well, now you’ve seen one in person.” Suguru combs his fingers through his dark tresses, grinning like his criminal status is one to be proud of. To him, he supposes it is. “What d’ya think?”
You do that lip biting thing that Suguru is beginning to realize he finds cute. Maybe it’s a nervous tick, but this time it seems it’s to be you holding back a smile. Everything you do is cute to him. Everything you do is sweet, innocent, arousing.
“I…” You lean forward in your seat again, and whether you realize it or not, it gives Suguru a perfect view of the swell of your breasts. It’s a struggle to keep his focus on your face when your skin looks so smooth, and unmarred, perfect. Those plush lips of yours whisper, “...I think it’s exciting.”
He can only think one thought in this moment.
He wants to ruin you.
“What’s excitin’ about it?” He asks, though he has an idea what it is. The travel, not being tied down to anyone or anything, the freedom this life provides. It’s what they all say when they try to make small talk. “Pretty girl like you can’t possibly know nothin’ about this life.”
You inhale deeply, leaning back in your seat and Suguru watches closely, the way your chest rises and falls with the breath. “Well, I never seen a outlaw in person. Surely never spoke to one. And…” You purse your lips together, like you’re contemplating if you should say the next thing. But you do anyway. “I just never thought a outlaw could be so pretty.”
His eyes widen, the corners of his lips rising with a goofy grin. “Pretty?” He chuckles, combing his fingers through his hair again. “You really think so?”
He’s been called a lot of things, but pretty is not one of them.
“Yep. Look at ya.” You stand, moving quickly to cross the small gap between you both and take a seat next to him. You reach for his arm, then hesitate, pulling back for a second. You peer up at Suguru, silently asking permission and he nods. Your fingers ghost along his forearm, over his bicep, along his neck where his Adam's apple bobs with a gulp, and then your hand is cupping his cheek. Your trail leaves behind a trail of goosebumps.
And Suguru’s pants grow tighter.
Suguru has had his fair share of women and men alike during his time as a felon. But you’re particularly tempting. He’s not sure he’s ever wanted someone as badly as he wants you right now and it’s been all of ten minutes in this train car together. But any minute now, his crew is going to come through those doors and tell him they’re ready to go. And then Suguru will have to leave and the chances of him seeing you ever again are slim to none. 
But on the bright side, the chances of him seeing you again are slim to none. It’s a little sudden, but you seem like you want him with the way you’re feeling him up right about now. Maybe you'd let him bury his cock as deep as he can go, fuck you until you’re screaming his name, begging and crying on his cock. Then he’ll fill you with his seed, maybe leave a baby in you to remember him by if you’re lucky and then he’ll grab his spoils with Larue and the rest and go. Then he'll never see you again. 
This desert is far and wide. He’d have you today, then never have to face you again for the rest of his life. A woman like you? You'll be just fine. A pretty face and an even prettier smile. Though he thinks you're a bit naive. Have to be to be sitting here chatting with him like he’s some gentleman you met on a leisurely trip to see your relatives. Regardless, there will be some poor fool out there that'll be happy to have you after he's had his way with you.
‘Weren’t you just daydreaming about settling down with this woman?’
“Pretty eyes,” you hum, pulling Suguru from his filthy fantasies. “Nice skin, pretty lips. Just…very pretty.” Your thumb caresses his skin and his eyes can't help but notice the way your gaze is locked to his lips. He pokes his tongue out, watching your eyes widen just slightly at the motion, as he runs the wet muscle along his lips. And he’s right back in his head, thinking of all the ways he could have you.
There’s no mistaking the thick tension filling the room at this moment. Like a lightning bolt hitting the same spot repeatedly. Each stroke of your fingers along his cheek only intensifies the mood. Suguru’s lips curl into a teasing smirk, and yours into one that matches. “Why do I feel like you're trouble?” He says.
Your smile widens, and like a magnet, Suguru finds himself slowly being drawn closer and closer to you. Even as a soft laugh falls from your lips, his mind is wiped clean of all thoughts that don't consist of you.
“Me? That’s funny comin’ from a outlaw like yourself,” you mutter just as you close the distance between you, pressing your lips teasingly to Suguru's. They barely touch, truly a ghost of a touch but Suguru still has to swallow down the moan that damn near bursts from his chest the second your mouth was close enough to his.
You pull away suddenly, covering your lips as you lean away, your eyes wide with worry. “‘m sorry.”
“What are you apologizin’ for?” Suguru asks, scooting closer.
“I don’t know what’s gotten into me…I just…” You’re back to fidgeting with your dress again, and Suguru places a large hand over yours to stop the movement. “You’re a criminal, and I’m just me. I shouldn’t even be talkin’ to you.” You stare up at him with wide eyes, and fuck he wants you.
You look so sweet, so pure looking at him like that. And he feels a little like a piece of shit because while you’re looking at him with probably innocent thoughts floating around in your head, he’s thinking about how he’d love nothing more than to cover your face in his seed.
“I’m not a bad guy,” Suguru lies easily. “Have I done bad things?” He shrugs, because he’s done way too many terrible things to count. Better not to give a real answer to that one. “But I’m enjoyin’ our conversation. The kiss was just a perk. Wouldn’t mind it if it happened again. I’d gladly accept it.”
“But…I don’t even know you…”
‘All the better,’ is what he wants to say, but instead, he tells you, “And that’s fine. Listen–” he squeezes your hand gently. “Best part of bein’ a criminal is that I just do what I want. Don’t gotta ask permission for nothin’.”
Your eyes swim with curiosity. “It’s that easy?”
“Yep. Do what makes ya feel good, sweetheart.”
You still don’t look convinced, and if this next question doesn’t work, Suguru will have no choice but to tie you up and dump you in the other train car with the rest of the hostages. He doesn’t have much time to waste trying to get you just to kiss him.
“Lemme ask ya…did you like kissin’ me?”
He knows he should be worrying about the heist, not some pretty face distracting him from the job. But when you speak again, he tells himself the job can go to hell.
“Yes…but…I got scared. I– I’ve only done some things with a man…” you admit quietly. “And I’m not too good at it.”
Fuck. He has to have you.
“That’s not a problem, sweetheart,” he reassures you, and you beam.
Your hand grasps onto Suguru’s, squeezing tightly. “Really?”
He nods. “I don’t got much time before I gotta leave, but I can show ya some things real quick.”
“You’ll show me? How to do things?” Your voice is eager, so ready. Suguru is finding it hard to contain how much you’re turning him on right now. “Like kissin’ and…y’know other stuff?”
“What kinda stuff?” He asks, because he wants you to say it. Wants to know how far you’re willing to go if you’ve never done a damn thing before. You pinch your lips together, turning your head away shyly. But Suguru gently cups your chin, turning you to look at him again.
“What kinda stuff?” He repeats. “Tell me.”
“Stuff…that makes a man…y’know…”
He grins, tauntingly. “Enlighten me,” he whispers.
“Stuff to make a man…” you worry your lip between your teeth. “...feel good.”
Oh hell. 
What type of good deeds has Suguru done to find himself here? With someone as virtuous as you, who is asking him of all people to show you how to please him? He has half a mind to tell you no. He’s got shit to do and his partners are bound to come looking for him any minute. But his cock is screaming within the confines of his pants to get into those undergarments of yours. And there’s no argument to be had here. 
He’s listening to his dick.
Suguru crashes his lips to yours, swallowing up the yelp that escapes you from the sudden kiss. “I’ll teach ya whatever ya want, pretty girl.” He groans into your mouth. 
He kisses you hard, but slowly, giving you time to catch up. You’re a little slow to pick up, but you get there. Your lips slot against his, fingers slipping into his hair and holding on tight, making Suguru groan into the kiss once more.
“We don’t got a lotta time,” he breathes against you.
You nod, pulling away to look up at him. “What d’ya want?”
He needs you – bent over the passenger seat and holding onto the bar sitting atop it while he fucks you from behind. He needs you sitting on his face, needs your hand around his length. But he’s looking at your face again, so desperate for instruction. Looks at your lips, swollen from the little bit of kissing you’ve been doing. And he knows exactly what he needs in this moment.
“Ever had a cock in your mouth?” He shifts, sitting back against the seat.
You shake your head.
“Ever touched one?”
Another shake of your head.
“What have you done?”
You hum, thinking only for a short time before you answer. “Kissed.”
What fucking luck.
Doesn’t matter what they score off the train today. This is the biggest reward of all.
“Good,” Suguru says, tugging your hand until you stand. With a grin, he guides you to the floor until you’re sitting up on your knees. “There won’t be another man who’s had ya then. I’ll show ya how to please me, make me feel good.” 
You nod, and Suguru can’t believe how easy this was as he fumbles with his belt, quickly undoing the buckle. He yanks his pants down, along with his underwear. Only to his knees. He wants to be able to get up quickly if needed. Suguru’s dick sits against his stomach, fat and long, with a harsh red tip that leaks with precum. He peers down at you, your eyes honed in on his length.
“Touch it,” he whispers encouragingly.
Your eyes meet as you move, your hands wrapping around Suguru tenderly, pulling a hiss from him. You hold his length like it’s a foreign object, and he supposes it is to you since it’s the first time you’ve done. Suguru grits his teeth, bringing a hand up to your fist. You’re simply touching him and his dick is throbbing in your grip.
“Move your hand…up ‘n down,” he tells you. “Like this.” He guides you, helping to move your hand in slow and light pumps until you’ve found a rhythm that works. His head falls back as the pleasure takes over. “Ahhh–shit, just like that, pretty girl.”
“It’s so big…” you sigh, licking your lips as you stroke his cock slowly.
From here, Suguru is certain he has a perfect view of you. Eyes wide and curious while you observe every ridge and vein running along his length. It turns him on beyond measure, his hips jerking upward in your grasp. 
“Damn,” he moans, fucking himself into your hands. For someone with no experience, you hold his dick just right. He never knew a woman’s touch could feel this good, but you’re a natural talent. You stroke him so good, his mouth falls slack as he lets himself enjoy the feeling of your hands around him. But you surprise him, just as you’ve been doing all this time, his eyes snapping open just in time to watch you lick from the base of his length all the way to the tip, teasing the slit with your tongue and lapping up the bead of precum that sits there.
“It’s salty,” you giggle before you kiss down his shaft, bringing your attention to his balls, kissing and licking the two orbs teasingly. Suguru inhales sharply, eyes rolling to the back of his head as the sensation makes his head swim with pleasure. Especially when your hand wraps around Suguru’s length again, pumping him up and down, slowly as you continue to lap at his balls.
“You’re already so good at this,” Suguru pants heavily.
“I am?” 
He can hear the excitement in your voice, so eager to please him. It turns him on knowing that you’re trying so hard to make him feel good. He wonders if you can feel his cock throb in your hands.
“So fucking good,” he praises you, loving the way you hum against him.
“Can I put it in my mouth?” You ask sweetly, squeezing your hands around his cock.
“God, please.”
When you take Suguru into the warmth of your mouth, you hum around him, and the vibrations make him shiver, back arching off of the seat. His palm finds the back of your head, his hips rolling up so he can shove his cock as far as possible without hurting you. He’s gentle at first. You’ve never done this before, after all. He wants to give you the time you need to adjust, though he can’t afford to give you too much. Which seems to be just fine, because just like before, you catch on quickly. You take his cock damn near to the base, and you take it so well, relaxing your throat for him so it’s easy. 
“Could fuck this pretty little mouth all day,” Suguru grunts, pumping into you. “So goddamn good.” The sound of his balls slapping against your chin as he fucks your face has his legs trembling, pleasure shooting straight up his spine. He wants to grab your head and push you down further, make you swallow all of him until he blows his load down your throat, then make you swallow that, too. But he doesn’t want to cum just yet.
He craves more from you. He needs more from you.
You hum again, sending another vibration through him as your fingers come up, caressing his balls. And Suguru squeezes his eyes shut, trying so hard not to cum. “Ah– shit, shit!” He pushes at your shoulders, forcing you off of him with a loud and wet pop. You look rather pleased with yourself, smiling when you see his red cheeks and the way he rapidly tries to catch his breath.
Like he noted before. You’re trouble.
“Fuck, you’re fuckin’ perfect,” he gasps, staring at your chin dripping with saliva and his juices. Suguru watches through hooded eyes as you swipe it away. He could watch you on your knees all day, taking his cock down your throat time and time again. But unfortunately, time is not on his side today. He needs to hurry it up.
“C’mere, pretty,” he calls for you, taking your hand. You stand, waiting for your next instruction as Suguru leans forward in his seat. His hands find your waist, pulling you close enough that he can press a kiss to your stomach before he leans back again. “Pull up your skirt for me.”
“Okay…” you agree, shakily. You reach for the hem of your skirt, pulling the layers of fabric as high as it’ll go. Suguru always hated these damn dresses. It’s like digging for gold trying to get through every damn piece of clothing. But eventually, you get to the end, revealing your bare thighs to him. Soft, plush, beautiful. But what he’s truly interested in remains concealed by your underwear.
Suguru swallows hard before he drags his finger along your clothed pussy, grinning when your thighs tremble just barely. His gaze glides back up your form until they rest on your face, watching as your mouth falls open with a silent moan. 
Hard to believe you’ve never been touched here. Also, so very arousing to think you’ve never been touched here. He thanks his lucky stars that you’re allowing him to be the first.
He slips his finger into the fabric, his slender fingers quickly finding your slit and sliding along your folds. He sucks in a sharp breath when he feels how soaked you are. He briefly brushes a finger against your entrance, pausing when he feels you tense up.
“Might hurt a little,” he warns as softly as he can manage right now. But you whisper, “go ahead”, hands coming to rest on his shoulders as he dips his finger into your pussy, biting back a moan when he feels your soft walls clench down on his hand. It’s tight, as expected but he moves slowly, pulling back every so often to work his way further.
You whimper above him, squeezing his shoulders as your breaths come rapidly while Suguru pumps his finger in and out of your hole. Your bottom lip sits between your teeth, and your brows are knitted together.
You’re enjoying this. 
And he’s enjoying watching you.
Suguru presses his thumb to your clit, slowly circling the sensitive nub. Dark eyes lock with yours as his other hand finds the top of your dress where he hooks his fingers into the cups and pulls it down. Your breasts spill out of the fabric and your breath hitches when the air caresses your nipples. Suguru kneads the soft flesh, his thumb swiping across one of the hardened buds. 
“Ahhh, yes,” you moan, your voice barely above a whisper. Your head falls back with a loud gasp as Suguru slips another finger into you. 
“Bein’ real good for me,” he coos. His dick grows painfully harder as he slowly thrusts his fingers inside of you, while his thumb stimulates your clit. He’s panting trying to hold himself together while he preps you for what he wants next. Your hips move on their own, riding Suguru’s hand, chasing your high. 
“Feel good?” He grunts, fingers slipping into you over and over, curling inside, and hitting your sweet spot and you can’t help but to gasp quietly each time Suguru touches it. 
“Y-yes, feels incredible,” you whine.
Suguru’s eyes are locked on your center where he watches his fingers disappear into your cunt over and over, your slick coating his hand more with each thrust. It only adds to Suguru’s struggle to keep it together as he ignores the pulsing need of his cock. Your pleasured moans and the squelching sound of your dripping pussy fill the space of the train car.
“I’m–” you breathe harshly against him and he feels your walls squeeze down on his digits. You’re close already.
“Gonna cum, sweetheart?” Suguru’s fingers dip into you faster. His eyes linger on your face as his thumb rubs tight circles on the sensitive bud between your legs. Your eyes flutter closed, mouth hanging open as a delicious moan rushes past your lips, your grip on Suguru’s shoulders tightening so much it stings. But he loves it, loves feeling your pussy squeezing down on his fingers, sucking them deeper as your release crashes over you until he can feel your cum dripping down his fingers and into his palm as he keeps pumping into you.
Suguru sighs as he stares at his fingers, slowly pulling them from you. He licks his lips, admiring his slick covered hand.
He’s never taken the time to just enjoy the moment with anyone. Never cared much to please a woman. It’s easier for him to just get himself off and high tail it out of there. No attachment to these ladies, no reason to stick around. But what is it about you that makes him want to see all the ways your body is capable of falling apart? Because it’s a beautiful sight to behold. 
“Outlaw…” you murmur, slipping your undergarments down your legs until you’re able to kick them off. You push Suguru back by the shoulders, lifting your skirt so that you can easily maneuver into his lap. His hands find your hips beneath your dress as you straddle him, and his thumbs caress the soft skin gently.
“Yeah, beautiful?”
So beautiful. He can’t stop staring at you and your eyes, glazed over with desire. You lean forward, the heat from between your legs making Suguru’s length twitch. It lightly taps your core and you gasp. Your hands clutch onto the bar that runs along the top of the train seat, one on each side of his head. Suguru’s palms glide around to your backside, squeezing the flesh of your ass. You brush your nose against his, soft breaths mingling with his as you whisper, “make love to me, outlaw…” just before your lips touch.
And Suguru’s groaning into your mouth, because this kiss is different. It’s hungry, hot, full of want and need. It’s sloppy and rushed, because you’re both aware of the time crunch you’re in. It’s intoxicating, addicting, the way he never wants to stop kissing you. To hell with the heist.
“Ready for me, pretty girl?” Suguru pants, a hand gripping his cock. He can feel the heat of your pussy radiating off of you and it makes him all the more eager to have you.
Your eyes are wide, filled with something Suguru thinks may be excitement. He’s not sure he sees any hesitation or fear behind your eyes. You want him badly, it’s clear as day. He wants you just as badly, if not more. So he positions himself at your entrance, nudging your hole gently with his tip. 
A small whimper slips past your lips, and Suguru kisses you sweetly. “It’s only gonna hurt for a second,” he coos. “Promise…”
He kisses you again, muttering, “I’m pushin’ in…” against your lips.
You close your eyes, teeth digging into your bottom lip as Suguru rolls his hips forward, slowly sinking his tip into your pussy, only stopping when you let out a harsh breath.
“‘S a tight fit,” he murmurs through gritted teeth. An understatement. Your pussy is gripping him with so much force, he’s struggling to breathe. You’re holding him hostage within your walls and the feeling has him tightening his hold on your ass. “You alright?”
Because he wants to make sure it feels good for you, too. Your pleasure is his. Which is a whole new feeling for him in and of itself. He’s aware of how the tables have turned. What started as him wanting to show you ways to please him, turned into him desperate to please you. But he likes it that way.
You nod, moaning quietly when Suguru keeps moving forward. “Ohhh…” 
“God, this pussy is so fuckin’ –” he can’t even finish his sentence. He needs to focus all his attention on not cumming already.
You take him all the way to the base, moaning loudly when you fully sink onto him. Your grip tightens around the bar, steadying yourself as Suguru lifts you by your ass before pulling you back down on him, so slowly. “Fuuuck–” he groans. He thrusts into you at a leisurely pace, slow and controlled, giving you time to adjust to his size. 
But his kisses…they’re rough. Such a contrast to the way he’s fucking you right now. The pleasure is overwhelming to Suguru, and when your tongue slips into his mouth, it’s him that’s whimpering now, thrusting just a little faster, a little harder.
“Damn, you take my cock so good, pretty girl–” he growls into your mouth. “Love the way you ride me.” He smacks your ass hard, eyes falling to your breast, bouncing up and down with the rhythm of his thrusts. He takes one into his mouth, greedily lapping at your nipple, nipping and sucking and loving the way your cries get louder.
“Oh my god, fuck!”
“Ride my cock, pretty. You already do it so good. Wanna see you ride me.” Suguru groans. He releases his hold on you, hands coming up to play with your breasts while you bounce wildly on his dick. He lifts your dress, relishing the view of his length, glistening with your slick, vanishes into your tight cunt over and over. “Shiiiitttt…”
You slip a hand into his tresses, pulling hard and forcing him away from your nipples. You pull so hard Suguru has to close his eyes because the sensation sends goosebumps igniting across his body. That, combined with the way you keep taking him to the tip before slamming down on his cock repeatedly. Fuck, you’re a quick learner.
Your pussy is what it feels like every single time he pulls off a heist successfully. Like fucking heaven. And he never wants to leave it.
His eyes flutter open, just enough to see your breasts bouncing with every rise and fall of your hips. Your velvety walls hug him tight, so fucking good, Suguru thinks he'd like to be able to have you all the time. Hell, he has half a mind to take you with him once they’re off this damned train. Being able to have you like this any time he wants, watch your body come undone under him, on top of him, in any position you’ll let him have you. He’d even give up this outlaw life if you wanted him to. Settle down, start a family if that’s what you wanted. The thought of it makes Suguru more excited than he’ll ever admit.
Each time your pussy sucks him back in, begging for him to cum, he can suddenly picture a life outside of this. Each time those sexy little noises fall from your sweet lips, he can suddenly envision raising a family with you, building himself a life where he's able to hear those sounds any time he desires. 
He lets his mind drift to these fantasies while he can, enjoying the feeling of you and the sounds you gift him with. 
There's a fire pooling in his belly, growing hotter each time his balls meet your ass. He's gonna blow his load here any second. And he can't wait. He wants to cum inside your walls, wants to thrust himself so deep into you that there's no way you're not carrying his child when he's done. Least you'll have something to remember him by if you tell him you don’t want shit to do with him after this. A sweet woman like you with a wanted felon? Of course you’d prefer to get your rocks off while you can and move on. Which is fine.
Because Suguru is gonna remember you, anyway. He’ll remember the way you squeeze around him, the way you moan the little nickname you’ve given him, the way your cunt feels fucking unlike any other woman’s. You’ve got him mesmerized. 
So much so, that he doesn't even notice the cool press of steel against the center of his forehead. 
“Ohhh,” you moan, whimpering, “Please…please…will you put a baby inside me, outlaw?” 
It’s like you read his mind, and Suguru’s eyes snap open, balls tightening as his release threatens to come at any moment. But then his eyes see the stiffness in your arm, see the glimmer of metal as the sunlight reflects off it through the windows, and he finally realizes you've got his gun to his head, and maybe that’s actually why his balls are tightening. You’ve got this wicked grin on your flushed face as you keep riding him. Hard, fast, walls squeezing him in a vice grip. And he can't do shit but let his eyes roll to the back of his head, let his pleasure race straight down his spine and into his balls as his release shoots from his cock before he has a chance to get ahold of himself.
But you don’t let him get a drop inside, lifting yourself smoothly off his lap just as fat, hot streams of cum land messily in his lap and on his stomach. Suguru’s gasping for air, still struggling to figure out what the fuck is going on. And you don’t give him a second to catch his breath, to let his mind catch up before you’re wrapping your hand around his cock again, squeezing and stroking his length until he’s so overstimulated his jaw is cramping up from how hard he’s gritting his teeth to keep from crying out.
“What the fuck are you ahhh–” you run your thumb over his leaking tip, your eyes alight with joy when his hips buck up automatically, legs trembling as you keep pumping him, though his balls are beyond empty. 
You tsk, shaking your head as you press the barrel of the gun harder against his skin. “Where’s that sweet outlaw from before?” You drawl.
Your voice has changed. No longer soft spoken, shy and sweet. The hardness of your tone tells Suguru all he needs to know. The memories come flooding back. And now he realizes why you looked so familiar when he first laid eyes on you. 
Your face has been plastered on wanted posters in damn near every town he and his partners have stopped in. Murder, robbery, drunkenness, prison escape, cheating at cards. All the crimes that should have you in the town square hanging, you’re wanted for. Somehow, you’ve managed to never get caught.
How could he have let his guard down? How could he have fucked up this badly?
‘Thinking with your dick. That’s how.’
“Guess it takes an outlaw to know one,” He grits out, nostrils flared with fury. He can only hope his crew comes through those doors soon, though it’ll be fucking humiliating to be caught in this position.
A giggle spills from your lips and the sound makes Suguru sick to his stomach. You don’t even sound like the same person from before. “Y’all are pretty easy to spot. ‘Specially when all y’all think with your cocks–” You echo his thoughts, emphasizing the word by squeezing Suguru’s slowly softening length in your hand. You frown, releasing your hold on him. “Huh, thought you’d be able to gimme another one.”
He inhales deeply, shakily, narrowing his eyes at the woman – the stranger – that stands before him. “Everything you said was a lie, then.”
It’s not a question. He knows. Because you’re just like him. Maybe even worse.
Laughter bursts from deep within, like what he said was the funniest thing you’ve ever heard. “It really is easy to fool y’all men. Just gotta make our pussies feel reallllll tight and wet and y’all don’t question nothin’.”
You climb off of the seat, taking the gun off his head while you fix your undergarments, unbothered and careless. And Suguru decides to act fast, takes this moment to lunge for you. But he doesn’t make it far, because his head is yanked back roughly the moment he jumps forward. His scalp burns, and he reaches back, feeling a thick knot tied around the metal bar that sits atop the train seats. The same metal bar you were just holding onto moments ago.
“You fuckin’ tied my hair to the seat?!” He growls.
And you chuckle, shifting your dress around until you’re decent again. The gun is pointed back at Suguru’s face, and he puts his hands back down, not daring to try and free himself when you’ve got a revolver ready to blow his brains out.
“And your hands are next,” you promise in a sing-song voice. You keep your word, spinning around briefly to reach between the wall and your original seat, where you’d apparently hidden a small rope. You make quick work of tying Suguru’s hands behind his back, leaning a little too close to him as you finish the knot. 
He can feel your breaths against his neck, and right now, if he’s being honest with himself – which he may as well be since he could very well be dead soon – it’s confusing him. Because he feels like he fucking hates you, is repulsed by you, could spit in your face right now. Oh, he really fucking wants to. But something tells him you’d like that anyway. And the thought of your face, depraved and covered in his saliva is making his still exposed length hard again. Even when you tug harshly on the rope for good measure, chuckling low in Suguru’s ear when you hear him hiss in pain, his cock stiffens further.
And of course you notice, your eyes glancing down to his lap, where the sticky mess you left him with lies. “Sure you don’t wanna go again?” You tease, laughing when Suguru scowls. 
You like him upset, and probably a little pathetic, because you press your lips to his pout, kissing him hungrily. And apparently, Suguru is as pathetic as he looks, because – and it’s a surprise to him, too – he kisses you back! Your tongues tangle during this brief meeting of your lips, fighting for dominance, though it’s apparent who’s the one in control here. 
The filthy moans between you are interrupted when Suguru feels that damned gun under his chin now, applying enough pressure to push him back. Only a line of your mixed saliva connects you two as you stare down at him in amusement.
“Like I said…” you peer down quickly at Suguru’s lap before whispering. “Aaaalways thinkin’ with your cock.” You step back, pointing the gun at him once again.
“What do ya want?” He asks, pulling at his restraints to no avail. He’d love nothing more than to wipe that cocky smile off your face and flip the tables on you, but it’s not looking good for him.
“What I want…” You wiggle the gun in his face, tauntingly. “...is already mine, outlaw.” There’s humor in your tone, and your body language is relaxed. You couldn’t see Suguru as less of a threat if you tried.
You piss him off.
And make him so fucking hard.
He’s confused!
The noise of the doors to the train cabin opening can be heard and Suguru grins. You’re fucked now. Larue is going to put a bullet between your eyes and sure, Suguru’ll be sad about it. But better you than him. You were a great fuck, he’ll admit. And yes, he entertained the idea of giving you a kid or two, maybe getting a little cabin out in the prairie. But that fantasy’s as dead as you’re about to be. Sad that he won’t be–
“The guy with the nipples and the girl have been taken care of, boss!” A chipper voice sings. 
That…is not Larue.
Suguru couldn’t turn his head if he tried, courtesy of this goddamn knot, but he can see the smirk on your face as you nod. “Great work, Hime. And the goods?”
“Already on the move with the others. Just gotta get on the horses when you’re ready.”
You turn your head, staring out the window and nodding again. Out of his peripheral, Suguru can just barely make out the form of two horses, racing alongside the train and he knows he’s screwed.
You sigh, shrugging while feigning sadness as you pout. “Well, outlaw…looks like this is the end of the line.”
Suguru tugs at his ropes again, struggling against the holds. “You gonna leave me here like this?” He gestures with his chin at his…situation. You must be forgetting his entire dick is out for the world to see. And that you’ve tied his hands up. Not to mention his fucking hair! If he has to cut his hair because of this…
You hum, like you’re actually giving deep thought to his question. You’re not.
“Yeah, actually. Think I am.” You lift your dress, not even pretending to be as innocent as you presented yourself to be when Suguru first laid eyes on you. You tuck his gun into the waistband of your undergarments, patting it affectionately. “Thanks for a grand ol’ time, outlaw. If you manage to survive this, we can do it again.”
You shoot him a wink before you lean over him, leaving him with one final kiss on the lips. It’s gentle this time, soft, save for a light nip to his bottom lip that embarrassingly enough, manages to arouse Suguru yet again. 
“At least tell me your name,” Suguru grits out through heavy breaths. “So I can be sure to repay the favor.”
It’s a threat, but you don’t take it as one. You simply smile. It’s warm, almost reminiscent of the woman he met just earlier. The woman he thought you were. But that look is gone as soon as it appeared. You pat his face gently, reaching across the seat to grab his hat that he had set aside when he’d first sat down. You sit it atop your head, wearing it like some sort of crown, and without another word, you leave.
The train cars open, the roaring rush of the wind filling the space for just a moment before they’re shut again, and Suguru is left with nothing but his thoughts and his dick literally out. He leans his head back against the seat, closing his eyes to calm his racing heart and honestly to stifle the pain of his untouched erection.
This has been the wildest ride of his life. Definitely the worst heist he’s ever done. And if he does survive this, does manage to somehow talk his way out of charges and prison time, he’s going to find you. Fuck the robberies. Fuck the brothels. Fuck gambling and drinking all day. Yeah, if he manages to survive this, he will make it his life’s mission to find you again.
Because even after all is said and done, Suguru thinks he might fucking love you.
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I’d ask for more stuff for the reader with the employers (other than Audi) but rrrrrfgg. So little content of them
I feel you Anon, but that's cuz there's jack shit info on them. This got longer than intended and tumblr wont let me save anymore to this post, so I'll make another post with Conductor and Deliberator! :]
Stygian x reader
CW: Talks of death/decay
Arguably the oldest of the four widely known employers, for as long as life has existed, so too has death. Black wisps of smoke curled around his skeletal form, flowing down without pattern or consistency. His few visible features deep set in his face, from his dull pink eyes, to his cheekbones protruding prominently.
His paper thin skin seemed to barely sit on the pink toned bones, looking as if any movement would tear it away, it was something you'd wondered about often when thinking of him.
"Worm." His voice was hollow, a soulless husky rasp with a hint of airiness to it. That was how he referred to everyone he deemed below him, which was everything but his kin.
Being called upon to aid in his work was exciting, yet a heavy burden. Plenty of dead souls passed this realm, and you were part of an exclusive team of judges, dictating where each S-3LF should go. To be reborn, to be banished to purgatory, sentenced to hell, or perhaps the worst fate you'd come to learn of, to be torn asunder into nothing, scattered across the cosmic void.
Sure, purgatory and hell weren't pleasant places, but arguably seemed kinder fates that simply becoming completely undone, as though one had never existed at all...
He snapped his fingers, and you were alone in his office. "Sit." His voice was cold and commanding, yet it always had that tone. Reading him was difficult, always a frigid reception, emotionless to the fullest extent. You obeyed without a word, the chair uncomfortable and worn, unlike the one behind his desk, which was new, plush, and looked a whole lot more comfortable.
His gaunt figure passed by, and a hint of ash mixed with embalming fluids flooded your nose, still incredibly potent despite how often the smell filled your office space.
Narrow hip bones lay neath the skirt of his black floor length toga, a belt of tiny animal skulls rested around his waist. "You are being far too kind to these pathetic bugs. You have yet to submit souls to be cast into The Nothing. Weakness like this shall not be taken lightly."
"I'm sorry, sir." His eyes narrowed.
"These are unworthy beings deserving of erasure, if you can't comply, you'll find yourself joining them into obscurity."
"I'll do better, sir. I vow it."
"As is expected. You are meant to make my job easier. Remember, you are replaceable."
"Understood, sir."
You were suddenly back in your office, leaving Stygian alone in his. He sat at his desk, gritting his teeth. Yes, this little worm was weak, below him, so why couldn't he get you off his mind?
Too kind for their own good, even when he insulted them, berated and tore them apart, they were ever-so polite and always replied formally. His smoke curled around his head, growing thicker as his annoyance grew, filling the room with a black and pink haze.
He was the beast of death, reeling in souls and fixing the afterlife for all, and love and romance weren't really his deal. He was utterly blind to this, doubly so because it was mere mortal that caught his fancy.
He snapped his fingers, and at once a younger fellow Employer appeared in the chair ahead of him. "You really need to stop doing that. I was busy." Dreamer sighed and looked at Stygian. "Why did you call on me, brother?"
Stygian sighed, like a wind blowing through bones. "A mortal being plagues my mind. You deal with these things regularly, what do you propose is wrong with me?"
Dreamer twirled her star earring. "Depends, what thoughts are you thinking?"
"They infest my mind like maggots, writhing in my skin and burrowing deeper. Their face haunts my mind, a ghost trapped in my skull. Tell me Dreamer, tell me, what is wrong?"
Summoning a tea cup, Dreamer sipped thoughtfully. "You're in love."
She giggled and rolled her eyes. "This mortal, whoever they are, you're in love with them. Indulge in it, or don't. Do what thou will, tis what thy's best at. But if you do intent to pursue them, do change out of your deathly rags, okay Steeg?" She clapped her hands, and was gone.
In love? HIM? Bullshit, Dreamer was in her own world again. No. He wasn't in love. He needed to kill you, to break you from his mind entirely, to make you cease to exist, to-
A stack of documents landed in his tray, and he groaned, taking the top one off. His eyes instantly went to the bottom, your signature freshly inked. "Perhaps the purple one has a point." He slumped in his chair slightly, casting the paper aside. Auditor could file them himself, he enjoyed that stuff anyway.
Stygian got up, melting into the floor, appearing back in his private quarters. Heading to his wardrobe, he cracked it open, seeing nothing more than old suits, funeral attire, and worn out reaper robes. He groaned and rubbed his eyes, of course his clothing was useless, he rarely took care of his physical form.
He's living death for Maker's sake, why is he fussing about this?!
"Your thoughts are disrupting my flow." Connie was sitting in a chair in Stygian's bedroom.
"Tis a shame we cannot all have coherent thoughts, Conductor." Stygian scowled angrily. "Precisely what are you intending to achieve here?"
Conductor let out a melodic chuckle, his voice smooth like a fine tuned instrument. "You're not yourself. You're... Bothered. And I don't mean your usual gloom filled irritated self." He rested his head on a fist. "And since when do you change your attire but once a century?"
Stygian gritted his sharp teeth. "Well. Fine. Dreamer may have placed..... Strange thoughts in my mind, about... 'Love.' With some mortal of all things." He threw an old suit on the floor. "And that my clothes are RAGS!"
Connie straightened his tie. "She.. Has a point on that second thing." He pulled his baton, twirling it around in his hands, a blue light shooting out and wrapping itself around Stygian, and instantly tall, dark, and depressing was in a new, freshly pressed three piece suit with a pink tie to match his eyes. "Much better."
Stygian tapped his tie, and a skull lapel pin appeared on it.
Again Conductor swirled his baton, and a fat bouquet of white lilies mixed with blood red roses appeared in Stygian's arms. "Mortals are finicky, they enjoy things like that. Now go and demand they accept your offer."
You were seated at your desk still, condemning another old soul to the void. This one had lived so many lives, so many wicked lived. Dissolving them would be a blessing to the world... That was rather cruel, unlike your usual thoughts. Strange...
"Ahem." You spun in your chair, seeing Stygian in a full suit, his misty 'hair' flowing down, streaks of pink inside inky black. "You will attend a restaurant with me tonight. We need to discuss what happened earlier in greater depth."
Stygian wasn't asking, he was commanding. "Y-yes sir." You found yourself questioning his motives, he never spent time with anyone besides his brothers and sister.
His eyes narrowed, reading you back. "Here." He grunted, thrusting his arm out, shoving the bouquet into your face. "I've been informed that your kind... enjoys such gestures."
"What.. is this?" You looked up from your roses and lilies, and spotted soft pink flushing his cheeks, his eyes averted. "Sir?"
"Just get ready." Stygian snapped his fingers, a body hugging lacy black dress, with rhinestones and intricate little patterns embroidered on, and a classy all black suit, equally bejewelled with lace gloves both appeared on your desk. "Hopefully either of those should be to your liking."
You picked out one of the garments and rushed off to the staff toilets, heart racing and hands shaking. This wasn't happening, right? In a second, Stygian's hand would slam on your desk, and he'd bark at you to wake up. Surely he hadn't picked up on your slight attraction to him, right?
It was cringe-worthy, the living embodiment of death making your stomach butterflies flutter wildly. His cold demeanour, his harsh attitude, the puppy-love feeling of him softening these traits for you, it was all a fantasy, right?
Dressing up, you stepped out, and nearly collided with Stygian, who was lingering outside. "You... look nice." He grumbled, covering his mouth. "I figured you could perhaps enhance your appearance further with this."
He held out a box, opening it to show off a beautiful necklace with pink gemstones encrusted in rose gold metal. "A-are you sure about this sir? This doesn't seem like you."
Stygian looked at you finally, smoke swirling around his skull, twirling around your face as he stepped closer. "Don't think I haven't picked up on your signals, mortal. I can hear the way your heart races when you're close to me, I feel the lingering stares that could almost imprint in my form. I've ignored it and pushed it down for as long as I could, mistaking my own affections for resentment.
You wish to entangle yourself with death? Then prove to me you're worthy of it." Your hands grasped his cheeks, passing through his misty form and grabbing a hold of the black bone beneath, pulling it towards your face, feeling his teeth against your lips.
His flames were cool, but his bones were warm, pleasantly heating your hands as you held him, one of his skeletal hands covered yours, the other pulling you closer by your hips.
A lightheaded feeling washed over you, you started to collapse in his arms, but he was quick to support you. As he pulled back, you noticed a white mist flowing from between his teeth.
"Quite literally stealing your breath away." Resting in his arms a moment, his hand rubbed your back to comfort you, the other cradling your head against his chest. "To be in love with a mortal... To my kin it's unheard of. But you're different. You always have been. You vex me, but I crave it."
He slipped the necklace around your neck, and you looked up from the comfort of his skeletal form to his pink eyes. "Does this mean you're not firing me at dinner tonight?" You joked and he closed his eyes and sighed.
"Of course not. How dare you expect me to let such a good thing go."
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yyuangss · 4 months
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SUMMARY ! march 7th finds out you like someone. and as your best friend, it’s only right that she has to give her input on whether or not she approves of him.
NOTES ! part one of girl talk (dan heng, caelus, sampo, jing yuan, and argenti). need hoyo to give the biggest girl’s girl they’ve ever created a bff asap. she deserves it after everything she’s been through 🫡 this goes out to that one anon. if you’re reading this, i added a bonus for you <3
TAGS ! reader is not the trailblazer. contains gepard landu, dr. ratio, aventurine, and boothill. possible spoilers for penacony quest in aventurine’s part, tried to keep it very vague and minimal. feelings are mutual on both ends.
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march 7th’s thoughts on . . . GEPARD LANDAU !
the biggest mistake you’ve made is telling march you have feelings for the captain of the silvermane guards. because now she’s made herself the conductor of the express, switching course to jarilo-vi, crash landing terribly, and running all the way to serval to ask if gepard has feelings for you. march always assumed there might have been some mutual pinning from gepard’s side. he probably thought he was the best at hiding his feelings, except it didn’t help that he constantly shielded you whenever you were at risk of being at harms way. which in her opinion means he’s willing to protect you no matter what. this trait was very important and she will not let you pass up on that opportunity. according to serval, gepard had already confessed to his sister how he felt towards you and was too shy to admit it. once she confirmed his mutual feelings, serval and march are on matchmaker duty.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . DR. RATIO !
march does think that ratio is mean and extremely talkative. she also believes him to be selfish. there’s already a negative perception of him in her mind. though, her opinion on him is only based off the first time the express met him. compared to you, she hasn’t gotten the chance to truly know him (not that she really wants to). so, march says her judgement is biased and null in this case. she hears a different side when you’re in her room, telling her all about him and how he’s incorporated you into his very busy schedule. and it’s proven to her whenever ratio boards the express for the sole purposes of visiting you. or he’s arriving at the space station around the same time the express gets there, despite having prior plans made. march is very suspicious how the two of you aren’t dating yet. actions speak louder than words and ratio’s actions make her very impressed.
march 7th’s thoughts on . . . AVENTURINE !
march won’t lie, she has heavy mixed opinions for aventurine and still doubtful of him. it’s possible that the entire astral express would share these mixed opinions if you told one of them. on one hand, she’s grateful for all the help he aided with. had he not been there, you all would’ve never gotten into penacony. she’s surprised to hear you ran into him several times when you were exploring. it’s where you got to know him while he showed you around, taking you to all the best sight seeing locations. aventurine didn’t waste a second to express his interest in you. even after what happened with him before the final battle in penacony, he still showed that same interest. which is why march doesn’t know why you’re wasting time telling her about your feelings towards him when you should be admitting them to aventurine instead. her mixed opinions will still be present. once she gets to know him like you did, they’ll eventually fade and she’ll be less on the weary side.
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dan heng’s thoughts on . . . BOOTHILL !
“oh.” is all he says. dan heng is not very vocal, so his expression and body language tell you all you need to know. in this case, a raised eyebrow and a skeptical look forming on his face. he’s not really interested in this type of talk and that’s one of the main reasons. still, as your closest friend, dan heng doesn’t want you to think that you and your feelings aren’t important to him. his quiet demeanor makes him more observant. watching you and boothill interact makes dan heng realize how truly oblivious you are. it’s clear as day that the interstellar cowboy is interested in you. unless he’s the only person who has caught on to the mutual feelings. but there’s no way especially with all the darlin’s and sweetheart’s boothill calls you. either way, in his opinion, you should be with who makes you happy and dan heng won’t stop you from that. will bluntly expose yours and boothill’s attraction if either of you take too long.
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
BEGGING for The Conductor/reader - NSFW alphabet
:0 I love NSFW Alphabets. I hope you enjoy~
The Conductor x Reader - NSFW Alphabet
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
The Conductor isn't a perfectionist when it comes to sex. He'll toss you a wet rag and call it a day, or hop in the shower with you for a few minutes before going to bed.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
His favorite body part is your shoulder. He'll typically rest his head on your shoulder– both during sex and out in public. His second favorite body part of yours is your hands, since you jerk him off most of the time, and hold his hand in public.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
You've noticed that when he's a few seconds away from cumming, a little dribblets of precum will always come out the tip of his cock.
D= Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory)
The Conductor really likes it when you scream his name. It's a very big ego boost for him, though he'd never tell you that.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
He has mild experience with sex. He knows about the basics, such as how to preform oral or a couple of positions, but that’s about it.
F= Favorite position (what angles do they like)
The Conductor likes having missionary sex more than not, but he'll switch it up with something new every now and then, such as doggy style or holding your legs over his shoulders.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
He is quite serious when it comes to sex, mainly making sure that what he was doing made you feel good, but he may laugh at an odd noise or two.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
The Conductor tends to take a shower right after getting home from working at the studio, so he's always clean and prepared for anything you may want to do.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
He's quite firm about keeping work related things at the studio and leaving more romantic and sexual things for when he gets home. Though, there has been a time or two when he's working late and there's nobody around, and you decide to give him a 'stress reliever' by sitting under his desk and sucking him off.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
The Conductor doesn't really masturbate much since you're almost always willing to help him with whatever urges he had at the time.
K= Kink (what they like– possibly unusual)
He's very vanilla kink-wise, and has mild difficulty in trying new kinks. He attempted to try choking you in the heat of sex, aaand nearly caused you to pass out... However, he loves knife play, even if said knife is usually a prop from the studio.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
The Conductor likes to have sex in the soft bed of the bedroom you shared with him. If he's in a mildly uncomfortable place like... the couch, it somewhat turns him off.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
It depends on the day for him. Sometimes he'll want to 'blow off some steam' in the bedroom, and some other days he just wants to lay down and rest.
N= No-No's (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
After his experience with trying to choke you, he has decided to stay far away from that department, worried that he may actually hurt you doing that. With knives, he's more skilled in handling them, so that's why he likes using them instead of something else.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
The Conductor is usually on the receiving end when it comes to oral sex. He likes it when your warm mouth is wrapped around his cock, and his hand on your head...
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
He can't go too fast– his joints won't allow it, but he can last over ten minutes if the right steps are taken.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
The only time he likes it when you go fast is at the studio when you're sucking him off. He couldn’t imagine what would happen if DJ Grooves came along and realized what was happening... Otherwise, he goes a mild pace and isn’t too rough on you.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
The Conductor may try one or two new things if you really want him to, but other than that, he'll stick to what he knows.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
He can only go one or two rounds before needing a break or finishing entirely. The longest he has gone for a single round was twenty three minutes and four seconds... not that he was counting.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
The only 'toy' he'll use is a knife, but other than that, he doesn't like using objects for sex.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
The Conductor does like to tease you from time to time, stopping just before your orgasm before continuing again. Though, he'll typically play fair and keep a moderate pace throughout.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
He isn’t too loud– he may moan a handful of times, but he'll let out pleased grunts more than not.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
You and him don't have sex all that often. At most, sex occurs a few times a month, but most of the time you enjoy cuddling with him in bed. He seems to enjoy cuddling, too.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
The Conductor's cock is somewhat curved, and is narrow. Though, its length certainly makes up for the lack of girth.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
He isn't too big on sex in general. He may have a stray urge every now and then, but he usually relies on you for 'getting him up' for sex.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
The Conductor gets quite tired after sex, and often is the first to fall asleep. Though, during the times you fell asleep first, you've always found that you were tucked into bed.
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readychilledwine · 5 months
hello!! please could i request one where the reader is an OG member of the IC and very close to azriel (she knows that he’s her mate, he doesn’t) and sister-like to the rest of the IC. once feyre and her sisters come about, she often confides with feyre so they’re also close.
anyway, there’s an important event for the reader on day and she expected the rest of the IC would join her (she invited them?) but no one turned up and she’s absolutely exhausted, emotionally and physically, by the end of the day.
when she’s back, everyone is together at the house having fun and one of them notices she so dressed up but looked exhausted. maybe someone says something snarky and there’s an argument. azriel defends the snarky person so reader and azriel have an argument (hurtful words towards the reader) and that’s when the mating bond snaps for az and he’s regretful. things happen but happy ending for the reader, az and the IC. thank you 🫶🏼💗
Odd One Out
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Summary - After 500 years of friendship, the last thing you ever expected was the Inner circle to miss one of your symphonies. But you know what they say, time changes people.
Warnings - I warned you all to watch out for angst, right? Elain being catty, reader feeling lonely, Azriel being an idiot
A/N - I promise Bound by Fate is still coming. I'm just constantly rereading it and not happy with where it's at. It's probably because I needed this out of my system. I hope this is close enough to what you were looking for! It wrote itself, so I'm worried it may stray too far from the ask! Please let me know if it did.
✨️ Azriel Masterlist✨️
Odd One Out pt 2
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Maybe you had asked too much again. You looked to where the empty seats for the Inner Circle and Archeron sisters sat one last time before moving forward. You had worked too hard on this symphony to let this stop you. You were the last to go on stage, the conductor in her gorgeous sparkling gown and heels. You were the picture perfect face of composure as you bowed before turning and raising your hands.
You were introduced to Rhysand at a young age, and the two of you were quickly friends, so when he became High Lord, a place at his side was handed to you without question. You were eloquent, elegant, and kind. You were perfect for the position of emissary, and you single handedly won him friendships and alliances among every court aside from Spring.
He had never stopped you from pursuing passion, though. Your father had forced you into harp lessons from the tender age of 4 until his untimely death. He sat by your side for hours, teaching you to speak through letters written on a sheet that so fee could truly understand. It was an escape that turned into a career. One Rhysand specifically built the amphitheater you currently stood on for. The music you wrote woke emotion on the High Lord and all of Velaris, quickly making you one of the most popular females in the City of Starlight.
No one enjoyed your music more than Azriel's shadows, though. Nor did anyone enjoy you the way they did. How they knew you two were mates while he sat clueless and doting on Elain would never make sense to you, but the shadow turning your sheet music for you tonight was at least a small comfort, even if your family, mainly his master, was not here in their resevered High box seats.
You were exhausted when your arms lowered for the close of the show. You stood to the side, plastering a small faked smile on your graceful features as you held your arm to the orchestra, signaling for their bows before taking your own and leaving. You were the last one there, sharing thank yous and goodbyes as you musicians left. You chose to be alone for a while on the harp that sat in your sound room at the theater. You had a song in your mind, and you needed to let it speak before it left. Even if it was created from a place of raw emotion. It was near midnight when you finished, leaving the new composition to sit until you returned tomorrow.
You could hear the drunken laughter the second you walked into the old Riverhouse, the one you and Azriel made home as the mates of the Inner Circle began occupying the other houses, and signed as you removed your heels and picked them up into white tipped manicured nails. "Y/n!" Cassian's booming drunk voice slammed into you as he did. "Where have you been, baby?"
It was Nesta who gasped, looking at the clock on the wall before whispering a soft oh no as she saw your dress. Nesta who covered her mouth, eyes beginning to water as she shook her head and stared. Nesta who glared to Feyre.
"Why do you look so dolled up?" Rhys had a slight flush to his face, a wide smile as he took you in. "Hot date?"
You couldn't help but stare, shaking your head as your throat tightened. "You all seriously don't remember." Rhys knitted his brow thinking, and his face slowly fell.
"Y/n Darling, I am-"
You put your hand up to him before he could finish, shaking your head as the tears actually fell. "Save it. Spare me your lies and excuses." Cassian looked to Nesta and then Rhys, his own face falling next as he remembered.
"The symphony."
"Was beautiful, regardless of my support system deciding wine and board games were more important than the first live art performance in Velaris since our high lord was captured." Your voice was shaking as you looked up, avoiding Hazel eyes that were wide in shock as every single ounce of heart ache you felt hit him.
The bond finally snaps, his shadows hissed. We've been reminding you all day. And now you've hurt our mate. Ours. We went. Where were you?
"Maybe if you were actually good at writing music, we would have remembered." Mor's glass of wine hit the floor as your breath stilled. Rhys felt his hands fall from Feyre's lap as she audibly said Elain's name in an insulted tone. Amren was immediately held back by Varian. "Obviously, if the people who you claim you're so important to did not see making time to go a priority, we did not miss much."
Cassian heard your breath shutter. You stared to Azriel, waiting for him to come to your defense and not realizing his silence was due to shock from the bond and Elain's sudden cattiness. "Very well. I see I am no longer wanted, and I will not stay where I am not wanted," the whisper was all anyone could hear as you turned and walked away. The door shut behind you, and as if the Mother truly hated you, rain began falling softly, and you made your way back to the amphitheater.
Azriel had never shoved someone off his lap as quickly as he did Elain in that moment. But it was Rhysand who spoke, "How. Dare. You." The High lord went to stand, grabbing his jacket. "When your sister was dying, I sent her y/n's music. The mobile you play for our son every night, is y/n's music. The music that plays in Hewn City is y/n's music. She is an essential part of my circle, my family. How dare you tell her that her passion, her joy, and her career mean nothing to us."
Azriel backed away from Elain. "Your true colors disgust me, Elain Archeron." He studied her, truly studied her for the first time as the door slammed shut following Rhysand's exit. "That is my friend, my closest friend. You just hurt her like it was nothing. Cut her so deeply you will never be able to repair it."
"Well, if she mattered so much you all would have remembered."
Feyre spoke then, between heavy sobs, "I wrote down the wrong date. I wrong down tomorrow night for opening night. We were going to take her to dinner. It was supposed to be Nyx's first concert. This is my fault."
"Again, proof it didn't matter." Elain sipped her white wine as if Feyre had all but solidified her opinion.
"Get out," the growl from Azriel took everyone by surprise. "Get out of my home. You are no longer welcome here."
He was out the door, running to catch up to Rhysand in the rain, but missing the High Lord. He entered the amphitheater drenched and in silence, sitting next to where Rhysand was in the dark.
You were on stage playing violin as you always did when your heart was breaking. Every stroke of the strings had the bond growing tight before you dimmed it on your end, as if each movement of the bow, each note, was you whispering goodbye. "She told me she is leaving," Rhysand rubbed his face next to Azriel. It was then he saw the tears staining the perfect features of the High Lord. "She said this is my last performance before she leaves for Dawn."
"There's nothing we can do then?" Rhysand shook his head at the question before his head fell into his hands and his shoulders wrecked into sobs. "She's my mate."
"I know," Rhysand looked to the stars. "I've known for years. She never said anything, and now she never will. What little piece we had left is gone. Her light had been blown out by Elain's statements."
"Let me-"
"Just please stop talking and let me enjoy this."
It was the song he had sent Feyre under the mountain. A score that read of hope through pain.
And hope was all Azriel could hold on to as you stood and bowed, winnowing away as soon as you were finished.
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects
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