#congenital claw toes
tetsunabouquet · 1 year
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Yesterday, I went on a trip I had planned ages ago. The town I went to had a mall that was similar to the one where I bought a pair of awesome plateau shoes when I was 18. 7 years later after I got them, and I am walking them to their literal death. You know why? Like I mentioned before, I was born with congenital claw toes, anyone who suffers from this or a similar condition will tell you this: Shoes are our worst enemies. I'll never forget that one time when I was 15 and I bought a cute pair of plateau shoes from the Primark. The first time I tried to walk on them to go to a store at the edge of my town, I ended up bleeding so heavily from the back of my ankles, it literally soaked through the shoes and my mom had to throw them away afterwards. Because out feet is build a bit different, and only shoes like converse and sneakers are generally build for comfort, these are the only types of shoes someone like me can generally wear. In the summer I also have flip-flops, but that's where my choices end. And as a fashionable woman who's somewhat insecure about being short, not being able to wear shoe-types like heels can get me a bit gloomy whenever I wear an outfit that would have been better suited with different shoewear other then my eternal sneakers. The store I went to when I was 18, seemed to be some kind of outlet for trendy shoes and the plateau shoes I bought there have been the only plateau shoes my feet never had issues with! I've been craving more of those kind of gems for a couple of years now. So when I noticed they had a similar mall, I noted the adress down in the hope I could find a similar shoestore too. I did. Again, I found these babies that haven't gotten me a single blister yet despite me having changed into the shoes and having spent the remainer of the trip wearing them. Do you know how UNHEARD of, that is with feet like mine?! On top of that, these are actual Barbie ankle boots that were released because of the Barbie movie! They had a couple of different models, and these were the only ones made from a soft fabric so I wanted to give them a try. Match made in heaven. I've already made a sprint on these babies too! I'm so fucking happy, I am almost crying. Say whatever you want about the Barbie movie and wether it handles feminism correctly or wrong, but god damn am I grateful for this movie for giving me a pair of pretty boots feet even feet like mine could wear. I swear, whoever designed these boots is someone I wanna hug.
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marrowcrunch · 5 months
What are your top 3 favorite vtm clans (or bloodlines)?
Bonus: which clan do you think you'd fit in with? :3c
Oh boy, this is going to be long lol
Favorite: Tzimisce 
Gosh, what a surprise :O
But yeah. I mean, firstly, the cool factor is undeniable. It's always such a joy designing Tzimisce characters because even toeing the strictest borderlines of canon they're allowed to get real weird with it in a way that most other clans aren't. I don't mean this as hate at all so I hope it doesn't come across like that, all clans are beautiful <3 but if you're playing Ventrue, Brujah, Tremere etc to some degree you'll always just be playing as Some Guy. With a Tzim it’s like…Do you want some sick-ass bone blades on your arms? No problem! Another pair of arms to put more bone blades on? Sounds good! Do you want to be bioluminescent like a squid? Great! Go crazy! 
Second: Full disclosure, I am the “My fursona is my TWOO SELF” flavor of furry. And the idea of having near total freedom of form— to be able to give myself a tail, claws, fangs, horns, [long censor beep], whatever I want, to abandon my human shape, fills me with Yearning. 
In the complete opposite direction, I also find personal meaning in the clan as someone who suffers from chronic pain. Shamelessly copy-pasting a reply to another post: 
The flavoring of Vicissitude as a creeping infection, as the actual body of the Eldest spread from generation to generation, able to rise up and consume its bearers at any moment, resonates with me very deeply as someone whose pain is caused by congenital tissue defects and which will inevitably get worse over time.
The idea that…there’s something horrible lurking inside your body. It can’t be cured. It can’t be removed. It is part of the very fabric of your being. And it is going to eat you alive, it is going to eat and eat until there’s nothing left. That no matter how you struggle, eventually it’s going to win. But you struggle anyways, because what the hell else is there to do?
The clan also has its revenant families, who are all collectively my most Specialist Little Guy in the world. I am a huge sucker for ye old trope of Special Family Bloodline Technique, and they scratch that itch for me in a really fun and interesting way. 
Second favorite: Giovanni. I actually don't have any deep reasons for this one, I just think that “fucked up necromancer vampire crime family” is such a fun concept lol. I like organized crime stories. It's also another one for the “bloodline technique” category— in v20, they even have their own associated revenant family, the Rossellinis! 
Third favorite: Salubri. The vibe I get is that they’re deeply underappreciated because people feel like their designation in both fluff and crunch as “the nice ones” means that they’re boring and clash with Masquerade’s overall tone. But I STRONGLY disagree— I think that's exactly what gives them so much potential for the sort of personal, existential horror that is supposed to be at the heart of Masquerade. I actually want to write a much longer post sometime that really gets into why, but part of it is this— being a magical pacifist unicorn prancing in a sunny flower field isn't “horrifying,” but being a magical pacifist unicorn in a dark forest where the only other animals are wolves that want to eat your face sure is. I also think the contrast between mainline (healer) Salubri and Salubri antitribu is a really rich thematic vein— again, I want to write more on this later. 
Bloodline lightning round:
Ahrimanes: Cat-themed woman power. I like the concept of Gangrel in tune with the spiritual elements of nature. Spirits in World of Darkness are fun because they can be anything. 
Ventrue antitribu: Knights in modern settings are cool.
However, if the question was “Which clan are you most like?” instead of “What's your favorite”, the answer is far and away Toreador. I love making art, and while I mostly just write now because my body has kind of fallen apart, I used to dabble in a bunch of different mediums and loved them all. That and I already do the “oh that flower/painting/ random pattern of light on the wall is really pretty *zones out and stares at it*” thing in real life lol so that would just be business as usual. If I couldn't be a Meat Criminal this is actually the clan I'd choose to be embraced into. 
Thanks for giving me a chance to talk :)
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r0ugarou-lore · 2 months
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Kenweian Katori
Kenwei is the island that the Katori people originally inhabited, and as such, it has the most temperate climate of all the landmasses on Sunea. This is the most standard Katori body type, basically unchanged from the forms they had when the Katori were first created. Many groups of Katori left Kenwei thousands of years ago to settle on the other islands across Sunea, though Kenwei remains the largest and oldest settlement of Katori on the planet. Most of this information is going to be true of every single Katori, so I would recommend starting here since I likely won't be repeating redundant information in the other posts.
More info under the cut.
Kenweian Bodytype
Avg. Height:
Avg. Weight:
Avg. Lifespan:
1. Arms and Legs - Strong limbs for powerful running, climbing, and swimming. A Katori's long arms allow them to switch between bipedal and quadrapedal locomotion with ease. Katori are pretty much universally faster while quadrapedal, though many Katori spend the majority of their lives bipedal due to their job, lifestyle, or personal preference. For example a Katori handling a lot of food, or tending to wounded or sick individuals will stay bipedal most of the time, to keep their paws clean. Hunters favor quadrapedal locomotion for their jobs, and children favor quadrapedal locomotion for their mischief.
2. Vertebrae - All Katori have extremely strong and flexible vertebrae, which allows them to move both bipedally and quadrapedally without issue. Their strong back keeps them stable in both orientations and a flexible neck let's them adjust their head position according to their posture. Specialized structures of soft cartilage along the vertebrae further support strength and flexibility and also help reduce wear. As an added bonus all of this makes it so the Katori backbone is incredibly hard to break or even injure severely; the strength makes it resistant to trauma and the flexibility gives it a wider range of motion before things become dangerous.
3. Joints - All of the Katori's major joints (hips, shoulders, wrists, etc.) also boast incredible strength and flexibility for the same reasons listed above. Most of these joins also have the same specialized cartilage that the vertebrae do.
4. Tail - A Katori's tail is extremely important to them, both physically and culturally. It acts as a counterweight for both bipedal and quadrapedal movement, and also aids in climbing and anchoring. All Katori tails are semi-prehensile, meaning they can wrap around things like tree branches but lack the fine motor skills needed for complex manipulation. Tails are also a prominent part of Katori culture. Both their tails and ears are very expressive and thus make up the majority of the Katori's nonverbal communication. Touching another Katori's tail or intertwining tails is considered an intimate action (though not necessarily a romantic one). Very young Katori hold their tails while they sleep, and for many Katori this persists into adulthood.
It is, of course, possible for a Katori to lose all or part of their tail, either due to a congenital deformity or injury. The severity of the effect this has on their life depends on how much of the tail is missing. Shorter tails will cause issues with balance in one or both postures. Katori with little to no tail will find it difficult, even impossible, to perform some nonverbal gestures. Very simple prosthetics do exist, but they are only effective up to a certain point, and the more tail that is missing the less a prosthetic will be able to do.
5. Hands and Feet - A Katori's hands and feet are both usually referred to as paws. All four paws have pawpads and retractable claws. Their front paws have three fingers and an opposable thumb and their back paws have three toes and a dewclaw (not pictured).
6. Eyes, Ears, and Nose - Katori have exceptional sight, hearing, and senses of smell. Their sense of smell is comparable to a dog's and their sight is comparable to a cat's, including nightvision. A Katori's ears are also very expressive and utilized heavily in their nonverbal communication.
7. Mane - All Katori possess a ridge of fur starting at the top of their head and ending at about their mid back. This fur is longer and a different texture than the fur on the rest of their body. A Katori's mane is always a different color than their body fur. Like human head hair, their mane grows continuously and requires trimming to keep it short. The style and length of a Katori's mane depends on the individual's preferences, though each island has certain styles that are popular there for climate related reasons. Manes can be dyed and accessorized.
8. Tusks - All Katori have two small protruding tusks. When Katori are born their tusks are receded into their gums like the rest of their teeth and they will emerge and grow with age. Tusks are the only teeth that a Katori will not lose and regrow during maturation (i.e. kid loses baby tooth, adult tooth replaces it). Tusks continue to grow for a Katori's entire life, but the growth rate slows considerably once they reach maturity. Decorating their tusks is a big part of Katori culture, and symmetry of the decor is extremely important. The most common adornment is a set of tusk caps made from metal and sometimes decorated with engravings.
Other popular accessories include:
- Tusk rings. Like the tusk caps they are also made of metal. Rings are often used in sets with two or three on each tusk.
- Painting. Pretty self explanatory, they paint the tusks. This is a very impermenant option and requires frequent touch ups, but some Katori prefer it and don't mind the extra work. This method is basically non existent on Dowei (the fishing island).
- "Piercings". This involves drilling a small hole through the tusk and attaching jewelry. Tusks only have nerve endings very close to the base of the tooth so if done correctly this procedure is completely painless.
- Chains and leather wraps. Sometimes the tethers will connect the two tusks, other times each tusk will have its own tether connecting somewhere else, it just depends on the individual.
- Sharpening, carving, and shaping. Like with "piercings" these procedures shouldn't cause pain if done correctly. A Katori may simply choose to sharpen their tusks, either just the tip or, less commonly, down the length a little. Some opt for intricate carvings over part or all of their tusks, and may also choose to rub dye over their tusks to fill the impressions with color. Another option is "shaping" which involves carving off a large portion of the tusks to give them a different shape, like spiral, zigzag, etc. It is quite uncommon to see a Katori with "shaped" tusks, as the process takes a long time, requires a professional, and more often than not weakens the tusks to some degree.
Edgy rebellious teens will sometimes intentionally decorate their tusks asymmetrically. Asymmetry has been getting slightly more popular in recent years, but most Katori still consider it very unattractive.
A Katori's tusks are strong, but not invincible. Tusks can crack, chip and break under the right circumstances. Cracks and small chips are usually repaired with clay or glue. If the entire tusk breaks off the tooth could be repaired in any number of ways depending on the situation and preference of the Katori. Popular options are metal and clay. A Katori choosing not to repair or replace a tusk is inconceivable.
9. Reproduction - The Katori people consists of only one sex that has both reproductive systems. All Katori are capable of both impregnation and gestation once they reach sexual maturity. Which role a Katori plays in baby making is up to them and their partner(s). Katori do not have genders, and as such they do not have gendered pronouns. Pronouns are determined by age and/or rank. Children have a different pronoun than adults, Guild Masters have a different pronoun than apprentices.
A bit of meta info: For the sake of simplicity just refer to all Katori with they/them pronouns. In a theoretical AU where the planet Sunea exists in a universe with earth and has contact with humans, most Katori would choose to use they/them pronouns. Some individuals who spend a lot of time around/working with humans may eventually choose to go by a gendered pronoun (i.e. he or she), but cases like this would be the minority.
Kenweian Clothing
As mentioned above, Kenwei has the mildest climate out of all the Sunean islands, which means its inhabitants don't have to worry about extreme weather or temperature. Kenwian fashion is thus very simple and versatile, and utilizes both leather and cloth. Most Katori on Kenwei opt for outfits with low coverage (as seen above) for comfort and maneuverability. Footwraps are not necessary to traverse the terrain, but are relatively common notheless.
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mariacallous · 3 years
your three lucky numbers for the ask!
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I don't know if I have lucky numbers...so I'll choose randomly
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can lift the three middle toes on each foot like a velociraptor claw? IDK if that counts.
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
Of course - it's a congenital trait.
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
Budapest, or Sarajevo.
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thatoneticklewriter · 4 years
Chongyun’s Predicament
(Lee! Chongyun)
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“Ugh, I hate these food delivery missions.” Aether pouts at the sticky notes placed on the Adventurer’s guild bulletin board.
“Ew, all of the missions are for food deliveries.” Chongyun makes a face skimming each note one by one.
“You guys are a bunch of babies! I delivered food way under three minutes.” Venti teases his friends grabbing a sticky note.
“Says the one with an anemo element.” Xingqiu rolls his eyes at the other. “All you have to do is glide with the wind.”
“But Aether is an Anemo too.” Chongyun points at the blonde.
“I’m nothing like Venti.” Aether sighs in response.
“Let’s make a deal! We each take a food delivery mission and when we’re done we meet up at Chongyun’s apartment. The last one there gets punishment tickles.” Venti holds up a hand and everyone raises an eyebrow wondering if they heard him right.
“What does this even prove?” Chongyun questions the other crossing his arms against his chest.
“That I’m better than all of you losers! See ya later!” Venti launches himself up in the air with the wind leaving the others astonished, the harsh air blowing their hair in their faces.
“We better get going!” Aether follows after the bi color haired boy and Xingqiu nods his head in agreement.
Chongyun lets out a sigh having no other choice but to tag along.
Ten minutes later Xingqiu reaches Chongyun’s apartment finding Aether and Venti inside on the couch.
“Just in time!” Venti raises his hands in the air.
“Where’s Chongyun?” Xingqiu’s scans his amber eyes around the living room.
“He’s not here.” Aether elicits a chuckle. Poor boy.
“Xiao lets us in. He said not to bother him, as always.” Venti says before getting up to raid the blue haired boy’s pantry.
“Don’t steal all of their food.” Aether makes a face judging the multiple bags of snacks Venti had laid out in the kitchen.
“They’ll appreciate that I’m cleaning out their pantry.” Venti giggles before opening a bag of chips.
“I don’t think that’s what they mean.” Aether says before stealing a handful of chips.
The door slams revealing the panting blunette.
“Looks like we got a loser!” Venti claps his hands as if he were proud of Chongyun.
“Let’s not do this.” Chongyun says to the bi color haired boy who jogs into his personal space. With his congenital positivity, there wasn’t much things he could do. He didn’t want the risk of immersing his body in such heat being surrounded by all of his friends. It’s gotten to the point where he could only cuddle his boyfriend Xiao for a limited amount of time before he grew too warm.
“You’ll be fine. Tickling won’t make you hot, if that’s what you’re thinking.” Venti shrugs him off.
“I just don’t want anything to happen.” Chongyun says throwing off his jacket.
“Oooo! That sounds like a fun experiment if tickling can affect your congenital positivity.” Venti expresses with excitement jumping up and down. “Plus you’re in a safe place, if things were to go wrong.”
“And you lost the deal.” Xingqiu adds earning a frown from Chongyun.
“Maybe we should do this another night.” The blunette shifts to the other side of the room though his friends continued to creep towards him.
“The loser has to accept the punishment.” Aether refuses his suggestion taking off his gloves.
“Charge!” Venti shouts as the three of them pounce on Chongyun at once as if he were a piece of meat.
The boys collapse onto the couch and Aether grabs Chongyun by his arms holding him back.
“Let me go.” The blunette states in a firm tone trying to escape Aether’s grasp. He would shout but there’s a slight chance it’ll get him fired up and waking Xiao from slumber.
“Oh we will, once we’re done with you.” Venti teases the other trailing his finger down his chest.
“I’ve endured for this kind of thing so you’re wasting your time.” The blunette couldn’t help but lie hoping it’ll change Xingqiu’s and Venti’s minds.
“Let’s prove that.” The bi color haired boy doesn’t back down rolling up Chongyun’s shirt.
Aether playfully scratches at the other’s armpits hoping to earn a reaction though it backfires when all he hears is silence.
“You’re not laughing.” The blonde frowns speeding up on his scratches failing to tickle the stoic blunette.
“What about here?” Xingqiu grabs Chongyun’s leg setting it on his lap poking in between his toes.
“Heh, a little.” The blunette gasps holding back a smile.
“You just hold him, Aether. We’ll do all the tickling.” Venti orders to the blonde before clawing at Chongyun’s bare tummy.
Another gasp escapes the blunette’s lips however he still remains pretty calm focusing on his breathing.
“You can’t hold it in for long, we will break you one way or another.” A smirk falls into Xingqiu’s face knowing that they’re getting close. He continues to trail his fingers along the arch of Chongyun’s foot and the blunette jerks from his touch, his knee jamming Venti on the back.
“Okay, just for that I’m not going easy on you anymore.” The bi color haired boy pulls up his sleeves ready to torture his best friend.
“I didn’t mean to hit you intentionally!” Chongyun unexpectedly raises his voice as if he knew where Venti was going to target him next.
The bi color haired boy squeezes his sides and Chongyun lets out a high pitch squeal arching his back.
Aether tightens his grip on the blunette’s wrists who begins to struggle and writhe as Venti assaults his exposed sides.
“Ahahahaahahaha!” The blunette couldn’t hold in his emotions inside any longer bursting into fits of laughter. “Get off! Ah!”
“Oh no, we’re just getting started now that we cracked you.” Venti chuckles at the flustered exorcist before him.
The fingers roaming all across his abdomen and feet had the blunette overwhelmed not knowing which tickled the worst. He couldn’t retaliate with Aether holding his arms, Venti on top of him, and Xingqiu sitting on his legs. Though that changes when Xingqiu realizes the blunette’s feet weren’t as sensitive as his abdomen.
He gives up sitting beside Venti lending him a hand on his other side.
“Hahahaaha, please!” Chongyun cries out flinching at Xingqiu’s cold fingers against his bare skin.
“Please what? Please keep going? Alright!” Venti jokes around rearranging Chongyun’s words.
“Eeeek! I didn’t say that!” The giggling blunette squeals as Venti kneads at the sides of his tummy.
“Don’t be shy, we know you like this.” Aether joins in with the teasing watching the bi color haired boy plant his face in Chongyun’s tummy blowing a raspberry.
The blunette squeals and shrieks from the ticklish sensation, his struggles growing more vigorous startling Aether. Damn, he was burning up.
“Hahaahahha! No! Don’t!” Chongyun throws his head back in laughter feeling Xingqiu wiggle a finger in his navel.
Venti sneaks his fingers up Chongyun’s shirt playfully scribbling at his upper ribs and the blunette had no choice but to nip at Aether’s hands gripping his wrists.
“Ow! I can’t believe you just bit me!” The blonde shrieks releasing Chongyun.
The laughing blunette crawls away from the couch however both Xingqiu and Venti dive on top of the other rolling onto the floor.
“Guys, I think he’s had enough.” Aether says feeling guilty for the blunette who wasn’t gaining any mercy. Plus the fact his cheeks were coated with a bright red hue and tears forming the corner of his eyes.
Xingqiu and Venti give Chongyun a break though the boy couldn’t seem to stop laughing.
“Chong, we’re not touching you anymore. Stop laughing.” Xingqiu raises an eyebrow at his friend.
“Heheheehehehe!” The blunette continues to giggle holding his abdomen curling into a ball.
“Are you crying!?!” Venti widens his eyes at the tears steaming down Chongyun’s cheeks.
“Hahahaahah! I’m so happy! I can’t stop! Ha!” He babbles with laughter, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.
“Can you stand?” Aether pulls Chongyun up to his feet and the blunette abruptly gets up on the coffee table.
“Careful. What’re you doing now?” Xingqiu holds onto Chongyun’s leg as he tries to balance his weight.
“Hahahahaaha! I wanna dance!” The blunette shouts moving his body side to side, hands in the air.
“You guys created a monster.” Aether gestures to the dancing Chongyun glaring at Xingqiu and Venti.
“I wanna dance too!” Venti jumps up on the coffee table as well, swaying his butt.
The laughter and screaming of the two boys was enough to wake up a moody Xiao with bed hair.
“What is going on?” Xiao grumbles rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand.
“Xingqiu and Venti awakened Chongyun’s congenital positivity and we can’t get him to calm down.” Aether explains to the other’s boyfriend who lets out a yawn.
Only Xiao knew how to handle these moments when Chongyun grew crazy and Unpredictable.
“Hehehehehehe! I missed you!” The blunette hops off of the coffee table wrapping his arms around Xiao’s shoulders.
“I missed you too but it’s late and you should get some sleep.” Xiao removes Chongyun’s arms off of him holding his hands.
“No! My friends are here, I can’t leave them alone.” Chongyun glances at Aether and the others with a sympathetic look on his face.
“They’ll understand.” Xiao assures applying pressure to his outer wrist hoping to soothe his mind.
Shortly, the blunette grows drowsy and Xiao orders Aether to carry them to their bedroom.
“Why is it whenever Chongyun congenital positivity is released, it’s always with you two?” Xiao points a finger at the smirking Venti and Xingqiu.
“Well uh we’re gonna leave.” Xingqiu starts to say heading to the door.
“No, you’re not. You’re going to clean this place up.” The raven demands gesturing to their disheveled living room.
Chongyun needs a better choice in friends. Xiao thought to himself before heading back to bed.
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esther-p · 4 years
Being human context research- Genetic mutations in humans
Formerly known as “lobster claw hand, ”individuals with this disorder have a cleft where the middle finger or toe should be. These split-hand/split-foot malformations are rare limb deformities which can manifest in any number of ways, including cases including only the thumb and one finger (typically the little finger or little finger).
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Conjoined twins
Conjoined twins are twins whose bodies are joined together at birth. This happens where the zygote of identical twins fails to completely separate. Conjoined twins occur in an estimated one in 200,000 births, with approximately half being stillborn. The overall survival rate for conjoined twins is between 5% and 25%. Conjoined twins are more likely to be female (70-75%). The most famous pair of conjoined twins were Chang and Eng Bunker (1811-1874), Chinese brothers born in Siam, now Thailand.
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Mermaid Syndrome
A rare congenital deformity in which the legs are fused together, giving them the appearance of a mermaid’s tail. This condition is found in approximately one out of every 100,000 live births. It is usually fatal within a day or two of birth because of complications associated with abnormal kidney and urinary bladder development and function.  The disorder was formerly thought to be an extreme case of caudal regression syndrome; however, it was reclassified to be considered a separate condition.
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Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is a very rare disorder that makes people prone to widespread human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. This infection can cause scaly macules and papules to grow on the hands, feet, and even face. These skin “eruptions” appear as wart-like lesions and even wood-like and horn-like growths with reddish-brown pigmented plaques.
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Polymelia is a syndrome in which people are born with extra lower limbs. The accessory limbs, as they are called, are often incompletely formed. They do, however, generally have bones and blood in them. This condition, though common in animals, is very rare in humans. There are very few reported cases.
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Cyclopia is a rare birth defect that occurs when the front part of the brain doesn’t cleave into right and left hemispheres occurs in about 1 in 100,000 new-borns. The most obvious symptom of cyclopia is a single eye or a partially divided eye. A baby with cyclopia usually has no nose, but a proboscis (a nose-like growth) sometimes develops above the eye while the baby is in gestation. Cyclopia often results in a miscarriage or stillbirth, survival after birth is usually a matter of hours only. A form of the disease also exists in animals. 
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Ditto needs a new home!
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Ditto was rescued as a stray that was hanging around my apartment complex in September 2017. She was estimated around 10 months & had already had (and lost) a litter of kittens. Pregnancy had taken a toll on her and she was very skinny. After some time to gain weight, we got her spayed & vaccinated. We had already fallen in love with her & considered trying to keep her. I mean, look at this! How could you not love her?
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Unfortunately, we already have a cat & despite over a year of working with both cats, doing slow introductions, building up tolerance to seeing each other, and working with a behaviorist....it’s just not working. Ditto is a more aggressive cat & more prone to confrontation, while our older cat is very avoidant and also has health issues that flare up from stress.. Since our other kitty was here first, we need to find Ditto (and her paper pile) a new home.
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Ditto is extremely people-focused and would love to help with whatever you’re doing! She’s fairly high energy and talkative, and she needs regular playtime. Ditto also LOVES to climb, so cat trees are a must! She’s not much of a lap cat, but loves scritches and will cuddle in bed at night. 
We are located in the Kansas City area, but willing to drive to meet up with the right home. Ditto’s rehoming fee is $100, and she comes with some toys & other supplies. Please click to read on if you’d like to know more about Ditto & her adoption requirements! 
More about Ditto:
- favorite toys include packing paper, ball tracks, ping pong balls & plastic easter eggs, fishing-pole style teaser wands, the Cat Dancer toy, and her cat wheel
- is very good about scratching appropriate surfaces – sisal rope towers/cat tree legs & cardboard scratch pads
- partially harness trained, but very nervous about Outside (after all, lots of bad things were out there)
- gets dry food free-fed in a puzzle feeder toy, a 3.5oz can of wet food each night
- has no known major health issues; short, crooked tail & a missing dewclaw toe (left front paw) were both determined to be congenital by a vet & not due to trauma. She does have a chunky claw on the toe next to the missing one that I worry may need to be declawed at some point, but haven’t had a vet suggest it yet. I plan to ask for opinion if I take her in again prior to rehoming.
- bad habits include shredding toilet paper and plastic bags that contain food, and climbing into cupboards. We just keep the first couple things away from her & have mostly resigned ourselves to the second since she currently doesn’t get left unattended in the whole apartment, but child locks would likely do the trick if you want to keep her out!
Requirements for adopting:
* indoors only, outside only on harness or in catio
* NO declawing
* must have a vet reference
*preferred no other cats/dogs in home; if either are present, a slow & positive introduction will be required and I will be pickier about potential homes that have other dogs/cats (in terms of space, animal experience, training stances, etc.)
* other pets are fine, but must NOT be within reach of Ditto – she is quite prey-driven & will chase/attack
- only older kids – Ditto has gotten much better about not biting or using claws, but is not tested around kids & not likely to be terribly tolerant of inappropriate petting/handling
- must be able to provide 1-2 play sessions a day
- willing to include at least one meal of wet food a day
- must have:
       -  at least one 6ft cat tree (prior to adoption)
       - multiple scratching options (cat tree, cardboard scratchers, etc.)
       - minimum of 2 litter boxes (can provide one with Ditto)
       - ability to ensure vet appointments (wellness & emergency)
       - hard sided carrier for transport
The first five are absolute requirements. The rest is somewhat negotiable depending on the home.
Ditto comes with some non-negotiable supplies (included with the rehoming fee) - her cat wheel, a 5-ft cat tree, her stuffed otter toy, and some ball track toys along with extra balls. Can also provide a small tote litter box & scoop if wanted, and her harness/leash if you would like to continue to work on harness training with her.
Please message if you’d like to discuss adopting Ditto! :)
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gayphoenixforce · 6 years
Uhh i wrote a short fic about Gabby and Laura Kinney and being disabled and what powers mean etc. Basically, Gabby loses her healing factor but her inability to feel pain is a real condition people struggle with. The snikt sisters are awesome and there’s loads of cameos
“Gabby, are you bleeding?”
It was early morning in the Kinney apartment. Gabby’s eyes peeked open, groggy from sleep.
“What d’you mean m’bleedin…” she mumbled, slowly beginning to wake up. Laura’s face was now clear in Gabby’s vision, and so too was the concern. Gabby’s big sister didn’t get scared - she was the freaking Wolverine - so the concern traveled quickly to Gabby. Now very awake, she began to scan herself for the blood source. Not feeling pain meant sometimes not knowing about an injury right away, but handy healing powers made it more of a nuisance than a reason to be afraid.
It was her left hand. The skin around the fingernail on her ring finger had been picked off, probably in her sleep. It was bleeding just enough to have smeared onto both of her hands, but thankfully not the pillow. It wasn’t something that should have made Laura concerned.
Then it dawned on her. Gabby realized that the amount of blood was not consistent with how much should have come out before her healing factor clotted, and eventually erased, the wound. In fact, the finger was still trickling a bit of blood. Something was wrong - Gabby’s healing factor had vanished in the night.
Dr. Hank McCoy spun around on his stool to face the Kinney sisters in his lab. Reading from a printout he said, “It appears that Miss Gabby has had her X-gene turned off. It’s still present in the DNA, but the gene itself is dormant now. She’s just a normal pre-teen girl.”
Gabby protested, “But I didn’t feel it! I can’t not be a mutant any more, I still don’t feel pain! Tell him Laura, I’m still an X-Man.”
Dr. McCoy sighed, taking off his glasses. “Gabby, Laura, you must understand. Gabby’s mutation was identical to yours and Logan’s Laura. She had an advanced healing factor and some heightened senses. The inability to feel pain is a condition entirely human.
“It is a syndrome called CIPA, which stands for ‘Congenital Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis’. It is very rare, but it results in the carrier being incapable of feeling pain. While that may be a superpower to a clone of Wolverines, it is actually very dangerous for humans. You see, Gabby’s healing factor was what was allowing her to lead a normal life. Superhero training gave her the strict regimen that fulfilled the non-violent aspects of the condition.”
Laura interrupted, “What does that mean? Gabby just needs to be extra careful about fights now, like a regular person, right?”
“Unfortunately,” Hank continued, “it’s not so simple. People with CIPA don’t just not feel the pain of a stubbed toe or a broken wrist. They also don’t feel hunger pangs or the urge to use the bathroom. This can cause severe malnutrition and dehydration as well as embarrassing accidents. Not to mention their difficulties with temperature regulation. They can’t tell if they are too hot or too cold, so they can be more susceptible to heat stroke or hypothermia.”
Gabby had completely shut down as Hank spoke. Laura did her best to provide some comfort with a hand on her shoulder, but it seemed brooding was also a family trait. Dr. McCoy gave the sisters some materials about the condition, as well a watch with built in timers for food and bathroom breaks. And because it was X-Men tech, it could also alert Gabby if her temperature was too high or low. Laura could tell Gabby was devastated by the diagnosis. Hank had no clue why her X-gene had turned off, or if there was a way to turn it back on. While they adjusted to the news, Laura was able to convince Gabby to take a break from being Wolverine and Honey Badger. Jean understood (because of course a telepath with motherly tendencies does) and told them to take all the time they needed.
It had been a week since Gabby had lost her powers. They were adjusting to the new schedule Gabby had to keep, from the watch’s chiming reminders to regular injury checks to make sure Gabby hadn’t hurt herself without noticing. Laura was doing her best to keep things normal for her little sister, but there was nothing normal about this. Worse, Laura could tell Gabby could see the worry on her face. She’d gone from coolest big sister ever to worrying mother hen in a week! Something had to be done. Laura may have been keeping her sister safe from physical danger, but Gabby’s hurt was on the inside, and she had never seen the girl so down. Claiming it was an emergency mission, Laura left the apartment to hatch a plan to cheer Gabby up.
All of the X-Men were sad to hear the news about Gabby. She was a ray of sunshine with claws. So when Laura came to the mansion with a mission to brighten her spirits, everyone was all in. Kurt suggested that Jean could do a telepathic version of a Danger Room session with Gabby, so she could still have a thrill without risk of getting hurt. Laura thought that might just make her even worse when the session ended.
Remy thought that a planned heist would lift anyone’s spirits, and he would have convinced Laura if the responsible adults (aka everyone but Remy and Jubilee) hadn’t stepped in to remind them that robbery was still definitely a crime. Forge suggested she take up a hobby like Lego or robotics (and even offered to teach her some basics). Storm offered to take Gabby flying. At one point, Rogue thought she might be able to temporarily give Gabby her powers by taking Laura’s and giving them to Gabby, but that felt cruel. Eventually, Laura had to leave to get back to Gabby, and she was still 0 for 10 on ideas to cheer up her little sister.
Stopping in a bakery in Hell’s Kitchen, Laura heard some crashes in an alleyway across the street. Dropping off her fresh pastries and her civilian clothes, Laura dashed to the source of the noise. A mugger had a young woman pinned to a wall. With a snikt, Wolverine let her presence known. But before the mugger could even look at her, an arrow smacked him in the head, knocking him to the ground. The woman ran away, grateful for once for New York’s endless supply of masked heroes.
Hopping down from his fire escape perch, the mystery hero revealed himself. “Woah! Wolverine? You handle muggers now? I mean I know Hell’s Kitchen already has Daredevil for the big name villains, but I figured the little guys were still fair game…” Hawkeye, aka Clint Barton, rambled as he retrieved his arrow from the mugger’s unconscious noggin.
Laura took off her mask, “I’m not a regular here. I was buying pastries for my little sister. Heard the noise from the scuffle. Sorry to uh, cramp your style, or whatever.”
Clint laughed, “Haha, wow! Wolverine shops at Daredevil’s Food Cake? And also doesn’t know how to use slang despite being a young person.”
“I was raised in a murder lab,” she replied with a roll of her eyes, “And the pastries are for my sister. They’re her favorite and I’ve got to cheer her up somehow.”
Clint recognized the concern in Laura’s voice and stopped his chuckling. Emotions weren’t exactly his strong suit, but he was always ok at least at being a friend. So he asked, “Why’s she need cheering up? Isn’t she a tween hero? Badger or something, right? Small-verine? What can bring a kid like that down?”
“Losing her powers, for one,” Laura said. She explained the situation to Hawkeye. He was a surprisingly good listener, at least, he looked like he was being a good listener. When she finished explaining, Clint scratched his head.
“Well, life-altering disabilities can definitely have that effect. Being deaf makes it hard sometimes. I’ll know I missed something important someone said. Movies are nearly impossible to watch, and closed captions are usually pretty awful. It can feel like the world is leaving you out. Like life’s a lunch table, and you can’t sit there,” he said, not really looking at Laura, but getting lost in his own memory somewhat. “She just needs time to adjust. And maybe some people who know what she’s going through? Even rare diseases have Facebook groups now, so it would probably be pretty easy to find some people for her to talk with.”
“What about you?” Laura asked, “Could you come talk to her? I know it isn’t the same thing, but I think you could help her more than me or any of the other X-Men right now.”
Clint was shocked. Him? Being helpful in a non-arrow related situation? But then he remembered what it was like, meeting other disabled people for the first time. Seeing them as a thriving community, a table he could sit at. How could he refuse?
Clint’s visit was a smashing success, and not just because he managed to knock over a lamp when retelling a story about disability rights activists. Gabby had some of her usual confidence back, and she was excited to meet other people living like her. Hawkeye had even promised to get her and Laura in touch with other disabled heroes, like Daredevil, Cypher, and Bucky Barnes.
Gabby wasn’t going to be exactly the same as she was before her powers went away, but no one really stays the same forever. Together, with her sister’s help, Gabby was able to find a new place for herself, not as Honey Badger, but as Gabby Kinney. She got involved with a children’s disability rights group, and was a hero, just not the kind she’d been before.
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expressshoelift · 2 years
How do Orthotics Correct Leg Length Discrepancies?
We often see Leg Length Discrepancy Lifts but don't understand why they happened. Let's know today why they occur and what their symptoms are. Functional discrepancies occur when the bones are not the same length, but an oral alignment issue causes symptoms and signs of a true LLD. This could be due to the following, as well as other functional problems:
The hip joint is surrounded by tight muscles, which results in hip elevation.
Scoliosis of     spine
Pronation:     Asymmetrical foot movements
What is leg length discrepancy?
Leg length discrepancy (LLD) is when one leg is shorter than the other for the same person. These discrepancies can be found in as high as 70% of the population.
Leg length discrepancies lift can be structural or functional, depending on their source. Because of the differences in their treatment, it is essential to distinguish between these two types.
Causes structural leg length discrepancies in the legs?
Structural Leg length discrepancies lift when one or both of the bones in the leg (the Femur and the Tibia) measure more extended than the bone(s), often causing discomfort and pain. This type of leg discrepancy can be congenital, surgical, or degenerative.
Leg Length Discrepancy Symptoms
The type, extent, and source of the leg length discrepancy will determine the symptoms. LLD symptoms include:
Lower back     pain
Potential     hip, knee, or foot pain
Walking with     a limp or poor balance
Feeling a     constant lean towards one side
Tired     quickly after long periods of activity or walking
Frequent     lower back or limb injuries without any apparent cause
It is     uncomfortable to stand or bend over for extended periods.
Treatment for Functional Leg Length Discordance
Functional discrepancies caused by muscular tightness or imbalance usually require stretching and strengthening. A pedorthist or podiatrist can provide Orthopedic Shoe lift and off-the-shelf orthotics. 
They can correct alignment problems such as asymmetrical foot movements. Functional discrepancies due to scoliosis can be treated by custom foot orthotics provided by one of the foot care professionals. Also, orthotics may provide lower extremity or back orthotics (braces) or a stretching routine and strengthening program. Chiropractors can help with alignment problems, regardless of whether the problem is structural or functional.
Orthopedic Shoes - What are they?
Shoes that support the foot, ankle, and leg are called orthopedic shoes. These shoes are usually designed for a particular purpose. An Orthopedic consultant can advise you on the need for these shoes, depending on your condition. For example, someone with cerebral palsy might require orthotic shoes.
What is the difference between orthotic shoes and regular shoes?
Orthopedic shoes are distinguished from regular shoes by specific design and characteristics. We've highlighted some of the key differences below:
1.     Additional widths and sizing options
Because everyone's feet are unique, many orthopedic brands offer three main widths (narrow/regular and comprehensive) and nearly unlimited sizes.
2. Taller upper-soles
Forefoot problems such as 'clawed toes' or 'crossed over toes' may require more space for their feet.
3. It's easier to attach.
Many orthopedic shoes have a hook and loop closure, making it easier for people with limited mobility or other functions to tighten.
An improperly fitted shoe Lifts for Kids can cause injury to your feet and provide little benefit. Your orthopedic consultant can help you save time and money. They will also be able to recommend shoes that provide the best support, comfort, and benefit.
Business Name: Shoe Lift Express
Country: United States
Address: 2900 Central Ave Suite 110, Homewood, AL 35209
Contact No: +18089385438
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months
11, 17, 18, 24, please? :)
I honestly don't know how many and neither can I keep count (flip flops are like socks- there's always one that just disappears). They're mostly just regular sneakers or flip flops though. I mentioned this before in a post about my congenital claw toes, but most shoes aren't actually build for feet like mine. Other then my toes being shaped differently, my instep area is shaped also a little differently from other feet. Sneakers and flip flops are the only 'normal' shoes that are actually build for comfort so they are generally the only shoes I can wear. Inside my home I am always barefoot as even my good shoes feel like a bra to me- I am happy to take those off and have my feet just move and wiggle without something attached to them.
There are fashionable shoes that are orthopedic, but unfortunately the only orthopedic shoes I can get for free (or at an immense discount) through my health insurance are the boring grandma shoes, so I just stick to my sneakers.
Someone I can trust with my life and sees my happiness (and not just their own) as a top priority. Someone who isn't too stupid to annoy me, but I would like someone who is turnt on by my intelligence and is overall a 'little dumber' then I am because I am as vain about my skillset as I am about my beauty. Someone that loves animals and can appreciate the simple things in life. As a bisexual, for heterosexual romancde I'd say: A real man, and not a craven douchebag because the latter description befits both my father and maternal grandfather and I do not wish for history to repeat itself. That is my mom's mistake and it shall never be mine. When it comes to women I'd like: A woman with balls who doesn't accepts people's bullshit. I'm raised to be a strong bitch but I don't like being overtly dominant. I want someone who's my equal.
Also when it comes to women I'd like them to be strong but have a softer, feminine look about them. Have you ever heard of the Nickelodeon show House of Anubis? That originally was a Belgium-Dutch show that got remade in German and English. Nienke (the OG counterpart of Nina), was my sapphic childhood celebrity crush and she still heavily influences my taste to this day.
Fun story: But my third pair of earrings were actually done by this cute girl who looked a little like Loek Beernink (the actress name), and my heart was racing as she marked my body forever with those piercing needles. I still think about the piercing girl every once in a while.
Yes, I have always wanted them. However, with my various health issues I do want to make sure that if that stage in my life ever were to present myself that 1, am in an okay place with my physical health and 2, I have tested myself and my partner to how likely it is that our child is going to inherit something from me and my side of the family as almost everyone is neurodivergent and certain phsical conditions also run in the family. I want my child to be healthy and want them to have the gift I never had.
I do like to say though, is that with the current times, I am not sure if this is an enviroment I want my children to be born in and if I do have children, I am very much going to make sure wether their schools aren't teaching them propoganda or that they bring home the wrong friends. When I hear stupid things like that British schools are going to teach children things like afrocentrist lies that black people build Stonehenge and that they are the original inhabitants of Europe (something I've also heard is being said by some pro-BLM people in my country), I do very much fear for the current quality of children's education.
Baths. It's my dream to someday own a home where I can have the Jacuzzi my aunt used to have to be build into (yes my aunt had a Jacuzzi, because she was the luxurious middle class type). I remember bathing in it when I was a little kid, and that I switched the lights on to green and turnt on the bubble function. I pretended like I was being cooked in a witch's cauldron. The memory is dear to me.
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mysticalmaniac · 6 years
Sammy Stories
I lost my “heart cat” when she was only 5 years old, from congenital birth defects. First, she was a rescue, as all my cats are, but she had to be 99.999999% Maine Coon. Besides her looooong fluffy hair, her looooong fluffy tail, tufts of hair in her ears, between her toes... all of it was so silky it never got matted. At only 2 years old she weighed more than 20 pounds and not an ounce of it was fat. Because she was so big we nick-named her Samazon. This is her at 2-y-o
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This is her next to a normal sized adult cat.
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This is her trying to hide in a normal sized “cat tunnel”.
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This is her trying to fit into a normal sized cat bed.
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And, she was a holy terror. She stayed a kitten for all five years of her life. She was odd, right from the start... she sucked her toe! I think that, because she was so large, she was taken away from her mother at too young an age and hadn’t been weaned yet. I was on a cat group and I started telling stories about her adventures (with a bit of exaggeration). I thought I’d tell a few here if nobody minds. The stories make me kind of sad, but it also brings back nice, funny memories. These were called the “With Mommy” stories. Here is the first in a series of stories... Putting on Make-up With Mommy Cast of characters: Sammy - 2 1/2-month-old female kitten Mommy - MUCH older female human Mommy enters the bathroom, sits on the stool in front of the sink, turns on the lighted, magnified make-up mirror and takes out her makeup case. Mommy pulls out liquid foundation from her makeup case, takes off the top, pours some makeup into the palm of her hand, then puts down the makeup bottle on the rim of the sink and begins to apply make-up to her face. Sammy, who is busy biting Bandit's tail, finally realizes that Mommy is doing something that does not involve her kitten-ness. Sammy leaps up and tears into the bathroom, jumps onto the toilet seat, then leaps to the rim of the sink - knocking over the makeup bottle which promptly starts emptying its $40 worth of contents down the drain. Sammy jumps down into the sink to investigate this strange liquid. Mommy frantically starts scooping up makeup with her fingers and tries to smush as much as possible back into the bottle with as few kitten hairs as possible. Sammy jumps back to the rim of the sink, then down to toilet seat, then down to bathroom floor, leaving little beige-colored footprints in her wake. Mommy scoops up Sammy and tries to wipe the make-up from her paws with a tissue. Sammy does not think this is a fun game and wriggles around smearing make-up on Mommy's suit sleeves. Mommy dabs at her suit sleeves with a tissue. Mommy finally gets most of the make-up off of Sammy's paws, the floor, the toilet seat, the suit, and the sink. Mommy gently places Sammy on the bathroom floor. Mommy sits back down to continue applying her make-up. Mommy pulls out an eye-liner stick from her makeup case to begin applying color to the bottom of her eyes. Sammy sees the moving end of the eye-liner stick and jumps back up to the rim of the sink to swat at the twitching target. The tip of the prodded eye-liner stick enters Mommy's left eye. Mommy jumps backwards, tips over the stool and falls on her posterior while saying very bad words. Mommy gets back up, wipes her tearing eye with a tissue and gently places Sammy on the bathroom floor. Mommy re-adjusts the make-up mirror which was skewed by Mommy's flailing arms while in the process of falling on her posterior. Sammy jumps back up to the rim of the sink to see what Mommy is playing with. Sammy sees herself in the magnified mirror and thinks that a much larger, strange cat is walking towards her. Sammy becomes startled and jumps on Mommy for protection. Mommy removes Sammy's claws from her throat and chest and gently places Sammy on the bathroom floor. Mommy wipes her bleeding throat and chest with tissue. Mommy pulls out the powder eye-shadow from her makeup case and plucks an eye-shadow brush from the brush holder. As Mommy picks up the eye-shadow brush she notices hundreds of tiny teeth marks along the wooden handle, and sighs. Sammy jumps back up to the rim of the sink to investigate the powder eye-shadow which smells enticing enough to take a lick. Mommy doesn't notice this, dips the eye-shadow brush into the powder eye-shadow and proceeds to apply the shadow, laced with kitten spit, to her left eyelid. Mommy removes the clumpy eye-shadow with a tissue and gently places Sammy on the bathroom floor. Mommy pulls out the black mascara from her makeup case and begins to apply it to her lashes. Sammy jumps back up to the rim of the sink and sniffs the tube of mascara, applying a black ring around her nose. Sammy tries to lick off the black ring and makes gagging motions at the taste of the mascara. Mommy grabs up Sammy and wipes away the mascara with tissue. Mommy firmly places Sammy on the bathroom floor. Mommy pulls out the powder blush and plucks the blush brush from the brush holder. As Mommy picks up the blush brush she notices hundreds of tiny teeth marks along the wooden handle, and sighs. Sammy jumps back up to the rim of the sink, but this time miscalculates and slips back down again. Sammy lands on toilet paper holder and digs in her claws to stop her fall. The toilet paper proceeds to unroll in a quite fascinating manner, so Sammy continues to claw at it until she is surrounded by half a roll of toilet paper. Mommy disentangles Sammy from toilet paper and firmly places her on the bathroom floor, then shoves excess toilet paper into the bathroom wastebasket. Sammy jumps back up to the toilet paper roll and proceeds to unroll the rest of the toilet paper. Mommy disentangles Sammy from the toilet paper and firmly places her on the bathroom floor, then shoves the excess toilet paper into the bathroom wastebasket. Mommy again picks up the blush brush, swipes it in the powder blush, and proceeds to apply the blush to cheeks. Sammy jumps back up to the rim of the sink and swats at the shiny blush case sending it careening across the sink before plunging to the tiled bathroom floor where the cover breaks away from the base and the mirror on the cover shatters. Mommy grabs Sammy before she can jump down and cut her tiny paws on pieces of mirror. Mommy puts Sammy outside of the bathroom and shuts the door while she cleans up the pieces of broken mirror, in the process a piece of broken mirror enters the sole of Mommy's right foot. Sammy howls, horribly heartbroken, outside of the bathroom door. Hubby yells from the bed, "For god's sake let that cat into the bathroom before she wakes the whole block!" Mommy dabs away blood from her foot with tissue and sighs. Mommy allows Sammy back into the bathroom once the shards of the mirror are removed and Sammy gives Mommy a dirty look for the indignity and hurt of being locked out of a room which is occupied by Mommy. Mommy pulls loose face powder from her makeup case and plucks the powder brush from the brush holder. As Mommy picks up the powder brush she notices hundreds of tiny teeth marks along the wooden handle, and sighs. Sammy decides to forgive Mommy and jumps back up to the rim of the sink. Sammy sticks her face into the loose face powder and takes a big sniff. Sammy sneezes into the face powder causing a mini-explosion of powder to fly into the sink, mirror, and bathroom floor, and getting kitten boogers into the remaining powder. Mommy reaches for a tissue to clean up the powder, but the tissue box is empty. Mommy reaches for some toilet paper to clean up the powder, but the toilet paper roll is empty. Mommy considers using Sammy as a handi-wipe but comes to her senses first. Mommy gets a new box of tissues from the cabinet and a new toilet paper roll from under the sink. Mommy wipes the powder from the sink, the mirror, the floor, and Sammy with a tissue and sighs. Mommy pulls out a lipstick from her makeup case and plucks the lipstick brush from brush holder. As Mommy picks up the lipstick brush she notices hundreds of tiny teeth marks along the wooden handle, and sighs. Sammy sees a bright red object in Mommy's hand and decides to take a taste. Sammy takes bite out of the end of lipstick and starts making gagging motions at the taste. Mommy grabs Sammy and tries to get the lipstick off of her spiky little tongue. Sammy objects to this and bites down on Mommy's finger – hard! Mommy very firmly places Sammy on the bathroom floor, wipes her bloody finger with tissue, and sighs. Mommy is finally finished putting on her makeup (she looks a bit like a clown from all the above adventures, but has no more time to fix it before having to leave for work). Mommy removes her makeup stained suit, removes her blood-stained blouse, removes her torn and bloody pantyhose. Mommy tries to put on new pantyhose, but Sammy sees a sinuous beige snake moving around Mommy's ankles and pounces! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ If you enjoyed the above, let me know and I’ll put up a new story... Sammy was an energetic and curious kitten and I have a LOT of “With Mommy” stories.
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sangeethan · 4 years
Types of Foot Surgery Podiatrist Dallas, Texas
Foot Surgery Podiatrist Dallas, Texas is a common strategy podiatrist use to correct health problems with the feet. Because recovery time from foot surgery can be lengthy, most foot specialists recommend it after conservative treatments have failed. Despite the recovery time, surgery is sometimes the best way to alleviate foot pain and prevent further damage to the feet from happening. Here is a look at some of the types of foot surgery your podiatrist in Sugar Land may discuss with you.
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While many foot problems can be treated non-surgically, not all problems will improve and some will require an operation.  We have a compiled a list of common conditions which can be successfully treated by an operation. If you are considering whether or not to have a foot operation, your podiatric surgeon will usually provide you with advice leaflets tailored to your specific operation.
Types of Foot surgery
Fusions Foot surgery
Fusions are usually performed to treat arthritic or painful conditions of the foot and ankle. A fusion involves removing all cartilage from a joint and then joining two or more bones together so that they do not move. Fusions can be done with screws, plates, or pins, or a combination of these. 
Metatarsal Foot Surgery
The metatarsal bones are a group of five long bones in the foot. You find them between the tarsal bones and the phalanges of the toes. The details of metatarsal Foot Surgery Podiatrist Dallas, Texas depend upon the severity of the injury.
There is a chance that other treatments will control the pain, but surgery is a distinct option. We want to make it comfortable for you to walk and remove that pebbly feeling. When surgery is necessary, a common scenario is the removal of the heads of the MTPJ and surgery to the big toe.
Tendon Surgery
Podiatrist Dallas, Texas on the tendons can be performed for acute injuries such as ruptures and can also be performed for chronic conditions to lengthen or shorten the tendon, depending on the problem. In some cases, tendons may be re-routed to improve foot and ankle function.
Reconstructive Foot Surgery
 Reconstructive surgery of the foot and ankle consists of complex surgical repair that may be necessary to regain function or stability, reduce pain, and prevent further deformity or disease. Unfortunately, there are many conditions or diseases that range from trauma to congenital defects that necessitate surgery of the foot and ankle. Bone screws, pins, wires, staples, and other fixation devices and casts may be utilized to stabilize and repair bone in reconstructive procedures.
Heel Spur Foot Surgery
 Based on the condition and the nature of the disease, heel surgery can provide relief of pain and restore mobility in many cases. The type of procedure is based on examination and usually consists of plantar fascia release, with or without heel spur excision. There have been various modifications and surgical enhancements regarding surgery Podiatrist Dallas, Texas of the heel. Your podiatrist will determine which method is best suited for you.
Bunions Foot Surgery
Bunions occur at the base of the big toe, and they are bony lumps resulting from hallux valgus. Hallux valgus causes the big toe joint to become deformed when it bends towards the other toes. This, in turn, causes the bunions. Surgery for bunions is not all that complicated. We perform an osteotomy, which is a straightening of the big toe and the metatarsals. Recovery time for bunion surgery is about 6 weeks.
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Hammer Toe Foot Surgery
Bunions aren't the only condition caused by hallux valgus. Nasty result it can have is to cause the toes become clawed and deformed. We call this hammer toe. It can be quite painful when walking. We can repair hammertoe by either performing an arthroplasty or an arthrodesis.
An arthroplasty is when we restore your joint flexibility. We do this by removing the deformed joint between the toes. These foot surgeries are usually outpatient and only take around an hour to perform. Limit your walking for the first couple of days. You should be back to normal in six weeks, max.
Nail Surgery
 Toenails can become deformed, damaged, or infected. It may be determined that the best treatment may involve surgery. Surgery Podiatrist Dallas, Texas is typically performed in the office under local anaesthetic, and many patients can walk out and return to activities. Surgery involves either partial or total removal of the nail. An avulsion is a non-permanent type of surgery that allows relief, but the nail will grow back. A mastoidectomy is a permanent type of surgery, which involves destroying and removing the nail root so that no new nail grows. 
Plantar Fasciitis Foot Surgery
Plantar fasciitis is when the tissue from the heel to the toe becomes inflamed where it joins your heel. We actually don't need to do surgery for plantar fasciitis very often. But with bad cases of the condition, we release the plantar fascia from the heel bone. It's a simple foot surgery. After, you need to have it bandaged up following surgery. No big deal. Ankle surgeries
Morton’s Neuroma Foot Surgery
This is a condition that affects the nerves of the toes, near the balls of the feet. It can be quite painful. Morton's neuroma occurs when the tissue around the nerves of the toes becomes overly thickened. 
Morton's neuroma is yet another irritating condition that can arise from excessive wearing of high-heeled shoes. Surgery for Morton's neuroma involves removing the nerve that is causing your pain. This surgery is an outpatient procedure, and after you will have to wear bandages for a couple of weeks.
Your physical therapist or your doctor will give you certain exercises you can do at home. Post-surgical care may include rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Depending on your surgery, you may have special care for bandages, dressings, staples, or stitches.  A full recovery can take several days or months, depending on your age, overall health, and specific procedure. 
The goals of surgery focus on relieving pain and improving flexibility in the ankle or foot. Your doctor will provide you with special instructions that explain when it will be safe to resume normal activities. 
Treatment Reference
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zaidhjab-blog · 5 years
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Common conditions of ankle & foot: 1-Ankle sprains. 2-Achille's tendon rupture. 3-Hallux valgus. 4-Tenosynovities. 5-Osteochondritis dessicans. 6-Snapping peroneal tendon. 7-Heel spur. 8-Hammer toe. 9-Claw toe. 10-Ingrown toenail. 11-Corns. 12-Flat foot. 13-Arched foot (pes cavus). 14-Kohler's disease. 15-Morton's toe. 16-Planter fasciitis. 17-Rocker bottom foot. 18-Congenital clubfoot (equinovarus foot, talipes equinovarus). Orthopaedic examination made easy -Javad parvizi by:Zaid Hjab زيد حجاب
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solomonfiore · 6 years
The Beast
"People talk sometimes of a bestial cruelty, but that's a great injustice and insult to the beasts; a beast can never be so cruel as a man, so artistically cruel."
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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I became so accustomed to people that I began to feel as if I were one of them. Whether or not there was ever anything human about me is debatable. It goes without saying that I was no more than a beast according to my co-workers. The circus’ menagerie of exotic animals had all died off save for me, leading me to view myself as an important figure. Maybe that’s why I began to see myself as more than just an animal. I thought I was unique. Alas, I got cocky. I didn’t know my place and acted out of line. I brought about my own downfall. That’s what they tell themselves. That’s what they tell each other and members of the audience in those rare instances when my absence is brought up.
I kept to myself ever since I was a cub, but all of that changed when I fell in love with my boss. My paws muddied by the footprints of tourists on the trammeled ground, I was sauntering back to my tent when the trapeze swinger and first-in-command of the circus called out to me one dusky evening. She was getting high and drunk with the carnival workers around a bonfire. Empty pill bottles, broken crack stems, and used syringes were strewn about the site. Surveying the valley of the Arizona desert, the moon was an aquamarine cataract sewn into a sky defaced by fuchsia and ocher claw marks. The skulking vista of sandy bluffs enshrined the trapeze swinger’s resplendent aspect as she stood over the rusty canister of flames at the encampment. Having traded her diamond-studded leotard for a flannel shirt in the wake of that day’s show, her beauty was only further enhanced by the vivacious temperament of her garb, recalling autumnal mornings and the heartache of precocious lambs.
I waded through the swamp of clowns and freaks in her retinue to where she’d beckoned me, placing myself loyally at her feet as if praying before an altar of roman candles. I saw that she and her wacky entourage were playing a game of sorts. She pointed to an empty bottle of absinthe lying on its side on the ground between us. Its spout was pointed in the direction of Zorax the Strongman who was donned in a shaggy one-piece with his lips eagerly puckered in anticipation of a smooch from the sultry daredevil. With a pristine toe delicately wrapped in a black slipper, she altered the direction of the bottle, turning it to face me.
In a bundle that trickled through the spaces between her gentle fingers in luscious tendrils, she pulled her smooth locks of hazelnut hair over her forehead to gaze at me with diaphanous eyes more piercing than the stars of twilight. “Have you ever played Spin-the-Bottle, Kitty Kat?” she asked me, her mouth still moist from the 240 milliliter container of hydrocodone syrup she’d just downed in one swig. “Every once in a while I’ll give the old bottle a spin and offer to kiss whoever the lucky chap it happens to land on. It looks like your lucky night, Kitty Kat.”
Not just because she’d cheated him out of an intoxicating kiss, but as a gesture of honest concern for his superior, Zorax voiced his apprehensions. “Be reasonable, Miss Aida!” he protested. “Don’t you dare let those precious lips make contact with that atrocious beast. Do you know what parasites those dreadful creatures are known to carry? With all due respect, at least stick to the civilized members of your ranks. That abominable furball shouldn’t even be wandering the grounds freely. Its master Peg Leg Paul has become too lenient in his old age. There’s no telling what savagery you could incite if you rile up this animal’s passions with a kiss.”
Oppositional by default, the young lady took the bodybuilder’s admonitions as a cue to rebel regardless of whether or not they held any validity. She leaned forward and planted a kiss on my velveteen muzzle, leaving the imprint of an iris where her lips had made contact with my fur. Traceable by the finest sprinkles of glitter produced by the spectacle of that enchanting instant, the sweetest scent of lavender emanated from the salivary stamp on the crest of my nose. She eased away from where I faced her and the euphoria of this fleeting embrace bordered on unbearable to me. I gathered the courage to express my gratitude for this invigorated display of affection, but my vocal cords could only muster a growl.
She recoiled from me as if she had accidentally touched a maggot-infested carcass. “That beast growled at me!” she cried. “Take it away before I have it euthanized!”
Having emerged from his drunken stupor to find me missing from the stable, Peg Leg Paul had been conducting a search. He stumbled upon the scene at the encampment at an ideal time to intercede. Vicious beatings from his cane of thick, gnarled wood served as assurances to the crowd of entertainers and hired hands that I would be dealt with severely. When the blunt instrument broke into splinters over my skull, he removed the wooden appendage extending from the stub of his knee and bludgeoned me with that. My mangled hide of broken bones was escorted back to our tent with my master dutifully in tow, sparing no lenience when it came to extolling punishment via a battery of blows from his artificial limb.
But Peg Leg Paul’s unwavering discipline failed to curb my desire for the ravishing trapeze swinger from that night henceforth. I took to combing the bristles out of my fleece every morning and dyed my hair with henna to give it more flare; I practiced walking on my hind legs to appear more human; I studied the history of Tutankhamun and the Great Pharaohs with the sole intention of telling the object of my ardor about a time when my breed was worshipped. Most crucially, I did everything in my power to give a voice to the passel of thoughts running through my lovesick mind, but not so much as a ‘meow’ was issued from my frustrated maw whenever I attempted to speak.
Much to my master’s consternation, I no longer accommodated my training with the usual deference and patience. Jumping through fiery hoops and opening my fang-ensconced jaws for him was too commonplace for me. These tricks failed to challenge my intellect and keep me stimulated. Rudely indicating my boredom, I would yawn or smack my leathery lips during his long-winded tutorials. These absent-minded displays of ennui cost me dearly. Bedtime was greeted with every inch of my body throbbing with excruciating pain from my exasperated keeper’s wallops.
I frequently snuck into the main tent to watch Aida practicing her death-defying stunts. My heart would rev up to a rumbling flutter at the sight of her twirling around in whimsical circles high above my head in defiance of the laws of gravity. I would watch this angel in ebony tights fly through the air with baited breath, her body as nimble as the exoskeleton of a butterfly. Observing these aerial dervishes were glimpses of eternity itself. Throughout my day, I could think of nothing but the irrepressible joy I experienced every time I’d borne witness to one of her performances.
After a particularly enthralling show, I followed her into the tent where everyone was having lunch. To communicate my admiration for her, I sat by her side and attempted to lick the back of her hand. She withdrew from me with a flinch before my tongue could make contact with her smooth skin. Annoyed, she found her place at a separate table where she proceeded to rifle through her fan mail. Seized by a flush of humiliating despair in reaction to this cold and dismissive gesture, I summoned up all my will to express to her the dejection I’d just sustained. Flashing my razor sharp incisors inches away from her face, I let out a blood-curdling roar.
The opiate-addled mumblings and inbred drawls of her hungry employees bustling about the dining area were hushed as she stared at me with a mixture of indignation and terror. I immediately recognized the terrible error of my conduct. I bowed my head and lowered my eyes to her submissively, but it was too late to rectify the appalling offense.
“That is the last straw!” she hollered. She pointed at me and yelled to her bodyguards, “That creepy cat has been stalking me! Forget issuing a restraining order. I’m the judge and jury of this circus. Lock up that perverted puss and throw away the key!”
After a thorough flogging, I was confined to a cage and could no longer participate in the festivities. My master was so fed up with my unruly behavior that he wouldn’t even grant me the attention of a daily beating. My only friends were the birds that came to snack on the nests of fleas in my coat. I was treated like the most verminous genus of the mammalian order by staff and visitors alike. Spectators made fun of me. They threw beer cans and firecrackers into my cramped domicile. My health took a turn for the worst in captivity. Dr. Goreslime, a traveling quack and distributor of some of the finest sizzurp in the states, diagnosed me with mange, distemper, renal dysplasia, peritonitis, feline leukemia, and a congenital bone disorder hitherto unknown to the medical profession.
For such a cruel master, Peg Leg Paul must have been struck with an epiphany of sympathy. For he knew of the adoration I harbored for the lovely trapeze swinger while predicting the impending extinction of the last of his pets. Knowing me as soon to depart this cursed popsicle stand of human exploit, he implored the young woman to visit me. She agreed to his invitation after some cajoling.
Carefully stepping over the droppings and puddles of urine dotting the cement floor, she looked down upon my sad visage when she reached the corner of my cage where I lay dying. Their lids encrusted with marmalade beads of mucopurulent discharge, my giant emerald eyes had been sanded down to a dull olive hue; my once regal mane took on the rusty grain of a Jewish toupee; and my golden flanks were caked with milky diarrhea. A pinch of girlish sympathy roused her, and she let out a sigh. “You were roaring like you ruled the world the other day, Kitty Kat,” she kidded. “You no longer want to come out and play? What’s all this fuss about, silly?”
She ventured to wrap her arms around my colossal head and that delicious lavender scent from her flowery pores once again caressed my ruby nose. In a final exhalation, I summoned up the strength to speak to her. “I just wanted to talk to you,” I purred before the most merciful of all the ancient gods came to transport me from this mortal hell to where I would find eternal sanctuary - my heavenly den in the Egyptian azure.
Solomon Fiore – January 15, 2016
<photo: Aida Rodriguez of the Kitsune Klan>
Special thanks to Aida Rodriguez.
Solomon Fiore is the nom de plume of
Oliver Lodge, an author who lives in New York. He has been published in “Sirens’ Call Publications”, “Ravenwood Quarterly”, “Whorror House”, “Living Paranormal Magazine”, “Creepy Campfire Quarterly”, “Aaduna”, “ANON Magazine”, “Blood Puddles”, “Yellow Mama”, “Inner Sins”, “Gutter, Grimy, Scum”, “Body Parts Magazine”, “Blood Moon Rising Magazine” and a slew of other rags he’s too lazy to list. A selection of his works can be accessed here in addition to the following links:
Further inquiries: [email protected].
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pawspuppystore · 6 years
Your Golden Retriever’s Health
Golden Retrievers are loyal and smart, beautiful and friendly, and make additions. These dogs do all that they could to be loved by their owners and are extremely lovable. Because of the generally sweet personalities, they quickly become part of the family that could not be replaced. Because of this, there are.
Some folks wonder why their Retriever drags their behind on the ground a whole lot. If you witness your Golden Retriever doing so, it is a great idea to take them to a vet to have their anal glands checked out. Some dogs have difficulty with their anal expressions. Vets are trained to spot problems in this area so they can help you fix whatever could possibly be a problem.
The wellbeing of the Golden Retriever dog also needs to be considered. This strain is a breed and they love to be part of the action. If you are entertaining or simply hanging out in the home with your family, the Golden Retriever will wish to be involved. They will likely be very unhappy if you keep her or him locked out while the gathering is occurring. While this is something that must be done keeping them out and on their own will definitely not make them happy.
You will need to be consistent with your pet as they are trained by you, and be patient. They respond well and can be fairly easy to train if you’re willing and able to work together. They love to be socialized with using positive reinforcement is a superb way to teach them to keep them from doing things like electrical wires, which can cause serious outcomes and to be accountable dogs.
Your dog’s nails should be trimmed. So you don’t have the added expense of paying a bill that is grooming you can do it at home. If you begin caressing the pads when they’re puppies, they will be less likely to have a issue with you cutting their nails. You have to get them comfortable with people touching their toes. Cutting their claws on a regular basis will keep them from having foot problems.
As they age, this breed is known to have certain health problems. They include epilepsy elbow and hip dysplasia, cataracts, allergies, thyroid disorders, and congenital heart disease. The onset of lots of these conditions can be delayed, or even prevented with treatment and the perfect care. Keeping your dogs weight down to a level that is reasonable is a great way to do this. You can do this by buying low dog foods and by taking them.
Golden Retriever dogs are good dogs to have as part of your family. Keeping them healthy is the best way to make certain that they’re there for years. Once you’ve discovered how loving and friendly they are you will do all that you can to help them live a life.
from Paws Puppy http://bit.ly/2Mu5Kyn
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toonatic92 · 6 years
Ama Character Profile
I did a thing on DeviantART to fill in the time between posting drawings and I’m cross-posting it here.
I'm using Spelledeg's Character bio sheet BASIC as a template and I've edited it slightly to suit my purposes.
We'll start with Ama, since she's one of my more developed characters and a favourite of mine.
TW/CW: Sexist/Ableist language
Full Name: Ama Rika Branika Arnika Grivillix (Ama's middle names are the feminine forms of the names of her father, grandfather and great-grandfather, the three previous kings of the Grivillix dynasty.) Pronunciation of their name: Ah-muh Ree-kuh Brah-nik-uh Arn-ih-kuh Grih-vihll-ihcks Title: Kir (king), Kistri (princess, former), Kir nor Hol (Sun King), Miss Nickname(s): Ams, Amri ('Little Warrior', family only), Beskri ('Little Dragon/Serpent', family only), Holistri ('Sun Girl', derogatory), Princess, Kistri Sulna ('Crazy/Halfwit Princess', derogatory), Kiristri ('Girl King', derogatory)
Gender: Cis intersex (Congenital adrenal hyperplasia) woman (she/her) Race: Mixed race (Black/Latina/White) Species: Ixen/Dragon hybrid Sexuality: Homoromantic Asexual
Height: 6'2"/187cm Weight: 11st 8lbs/73kg Age: 20
Eye colour(s): Red (true form)/Brown (human form) Contacts?: No Glasses?: No
Face shape: Long, narrow, oval, square chin Describe their eyes: Heavy-lidded, small, narrow, slit pupils, short light eyelashes, bags under eyes Describe their nose: Long, narrow bridge, widens at the bottom, rounded tip Describe their lips: Thin, bottom lip is fuller Ears: Pointed, long, free lobes, pierced
Body build: Tall, thin, narrow shoulders and hips, small breasts, paunchy stomach, long neck, small long hands and feet, long fingers and toes, long trunk, long legs and arms Disabilities: Paralysed right arm (Erb's palsy), autism, clinical depression Extra extremities: Wing nubs, tail, horns, claws, sharp teeth (All inherited from her dragon mother.)
Hair colour(s): Dark blonde Hair length: Very long Hair style: Shaved, high ponytail
Skin/fur colour(s): Medium yellow brown, gets gradually redder towards the wings and tail Complexion: Tan, dry skin Patterns/designs: None Scars: Acne scars on cheeks Birthmarks: Stork bite birthmark on the back of neck Tattoos: None Piercings: Three in each ear
Personality snapshot: Reserved bookworm with a strong sense of justice Most prominent personality trait: Reserved Best traits of their personality: Curious, analytical, driven, practical, kind, just, imaginative Worst traits of their personality: Quick to anger, obsessive, socially awkward, stubborn, secretive, avoidant
Current faith: The Ixen worship of the Sun King and Moon Queen (It would be weird if she wasn't since she's the reincarnation of the Sun King.) Current superstitions/quirks: TBA
Alignment: Neutral Good
Marital status: Single
Occupation: King of Ixenor, Messiah, Private detective
Good habits: Polite, always helpful, always tidies up Bad habits: Forgets to eat, violent outbursts, doesn't ask for help
Abilities: Fire breath, super strength, shapeshifting Special skills: Diplomacy, analytical skills, proficiency in several musical instruments Hobbies: Reading, watching crime dramas, drinking tea, doing crossword puzzles, going on walks
Random facts:
Ama more than anything wants to learn and explore, because she's been stuck in one place and in a restrictive role for most of her life, making her similar to quite a few Disney protagonists.
Ama's entire race lives in one cave (Ixen are very small, about the size of a small butterfly), so cave sounds are very relaxing to her.
Ama prefers dogs, but she still likes cats.
Ama is incapable of sitting in a normal position, unless someone else is in the room with her.
Ama wears similar clothes all the time because it's easier and she's never had much input in her fashion choices.
Ama's favourite food is mushrooms.
Ama's hair defies gravity because it's stiffer and made of harder material than normal hair. This is a feature of European dragons in their human forms since their dragon forms don't have actual hair to shapeshift.
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