geovanag · 3 months
🪐 Astrology Observations 5 🪐
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Capricorn Moon signs start to look more attractive to other people when they reach middle age (after 40).
You may know that the Moon is at its lowest position in Capricorn. So how did I make such an observation despite this position? By middle age, many turning points in a person's life are completed. The moon is one of them. Now the mature (Capricorn) emotions (moon) begin to show themselves.
Then these people, who maximize their emotional maturity, improve the problems in their relationships with their mothers and sometimes succeed in camouflaging their feelings and sometimes in sharing their feelings with people they feel close to.
(This was the position I observed in men).
I think the Sun Ascendant square aspect is really challenging for a man. He has a problem with the authority figure, the father from an early age. It may not be completely confrontational (unless Mars, saturn, uranus and pluto are in hard influence)
Being in the same environment together can make them feel like they are being restricted. Maybe they feel that something is wrong. But is it really what they think it is? Yes. With the other person, (the Sun) it is very difficult for them to forget everything and get back together with them. (Orb should be maximum 6)
Although they say that Juno is only a marriage indicator and other asteroids can show ceremonies like weddings, I don't go into that much detail. I think even Juno can show the wedding process. For example; I had a friend with Juno in Virgo. Maybe she didn't scrutinize the person she was going to marry down to the most meticulous detail, but the wedding process was exactly like that. She had prepared details down to what the guests would wear. Ugh I think it is very tiring, even though I have Virgo juno, lol
Juno in Virgo may have met the man she will marry at work.
Chiron - Moon square aspect, this aspect allows you to feel the healing and wounded spirit of Chiron deep down. Let's not discuss whether it's good or bad, but it's certainly very palpable. Your emotions are shaped by "compassion". For example, you see a homeless man and a little child a little further away. You feel infinite compassion for these two people and a desire to give them a home. You take into account the situation and circumstances and just think that they are in need of help. Independently of this, I find it interesting that people with this aspect do not get enough support from the women around them. Maybe this is how the "lacking" aspect of chiron works. I would like to write a more detailed article about Chiron.
Having a Venus-Neptune-Jupiter T-square. The signs and houses where the planets are located will play a serious role. I know someone who has this T-square in 2nd-4th-10th houses. I realized that he is not where he is supposed to be because of his family's pressures. He doesn't want to talk about it but I can observe it. Sometimes his mother and sometimes his father try to shape his future position, how he will earn money without asking him. This will hurt him a lot but he has a very strong character and he will get what he wants at the end of this path.
Having Pluto aspects in synastry is known to be quite difficult. But you should know that it is difficult for the planetary person. Because they are both deeply attracted to Pluto's mysterious aura and very annoyed by it. Both of these feelings are exhausting for them. I am not saying that Pluto benefits from this, but things are much simpler for Pluto. It's the other one who gets exhausted.
In the next post I will write about the ascendants in the Composite chart. New post will be coming very soon, please get in touch if you have any observations you would like to share.
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astrologged · 7 months
Vesta Aspects
Vesta - Sun
Vesta Trine/Sextile Sun: There's strong sense of dedication to one's self-expression and identity. The person possesses unwavering confidence and commitment to their goals and aspirations. They can easily concentrate their energy and passion into personal projects and creative endeavors.
Vesta Square/Opposite Sun: There may be conflicts between personal ambitions and devotion to a particular cause or focus. Balancing self-expression and dedication to a specific goal can be challenging.
Vesta Conjunct Sun: This alignment can make a person extremely dedicated to their self-expression, career, or personal goals. They have a strong sense of purpose and are willing to make sacrifices to achieve their ambitions.
Vesta - Moon
Vesta Trine/Sextile Moon: There's a deep emotional connection to one's home and family life. The person is exceptionally devoted to their loved ones, creating a warm and nurturing domestic environment. Emotional security and stability are essential, and they find comfort in routines and traditions.
Vesta Square/Opposite Moon: Conflicts between emotional needs and a sense of devotion or service. The person may grapple with finding emotional fulfillment while also feeling the need to dedicate themselves to a specific cause or practice.
Vesta Conjunct Moon: Vesta's influence on the Moon makes someone deeply committed to their emotional well-being and domestic life. They prioritize creating a harmonious and nurturing home environment.
Vesta - Mercury
Vesta Trine/Sextile Mercury: There's a strong focus on intellectual pursuits and communication. These people are deeply committed to their studies, writing, or teaching. They have a keen ability to concentrate their thoughts and communicate effectively, making them excellent at conveying their ideas.
Vesta Square/Opposite Mercury: There are challenges related to communication and concentration. The person might find it difficult to focus their mind on tasks or to express their ideas clearly and succinctly.
Vesta Conjunct Mercury: With this conjunction, a person is intensely focused on communication and mental pursuits. They excel in fields that require precision and concentration, such as research or writing.
Vesta - Venus
Vesta Trine/Sextile Venus: Have a deep commitment to their relationships and values. They are very devoted to their loved ones, seeking to create harmonious and loving connections. They also have a strong appreciation for art and beauty, dedicating themselves to creative endeavors.
Vesta Square/Opposite Venus: This aspect creates tension between the desire for romantic or aesthetic pleasures and the need for dedication and purity. There may be conflicts between personal relationships and a sense of devotion or service.
Vesta Conjunct Venus: This alignment intensifies one's dedication to relationships and the pursuit of beauty and harmony. They are especially devoted to creating and maintaining loving partnerships.
Vesta - Mars
Vesta Trine/Sextile Mars: A dedicated and disciplined approach to achieving one's desires and taking action. The person focusses their energy and passion effectively, making them persistent and determined in their pursuits. They excel in physical activities and sports.
Vesta Square/Opposite Mars: Tension between someone's assertive and competitive drives and the desire for dedicated, disciplined action. The person struggles with finding a balance between assertiveness and devotion.
Vesta Conjunct Mars: People with this conjunction channel their energy and assertiveness into specific causes or projects. They have a determined and disciplined approach to pursuing their desires and passions.
Vesta - Jupiter
Vesta Trine/Sextile Jupiter: Have a strong commitment to personal growth and expansion. They are optimistic and enthusiastic, dedicating themselves to broadening their horizons through education, travel, or spiritual pursuits.
Vesta Square/Opposite Jupiter: Challenges related to expanding one's horizons and maintaining a dedicated focus with this aspect. The person might have a tendency to overcommit or take on too much, leading to a conflict between their ideals and practical efforts.
Vesta Conjunct Jupiter: Vesta's commitment to growth and expansion combines with Jupiter's optimism. These people are devoted to their spiritual or philosophical beliefs and have a strong sense of faith and purpose.
Vesta - Saturn
Vesta Trine/Sextile Saturn: A disciplined and dedicated approach to responsibilities and goals. These people are committed to their long-term ambitions and can persevere through challenges. They excel in structured and organized endeavors.
Vesta Square/Opposite Saturn: Conflicts between responsibilities, limitations, and the desire for purity and dedication. There's a sense of duty that conflicts with the need for focused devotion.
Vesta Conjunct Saturn: There's a strong sense of responsibility and discipline. These people are dedicated to their long-term goals and excel in fields that require patience and endurance.
Vesta - Uranus
Vesta Trine/Sextile Uranus: A unique and innovative approach to personal devotion and commitment. The person is dedicated to unconventional or progressive causes and may find their sense of focus in unexpected places. They're inventive and open to change.
Vesta Square/Opposite Uranus: There's tension between the need for stability and routine and the desire for innovation and independence. The individual struggles to balance their need for structure with a desire for freedom and change.
Vesta Conjunct Uranus: With this alignment, a person's commitment to innovation and individuality is intensified. They're dedicated to progressive or unconventional causes.
Vesta - Neptune
Vesta Trine/Sextile Neptune: There's a deep spiritual or artistic commitment. These people may be devoted to their creative or mystical pursuits, seeking to transcend ordinary reality. They have a profound connection to their inner world and imagination.
Vesta Square/Opposite Neptune: Creates conflicts between the desire for spiritual or idealistic pursuits and the need for dedicated, disciplined action. The person might find it challenging to maintain clarity and focus in their spiritual practices.
Vesta Conjunct Neptune: These people have a deep devotion to artistic or spiritual pursuits.
Vesta - Pluto
Vesta Trine/Sextile Pluto: Have a powerful and transformative sense of dedication. They are committed to deep and profound change, whether in personal growth or in their work. They focus their intensity and passion effectively.
Vesta Square/Opposite Pluto: Intense power struggles and conflicts between deep transformational forces and the desire for purity and dedication. There's a need to confront and transform obsessions or compulsions that interfere with one's devotion.
Vesta Conjunct Pluto: This conjunction intensifies one's dedication to transformation and empowerment. These people are deeply committed to uncovering hidden truths or pursuing intense personal growth.
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geminimoonmadness · 1 year
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Part 3 ♡♡♡• Copywrites reserved ©️Gemini Moon Madness
Conjunct Mars Edition♂
The conjunctions of these asteroids to your natal mars should be within an orb of 0°-5°, the tighter the degree the more prominent it will be in your life.
Aethra 132 Conjunct Mars
Gives you a readiness for parenthood. May also have interest in astrology and/or astronomy.
Emma 283 Conjunct Mars
May live a life of luxury (to an extent) yet a risk of excessive self important & naive arrogance.
Larry 30440 Conjunct Mars
You may enjoy theatrical & comedic pursuits/activities. You have a social & possibly attention seeking character.
Mira 3633 Conjunct Mars
Gives you a natural sense of awe, curiosity, wonder about the world and everything in it.
Olga 304 Conjunct Mars
(Same as Asteroid (522) Helga conjunct Saturn)
If necessary, you’re determined to seek revenge for your loved ones especially after the death of one.
Ruth 798 Conjunct Mars
You may have a committed, determined, loyal, compassionate and giving nature. Your the type of person who loves to travel and explore different cultures, if you haven’t already travelled yet, you’ve definitely dreamt about it!
Sokrates 5450 Conjunct Mars
You have a humble, wise and philosophical nature. You love questioning things and you have a constant thirst for wisdom.
Timandra 603 Conjunct Mars
You may be unloyal or have an unpredictable love life. There is the tendency to be anxious & shy.
✎ I appreciate interactions & feedback of all kind. Let me know if you have any of these conjunctions in your placements!
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dreamofmetoday · 1 year
you can understand the natal chart aspects by addressing it as basic maths.
for example: jupiter (expansion) conjunct (+) mars (anger) = expanded anger. people with this aspect often have dramatic, sometimes over-the-top reactions when angry and can be made mad easily, they feel anger quite strongly.
1. focus on how social and outer planets aspect TO the inner planets and luminaries.
for example: saturn (restriction) conjunct moon (emotions) more so means saturn restricts emotions not that the moon makes saturn emotional.
2. use the cheat key below:
sun: ego, self worth
moon: emotions
inner planets:
mercury: communication, intellect, thinking
venus: affection, love, social skills
mars: anger, passion, sex
social planets:
jupiter: expansion, optimism
saturn: fear, restriction, limitation (when understanding saturn it’s important to understand that the main reason saturn causes restriction is because it creates fear)
outer planets:
uranus: randomness, unconventionality, freedom
neptune: illusion, delusion, fuzziness, romanticism (rose-coloured glasses)
pluto: depth (intensity), darkness, obsession
3. use the cheat key below to factor in if the aspect has a positive or negative affect on the native:
trine, sextile is positive
conjunct is both
square, opposition and inconjunct (quincunx) is negative
for example: venus (affection) square jupiter (expansion) means the native can be over-the-top sweet and positive in a way that can seem off-putting, fake and almost even selfish and self-centred, as if they’re not reading the room properly to react appropriately.
a trine would mean the native is able to come across as sweet and positive in a way that is accepting, and seems generous and likeable. they can add an optimistic vibe to social situations and relationships that make people feel positive.
the question now is what to do when things seem contradictory.
for example: does moon (emotions) square mercury (thinking, intellect, communication) make someone overly emotional in their thinking and communication or does it make someone over-intellectualise their emotions?
it’s a little complicated but there’s two answers:
1. both
2. which ever planet is more dominant
it’s both because just because something is contradictory doesn’t mean it can’t exist, people have contradictory (and unbalanced) personalities, so both conclusions will often be true to an extent.
however, the more “true” answer is whatever planet is more dominant. if someone has a stronger mercury then this person is going to over-intellectualise their emotions and appear unemotional and if someone’s moon is stronger then they’re going to have an overly emotional thinking and communication style and appear too emotional.
another example: jupiter (expansion) and saturn (restriction) seems contradictory but someone can have both expanded and dramatic emotions (moon) and feel as if they are restricted and unable to express them, especially when you factor in how saturn can add fear to the chart.
reminder: analysing a whole chart is, of course, still complex and this is by no means a cut and dry way to understand aspects completely and wholly but is is very, very close and should help you understand natal charts a lot easier. i hope you enjoyed reading. 💖
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astrogre · 1 year
Aspects in astrology
I always felt confused when learning what aspects mean and it felt like people brushed over the explanations of it so I tried to convey the relationship between planets depending on the aspects in great detail using metaphors and imagery. Hopefully this is of usage to you!!
The two planets go well together, match well together imagine when you mix paint together and it just swirls smoothly to create a beautiful and perfect shade. The two planets just easily compliment each other to make their own colour, imagine these two planets birthing a baby it would be a mix of their two qualities.
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Examples in signs:
water nourishes the Earth and results in the plants growing 💦🪴
Air fuels fire oxygen causing the fire to grow💨🔥
Example in planets:
Moon sextile Uranus shows indication of artistic talent because of the unique way of how the native expresses themselves. If they put this in creative pursuits they would shock many.
Moon= emotions, inner world
Sextile= MIX
Uranus= innovation, eccentricity
Moon*Uranus= revolutionary art being created especially when natives emotions are at their peak
No resistance when these two planets merge it all feels so natural and they easily result in creating opportunities together. Think of the two placements observing each other and making a sigma face to the other, kind of like “nice 😎”. Both planets are comfortable with each other you could even imagine them being able to sit in silence and it’s not awkward, to each other they are the friend who visits home so often that they’re basically seen as their cousin. The two placements see each other and don’t mind the other’s presence. Imagine a rain water droplet falling into a lake, it may not be the exact same components as the rest of the lake water but it is accepted and collectively moves together, combined as one. This is how these two planets interact with one another accepting each other similarly.
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These two planets/asteroids add fuel to each others fire, a fusion and Union of the two placements. imagine when you say a joke and your friend adds something onto it and then you add something onto it and this happens over and over again until both your chests hurt from laughing so hard. These planets bounce off each other and make each other work together arm in arm with a shared purpose. The closer these planets/asteroids are in degrees, the stronger and more they amplify each other
How the conjunct planets behave together:
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Eg. Sun conj Mercury you shine most when you communicate, people want to hear what you say, you command presence in a room when you talk, general talent in communicating. You’re also smart as hell, might even have a big ego because of your intelligence ;)
Tug of war, both planets/asteroids believe they deserve control over the other but remember -if you pull the rope too tight it will snap, meaning the opposing placements can end up cancelling out one another and never manifesting into reality to its full potential since neither one of them can take control because the other is pushing them back. Imagine a hectic musical chair game where neither person is able to let the other win no matter how close they get to sitting on the chair. This is how the two planets interact with each other
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Eg. Sun-Moon can indicate harder to be in touch with emotions because of ego in the way, Saturn-Mars can create issues with discipline to follow passionate pursuits, being negligent of responsibility and having A LOT of suppressed energy that you want to come out.
But with oppositions there are pros. Since the two placements are fighting for control over each other, you as an individual can consciously make a decision to which energy you declare as the winner. For an example if you had a Saturn-Mars opposition, do you choose your burning passions or your strong sense of duty? Oppositions aren’t all bad, you have the important bit, the ability to use that planets energy. The planets energies are active in your chart it’s just that they’re so intense that they’re both fighting for the stage.
Generic sign opposition dynamics:
Aries and Libra = War and peace
Taurus and Scorpio= Light and dark
Gemini and Sagis = Tension and release
Cancer and Capricorn= Intuition and logic
Leo and Aquarius= Loyalty and rebellion
Virgo and Pisces= Science and Art
Challenging, imagine these two planets negotiating and talking out their problems for an example the way you may approach someone who has offended you and the other person sees themselves done nothing wrong until you talk it out and make steps together to overcome it. This can be successful if both end up compromising and are willing to understand each other but it can be chaotic if one side is non willing compromise. Imagine these planets interact with each-other like an employee in an office trying to negotiate shifts with the boss of their department, there are two outcomes and both need each other, the planets either agree to work with each other on equal terms and for a similar goal (eg I’ll go up the stairs because it’s quicker, and the other says I’ll go up the stairs because I want to loose calories) or they end up not working with each other at all but can’t escape each other building tension. This is a lot softer than the opposition aspect because the planets are more willing to at least hear each other out and don’t have COMPLETELY opposing motivations
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The way this is overcome is by the native (you) acknowledging the strengths and requirements that the two placements bring and using it to your advantage.
Eg. Someone with Mars square Jupiter can use the fact they have a square to understand that they have great potential and energy to achieve their dreams & goals they set by balancing it with taking action and brainstorming instead of constantly fighting with themselves about whether they should brainstorm more or take action straight away. It can work if you are conscious of this energy of these planets and you can listen to the planets driving force and be like “maybe I should listen go with the part of me that wants to take action today” while giving leeway and comprises to the other opposing planet/asteroid.
Finallyyy to your relief if you have many of these aspects, Squares and opposition are better than no aspects at all! It shows you have potential energy in the aspected planets. If there are no aspects at all that means you have to FORCE this energy between two placements out of nowhere, for an example In synastry a lack of aspects can be like running out of things to talk about, forcing things to work but there’s not much there between you two whereas when there’s a square there’s a spark even though it’s challenging it can result in some form of a peace treaty or harmony. So be grateful for all placements of all kinds they have their pros.
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mariaelenaariente · 1 year
Why do cancers get bullied a lot?
Hello there.
I would personally say that due to many stereotypes and (unfortunately) many Cancerians out there living by their wounds and not channeling their Higher Self's energy, this energy is highly misunderstood.
Cancer energy is very healing and extremely powerful. However, we often hear such words as Crybaby, Sensitive, or even Fragile when these placements are described. Now, if someone with Cancer placements were to passively choose to live by those characteristics, they'll be great at it, sure. But that is still not what the purest and most evolved form of this energy is.
At their best, Cancerians are sympathetic, helpful, intuitive, maternal, tenacious, and strong. When living in tune with their chart they can achieve literally anything they set their minds to. But partially because this energy is so strong and partially because of how hard it can be to truly tap into it as it does not fit well with today's societal expectation of a fast-paced life devoted to work and the annihilation of self in the name of overachievement and perfectionism, natives with Cancer placements often don't discover their full potential.
And as I've said before Cancerian energy can be overwhelming emotional, manipulative, and brooding. In a certain sense, and please don't get this the wrong way, they can be easily hurt, and thus a "satisfying" victim of sadistic bullying. They can also have the tendency of feeling overly sorry for themselves, which makes things worse. However please consider what planets are placed in Cancer and which houses and aspects are involved as this will be very influential.
In the Astrological community, however, these placements often get picked on for their sensitivity simply because sensitivity, a caring nature, and nurturing tendencies aren't the qualities we believe on a societal level a successful and powerful person possesses. We tend to praise those who showcase their power through force rather than love.
(Let me know if this doesn't mean much sense).
I personally believe that Cancer placements are possibly the most in need of deep inner child work. To live happily whilst embodying their Higher Self they need to be able to accept and love themselves fully, which isn't an easy task, especially if most people around you are saying you're "too much".
Living in tune with their nature is so favorable that they often turn their lives around completely once they reach that point in their lives. An in-depth understanding of their chart will also help immensely!
Have your chart analyzed by me Learn natal astrology
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astro-tag-9 · 29 days
i asked the Lilith question I asked as an aspect interpretation but I'm not sure if you do those, if so sorry! 🫣
You attract a lot of attention, whether intentional or not. Your natural aurora keeps people watching. Sometimes you may feel like people try and s3xualize you rather than taking the time to know and understand you. It is likely that others may be jealous of your appeal to others. You are either prone to be always single, or always in a relationship. Extremes only, black or white. Not much grey area in many aspects of your life. May start chaos or drama without intending to.
It can be a hard aspect to have in the sense of getting people to take the time to really know and understand who you are underneath the surface. As much as the admiration of others is satisfying, you wonder if they like what they see rather than who you truly are.
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imagineastrology · 2 years
Hey love✨
Can you tell me about asc conjunct pluto and asc square lilith? I have these two aspects on my chart🌚
Not to mention that my lilith reigns in the eighth house🍃
What do you think about the appearance and characteristics? Thank you !! 🤍
Hi :)
🔮pluto conjunct asc: pluto is the mask that you wear when you enter out into society. Depending on your house placement, it may be more obivous (1st house) or slightly hidden (12th house) for example. There is a similarity here though, there seems to be an 'alert' button, you never feel truly at peace when you out in the world, your detective like nature makes it uncomfortable for you as you want to know what is going on, 24/7. You may come across mysterious, quiet but intelligent and somewhat on the defense. Pluto-asc suggests that the facial features become sharper and the eyes are more piercing, and the clothes are more gothic- less colour and brightness to them. The opposite to a Leo/Sun- asc lol
⛓️lilith square asc: key words that come to my mind: KICK ASS! Boudica! Doesn't take any bullshit.. from anyone, not even themselves. Will stand up for the underdog and will not allow anyone or the world, to disrespect, especially in public. May have had to learn how to stand up for themselves. This is someone you want on your team...once they have decided you are trusted, then they will fight for you. Loyal. They LOOK like warriors.
🦋lilith in the 8th house:
knows their own demons.
WILL look you in the eye.
trauma/defenses around 8th house themes so sex, taboos, death, morality and mortality, existensialism, other people's money, debt, unseen forces.
they are the definition of warriors imo. 8th energy ain't easy
wonderful counsellors/therapists/healers. You bet your butt they've heard (and seen) it all.
Hope this was informative :)
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cloudsandwaterfalls · 2 years
How does a male with Mercury conjunct lilith conjunct venus communicate and come off to others? Mercury is also conjunct venus. Thanks in advance!
Hello! I hope you doing well. Thank you for the ask.
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Mercury conjunct Lilith:
💮 Results in a speech that is very eccentric and thus, could come off as a bit weird or inappropriate for the situation.
💮 As this is a conjunction, it combines the effects of mercury (communication, speech) and Lilith (raw desires and thoughts) together and intensifies its effects.
💮 Since Lilith is an asteroid that represents one's rawest form of emotions, thoughts, and desires, when you talk, there is not guard or filter, instead you just say it like it is and sometimes that doesn't cooperate with the existing social expectations.
💮 This placement also results in a person who is a fighter and an advocate for those without a voice because they always aim to say the truth, even if it hurts.
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Mercury conjunct venus:
🕊 This placement results in a person who has Venusian aspects during communication.
🕊 This is a stark contrast with mercury conjunct Lilith since venus makes a person very diplomatic, soft-spoken, kind-hearted, great at giving fashion or art advice, and has a way with words.
🕊 You tend to not be very harsh with words and instead, want to deal with things in a diplomatic way - think Libra and its scales of justice.
🕊 Finally, this placement definitely gives you good flirting abilities, whether you are trying to flirt or not.
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So, to figure out which aspect has a greater effect on you, you would need to look at the tightest of the orbs/aspects (which you can find on astro.com). Whichever aspect is smaller and thus, stronger, is the predominant way in which you come off to others.
However, I think that mercury conjunct Lilith helps you attract an audience in your speech while mercury conjunct venus helps you maintain that audience.
I hope this helped! Thank you again for the ask and I hope you have a great day!
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geovanag · 1 year
Composite Chart (basic information) #1 🪐
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The Composite chart describes the character of the relationship between two people. Although it seems very complicated, it is more understandable for those like me who can interpret the Birth Chart at a basic level (maybe more advanced level).
Just as when you first open the birth chart, you look at which sign and which house the planets are in and you can make basic interpretations with it, you can apply the same process to the composite chart. Only while interpreting this chart, the subject will change and two people will become "us".
You can get this chart from free charting sites like astro.com and astro.seek, but you need to be sure of the "birth time" of both people.
In my opinion, Sun, Moon, Venus, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Ascendant are really important in the composite chart.
🪐Sun represents the man in the relationship and the identity of the relationship.
🪐I have read on many blogs and other websites that the Moon represents the woman in the relationship. It also describes the situation of the couple at home and of course the emotional state.
🪐 Mercury represents how and in what form the communication in the relationship is.
🪐 Venus is the state of flirtation and affection between the two partners (in which cases it is restricted or the influence is fluid),
🪐 Mars, I will examine this couple to talk about their sexuality and the situations in which they act together.
When we analyze the other planets (Saturn, Jupiter, Pluto, Uranus, Neptune), I think that their positions in the chart and some aspects are important in general, without getting too hung up on the signs. Now I will talk about what the houses mean.
1st house -> describes how the couple looks from the outside when they are with each other (physically) How do people around know this couple? What activity do they usually see them doing?
2nd house -> Informs us about how the partners value each other and what their material gains will be.
3rd house -> This house in the natal chart, which covers relations with relatives, friends and siblings in general, I realized that the composite chart, based on my observations, mostly gives information about friendships.
4th house -> The dialogues you have with each other in your shared home, the way you feel when you are together and who is more dominant and in control at home.
5th house -> Hobbies, dating, children… yes this house really gives information about all the subjects it represents.
6th house -> This house, where we can get information about health issues, I think it is quite ineffective in my observations. Unless the planets placed here are very strong in aspects (such as square and opposite), the effect on the chart is very uncertain.
7th house -> While giving information about the process leading to marriage (such as engagement), interestingly I noticed that in case of a possible breakup in the relationship, it can be analyzed quite well as to who would want to leave.
8th house -> It gives information about crisis situations. Of course it also gives information about sexuality.
9th house -> I have observed that couples with planets influential here often plan a nice trip to go on vacation in their relationship, as well as studying together in higher education. Imagine that both people are professors at a university.
10th house -> similar to the first house will give information about how people see the couple.
11th house -> Shows how your relationship fits into your social environment.
12th house -> I have witnessed that this house, which overshadows even the most beautiful indicators, works negatively in the composite chart. Things that are hidden, things that are hidden from the other person are located in this house. It is not long term. Disappointment and tears are here.
In the next post I will talk about what the ascendant means in signs. And then, the sun in signs, the moon in signs, mercury in signs, venus in signs and mars in signs… We will learn together not only sign but also which houses are. And in one of the articles of this series, there will be articles in which we make observations by analyzing sample composite charts.
Share your comments and curiosities with me and let's think together.
Take care,, 🌬🤎
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astrologged · 1 year
Sirius is a fixed star that can have an influence on a natal chart when it is conjunct a personal planet like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars.
If Sirius is conjunct an angle in a natal chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, or IC), it indicates a person who is destined for greatness or who has a powerful presence. It also indicates a person who is drawn to esoteric or spiritual pursuits.
Sirius in the houses: 
1st house: This person may have a magnetic personality or a strong physical presence. They’re natural leaders and have a deep spiritual connection.
2nd house: Financial success or a talent for making money. It also indicates a person who values spiritual pursuits over material possessions.
3rd house: They have a gift for communication or writing. They’re also drawn to spiritual or philosophical topics.
4th house: A strong connection to family or roots. It also indicates a person who is drawn to spiritual or esoteric pursuits related to the home or family.
5th house: They have a talent for the arts or entertainment. They may also have a strong spiritual connection to children or creative pursuits.
6th house: A person who is drawn to healing or service-oriented careers. They also have a gift for seeing the bigger picture or understanding the interconnectedness of all things.
7th house: A person who is destined for a powerful partnership or who values spiritual connections in relationships.
8th house: They have a gift for transformation or understanding the deeper mysteries of life. They may also have a strong connection to the spiritual world.
9th house: A person who is drawn to spiritual or philosophical pursuits, or who has a gift for teaching or mentoring.
10th house: A person who is destined for success or who has a powerful public presence. They’re also drawn to spiritual or esoteric pursuits related to career or reputation.
11th house: They have a gift for networking or bringing people together. They may also have a strong spiritual connection to community or social causes.
12th house: A person who is drawn to spiritual or esoteric pursuits, or who has a strong connection to the spiritual world. They also have a gift for healing or understanding the deeper mysteries of life, they can be psychic.
Sirius conjunctions in the chart 
Sirius conjunct Sun: A strong sense of purpose and a desire to make a significant impact in the world. This placement is associated with leadership and a need to be recognized for one's achievements.
Sirius conjunct Moon: A strong emotional nature and a need for emotional fulfillment. This placement is associated with intuition and psychic ability.
Sirius conjunct Mercury: A sharp mind and strong communication skills. This placement is associated with success in business and a talent for negotiation.
Sirius conjunct Venus: Gives the person a strong sense of beauty and aesthetics. This placement is associated with artistic talent and a love of luxury.
Sirius conjunct Mars: A strong will and the ability to overcome obstacles. This placement is associated with success in athletic pursuits and a competitive nature.
Sirius conjunct Ascendant: A person who is charismatic, influential, and likely to achieve great success in their life. They have a strong presence and are natural leaders.
Sirius conjunct Descendant: The person is likely to attract influential or powerful partners in their life. This could manifest as a spouse or business partner who helps the person achieve great success.
Sirius conjunct Midheaven: The person is likely to achieve great success in their career or public life. They may be recognized as a leader or authority in their field.
Sirius conjunct IC: The person may have success in their personal life, such as in their home or family. They’re able to create a stable and prosperous home environment for themselves and their loved ones.
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cosmic-crow444 · 5 months
My chiron is exactly conjunct my juno in Scorpio...whelp
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astral-lucy · 2 years
hi lucyyyyyy !!
would you tell me what you think about venus conjunct neptune in a person's natal chart? thank you :DD
hi loopholeloophole hahaha that felt like a tongue twister
venus conjunct neptune
stuck in a fantasy
that means of people, of situations
especially crushes, partners and romantic scenarios
always daydreaming that prince(ss) charming will come looking for you out of the blue
really sensitive people
imagiantive, which leads you to be creative!
usually givers
easily touched by art
and you also forgive easily (which may not always be good)
since you have high standards you've set in your own head, you're hard to get to
and to you, love has to be perfect and honest
so you don't fall for just anyone
you could sacrifice yourself for those you love (also not always a good thing)
even with wanting to live that romantic fantasy, is hard for you to take the first step
hope this was whaat you wanted!
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lunaapudleonem · 2 years
If someone personal planets conjunct my south node, does this mean that this person stand in the way of my growth?
Yes, it could mean that. It could also mean that you've met that person in your previous life and that you have some unfinished business with them.
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miss-tea-k · 2 years
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Ketu conjunct ascendant | Who am I?
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Hiya! Any thoughts on lilith conjunct vertex in the 8th and lilith sextile node? I'm not sure what they mean TvT) Tysm!
This combination makes a native want to be very rebellious and independent, and part of your purpose in this life is to be independent and break societal norms. One feels the need to be these things because that is what feels most true to yourself. The 8th house is about debt, other people's things, and burdens so when the Vertex and Lilith meet here it signifies that one must not get caught up in everyone else's burdens, you need to be true to yourself. You need to heal yourself, not others.
Again, many 8th housers give off this aura of being open so many people want to impose themselves on the native when the native wants nothing to do with anyone.
Lilith sextile Node is similar. Themes of independence, rebellion, and the dark side of others and yourself are very common in your life. The North Node is what we are growing into, or what we need to grow into. This placement suggests that the path you must go down is a path of independence, now that doesn't mean you're fated to never have any friends or significant others, it just means that you must be a little more independent than others. Getting help from others if fine too but only when you really need it.
One is to explore their dark side with these two placements, they must expose their dark side and become at peace with it because that is most likely what is holding them back
Hope that helped, thank you ❤️
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