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yugirl · 2 years
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GX RAREPAIRS WEEK - Connectionshipping- Milestone
You should’ve known I was going to use this ship. The problem is I struggled on what to do until late. After which I chose to illustrate a scene from my GX month fanfic which you can read here: https://yugirl.tumblr.com/post/661540661126905856/day-6-heartfelt-appeal
I’ll be honest. Despite it not looking as good as the others, I am proud of this. This is the only image where I didn’t sketch it before hand and used the model program provided in clip studio paint for the pose. So I can take pride in that at least, as well as the detail in the rings. Maybe I’ll try using one of the other ideas on Sunday instead.
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
What the fuck is a connectionship
Asking the same fucking questions myself
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winged-kuribeau · 3 years
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Connectionshipping family photo!!
God I love this family!! So handsome and full of unconditional love!
Jaden, Bastion, Chazz and Jesse with their 3 kids Aurora (4), Rosalie (3) and Damien (1)
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get-chazzed · 3 years
“DAD’S HOME!!!” Two young girls charge down the hallway and tackle Chazz around the waist while a toddler who looks like Chazz’s mini me tries to catch up.
He quickly took off his glasses and stuffed them in his pocket as soon as he heard the first shout. His contacts had decided to fail him halfway through the day and he's had to switch them out to drive back home. No way he was letting the kids think he was a nerd like Bastion.
The tackle had him stammer back by two steps, these girls definitely had more energy than he'd ever had- which maybe wasn't that surprising considering who the parents were. Still, it was flattering to see that they'd all run to the door to welcome him. He was, indeed, home.
"Ha, indeed I am," he announced fondly, patting both Aurora and Rosalie on their heads. He then sank to his knees to welcome Damien into the hug, too. He extended one hand to him as an invite. "Come here, little one."
He broke the hug after a few seconds, as he was still carrying his backpack and needed to put it down, badly. Taking off his shoes was the second thing. As he sat down on the step in their hall to do just that, he delivered the good news.
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"Ok, hear me out: I didn't go to the store so we could have takeout for dinner. But I'm going to claim I just found the shop closed, alright?" Nothing was better than leading a pack of mischievous children. "And you distract your dads if they start arguing that the closing times don't add up. Puppy eyes. You know it always works."
He ruffled Damien's hair as he addressed him with a big smile. "Your job is to tell me what you want to eat."
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tribeofwriters · 4 years
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Sometimes having coffee with your best friend, is all the therapy you need. #therapy #conversation #connectionship #connection #relationships #friends #bestfriends #coffee #eeffoc #morningcoffee #butfirstcoffee #setyourselfup #tribeofwriters #sitintheseat #workthatmatters #hardwork #workhard #authorpreneur #getshitdone #dothework #dothedo #writersjourney #tipsforwriters #writers #authors #tipsforcreatives #tipsforauthors #writingtips #writingadvice #writedaily @tribeofwriters (at Marietta, Georgia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9taJWtgh90/?igshid=igb6z8phtmo8
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pridewhatpride · 3 years
Ok. I'll go alright. For those unaware, Connectionshipping is the poly ship involving Judai, Manjoume, Misawa and Johan.
I'll give it a solid 6/10.
It might sound very underwhelming, I know, but listen: anything above 5 means I actively like the ship rather than disliking/not minding it.
I have a hard time fully getting my head around poly dynamics and that is entirely because I am not poly myself and have... issues with talking with more than 1 person at a time hah. I am fully supportive of poly relationships, to be clear about that- I am making a reflection on my own feelings towards it (which might seem like they don't matter, but when you project onto Manjoume as much as I do, it starts to).
The question here is that: YES. This has potential to work and there are so many interesting interactions to explore. The boys would be eachother's support and safety net and I love each and every one on one dynamic as much as the group ones. I'll be entirely honest and say that Connectionshipping ranks lower than Primaryshipping, in my book- and that is... because I can't read Johan's character, not entirely. And it's very hard to imagine him and Judai in a relationship with other people and eachother at the same time, because the fandom has ingrained it in my brain that they are the perfect couple that just works. So what happens when Misawa walks in? Does he... third wheel? I know poly dynamics don't work like that, absolutely. Don't get me wrong. I simply have a big fear of people feeling left out, and Spiritshipping feels like it would do that a lot (... it has in the show?).
For the rest- absolute power team. They are the unlikely husbands who, when you think about it, really do make sense. Manjoume is the 'he asked for no pickles' guy, but 'him' is the three buff men standing menacingly behind this edgy emo wannabe. They kick eachother off the bed when it's too warm. Judai steals the blankets. They are overall soft and nice. Stan the ship and look up content. And make it. There is not enough.
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life-0r-death · 3 years
@yugirl made a ship meme for connectionshipping and I wanted to make one for galileanshipping.
Galileanshipping is a GX/5Ds polyship created by @kitsunephantom09 and myself, involving Jaden/Judai Yuki x Bastion/Daichi Misawa x Yusei Fudo x Jack Atlas. “Galilean” comes from the Galilean moons of Jupiter for which there are four major ones: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto.
Io is a moon covered in active volcanoes. Much like Jack’s Burning Soul. Europa is a moon covered in ice, much like Yusei’s Stardust Dragon and his calming yet cool demeanor. Ganymede, though another icy moon, is the largest and has the greatest magnetic pull. Much like Jaden, it draws attention and has a surface that retains both cold and hot. Callisto is the second largest moon, and yet does not retain the magnetic pull from Jupiter. It is outside the connection and therefore is not affected by tidal heating. It, too, is the most heavily cratered moon. Much like Bastion, it is alone and apart, scarred from years of abandonment, yet it is the most helpful, considered to be the best habitable moon for human life.
With the Galilean moons, the ship was created, giving a tie to the movement of space and time.
But now, onto the ship meme part!
Who made the first move;
Technically it was an equal part from Jaden and Yusei. Jaden and Bastion were already in a relationship just as Yusei and Jack were. Yusei and Jaden met in BBT, and never forgot one another. Soon, they wanted to involve their current lovers, so Jaden and Yusei brought them all together and spoke honestly, telling the two they wanted to form a poly relationship.
Who said ‘I love you’ first;
Between Bastion and Jaden, Jaden said it first. Since returning from the Spirit World, he’s had a greater appreciation for people and those who stuck by his side, as well as those who suffer from their own darknesses. He learned to see Bastion and to learn from him, eventually forming into a deep love that couldn’t be contained.

Between Yusei and Jack, Jack said it first in an annoyed rage. They ended up together soon after that.

Between Yusei and Jaden, Yusei said it first. After bending time to see each other once more, Yusei found himself just unable to let Jaden go. He told him in full earnest emotions that he loved him and wanted him to stay in his era.

Between Yusei and Bastion, Yusei said it first. Yusei fell deeply in love with Bastion’s calculating thoughts, his need to write formulas, and his beauty and intelligence. It sort of just came out of his mouth, watching Bastion write his thoughts down upon the wall. And he just opened his mouth to compliment his ideas, but a ‘I love you’ came instead. Bastion didn’t talk to Yusei for a week, too flustered to even look him in the eye properly.

Between Bastion and Jack, it was Bastion. Their relationship starts off rocky, not as committed as the others are. But after some time, Bastion and Jack find they have a mutual affection for each other. Jack doesn’t know how to label it. Bastion does, and after a heated fight, Bastion states that he doesn’t want bad blood between them because he loves Jack. And from there on out, their relationship got better.
Between Jaden and Jack, they don't remember who said it first. They just seem to have said they loved each other always.
How often do they fight;
They have petty fights, small things that irk them that cause annoyance and talks. Yusei and Bastion are ones who want to talk everything out while Jaden and Jack are much more inclined to physical relief. Their petty fights don’t amount to much, but their big ones are disastrous. Often, its between Bastion and Jack the most as they have opposite opinions on several matters that are important to them. Yusei and Jaden often run interference. Yusei rarely fights with anyone, and it is typically resolved quickly. Jaden rarely fights, and if he does, he usually settles it with a duel or a fist fight.
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon;
There are two constants and there are two that change depending on the sleeping cycle or habits. Yusei is always the big spoon. He enjoys holding his partners and making them feel safe. Bastion is always the little spoon. He never asks for it, but his shoulders often slump in a way that indicates he needs affection, and his partners are more than willing to provide.
Jaden and Jack are flexible. They cuddle as the dynamics need or what they want. But, in a percentage, Jaden is big spoon 75% of the time and little spoon 25%. Jack is big spoon 45% of the time and little spoon 55%.
What are their nicknames for each other;
Yusei: (to Bastion) Bas; (to Jaden) Jay; (to Jack) my King
Jaden: (to Yusei) babe, daddy, Yu; (to Bastion) Bas, Basy, babe, pretty boy; (to Jack): Jackie, babe, baby, my King[after hearing from Yusei]
Bastion: he doesn’t really do nicknames, mainly calling everyone but their full name, but he does at times call Jaden ‘Jay’ when he’s flustered or aroused.
Jack: doesn’t really call anyone nicknames other than shortening Bastion to Bas and Jaden to Jay.
Who’s the better cook;
Bastion and Jack. Jack is the best cook of them all, having taken time to learn while under Godwin’s custody as it was often a stress reliever. Bastion is a bit of a health nut, so he cooks and enjoy it to make healthy snacks while Jack is all about baking treats and cakes.
Their song;
Take This City by Everfound
Who remembers their anniversaries;
Bastion the most. He’s very aware of holidays and birthdays as well as anniversaries as he wants his partners to feel loved and adored. Yusei is a close second as he often makes sure their anniversaries are directed toward Bastion the most. Jack and Jaden don’t really care and often forget. To them its just another day. Yusei understands that to Bastion, it’s an event of their love, lasting longer and longer, and he is the one who needs the reminder the most. So Yusei is always sure that Bastion knows they all know (even if he’s the one reminding Jack and Jaden).
Their favorite thing to do together (besides sex);
Jack and Jaden love dueling one another. Either in standing duels or riding duels, they get the greatest enjoyment in challenging one another and beating the ever-living crap out of one another.
Yusei and Bastion adore working on projects together. That could be deck building or bike updating or even house updates or plans. They plan it out and they figure out all the nuances of their projects and they absolutely lose themselves in each other.
Jaden and Bastion love to cuddle. Jaden always starts it, Bastion just letting him hold him or pull him into his lap or Jaden lying on his. They can be in bed sleeping or they can be relaxing on the couch reading/watching tv, but their favorite thing is to physically be near one another.
Jaden and Yusei are often training, Yusei learning to harness his Clear Mind and Jaden controlling his Darkness powers. The two powers work pretty well to repel each other as well as work together. Jaden loves using his powers and Yusei loves pushing their limits as well as experimenting (sometimes Jack joins using Burning Soul while Bastion helps keep track of their scores/health/stats/etc. but more often than not, its mainly just Yusei and Jaden's thing)
Jack and Bastion are also cuddlers, but often they have emotional chats. Bastion and Jack just lie beside one another in the semi darkness of Jack’s room, talking in quiet tones about all sorts of emotional stuff. Babies, families, traumas, sex, fights, parents, growing up, etc. All sorts of things where they are crying or smiling or laughing.
Who ‘wears the pants’ in the relationship;
Yusei always wears the pants.
Jaden always wears the pants for Bas and Jack, and will sometimes wear the pants for Yusei but mostly doesn’t for him.
Jack wears the pants for Bas, but does not for Yusei and Jaden.
Bastion never wears the pants.
How they would get engaged;
Everyone but Bas aren’t really into marriage. They see no need for it. Bastion follows in their thoughts and never proposes, but he does dream of the idea of getting married. They do, however, eventually get married but more for financial and medical reasons than for romantic ones. Yusei and Bastion marry as Yusei understand Bastions dream for it better, and they take it much more seriously. So Yusei proposes to Bastion in a small but simple way, walking around town and then getting on one knee with a ring in hand. Bastion, of course, flushes red and cries, mumbling a yes before Yusei is standing, slipping the ring on, and kissing the daylights out of Bastion. When they do finally marry, Bastion takes on Yusei’s name in a hyphenation so he becomes Bastion Misawa-Fudo.
Jaden and Jack marry for the financial/medical reasons. They don't particularly do a proposal, they just say 'we should do it for xyz.' They do not take on each other’s name, and they don’t make a big deal of it.
What would their wedding be like;
Though they don’t care for marriage, each married couple does have a wedding.
Bastion and Yusei have a calm wedding with family and close friends where the only media allowed is Carly. The media is allowed since Yusei is a figure for the people, but mostly it is just the enjoyment of each other. Yusei wears a black tuxedo. Bastion wears a white tuxedo (though I have thought of Bastion wearing a white wedding gown). Their rings would be simple, just silver bands. But on the inside would be all of their names etched.
Jack and Jaden have a much bigger wedding with all the press and all the bells and whistles. Jack makes it a big extravaganza, wearing his best tuxedo with the finest threads. Jaden would wear a red tuxedo. There would be talk that Jaden is similar to the famous ‘Jaden Yuki’ that disappeared years ago, but often it is thought he is just named after the same man. They don’t correct that thinking. They too have simple silver bands, much to the presses’ disappointment, but inside is also all of their names.
How many kids would they have;
This has been plotted between Kit and I for a long while, as well as a recent addition from Yugirl.
Jack Atlas (mommy) + Jaden Yuki (papa) = Shiloh Yuki (female)
Jack Atlas (mommy) + Yusei Fudo (daddy) = Lily Fudo (female)
Jaden Yuki (papa) + Bastion Misawa-Fudo (mama) = Yubel “Yubie” Yuki (male)
(From yugirl: Jaden + Bas = Rosalie [female])
Bastion Misawa-Fudo (mama) + Yusei Fudo (daddy) = Zebadiah “Zeb” Misawa-Fudo (male)
Jack Atlas (mommy *but not one who gave birth) + Bastion Misawa-Fudo (mama) = Soul Misawa-Fudo-Atlas (born female; later non-binary)
Jaden Yuki (papa *but one who gives birth) + Yusei Fudo (daddy) = Orion (male) [note: this is more of a concept and this child doesn't appear unless certain circumstances are met)
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Torchwood Ship Names
Long ish post warning! this post contains every possible 2 person combination of Jack, Gwen, Rhys, Ianto, Owen and Tosh! after this post I’m going to try and keep the phrase ship names to 1/2 options because theres no point in having the like 11 different versions of one ship name, i guess.
combo: gwack (i prefer jwen honestly)
initials: JHGC
(blank)shipping: normalityshipping
phrase: foster disaster / stray collector / blue coats
combo: rhack 
initials: JHRW
(blank)shipping: connectionshipping
phrase: torched axis / coming back home
combo: janto 
initials: JHIJ
(blank)shipping: captainshipping
phrase: job perks / snark and coffee / immortal baby face / protagonists dont get happy endings
combo: jowen
initials: JHOH
(blank)shipping: undeadshipping
phrase: remade wrong / sarcastic bulletholes
combo: tock ? / josh ? / ???
initials: JHTS
(blank)shipping: rebelshipping
phrase: team parents / the Fuck Unit Squad / 
combo: rhen / ghys
initials: GCRW
(blank)shipping: homeshipping
phrase: sense of normality / grown curfew / 
combo: gwianto / gianto idk
initials: GCIJ
(blank)shipping: righthandshipping
phrase: entangled yearning / metal biscuits
combo: gowen
initials: GCOH
(blank)shipping: cuntshipping  snarkshipping
phrase: broken pints
combo: gosh / gwosh i guess
initials: GCTS
(blank)shipping: hubshipping
phrase:digital alibi
initials: RWIJ
(blank)shipping: behindshipping
phrase: first fiddle / naked tea / 
initials: RWOH
(blank)shipping: drinkshipping
phrase: closing bars / 
combo: tohys
initials: RWTS
(blank)shipping: homebaseshipping
phrase: drugged support
combo: iawen
initials: IJOH
(blank)shipping: brokenshipping 
phrase: tea and bones / tea boyfriends (via @passiveinferno) / 
combo: toshto
initials: IJTS
(blank)shipping: techshipping
phrase: techno lovers / fried circuits / 
combo: towen
initials: OHTS
(blank)shipping: snubbedshipping
phrase: rude tech /  mental pheromones / 
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evadedalumni · 7 years
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When a boy becomes a man. When playtime is over and life really begins. Wasted efforts in physical attraction sex and looks no longer satisfy the hunger when you want to commit 100%
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Polyship Tournament
Ok so here’s the thing.
I’m only doing polyships that I know for a fact people ship, like there are fics or fan art of them
So the list of Polyships will be smaller than the list of ships
Redshipping/slifershipping (Syrus x Chumley x Jaden)
Brothershipping (Hassleberry x Jaden x Syrus)
Aidshipping (Jaden x Jesse x Aster)
Choiceshipping (Jaden x Chazz x Alexis)
Competitorshipping: (Chazz x Jaden x Jesse)
Fascinateshipping (Alexis x Jaden x Jesse)
Primaryshipping (Jaden x Bastion x Chazz)
Phoneshipping (Jaden x Bastion x Alexis)
Connectionshipping (Jaden x Bastion x Chazz x Jesse)
Galileanshipping (Jaden x Bastion x Yusei x Jack)
Attraction (Jaden x Jesse x Syrus)
Possessshipping (Jaden x Jesse x Yubel)
Cometshipping (Jim x Axel x Jaden)
Kindredshipping (Jaden x Jesse x Yusei)
Rockyshipping (Jaden x Jim x Jesse)
Antiheroshipping (Zane x Aster x Jaden)
Are there any other Polyships that should be included on the list? Let me know! Polls will be up Thursday (probably?)
Just need 2 more for a balanced tournament
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yugirl · 3 years
Day 6: “Heartfelt Appeal”
You find two characters that click so well, look them up...and there’s no content! ‘Why?? Someone, please make content!’ The pleas go unheard. You’ll just have to make it yourself. Show some love for your rare pairs today!
((Well as I am the only one who makes connectionshipping content, here I am. More connectionshipping content for GX month. I wanted to challenge myself by not writing parent au because that’s usually my go-to… so let’s see what we got…))
The night was tense. The air was so thick Jaden could cut it with a knife. He had no idea what to do. Everyone had been acting so strange. It was supposed to be their anniversary, a day of fun… but everyone was acting off.
Jesse was trying to get everyone together, Chazz was attempting to speak to each of them in private, and Bastion kept dragging everyone off to places only to be frustrated that they missed out on the booking no one but him knew about, which would make everyone else more stressed. So their anniversary date was cancelled.
Everyone was angry. No one talked and made their own dinner, and then they all went to bed, but… Jaden couldn’t sleep.
He decided to get out of bed, a difficult feat with Chazz and Jesse on either side of him. He watched the three of them, obviously pretending to be asleep. None of them would typically be sleeping at this hour. They just didn’t want to talk to each other. It was pathetic.
He made himself a coffee and went outside to look at the night sky.
What the hell was going on? Did Chazz suddenly decide the poly life wasn’t for him? Was Jesse going back to Europe? Was Bastion trying to take them out for one last nice dinner before he ran away back to the other world to be with Tanya?
That had to be it. The relationship was breaking up, but of course, instead of talking about it like adults, everyone tried to go about it their own way, and when it didn’t work out, they got mad at each other.
But Jaden didn’t want the relationship to be over… he couldn’t understand. What happened to make everyone want to call it off.
What did he do wrong?
He leaned on the balcony and started sobbing. He was going to be all alone again, and there’s nothing he could do about it.
Jesse had very keen intuition. He could usually sense something was wrong. He opened his eyes and noticed Jaden’s spot in the bed was empty. That was a cause for worry. Jaden never went anywhere without waking one of them to tell them first.
He then heard the sobbing and began to panic. He started to shake Bastion and Chazz awake violently.
“Ow! What the hell Anderson!?” Chazz snapped.
“Jesse, what’s going on?” Bastion fake yawned.
“Guys, Jaden’s crying!” Jesse hissed.
The other two finally noticed the space in the bed. The worry immediately setting in.
The three of them frantically toss the covers off the bed. And scramble to find Jaden, fortunately, in this house Chazz managed to win off his brothers, sound carries, and it didn’t take long for them to hear Jaden’s sobbing.
The alarm bells immediately went off.
Jesse was the first to approach, but Bastion and Chazz weren’t too far behind.
“What’s wrong, Jay…?” Jesse asked softly.
“w… what… what did I do wrong?!” Jaden sobbed.
“What?” Jesse whispered in confusion, “y-you haven’t done anything wrong, Jaden, you’re absolutely wonderful….”
“B-but w-why are breaking up with me….”
All three of them froze.
“Y-you’re breaking up with me, aren’t you? Ch-Chazz has been trying to talk to us one on one because he wants out of the polycule, J-Jesse’s been trying to break it to us that he’s going back to Europe, a-and B-Bastion’s planning to run away with Tania, so he planned the day to say g-goodbye, and you’re all upset because you’re unhappy about the relationship and refuse to talk about it!!”
Jesse immediately scooped Jaden onto a hug “Jay! I would never!!— I’m not breaking up with you guys! In fact, it’s the opposite! I love y’all so much, and I never want to be apart from y’all.”
“Jesse’s right!” Bastion agreed, “if anything, I thought you’d have gotten tired of me a long time ago… even now, I’m still learning about how to love in a relationship like this… but I’m so happy here… I don’t want to leave!”
“Slacker, you’re an idiot for thinking that we would ever want to leave you!” Chazz sputters, “w-we l-love you….”
“But then why were you all acting so weird!! Why were you all so upset today! I-I don’t understand!!”
“I was trying to propose!!” All three exclaimed at once. It took a few seconds to realise they chorused and a few more to process that… all three of them tried to propose on the same day? “You too!?”
“W-why wouldn’t I propose on our anniversary!” Chazz protested, “I-I was trying to propose to you all one on one b-because I wanted to make it special for each of you!!”
“You’re kidding!” Jesse gasped. “I was trying to get everyone together because I wanted to propose to all three of you at once. I even had custom rings made!”
“A-and I had this big itinerary planned so we could go to all of your favourite places before proposing after dinner tonight, I had all the surprises planned out, and then I got frustrated because it didn’t work….”
Jaden was shaking “s-so all of you were upset because your proposals didn’t go the way you planned?”
He cupped his face and started sobbing again. “You guys are jerks!!! I thought you were breaking up with me!!”
All three of them immediately started to comfort him, kissing his hands and face and whispering apologies. They were all so obsessed with getting their proposal perfectly that they were inconsiderate of each other, especially Jaden, who had no proposal plan and just wanted to celebrate their anniversary.
They all felt awful…
“Come back to bed, Jay….” Jesse whispered, “we’re sorry….”
“I-ok…” he slowly followed them. He was still sniffling and contemplating.
They made their way back to the bedroom, only for Jaden to blurt it out.
“Will you marry me?”
The other three froze and turned around.
“I… I know this isn’t personalised or after a perfect date night, and I don’t have any rings, but… I don’t need any of that!! I just have all this love to give! That’s all I have… I want to love and be loved and grow old with all of you… so… will you marry me?”
The others were stunned silent, only for Jesse to break it by getting something out of his jacket. “Of course I’ll marry you, Jay! Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Jaden smiled as Jesse slipped the ring on his finger. A ruby in a heart-shaped cut with a silver engraved band.
“Jaden… Jesse… will you marry me?” Bastion asked, approaching hesitantly.
“Of course, Bastion! Will you marry us?” Jesse smiled.
“Yes, I will!” He smiled as Jesse slipped the ring on his finger. Yellow topaz in a diamond cut with an engraved silver band.
Chazz blushed and got down on one knee before the other three “w… will you three marry me as well?”
“Of course we will, Chazz!” Bastion smiled and helped him up.
“Will you marry us, Chazz?” Asked Jesse.
“Yes! Yes, a thousand times!” Chazz smiled. Jesse happily picked up a ring and slid it on Chazz’s finger. A star cut amethyst on an engraved silver band.
Jaden noticed the last ring and picked it up, looking at the other two.
“Jesse Anderson, will you marry us?”
Jesse smiled and nodded through the tears. “I sure will!!”
Jaden slid the gem-shaped sapphire ring onto his finger. All four of them smiling and holding back tears.
They did it! They were engaged.
Jaden smiled and hugged them all. “I love you guys so much!”
“I love you all too!” Chazz managed to croak.
“I love y’all too!” Jesse grinned.
“And I love you all as well!” Bastion whispered.
They were sticking together. Nothing could stop them now…
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Wheel Decide has decided!!
Man, some of these rounds are going to be interesting!!
Possessshipping vs Brothershipping
Galileanshipping vs Kindredshipping
Connectionshipping vs Rockyshipping
Aidshipping x Primaryshipping
Phoneshipping vs Cometshipping
Fascinateshipping vs Competitorshipping
Choiceshipping vs Antiheroshipping
Attractionshipping vs Redshipping/Slifershipping
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yugirl · 3 years
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Posting here on the main account because I’m just really proud of this piece.
It’s the Connectionshipping family.
Jesse’s working as an agent for the SODMP - the Society of Duel Monsters Protection.
Bastion is a researcher continuing Eisenstein’s work.
Jaden is a former SODMP agent turned stay-at-home mom/dad. He still wears his Slifer jacket out of nostalgia.
And Chazz is a Pro duelist
Then of course there’s the three kids Aurora Anderson-Yuki (4), Rosalie Yuki-Misawa (3) and Damien Princeton-Yuki (1)
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yugirl · 3 years
I found an old ship meme so I decided to do Connectionshipping with it! Let’s go!!
Who made the first move;
Jaden was but he was completely oblivious as to what he was doing.
Who said ‘I love you’ first;
Jaden says it platonically at first but since he struggles with telling people how he really feels about them it takes either Jesse, Bastion or even Chazz to say it to the group with meaning. Jaden is able to say it eventually but it takes time.
How often do they fight;
very little but when they do it’s rarely over something petty. Words with bones tend to get thrown around and everyone feels pretty crummy afterwards. It takes a while for them to apologise and when they do they do whatever it takes to make it up to each other. They love each other and would never want to truly break up what they have.
Who’s big spoon/little spoon;
they don’t spoon they usually tangle themselves up in knots. They do have an order though. Jaden sleeps in the middle as he usually goes to bed first. Jesse isn’t too far behind him as he doesn’t stay up much later Chazz sleeps next to Jaden because he likes to sleep on the outside so he can stick his feet out of the bed when he’s hot and Bastion sleeps on the outside next to Jesse so he can read with the lamp on and Jesse isn’t as sensitive to light as Jaden is.
What their nicknames are for each other;
Jaden: Jess, Chazzaroo, Bas
Jesse: Jay, Chazzy, Bas
Chazz: Slacker, Nerd, Dork
Bastion: absolutely not he despises using nicknames. Though he might add a “darling” or “sweetheart”
Who’s the better cook;
I want to go either Jaden or Bastion. I imagine Chazz is too lazy or proud to learn and Jesse is a bit absent minded leading to him being a bit hopeless in the kitchen. So these two take charge. Jaden and Bastion learnt to fend for themselves growing up Matilda style.
Their song;
this is annoying. I can’t use more than friends less than heroes because that’s my primaryshipping song. What to do what to do...
If anyone has song ideas please tell me.
Who remembers their anniversaries;
ok, this might sound strange, but Chazz. A lot of people think in comparison to the others he doesn’t bring much to the relationship besides money because of his tough nature. But that’s far from the truth. The anniversaries are actually a really big deal to him because it means the relationship has stayed together. He’s still in a relationship and he’s still loved and he wants to express to the others how much it really means to him. He writes his “cringey” poetry, he buys them things, and he treats them to dinner. The others keep assuring Chazz he doesn’t need to do this but he is very insistent. The others accept because that’s how Chazz shows his love and eventually they get in on the event. Though Jaden still has a terrible time remembering which causes him a great deal of anxiety.
Their favorite thing to do together (besides sex);
Jaden likes so lounge around and cuddle, Bastion just wants to be in company with the others even if it means being dragged into shenanigans, Chazz secretly likes taking group naps and Jesse likes going on mini trips with the group.
Who ‘wears the pants’ in the relationship;
I think they all wear pants? I mean sometimes Bastion, Jesse and Jaden will wear shorts in the summer and Jaden will sometimes breakout skirts when it’s particularly warm to feel the breeze on his legs. He also likes to wear ball gowns.
How they would get engaged;
It’s a mess. Mostly because they all decided to propose on the same day. normally this would be fine but all four of them have such unique ideas that clash.
Chazz is trying to propose to each of them individually because it would be easier but it’s hard to get any of them alone.
Jesse is trying to get everyone together to propose to all of them at once but they keep running off.
Bastion has the perfect day planned out but it back fires because everyone has other plans and they keep missing his bookings.
Jaden as always is trying to do it on the fly but everyone’s acting weird and it’s stressing him out.
Eventually the day ends with no proposals and everyone is upset and cranky because it all went wrong and they’re all about to go to sleep when Jaden blurts out “will you marry me?”
And everyone snaps awake like “what!?”
Jaden explains it just felt right... asking them now.
Jesse bursts out laughing because of course Jaden’s the one to get it right in the end
Bastion is red and flustered but of course he says yes
Chazz is embarrassed but buries his face in Jaden’s chest and says yes
What would their wedding be like;
A small private affair among Friends and Duel Spirits. Jesse picked out the rings because of his crystal knowledge and has the bands custom made so each ring looks unique but all four after clearly part of a set. It’s a Topaz for Bastion, a Ruby for Jaden, a Sapphire for Jesse and an Amethyst for Chazz.
All four walk down the isle together, all in personalized suits (but Jaden might we’re a dress? Haven’t decided yet).
The ceremony is short and sweet but the reception lasts hours because duel academy kids know how to party.
How many kids would they have;
Thanks to @silverfrostheart and @life-0r-death we have 3 fan children for this lovely family.
Aurora (Jesse x Jaden), Rosalie (Bastion x Jaden) and an as yet unnamed son (Chazz x Jaden)
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yugirl · 3 years
Day 21: “Crystal Bond”
Everyone has a special bond with their deck, but arguably no one more so than the Crystal Beast wielder himself, Johan/Jesse Anderson! Show off that colourful bond today.
((The lesbian witch magical girls made me emotional again and inspired this sequel to AU day))
It had been some time since Jesse returned to the duel spirit world. He was glad the world had recovered from the damage of the light of destruction, and yet…
He had assumed his role as the Crystal Protector, a position he held with pride and dignity. He had finally completed his mission and could take his throne… and yet…
Jesse sat down by the river. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t forget them.
“Hey, Jesse… thank you for listening to me….”
“Jesse!! Wanna duel? I bought some new card packs, and I want to share them with you!!”
“Hey, dork… Thanks for being a good friend….”
His heart ached. He missed them all so much. He loved them all so much! He had never fallen in love before. He didn’t even know it was possible to fall in love with more than one person!
He didn't know what to do... He just felt lost.
The rainbow dragon appeared and looked at him solemnly.
“Rainbow Dragon!!” Jesse knelt in respect and servitude to the great crystal beast.
“I'm afraid I bring grave news, Jesse.”
“What is it, Rainbow Dragon?”
“I'm afraid I cannot let you be the Crystal protector!”
“What!? Why not!?”
“The Crystal Protector can only be so if their heart is in it… Jesse, you and I both know your heart is not in this role… it’s not even in this world….”
“Then… what am I supposed to do?”
In our world, it was the five-year reunion of graduating Duel Academy
I decided to go outside and rest on the roof. I just needed some space. Being a pro duelist war great, but sometimes I just felt overwhelmed in crowds of people... It was hard without them there...
I jumped at my name being said and turned around to see Jaden standing on the roof as well.
“Jaden!!” without thinking, I ran over to him, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him.
Realising my rash decision, I immediately pulled away. “I’m so sorry I just missed you so-“
Jaden shut me up by kissing me back, he pulled away, and I could see the tears in the moonlight. “I missed you too….”
It appeared he never found anyone since Graduation either that was a comforting thought.
The two of us swayed in the Moonlight until a chuckle interrupted us. “Room for one more?”
“Bastion!!” the two of us greeted him with kisses too, that he eagerly returned.
“I missed you both so much!!” he sobbed
“We missed you too!!” the slacker and I chorused.
The three of us continued to slow dance, relieved we could find each other and still be in love...
“You know... It's not that I don't love this but do you know what would make it better?”
We all sighed. “Jesse...”
Even after five years, we were still devastated that he was gone... Back in the spirit world.
We decided to watch the full moon in the night sky and talk about the good times that's when I saw it... The shooting star.
I knew it wasn't brilliant, but I wanted to try.
Putting my hands in prayer, I wished with all my might to see Jesse again.
I didn't notice bit Jaden and even Bastion had gotten in on it. All of us wishing with all our might to see Jesse again.
“I wish”
“To see Jesse.”
“One more time!!”
We were all wishing so hard we didn't notice the wind lifting us. Suddenly the three of us were... In the sky...
“W... What happened!?” Jaden asked confused
“We’re... Flying?”
I looked around us. It was beautiful, seeing the reflection of the stars in the water. It really looked like we were in space again...
I flinched as I heard the voice call to me.
That voice...
“Wait... Is that...”
Suddenly a glowing light appeared and then... There he was...
“This isn't a... Dream is it?”
Jesse grinned and leapt towards us, tackling us in a warm, excited hug.
“I finally found you!! I wanted to see y’all so bad!!” Jesse sobbed
“I did too!”
“I missed you so much!!”
“Welcome back, Jesse!!”
Jesse was grinning like an idiot, tears streaming down his face. “I'm never leaving y’all again!!
We all giggled excitedly. We were all together again at last.
Now Jesse was here; our hearts were complete.
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