#consumer satisfaction survey
marketxcel · 2 months
What Is Market Research: Methods, Types & Examples
Learn about the fundamentals of market research, including various methods, types, and real-life examples. Discover how market research can benefit your business and gain insights into consumer behavior, trends, and preferences.
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researchers-me · 3 months
Unlock your business success with routine client feedback. Embrace a powerful loop. Discover Researchers.me for seamless survey insights. Elevate your strategies today!
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electronalytics · 10 months
NB-IoT Smart Meter Market
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seat-safety-switch · 10 months
In Canada, where I am currently forced to reside because of the intersection of intolerant legislation and dynamic self-expression, people love a loyalty card. Because everything is overpriced here, every store offers you a points card of some kind. My wallet right now has 16 different loyalty cards, and my phone creaks under the load of same.
Why do we do it? For the promise of free shit. If you visit Dairy Queen approximately 60 times in a row or give them about $300 in business, they'll give you a free ice cream cone. Do you visit Dairy Queen enough to justify that? Absolutely not, but their hope is that the rewards card will help bring you in rather than "waste" your money on some other ice-cream purveyor.
All this has given rise to what the psychologists in Ottawa are calling "rewards point rage," where you get super mad at someone throwing away perfectly good points by not having a reward card. You ignorant motherfucker, you don't have an Air Miles card? Those two tangerines and a bag of potato chips would have gotten you one Air Mile. Here, let me just stick my card in here and get them for you. What, now you want them? Let's take this outside.
At the moment, only a few hundred people have been injured in point-rage incidents, with a mere two or three of them succumbing to their injuries. This is but a small price to pay for increased consumer satisfaction, aided by the fact that if you do a customer service survey right after shopping there, they might give you five or even ten rewards points into your account as a little "thank you." Better keep them on your good side.
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tagthetrekkie · 4 months
Pairing: Ensign Vorik x reader
Warning: injuries, slight gore, death, bad space horror, some plot holes for the sake of the story
Synopsis: As the Voyager's crew explore an planet in search of Dilithium, they stumble upon an abnormal discovery that leaves them startled.
Damn this blogs making me falling in love with pointy ears aliens (@deepspacedukat)
@emotional-fandom-soup asked to be tagged
Beyond the Stars
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I shifted my upper body forward, attempting to regain composure. My mind seemed hazy, impeding my concentration on the world around me.
What the hell were these things?
As I glanced around, my mind raced to come up with a solution, any solution, that could get me from this impasse. The eerie ambiance of the dark forest enveloped me, with only the colossal trees and the swirling mist as my companions. However, there was no trace of my crew members, leaving me feeling isolated and uncertain of what lay ahead.
In an attempt to regain command over my thoughts, I inhaled deeply, only to have my concentration shattered by approaching moans.
Oh shit
Without the luxury of planning, I hastily fled from the noise, scanning my surroundings in hopes of spotting a fellow crew member from the away team.
The mysterious beings, of unknown origin, bear a resemblance to a thin, famished entity with pale, blotchy skin tightly covering its bony structure. With its stretched limbs and razor-sharp claws, it effortlessly navigates the thick forests it calls home. Its eyes are rumored to emit an eerie glow or appear empty, mirroring its unquenchable and abnormal appetite.
As the creatures approached, I struggled to hold back a sob. I had left my phase behind and couldn't risk using my badge to call for help from the Voyager and draw attention to myself.
As soon as a crimson figure appeared, my fear of death vanished completely, diverting its focus away from me and giving me the chance to conceal myself beside a tree.
I glanced in the direction where the noise came from, making sure not to draw any unnecessary attention. Although not particularly smart, those creatures appeared to have sharp hearing abilities.
As my rescuer, a lieutenant from the Voyager’s security team, surveyed the situation, he seemed to be contemplating an escape plan, looking back and forth between me and those things.
It hit me like a ton of bricks - the sudden realization that I couldn't simply bail out and retreat to the safety of the shuttle craft. This wasn't just another routine mission; there were lives at stake and a responsibility that I couldn't ignore. As if sensing my unease, I caught a glimpse of the lieutenant making his way towards me, his actions indicating that he had noticed my inner anxiety.
Similar to myself, the two beings observed the motion coming from my fellow crew member and, driven by their animal instincts, they launched an assault on him. In an attempt to evade the creatures' razor-sharp claws, the man fought back, striving to reach his phaser. In moments that felt like an eternity, blood cascaded freely from deep lacerations as bones snapped audibly under the monster's relentless assault. Agonizing screams pierced the night sky but were swiftly silenced amidst guttural growls of satisfaction. The creature's feral hunger seemed insatiable as it devoured parts of its prey before flinging aside what remained like discarded playthings. A gruesome testament to the desolate horrors that dwell within nature's unforgiving embrace, this chilling encounter left no doubt about the true essence of terror embodied by these things.  It was an ironic turn of events as my colleague's eyes were fixed on me, their gaze reflecting a desperate cry for help.
My eyes were widened in shock, unable to comprehend the cruel reality unfolding before me. As a chilling fear grips my core, I was being consumed by a torrential wave of grief and horror. The weight of impending doom descends upon me like an iron vice, squeezing out every ounce of hope left in my trembling heart. Sweat trickles down my face as I struggle to maintain composure, knowing that I too would soon meet the same grisly fate. My body trembles with adrenaline and anguish while silent screams echo within me, suffocated by the grim reality that engulfs me. Any semblance of safety now dissipates like mist in the wind, leaving behind only a haunting emptiness that embraces them mercilessly.
I need to get out of that place. Suppressing the urge to gulp, I swallowed my saliva and seized the remaining surge of adrenaline within me. Scanning my surroundings, I swiftly determined the path with the fewest obstacles and sprinted towards it.
I could hear the grunts from those things behind me. Their twisted forms stand out in the moonlit darkness as growls burst through the uncanny silence. With each step, their clawed feet strike the muggy soil, and their insatiable hunger drives them closer to me. My senses are heightened and my breath comes in ragged gasps, echoing my fear and determination. I couldn’t die this way, a colleague gave his life for me to survive. Their shadows danced around me, concealing tricky roots and twisted trunks that threaten to send me onto the ground. My heart pounds relentlessly against my chest, as if it knows I need to outpace the lumbering beasts behind me, I couldn’t or risk becoming their morbid banquet. Every piece of strength is summoned within my frame as I leaps over fallen logs and darts past gnawed carcasses dispersed across the path ahead. 
But just as despair threatened to consume me entirely, a glimpse of hope emerged from the shadows. In an electrifying burst of audacity, Vorik boosted fearless into the dispute. A palpable tension filled the air as he faced off against the abominations, his fists clenched tightly with raw resolve. 
I observed the scene, alternating my attention between my lover and the bizarre creatures. His concentrated gaze hinted at his contemplation of a rescue plan to extricate us from this troublesome situation. With each skillful movement and calculated strike, he danced with danger in a desperate bid to protect what mattered most to him. Beads of sweat dripped down their furrowed brows as time seemed to slow down; every breath held its own weight. 
The abrupt understanding that those things would be the cause of his demise deeply affected me. Despite his superior Vulcan physiology compared to mine, he was unable to resist the ferocity of these monstrous beings. It is unnerving to know that he would sacrifice his life to protect me, much like the brave security officer who met a similar fate.
Perhaps it was the surge of adrenaline coursing through my veins or the overwhelming fear of losing Vorik that obligated me to act with such audacity. In a moment of bitter bravery, I swiftly removed my fleet jacket and threw it towards a tree situated across from our location. Without wasting any time, I tightly grasped Vorik's hand, urging him to run alongside me.
The duration of our run was a mystery to me, as I am unable to recall how long it lasted. However, our sprint came to an abrupt break when my legs finally succumbed to exhaustion, leaving me breathless and drained. Overwhelmed by the suffocating sensation that had plagued me throughout our escape, exhaustion consumed my entire being. Vorik, seemingly aware of my weakened state, swiftly embraced me from behind, providing support as he gently guided me to a seated position on the cold and muddy soil. He was holding me with a tenderness that was unusual for him. His hands gently caressed my temples, as if he was attempting to comfort me.
“How did… How did you find me?”“
“Ashayam, I will always find you”
The soothing sound of his voice provided a momentary recess, yet the constant awareness of the hidden danger on this unfamiliar planet kept my nerves on edge. My gaze darted anxiously in every direction, a sense of fear gripping me. It was only a matter of time before those relentless pursuers would track us down. We had to arrange a strategy to safely return to the ship, ensuring that we could take the dilithium to the Voyager.
“It is of utmost importance that we depart from the planet at the earliest opportunity. Are you able to rise from your current position so that we may locate the remaining members of the away team?”
As I had my realization, my eyes widened just a bit. It dawned on me that while I was busy fretting about escaping from these creatures, I had completely overlooked the fact that they were facing the same perils as I was.
“There is no need to be concerned. We are fully aware of the distress that exist on this planet. It is only natural that you have directed your efforts towards ensuring your own survival.”
Am I that transparent?
“How can we find them? I mean, it seems like this planet isn’t small enough for us to find Harry and Tom.”
“It appears that you failed to observe, Ashayam, that those beings lack the ability to see” He removed his badge and pointed it towards the sky, suggesting that we could use its reflection to indicate our location
I couldn't help but chuckle at his condescending tone, which he seemed to deliver in his own vulcan manner. I gestured with my hands, indicating for him to show us the way to our companions. Hopefully, we could find a way out of that place and make our way back to the ship.
Despite the unexpected tranquility, I made a conscious effort to avoid dwelling on the utter fortune of my survival at this moment. While I have embarked on numerous away missions before, this is the first instance where I genuinely felt my life was in danger, added by the horrifying sight of witnessing merciless creatures whose defeat seemed hopeless.
Attempting to dismiss this thought, I avoid grieving his demise or holding myself responsible; I could accomplish both tasks while remaining secure on the ship.
As I became aware of the unsettling sounds coming from a tree in close proximity, an instinctual response compelled me to prepare myself for a sudden escape. The thought of those alien beings sneaking in the area, ready to launch an assault, sent a chilling sensation down my spine.
Vorik seemed to have observed the shift in my demeanor, as he approached me with a genuine intention to offer solace. Recognizing my need for support, he moved closer, his presence gave off a sense of understanding.
“I believe that the commotion we are hearing is simply a result of our teammates' lack of attentiveness to their surroundings.”
“Although it is difficult for me to admit, your boyfriend is correct, ensign. It’s just us”
A sense of relief washed over me as I let out a deep sigh. In the middle of all the chaos and uncertainty, it was comforting to see that my dear friends were alive and well.
"Paris, it makes me really happy to hear your voice," I expressed, offering a warm smile to both him and Harry. 
"I believe we have adequately prepared ourselves for departure, haven't we?” Vorik said, “I assume the dilithium has already been arranged in the shuttle."
"Hold on a moment. What about the lieutenant who came with us?” Harry interrupted, “Where is he?"
As I released a soft whimper, Harry immediately stepped back, displaying a compassionate gesture. He softly muttered words along the lines of 'I apologize' to express his remorse.
"Let's get out of this place, can we?" Tom said, "I really wish I could take a shower and get some sleep."
The possibility of returning to the ship filled me with a glimmer of hope, knowing that we would soon leave this planet behind.
Upon approaching the shuttle, the sound of a familiar grunt resonated in our surroundings. My heart quickened its pace and my senses heightened, leaving me with the task of determining the origin of these noises.
Even though the fear of suffering the same fate as the other officer was overwhelming, I couldn't let panic consume me and expose my friends to such a horrific fate.
"To ensure our escape," Harry murmured, "we need to find a way to get those aliens out of our way, even if only temporarily."
“I noticed that they tend to fight over food” Tom told us “so if there is just one of us to more of one of those things, maybe we could make them kill each other to buy us time to run”
The four of us didn't have enough time to split up and determine who the things would chase after. Vorik appeared to have come to the same understanding, judging by the way he gazed at me.
My heart was pounding so hard that it felt like I couldn't hear my thoughts. The growls were getting closer and we were running out of time.
Moving closer to Vorik, I tenderly touched his cheeks and planted a kiss on his forehead. It dawned on me that this might be our last meeting.
“I love you, darling”
Without wanting to give him much time to think, I swiftly departed, creating as much noise as I could possibly make.
Those things with their stretched limbs and twisted horns moved with an unnatural swiftness. Their eyes burn with a sickly yellow glow, reflecting their insatiable hunger for flesh.
My adrenaline fueled steps faltered for a moment as I glanced over my shoulder, catching a glimpse of those beings closing in. Their mouths drip with saliva, their jagged teeth scintillating in the fading light. 
Their haunting cries reverberated through the trees, a chilling chorus that drove me forward. I can almost feel their icy breath on her neck, the sound of their crooked claws scraping against the trunks of trees.
With a burst of adrenaline, I spotted a small cavern up ahead. Hope blossoms as I push myself to reach my destination. It was small enough for those things don’t reach me
But those things, relentless in their pursuit, gather near that cave. Their cries fill the air, growing louder. They scratch at trunks, their claws carving deep grooves into the trees. My heart pounds in my chest as I brace for the inevitable confrontation.
The first one thrusted forward with a primal snarl. Its movements are a twisted combination of agility and brutality, fueled by its thirst for flesh. The second wendigo, equally ghastly, meets the attack head-on, its skeletal horns ready to strike.
They circle each other, snarling and growling, their yellowed teeth snapping in an unsettling symphony. The scent of decay and desperation hangs heavy in the air as they vie for dominance.
With an explosive burst of strength, the first thing manages to latch onto the second, sinking its pointed teeth into its opponent's arm. The injured one yelped in pain and fury, retaliating with a vicious swipe of its claws. 
The battle rages on, the beings locked in a gruesome dance of violence and survival. They tear at each other's flesh, chunks of meat falling to the blood stained soil. Their movements are frenetic, a blur of twisted limbs as they relentlessly fight for dominance over.
As the struggle intensifies, the inhuman strength becomes evident. They crash against trees, sending splinters flying, and unleash bone-crushing blows upon one another. Blood mingles with the muddy ground, staining the expanse with shades of crimson, a macabre testament to its ferocious confrontation.
After what feels like an eternity of violence, less injured gain the upper hand. With a final, brutal advance, it delivers a crushing blow to its adversary, sending it to the ground. The victorious one stands tall and lets out a triumphant howl that pierces the silence.
Realizing that, apparently, that the thing would come for me, I did my best to not move. The extent of his pain was likely so severe that he had reached a point where my presence held no significance to him. However, given the terrifying spectacle I had just witnessed, the thought of becoming the next victim was the furthest thing from my desires.
The remaining one seems to settle with the body of the loser, tearing into its torn flesh with fury. The sound of bones cracking fills the air as it indulges in the spoils of its victory, satisfying its ravenous hunger, if only temporarily.
As the feast concludes, the victorious retreats into the darkness, leaving behind a haunting representation of carnage.
As I spotted one silhouette navigating in the treacherous terrain, I got out of the cave. My heart leaps with hope as he silently calls out my name, his voice carried away by the wind.
Vorik held me tightly, his voice filled with love and concern as he reassured her of their safety. He wrapped me in his fleet coat, shielding her from the biting cold
“By Surak. Can you fathom the immense danger that was present in this situation? It is truly alarming to think about the potential harm that could have befallen you.”
His expression was filled with an overwhelming surge of emotions, leaving me with no choice but to gently place his hands on my heart. It was my way of reassuring him that I was alive and in good health.
As they prepare to leave the desolate area, Vorik remains vigilant, knowing that the wendigos still lurk in the shadows. Hand in hand, they navigate the landscape, their steps careful and deliberate. He keeps a watchful eye, ready to shield me from any threat that may arise.
Finally, they emerge from the desolate area, leaving the haunting landscape behind. Seeing Tom and Harry with the shuttle ready to launch, all I could do was sob. Returning to Voyager was a long awaited moment for us, as it could give us the opportunity to confront the profound impact that this planet had on our emotions and inner selves.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
this may not be exactly your kinda thing, but i'll throw this in your askbox just in case, for the 2.7k+ follower event~
may i have,,, 🌚 but with mc as the focus, and satan in the background. i just want... mc getting. a littol angwy. a littol evil.
satan is so proud of you but you - you can't believe you did this, this is crazy, no, really - but he insists, it's fine, it's fine...
come on now, you didn't expect to make pacts with seven demons and come out unscathed, did you?
Apologies for how late this is!!! Thank you for your patience. :')
Now, this isn't quite your request, only in that we like to write MCs that are open to the darker side of things...but hopefully this still kinda works for what you were looking for!
"I want to release the darkest side of me." - Satan/MC
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You hadn’t meant for it to go this far. 
That’s what you keep telling yourself, fingers curled inward so tightly that nails dig into the skin of your palms. You can still feel it – the power that lies just beneath your skin, the power that has sunk deep into your bones. So easily can it rip through the sinews, so easily can you be consumed. 
It was a skill you had to learn, this control. You were no mere human, after all, but a sorcerer powerful enough to rival and even surpass Solomon the Wise himself. A human who had quite remarkably made pacts with the seven rulers of Hell, seven of the most powerful creatures in existence. A human who, with one simple command, could bring all seven of them to their knees at once – all without breaking a sweat. 
So why did these lesser demons think they could best you? Taunt you? Harm you? 
Foolish bastards, you think. Pathetic.  
And this wrath, fire at your fingertips, is a rage that brings out its Avatar’s sharp and menacing grin as he watches you from the shadows. Eyes of viridian glowing in delight, he slowly brings himself to your side, steps echoing against stone. 
“Well, MC. That was quite a show. I didn’t even need to step in.” He whispers into your ear, hovering just over your shoulder. “...How are you feeling?” 
“Fantastic.” The word slips through your lips without second thought. “I didn’t even realize you were here.”
“Oh, I only showed up a few moments ago. I felt a strong emotional pull through our pact and thought you might be in danger – but obviously, you handled yourself quite well.” He surveys the scene before you with a hum of approval. There, amid broken furniture and ash-covered walls, were the mangled bodies of three demons. Not quite dead, but a far cry from good health. 
“I’m…not quite sure what happened.” It starts to dissipate, that flame and fury that had set your chest ablaze. “The rage just took over at one point and I couldn’t help but use my magic to get them to leave me alone.” You close your eyes, telling yourself to breathe. “All I could think about was wiping those smiles off of their faces and breaking their hands for trying to touch me.” 
“And you’ve done just that. An excellent job, I have to say.” He cannot hide the glee in his voice, the satisfaction he gets from feeding off of your wrathful outburst. But then, his smile falters. “...Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
“I’m fine, I think.” Slowly opening your eyes, you look down at your hands. Traces of blood and soot cover your skin. “You know, it’s been strange, ever since I’ve unlocked my magical ability and learned to tap into my power. Your power.” Flexing your fingers, you turn to fix your gaze on Satan. “It’s been overwhelming, having to learn so much in such a short amount of time. And there are times I want to release the darkest side of me, all of the parts of me I’ve forced deep down inside to be a good person, a good human. It’s tempting. To just … let go.”
“You’re in the Devildom, love.” Satan smirks, bringing himself to stand in front of you. A hand goes to cup your chin, his gaze intense as he looks deep into your eyes. “You’re allowed to let go sometimes. I encourage you to.”
“Well, of course you do.” A lighthearted scoff, you slightly shake your head with a smile. “But, how the hell am I going to explain this to Diavolo?”
“You won’t.” Satan places a light kiss on your cheek before releasing your jaw. Now with an arm around you, he leads you out of the room with a smug grin, throwing one last glance to your victims with delight. 
“Leave it all to me.”
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marketxcel · 3 months
What Is Consumer Research: Methods, Types, Scope & Examples
Explore the world of consumer research with our comprehensive blog. Learn about various research methods, types, and the broad scope of consumer studies. Dive into real-world examples to understand how consumer research impacts businesses and shapes the market landscape. Elevate your knowledge and stay ahead in the dynamic field of consumer insights.
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researchers-me · 8 months
Unlock the secrets to business success with our guide on the Five Key Importance of Customer Satisfaction Surveys. Learn how surveys boost retention, product quality, personalization, and loyalty.
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cthulhuwritesstuff · 9 months
Drabble (I was rewatching Castlevania)
Pairing: Zoro and Sanji
Fandom: One Piece
Theme: Zoro is a vampire hunter and Sanji is a vampire
The world has gone to shit.
After hours of hacking and slashing through rotting flesh, Zoro is covered in thick intestines, his swords heavy, and he struggles for breath. There are too many of them, these wretched mindless beasts, and he tightens his fist around the hilt before pulling it free from a wheezing Shadow Crawler's corpse. The sharp teeth scrape against Wado's steel, a sound resembling a wounded animal begging for mercy. Perhaps it was an animal once, a deer by the looks of it. Zoro kicks it off his blade, shedding any hint of sympathy with it. They are no longer alive, not truly.
He lowers his head briefly and mutters a blessing, a habit rather than an act of faith. He's long stopped believing in any forces that might offer an explanation or reason \ for all of this.
"Samurai," a voice calls from across the field, "Save your prayers for the morning, won't you?"
The swordsman turns with a glare that could intimidate even the bravest warriors. However, the long-nosed man gives him an unimpressed look, his trigger finger already poised without needing to aim. The sniper fires, a charging beast collapses, and he still maintains eye contact with Zoro. If not for the horrors of this night, he might even be impressed...
"Not a samurai," he mutters, glaring at the sniper. He swings his arm, cleanly decapitating a creature, and both body parts fall at his feet, staining his boots. Zoro averts his gaze from the sniper, hoping his point has been made. He looks down and grimaces; the once-pristine boots are now tainted by Crawlers, and finding a replacement in this economy would be a stroke of luck. And he’s been severely lacking on that front as of late.
Fortunately, the sniper wisely chooses not to respond this time.
A north wind blows, easing the stench of decay and dark magic from Zoro's sinuses. He surveys the area, noticing dawn approaching. It's almost over; the creatures will retreat soon. He angles Kitetsu's blade to catch the first morning light and listens to the screeches and groans around them, which rise only to fade away.
The sniper lets out a noise that Zoro can only describe as agony ready to consume him whole, a sentiment Zoro understands all too well. Adrenaline is the only thing keeping them both standing.
"Luffy and the rest are somewhere," the sniper points in the general direction of the mountain's face above Zoro's head, "up there. We should check if they..."
Zoro is already climbing the steep slope in heavy steps, knowing what the sniper meant to say but not wanting to hear it.
As dawn paints the hilltops and the remnants of the forest, agonizing screeches echo in the distance. Some Shadow Crawlers failed to find shelter in time and now perish in the first rays of light. Zoro takes grim satisfaction in their pained screams. He can’t help it.
It isn't much, far from justice, but it is satisfactory. They walk in silence for the rest of the way. Thank fuck.
Reaching the summit brings several surprises, and finding everyone alive is one of them.
"You both seem unharmed. Good," a tall, raven-haired woman says. Her voice is pleasant. Zoro doesn’t like it. Somewhere in the recesses of his mind, he thinks her name is Robin—a scholar of sorts, seemingly harmless at first glance. However, she is one of the most wanted by the Covenant. Zoro’s long learned that one should not judge by appearances.
"Hm," he grunts and walks past her, the sound of a nearby waterfall suddenly enticing. He needs a bath; it feels like ages since his last one. A night battling Crawlers will do that to a person.
A young man steps in front of him, dark curls greasy and sticking to his face. He seems to have gotten out of the battle by the skin of his teeth, and Mother have mercy, there’s a lot of teeth in his mouth.
Despite the clear exhaustion and toll the all night of fighting has clearly taken on the young man, he has strength to smile at Zoro, bright, toothy, and honest.
Zoro is not sure how to feel about that just yet.
"Alive and well! You truly live up to your reputation," he says, and Zoro raises an eyebrow. The young man enjoys idle chatter, which Zoro doesn't particularly appreciate or understand. He also doesn’t know how. Still, seeing the group unharmed is a relief and a surprise in itself. He tries to recall the name the young man gave him a few nights ago when they met. Out of respect, he attempts to remember.
Luffy—was it?
Zoro might have cared about remembering names in another life, but lately, he's learned that there are only so many names one can remember before having to carve them into makeshift gravestones.
Zoro doesn't bother with names anymore. He also has no interest in what kind of reputation the young man is talking about; there are plenty of rumors about Zoro, after all.
For once, the long-nosed sniper is helpful rather than spiteful, chiming in, "We got a good number of them. None seem to have reached the town."
The boy smiles, "Good. That's good." The town they speak of is the one Zoro agreed to protect to gain a favor from the leader of this peculiar group. He glances over his shoulder and down the valley where the town lies, bathed in sunlight and free from the Night.
Protecting the town was important to— Luffy— for some reason. Zoro followed, even though he considered the task a fool's errand. There would always be another night, another town, and never enough people to defend them all. That is just the way world works these days.
Instead of arguing the matter, Zoro lowers his head and heads toward the sound of the waterfall once more. The bath- think of the bath. This is all about to be over soon, either way. No use in bootless conversations with people he can’t care to remember names of. Not when he is set on traveling alone, getting what he needs and wants alone.
His robe is already off his shoulders when his eye catches the sight of iron shackles hanging off a tree branch, unlocked. In a flash, Kitetsu sings though the air, Zoro’s knees bend, arms tense, and he is indignant.
All alive, even smiling and sharing compliments and strategies on how to best kill a Crawler and slay monsters, but nobody seems to have noticed that the biggest monster of them all is loose?
“Zoro?” comes a voice but the swordsman only lifts a hand in an answer, concentrating. If they’re lucky, the the bastard escaped. If Zoro is lucky and foolishly hopeful, he burned when the day broke. If they are to be realistic, however- he is still here and is waiting to—…
The sniper tries to speak, but Zoro isn't listening. "Mate, is something wrong?"
In the blink of an eye, Kitetsu finds its mark, steady and precise, the deadly edge at the nape of the creature's neck. Zoro almost growls.
"Zoro!" that voice again, quite annoying, sounding as if it's his fault the creature got free. They were supposed to keep watch.
Dawn broke hours ago, and the sun's rays offer no shadows. Zoro's throat is on fire. This is worse than he expected, far more than he signed up for. Maybe it was too soon to think about exceeding expectations with a crew this careless. Now they're all in danger from a bloodsucker who's immune to light. Fucking fantastic.
"I suppose this was to be expected from a brute like yourself," the beast says and causes anger to grease Zoro's throat. He talks. He has the audacity to sound smug, too. Zoro follows the path of his blade, from the grip to the edge against the inhumanly pale neck. The thing on the other side looks like a man but apparently talks like a powdered-up noble. Neither. The son of a devil is neither.
The tall, statuesque blond stands at Zoro's right side, entirely unbothered and seemingly bored to be at Kitetsu's silver mercy rather than in his shackles. He holds out a long, pale hand in front of Zoro's face. The creature locks those impossibly blue eyes—glaciers trapped in irises—on Zoro, and dares to give him sass.
"Careful, swordsman, it's hot goulash. Might bite your head off."
Zoro eyes the bowl full of food but otherwise ignores him.
"Why is he free?" he asks.
"Would you resist your Neanderthal urges for a moment?" A flash of red hair obstructs Zoro's vision, and he notices that his head hurts when she speaks. Definitely that, and she seems to have the wrong idea about the situation they're in. The redhead woman presses down on Zoro's arm as if she could move him, glaring at him.
"Let him be! He is free to take a piss and a walk, damn you!"
And make goulash or whatever poison while they're all out there risking their necks. But Zoro ignores her as well, focusing on how close she is to the pale fuck. She doesn't even have any silver on her, and she stands so close, not a flicker of fear, only anger toward Zoro- no less. Mad or brave, Zoro is undecided but willing to bet on the former.
The swordsman rounds on the woman with a glare that's often made most people and monsters reconsider their life choices. But there she stands, between a vampire and a vampire hunter, furious like a storm. She's strong and stubborn, like the rest of them.
What is she—a witch?
"Told you it was a bad idea, Nami," the sniper speaks, babbling uselessly. Of course, it was a bad idea. It was a terrible idea.
"No, it was not. If I hadn't unlocked those ungodly things, we would have..."
Zoro is about to split a mountain in two. "You set him free?" It isn’t a question. "Are you mad?" That one is purely rhetorical.
"Nobody," she waves a finger in his face, "apart from you insisted on him being shackled."
"He's a vampire," Zoro sneers, casting a glance at the blond. The regal git looks amused, and Zoro grits his teeth to resist pressing Kitetsu further against his windpipe. "And those ungodly shackles were the only things keeping you all safe."
Vulcan-cast iron, trice blessed, specially forged to subdue vampires and their kin, those shackles aren’t an easy find and they are terribly hard to put on in the first place considering that the targets are not human. Besides, Zoro is the only one with key, so how in the Four Blues did this woman manage to undo something made to restrain the biggest predators of them all?
A witch- his mind supplies. A witch to her core.
"He's lucky to be alive," Zoro threatens, but the creature doesn't even flinch under Kitetsu's pressure. He hasn't even got the decency to look uncomfortable with the silver pressing against his skin, which infuriates Zoro. He raises a twisted brow and clicks his tongue, sarcasm dripping with every syllable,
“Why truly lucky, indeed.”
The redhead's lips press into a tight line. "He means no harm." She sighs, and her grip on Zoro's forearm relaxes. She's tired, too, Zoro notices. A fighter, like the rest.
"He helped us, Zoro," a pair of big brown eyes locks him in place, and Zoro bites back the urge to curse. "We're alive thanks to him."
Zoro's lip twitches, and he's about to say something disagreeable, but he manages to stop himself. He isn’t sure how to fee about this one either, but one thing’s for sure.
He cannot stand the blond demon.
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Welcome To The Outpost: Part 2.3 - Swept Away
Fandom: The Bad Batch Characters: CT-9904 Crosshair, Clone Commander Mayday Word Count: ~1375 Read Here on AO3
Synopsis: With Crosshair at his side, the two of them easily storm the raider’s mountain base. Mayday wonders about the legacy the clone troopers leave behind. Crosshair makes an unexpected admission.
Read Part 1.1 - Frozen Read Part 1.2 - Rise From The Ashes Read Part 1.3 - Lost Battle Read Part 1.4 - No Way Out Read Part 1.5 - Rock And A Hard Place Read Part 2.1 - Last Chance Read Part 2.2 - Broken
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Once the rocks stopped tumbling to fill the cave mouth, the mountain rang with silence.
Crosshair turned to survey his work, lowering his rifle with little satisfaction. It had been a quick way to end things; targeting the crate of explosives to collapse the mountain cavern network, instead of tackling another wave of raiders rallying from inside their base.
Not that they had struggled with the combat. He had been reluctantly impressed at how the reg commander, a blaster in each hand, had stormed the encampment with ruthless efficiency. Crosshair had worked with command-class clones in the past, and they were the only ones who were even close to operating on the same level as him and his brothers.
Don’t think of them.
Eliminating the raider’s base with the reg commander had almost – almost – reminded him of the mission on Desix with Commander Cody.
He had known he would work well with Cody; there was no doubt about that. They had a long history together.
What he hadn’t expected was for Mayday to shadow his movements so effectively, bringing the brutal skirmish to such a quick conclusion.
There was something to be said about the ferocity of men with nothing left to lose. The hollowness that radiated out from the commander threatened to consume Crosshair too.
Mayday faced down death and the elements on the word of an officer he didn’t respect, because he was loyal.
Loyal to the Empire.
And Crosshair was at his side because the commander also carried the intense loyalty to his clone brothers that the sniper had never understood, but had found himself on the receiving end of in the tunnels.
Mayday had no business saving him from the pressure mine. It had been his own idiotic mistake to trigger it. If it had been him, he would have scoffed at the reg commander and left him; not worth the risk of accidentally detonating the mine whilst trying to disarm it, just to save one man.
But Mayday had thought it worthwhile. When he had brushed off Crosshair’s ingratitude with little more than a resigned chuckle, it made something inside Cross burn all the brighter.
The faint, creeping sensation of eyes on his back shivered up his spine – the reassuring version, the one where those eyes were his brothers’, watching out for him just as he watched out for them.
He’d had that, briefly, when Cody had requested him for Desix. Then the Marshal Commander had absconded.
Rampart’s insidious voice sounded in his mind again. Clone loyalty doesn’t seem to be as advertised any more.
Crosshair thought Cody had had his back, but the Marshal Commander abandoned him. Just like his brothers had.
He couldn’t bear to confront the nauseating fear that Mayday might do the same.
“What?” Crosshair’s tone was short, but without his earlier aggression.
Mayday gestured down the mountainside, towards the snowmobile which had crashed and spilled its pallet of crates after Crosshair shot the driver.
“Let’s load the cargo and get out of here.”
Although it was night, the whiteness of the snow bounced the little light from the sky around, giving them enough to see by without drawing their torches. Sliding to a stop in the powdery snow, Mayday pulled off his helmet, loosing his unkempt hair to the wind and feeling the bite of the icy chill against his cheeks. Behind him Crosshair mimicked the action, tucking his helmet under his arm, silent and observant.
Mayday faltered as he approached the downed skiff. His eyes skipped over the tumult in the snow, the once-smooth surface marred by scattered debris where one of the cargo crates had burst a seam at the impact and spilled its contents into the night.
White on white. Gleaming plastoid against powdery mountain snow.
The edge of Mayday’s voice shook. The fingers of his free hand dug into the seams of his own armour, curling against the coarse fabric wraps keeping the cold out.
“We’ve been risking out lives to recover equipment we could have been wearing this whole time?”
He sensed more than saw the sniper come to stand at his shoulder.
“It’s not clone trooper gear,” said Crosshair. The way he softened his voice at the acknowledgement spoke volumes.
“Right.” Mayday dragged the word out into a derisive snort. “New toys for their shiny new military, and we get the scraps.”
Holstering his blaster, he knelt and scooped up a cuirass from the snow, turning it to inspect the item. A coldness that had nothing to do with the mountain night curled around his chest, constricting, forcing bile to his throat.
“We were good soldiers.” The words choked past a knot of fury and sorrow. “We followed orders. And for what?”
His companion remained silent. That was fine by Mayday. He didn’t want to hear the sniper’s brand of biting commentary right now.
He dropped the cuirass in disgust, kicking it towards the other items spilled from the fractured crate.
“For three years we fought in the war,” he continued, his voice low, words spoken mostly for himself. “Earned their freedom with our blood, and never asked thanks. It’s what we were made for.”
Now he turned to Crosshair.
“Do you think they’ll even remember us?” he asked, fixing the lean sniper with a piercing stare.
Crosshair held his gaze despite its intensity, brow furrowed in a frown. He’d drawn a toothpick from somewhere, and his teeth clenched around it as he shrugged a response to Mayday’s question.
Mayday continued. “I heard the rumours about phasing out clone troopers. I didn’t really believe them until now.” His face twisted in a glare, one hand scrubbing over his face and beard as he sought to control himself. “What does that even mean? They just let us die, and not replace us?” His voice shook with anger. “I heard Kamino was destroyed. Does that mean… the end of us clones?”
Something flickered behind Crosshair’s eyes, an expression quickly shuttered. He turned his face away from Mayday, letting his gaze go long over the mountainside.
“It was.”
Mayday stared at him blankly. “What?”
“Kamino was destroyed,” said the sniper through clenched teeth. “I was there.”
Taking a careful couple of steps, Mayday positioned himself in Crosshair’s eyeline. The sniper still tried hard to avoid looking at him.
“You were on the Empire’s ships.”
“No,” said Crosshair, and his voice was barely more than a breath shuddering up from his chest. “I was in the city.”
For a moment the wind dropped away to nothing, and now Crosshair met Mayday’s eyes. Behind that hard exterior there was a fracture of fear, wide-eyed and frightened, and Mayday’s breath seized to realise how young the other clone must be.
Not much older than Veetch.
A rumbling, rushing started up. Blood in his ears.
Except Crosshair was reacting to it too. Whipped his head round to gaze up at the mountain peak, far above the destroyed cavern.
To where icy death tumbled down the mountainside towards them.
Reacting on instinct, Mayday pulled his bucket back on and clapped Crosshair on the shoulder. “GO!” he roared, and he was already running, adrenaline driving fatigue and fear from his body as his long legs ate up the ground and he raced, heedless, down the mountainside.
In moments Crosshair had drawn level with him, helmet in place also. The two clones, light armoured and dark, slid and sprinted wordlessly through the night, racing from the devastation which descended from high to sweep them away.
The avalanche would catch them. Thousands of tons of snow and ice gathered speed, must faster than their exhausted bodies could hope to outrun it.
Mayday scanned their path for something, anything, that might offer safety. Somewhere to shelter. To hope the wave of snow would crest over them and spare them.
Looming from the darkness, a jagged boulder jutted up from the mountain surface, black and forbidding.
“Look out!”
Shoving Crosshair to one side, Mayday watched as the tall clone tumbled head over heels, the unexpected push breaking his momentum.
Then the snow was on them and Crosshair was lost to his view, and the crushing wall of ice swept him against the boulder and everything went black.
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I'm baack! Did you miss me?
I missed the proper posting date for this prompt which was due on the 23rd, but I hope you enjoy this chapter now it's here. Thank you to my wonderful writing buddies @kybercrystals94 and @the-little-moment for your patience and support!
Hopefully Day 26's chapter 'Grief' will be finished over the weekend.
Need more angsty Bad Batch stores in the meantime? We're using the #littlekyberthoughts tag for our joint Angstpril challenge - you can find all our fics there!
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aldbooks · 1 year
Gwynriel Week 1 Day 3 - Solstice Night
My original inspiration for this scene was:
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Gwyn danced along the empty corridor of the House, still glowing with joy and humming along to the songs she and the other priestesses had sung that lingered in her head. She'd been invited by the High Lord and Lady to join them and their friends for Solstice dinner but had declined in favor of attending service in the Library's chapel. She began to regret that decision as she found herself alone in the vast, quiet house.
She felt a tickle at her cheek and grinned when she looked down. "Not so alone then." She could have sworn the shadow grinned back at her. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your master?"
The little swirling mass shook as though to say "no", putting Gwyn in mind of a naughty child. She chuckled. 
"Well then, I suppose you may keep me company, if you promise to behave." 
The shadow bobbed up and down so violently it was practically vibrating before settling obediently on her shoulder. She lifted a finger to pet it, getting the impression that, if it were a cat, it would be purring. 
She continued to sing softly, the shadow nuzzling into the crook of her neck as she wandered around, looking for something to occupy her. It was then she noticed the decided lack of decoration. "Oh, now," she tutted, coming to a halt in the living room. "This won't do. It's the Winter Solstice! The house should be far more festive than this."
As if in agreement with her, the House suddenly dropped a heaping pile of pine and holly branches before her, along with a basket full of tinsel and bundles of stringed fae lights. 
Smiling, Gwyn placed her hands on her hips and surveyed the space. "Hmm. I think I may need some help with this." The shadow zipped off her shoulder, swirling in front of her face. "Are you volunteering?" It bobbed enthusiastically
She glanced up at the ceiling. "I think we may need some additional light to work by," she requested of the House. Candles appeared on every surface, gently flickering and filling the room with warm, soft, light. "Thank you." 
Gwyn turned to the shadow. "Shall we begin?"
A little over an hour later, Gwyn stood back to evaluate their work. The pine and holly had been strung together into garlands draped over the mantle, around the doors, and across the tables, tinsel strewn over them. Twinkling fae lights had been woven in among the branches, making the whole room glow. The shadow had been very helpful fetching things she needed and holding up sections of garland while she tacked them down. The House, too, got into the spirit, providing various items for her to add to the decor including red and silver ribbons which she fastened into bows and glittering stars she tucked into the garlands.
It was, in her humble opinion, the most beautiful sight she'd ever seen. 
When Gwyn had declared their job complete, the House cleared away the remaining scraps of ribbon and branches they had not used and left a small repast, a bottle of wine and slice of cake on the coffee table for Gwyn which she gratefully consumed. 
Leaning back in her chair with a sigh, she idly turned the wine glass between her fingers as she looked about the room in satisfaction. The new decorations, combined with the view of the night sky through the windows leading to the balcony made Gwyn feel strangely nostalgic for something she could not name.
Her smoky, black companion had been flitting around the room for the last few minutes, proudly examining the decorations it had helped to create. It now came to rest before her, observing her curiously. She smiled and saluted it with her glass.
"Thank you, friend. Your assistance was greatly appreciated."
The little shadow seemed to swell and darken, as though puffing out it's chest before gently knocking against the lip of her glass.
Azriel sighed for perhaps the millionth time that evening as he flew, unseeingly, towards the cliffs that bracketed the city below. Family gatherings were always difficult these days, but tonight had felt particularly burdensome. 
He'd found himself alone, the odd man out in a room full of couples. Rhys and Cassian were deliriously happy with their mates, Elain and Lucien's relationship seemed to be moving forward, and they had spent most of the evening in quiet conversation. Mor's feelings for Emerie were now painfully obvious, and even Amren had managed to settle down- as much as someone as ancient as her could- with Varian. By the time he'd quietly slipped out of the house, he was quite sure no one had even noticed his departure, so wrapped up in each other as they were. 
The loneliness threatened to crush as he fought against the darker thoughts his brutal mind tried to conjure. As he drew closer to the House of Wind, however, he became aware of a sort of excited buzzing among his shadows. 
Curious what had them so worked up, he glanced around but found nothing to warrant such behavior until he was close enough to the House to see an unusual amount of light burning through the living room windows.
Immediately, his senses were on high alert as he put on a burst of speed, racing forward. There certainly had not been so much light when they'd left, and the fireplace, even at it's peak, could not put out so much light. His first instinct was a fire, followed closely by the threat of some sort of break-in.
He was brought up short a few feet from the balcony as he finally got a clear look inside. 
The light he'd seen, emanated from candles and fae lights that seemed to cover every surface. The tables and mantle were covered in greenery, interspersed with glittery figurines and silk bows. And amidst it all, sat Gwyn. The candlelight played off the coppery strands of her hair, giving the illusion she was glowing as she smiled brilliantly at something. He watched as she raised a wine glass before her as though toasting something and saw, to his amazement, one of his shadows tap against her glass, winding in front of her flirtatiously. 
A quick examination confirmed that he was, in fact, missing a shadow, and he noticed the others edging away from him, as though eager to join the picture before them. 
Landing softly on the balcony, Azriel tucked his wings behind him and silently entered the house, observing Gwyn as she whispered and giggled with the errant shadow. The others began to creep along the floor, curling at her feet like kittens. She noticed almost immediately, hopping up from her seat and spinning around to face him with wide eyes. 
"Azriel," she said, clearly surprised. 
For a moment, Azriel could not breathe enough to respond. She never called him by his name, preferring to use his various titles, usually without the sort of reverence they typically garnered. He lived to hear those names from her lips, he realized. Whether she said them in teasing or anger.
But this, hearing his actual name in her beautiful voice... His chest felt tight and heavy, and all at once it seemed to hit him- the magnitude of his feelings for the female before him. How the hell had he not noticed it before? It seemed to have snuck up on him as stealthily as his shadows, but now that the veil had been drawn back, the culprit revealing itself, he knew it was one secret he'd never be able to keep truly hidden.
"I thought you were at dinner," Gwyn continued, eyeing him as he stepped closer. He moved without conscious thought, as though drawn by a string around his middle. 
"I was," he said softly. He allowed his eyes to graze over her, feeling as though he were seeing her for the first time. He knew every line of her. Every dip and curve, every gentle slope of her face and each freckle that covered the skin of her nose and cheeks. He knew the color of her eyes, that shade of azure that always made him think of the sea. He knew the way her lips curved when she smiled, the sway of her hair as she moved, the smell of her, like moonlight to his shadows.
Love. His shadows whispered the word like a chant, repeating over and over. 
He came to stand before her, their feet mere inches apart as he stared down at her. He understood in that moment, what had eluded him for so long. The times before when he thought himself in love, the pain and longing he'd felt, were little more than the pangs of loneliness because this- what he felt in this moment- was not painful. It was light and vibrant, and full of hope. 
Gwyn's tongue darted out to lick her lips and she swallowed as she peered up at him, her eyes alight with an emotion he knew was mirrored in his own. "I decorated..." she said, gesturing behind her.
"It's beautiful," he said, his eyes not leaving hers. You're beautiful. 
"Thank you." Her voice was barely above a whisper and he dared to inch closer. Her head tilted back with the movement, keeping him in her sights. 
"Happy Solstice, Gwyneth," he whispered, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind the delicate arch of her ear. He allowed his fingertips to linger on her jaw as he slowly leaned in. 
"Happy Solstice, Azriel," she breathed.
And then their lips met. 
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publixsurvey11 · 1 month
PublixSurvey.Com | Publix Customer Survey - Win $1000 Gift Card
PublixSurvey.Com Customers can share their thoughts on their most recent trips to Publix by filling out the company's customer satisfaction survey. Customers who complete the online survey at publixsurvey.com and provide feedback can join a $1000 sweepstakes. Publix consumer feedback survey A promotional online survey called a sweepstakes is used to get feedback from customers and find out what they think of supermarkets.
If you often shop at Publix Super Markets, you may enter a drawing to win a $1000 gift card by sharing your shopping experience on Publixsurvey.com.
Completing the online survey takes over ten minutes. The corporation included a number of questions regarding the in-store purchasing experience in the survey. Every month, a $1,000 gift card will be awarded to the winner of the draw.
Publix Survey
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elbranding · 2 months
The Impact of Price Consciousness on Customer Journey Mapping
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As a strategy consultant who has developed many customer journey analyses, I have found that product categories with cost conscious buyers are the most difficult to map. These are usually products that are purchased by the vast majority of consumers with varying degrees of willingness to pay, which necessitates the presence of a wide spectrum of viable options at various price points. This often results in numerous potential pathways through the customer journey map, which make it challenging for companies to pinpoint the optimal approach for attracting and retaining customers.
One good example of a product category that fits the description above is men’s suits. This is a product that is almost universally needed by consumers and features endless brand options across price points. To illustrate the complicated nature of customer journey mapping, we can use a standard “cradle to grave” arc that flows as follows: Awareness > Research > Buy > Share > Complete. For the sake of explanation, let’s only consider two types of customers: Customer A’s primary purchase criteria is low price, while Customer B’s primary purchasing criteria is premium quality. Using the customer journey map outlined below, we can see the significant divergence between the two customers in terms of thought processes and actions:
Customer A: advertisements of potential deals and/or discounts (e.g., BOGO, 20% off) catch the customer’s attention
Customer B: slick advertisements via traditional or social media that tout the product’s quality pique the customer’s interest
Customer A: customer leverages the internet to compare the discovered deal/discount with offers from other brands to find the most affordable option
Customer B: customer does detailed research (e.g., brand websites, YouTube reviews, word of mouth) to evaluate the discovered brand vs. alternate brands and may even visit physical stores to compare different options
Customer A: customer will make purchase based solely on price, likely in a very quick manner after identifying the cheapest option
Customer B: customer will make purchase based on what they perceive to be the highest quality option, which could take months to decide
Customer A: customer does not discuss suit purchase with others given that the purchase was functional in nature
Customer B: customer talks about suit purchase with people in their network given they previously discussed the potential options with their network during the Research stage of the journey
Customer A: when in need of a new suit, customer will once again seek out the lowest price option regardless of satisfaction level with the current brand
Customer B: when in need of a new suit, customer will return to the same brand if they are satisfied with their purchase
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Given the vastly different journeys outlined above, what does this mean for companies looking to better understand their customers? While there are likely many different approaches to tackling this dilemma, one potential option for maximizing the efficacy of customer journey maps in better understanding customer needs is to pre-identify the “core” customer. Companies can deploy various analyses (e.g., consumer interviews, consumer surveys, consumer segmentation, etc.) to identify their target consumer. With this information, companies can avoid getting lost in the never-ending thread of customer pathways and instead build a detailed customer journey map that is specifically tailored to their customer archetype.
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enkisstories · 2 months
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The next day a visitor arrived at Park Avenue 1554.
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Susan: "Hello, my name is Susan Miller, CyberLife quality control & consumer satisfaction department! We've talked on the phone."
Caroline: "Oh, yes, about the survey. Take a seat!"
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"Conduct product survey" is a possible task of the Engineer career. So let’s ask Caroline about Daniel! How happy is she with her android at the moment...?
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Lol, of course Caroline would bring the headset incident up!
But she smiled, so she maybe focuses more on how Daniel keeps Emma entertained, playing together with her, than the instance of it questioning the family wealth.
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Susan then asked about how well the device performed in its main task, housekeeping.
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Looks like everything went swimmingly.
Stable android, satisfied customer. Nothing to worry about here.
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madamlaydebug · 1 year
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How To Flush Nicotine Out Of Your Body Naturally?
Drink water to flush out nicotine
Eat vegetables
Drink pine needle tea
Kiwi eliminates nicotine
Drink water to re hydrate as Nicotine dehydrates the body. Nettle is loaded with iron and is a useful disinfectant. Eat celery, along with such vegetables as zucchinis, egg-plants, beans, and even cucumbers, which affect cigarette taste. Also, consume pine needle tea, oranges, kiwi fruit, carrot juice, broccoli and spinach.
When you smoke a cigarette, nicotine circulating in the bloodstream gives a kind of high. On an average 6-8 hours is how long the nicotine from a single cigarette lasts. Most of that nicotine will get eliminated in the urine. 48-72 hours is how long it can take for most of the stored nicotine to be metabolized and leave your body. 20-30 days is how long the nicotine by-product cotinine can continue to circulate in the bloodstream.
Fruits And Vegetables Helps Flush Nicotine
Vitamin C is the best known substance for nicotine flush from the bloodstream.
It increases metabolism and creates white blood cells. Fruits and vegetables help your system flush nicotine – they’re good for your health, they contain water and they make cigarettes taste less appealing.
In fact, research shows that if you eat more fruit and vegetables, you may have an easier time staying tobacco-free for longer.
A study, which was published online by University of Buffalo public health researchers, authors from UB’s School of Public Health and Health professions surveyed 1,000 smokers aged 25 and older from across the nation. Fourteen months after the survey, the authors followed up with the respondents to see if they stayed tobacco-free during the previous month.
What they found was that those who consumed the most fruit and vegetables were 3 times more likely to abstain from tobacco for at least 30 days than those consuming small amounts of fruit and vegetables. In addition, those consuming more fruit and vegetables smoked less often per day, waited longer before having their first daily cigarette, and scored better on a nicotine-dependent test.
Increased Consumption Of fruit and Vegetables Help People to Quit Smoking Due to the Following Reasons
Less nicotine dependence.
High fiber content makes people feel fuller – since smokers sometimes confuse hunger with smoking urges.
Unlike meats, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages, fruit and vegetables don’t enhance and may even worsen the taste of tobacco.
Engaging in a healthier lifestyle could consciously and subconsciously cause smokers to further shift out of an unhealthy lifestyle involving smoking.
Foods For Nicotine Flush
1. Water
Nicotine dehydrates the body, so drink water to rehydrate. Keeping up a good supply of water helps your body to flush the nicotine.
2. Nettle
This herb is loaded with iron and is a useful disinfectant and great at fighting infection.
3. Vegetables
Eat celery, along with such vegetables as zucchinis, egg-plants, beans, and even cucumbers, which affect cigarette taste. Eating a lot of these vegetables can decrease nicotine dependence. Do not eat a lot of sweet vegetable, that are high in sugar, because excessive amounts of glucose activate the areas of the brain responsible for pleasure and satisfaction. Thus, glucose can stimulate cravings.
4. Pine Needle Tea
This tea has been traditionally used to disinfect the mouth and throat, but can also be a helpful aid in lung health.
5. Oranges
Contains high levels of vitamin C to replace vitamin C in your body that smoking reduces. Eating oranges boosts your metabolism to clear nicotine faster and reduces stress.
6. Kiwi Fruit
Kiwi helps you eliminate nicotine from the body and replenish Vitamins A, C and E that smoking reduces.
7. Carrot Juice
Carrot juice has vitamins A, B, C, K that help eliminate nicotine from the body. Nicotine also damages your skin, and carrot juice is high in vitamins that are good for the skin.
8. Broccoli
Contains high levels of vitamins B5 and C. Replenish vitamin C by eating broccoli and keep your metabolism high. Broccoli contains a substance that protects lungs from toxin-related damage.
9. Spinach
Rich in vitamins and folic acid, so it’s good for your body and especially good in making tobacco taste bad.
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researchers-me · 11 months
Discover the Secrets of Effective Storytelling with Researchers
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In the competitive landscape of Dubai, businesses must stay one step ahead. We delve into the realm of Competitive Analysis UAE, shedding light on the tools and methodologies researchers employ to identify market trends, assess competitors, and uncover unique market opportunities. Learn how researchers can help businesses gain a competitive edge by translating data into actionable insights.
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