#consumes this ask tho
noodles-and-tea · 5 months
Hey there! I've said something before but now I want to say that your art is great and that you are responsible for getting me into Sherlock & co. But I have a burning question regarding your thoughts on Guy Richtie's Sherlock. Do you like it?
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I actually do like it!!!
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cupophrogs · 6 months
1. Dog day…why did you say when you saw your husbands picture “ he’s alive????” Did you think he was dead.
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"The passage of time is worthless when you there's nothing you can count on, except pain. So I always assumed my past life, and everything in it, was already gone. Hope is a very fickle thing, down here."
(Based on this song)
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poupon · 29 days
damn. still pissing on the poor after 12 years
You thought I would make a "still pissing after all these years" joke, didn't you? You WOULD. However, the premise that I still urinate is just patently False. I transcended such base bodily functions years ago. I don't even know what a liquid is anymore. I sublimate any matter I consume just as the good Lord intended.
Related, I have kidney stones the size of capybaras but I haven't told anyone because I'm still thinking of how I can frame them as the fault of the bourgeois
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ruushes · 2 months
having to rest my hand today bc i hurt it drawing all those fucking daisies and realizing i don’t have a second hobby
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ckret2 · 2 months
How much did you have to research into cults?
Specifically for writing this fic, I'm about a hundred episodes deep into a podcast about cults. Who starts them, who joins them, the psychology and goals of the leaders, how they recruit people, the (mental, physical, social, financial) control methods they use to prevent them from leaving, how they evade legal ramifications, etc.
Plus I've studied psychology for years, I have a long-time background interest in cults, and one of my favorite fictional tropes is the zealous, worshipful follower and the (not really that divine) leader they follow, so I already had a bit of a leg up on the subject coming in.
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miku-meeku · 2 months
its been a month, i wonder how long will i keep this drip
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dont they look very stonky harhar
anws ily and ur art, these two mfs are still my reason to live <3
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choccy-milky · 9 months
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I’m absolutely obsessed with your writing and art! You are incredibly talented and I can’t wait to see where the story goes next! NOW for the main reason im messaging you is bc recently i made a Pinterest inspired “pretty boy” cake where you put all ur fav pretty boys on it and i thought you would appreciate that i put Sebastian on there lmfao. here’s a pic of the cake. 🤭🤭
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i love that you used my fanart and not an actual pic of him BAHAHA im honoured to have my seb on this pretty boy cake😔🙏i will never forget this. (also i dont know who most of those pretty boys are but i will say you have immaculate taste and that cake looks delicious. for more than 1 reason nawmsayin🥵🥵😉😉😉😉😉)
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mspaint-flower · 1 year
its wierd seeing flower art that is not from you
in my mind flower is your blorbo
cant imagine her existing outside of this reality
HKJSHGKJEDHGJKKEHKJEG WAIT OMG REALLY??????? 🥹🥹 it's official guys flower is now My Blorbo
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lun8r · 11 months
Have you done Velvet yet? :) Also I know your opinion on ships besides bee-duo but from Velvet and Antfrosts boundaries they say they are fine with shipping since they are boyfriends, and say that as long as its them and not someone else (meaning velvet and ant is okay but not dream and ant, example) its alright. As far as I know from research and clips. Its okay if you dont want them both in the AU, or shipped, but wondering if you will? And if so what your Velvet design looks like? :)
i might add velvet as a background character just for the kitty boyfriends
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sedumlineare · 8 months
*pulls out a thick book with countless colored markers sticking out the side labeled Characters That are Aromantic and/or Asexual To Me* well you see—
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kindahoping4forever · 6 months
Hello friends! Just a quick kh4f programming note: I'll be out of commission for most of, if not all of today, as I'm having a minor medical procedure done. (Outpatient, everything's fine, dw! 🫶🏻) So if anything notable happens (fully expecting Ash to announce ai2 the second I'm sedated 😌) and I'm MIA... that's why lol. Try not to have too much fun without me! 😘💙
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the-gene-mile · 1 year
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rewatched the premier definitely super legally and just look at them
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saifuckr · 4 months
i love lust fmab too but i dont think she got away without any repercussions. like she was very much repercussed. like call her a farm full of drums the way they were reaping her percussions
bro why are you farming womens productions 😭
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noname-nonartist · 2 months
Okay, dude, I need to ask
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WHAT does Megumi mean by what he thought about HONAMI????
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Time for another pjsk+jjk AU Lore droppppp~ X3c
(Explaination under the cut)
TW: Topic contains suicide/suicidal thoughts
Hmmm where to beginnnnnn…
Okay! Gonna fast forward some explanation/context!
So like I have it so Megumi form a pseudo-unit group with Yuuji, Junpei, and Yuuta, right? (It should be note that only Yuuji is aware of Megumi’s Sekai, not Yuuta or Junpei)
The group broke up lol (by the end of the 2nd Arc Ender, timeline wise).
It’s due to a couple of things why the group didn’t work out, however, the final straw was when Yuuji finally put his foot down and leave the group himself after learning that Megumi fought Akito (Megumi also ripped out one of his ear piercings too hence why Akito is missing an earring in the Post 3rd Arc diagram).
Again, I’m summarizing a LOT. Since there’s a lot I have planned for this Break-Up Group Arc. Since like there’s a whole character growth and a bunch of actions that Megumi has done that led Yuuji to make the tough decisions to leave.
(That could be a whole different post if ya wanna know more lol)
So Yuuji told Megumi he’s leaving, which caused Megumi to be in this sort of… haze? For a bit as he walks home from school. He then stops by a bridge that’s overlooking the river and start reflecting a bit of what has happened in the past few days. However, Megumi’s mindset be self-deprecating and in general he’s not in a great place mentally too. So like he be looking pretty dead in the eyes. (Doesn’t help that Megumi still has the bruises he got on his face from his fight with Akito)
Honami happens to be around walking her dog, Shibao, since it’s her normal dog walking route she takes every evening. And when she notices Megumi, she was genuinely worried that Megumi was about to jump off the bridge, since the looks in her eyes be sad. Similar to how her eyes were when she too feel suicidal as well. Hence she rushed towards him to stop him, even though in reality he wasn’t gonna jump (but the idea did briefly came).
For those who don’t know. Honami in cannon used to feel suicidal as well. As seen in Kanade’s initial 3 star card’s side story.
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And within this AU of mine, Honami actually try to attempt suicide during her junior high years but was saved by Shibao. (Yes, this idea is basically just straight up from this fanfic. It’s a good read. I highly recommend reading it, for it does a good job portraying Honami’s thoughts)
I even wrote a little scene on Honami’s and Megumi’s first meeting too (it’s not that great, writing was never my strong suit. But it got the general vibes that I was trying to aim for lol)
The sky is a mix of purples and oranges as the sun is setting down.
Megumi is on a bridge with bruises still on his face from the fight he had with Akito the other day. Cars rush by as he looks over at the river with his music blasting in his headphones to drown out the surroundings noises.
He thinks back to Akito’s words that was shouted when Toya hold a steady arm in front of the orange hair boy. “You never cared for Yuuji. You only cared about yourself!”
When Akito said that, Megumi was tempted to lunged at him again for another beating if it wasn’t for the fact that Nobara blocking his way and An holding him back.
Now Megumi, abandoned, is standing at the bridge wondering on what exactly did Akito meant.
Megumi, deeply cares for Yuuji. Doesn’t he?
Yuuji was the only good thing left to him for his sister was still in a coma.
But… then again… even when she was conscious, he wasn’t grateful for his sister…
Is that what he meant?
But… Megumi was grateful to Yuuji. But then why did he still leave…
He tried to make sure that Yuuji was safe and away from any negative influences with the likes of Junpei, Rui, Yuuta, and Akito.
Was there… was there something innate in him that cause people he care for to leave?
Megumi’s eyes darkened with that thought…
Honami is spending her daily evening walking her dog, Shibao, on her normal route over the bridge to look at the beautiful river during the sunset. It’s a good way to end the day with such a view.
As Honami starts humming one of her band’s song, her eyes caught on to a figure over the distant.
She at first thought that he was simply over looking the view, but as Honami got closer, she noticed the bruises on his face…
And… the dead look in his eyes.
The same as hers when…
Honami dropped Shibao’s leash, much to the confusion to the golden Shiba, and start running.
She rushes to the unknown figure she knows nothing about, but she knew.
The look in his eyes tells her everything.
She knew that if she doesn’t do something now, it’ll forever haunt her.
When she saw the teen, whose looks to be around her age too, leaning over the railing, she runs even harder.
She got to reach him.
“Don’t Do It!!!”
Megumi was shocked when someone ran into him and grabbed his arm. The momentum from the collision caused his headphones to fall off just in time to hear the girl’s desperate plead.
As his headphones clanked loudly onto the concrete sidewalk, the two teens stared at each other with wide eyes.
Honami breathing deeply to catch her breath as Megumi looked bewildered at the sudden appearance of someone he has never met before.
“Don’t…” Honami finally huffed out, “Don’t jump…”
Megumi blinked.
“I… I know it’s may seems like a good solution, but it’s not. You-“
Oh. Megumi thought. She thought I was going to…
“I wasn’t going to jump.”
“I not going to jump off. I was just thinking…” Megumi reiterated.
Honami gently lets go of Megumi’s arm as she sighed a relief out.
“Oh, thank goodness.”
From a distance, Megumi hears a dog barking as it heads over to their direction.
“Shiboa!” The tall girl turns around to greet her dog back, but as she did so her legs start to give out due to the adrenaline leaving her body.
As she abruptly sits on to the floor, Megumi just look as her dog whimpers up towards the girls to make sure its owner is alright.
Megumi would be lying if the thought of jumping didn’t come through his mind. But if he did that then Yuuji would be deeply hurt. And what about Tsumiki? He doesn’t want her to be left alone once she wakes up.
If she ever wakes up…
Megumi shakes his head. Now is not the time for that.
“Um…” Megumi awkwardly begins.
Honami stops petting her dog as she looks up.
“…what… What breed of dog do you have? It looks like it’s a Shiba…”
Honami eyes brightened as bit, “You’re correct! He is a Shiba, his name is Shibao. Are you a dog owner too?”
Megumi puts a hand on his neck to relieve some of the awkward energy his extruding, “Um. Yeah. Two of them. Both Huskies…”
“What are their names?”
“Ash and Luna.” Megumi answer as he kneel down, “Can I pet your dog?”
“Of course you can.” Honami smiles softly, “He’s very friendly.”
As Shibao sniffs the boy’s hand, the golden dog quickly jumps up onto him.
Megumi couldn’t contain his smile as the shiba starts licking his face.
“He seems to like you very much.” Honami said with such a warmth that Megumi hasn’t experienced in a long while.
Megumi hums a bit as he gently push Honami’s dog back down.
He turns to the girl. “Do you walk around here often?”
“Hm? Oh, yes I do. I normally walk Shibao through here during the evenings.”
“Hmph. I hope you don’t stay out for too long since Shibas tends to have a lot of energy.” Megumi commented.
“Oh don’t worry, the route I take is very safe, even when it’s gets a bit dark too.”
Megumi hums to that as he continues to pet the still excited shiba.
Honami looks at Megumi’s softened expression and then a thought came to her.
“How about we both walk our dogs together?”
“I know that huskies also have a lot of energy. And usually after our walks, Shibao is so exhausted that he lays down for the rest of the day!”
Megumi paused a bit as he thinks about the girl’s offer. On one hand, he prefers to walk his dogs alone. But… his own walking route hasn’t been too stimulating for Ash and Luna. And he’s honestly a bit curious about the girl herself…
“That… actually does sound nice.”
Honami smiles, “Then let’s find a good day to walk together. My name is Mochizuki Honami, and you are…?”
Megumi stands up. As he brush up he dust and fur off of him, he looks right at Honami, who’s surprisingly a bit taller than him, and says-
“Fushiguro Megumi.”
Her eyes soften, “It’s nice to meet you, Fushiguro-san.”
Megumi just hums in response with a subtle nod of his head.
But yeahhhh. That’s how they first metttt~ :3c
I think Megumi would be a bit curious if Honami too has thoughts about committing suicide as well. Hence the first impression comment.
I’m actually going to have Megumi and Honami to have a pretty deep and good friendship (and shortly after Leo/Need as a whole being good friends with Megumi) that actually helps Megumi grow and becoming a better person. :Dc
It’s about time for Megumi to have a positive character arc~ :3c
And like. Megumi and Honami could bond over their self-esteem issues and their suicidal thoughts too. No? •3•
Megumi and Honami Friendship Go!
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bunnihearted · 3 months
#even tho it was so hard for me. ofc when u can only communicate via the internet so much is lost i think... sm extra things u need to be#more secure kinda? like physical presence does a lot on its own#but yeah.. ok i actually wrote more but u can only have 30tags per post and safari on ur phone does not tell u when it's stopping so half o#what i wrote just disappeared ._. i cant rmbr what i said... and i mean this is just for myself to vent but grr im so annoyed#yeah just that he was sm more patient than i realized. i just was in the start of learning how to live w my avpd#i wasnt able to do a lot. even if i wanted to. he helped me sm to uncover things in myself to start that thing within me#i just desperately wish i had found him earlier and that i've been this far along in my anti avpd limitation abilities.... truly wish that#so im trying to accept it and just think bc i dont have a choice :') i've never wanted anyone like this and that just is how it is#i will always love him simply bc he is who he is#he's so so cool and amazing to me in so so many ways. and i always loved just how he talks and communicates bc it resonates w me#and there are simply sm details i just adore. but yeah... i probably shouldnt think abt that? i feel like.. it isnt my place to think abt i#but it is what it is but it hurts so incredibly much. will i ever be able to let go of him? the love i couldve experienced? the wonderful#person i couldve been with? will i be able to stop thinking abt all his great qualities and how much i wish he was mine? and all the things#wanna do and talk abt with him? he's just.. he just is .. i cant describe it. it feels like more than just earthly love...#maybe i sound insane or too intense or dramatic or smth but.. it feels so much larger than everything#so i struggle sm with letting go bc i want to touch him and i want to love him and i just want to be with him and experience everything w h#but that isnt my place. i know... why.. have i only ever felt like this w him... what do i do with this?? am i crazy? am i going insane? is#there smth wrong with me?#he is worthy of everything and he is so so wonderful but is there smth wrong w me for being so..#for having love that actually truly is all consuming? what is this... it's scary. esp when i cant unleash it. it's like a wild beast i have#to learn how to tame. and i want to be able to find mutual love too. but i cant force anything. will the universe grant me that?#i cant imagine myself ever being able of letting go of him but if that is what the universe has planned then..#ok im actually starting to sound intense and weird and idk O.O i think i think too much#.. it hurts that i wont get to do all of the things and talk abt all the things i wanna do w him. i'll never get to hug him...#if i could ask for only one thing it'd be one hug from him....#maybe is ound crazy but with all my disorders and feeling disconnected from the world.. and finding someone that makes me feel tethered#and safe and real.. and having to let go bc it just wasnt meant for me... why is the universe so cruel.#in the end i care abt him so much i just want him to be loved. i want him to finally feel loved.#someone else.. someone else without avpd can do that for him. i want him to be oh so so loved and .. yeah.. :(#i wish i couldve loved him as he deserves but .. its not my place. not my place... all i want is to hear his voice and live in his arms
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wormy-worm · 6 months
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ok u know what maybe if the world isn't ready for sunrazer post that means that the world IS ready for Amoveous siblings post. This is Milo and Enho and theyre my DARLINGS and i love them SO MUCH. i have. SOOOOOOOO many thoughts abt them but after the previous post massacre i do not really feel like typing all of that xoxo love <3
#THESE DRAWINGS HAVE BEEN SITTING IN MY DRAFTS FOR MONTHS LOL#meart#original character#robot oc#ily enho ily milo my darlings my angels my loves my funny robot guys.#ive posted abt Andromeda on here b4 if u remember her Enho is her best friend !!!!!#Enhos a battle robot who doesnt want 2 fight people..#hes the oldest sibling and theres a lot resting on their shoulders!#shes supposed to be this big metal protector but U.U she just wants to hide in his room.. and make music for the internet..#him and andy have this whole arc abt like. autonomy and identity and junk#being as andy is a government experiment who was raised to be a superhero who. has not yet realized that she HATES being a superhero lol#Enho inspires her!#milo um. does his own thing. he was the second amoveous bot and he is lucky to have been built without the responsibility of a battle bot#which means hes a LOT weaker. doesnt have a million weapons and lasers and such like enho does. no one expects much of him. he HATES IT!!!!#he wants to be POWERFUL! he wants to HURT PEOPLE!! he wants to be USEFUL!!! hes ANGRY ALL THE TIME#its EXSAUSTING.#yk that tinkerbell thing thats like. cuz shes so small she can only feel one emotion at once. and its so big it consumes her entirely?#hes that. he lives entirely in extremes. everything is 100% for him#he jumps to conclusions so quick and so violently.. hes incredibly impulsive and it gets him into a lot of trouble.#hes also a total NERD!!! GOOB!!! says mlady unironically. likes bad computer games. wears a stupid tie everyday. cartoonishly schemes 24/7#enho for the record is also a pretty angry person. they just dont rlly express it. they dont express much of anything lol.#shes semiverbal on a talkative day. he can be REALLY REALLY PASSIVE AGGRESSIVE THO. THAT MF CAN BE SO PETTY. GOOFY ASS#but shes TERRIFIED she'll lose control of her emotions and her body and that shell hurt someone someday. absolutely terrified.#enho is as afraid of his strength as milo is of his weakness. theyre both two ends of the same extremes in a lot of ways.#polar opposites and yet exactly the same. they resent each other a lot. they need to learn to meet each other in the middle.#anyway ''i dont feel like typing all that'' and then i ramble in the tags for ten million years lol ToT I LOVE THESE GUYS#theyre my oldest ocs in this universe and i have so many thoughts if you have any questions feel free to ask me lol
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