#contain my excitement until i got home and showed my bf
bunnies-n-bowties · 1 year
Jay! The art director of poptropica loves your fanart for Reality TV!! https://twitter.com/jonathanpitcher/status/1658835002979672064?t=drmp9v1X8SI6-tIEsoDfWA&s=19
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✧ JBHJDH- I don't know what to SAY- but I'm freaking out right now!! That's so AAAH!! Thank you for letting me know anon!! That's genuinely makes me so happy. ✧
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i-growl-growl-growl · 4 years
Can I have an nct yandere reaction to the members having a s/o who is quite shy and quiet but she becomes more open up to people when they get to know them. But their s/o is finding it hard to be less shy around them since they're lowkey scared of them... Sorry if this doesn't make sense, thx u 💕
Sorry this took soooooo long. 
~Ahreum Rhea
Warrning this contains Yandere themes. Read at your own risk.
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Taeyong: His reaction depends on how long he’s had you. If it’s in the beginning, he wouldn’t mind and would love that you don’t open up so easily to others. However, if he’s had you for a while, he’ll get irritated and impatient. Don’t get him wrong, he loves talking to his s/o, but he’ll never show how much because he doesn’t want your fear to completely subside. He can’t have you thinking that you have any power in his house.
“I appreciate the fear you have for me, but you should know me enough by now. Come here, kitten pats his knee and talk to me. You have more to fear by staying quiet than by talking - unless you say something stupid, so, watch your words. The only time I want you to be quiet is if and when I instruct you to do so, understand? I understand you being quiet since I’m not much of a talker myself, but don’t test my patience. If I get too bored, I might just find someone else.” He squeezes your thigh a bit tighter than you’d like.
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Yuta: Yuta, like Taeyoung, would love that you don’t open up to others since he wants you all to himself, but he would quickly grow impatient- quicker than Tae. Despite this, though, he’d find your fear of him to be cute, charming, and quite the turn on. He’s never felt like this before for anyone. You stir up his lust and desire for you even more when you cower in fear and cry for him and he’ll never get enough. That’s when he’ll decide to keep you all to himself; forever locked away in his home.
“God, you’re irritatingly quiet. Speak my little cherry blossom, I want to hear that sweet voice of yours. You know I love when you talk to me and, unless I tell you specifically not to, you can always come and talk to me. Though, I do love seeing the fear in those beautiful eyes, and those tears- I may just have to have you hold that thought for a few minutes, smirks. Your skin is looking too bare for my taste.”
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Johnny: He’s cool for a while with you taking your time to open up to him and think’s your shyness is adorable. He’s got a bit more patients for this sort of thing since he’s arguably one of the most laid back yandere’s. This doesn’t mean it’ll all be butterflies and rainbows, though, he can be dominating and will intimidate/scare you into opening up more.
“Hm, you’re quite shy, aren’t you, little one? It’s so adorable. Steps very close to you, backing you against the wall, staring down at you the entire time You know, before he died, that guy you liked said that you loved (something you love). Do I need to start asking the people you care about for information about you or will you talk to me? You’re so cute when you’re scared, Iove it.”
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Taeil: Although he’s one of the more ‘gentle’ yanderes, in my book, he’ll have his moments where he’s just as forceful as some of the others. Being older and more mature/understanding, he’ll give you time to slowly come out of your shell, but you’ll never be able to go out until he can trust you, which requires you to corporate with him.
“Tell me more about you y/n. You don’t talk much. The last time you really talked to me was before I brought you home, where you belong. I gave you time to open up, but I’m starting to lose my patience. I don’t want to lock you away, but I will. So, please, open up more, alright? You’re not going anywhere until you do.”
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Mark: This won’t fly with him at all. He doesn’t care that you don’t open up to others, as you shouldn’t, but not opening up to him is unacceptable. Since he’s sadistic and bossy, he could find your fear to be a turn on just like Yuta- he’s got a dark kind of kinkiness too that’ll make living with him even harder, on top of him controlling every little thing you do and threatening the ones you love.
“You can open up, you know. Actually, you don’t have a choice, I’m the only person you’re going to be talking to, so you might as well. Unless you wanna spend a few nights in the basement. Sees that you’re afraid Are you scared? He asks with feigned concern as he approaches. He begins to smile as he stares at you Good. You should be. Now talk before I start hurting you..”
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Doyoung: He’d be annoyed with you. He feels that your fear is necessary for the sake of your obedience, but he hates you not being open with him. He’d be accepting of your shyness, thinking that it was kinda cute, but he’d become demanding and protective. Something about your shyness and fear would make him want to shelter you.
“Sighs See, this is why I took you. Well, you’re mine anyways, but you’re so quiet and so shy that the world would just love to destroy you. Believe me, you’re safer here than you are out there. I’m just trying to protect you, so why are you so scared of me? I won’t hurt you unless you give me a reason to and, well, you’re starting to give me a reason.”
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Jaehyun: He’d take his time to get you to open up, maybe being light on punishments and pampering you here and there would make you warm up to him faster. He’d still assert his dominance, but he’d go easy on you at first, letting you get away with more than he would in the future. He doesn’t want to scare you too much yet.
“Hey, love. You want to go and get ice cream? We can go out and have a nice long talk about whatever you want, I just want you to open up more for me, ok? Try anything stupid, though, and I’ll drag you back here and chain you to the bed, got it? Good. Be a good girl for me and you’ll get a nice little reward.”
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Jungwoo: Soft baby yandere will be a soft baby yandere. Because of this, you’ll be fooled into opening up to him rather quickly because of how cute and harmless he seems. He’ll slowly start revealing his true nature once you two become more and more of a thing. Jungwoo isn’t as innocent as he plays to be, and you’ll start to see this and become afraid of what he could do. He’d remind you a bit of Taeyong, sometimes..
“Aish, y/n, you’re so cute and quiet, anyone could get one over on you. That’s why I decided that you’ll stay with me from now on, it’s for the best. You don’t want to? Aww, you don’t really have a choice, hun. Don’t worry, though, I’ll take good care of you so long as you just love me back the same way I love you.”
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Jeno: It doesn’t bother him at all. He prefers you this way because he himself is kinda quiet, calm, and reserved. This is mainly because he’s got a bit of a temper and darkness that he suppresses, and he’d hate to unleash it on you, so being shy and compliant will be best for you and him in the long run. He honestly thinks your fear of him is kinda cute and it always puts a smile on his face. Did I mention that he’s dark af?
“I made us some hot chocolate; hope you like it. Careful, though, it’s very hot. Chuckles You’re cute when you’re scared- come here let me hold you. Let’s watch a horror movie; I think it’s fitting for a night like this. Ever seen Human Centipede? Oh, you’re in for a treat little one, grins.”  
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Jaemin: Surprisingly, he’ll be nice and not too pushy. He’s just happy to have you with him and, knowing how you don’t open up to others, he’ll feel more secure, but he’d still want you to talk to him, though. He’s not worried about you being scared because he kinda likes it in a weird way. It means he’s got more control and that always pleases him.
“I wish you would talk to me more. How can I properly take care of you if I don’t know everything about you? I remember seeing you dancing in your room, but you were wearing headphones. What was the song, love? I’ll play it for you, and we can dance together. Do it for me and maybe I’ll take you out. Deal?”
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Jisung: This boy will be excited but worried because he doesn’t have to worry about anyone taking you away, but he’d also dislike you being too afraid of him. A little fear is fine, but if you were really scared then he’d have a problem with it. He’d honestly try to be a little less intimidating.
“Hey, I got you a teddy bear. I know you’re scared still, so I wanted to give you something to cuddle with until you’re a bit more comfortable with me. You honestly don’t have to be scared unless you try anything stupid, which it doesn’t seem like you will, so you’re fine. I bought some cookies too, if you want any. They’re your favorite.”
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Renjun: Hot and cold, angry then calm, he’d teeter-totter between being aggressive and mad at you and being completely fine with your quietness. He can’t decide if he enjoys or hates it because he loves that you made it easy for him to swoop you off your feet and have you all to himself but he’d hate the time it’ll take for you to open up to him. He’ll grow impatient and become more intimidating- making it worse.
“Damn it, will you speak?! For crying out loud y/n, you’re really annoying! I only want to get to know you, is that too much to ask? I won’t hurt you unless you give me a good reason to, and you’re starting to give me a good reason. Maybe Haechan was right, I may have to be more forceful with you.”
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Chenle: 100% Fine with it. He’s like that himself, so he doesn’t blame you- similar to Jeno. However, Chenle isn’t nearly as dark, he just enjoys the peace and quiet and appreciates the slight fear you have for him because it means less trouble for him. He also knows it means that he’ll get the chance to be your knight in shining armor by proving that he’s the sweetest bf in the world. Don’t underestimate him, though.
“It’s ok, you know you’re safe with me, right? I want to see you smile, not be scared. Although, some fear is better than none because I really just want the best for us, and I want you to give me a fair chance. Want to play this game with me? I bet you’ll be good at it, you’re very smart. I’ll even hold you while we play adorable smile.”
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Haechan: The man has no patience; you won’t have a choice but to open up because he’ll be on your ass 24/7 (literally and figuratively). In fact, that’s why he kidnapped you- you weren’t opening up to him fast enough and he got riled up when he saw you giving all your attention to others- it pissed him off to no end. Haechan is competitive, relentless, rough, and intimidating and would terrorize you- and anyone else for that matter- to get what he wants. Your fear of him doesn’t always do much to soften him either.
“Yanks you to his side SO, what do you want to do today, y/n?…Well..? Speak up! You know I hate repeating myself so don’t make me do it- you’ll only get punished. Huffs You used to give all those so called ‘friends’ of your’s attention, and even that lame excuse for a man, but you can barely talk to me?! You’ll be staying inside until this behavior changes.”
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Lucas: High key loves the fear you have for him but he’s a bit conflicted. As much as he loves seeing the fear in your eyes, he craves your attention so bad. He’ll end up scaring you into opening up to him because you’ll fear what’ll happen if you don’t. He’ll threaten you, your friends, family- if you’re still seeing them-, and anyone/anything dear to you.
“I guess you wouldn’t mind if your friend goes missing. Maybe a relative? Ah, decisions, decisions. I’m feeling like giving you some bruises too- don’t think for a second that I wouldn’t. It’s been a while anyways, and I’m missing your screams- OH, speaking of screams, your guy friend screams like a girl! Almost sounded like my ex when she was dying HAHA!”
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Hendery: Wants you to fear him, maybe a bit more than love him. You’d be terrified for a good reason. He’s merciless and vindictive as hell. Like Lucas, he’ll scare you into opening up but, unlike Lucas, he wouldn’t show this side of him from the get-go. All his desires will have to wait a while. He’ll trick you into thinking that everyone you trust has left you, when he’s really either brutally killed them or turned them against you. You’ll run into his arms- the only person you feel you have left.
“Shhh, it’s ok, I’m here. You still have me here for you and I promise I won’t ever leave you like those so called ‘friends’ have. If you would like, you can come stay with me for while until everything blows over. It’ll probably be best since everyone’s against you. Being alone could be dangerous, you know, and I want you to be safe…You’re beautiful even when you cry..”
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Yangyang: Could care less about you being afraid of him. It’s not like you’re going anywhere, so he knows that he’ll break you outta that phase. All he’s got to do is slowly deprive you of everything, including him, for a while and you’ll come crawling. Simple. Once that’s over, he’ll convince you that he’s the only one who loves you.
“See? I’m the only one who still loves you y/n. Everyone else would see your actions and would think you’re crazy, but not me. I know you’re feeling lonely and crazy, and I want to be here for you through all your pain. I love you y/n. You believe me, don’t you? Good. Let’s go home, you’re living with me from now on..”
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Winwin: Hates that you’re scared of him and would play innocent as if he’s a naïve and harmless boy. Like he’s really a softie who needs love, manipulating you in the process. In reality, he’ll threaten your friends behind your back and play the victim, guilt tripping you if you try to confront him, blaming your friends for your thoughts towards him and, ultimately, causing you to push everyone away. Now he’s got you.
“They’re so mean to me..I-I don’t know what did pout. I didn’t do any of those things, y/n, you know I’d never hurt anyone. Maybe they don’t like me because of how much I care for you? They could be jealous, you know. I don’t know why else they’d want to break up such a good thing between us. Maybe they’re the ones that need to be kept at a distance; don you think?”
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Ten: Clinginess x1000. You’d swear that someone was watching you nearly everywhere you went, watching your every move, and even some of your things went missing. You begin to suspect that it was Ten’s doing because of his rep as a bad boy with connections and the amount of information he knew about you. However, Ten is a master manipulator, so he’ll make you think you’re losing it by telling you that you’ve already told him before despite you never doing so. He’ll do something similar to Hendery, in which, he’d make you feel like you weren’t safe being by yourself and that you should stay with him because he knows how to protect you since, you know, he’s a bad boy himself.
“Shit, maybe you should stay with me from now on, don’t you think? Whoever they are, I can handle them easily, you know that, right? I can’t imagine why someone would target you, but I’ll make sure you’re safe first before figuring this out. I got you…don’t worry..”
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Kun: Kun, being the cautious yandere that he is, would take his time to get to know you before showing his true colors. He’d squash all your fear for him in the beginning because he came off as such a nice guy that you deemed him harmless, even considering him a good friend. Once he’s sure about you though, he’ll begin to speed things up and steering you into a relationship with him. Once you move in with him, he’ll begin to show his true colors, scaring you back into wariness.
“What’s wrong y/n? Don’t like my true colors? I wasn’t completely lying all this time, you know. Much of me is still the same, it’s just that now you’re seeing all of me, including my uglier side. Don’t give me problems and you won’t have any. Try to leave and I’ll drag you back here myself- good luck though, the town is a few miles from here.”
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Xiaojun: This psycho stalker already knows everything about you. He was well aware of your personality and, in fact, he loved it because he could have you all to himself and not have to worry too much about anyone else. Though, once he sees that you’re afraid of him, he wouldn’t blame you or even be angry because he knows damn well that he’s sick. What he will do, though, is kidnap you because your fear could be what ruins everything if you draw attention to yourselves.
“I don’t blame you for being afraid- you should be. You have every right to be, but if I had let you continue to be free, things would have gotten a little messy. You wouldn’t want me to kill your friends, would you? Of course not. If you cooperate, then I won’t touch them. Piss me off and I’ll hurt them and make you watch. Got it? Good, now pulls you close, time for your first mark..”
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404gendernotfound · 4 years
My Little Squirrel Part 3 (Hybrid!Jisung x Reader)
Summary: After spending the night with Jisung at the shelter you signed the adoption papers and took him home with you. But somehow he didn’t act like his usual self when you arrived at home and you started to get really worried.
Contains: fluff, little bit of angst
Warnings: none
Wordcount: 3,8 K
A/N: I’m sorry writing this part took so long but I had a really bad writers block whenever I came back to this story. I still hope you like this part.
Part 1, Part 2
I dried Jisungs tears with my sleeves and softly kissed his forehead. His eyes were still closed as I looked at him again. God he was way too cute to handle.
“You should rest now. After all this drama you must be tired”, I suggested since I saw that his eyes were almost shutting by themselves as I stroked his cheeks.
He nooded and slowly laid down on the bed. Jisung reached for my hand after he had covered himself with his star blanket and looked at me with big puppy eyes.
“Can you stay with me? I mean… you don’t have to spend the night but maybe…just at least until I fall asleep?”, he asked in a tiny voice with so much hope in his eyes that I couldn’t say no to his wish.
“Of course I’ll stay with you”, I answered and squeezed his hand reassuring.
Seeing him be so at peace just from knowing that I would stay with him made my heart melt. He really seemed to have opened up to me a lot even though I still didn’t know that much about him. I took off my shoes and laid down next to him. He looked at my face first to make sure that I wouldn’t push him away before he wrapped his arms around me and snuggled against my side.
“I’ll stay with you tonight.”, I whispered and softly kissed his head again.
“Thank you”, he whispered back and pulled me even closer.
“Good night…Hannie”, I hesitated since I was afraid he would get angry at me calling him that again.
“Good night, Y/n”
I watched Jisung for some time just to make sure that he was able to fall asleep before I closed my eyes. I would have a lecture in the morning but I didn’t really care about that right now. I could just get the information I would miss from a friend later on. Jisung was my top priority now.
As I woke up the next morning Jisungs and my legs were tangled under the sheets and he had snuggled even closer to me at night. I looked at the peaceful look on his face, moved my hand from his back to his head and began to softly stroke his hair. I watched his mouth curl into a smile.
“Good morning”, I whispered.
“Morning”, he mumbled still a bit sleepy and opened his eyes.
“Did you sleep well?”, I asked and softly stroked his cheek.
Jisung closed his eyes again and pressed his face against my hand. He quickly nodded. I was glad that he managed to sleep ok. I looked at the clock and sighed. Right now, I should be at university watching my professor talk about some “very important” things. I did feel a bit bad for slacking off but looking at Jisung right next to me with the happiest smile on his face eased my worry again. I couldn’t leave him alone after what had happened. I knew he needed me and to be honest, I needed him too. He must have noticed that I was lost in my thoughts since he had moved his arm from around my waist to place his hand on my cheek. I smiled and turned my head to kiss his palm before I began to speak again.
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yes. Thanks to you”, he said with a slight blush on his face and hugged me tight.
“I’m glad”
I hugged him back and nuzzled my face against his neck. He was so comfortably warm that I could almost fall asleep again. To my surprise, Jisung started to softly stroke my hair and I snuggled against him.
“When you go home today…will you take me with you?”, he asked whispering and kept holding me close to him.
His voice was full of hope and his tight grip around my waist showed me that he was afraid that I would leave him here.
“Of course I will take you with me. I’m not going to leave you behind”, I mumbled against his neck and playfully tickled him to lighten up the mood a bit.
He giggled and grabbed my hands to stop me from tickling him some more. I looked at him and smiled. His eyes were sparkling and he looked really happy.
“God why are you so cute?”, I asked and watched him blush as I cupped his face and nuzzled my nose against his.
“Stop…”, he mumbled embarrassed and moved his hands to take mine away from his cheeks before he hid his face in his own hands.
“I’m just telling the truth, Hannie”, I whispered and smiled as he peeked through his fingers.
“You can’t just do that…my heart…”, he said and took his hands back down to reveal his dark red cheeks.
My heart was melting right then and there. I would shower him with kisses right now but I didn’t want to make him even more flustered, so I decided to stop the teasing. I hugged him tight one more time before I rolled to the side and sat up on the edge of the mattress. Jisung watched me as I stretched myself yawning and got up from the bed.
“I’ll go and look if bf/n is here already so I can talk to her about taking you with me.”, I announced and saw Jisung smile.
“Alright…but come back soon”, he said and watched me leave the room.
I walked towards the entrance and already saw bf/n standing there completely focused on the computer screen in front of her.
“Hi”, I said and she flinched.
“My god! DON’T SCARE ME LIKE THAT!”, she almost screamed making me laugh.
“Sorry. You were so focused you didn’t even notice me”
She held her hand over her heart and breathed heavily.
“You almost gave me a heart attack. Jesus”, she added and took a deep breath before calming down.
“Oh come on. It wasn’t that bad”
“Enough about my weak heart. How did our squirrel sleep with his human body pillow?”, she asked smiling.
“I think he slept really good. Jisung was really cuddly already”, I explained and had to smile thinking back at the big ball of fluff.
Bf/n had to smile too. She grabbed some papers from her desk and laid them out onto the counter in front of me.
“I guess you are here for these. Am I right?”, she stated and I looked at the adoption papers.
“You know me too well”, I answered and grabbed a pen putting in all my information that I had to fill in.
After finishing filling out the papers I handed them back to her and watched her stamp them before she went to make a copy for her binder. She came back and handed the papers to me.
“I don’t have to explain the rules of adoptions to you since you already know that. I also think that the week of testing out if he can live with you is unnecessary since we both know how much he loves you and the same goes the other way around. So I guess there is nothing keeping you from just taking him home now. I’ll stop by sometime to see how you too are doing. Obviously not because I’m curious but because I wanna see my best friend and favourite squirrel, alright?”, she explained and I laughed at her last suggestion.
“I think we can arrange that”, I said laughing and winked at her.
“Now go rush to your cutie. I’m sure he’s already packing his stuff nervously waiting for you to come back”
She didn’t have to say that twice. I walked back to Jisungs room and peeked in through the slightly opened door. Bf/n was right. Jisung was sitting on his bed packing clothes into his bag and kept glancing towards the door every now and then. I opened the door and leaned against the doorframe.
“Aren’t you the cutest?”, I asked with my arms crossed in front of my chest and smiled at him.
“I’m not”, he said with a pouty mouth and a blush creeping onto his cheeks.
“Yes, you are”
I walked towards him, leaned down so I was on the same height as him and placed a kiss on his forehead. He giggled and looked up at me with big puppy eyes. Seeing him enjoy how I was showering him with love and affection felt amazing. He looked so happy.
“So?”, I asked and pointed to the bag next to him.
He raised a brow in slight confusion before I continued to talk.
“Are you ready to go home?”, I added and watched his eyes slightly start to water.
“HOME…that sounds so nice”, Jisung mumbled before he stood up and fell into my arms.
“Thank you so much”, he whispered against my neck and hugged me tight.
After hugging for a few minutes we separated and I helped him pack the rest of his stuff into his bag before we walked to the front desk. All the way there Jisung didn’t dare to let my hand go as if he was afraid that I would leave him if he let go. We said goodbye to bf/n before we walked to the bus station together. He kept on holding my hand the entire way home and didn’t say a word. He seemed to be really excited but also a bit scared of what was waiting for him when we arrived. I understood since this was going to be his home in the future and he had no idea what it even looked like. I was kind of getting worried about him not liking his new home even though I was sure that he would be fine as long as he could spend time with me. As we arrived at the apartment I opened the door and walked in with Jisungs bag in my hand.
“You can come in. Don’t be shy”, I said trying to encourage him to come in since he stood there hesitating to move.
“Should I take off my shoes?”, he asked walking in with small steps and then carefully and quietly closed the door behind him.
“You can keep them on if you want to”
He shook his head as he saw that I had taken mine off and then removed his shoes before he looked at me again as if he was waiting for me to tell him what to do now. I guess the confidence he had just a few minutes ago had vanished completely and was replaced by confusion and anxiety.
“You can go and take a look around. I’ll put your luggage in your room for the time being. If you need me I’ll be in the kitchen making us something for lunch. Take your time. I know this is new to you and  I can understand that you need some time. So go ahead and just look around”, I suggested and smiled at him.
“Ok”, he said in a quiet voice and then walked past me into the apartment.
I was a bit concerned since he seemed to be very anxious and scared but I decided to let him be for now. If something was going on I was sure that he would come to me. I quickly put Jisungs bag into his room and then walked into the kitchen to make us a simple lunch. I decided to make a simple noodle dish with a quick tomato sauce. While I was waiting for the noodle water to boil I looked around to see where Jisung was. He was nowhere to be seen from the corridor, so he was probably in one of the rooms. I went back to check on the water when I heard quiet steps behind me. As I looked to where the steps were coming from I saw Jisung walk in and sit down at the kitchen table. I wasn’t sure if he was really enjoying being here since he was so much quieter than this morning, but maybe it was just him being nervous.
“I’m making us noodles with tomato sauce and cheese. I hope you’re ok with that”, I said and saw him nod.
“Can I help?”, he asked still in a quiet voice.
“It’s fine. It will be ready in a bit and you can’t really help with anything at the moment”, I said, turned back to the oven and put the noodles into the water.
“Oh…ok”, he said in a slightly disappointed voice and stayed seated where he was.
I felt bad for refusing to let him help as I looked over my shoulder to see that he had a slightly sad look on his face. I looked around if there was something he could do, even if it was just something small.
“You can bring me two plates. They’re in the cabinet over there”, I said towards him and pointed to the just mentioned cabinet.
His face lightened up a bit and he jumped up from where he was sitting and grabbed two plates. Jisung brought them to me and I playfully pat his head.
“Thank you”, I said with a smile and watched him smile back.
Even though it was just a small praise, he seamed to really enjoy it. Since the noodles were ready, I separated them equally onto the plates and poured the tomato sauce over them. As I turned to put the pots I used into the sink I noticed how Jisung grabbed the plates and brought them to the table. He came back to me and looked through a few drawers before he found what he was searching for. A pair of forks and spoons for us to eat with. He brought them to the table before he sat down and waited for me to join him. I sat down across from him.
“Bon appetite”, I said before I began to eat.
He must have been really hungry since it didn’t take long for him to finish the entire plate.
“Did you like it?”, I asked and he nodded.
It took me some time to finish my plate since I was a little bit distracted by the way he was watching me eat. While I moved the empty plates from the table to the sink to wash them I continued to talk.
“Since I still have to work on an essay that is due tomorrow, you’ll have to entertain yourself for a few hours. You can unpack in the meantime and maybe think of something you might like to have in your room like decoration or something like that.”, I said and walked towards him after drying my hands.
“Ok”, he said and looked at the floor.
We walked to our rooms and I turned towards him as I arrived at the door.
“My room is right here so if you need anything just come in and ask.”
I opened the door to my room and waited to see that he went into his room before closing the door. I was still kind of concerned about him but maybe I was just overthinking the situation too much again. After sitting down at my desk, I was so focused on my essay that I didn’t even notice the time flying by so fast. I was brought back to reality when I heard something shatter in the next room. I instantly rushed to Jisungs room since it must have come from there. As I walked in I saw him kneel on the floor picking up pieces of the mirror that was now shattered on the floor.
“Hey. Don’t pick them up. You’re going to hurt yourself”, I said, quickly walked over to him and pulled him away from the sharp pieces on the floor.
I just now noticed that his face was covered in tears and his body was trembling like crazy. Oh no.
“Jisung…”, I whispered and placed a hand on his shoulder.
“I…I didn’t mean to break it. I forgot it was there and…I turned around and knocked it over. I’m so sorry”, he cried looking at the pieces of the broken mirror that he was still holding in his hand.
“It’s fine. Don’t cry, please. It wasn’t your intention to break it so I’m not mad at you. Give me those shards. I don’t want you to hurt yourself”, I tried to calm him a bit and carefully took the broken mirror pieces from his hands putting them onto the table where the small mirror had been standing before.
As I turned back towards him I saw that there were some small cuts on the inside of his hand. Nothing major but they were still bleeding a little bit. I grabbed his hand and lifted it up to my face so I could take a better look.
“See. You hurt yourself just because of that stupid mirror. I don’t care about it being broken or not but I do care about your wellbeing. So please next time when something like this happens don’t pick up the pieces. Just let them lie there and call for me. I’ll handle it then”, I explained and softly kissed the little wounds in his hands.
“O…Ok”, he said still sniffling.
“Come here”, I said and pulled him into a hug.
“Everything’s ok. I’m not mad at you. So don’t worry about it too much”, I whispered and hugged him tight.
He buried his face in my neck and held me as close to him as possible. It probably wasn’t just the mirror why he was crying. There was something else he wasn’t telling me.
“Let’s clean up this mess and then I’ll treat your cuts, alright?”, I asked and cautiously separated from the hug.
Jisung nodded and stayed seated on his bed while I grabbed the vacuum, a shovel and a broom to get rid of all the shards. He was watching me carefully while I gathered the left-over pieces of the mirror making sure that I wasn’t hurting myself. After I was done I walked towards him and reached out with my hand for him to take it.
“Come on”
He hesitantly took my hand and stood up from his bed following me to the bathroom. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub as I searched for a bandage and some ointment and then kneeled before Jisung. He watched my every move as I applied ointment on the wounds and then carefully bandaged his hand so it wouldn’t get infected. I carefully took his hand in mine and softly stroked it.
“I hope it doesn’t hurt too much”, I said in a soft voice and pulled him up with me.
“It’s fine. Thanks to you”, he answered and squeezed my hand as I dragged him with me into my room.
Since the essay was almost done I decided to focus on Jisung now rather than writing the last pages even though they needed to be finished soon. He was my top priority right now. I sat down on the bed and pat the empty space next to me. Jisung looked as if he wasn’t sure if he should join me or not so I waited for him to decide. He hesitated a bit before he crawled onto the bed and looked at me. He didn’t need to say a word for me to understand. I opened my arms and he instantly took that as an invitation to cuddle. Jisung snuggled close to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed one hand on his back and the other in his hair running my fingers through it softly. After some time of silence I began to speak.
“If somethings wrong you can tell me you know that, right?”, I said more as a fact than a question.
He nodded his head and stayed silent for some time. Maybe he didn’t want to talk about it with me or it was something he didn’t feel comfortable sharing with me yet.
“You haven’t been acting like yourself ever since I brought you here. Do you not like it here? Or did I do something wrong?”
Jisung lifted his head and looked at me. He had that sad expression on his face again that I couldn’t really understand.
“No. It’s not that I don’t like it here. It’s just…I’m scared…”
“Scared of what?”
“Of you bringing me back when I’m being myself. I know that I’m too clingy and excited and loud. I don’t want to lose you just because I’m me”, he explained and avoided to look me in the eyes.
“Jisung”, I said in I quiet voice trying to get his attention back to me.
He finally turned his head towards me again. The look on his face made my heart almost break. I reached out to softly stroke his cheeks. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the touch.
“I wanted to take you in because you were being yourself and weren’t trying to act different just to get my attention. So please don’t hold back and be your quirky self like usually. I want you to run around and almost jump into my arms when you are excited. I want you to be as clingy as you can. Who doesn’t love the cutest squirrel on the planet clinging to themself all the time?”, I explained and watched his expression change from sadness to slight confusion.
“I don’t understand…why are you like this?”, he asked.
“Like what?”
“You are so understanding. You are encouraging myself to be who I am. You aren’t bossing me around telling me what to do. I don’t understand why? What do you get out of it?”
I was confused. Why would I want to get something out of this?
“I don’t get anything out of it, and I don’t need anything. I’m not sure if you’ve understood this already but I’m not and I will never treat you like a pet. You’re a human being and I will treat you like one. I have no intentions to make you feel inferior to me. You are worth just as much as I am.”, I explained trying to make him understand what was behind my behavior.
Jisung buried his face in the crook of my neck before I heard him sniffle again.
“Hey. Don’t cry”, I whispered and softly stroked his head.
“I can’t believe I found you. I’m so lucky”, he cried against my neck, his hands gripping me tight.
My heart was starting to race at his words. He was way too cute.
“I am the one whose lucky here. I get to spend all of my future days with a cute squirrel. I couldn’t be happier”
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nagichi-boop · 5 years
Haikyuu BF Headcanons - Movie Date!!
Please leave me some requests, I'm thirsty for headcanon ideas-
Anyways, here's a few of my own headcanons for some of my favourite boys. 😔
This post contains headcanons for the following characters: Yamaguchi, Nishinoya, Kuroo and Sugawara.
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Yamaguchi Tadashi
• Yamaguchi has been waiting for an opportunity to show you have brave and manly he can be, and finally his chance is here.
• He invites you to the cinema to watch the newest horror film, hoping he can prove himself to you.
• When he texted Tsukki his idea beforehand, he was told that it was a bad idea and it would probably backfire, but Yamaguchi was determined to impress you!
• The two of you meet just before the movie. Yamaguchi insists on buying you a drink and some food.
• You are too afraid to tell him you brought snacks with you because he's so determined and you don't want to ruin his mood. Plus, he's very cute when he's like this!
• Yamaguchi offers his hand to you at the start of the movie in case you get scared. You accept his offer and hold hands with him, your fingers interlocking.
• You hand gets squeezed multiple times during the film. You quietly glance at Yamaguchi who is very clearly tensed up and trying not to scream.
• You hand is literally red after the film, but you make excuses and say it's because your hand got warm from holding his hand for so long. (You didn't want to crush his spirits.)
• He asks to be excused and goes to the bathroom to try and de-stress.
• The two of you walk to your house. Yamaguchi gives you his jacket and holds your hand (but doesn't squeeze it this time).
• You talk about the film but notice Yamaguchi is trying very hard to forget the scary parts and play it off like he wasn't effected, so you turn the topic of conversation away from the scary parts.
• Before you two go your separate ways, you reward Yamaguchi's bravery by kissing him and thanking him for the fun date.
• He blushes a little and puts his arm behind is head, saying, "No problem, I had a lot of fun!"
• You walk towards your door, but then turn your head around to glance at Yamaguchi. He is blushing furiously and acting giddy. You take a sneaky picture because bOY, IS HE PURE!!
• He dials a number before beginning to walk away from the house. You sneak around to see him. He is on the phone to Tsukki and borderline yelling to him out of excitement about how the date went.
• You chuckle, and then decide to go into your house. You hope to go on a date again soon.
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Nishinoya Yuu
• He's been raving to you about a new action movie that's coming out because he is desperate for someone to watch it with him.
• You spend the afternoon at his house playing video games and eating pizza before the film. The both of you are super pumped by the time you get to the cinema.
• At all of the fight scenes, you look at Noya who constantly gestures (e.g. clenched his fists, punches the air, etc) with a huge smile on his face. Seeing him this excited makes you smile.
• He is so ecstatic after the film. He's jumping around and giddily talking to you about the film. You quickly join in on the enthusiastic yelling.
• The staff stare at you as this happens and eventually you pick up on the hints, so you suggest to Nishinoya that the two of you find somewhere else to talk.
• You go back to his house and talk about the film while doing some late night snacking.
• You suddenly realise it's super late. Nishinoya suggests you sleep over, so you text your parents to see if this is okay and they agree. (Nishinoya may not be the most mature or responsible person, but they don't expect him to do anything that they wouldn't approve of since he's a pure bean.)
• He gives you a pair of his pajamas to wear. (If you're taller than him, he gives you a t-shirt that Asahi left at his house during a sleepover they had years ago.)
• He gets out some sleeping bags and pillows. You are given the couch to sleep on and he sleeps on the floor. You both fall asleep instantly.
• You spend the next morning relaxing with one another before you go home in the afternoon.
• You bear hug each other and give each other a high five before you go home. You look forward to hanging out again soon!
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Kuroo Tetsurou
• The two of you have been going out for a few weeks and he finally asks you on an official date to the movies. You gladly accept.
• He asks if it's okay to invite Kenma because he has invited you to a film he wanted to watch with Kenma (and he wants to get Kenma out of the house). You are more than happy for Kenma to come since the two of you are friends.
• Somehow Bokuto finds out and he invites himself and Akaashi along (without realising it was meant to be a date).
• Kuroo profusely apologises for this, but you just giggle and tell him it's okay - the more the merrier!
• The movie you watch is a video game film. Kuroo is hoping it will be a "so bad it's good" type of movie. (Kenma expects that he will be disappointed by the film. Bokuto genuinely enjoys these films because he loves the childish/cringey jokes. Akaashi is more or less just acting as Bokuto's guardian and he couldn't care less about the film.)
• You sit in the following order from left to right; Akaashi, Bokuto, you, Kuroo, Kenma.
• You and Akaashi snuck snacks in and Kuroo pulled out drinks from his bag that he had snuck in. You distribute these between everyone before the film begins.
• Bokuto spends most of the film laughing and saying things like, "Did you see that, Akaashi?!"
• Kuroo looks at you apologetically (but also somewhat amused) and Kenma looks like he is suffering. Akaashi looks like his mind is somewhere else.
• After the date, you go off with Kuroo and Kenma. (Akaashi practically has to drag Bokuto away on your behalf because he quickly read the situation and doesn't want Bokuto to ruin it.)
• The three of you get a burger together and discuss the movie. Kuroo talks about all the cringey jokes whereas Kenma points out the plot holes and clichés.
• When you're asked about your opinion, you say that you thought the movie was okay. You then smile sweetly at Kuroo and say, "I just enjoyed being able to spend time with you."
• Kuroo gets a bit flustered. Kenma looks up at him, then continues to eat his food.
• They both walk you home and you wave each other goodbye. You're both walking away dissatisfied, until...
• You both turn around at the same time. Caught off guard, you stop for a second, before the adrenaline kicks in and you run towards him.
• You jump into his arms, then kiss each other and say goodnight before running off again.
• Kuroo just smiles. He goes home satisfied.
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Sugawara Koushi
• The two of you aren't dating yet, but he had a plan to ask you out. You assume his invite to the cinema is because you're friends, so you go along, quietly hoping for it to be more than that.
• There's a new romance movie that is said to be really good. You're excited to go, especially because you low-key have feelings for Suga and are hoping the movie choice is a hint.
• He meets you hours before the movie and the two of you spend some time together. You go to the café, the arcade, etc.
• When you're in the arcade, he suddenly gets very nervous and takes you somewhere else. (You find out afterwards that the first years were all there and he didn't want Hinata and Kageyama to cause a scene upon seeing you together.)
• He buys you drinks and snacks at the cinema because you are both rule followers and sneaking snacks in is like breaking the law to the two of you.
• He gives you nervous glances every now and then during the film, especially during the more romantic scenes.
• He low-key stares at you at the heavily romantic scenes. He thinks you look really cute - your eyes are sparkling, your lips are slightly parted, your cheeks are slightly rosy-
• He looks away and covers the lower half of his face with his arm because he can feel himself blushing.
• The two of you talk about the film afterwards as you walk out of the theater.
• He lends you his jacket and walks you home.
• He hesitates and says goodnight. You respond the same thing back, then turn around and walk towards your door. You were hoping something would happen, so you're a bit disappointed.
• You suddenly feel someone grabbing your wrist. You turn around suddenly to see Sugawara looking at you with furrowed brows, blushing at you.
• He pauses for a moment and avoids eye contact with you. His eyes then meet your's again.
• "Y/n, I like you. Would you like to go out with me?"
• You are a bit shocked, so you take a moment to respond. You give him a hearty "Yes". The two of you have the biggest smiles on your face.
• You hug each other and then go your separate ways. You are super happy to finally be dating Sugawara!
This ended up being a lot longer than I planned, whoops. Hope you like it anyways! 💞
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0vorenation0 · 4 years
Jakes Surprise (Part 2 Final)
(Warning~ This story does not contain vore or any sexual components.)
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Jakes bf turned to me and looked down, thinking about what the plan was. While he thought I opened my suit case and grabbed Jakes Bday gift. I couldn’t wait till tomorrow so I wanted to give it to him when he saw I was here for birthday. Once I got it out and placed it to the side, Jakes bf had an idea.
Jakes bf~”I got it Cal, I’m gonna act like I have a early surprise for him like a present. Then I’m gonna tell him to cover his eyes and I’ll bring you out and we will surprise him.”
Me~” That’s perfect, okay we got a game plan. Alright u go get jake and I’ll wait here until u come and get me.”
Jakes bf left and went to go get Jake, I stood there waiting for him and while he did that I put my clothes in the dresser. Jakes bf came in right after I was done and gestures me to come slowly and quietly. I took off my shoes so he couldnt hear two sets of shoes and walked with him. We got to the living room when I saw my buddy Jake standing there eyes covered.
Jake~” come on bud what’s the surprise, you didn’t get a puppy or something cuz I don’t think we’re ready for that kind of commitment.”
Jakes bf~” not quite a puppy but your going to love it, it’s something you would never have expected and you will most likely never forget it.”
Jake~”surprises are scary when I’m not the one doing them can I open my eyes yet!!”
I stood in front of him and jakes bf counted from three.
Jakes bf~” 3, 2, 1 open your eyes jake!!!!! Happy Birthday!!!!”
Jake opens his eyes real quick and his eyes widened as he froze in shock.
Me~” how’s this for a birthday surprise Jake, Happy Birthday my friend.”
Jake finally came to and jumped in excitement and screamed “OMG CAL, is it really you?!!! WTF I thought u were in Texas. Omg bro I’m crying COME HERE give me a hug.!!!!”
Jake ran to me and gave me the biggest hug I had ever received, a tear feel down the my cheek as I finally met in real life my best bud jake. We probably hugged for a solid 2 mins, you would think that two brothers had been reunited after years apart. After the hugging and some crying stopped, Jake couldn’t believe it. He turned to his bf and asked him if he had anything to do with it. He shocked his head yes and jake hugged and kissed his bf, he came back to me and hugged me again.
Jake~” Cal this is the best Birthday present I have ever gotten, thank you so much. I’m so happy and excited, wait how long are you staying. It’s just just till tomorrow right?”
Me~”Haha Love you jake and happy birthday, naww I’m satying for a week bud. So we can go do lots of stuff.”
Jake~” Are you serious a whole week? OMG YES, I can’t wait to show u around and have fun. What should we do first? Maybe the university I’d love to show u around or the museum, maybe the park.”
Me and Jakes bf~” slow down Jake, we can do all of those things haha.”
Cal~”so now that you got to see ur bfs big present, would u like to open mine?”
Jake~”You got me a gift too, aww Cal thanks. Let’s see it”
I tell jake to stay there and I go into the guest room and pick up the presents. All neatly wrapped in a box. I head back out and hand it to Jake.
Cal~”here you go bud hope you like it.”
Jake sits down on the couch and opens the wrapping, he gets a knife and cuts the box open. The box opens and jake takes out a bottle wrapped in tissue paper. He tears the tissue paper off and smiles. Then looks up at me.
Cal~”I know it’s not much bud, but I promised to give that to you when I visited u for the first time. Do u like it?”
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The gift was a Roger Staubach Dr. Pepper two liter bottle, I promised Jake one day while we were talking. That I would personally deliver that bottle to him, most people would think it wasnt worth anything. For me and Jake tho it represented our friendship, he hated the Dallas Cowboys but he was a sports fan and it came from me. He smiled at me and said,
Jake~”I cant believe you remembered to bring it Cal, thanks this means so much to me. Every time I look at it, I will remember this day and how u made me feel. This to me is better then any expensive gift because this comes from you and it means a lot to you.”
The bottle wasn’t worth but 15 bucks, I had picked it up and some garage sale. The worth was that it was a gift to my dear friend Jake. That’s what made it priceless in his eyes. He put it one the table and stood up and went over to me. He hugged me again and said thank you for everything, your my best friend. Meeting jake for the first time was the best day so far of my life. After his gift, he gave me a beer and we sat down to watch an old Syracuse game that was probably ten years old. We laughed and talked me Jake and his bf, I had a great night. We talked about the future and the past. The present and random stuff, I wouldn’t trade that for anything. The day ended and we all went to sleep, the following day Jakes bf made me and Jake a birthday breakfast and we discussed what we would do today. Jake was really excited to show me his campus.
So after we ate we all got ready and went out, he showed me around his campus. It was beautiful and then we went out to a pizza place cuz i wanted to try some NY pizza. It was a the best pizza ever haha, the next day and following rest of the week was so much fun. We went to see a movie, a museum and we even drove four hours so I could see the 9/11 memorial and the Statue of Liberty. The vacation I decided to take was the best trip of my life and I loved every minute of it. Jake and his bf were sad on the final morning before I had to leave. The end turned out like the beginning, lots of hugs and a little crying. I was saddened to go home but I told them I would be back as soon as I could, and told jake and his bf to surprise me in Texas when they could. With that we said goodbye and I left home for Texas. I will never forget meeting my best friend Jake, and having an awesome week. Now that I met him, I felt closer then ever to him. He was like my brother I never knew I had, you wonder how someone u meet online can make a huge impact on ur life and then when u meet them. They turn out to make and even bigger impact on ur life.
Right when I got on my plane jake went out to get the mail. It was a birthday card and he opened it, happy birthday jake. Hope you loved ur gift and I know I’m writing this in advance but I love you bud and I’m so happy I got to meet u. See you soon bud!!!
That’s where the story ends everyone, HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE. I love you so much, u mean so much to me and hopefully one day that’s how us meeting will go. @texanstrongjake
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bagels-and-seagulls · 5 years
davenzi headcanons + david studying abroad
-david gets accepted to study abroad in los angeles at ucla in their film program for a year. a whole year in la learning about film and going to see where film is made and meeting other people who know film like he does so he can gush about stupid things like camera placement all day long. at first he's so excited he can't contain it, and he immediately goes to tell the one person he tells everything to aka matteo.
-matteo is over the moon at the news and is so proud of david that he keeps calling him his star and the biggest thing hollywood has ever seen.
-david is the first one to get nervous and whispers a quiet what about us into matteo's hair later that night. matteo calls him an idiot and tells him he loves him and david can't get rid of him that easily. matteo says it's too good an opportunity to pass up and he would actually break up with david if he didn't go because he only got with david for his future fame anyways.
-matteo moves back in with hans for the year david is gone because his wages from the deli can't afford his and david's place all on his own. he grumbles about it for like a day, but hans wears him down into admitting he missed him. if only a little.
-they call and text all the time, and david sends matteo stupid selfies with his new friends and captions in english knowing that matteo is shit in english and will have to ask someone to help translate. matteo sends memes and pics of his proudest sandwiches at work and says for your sandwich fetish as the caption each time. he also sends david pics of flowers with cheesy things like not as pretty as your face. david always retaliates at those by sending matteo doodles of them and what they're going to do once they see each other again.
-matteo refuses to send any dirty pics to david for like a whole month because the idea of taking those kinds of pictures make him all nervous and itchy. he tries a couple of times and deletes them right away. it isn't until david sends a picture of him in a low cut tank top with his hair pushed back by sunglasses with a pouty face standing next to some drop dead gorgeous model looking guy in a club that matteo finally works up the nerve to send something a little spicy just so david remembers what he's missing. it isn't even anything too raunchy, just a shirtless pic of him in the mirror, one arm stretched above his head, with his pants hanging low on his hips and his bare feet. he captions it looks like you're having more fun than me tonight. and david nearly short circuits at the picture and he's in public for God's sake. he sends back a pic of him biting his lip and it says you look good.
-it takes nearly a month and a half for david to convince matteo to try phone sex. he really isn't trying to push it. it just kind of happens in the end. the first time matteo didn't seem too into the idea, david stopped immediately and only really brought sex up at all in passing. the only reason they started is because david jokingly asks what are you wearing like he does every once in a while to see matteo blush through his computer screen and matteo actually shows him this time. david practically choked.
-the gang texts david fairly often, and he's still active in all their group chats. he'll send people things that make him think if them like funny stories to the ok.cool. group or books about capitalism to jonas and pride decorations to linn and hans or graffiti to amira. hans or jonas will text david when matteo is feeling down or hasn't gotten out of bed all day, and david feels absolutely destroyed that he can't be there for his boy. he sends matteo little drawings and doodles until he gets some sort of happy sounding reply.
-david can't afford to come home for any of tbe breaks the entire year, so he spends the month he has off for winter break traveling the country with some other exchange students and they sleep out of a van. david tells them that they cant go to detroit because he promised his adorable boyfriend that he would wait until they could go together for the first time. matteo sends him a package with a scrapbook of them and david's favorite places in berlin. david sends back an actual mixtape and a Walkman he found at a thrift store.
-the boy and girl squad surprise matteo with plane tickets for christmas. they schemed with david to make sure matteo could come over his spring break and get his undivided attention away from classes. david also convinces his roommate to go to disney land for a week so they'll have the dorm to themselves. matteo only cries a little bit, but only in front of jonas and hanna so it doesn't really count.
-david can't drive in the us, so he gets two of his friends to drive him to lax to pick matteo up. they quickly agree because they've heard so much about david's bf that they really want to meet him.
-he's bouncing on his feet waiting by the arrivals gate for matteo to come through. he spots matteo before he spots david, but he doesn't do anything except stare. when matteo finally sees david, he stops dead in his tracks and just stares right back. david's friends are like wtf are you guys going to hug or not and david is just like hold on a minute I don't want to overwhelm my boy he's sensitive.
-eventually matteo walks slowly over to david with his hands shoved under his backpack straps and just likes falls into david. david is smiling way harder than his friends have ever seen him smile and david has gotten the best critique on his films like two weeks in a row, so they've seen big smiles. they step away when they see the couple cling tightly to each other and hear david start murmuring things in German to the other boy.
-they don't see the couple for the first three days of spring break. they officially meet him on the fourth day when matteo makes everyone dinner and it's delicious. david raves about how matteo is the best chef (or aspiring to be) in all of berlin and matteo only understands a little but still blushes the entire time.
-david's friends all love matteo because ofc they would even though matteo's english really is shit and david has to translate all the time. one girl they know is actually from italy though so sometimes matteo will get her to help if david is occupied. they mostly just like that they've never seen david this happy or this calm the entire time they've known him.
-david returns home two weeks early
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peaches-of-1 · 6 years
BTS- S/O is Pregnant on Christmas
This is hella late, but it’s still 2018 here so yeah. Anon requested: Can I ask for a bTS reaction to their s/o telling them [they’re] pregnant through a Christmas gift? Pretty please ❤️
You had gotten dressed in matching pjs to open Christmas presents before he had to get ready for tonight’s performance. It was slightly delayed because of you puking up last night’s midnight snak. He asked if you were ok and you nodded.
His gift to you was a snowglobe. Inside was a recreation of the day he asked you to marry him at the park in front of a food truck. It played a music box version of your song. Youhanded him a bright red box.
This moment was being recorded. It had to be. Jin dug through layers of tissue paper and uncovered a mug. He read the prhrase “#1 Dad”. He started to say, “I’m not a...” he looked up at you. “Wait, are you...? You nodded with a big smile. He started to cry, “I’m gonna be a father!”
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It was the day before Christmas since he’d be busy all day tomorrow at a music festical. Also, it was afternoon when he finally woke up to make himself a cup of Christmas Cookie flavored coffee. Then the two of you sat down in front of the decorated tree.
Your gift from Yoongi was a montage of audio clips every time you interrupted him creating music. When there was a knock on the door, he’d chuckle and other times he’s mumble to himself about you being so lovely. You voice was caught on some too. So sweet.
“Your turn!” you said, handing him a rectangular box. He thought it was a watch, but when he opened it, Yoongi froze. Then he looked at you. Back at the box and he finally breathed. “We’re having a baby!” You heard his joyous laugh as he looked at the three positive pregnancy tests. “Oh my god, I’m gonna be dad!”
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Although you had to get to work before your J-Hope woke up, you left a note saying you’d have time during lunch to exchange gifts. He smiled at your penmanship and went to practice after breakfast.
When lunch came around, you two met at a simple cafe for hot cocoa. You were given a Mang stress ball to squeeze at work. “It’s too cute! I could never~” You said, knowing you would sooner or later clench your fist around the blue horse when things got rough.
When you gave him his gift, he opened it to find minature Christmas booties in a bag along with a picture of baby’s first ultrasound. He didn’t say anything, just covered his mouth and cried. Then Hobi hugged you. “We’re pregnant.” he sniffled. Then he held up the photo and yelled in the cafe, “I’m--We’re pregnant!”
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The boys were at a song festival, and throughout the show, idols were given stocking filled with gifts from friends and family. Jeongyeon from TWICE had gotten cleaning supplies, Jaebum’s memberes had gotten him noise cancelling sleep earmuffs. Then it was time for someone from BTS to open a present. The name on screen was that of Namjoon.
He was all formal as he was recorded from his seat in the audience. You had arranged this only two weeks ago. Inside the stocking was a rattle, a baby bottle, baby food cans, all things the idol pulled out one by one with confusion until he got to the end. He chuckled as he looked at the hostess. In true hostess fashion, she said, “Let’s see who all these infantile gifts are from!” and your face shown on screen packing the stocking yourself.
Then it cut to you while sitting on the couch. “Hey, Joonie, I wanted to tell you this in the most unexpected way possible...we’re pregnant! We’re having triplets!” Namjoon started jumping up and down when he saw you come from backstage and hugged you and your baby bump.
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The boys were having a meeting to approve new BT21 emotes for next quarter and it was fun even though they had to do it on Christmas Day. They were going in a random order. Yoongi and Jungkook had liked the emote where Cooky saved Shooky from falling into milk. Namjoon giggled at the sight of Koya chucking an alarm clock out of the window. All of them were great, but Jimin was so excited to see his.
When his yellow pupper showed on screen, he got a smile on his face. They were odd, though. The yellow was more golden yellow than usual. It told the story of a dark yellow Chimmy going to the hospital and a light yellow Chimmy running around the room. Wait, was dark yellow Chimmy giving birth?
Then light yellow Chimmy held up a sign that said, “Look behind you!” Everyone looked behind themselves and saw you with an obvious baby bump. “Merry Christmas, we’re pregnant!” You said with a big smile on your face. Jimin smiled but his legs were weak. “A baby!”
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He’s be on set until later tonight, and you weren’t very patient, so you visited. Because he broke character and gave his iconic smile during an angsty scene. The director called cut. You had on anterls and told the camera person to keep rolling. They did as ou expliened to Tae whey you were there.
“Just wanted to give you your Christmas gift in case I’m asleep before you get home.” You said. He gasped as you handed him a card that just said BIG NEWS FROM SOMONE SPECIAL! When he opend it, the ultrasound fell on the floor. Picking it back up and reading the inside, he started to cry.
Tae couldn’t help himself as he hugged you tight and cried into your shoulder. Then he called out to his castmates, “I got pregnant! No, I mean baby! I meant! AHHH! We’re having a baby!”
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Christmas Day! JK was so excited that he woke you up by bouncing on the bed. He pulled you by the arm downstairs and shoved the biggest box you could hold and repeatedly told you to open it. You loved your excited bun.
They were the shoes you wanted (had dropped over) for months but didn’t want to spend your rent money on. You were so happy and hugged your bf tightly. “Thanks, baby, you’re the best!” You then explained that your gift for him was a riddle that he had to solve.
He nodded and ripped the box open. Cooky was in a stove...an oven. The puzzled look on his face made you chuckle. “Bunny cook?...He’s in an oven...Bunny in the oven...?” Kookie then gaped. “Bun in the oven!” THen his jaw dropped. “You’re...” You giggled and nodded not able to contain your excitement any longer, “They’re twins!”
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swiftiejoeytx · 6 years
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@taylorswift so something happened one year ago today. I met you!!!
So far this has been the best day of my entire life! And I am going to tell you why.
When I was 15 I discovered Tim McGraw, I was sitting in the back seat of my friends moms orange Dodge Durango waiting for her to come out of her house so we can go to the movies. Her mom gave me a cd that had literally one song on it called Tim McGraw. She told me to take it home and burn it on my computer so I can put it on my MP3 player. So I did, and our secret I never returned the cd shhh.
So a few months later your album came out I went to the store that morning and bought it and put it in my CD player and played it while I was at school. At this point of my life I was still in middle school and I remember listening to the album and inside freaking out trying to keep it contained because I knew if I let it slip out the boy who bullied me would come up to me and well... that would’ve been just great right.
So fast forward to 2008 FEEARLESS is released. At this time I was in high school and just got in my first relationship ever with a boy named Joey, I know, I know same nick name as mine. We dated for about 1 year up until we finally decided to use the word ‘boyfriend’. So that went smooth, he was the first guy I had ever experienced anything with and a few months into the actual start of the relationship I got a call from a guy named Alex saying he was sleeping with Joey, then Joey called me and that was the end of that. My heart was torn in two and it was a horrible horrible experience. The first heartbreak is always the worse in my eyes. I just remember listening to Taylor Swift and Fearless all the time. Your music taught me a lot! For example Breathe “People like people and sometimes it doesn’t work out.” Or “he’s the reason for the teardrops on my guitar”. At this point in my life I had seen you on a lot of talk shows such as Ellen and jimmy and I remember you would talk about certain things and I just got inspired by you.
So moving forward the year is now 2010 Speak Now has just dropped and at this point in my life I remember ya know dating around and jus tweeting what was out there. Back at school people would talk and make up nasty rumors of me. None of them were at all true. When this album came out it tore me to pieces. I was just like done with everyone and everything I stopped dating listened to Last kiss, mean, MINE, SPEAK NOW, Better than revenge and I don’t know why... but those songs gave my confidence a boost so high that till today I still careless about others thoughts of me. I am just Joseph/Joey nothings going to change. So thank you for this album it’s still one of my favorites, well they all are but this album owns a huge percentage of my heart. It also helped me and still helps me through a lot of sticky relationships.
So now you go on and drop RED in 2012. This album honestly. It’s so special to me. It opened my eyes and made me realize of the toxic relationship I was in. I was literally with a guy who would joke around and call me ‘Shit head’ or just argue with me all the time. He never wanted to see me happy and when he kept going to the gay club with a —>guy and his best friend i knew something was shady. Especially when I would get the whole “you’re not invited” thing. So with RED I got I almost do, I knew you were trouble, Red, we are never ever getting back together, Everything has changed and begin again. All of these songs helped me move back home which was an hour from where he lived and I danced all night with great friends at the age of 22 to starlight.
The year is now 1989! (2014) I had just met a man named Jonathan. At this point in my life I was just wild and having fun living like I was in New York . He came into my life with a bang and he stayed. This is the first time I took someone to a Taylor concert with and it was so special to me. So thank you for giving us All you had to do was stay, I wish you would, style, this love and New Romantics. This album was so amazing and fun thank you!
Now we are at October 25, 2017 me and Jonathan are still going strong and on the road to Nashville for a Secret even @taylornation has planned out for Swifties. We all knew it was Reputation Secret Sessions. But still the whole 10 hour drive up there I am so excited and I’m jamming out to Gorgeous and Look what you made me do. So we get to the meet up location and I meet Victoria and Lauren and Emily and they’re all so awesome! And we all head out to the unknown location. So we get there and literally when the gates opened it was like we drove onto clouds! The house was gorgeous the screeners was so cute I loved all of it. So we get off the car and tree tells us “WELCOME TO THE SECRET SESSIONS” and we all screamed and ran up the driveway towards the back. So we are all hanging out there eating delicious food and then we all get to go inside. So we head in there and I legit was freaking out! My heart was racing and I was cold. So we get into a room filled with comfy blankets etc and me and Victoria and Lauren’s run across the room and sit right in front.
Later you and Abigale walk in and legit everyone in the room flew back it was great 😂
We were all shooketh. So you play us all of Reputation and let me tell you this album came in perfectly! We got King Of My Heart, Dress, Delicate, I did something bad, End game, SO IT GOES! and Don’t Blane me. And like legit Reputation is such an incredible album and I’m so happy on the success of it. So thank you Taylor once again for allowing me into your home and allowing me to hear such an amazing album first before the world. Such a special moment for me THANK YOU!
And just FYI when we met Iwas like legit shaking but you had an amazing way to calm me down you complimented me, you talked about family and my bf and honestly it was just such a very important and special moment for me thank you a trillion!!!
Sincerely , Joey
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wellhellothereboys · 6 years
BF Episode Names + Work Summaries (Part 1)
These summaries are my OWN and WILL contain spoilers. Some, but not all works will be related back to the show. Thank you!
Click episode names for links to online versions of the works by the way :D And please let me know if you think I made an error, I’m more than willing to fix it
I literally read all of these in three days so I’ll be posting for eps 13-24 in less than a week (I hope)
E1: A Perfect Day For Bananafish by J.D. Salinger
Muriel and Seymour, her husband (who Muriel calls “see-more”), are staying at a hotel near a beach. Muriel calls her mom to reassure her that everything has gone well, but her mother is anxious about Seymour’s state since he returned from war. Of course, Muriel says everything is fine and that Seymour is down at the beach. The reader can assume that Muriel takes a nap shortly after the call with her mother. At the beach, Seymour talks to a little girl (Sybil) and goes to swim with her and just play around. He proposes that they try to look for bananafish. He mentions that these fish eat bananas (strange) in spaces between rocks that they are then unable to escape because of weight gain from the food and they die. Sybil eventually says that she saw a bananafish, which for some reason prompts Seymour to kiss her foot (something you wanna tell us, Seymour?). Sybil runs inside when they get out of the water, and Seymour goes up to his and Muriel’s room. In the elevator, he claims that a woman is staring at his feet (honestly Seymour, what’s with the FEET?). When he gets to the room, Muriel is asleep. Without much further explanation, he grabs a gun and shoots himself. 
We can obviously see the correlation between the drug in the show and the fish in the story, as both of them prompt the victim to cause harm to themselves. Seymour was also affected by mental illness after being at war, which could relate to Griffin’s character.
E2: In Another Country by Ernest Hemingway
During a war, Nick (the narrator) is in a hospital with Italian soldiers. Nick can be interpreted as an extension of Hemingway himself within the story. Nick meets three soldiers at the hospital that have earned medals for brave actions. This makes Nick feel bad, because his medal was awarded to him simply because he was an american fighting in the war and was accidentally injured. Nick also meets a younger soldier who wears a cloth over half of his face (an injury that he got BEFORE the war). Because this soldier is the only person who hasn’t gotten a medal for bravery, Nick finds ease in talking to him. Oh! I should probably mention that this story is supposed to be a reflection of Hemingway’s war experiences as well. Anyway, during physical therapy one day, a major is quite rude to Nick and tells him not to get married (Nick brought up the topic) because his wife would leave him. Later, the major apologizes and says that his wife passed away not long ago. For the rest of the story, the major looks out the window instead of focusing on his therapy.
E3: Across The River And Into The Trees by Ernest Hemingway
This one far easier to explain. Essentially, a middle aged man named Cantwell can feel that he’s going to die soon and has a relationship with a 19 year old girl in his last few months. As is typical with Hemingway, there is mention of war happening during this time. However, war is not the focal point of the story (this time). The young girl, Renata, is referred to several times during a flashback that tells the reader of Cantwell’s time in World War I. Apparently, Cantwell knew Renata for a while and was romantically involved with her. Cantwell’s friend, Jackson, urges him to stay with Renata for his final days. Cantwell decides to do just that, and so his final days are spent having sex with a girl less than half his age. Renata seems like she doesn’t give half a crap about it either so that’s... better? Idk all of this is nasty. Anyway, as you can tell, Cantwell ends up dying. He has a heart attack in the back of a car. He quotes Stonewall Jackson before he dies and leaves a note along with his body that basically just says to return a set of guns to someone. ALSO I feel like I should mention that Cantwell literally called Renata his DAUGHTER and she didn’t mind it, even though they were also getting drunk and having sex like all the time. 
Obviously, the pedophilia relates to Dino and his whole category of people in BF. That’s about all I can get out of this one. 
E4: This Side Of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This one is a LONG boy but the concept can be shortened so that’s what I’m gonna do. Basically a guy named Amory goes to Princeton but he’s SUPER lazy. He doesn’t pay attention in class but he still learns from friends/books. World War I starts and of course he joins. His mom dies while he is away. When he gets back he falls in love with a woman named Rosalind. She loves him too but she doesn’t want to marry anyone poor (and Amory is kind of broke). She breaks off their engagement and marries a rich guy instead. Amory drinks to forget until alcohol becomes illegal. Later, he has a fling with a girl named Eleanor. Then, his friend gets caught with a girl but Amory says it was his fault to keep his friend from having to deal with the consequences. Amory finds out that a his last close family friend has passed away. He runs into one of his dad’s other friends who gives him a short life lessons before he keeps walking back to Princeton. Amory is still not over Rosalind, so he thinks about her on the way home. The book ends with a really emotional (but kind of overdramatic) scene of Amory looking up at the sky and reflecting on his life, saying that the only person he really knows is himself.
E5: From Death To Morning by Thomas Wolfe (this link is kind of a pain sorry)
This is NOT a single work, but rather a collection of many. It’s a whole book of short works of fiction, so rather than explain each and every one of them, I’m just going to give you some major themes so you get the idea. Thomas Wolfe was admired by William Faulkner, who’s works are used later in Banana Fish. In From Death To Morning, all of the 14 stories featured have a theme of loss. Even the titles themselves make that clear. A majority of them involve death, and a solid amount take place in different parts of New York.
Death happens a LOT in BF. Loss is also a powerful motivator for Ash (because of his dead brother) and Eiji (because of his pole-vaulting career). Other characters are also motivated by losses of their own.
E6: My Lost City by F. Scott Fitzgerald
This is a nonfiction essay written by Fitzgerald. It talks about his life in New York, and has a depressing approach. There isn’t necessarily a flowing plot, but some very important points are made throughout the story. The author discusses his expectations of New York (celebrity life, luxury, freedom) and then moves to mourn the loss of such dreams. Real life in New York was not as great as he thought, to no one’s surprise. He leaves the city a couple of times, in hopes that he’ll regain his appreciation for the city. Most people have heard of The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald’s most famed work. The exciting parties mentioned in the book, along with the tragedies and the melancholy tone of some parts is a reflection of his feelings towards the city. In My Lost City, he is connecting the New York of his dreams to reality. However, he also feels that he cannot part with the city. Every time he plans on getting out of the situation he’s found himself in, he finds himself coming back to where he started.
Honestly, I see one of the largest BF to Lit connections with this one because of the way Eiji saw the city. He came to New York with a certain mindset, and he was being sort of a “fanboy” of the city. He was SO excited about everything, but then every expectation was ruined within the first few hours of his stay. Though he came in with an image of a movie-like city, he ended up being introduced to the world of violence, drugs, and just about every crime you could imagine. And yet, like Fitzgerald, he stayed and kept hope for happier times. (And as we know, he found happiness with Ash.)
E7: The Rich Boy by F. Scott Fitzgerald
The rich boy in the story, named Anson Hunter, believes him to be sort of above other people because of his money. This is basically a projection of how Fitzgerald thought of the upper class. Anson, however, is not the narrator. This will be important later. In the beginning of the story, Anson is in love with a girl named Paula (whom he met when he was in the Navy), and believes he has control over her. This arrogance causes her to become frustrated with him and she leaves him. Anson then moves on to be in a relationship with a girl named Dolly. She is a lot more playful and does not let Anson control their relationship, but he tries to anyway. They’re a very good match, honestly. He is playing with her feelings but she’s playing him right back. The problem, however, is that Anson still loves Paula. So, he leaves Dolly and goes on to fuck up other people’s relationships like he fucked up his own. He hears that his aunt is cheating on his uncle with someone, and he makes a big scene out of it even though it wasn’t any of his business. The man that she was with kills himself soon after. The next time Anson sees Paula, she says she never loved him. Obviously, he’s saddened by that but apparently it isn’t enough to make him change his ways. Paula dies when giving birth to her second husband’s child. At the end of the story, Anson drinks with the narrator (his friend for all this time), but leaves as soon as he sees an attractive woman nearby.
E8: Banal Story by Ernest Hemingway
In this story, the narrator is not named. He sits and eats an orange in the beginning, while he reflects on past events that don’t really have anything to do with him (Mesopotamia, cricket games, etc.). He reads a magazine as he reflects. Then, the story shifts and all of a sudden it’s talking about a dying bullfighter’s funeral. Apparently, people come to the funeral basically just for clout. He’s pretty popular, so everyone wants to be able to say they knew him. A bunch of people buy pictures of him but don’t actually care about them. Hemingway says the people basically just shove them into their pockets and don’t pay much attention to them. While this happens, other bullfighters are glad that this guy will no longer be a part of the competition. Essentially, this famous dude dies and no one seems to give half a crap. I think this might be related to the beginning of the story in some way. My personal theory is that the bullfighter’s death may be portrayed as unimportant to people, but in the future someone may think back on it? I’m not exactly sure, but it could be a sort of loop to the man thinking about the past in the beginning.
E9: Save Me The Waltz by Zelda Fitzgerald (yes, F. Scott’s wife)
This is vaguely an autobiography about Zelda’s life, divided into four sections. The main character is named Alabama Braggs, even though she technically represents Zelda. There’s a lot of content, so I’ll give you the most important parts of each section instead. Part one involves Alabama’s life until around the age of 20. Alabama sees her older siblings experience heartbreak while she lives a life trying to act older. She begins to act spontaneously. She drinks excessively, sleeps around, and woos as many men as she can. She eventually falls in love with a man named David. Alabama had always dreamed of moving to New York, and David was planning to do so. She doesn’t like the idea of being tied down, but she loves David. In the second part, she is engaged to him. They soon get married. He doesn’t have much money, but Alabama is unaware of this. Although the family runs out of money a lot (which makes Alabama realize her husband is poor, but she loves him regardless), they still live luxurious lives. They irresponsibly spend money on parties and such. When Alabama gets pregnant, her parents visit her. They are unhappy with her life, but Alabama does not seem to pay any mind to this. David and Alabama become bored of NYC and decide to go to France. Alabama is anxious on the way there and spends most of her time on the boat in their cabin with her daughter (Bonnie) while David drinks. After they get settled in France, Alabama has an affair with a guy who later moves to China, leaving her lonely. When David has an affair after they move to Paris, Alabama takes up dancing with a famous ballerina who is willing to teach her. In part three, the couple’s relationship becomes more strained when Alabama chooses to commit to ballet instead of her relationship with David. They stay in Paris a while longer before splitting apart. In part four, Alabama lives in Italy, where she performs for a ballet. David sends her flowers, but does not visit. Bonnie visits once, but doesn’t like her mom’s life. Eventually, they all go back to America to see Alabama’s dying dad. She gets to spend time with him before he passes, and the book ends with them throwing a party (like the good old days) and her cleaning up the mess afterwards. The family decides to all move somewhere together afterwards.
E10: Babylon Revisited by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Oh great, another complicated one. This summary will explain the general progression of events, but I WILL be leaving out some things that you might think are important so I strongly encourage you to read this one. As the story opens, Charlie is coming to visit his daughter, who greets him with excitement. The other people in the house seem to dislike Charlie. He used to drink a lot and act recklessly, but he’s stopped engaging in that lifestyle a long time (~1.5 years) ago. Others still seem to keep that impression of him. While Charlie does not specifically try to regain trust from the others in the household, he continues to cherish his daughter throughout. He does everything that is expected of a loving father. After a lot of convincing, Lincoln (an adult in the household) tells Charlie that he can live with Honoria (Charlie’s daughter). Marion (the other adult in the household) continues to hold a grudge against Charlie because his wife was her sister and she died after cheating on him. In the end, Charlie is separated from his daughter because of something that affected Lincoln at the time. He decides to continue to send Honoria gifts even though he knows he should be doing more.
E11: The Beautiful And Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Anthony Patch is the main character in this. His grandfather tried to get him to start a career in writing for a very long time, but Anthony has not paid much attention to it. He claims he is working, but does not (big mood). He falls in love with a girl named Gloria who uses her looks to get anything she wants. Gloria likes a movie director for a period of time, but drops him and gets with Anthony as soon as Anthony expresses his interest. They start out happy together, but soon realize their differences and struggle in their relationship. When they realize they do not have enough money, they push that problem off to the future and throw parties instead. His grandpa shows up to one of these parties without warning and scolds Anthony for his behavior. He disinherits him and dies shortly after. The grandpa’s secretary writes Anthony out of his will, so Anthony is left with little to nothing. Gloria and Dick (Anthony’s friend) go to fight in court for the money. This whole time, by the way, Gloria gives no shits about her own life. She doesn’t fear death at all. She is sad, however, when her old interest tells her that she is too old to be a lead actress. Anyway, Anthony goes into town and tries to find someone who could loan him any money. No one agrees, not even his best friend. After being tossed around because of his lack of money, Anthony makes it home. A few weeks later, Gloria and Dick come home to Anthony being emotionally nostalgic on the bathroom floor (he’s drunk, too) declaring that they had won the case. At the end of the novel, Anthony is described in distant 3rd person. He is said to have been physically and mentally drained by a family friend’s suicide. His money has also been taken away from him.
E12: To Have And Have Not by Ernest Hemingway
A man named Harry Morgan is a smuggler and takes money to do jobs for people. He agrees to help a Chinese man named Sing smuggle people across the border. Once he does this and gets the money, however, he kills Sing instead. Almost a year later, he is smuggling alcohol but becomes injured by Cubans. Harry and his friend decide to sink the alcohol and come back for it later or have another ship take it. A U.S. official sees this happen and reports the action. Harry gets his boat taken away and his arm is cut off as a result. Harry steals his boat but then gets it taken away from him again. He visits his family one last time and his wife gives him a loaded gun to take with him. Harry leaves, but is hurt by Cubans soon after. He gets away while his friend is killed. Eventually, Harry gets to a rich area that takes him in to a hospital where he dies during surgery. He gets to know these people a little before he dies, and their lives contrast the way Harry lived for the whole first section of the book. Among these rich families is a gay couple (because Hemingway is what the kids call, “woke”) and a bunch of people with various backgrounds, both good and bad. Marie ends up not going to his funeral because of guilt. 
Harry’s wife reminds me of Jessica from BF honestly because she cares a lot about him and is also really badass while trying to protect him.
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taleof2hearts · 3 years
These last two weeks have been horrible. I have been angry and sad and stressed and miserable. I have tried to just smile and be fun, but hate was consuming me. NOLA got me out of the funk from the neighbors all knowing about what happened last Halloween. I finally talked myself into saying it doesn’t matter if they know… it doesn’t affect me. It is humiliating and awful and degrading and so disrespectful to me… but worse, it happened in front of my child and totally fucked him up. It is so hard for me to stay here and be positive. It is so hard for me not to hate… but, I know it will get easier. I will be able to forgive and let it go. But, that is not today. A week and a half ago, I went to a meet and great. A couple hundred LS friends AND Crazy Bitch showed up with her boyfriend. The BF’s ex-wife was there too. Then me just staring her down any time they tried to insert herself where I was. I know I made her feel uncomfortable. I do not care. She flagged J down to come talk to them and I saw them from across the room… J looked liked he was having fun, which pissed me off. I finally walked over and listened and realized J was having a fantastic time telling them them about his awesome kids, his awesome wife and his awesome life. I forgot how much he hates her too after she posted all that awful stuff on our kids pictures and tried to out me/us to the boys private school. Seriously a great moment to walk up and hear him bragging on our boys and then him “introducing” me to him… he knows him, he knows we know each other, he used to be invited to the same parties we go to… just a little fuck you to say I have no clue who you are! But, then also a fuck you to her by introducing him to me, “Oh, allow me to introduce my wife”… then he started gushing about all of my accomplishments until I put my hand on his arm and smiled and said, I’m sure they do not want to hear all that. Okay… J pissing her off for me was super fun. He enjoyed it too and we laughed our asses off about it. She also found out about tomorrow’s party that they are not invited to. It is a birthday party for a couple that I know they consider to be some of their best friends… however, I am his favorite and the party is at one of my AirBnB... so, she is not invited. The subject never was discussed. Had he wanted her there, I wouldn‘t have objected… I would have left early, I wouldn’t have played, but I would never tell someone not to be around her. Hahaha... fuck her. It is awesome that she knows that people prefer me to her and they are like a vermin or pest anytime they come to something like that. Funny… I actually feel even better right now. Then we got home and J was snacking on summer sausage. MAggie has been on a strict diet and when I saw it I yelled NO!!! He told me stop being silly, that she’d be fine. She started throwing up 3 hours later, it continued for another 24 hours. Then she wouldn’t eat. Yesterday was day 7 without food.
I broke down crying yesterday morning when the Vet called to confirm our 3pm appointment for today to put Maggie to sleep. When I texted J that perhaps he needed to prepare the hole last night when it was cooler, he replied that the hole was already dug. I couldn’t contain the tears.
Maggie is 16 years old and has been an amazing dog… but, she had not eaten in 7 days and was suffering. I knew that putting her to sleep was the right thing to do.
Last night, as I sat on the couch, crying and eating my feelings in the form of a cold, leftover breakfast burrito, Maggie was next to me and out of no where, she lunged and got a huge bite of breakfast burrito! This is a dog who has refused everything but water for over a week!
I quickly went to the fridge for some turkey. She devoured 2 slices right away!!! I poured her some chicken broth… she went crazy over that!
I tried to keep my expectations low. She could easily throw this all back up and be dead by morning.
Nope! Happy little dog, no vomit, no diarrhea. She ate 6-8 pieces of Turkey and a cup of chicken broth. She went potty this morning, took a little stroll around the yard, wagged her tail, ate some more turkey.
Her euthanasia appointment was cancelled. 😊 It was turned into a catheter removal and checkup appointment.
I may only get a few weeks or months with her, but it was horrible watching her waste away. I am so relieved.
When I woke up at 5am and saw that she was still okay and hadn’t thrown up, my heart soared. I was so happy… and so excited… My blood pressure is back down after being sky high yesterday morning. I just had such a day today. Watching her eat excitedly and feel good was wonderful… my other problems just no longer seem so big. 😊
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