#content regulation
ebookporn · 9 months
According to Originality.ai, which detects AI-generated content, news websites now blocking the GPTBot crawler, which takes data from webpages to feed into its AI models, include CNN, Reuters, the Washington Post, Bloomberg, the New York Times and its sports site the Athletic. Other sites that have blocked GPTBot include Lonely Planet, Amazon, the job listings site Indeed, the question-and-answer site Quora, and dictionary.com.
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mrhairybrit · 10 months
How to Make Money on YouTube in India: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, YouTube has become more than just a platform for entertainment; it has evolved into a lucrative career opportunity for many. With the internet boom and the increasing accessibility of digital devices, YouTube’s popularity in India has soared. As of 2021, India has the second-largest online market, making YouTube an appealing platform for content creators to explore. I use VidIQ…
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mgeist · 2 years
The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 134: Monica Auer on CRTC Governance, Content Regulation and the Radio-Canada Decision
The Law Bytes Podcast, Episode 134: Monica Auer on CRTC Governance, Content Regulation and the Radio-Canada Decision
Over the past couple of weeks, there has been mounting outrage over a CRTC decision involving Radio-Canada and a broadcast segment from 2020 in which the N-word was used multiple times as part of a discussion of a book that contains the word in its title. That decision has sparked cries of censorship and concerns about the CRTC. Given that Canadian Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez and the…
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Nothing is funnier to me than sexless disney gays who go on the casual sex app, get offered casual sex, and then go on twitter to complain about how the lgbt community is full of people who like casual sex
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spearxwind · 9 months
Since you're on the topic I have genuine question about AI art designs from a non-artist.
In your opinion would using an AI tool to generate a reference for a commission (whether it be for character design or pose) be an appropriate use of said tools?
I thought about this as well and I gotta say, personally I don't think so.
Barring for the purpose of this ask the whole "AI art is stolen art" thing (which I stand by fiercely), AI generated images are really janky, especially reference sheets. There are details everywhere that make no fucking sense, anatomy is deformed, they have a lot of nonsensical parts to them so its just one big jumble of nothing.
And, it's pulling from designs created by existing artists and warping them to fit your prompt. It's work that another artist already made, used by an AI that's trained on a specific dataset. It also pulls from popular things that people enjoy: tried and true color combos, the most popular shapes that big artists use, theres a LOT of waifus, and a lot of the art genuinely comes in the same painterly style that's really hard to color pick from. some even come with color swatches that don't match the colors on the reference
In short, it's just a machine generating something that looks neat at first glance, and then is actual hot garbage when you just... look at it closely. Not to mention that an AI prompt can be iterated, and the AI pulls from everything it has, for every prompt, so what you end up getting is completely samey designs with small changes. Good for concept art assistance, but not if you want to create a Legit Character. The AI will give you something that it has already spit out a thousand times over and then some, with no regards to composition, design technique, color theory, because all it knows is what it has been fed and what the artists its ripping off of know (meaning if they have mistakes, the AI will as well. But in a far less human way)
Meanwhile, when you commission someone you are likely to go for someone whos art style will actually fit what you want to get, or someone whos art style you enjoy. Usually these artists will be people you've followed for a while and you at least know them enough to know what they can do. And they are also reactive, you can tell them to actually change and tweak details of what they're making for you. And not taking into account the bad actors out there (as there are always bad actors in every discipline) you will have something that has been made specifically FOR you, not just what a machine thinks you would perceive as eye candy.
As for poses... just draw it badly in ms paint. The AI will not give you the pose you want for the aforementioned reason: broken anatomy (and also because it will pull from its dataset of poses it can warp features onto. It's a lot more limited than you think.) If you want a pose prompt for a commission just draw it really badly in ms paint or on a napkin and write annotations for the artist (arm goes here, this guy is grabbing this thing, etc etc) Most of us if not all of us will GLADLY interpret your pose for you and draw whatever you want us to.
And like. Literally if you're going to get commissions anyway, why not commission a design first thing of all?? Or buy an adoptable from people who already make them by hand? It will genuinely be so much better than just hoping a machine does all the work for you. Please support artists
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beloved-blaiddyd · 3 months
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“You might've heard of me as a textbook writer on Tome Mastery: A Guide To Advanced Reason Spells. As you might have guessed, I'm also a Blue Lions alumna... That, and I am the current chairperson of the Department of Reason Magic— so I'm plently capable to guide you around the Officer's Academy!"
"Sorry, I'm newly promoted. I nearly forgot that I'm no longer just a professor.”
“But before that, I need to know a few things... You must be...”
18+ years of age. [Minors: Do Not Interact];
And respectful of different ethnicities and other walks of life [Racists/Homophobes: Do Not Interact]
“... to enter and read its contents. I can't guarantee your safety otherwise. Oh, and I'm a rather busy woman, and I don't tolerate nonsense either. Perhaps it comes from being a tactician in the last war. If you have any questions, send a letter. I'll accept inquiries about..."
Greetings and other formalities;
Profile analysis [character brainrots/fic ideas];
and news updates & relevant fun facts about the library to share [irl and fandom related]
“However, I will promptly BURN your letter if it involves...”
Carnal desires [NSFW thirst asks. I'm ace and uninterested in matters of the flesh. Please send that to another fellow fan instead.];
and childish and irrelevant content [copypastas and overall spam is not tolerated.]
“That is all. If you believe I'm rather strict, that stems from years of experience handling groups of people. Failing to lay down groundwork tend to incite attacks on boundaries among members.”
“... Three thousand five hundred men have died because of this on the Fodlan Wars. Let's not repeat those mistakes.”
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How to send asks...
Mutuals/off anon: send as usual.
For anons: please make up a realistic fake name. It's for the sake of the theme. Example:
Dear Brynlee,
I can't stop brainrotting about Zhongli like what if he's a prince- prince au zhongli with princess consort reader go brrrrrrr like wtf i can't stop thinking about morax girl i need help
Ms. Sophia Pendragon
Honestly, it's not that hard. Why are people failing this? It's just a realistic fake name.
I won't entertain "can I be 🗣️ anon" asks. This will let me know if an anon read the rules. Plus, I prefer using names rather than scrambling to find emojis instead. I quit my old one despite being a decently "successful" blog because anons do not respect personal boundaries on my asexuality despite it being explicitly written down. This is just an act of self-preservation.
When sending asks please note that this blog is following Three Houses' worldbuilding. Claiming to be a God or some Diety in the asks will certainly follow confused responses as majority of the cast believes only in Sothis. Modern inventions will likely confuse "Brynn" as well. That is all!
P.S: if you wish to talk to me as a creator, address me as Beloved/B rather than Brynn so I know when to break character. Ty!
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Anon List...
Riley H. Goodheart
Steven Sterling
Lia Tostyava
J. Fisher
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What kind of comics/fiction does Beloved write?
Editor (Veritas): She writes mostly dark content. Obsession, cannibalism, aphrodisiacs, kidnappings, sexual assault— you name it. Where does she get those ideas from? Unsure. Perhaps they're stories she personally witnessed when she joined the war. She does not romanticize these concepts. In fact, she seems to emphasize how uncomfortable it is to be in that position.
Editor (Veritas): That is the reason as to why she personally does not depict any sexualization of what occurs in her work. It's meant to be disturbing. Not romantic.
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How the blog tags posts...
$ ooc: out of character/setting ramblings (casual talk)
$ brynn's manuscripts: for writing
$ brynn's papers: for art
$ support conversations: for ramblings and general interactions, both fictional and otherwise.
$ A-Support = _____: for mutuals/characters
$ C-Support = Mx. ____: for anons/new friends
$ S-Support = ____: for (romantic) self-ships...
- Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
- Dainsleif
- Oda Sakunosuke
- Gepard Landau
$ auxiliary missions: ask games or participated events
$ abyss revisited: in-case-you-missed-it reblogs
$ traded tomes: fanfic recommendations
$ traded papers: fanart recommendations
$ traded news: important irl news or other fandom related posts
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sergeantsporks · 2 years
Idk, I just think that if there ends up being enough time for a whole extra romance arc there should also be enough time to state in the show that Lilith is aro and/or ace since that would take maybe 3 seconds/an offhand comment/a singular worn pride pin as opposed to the amount of time it takes to try to set up a relationship, idk, maybe that’s just me.
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I can’t articulate it, but it gets to me that, outside of Spock and I think Tuvok, being logical and regulating emotions isn’t something that Vulcans are shown to just endure, the same way they endure lower temperatures for other species, or higher oxygen for other species, or anything else that has to be incredibly uncomfortable at best to painful at worst that they just endure
The vibe I get from it is that a majority of Vulcans enjoy it, they like being logical, maybe they didn’t get a choice in being logical as kids, but unlike the select few like Sybok, they don’t seem to be resentful that they were raised like that at all
This isn’t just something they’re all forced to do now to prevent their emotions from causing their species’ end, dedicating themselves to logic brought them inner peace
#Star Trek#Vulcans#can’t articulate it especially while really tired and lying in bed#but hopefully y’all still get what I’m trying to say#I say I think for Tuvok because I know he struggles with violent thoughts#but I don’t think it has the same vibes as Spock struggling with his human half to fully accept Vulcan’s ways#even though it seems like fully dedicating himself like that brings more harm to his human half#which causes it to be more prominent like a vicious cycle#fuck definitely can’t articulate rn#also maybe for Tuvok Vulcan’s ways are actually even more appreciated#because they’re exactly there to help Vulcans regulate intense emotions#also I think this is part of why it seems more like Spock struggles compared to other Vulcans#for other Vulcans logic and regulating all emotions is seen as a way for them to be content#to be able to live their lives peacefully and to its best extent (peace and long life)#in a way that embracing emotions wouldn’t because they’re intense emotions would destroy themselves#but for Spock logic and regulating emotions is more about trying to reach impossible standards and get acceptance from everyone else#abd things like that again very tired can’t articulate#also adding to my hc that while Vulcans regulate their emotions and come to logical terms on why they feel like they do#and peacefully handle it#Spock believes that they’re all suppressing so that’s what he’s actually doing#just suppress suppress suppress everything which isn’t healthy#just my personal thoughts
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brainbleedo · 3 months
AI needs to be stopped.
This is going to be very different to my usual posts, i understand if you're not interested and I can't stop you from not reading this but I cannot understand how important it is that we regulate AI and it's useage. Even if you don't read my post, please do your research, please.
AI vs Artists
AI is being developed from the work of artists, artists who put effort and passion into their work are having it stolen and used to develop an algorithm that will destroy their livelyhood. Your art is not safe.
I cannot emphasize this enough, like it or not, your art is not safe. I'm not going to tell you to stop posting your art, but beg you, learn how these things work. Learn the current laws around ai, push for further restrictions and for companys to be held accountable, talk with other artists, fight back against ai.
We have hit a point where it's make or break, frankly I don't believe the art industry, especially the digital art industry, will ever be the same. You cannot outright ban the use of AI generated images, even regulations are temporary because what happens when ai really figures it out? When there's no strange blip or extra finger to give it away? When the two are practically indistinguishable?
There's alot more I can say about AI and how devastating ai generated media is going to be, and make no mistake it will be devastating, ai has and will continue to ruin the lives of many people.
This is not a joke, this isn't something that will sort itself out or burn itself out, you need to act now and do whatever you can if not for others then for yourself because you are not immune to AI and it's consequences and by the time you realise that it may be too late.
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sonadow4life · 1 month
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The first one was Violets original design. She was supposed to be 17, light blue with purple markings (like classic sonic), abandoned in the woods by Sonic cause he didn’t know how to parent and that’s what his parents did, Shadow didn’t even know about her until she confronted him looking for Sonic, knowing that Shadow was her dad and thinking he did too and is basically on a revenge quest after Sonic and finds Shadow along the way. Sonic explains himself and while Violet doesn’t forgive him she give him a chance to prove himself and they are very happy. They end up more like best friends than father and daughter tho. Also Sonic is 29 and she was a fusion of him and Shadow from when Sonic was 12. G.U.N basically took his DNA, took Shadows DNA and merged them before they’d even met.
She is now 7 years old with 2 loving (yet kinda shit) parents who are trying their best and a brother named Shock, autistic and overall just a fairly stable kid.
Idk what happened
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theasexual-jackson · 1 month
Mfs when
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Mfs when I tell them that regulation does not equal censorship.
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random-lil-illing · 2 months
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so uh. apologies for the unexplained break/short hiatus (again). school and procrastination have been keeping me busy.
take this keegan face reveal redraw as a gift :)
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paradife-loft · 7 months
so this "ethics & legal requirements for research involving human subjects" course I'm doing for class rn hasn't figured out that you don't hyphenate "cisgender," and yet has still somehow heard of "trans broken arm syndrome" and wants to inform us about it being a source of distrust in medical professionals among some trans people. what's happening here....
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velvetstreets · 2 months
I’ve actually fried my brain to dust particles trying to approach this assignment
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princesssarcastia · 3 months
listen to me. are you listening? tiktok is not uniquely anything when it comes to the internet. it is a tool and a platform like any other, used by all kinds of people—by nearly every kind of person or entity to whom it is available, in fact! and while what the u.s. government is doing right now to force the ownership of the company to change hands is bad and happening for the wrong reasons, to put it mildly—
claiming that the u.s. establishment is interested in shutting down tiktok because its been sooooo good and revolutionary for progressive/left-wing organizing is uhh. horse shit. that's not true. everyone uses tiktok. you, statistically, probably use tiktok. so do some of the congresspeople endorsing legislation that might end in tiktok being banned. so do right-wing influencers and terfs and trad-wives. just like everyone uses every other social media site.
don't fall into that trap of thinking that just because you and the people in your circle use this tool for good, that this tool is only used for good. it is actually just a tool for everyone!
here's an excerpt from a book called, The Wires of War, by Jacob Helberg which, if you're interested in why the u.s. congress is actually pulling this shit with tiktok, is a great read. this excerpt follows a section where Helberg described the role social media played in the Arab Spring in 2011. emphasis mine.
It would be several years before the 2016 election awakened the West to the ways in which the Internet could exploit the vulnerabilities of their societies. But for the autocrats in Bejing, Moscow, and Tehran, the Arab Spring was a technological awakening of their own. Seeing other repressive governments around the world crumble, illiberal regimes in Russia and China accelerated their treatment of the information space as a domain of war. "Tech-illiterate bureaucrats were replaced by a new generation of enforcers who understood the internet almost as well as the protesters," write Singer and Brooking in their book, LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media. "In truth, democratic activists had no special claim to the internet. They'd simply gotten there first. "
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banqanas · 5 months
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its so ridiculous how long FANTIME is 😭😭🤣🤣 its almost 4 hours long, technically longer than their concert
Check out Fantastics 5th Anniversary fan event @ CL !
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