#contract research organization pricing
iww-gnv · 4 months
Disneyland employees who perform as various Disney characters at the theme park are seeking to join the Actor’s Equity Association, which represents everything from actors on Broadway to strippers in Los Angeles. The union is seeking to represent the 1,700 Disneyland employees in the characters and parades departments at the park. It said after three days of collecting cards signed by employees, it already has more than the 30% support needed to file for a representation vote with the National Labor Relations Board, which oversees such elections. But it said it is waiting until it has the support of at least 60% before filing for such a vote or seeking voluntary recognition of the union by Disney. Performers doing the same work at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, are already in a union and have been for years. And until recently the Disney World performers were paid more than their Disneyland counterparts, according to the union. The union contract reached between a coalition of unions and management at Disney World last year pays the performers a minimum hourly wage that ranges from $21.30 to $23.00, according to the union. The Disneyland performers had been getting $20 an hour until the union organizing drive began late last year. The minimum pay went up to $24.15 an hour at the end of last year, according to the union. But the cost of living is significantly greater in Orange County, California, where Disneyland is located, than in Orlando. According to data from the Council for Community and Economic Research, the cost of living is 50% greater in Orange County, California. Housing costs, which are more than twice as expensive, are the primary reason, but prices are higher across multiple categories. There are more than 21,000 Disneyland employees, who are referred to as cast members by the company, who are represented by more than a dozen unions. Those unionized jobs include everything from retail and food service workers to security guards, hair and make-up artists and pyrotechnic workers. But not the performers who dress up as characters such as Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy and interact with visitors.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Suspicious Treatment of Jimin: What am I forgetting?
I have serious medication-induced brain fog so my memory is swiss cheese these days. I am trying to map out something so I can understand what is happening with our Jimin....
So far:
Hanteo deleted hundreds of thousands in sales; company did not comment.
YouTube froze and deleted millions of streams every day; company did not comment.
Jimin's Spotify profile was not properly listed. It still has no description or link to merch.
Jimin's works are not added to the company's playlist for days and sometimes weeks while other members' works and collabs are added immediately.
Spotify froze and filtered millions of his streams; company did not comment.
His title track was deliberately split, despite qualifying to count as one unit.
His in-ear devices failed to work during a live performance.
He was allowed only 9 days of promotion.
He was denied when he requested more than 2 music videos.
His historic Hot 100 #1 was not acknowledged by the company except for one single retweet the day-of.
He had no celebrations, no formal acknowledgement by company leadership of his achievement or of the resulting huge increase in stock prices.
Billboard changed their charting rules in Week 2; company did not comment until it was time for a different album to sell.
His albums did not ship to China and have not been restocked on WeVerse for weeks (whereas other artists' albums have).
His instagram was shadow banned. His videos on TikTok are also soft-blocked from being boosted.
All other members' YouTube focused views for Take Two auto-generate a preview photo; his does not (this must be deliberately selected not to generate an image). *Apparently they have fixed this issue after enough fans called it out on Twitter.
Some have observed that since Hybe took over, Jimin has been given fewer lines in group songs and less time dancing center as well.
A recent WeVerse article about Morgan Wallen downplayed both Yoongi's tour and Jimin's album as achieving "some partial success in breaking up [Wallen's] domination of the Hot 100."
Add to this the company "omitting" his bills four times, which lead to late payments on insurance premiums, which led to his apartment being "seized," which led to a smear campaign in the press the very same day his OST With You dropped... followed by his personal address and national identity number being doxxed online... and this honestly looks suspicious as hell.
What am I forgetting?
I'm not a manti but if I don't get reasonable explanations I'm gonna become one.
How can it look like anything other that deliberate sabotage so that one member does not outshine the rest?
How is this good business sense?
Jimin is a humble, hardworking team-player with no ambitions to go solo and leave his members. Why would anyone have it out for him?
It's possible there's prejudice and bigotry at play, but deep enough to span multiple departments and cut into the company's bottom line?
And yet how can it not be deliberate? How can any company be THIS incompetent for just ONE member?
And yet if we raise hell, we look like victimizing solos. Yet look at this laundry list!! And it just keeps happening. What can be done??
Can we not organize a quiet mass-email campaign? Can someone not write up a well-researched UCC article to share in English and Korean and keep tagging Hybe? Would it not be possible to comment respectfully about this in WeVerse?
Or would acknowledging it at all make it worse for Jimin?
I don't understand all the politics at play here.
I have no real idea what is happening but part of me is quietly terrified they have it out for him during contract negotiations for some reason.
What is BTS without all our beloved seven?
I'm genuinely very deeply upset.
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cgogs · 6 months
can you tell us about briar and silas now
okay, so. this outline applies to the original ending of awesamdad, where Briar runs away for good when he learns Dream is having another baby and never comes back, and becomes a mercenary/bounty hunter/___ for hire. Scream Eureka is an alternate ending of THAT bad end. Okay? Okay.
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20 years ago, Dream dropped off the face of the earth when Briar was given to him by DreamXD, Punz was naturally absolutely dumbfounded to being ghosted in the middle of all their business. Instead of throwing in the towel, he left the server to keep studying the research they started. Necromancy, blood magic, all kinds of things. Picture a wizard in a tall tower. Kind of like that. Studying old magic nearly entirely from scratch.
He makes a name for himself working miracles and curing the sick, and lands himself as something of a baron. He has a son, a bastard really, and Silas's mother wasn't very interested at all in being a mother, so she leaves him with Punz and splits when Silas is about... mmh, maybe 5? Between 3-5. Punz is like. Alright. Guess I'm taking care of this.
He raises Silas to the best of his ability, keeping in mind that he isn't interested in parenthood at all. Silas lives a very comfortable life with maids and money. He has a staff of tutors and people to train with.
Punz is raising him to be his little lab partner. From the time Silas can handle it, he's in the autopsy room watching his father carve runes on the backs of rib bones to make them weld back together. When he's old enough to stomach it, he's being taught how to harvest organs, how to turn them into ingredients that can be put into potions, etc.
Silas. Hates this. He has very little interest in carrying on his father's life's work. He sneaks out often, is a bit of a flirt, and is regarded by staff as a disappointment. He's incredibly smart, don't get me wrong, but he's not the type of teenager to do well inside stone walls. In his eyes, Punz cares more about that damn book than he does about his own son. (This isn't true. Punz is just. Well.)
When Silas is maybe 17/18, he and Punz have a huge fight that starts with Punz trying to get him to show some incentive in his studies and winds up with Silas running away for good. (Who gives a fuck about any of this when you have everything anyway? What else could you possibly want? Who gives a fuck about the revive book, what about what I want?)
Silas becomes a pretty successful mercenary and proud vagrant, never staying in the same place for long. A bird free from his cage! He drinks as much as he wants, goes wherever he wants, and never has to recite 7 different dialects of a runic alphabet ever again.
Briar runs away from home when he is about 17. Silas is a few years younger than Briar, and runs away when he's 17/18, which would make Briar about 22.
Briar has gained notoriety in several counties. There's quite a price on his head. A famous thief with infamous aim. Silas aims to take this price for himself, and takes the bounty offer on Briar's head.
Briar outruns him for a long time, but Silas is patient. Silas tires him out until he makes a mistake, and not even perfect aim can save him when he's cornered in a cave. Briar is clever, though, and in an attempt to save his own life he tells Silas that he can pay back twice the amount the bounty office has offered him if Silas will just let him live. He'll give 70% of his own revenue to Silas until he can work off his own worth.
Silas is amused. More than amused, he's admiring his opponent! Briar's been more of an equal match. For what Silas lacks in his combat skills, Briar makes up for, and vice versa. He's smart, he's put up a good fight, he seems like an alright guy. So, Silas accepts his offer.
Briar and Silas are now a duo. Part of the deal is that Silas has to be in close proximity 24/7 (he even has Briar sign a contract! Honor bound! o7) and Silas is quickly enamored with him.
He likes Briar's mystery. He likes how fiery he is and how he complains about everything, and how he can shoot a bolt through someone's iris (bullseye!) a mile away. He's intrigued with how little he knows about him.
Briar fuckin' hates this guy. He's loud and stupid and drunk and has clipped his wings. Briar hasn't been around people in years. He hasn't entertained a real conversation since he told his mother goodbye. He doesn't remember how to do it... the whole friendship thing.
As time passes, they grow closer. Genuinely closer. Briar opens up little by little and his cold heart thaws against his will. Silas has a joke running about interest rates, adding on fees with every small slight. (You ate the last slice of bread. That's 50 more gold coins!) He doesn't want Briar to pay off his debt and split immediately. He likes him too much. And he thinks Briar needs someone to be around. He's not exactly... stable.
Briar doesn't want to lose him either. But he's absolutely scared to death of that. He knows what loss feels like. What is feels like to watch someone's back as they leave. (Silas has never known what it felt like to love in the first place.) Briar is torn between sinking his claws in or running away. He doesn't want to be vulnerable for someone again, but he doesn't know what he'd do if he lost this.
This isn't helped by Silas being obviously, stupidly, horribly in love with him. Briar might even love him back. But he knows what love does to people. He saw it kill his mother slowly. He's scared to death of it happening to him. He lashes out when he feels that warm bloom in his chest, but Silas never leaves. Briar doesn't want him to leave- god, god, please don't leave. Briar kind of wants to kill him sometimes just to make it all stop. He knows, whatever happens, that he will never marry.
Silas doesn't think there's a single thing Briar could do that would make him leave. They're in it together for the long haul, okay? Honor bound!
They don't really know what they are. Sometimes, Briar allows Silas to kiss him just to pretend he can love someone without it destroying him. He'll be mean, horribly mean, prickly, awful to him the next day. Go away, get away, get away. But Silas doesn't seem to mind.
Silas just genuinely loves him. Briar is so scared of becoming his mother that he tends to emulate his father instead. He's so angry, so hateful, and it's just because he's scared. Silas is covered in (metaphorical) scratch marks but still insists on holding his feral little fox. Like it can be domesticated.
(Foxes mate for life. Did you know that?)
Somehow in the chaos they meet a balance. They work together, sleep in the same bed, share nearly every waking moment together. They're not a couple in name, but Briar would sooner rip out his own eyes than see Silas stand near anyone else.
There's an unspoken plea. Please don't leave me. I know I'm cruel and angry and mean and more like a frightened animal than a real person but I need you to be with me. Even if I bite.
And Silas doesn't know how this is supposed to go, and he doesn't care. He has his person. He's going to stay with his little fox.
Briar lets himself stay in debt, but has the money to pay it all in his enderchest. More than enough to pay it, actually. In case he ever needs a quick out. He likes having contingency plans like that.
The original awesamdad has an end, one where Dream falls horribly ill, on deaths door, and Nettle (14) goes on a quest to find the brother she never knew so that mom can see him one more time. Briar comes home (Silas in toe. Obviously.) and Dream makes a recovery.
Some top tier bullshit happens afterward but this is already So long and also supposed to be about Silas. So I'm fuckin' cutting it here I have a fic I'm supposed to be writing!!
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herbgerblin · 1 year
Hi Herb!! I was wondering if you had any advice on opening commissions? I enjoy your art immensely and you were one of the first people I thought of to ask since I know you do commissions on occasion
Sorry if this is totally weird, I am just at a complete loss! Thanks for taking the time to read this!
These are things I wish I had figured out when I started selling art commissions. Also, feel free to use my current commission form to pattern your own. (also if anyone >.> wants to commission me, I am open <.<)
Step 1: Write a Terms of Service
Good terms of service will manage the expectations of your clients, establish a level of professionalism, and protect you if someone tries to argue something already made clear in writing. You can keep your ToS really simple, but it's good practice to include the following:
What kind of art you will/won't do (I don't do nfts)
Estimated duration of the project (2-4 weeks is my M.O.)
Number of revisions (more than 3, I add a fee)
When and how often you will update the client
Rights that you retain as an artist/permit to the client
Note: This mainly applies to personal/non-commercial work. If you are approached to make art for a game/magazine/website, do a ton more research. You will need to write out a contract that makes things Boringly Clear, and you will want to retain all of your rights as an artist.
Step 2: PRICES (scream)
Everyone starts out underselling. I'm underselling (I'm trying to get better.) Just go at your own pace. Look at what other artists are offering, but don't just look at the quality of their work. Think about your turnaround time, your style, and your target audience. If you are a fast worker or very detailed, that's worth a pay bump. Niche communities will pay solid money for artists to cater to them. So for example, if you draw fetish art, you have more room to charge higher.
ALWAYS GET PAYMENT UP FRONT. You can offer half upfront and half upon completion. If it's a big or long-term project, it's okay to go 30/70. BUT NEVER START WORK WITHOUT SOME SORT OF COMPENSATION. I just had a client that has not paid me the 2nd half and they are blacklisted. This rarely happens but it does happen.
Once you think you've got a price chart you feel comfortable with, add $20. Do it, even if it feels wrong. You may have to pay transaction fees, or the work (often) takes longer than expected. It'll be a small mercy to yourself to account for these things. Raise your prices a little bit each year because you are growing in experience and inflation (scream) is a thing that affects the arts too.
I wish I had done this step years ago, but I slacked off, and therefore staying organized was a nightmare. The less "business" stuff you have to do manually, the more time you can focus on "creative" stuff.
Make a google form. Make it as easy for the client to input information as possible. In the settings, set it so that responses will go to an excel file. The questions you ask will be the titles of the fields, so keep them short and easy to read. Reference image attachments will save to google drive.
You can set it up so that you will get an email whenever you get a new response (you might want to make a separate email account specifically for commissions.) Prewrite confirmation responses and save them as templates so that you're not writing the same email to clients over and over again.
Set reminders for responding to clients, requesting payment, and finishing work. This can be through google calender or some other app. You are responsible for facilitating communication. Even if the email is just, "Hey, just letting you know the work is still in progress, I will send you a wip in 1-2 days." Client assurance is high priority.
I use paypal invoice for payments. It means I have to pay a transaction fee, but I factor that into my prices. It also ensures that I have clear documentation for orders, I can send reminders easily if I haven't been paid, and it just looks more professional overall. You can use whatever service feels most comfortable, just make sure you practice good bookkeeping (*stares at my taxes in horror*)
Step 4: Mockups and Descriptions
Provide examples of the work that you are going to. Make a mockup of busts/half body/full body, etc. Don't include anything you don't intend to actually produce.
Make sure that your form includes room to answer EVERY question about the commission that you might have. This will reduce the amount of back and forth you need to have with your client. You want to be able to get that request, confirm it, send that invoice, and jump on it ASAP.
Step 5: Start small, be honest, be firm
If you haven't done commissions before, have a limited number of slots available. Take break time after you've finished a certain amount. Don't languish over an art piece. At some point, it will be as done as it can be. Send it to the client, and keep rolling.
If you feel like you are getting overwhelmed, tell your client. It's bad practice to go on hiatus and not notify them while they're waiting on an update. If you genuinely forget to touch base with them, do so as soon as possible. Apologize, then finish the work as soon as you can. Refund if you think that's the most polite route, but completing the task is usually more appreciated.
Be cordial, but firm. People will try to bully you over little things, but don't give in. Ignore folks who say your prices are too high. Make it clear that if they ask for more than what is agreed, you will charge a fee. If you feel like a request is sketchy, get a second opinion.
obligatory paypal link: help me pay kravitz jr's vet bills
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cathkaesque · 11 months
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There’s a lot of research on banana production out there, especially from this great organisation called Bananalink which supports banana workers’ unions in the UK supply chain. Most the facts here are from these two pages on their website. I just wanted to ground some of the discussion around bananas in the production process, labour and environmental conditions, and who benefits from this process.  The above diagram might not be very clear so I've reproduced the text below:
1. Banana production takes approximately nine months. It starts with the preparation of the soil including the clearing of land, drainage, installation and fertiliser application. Then planting and field work, such as weeding, pest and disease control, and irrigation, take place. Bananas are harvested while still green [you can watch a video of this process here]
2. The harvested bunches are transported to a packing shed where they are divided into smaller market-friendly bunches, inspected, sorted, washed, treated, labelled, and boxed for export. Bananas that do not meet the quality standard are usually sold locally at a much lower price or used for livestock feed.
3. Some bananas are pre-packed into bags according to the specifications of individual retailers. Pre-packing is used to differentiate bananas such as Fairtrade organics or small bananas from the bulk supply of loose bananas. It can be an opportunity for the grower to add value, but it also offers advantages in controlling quality and reducing wastage.
4. Bannas are then transported by truck to ports, placed in sheds, and packed in refrigerated ships or refridgerated containers. Bananas take between six to 12 days to get to the UK/Europe. They are shipped at a controlled temperature of 13.3 centigrade in order to increase their shelf life. Humidity and ventilation are carefully monitored to maintain quality.
5. When the bananas arrive at their destinaation port they are first trucked to warehouses where they can be kept in cool conditions and then ripened - using ethylene - when they are needed for delivery to retailers. Bananas may also be bagged at this stage. They are then delivered to retailers' regional distribution centres before final delivery to individual stores.
The local population eat different varieties of bananas grown primarily by small farmers. The ones for the Americans and the Europeans, Cavendish variety bananas, are grown in huge, monoculture plantations that are susceptible to disease. The banana industry consumes more agrichemicals than any other in the world, asides from cotton. Most plantations will spend more on pesticides than on wages. Pesticides are sprayed by plane, 85% of which does not land on the bananas and instead lands on the homes of workers in the surrounding area and seeps into the groundwater. The results are cancers, stillbirths, and dead rivers.
The supermarkets dominate the banana trade and force the price of bananas down. Plantations resolve this issue by intensifying and degrading working conditions. Banana workers will work for up to 14 hours a day in tropical heat, without overtime pay, for 6 days a week. Their wages will not cover their cost of housing, food, and education for their children. On most plantations independent trade unions are, of course, suppressed. Contracts are insecure, or workers are hired through intermediaries, and troublemakers are not invited back.
Who benefits most from this arrangement? The export value of bananas is worth $8bn - the retail value of these bananas is worth $25bn. Here's a breakdown of who gets what from the sale of banana in the EU.
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On average, the banana workers get between 5 and 9% of the total value, while the retailers capture between 36 to 43% of the value. So if you got a bunch of bananas at Tesco (the majority of UK bananas come from Costa Rica) for 95p, 6.65p would go to the banana workers, and 38p would go to Tesco.
Furthermore, when it comes to calculating a country's GDP (the total sum of the value of economic activity going on in a country, which is used to measure how rich or poor a country is, how fast its economy is 'growing' and therefore how valuable their currency is on the world market, how valuable its government bonds, its claim on resources internationally…etc), the worker wages, production, export numbers count towards the country producing the banana, while retail, ripening, tariffs, and shipping & import will count towards the importing country. A country like Costa Rica will participate has to participate in this arrangement as it needs ‘hard’ (i.e. Western) currencies in order to import essential commodities on the world market.
So for the example above of a bunch of Costa Rican bananas sold in a UK supermarket, 20.7p will be added to Costa Rica’s GDP while 74.3p will be added to the UK’s GDP. Therefore, the consumption of a banana in the UK will add more to the UK’s wealth than growing it will to Costa Rica’s. The same holds for Bangladeshi t-shirts, iPhones assembled in China, chocolate made with cocoa from Ghana…it’s the heart of how the capitalism of the ‘developed’ economy functions. Never ending consumption to fuel the appearance of wealth, fuelled by the exploitation of both land and people in the global south.
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Darker Than Black au for K?
Imagine AU where the clans are instead groups of Contractors who all have different goals, like S4 believes Contractors gained their abilities in order to keep the peace for normal humans, Homra believes their powers should be used to live freely and protect those who slip through the cracks of society, Timeless Palace tries to hide the existence of Contractors and superpowers, while jungle wants to create a world where everyone becomes a Contractor and there are no more normal humans. The Sword of Damocles is like a manifestation of power that certain very strong Contractors have, the payment for using their powers is that the Sword will become more damaged each time. As such the Kings have to be careful in their use, like imagine Kokujouji despite being the strongest King almost never uses his actual full power while Mikoto just continues to recklessly use his to protect the people he cares about even though he knows that each time his Sword becomes closer and closer to falling. 
I like the idea that the members of their organizations all have similar powers too, like a lot of the Homra guys have fire-based powers. Imagine Kusanagi’s remuneration is to make cocktails, he even has like a little portable kit he brings along on missions so he can whip something up as needed after a fight. Totsuka’s only ability is to calm others, like a touch by him helps regulate the mood of the person he touches. He’s the only one who can help Mikoto stabilize his mood and abilities, but the price is that Totsuka loses years off his theoretical lifespan every time he uses it — the ‘theoretical’ part though is what makes it hard to track, what he loses is that basically if he was fated to die when he’s’x’ years old every time he uses the power it’s ‘x-1,’ so it’s not like he’s just starting at assuming he’d live to 90 and subtracting from there, he has no way to know when he’ll die. When he finally gets killed by rogue contractor Colorless Totsuka just smiles bitterly as he calls Kusanagi, knowing there’s nothing he can do because he’s used his contract too many times. Anna is a Doll who they rescue from a research facility where Contactor Mizuchi was trying to find new ways to create like the ‘ultimate’ powerful Doll, and due to being experimental Anna shows more emotions than normal Dolls do.
Yata and Fushimi are Contractors who awakened in middle school, Yata has fire powers and Fushimi can like turn anything he touches into a deadly projectile. Imagine Fushimi’s remuneration being something like ‘must eat a vegetable,’ so even though he likes having powers he hates using them and Yata’s always teasing him about it. Yata’s remuneration is to loudly and sincerely praise someone, so when they first awaken and are working together Yata of course is always yelling that Saruhiko is amazing. Once they join Homra though Yata is always praising Mikoto instead, which is one of the things that leads Fushimi to join S4 instead. While at S4 there are rumors that Fushimi’s become a Doll, because he’s even more emotionless than a normal Contractor, but anyone who’s seen him fight Yata Misaki knows that can’t be true because that’s the only time Fushimi will show emotions (and then imagine there’s something similar to what happens in canon with Fushimi having to infiltrate jungle at some point, and when Yata comes to save him Yata uses his powers and then confidently yells ‘Fushimi Saruhiko is amazing,’). 
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chaitalid · 19 days
CRISPR and Cas Gene Market Demand, Growth Factors, Trend & Forecast to 2030
The Insight Partners recently announced the release of the market research titled CRISPR and Cas Gene Market Outlook to 2030 | Share, Size, and Growth. The report is a stop solution for companies operating in the CRISPR and Cas Gene market. The report involves details on key segments, market players, precise market revenue statistics, and a roadmap that assists companies in advancing their offerings and preparing for the upcoming decade. Listing out the opportunities in the market, this report intends to prepare businesses for the market dynamics in an estimated period.
Is Investing in the Market Research Worth It?
Some businesses are just lucky to manage their performance without opting for market research, but these incidences are rare. Having information on longer sample sizes helps companies to eliminate bias and assumptions. As a result, entrepreneurs can make better decisions from the outset. CRISPR and Cas Gene Market report allows business to reduce their risks by offering a closer picture of consumer behavior, competition landscape, leading tactics, and risk management.
A trusted market researcher can guide you to not only avoid pitfalls but also help you devise production, marketing, and distribution tactics. With the right research methodologies, The Insight Partners is helping brands unlock revenue opportunities in the CRISPR and Cas Gene market.
If your business falls under any of these categories – Manufacturer, Supplier, Retailer, or Distributor, this syndicated CRISPR and Cas Gene market research has all that you need.
What are Key Offerings Under this CRISPR and Cas Gene Market Research?
Global CRISPR and Cas Gene market summary, current and future CRISPR and Cas Gene market size
Market Competition in Terms of Key Market Players, their Revenue, and their Share
Economic Impact on the Industry
Production, Revenue (value), Price Trend
Cost Investigation and Consumer Insights
Industrial Chain, Raw Material Sourcing Strategy, and Downstream Buyers
Production, Revenue (Value) by Geographical Segmentation
Marketing Strategy Comprehension, Distributors and Traders
Global CRISPR and Cas Gene Market Forecast
Study on Market Research Factors
Who are the Major Market Players in the CRISPR and Cas Gene Market?
CRISPR and Cas Gene market is all set to accommodate more companies and is foreseen to intensify market competition in coming years. Companies focus on consistent new launches and regional expansion can be outlined as dominant tactics. CRISPR and Cas Gene market giants have widespread reach which has favored them with a wide consumer base and subsequently increased their CRISPR and Cas Gene market share.
Segmental Coverage:
Product & Service
Product and Services
Biomedical and Agriculture
End User
Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Companies
Academics and Government Research Institutes
and Contract Research Organizations (CRO) and CDMOs
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
and South & Central America
Regional and Country Coverage:
North America (US, Canada, Mexico)
Europe (UK, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Rest of Europe)
Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Australia, Rest of APAC)
South / South & Central America (Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South/South & Central America)
Middle East & Africa (South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of MEA)
Market Leaders and Key Company Profiles:
CRISPR Therapeutics
BRAIN Biotech AG
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Merck KGaA
Editas Medicine
Takara Bio
New England Biolabs
Intellia Therapeutics
Other key companies 
What are Perks for Buyers?
The research will guide you in decisions and technology trends to adopt in the projected period.
Take effective CRISPR and Cas Gene market growth decisions and stay ahead of competitors
Improve product/services and marketing strategies.
Unlock suitable market entry tactics and ways to sustain in the market
Knowing market players can help you in planning future mergers and acquisitions
Visual representation of data by our team makes it easier to interpret and present the data further to investors, and your other stakeholders.
Do We Offer Customized Insights? Yes, We Do!
The The Insight Partners offer customized insights based on the client’s requirements. The following are some customizations our clients frequently ask for:
The CRISPR and Cas Gene market report can be customized based on specific regions/countries as per the intention of the business
The report production was facilitated as per the need and following the expected time frame
Insights and chapters tailored as per your requirements.
Depending on the preferences we may also accommodate changes in the current scope.
Author’s Bio:
Chaitali Deshpande
Senior Market Research expert at The Insight Partners
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Navigating Relocation: Tips for Selecting a Reliable Home Moving Company
Relocating to a new home is a significant event that requires careful planning and organization. One of the most critical decisions you’ll make during this process is selecting a reliable home moving company.
The right movers can make the transition smooth and stress-free, while the wrong choice can lead to delays, damages, and added costs. Here are some essential tips for selecting a reliable home moving company to ensure your relocation goes as smoothly as possible.
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Start with Research and Recommendations
Begin your search by gathering recommendations from friends, family, and colleagues who have recently moved. Personal experiences can provide valuable insights into the reliability and professionalism of different moving companies.
Additionally, conduct online research to find companies in your area. Websites like Yelp, customer Reviews, and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) offer customer reviews and ratings that can help you assess a company's reputation.
Verify Credentials and Licensing
Ensure that the moving company you are considering is properly licensed and insured. In the United States, interstate movers are required to register with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) and obtain a unique DOT number.
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You can verify a mover’s licensing status and check for any complaints on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) website. For local moves, check with your state’s regulatory body to confirm the company’s credentials.
Obtain Multiple Quotes
Contact at least three moving companies to request detailed, written estimates. Be cautious of estimates given over the phone or online without an in-person assessment of your belongings.
A reputable moving company will conduct an on-site evaluation or a video survey to provide a more accurate quote. Compare the estimates, looking for transparency in pricing and a clear breakdown of services and fees.
Understand the Services Offered
Different moving companies offer varying levels of service. Determine your needs and ensure the company can meet them. Services may include packing and unpacking, loading and unloading, bulk storage solutions, and specialized handling for fragile or valuable items. Clarify what is included in the estimate and ask about any additional costs for extra services.
Check for Insurance and Liability Coverage
Ask about the company’s insurance policies and liability coverage. While most moving companies offer basic coverage, it may not fully protect your belongings. Consider purchasing additional insurance for valuable or irreplaceable items. Ensure you understand the terms of coverage, including how to file a claim in case of loss or damage.
Look for Red Flags
Be aware of warning signs that may indicate a less reputable moving company. These can include:
Requests for large deposits or full payment upfront.
Lack of a physical address or company branding.
Incomplete or vague contract terms.
Poor communication or unprofessional behavior.
Overly low estimates that seem too good to be true.
Read the Contract Carefully
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Before signing any agreement, thoroughly read the contract and ensure you understand all terms and conditions. The contract should include:
The company’s contact information.
A detailed list of services and their costs.
The pickup and delivery dates.
Insurance and liability coverage details.
The process for filing claims.
Plan Ahead and Book Early
Reliable moving companies are often booked well in advance, especially during peak moving seasons (spring and summer). Once you have chosen a mover, book their services as early as possible to secure your desired moving date. Early booking also allows for better planning and preparation.
Communicate Clearly
Maintain open and clear communication with your chosen moving company throughout the process. Provide detailed instructions and any special requirements, such as the handling of fragile items or access restrictions at your new home. Clear communication helps prevent misunderstandings and ensures a smoother move.
Selecting a reliable home moving company is crucial for a successful relocation. By conducting thorough research, verifying credentials, obtaining detailed quotes, and understanding the services offered, you can make an informed decision. Careful planning and clear communication with your chosen movers will help ensure a seamless and stress-free transition to your new home. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well-equipped to navigate your relocation with confidence.
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avengingseo · 3 months
Balancing Quality and Cost: How Affordable SEO Companies Maintain Value
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In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) stands as a cornerstone for businesses striving to enhance their online presence. However, for many businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the cost of SEO services can often seem prohibitive. This is where affordable SEO companies step in, offering cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. But how do they manage to strike this delicate balance?
Affordable SEO companies are adept at maximizing efficiency and minimizing unnecessary expenses while delivering results that matter. Here's how they do it:
Streamlined Processes:
Affordable SEO companies have honed their processes to be as efficient as possible. They have a clear roadmap for each client, from initial site audit to ongoing optimization efforts. By streamlining workflows and eliminating inefficiencies, they can deliver high-quality services without unnecessary time and cost overheads.
Specialization and Focus:
Instead of offering a wide array of services, affordable SEO companies often specialize in core areas of SEO where they excel. This specialization allows them to focus their efforts and resources where they can provide the most value, without spreading themselves too thin. Whether it's technical SEO, content optimization, or link building, they prioritize what matters most for their clients' success.
Utilization of Tools and Technology:
Affordable SEO companies leverage a range of tools and technology to automate repetitive tasks and gain insights more efficiently. These tools help them analyze data, track performance, and identify opportunities for improvement without requiring extensive manual labor. By investing in the right tools, they can deliver results faster and at a lower cost.
Flexible Pricing Models:
Unlike traditional SEO agencies that may require long-term contracts or hefty retainers, affordable SEO companies often offer flexible pricing models. They may provide customizable packages tailored to each client's specific needs and budget constraints. This flexibility allows businesses to scale their SEO efforts according to their financial capabilities without compromising on quality.
Focus on Core Strategies:
Affordable SEO companies prioritize proven strategies that deliver tangible results rather than chasing the latest trends or fads. They understand the importance of fundamental SEO techniques such as keyword research, on-page optimization, and building quality backlinks. By focusing on these core strategies, they can deliver consistent and sustainable results without wasting resources on ineffective tactics.
Transparency and Communication:
Effective communication is key to the success of any SEO campaign. Affordable SEO companies maintain open and transparent communication channels with their clients, keeping them informed about the progress of their campaigns and any challenges encountered along the way. By fostering trust and collaboration, they can align their efforts with their clients' goals and expectations more effectively.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation:
The world of SEO is constantly evolving, with search engine algorithms undergoing frequent updates and changes. Affordable SEO companies stay ahead of the curve by investing in ongoing training and education for their team members. They continuously monitor industry trends and adapt their strategies accordingly to ensure that their clients remain competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape.
Emphasis on Results:
Ultimately, affordable SEO companies are judged by the results they deliver for their clients. Whether it's improving search engine rankings, increasing organic traffic, or generating leads and conversions, they prioritize outcomes that directly impact their clients' bottom line. By focusing on measurable results, they can demonstrate the value of their services and justify their affordability.
In conclusion, affordable SEO companies are able to keep costs down without sacrificing quality through a combination of streamlined processes, specialization, technology utilization, flexible pricing models, core strategy focus, transparent communication, continuous learning, and emphasis on results. By adopting these principles, they can provide cost-effective SEO solutions that empower businesses to enhance their online visibility and achieve their marketing objectives without breaking the bank.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Investments in place matter. Public spaces such as parks and community centers as well as businesses such as restaurants and bars signal local prosperity, add a richness to the neighborhood, and enhance community wealth by attracting further investment.
Grocery stores are a crucial component of this ecosystem. And premium grocery chains focused on natural, organic, and specialty foods (commonly referred to as “fresh format” stores) such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s[1] not only provide healthy shopping options for residents, but also serve as markers of high-income, desirable areas, which contributes to increased property values and an image of security and stability. Conversely, the lack of these assets—or the proliferation of chains associated with poverty, such as dollar stores—can indicate to investors and developers that a community is struggling or lacks a clientele that would make investing profitable. These patterns can drive an upward or downward spiral of investment, concentrating wealth in already-wealthy areas while diverting it from struggling ones.
Community investment patterns are often influenced by race as well as wealth. Analyzing the distribution of grocery stores in several large U.S. cities, we find that premium grocery stores are less likely to be located in Black-majority neighborhoods, regardless of the average household income of those neighborhoods, and are substantially more likely to be located in neighborhoods where the Black population share is less than 10%.
In other words, businesses and the broader real estate and financing sectors are not investing even in prospering Black-majority neighborhoods, which devalues these communities and hinders opportunities for growth.
Devaluation of Black communities has led to disparities in food access
Uneven food systems across neighborhoods of varying racial compositions reveal ways that American society signals the value it places on the people in those communities.
The devaluation of Black neighborhoods is linked with redlining and mid-20th century “urban renewal” projects that labeled many Black neighborhoods as “slums” and demolished them. Meanwhile, federal, state, and local leaders invested in infrastructure that brought suburban white residents to and from urban cores, signaling the higher intrinsic value of white communities. These policies acted on the presumed lower value of people and assets in Black communities, which shows up in the kinds of amenities a community offers.
Federal Housing Finance Agency appraisal reports have allowed researchers to confirm that homes in Black neighborhoods are valued roughly 20% lower than equivalent homes in non-Black neighborhoods, and are nearly twice as likely to appraise below the contracted selling price. Similar devaluation patterns have been found in commercial real estate in Black-majority neighborhoods, which makes it difficult for Black entrepreneurs to get loans to start new businesses or invest in existing ones. Customer-facing businesses that do establish themselves in Black-majority neighborhoods face lower customer ratings and less revenue.
One part of the larger structure of business and commercial real estate devaluation in Black-majority communities is “food apartheid,” or disparities in access to food that have been produced by structural racism in residential and investment patterns, such as supermarket redlining. Though differences in food access are often blamed for elevated food insecurity and worse nutritional outcomes in Black communities, the relationship may not be as strong as is often believed, as our Brookings Metro colleagues pointed out in a 2021 report. They found that while there has been a tendency to frame the problem of food insecurity and poor nutrition in low-income neighborhoods as one of “food deserts” (areas with limited access to affordable and nutritious food), a number of recent studies have shown that greater access to food retailers does not correlate to reduced food insecurity, and that shoppers, even those without vehicles, do not necessarily choose to shop at the nearest supermarket.
Furthermore, the rise of food delivery services during the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in greater access to grocery delivery services for most Americans living in traditionally defined “food deserts.” While financial insecurity and the higher cost of healthier food play a bigger role in food insecurity and nutritional deficits among low-income Americans, segregation and differing retail options in Black-majority neighborhoods still matter, because they are symptoms of a broader problem of devaluation and underinvestment in Black communities, which has real consequences for local wealth retention and development.
Beyond issues of access, this report presumes that store type is an economic statement of value that can spur or throttle investment in an area. The store types present in a community are a judgement of the level of investment a community is worthy of.
Premium grocery stores are absent from wealthy Black-majority communities
We analyzed the locations of premium grocery retailers in 10 U.S. metro areas with populations over 1 million and substantial numbers of high-income, non-rural census block groups with Black-majority populations.[2] We found strong evidence for underinvestment across all 10 metro areas.
As seen in Table 1, in seven of the 10 metro areas studied, none of the Black-majority, non-rural block groups in the top quartile for household income were located within 1 mile of a premium grocery store and only in one metro area—Washington, D.C.—was the percentage above 5%. For block groups in the same income brackets but with less than a 10% share of Black residents, the percentage that were located within 1 mile of a premium grocery store ranged from 10% in Atlanta to 34% in Los Angeles. Furthermore, Black-majority block groups in each income quartile of all the metro areas studied had a lower chance of being within 1 mile of a premium grocery store than block groups in that metro area overall.[3]
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While we see the same pattern of underinvestment in wealthy Black communities across all 10 cities in our sample, there are significant differences between metro areas as well. Figure 1 highlights the difference in the shares of Black and non-Black neighborhoods near premium grocery stores. The differences in premium grocery store prevalence in wealthy neighborhoods are lowest in the low-income metro areas (New Orleans and Memphis, Tenn., which have median household incomes below $60,000), and largest in Washington, D.C., New York, and Los Angeles (which are among the wealthiest metro areas in our sample).
Another difference appears when we look at low-income block groups. In some metro areas (Atlanta and Baltimore in particular), the deficit of premium grocery stores is similar across low-income and high-income Black neighborhoods. However, in two metro areas (Houston and Chicago), Black-majority communities in the bottom income quartile were actually more likely to be located near a premium grocery store than low-income communities with few Black residents. In both cases, the differences are small, and the low-income Black neighborhoods in question are in relatively dense urban areas adjacent to higher-income neighborhoods.
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Comparing premium grocery store locations in the Washington, D.C. and Atlanta metro areas
The Washington, D.C. metro area is the highest-income metro area that we studied, with a median household income of $111,000 according to 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) 5-year estimates. It is also home to Prince George’s County and Charles County in Maryland, the second-highest and highest-income Black-majority counties in the country. Still, our analysis demonstrates the differences in investment distributions between Black-majority and predominantly white neighborhoods. For example, the absence of high-end retailers, including premium grocery outlets, in Prince George’s County has been a point of concern in those high-income Black communities for decades.
The Washington, D.C. area is home to roughly 20 Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods locations each, as well as two local organic chains: MOM’s Organic Market and Yes! Organic Market. The national chains are much more likely to be located in neighborhoods with few Black residents across the income spectrum, while the two local chains show a much smaller racial disparity. In the case of Yes! Organic Market, this is partly a consequence of the fact that all of their stores are located in the urban core—often in gentrifying areas—and thus close to historically Black communities. However, it may also be evidence that locally owned stores are less likely to undervalue Black neighborhoods than national chains with less familiarity with the areas where they operate.
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As seen in Figure 2, a belt of high-income block groups with Black-majority populations wraps roughly a third of the way around the Capital Beltway in the District’s eastern and southern suburbs. However, while high-income areas in other parts of the Washington, D.C. suburbs are scattered with Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, and MOM’s Organic Market locations, the two MOM’s locations in the belt are near its ends, in areas with less predominately Black populations, and neither of the national chains has any locations in the belt. In fact, while each of the chains has a single location in Prince George’s County and none in Charles County, these stores are located within a mile of each other, and very near the University of Maryland’s flagship campus, in a part of the county that is not majority-Black.
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A similar pattern is seen in the locations chosen by the Kroger-owned conventional grocery retailer Harris Teeter (Figure 3), which began to move into the Washington, D.C. area in the early 2000s and has focused its expansion on upscale markets. Although Harris Teeter is now the third-largest grocery chain in the region with 44 stores, it has no stores in Charles County and only two in Prince George’s County—neither in a Black-majority neighborhood and both near the county’s border with majority-white Baltimore suburbs.
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The distribution of premium grocery chains in Atlanta, shown in Table 3 and Figure 4, provides a good comparison to Washington, D.C., since Atlanta has the smallest percentage of top-quartile block groups within 1 mile of a premium grocery store among the metro areas we studied. While relatively few block groups in the Atlanta area are located near premium grocery stores, nearly all of those that are have few Black residents.
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Premium grocery stores are rare overall in the Atlanta area, but the ones that are present are nearly all confined to a corridor running north of downtown that has some of the region’s smallest shares of Black residents. The major suburban “edge city” job clusters of Buckhead and Perimeter Center are also home to pairs of premium grocery stores.
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Dollar stores are more common in Black-majority communities at all income levels
The absence of premium grocers from even high-income Black-majority communities is an example of the disinvestment side of food apartheid. However, there is a second component to the different food retail ecosystems in Black and non-Black (especially white) neighborhoods: the prevalence of less-desirable food options. Studies have shown that the prevalence of fast-food restaurants is positively correlated with the percentage of Black residents in urban neighborhoods in the U.S. Similar trends have been found for liquor stores.
Chain dollar stores are one example of food retailers that have targeted Black-majority urban neighborhoods for store locations, often saturating these communities with outlets and making it more difficult for local businesses and other grocery chains to become established. While dollar stores can fill a need in low-income neighborhoods, they are often regarded as predatory businesses that harm communities more than they benefit them, due to very low wages, displacing other grocery options while failing to sell fresh food, store design that increases the rate of armed robberies, and OSHA and FDA violations that put customers and employees at risk.
As shown in Table 4, in every metro area in our cohort except Washington, D.C. (where dollar stores are less prevalent overall, likely due to the metro area’s substantially higher incomes), Black-majority neighborhoods in the top income quartile were more likely to have a dollar store within 1 mile than high-income neighborhoods with a share of Black residents lower than 10%. Furthermore, in six of the 10 metro areas (New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, New Orleans, and Memphis), most Black-majority neighborhoods in the top income quartile were within 1 mile of a dollar store. In fact, in New York and Chicago, Black-majority neighborhoods in the top income quartile were more likely to be near a dollar store than non-majority-Black neighborhoods in any income quartile.
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Figure 5 shows the situation in Chicago, where dollar stores are concentrated in and near Black-majority areas, including the higher-income ones south of the city. Dollar stores are significantly less common in areas with few Black residents. While chain dollar stores are much more numerous than fresh-format grocery stores, they still concentrate in neighborhoods with lower incomes and higher shares of Black residents. Many of these neighborhoods have not just one, but a cluster of several dollar stores—making it especially hard for businesses that compete with them to become established.
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As shown in Figure 6, Black-majority block groups were more likely than block groups with a share of Black residents lower than 10% to be within 1 mile of a dollar store for each income quartile in each metro area, with two exceptions: the highest quartile in Washington, D.C. (where dollar stores are especially rare) and the lowest quartile in Dallas (where the racial differences in dollar store locations are smallest overall). And while there is an overall trend toward more dollar stores in Black-majority neighborhoods, the patterns in each metro area are very different.
Dallas has especially small differences—never more than 7 percentage points—in dollar store prevalence between Black-majority block groups and those with Black population shares lower than 10%, while there is a very large variation in dollar store prevalence by income, with roughly 85% of lowest-quartile and 30% of highest-quartile block groups within 1 mile of a dollar store. And among cities with substantial racial disparities, these disparities follow different patterns with income. In Washington, D.C., dollar stores are most over-represented in low-income Black neighborhoods, while the difference is smaller in third-quartile neighborhoods and negative in neighborhoods in the fourth income quartile. On the other hand, Atlanta, Baltimore, and New Orleans show similar disparities across income quartiles, while Houston, Los Angeles, Memphis, Chicago, and New York show the biggest disparities in high-income neighborhoods, which have few dollar stores when they have few Black residents but far more when they are majority-Black.
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Like other local assets, grocery stores influence investment decisions
No single asset type alone determines the value of a place or the willingness of entrepreneurs, businesses, developers, and private individuals to invest in it. Rather, community, consumption, institutional, and other asset types are all part of a unified ecosystem that creates value and indicates potential investment opportunities.
The decisions food retailers make have obvious direct impacts on residents, such as the length of a trip to their preferred store. But their indirect impacts can be even more important. The presence of premium (or discount) retail in a community can drive the decisions of other retailers to locate in or avoid the community, thus strengthening or weakening the tax base. Furthermore, the presence of premium amenities in a community makes it more appealing to wealthier residents, which raises home values and potentially contributes to firms’ decisions on where to locate offices.
The less obvious outcomes of these choices—including their implications for place-based, racialized wealth divides—are no less important. Local assets and infrastructure matter to community well-being and development, and the differences in grocery store chains indicate a broader structural issue of financing practices and corporate underinvestment in Black communities. The tendency to frame this solely as a problem of access has led to suggestions that delivery services can bring about equality between communities. However, disparities in access were always just a symptom of a deeper and more fundamental problem of devaluation and divestment that need to be directly addressed.
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dprajapati · 8 months
Navigating Economic Storms: Understanding and Responding to Recession in Canada
In the complicated world of economics, recessions are like storms on the horizon, affecting the financial well-being of people and the stability of organizations. In this blog post, we can delve into the intricacies of recession in the context of Canada, analyzing its reasons, effects, and techniques for weathering the monetary downturn.
Defining Recession in Canada:
A recession is a considerable decline in monetary pastime that lasts for an extended period. In Canada, that is measured by the valuable resource of consecutive quarters of a bad GDP boom. This economic contraction can cause mission losses, decreased client spending, and a stylish experience of financial lack of confidence.
The Causes of Recession:
An aggregate of domestic and international elements frequently brings about recessions. In Canada, shifts in global alternate patterns, fluctuations in commodity costs, and modifications in monetary policies all play a role. For instance, the 2008 financial catastrophe was driven by an international credit rating crunch reverberating through the Canadian economy. In 2023, researchers at Deloitte are among a developing chorus of economists, which consists of those at the most significant Canadian banks, watching for the monetary gadget to be successful. This is due to a mixture of things, which include the continued COVID-19 pandemic, delivery chain disruptions, and hard work shortages.
Impacts on Various Sectors:
Different sectors revel in recessions through several strategies. While industries like manufacturing and production can also face declines in production and layoffs, company-oriented sectors like healthcare and schooling will be inclined to be more resilient. For example, at some point in the 2008 recession, the housing market in Canada experienced a significant downturn, impacting the development of the organization and associated offerings. In 2023, the tight labor market and high costs can result in a profit-inflation spiral.
Government Responses and Interventions:
In reaction to recessions, governments implement several rules to stimulate financial growth and stability. These measures can encompass modifications to hobby expenses, financial stimulus applications, and targeted investments in key industries. For example, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Canadian authorities delivered sizeable economic resource packages to guide humans and groups. In 2023, the government may want to position comparable measures to guide the financial system.
Challenges and Opportunities for Individuals and Businesses:
For human beings, recessions can supply pastime uncertainty and monetary stress. Building a diverse capacity set and preserving a solid financial plan can help mitigate economic storms. As an alternative, businesses may additionally need to pivot their strategies, innovate, and find new markets to continue existing and thriving. In 2023, companies will also need to focus on supply chain resilience and complex paintings for improvement to stay competitive.
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Canadian business sentiment has hit its lowest point since the 2020 Covid recession, as in line with Bank of Canada surveys. The statistics exhibits that while economic interest has slowed throughout numerous indicators, both firms and clients maintain to assume excessive inflation. Despite the slowdown, businesses are making plans greater frequent and considerable charge will increase, although hiring expectations have dipped. On the customer front, the exertions market remains considered definitely, with document-excessive expectations for salary increase. However, there's a excellent discrepancy between their perception of inflation and real figures. This standard decline in sentiment points closer to a deteriorating economic outlook, doubtlessly influencing the relevant bank's choice to maintain interest prices. The business outlook indicator fell for the 7th consecutive zone, signaling worries about slower sales increase and destiny projections. Firms also are reevaluating hiring and capital expenditure plans. The venture for policymakers lies in adjusting inflation expectations amid a cooling economy. Although corporations fear about income call for and credit, issues approximately price pressures and deliver chains are waning. Many believe that better quotes will hinder income and investments within the subsequent 12 months, and anticipate accomplishing the 2% inflation target will take longer than three years. For customers, perceptions of contemporary inflation continue to be excessive, with expectations for destiny inflation also improved. Higher fees are impacting foremost purchases, leading to a preference for discretionary spending. The Bank of Canada has maintained a consistent interest charge of five% however leaves the door open for capacity tightening inside the destiny. The next fee statement is scheduled for October twenty fifth, with September inflation information due on Tuesday.
Global Context and Interconnectedness:
Canada's monetary system is intricately related to the worldwide marketplace. Events like change tensions, geopolitical conflicts, and forex fluctuations have a proper effect on the Canadian economic machine. Recognizing those connections is essential for understanding the entire scope of a recession in Canada. In 2023, the continuing worldwide pandemic and delivery chain disruptions may also significantly impact the Canadian economy.
As we navigate the complexities of a recession in Canada, staying knowledgeable and proactive is critical. By understanding the reasons, influences, and functionality techniques, individuals and groups can better prepare for financially demanding situations. Remember, even as recessions may supply turbulence, they also present model, boom, and resilience possibilities. In 2023, it's critical to stay vigilant and take proactive steps to weather the economic crisis.
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A bird flu shot for humans is being prepared “just in case” it mutates. But if it hasn’t mutated to infect humans yet, how do the “scientists” have access to the sequencing to create an effective vaccine anyway?
The current outbreak of avian flu known as H5N1 clade has killed record numbers of birds and infected mammals. Human cases, however, remain very rare, and global health officials have said the risk of transmission between humans is still low. Yet Big Pharma is ready to cash in whenever the media tells people the bird flu is going to kill them the same way they did with COVID-19.
Executives at three vaccine manufacturers told Reuters they are already developing or about to test sample human vaccines that better match the circulating subtype, as a precautionary measure against a future pandemic. Other Big Pharma giants say they “stand ready” to mass produce vaccines and to reap the benefits of another plandemic.
The goal here is obviously to profit off of the demise of birds (and humans, should it come to that). Whether the avian flu is real or a completely made-up and hyped-up thing is irrelevant. Unfortunately, a good amount of people have already fallen for it and will get the shots or get sick with whatever is going to be released and called “avian influenza.”
Most of the potential human doses are earmarked for wealthy countries in long-standing preparedness contracts, global health experts and the companies said. Many countries’ pandemic plans say flu shots should go first to the most vulnerable while supply is limited. But during COVID-19, many vaccine-rich countries inoculated large proportions of their populations before considering sharing doses.
So the ruling classes are all of a sudden concerned with impoverished people having access to “vaccines” it creates? This whole scheme reaks of narrative and
Research Funded By Fauci And Gates Could See Bird Flu Become The Next Deadly Pandemic
“We could potentially have a much worse problem with vaccine hoarding and vaccine nationalism in a flu outbreak than we saw with COVID,” said Dr. Richard Hatchett, chief executive of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), which helps fund vaccine research.
If Bird Flu Is Spreading Among Humans, We Could Have Another Health Scare
The World Health Organization said it has signed legally binding agreements with 14 manufacturers for 10% of their pandemic flu vaccine “as it comes off the production line”, in a mix of donated doses and doses to be bought by the agency at an affordable price. The agreements include six of the largest seasonal flu manufacturers, such as Glaxo Smith Klein, Sanofi, and CSL Seqirus, the WHO said.
Since they are pre-preparing a “vaccine” and getting the bird flu “jump to humans” narrative solidified, should we all just assume that that’s the next step in the grand scheme to make sure we are all permanent slaves?
Rulers Begin to Establish A “Bird Flu” Narrative
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calebburgoyne · 1 year
A Comprehensive Guide to Self Storage in Sydney: Tips and Options
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If you find yourself running out of space at your self-storage in Sydney home or your office, self storage is the perfect solution to declutter your surroundings. Self-storage units can provide flexibility and convenience whether you're downsizing, moving, or needing extra space. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the world of self-storage in Sydney, offering you six essential tips and options to help you make the most of your self storage experience.
Understand the Benefits of Self Storage
Self storage units offer numerous benefits beyond just providing extra space. They provide a secure and convenient location for storing your belongings, giving you peace of mind. You can access your items whenever needed, ensuring flexibility and convenience. Additionally, self storage facilities often offer various unit sizes to accommodate different needs, making it easy to find the perfect fit for your requirements.
Determine Your Storage Needs
Before you embark on your self storage journey, assessing your storage needs is crucial. Take inventory of the items you plan to store and consider their sizes and quantities. This will help you determine the appropriate unit size and ensure that your belongings fit comfortably without any damage. Consider whether you require climate-controlled storage for sensitive items like electronics, artwork, or documents.
Research Self Storage Facilities
In Sydney, there are plenty of self-storage facilities, so it's essential to do your research. Look for reputable facilities with positive customer reviews and a proven security track record. Consider location, accessibility, operating hours, and additional amenities like 24-hour access, CCTV surveillance, and on-site staff. Visiting the facility in person before making a decision can also give you a better sense of the environment and the level of cleanliness and security provided.
Compare Prices and Contracts
Pricing structures and contract terms may vary among self storage facilities. Take the time to compare prices and contract details, including any additional fees or discounts available. Consider whether you require short-term or long-term storage and whether there are any penalties for early termination. Remember that the cheapest option may not always be the best, so prioritize quality and security when making your decision.
Organize and Label Your Items
To maximize the efficiency and ease of accessing your belongings, it's crucial to organize and label your items properly. Use sturdy boxes, stackable containers, and protective covers as needed. Create a detailed inventory list and label each box or item accordingly. This will save you time and effort when you need to locate specific items later on.
Utilize Smart Packing Techniques
When packing your belongings for self storage, it's important to utilize smart packing techniques to optimize space and protect your items. Disassemble large furniture, if possible, to save space. Place heavy items at the bottom and lighter, more fragile items on top. Fill gaps with cushions or blankets to prevent items from shifting during transportation. Use bubble wrap or packing paper to protect delicate items from scratches or breakage.
Self storage offers a flexible and convenient solution for individuals and businesses in need of extra space. By following the tips provided in this comprehensive guide, you can make the most of your self storage experience. 
Remember to understand the benefits, assess your storage needs, research facilities, compare prices and contracts, organize and label your items, and utilize smart packing techniques. With these tips in mind, you'll be well-equipped to find the perfect self storage unit in Sydney and enjoy a clutter-free and organized environment.
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What is a mobile app development company?
A mobile app development company is a company that specializes in developing mobile applications for smartphones and other mobile devices. Mobile apps are software applications that are designed to run on mobile platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. Mobile app development companies typically offer a range of services, including designing, building, testing, and maintaining mobile apps for their clients. They may work with clients to develop custom mobile apps for specific purposes, or create mobile apps for sale or distribution through app stores or other channels. Mobile app development companies may also offer related services such as mobile app marketing and mobile app design.
Why do you need a mobile app?
There are many reasons why a business or organization might need a mobile app. Some common reasons include:
To reach a wider audience: Mobile apps can help businesses and organizations reach a wider audience, as they can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. This is particularly useful for companies that want to reach customers on the go, such as retailers or service providers.
To improve customer engagement: Mobile apps can help businesses improve customer engagement by providing a convenient and personalized way for customers to interact with the business. For example, a mobile app can allow customers to easily make purchases, book appointments, or access exclusive content.
To improve customer service: Mobile apps can also be used to improve customer service, by providing customers with a quick and easy way to get in touch with the business and access support.
To gather customer data: Mobile apps can be used to gather customer data, such as demographics, preferences, and behavior, which can be used to better understand and target customers.
To drive sales: Mobile apps can be a powerful tool for driving sales, as they can be used to showcase products, offer promotions and discounts, and facilitate purchases.
Overall, mobile apps can help businesses and organizations improve their reach, engagement, customer service, and sales, and are an important part of any digital strategy.
Steps to Choose a Mobile App Development Company
Here are some steps you can follow to choose a mobile app development company:
Define your needs: The first step in choosing a mobile app development company is to define your needs and goals. This will help you determine what you are looking for in a development partner and enable you to clearly communicate your requirements. Consider factors such as the type of app you want to develop, the platform (e.g. iOS, Android), the features and functionality you need, and your budget.
Research potential partners: Once you have a clear idea of what you are looking for, start researching potential mobile app development companies. Look for companies that have experience in your industry or area of focus and that offer the technologies and services you need. Consider their portfolio and case studies to get a sense of the type of work they do and their level of expertise.
Contact and review: After you have narrowed down your list of potential partners, reach out to them and request more information about their services. This is a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have and to get a better understanding of their process and capabilities. You may also want to review their contracts and pricing to ensure that they are a good fit for your budget and needs.
Evaluate references: Ask potential partners for references or case studies of similar projects they have completed. Contact these references to get a sense of the company's quality of work, customer service, and overall experience.
Make a decision: After evaluating the potential partners, it's time to make a decision. Consider all of the factors you have researched and choose a company that aligns with your needs and goals and that you feel confident will deliver a high-quality product.
By following these steps, you can choose a mobile app development company that will help you bring your vision to life and create a successful app.
The process of choosing the right software development company for your project.
Define your mobile app development goals
Defining your mobile app development goals is an important first step in the development process. It helps you determine what you want to achieve with your app and guides your decision-making throughout the development process. Here are some things to consider when defining your mobile app development goals:
Purpose: What is the primary purpose of your app? Is it to drive sales, improve customer service, or provide information and entertainment? Clearly defining the purpose of your app will help you determine the features and functionality you need to include.
Target audience: Who is your app for? Understanding your target audience will help you tailor your app to their needs and preferences. Consider factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.
Functionality: What specific features and functionality do you want your app to have? Consider what your app needs to do in order to achieve its purpose and meet the needs of your target audience.
Integration: Do you want your app to integrate with other systems or platforms, such as your website, CRM, or social media accounts? If so, you'll need to consider how these integrations will be implemented.
Monetization: How do you plan to monetize your app? Will you offer it for free with in-app purchases or subscriptions, or will you charge for it upfront? This will impact the features and functionality you need to include.
Immortal Technologies is one of the best mobile app developer company they have latest technologies and skilled worker having many years of experience and can deliver work on time.
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The first "real" job I applied for was a camp director position with Girl Scouts of Los Angeles. I was 23 and I was about to go into my fourth summer at my camp, as well as graduating grad school. Here are the things that I wish I knew/had done:
Ask your current camp to involve you in director/organizational level stuff, so you can learn. I think that a big factor in why I didn't get the job was that I'd never hired or fired anyone. I know this isn't realistic at all camps, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Do your research on the camp/council/organization you are applying to. I did some, and I also got to have a phone call prior to the interview with the manager to ask questions about the camp and make sure I knew what I was getting in to.
In doing your research, also price out the area and make sure they'll be paying you enough to live on. Mine would have been quite tight but doable, with California living expenses.
Included, required housing is both a blessing and a curse. Consider which it will be for you. And look at your housing contract carefully (for sure have a contract). Recently (last five years) our ranger contract (housing required) stated that you couldn't cohabit unless you were married.
Look at your whole contract and job requirements carefully. I don't feel like I did a good job of this with my full time job. I sort of knew them, and they've changed several times, but read everything well.
It is also ok to ask to take contracts for longer than your in-person meeting to review them, or have someone else review them. It's not common in all industries, but it is allowed. If they seem unwilling, be cautious - why do they feel that way?
It doesn't hurt to ask if a salary is negotiable. Camps often pay like crap, even at the director level, and be especially cautious of accepting low offers if you will be exempt.
Exempt means that you don't get paid for overtime, so it's common with full time camp jobs, especially overnight camps. Exempt can also be a blessing or a curse, and usually it's both. I appreciate being exempt for the flexibility, but wish I got paid overtime, because I work a lot of it.
Be sure to ask what your hours will be like, in season and off season. The LA job had like random, non-holiday Mondays off during the year, which sounded lovely.
Tailor your resume to the job description. It's a pain, but I left off one of the councils I worked at when I applied to this job, to emphasize more recent, relevant work, and that was I guess a no-no.
I'm sure that the world of interviewing has changed over the course of the pandemic, but they are long and tedious and I got super tired about 2/3 of the way through my first interview for this job and totally blanked on a question. It is ok to take a moment to collect yourself, to breath, to think, or to ask a clarifying question. At the time I felt a lot of shame for losing my place though.
It's ok to ask around and see if you have any contacts at a potential job. Obviously if you end up working for the same organization you did seasonal work for, you'll have contacts (unless it's been a while).
If you're in school, use your school's job/career center as much as you can. Sometimes they'll let alumni use it too. They often do workshops and consultations on various topics. Some student groups do too. Sometimes towns or counties also have a job center. 211 can help you find it.
I'm going to stop there, but these are my top tips for job hunting.
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a320linetraining · 1 year
A320 Line Training
There has never been a better time to become an airline pilot. The industry is facing a critical pilot shortage and pay scales are better than ever. There was a time when pilot training was sponsored by the airline hiring you. Unfortunately, the situation has changed and only few airlines still apply this policy. In the late 90’s, pilots have started to pay for their own pilot training. This has been a controversial discussion at that time but now, it is one of the most popular ways to boost your career and we are here to help you get the best training for the price you pay. Line Training program helps you increase the number of hours flown as well as gain experience in the actual aircraft. By completing the Line Training program you can collect required hours to reach the career you desire. As it is highly requested training and we see lots of different companies which organize that, there have also occurred several cases when pilots pay for a program, don’t start Line Training and never get their money back. Here is something you can do to avoid fraud:
Don’t pay upfront for a promise. A trustworthy company will always provide you with information about the offer, screening dates and deposit will be paid only after signing the contract. An ordinary deposit can’t exceed 15 % of the total cost and you have to receive a document which confirms your payment.
Do your own research. Type a company’s name into your favorite search engine with words like “review,” “complaint” or “scam.” There are many various forums and social media sites where you can find pilots discussing about certain companies which offer Line Training programs. This information can save a lot of money for you if you find out that your chosen company is a scam.
Look for testimonials. If the company is reliable, usually they share success stories that have been told by pilots who finished their program. Normally, the company enables the chance to talk directly to pilots who graduated from such program and hear everything from someone who has already went through the whole process.
History of the company. The company which wasn’t established yesterday will have the whole history behind. This can be really helpful while deciding which one to choose. For example, Leads Aviation consultants is a part of Leads Aviation Group Ltd a Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) listed global provider of one-stop-shop aviation businesssolutions. This innovative and fast growing company has more than 2000 employees living and working in 40 locations worldwide and speaking more than 10 different languages. The Group has developed a strong technical base, necessary infrastructure, teamed and trained top-level professionals and received international activity certification and recognition. When you find this kind of information, it is clear that this company was not founded just to take your money.
Guarantee of security. In order to protect many pilots out there, lac created a special badge which will mark all of our Line Training programs and be the guarantee of security. Apply for a program with a badge which says Leads Aviation Approved Line Training programs” and you will be provided with the best service that you can get in the market. What is most important, you will have a great possibility to be employed as a First Officer with the European airlines. So, if you want to avoid scamming, research well when it comes to picking the right company for a Line Training program. If you have any questions about this program at lac contact us [email protected] Open line training programs at leadsaviation.com
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