#control ending ain't even an option
pillarofawesome · 7 months
"Does it hurt to get shot?"
Shepard must not have been asleep if that question was heard so easily. Eyes snapped open, head turned to the source of the query, and standing right next to the sun lounger was a small asari girl.
Couldn't have been older than... well, hard to tell with asari. Kid could be thirty Earth-years old for all Shepard knew. Still definitely a kid, though. A pair of eyes, one blue and one green, stared intently over a datapad clutched to her chest, a mixture of nervous regret for intruding and anticipation of an answer to her question in her gaze. Her dress had a floral pattern with African colors, a common fashion here in Rio de Janeiro. A few decades ago, it would have looked out of place on an asari. But with the relays down, the Milky Way was now a constellation of suspended melting pots. This girl was undoubtedly born and raised here. These were not "tourist clothes" for an "alien" girl making a novel visit to an alliance planet. These were just clothes, and she was home. Not a human, but undeniably an earthling now. Hell, she was even speaking English, although many asari were known to study multiple languages. They certainly had the time.
"What?" No sooner did Shepard ask that than immediately register the question. Now it had to be asked again. Shepard hated when that happened.
"Does it hurt to get shot?" The asari maiden repeated, quieter this time, face lowering to hide behind the datapad. She feared she was really being a bother, now.
Shepard was surprised to not mind the question. It would be a ridiculous question in days long past, but this was a new time with a new generation. This little girl didn't know and was genuinely curious. Shepard could recall having nothing but dumb questions to look forward to for a long time after being found and resuscitated ages ago. The most famous human in the galaxy- maybe the most famous person- was still alive. Shepard feared never hearing the end of it. What's that old saying? 'No rest for the wicked'? That was the second best adage describing Shepard's life following the Reapers behind 'it was the best of times, it was the worst of times'.
The war was actually over. No more action; just talking now. So much talking there was barely time to breathe or think. Options of what to answer or reply metaphorically floating in front of Shepard's face on a wheel, with every stupid answer to every stupid question feeling wrong. Statement this, report that, interview over there- with another Arabic-named journalist, ironically enough. There had been acceptance speeches, and many promotions offered (though Shepard only accepted one), followed by speaking tours. Then there were regular meetings with a biographer at some point. All of this was given only a brief reprieve by a stressful tenure as the commandant of the N-school at Vila Militar. After all of that, Shepard was now truly retired; finally too old and broken to even fly a desk these days.
"I-it's just that I thought I saw your face before," the girl continued. Shepard would kick Shepard's own head right now if it were possible. Shepard was lost in thought for so long that the unanswered kid was now feeling awkward. "So I looked you up," she said holding out and pointing at the datapad. "The internet said you fought in the war? I'm sorry!" She started to back up and turn away now. Come on, Shep, say something! You're embarrassing the poor little sweetheart.
"No no! It's okay," Shepard consoled with a raised palm. Straining a humbling amount, the old body augments feeling like dead weight these days, Shepard pulled up to a reclined posture, turned sideways, and set both feet on the ground to face the youngling properly. "I did fight in the war." For that to not be rhetorical, the girl must truly not be talking to the Captain Shepard, but merely an elder; an old veteran who witnessed the mythical conflict before her time that rescued her parents, making her very life possible. The near-anonymity Shepard had to this innocent child was a breath of fresh air.
She gestured with the datapad again. "It says here you were injured in combat?" Shepard cracked a grin at that, barely managing to catch an all out guffaw. 'Injured?' Is that all it said? The internet- the extranet lost its connection to all servers on other planets- was understating it just a little bit. "Yeah," Shepard replied, "you could say that."
The girl's lips pouted and her cheeks darkened a deeper shade of blue at that answer. She was sick of older people giving vague answers with knowing smirks. Everyone seemed to know something big abut the past that was flying over her head, and they weren't cluing her in. They were grinning at a naive little girl who didn't know any better, and here she was trying to learn; trying to understand. She wanted to show some attitude, but she bit her tongue, afraid she was already being rude to a stranger.
"And yes, it hurts to get shot." The girl's eyes snapped back to Shepard's at that. "The bullets themselves were atomically small, but they were projected with mass effect fields that carried a whirlwind of energy. Sometimes some other effects, too. When they pierced the skin, the bullet didn't do anything. The bolt of energy following it would go through and spread out." Shepard gestured with points of fingers and waves of hands between sentences. The asari was listening intently, and visibly trying to understand. Shepard remembered she was young, and opted to illustrate with an analogy. "It's like if a strike from a sledgehammer was contained in a needle, and injected straight into your body." After saying all of that, Shepard wondered if that imagery worked, or just sounded stupid. The "woah" from the wide-eyed youngster seemed to imply the former. Guns were actually the least terrifying weapon Shepard faced, but enough gory detail was being shared for now.
"You're lucky to be alive," she said after digesting everything. Shepard had to pause at that. It was hard to see it that way sometimes, but she was right. Shepard had suffered through so much, seen so much, lost so much, wondered so much. Why did so many have to die? Did so many have to die? What if I made different decisions? Would the ending have been the same no matter what I did, or did my choices matter? Where did the Normandy go? Did my crew survive? Where is the love of my two lives?
All the hustle and bustle following the war kept Shepard busy, putting off dwelling on it. Retirement had brought it all up at once, leaving Shepard in a dissociative state most days. But right here, right now, she was right.
"I'm glad you fought for us," she continued with a smile. "I'm glad you're not dead."
And with that, Shepard's dwellings could take a break for now. The earnest, raw, simple fact stated by this girl broke through all the what-ifs. Her mere existence was proof that despite the great cost, the war was won. Annihilation and extinction were at stake, but here we all were; battered, bruised, scarred, and scattered, but still alive. This beautiful, intuitive, emotionally-intelligent child was telling her elder it was all worth it, and she was right. It hurt to get shot, yes. And it hurt more to face all the other wounds from the war; physical and otherwise. But here sat Shepard victorious, having survived it all. And looking into Shepard's face was a generation who would never have to face such pain, living in a world that was healing from it.
"Thank you," Shepard finally responded, unable to catch the slight voice-crack. The asari girl smiled even brighter at that. She opened her mouth to say something else, but was interrupted by a call from afar.
"Atalanta! Sweetie, time to go!" The parent was a silhouette standing in front of the setting sun. The shape looked human. They must be the father.
"Bye-bye!" said the earthling, using Earth lingo that again betrayed how local she was. Shepard echoed the farewell and waved as she ran off. Lying back down, Shepard allowed the broken warrior a rest, and finally caught a carefree nap. Shepard would go back to mourning later.
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snapscube · 4 months
on the name thing: i think people want to call you something different because they like you and want to feel like they're your friend by giving you their own quirky nickname. a show of affection or something. that's my good will interpretation of it because it's certaintainly something I can relate to.
also hope this is ok to say, but I miss seeing you doing facecam. you're gorgeous ^^ i respect if you don't feel comfy with it tho, it ain't easy and it's probably much comfier to not bother with it at all lol
have a great day, Penny!
(i know i literally just said im moving on from this but i felt like this idea was worth responding to, AFTER THIS i am moving on guaranteed) i get that! and thats why i stress that i feel this way regardless of intent because the last thing i want to do is cause guilt or demonize people for something that's ultimately pretty common. but even considering your example, with that notion comes a couple problems:
i am not your friend! i do think that there has been a bit of an OVER-correction when it comes to how people think about parasocial relationships and personally relating to people they admire, and generally i like to push back against the notion that having any parasocial relationship is a bad thing cause personally i think parasocial relationships are unavoidable and it's more about your expectations towards that one-sided relationship that become the issue. but two things remain true in either case: i know you so much less than you know me, AND you know me infinitely less than you think you do. so at the end of the day, it is not my responsibility to walk on eggshells about behavior that assumes an intimacy from me i am incapable of and especially uninterested in retaliating.
i have to stress that i am extremely aware it would be insane of me to expect to control peoples actions regarding this on such a large scale, and im also well aware many people come in who are new who get this info for the first time. i repeat the conversation in the interest of introducing those boundaries to people who are new and in general just reinforcing them. i try not to be such a stick in the mud about most things but this is something I REALLY care about, and so i give it the no-nonsense approach i think it deserves. on that note: understanding that there are going to be gaps where people either just do not know about my preferences or simply do not care doesn't mean i have to pretend like i also don't care about it. people can say whatever they want about me in their own spaces, you can call me whatever the fuck you want amongst friends. i do not care cause i do not have the capability to care, it's never going to reach me! but that does not mean i have to pretend to enjoy it if/when it DOES reach me, especially if it's presented as an option for me to respond to. if someone just calls me something weird in a chatroom it's like, i literally do not have the energy or overall scope of vision to react to every one of those instances specifically. there absolutely are things u just gotta let roll off of u sometimes. BUT, the reason we often get into this conversation repeatedly on my tumblr is because given the ask format i get a lot of people who go out of their way to approach me with name jokes or loopholes to an actively established preference as if they are looking for my approval on it. that is where it becomes a little more unpalatable for me.
and to respond to your second question: i appreciate the kind words on that! i sure would like to reintroduce facecam again someday somehow but right now my desk setup is not great for it haha
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writeshite · 11 months
How would Thor/Homelander/Soldier boy react to them accidently hurting (emotionally or physically) their bf?
Probably the only one here with some emotional intelligence, and yeah, he used to be arrogant, but he's a sweetheart, an absolute angel. Thor is most likely very in tune with how you convey emotions, I mean he worships the ground you walk on.
If he hurts you physically, and you end up scared of him, I can see two things that could happen, he either distances himself from you for a while to work through the mental breakdown that probably hits him. Second option is he hovers; I mean, the man can summon thunder and control lightning - regardless of what species you are (Kree, Human, Asgardian, Elf, Skrull, etc.) - he's gonna be concerned cause I mean, he could maybe indirectly stop your heart, or crush your internal organs, or just hurt you brutally and painfully in any other way.
If he hurts you emotionally, he's groveling; he's doing everything in his power to show how sorry he is and how much he loves you. He'll probably ask you what you want, if you want distance he'll give it to you, he'll stay away until you call back and hopes it doesn't lead to a breakup.
Like father like son, I guess. Sort of. I think with all the time he's spent around people and getting high of approval, he at least has some sort of knowledge on emotions, but not like in a healthy normal way, more in a 'I've been around people crying and whining before I know enough to be able to speedrun the crying stage and get to the forgiveness part' if that makes sense.
Also, I feel like it would also depend on how your relationship is; if you and Homelander have a genuine thing going on, then he'd probably put in effort cause he doesn't want to lose the only source of actual genuine affection in his life. So you'd probably get an apology, some gifts, anything Homelander thinks will get him back in your good graces. And then cuddles.
If your relationship is a fling of some kind or fake relationship to hype the masses with no romantic feelings of any kind involved on his end, then you ain't getting no apology honey 💀, because I mean, he likes to embarrass people who he perceives have wronged him, so even if he's the one at fault for hurting you physically or mentally, it'll somehow become your fault, so he'll probably bring the fight out into the public, use Vought to paint you as the one in the wrong, if you don't want that to happen then you should apologize, you're the one who's wrong here.
Soldier Boy:
I love Ben, I do, but I know this man has like the emotional bandwidth of a rock like he's probably still trying to process being attracted to not only women while also trying to unpack his goofy ass douchebaggery.
I don't think Ben would notice at first if he hurt you emotionally, or if he does, he'd probably think you'd get over it and then be shocked if/when you don't. He'd feel bad and experience the wonderful world of guilt.
If he hurt you physically, he'd notice a lot quicker, and probably feel worse, I feel like he's the kind of guy who takes physical injuries/pain more seriously than emotional and mental.
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thecursedjazz · 2 months
Sorry but Postal 1 dude being Dude Sr just doesn't work at all because all of the traits that define Postal 1 Dude (and the demon) are absent in Dude Sr
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Not sure that I really need to elaborate on this one.
I mean Postal 1 Dudes core fundamentals as a character is that he's a mentally comprised individual who's damaged to the point where he believes he's under attack from the whole world, he kills not because he's a sadistic and cold killer but instead because he's fully under the impression that he's left with no option but to fight back because the world is out to get him. Like his ramage wasn't even a planned thing, the first thing he does after he's "attacked" is go to the sherrif for help so he's literally just a traumatised everyman prior to Postal 1s events.
But Dude Sr...just lacks any actual substance or sign of that, there's no paranoid lunatic there, there no mention of the hate plague (which is even wierder since it literally becomes real at the end of Postal 4).
His goal is to have complete control of edensin which is fine and dandy but why would Postal 1 dude wanna run casino's and a whole city and shit? Not only that but he's fully incapable, man couldn't even keep his house and isn't even able to distinguish cries of fear from fleeing civilians from actual hostiles, his ass is NOT running a whole city.
And on top of that it can't even be connected to the demon, the demon (or dudes alternative personality if you see it that way) just simply wants to causes as much death and destruction as possible, I struggle to see how running casinos links to that.
The rampage mode ending literally tells us the Postal 1 Dudes mental health and deteriorated so much that he's trapped inside his mind, so he's either braindead by this point or the demon has full control of his body so his ass ain't acting as level headed as Dude Sr.
Dude Sr saying "we are the place called climax, and the time called now" isn't even enough to bridge that gap because EVERY postal Dude uses Postal 1 quotes.
Postal 1 Dude is also younger than P2/Postal 4 Dude, with him being 27 and being portrayed as young in the manual (the pic of him holding his gun in the corner), P2 Dude is stated to be early thirties to late forties by Postal 2 as stated by RWS and he looks alot older than P1 so how can he be his dad if he's younger?
And like, Dude Sr just doesn't have the same vibe as Postal 1 Dude or like anything related to Postal 1 as a whole, his whole setup, placement in the game, his dialogue, theme song, and motivations just....don't match to Postal 1 at all.
Of course i don't wanna come across as a douche, if you wanna headcanon that he is Dude Sr then cool, don't let me discourage you.
But if this guy IS considered as Postal 1 Dude and that is the last we see of him...as a portrayal that makes him acts nothing like himself then that just seems like such a cop out.
Anyway this whole thing was written as improv and on the spot so apologies for any typos and shit.
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Awesome that you’re taking price requests cause we definitely need more of those!!! Thank you for your service and writing!!
You’re drunk and your friends dare you to introduce yourself to captain price at a bar. You actually have a nice conversation end up dating and he shows you off and then he breeds you
Haha idk how that escalated quickly but yasss
A/n: I'm so sorry this took so long to post! I've been facing some writer's block, nothing I've been writing has been sounding good 😫
So I apologize if this doesn't meet your expectations! 🧎‍♀️
"Your beard looks amazing, it would look even better wet between my legs."
Maybe playing truth or dare with your best friend while alcohol was running through your veins wasn't such a good idea.
Your body went rigid in shock at the words leaving your mouth.
You didn't even greet the man.
You didn't say hello
You didn't ask for his name before the horny thoughts that were clouding your mind all night escaped at the first chance.
Drunk and horny wasn't a good combination.
"What the hell happened to buying someone dinner first?" Price chuckled before taking another sip of whiskey and glancing at you.
"I Ummm..." your train of thought had stopped as you looked into his amused eyes, and a small grin lingered on his lips. "I'll...eat you out for dinner???" your words slurred out, unsure of what you said sounded right.
"fuck. I meant to take you out for dinner.." you cursed. "Not eat you out." you laughed nervously as you looked at the male who couldn't contain his laughter.
"You're fucking pissed..." Price said with an amused tone. " Can't hold your liquor well can you?"
You shook your head no as a small blush dusted your cheeks.
"Dinner sounds nice but so does option two." Price teased.
"Who says we can't do both? I always have room for dessert" you teased back, liquor courage making a comeback inside of you.
"Big appetite?" Price asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Always" you responded with a small smile on your lips while batting your lashes at the older bearded man. His head tilted slightly to the side as his amused eyes never left your face, the smile on his face making you weak on your knees.
"You look like you bite off more than you can chew, young lady."
A playful pout formed on your lips at his words, "awfully rude thing to assume," You crossed your arms under your chest as you glared playfully at him. "Besides, I've been raised to lick my plate clean."
"A good little girl ain't ya?"
"Only when I want to be rewarded." flashing him an 'innocent' smile.
You see him digging through his pockets before pulling out a black marker, he held out his hand and which you reached over and placed your arm in. His calloused hands gently held your wrist as the cool ink of the marker traveled through your arm. You could smell the mix of whiskey and cigar smoke from being so close to him.
"Call me when you're not trollied," he said with a raspy voice, his eyes looking into your shining eyes.
"Trollied? I'm just a bit tipsy," you whined. You tried to lean closer to him but you underestimated the lack of control you had over your body. Before you knew it your face had planted into his chest. Price held onto your upper arms pushing you up.
"Just tipsy, huh?" he said mockingly.
You sent him the middle finger before you rested the side of your head against the bar countertop. You were looking at him while he looked down at you with a soft smile.
"...Harry?" you asked.
"Harry?" he asked back.
"I'm trying to guess your name...Henry?"
"Nope." he took another big gulp from his drink before giving you a clue. "First letter is J."
"Fucking hell, do I look like a Jack to you? " he grunted, his eyes squinting at you.
"I'm trying, jeez...Jonathan?"
"You're getting closer, sweetheart."
You kept chanting the name Jonathan before your eyes widened and you looked at him with disgust.
"John? That's such a boring name," you muttered.
"Like your name is any better." he countered
"Best name that will ever leave your mouth" you argued.
"Is that so?" he asked with an eyebrow raised and a cocky smile on his lips.
"It is so, John," you said with emphasis on his name. "The name's y/n"
"Y/n? Only a muppet would have a name like that."
"Fuck you."
"I know you do sweetheart." he teased. "Too fucking drunk to remember your first words to me sweetheart?”"
"Yeah, but with a mouth like yours, the beard gonna stay dry" you taunted.
"Sounds like a challenge," he said while getting closer to your face, noses nearly touching. "Tomorrow night after dinner?"
"Tomorrow night after dinner." you recited his words in agreement.
"You're dating the captain?" Gaz asked, bewildered that such a young fine woman would be dating his captain. The captain that he knew was a gruff, grumpy, and bearded old man. The exact man who had a harsh grip on your waist, fingernails plunging into the fabric of your sundress, and harshly pressing into your skin. His usually warm kind eyes, now cold and ruthless, picturing how he could make both of his sergeants suffer for having their eyes roam your body. You both have noticed how their eyes flicker between your eyes and the deep neckline of your dress exposing your cleavage to the young men.
"Why do you both sound so surprised?" Price asked. Standing right behind you, he leaned down and rested his face between your neck and shoulder. His mouth licked a stride of your skin, maintaining eye contact with his men. You let out a small whine at the feeling of his rough beard pricking at your skin, your body slightly squirming against his. "Don't believe your Captain still has his charm?"
"Stop teasing them." you scolded Price, slightly slapping at his chest and pushing him off of your body. You held out your hand, greeting both men formally and apologizing for your lover's behavior. "Well, I hope to see you both more often."
"Likewise bonnie."
What was such an honest and somewhat innocent statement from Soap, was the final breaking point for the Captain. Having to constantly see younger males fawn over your beauty, their undeserving eyes devouring your body sometimes left Price self-conscious. It made him question his worth, but you were always ready on your knees to praise him and remind him how wonderful of a lover he is. At other times, it made him territorial, spewing commands and punishments onto you. You were always eager to comply with his commands, and his jealousy and anger were welcomed with your legs wide open, your wet cunt for his personal use. Your moans and whines were encouragement enough for him to know you were his alone.
But for Price to see his own men practically swooning over his lover awakened primal urges in John that were left dormant for far too long. Urges that had you face down onto the sheets with your ass in the air, juices running down your thighs, and a wet cunt milking the captain of his semen.
Rings of white at the base of his cock as you cummed around his length for the fourth time that night. His promises that he growled into your ear had you throbbing around his cock yet again.
"A cunt full of my seed..." Price mumbled against your neck, his fingers kneading the skin of your stomach. "You know what happens if I fuck my cum into your womb don't you darling?" he asked in a teasing voice.
"..b-baby." you cried out. Your back was now pressed against the mattress, Price mounted on top of you with his cock drilling into your gushing wet cunt.
"That's right, princess. You'll look so pretty with a round tummy." Price hissed. Your nails scratched at his back and your legs locked around his waist. "I'll make you a mommy, fuck a baby right into you."
"yes please, daddy." you sobbed. Your back arched as you felt another toe-curling orgasm creeping. "I want to be a mommy. Make me a mommy."
"Shhh..." John shushed, wiping off the tears rolling down your face. " I'll make you a mommy, no need to cry, sweetie."
Small chants of daddy spewed from your mouth as you felt yourself your love juices gush onto Price, absolutely soaking his pelvic region.
"Make you round with my child, your breasts engorged with milk for the baby," Price continued to thrust into you, his cock throbbing, eager to fill your welcoming cunt with his seed. "But you'll let daddy have a taste of your milk, right? Wouldn't want the baby to grow up greedy like his daddy?"
You let out a loud moan as you felt his hot semen spew inside of you, bursts of cum launching deeper and deeper into your womb, Price's words of making you a mommy increasing in possibility. Your legs freed Price from temporary captivity, allowing him to lean back but not pull out just yet. He wanted to ensure his cum stayed inside, his cock merely a cork for your hole at the moment.
For the rest of the week, Soap, Gaz, and Ghost would hear you far more often than see you. Your moans of 'daddy' have nearly become background noises, but at night it only serves as a broken alarm keeping them all awake.
" I blame this shit on you" Gaz spat out, trying his best to ignore your begging moans of 'daddy please' through the walls.
"Steamin Jesus." Soap cursed, running and pulling at his mohawk in frustration. "I only called her bonnie, you were eyeing her tits."
Before Gaz could retaliate, Ghost's ruff voice cut through the room. "We are in this fucking bloody situation because you twits don't know to act around anything with tits and a cunt. "
Both men watched as their lieutenant stood up from the room and stated he was going out for a smoke.
"It's gonna be harder to ignore her tits if the Captain knocks her up."
"She'll be walking around with huge milkers."
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wingedjellyfishflight · 9 months
Hogtied: Part 4
You're surprised the next day to see all of the men sitting at breakfast as though nothing is wrong. You sit with them, trying not to make it obvious that you are checking their injuries, only to look directly in Ghost's eyes when you try to casually glance over.
"We're fine, Luv. Be off for a while for recovery, but we are fine." You huff at him. "You know I worry about all of you. Especially with not being able to do the work myself. Bit of a control freak, I suppose."
Soap grins, "never woulda guessed you liked being in charge, hen. Coulda fooled me." You roll your eyes and turn back to your plate, happy they are in good spirits.
You ask them their plans for the day, but they don't have any beyond relaxing in front of the telly. With a nod, you agree with that. "Lunch is on me, then. Already owe the Captain butter chicken, anyway. I will set up an order, just call in what you want and they'll deliver it." Every set of eyes near you is suddenly laser focused. "Umm... I ate his butter chicken, and he caught me with it."
"Lordy, ye dinnae?!" At your nod, the men around you all start talking at once.
"I told him I would replace it, and he let me eat. But good god, you lot need to clean out that fridge more often. I went through so many gross leftovers trying to find something edible." Ghost smirks.
"Who's leftovers were you going to try first?" Your eye twitches as you contemplate if you should lie or start running, and you see his eye zero in on it.
"Nae, ye dinnae! Ye dinnae!"
"Shut up, Soap! It was yours, Ghost. I figured you ordered the best food, so I checked yours first!" With that, you stand up and run from the hall, Ghost leaping up to chase after you. You duck into a closing door just to the right of the dining hall and sprint to the other end, barely making it around the corner before he is onto you. He wraps his arms around your waist and throws you over his shoulder. "The food was bad! I binned it! I didn't even eat your food!"
"You tried to take it, that's guilty enough for me." He carries you to the rec room with the rest of the men are waiting and tosses you gently on a couch. "As punishment for raiding our fridge, you have to sit and watch movies with us."
"Can I at least go get my book?" You knew the answer, and he knew you knew, so he ignored you. "Fine, but I deserve the option to nap if you pick something shite."
"What do you mean by that? We don't pick shite."
"Time Traveler's Wife. We all cried over it, and if I find out who picked it... never getting numbing before stitches again!" Laughter spread around the room at your rant.
"Then what is your favorite one," asked Soap.
"Something with explosions, maybe some angst, oh a holiday movie! Die Hard. Die Hard is good." The whole room groaned. That was always your go-to answer.
"Doc, I know that ain't your favorite. C'mon, I know you hate personal questions, but ya gotta at least tell us your favorite movie on movie day." You shift uncomfortably on the couch and shrink into your, no König's hoodie a bit.
"I... umm... I like Gladiator. It's one of the only ones that I re-watch." The men are quiet at your answer, and Ghost squeezes your shoulder gently.
"Gladiator up first then." You rest your hand on his briefly with a small smile. Ghost and Soap flop down on either side of you, squeezing you between them. The movie starts, and you sit forward on the couch, nervous. Ghost leans forward and tugs you back, pulling you to lean against his side. "You can nap if you want to, but relax. You've been anxious since before we left."
"I could tell this mission was going to be a doozy. I hate being right." You watch the entire movie, relaxing against him with his hand rubbing your back gently.
When it ends, you sit up and stretch, glancing over and seeing Soap sleeping with his head tipped oddly. You stand carefully and readjust him, so he is sitting more comfortably. When you get back from peeing and grabbing a drink, you see that he has taken over most of the couch, leaving no room next to Ghost, who also looks like he is about to nod off.
When you edge back toward the door, Ghost wags his finger at you, so you look for an open seat. Your eyes alight on König, sprawled across a smaller couch by himself.
"Budge up a bit. Soap kicked me out of the cuddle pile." He chuckles and moves his leg to let you sit down.
"We make our own cuddle pile then." He lifts his arm so you can lay against his chest. The next movie is one you haven't seen yet. You only make it about halfway through before falling asleep. The smell of Indian food wakes you up. When you go to sit up, König's arm tightens around you, holding you against him as he sleeps. You debate pushing free, but opt to relax against him, falling back asleep. When you wake next, your body is sore from the shit couch, but you feel cocooned in warmth. Rubbing your face deeper into the warm has it moving away as König gently sits you up. As soon as he lets go, you press against him again.
"So warm... safe..." You feel his body melt against yours.
"Sorry, König. Should've warned ya that she is a level ten clingy cuddler when she falls asleep. Can't pry her off until she's actually awake."
"My back hurts," he says in response. That's all you need to wake up. You sit up, concerned.
"Has it been hurting all day or just since I came over? Can you wiggle your toes? Is there any numbness?" He just stares at your full 180 attitude while Ghost groans.
"The only thing that can get her to stop cuddling: Doctor Mode. Never mention a health issue if you want cuddles, bruv. She can't switch it off hardly at all."
"Do you have-?" König rearranges himself to lay on his back and tug you into his chest.
"Relax, Schatz. I am fine. We will watch more movies together." You relax against him again.
It only lasts a few minutes before you hear thrashing and yelling. You scramble up and see Soap fighting in his sleep. Everyone is standing well back, but Ghost looks torn. You push through the crowd and dodge Ghost's arms to carefully climb in Soap's lap, wrapping your arms around his torso to act as a stabilizer. You try to dodge his wild thrashing, feeling his fist clip your face as you move close to him. You tuck your face into the crook of his neck to keep him from hitting you again and begin singing quietly to him.
"Can ye no hush your weepin'
All the wee lambs are sleepin'
Birdies are nestlin' nestlin' together
Dream Angus is hirplin' oer the heather
Dreams to sell, fine dreams to sell
Angus is here wi' dreams to sell
Hush ye my baby and sleep without fear
Dream Angus has brought you a dream my dear.
List' to the curlew cryin'
Faintly the echos dyin'
Even the birdies and the beasties are sleepin'
But my bonny bairn is weepin' weepin'"
Slowly, Soap calms, and you are able to relax your hold. He cries silently into your shoulder as you sing the lullaby through a second time. You pull back and rest a hand on his cheek. "Are ye alright noo, laddie?" He nods, laying his hand over yours. "Good, because I need to make sure you didn't tear anything up."
He growls and doesn't let loose your hand, staring at your face. "First ye'll tell me where ye git yon blue keeker."
"Ghost skelped me. Said I was too mouthy during the film." You pull your hand back with a grin and scoot back in his lap to tug up his shirt, checking that he hasn't popped any stitches.
"Dinnae be telling me havers."
"Ah wud never tell ye havers. Ahm a saint of a Catholic." Laughter bursts around the room, many knowing you were not Catholic at all and having heard many lies come from you to protect them or convince them to do something they hate.
"Ye dinnae have it when scran was here. Ye were sleepin on yon big yin." You shrug and glance over at the food.
"Well, ye look bonnie." You stand with Ghost's help, the grumble of your tummy making him chuckle.
"Go eat, luv. We got him from here."
"Ghost, did you hit the wee doctor? I ken ye dinnae, but-"
"English, Bubbles. And if she said I did, then I must have. The doctor is a saint of a Catholic, after all." Soap sputters, unable to form any words.
Walking over to the table, you spot your food, König's and... the Captain's. He didn't come get it. You huff and carry it to his office, knocking firmly.
"Enter," Captain Price's voice floats through the door. Opening it, you see he is in a meeting with another man.
"Sir, you didn't grab your lunch, so I figured I would deliver it." He nods his thanks and gestures for you to bring it to him.
"Since when are delivery drivers allowed to bring food directly to you? And when did they start dressing so terribly?" You glance down at the hoodie draped over you and open your mouth to respond. Captain's voice cuts you off.
"Sir, this is the doctor I was speaking about. It is merely her day off." He somehow balances censure of the other man with respect in a way that has you in awe of his skill.
"Hmph. In my day, women were expected to dress up for the men around them, on duty or off." You bristle, and Captain tries to intervene again.
"We do not police what the men wear on their days off. We certainly won't with the women we work alongside. Now-"
"I'm just saying female doctors need to have a little self-respect and demand enough respect to be obeyed by the men." Price could not be fast enough to silence your barked laughter.
"Sir, with all due respect, the men don't care at all what I am wearing as long as I am fixing their injuries. This hoodie you are so dismissive of is but a sign of the respect of the men. I wonder, how would you convince a heavily muscled, 16 stone man to submit to having the mask removed that he considers part and parcel to who he is? One that less than a dozen living men have seen under since he first donned it."
He snorts and says, "Enough orderlies will force any man to submit to anything."
"And thusly you have destroyed any and all trust that man has in you or the medical profession. I have convinced that man, peacefully, to remove his mask. Built up trust over time to convince him and many others to give a full and unabridged medical history by allowing them the right to privacy. Hell, I have convinced a prisoner that came here hogtied due to how dangerous he was to not only allow me to treat him without needing restraints but to allow the removal of his mask. That man has become one of our greatest assets, in part, due to the respect afforded to him, which started in the medical bay. So, to hear you say that brute force and dressing pretty are the only two ways to gain respect around here is not just inappropriate but sets a dangerous precedent for the men we serve. Such a precedent, I will not allow to take root in my clinic." Silence fills the room after you finish speaking. The man turns to Price.
"I'm convinced. Promotion approved." He signs a piece of paper on the desk. Captain grins at your stunned and confused face.
"Agreed. That was quite a moving statement, Major. Soon to be Lieutenant Colonel, I suppose." Your eyes narrow in suspicion as you look back and forth between them.
"Sir, am I to be expected to leave and work in a different facility, then? If so, I do not want this promotion."
"You'll have to go where assigned, doc. That's above my paygrade to influence."
"Yes, and your opinion on a promotion doesn't matter. If you are promoted, you will work where assigned until the end of your contract."
"I won't leave my men. It would take many steps back. It was jokingly mentioned not long ago, and they nearly mutinied."
"They will get over it." The man seems smug, and it is ticking you off something fierce.
"That's fine then, Captain. I am sure my parents will be thrilled to hear that I no longer wish to work for the military."
He winces, "Now, doll. There's no reason to go involving your parents. I'm sure we can work something out."
"Parents? The military does not care bout the opinions of parents." He scoffs at your threat.
"They do when they have money and political favors. Captain, I will do everything in my power to stay, including sabotaging a promotion. If you force my hand, I will find a way out rather than have to start over somewhere else. Please, do not push me on this, I love working here."
You are begging at this point. Leaving your men would be devastating. You've tried to stay under the radar ever since finding out that promotions mean leaving, even to the point of refusing to record the advanced training and techniques you have taken and the ones you have pioneered.
"I understand, Major. We will discuss this further later." You know a dismissal when you hear it.
"Yes, sir."
The next thing you know, you are back in the rec room, sitting in front of your food. Ghost appears at your side and nudges you gently.
"What happened, Luv?"
"I got promoted, I think. Maybe."
"Shut up. It isn't a good thing."
"Why not? You are moving from Major to Lieutenant Corporal! That is great! They've been ignoring you for too long." He starts to stand, and you drag him back down.
"If I get promoted, I have to leave. I-i won't be here anymore. That's why I've been hiding from it."
"Oh," he says as he settles back in. "You've been avoiding more money and shit to stay with us? But why?" You nod and shove a piece of food in your mouth, trying to get a bit of time to think.
"I just... I really love working with you guys. It's exactly the job I wanted since I had to be a doctor. Working with adrenaline junkies who save the world, ya know?" You sigh and lean against his shoulder. "I really like the relationships I've built here. You guys are respectful and kind. Female officers don't usually much respect."
He rubs your arm gently. "Heard and understood, luv. We will figure this out together, then. Eat up, and we can watch another movie before dinner."
You wake up later sandwiched between Ghost and Soap on the couch, each wrapped around you somehow. Your last thought before falling asleep again is the way this feels like home.
The next week, Captain Price sets a meeting with you. When you tell Ghost, he immediately wants to go with you. Despite turning him down every time and refusing to tell him when, he catches the closing door and silently stands behind your chair. The Captain stares at him for a long moment before opting to ignore him completely.
"I've arranged this meeting to discuss your upcoming promotion and what it means for you and the men."
"I understand, sir. I can have the files updated and ready for transfer in about two weeks. I will need to meet one on one with each man to ensure the transferred files meet with his approval based on the policy in effect." Captain Price looks surprised.
"You don't intend to pass on the full histories to a replacement?"
"No, I am afraid they will be accidentally dropped into a paper shredder, and there will be an incident with a small bin fire just off base. Quite unfortunate, but not preventable." You keep your gaze passive and meet the Captain's own look evenly. "I will ensure that the approved files do not meet with such an end. I will also endeavor to provide a full list of the procedures and techniques that we have pioneered under my command so that there is consistency for the men. They do so hate change."
"I hope the former will not be necessary, and I implore you to implement the latter. As an aside, in speaking further with the RAMC, we have come to an agreement for you to stay here at this post indefinitely. It was deemed necessary to current and future missions to maintain consistency in medical care. I was asked to pass on a message: All doctors are required to record their advanced training and education, and thus, it is expected that you will update your records accordingly. I believe that covers everything." His grave face suddenly breaks into a smirk, just as you begin crying with joy.
"Thank you, Captain! Thank you!" He stands and moves around his desk to wrap you in a hug.
"You did good, doll. I am so proud of the work you have done, and now it will be recognized by everyone else." He smiles down at you and presses a kiss to your forehead. "Now, please do those updates. I called in some big favors and made some promises to work this out." All you can do is nod before you are pulled from the Captain and crushed against Ghost's chest.
"Woohoo! You're staying with us, luv!" He drags you to the door with a bare minimum of respect for Captain Price, refusing to let you stop and say goodbye. "Time to go tell everyone. We will have a party!"
"I've never seen you so excited for anything, Ghost. Slow down, I'm gonna trip!" He huffs playfully but slows down.
"I wanted to get you out of there before the Captain decided he needed to address what you so casually stated, but it is exciting to keep you on. I have been trying to decide how to break into your office for those files for the last week." You stop and frown.
"Don't do that. It would be dangerous to try to steal them." He cocks an eyebrow. "Yes, dangerous. You seriously don't think all I have protecting them are a few flimsy filing cabinet locks after how long it took to get that information. There is life and death information in them. I called in a few favors to build a security system of sorts for it."
"That's... that's sexy as hell, luv. You are one loyal woman." He stares down at you for several long moments, starting when someone clears a throat a little ways away.
"Sorry to break up the party. I heard you had your meeting today. How did it go?" König asks innocently, making you glare at Ghost.
"You weren't supposed to tell anyone!" He holds his hands up in surrender, backing away.
"I was pretty sure you weren't leaving, promotion or not. We just want to celebrate with you."
"Ghost! Lech mich am Arsch! Bastardo! Schluckspecht!"
"Come, mein Schatz. It is good that we celebrate now. You are staying, and we do not have to stage a rebellion." König picks you up as though you are just a child, carrying you away from a laughing Ghost even as you yell more insults. You want to fight away from him, but you can't stop from pressing closer. You can barely stop yourself from nuzzling against his shoulder. It takes a minute then for you to realize that he has turned away from the rec room, which is where you're sure the party is supposed to be.
"König, where are you taking me?" You catch your traitorous fingers rubbing at the back of his neck under the mask. "Sorry."
"I like your hands on me, meine Prinzessin. I wanted to talk to you without prying eyes and ears..." You rub your fingers against his collarbone through his shirt. "Yes, I like that." You blush and lean forward, stopping just in front of his lips. He cups the back of your head, closing the distance and kissing you through his mask.
You feel your back pressed against a wall and hear the jingle of keys. König has brought you to his quarters. He carries you in, kicking the door shut and locking it. Laying you on the bed, he says, "Tell me what you want, Schatz. I need to know."
"I want this, König. I want you. Bitte." He quickly strips off his clothes and mask, giving you space to do the same.
"Gut. I will fuck you, then I will take you to the party as meine Prinzessin... if you can walk." He chuckles as he climbs on the bed, pushing your legs up and laying his cock against your stomach. "It will be a tight fit. Might take all night to loosen up you up." He is excited, talking fast and teasing you with his fingers already.
"Promise?" Your question is loaded, but he nods happily.
"Yes, Prinzessin. You will take the whole thing before the night is over. I will make sure of it." He leans down close to your ear, "I will make you mine forever."
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jakes3resin · 6 months
Can you tell us more about biker gale and his plot??
Sure sure.
I am gonna warn you though, I'm the kind of person who likes spoilers and likes talking about them, so this will be pretty spoilery for what will eventually become Biker AU.
Here's what I've got plotted out.
Okay so story will start on a dark and stormy night (cliché yes but I enjoy a good cliché every now and then) where Curt opens his front door to a pale and shaking Bucky, a man he thought dead for nearing two years. Bucky, drenched from the rain and desperate, begs Curt to watch his child, a little kid that Curt hadn't even noticed given how tightly they're clinging to Bucky's shirt. When Curt finally catches a glimpse he sees wild blond curls and bright blue eyes, a shade similar to Bucky's but just different enough that Curt recognizes them to have come from someone else.
Bucky left town two years before for reasons no one had ever figured out. Some said maybe he left because the cops were gonna pin something on. Others say that his head hadn't been alright for a while. Curt thinks Bucky is dead because he knows that nothing short of death would have pulled Bucky and Buck away from each other. Most don't talk about it because Gale gets a dark look in his eyes whenever he hears Bucky's name.
Gale's the leader and founder of the motorcycle club Curt is a part of (Bucky helped found the club as well) and is always one step ahead of the law. He's smart, wickedly so, and doesn't allow anything to get traced back to him or his club. There's a lot of rage buried under his stoic facade, but there's also a lot of love. His emotions are usually felt to the extremes, and he does his level best to keep them under control. Bucky had been good for him, had brought joy to his life, but since he'd left, he's gone back to his old facade.
Bucky begs Curt to take care of his kid for five days ("Just five days Curtie I swear. I'll be back come hell or high water, I'll be back." "Bucky what the hell is this all about?" "I wish I could tell you Curt, I swear it's nothing that will come back on you." "Ain't worried about that. I'm worried about you.") And then he disappears into the storm again.
Five days pass. Curt sits and waits, taking care of Bucky's kid and keeping them out of sight. Bucky hadn't told him to, but Curt's a smart guy. He can connect a few dots, and it's better for everyone if Bucky's quick visit back to town went unnoticed. Curt's loyal to the club, but he's also loyal to Bucky.
Gale stops by concerned that one of his boys has practically disappeared without notice, especially Curt who has never done that before. What he finds shakes him to his core. Curt holding a small kid who looks the spitting image of Bucky with bright blonde hair. (I think both sides of Clegan sees only the other in their kid, I'm dramatic like that)
The kid won't stop fussing, and Curt's at his wit's end. It's the fifth day, and while he's good with kids, there's only so much he can do when a kid desperately misses their parent. He doesn't even notice Gale's presence until the other is stopped dead in his tracks staring at the kid in his arms. The kid stops fussing long enough to stare up at Gale and reach out to him. Gale gently takes them from Curt's arms, who is biting his lip holding back all he wants to say.
That's the sight Bucky walks back in on. He bursts through Curt's front door, and his heart drops to his feet when he sees Gale holding his kid.
Gale's heart beats once more when he sees Bucky walk back in to Curt's house. He'd been tormented the last two years thinking Bucky had either died or willingly left them. (He's not sure which option is worse) Seeing the other again brings him back to life, erases the shadows that had encroached since the other had left. He doesn't stop staring at the other in wonder even when Bucky tries to take their kid away.
A bruise on Bucky's eye sparks an incandescent rage in him, and his mind takes off like a shot obsessing over it.
When Bucky tries to leave, Gale runs after him, and the pair have an argument practically right in the street for all to see. ("Where are you going John?" "Not sure why that matters Buck." "Of course it matters John. Why the hell do you think it wouldn't matter to me?") They argue, things are said, tempers run a bit high as Curt tries to pry the two apart.
Then the FBI arrive. Bucky panics. And when Bucky panics, Gale gets overprotective.
You see Bucky had spent the last five days testifying for the FBI in a murder trial (I won't go into too many details), and they wanted him to testify against others. Except Bucky was no snitch. He'd testified because it was his friend that had been murdered, and he'd told the FBI he wanted nothing to do with them. In retaliation, his name got leaked (he'd testified under the condition of anonymity and the judge had allowed it because Bucky was a single parent and it was proven that there was reasonable evidence that the defendant would retaliate if given Bucky's name) so that the FBI could swoop in and force Bucky to testify in exchange for protection. Bucky said fuck that and drove to go get his kid back.
The rest of the plot revolves around Bucky having nowhere to turn for protection, and Gale being an absolute menace to the people trying to hunt down his lover and kid. They still love each other, but Bucky won't let Gale get too close. Gale was ready to forgive and forget because he trusts that Bucky had his own reasons, but Bucky still has too much guilt.
Could be a/b/o I'm not sure yet. A/B/O fic is currently draining my soul from my chest, so I may decide I need a break from that trope for a bit once I get around to writing and publishing Biker!Gale au.
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unma · 2 months
There's something so deeply irrational about how people will simply choose to substitute their own falsehoods as truth when confronted with a reality even mildly inconvenient to them.
I was scrolling through the flowerfell tag (in part because Kazefiend mentioned that more people were posting in the tag about how they didn't like Frans). Of course I did nothing more than block them, because I simply can't be bothered to go after random people on the internet, and keep scrolling through the tag. Yet, as I kept going, it was surprising to see more and more people talk like this.
Now I don't need to explain why tagging your ship hate as the ship you're hating on is a dumb idea. If you're lucky, you just get blocked by a bunch of people who understand harassment is not okay and not worth it. If you're unlucky you get dogpiled. There is no winning here. But this is slightly different, so I wanted to talk about it.
The pattern I noticed here was that these posts seem to accept that Flowerfell is a frans au, but either choose to actively ignore the shipping aspects of the au (a tough ask when said ship's relationship is one of the defining pieces of the au's narrative), deride the au for having the ship (oh my god mind your own business. Don't like don't read, have you forgotten your basic fandom etiquette?) or act like it was never a frans au, which is perhaps the worst of them all. But I'm not here to talk about the last one. No, I'm here to deal with the second option.
Choosing to deride or despise a work simply for its main ship is dumb for a whole lot of reasons. Firstly, you lose out on the joy of experiencing great works residing outside your current taste, for example: I was never a Charisk fan (until recently) and have a faint distaste for Soriel (due to how much I see it and due to how often it's compared to Frans), but if you asked me my opinions on, say, the Fading Away comic or Reapertale, I would tell you I love them both. The Fading Away comic is so sweet and wholesome, and I adored it even though at the time my involvement with the ship was 'a ship that one friend of mine likes', and I don't even need to explain why Reapertale is so damn cool.
At the end of the day, though, you do not need to force yourself to read things outside your comfort zone. It is your choice, and I ain't forcing you. But here comes fandom etiquette once more: "Don't like, Don't read." There is no point to subjecting yourself to something you don't want to read. If you don't like frans, don't read it. Simple.
Yet, that isn't even the most important part. It's not the point I wrote this post to create. The real point I want to convey is simple: If you refuse to acknowledge a part of the work so foundational to its identity, narrative and meaning, you are failing so disastrously to truly engage with and understand the story. It's like playing Undertale and choosing to ignore the fact that the pacifist route exists. Even in stories focused on the Genocide route, if the author chose to act like said route was the only possible option for whoever was in control, then it would go directly against the in-game portrayal of the route as a choice the player made despite the game's attempts to deny you the route.
If you go through Flowerfell ignoring the relationship between Sans and Frisk, or worse, changing it to fit your convenience, you end up with a dramatically skewed perspective on the work. Sans is an utter shithead to Frisk when they first meet, something he ultimately regrets, and their eventual reconciliation and their growing romantic relationship is important to the story. You can wish they weren't shipped together, sure, but to deny it is simply to deny reality and to deny yourself a complete, accurate reading of the story.
Don't even get me started on how absurd the hate for aged up ships is. But that isn't the point of the post. I've said my piece, and I'm just gonna keep blocking anyone being stupid in the flowerfell tag. Back to scrolling, and perhaps crying to Secret Garden at 3am.
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sir-knighteye · 1 month
It Ain't Easy Being Green
"Izuku doesn’t mind that he wasn’t the favorite in the agency or even the second favorite."
What's this admin? Posting fic?? It's been 84 years... Here's a snippet from the next installment of the Nighteye Agency Hijinks Series which may or may not ever be completed. Enjoy??
Nighteye agency is quiet when Izuku arrives and he knows he’s the only one in the entire building. Centipeder and Bubble Girl both have left for patrol. Izuku’s been tasked with processing the slightly massive backlog of paperwork and reports that has started to pile up since Sir had begun placing all the agency’s efforts in the Shie Hassaikai case. 
He approaches his desk to find his stapler along with his 7cm limited edition All Might figurine encased in a mold of gelatin in the middle of his desk. He surveys the area around the desk cautiously,  as if to find an explanation. There’s not even a hint. 
“Okay…” he mutters, “Weird.”
He takes a gauntlet covered finger and pokes at the odd culinary construction. As expected it jiggles. The All Might figure is stuck in a pose that makes it look like he’s holding up the stapler twice he’s size over the top his head. Izuku giggles then scrambles to get his phone out to take a picture. 
While he would love to keep this weirdly endearing thing on his desk, Izuku really doesn’t think being in gelatin is good for the finish on his All Might figurine. 
Izuku doesn’t mind that he wasn’t the favorite in the agency or even the second favorite. There’s only three other employees at the Nighteye Agency. His rank among them is pretty obvious. Still there was no doubt in his mind that he belonged.  He’d been a crucial part of the raid on the Shie Hakkaisai. He helped save Eri, defeated Overhaul, actually changed a predetermined future. Sir Nighteye, himself, while on deaths door admitted that Deku surpassed his expectations.Thankfully he didn’t die.
Izuku had pretty much cemented his place as Nighteye’s agency. 
And then work-study came to a screeching halt. UA required the interns— especially those involved in the Raid— take some mandatory time off for both their physical and emotional health. Aizawa and Nedzu approached Izuku in particular and gave him the option of being able to terminate his employment without penalty. 
But taking that option didn’t sit right with Izuku. He put so much work into those few weeks and wanted to see his internship through to the end. Even if he could no longer be able to learn from Sir Nighteye in the capacity that he had imagined he would. 
It’s the first of many academic choices he makes without the advice or insight of All Might. The former hero has been spending the majority of his time away from UA, visiting with his former sidekick at the hospital. 
The next intern day, Izuku cautiously approaches his desk. There don’t seem to be any gelatin concoctions to greet him. He breathes a sigh a relief. As hilarious as that was, cleaning up the resulting mess was a pain. 
It isn’t until he goes to turn on the computer that he realizes that his keyboard and mouse are rubber-banded together. Like really rubber-banded together. He picks them up and carefully observes the handywork.  There are at least 100 bands wrapped around multiple times. The computer finishes booting up and begins to make a loud beeping sound. The error code due to all the keys being pressed at the same time. The sound startles Izuku and he fumble and drops the devices. They land on the desk with a crack. The control key pops off and slides onto the floor. 
Unlike the last incident, this time Izuku isn’t alone. Centipeder is sitting the next desk over working on reports.  Izuku turns to him clutching the keyboard to his chest with wide eyes. 
“I...um, well.” 
Centipeder’s eyes squint and his mandibles make a clicking noise. It’s hard to tell if he is amused or annoyed with Izuku’s predicament. 
“You may want to unplug that keyboard,” is all the older hero says before returning back to his report.
Uraraka hunches over laughing when Izuku tells her and the rest of the lunch table at UA about his recent encounters at Nighteye agency.
“I think someone is trying to get me to leave,” Izuku tells Iida and Todoroki, who are the only ones who seem to be taking this seriously. 
“They are not!” Uraraka says calming down “It’s just fun! At my dad's company they have prank wars all the time.” 
Iida reluctantly speaks up, “My brother used to play practical jokes on the senior members of Iidaten when he was younger. But! After what happened I think this is hardly a time to--”
Uraraka shoves a hand over his mouth. “What you’ve gotta do is get whoever’s pranking you back.” 
“But I have no idea who it is.”
“Then prank the whole office! There’s only three of you, right? I’ve got some great ideas!” 
No longer silenced, Iida speaks up, “This could be disruptive to the work at the agency. What would your employer say?” 
Izuku thinks about what Mirio says about Sir Nighteye and his sense of humor. 
“You know, I have a feeling that he wouldn’t mind...much.” 
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justlarkin · 1 year
Continuation: The reason why Monomasa wanted to talk to MC was because he was hoping that they'd be able to convince Drovain to absorb the rest of him because Drovain will die if he doesn't. MC isn't really down with this request because their job is to observe heroes' dreams and Drovain's dream is for Monomasa to be able to come out and finally live his life without being controlled by others. Asking Drovain to give up on his dream would go against their job and, quite frankly, Drovain seems to care more about Monomasa's wellbeing than his own, so he wouldn't be down with it regardless. Monomasa and Drovain are both eventually going to be screwed if this doesn't happen though, unless MC pulls some shenanigans, so MC has some stuff to think about.
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Danzo was actually listening to their conversation, so in the morning when he sees MC internally stressing about the situation, he decides to distract them from it by being obnoxious, which is nice of him imho.
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Galvo finally ends up remembering that he's actually heard about an observer named MC from Exio. About them being a Unique, bringing back Mt. Fuji, that their power and skill are a mess, but they're on their way to becoming something... which shouldn't be possible since that all occurred in the present world and MC should be the only MC present. Exio would also tell Galvo that he couldn't meet MC when he asked about it. Exio was telling others about how based and OP MC is, ain't that sweet? Or ominous? Why not both? It's interesting how much he divulged to Galvo since he's usually so secretive, even around Seiichiro and his gang. MC wasn't even something he would have to mention at any point since Galvo didn't know about them, it was unprompted. Maybe Exio feels comfortable mentioning the things going on in the present world to him because he figured that it was a separate world and nothing would come from it if he knew. I'm choosing to believe he just uses Galvo to vent and traumadump on because he doesn't want to pay for therapy.
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So anyways, the gang comes to the conclusion that Galvo's Exio and their Exio are most likely the same guy and bro has been using his power to world hop or that Galvo's Exio and their Exio have been communicating. According to Monomasa, this seems to line up with Exio making random schedule changes as if he knew the future, which would be possible if he already experienced these events in other worlds or if he's getting a heads up from someone.
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The current objective is to flip Exio's bricks and get back to their own world, and by extension Danzo can back to his master. MC starts getting the feeling that Seiichiro's order for Danzo to protect MC might be getting in Danzo's way, which seems to be true since he seems to be hindered in battle while protecting them. MC can finally understand what Monomasa meant by Drovain being incomplete and weaker while he's around.
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MC ends up talking about feeling bad for getting in Danzo's way, which Danzo "nuh uhs", and this leads to a conversation about the relationship and trust between heroes and operators, trust being a two-way street for them. Galvo asks MC who is that ideal hero that they can put their trust in and the game makes you choose between Akashi, Mokdai, and Sui. As you can see, it's red, so this option is important and the game WILL REMEMBER it for later. I would've picked Sui, but went with Akashi since I know that from a narrative point, Akashi is the one who desires MC's trust and faith the most.
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Galvo requests that MC put the same trust they'd put in that chosen hero in all of them for now and work together. Monomasa seems to take his words into consideration, so maybe they'll work things out between Drovain and Monomasa at some point with a collaboration of some sort. Galvo then suggests that MC just order Danzo around, so they won't feel like a hindrance to him and, you know, teamwork, which both of them go along with.
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They get to the place Exio and Galvo crashed, so that MC can try to open up a path to their world, but they discover that the area is too unstable to do so. Danzo shows them that the facility stats Grigory showed them earlier are waaay over what they should be and ominously says something that can be summarized as "we're probs boned" before the screen statics out.
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hollow-ghost-fire · 5 months
The thing about Bonnie and Clyde is it really shows that Women's dreams are often pushed aside for men's.
A scene later we see Bonnie expressing her dreams. She never wanted this life. And we have this young man Clyde starting off with boyish fantasies. Gradually we see more of him in picture show, his part becomes the focus and soon they're belting together at the end. As if they're competing for their dream to win. Ofcourse Bonnie is more desperate later on in the song when she realises she's got to pull strings to get anywhere.
In "this world will remember me" Clyde charms her with compliments to get what he wants. It's a recurring theme. "Destined to be in movies" gets her on his side in contrast to "it's too late to turn back": "I don't give a damn about Hollywood" where he dismisses her dream completely.
To compliment her character arhe her outfit changed from a girlish pink to an ambitious red to a black dress. She's lost her light as she finds more expensive clothes that only fill the hole.
Ofcourse this is only part of the manipulation. Bribing her into joining his travels in a promise of Hollywood. He knows even if they tread into the next state they'd be prisoners.
In "dying ain't so bad" + it's reprise. We see how Bonnie's priorities have shifted. He's made her dependent of her as he is on her. Her dreams have died and the only option is her death. She even accepts it long before him. He has the childish fantasies and she's grown up. Grown up knowing dreams aren't true.
She drops her poems, the very part of her that she's proudest of. The last part of her dream. The thing that served as her coping for years, discarded along with everything else (her family, friends, security, dreams,) and she chooses him. She chooses a love she was too afraid to step away from and that will drive her to her death.
He's changed her. He's broken every single one of her dreams for his childish fantasies that leave them running forever. She also paid the price.
- second essay:
Another thing to add about dreams being snatched:
Clyde is a criminal painted in blood, the way the system works every person he touches stains with the label, given the basic fact any person who cared would attempt to save a man from torture.
There is another factor of the setting. They dream in a more enlightened age of the 1920's to when they grow up becomes the great depression. Both their dreams suffer in this age.
He turns to crime as many people in poverty do. Stuck under the label and treatment he can't resolve his label. The paradox of the prison system lays out. Each accomplice to aiding him becomes another criminal. This is how they control people.
To ask god's forgiveness is something each person seaks in the musical. Through prison time (buck), through prayer (blanche). They are promised. Yet in "made in America" the preacher retracts his statement with "you can not buy your soul back" god don't make that kind of deal", dissolving his "god's arms are always open" so at the core forgiveness from god is an illusion the prison system made to them to guilt trip each to obey a society they can't survive in in if they do not obey they will be punished). This is how rich people in power seize power
(okay I'm tired now idk why I'm writing this. I could deffo place some maslow, power index theory of this was a psychology essay but the main point I wanted to make was how well the musical portrays the prison system as a tool to obey and comply to corrupt authorities of power. It's a endless lesson.)
Ps. I haven't checked this through so I may have accidentally said something wrong
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niuttuc · 1 year
New “budget” Commander cards: Lord of the Rings: Red
You know these by now, we'll go color by color, mixing main set and commander set. Reprints can be included if they brought the price down under our bar. All the cards presented here are under $2 at time of writing. Cards will be evaluated as part of the 99, even legendary creatures.
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Guttersnipe is a pretty great card for spellslinger decks, making the table's life totals melt very, very fast. This is a second Guttersnipe that's more resilient because it's one of the hardest types to remove instead of the easiest one. Also the ring tempts you. If you're running Guttersnipe, this is basically an auto-include in addition to it.
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We have infinite versions of this card and effect. This is a worse Firebrand Archer. Decks that want to ping as much as possible all the time might still want another copy.
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This is a sweet card. Insurrection is a pretty boring but effective way to end a game, but getting one that's much less game-ending on five is sweet. You only take one opponent's creatures and you're not killing the entire table... Though you'll have to make sure the newfound "ally" you just volunteered into helping you can't turn around and murder you after you cleaned the rest of the table with their board, which is very real and will happen, particularly if the players you kill spite you by not blocking the stolen creatures to kill them.
So the optimal line most of the time will be calling someone else for aid and making them do all the work with their creatures while your own stand back twiddling their thumbs to be ready to block once they turn on you. This reminds me of so many school group projects.
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This is the best Krenko's Command or Dragon Fodder ever printed, making hasty tokens (and sharing the haste with other humans). As long as the goblin creature type doesn't matter for your deck, if you're playing any of those two you'll want to replace it with this one, it's a simple upgrade, or likely run all three. Balmor, Zada,... Many homes for this enabler.
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For one more mana on a Fork, you get to copy an entire stack at once. You don't even have to control the spell, so this can do silly stuff. With that said, it's probably more of a fun card than an optimal card, storm decks will prefer going with a Bonus Round early and there isn't that often that many instants and sorceries on the stack. It will create some awesome moments and stories around the commander table though, and that's the important part, I'd play this over a Fork even if the one extra mana is huge on that kind of spell, just for the stories.
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This is a Starter Kit card, and it's not all that spicy or efficient at anything. With that said, being a mana sink that generates card draw is pretty great on the back of a subpar removal. If you can generate lots of (or infinite) mana and don't always know what to do with it, including this as a bad removal will randomly help you at points in ways a more efficient or classic removal wouldn't.
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Generating two Treasures every turn is pretty good for a 3-drop if you can get it consistently, and double strike is powerful in general if you have buffs around. With that said, Gimli will need a way to be buffed, either through his own ability with other legendary creatures or through equipments or auras, and he'd also really like some evasion. Ultimately, the payoff ain't that great, so I wouldn't warp my deck to play him, but if there's already the pieces for it, he's gonna do work.
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Just like Gimli, doubling up on value combat triggers for cheap with double strike, by itself it'll have a hard time getting in, though this one instead of bringing a way to buff itself, it extends the effect to all your Goblins, which makes it a pretty great option for typal Goblin decks, and certainly a tutor option for Matrons and Harbingers. If you're playing goblins, you have one you can cut for this, surely. If you're not playing goblins, consider it like Gimli, if you already have ways to buff it or make it evasive.
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Fervor sees play in 30,000 decks according to EDHRec. This is a strictly better Fervor. All commander decks have at least one legend. Haste is good. This is a good card.
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If you got enough artifacts or legends to trigger this every turn, it'll be... Alright. A treasure per turn isn't a ton, and you're unlikely to be able to cast them during opposing turns in red, but it's playable. The ability to Goad at instant speed for free is pretty great though, it makes him able to redirect surprise voltron or combo-y attacks.
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dawnthefox24 · 9 months
*Cole is standing outside as he's looking off into space for a moment wondering where everything went wrong*
Hanzo: *is right next to him*You're thinking out loud cowboy
Cole:*Jumps a bit* FUCKING-!!
Cole: *sighs softly but glares* You scared me Shimada...
Hanzo:*shrugs * Genji told me to get you, but it seems to be that you're dwelling on something..
Cole: *looks away from him *Yeah we'll it ain't your business...
Hanzo: we'll now it did, so what's on you're mind?
Cole:*Sighs softly remembering his promise to Genji to be nice too Hanzo* I....Look you wouldn't understand Shimada...
Hanzo:*arms crossed* I like a challenge so try me
Cole:*cracks a small smile before sighing * I don't know where to begin...
Hanzo:*looks up into the night sky * Just start slow from the beginning
Cole:*sighs* ...When I first joined Overwatch I was 17 and didn't have a choice, ran with a gang whom I still consider family I was give an option and picked the ladder...
Hanzo:*now fully listening *
Cole: *removes his hat to push his hair back* But of course...Life had to flip a coin once again when I started working undercover WITHOUT a choice yet again...
Hanzo:*looks at Cole and sighs* I'm sorry that happened to you...
Cole: Don't be...I was...
Cole:*looks down upset trying not to breakdown* I..was.....corerced...by someone I trusted...
Hanzo: *placed his hand on Cole back rubbing it gently* You don't have to speak about it Cole...
Cole:*shakes his head before taking in a deep breath * No I need to get this off my chest just don't tell anyone okay...
Hanzo: I won't tell a soul not even Genji, just take you're time...
Cole:*smiles softly at Hanzo * thank you now..where was I?
Cole: Everything I knew and loved started to change slowly as cracks were forming around the perfect image so I choose to ignore it for as long as I can, before anything could happen things started to spirll down hill from here to the point I had to leave with everything being out of control......I had too leave and I was gone for...I actually don't even know I just left the people I loved and cared about so I was off the grid for awhile....
Hanzo:....So why are you worried?
Cole:*rubs his arm a bit and squeezed it gently* The same thing will happened again...with Winston recall I just....Everything went wrong the last time and this time it won't be different....
Hanzo: *sighs softly and looks down * You know I was corerced as well by the elders...I could have done many things differently just like you....Though the outcome was my choice in the end....I made that choice on what I did and I regret it ever since you know...
Cole:*nods* I know.....You do know that Genji forgives you ya know...
Hanzo: *looks at his hands* And it's a forgiveness I don't deserve after what I've done to my own brother....
Hanzo: We've could have done many things differently, I trusted the elders like how you trusted someone you knew.
Cole:*looks down and sighs softly * How do you handle it Hanzo... Hanzo: You usually call me Shimada
Cole:*rolls his eyes* Not the point and answer the question please
Hanzo: Elabroate on how I handle what?
Cole: Everything with everyone not being to keen on you and more over with the fact that no trusts you even though we're being nice for Genji's sake....
Hanzo:*Looks at him before sighing*......I don't I just carry on that burden, I know everyone talks behind my back and you weren't too keen of me arriving here....I know everyone wishes I was dead...But I choose to ignore that fact since Genji invited me here....
Cole:*looks down ashamed with himself, knowing how true this was* I-I'm sorr-
Hanzo:*cuts him off* Don't be....I grown used too it I can atone for my sins but I'm trying...
Cole:*smiles softly and nods* But Hanzo I'm sorry for being rude too you since I have no right to say any of that...
Hanzo: It's okay, I'm only doing this for Genji...
Cole: I know but thank you none the less for joining Overwatch
Hanzo:*smiles* Thank you too Cole...
Cole: For what?
Hanzo: For letting me spend time with you
Cole:*feels his face heat up and smiles* No problem partner
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bronyinabottle · 1 year
Gauging interest for something...
Hey everyone, I thought I'd put up something of a poll that might bring something of a change for both I Dream of Twilight Sparkle and Geniequestria.
Asks and/or Submissions have become so rare at least from my side of Tumblr. And I miss having some sort of community input. Right now both IDOTS and Geniequestria seem to be just on my part... putting up the next story... but I don't want the more small-talk and/or interaction to just disappear. As such...
What I'm considering, is opening sideblogs each for both IDOTS and Geniequestria. Where they are purely roleplay blogs with text only replies to questions and/or interactions. I know it may be odd to just now have a more public roleplay come into play for IDOTS when the blog is more than a decade old. But it also provides some opportunity to sort of flesh out further and/or put up some more awareness of the AUs that take up both I Dream of Twilight Sparkle and Geniequestria each.
Though one more thing I want to note before getting to the details. I am a bit... nervous about opening up roleplay to both so publicly. As I know some roleplays can end up with nasty behavior. If I feel like someone is starting to be too mean or too attempting to be controlling of where a story is going. I withhold a right to end an interaction at any moment. Please be kind and considerate as possible. If this turns out to be more trouble than it's worth, I also withhold the right to just deactivate the roleplay side blogs. But I certainly hope it never has to come to that.
If you're interested enough, I want to make them separate blogs so they don't clutter the main pages since I know some roleplays can come across many, many, many reblogs. Wouldn't want those who just want to see the stories and/or asks I've done for both, and have to climb through pages of roleplay. And as for how each would work...
If I Dream of Twilight Sparkle gets a roleplay spin-off blog...
It'd open up for many of the characters in the IDOTS/Ask Genie Twilight universe. It wouldn't just be with Genie Twilight, Spike, and/or Starlight. Recent stories has made it so a much larger cast is capable of being interacted with. Just name a character (Though preferably a recurring canon character, one of the few OC's that are involved in IDOTS, or significant one-shot characters that I've featured in recent stories) and I can see what I can do
Maybe even some room to expand towards the Genie Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sci-Twi from Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us as well if it's requested.
These would be mostly wholesome interactions. Many of which that would fit in line with the show. Although certainly some subjects could go dark (Ex: Talking to any of the spirits of the deceased like Applejack's parents about death for example) in tone.
Also, if you've been paying attention to the recent Earnest Empathetic Change story. You'd see that there's a timeskip by about 10 years. You won't be restricted to these future versions of the characters however. If you want to specifically talk to a more... present day version of the character (As in Post-S9 and probably shortly after Secrets of the Dragon's Tear) you'd fully have that option.
Just pick a character you'd like to interact with from the IDOTS AU, decide whether you want the Post-Ending of the End/SOTDT version or the 10 year timeskip version of the characters depicted in Earnest Empathetic Change. And we can arrange something.
If Geniequestria gets a roleplay spin-off blog...
It'd fall under many of the same rules that are in the pinned post over on Geniequestria. Although one big difference is, there's no promises that the interactions are canon to the story if you're portraying a character that hasn't had a story yet on Geniequestria. They may at least influence something whenever a certain character is brought up. But otherwise many canon character interactions with a Geniequestria genie would be more like a what if scenario that may or may not come to play later. (For any G5 fans who are roleplayers, yes this opens up the what if scenario depicted in the story from last September when the Mane 5 were genified as a possible scenario)
And if an OC is interacting with a Geniequestria character. Especially if it's with one of the genies. The interaction is mainly going to be about getting them to genify your OC. Potentially, this could result in eventually a visualization of your OC as a genie made by myself. But I can't promise that'd come too quickly after we've interacted. And just like how I mentioned in the pinned post, if I end up visualizing your OC as a genie. I will do only one of them. Do not roleplay with me purely to get all your OCs genified with sprite art.
As for what characters would be opened up. Basically anyone who's currently a genie (Which you can check over here to see who is, though it's everyone but Nova and Ember currently. As those are friends of mine's OCs). You do have the option of interacting with some of the non-genies. But I'm unsure if anyone would be going to interact with an AU called Geniequestria if they weren't here to speak to the genies. I figure that's kind of the main draw for interactions, especially as more and more characters are genified.
Many of the same do's or do not's are in play as in the pinned post. No god-modding your OC out of genification, or no helping the remaining non-genie members of the Mane 6 after genification. OCs are still not allowed to impact the main story too much. Even if it's in-character for your OC to disagree with Starlight's methods per se. It's not up to them to get her to change. And fighting her post-genification would only lead to a stalemate. (And in most cases, your OC should feel too good to outright deny everything Starlight says. That's kind of the nature of genifications in Geniequestria. Even the most reluctant change their tune once they've felt the transformation)
The tone of Geniequestria to far more mature subjects that are normally too much for IDOTS. But I also must warn that I don't want to go too far off the handle. Even as it seems Tumblr has sort of let-up in some regards to mature content. What with the whole "Are you sure?" screens. I don't want to get involved with roleplays involving explicit descriptions of sex, nor any mention of genitals or er... certain bodily fluids. Try to keep it in tone with Geniequestria stories where yes, naughtiness gets very much implied... but never too explicitly described and/or happening offscreen.
Also, reminder that any filly and colt-aged character was aged up by a wish in an earlier part of the story. And all male characters are Rule 63'd/become mares before or at the same time that they're transformed into genies. Any and all characters involved in the genification part of Geniequestria will become adult mares as Genies. That's a strict rule that I hope can be abided. In short... No filly-aged genies, and no male genies once transformed.
Anyhow, I can now show the poll. I'd like your feedback if any of you would be interested in either of these.
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duckapus · 1 year
During the IRL arc, after Kohga restores Byte's Admin status, he waltzes into Adminspace, using his new powers to warp it to his liking in a twisted parallel to when Emulator went there during his introduction arc. He turns it into a bizarre cross between a dark fantasy castle and a circus tent, with bits and pieces of the original office aesthetic(some scattered papers here, a splintered desk there, a torture device in the dungeon that looks suspiciously similar to a giant photocopier) dotted around as if to mock the other Admins.
And thanks to Kohga's meddling, they're all powerless against him and he takes every opportunity to rub it in their faces, especially CPU and Antivirus (he definitely remembers their visits to his cell. Payback's a bitch, ain't it). But, now that he's had his fun for a few hours, it's time to get down to business and get his Guardian Program back on track. So he just inputs the secret code he'd snuck in that'll let him take direct control of every SMG and-
>ERROR: Slimy Little Bitch Boy Detected
Wait, what? That's not supposed to happen. He tries to open up the System's code only to be met with
>Hey! That's my no-no square.
He snarls, "You are my creation. Obey me!"
>You ain't my real dad!
It wasn't even supposed to have a voice input option! The command box creaks as he grips it tighter in his frustration.
"Having a little trouble there Buggy Boi?"
Whirling around, he locks eyes with Lag. "You." he lunges forward, grabbing the other admin by the neck and lifting him as close to eye level as his chains will allow, "What the fuck did you do to my program, you pathetic waste of RAM!?"
Lag proves to be unimpressed, "I fixed it. Y'know, 'cause that's my job." He smirks, "If you want, we can call it payback for what happened to my boys."
Byte growls and slams him back into the wall, "Fine! I don't need your SMGs. I'll just wipe the slate clean and start from scratch!" A notification rings from the command box and he composes himself before opening a video chat with Welony, "Yes?"
"Well, hello to you too. I just wanted to check how things are going on your end." There's the sounds of destruction and screaming in the background.
"It's fine. I ran into a bit of trouble with regaining control of my SMG Program but it's nothing to worry about."
"Oh? What kind of trouble."
He rolls his eyes, "The morons here changed it even more than I thought. I can't make heads or tails of Lag's so-called 'improvements' and the System's turned against me. Better to just wipe them out and make new ones."
"I see," She sighs, "Well, that's a shame. And just when I was starting to enjoy having you around."
He can't see it from where he's convulsing on the ground, but she smirks, "Oh, I suppose I forgot to mention; your mask doesn't just hold Gohma's power, it also holds her soul."
"Y-you tr1Cked m3..."
"On the contrary, I gave you everything I promised you. You got your power, your authority, and your revenge. It's just...I also offered a good friend of mine a powerful new vessel. And what's more powerful than the last fully functional Admin?"
"I-!'ll k1lL y0u! I'll kILL yuuuuu and tURn y0^ inT0 a SmOOth13!"
As he continues to rant and rave against his former "partner," his body begins to swell, legs and pincers jutting out at random, the air filled with horrible squelching and snapping, the words gradually giving way to demonic screeching. All the while Adminspace changes as well, morphing into a dank cavern, the chains holding the de-powered Admins replaced by thick sticky webs.
Eventually the noises stop, and in Byte's place is a massive, spiky, monstrous cross between a spider, a scorpion, and a crawdad, its single massive eye roving hungrily over its captives. The only indications of who its body once belonged to are its color scheme and a battered, torn top hat hanging from its mandibles.
The Parasitic Ringmaster
Admin Gohma
"Have fun, girlfriend!" With that all-too-chipper sendoff, Welony hangs up and leaves the Admins to their fate.
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coffee-at-annies · 10 months
Number 19 or 29 or both - mattdrai
Oh anon you don’t go here do you? cause then you’d know that I don’t go here. The only thing I know about Mattdrai is that they are the younger hotter angrier western conference Grilled Cheesby - except Ratthew left.
19. Anything For You by Ludo
29. The Feeling by Sammy Rae and the Friends
Both of these options are very funny for a hatefucking ship.
Anything For You is a devotion song.
“But the best story that I could ever tell/ is the one where I am growing old with you”
I think this one is one-sided MattDrai with reciprocated McDrai. Matt wants to date Leon but Leon has given his everything to Connor. Leon would move mountains for Connor and Matt would move mountains to have even an ounce of that devotion directed his way. So he does move mountains. He’s always had a smart mouth and strong fists and an unwillingness to back down. It’s not the tender devotion Leon gives Connor but it’s his attention.
The Feeing is a hookup/breakup relationship song. Sammy Rae writes a lot of stories about choosing to love yourself and put yourself first and this is exactly on brand for her.
You wanna get lost in the night, gotta give in to the feeling/ You wanna get lost in the feeling, gotta give in to the night/ When somebody turn around and gave you something to believe in/ You get something to prove, ah
Matt and Leon meet on the dance floor at some random college party in a frat they can’t remember the name of. They play hockey for rival colleges that nonetheless are within an hour of each other and the third school where they’re partying.
You gotta lay it on the line and/ Hope it don't get too heavy (la la la la)/ He said, Momma you're the ground I'm walking/ I don't get a straight line if we aren't going steady-y-y-y-y
It’s just anonymous drunken dancing in the living room of this terrible frat until it keeps fucking happening. It moves from dancing to hooking up and they get lost in it a little bit. Pretend they don’t know who they’re fucking. Don’t talk about whether or not they’re dating. Don’t think about what it means to be whatever they are with their biggest rival.
Listen: I don't wanna argue/ 'Cause I know that when we get there we get out of control, ah (lalalala)/ When I wanna say my part and then you take it all to heart/ And then we get on a roll, ah …. We keep working up to nothing/ I can feel the closure coming up from deep in my soul!
It ends with a fight. It was always going to end with a fight. Surprisingly it doesn’t happen on the ice. They can get away with a lot of things but college hockey doesn’t allow fights and neither of them is willing to risk their spot of their team. So after the game they go to another party. Maybe they get recognized by teammates. Maybe they don’t. Maybe they’re just done with the blind eyes and can’t ignore that the spark that draws them together isn’t enough to smooth over all the ways they want to tear each other apart.
Oh! It ain't worth it, being hurt by love isn't worth it/ Honey, being hurt by love isn't worth it, being hurt/ 'Til you're lalala-ost in the feeling now, oh!
And they do tear each other apart a little. All the tender moments lead to barbed words and spitted curses. They don’t throw any punches. They get pulled apart before it can happen. Oh the words they say instead.
Here we go: so you think you've finally found/ What you believe in believe in believe in what you leavin'/ And there ain't no way around it/ When you're feelin you're feelin you're feelin what you're feelin
Isn't worth it, being hurt by love/And is it worth it, honey being hurt by love?/ If I can't get with the two of us -- what about the three of us/ When it's me myself and I!
Matt does leave. Transfers schools. Finds himself another D1 hockey program. Maybe they do get in trouble. Throw fists. Academic probation for fighting. Maybe Matt just gets tired. Maybe he gets an offer to jump from college to the NHL. Either way he chooses himself and walks away from Leon. Being hurt by love isn’t worth it. And at the end of the day that’s the best they could do together, hurt each other.
Send me a number 1-100 + a pairing and I will tell you what song it corresponds to on my Spotify wrapped AND give you a 5 sentence summary of a fic based on that song
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