#controversial topics / masking
st4rfckerz · 3 months
Late Night Call | Nerdy!Anakin x Reader
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word count: 1.8k
warnings: MDNI 18+, masturbating (both), voice kink, praise, nerdy!anakin is a whiny little mess.
summary: Your voice is enough to get Anakin all worked up.
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The silence of the night seemed to be swallowing the entire city as Anakin lay sprawled in his bed, staring at the ceiling. With a yawn, Anakin lifted the blocky landline phone off its cradle, the dial tone echoing through the receiver. As he recited the familiar numbers, he couldn't help but feel butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
"Hello?" a gentle voice answered on the other line.
"Hey, I didn't wake you up did I?" Anakin mumbled into the phone, his voice barely above a whisper. The soft sound of rustling sheets and a yawn came from the other end of the line.
There was a pause before you replied. You knew that voice. "No, you caught me at a good time. What's going on?"
"Oh, well, nothing really I just wanted to talk to you," he stammered, trying to mask his nervousness. "I'm putting off writing this paper too actually," Anakin admits almost sounding like he was ashamed of himself. "I don't know, I just don't feel like its good enough." He brings his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, he could feel the small migraine coming in through to temples of his skull.
"Hey, it's alright," your soft voice reassured him from the other side of the line, sending a wave of calm washing over his senses. It was enough to ease his nerves, even if just a little. "You're human, and mistakes happen. You can't expect perfection from yourself all the time."
As the comforting voice continued speaking into the phone, Anakin's breath hitched in his throat. His heartbeat pulsed rapidly in his ears, matching the cadence of the soft whispers. Slowly, the warmth that had started in his chest spread through his limbs, igniting a fire within him. His thoughts raced, his imagination running wild with images of you on the other end of the line, your voice painting vivid pictures in his mind. The soothing voice was a siren song, drawing him in deeper with each passing second.
"What're you writing about anyways?" your voice rings softly through the line. Anakin clenched his eyes shut, his grip on the receiver tightened, as if he could somehow draw strength from the cold plastic. This isn't right, he chided himself, yet he couldn't resist the pull.
He cleared his throat nervously. "Well, it's about a new tech startup in Silicon Valley, something boring like that." Anakin managed to amswer, his voice cracking slightly. His hand subconsciously rubbed against his crotch, and he discreetly adjusted his pants, feeling the bulge growing bigger. He needed to calm down. Fast.
You hum slightly, the topic taking your interest. "That's sounds intriguing, I'd read it. I'm writing about the use of real fur in the fashion industry." Anakin's heart skipped a beat hearing your reply. Real fur? That sounded controversial, edgy, something that would definitely get you a passing grade.
"Oh, really?" he managed to choke out, trying to keep his voice steady. "Do you think it's... you know, ethical?"
"Not at all, there's always faux fur y'know?" you scoff. He took a deep breath, trying to ground himself. This was school-related, he reminded himself sternly. "Well, I mean, if the demand for real fur decreases, the industry will eventually adapt," he reasoned, trying to sound rational. "Plus, there are ways to ensure animal welfare during the process."
"See! You're so good, it's not even your paper and you're already shooting facts." you praise him innocently. God, he could've came in his boxers if he wasn't being so careful. His head was buzzing with ideas of how he might prolong the conversation so that you could carry on speaking. He just needed to hear you voice.
"Thanks." Anakin laughed nervously, trying to deflect the compliment. "So, um... how's everything else been? Anything exciting happening in your life besides your classes?" He couldn't shake the image of you in that little skirt you decided to wear to class the other day, your tits swaying enticingly in the tight sweater you wore. If it was up to him, he would've fucked you in that classroom in front of everyone. His cock twitched in his pants, growing harder by the minute.
"Not really, my roommate's gonna be out of town for a family thing, so I'll have a whole boring week by myself." you explain.
"Oh, really?" Anakin's eyes widened in delight, his heart racing faster than ever. He shifted in his seat, his cock throbbing against his pajama pants "So, uh, want to meet up sometime? Just you and me?" He forced himself to sound innocent, but his voice cracked slightly, betraying his true intentions.
His hand reached down his pants, feeling the head of his cock peeking out from his underwear. He wrapped his fingers around it, stroking slowly, trying to calm down. He had to focus on their conversation, at least until she agreed to meet up with him. He inadvertently let a whine slip out of his mouth as he swept his fingers across his sensitive tip.
"Anakin? Are you ok?" you ignore his question. Is he? No, he wouldn't. You think to yourself.
"Y-yeah just keep talking, 'm listening." Anakin stammered. His hand continued to stroke his cock unabashedly, increasing the speed slightly. He was so lost in the mind that he didn't even think about the possibility of you being able to hear the quiet slick sounds coming from his end of the line.
He is.
"Ani, I know what you're doing." you state bluntly. His eyes spring open and his hand slows down its movement on his cock.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't help it, y-you can hang up if you want I just-" he blurts out his words but you instantly interrupt him.
"Why would I want to hang up?"
"What?" Anakin couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was sure you'd call him a sick freak and never talk to him again.
"I'm not hanging up," His heart raced wildly, his cock throbbing harder than ever. He couldn't resist your voice. "Does it feel good Ani?"
"Mhm, wish it was you." he admits breathlessly, his fingers tightening around his cock. Anakin's heartbeat pounded in his ears.
"Yeah? Tell me what you're thinking about baby." you chide. You could feel your cunt getting increasingly wetter as you continued to speak to him, it makes you squirm as the heat continues to spread through your body.
"Just you, 's always you," he confessed, his voice cracking with lust. "I wanna touch you and taste you everywhere." His hand picked up speed, and his cock twitched violently in his pants.
"You wanna taste me?" you egg him on. His voice sounded so desperate it was almost pathetic.
"Uh huh, I wanna taste you," Anakin's voice trembled with desire. "Everywhere. Mmph- your lips, your neck, your pussy, everywhere."
He couldn't help but wonder how you would sound, how you would taste, how you would react to his advances. His hand moved faster, his cock throbbing violently in his pants. He needed relief, needed you to stop teasing him.
"Are you gonna be a good boy for me Ani?" you whisper, your voice dropping down an octave.
"I'll be anything you want me to be," Anakin panted, his voice hoarse with desire. "Just please keep talking." He couldn't contain himself anymore, his hand moving faster. "I'll do anything you say, just tell me what you want."
"I wanna hear you beg to cum." you demand as you begin to slowly graze your beating clit over your panties, soon dipping your hand underneath them to be met with your soaking cunt. "You're making me so wet Ani." Your fingers swirled little circles against your tiny bud, causing you to let out a small moan.
Anakin groaned, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Please, I need it so bad." He couldn't stand it anymore, he had to release the pressure building up inside him. "I'll be good I promise," he pleaded, his voice breaking. Anakin's heart stopped for a moment as he heard the wet sounds coming from the other end. "Are you touching yourself?"
"Mhm, feels so good." you moan as you curl your delicate fingers inside your drooling pussy. His cock jerked in his hand and  his mind filled with images of you fingering yourself.
"Ah- fuck." His hand moved faster, his cock throbbing painfully in his pants. He bit his lower lip, trying to control himself, but his body betrayed him. "I'm close, so close-" he panted. His hips rocked back and forth in sync with each stroke. and he could feel his orgasm building up, he knew it wouldn't be long now. Sweat dripped down his forehead, and his breathing became shallow and erratic.
"Cum for me pretty boy, I wanna hear you." He couldn't hold it back any longer. With one last hard stroke, he came, his balls tightening and his cock spurting a warm stream of cum onto his blankets. He let out a loud groan, his entire body shaking with pleasure.
You can feel your own orgasm creeping up inside you as you vigorously pumped your fingers into your cunt. "Shit Ani 'm cumming!" you squeal. Anakin's eyes widened, a low growl escaping his lips as he heard you ride out your orgasm. His chest heaved, little beads of sweat trickled down his face as he tried to catch his breath.
For a moment, you both sat there, panting and recovering from your orgasms. Then, finally, Anakin found the courage to speak again. "We should... we should probably hang up, huh?" he said hesitantly.
"I guess we could," you chuckle at his awkwardness. "I'm tired now." Anakin smiled weakly, wiping away the remaining streaks of sweat from his forehead. "Yeah, I guess so," he agreed, his voice still hoarse from his orgasm. He looked at his watch, noting the time. "There's no way I'm finishing this paper tonight." He laughs at himself.
"Me neither, I'll do it eventually." you smile at his awkwardness, you always found it cute. "Will I be seeing you in Callahan's tomorrow?" you ask him, hoping he'll be there waiting on you with an empty seat next to his like always.
Anakin chuckled softly, feeling a bit embarrassed but relieved. He quickly cleaned himself up and took in a deep breath. "Yep, I'll be there," he replied, his voice steady once again. "Maybe we could grab coffee afterwards? If you're free, that is."
There was silence on the line before you spoke, but he hoped you'd accept his invitation. He needed to see you again, to be near you.
"That sounds great Anakin." you beam.
He smiled, grateful for the chance to talk to you without all the tension hanging over them. "See you tomorrow, then." he added, his voice friendly and casual.
You said your goodbyes and Anakin ended the call, feeling a sense of satisfaction wash over him. As he hung up the phone, he glanced down at his sticky pants, a small smile playing on his lips. He couldn't wait for tomorrow's class.
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goatbeard-goatbeard · 9 months
Can I just say how much I adore Good Omens’ portrayals of falling? I especially appreciate Gabriel’s weird abrupt turn in s2, because sometimes it really is like that.
My own loss of faith took years. It also took about 10 minutes.
If you had asked me that afternoon how I felt about [pick any controversial topic], I would have been 100% on the party line. And that wasn’t a performance or a mask, that was what I genuinely believed. Ask me about those same topics the next morning, and my positions on ALL OF THEM had completely changed.
Because: beliefs are related to each other! They support each other! You can’t always change one belief without changing dozens of others that are connected to it. So that final switch was turning a hundred different switches on the switchboard. In the years leading up to it, I was collecting those switches. I was installing the switches. But they stayed firmly in the Off position. These were things other people believed. They could only flip (becoming things I believed) once they had ALL been installed, because they ALL had to flip at the same time.
To people who haven’t experienced that (or who lost their faith in a different order / for different reasons), a gradual, piece-by-piece process probably looks more realistic. It’s way, way more common in fiction. But I personally find those portrayals to be so alienating. It often feels like storytellers can’t put themselves in a believer’s shoes at all. Like they’re writing a character that never really believed any of that stuff, deep down. So it’s very easy for that character to shed bits and pieces of those beliefs over time, because they were never actually integrated into their concept of reality.
Compared to that, Gabriel feels so much more real.
Because there won’t always be a nice, gradual Questioning Phase in between “archangel fucking Gabriel” and “what about no armageddon”. Sometimes it’s a long, invisible process of data gathering — all while 100% on heaven’s team — punctuated by a very very sudden freestyle dive.
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scarletspider-lily · 11 months
the isolation of still being in christian spaces (without a choice) and knowing you do not believe is... insane, honestly, something i wish more people knew about. because its not just being in church that feels isolating, it extends to the outside world.
anyone you talk to in your church obviously doesnt understand you. you constantly need to police your words around them to avoid saying something "sinful" or anything that can be read as liberal in any way. the mask must stay on at all times, and then when you're away from that space, you need to slowly adjust and become yourself again, somehow.
and in secular spaces, people just dont get it. which isnt always their fault! its just hard to explain to people who mean well, why "ill pray for you" sets you off and makes your heart race and makes you shudder. "why dont you love your family?? not even your sibling? damn." you see a coworker wearing a shirt with a bible verse on it, and run through several calculations in your head, none of them ending up anywhere because you distance yourself from said coworker, even though you know you should be talking to them before coming to conclusions. "hey, please stop talking about (criticizing) religion, its a bit of a controversial topic here. hope all that church stuff gets better soon though!" your friends do not understand what you are venting about, though they try their hardest.
you try so hard to find people who have left religions and/or cults in the real world. all you seem to be finding are people who are still in them, or people who have never come close to having an experience you have.
not to mention this all becomes approximately 100 times worse if you're queer.
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jubileemon · 3 months
Hazbin Hotel: Poison Song
The song became controversial due to the visuals that accompany it were seem as portraying the topic of sexual abuse in an insensitive and some sort of sick fetish, but not from Angel Dust's perspective. Let me explain:
Valentino's Obsession and Control
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Valentino's behavior towards Angel extends beyond professional boundaries, crossing into personal and sexual territory. His obsession with Angel Dust is evident in his relentless pursuit and control over him, which includes forcing himself upon Angel Dust and engaging in non-consensual acts. The series does not shy away from depicting the grim reality of such abusive relationships, challenging the audience to confront the severity of these issues.
Angel's inability to break free from Valentino's grip is symbolized by a contract that legally binds him to his abuser. The series hints at the possibility of escape, suggesting that the contract's dissolution could be the key to the sinner's liberation. However, the power to terminate this contract lies with Valentino, leaving Angel in a state of limbo and dependence.
Coping Mechanism and Self-Destruction
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Angel was bound by a contract to Valentino, faces a harrowing existence under his dominion. Valentino, who is both Angel Dust's employer in the adult film industry and his abuser, employs gaslighting tactics to keep Angel Dust in line. The series showcases the psychological impact of such abuse, with Angel Dust being subjected to poor mistreatment and threats that leave him feeling trapped and hopeless.
Angel Dust's coping strategy involves substance abuse and self-sabotage, hoping to become so broken that Valentino will lose interest in him. This tragic approach to dealing with trauma is a reflection of the harsh reality faced by many abuse victims, who sometimes resort to self-harm in an effort to become unappealing to their abusers.
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It is worth noting that Valentino is the one who should be freaking out in this scene, not Angel Dust, because actually managing to piss off Lucifer's daughter is like a mouse finally poking a lazy cat into action. But Charlie's demeanor is so unthreatening that even when she is clearly going to break Valentino like a twig for his behavior, Valentino isn't threatened and Angel actually stops Charlie from attacking him, seeing her as the one in danger. This is noted to be a favorite tactic of real-life abusers, in which they psychologically bind their victims so badly that they themselves will refuse help from people who would've saved them with little effort.
Angel's meltdown when Husk rejects him one too many times is both this and even more sadder, reminding us that Valentino's abuse has all but fully convinced Angel that his only worth is sex. As well as after Husk called him fake right before the meltdown, his eyes glow magenta and he gets up in Husk’s face.
The Music
The 'Poison' music video serves as a metaphorical exploration of Angel Dust's entrapment and addiction to the toxic relationship with Valentino. Visual elements such as pink smoke-like chains represent Valentino's control, while the ambiguous nature of their sexual encounters raises questions about consent. The video culminates in a scene that encapsulates the fear and distress Angel Dust experiences, highlighting the cyclical nature of abuse.
At one point in the song Angel straight up says that he can only blame himself instead of pinning any of it on "the poisoner" for all the abuse he's being put through. A harrowing reminder of how too many a victim feels like they've brought their suffering upon themselves or, worse, believe they deserve it.
Throughout the sequence, Angel is trying to maintain his "mask" of super-confidence and semi-aggressive sexuality on camera... but the mask keeps slipping. His face flashes from resigned, to frightened, to just plain tired, before he has to fake enthusiasm again. Worse, Valentino appears to be deliberately throwing Angel off his stride whenever he successfully gets into character: for example, when during the dance sequence between Angel and Valentino, Angel's doing a good job of appearing graceful and seductive...until Valentino literally yanks Angel's soul-contract chain to bring him crashing to the ground, a move that clearly startles Angel.
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During the final dance sequence, the Angel we see "happily" dancing on stage is contrasted with his "real" self shown on screens surrounding him, going through the agonizing abuse that Valentino subjects him to. When Valentino arrives and drags Angel off to be raped again, it's flipped on its head — now the Angel on stage is fearful and upset while his screen counterpart "happily" continues the dance. "I disassociate, disappear" indeed...
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jean0farc · 9 months
— Johan Liebert - NSFW Alphabet —
Alright, so I finally made the decision to take on this challenge and put my creativity into work while making this.
Note that I am not very good with headcanons since I suck at character analysis myself (I lack basic comprehension skills).
I’m just relying on my luck hoping there’ll be people who can relate to these headcanons of mine.
Though I don’t consider Johan to be big or standing out on the topic of romance and sex, it wouldn’t hurt to explore how he’d be like if he ever succumbed to these feelings.
I headcanon Johan as aro-ace, but since sex or having sexual thoughts/fantasies are a part of human nature, I wanted to write this in the RARE scenario where he succumbs to these feelings.
Perhaps someone strikes his fancy in order for him to give two fucks about them—to a point where it starts to affect him physically, emotionally, and mentally.
The possibilities are endless.
So without further ado, here’s the NSFW alphabet indeed, and if Johan is quite OOC here, don’t mind it. I forgot most of the things that happened in the show anyway.
NSFW under the cut!
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NSFW Alphabet
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I personally have this headcanon that after sex, Johan is a pillowtalker at heart. By definition, pillowtalking is an act of exchanging private conversations, intimate and deep ones. Especially in bed.
When he’s not manipulating someone to committing suicide using guilt, he spends his time communicating with his partner about what he likes (and dislikes) about them, or what he feels about the world. He’s being fairly honest with how he feels, though he masks it as something humorous and lighthearted, but still frightening to his partner.
No, he doesn’t have dark humor, but he’d be the type to talk to you about something controversial and ask your opinion of it. Scenarios like that.
If his partner fell asleep afterwards, he would leave a short letter indicating that he catered to what they needed before leaving, and for some reason, write light possessive content that have this “I’d kill for you” type of vibe.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His and their eyes. The eyes are basically a window to one’s emotions. Johan has high emotional intelligence, and can see through how people feel. Granted, he usually doesn’t feel guilt or remorse for manipulating orphans, so he’d probably use your eyes as an advantage to target you.
Also, this may be OOC, but hands. He doesn’t connect with many people besides his sister and Dr. Tenma, so being able to “connect” his body to yours mainly has to do with hands. He’s not big on physical touch, but at the rare moment, he probably is touch starved like any other human being would be, and will usually be the one initiating it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
His cum is pretty thin compared to other thick liquids that come from other men.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He collects a stash of mementos (that remind him of his person of interest) to jerk off to. He’s personally fond of keeping memories and storing them in a secret drawer with a lock so people won’t be able to access them. He’s quite possessive in a rather soft way.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I personally think he has little experience with sex. He doesn’t yearn for someone physically that easily, considering he isn’t easily swayed by external advances like seduction and flirting. Instead, he’d manipulate them back.
That being said, he might be a virgin.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I’m sure whatever his partner wants goes. But if there was something he’d normally go for, it would be missionary. (I know, it sounds vanilla as fuck)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He keeps it balanced. He can be humorous when they’re trying things out, experimenting.
But when he’s close, I’m sure he gets serious in a rather calm way, murmuring sweet nothings on his partner’s ear as he’s about to bust a load of nut from deep within.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He isn’t one to be conscious about body hair, but imo he does shave in case something between him and the person of interest happens. He doesn’t keep a purely shaved cock, however, perhaps just a quick trim.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s not very romantic in a sense, but he occasionally dabs in with emotional support once in a while.
I personally thought of the “I was born to smother you with flowers” line and thought….maybe he could actually have a knack for sweet nothings and charming little messages, verbal and written.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He starts jacking off slow and gently, but it soon evolves into something slightly rough in rare cases. Though he isn’t a rough, brute man with no manners, his patience can get tested if he doesn’t come faster.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I don’t know if stalking is considered a kink but if it is then he has it, with his role being the stalker in this case.
Other than that, he doesn’t have much interest in unusual sexual situations making him quite vanilla.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
In his house, or his partner’s house. If he’s feeling lucky, then the library.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
People’s psyche.
Analyzing his person of interest is what turns him on, what makes him feral and craving for more.
The urge to manipulate and guilt trip drives him crazy to the point of wanting to ruin them, emotionally and sexually.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Being touched, kissed, or held without consent.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He mainly prefers giving, even though he doesn’t have much experience and skill. Just like how he initiates conversation smoothly, he’d be able to carefully analyze what you want, and give it to you based on your body language (he is very good at analyzing people’s thought and emotional patterns).
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Slow and sensual. Anything fast, stiff, or aggressive turns him off.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Johan doesn’t like them. He likes to take his time dissecting an individual if he ever plans on sleeping with them.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is game to experiment and take risks, but does it with precise control over his emotions. He doesn’t raise his voice and lash out if something goes wrong, but will do everything in his will to fix things.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He personally goes for one to two rounds. Not because he lacks the stamina, but because he grows bored and doesn’t feel the need to pursue or fulfill his sexual needs. His sexual needs don’t last, and are very fickle. He can be subject to not continuing if he gets tired.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Personally, I don’t think he has the interest to pursue buying a toy.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Expect him to tease you in every way possible. He’ll edge you completely without regret, testing how much you can take before you can just give in and cum at his will.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
He moans softly like a young man would, since his voice is pretty high-pitched. He gasps on the occasional note, even going as far as to scream like that scene where he fainted in the library.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
He enjoys whispering filthy things to his partner’s ear, mostly backhanded compliments and talking about threatening them playfully. He enjoys adding fuel to the fire even when it’s highly unnecessary given the situation.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Basically nothing much, except for a boner that arises when aroused at a mentally stimulating situation.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Usually low. He doesn’t yearn or crave for sex like how I stated in the beginning, mostly refusing advances out of the many people who fancy him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Barely. He would rather continue doing other things like reading a book, sending an e-mail, but he isn’t the type to sleep right after as he prefers to keep an open eye on his person of interest.
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vintagenahbi · 2 months
HOME pt. 3
Jin x Reader
Summary: You and Jin discover that you are expecting your first child, but are faced with challenges that neither of you could imagine.
Warnings: topics related to pregnancy that could be considered controversial.
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I had been procrastinating on going to my first ultrasound appointment since I found out about my pregnancy. The first time I went to the doctors I found out I was 9 weeks pregnant to the day. I got the doctor to set up my ultrasound a week after so I could get back to Jin and tell him the exciting news; however, since that appointment I had been pushing it back more and more. After feeling the pain I felt the other day I knew it was no longer wise, but I had my reasonings.
I found out my pregnancy was high risk for one. I really wanted this baby and having rh-negative blood, I knew there were additional risks that I would face. Although Jin was still on the fence, he knew I was set in my ways. He also knew I could not be walking around pregnant with only blood work confirming and no ultrasound. Another reason I was nervous was because the ultrasound would make it real. I was really pregnant. Jin was really going to be a father. I was really going to get married. I really could die.
I was sitting on the couch when Jin walked in from his gaming room. I just got done booking an appointment on my phone for the doctors later on today. Luckily, there was a cancellation so I could go. Jin sat on the couch looking at me and then the TV. I knew what that meant causing me to turn it off.
“When can you go?” He said.
“I got an appointment for later today. Can you come? I understand if you can’t.”
“I’ll be able to come.” The room fell silent. I had something on my mind but didn’t want to be the one to address it. I love Jin, but I had questions circling in my mind over the whole marriage ordeal. Maybe he asked to marry me because I was pregnant. Maybe it wasn’t out of love but pity. In my mind, it felt like my insecurities were showing. I am happy with Jin and I think he is happy with me, but everything was happening at once.
“Did you mean it?” I blurted. He raised his eyebrows and pressed his lips in confused. “Did you mean it when you asked me to marry you?”
“Yes. Why wouldn’t I?” He said directly without any hesitation.
“We never talked about it before. I don’t know, it felt weird.” I didn’t know how to word it properly. Admittedly, I was scared of marrying Jin now. Before I would have been eager, but there was a chance he could be a single father or a widower before a year into marriage.
“I love you y/n. This situation doesn’t change that. I’d rather us get married, forbid something happen, and not me feel the joys of being your husband.” He turned his eyes away and cleared his throat. “I’m gonna get ready now.” He got up and went into our bedroom to get changed.
Two hours later we were finally at the doctors office. I sat in the doctors chair waiting. Jin had on his face mask in attempt to disguise who he was. Early on in our relationship we decided that we wanted to keep our relationship a secret. I wasn’t ready to be in the spotlight nor did I need that stress, especially now.
Jin held my hand as we continued to wait. I watched as his thumb rubbed against my hand. It reminded me of all those times he would hold my hand when he was unsure. The doctor walked in the room smiling. He felt welcoming which calmed my nerves some. The nurse had already prepared the station and it was time to see our baby.
The doctor started the ultrasound. I was 12 weeks and four days. I looked at the monitor and noticed something off. I tried to get a closer look but the doctor clarified what I was seeing.
“It looks like you are having twins. It won’t be for another week until you find out the gender, but you are having two babies. Congratulations.” I looked over at Jin whose eyes had widen. The doctor continued, “Now, you are high risk so I am having you be put on bed rest. Minimal movement and since you are rh-negative, depending on your babies blood type it can present risks during birth since this is your first pregnancy. As of now, you are okay. Has anything weird happened or concerns either of you might have?”
“No.” I responded quickly in attempt to silence anything Jin could say. I didn’t want him to tell the doctor what happened earlier that week.
“She felt a sharp pain that caused her to fall to the floor the other day.”
“Okay. We can run some test before you leave and get them back to you no later than tomorrow. Until then take it easy and enjoy this time.” The doctor took a pause. “I know it can be scary with a pregnancy like this, but we will do everything we can to keep you and your babies safe.“
Jin and I got back into our car. I felt like I was about to get scolded. The look on his face was scarred yet stern. He kept his eyes on the road.
“You’re staying home. If you need anything we will figure it out. I can’t have you out and our babies, our babies.” He spaced out for a moment. “I can’t lose you y/n.” The tears came. It was clear that he was trying to stay strong for me, but holding it in was becoming too painful. I was his safe space and I for once couldn’t do anything to make it better.
I felt like I was making a mistake in that moment. Maybe I wasn’t thinking. We could try again but the outcome could still be the same. I knew this journey was not going to be easy.
Jin got himself together. I stayed silent. I felt horrible about my inability to speak. I looked down at my stomach which already had the slightest bump because of our twin babies. I started out the window, waiting for us to get home.
Once we arrived home, I made my way to our bedroom. Might as well get a head start on that bed rest. Jin stayed in the living room for a while. After thirty minutes, of doom scrolling on my phone, I saw his figure at the doorway.
“Twins.” He said as I smiled at him. He got on the bed. He pulled me close to him. “We’re going to do this together. All of us.” I suddenly felt at ease, like all the worry melted out of my body. All that thinking I had been doing was gone. Jin said what I desperately needed to hear.
Part 4
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silicon-tmblr · 5 months
[Reposting this because I'm dumb stupid and don't know how reblogs work! This was supposed to be a reblog of this post by @g0nta-g0kuhara, a multi-part analysis of Kokichi Oma in Chapter 4]
Ooh a meta post! Sends me back to when I was first researching the DRV3 fandom before playing the game (I'm a little backwards, I know...). I only read the one part, but I wanted to chime in with some additions on top of the existing analysis.
Interestingly, the "neutral Kokichi face" that's highlighted in this post is one of two "neutral faces" that Kokichi makes throughout the game. That would be stand_005_037, or Kokichi's 37th sprite.
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The other "neutral face" is the next sprite over, stand_005_038, which appears in a different context from the previous sprite. The difference between the two is really not terribly noticeable at a glance, so here's a visual.
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Up to now, I've considered sprite 37 to be Kokichi's "unserious neutral", as his expression appears more relaxed than that of sprite 38, what I've thought to be his "serious neutral".
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You know he's not serious when he's agreeing with Maki.
With the information from this analysis, though, it might be more accurate to call it his "masking neutral". Kokichi will use sprite 38 in low-emotion situations when he has a point to get across, like here in the Chapter 3 post-trial.
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However, in high-emotion situations, as said in the initial analysis post, Kokichi is likely trying to hold himself back. That's when sprite 37 comes in.
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Bro is either stifling a laugh or seething with anger in there
Regarding Kokichi's sprite 38, there's some stuff I've come across which loosely implies that it initially had a different design. When Kaito recaps his conversation with Kokichi in the hangar in the Chapter 5 post-trial, the conversation is portrayed with a sepia tone. The sprites for this conversation aren't really "sprites", per-se -- the entire scenario is actually stored as a series of background images in the game files.
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One image that caught my attention, however, was bg_201_11:
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On my first playthrough of the game, I dubbed this sprite "Kokichi angy"
This image stands out at a glance because of the Kokichi sprite, which isn't seen anywhere else in the entire game. Compared to the other images in the set, this image actually seems to be from an older build of the game, as the shadows in the background, shading on the sprites, and position of Kokichi's arm-belt-things are different.
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bg_201_11 vs bg_201_01
My guess is that this unused sprite was an older version of sprite 38, especially since the current sprite 38 has similar errors as the older sprite.
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Personally, I'm glad "Kokichi angy" wasn't actually used in the final game. He looks a little too much like a wet cat.
On another topic, also related to the linked analysis: let's talk about the ever controversial whiteboard note written by Kokichi under Shuichi's photo which, in the English localization, reads "trustworthy?"
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As many people have pointed out, both now and in the past, this note was translated oddly and the original text was 「油断ならない?」 (yudan naranai?).
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Though it's often translated by fans as “sneaky or cunning”, the literal translation is actually “don't be careless”, with “yudan” meaning “careless” and “naranai” meaning “must not (be)”. This is translateable in most situations as “dangerous”, hence that being the stock translation supplied by Jisho.org.
After all, "don't be careless" has essentially the same meaning as "this is dangerous", in most situations at least (think mountain climbing, or traveling through a dark alley; you wouldn't want to be careless because it is dangerous, you don't know what to expect so it's treacherous and sneaky).
When translating a note regarding a person, though, I would think "don't be careless" would be more appropriate, especially considering Shuichi isn't particularly dangerous compared to some other people in the academy whose dangers are well known (*cough cough* Maki)
You can find the independent translated meanings of yudan and naranai on Jisho as well as on Wikitionary (yudan, naranai).
So, Kokichi is essentially telling himself to stay on his guard around Shuichi, since he doesn't know what to expect from him. His attempt to team up with Shuichi in Chapter 4 was probably his confirmation that Shuichi wanted nothing to do with him, and that he should formulate his plans accordingly. It would probably have been ideal for him to have Shuichi on his side, as he saw Shuichi as a wild card (rather ironically; I'd imagine the group perceives Kokichi as the wild card of the group). So despite the translation error, the points made by the linked analysis still hold decent ground.
All in all, despite my belief that Chapter 4 is absolutely ridiculous, the linked analysis is quite good when one assumes Chapter 4 is logically sound (it's not), and still holds up even to someone like me who really dislikes Chapter 4 for its severe logical fallacies (my suspension of disbelief was absolutely thrown out the window when I played it... but maybe that's a matter for another day)
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amayalul · 7 months
Simon Riley x OC
I have this particular idea of a new "controversial" recruit to Task Force 141.....
When Price announced a new member to the force, the boys didn't know how to feel about someone joining the group so late in the game.
She's a damn good recon sniper with sharp focus and precision. Standing at 5'3, a cascade of curly hair, and a bright smile, she was the last person they'd suspect to be hand-picked by Laswell.
Meet Sunny
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@/matyasweenting on ig
Off put by her seemingly sweet and cutesy personality, they were doubtful of her capabilities. In the end, they trusted Laswell's judgement but that didn't stop their questioning.
Was she able to keep up with them? Last several hours on a highly stressful and physically demanding mission? Does she even have enough experience?
It wasn't until your first mission together, you were perched up high on a hill. Having eyes on the guards protecting the warehouse, within a matter of minutes, you had cleared the surrounding area. 'Outside is clear. You're free to move in.' Thanks to her, they got inside without disturbance and raided the building with ease.
With the big information they had found in the warehouse, everyone loaded into the van with high spirits. The mission was successful and smooth sailing.
Gaz drove the van back to base with Price in the front while Soap, Ghost, and Sunny were sat in the back. It was a quiet ride for the most part, with faint sound of radio static and the occasional jolt of a bump in the road.
You were spent by the time you got back to base. Lugging out your sniper from the trunk of the van, you tried to make your exit for the night before spotting a certain skull mask wearing man behind you.
'uh- good job out there.' he said with a hint of nervousness in his cold monotone voice Almost as if someone held him at gunpoint and forced him to say it.
She smiled up back at him, 'Thanks LT!'
God. Her smile.
If only he knew what was in store for them....
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Get to Know Her...
Has an obsession with cats. she has a plethora of cat themed items scattered around her apartment and in her barracks. Will bring up her two rescues, Walter and Margaret any chance she gets.
When she miraculously has any sort of free time, she is crocheting. Whether it be ridiculous little hats and outfits for Walter and Margaret, she is always carrying a little ball of yarn.
Reading is one of her favorite pass times! Her two set genres are horror 👹🩸🔪 and romance 🥰💗💐 no in between. Going from Stephen King to the most smuttiest, filthiest, most sensual romance book that leaves you thirsting over a fictional man 😭 (she's one of us y'all)
If there is one topic she could ramble on forever about, it's music. Yes, it'd be cliche to say she listens to just about everything, but she really does! From jazz, rock, metal, indie, and goth, she listens to it all. Some of her favorite bands/artists of all time are Cocteau Twins, Jeff Buckley, The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, Chet Baker, and Slowdive.
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omfg. im always insecure about my writing but i just had to get this idea written down. didn't even proofread
let's hope i don't cave and delete it 😭 she's kinda based off me so it'd suck if y'all didn't like her lmao
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kane25 · 8 months
Does Time know he is the one who taught Twi everything he knows?
My guess is Time knows he is the one who taught Twi his seven hidden skills.
That private conversation may include topics like ancestor and descendant relationships and the legacy of the hero of time to the hero of Twilight. For example, we have the hero bow as a tangible legacy.
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About Twi, Malon, and Time
Not only does Twi have similar facial expressions to Time, but he also inherited Malon’s laugh.
That doesn't mean he can't replace his adoptive father and mother figure with Time and Malon. We know Ordon Village is the closest thing that Twilight has to home.
The same can be said of Time with Lon Lon Ranch.
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Is it yet the keyword?
We don't know when Malon is announcing her pregnancy.
It is only speculation that she will announce it in the letter that Time receives from Malon. What I gather from this situation is Time wouldn't be able to see his kids grow old.
What about secrets?
1) Twilight is related to Time and Malon. That was a secret that had been revealed now to the others.
2)Fierce Deity Mask: Twilight is the only one that knows about this item. He disagrees with its use. Let's not forget he sought after a controversial item like the fused shadows.
3)It is a spoiler. Not saying anything.
4) Timeline split: Time is seeing the consequences of his actions.
Time’s character design
It is a combination of the hero shade and the fierce deity armor.
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Time’s skull mask
We know why Twilight behaved this way when he saw the skull mask. It reminds him of the hero shade.
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Time’ paranoia
He is having hallucinations about his future with Malon and wonders what kind of legacy Twi was talking about.
Man here needs solid proof that Twi is indeed his descendant. That's why Malon announced her pregnancy would be the perfect time for him to be sure of it.
When he receives the news, Time definitely will try to protect Twilight.
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What a terrible fate
Twilight thought he could change his ancestor's fate. We know that doesn't work that way.
If he changes Time’s fate, Twilight could be dooming his Hyrule or something worse.
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britt-kageryuu · 3 months
Donnie is streaming! He's showing off outfits for his model, under the excuse of trying to find a good 'Event' outfit. He's also just talking about random things. Shelldon is also messing around with accessory props, and making comments himself. Donnie's currently behind a screen 'Changing Outfits'.
Donnie: So there was a somewhat random request from someone to collab with them, on what I don't know. Because our range of content creation doesn't really overlap enough for their request to make much sense.
Donnie steps out to show off a Royal Purple halter dress with gold circuitry detailing along the bottom and around the waist, a slit up to the hip area, and purple/gold heels. Chat is filled with comments, praise, emojis, and a couple of bots that think they're hiding well, Shelldon is biding his time to strike!
Donnie: After talking with Blue and M, it turns out the person in question is a bit of a Fame Chaser. As in they keep trying to go viral, using some controversial methods, such as faking a cryptid encounter at their families store.
As he's talking he moves around, and shows off details in the virtual dress, including how much leg it shows.
Donnie: Well I quickly declined the request. And if this person wants to out themselves, well they can go right ahead. Though looking through some of their more recent content, I thin they may have matured a bit, but I still don't want us to collaborate with them just yet.
He steps behind the screen again. And in a flash steps back out in black tech pants with glowing purple circuitry patterns, black/purple boots, his mask with science charms on the square tails, a black jackets with various themed patches, and tiny floating turtle bots that interact with Donnies movements projecting screens/objects.
Donnie: This on looks like it would be a good candidate for my Event Outfit, but my brothers have veto power, so it's at least a finalist. What topic to Switch to next?
Shelldon: Do you have any thoughts on the Barbie Movie?
Donnie: I have many thoughts! Get ready for a bit of a rant Balemates!
Donnie proceeds to bounce around different points he wants to make about the movie. He switches outfits a few times during the time, and answers chat about their thoughts, and points.
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Hello 👋 I have been offered the option of volunteering at an assisted living facility for people with high support needs and medium support needs autism. The people who live at the hostel go to a care center during the day but are at the hostel in the afternoon and night and the staff at the hostel does the general stuff of helping them out around the house. That being said when I went to the hostel they explained that they use an ABA based approach of interacting with the residents in a way that according to them is supposed to teach them important communication skills such as pointing to pictures if there is a problem to explain what it is or to wave to get someones attention instead of grabbing them.
From what I heard ABA is wildly considered abusive but the people on staff argued that it is different with medium and high support needs autism. My question is: from your experience can aba be positive? Would you say that it's inherently abusive? Is it different for people with low support needs and medium/high? (I'm sending this to multiple blogs who talk about the topic a lot so you may see this ask multiple times, sorry bout that)
oh yeah this nuanced topic i definitely need answer because find other people say binary “yes” or “no” both not helpful.
obvious trigger warn for ABA, detail talk of abusive ABA
low support needs = LSN, higher support needs = HrSN
TLDR: yes and no
ABA is highly controversial and nuanced topic. if ask most allistic professionals and allistic Autism Parents, most will tell you no (as in ABA never abusive). if ask actually autistic community, including those never been in ABA, most will tell yes (as in ABA always abusive).
personally think is a mix of “it can be,” and wrote more about here, but summary is: ABA can be very abusive, many ABA survivor abused by it. historically been very abusive (old school ABA), many places it still is now, but some places start to change. but saying “oh we do the good ABA” doesn’t mean they not abusive. some ABA survivors (who got ABA in past & present) say they not abused it helped, some say it both helped and abused, some just abused. so i find helpful always high alert when talk about ABA and watch carefully if use ABA.
summary of what i hear of bad ABA: force eye contact, force masking, quiet hands, behaviorally erase autistic/“problematic” trait (but neglect inside feelings & emotions & thought processes). block escape (physically or psychologically), don’t allow leave don’t allow stop task until finish. tech compliance. food reinforcers and planned withholding of needs & key things (like emotional support stuffed animal or affection). see meltdown sensory overload crying as attention seeking so need ignore (instead of see it as pain response as need help as not able communicate before it get bad). typically only value mouth speech and ignore all other communication like behaviors and pointing (“to encourage mouth speech”but is shitty way of doing it) but also can happen with PECS (inherent ABA shitty system) or even AAC devices. often have token chart and discrete trial training (DTT).
summary of what i hear or personal experience of good ABA: teach skills*, like bADLs iADLs self advocacy etc. naturalistic learning. modeling behaviors. functional communication. value receivers (person getting ABA) input if they can communicate. more comparisons
*beware, good ABA focus on teach skill but can still “teach skill” with abusive technique. good ABA need teach functional life skill but teach skill doesn’t inherent make ABA good ABA.
some may argue good ABA isn’t ABA because fundamental ABA principle don’t allow it. personally see where this come from (see: ivar lovaas) but since many who use good ABA techniques still call self ABA, and sometimes it’s “ABA or else,” i focus on harm reduction.
but it also not “there is good ABA and there is bad ABA and good ABA good bad ABA bad.” some place do mix of technique from both—which still make them abusive, but it not like “if i do some good technique i am all good ABA.” good ABA hard to maintain and is active effort to continue because so many of field historically and now is abusive. it just easier explain that way.
don’t think there any technique that, if use on LSN is abusive, but if same thing use on HrSN suddenly not abusive. it sound like very ableist idea. we not that different we may have harder time understand we may have harder time communicate, but we still have feelings. (some of us not understand at all not able words communicate at all, i not one of them obviously but i think may even be worse for them because they don’t understand why you do that why they feel bad or even understand what they feel and can’t words tell feel bad only behavior. but obviously this me guess since am not one of them)
sort of extreme example but it remind me of (wrong) idea that e.g people with severe & profound ID, no person inside no mind inside so akin to dog training just need focus on behavior
as for personal experience, do have personal experience with ABA and not really ready talk about, but in summary: currently am more address immediate urgent thing so may change when we get to routine day skill. but overall good experience very much help very listened to no abuse life saver without it would be in big trouble. but this also because 1) able communicate already can say what want/don’t want, 2) adult own guardian can decide own, 3) progressive area with better healthcare available, 4) now and not 10 or 5 or even 2 year ago.
you specifically mention point to pictures. AAC really should be SLP (speech therapists) territory but SLP field heavily connect with ABA & behavioralism and many ABA places do deal with communication so… yeah.
examples of good & bad ways handle teach below because this get long
bad example:
you want juice. you lead them to fridge. you may even point to (real life) juice. they don’t give you juice and instead say “use your words!” or something.
you want juice. you do gesture (not signs) of cup, or drink, or whatever. they know what you talk about because you done many times, they don’t give you juice. or even if they don’t know what you talk about, they ignore you (instead of respond to behavior communication).
you want juice. you given a board of these pictures and words in squares, eat drink juice fruit chips cookie etc etc. you confused. no one ever show you what do with it. you meltdown from frustrate.
you want juice. you try all above. no one respond. you meltdown from frustrate. you labeled as have behavioral issues and that meltdown came from nowhere, you labeled as can’t be helped
you want juice. you try all above. only way people actually respond and give you juice is: you get to velcro wall of picture cards. you identify “juice” symbol from all other symbols. you have fine motor skill to take “juice” symbol off from wall. then you go to adult person. you make eye contact with them for period of some seconds while calmly give them juice card. you may or may not be encouraged or even have to mouth say word “juice.” then you finally get juice.
not abusive per se but also not great example
you want juice. you have to stop what doing and go get your device or communication book (or other person go get), then you can point to juice. your words not available to you all the time or you have to ask for them. (know communication books and picture card walls often bulky and hard carry everywhere and don’t have great solution but still ideally words available all time)
good example:
you want juice. let go back to the point to fridge and real life juice example. you point. the helper person/therapist/etc see and mouth say “do you want juice?” and model on AAC device or communicate book “want” “juice” (model without expectations). then they give juice. and they repeat modeling in all situations without expect them immediate respond to AAC or expect them will respond in x weeks etc. just model as part of communication.) more on modeling
random grab people can be frustrate for other people and not most effective way communicate and should try best give more way communicate, but also need understand that behavior is communicate, and many “extreme” and “problematic” behavior happen probably because no other way know communicate or all other way communicate accidentally ignore. so should respect it and see it for it purpose & teach functional communicate same time. (not saying you don’t understand this just is something i see many people forget so feel need talk about every time)
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
Death & Afterlife #1
Dying/Pre-Judgenent | Judgements | Afterlives [WIP]
A controversial topic amongst fans and writers alike.
• What happens to your soul when you die. • Why that doesn't happen if you die on Toril. • Alternative Fates to Judgement, aka: Get the hell away from that devil, or so help me. (At least that bit of Hordes of the Underdark makes sense now.)
In base D&D lore when a person dies their soul passes into the Astral Plane and gravitates towards either the plane where their deity or patron resides, or whatever plane best suits their nature if they didn’t worship, which in mechanics is alignment. A firmly Lawful Evil individual goes to the Nine Hells of Baator, a Chaotic Neutral individual heads for Limbo. Somebody who doesn’t quite fit neatly into either “Chaotic Neutral” or “Chaotic Good” would likely gravitate to Ysgard.
Souls of the dead that leave Abeir-Toril are caught by the Fugue Plane, which serves as a kind of net. Rather than simply passing through to wherever they’d go, the souls of the dead arrive there, where they become paperwork for the bureaucracy of the City of Judgement as their death is recorded, their soul judged, and their destination decided and processed. There is no way in or out of the Fugue Plane for mortal souls. There are also portals to the Nine Hells, and occasionally the Abyss, there but it still makes visiting tricky as a mortal cannot enter the plane while their body still lives…
(...except for that time Myrkul’s Chosen had a falling out with him and built a secret portal to the Fugue Plane in the basement of the echo of his temple in the Plane of Shadow using the Silver Sword of Gith to cut a hole in reality in order to wage war upon his god to get his evil mad scientist girlfriend back. Unfortunately, unless you happen to be psionically bonded to the ancient Githyanki blade of legend that the entire Githyanki people will declare war on you for possessing, you won’t be able to open the door.)
Alignment is not the core decider of the afterlife for Torilians, faith is.
Faith seems so integral that the Torilian understanding of cosmology is defined by the gods’ domains rather than the actual planes they are on, as opposed to, say, the Great Wheel model which arranges the planes by alignment. Where the Great Wheel would feature planes such as Baator [Lawful Evil], Gehenna [Lawful-Neutral Evil], Hades [Neutral Evil], Pandemonium [Neutral-Chaotic Evil] and the Abyss [Chaotic Evil]; Toril’s model would describe the Barrens of Doom and Despair (Bane and co. on Gehenna), the Supreme Throne (Cyric, over in Pandemonium), the Demonweb Pits (the Dark Seldarine, in the Abyss), and etc.
By and large race is not a factor, only faith. The only exception I can find a mention of is the elves (of course it is) whose spirits are innately tied to Arvandor. Faith, personality, and how they lived their life is a factor in determining where a dead elf goes after death, but even then there’s a strong chance that they’ll be going to the Seldarine anyway (and that’s not counting the whole thing where elves generally physically leave Toril for Arvandor at the end of their lives, rather than just dying) Might apply to other demihumans, I don't know.
There are a few fates one can be sentenced to, depending on one’s faith (and lack thereof). Being claimed by your deity or other outsider that has a claim on your soul; False; Faithless; and reincarnation. How severe the criteria and punishments are varies heavily by the writer. The Avatar Series takes a harsh view on the gods and the Fugue; Ed Greenwood doesn't care for TSR adding the Wall to the Realms and takes a more lenient view; and Mask of the Betrayer took it to a whole new level by applying it to the entire D&D cosmology rather than just Toril.
Souls have the opportunity to escape judgement, if they fear they may not like the result. The Nine Hells have a contract with the Lord of the Dead that permits them a diplomatic enclave in the City of Judgement. They are forbidden to harm or force souls into deals, but are permitted to explain to souls that they are dead, lay out the judgement process and possible results, and then attempt to convince them to sell their souls and go to the Hells instead. Generally this is most effective on people who are worried about getting judged False or Faithless. More than simply allowing them to escape Kelemvor's judgement, the devils must agree to some benefit:
"In exchange for consigning themselves to the Nine Hells, such souls might be offered early promotion from lemure form, material riches for friends and family in Faerûn, or the services of devilish attacks on their still-living enemies. Especially powerful souls can even bargain for automatic promotion into a form other than that of a lemure. Once such a bargain is signed, the newly acquired soul is carried directly back to a station in the Nine Hells for torture and transhipment." - FIendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells
The Fugue Plane is also invaded by demonic hordes every now and then who battle Kelemvor's followers and the various servants of other gods currently present. The demons snatch as many souls as they can and run back to the Abyss with them. Potential fate and consent is not required, the embodiments of the concept of Chaotic Evil don't give a shit.
If you've been unfortunate, desperate or flagrantly stupid enough to interact with fiends and far realm abominations (and sometimes archfey), then judgement is the least of your concerns. I don't know whether you go to the Fugue Plane and are collected by your patron (or their servants) or if you just go straight to the Hells or something.
I have no idea what happens if you sell your soul to the realm beyond all realms that defies mortal comprehension, breaks the minds and souls of all who gaze upon it, twists those who enter it into monsters, and is a plane which threatens all of existence... but I'm sure it'll be a pleasant afterlife.
I don't have much information on Archfey deals, I'm not even sure they traffic in souls all that much. Some of them are known to enjoy twisting souls into strange fey slaves for them to play with and abuse though, so I guess at least some do. Many being who qualify as archfey for the purpose of warlock pacts are actually considered deities on Toril (Corellon Larethian, Titania the Faerie Queen, and the Queen of Air and Darkness - known as Auril to humanoids), so you'd count as faithful, I suppose.
Souls branded by demons are taken back to the Abyss and made into manes, which are the demonic counterpart to lemures:
"...nearly mindless demons devoted to savagery and fury. They obey the commands of any demons more powerful than themselves, including blindly plunging into battle, heedless of any danger. They are slow, stupid, and largely ineffective [...] Manes are often used as currency between evil spellcasters and evil outsiders [as slaves]." "Manes vaguely resemble their mortal forms, but the shock of the transformation from mortal to petitioner [a dead soul in the afterlife] is overwhelming, and the psychic pain is so great that a mane remembers little of its original life except that it has lost something precious, and that sense is enough to drive the creature to violence and madness." - Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss
The dead flesh of manes are bloated and crawling with maggots that eat at their flesh. They just... exist like that, in gibbering hoards that can reach the thousands... unless a Demon Lord decides to eat them, or until the Abyss itself - in all its chaotic evil whims - opts to randomly promote them into a different demonic form. Demons have worked out that they can effectively bypass this by sending souls to the 400th layer of the Abyss, Woeful Escarand, where a group of demons titled the Lords of Woe promote the soul and ship it off to the Blood War. Life is kind of like it is in the hells, but with less bureaucracy and more stress induced migraines.
If you've meddled with devils - by making deals with them, signing contracts, or sometimes merely by taking to them and then doing horrible things based on their advice... and that's generically speaking: There are supposed to be even more ways to go to hell in the Realms, apparently... Although it does explain the thing in the backstory of Hordes of the Underdark where you accidentally bind your soul to Mephistopheles and damn yourself by picking up a random rock that turned out to be a lump of his own flesh without ever meeting the guy or knowing anything about it other than "hey, weird rock".
"Mortal souls from Toril end up in the Nine Hells because of curses, because of the bargains you mention (sometimes through wagers lost), and sometimes because of other mortal actions taken in life, such as magical rituals that unintentionally bind those carrying out the ritual to a particular archdevil, or other traps set by devils to snare the unwary. Even careless summonings may allow a devil to claim the summoner’s soul in future payment, or a miscast spell may make an ensnarement possible. The ways are surprisingly many, so the supply of souls into the Nine Hells is fairly constant, if not widely noticed in lore." - Ed Greenwood
- Your soul is branded by the mark of whichever Archdevil your patron serves. For your BG3 example; Mizora serves Zariel, thus by making a contract with her Wyll’s soul is Zariel’s (Mizora gets credit for her service which works towards promotion and prestige. I don't know if a cambion can be promoted, on account of being half-mortal, but she's getting something out of it.) Traditionally, the soul is then tortured beyond mortal comprehension as the humanity is torn from it and the released energy is consumed by the Archdevil until the soul is sucked dry into a trembling husk and thrown into the Maggot Pit on Avernus. One of the titular maggots eats it and excretes a lemure: melted blobs of flesh that vaguely resemble their original bodies but have nothing left of their original personality except for anguish, existing in eternal agony and hate. Happy birthday! From there you either get destroyed, eaten, or eventually promoted and then locked into an eternal cycle of abuse where you commit endless atrocities and step over your fellow devils in an attempt to escape the abuse of devils stronger than you while abusing devils weaker than you, while doing your day job of dragging mortal souls into damnation. Also paperwork.
Soul coins are also possibly a potential fate. Created by the Archdevil Mammon, the souls within exist in eternal despair, being traded around until they're eventually used up. Or maybe that's just what they do with the energy they torture out of the husk that was your soul, if you want to tie various lore stuff together.
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kewltie · 7 months
quirkless!izuku works as a clerk by day, but by night his hobby is being a video essayist specializes in deconstruction of quirks, heroes and villains. his most viral vid is claiming no.1 hero, the powerhouse and symbol of victory, dynamight is made for the girlies and queers.
the dynamight branding is this strong, caustic hero who can pulverized villains and keep you safe. you never have to fear when dynamight is here, yet deku said dynamight shouldnt be boxed into a persona, he's not just a symbol, he's a person who should he allowed to be soft too.
it started when someone caught the moment of dynamight crying over the lifeless body of a civilian. it quickly became a heated topic bc the no.1 hero cant show such weakness. HE'S SUPPOSED TO THEIR STRENGTH if a hero can breakdown like that what kind of msg it'll send to the rest. ofc there are defenders, who argue heroes are humans too so such show of vulnerability is part of it but dynamight's reputation as this harden, unflinching hero with large stature and footprints feed into this belief that strength comes from the power and abilities you wield.
it's hard to fight public image so deku did over an hour vid deconstructing the commission's propaganda and ripped the mask off bc before katsuki was dynamight, he was a boy izuku known as kacchan and kacchan deserves to be treated with kindness and empathy; let him be soft.
idk what happened next but i like to think izuku's (controversial) vid gets around to katsuki eventually and katsuki recognizes it right away bc he knows that voice, HE KNOWS how izuku can still speaks with such compassion for someone he havent been in contact for over 10yrs. it's the way he never had a chance to apologized for their past, for the pain he had caused, yet izuku here is his loudest defender, begging the world to treat katsuki kindly in the way he bitterly thinks how izuku should have been treated in the past by the world, BY KATSUKI.
bkdk's path diverged after jr high, so they never had a chance to reconcile. katsuki is aware that he didnt try hard to find izuku either but neither forget the other; izuku is the embodiment of katsuki's guilt and he has every right to hate him, but here izuku is DEFENDING HIM. this is the way they finally reconnect, katsuki making all the effort to apologize, to try to be involve in izuku's life which leaves izuku all confused bc he's like why the no.1 hero keep dropping by my store lol and like dragging him to meet his friends and other notable heroes omfg.
izuku at first think maybe this is katsuki way of like thanking him for making that vid about dynamight. he insists that katsuki doesnt have to go that far, like izuku was just doing what he thought was right, that katsuki deserves to be treated like any other human, to cry etc. katsuki is kinda annoyed bc izuku is an oblivious dumbass but izuku has this mentality that he's boring, normal and unimportant and katsuki is THE DYNAMIGHT. katsuki is like oh now you're treating me like im a god and izuku is like embarrassed bc he just thinks katsuki is amazing.
izuku doesnt think he's worthy of like even have romantic intention with the no.1 hero while the no.1 hero stumbling over to impress this completely, ordinary convenience store clerk whom katsuki thinks doesnt need a quirk or cape to save ppl. certainly, izuku had saved him.
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la-mari-xd · 2 months
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Henry's design in my AU (I know it doesn't change that much from the design made by The Masked Chris).
`Information about my AU`
In summary: it doesn't change much from what The Masked Chris showed, although it modified some things in the design of some characters (they are slight changes) and included new characters that could have an impact on the characters originals (for example, the design of Henry's parents and brother) in order to give them a greater impact on their own story. And that in this AU there will be some OC's of my property.
`⚠️Topics covered in my AU⚠️`
My AU deals with different topics that can be very controversial and/or very sensitive (topics that I am obviously going to treat with due respect and seriousness, without trying to romanticize anything).
Diseño de Henry en mi AU (se que no cambia tanto al diseño hecho por The Masked Chris).
`Información sobre mi AU`
En resumen: no cambia tanto a lo que es la historia que mostró The Masked Chris, aunque modifique algunas cosas en el diseño de algunos personajes (son ligeros cambios) e incluir personajes nuevos que podrían tener impacto en los personajes originales (por ejemplo, el diseño de los padres y hermano de Henry) para poder darles un mayor impacto en su historia propia. Y que en este AU habrá algunos OC'S de mi propiedad.
`⚠️Temas tratados en mi AU⚠️`
Mi AU trata diferentes temas que pueden ser muy controversiales y/o muy sensibles (temas que obviamente voy a tratar con su debido respeto y seriedad, sin tratar de romantizar nada).
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Do you think BioWare's writers will finally put a stop to the real-life-racist lore in Dreadwolf
Hesitant to reply to this bc I find DA fandom discourse unpredictable and volatile, but I'm gonna assume this was asked in good faith & that it's regarding the tags I left on a post recently (this one, I believe). Full answer will be put under the cut, but in short: no, I don't think they'll be fixing it anytime soon.
Seeing as this apears to be in response into my tags regarding a DA fan harassing Patrick Weekes about Qunari lore, I need to be clear upfront that I do think there's a lot wrong with how the qunari were written. It's been a couple years since I've read media analysis on the subject, but it's to my understanding that the issues with the Qunari directly correlates to them being Muslim coded. They're very rarely presented in a positive light, and a lot of the attitudes around them (both in world and IRL) are Islamaphobic.
There's a couple reasons why I don't think they'll fix it, but I think my main reason is that, historically speaking, they haven't been good with responding to this kind of criticism from fans. Granted Gaider was a huge source of that, so maybe this isn't entirely applicable to Patrick or any other writer on the team. But I'm also extremely leery of Patrick because of how The Masked Empire was written (and how that story relates to DAI).
I keep deleting and rewriting this because I could honestly rant about how much I hate The Masked Empire all day. But to stay on topic: I did not like how the Dalish were written because it was 2-dimensional and reflective of deeper racial biases seeing as how the Dalish are Native American coded. This extends to the writing in DAI as Solas (who was written by Patrick) views the Dalish as up their own asses and also "incorrect" about their belief system.
It's been about 10 years since DAI came out though, so maybe Patrick and the rest of the writing team have become more self aware and informed since then. But even as unlikely as that is, it just seems unlikely to me they would ever revise their lore just because so much of their job is just writing the story and dialogue while building the actual game. And seeing as how Gaider has indicated that there's upper management at BioWare that resents its writing staff, I'd wager that the only thing they would focus on in the upcoming game is just getting the bulk of the writing out.
One thing that was brought up 10 years ago was that BioWare should at least bring on consultants to advise on their work, which is something I agree with and feels possible considering the Sweet Baby Inc controversy from a couple months ago. That situation aside, from what I gather about a company like SB, all they do is advise on the writing; they have no direct control over changes to the story. Meaning if BioWare were to use a company like them, they would still get final say in what gets put into the game. I'm not sure if that would solve all of the problems with the writing seeing as how the writers still have final say in what gets included in the game, but I think it would be a good step to take with regards to a lot of issues in their writing.
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tsumuuu · 1 year
make me feel loved ft. kiyoomi sakusa
where Kiyoomi Sakusa, the professional volleyball player who plays for the MSBY Black Jackals, the least likely to be in controversy, finds himself the topic of an argument between a relationship of one of his fans and their boyfriend.
three - K.O.
warning! contains violence
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As Sakusa walked into the surprisingly clean locker room, he checked for anyone to be around. He normally does this due to his fear of germs. Happy to see that nobody is around, he starts opening up his locker.
7, 19, 39... He thinks. After all, he's done this several times, it's nothing new to him.
With a click, the lock opens. He removes the lock to gain access to the contents of the locker. The contents of his locker are minimal. He is a minimalist person after all. As he opens the locker door, he hears footsteps behind him. Annoyed at the presence of another person who assumes to be Atsumu, he opens his mouth.
"Atsumu, what did I tell you about walking in here while I'm here?" he annoyingly reminds who he thinks to be his teammate.
"Oh, I'm not Atsumu." An unfamiliar voice lets out with a low laugh.
Surprised at this unfamiliar voice, he turns around to be met with a shorter guy, around 5'7, wearing all black and a ski mask.
"Who even are yo-" Before Sakusa was even able to finish that sentence, he was hit by a blunt force object several times. Once in the side, once in the arm, once in the shoulder. and once almost in the head if he did not block the hit with his other arm.
At this point, Sakusa was on the ground, the hits were pretty hard as they left him in a lot of pain. The unknown figure stood there, chest high, and an evil grin; almost as if they are proud of what they'd done to him.
"Well, I must be off mister Sakusa! See you around!" The figure tells the now-grounded Sakusa as he flees the scene as if he was never there.
Sakusa stares at the door his attacker fled out of as he slowly blacks out.
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fun facts!
some of the details may not line up, you'll find out why later.
Atsumu has pranked Sakusa before in the locker rooms
the random Twitter accounts are all references to people I know
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taglist(open): @buggy-cj @renardiererin @mysticore @shitsomeonestolemyuser
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©tsumuuu 2023
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