#cooking that little beast <3 goodbye
spearxwind · 1 year
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Some silly Hadesposting ft. @silvaerial's oc Asil >:]
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psychedelicsees · 5 months
Sweet potato & chickpea savoury pancakes
Also known as "some shit i just made up cause i wanted to make falafels but the first recipe i found insisted i dont use canned chickpeas but thats all i had"
Both names are too long.
1 can of chickpeas
1 small sweet potato
Like 5 cloves of garlic. Maybe more
1-2 cups of flour? Idk i wasnt paying attention
Olive ouil
Salt, pepper, paprika, cumin, i think i put something else in but i dont remember. Oh yeah baking soda?
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Cause of the whole ass can of chickpeas (large) this makes quite a lot so get ready to flipp
Drain most of the can goop and then blend chickpeas with little bit of water. Add more water if its not blending well
I also blended in some olive oil and salt here but that can probably wait till later lol
Get your sweet potato and wash it then stab it with whatever.
Microwave it until soft, took mine about 3 minutes, turning it every once and awhile (be careful will be hot)
Crush up your garlic with the side of your knife or a big rock you painted on when you were 12 that your mother keeps in the kitchen for some reason, while you wait for your potato.
Run some cool water and skin the mushy sweet potato with your bare hands like a beast (you probably shouldn't do anything i write this is dangerous you could burn yourself)
Moving the chickpea mush to a large bowl, blend the sweet potato and your garlic with some water.
Put that shit in the same bowl and mix with the spices, baking sota, and enough flour to get it to look like this
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Not quite a dough but not NOT a dough.
Really sticky and not rollable.
Let sit in fridge for an hour maybe? Thats what the falafel recipe said but mine only sat for like 45 minutes cause i got impatient
In a non stick pan (i think i dont actually know where this pan came from) put enough oil in. Ideally i think that it would be enough to cover the entire thing but i didnt wanna waste that much oil and it absorbs quickly so idk.
I have a glass-top stove and those cycle how hot they get so i kept a close eye on it and flipped between medium to medium-low whenever i felt it was getting too hot
I used a 1/4 cup to scoop it, but i only used like a third of it. 1/4 a cup is way too much. Do a single test one to make sure its at a good temp
Each side takes like 30 sec to a minute idk i have adhd times not real. Should be a nice deep brown colour.
Theres raw flour in there so get a lid for your pan and keep it covered so the insides cook a bit. It will still be mushy inside.
Get a plate with some paper towel set up close by to put them on once theyre done.
My pan could handle frying 4 or 5 at a time, make sure youve got some extra room as theyre gonna be really tall and not very wide when you first dump em in and then youre gonna want to squish em once theyre fried on one side.
Ok you probably shouldnt follow this recipe i just thought id write it down for myself cause they turned out way better tasting than i thought they would. If you hurt yourslef its not my fault goodbye
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fangirlstorycreator · 7 months
Would you be willing to write a short story about Geralt? Where he saves us from being captured by something evil?
Absolutely! I'm more than happy to write a story for you about Geralt p.s. I'm sorry for the late response, work takes up lots of my time nowadays. I tried to make it short, but I got a little carried away. I hope you enjoy 💚
The entire village had been more and more on edge the past few weeks, ever since that arch Griffin attacked the village and started stealing the live stock....aswell as other things...Your neighbor's son was one of the many people who had been snatched by the beast, there had been at least 3 other people that were taken straight from the village. You hated it, you hated being hear, and you didn't want to stay anymore. You were at an age where you could leave the family home if you wished, but it was having the coin for it. Thankfully you had been working in the village tavern to save up and travel to a better location, you didn't get much in there considering it was such a small village, but White Orchard was all you knew. You had read up on the maps to where you thought a good place would be, and you had decided on Novigrad, you weren't a sorceress so there wasn't as much danger there. But anywhere was better than White Orchard right now, and a few weeks after yet another person was taken by the arch Griffin, you had enough coin to travel to Novigrad and possibly enough to get a place of your own. If not, you always had a travel tent and supplies. You said your goodbyes to your family and headed to your horse in the stable, you were glad to be rid of them, they weren't the most loving of families.
Your mother was quite spiteful and made you clean and cook whenever you were in the house. And your father was always looking for suitors for you to marry you off, he was only happy knowing he could get some money off of you. You climbed onto your horse and headed out of White Orchard and on the path to Novigrad, it was a long way to go, but you were more than excited. You finaly had your freedom, and you knew it was a dangerous world out there, but you didn't care, you knew how to defend yourself. You never told your family, but you did practice fighting skills when you snuck out of the house when everyone was alseep, and you did the same in any spare time you had too. There was even one time you killed 4 drowners all by yourself with ease, it was like dancing, you knew all the steps and how to kill them, it just made you feel so proud. It was a tiaring week travelling up to Novigrad, but you made it in the end, feeling more than exhausted. You had camped up during the evenings in woods and across lands as you traveled, but the thought of a bed was keeping you going. By the time you arrived it was about 11.30 in the morning, and it was so much busier hear than White Orchard ever was. The streets were filled with people, food and weaponry stalls, children running around and people going about their day. You lead your horse around to try and find a suitable place to stay, when a sound got your attention, it sounded like someone who had either hurt themselves, or was just grumpy and in need of assistance.
It looked like it came from what looks like a run down tavern called The Rosemary and Thyme, it's definitely seen better days. You left your horse outside and walked to the wide open front door, and inside you can see that it's a mess in there, like people had broken in and slept in there. You hear the noise again, and it looks like someone is trapped under a large sheet that has tangled around them, it must have fallen on them from the ceiling. "Ah f#ck it! Stupid thing, get off!" The voice shouts "Let me help you" You say as you walk over and pull the sheeting away from him, revealing him as a small dwarf. He had reddish brown hair in a mohawk, and he wore green and brown clothes with an axe on his back. "Ah, thank you lass. This stupid thing fell on me, and I couldn't find a way to get out of it" "Your welcome, although I am suprised you didn't just cut a whole through when you couldn't get out. Just seems like an easier way to me" "Well that's a thought, but I didn't exactly have a knife handy" You raise an eyebrow in an amused way and look at his axe, making him look at it too, then back at you with embarrassment. "Oh eye, I guess you have a point" You both chuckle as he rubs the back of his neck. "I haven't seen your face hear before lass, you new?" "I am yes, I've just arrived hear from White Orchard" "White Orchard? That's at least a weeks travel, you must be exhausted" "I can't deny that, I was just looking around for a place to stay the night, before I try to find a place of my own. I don't supose you could direct me to the nearest available tavern could you?"
"Eye, I could. But I'm guessing you haven't got much cion with you? Don't take it personally, I can just read people" "I can't deny your right about that, but being on the road for a week is tiaring, and a bed would be wonderful tonight" "I have an idea, if your willing to help me clean up this mess, you can stay hear if you wish" "Really? How much coin would you like?" "I don't want you coin lass, just a hand cleaning if that's alright" "Oh? Are you sure?" "I'm positive. You see, many people hear in Novigrad don't act like you, if they see someone in need of help or, in my instance, stuck! They don't exactly lend a hand out of the kindness of their hearts. But I can see something in you, and I'd like to show you my gratitude" "Well that's, very kind. Thank you-oh umm, I didn't catch your name" He holds his hand out to you and you gladly shake it "Zoltan Chivay, it's a pleasure to meet you" "Same hear Zoltan, my name is Y/N" After introductions, you start to help Zoltan clean the tavern, it looked like at least 10 people were crashing hear. "If you don't mind me asking Zoltan, why is this place a mess?" "There were all these people from the streets who were staying hear, and the new owner has disappeared somewhere. Gods knows where the #sshole has gone" "You know the owner?" "Kind of, his name is Dandelion. We've been mates for a few years now, and the last I heard he was staying hear, but then I see all these bums hear instead. Thankfully at the time, another close friend of mine helped me get rid of them, and it turns out that he was looking for Dandelion too, hence why I'm doing the cleaning by myself, well, I was"
"Let's hope your friend does find him then, and he'll be happy this place is nice and tidy for him" "I couldn't agree more, this place is looking almost brand new. Now that this is all done, why don't I show you upstairs and you can pick a room?" "Thank you" He leads you upstairs and you choose a room with a lovely looking bed and plenty of space. "Why don't you have a little rest lass, I'll be right downstairs if you need me" "Thank you Zoltan" He leaves you in peace and you put all your stuff down on the chair beside the bed, falling into duvet and snuggling up in it's warmth, you fall alseep within minutes. You awake about 2 hours later feeling refreshed and much better than you had before. Sleeping in a bed instead of the floor really does make a difference, you straighten yourself up, just as you hear talking from downstairs. You recognise Zoltans voice, but not the other. You made your way downstairs and just as you take the last step, you seen Zoltan talking to someone who was very tall, had long white slightly messy hair, and his eyes were yellow like a cats. His armour was very well tailored to his physique, and he had two swords on his back.
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"Ah there she is! Y/N, why don't you come and say hello to my friend hear. This is Geralt"
You walk over and offer your hand to let him shake it, he's a little hesitant at first, but he does shake your hand. "Hi Geralt, it's a pleasure to meet you" "Hmm...likewise" He isn't very smiley, maybe he's having a bad day. "Well would you look at that Geralt, someone nee who isn't scared of you" What does he mean by that?" "I'm sorry? Why would I be scared of him Zoltan?" Geralt takes his swords out, sits to a chair and starts to sharpen them. "Because I'm a witcher.....most people either run from me or.....there was one time a woman vomited" "Ok...but I don't exactly see what's so scary if I'm honest" Zoltan gives an amused look towards Geralt, eager to know his response. "You do know what a witcher is don't you?" "Yes I do know who you are" "I kill monsters....I'm a mutant, witchers like me are seen as outcasts and aren't exactly welcomed by most....and a lot of the time, what I do frightens everyone else....society doesn't exactly approve of my kind" "Ok....well I personally still don't see what's frightening about you" "Have you really seen me then? The yellow eyes, the swords" Zoltan snickers and says "The no sence of humour, the constant grumpy face" Geralt just gives him a stare and Zoltan chuckles and looks though his things. "Yes, I see the eyes, the swords but....it doesn't frighten me. If I had met you or another witcher on my travels I wouldn't be frightened of them either. Yes you kill monsters, but your saving lives. I'm guessing you've saved more lives killing monsters than you have frightened people?"
"Hmm..." he says with a slight curve at the corner of his mouth, like he's trying to keep a smile at bay. Zoltan laughs and grabs Getalt by the shoulders in a playful way "You see Geralt, I told you this one wasn't like others around hear, that's why I'm letting her stay. Y/N, in the next room is the kitchen, why don't you make yourself something to eat while me and Geralt have a chat? You must be famished" You agree and leave them too it, and once your all finished, you come back, to see that Geralt is gone. "That was a quick visit from your friend Zoltan" "Yes, it usually is with Geralt. You see he's looking for Dandelion and when he's focused on things like this, he isn't talkative. And when he is, it's only for a short time, your lucky you got that much out of him lass" "Why does he think he's frightening? What's so scary about him?" "Hehe, I like you lass. There aren't many people who see Geralt...all they see is a witcher. A mutated monster slayer that's a danger to everyone, but for as long as I've known him, he's been a true friend, and nothing scares me. I could tell he liked you though" "What makes you say that?" "Well, when he's been around the company of women over the years, he's either being talked down too or used for their own personal gain. I don't think he's had a young woman talk to him like a real person for years and years now. His ex....Yennefer...they were a complicated couple, they cared for eachother deeply, but there was trouble there too. I think that's why he's quite cautious with new people, especially women"
"So shall I try to keep out of his way then? When he comes back?" "You can do whatever you like lass, your staying hear now so he's bound to walk into you from time to time" "Time to time? I'm only staying the night aren't I? Because I helped you, then I'm going to try and find a place of my own" "Eye you can find your own place lass, but it's not that easy, and with not much coin it's going to be more difficult too. You can stay hear until you find a place of your own, weather it's days, weeks or more. Your welcome hear" "Zoltan that's.....so kind...I don't know what to say" "Don't mention it lass. Now! I believe there is a few rooms upstairs that could do with a tidy, care to lend a hand?" From that day on for the next few weeks, you helped Zoltan get the Rosemary and Thyme back into shape, while also seeing Geralt come by from time to time, always with a new lead and more information to finding his friend Dandelion. You even got a smile out of him once, it was small, but it was still there.
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The longer you stayed, the more Zoltan and Geralt liked you, and when Geralt wasn't there, you helped in keeping people out who weren't meant to be there. Zoltan was impressed with your fighting skills, and secretly laid them onto Geralt, and even he was impressed, it takes a lot to impress him. One night, you were just finishing up in the kitchen when a large bang was heard by the door, you ran in and see Geralt had fallen through the door and was covered in blood, and it was his! "Oh my god! Geralt!" "Zoltan-where is he?!" He says through gritted teeth, trying to hold back the pain. "He has my-my backup potions! I-uurrggg! F#ck!" Zoltan wasn't in the Rosemary and Thyme, and you had no idea where he was either, you still had to help him. "Come on, let me help you up, I'll get you fixed up" "This is-hhsss! F#ck! You can't help me with this"
"Oh shut up of course I can, come on, I'll take you upstairs" You hold onto him and have his arm over your shoulder to support him, and take him upstairs. He's in a lot of pain and is struggling to walk too, what the hell happened to him? You kick the door open and help him to lie on the bed, he falls onto it grunting and mouthing the word "f#ck" You pull out the medical supplies and help to remove his shirt, that's where the blood is coming from. He lies back and you start to wipe away the blood to see a large cut across his chest, you can stitch it up, but it's going to hurt him if he doesn't lie still. "Hear, bite down onto this Geralt" He can see the seriousness in your eyes, he opens his mouth and you put the wrapped cloth inbetween his teeth before you start to seal up his wound. He grunts and moans in pain into the cloth, you try your hardest to talk to him through this, distract him and go as quickly as you can. It's all sewn up and the bleeding had stopped, and still no sign or Zoltan. "She should be back soon Geralt, and he should have your witcher potions too. I'm sorry I can't be any more help-" Geralt can see the fear and worry in your eyes, and his hand gently rests on top of yours. "It's ok.....you've really helped me....that's more than I could ask for....." "Can I get you anything? Some water?" He nods in agreement and you bring a cup of water to his lips, he drinks it gently, still in pain, but not half as much as he was.
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"Geralt?! There's blood down hear! Is everything alright?!" You shout back to Zoltan that Geralt is upstairs, and Zoltan runs in to see what has happened.
"By the gods! I have your potions right hear" Zoltan pops a bottle lid off, handing it to Geralt, and he knocks it back in one go, making him cough a little and his eyes and the area around them turned black. Geralt passed out, and you had no idea what just happened. "Zoltan, what happened to him?! Is he ok?!" "He'll be alright lass, this is what happens when he has his witcher potion. It's a terrible thing to take, but it fixes him from the inside out. He'll need to sleep it off now. What exactly happened?" "I don't know, he just barged through the front door covered in blood. I did all I could do to help him, but I don't know if it was enough" "Of course it was, you've patched him up nicely I can see, that's something he can't do himself" "What can I do to help him Zoltan?" "Nothing now lass, he needs to sleep it off and he'll be back to normal once he's rested. Now lets leave him in piece shall we?" You and Zoltan went about your afternoon while Geralt slept upstairs, and once it was night time, you both were sat at the table playing cards when Geralt finaly came back down, and he looked so much better. "Ah there he is! The mighty Geralt has awoken from his beauty sleep" "Hmm...your funny Zoltan" Zoltan chuckles as he approaches Geralt to give him a friendly embrace. You however, feel a little awkward from earlier, seeing Geralt with his shirt off. Not only that...you saw how many scars he had...you felt so bad for him, and honestly didn't know what to say. So seeing as him and Zoltan were talking, you just slipped off to bed and left them too it, you wouldn't want to get in the way of their business and make things awkward.
You has relaxed in your room reading a book for the last hour before you felt like going out onto the balcony for some fresh air. The balcony was all around the top of the Rosemary and Thyme, so whoever was staying in these rooms could walk out whenever they wanted, right past others rooms too. It was dark outside as you leant against the balcony, taking in the crisp cool air, and feeling more at ease. "Hey" "Huh! Who the fu-Geralt?! What are you doing up hear?" "I didn't meant to make you jump" "No no it's fine....why are you up hear?" "I was hoping to speak to you" "What about?" He makes a little smile at the corner of his mouth. "I wanted to come and thank you for helping me today" "Oh....there's no need to thank me" ".....why wouldn't you think you deserve to be thanked?" "Well I was just doing what any normal person would do" "....Hmm.....except....there aren't many that I know who would do what you did....or actualy had the medical knowledge to do what you did.....help like that doesn't exactly come easy to a witcher"
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"Zoltan would had done the same thing" "But Zoltan doesn't have medical knowledge...yes he had my spare potions, but when it comes to injuries that I sustained today, potions can only do so much. If I had just had them, I still would have been close to death from the blood loss"
"Being a witcher can't be an easy life for you, I'm sorry you have to go through that Geralt" There it was again, that tiny little smile. "Why did you leave when I came back downstairs Y/N?" "I could see you and Zoltan were busy, and I didn't want to get in the way of that" "....Hmm....and the real reason?" "...I.....I didn't know what to say to you....and I....." "You were shocked at my scars weren't you?" "...Yes....how....how many times have you been hurt like this?" "More times than I would have liked....I know which scar belongs to each fight I've had....it's just normal for me" "....I'm sorry that's happend to you...that it STILL happens to you" "There's no need to say sorry, it's my life...and I've accepted it" He walks over to you slowly and rests his hand on top of yours that's resting on the balcony. "Y/N....you saved me today....if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be like this. I want you to know I'm grateful for that....grateful for you.....and I promise you this, I am in your debt. If there is ever a time where you are in danger or need help, I give you my word, I will be there" "Geralt, that's not necessary" "But it is, the care and understanding you've shown me since knowing you is extremely rare to find, and I'm over a hundred years old.....anything, and I mean anything you need help with....I'll be hear for you...ok?" "Ok Geralt....thank you" You give him an unexpected hug, and at first he is frozen with his arms out wide, not knowing what to do. But when he feels your heartbeat and knows your comfortable with him, his arms wrap around you too, hugging you back just as nicely.......however, during Geralt's visit in Novigrad to find Dandelion, he had made an enemy whist being there, a man by the name of Whoreson Jr...and one of his men was outside the Rosemary and Thyme....witnessing Geralt hugging you....and that wasn't something that this man was going to keep to himself....
The next morning, you Zoltan and Geralt were in the main room of the Rosemary and Thyme, and Geralt was just telling Zoltan that he was going to speak to someone who may have information about Dandelion, someone who Dandelion used to be with. "Now are you sure this lass is one of Dandelions?" "I'm sure, it says so hear in his journal. And you know Dandelion, I could bump into any random woman on the street and he could have slept with them" "Ah ah Geralt, you can't have a go at Dandelion for that when your just as (friendly)" You giggle under your breath, and Geralt and Zoltan surprisingly like that. "You have a point Zoltan, ok I've got to speak to this woman, stay safe both of you" Geralt said before leaving and closing the door behind him. "What are you up to today then Zoltan?" "I've got to get some more arrows made up by the docks, I'm only going to be an hour or so, you want to join me?" "No that's ok, I need to swing by the market and find something nice to make to eat for later" "Maybe something with a bit of pork?" "Zoltan you've had pork for the last 3 nights!" "Eye! And it was delicious every time" You both laugh as you each leave the Rosemary and Thyme, going your separate ways, Zoltan heads to the docks and you walk down the street to the food stalls. It was lovely just walking around and seeing new people as they did their own thing....but for some reason, you started feeling on edge, almost as if you were being watched..... you looked around but couldn't see anything strange.....but you could still feel it. You walked back to the Rosemary and Thyme and locked the door behind you, making you feel just a little safer, but that feeling of being watched still hadn't gone. You weren't taking any chances, you had your weapon on your hip as you stayed inside, and you weren't going back out until Geralt or Zoltan came back.
The next thing you know, the window behind you smashes and in flies this monstrous creature! You had seen this thing before in books, it was a harpy! And it wasn't alone! Another 4 of them came in through the same window and started flying around you trying to hurt you, where the hell did they come from?! You grabbed your weapon and swung at each one that tried to hurt you, killing them just as quickly as they broke in through the window. All 5 of them laid dead, but something was off? You knelt down to see chains wrapped around each harpy's leg, like they were captive or something? But who, or what was holding the other end? Before you had a chance to think, a massive blow is struck to the back of your head, causing you to fall to the ground in pain, seeing double in your vision. You feel 3 lumbering men grab you, hoist you up onto your knees and hold your arms so you can't more or defend yourself. Then this figure walks in front of you, kneeling down to be at eye level with you, he looked hideous. A long boney nose, a scar on his upper lip and a face that should be hidden in the darkest of places. "Interesting....I expected the harpy's to do a better job. You said they'd work Harrison!" One of the men cower at his voice, this man infront of you spoke again. "Well no matter, there are other things we can do with you....tell me my dear...where's the witcher?!" You stay firm and quiet, not saying a thing. "Oh ho ho...so that's how you want to play it is it?"
Just then, he struck you in the face extremely hard, causing blood to form inside your mouth. He grabs your chin and makes you look at him. "I said, where is the witcher! Tell me b#tch!" You spit blood into his face, causing his to let go of you, and fall back onto the ground. "Ugghh! You stupid little wh#re! You'll pay for that!" He storms up to you again and punches you out cold, the men let you go and you fall to the ground. "What are we going to do with her boss?" "We are taking her back to house! And then you will leave her to me....I like ones who are feisty! Their body's and minds are so much more fun to break! Plus....it's something fun to do while we wait for the witcher! Once he sees this place, and notices her disappearance, he'll come....and we'll be waiting...." Whoreson Jr snaps his fingers, and one of his men grabs you and hurls you over his shoulder, leaving the Rosemary and Thyme....and Whoreson Jr leaves a little note....Hours went by before Zoltan came back "I'm sorry I'm late lass, I got hold up by the man selling me my weapons. He's a real-Oh sh#t!......What the hell happened? Y/N?......Y/N!!" He saw the carnage and the harpy bodies, but no sign of you. "Y/N!" Still no answer. Zoltan was just storming back down the stairs when Geralt walked in, and his face was filled with confusion and anger.
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"Zoltan?! What the hell happened hear?!" "Geralt! I don't know! I've just got back and there's no sign of Y/N!" "What?!" Geralt uses his witcher sences to examine the room for any clues, his senses helped him understand what happened. "This window was broken from the outside, and the chains around their foot indicate they were being used to scare whoever was hear, it had to have been Y/N. The wounds on the harpy's were made by the same metal that Y/N's blades are made from, she killed them. But her blood is on the floor, both droplets....and what looks like projectile, almost like she spat it out. And hear, footsteps, large, too large for Y/N....I've seen this footstep before" "Let me guess, Whoreson?" "Without a doubt....the question is, why did they attack her? And where is she now?" Zoltan looks on the back of the door, and there is a note pinned up by a knife. "Geralt..." Geralt sees what Zoltan is looking at, and he rips the note away to read it.
You know who this is, and if you want to see your little lady friend alive again, you know where to find me. You might want to hurry though, she is quite a ravishing beauty....I have many ideas on how I can....claim her....the clocks ticking witcher, the longer you take, the more she suffers. It's up to you, I don't mind you taking your time though....oooh the fun I'm going to have with her before you arrive...the excitement is almost delicious....
Geralt threw the dagger against the wall in anger "F#ck!" "That b#stards got her hasn't he?" "Yes, and he's going to hurt her" "I doubt that's all he'll do Geralt, you've heard about what he does to young woman and girls haven't you? And I'm guessing if I know Y/N, she didn't go down without a fight. And that's only going to make Whoreson angrier" "I'm going to after him, and I'll kill him myself. I can't let him hurt her because of me. Hand me my swords Zoltan, they will know the taste of Whoresons blood" What felt like hours later, you awake in a daze, tied up against a pole in a dark and poorly lit room. Your head is hurting and your feet and hands are bound, it seems your chest and midsection are tied up in rope against this pole too, whoever did this does not want you to escape. The door on the other side of the room opens, and in walks the same man who hit you. "Ahhh, your finaly awake my dear. Did you sleep well?" You make no response, just give him a look that could kill. "Naww, what's the matter? Your head hurting? It was your own fault you know" "Is that right? Because usually if someone else's fist hits my face, it tends to be THEIR fault!" "Ooh! There's that fiary spark I saw in the Rosemary and Thyme! You know you shouldn't have spat in my face like that" "Oh really? Well next time someone breaks in with monsters and weapons trying to kill me I'll do a little dance of joy shall I?! Who the f#ck are you?! And where have you taken me?!"
"Oh how impolite of me, my name is Cyprian Wiley. Otherwise known as Whoreson Jr.....and you'd do better to know not to f#ck with a crime boss of Novigrad!" "I haven't done anything to you or got into any wrong crowd. Why take me?" "Hmmm, clever little lady aren't you? Well your more of a....means to an end so to speak...." He sits on a chair in front of you, while your still tied up. "You see, your witcher friend Geralt has been snooping in and around my business recently, and I don't take to kindly to that. However...Geralt is quite......elusive. He isn't exactly easy to get a hold of. So we've had to resort to other measures.....you" "There's no point in taking me, I'm not exactly someone of great importance to Geralt" "Oh really? So that wasn't you my men saw talking to the witcher last night on the balcony? And also hugged him?" You were stunned into silence, someone was watching you both? "Just as I thought.....Geralt will know about your kidnapping, and when he does, he will play right into my hands!" "I think you underestimate him" "I beg your pardon?" "I said you underestimate him. We are talking about Geralt hear? The same man who single handedly took out a leshy, werewolf, fiend, shaelmaar-" "I don't give a sh#t!" "Well you should. Geralt is capable of many things any normal man couldn't do, you seriously think you're men have a chance against him?"
"My men are going to crush him, I have all my men ready with their weapons for when he arrives. And....as for you..." He leans in close and you can smell his disgusting cigar and ale breath. "I plan to make you mine! But....I like you....I won't have you until you beg for it! So? Are you going to be a good girl and become my own personal little sl#t? Or are we going to have to do this the hard way? Beating out a submissive side to you is fun, but I don't mind which way you choose" "I would rather die than ever touch a grotesque, cowardly, abusive and arrogant piece of sh#t like you...." He smirks as he stands back up, staring down at you, he chuckles, then says "Have it your way then...." While you were in Whoresons home, Geralt had arrived and was trying to find a tactical way to get in. He can see men on every door and there are men around the property with crossbow aimed on the house, the best thing to do would be to sneak around the property and take out the men with the crossbows- "Screams!!!" Geralt's train of thought is cut off by the sound of you screaming out in guttural pain, he needed to get in there, and be needed to do that fast! Meanwhile, back inside Whoresons house, you are still tied up, but instead of being tied to the pole, your on the floor of the room. Whoreson has pulled you from where you were and has been attacking you in any way he can, bruising you, cutting you, beating every inch of you and breaking many bones. He broke your wrist bone, your ankle, and the one that made you scream, alerting Geralt, was where Whoreson broke your lower leg bone, you had never felt pain like it.
Your on the floor in pain, tears streaming your face and unable to do anything to help yourself. Whoreson kneels beside you, smiling with a cruel sneer "Are you ready to admit defeat yet? Are you ready to be mine?" "I hope your death is slow....and agonising..." "I highly doubt it will be....yours on the other hand...." He says as his hand reaches out to wrap around your throat, slowly cutting off your air supply. "Your death....is mine to collect!" The door smashes down with a tremendous crashing noise, frightening Whoreson to back up from you as Geralt storms in, fury etched on his face. "You! How did you get past all my men!?" "You underestimated me" Geralt says before knocking Whoreson out cold, then Geralt drops his sword and unties you from the ropes. "Geralt-" you manage to say in a pained and tearful whisper. "Shhh shhh, it's ok....your safe now. I'm taking you back to Zoltan"
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He removes the ropes and helps to sit you up against the wall as he checks your injures. "Can you walk?" "I-I don't know-my leg-" "It's ok, it's ok....just take deep breaths for me ok? I'm going to keep you safe and make everything better" He wipes away your tears just as Whoreson wakes back up, to which Geralt storms over to him and pins him against the wall by his throat. He pulls out a blade and runs it through Whoresons shoulder, making him shout in pain as he's literally pinned to the wall. "You f#cking mutant! I'll kill you for this!" But Geralt is more interested in you as he kneels down to see if your ok. "Fight me like a man!" "You don't behave like a man, you behave worse than a monster....and you know what witchers do to monsters....." He stands up, grabs his sword and runs it into Whoresons gut, moving it up to slice more and add more pain too. He pulls out the sword and wipes the blood away as whorson falls to the floor, and the light slowly leaves his eyes, being nothing more than a dead body.
Once Geralt put his sword back, he was down at your level again and rested his hand against your cheek. "I'm so sorry Y/N...." He carefully picks you up and holds you close as he walks you out of Whoresons house, your still in so much pain, but Getalt is very gentle with you, and does everything he can to make you feel more comfortable as he takes you back to Zoltan. You had passed out by the time Geralt brought you back, and Zoltan was waiting up in your room with the medical supplies. Geralt very gently laid you down on the bed and they both started to bandage you up and help with your wounds, it took a long time, especially the broken bones, the leg was the most difficult. You had been passed out for a few hours while Geralt refused to leave your side, Zoltan came back a little while later with a drink of ale for Geralt, he could see the guilt in his eyes. "Geralt my lad....she's safe now" "But she's still gone through all of this Zoltan....if only I had been hear with her....or got to Whoresons sooner...." "You can't change the past, but you did change her future. You saved her, if you hadn't had done what you did, she wouldn't be hear right now.....just like she did with you" "I just.......I wish I could have protected her" "I know Geralt.....but she's back hear now, and safe...that's what matters....why don't you get some sleep? I can watch her" "I'm not tired.....I'll be fine" Zoltan gives him an understanding look "Alright lad....I'll see you in the morning" Zoltan heads to his own room as Geralt stays with you, his hand delicately resting on top of yours.
A few hours later, you start to stir from your unconsciousness, your a little groggy but the pain you felt before you passed out isn't half as bad as it was. Right now it just feels numb, and your leg feels very stiff, thankfully you can't move it right now to feel any pain. "How are you feeling?" "....Geralt?....what happened?....did I pass out?" "Yes, but it's ok. I would have been exactly the same way if I'd had gone through what you did" All the memories start flowing back to you, what Whoreson did, when he took you, the harpy's. "Geralt I'm so sorry" "What's with the tears? What do you have to be sorry about? You didn't do anything wrong" "But I couldn't stop them, someone hit me at the back of my head before they grabbed me. I couldn't fight back-and oh by the gods, the harpy's-" "Y/N look at me, I promise it's alright" "But-" "No buts, just try to relax ok?....you need the rest" "Geralt?" "Yes?" "Why did you come and get me?" He looked so confused "What do you mean why? Why wouldn't I? You saved me remember?" "Yes...but I'm not your friend or someone who is useful to you....I'm someone people wouldn't miss if I was gone" "That's bullsh#t, why would you think that?" "Isn't it obvious? I'm not exactly an experienced fighter, I'm new to the world outside a tiny village, and I couldn't even stop myself getting taken by Whorson Jr" ".....Y/N.....look at me...." When you look at him, he has tears and pain in his eyes, something you had never seen him show before.
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"Your strength grows everyday, and what happened to you could have happened to anyone. Especially me. If you would have seen the amount of dangerous situations I've been in over the years of being a witcher, you would have seen me when I was vulnerable too.....this thing that happened to you, doesn't make you any weaker than me, the fact that your human and are healing so well with all these injuries is actualy incredible. In order for a witcher to heal, he needs potions, whereas your using your inner strength" A tear falls down your cheek as he says that, strangely it does make you feel a little better. He rests his hand against your cheek and says "You should get some rest now, you need it" "I honestly don't know if I can fall back asleep again" "Do you want me to help you?" "How?" "I can use one of my witcher signs, if you want to?" "Will it hurt?" "No.....I would never hurt you...." He sits up a little and raises his hand, making some kind of weird simble in the air, it's unlike anything you've seen before. Once he does that, you feel a kind of weird hypnosis seep into you "Now you close your eyes, and sleep this pain away..." he says in a soft and soothing voice, and as if like magic, your out like a light.
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Geralt was unable to be there as much as he was, as he had to find his friend Dandelion soon, so Zoltan was there to help you as you were still recovering from the kidnapping. After an incredibly long 12 weeks resting, your broken leg was finaly mended, but you still had to take it easy, and Zoltan refused to let you do any difficult chores around the Rosemary and Thyme. When Geralt did pop in, he was so kind and supportive to you through all that you had gone through, and his company was a genuine pleasure, he was more than happy to call you his friend.
A few weeks after that, you were now completely back to normal, except for the odd pain or small injury from the incident, and you were doing all the things you could do before. One day, you and Zoltan were just walking through Novigrad together looking at the stalls "Geralt said he's should be back today according to this letter he wrote, I'm sure he'll be happy to see you again lass" "I've missed him, I really hope he's found his friend Dandelion" "Geralt always gets the job done. So? Shall we head back?" "Yep, I'm all done hear" When you both arrive back at the Rosemary and Thyme, Geralt is standing in the middle of the room, with someone wearing an extravagant purple outfit. "Ah! Zoltan! Did you miss me old friend?" "Dandelion! Get over hear you pompous b#stard!" They both hugged and laughed at him finaly being back, and Geralt came and said hello to you. "How are you feeling Y/N?" "All back to normal now" "That's good...I'm glad your ok..." Dandelion walks over and takes your hand, giving it a kiss "And you must be the beautiful Y/N? My friend Geralt hear has told me all about you!" "All good things I hope?" "Oh yes, he couldn't shut up about you when he was bringing me ba-" Dandelion stops when Geralt hits his shoulder against him. "Anyway! Thank you for taking care of this place for me, I know you and Zoltan have made it look glorious!"
"Your welcome" "Right, to the business at hand! I will be turning this place into something much better once I've got some money, which should be very soon! Your room your staying in, is it adequate?" "Yes I suppose, it has a bed and that's more than enough for me" "Well! That can't stand! There is an upstairs room that's much bigger than the rest, and shall make sure it is all perfect for you!" "That's very kind Dandelion, but I don't know if I've mentioned that I am looking for my own place to live, that's why I came to Novigrad" "But you already have a place! Geralt told me that-" "Dandelion!" Geralt says in frustration, hitting him in the shoulder again. "I'm sorry, what's going on?" You ask, wondering why he's acting strangely. Geralt takes your hand and guides you to the window so you can talk privately. "It seems Dandelion cant keep his mouth shut and spoiled the suprise I had for you" "What suprise?" He looks out the window and points to a beautiful 2 story house on the other side of the street. "You see that house just there? That's yours now" "It can't be, I don't have the coin for a place like that" "No, but I did" "What?!" "Well, technically Whoresons money. He's not exactly going to need it anymore, so I use his coin to buy this house for you, you have a home now. And you are a friend to everyone hear, you will always be welcome at the Rosemary and Thyme, and anywhere any of us are" "Geralt I....I don't know how I can thank you for this" "I supose there is one thing" "What's that?" "You know I travel everywhere, when I'm back in Novigrad, maybe I could stay hear?" "Geralt, I would love to have you"
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pr33tylul · 1 year
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First part. I will be posting it on Wattpad and here but I’m gonna do a few more chapters first before I publish any of it but I hope you like the 1st chapter and also if you had any ideas and you wanna tell me send me in my inbox and I’ll answer them <3
“I’m warning you, Hermione keep that bloody beast of yours away from scabbers, or I’ll turn it into a tea cozy” “it’s a cat Ronald. What do you expect it’s in his nature.” “A cat? Is that what they told you, looks like a pig with hair” “that’s rich coming from the owner of that smelly old shoe brush. It’s alright crookshanks, you just ignore the mean little boy” “harry!” Ron said causing Hermione to turn around and look at him “harry!”
“Egypt, what’s it like?” “brilliant loads of old stuff like mummies, tombs, even scabbers enjoyed himself” “you know Egyptians used to worship cats” Hermione piped into Harrys and Ron’s conversation “along with the dung beetle.”
“Not flashing that clipping about
again, are you, Ron?” They look to see the Weasley twins “I haven’t shown anyone!”
“No, not a soul. Unless you count Tom. The day maid. The night maid. The cook. The bloke that came to fix the toilet. That wizard from Belgium. Fred said, the both of them sitting next to each other.
Dahlias pov
Walking into the leaky cauldron with mrs Weasley I look around the room until I spot a familiar raven haired boy “harry!” I say walking towards him. He looked around standing up and I pulled him into a hug when I pull apart from him and I see his face has gone bright red. “Dahlia..it’s great to see you” he rubbed his neck, Mrs Weasley making her way to Harry.
“Harry!” She said putting her hand in his shoulder “Mrs Weasley” “good to see you dear”
“Good to see you too” “now, got everything you need?” “Yes” “yes? All your books” “it’s all upstairs” “and all of your clothes” “everything’s there” “good boy” “thank you” Mrs Weasley leaves us as mr Weasley says “Harry Potter” “mr Weasley” they shake hands and I smile to give them some space speaking to Hermione and Ginny. “Harry, wonder if I might have a word” “yeah, sure” they walk past the table
“Dahlia” “good morning mr weasley” I say before watching the both of them walk into a corner.
Harry’s pov
“Looking forward to a new term” “yeah should be great.” Harry. “There are some within the
Ministry who would strongly discourage me from divulging what I'm about to tell you. But I think you need to know the facts. Because you're in danger. Grave danger.” My eyes looked at the poster next to me “Has this anything to do with him, sir?” “Harry, what do you know about Sirius black?” That he escaped from Azkaban, That he killed someone. “Harry 13 years ago when you stopped..” “voldermort?” I finished for him “don’t say his name” he looked at me rather quickly when I said it “sorry” “Black lost everything. But he remains a loyal servant to this day. In his mind, only you stand in the way of…you know who.”
“In Black's mind, only you stand in the way of... You-Know-Who returning to power. That's why he's broken. That's why he's broken out of Azkaban. To find you. And-” I cut him off “kill me” mr Weasley nodded at me Harry. “I want you to swear that whatever you might hear
you won't go looking for Black.” Mr. Weasley, “why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?”
As the HOGWARTS EXPRESS BLEATS ITS HORN, the milling horde of students. Parents hurry their children onboard, tiny siblings wave goodbyes... and Mr. Weasley dashes through the throng and up to an open train
Window. “Ron!” She called out as she was holding scabbers. Ron poking his head out taking him. “Don’t loose him!” She shouted as the train started to move.
Dahlias PoV
The aisle teems with students. Harry, dahlia, Ron and Hermione work their way down the aisle, looking for an empty compartment “well I didn’t mean to blow her up it sorta just happened.” Harry said as he looked “brilliant!” Ron laughed as Hermione said “honestly Ron it’s not funny, Harry’s lucky enough to not have been expelled.” “Actually think he’s lucky enough to not have been arrested” i say “come in everywhere else is full” Harry opened the door to see a man in robes snuggled into the corner of the compartment near the window. They sit down. Dahlia next to the man and next to Harry. “Who’d you reckon he is” Ron said looking at the man “Professor R.J lupin” Hermione said. “My father” i say looking at hat them all. You know everything. How is it she knows everything? “It’s on his suitcase Ronald” Hermione said rolling her eyes. “Is he really asleep?” Harry says “yeah looks like it, what’s going on” I say looking at him “I have to tell you lot something” he closed the door.
Rain hits on the window, as it looks horribly foggy. Dark grey clouds up into the sky making outside look very gloomy. “Let me get this straight. Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you?” Ron said stricken. “Yes” he skimpy answered “but they will catch black won’t they?” Hermione said “I mean…eventually it’s Azkaban we are talking about” i say “Sure -- Of course, no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving, murderous lunatic” looking at Harry’s face he looked a bit panicked. I couldn’t blame him. I had reached my hand out to try calm him but before I do the train stopped. “Why we stopping? We can’t be there yet” Hermione says as she looks at me “maybe we’ve broken down?” I look at Harry as he gets up and opens the compartment door only to be pushed back down again. The lights flicked once then the lights were off. The carriage was dark and I wasn’t able to see anything. “What's going on?”
Ron said as he’s moving around “ouch! Ronald that was my foot” “There's something moving out there. I think... people are coming aboard. Ron says I’m a scared way. My heart starts to race a little, not liking this one bit. The train moves backwards again causing me to knock into Harry “sorry” I say blushing a bit. “It’s okay” he looked at me “bloody hell what’s happening” Ron was now freaking out.
Suddenly I looked closely to see a kinda black figure walking Into our carriage. Crookshank hisses as I watch it suck out Harry’s soul, my dad standing it up and muttering a spell to make it go away. Looking at Harry he had fallen unconscious in my lap. Looking at my dad I say “help him, please”
The train was back moving, “dahlia you okay?, are you hurt” I smile “no dad I’m fine, thank you” Harry now waking up I look down as he opens his eyes, his meeting with mine “Harry? Harry, are you all right? He nods. Sits up.” I give him his glasses as he realises that his head was just in my lap and he blushes. “Harry, you glasses” I give them to him “thanks” he smiles. “Here eat this, don’t worry it’s chocolate” lupin passes him the chocolate. Harry takes it and bites into it “sir, what exactly was that thing?” “It was a dementor, one of the Gards of Azkaban, searching the train for Sirius black now if you’ll excuse me I need to have a little word with the driver, I suspect we will be arriving soon” he walks out the compartment.
He turned to look at the three of them “what happened to me?” “ll, you sort of went... rigid.
We thought maybe you were having a fit or something” Ron says still clearly panicked about what just happened. “And did any of you pass out” he said as he looked at me “no I didn’t pass out no, none of us did” i say “I felt weird…like I’d never be cheerful again but…” Hermione had shook her head no. “but someone was screaming. A woman” he said placing a hand on his arm i say “no woman was screaming Harry” I got comfortable next to him for the rest of the ride and before we know it we were there getting out into carriages to be brought up to the hogwarts entrance.
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ella-healthy-foods · 1 year
Healthy Eating on a Time Crunch: Meal Prep Tips for Busy Schedules
Oh, the daily hustle and bustle of life, a never-ending roller coaster of tasks, commitments, and deadlines, leaving you gasping for breath and craving a decent meal. Sound familiar? You, my friend, are not alone. The modern world has left us scrounging for time, and sadly, our diets are the first to suffer. But fear not, for I come bearing the secrets of meal prep and healthy eating on a busy schedule.
First, let's address the elephant in the room - the dreadful consequences of a poor diet for the busy bees like yourself. Nutrient deficiencies, weight gain, low energy, mood swings, and even the dreaded "hangry" beast are lurking around every corner of your chaotic life, just waiting to pounce. Surely, you don't want to fall prey to these diet demons, do you?
Well, you're in luck! I'm here to guide you through the intricate world of batch cooking and freezing meals, creating weekly or monthly meal plans, and whipping up delicious dishes in just 30 minutes. So buckle up and get ready to embark on the flavorful journey of healthy eating, even when you're racing against the clock.
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1. Embrace the Magic of Batch Cooking and Freezing Meals
Batch cooking is the superhero of meal prep for busy folks like you. Simply put, it's the art of cooking large quantities of food at once and freezing them in individual portions for convenient reheating later. Imagine coming home after a long day and having a delicious, home-cooked meal ready in minutes. No more sad, soggy takeout for you!
The key to successful batch cooking is selecting recipes that freeze well, like soups, stews, casseroles, and even some pasta dishes. Spend a few hours on the weekend whipping up your culinary creations, portion them into containers, and let the freezer work its magic. Your future self will thank you.
2. Plan Your Weekly or Monthly Meal Plan Like a Pro
Creating a weekly or monthly meal plan may seem daunting, but trust me, it's worth it. You'll save time, money, and all-important brainpower by knowing exactly what's on the menu. Plus, you'll avoid the dreaded "what's for dinner?" question, which, let's face it, can lead to some pretty unhealthy choices.
Start by picking a few go-to recipes that you can rotate throughout the week, and don't forget to include some quick, 30-minute dishes for those extra hectic days. Your meal plan should be flexible, allowing you to swap ingredients and make adjustments as needed. And remember, practice makes perfect – you'll get better at meal planning with time.
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3. Master the Art of the 30-Minute Meal
Not every meal needs to be an elaborate, time-consuming project. Sometimes, you just need to whip up a tasty, nutritious dinner in under 30 minutes, and for these moments, salads, stir-fries, and grain bowls are your best friends.
The secret to lightning-fast meals lies in having pre-cut vegetables and fruits on hand. You can either buy them pre-chopped or spend some time on the weekend slicing and dicing for the week ahead. Combine these pre-cut veggies with hummus for a satisfying snack, or toss them into a salad, stir-fry, or grain bowl for a quick, filling meal.
4. Stock Up on Time-Saving Ingredients and Tools
Having a well-stocked pantry and a few handy kitchen gadgets can save you precious time and energy. Keep your kitchen stocked with healthy, versatile ingredients like whole grains, canned beans, and an assortment of sauces and spices that can be easily transformed into mouthwatering meals.
Invest in a few time-saving tools like a slow cooker, an Instant Pot, or even a simple rice cooker to take some of the stress out of meal prep. These gadgets can turn seemingly complicated dishes into easy, set-it-and-forget-it masterpieces.
There you have it – a treasure trove of tips and tricks to help you conquer meal prep and healthy eating on a busy schedule. With a little planning, creativity, and a good dose of humor, you can wave goodbye to sad, tasteless meals and hello to a world of delicious, nutritious, and time-saving dishes. So go forth and conquer, dear reader, and may your meal prep journey be ever triumphant!
Check out the selected fruit and vegetables supplements on Amazon: https://amzn.to/42IHC2m
0 notes
donttalkaboutmemes · 2 years
Melody Time (1948) Lyric Meme
Under the cut you will find 60+ lyrics from the movie Melody Time to use for your enjoyment!  
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Melody Time
1.      “It’s time to swing along to a happy land of sound where love is the thing.”
2.      “It’s time for sweet romance. Won’t you give your heart a chance to join in and sing?”
3.      “Take a tip from the birds. You don’t need words.”
4.      “Music has charm. It’s the language of love.”
5.      “Rhythm and rhyme sure help a heart along.”
  Once Upon A Winter Time
6.      “Don’t you kind of love December?”
7.      “We’re together once upon a wintertime.”
8.      “Every single snowflake falling plays a jingle down your spine.”
9.      “Lovely weather once upon a wintertime.”
10.   “On a frozen pond, folks are swaying.”
11.   “We’ll have more fun sleighing behind two chestnut mares.”
12.   “When we say goodbye December, merry bells no longer chime.”
13.   “We’ll remember once upon a wintertime.”
  The Lord Is Good To Me
14.   “The lord is good to me.”
15.   “And so I thank the lord for giving me the things I need.”
16.   “Yes, he’s been good to me.”
17.   “I owe the lord so much for everything I see.”
18.   “I’m certain if it weren’t for him there’d be no apples on this limb.”
19.   “I wake up every day, as happy as can be.”
  Get On A Wagon
20.   “Get on a wagon rolling west, out to the great unknown.”
21.   “Get on a wagon rolling west or you’ll be left alone.”
22.   “We’ve made a home before. We’re starting now again.”
23.   “We ain’t afeared of man or beast. We’re strong and hardy men.”
24.   “Get on a wagon rolling west, seeking a land that’s new.”
25.   “Get on a wagon rolling west. There’s plenty of room for you.”
26.   “The rivers may be wide.”
27.   “The mountains may be tall.”
28.   “Nothing stops the pioneer, we’re trailblazers all.”
  Lot Of Work To Do
29.   “For folks to wet their whistle, apple cider.”
30.   “You can cook them any way.”
31.   “I could carry on like this all day.”
32.   “There’s a lot of work out there to do.”
 Little Toot
33.   “Though he tried to be good, he never could behave.”
34.   “He cut through the seas.”
35.   “He went too far one day.”
36.   “Won’t you ever grow up?”
37.   “When there’s work to be done, all you think about is fun.”
38.   “He decided then and there that he’d try to be good. As good as he could be.”
39.   “When you get into trouble, you get into it double.”
40.   “What a shame. You’ve disgraced your father’s name.”
41.   “Do or die!”
42.   “Can’t you hear that cheering crowd?”
43.   “You have made your daddy proud.”
44.   “I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree.”
45.   “Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree.”
  Blame It On The Samba
46.   “If your spirits have hit a new low and they long to hit a new high, one little musical cocktail will lift them to the sky.”
47.   “You’ve got the fascinating rhythm of the samba.”
48.   “It’s the beat you cling to.”
  Blue Shadows On The Trail
49.   “Shades of night are falling as the wind begins to sigh.”
50.   “The world is silhouetted against the sky.”
51.   “A plaintive wail from the distance comes a driftin’ on the breeze.”
52.   “Move along, blue shadows. Move along.”
53.   “Soon the dawn will come and you’ll be on your way.”
54.   “Until the darkness sheds its veil, there’ll be blue shadows on the trail.”
  Pecos Bill
55.   “He was a quiet cowboy down in Texas, and the western superman to say the least.”
56.   “He was the roughest, toughest critter. Never known to be a quitter.”
57.   “He never had no fear of man or beast.”
58.   “Old man fate started dealing from the bottom of the deck.”
59.   “He’d arrange for the moon to rise just right and flood the land with a silvery light.”
60.   “He’d darned soon put a stop to this.”
61.   “Life still goes on the same old way.”
62.   “Every night when the moon was high, he’d lift his voice in a mournful cry bewailing the fate of his lady fair.”
0 notes
caesthetix · 3 years
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A LITTLE FEAR — Pt. 3 The Last Goodbye
↪Jean Kirstein mini-series
↪content; canon universe, description of violence, season 4 spoiler, forbidden love, marleyan!reader, scouts!jean, chapter 138 spoiler
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Everyone was waiting, a dozen pairs of eyes looking at you with hope, wanting to hear any command from your lips. You were the only one who could calm them down, the only one who was still alive, the hope that shone even when everyone was on the brink of death.
They could not unsee it, those gigantic monsters called titans. Slowly but surely, walking towards where they were right now. You had sent all of your ships ahead to drop all the bombs in hope that it could stop them, or maybe just slow them down.
But it was no use, all of those brave soldiers were now dead knowing they tried to win this fight. The fight that they never prepared to have, the fight that was probably triggered by your own country, the fight that they couldn't win. You knew it, but you were not going to back down without giving all of your might.
"Commander! Look!" One of the troops called, pointing at the flying boat that flew from behind the line of titans. "That's the cart titan! And— the armoured titan, commander! We are saved! They will win this fight, we just need to wait!" He shouted so anyone could hear, wanting to share the news. "Even the island devils too! They are joining forces to stop that monster!"
The sound of cheers followed right after the troop announced that. It only needed the fact that someone else was taking care of the fight, that was the only thing they needed to lift the burden off their shoulders. At least for a while, they have the privilege to feel that.
You wanted to speak up, tell them that it was not the time to celebrate yet. But as you turned away from the fight ahead and looked behind you, finding your soldiers sobbing out of relief and crying from the happiness that perhaps they had a chance to live — you didn't dare to take that away from them.
Deep down, you wanted to believe that they were going to win. You wanted to take some rest too, believing them completely. After all, two titans could help them do anything, and perhaps the Ackermans were there too, enhancing their success rate even more.
But you could not rest, ever since you knew that Marley sent ninety percent of their army to attack the Paradis altogether, you could not sit down and do nothing. You needed to occupy yourself with anything, even though it was just staring at the horde of colossal titan, at least your mind was preoccupied with the thought of war.
At least your mind was not preoccupied with the thought of him.
You cursed your higher-ups when they told you to stay in Marley. Saying you are the wittiest commander, the one with a clear mind and with a good sense of war on top of that. You didn't know what happened on the other side of the sea. Whether your country won or not, you didn't know.
Until this morning, of course. Until when you woke up in your private barracks this morning. Everything was in chaos, soldiers running around to pack up, saying things about how Marley was already lost. Or more accurately, the whole world had lost.
Liberio was already gone, thousands or perhaps millions of titans were sent to wipe the entire planet clean. They said the devil in Paradis wanted to commit genocide to the whole world, leaving nothing but empty ground filled with thousands of corpses on top of it, working as a fertilizer for a brand new world.
But that was it. That was the only information you got. Everyone was waiting for your command after delivering the message to you, and you wanted to curse yourself since the first thing that came into your mind was not a war strategy, not a plan to keep on living, no.
You wanted to curse yourself as a commander that the first thing you thought about was — is he safe?
It was a question, stopping your brain to think about anything else. You were human too, grief and sadness were something that you could feel and you just needed a minute alone to calm yourself down. But you couldn't succumb yourself to such a thing as you were the only hope the Marleyan Military had right now.
So here you were in this moment, standing tall on the Air Force Unit base in Fort Salta. You called every troop who still wanted to fight, and for those who wanted to leave you promised them there wouldn't be punishment. And you were proud to know that the majority of them chose to go with you.
But they're dead now. Those pilots carried out the command that you gave without hesitating. It was a simple task, fly on top of the colossal titans and drop the bombs. They were supposed to go back, reporting to their post that they could slow the movement for a little or maybe kill some of the titans.
No one expected the beast titan to appear out of nowhere and throw shards at them, no one expected the bomb to detonate far from the lines of titans, no one expected that the force would die with no result at all. And for those who stayed beside you could only ask, "What should we do now, commander?"
There was nothing else that you could do. And at a time like this, you wondered why they decided to be here. Unlike you, they had someone who greeted them when they came home every day. They had a family; a mother who cooked them dinner, a lover that would warm their bed, they had kids that listen to them as they read a bedtime story.
And yet, despite knowing they could spend the last moment of their life with the people who loved them, they decided to stay.
Yes, they were loved, unlike you.
Your parents disowned you the second you decided to get passed down over the family business, you had no real friends that cared for your well-being, you had no one else outside of the military and that was the only reason you were here right now instead of abandoning your position.
That, and the wishful thinking which perhaps if you stay alive, you would meet him again.
"Commander?" You jolted when one of the soldiers called you. Clearing your throat, you erase all of the stupid thoughts that occupied your mind.
"Yes, soldier?" Your voice was stern, wanting to portray that you were not wavering. You waited for him to answer your question, but it seemed like he hesitated. His eyes scrutinized you with worry, and that was enough to make you question him. "Soldier—"
"Why are you crying, commander?"
Your pupils dilated when you heard his words. You frantically wiped your cheeks with your fingers, not wanting to let him see how vulnerable you were at this moment. He was kind enough to give you space after that, muttering an apology before leaving your side, and you wished he didn't say anything to the others.
Right now, you were their power and hope. If you showed any sign of weakness, it could decrease their morale, and you didn't want it to happen. So you just looked forward after that, perfecting your stance as you prepared your binocular to see better what happened up there.
And as you did so, you wished that Jean was not up there. Or if he did, then you could only hang on high hopes that he would survive.
Because you refused to acknowledge that you had no chance to say goodbye.
Never have you felt like this for so long. Perhaps, you never felt like this for all the years you lived your life. Your whole body felt so warm as the carnal desire that you had before slowly subsided. Sweats coating your skin, making the strands of your hair sticking to it like it was glued.
You were sprawled out on top of this cheap mattress, eyes scrutinizing the pattern on the wall as you inhaled and released the air out of your body bit by bit, recalling what happened a few hours earlier. You never thought that this weekend would be different from the others. Hitting the bar after such a long week was like a celebration for you, and so, you were there, seated yourself on the right end of the bar, and drinking whatever alcohol they served you.
But you didn't expect your night to unfurl like this. Laying in the arms of a stranger who introduced himself as Jean Kirstein. His intense eyes mesmerized you as he gazed down upon your figure, vivid brown looking so bright under the dim light of the bar — and it didn't change, even when you laid under him in this dark motel room with the moon as the only source of light.
Never once you ever let a stranger string you along like this. Whether you were sober or under influence of the alcohol, you could always stand your ground. So when you took his hand and ran giddily beside him like stupid, hormonal teenagers, it was all your choice by the end of the day.
The rattle of belts brought you back to the present. You turned your head to find the stranger already dressed neatly as if he didn't just turn a fierce commander to be a lady who had to fulfill her needs. Whatever happened tonight was a mistake, at least that was what his body language told you as he scrambled around the room, searching for his belongings.
You propped your elbow and laid on your side, watching him intently while your naked body still hidden under the blankets, really a contrast to him now. His face filled with worry, and now it made you wonder why a man could be so afraid of something like a one-night stand.
He turned to look at you as he fetched his fedora hat from the ground, plopping it on top of his head with newfound confidence as he was done calming himself. His eyes popped a little, not expecting you to stare at him with a gentle smile on your face. Without regret could be seen inside as if you enjoyed his company more than anyone else.
"I thought you were still asleep." He whispered out, knowing well that it was so late at night.
"And let you go without saying goodbye? In your dreams, Kirstein." You mockingly said with a sultry note, rolling your body so now you sat at the edge of the bed, still locking your gaze with him.
He rolled his eyes, wanting to look as if he was annoyed. But the small smirk forming on his face didn't go unnoticed by you.
"Guess you wouldn't let me go that easily, huh?"
He took off his fedora once again, clutching it tightly as he pressed it on his chest. For sure you would think that he had a title or some kind of aristocracy in his blood with how much of a gentleman he had been this whole time.
Or maybe he was just a normal Marleyan, someone without any special role. Yes, a simple man, being attracted to a simple man wouldn't be so bad after all. Then again, that kind of fashion was one of a kind, he could be an underground criminal too, perhaps, you could never guess.
But now though, with how enchanting he looked right now with those challenging gaze thrown at you — you didn't care where he came from or what kind of dark secret that he hides. You didn't know anything about him and yet it didn't stop you from giving him some attention.
Because despite your blindness, you still wanted him. So much.
"I wouldn't let you go without saying a proper goodbye."
You closed your eyes, easing the pain that suddenly throbbed your skull as you recalled the first night that you spent with him. Your mind played some of the memories that you had like a broken record, never-ending and felt like a nightmare most of the time since you knew it was just a distant past that could never happen again.
It was not the time to think about yourself or worry about his existence. You needed to let it go for now, and you had to be the commander that everyone expected you to be. Right now was not the right time to be a normal human. Not when your whole life was filled with peculiarity.
"Thank you."
You gave Mr. Leonhart a firm nod and a smile as you helped him up. "I always knew that you are not like any other Marleyan Commander, you did the right thing by firing all those rounds into the air." He chuckled softly, making his wrinkles more visible by it.
The Marleyan and Eldian clashed before, having both sides pointing their guns at each other. But you stated before that there was enough hatred in this world, and you needed to start from here, emptying the bullets that the Marleyan had to the sky, followed by the Eldian doing the exact same thing as they knew it was time to let go of the hate.
And now, it seemed like the rumbling had stopped. You saw it with your own eyes how yellow lights from a transformation engulfed your vision. Everyone was blinded, no one knew what happened until the lights subsided. Even now as the Marleyan helped those who got injured, no one in this fortress knew what happened out there.
There was a high possibility that the joined forces had won the battle since now you could feel the ground had stopped shaking. The explosion from before must be from the colossal titan that fell on Paradis's hand, successfully crushing the founder and stopping the rumbling.
Not too far from you, stood a woman with blonde hair and beautiful ocean eyes. Mr. Leonhart immediately turned to face her, and he was frozen at the spot, couldn't believe his own eyes that he finally reunited with someone that you believed was his daughter.
It was so beautiful to see such a reunion. You knew that Annie Leonhart was still stuck in Paradis due to some circumstances, and for them having a chance to see each other again, must have felt like a blessing.
But the serene moment didn't last more than a few seconds. There was a sudden smoke engulfing the air around you. No one knew what it was, but it suffocated everyone as it filled their lungs. And your instinct told you to run — finding its source.
Right now, you needed to stop being a commander.
"Captain! You are the one in charge while I am gone!"
"Wait, commander!"
You couldn't stop. Your heart was beating a thousand times faster as you ran and left the fortress, ignoring the shout from your troops as you trotted past the smokes. You needed to understand what happened, and you needed to see if maybe he was here too.
There was a gush of wind, and you squinted your eyes to find a titan flew from the edge of the cliff. It was the same titan that you saw carrying the joined forces right before the explosion. And you wondered why they left so abruptly.
Was it because of the smoke? Were they going to come back later? Why they seemed to be so afraid with—
Just like that, you couldn't think of anything else. It was as if the time had stopped when your eyes laid to the familiar ash-brown mullet that you always loved to run your fingers to. He wore the straps and belt that you knew what it was for, and even though his hair was dishevelled right now, he still looked so breathtaking.
He carefully turned to face you, and his brown orbs immediately filled with relief and something else entirely that you could not fathom. And despite the smoke surrounding the place, he was the only thing that you could see, the only one that you could focus on.
He looked so tired as if he wanted nothing but sleep for years. His eyes glinted under the sun and yet the shone inside those chocolate orbs looked dimmed already. You couldn't hear what his friend told him, you couldn't see the horror on his friend's face as you stood there — only ten feet apart from the man that you have been longing to see.
You took a few steps forward, just a little more and you could feel his body heat once more. It was the only thing that you wanted in the world, especially at this moment. To feel his warm embrace once again, to capture that plump lips with yours.
Jean could believe neither his eyes nor his ears. He heard your voice so vividly before, and now he could see you, standing flesh without any prominent wound on your body. What Pieck said was true, you would be here and very much alive. So there was only one thing left that he needed to do.
But then he felt Connie's arms wrapped around his torso.
"Jean! Snap out of it!"
No, you were so close, he was so close to giving the key back to you.
"She could be burned by the transformation!"
Then his pupils widened at the realisation.
You were there, right in front of him. And you kept walking forward without understanding the situation. Your eyes glistened with tears, hopefully, it was happy tears. And with how his vision blurred as he saw you this close, he knew that he was in the same state as you.
Maybe, then maybe just having another look at you was enough for him.
"Stand back!"
He stopped you from taking another step, making you halt your feet as he backed away from where you were. Giving you space from him and the others Eldian so you didn't get hurt later, but enough for you to hear him in this stretched-out moment.
There was no time, he could turn into a titan a few seconds from now. Running to you and returning the key to your palm would be too risky, and he didn't want you to die just yet when he felt like the world was finally free from fear.
Free from hatred and war, free from oppression. And perhaps — free to love whoever you want.
This time, he was actually grateful that he fell in love with a Marleyan. If that meant his love could live and see the world that they always wanted, it was enough for him. He was happy enough to know that you would stay alive while he would be gone as a soldier who fulfilled his duty.
If only that cursed creature was not here in this world. If only it didn't emit the smoke that could turn the Eldians to a mindless titan. If only his body didn't have this blood flowing through his veins. If — God, everything filled with that word. Just if only he met and fell in love with you under different circumstances.
Maybe he could live with you on prime real estate in wherever place that you wanted. He could live a long and happy life with you and future children, then he could bring you to meet his mother too, he was sure that she would adore you solely because you love him.
But it was all just a fantasy that would never come true.
So perhaps, he needed to do it any other day.
"I am sorry, love."
"Wait, Jean!"
"I'll give you back the key someday."
"Jean, I—"
A booming voice rang through your ears as your body was thrown away from the force. Your head slammed to the building behind you before your figure fell to the ground, making you feel detached from the rest of the world as your consciousness floating through the empty space, filled with static.
You heard a roar, and the ground beneath you seemed to shake once more. You tried to open up your eyes, only to find out that your vision blurred from the impact your head took just now. But you could still see it, gigantic feet filled your vision as you started to understand what happened.
You were supposed to move away, shielding yourself from these mindless titans that suddenly transformed. You should have remembered one of Zeke's miracles about how he could use a cloud of smoke to control an entire village in Paradis a few years ago. It was the same as back then and you should have remembered.
You should have remembered that you were in love with an Eldian, and something like this was bound to happen.
Now you knew why Jean's friend pulled him away from your figure. Now you could finally hear the warning and understood why they tried to keep you within a safe distance. They didn't want you to be burned alive, afraid that you would die if you were just a little too close.
Coughing up from all the rubbles that impaled your lungs, you gently leaned your back to the building that was still intact, waiting for your eyes to see everything clearly. All the Eldians were transformed, including those who were inside the fortress.
So you decided to sit there, watching how he turned into a titan as you wish that this nightmare would end soon. The familiar ash-brown hair titan roared as it looked around, perhaps searching for any human that it could devour.
You didn't try to run away just yet as you still need time to accept the fact. The burning sun and the rough ground that scratch your skin were nothing compared to the discomfort that swirled in your stomach just now. Realising that Jean was gone, accepting the fact that he was now a titan would be the hardest thing that you ever did in life.
It turned to look at you, at least to where you were right now. Maybe it would be alright if you died in his hand, you let your body go limp and just stare at his now empty eyes. He was not there anymore, he couldn't think or have a mind of himself. Now Jean became a puppet for the cursed creature.
You thought that this would be the climax, a tragic ending for the star-crossed lover. There was no happy ending in this story, in the grey relationship that you had with him. So it didn't matter anymore how cruel your death would be, you died in a war and you had no regret over it.
Though, he just stood there. His eyes never left your figure, not even moved an inch or gave away any sign that he would eat you alive. He just looked at you — as if he could still think, as if your Jean was still there, saying goodbye and muttering apology inside his mind.
The time seemed to slow down as you could see a single tear slipped from his eyes. Either it was your imagination or reality, you didn't know that. You were not given any explanation or a chance to take another look at him as he suddenly turned his back on you and ran.
Just as simple as that, he jumped off to the cliff along with the other new titans, gone from your eyesight and gone from your life. Completely, without a chance that he would come back again and stand in front of your door like what he used to do.
The two of you were not in Marley, not cooped up inside of your apartment where you could relish his presence. He was not just a stranger that slipped into your life, becoming a part of your routine and made your day felt more beautiful and worth getting by.
Tomorrow you wouldn't see him again, or feel his heartbeat as you laid on top of him, fingers following the line of his marks like what you loved to do.
Instead, you needed to face reality where you could no longer greet him with a confident hello that always made him smile. You needed to face reality, that you couldn't give him a proper goodbye, with him planting a kiss on your lips to reassure you that he would be back tomorrow.
Because you knew that he was already gone. And despite knowing how hard it would be for you to keep it in mind — you needed to accept it.
Even if it took you a lifetime to carry out.
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amelia · 3 years
related to that last ask but now i actually have a question! what are your favourite episodes for amy as a character? (sorry if i’m pestering you btw you don’t have to answer right away ❣️)
it is absolutely never a bother for me to talk about amy pond!! gosh though this is a Question. okay. i did interpret this as episodes that are my favorite for the lens of My Understanding Of Amy instead of favorite pond era episodes as a whole if that makes sense? under the cut bc i got long as i tend to do
i think my number 1 has to be the big bang, because it really is just like. okay, pond era absolutely runs into the problem of frequently making stories/episodes that should be centered around amy's emotional journey actually about somebody else — but the big bang is all hers. it is all on her! she's leading the show SHE'S the one in the pandorica SHE'S the one who remembers the doctor into existence it is HER choice to say goodbye to leadworth and continue to travel completely without remorse SHE IS THE HERO. it goes from "time can be rewritten, he'll find a way" to AMY being the one who finds the way. rory and river and the doctor all of course get their Moments but it's unquestionably amy's spotlight moment the whole way through
i have also ALWAYSSS been obsessed with starless universe amelia and the way that she still believes in stars in a world where they DON'T EXIST the power of her mind and the conviction of her beliefs is a CORE TENET of amy's character, the doctor has NOTHING to do with it!!! it's just who she is !!! best character of all time <3
other things about the amy's writing in this episode i love: the line "the universe pouring into her dreams every night," space florida outfit <3, ok i obviously do not love this but i think so much about amy talking about the doctor at her wedding and her mother is still like "NOT THIS SHIT AGAIN… i thought the psychiatrists FIXED her" like once again !!! a UNIVERSAL CONSTANT that amy is the one who believes in things nobody else does and is LOUD about it and is RIGHT !!! (let's kill hitler tried to retcon this but it simply won't work on me ❤️ just like anything else about the let's kill hitler flashbacks ❤️❤️❤️), OKAY DOCTOR DID I SURPRISE YOU THIS TIME? <3
number 2, i think, is the eleventh hour itself? like it's just… i've rewatched it so many times and it's still the most captivating character introduction i have ever seen. i know i'm biased but i love it so much. her introduction as a clearly neglected seven year old girl (constantly think about the deleted line that has her talking to aunt sharon and saying "you're not supposed to leave me, i'm seven!" WOOF) who's not afraid of anything except for the crack in her wall… she has drawings up all over her house of burning houses, she draws smiley faces into her apples bc her mom used to do that, she can cook for herself way better than i could at seven, and she desperately just wants to leave. but when the doctor tells her he'll be back in five minutes, amy is already so used to adults leaving her and breaking their promises that she doesn't believe him. but he makes her believe anyway. and he doesn't come back.
and all of the rest of her character hinges on that introduction — of course she has to believe him, he was REAL, nobody can take his realness away from her even if she is the only one who believes. but he also left her all alone for so long, just like everyone else who was supposed to be there for her did, so what good does that to her? so yeah of course she grows up angry and bitter and hiding those layers of hurt deeply under the surface, scorning all attachment and serious relationships because she knows she can't trust them. she outwardly distances herself from her childhood self by changing her name but she IS still just such a child inside.
she's not ready to settle, to grow up, to become what everyone in her tiny village wants her to be, thinks that she should be — so when she gets the chance to GO, of course she takes it. but she's also not just going to let the doctor off the hook for [gestures] her entire life, you know? the exchanges "people always say that" "i'm not people, do i even look like people?" | "people always have a reason" "do i look like people?" "Yes." always just GUT ME. she may trust him but it's NOT a blind trust, it can't be.
number 3 has to be the beast below it just makes me SCREAM how good that episode is at really developing amy through her compassion for other people — right from the start she sees that kid crying and she thinks the doctor must ignore stuff like this all the time, and she says that she could never do that. she's learning and intuiting leaps and bounds about the doctor with everything he says to her — which is another one of my favorite amy character traits, the way she is SO quick to pick up on things about other people and analyze them. everything that she picks up about the doctor allows her to KNOW what to do to save the star whale, allows her to be confident in the fact that the star whale wanted to help the whole time. the choice is IN HER HANDS she IS THE HERO <3 as she always should be. you couldn't just stand there and watch people cry! all that pain and misery and loneliness and it MADE IT KIND. i don't care how overused that quote is it still HITS !!!
um. number 4 is the girl who waited but my very specific headcanon-ridden interpretation and cutting out all that garbage "rory's the most beautiful man i've ever met" "defying destiny causality the nexus of time itself for a boy" bullshit. idk there's so many terrible things about this episode but it also gave me so much to think about when it comes to amy it's on my mind a LOT. one thing i think about is the way it parallels amy's first abandonment by the doctor — not just in the obvious sense but in the way that she's actively fighting for her life in a hostile atmosphere, but nobody else SEES it as a hostile atmosphere. the two streams facility is leadworth like it really is. and what adds a more chilling component is the way the handbots signature line is "do not be alarmed, this is a kindness" — like all the people who were trying to convince amy she was crazy throughout her entire childhood really thought they were doing her a kindness. they thought they were helping her. but they were killing her. because she wasn't made for that environment.
beyond that i am just obsessed with 36-years-later amy she is an icon she is a legend she is the moment i don't care! every mean thing she said about the doctor and rory was absolutely deserved and in fact she should have been so much meaner! she is SO SMART she makes her own SONIC PROBES OUT OF CAMERA PHONES the fact that she even was able to SURVIVE THAT LONG and in COMPLETE isolation and still retain her own mental faculties is just insane to me it speaks so much about her insane mental strength oh my god it makes me sooo emotional i am tearing up a little typing this right now.
i just am always THINKING about the line "there he is, the voice of god. number one lesson: survive, because no one's coming for you. you taught me that" it says SO MUCH about her. oh my god older amy didn't want to die she'll be kicking and screaming and fighting til the end… i fucking hate this show and picking and choosing when paradoxes should apply OLDER AMY DESERVED TO LIVE
number 5 is probably the power of three but my own very headcanon infused interpretation of it. because it's like. the ultimate miscommunication/misunderstanding that exists between amy and the doctor coming to a head. where amy in 7.02 is like "i can't not wait for you, even now. (…) we think you're weaning us off you" (that line always makes me slow exhale … the phrasing of the doctor as a drug) and the doctor keeps insisting that's not true, "you'll be there until the end of me" "or vice versa" (and they have that loaded held stare and you know they're both thinking about what he said to her before he left in the god complex…)
but it's not until this episode where amy starts to actually believe he means it. at the same time she's spent so much TIME preparing for the inevitable moment where the doctor says goodbye and doesn't say hello ever again that she's not willing to fully hope that the doctor really means it when he says that he would never leave her permanently on purpose. and i love that this episode gives amy a lot of space to verbally communicate her emotions because the later pond episodes SORELY LACK THAT. and amy tells him, don't be nice to me, don't stop coming around just because you think that's the kind thing to do. even though she says herself that she doesn't know if she can have "both" — she knows that she can tell the doctor to stay, in her own way, and that he'll listen.
ideally they would have just gone off traveling together forever after that and the angels take manhattan did not happen but unlike what the doctor says about amy, i don't ever get what i want 🙃
also, this episode gave amy friends that weren't rory or the doctor or river so i love it for that on principal <3 i know amy had fun being the bridesmaid at laura's lesbian wedding. and kate!!
( i do hate that this episode ends with that conversation between brian and the doctor. i hate brian as a character and i will forever. won't get into this right now but OUGH )
honestly this list is kind of wobbly and might change if you asked me in a month so i'll just rattle off other favorite episodes / moments real quickly: the good night minisode (it counts!), RIVER SONG DIDN'T GET IT ALL FROM YOU SWEETIE (timeline frozen amy my beloved!), "i remember it so it happened so i did it," vincent and the doctor specifically when vincent tells amy that he hears the song of her sadness…. ow, i could write a whole other essay about amy's choice and how it is so much more complex than people give it credit for but this post is already so goddamn long
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ignify-caligo · 3 years
hello!! i’m loving all ur hcs for marceau SO much, maybe ☼ or ♒️ for him if u want to? <3
I’m so sorry for the wait, wasn’t quite sure about what direction I should go about these ;3; But nonetheless, I’m literally living for Marceau right now and his adoptive papa Roche! There’s some mention of darker stuff in this, but it’s not explicitly described or anything, but just a heads up! For those reasons I took the liberty to switch on the hc, hoe you don’t mind that! :D
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
tw: most likely suggestive content (minor description of abuse aftermath, non healthy relationships between “employer” & “employee” etc. - not explicitly described)
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
He has quite a complicated relationship with food in general. Being a “late bloomer” with consuming any kind of blood in the “vampire way”, while being extremely picky with human food. Marceau’s food choices while being under de Kaspar's care was either eating the dinners scraps put together in a stew-like fashion or vegetarian food. The family thought that cutting out any animal products in his diet would stop his development as a vampire and keep him “normal”.
When it comes to his time in Temeria… You can describe it as “like adoptive father/mentor like son”. He has never touched any cooking associated with things in his life, having the de Kaspars servants do all the necessary things besides eating the food themselves. So, he’s being thrown into this whole “you’re on your own” lifestyle, where he must help in the cooking department whenever the stripes are out of the castle’s walls. His assigned food making with Shorty, who’s basically the whole group's main cook out there, and Marceau is picked to assist with preparing the ingredients for the stew. Shorty ends up going to the wagon with the food rations because he forgot something, and that’s when Marceau fails miserably. He ends up creating a grease fire in the middle of the camp, in woods, 10 minutes from a nearby water source. It hasn’t been even 5 seconds before he managed to show his low cooking skills. Shorty’s favourite limited Mahakam edition pan, which he called Panalope and it just stopped existing because it melted. Roche was having a glitch right in the chaos because he either could comfort the only person able to cook something edible for miles or take care of the apprentice/adopted child of his that basically was on the verge of tears. The problem got solved when Ves took care of Marceau while Roche was being there for Shorty who was “saying his last goodbyes” with his favourite cooking pan. After they return to Vizima, Marceau uses his saved coins to buy a new pan as an apology gift for Shorty. He ends up giving the present, saying he apologize and vacating the premises out of embarrassment.
While the squad is staying at the castle, Marceau gets too frequently invited to Foltet’s quarters for a late supper. They are alone, all night, without any witnesses. Whatever happens behind those doors makes Marceau look and act as if he has seen the Wild Hunt right before his eyes, while Foltest is being too smug for it to be a simple “colleague lunch”. The squad is concerned whenever they see Marceau leaving right after breakfast and then witnessing him forcing himself into throwing up. They don’t directly question him about it, but it’s still something that doesn’t sit with them, especially those who are extremely close to him. Many just think it is something that isn’t necessarily happy during the mornings, but Ves is not believing in the theory that it’s just a “Marceau/Young kids thing”. She’s relentless about what is happening to her new little brother while Roche has his suspicions… alas who can question the king’s habits? Especially when it doesn’t concern the whole group.
Something that originated from chatting with (toss a coin) One thing he's absolute, not good with handling is the sugars. Whatever it be candy, cake or even a good number of fruits, he absolute loses it. He ends up with so-called “Marceau Zoomies”, which can be shortly described as a cat running around the house at 3 am. But in his case, it’s a giant Katakan running around without any way of stopping, because of the energy. Roche is completely tired whenever he needs to keep an eye on the energized humanoid bat, and he has had enough of weird shit happening to him thank you. So, he bans sugar from Marceau’s diet altogether and it’s heart-breaking. Because there were people dependent on that energy whenever there was something to do, for example, Dettlaff.
☼ - appearance headcanon
People think that he's constantly sick with the cold, because of his skin tone. The truth is though, that his leucistic – the only pigmentation he has of any kind shows through his eyes being golden. Many react to that with some Witcherphobia because they usually heard of monster killers with gold eyes. Marceau at first is confused, because what is a Witcher? And why are the people of the north so against them? At the start he was fearing that the townsfolk were talking about his “true identity” but when he joined the stripes, they quickly sat the whole situation straight. Even though it’s not that often now, but sometimes people tend to still give him the suspicious glance or even crude comments. Those stepping over the line, happen to be more personally known with one of the blue stripes, behind the tavern, in private where no one can intervene. Marceau tends to end up easily bruised, sunburned, or acquire any typical skin injuries because of his skin tone and how that effect everything. Sadly, he can’t get a tan to save his life, whatever if he stands outside for the whole day, his skin either ends up burned up or he’s still white as snow. Which in turn makes it easier to see his bruising shaped like someone’s hands whenever he’s gone for the night.
You can easily describe him as being a lanky tree, quite like Regis’ build as well. His eating habits have a big impact on his overall weight and body, I imagine a vampire in his class (Katakan) being more dependent on regular “human feedings” to keep a good form. Compared to Dettlaff who’s more flexible when it comes to blood-drinking, both Regis and Marceau are on the more malnourished side. Which probably is connected to the amount of “vampiric like diet” both are willing to do. Eating “human food” doesn’t necessarily help with weight loss but still, it quells the hunger they feel.
He doesn’t have any noticeable scarring on his face or any area near it. But if he takes off his fingerless gloves… when you’re going to see the welts on his palms. Whenever he was deemed to act “too vampiric” it would end in punishment, whatever it be being locked in his room or like I mentioned, being hit with any object good enough to leave a mark. Of course, our young Marceau didn’t have any ideas about why he’s being treated like this until he filled 16 years. Before that, his adoptive parents tried to do anything to prevent him from becoming a beast in human flesh. Each time he moves his jaw too quickly or is chewing something, you can hear a distinctive pop sound. He acquired this injury when he was around 10 years old when he got angry at one of his so-called siblings and out of frustration bit them. His jaw locked up around the child’s arm and the blood flooded his mouth, which in turn made him bite harder with his vampire teeth pocking further than a simple human could. The commotion created because of this situation alerted the father, who firstly forced his jaws to unluck. When he dislocated his jaw by punching his face. Supposedly it was because the father was scared that Marceau would do it again, but after that, it turned into “I was making sure you would learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable”.
In the clothing department, Marceau prefers his everyday stripes uniform to any more casual clothing. It acts as a security blanket, where simply farmers won’t directly look at him because he's one of the “Temerian human scoia’tael” as many refer to them behind their back. As it is expected, he upholds himself to the official blue-white-silver main palette, with all leather parts of his armour being brown. Something that disunites him from the other stripes, is the number of pockets and small satchels he carries on himself. He loves collecting stuff, whatever it be shiny rocks from a riverbank, or a bunch of hazelnuts freshly picked from a tree. Keeping those satchels with him is practical because he can store some important for the mission objects or small trinkets he finds during boring patrols. He’s a literal magpie, with so strong senses that he can find anything, which in turn makes Roche’s life more complicated with “Marceau, you can’t honestly keep all these things!”.
For his first birthday together with the stripes, he ends up getting a bandana from Roche. It’s a beautiful and soft thing, with the iconic blue stripes on a black background, with small embroidery fleur de lis in silver right on the edges. He tried to make it into a chaperone because, if Roche looks good in it, so surely will I! His dream ended with Ves kindly telling him: “You look like an absolute imbecile in a chaperone”. So instead, he simply wears it around his neck to save himself the embarrassment.
Lastly, here’s a little about his other form! Besides being a walking snowball with his leucism, he also is quite fluffier compared to the other Katakans. He has a bigger per cent of his body covered in cloud-soft fur. He's quite like the Honduran White Bat, the only difference is the ears and other parts colouration. In the real bats, their ears are yellowish in colour, while Marceau keeps his pinkish hues in those areas. In comparison to his 177 cm in human form, Katakan! Marceau stands at 220cm and is still in the growth spurt for his kind. Whatever form he is, he always is taller than Roche who’s at the majestic height of 175cm while Iorveth is around 185cm.
This is “human form” of Marceau:
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Headcanon Meme Here
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I Know What You’re Going To Say - Chapter 3
AO3 | First | Previous | Next | Masterpost
Description: A Beauty and the Beast style Vampire AU. Vampire!Virgil has picked up  Logan off the street and is holding him captive under the threat of killing his friends if he tries to escape.  
Word Count: 4275
Chapter Warning: Mentions of Parental Neglect/Control, Mind Control, Crying, Corruptions, Mentions of Police (Let me know if I missed anything!)
    Janus stirred the coffee in front of him quietly as he peered out the window of the decrepit all-night diner. He felt a tightness welling in his chest as he traced back the night's events that had somehow ended with him here. Rain pattered on the window. Each wet streak glowing with the reflections of the bright pink, neon signs that the owners had seen fit to hang on nearly every surface of this godawful place. His lips twitched with disgust as he glanced down at his watch, checking the time yet again as he stared down the near empty streets.
    The kid was late. Ten minutes. The simple thought made his stomach twist with anxiety. After leaving Virgil, finding his prisoner’s friend had been almost comically easy. Virgil had his home address. A quick flight had him peering through the man's windows in under half an hour, but the passing glance he'd gotten was enough for him to guess where man had gone.
    He was already half the way down the street when a message from Virgil confirmed that the man’s work address. Less than an hour after leaving Virgil, he was being served by the very man he for which he'd been searching. Janus smirked at the simplicity, humming to himself contentedly as yet another car swept by outside sending wave of dirty water onto the curb.
    Still, Janus could hardly complain. Virgil had certainly sent him on worse missions, and though the dingy, over-lit diner was an eyesore, the man serving him was putting on quite the show as he flitted between the glistening, chrome surface of the bar. The subtle eyeliner flared to a perfect point as winked at the cook through the serving window.
    Janus smiled, eyes lingering a bit too long on the handsome waiter as he distracted himself from the empty streets outside. Truly, he was grateful for the late night hours as the lack of customers meant minimal effort for him to keep prying eyes away from his all to recognizable face. Being a vampire had its perks, after all. On a mere whim, the other customer’s gazes slipped over him like he was a mere shadow. Only the charming waiter he was currently staring had been allowed to catch a glimpse of him sitting alone in the booth.
    The waited with the golden hair had immediately recognized him upon bouncing up to the table to take his order, but fortunately, the guy didn’t seem to be the squealing type. A note which Janus would very much be filing away for later as he watched the man melt under his control. It had only taken a few, short words to make the man forget he had recognized Janus and hand over his phone.
     Janus bit his lip at the memory. The sight of the flamboyant waiter suddenly soured in his mouth as he remembered why he was here. The texts he’d read on the man's phone had indicated the kid was supposed to be here at midnight. His eyes flicked up to the retro-looking clock as it read a quarter past the hour. From the texts he’d gleaned that the kid's parents had reluctantly agreed to drop the kid off with his starry-eyed server, Roman, but the mystery of the late-night hand-off had not been resolved by the golden boy's texts.
     Janus tapped his fingernails on the cheap plastic tabletop as the golden boy himself glanced up at clock above the bar nervously. He stared curiously as his façade of nonchalance broke for the first time, revealing the underlying anxiety brewing behind the sweet smile. Janus blinked as the man disappeared behind the bar, allowing his attention to drift back to the rain-soaked window once more. He stirred his coffee absently as watched the glowing headlights rush past.
    The rain had slowed to a light drizzle, barely obscuring the hazy view of the streets outside. He'd almost turned back to watch the golden boy when a slim black car caught Janus’ attention. The sleek, tinted windows of the strange car stood out among the tattered, worn down streets. Janus sat up straight as the car pulled up next to the curb and the back door popped open to reveal the reddish-brown hair of the kid he'd been waiting for.
  Not a moment was spared on goodbyes. The kid immediately bound to the door of the diner, slamming the car door behind him. Janus didn’t see that it mattered however, as the car was gone before the kid even made it to the door. He let out a soft breath, turning to watch as the golden boy gleefully rush to the door with a slightly manic look in his eyes.
    The interaction should have filled Janus with relief. Seeing the kid in the man’s arms meant the most difficult part of his job was done. All he had to do now is watch the kid for a few days, but something about the simple interaction he'd just watched set him on edge.
    Janus’ tension only seemed to ease as he watched the golden boy sweep the boy up into his arms, whispering to him in hushed tones. They stayed like that for a solid minute, before the bouncing waiter finally started to drag the kid to a booth. A few moments later, they were walking towards his booth and his former human instincts and he averted his gaze. Logically, he knew their gaze would pass over him, but the compulsion to be polite seemed to be far stronger in his brain.
    “Where’s your coat, Pat?” The man whispered as he guided the kid into the seat behind him.
    “He—uh, he didn't let me take it.”
    The kid’s mumble was almost incoherent as the man stopped abruptly next to the booth, staring as the kid slid onto the vinyl seat behind him.
     There was a long pause as the golden boy stared down at the kid. Janus could almost feel the heat in the kids cheeks as he squirmed behind him. “He said, if I thought I was an adult, I could act like it—and my stuff would be waiting when I came to my senses and went back.”
    “What a goddamn asshole, Pat.” The golden boy whispered in disbelief. Immediately, he seemed to backtrack until the kid interrupted him. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t swear in front of y—"
    “They also said some nasty things about Lo before I left.” The kid's voice trembled as he tapped on the cheap plastic table
    “It wasn't true. Whatever they said, Logan has done nothing but care about you.” The golden boy's deep voice reassured him. “He has everything set up. You won't have to worry about a thing.”
    “I know. I just—”
    Janus' heart twisted with guilt at sadness in the kid’s voice.
    “Where is—"
    “Listen, I'm going to grab my jacket for you, Starlight. You’re absolutely shivering. I'll be—” The man stopped him abruptly. “I’ll be right back. Okay?”
    “Okay, Ro.”
     Ice seized Janus' heart at the confused tone of the kid's and he jerked his head around to watch the golden boy’s head disappear behind the bar.
    He doesn’t know his brother is missing.
    The realization hit Janus like a brick wall as he glanced over his shoulder at the back of the kid’s head. His shoulders were slumped as he leaned forward to fidget with the basket of sugar in front of him. Janus blinked as he turned around, barely able to process what was happening. As he slunk back into his seat, Janus slowly pulled his phone out of his pocket and pulled up Virgil in his phone.
    J: Got eyes on the kid.
    V: he's safe?
    J: He's fine I think.
    V: what does that mean?
    J: Kid doesn’t know his brother’s missing, Vee.
    V: what
    V: wait how close are you?
    A sudden, sweeping motion in his periphery caught Janus’ attention and he turned his head to see the golden boy making his way back in their direction.
    V: Jan what's happening?
    J: Update later.
    Janus bit his lip guiltily as he typed the quick response, shoving his phone back in his pocket. His phone immediately buzzed a response. He turned his head, casually reaching into his pocket to silence his phone as he watched the pretty waiter make his way back to the table. The man was effortlessly balancing three plates on top of carrying the jacket he had swung over his arm. He moved quickly across the room and only stopping to gracefully slide the plate across the table to the kid and throw the jacket at him.
    “Eat up, Pat.”  The charismatic waiter’s voice almost seemed deflated now. His tension seemed to release now that the kid was here, replaced by a much more somber tone. “I'm taking off early tonight so we can get you to sleep at a decent time.”
   “—I'll be back in a minute to grab you.” Janus’ stomach tightened as the golden boy tactfully brushed off the kid’s question. “Hopefully the rain will let up for the walk home not to be a miserable affair. I don’t want you to get sick.”
    “Okay.” The kid whispered, sounding a little deflated.
    “Hey, don't be like that.” The waiter's incredibly charming voice echoed in his ear from behind him. Janus could feel a scuffle in the booth behind him as the waiter ruffled the kid's hair. “It’s good to see you here, Starlight, but please just try to cut me a little slack tonight.”
    “Sorry. I promise to be patient.” The kid’s shy whisper shook slightly as if taken off guard by the waiter’s light reprimand. “Thanks again for letting us stay with you, Ro.”
    “You don't ever have to apologize to me, Starlight.” The golden boy seemed to tense slightly at the kid's change in demeanor. “Even if it weren’t for Logan, my door is always open to you. You’re family, kid.”
    Janus heart twisted at the bittersweet sentiment. This kid really had no idea what was going on and Janus wasn’t even sure the server planned on telling him. Stirring his coffee absently, images of the kid's brother tied tightly in Virgil’s binds flashed through the front of his mind. His eyes flicked to the side as the waiter backed away from the table, still talking with poor child.
    Soon, the server returned to his duties, leaving a heavy silence hanging over him. A bitter taste settled into the back of Janus' throat as his thoughts fell into a dark spiral. Virgil could be feeding on the guy now, as his brother innocently picked at his food. Even if he wasn’t, Janus could still see the red, irritated welts on the guy’s wrists perfectly in his mind. He—
    “Excuse me.”
    Janus nearly jumped out of his skin as the kid tapped on his shoulder from behind him, somehow breaking straight through his glamour. Fortunately, his instincts kicked in and he dropped his head, keeping his face hidden from the child leaning over the barrier and into his booth.
    “Can I borrow your ketchup?”
    “What?” Janus incredulous tone must have registered as odd to the kid, because he suddenly started to explain the simple question.
    “The bottle at this table is almost empty and I—”
    “Yes. Take it.” Janus snapped, cutting off the kid's explanation as he hastily shoved the red bottle into the kid's open hand.
     “Thanks.” The kid's voice sounded almost hurt and almost certainly taken aback at Janus’ abrupt cut into his attempt at a friendly inquiry. “I'm sorry to bother you, sir.”
     Janus' stomach twisted as the kid turned back around and slumped back into his seat. He cast a quick glance back at the kid, stilling as the kid’s  body language slouched. He knew for a fact, it wasn’t worth getting involved, but despite his wariness, Janus was getting the idea this kid was used to being shoved aside and he didn’t want to be the one to do that to this kid.
    Fuck. Virgil is going to flay me alive.
    “You didn’t bother me.” Janus whispered hesitantly, forcing himself to keep staring forward as the kid turned toward him.
    “You surprised me is all.” Janus muttered. “No harm done, kid.”
    Now, it seemed it was Janus’ turn to turn back over his shoulder, dumbfounded, but the kid had already faced forward.
    “And I'm not a kid.”
    Janus smirked, turning forward to stare out the wall of windows. “Come now. You look like you can't be more than fourteen.”
    “I'm sixteen.”
    Janus blinked in disbelief at the kid's age and chewing his cheek at the kid’s slight defensive tone. “Still it’s a little late for someone as young as you to be out and about on this side if town .”
    “Legally, I'm adult.” Patton muttered. “I'm—I'm emancipated.”
    “Legal don't mean shit here, kid.” Janus stared down at his coffee, remembering the look of despair on the kid's brother's face as Virgil had loomed over him. “You’re going to have to learn that real quick, if you plan on staying here.”
    “I'm staying.”
    “No offense, kid, but I saw the car that brought you here.” Janus whispered, stirring his coffee absently. “The streets are going to eat you alive, if you aren’t—”
    “My brother knows what he's doing.” The kid snapped, though he seemed to be losing steam. “He's got a plan. I know he does.”
    “I sure hope he does, Patton,” Janus paused, chewing on his thoughts as the kid’s name passed his lips.  Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the boy’s new guardian making his way back to his table, so he quickly pulled out his wallet and tossed a twenty on the table for the coffee he had hardly touched. He tensed with resolution as he moved to leave the booth. “But even if he doesn’t have a plan, I think you’ll find he has allies in unexpected places.”
    Janus could hear the kid turn around as he stepped out of his booth, but he didn’t even pause. He straightened his hat on his head as flared up the collar of his long coat.
    “Don't give up, kid.”
    “Wait—What are you talking ab—”
    The kid's call died out as he strode out of the restaurant, pushing past the concerned waiter who was rushing back to the table to collect the kid. Janus sighed, frustrated as he pushed open the double doors of diner and swept down the street, taking a swift turn into the alleyway behind the restaurant.
    Janus’ breaths came in short gasps as he paced the alleyway with a fierce intention. Fury flared in his chest as his body filled with indignation on the kid's behalf. His pace had nearly peaked when he shoved his hand in his pocket and pulled out his phone. He snarled as he noticed the already lit screen, barely resisting the urge to smash the phone into the wall as he caught Virgil’s name on the screen. Janus' pacing stilled. His anger burned white-hot as he considered letting Virgil worry, but his sudden desire for a fight won out as he clicked the green button and snarled into the receiver .
    “What the hell, Janus?” Virgil growled into his ear. “You don’t get to just ghost me whenever you feel like it—”
     “I can’t do this.”
     The line went silent for a long minute as Janus breathed into his cell. He sighed, releasing a bit of his anger as he leaned into the wall.
      “This kid is already asking questions about his brother. It’s only a matter of time until he realizes he's not coming home.” Janus hissed. “Even this guy’s friend seems like a decent human. He's still planning on taking the kid in even knowing his friend’s gone—”
    “No. Tell me, Virgil. When did we start doing shit like this to good people?” Janus leaned off the dumpster behind him as his diatribe intensified. “I didn’t sign up for th—”
    “Maybe, if you gave me a chance to speak, I’d—”
    “Where’s my brother, Roman?!”
    The blood-curdling shriek sent Janus flying behind the dumpster. He'd barely managed to crouch out of sight he heard a scuffle at the entrance to the alleyway.
    Janus hesitantly peeked around the corner to catch a glance of the golden boy dragging the kid into the alley. His fangs started to extend as the full-grown man pressing the kid into the wall of the other building, covering his mouth with his hand so he couldn't call for help. Adrenaline shot through Janus’ body as he prepared to lunge into action.
    “I need you to relax, Pat.” The waiter’s deep voice sent shivers down Janus’ spine, but his tone was kind and patient. “I'm going to tell you, but your father can’t hear about this. If he does, you’re going to end up right back at home.”
    Janus’ muscles eased as the golden boy's grip slackened, even though the kid seemed far from settling as he squirmed in the man’s arms. Feeling the tension drop, Janus edged further into the shadows as he glanced at his phone, grateful that Virgil seemed to have picked up that he needed to remain quiet.
    “Come on, Starlight. Don’t make this harder than it has to be.” The man’s voice trembled, nearly fading to silence. “I'm lost, too.”
    The kid, Patton, seemed to go slack in the man's arms at the slight tremble in the man's voice. Janus’s heart ached as he stared at the kid. The wet streaks on his face glistened in the light of the streetlamp and he looked even younger than he had in the diner.
    Just a kid.
    “I don't know where Logan is, Pat. He disappeared last night.”
    Janis could feel the energy in the air shift as the kid started to shake his head violently. He threw his whole weight into the man holding him against the wall, knocking the man's hand free of his mouth.
    “No—no, no, nonono—”
    “Don’t panic. We're going to find—”
    “What happened, Roman?”  The kid's voice cracked as he backed away from the man, swaying unevenly on his feet.
    “I don’t know, Patton. We were walking home from the diner last night and—” Roman hovered close to the kid, desperate to comfort him but cautious about antagonizing him. “I don't know what happened after that. I woke up in my bed, and—and Lo never came home.”
    Janus leaned closer, staring as his fangs slowly retracted. Patton continued to sway dangerously until the man came up to steady him from behind.
    “What did the police say?”
    Janus watched curiously as the man's expression shifted and he suddenly gripped the kid tighter. “I couldn't call them, Pat.”
    A shiver ran down Janus’ spine as the kid's shriek filled his ears and it a was a long moment after that before he even processed the man's words. He glanced down at his phone, knowing Virgil was probably listening as intently to this conversation as himself.
    The guy didn't call the cops.
    “Logan was very clear about what he wanted me to do if something happened to him. His priority was always making sure you were safe first—”
    “Not if he's missing, Roman.”
    “He told me exactly what he'd want me to do if he went missing, Patton” Roman whispered staring over at Patton. “and that means making sure the police don't find out he's gone.”
    “Your father has the police under his thumb,” Roman stepped closer to Patton, wrapping his arm around him. “One of the conditions of your emancipation was having a place to live with your brother. If he’s gone, the judge could throw out the decision, especially with a district attorney whispering in his ear."
    “He knew?”
    “God, no. Pat, he wanted to be here waiting for you. He planned to be at the diner when you arrived,” Roman stepped forward, gripping the kid’s shoulders as he forced him to make eye contact. “but Lo spent hours planning for anything that could possibly go wrong. He wanted to know that you were taken care of, even if something happened to him.”
    Patton continued to stare at the ground, shaking. “Roman, he could be hurt—”
    Janus sucked in a breath through his teeth, glancing down at his phone.
    “I've already got Rem on it. We're going to find him.” Roman whispered. His voice dropped quiet enough that Janus could barely make out the words. “I'm not giving up on him. Okay?”
    The kid's face paled and Janus could only guess he was barely standing by the way he continued to sway. Silence hung over them for longer than Janus was comfortable with, but the man holding his shoulders waited patiently until the kid responded.
    “Good,” Roman turned the kid's shoulder to walk him out of the alley. “Now, let’s get you to bed."
    “Ro—” Patton slowed
    “Don't argue, Pat. You’re not going to do Lo any favors by depriving yourself of sleep.” Roman placed a hand on the Patton's back in gentle reassurance. “We'll meet up with Rem first thing in the morning and go from there.”
    The kid's mumble faded as they left the alley and Janus rose out of the shadows as they turned the corner out of the alley. He bit his lip, staring after them as he unmuted his phone and lifted the receiver to his ear.
    “Do you feel like an asshole yet?”
    “You know,” Virgil’s voice growled in his ear. “Your biting sarcasm loses its charm very quickly.”
    Janus bristled as Virgil brushed him off. “I'm done, Virgil. Return the guy or I'm—"
    Janus snarled silently. “Fine, then I'm out. Best of luck with whatever bastard plan you’ve—”
    “Stop.” Virgil muttered, his voice full of reluctance. “Please, just hear me out.”
    Janus' thumb hovered over the button, but the subtle plea in Virgil’s voice gave him pause not to hang up. He sighed, raising the phone back to his ear. “You have exactly thirty seconds to change my mind, Virgil.”
   Virgil didn’t hesitate a second with his response. “Do you remember when I got into that fight a few years ago?”
    Janus paused, taken aback by the sudden change in topic. He slowed his pacing, staring curiously out the alley in the direction the kid had left as he replied hesitantly to Virgil. “Yes, I do.”
   Virgil's let out a long breath into the receiver. “This guy is the guy I fought, Janus.”
    Janus blinked, mouth hanging agape. “Oh.”
    “I know how this looks, Jan,” Virgil breathed quietly. “but this dude put me in the hospital because I said something he didn't like. However upset the kid is about his brother being missing, he’s safer without this monster.”
    Chewing his lip, Janus paced back and forth in the alley. His body tensed as he tried to process his friend’s words.
    Janus let out a long sigh, pressing his thumb into his temple. “I'm here, Virgil.”
     Static crackled in the phone's speaker as the silence hung over them. Janus glanced up at the amber street light tapping his fingers on his arm as a group of people passed the alley. Their laughter broke the fragile silence, grating against Janus’ ears.
    “I'm not the only bad guy.”
    “You’re not—” Janus repeated back without hesitation. “You’re not a bad guy.”
    He could hear Virgil’s breathy snort through the phone as he stifled a chuckle. “You seem awfully sure about changing your tune so quick.”
    “I am.” Janus muttered, stepping towards the street.
    “Janus,” Virgil’s sharp inhale stilled Janus pacing as he awaited Virgil’s response. “we're good?”
   “We're good, Virgil.” The corner of Janus' mouth twitched up at the relief in Virgil’s voice.
   “Good.” Virgil’s voice wavered with emotion and Janus smiled at the subtle show of vulnerability. “Now please, make sure that kid gets home safely.”
    “I will.” Janus smiled, leaning into the stone wall across the alley from the diner.
    “Thank you.”
    Janus paused for a moment, smile faltering as the situation that had just unfolded before him continued processing in his mind. "Vee?"
    "Yeah, Jan?"
    "He didn't call the cops."
    "I know. Something's up with these people," Virgil's voice dropped as he let out a long sigh. "We'll figure out what's going on, but for now, let's just be glad we don't have heat breathing down our necks. Okay?"
    "Okay." Janus nodded absently, trying to relax. "You're right."
    "It'll be fine."
    "Right. I know."
    "Jan, relax." Virgil whispered patiently. "You're safe. There ain't nothing bigger or badder on those streets than you."
    Janus cracked a smile, chuckling as he stood up from the wall. "Oh, I know."
    "Keep me updated."
    Janus grunted an affirmation, and a moment later, the line disconnected. He sighed, quickly dropping his phone from his ear into his pocket, feeling a familiar numbness settle into his limbs as stepped out onto the sidewalk. The scent of the golden boy’s cologne was easy enough to catch as he turned down the street towards his target. He swept around the next corner, thoughts wandering as the streets began to blur together. He bit his lip, shoulders curled forward even though he couldn’t feel the sharp bite of the cold. The amber lights illuminated him as he closed the distance between him and the kid, not that he noticed the buildings as they blurred past as he disappeared into the night.
General Taglist:
@somehow-i-got-an-account @justanotherhumanstuff @im-an-anxious-wreck
I Know What You’re Going To Say Taglist:
@theoddkidnextdoor @ace-in-a-shopping-cart @im-actually-ok @justanoymous
49 notes · View notes
saylors-universe · 3 years
All Hands on Deck, five
Rowaelin Cruise Vacation AU
masterlist here
word count: 5234
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[This is an interactive story! I will include Authorʻs Notes throughout the chapters to inform you when to start a particular song that you can find here in the All Hands on Deck playlist (Also can be found on the masterlist). For the best experience, listen with headphones, AND FOLLOW ALONG WITH THE STORY. Please try to use your imagination when listening and reading - live through the words. Have fun :) - Saylor]
This week has been HELL. Sorry for the late upload :( Anyways, enjoy the chapter, thanks for reading <3
Day 4 - AT SEA - “Todays Cruise Activity: SCAVENGER HUNT from 1-3, Find an activities staff for more info!”
-    Aelin wakes in a soft, ivory, long-sleeve undershirt, light blue dress with a matching white apron. Confused by her attire, she finds two large books in her embrace, like she had cuddled with them in her sleep.      -
[A.N.] Play “Beauty and the Beast Medley” by BYU Vocal Point feat. Lexi Walker now, follow along, and let your imagination put on a show. Find playlist here.
-    Recognizing that sheʻs alone in her dark cabin, she leaves her room and notices no one in the dim, candle-lit hallway. She searches for any sign of life throughout the corridors, navigating through the different levels until she appears in front of the bakery, responsible for divulging her deep cravings of chocolates and treats.     -
               WAKING UP TO SAY
-    Suddenly, as if on cue, a parade of crew and staff appear in a flash mob.  -
Cruise Staff:          BON JOUR,  BON JOUR
-     A baker stands behind the counter, kneading dough.   -
                         BON JOUR, BON JOUR, BON JOUR
Baker:      “Good Morning, Belle”
-     Aelin, puzzled by what is happening and perplexed by why she is compelled to sing, magically transports to The Antica. She is ushered by Emrys and Luca in their cooking attire, along with the rest of the ensemble, who seemed to have rehearsed a big musical number.     -
               AND WE PROVIDE THE REST
              WHY, WE ONLY LIVE TO SERVE
               GO ON UNFOLD YOUR MENU
                   OUR COMMAND IS YOUR REQUEST
                   WEʻRE OBSESSED
                   WITH YOUR MEAL, WITH YOUR EASE
                   YES, INDEED, WE AIM TO PLEASE
                   LET US HELP YOU, WEʻLL KEEP GOING
-    They all line up and begin a grand kick line.   -
                   COURSE BY COURSE, ONE BY ONE
                  TILL YOU SHOUT, “ENOUGH, IʻM DONE”
                  BUT FOR NOW, LETʻS EAT UP
                  PLEASE, BE OUR GUEST
-      Aelin is completely taken aback by the magnificent performance put on by the crew. In awe, she is transported once more to the elegant ballroom, but now she is fitted with a dazzling, gold ballroom gown. A dashingly, groomed Rowan approaches Aelin, wearing a charming black tux. He offers his hand, in silent question for a dance. She places her hand in his and he guides them to the center of the floor where they begin to waltz.       -
            TRUE AS IT CAN BE
-   Lorcan/Elide, Aedion/Lysandra, Dorian/Manon join them on the dance floor, following along in the waltz as Fenrys and Connal stand by beatboxing.    -
            EVER JUST THE SAME
            EVER A SURPRISE
            EVER AS BEFORE
            EVER JUST AS SURE
            AS THE SUN WILL RISE
            CERTAIN AS THE SUN
            TALE AS OLD AS TIME
            SONG AS OLD AS RHYME
            TALE AS OLD AS TIME
            SONG AS OLD AS RHYME
Aelin lurches awake, back in the comfort of her own bed, Manonʻs long, sharp nails digging into her skin.
“OW!,” Aelin massages the crescent indents in her arm.
“You were singing in your sleep ... really loudly. Lys came over to make sure you werenʻt dying, and took a few embarrassing videos of you,”
   Aelin murmurs a defensive sigh and seeks refuge under her comforter, reflecting on her dream, What the fuck? Why did I dream of Rowan? She convinces herself that her subconscious was just playing tricks on her and decided to leave their past in the past. Given the new circumstances, they were merely co-workers, sort of, and nothing would happen between them, well not again. Sheʻs learned what happens when you fall for a Whitethorn, you get your heart broken. 
   She will never forget that afternoon. Rowan had received a large envelope package from Orynth University, his dream school. Aelin, her parents, Maeve, Rowansʻ aunt and legal guardian since the passing of his parents when he was young, his whole family, all gathered in her small living room while he read out his acceptance letter. He was so excited. Not wanting to ruin his news with the sad announcement of her rejection letter, she plastered on a bright smile and consumed the happy energy of the night.
   Once the party turned down, he led her outside on her porch. He knew her better than anyone and could tell that something had been off. She confessed in sobs, excusing that she did not want to take the attention away from his amazing opportunity. He immediately offered to apply to the local college, or other universities in the area, or get a job, anything to stay near her. She forbade him, he had just been accepted to his dream college, where he had been talking about going all his life. She refused to hold him back from his dream so she brought up the option of splitting up, which caused his turn to cry. 
   After hours of tears, talks, and “i love you, to whatever end,” they both agreed to end things, which broke her heart even more. She knew it was mainly her decision, he would have done anything he could to be with her, done long distance, found a different school, anything, but she couldn't let him pass up this opportunity. She wouldn't have been able to live with herself if she had trapped him in their relationship, no matter how much they loved each other, sometimes the best thing you could do for the ones you love, is let them go. 
   The most painful part was watching him leave. Waving him goodbye as he went up the escalator to security of the airport, praying that he didn't look back. He was her first love, she gave her heart to him. They both had decided to end things, but a part of her hated him for leaving, even though she made him. He left. He left her. He left their dreams. He left their plans. He left their future. He left for his dream, his future. She made him leave. She hated herself most of all.
   Now here they are, eight years later, stuck on the same boat and brought together again by Lorcan Salvaterre nonetheless. In spite of the years with other lovers, the years of not keeping in touch, they were in love once, completely in love. Once youʻve had that kind of love, you never stop loving them, they will always carry a piece of your heart. And damn him if he has more than just a piece, Aelin vowed.
   Her mind wandered to the song he played in the ballroom just the other day. “Do you remember when, midnight drives when youʻd sing, Iʻd play you songs you were in...Do you remember when, with Rome below us that day, you said ʻI wish we could stayʻ?” She didn't want to read too much into it, but the song had to be about her. Right? How many people could he have serenaded on a late night drive? How many girls confessed their love for him under the stars and moonlight by the Trevi fountain? “Do you remember when?” Does she remember? How could she ever forget?
   Before she could over-analyze the situation any further, Manon pulled the comforter from her bed. Aelinʻs body went in shock from the sudden lack of warmth protection, the brisk midday cool kissing her skin, and groans a very unladylike curse. 
“Time to get up sleeping beauty, oh Iʻm sorry, Belle I mean,” Manon heaves into cackles. Aelin swears that in another life, Manon was a witch, wicked and ruthless. 
   In a very unusual, chipper mood, Manon getʻs Aelin up to speed on their plans for the day. She had gotten word of a scavenger hunt Dorian was putting on and eagerly volunteered their friend group to participate. 
   The two got ready for the rest of the day and gathered their friends to grab some brunch before their fun activity. While settling into Emrysʻ section of the bar, a few fans tracked them down, asking for pictures and autographs. Meeting their fans had always been Aelinʻs favorite part of what they do, seeing people enjoy their music and support them. Luca treats them to some bacon and eggs, and they snag some fresh chocolate croissants from the nearby bakery. They stay and share many stories and laughs between the court and the chefs, until it is time to find Dorian and begin the scavenger hunt. 
   Aelin wasn't surprised when Manon had been the one to locate him. She couldn't tell if this would be just another chase for Manon. In the past, sheʻs had a difficult time making attachments with people, everyone but Elide it seems. A part of her hopes that Manon would pursue an actually relationship with him, from what she could tell so far, he had a dark, wild spirit about him, one that would challenge her antics quite well. 
“Good afternoon everyone, weʻre just waiting on one more group,” Dorian flashed a wicked grin and a flirty wink in Manonʻs direction. Aelin watched her friendʻs complexion redden and blush as the Cadre arrived, looking as daunting and intimidating as ever.
“Okay letʻs get started shall we? You guys have signed up for the adult scavenger hunt,” he passes out a list of items, “so how this works is you guys will be split up into...,” he counts the nine of them, “two groups. Each groupʻs goal is to take a picture of someone in the group with an item on the list, different items vary on points given based on difficulty or creativity. Without a member of your team in the photo, it will not get points. You guys have two hours and then we will meet back here to go over the photos and assign a winning group. Winners get free drinks at our private island port,” they cheer at the prospect of free alcoholic beverages.
   Dorian splits them up into teams. Team one being Elide, Lorcan, Rowan, Connal, and Lysandra. Team two: Aelin, Manon, Fenrys, Aedion, and Dorian adds himself to even out their numbers. Dorian looks at his timer, “Two hours starting...Now!”
Both teams, consisting of extremely competitive adults, disperse to huddle up with their groups and assess the list of items to find and capture. 
-  The shipʻs steering wheel  (10 points)
-  A ship staff member AND team member with a chef hat on  (5 points)
-  Someone playing the piano  (3 points, 5+ bonus for video)
-  A King and a Queen  (5 points)
-  Spa brochure signed by spa employee  (5 points)
-  A staff member (the higher rank, the more points)
-  Someone on your team kissing a stranger  (10 points)
-  Yellow Duck  (5 points)
-  Poker chips  (3 points)
-  Someone on your team posing on a stripper pole  (5 points)
-  Drink umbrella  (3 points)
-  Towel animal  (3 points)
-  Someone wearing a sea sickness patch  (3 points)
-  A Conga line   (5 points)
-  A member of your team in the pool   (5 points)
-  Each member of your team with a different drink   (10 points)
-  Someone on your team playing mini golf  (5 points)
-  Someone on your team using exercise equipment   (5 points)
-  The room numbers for the following rooms: 829, 318, 560   (3 points)
-  Ice Cream cone  (3 points)
-  Someone with a bad sunburn  (5 points)
-   Someone dancing inappropriately  (3 points, +5 bonus for video)
-  3 different food menus  (3 points)
-   A performer in full costume with a mask on   (3 points)
-   Someone in a bikini with the life preserver ring   (5 points)
   Aedion takes charge as group leader. They collectively decide to find the rooms 829, 318, and 560 first since it seemed like the most straightforward, and easiest task. The five of them find the room 318 first, take a group selfie in front of the room number, then proceed to do the same with the remaining rooms, ending with 829. 
   They discuss going to their rooms quickly to change into swimsuits, thinking forward to a few of the scavenger hunt items that require either a change of attire, or the possibility of getting wet. Aelin and Manon retreat to their room and change into flattering bikinis, Fenrys and Dorian to their respective rooms to change into swim trunks, and Aedion to his, right across the hall. 
   Fenrys and Dorian, both shirtless and in all their glory, meet the girls in front of their door. “Wow, you look amazing,” Aelin overhears Dorian compliment Manon. The two go off into their own little world, leaving Aelin and Fenrys to get to know each other better. The two immediately click. Fenrys was the perfect balance of funny and flirty, and that kept a beaming smile and standby laugh on Aelinʻs demeanor. They shared a common sense of humor and both were very quick and witty, so they got along very well. 
   Aedion walks out of his cabin in the silliest blue and yellow duck swimming trousers. “Forgot I brought these,” he fibs, his face plastering a bright ruby shade. The four stay silent for a few seconds, really trying to hold in their laughter. Aelin was the first to break and the rest followed. 
“Ha-ha, laugh all you want, but I just got us 5 points,” he pulls out his phone and takes a selfie of him in his swim trucks, pointing out the yellow duck. “I also snapped a pic with the towel animal in our room, so thatʻs checked off.”
Whenever room service came by to turn in their room, theyʻd leave towels intricately folded into cute animals, todayʻs was a small elephant. 
“Okay whatʻs next boss?” Fenrys says once calmed down. 
Aedion reviews the list once again and the his head darts up, “Hey Ace, youʻre using those sea sickness patches right?”
“Everyday,” she nods and then he whips his phone around to get a selfie with her, folding her ear to show the small, circular patch behind.
“Okay weʻve got the rooms, the towel animal, the yellow duck, and the seasickness patch. Good start guys. Fen you know where the gym is?”
“Yes, sir,” he answers, flexing his biceps. Manon rolls her eyes and falls in line when Fenrys guides the team to the gym onboard. It was a large, well equipped workout room, only a few people occupying different machines. Treadmills lined the mirror wall, cycle bikes adjacent to those. There were squat racks, dumbbells, bench presses, pull up bars, lat pulldown machines, leg press machines, pretty much everything Aelin used in her normal, rigorous routine. 
   Aelin adjusts the squat rack to her height, leveling it at around her chest height, and loads 250 lbs. to the bar. The mens eyesʻ widen, in disbelief that this quaint creature could support that much weight. Aedion knew however, that she had been training all her life. Physical fitness had always been important to her so she made sure she worked out regularly and vigorously. She turns back to Fenrys, “Spot me?”
“My pleasure,” he purrs expecting to rescue this damsel in distress who is in way over her head. He takes position right behind her. With Aelin in just her bikini and Fenrys his trunks, his bare, sculpted chest was flush behind her bare back, her exposed legs guarded by his. 
   Manon opens her phone, prepared to capture the task on video, also hoping to capture Fenrys and Dorianʻs expression. Aelin balances the bar across her shoulders, lifts the bar and steps back from the rack. She manages about eight reps of correctly formed squats with ease, Fenrys following down with her in every one. 
   She hears the gym door open, Rowan and his team had the same idea and came to use some exercise equipment to check it off their list. Their glances met once in the mirror, then quickly, deliberately broke. She canʻt quite explain why she suddenly felt guilty, as if she had been caught doing something wrong, being in the position she was with Fenrys. So she returns to the rack and sets the bar down, finally starting to feel some burn in her glutes. 
“Damn Aelin, thatʻs impressive,” Dorian praises.
“Thanks, letʻs get out of here and go find more of our items.” They leave the gym, letting the other team to make use of the space. 
   They were near the casino and club so Dorian suggested they find what items they could there. Finding and snapping a photo with poker chips were a breeze. They ran across a stripper pole in the dance club and Fenrys stopped to model a sexy, scandalous pose on the pole and Aelin held the photoshoot, both of them giggling endlessly. 
   The team found the show girl performers walking around the club in their full outfit and masquerade mask. Aelin snapped a photo with two of them wrapped around Fenrys shoulders. 
   Drawing from the same chaotic, wild energy, Aelin and Fenrys started a conga line in the club to which Manon, Dorian, Aedion and many strangers added onto. Aelin at the front of the line, selfie recorded a crazy, upbeat video of the dance. 
   The team takes a breather at the bar, trusting the bar tender with the choice of drink for each person as long as she made each drink different. They also requests that one came with an umbrella. Fenrys, being friendly and personable as always, makes conversation with the bartender Ansel, sliding a few flirty remarks in here and there. She takes note of his group and promises to take good care of them, she says with a wink. 
   Ansel prepares their drinks based on what she felt from each person, giving Aedion a Sazerac, Dorian the AMF (Adios Motherfucker), Manon the Aunt Roberta, Fenrys a jungle juice with an umbrella, and Aelin a Tequila Blue Blazer that she lit on fire. They took a group selfie with their drinks, the umbrella and Ansel, then downed their drinks. 
   After another strong drink, Aelin starts to feel a little buzzed. She grabs Manon and they take stage on one of the clubʻs platforms, matching the rhythm of the loud music. They dance with each other, on each other, skin on skin, lips nearly touching, earning the attention of most of the men in the room. Itʻs Fenrys turn to be behind the camera, recording the show, and he enjoys every second of it. 
Their team leader does his duty and puts the pin in their fun, “We better go look for the last few things on the list, Dorian how much time do we have?”
“A little less than an hour”
“Come on guys,” Aedion gathers his team members like a chaperoning parent.
   Aelin has a light bulb moment and shares, “Oh I know where we can find a piano,” she leads them to the ballroom, the grand piano vacant and begging to be played. She sits at the keys, closes her eyes and plays.
[A.N.] Play “Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) - Acoustic Version” by Clean Bandit now, follow along and let your imagination do itʻs job. Find playlist here.
-  Aedion starts recording.   -
             WAS SOLO, SINGINʻ ON MY OWN
             SO, IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH
-    Manon moves to sit beside Aelin on the piano bench.    -
                                 AND IʻM DANCING ONTO YOUR HEARTBEAT
                                AND WHEN YOUʻRE GONE I FEEL INCOMPLETE
                                SO, IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH
-     The women lean into each other.    -
Aelin and Manon:     Ah-Ah-Ah-Aah-Ah-Ah-Ah
                    AND NOW YOUR SONG IS ON REPEAT
                    SO, IF YOU WANT THE TRUTH
Aelin:      OH
          OH, SYMPHONY
   The ballroom fills with applause and the boastful cheers from the men. The girls sarcastically get up and bow, like after a recital performance. Realizing that they donʻt have much time, they rush to the Lido deck and seek out Emrys and Luca. 
   They track the two down and ask for a picture, Aelin stands in between the them and as Aedion counts down, “Say cheese, one...two..” Aelin swipes Lucaʻs chef hat and put itʻs on quickly as the picture snaps. They look over the photo and laugh at a mischievous grin on Aelinʻs face and a confused, grumpy Luca not looking at the camera but instead at Aelin.
   Having another bright idea, Aelin runs to the large chess board game on the deck and catches a selfie with the giant King and Queen chess pieces. When she returns to Emrysʻ station, a familiar back is seated in the stool she was just accompanying, and she had another brilliant idea.
“Sam? Hi,” he turns and realizes who she was.
“Oh hi!,” he responds kindly, “Iʻm sorry, I donʻt think I got your name.”
“Aelin,” she gives her hand out for a handshake, he returns with a firm, grip.
“Well itʻs nice to officially meet you, Aelin,” her cheeks warm.
“This may seem like a forward request, but is there anyway my friends and I could see the shipʻs steering wheel? Iʻm told youʻre the captain,” she smirks.
He chuckles, “One of them yes, and totally, let me take you guys.”
   She gets Manon, Aedion, Dorian, and Fenrys and introduces them to Sam and vice versa, mentioning that heʻs the captain and heʻll be showing them the ships steering wheel. He leads them to the command bridge, on the way Manon pulls her aside.
“Ace we can knock out three birds with one stone,”
“What are you talking about?” Aelin says, not quite understanding.
“Kiss him in front of the steering wheel.”
“In the photo weʻll have the steering wheel, check, a team member kissing a stranger, check, and a staff member (the higher rank, the more points) aka, CAPTAIN! 3 items, one picture, plus we donʻt have much time left, come on.”
Pressured by the time constraint, Aelin caves. “Fine. Have your phone ready.”
   Aelin hurries back to the front near Fenrys and Sam, staying close to both. They make it to the command bridge and Sam gives them a tour of the different controls, putting on his captainʻs cap, a look that suited him, Aelin thought. 
They stood in front of the steering wheel and Aelin quietly asked Sam, “I apologize, another forward request,”
“Iʻm getting the feeling that thatʻs your thing,” he whispers back. She softly snickers.
“Could I kiss you?”
   Obviously taken off guard, Sam blushes, then cups Aelinʻs face in his hands and brushes a soft, sensual kiss to her lips. Manon takes the photo. Aelin melts in his touch, returning the kiss with more fervor. Aedionʻs forced cough ruins the moment, the two disconnecting, both with warm, rosy complexions.
“Um, thank you for the tour, we have to go now,” Aedion says plainly. Manon and Dorian quietly laugh and the group make their leave, Aelin joins once out of earshot. 
   They return to the Lido deck and split up to try and get the last few items on the list. Aedion assigns himself to find the ice cream and the 3 food menus, Manon and Dorian volunteer for the spa brochure and mini golf game, and they go their separate ways. 
   Aelin and Fenrys stand at the edge of the pool when he turns his back to the pool and faces her.
“You know, I must confess, I find you extremely attractive,” he professes.
“Is that so, pretty boy?” She moves her palms to lay flat on his chest, looking up to him. She starts to tippy-toe, and he leans forward in for a kiss. When their faces get an inch apart she pushes him forward, he flails into the pool, and she laughs her guts out.
   She whips out her phone and takes a photo of an unamused, cock-blocked Fenrys in the pool. She looks around the pool, looking for a life preserver ring nearby. She catches sight of one hooked up to the deck railing. She releases it and returns to the pool, Fenrys just getting out, dripping water everywhere. 
   She hands him the phone and he snaps a few photos of her posing in her bikini with the life preserver ring, satisfied and proud of his work, he whistles back up at his model.
   Dorian and Manon return warning them that it is time to meet back with the other team. Aedion returns shortly after with a mustache of ice cream. Aelin cleans him up and they travel back to their meeting place to determine a winning team. 
   Team one shows their photos and videos first. They had mainly the same idea as Aelinʻs group. For their King and Queen item, they took a photo of the King and Queen from a standard deck of cards. For their yellow duck, Lysandra took a picture of Aedionʻs matching boxer briefs to his trunks, the whole group found that humorous, but made sure he didn't feel embarrassed of his attire choices. One of the photos that Aelin picked out was their kissing stranger photo. In the frame was Rowan kissing a pale blonde woman with bright, cerulean eyes. 
“Ro, is that Remelle?” Fenrys asks, also pointing out the photo. 
“Yeah, Benson and Essar are here too,” Rowan responds, the first thing sheʻs heard him say all day. 
“Whoʻs Remelle?” Aelin asks, trying not to seem too eager to know.
“Remelle, Benson, and Essar are our regular groupies, they follow us literally everywhere we go, theyʻre at every show, every concert. Pretty much our biggest fans,” Fenrys informs her.
“Biggest stalkers,” Lorcan corrects.
“Still strangers though, they know everything about us, we know nothing about them really,” Connal defends, making the record clear that the photo is still valid. 
   Team two takes their turn showing their photos and videos. Fenrys emphasizing Aelinʻs squat video, her and Manonʻs dancing pictures, their song, and the photos he just took of her and the life preserver ring. The other team, especially Elide and Lysandra, hype her and Manon up, calling them “hotties” and a “baddies” every so often.
   Manon shows the photo of Aelin and Sam. Elide and Lys gasp, “Is that THE Sam?” Aelin laughs and nods. “Good work Ace.”
   Dorian calculates the final points and calls for attention.
“Great job today everyone, you all did amazing. Results are in, team one got 112 points,” everyone applauses in congratulations, “and team two got 124, congratulations team two!” 
   Everyone cheers and congratulates each other, very maturely and sportsman-like. They spend the rest of the afternoon splashing each other and playing in the pool.
Night 4 - AT SEA - “No band performance tonight, Live Crew Performances during Dinner!
   The two bands stayed in the water for hours, playing throughout the glorious sunset. They had definitely gotten closer, more comfortable with each other. Throughout the play fighting they discussed possibly teaming up on shows and performing together. Itʻs an idea. It would probably be really fun, adding a different dynamic to both groups.
   Aelin notices Rowan laying on a pool deck chair, staring into the sky. She exits the pool, dries off a little and joins him, laying down on the deck chair next to him, star gazing into the extraordinary abyss of light. Heʻs the first one to break the silence.
“Lyria was really into astronomy,” he chocked a little, not enough to pick up unless you knew him, “she knew all the constellations by name, all the galaxies,” his gaze never leaving the cosmos. “Sometimes I like to think that sheʻs one of these stars now, burning bright, watching over me every night.”
“She soundʻs incredible. I wish I could have met her”
He smiles, “I think you would have liked her.”
She turns her head, adjusting her arm to rest her head on her forearm, facing him. “Tell me more about her?”
   He obliges. He tells the story of how he and Lyria first met, running into each other on their way to class, dropping all her books and supplies and bumping heads when they both reached down to pick them up. He shares of their first date, their first kiss. 
   She couldn't remember being tired but something about Rowanʻs voice soothed her into submission, her eyelids dropping with weight. Before she knew it she passed out, falling asleep right there on a deck chair, listening to her ex talk about his dead fiance. 
   When she finally awoke in the middle of the night, she was back in her bed, her comforter tucked into her sides. How did I make it back here? She didnʻt have the energy to investigate her questions, the night claimed her once again and she drifted off one last time. 
All Hands on Deck taglist:   bolded tags aren't taggable, lmk what I can do
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starfleetakaashi · 4 years
Heyy! I just found your blog and I AM IN LOVEEE 💞 So um,, I’ve got a competition coming up and I was wondering if you can whip up some hcs for Ushijima, Bokuto, Goshiki, and Iwa-chan comforting their s/o before their game? Thank you so so much! Have a good one😘
ANON IM GONNA CRY??? YOU LIKE MY BLOG??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺💞💞💞💞💞🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 GOOD LUCK ON UR COMPETITION U ARE GONNA DO GREAT AND KICK ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also this is my first time writing for goshiki (someone idk that much) so i hope i didnt do him dirty🥺🥺 hope u enjoy this!❤️
putting a read more bc i got a lil excited 😀
ushijima, bokuto, goshiki, and iwa comforting their s/o before their game:
— 𝐮𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐣𝐢𝗺𝐚;
this man isnt rlly good with expressing himself so the way he comforts u is kinda odd to ppl on the outside but since u know him u know hes doing his best
since he knows what it feels like to be nervous before a match (despite not showing it) he relates to u very well!!!
the night before ur match the two of u are getting ready for bed and he notices that ur a lil silent and more kept to urself
“are u ok honey?”🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
after a heart attack u respond with “im just nervous for tmr” and hes instantly ON YOU RAWR
not in a dirty way unless..?😛 but he will wrap his arms around u and encage u in silence while u inhale his sexy scent....
“im here if you’d like to rant.” welllll he offered so its time to run ya mouth!!!
u start telling him abt ur worries and hes sitting there with his chin resting on top of ur head and listening intently
honestly could u even find a better man than him bc i strongly believe the answer is a FAT NO
then on the next day when u see him on the stands with a smile on his face, ur worries are gone bc ur number one supporter is here and nothing else matters
— 𝐛𝗼𝐤𝐮𝐭𝗼;
he doesnt rlly get nervous before a match tbh if anything hes so excited to be playing against good people so he cant rlly relate BUT HE TRIES!!!!!!
u two are eating and hes happily stuffing his face with ur good ass cooking but ur like im bored let me eat myself away with thoughts,,,,
he notices ur silence when he looks up and asks if he can have ur plate but u dont answer bc ur looking at ur fingers
“babe????? can i have ur plate??????”
he cant get enough of ur cooking sorry
“um... ya!!” so u give him the plate and he blows u a kiss before stuffing his face again only to notice that YOU WERENT EATING??????? THIS CANT BE YOU HAVE TO EAT U HAVE A MATCH TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!
“WAIT BABE HERE!!!!! EAT!!!!!” he panicks and shoves ur plate back to u and ur just like 😃
“not hungry baby, im thinking abt tmr” u said and he finally calms down, taking ur hand in his and gripping it tight
its to let u know that hes there always
“u will do amazing, baby!!!!” “after all ur the best!!! since ur with me, aka the best, that means ur the best too!!!”
god he is just so precious u tackled his cute ass on the floor and started kissing him like a hungry hyena
the next day he is in the stands with a huge ass poster with the fukurodani vbc yelling out ur name and cheering for u GOD HE IS SO PERFECT I AM GOING TO SCREA
— 𝐠𝗼𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐢;
baby is just sooooo🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
he knows ur good at what u do so he shows off whenever he can
he invites people to ur matches talking bout “my s/o is a beast out there u should come watch btw did i mention theyre my s/o :3” shut him up with a kiss pls.
anyways!!!! its the morning of ur match and ur getting ready and hes sitting on the bed just watching u bc damn he could watch u all day
but he notices a frown on ur face??? THAT IS NOT OKAY FROWNS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
so he gets off the bed and wraps his arms around u and ur already swooning like damn bitch CHILL
“ur nervous arent u?” HOW DID HE KNOW?????????
u turn to him as he grins at u “i just know babe,” and ur like ok is it simp hours😀😀????
he caught u red handed
“its ok to be nervous baby, but you’ll do amazing like you always do. even ushijima-senpai agrees!!!” hes so fucking cute he mentions his idol and ur just like damn how can i be nervous now when he’s just so cute
anywayyyy lets say ur like 5 min late to warmups bc u and him were too busy making out 👁👄👁
— 𝐢𝐰𝐚𝐢𝐳𝐮𝗺𝐢;
this man is a PRO when it comes to being nervous before matches since he’s from a powerhouse school its obvious that he has so much pressure on him to do great
aaanddd bc hes always against powerhouse schools as well so he cant help but be a tiny bit nervous even if he tells oikawa to fuck off and claim that hes not
anyway ur team had a before match practice the night before and u decided to stay a little after bc u wanted to get ur mind off things and also heighten ur skills even if it did so just a teeny bit
iwa comes to pick u up and runs into a few of ur teammates and theyre like “oh [name] is at the gym” and hes like thanks before heading to where u r
he keeps himself hidden for like a min or two bc he wanted to keep watching u while u were concentrated bc u were just hot as fuck when u were focused
but thennnnnn he notices that ur kinda overdoing it so he steps in and is like “hi baby”
immediately recognizing his voice ur like baby!!!! i missed u!!!!
u run to him all sweaty but he doesnt care bc u do it all the time when he comes home from his own practices all sweaty and stinky and bc he missed u hella
he wont flat out acknowledge ur nervousness bc he doesnt want to use the wrong words and get u even more nervous so he chose to do the little things and that made u appreciate and fall in love with him even more as if that was even possible but here we are
he massages ur shoulders and gives u a peck on the cheek and lips and even helps u practice bc hes just perfect like that
u almost started crying but u were like let me not give him a heart attack at 9 pm....
anyways the two of u head home holding hands like a cute ass couple and he occasionally squeezes ur hand🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
he kisses u passionately, waving u goodbye when u walked inside ur home, the nervousness for tmr’s match all gone bc of him
and when tomorrow came, the only thing u were worried about was HOW THE HELL WERE U GONNA FOCUS WHEN OIKAWA’S LOUD ASS KEPT SCREAMING FOR UR NAME......
good thing iwa being the best boyfriend that he is smacked oikawa on the back of the head a few times for the sake of ur match and for the sake of his poor insanity
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
RFA + Saeran during the quarantine
I had posted this a while ago but deleted it. It’s up again, hope you like it! Remember to stay safe during this time. Also, please keep in mind it’s okay not be okay during this global health crisis. There isn’t just one way to deal with it, take your time <3
trigger warning: mentions of anxiety.
oh, this boy is scared
like, legit scared
he started isolating himself way before it was mandatory and washing his hands
plays his videogames to stop thinking about it. and it works really well until you have to stay home as well and now he discovered being with you is even more comforting
yoosung is totally okay with the quarantine btw, he could stay for days in his room and it’d be fine
it’s the idea of you, his friends or family getting sick that frightens him
you take him out of his room to do some exercises in the living room once in a while, to help both of you keep active
okay i’m actually worried about him
he does exercise regularly and since you’re living with him, he’s been eating healthier so he’s not exactly in a risk group
but he’s an actor
and all of the productions have shut down
he has savings, so he’s not going to go into bankrupt but it has seriously affected his economy
you are working from home, so you try to tell him it’s going to be okay, you’re in this together
but he’s not handling these news well. he’s really sad about it.
every time you’re not working, you try to cheer him up. you practice some lines with him so he keeps his routines, work out with him (even if you always end up sore, but if it makes him happy, so be it), and do movie marathons that end up in sweet kisses
he’s not really in the mood to wake up the beast but it’s okay. you just want him to feel better
you pamper him with kisses and homemade food all day, everyday
baehee is ready for everything
she’s not into physical contact so she’s okay with saying her hellos and goodbyes from afar
you’re the exception and will always be
she’s working from home and has a nice schedule
finds she has more time now that she works from  home and doesn’t have to do extra activities for Jumin
is pretty well informed about the outbreak. she doesn’t panic. she doesn’t hoard toilet paper or food.
in fact, she’s the one that calms you down when she starts getting agitated
loves working on her laptop with you reading by her side or taking a nap
bought vitamins for her an mc and they’re taking them just so you can feel better about their health
Jumin’s first concern was if cats could get sick. once he was told animals couldn’t catch it, he felt a little bit relieved. most of his clients said it was just a bad flu, so he had nothing to worry about.
that was until Jaehee told him it wasn’t like that. and that one of the risk groups was people with respiratory conditions
like you and your asthma
C&R closed the very same day. He would be paying his employees all their benefits and most of them could work from home. The ones that couldn’t would still get their pay at the end of the month. 
Jumin had the apartment so cleaned up it was almost sterile
he even bought a nebulizer.
“honey, my asthma hasn’t gone that bad in ages, we don’t need one”
he also works from home, just to keep tabs with everything going on in C&R
is very afraid of you having caught the virus somewhere. even if they went on lockdown, what if you caught it elsewhere days ago?
you calm him down, assuring him you feel fine and since they took all the measures, they will be okay
Elizabeth the 3rd is the happiest because both you and Jumin are home all day long
i’m so sorry but jumin bought food for a whole month, you try to tell him it’s not necessary but he’s worried as fuck, okay?
at first, Jumin works basically all day long and locks himself in his home office
one time you visit him in his office, Elizabeth the 3rd in your arms, and you tell him you both miss him. that he should also use this time to rest a bit and spend time with his wife
jumin and you talk every night with a glass of wine, looking outside the huge window of his living room (without opening it, he’s stil a bit scared) and making plans when everything comes to an end
you are the one who’s worried sick because he doesn’t eat well, doesn’t sleep well so his defenses must be on the floor
he takes it lightly and send you tons of memes about the virus
“coronavirus can’t kill me bc i died the day jumin took elly away from me”
saeyoung, no
one day, you break down and cry
he stops at the moment
you tell him how worried you are for him, that you would lose it if he got sick because of how much he means to you. that he needs to eat better and have better habits
so he makes a compromise and starts eating better. he even tries and cooks for the both of you once
like yoosung he’s normally on lockdown except on unique occasions, so he doesn’t get stressed about not going out
but you get stressed about not going out, so he invents games and scavenger hunts around the house so you both can have fun <3
has to close the flower shop
he gets really worried because you’re on lockdown and he can’t go and water his plants. you tell him you both could go and spent the quarantine there, but he tells you it’s not a good idea to sleep around plants
it’s not a complete lockdown, but the order is to only leave the house for food or medicines, so going there to take care of his plants daily is not an option
he feels sad about it, even if he doesn’t say so
the day before the lockdown, you surprise him bringing some of his favorite plants to the house. you can keep them in the balcony for this time
he’s so happy
you spend the days watching movies together, taking naps and you also decide to teach him how to cook your favorite dishes. he teaches you how to prepare some desserts as well
snuggling close is the best and now that you can do it for even longer periods of time makes you really happy
you both are a little bit worried about everything that’s going on, but you make sure to keep in touch with other people
you drag saeran to videocalls with other rfa members
he’s not amused
but he really likes when you’re listening to Yoosung talk, or watching how Zen and Jumin keep bickering while taking his hand in yours and idly placing a kiss on it, while everyone’s watching
seven always makes “awww” noises but he just ignores him even tho it does make him really happy
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flowercrown-bard · 3 years
Birds Still Sing When They Fall From The Sky
part 1  part 2  part 3  part 4 part 5 part 6 part 7 part 8 part 9 part 10 part 11 part 12 part 13 part 14 part 15 belongs to this
content warning: memory loss due to old age, nightmares, implied past child abuse
Yennefer had warned him. She had done so back at Kaer Morhen and she repeated it with a stern look in her eyes once she responded to the letter Kris had sent her and came to Oakwood.
That didn’t keep Geralt’s heart from skipping with foolish hope when she finally arrived. It didn’t take much for her to speed the recovery of the gash on Jaskier’s arm along and confirm that the healers had made sure Jaskier was safe to return home.
There was not a moment that Geralt’s focus left Jaskier’s heartbeat, listening for the tiniest stutter in Jaskier’s chest or a rattling in his lungs that didn’t come.
Jaskier’s body was healed or well on his way to it.
For Geralt’s foolish, selfish heart it wasn’t enough.
Yennefer had warned him; she had said she wouldn’t tamper with Jaskier’s mind. The healers had said that most people came back changed from what Jaskier had experienced. A lot of long, complicated words that Geralt didn’t understand were used. Those words hadn’t mattered. The most important thing was that Jaskier could come back home. Geralt would be able to deal with whatever long-term effects would show themselves. And for now, he had Yennefer to help him with that until she had to leave again.
Except, it was all wrong. He had known, of course he had known, but it still hit him as if he hadn’t expected it at all.
It started small. Yennefer and Jaskier had always bantered and riled each other up. Now, the teasing was purely one-sided. Jaskier was oddly quiet whenever Yennefer was in a room with him, looking at the doors and staying close to the windows, as if he expected having to make a quick escape at any moment. He flinched at each barb and soon Yennefer’s teasing died out as well, replaced by concerned but not surprised expressions of pity, being directed in equal parts towards Geralt and Jaskier.
Geralt tried not to let his irritation show. He didn’t need pity. So what if Jaskier didn’t like being teased? He wouldn’t either if he had just almost died. It had happened often enough. Him coming back from a hunt bleeding and struggling to breath, snapping at anyone who thought this was a good moment to joke.
Contrary to Jaskier, Geralt had been used to being hurt. It was no wonder that Jaskier would be hurt by Yennefer’s words.
It didn’t take long for Geralt to see what Yennefer had tried to tell him with that first look of damned pity. Jaskier wasn’t just hurt by her words. Yennefer’s entire presence seemed unbearable to him, as if she were a stranger, a threat. He emanated waves of discomfort as he had done in the first years of their acquaintance.
It didn’t take long for Yennefer to decide that she should leave. Her presence clearly was doing more harm than good. When she said her goodbyes, she had a smirk on her face, an air of indifference.
Geralt knew better. Jaskier’s rejection of their years of friendship cut her like a knife. Her eyes lingered on Jaskier longer than usual, as if this was the last time she ever saw him. Which was ridiculous. Jaskier would get better. This was just the shock of what happened.
His thoughts must have shown on Geralt’s face, for Yennefer brushed her hand against his arm and turned back to him before she left.
“I’m sorry,” she said, the skin around her eyes tight. “Just… prepare yourself for when it happens to – be prepared for the worst.”
“I always am.”
Yennefer gave him one last look, as if to say that time would prove him wrong, before she disappeared.
Geralt heard Jaskier sigh in relief when they were left standing alone and felt his own heart sink.
The next weeks proved to be difficult. It was nothing new, just… more, in a way. Jaskier has had episodes of disorientation before and that was all that this was too.
Like Jaskier had always done, he refused to let what happened take away the happiness he found and was able to give.
He still hummed his little songs while he watered their flower or a smiled when he watched Geralt do so, telling him with his grin how proud he was of him. When Geralt cooked for him, Jaskier would get a mischievous glint in his eyes, as he tried to steal some of the food before it was ready, but when they sat at the table, Jaskier refused to eat until he was convinced Geralt had enough as well.
Every evening, when Geralt guided him to bed, he would look at him so softly. Jaskier had never shied away from voicing his thoughts, while being left to interpret Geralt’s expressions. Now, though, Geralt thought he could see something in Jaskier’s open expression and in his little gestures of care that he didn’t say out loud.
Geralt made sure Jaskier was comfortable in bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin and watching Jaskier snuggle into it, a content sigh leaving him. Each night, Geralt would run his fingers through Jaskier’s hair, letting his hand linger in his cheek and press a kiss against his temple.
Without fail, even if he was otherwise feigning sleep, Jaskier would stop Geralt’s hand from pulling away and press a kiss on his palm in return.
They went to sleep peacefully, each with a smile on their lips and the other in their arms, but the nights seldom stayed quiet.
Every once in a while, Geralt would wake up in the middle of the night to find Jaskier standing in the kitchen, opening cabinet doors, but unable to give an answer when asked what he was doing. Jaskier would walk into a room and stand in the doorway, looking around in wonderment and confusion, until his eyes settled on a picture frame, a book or his lute case.
“This is mine,” he would declare with a voice so full of relief that Geralt’s chest twisted painfully. How bad was it in Jaskier’s mind, how much fear lurked in there that he got so much comfort from seeing something familiar? And why were there so few items left that elicited this response from him?
The things that brought the look of recognition and relief to Jaskier’s face changed. Every day, every hour it could be a different memory precious enough to keep its treasured place in Jaskier’s mind.
But always, always, Geralt would be receiving that look, always recognised, always able to offer comfort with his mere presence. Jaskier’s whole body would stop being tense, flooding with joy and ease when he laid eyes on him, hurrying into Geralt’s arms as if they could shield him from the dangerous unknown. Geralt would be damned if he didn’t try his hardest to do exactly that.
His hardest had rarely been enough. Geralt had tried as best he could to convince Renfri to leave, to avoid bloodshed. He had tried to keep Yennefer by his side when they had thought they’d been in love. And he tried to protect Jaskier. He had tried for as long as he had known him.
And yet, they were captured by elves, were caught in the middle of whatever disaster destiny threw at them. Now, Geralt found himself once more helpless, unable to shield Jaskier from what only he could see.
It was hard enough during the day, finding ways to comfort Jaskier when he couldn’t tell Geralt what exactly upset him, why he was so terrified. Yet, it was near impossible to keep Jaskier safe once night fell and the demons lurking in Jaskier’s peripherals crawled closer until they were all Jaskier could see.
Night after night, Jaskier tossed in bed, trembling and cowering, making himself as small as possible. His whimpers cut into Geralt, sharper than the claws of any beast.
There was nothing Geralt could do, only pull Jaskier close and whisper soothing nothings into his ear while listening to his racing heart and stuttering breath. Geralt didn’t even know if it was a blessing when Jaskier woke up or if it was better for him to sleep through the night terrors. He needed sleep. Waking him would only leave him more disoriented, not knowing what time of the day it was and unable to go back to sleep again.
So Geralt let him rest if he could, his own heart shattering, the splinters of it cutting him deep as he was forced to listen to Jaskier’s blind panic until he awoke gasping in his arms.
“Shh, it’s alright,” Geralt said, pressing Jaskier closer against his chest until he stopped trembling. “It was just a dream. It can’t hurt you. It’s not real.”
The words sounded hollow even to his own ears. Who was he to decide what was and wasn’t real to Jaskier? Geralt had lost all concept of how Jaskier experienced the world a long time ago.
“My father…” Jaskier’s voice was so small. So broken.
Geralt tensed. It had been decades since Jaskier last mentioned his family and even then only in passing, when he had refused to go to their funeral. He hadn’t elaborated why he didn’t want to go and Geralt had been content to let Jaskier burn the letter speaking of his parents’ deaths and lay every memory of them to rest with their bodies, buried somewhere far away, unable to come back for Jaskier.
But now they were back. After years of leaving Jaskier in peace, he was once more plagued by their ghosts in his dreams.
“It’s alright. He isn’t here. You’re safe.” If only it was true. If only Geralt could say these words without the foul taste of a lie on his tongue. “It’s in the past.”
“No.” Jaskier squirmed in Geralt’s arms until he let go.
His hands clenched around thin air, feeling cold and empty without Jaskier to hold. Something in Geralt broke as Jaskier shuffled further away from him until he was pressed against the wall. Never, not once had Jaskier been afraid of him.
It wasn’t Geralt he was scared of now, either, or so he told himself. It was just the after-images of his nightmares intertwining with what he was seeing before him.  
It didn’t make it hurt any less.
Geralt forced himself to relax and lay back down, becoming as unthreatening as possible. Frowning and towering over Jaskier when he was already frightened would do more harm than good.
It took a long time until Jaskier’s breathing evened out as he was embraced by sleep once more; Even longer still, until Geralt too fell back asleep.
He awoke from the cool breeze caressing his skin. For a brief moment, Geralt only drew his brows together and pulled the blanket higher. As unpleasant as a cold wind in the night was, it was nothing unusual when sleeping in the woods.
Except, he wasn’t in the woods. He was home with Jaskier and he knew for certain that he had closed the window before going to sleep, concerned that Jaskier would catch a cold if exposed to the chilly air.
His eyes snapped open, his senses immediately sharp. A quiet clatter broke through the air as the open window banged against the wall, tossed by the wind.
Geralt didn’t need to turn to know that he wouldn’t find Jaskier in bed. He did it still, just to make sure, because maybe there was a slither of hope that Jaskier still lay next to him, nevermind the fact that his scent was starting to faint and that the sheets next to Geralt were cold.
Jaskier was gone.
Immediately, Geralt’s heart started pounding uncomfortably against his ribs. He threw the blanket off and was at the window faster than he had gotten up in a long time. All instincts from years of training kicked back in, all senses focussed on Jaskier.
A waft of his scent clung to the window frame. Without time to hesitate, Geralt swung his legs over the windowsill and climbed out, landing in the same patch of grass that Jaskier must have fallen onto earlier, judging from the already squashed grass.
Geralt’s stomach churned. Thank the gods that their cottage didn’t have multiple stories. He didn’t want to imagine what would have happened if their window had been any higher up.
He followed the footsteps, infinitely thankful for the mutations that allowed him to see in the dark. Unlike Jaskier. Jaskier, who was probably stumbling around, not knowing where he was or where he was going. Not knowing that his trail was leading right up to the water.
Geralt ran, leaping down the little path of lose rocks towards the shore, until he saw the shadow-cloaked figure walking steadily ahead. For the briefest moment, Geralt froze, before breaking into a sprint again.
“Jaskier!” His voice sounded too loud in the dead of night and yet not loud enough to fight the crashing of the waves.
Jaskier flinched violently, but didn’t turn around. If anything, he became faster, his bare feet already kissing the freezing water and the wind tugging at his thin nightshirt like a deadly lover.
“Jaskier, stop.” Finally, with a sharp exhale that felt like the sky coming down around him, he reached Jaskier, taking his wrist in his hand.
Jaskier stopped, turned around and froze. His face was pale and his lips were trembling from more than just the cold. His eyes darted frantically over Geralt, who to him must look like an imposing shadow, faceless in the night.
“It’s me, Jaskier,” he said as softly as he could, though he knew he couldn’t banish the sharp edge from his voice. “It’s Geralt.”
“Geralt.” His name sounded like a prayer on Jaskier’s lips. Like he was talking to someone he didn’t know was truly there, but begged for nonetheless.
Geralt gently tugged at Jaskier’s wrist, afraid that if he pulled to strongly, Jaskier would be swallowed by the water. Jaskier didn’t move.
Geralt gritted his teeth, the wind picking up, making Jaskier shudder.
“What are you doing out here?” The words came out wrong, sounded too much like an accusation and too little like the comfort logic was supposed to offer.
“I need to get away. My family… I can’t be with them. I have to go.”
“Go where?”
Jaskier’s brows knitted together, his eyes swept back over the sea. “I don’t … home. I need to go where I am safe. I need to go home. To Geralt.”
“I am here.” He tugged again, and this time Jaskier’s feet followed the pull. He let Geralt embrace him, carry him away from the sea. “I am taking you home. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
Jaskier smiled. “Because you are with me now.”
Geralt’s throat grew tight. “Even if I wasn’t here. They are gone, Jaskier.”
“But…” Jaskier licked his lips, his eyes darting to the side, as if searching for something in the night. “But I saw him. I –“
“A dream, Jaskier. A nightmare. Nothing more.” Even while he said it, Geralt knew that his words did nothing to convince him. “Think, Jaskier. Do you know how old you are?”
“I don’t…”
“Old enough that your parents can’t hurt you anymore. They are gone,” he repeated empathetically. Still, Jaskier’s expression didn’t change. Geralt sighed, gathering him closer and felt Jaskier lay his own arms around Geralt’s neck. “And I am here. I will protect you.”
“I know you will.”
“Let’s get you back to bed.”
Jaskier nodded weakly, already half dozing off again.
When Geralt tucked him in once more, pressing the kiss against his temple, listening to the content sigh leave Jaskier and watching the soft smile on his face, he made sure to shut the windows tightly and lock the doors.
It’s just a nightmare. It can’t hurt you. It doesn’t exist. It’s in the past.
Geralt repeated the words again and again, whenever Jaskier woke, shaking and pale and afraid of monsters Geralt couldn’t safe him from.
The words did little to calm Jaskier, not like Geralt’s embrace did and the hands caressing his hair until the shivering stopped. Still, Geralt didn’t cease saying them. Maybe it was to convince himself of their truth, though he knew there was not a grain of it in there.
Although what Jaskier saw in his dreams might have been in the past, it kept haunting him. Even awake the line between past and present blurred more and more for Jaskier.
The words meant to comfort the hurt weren’t true for Geralt either. Jaskier wasn’t the only one plagued by nightmares, though Geralt spent his night terrors on his own, unwilling to burden Jaskier with this too. He couldn’t do that to him. Jaskier had enough demons to fight without Geralt laying more weight on him.
So he forced himself to stay quiet, staring blankly at the ceiling, listening desperately to Jaskier’s breathing as if it was the only thing keeping him from slipping into the horrors of his mind again.
Nightmares were nothing new to him. He had always had them, had always been able to tell himself that what crept up at him at night was in the past. Being abandoned by his mother, the agony of the trials, lying on the ground bleeding and alone after a fight. It was in the past, all of it.
It was the newest nightmare that had started to appear more and more often, that couldn’t be dispelled by these words.
Losing Jaskier was not a thing of the past. It was a certainty, crawling closer and closer with each passing minute. It was an inevitability that had stretched its talons towards him for years now.
No amount of telling himself that it wasn’t real would keep the future at bay. He couldn’t tell himself that it was nothing to be afraid of, because by the gods, he was afraid. He was afraid and alone and pathetically clinging to the sound of Jaskier sleeping next to him, helplessly hanging onto every moment he would be able to spend by his side, dreading the day when there would be only a cold emptiness beside him.
Yennefer had told him to prepare for the worst. He knew he should. He knew it would continue to hurt if he kept going on like this, but everything in him screamed to try and prevent the worst, not even knowing what it was.
Something touched Geralt’s chest; A hand reaching out to him in sleep.
He turned his head and found blue eyes blinking sleepily at him.
“Geralt?” Jaskier whispered into the dark. “Are you awake?”
Geralt hummed in reply, unwilling to tear the silence with his rough voice.
“What’s going on?”
Geralt’s jaw clenched. “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”
For a moment Jaskier was silent and it seemed he had followed Geralt’s advice. He should have known better.
A half-smile tugged at Geralt’s lips, when Jaskier huffed and lifted himself up, looking in Geralt’s direction, even though he couldn’t see him.
“Talk to me, Geralt. What’s wrong?”
Geralt grunted, unable to find the words, knowing it would be better not to say anything at all and yet fiercely longing to have someone to tell about his fears.
It shouldn’t surprise him that he didn’t need to voice his thoughts after all.
Jaskier snuggled closer, wrapping both arms around Geralt protectively. Achingly lovingly.
“I’ve got you,” he said. The tender words pierced Geralt’s heart, before all tension left him. “You’re not alone in this. I’m here with you.”
No poison-filled voice scraped at his mind, telling Geralt that it wasn’t true, that Jaskier’s words of comfort were just as hollow as his own. Jaskier wasn’t lying. Not about this. Never about this. Jaskier was here with him. For now. For now was all that they had and maybe it could be enough. Any part of Jaskier he could have would always be enough.
As good as he could, Jaskier let go of Geralt with one arm and pulled the blanket over him again, up to the chin, trailing a hand over his hair and pressing a soft kiss against his temple.
“You’re not alone,” he repeated, before lying his head to rest.
Geralt pulled him closer until he could feel his heart against his, listening to its beat and feeling the motion of Jaskier’s chest as he breathed, before his mind drifted away. Just for tonight, he didn’t need the reassurance of these sounds. Jaskier’s words were enough.
He closed his eyes and took in all that he could sense of Jaskier, his presence the only thing that could lure the clawed thoughts that had come with Geralt’s nightmares back in their cage. Until the next night, they would break through the bars again.
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some-lists · 4 years
More Shows that Should Be Added to Disney Plus
I after I completed my last list, which consisted mainly Disney Channel shows, a few more shows popped into my head. I also remembered that Disney now owns Fox as well as ABC, so even more great shows popped into my head.
Some of these might not be on Disney Plus because of certain rights issues. I don’t know anything about those types of matters. I just think these are great shows that would make Disney Plus even better.
(Thankfully, some of these shows can be found on YouTube, thanks to some awesome people with VCRs. Of course, having them stream on Disney Plus with good quality would be even better!)
10. PB&J Otter
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PB&J Otter was a cartoon about three otter siblings named Peanut, Butter, and Jelly. They lived a cute little fishing town inhabited by other cute little animals. It was created by the same makers of Doug and Allegra’s Window (anybody remember that one?). This show ran on Disney Playhouse and Disney Junior for quite some time. I think it’s only natural to include it on Disney Plus as well.
9. Braceface
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Braceface initially aired on Fox Family, which later became ABC Family, and then aired on the Disney Channel. It’s about a teen girl whose braces somehow have an electric charge and constantly interfere with her life. It was executive produced and voiced by Alicia Silverstone. Other voice talents included Michael Cera and Kathy Griffin.
8. Second Noah
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Second Noah was a great family drama about a married couple who took in stray animals and orphan children. Imagine if The Fosters lived in a zoo. The cast included a young James Marsden as the oldest adopted son. He sings in every single episode. That alone is worth the watch. Even though this was a great show, I doubt we’ll ever see it again. It was filmed at Busch Gardens in Florida before The Animal Kingdom had opened. Disney probably doesn’t want to promote its competition on its own streaming service. But one can dream... of James Marsden’s perfect singing voice.
7. The Koala Brothers
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I am a grown adult but I will watch The Koala Brothers any day of the week. This claymation series takes place in the Australian outback, where two koala brothers fly their airplane to assist anyone in need of help. It features an adorable little community made up of a turtle postman, a storekeeper echidna, an ice cream truck driving emu, a forgetful cafe owner platypus, and more lovable creatures. It’s just a really adorable show that even adults can enjoy.
6. Brotherly Love
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Brotherly Love originally aired on The WB and its reruns was aired on The Disney Channel for several years. Just like two other popular shows, Smart Guy (which is currently on Disney Plus) and Sister Sister. It featured Joey Lawrence has the oldest and estranged brother, who returns to help his two younger brothers (Matthew, Andy) and their auto mechanic business survive. The three brothers were played by real brothers in real life. It was a wholesome family show, with a cute Lawrence brother for every age group to crush on.
5. Higher Ground
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This show. This show was amazing. It aired on the Fox Family channel for one year, then disappeared forever. But man, it was so good. It was set at a boarding school for at-risk teens in the mountains — like camping but with actual licensed counselors. It focused on a couple of counselors and their troubled teen students. It dealt with some very real issues, like sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, narcissistic/emotional abuse, neglect, self-harm, eating disorders, homelessness, gang violence, and prostitution. It never used these issues for shock value or preachy, saccharine plot lines. It never judged the teens for their hard lives, but portrayed them honestly. Anyone who’s lived through a difficult childhood will find themselves relating to these teenagers. The cast included a pre-Anakin Hayden Christensen (he’s seriously really good in this!), a pre-Criminal Minds AJ Cook, and a pre-Once Upon a Time Meghan Ory. It might be a little heavy for Disney Plus, so a disclaimer would be needed, just like when it originally aired on Fox Family.
4. Young Hercules
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Following the success of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess, Young Hercules was developed for a younger audience. Much of the crew went on to work on The Lord of the Rings trilogy either during or shortly after this series. It debuted on Fox Kids in the late 90’s and starred a teenage Ryan Gosling as young Hercules. It was super cheesy, which makes it even better. Who doesn’t want to watch a spray tanned, bleached blond, eyelined Ryan Gosling slay imaginary beasts?
3. Bear in the Big Blue House
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Bear in the Big Blue House was a really great show for preschoolers. It ranks up there with Sesame Street and Blue’s Clues. It featured a big bear welcoming you into his big blue house. There you sing and play with his puppet friends and roommates. At the end of each episode, there’s a lovely goodbye song with the moon (yes, the moon sings). It’s a wonderful, entertaining show for little ones. Parents won’t mind watching it for the millionth time either. If Disney Plus is including Out of the Box, they should definitely include this one too.
2. Movie Surfers
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Movie Surfers is basically a behind-the-scenes preview of soon to be released Disney movies. It includes footage of the making process, cast interviews, and occasionally performances from the soundtrack. The original cast included Christina Milian, who then went by Tina. It’s still going on today as minis during commercial breaks. Some very classic movies have been featured, including Mulan, The Princess Diaries, and Finding Nemo. More recent films have also been featured, such as as the live action Beauty and the Beast, The Muppets, and Moana. This would be a great addition to Disney Plus as it would get viewers interested in other movies available on the streaming service.
1. Disney Channel in Concert
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This Disney Channel Special series started in 1997 and ran until 2001. It featured a live concert, behind the scenes footage, and interviews with the musical guest and family members. After their 1998 performance, *NSYNC’s debut album immediately skyrocketed to No. 1 on the Billboard charts. After their tremendous success, many other young acts were quick to follow, including Britney Spears, LeeAnn Rimes, Jessica Simpson, 98 Degrees, and the Backstreet Boys.
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natsukitakama · 4 years
LEVI ASSSK 🙃❤️ Comme d’hab du soft, c’est la minute crush, la minute mignon 🥰 j’aimerais voir Livai avec son nouveau née et oui avec un « e », une daugther 🎊 du style de l’annonce de la grosse à sa deuxième bougie 🥰 Voili voilouuu ~ toujours se faire plaisir dans l’écriture en first
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Headcanon : Levi Ackerman being a dad 
Author note : let’s be honest a minute this man with a cute little daughter ? This sound so cute he deserves something good on his life let’s give him the life he deserves ! I’m sorry it took me more time than I expected : let’s get our fluffy time. 
I do not own that gif credit to the owner
Warning : Spoiler if you haven’t see season 3 otherwise it’s spoiler free / mention of curse nothing dirty but Levi being Levi
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You could think this man won’t crave for a family : Well you’re not entirely wrong. After loosing Isabelle and Furlan he thought he won’t never be happy again, their death were a huge trauma for Levi (this is a part of the reason why he doesn’t sleep much cause he can’t stop thinking about it even if he tried to life without having regrets he can’t stop thinking about them). They were family to him, and he failed as a parent to protect his family : it hurts and Levi wasn’t ready to live that again. 
But then he met you, at first he didn’t want to start any relationship with agin because he was afraid he might loose you. But day after day, baby step by baby step he was too in love with you and couldn’t stop thinking about you. And after what seemed to be an eternity for both of you, you confessed and start a relationship. 
After gaining his trust and becoming an entire part of his life, you started to talk about serious project like what will you do after killing all titans after finagling be free from them ? Would you guys get married ? Would you start a relationship? Will he leave the survey corps to finally have his own tea shop ? 
Again, at the beginning he was kinda uncertain : sure he loves you and the prospect of having is own child, create his own family would be great. But he failed couple of time of protecting his own family : he looses Isabelle, lunch, Petra hell he even failed at protecting Erwin his major. How could you trust him ? 
Besides his own fear, having a baby is a huge responsibility it’s huge turn on your relationship you won’t be lover anymore both of you would be parent : you will have to educate your children, protect them, what if he wasn’t mean to be a dad ? He never has one : Kenny was barely family to him since he left him and he wasn’t the dad type according to him. He never experienced having a stable parent in his own life, : how could you be so sure ? 
It took you a long time to make him believe that in fact he won’t be a shitty dad as he qualified himself. You mentioned how caring he was with Eren (if we remove their first meeting) or with any people even if he wasn’t good at expressing his feelings he knows how to take care of someone. You underlined the way he was around you, how he always make sure you were fine how he always has an eye on you. 
Then he was afraid about the world, they both live on a dangerous place especially now that they know people were against us. You couldn’t disagree on that, during a long time you thought Titans was the only threat the would have to fight but now. He was right the world is dangerous but no matter how hard they tries, they would never find a place where they could be safe they always something to fight against : they survive against titan they will survive against no matter who they are. 
Then you praised him about how strong he was : after all he was the strongest soldier. 
+100 ego boost for Levi 
After couple of days, Levi met you on country side you were buying some foods for the survey corps and a child was holding your leg thinking you were his mum. After he realized that in fact you weren’t his mum, the little boy was crying over you afraid he might loose his mummy for ever. Then Levi saw you kneeling down stroking the child’s cheeks while smiling at him telling him you would find his mummy. After giving him something to eat, you took his hand and walked until you found his mum running everywhere looking for his dear son. 
The sight of you holding the boy’s hand literaly melted his poor heat : he swore he never saw something that cute before. You looked so happy with the little boy and he couldn’t help but picture himself walking around with his children holding both of your hand. It seemed good. 
For a moment he felt selfish for stopping you : Was it right for him to prevent you for having a child with him. Doesn’t he really want to have a child ? Was he too weak ? 
His number 1 rule forces him to never have any regrets when it came to decision he made : most of the time his instinct choses for him but today he needed to think properly cause no matter what decision he would take he couldn’t prevent your regrets. 
To him having a child on his world would be a selfish decision but at the same times he never experienced having a family on his own, and he knows that with you he would be finally happy : I mean he was already more than happy with you but you being pregnant with HIS child ? This was like heaven to his mind. 
He may have a pregnant thing right ? Don’t tell 
There is one thing he knows : he couldn’t live the survey corp yet they need him . You on the other side you could leave the survey corp. With everything both of you did for humanity, you could expect military administration finding you a nice job with them and a house on the Sina wall. 
So here was the deal : if you want a child You would have a child, but you’ll have to quit your military job and asking a transfer in a safe place. Levi and you would find a house on the Sina Wall so you and the child would be in a safe place. He on the other hand won’t leave the survey corp cause they need him, plus he needs (for the sake of his mind) to kill the beast titan so he could get revenge for Erwin’s death. 
He will leave the survey corp when everything would be in order 
Of course his deal implied that he won’t be 24/7 around you and your child but it was the better way to protect his family : He promised to visit you as much as he could and you know he will. 
You have a deal 
So know both of you were into the whole baby making : I won’t say anything since you asked for fluffy one. Things got dirty it’s all I’m saying 
Two months later you woke up feeling sick, before you could notice you were in your bathroom throwing as much as your body need to (I’m sorry). After that your started to have suspicious but you couldn’t say anything you didn’t want to give flash hope or anything. 
3 weeks after your first time being sick in the morning, you missed your periods. You decided to go to see a doctor before saying anything to Levi : Doctor was unanimous, you were one month pregnant 
The second you knew that, you prepare yourself to say goodbye to your fellow camaraderie from the survey corps : after all you promised to leave as soon as you learn for your pregnancy. 
You went to see Levi then, since he wasn’t comfortable with too much PDA or anything too expressive you decided to go straight to him. You were as his office and went directly on his lap for some cuddle. At first he was taken apart but it wasn’t the first time you does this to him so he let go. After some kissing you took his hand and put directly on his stomach with a cute smile. 
He knows 
he had suscipicious since couple of days but now he was sure : You were pregnant, holding his own child. He couldn’t prevent the soft smile of his face but quickly he holds you. You couldn’t be 100% but you swore you heard him whispering a soft “thank you” 
Then you started your life as a pregnancy wife, if you thought Levi was quite protective over you (even if he didn’t show it you know better). Now you couldn’t make a move without him having his eyes stick on you : he was afraid you might get hurt or worse fall. 
During your whole pregnancy and couple months ofter cleaning the house was a big no : Levi won’t leave you do it. Turns out you were too tired to the cleaning properly so he decided to do it so it’ll clean as it should be (he doesn’t mind so why would you complain ?). 
Since he doesn’t need to train as much as his comrades, he took every chance to see you have a lunch with you or just enjoying your presence. He won’t admit it but he missed having you by his side during fight battle but he knows better than to admit it. He couldn’t take the risk of having you here while being pregnant with your child. 
Since you couldn’t clean your house anymore you decided you’ll be the cooker : not like you got choice though Levi know shit about cooking he can live easily with bread and tea don’t ask me why that’s fact : as long as he has his tea he is happy. But you wanted to cherish your lover so everytime he was around you cook something for him : even if he was an easy man, he enjoys seeing you cooking something for him. He never has the chance in his life to have someone being domestically with him, so yeah his heart melted at the sight of you. 
Plus you’ll be sure he has at least one proper meal in his stomach since he tends to barely eat because « he doesn’t need it » according to him. 
Unfortunately having a child doesn’t mean he will finally have a proper amount time of sleep quite contrary he keeps his habits of barely sleep. His reasons are the baby could woke up early so someone will have to check them. He doesn’t need to sleep a lot so he’ll. 
« Levi you know I can wake up I don’t mind you need to get rest 
Nonsense besides I barely see them so I have to » 
He is not the best when it came to PDA but he’ll work hard so you would always feel loved . 
So when you felt down for whatever reason and he was here seeing you sad. He’ll open his arm looking at you as if he was bothered (but you know better) « well I won’t stay like this forever you better take this when you still can » 
If he can’t hug because you were far too sensitive he’ll run you a warmth bath so  you can relax. 
He doesn’t mind rubbing your back or your foot as long as you clean yourself before 
He didn’t know if it was because of your pregnancy but he constantly needs having his hand on your stomach. Even when you two sleep he always has his hand around your stomach. 
He loves rubbing it it helps him relax and if he felt his baby kicking, expect him to crack smile he can’t help it he is far too happy 
Speaking of baby I picture to him to want a daughter but a boy would be fine too 
As long as they look like you (since you were the most gorgeous of you two) 
After 8 months of being pregnant, things got a bit harsh. Not because you two had argument but because Levi wants you to stay on your bed all the time. At this point you were far too precious, he couldn’t stop being afraid you might fall or hurt yourself. 
« You know that I would have to stand up eventually » 
Much to his dismay he has to take two months off since he has to be there with you so you won’t move from the bed 
Believe when I say you barely move from your bed except for natural thing like going to the bathroom. Even during those times he was right behind the door waiting for you. « Don’t you have crap already ? » 
But it also means more of quality time with him : cuddle, lunch together, bath together 
You took as a chance for him to get some rest since he barley takes care of himself 
Then it happens you were walking outside with him ( he agreed to let you go in the garden with him by his side cause you complain about feeling pins and needles on your leg) and then you felt something rolling on your legs as if you were peeing on yourself which you weren’t. One look on the ground then you realized « crap I’m in labour »
Before a blick of an eye you were again in your bed while Levi was taking his coat looking for a doctor 
4 hours later you finally gave birth : a gorgeous little girl named after his mum name Kuchel. 
Levi was lost of word : first he was afraid he might loose you, holding your hand when you were labouring, screaming in pain was something he wasn’t prepare for. Of course he knows it is going to be hard for you but you look so painful and yet so beautiful as you were giving birth.
Then Kuchel was born, the doctor was holding the baby while a nurse was wrapping her with a towel he never stop staring at her. 
He was a dad finally he gets his own family 
During the whole process the baby was pretty calm and Levi was afraid something was wrong with Kuchel. But then the doctor give his daughter into Levi’s arm. The second he got her around her she starts screaming while looking at him directly on the eyes (she definetly got the Ackerman stare) as if she was looking for answers. All he did was stroking her cheeks looking at her peacefully, then Kuchel stop crying and giggling instead. 
You on the other hand were looking at that sweet picture while a nurse was cleaning you briefly. You never felt that tired before and yet you were so relax. She was your baby you got your baby. 
During a week Levi insisted on staying by your side you couldn’t be more thankful he does 
It was a relief knowing your beloved was here with you, indeed taking care of baby was a huge work : No matter how cute she was Kuchel was still a baby girl and like every baby she has her needs and wasn’t afraid to show them. 
You were lucky though she was quite calm like her husband but when she wanted something she wasn’t afraid to express this 
You learned from your mistakes that your daughter doesn’t like eating some vegetables like carrot or tomatoes but she seemed to love pumpkin more than she would like to admit 
She doesn’t sleep much like her father but she doesn’t make any sound, she moved a little bit to make know she is awoke and expect one of you to take her with you on your bed. 
She is sucker for affection especially hug : she loved being hugged by you and even more by Levi. Can’t explain why but you suspected her to become a daddy’s girl 
Unfortunately, Levi couldn’t stay forever and couple day later he has to go back into the survey corps but he always go back on your house every night when he wasn’t on expedition. 
However despite his love for his daughter he doesn’t interact a lot with her, he is just very talkative or even expressive but he tries to create some bonds with her : He has her on his arm as much as possible. When he read he got her, when he works he got her. Excepts during cleaning he always has her close to him. 
As he promised he always take care of his daughter during night when he was at home 
He doesn’t mind run a bath and clean her : in fact he loves that he wants her to be super clean 
He is not a fan of changing a diaper but if you couldn’t do it yourself well he will oblige 
Big fan of history before night, it’s a rare occasion when he isn’t awkward cause all he has to do was telling her some stories about his past or anything she would fall asleep very quickly 
Would definitely check the bedroom before she goes to sleep 
Expect some soldier around your house, Levi talks with some people and well he is kinda convincing when he wants to (he scared them but shh) 
He loves to feed her too, her expression are priceless 
You see me coming with that : her first word was obviously daddy and oh boy does he tease you with that during the whole week. 
When he thought he couldn’t be more proud of her daughter he was wrong, one day she decided to surprise you by standing herself and starting to walk by herself : You knew it’ll come soon, you saw her trying to stand herself, you felt her strength when she tried to stabilize. But still you couldn’t contain the ears from falling on your cheeks when you saw your one year old daughter walking into Levi’s arm 
The expression on his face is priceless : he Is both shocked and so proud and yet happy all at the same time 
That’s when the fun begin 
She quickly learned how to run and wasn’t afraid to do it all the time despite you telling her to not run on the house : she was as stubborn as her father could be. And the expression she got when she runs in your living room without falling reminds you his dad, always cocky but neutral at the same time 
Growing up, you discover that she was girl version of Levi and according to him she seemed to look at lot like his mum. You didn’t know if he felt nostalgic or not neither does he. 
Remember when I said Levi was an overprotective lover ? He is even worse with is daughter. Even if he taught her to not play with knife (or anything dangerous) or to be obedient which she was 99% of time, he was still afraid she might hurt herself. But he knows better than force her to stay at your house where she was safe
So yeah time to time he allows her to play with children only if he could have an eye on them just to be sure. 
At some point when she would be old enough he’ll teach her how to fight and he’ll feel less anxious knowing she could kick ass
He worked a lot on himself to not be awkward when she wanted to play with him, but wasn’t comlfortable enough to play with doll instead he proposed her to make so tea party with real tea : he’ll teach her how to make good tea properly (which she will use later to coax his dad when she’ll need something from him) 
Tea party became their favorite game 
He taught her too some card’s game but she wasn’t really into this 
She loves when he read something for her though it could be anything from newspaper to her history book or just telling her some stories about his friends, his expedition : She was extremely curious and also loves the sound of her dad’s voice. Since she is baby it always relax her 
Both of you were afraid she might want to join her father later into the survey corp but she doesn’t seem to be interest on that 
At the age of Two years old, she knows a lot of curse word despite you trying to force Levi to contain himself he just couldn’t do that it was his nature. In addition he finds it quite funny (even cute but won’t admit it) when she cursed like him especially when she says « crap » if you listen carefully you would even hear him giggle a bit (it’s probably why her daughter keep going it) 
If he saw one little boy walking around his daughter he won’t hesitate to kick his ass but you reminds him that they still children so it was purely innocent. You also reminds him that one day she’ll grow up and become her own person. 
He agreed on that, but still he has an eye on that filthy bastard just in case 
She was his precious daughter and no one would ever put a finger on her and he would make sure on that 
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