#cool guy cal
uservalentine · 1 year
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cashtonsbetch · 8 months
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Happy bday to this beautiful human
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aj-artjunkyard · 7 months
I think even funnier than Anakin being a Big War Hero is if he was like. The Temple’s resident tech guy. Cal or Kanan find out who Darth Vader is and they’re like ‘the guy who reset my password???’
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splitsabers · 2 months
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Jedha - Jedi: Survivor
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roe-and-memory · 2 months
i (memory) met a nascar cup driver tonight and my reaction to seeing him immediately had me wondering what it wouldve been like from his perspective (like, generally what its like to meet fans and what their different reactions would be)
so, of course, this turned into me wondering how lightning would deal with fans (and how fans would deal with meeting him)
at the beginning of his career he’d definitely be awkward. like, hes a kid, and hes got full grown adults asking for an autograph — its a little weird for him. at this point, he can relate better to the little kids than he can the adults and teenagers that he crosses paths with.
at the end of his rookie season, however, i think he’d be comfortable with all ages — maybe still a bit unnerved around adults (considering hes 18 and he cant relate to them in any manner like the other drivers can) but hes pretty okay at this whole fan thing.
BUT. by the end of his second season, hes a PRO. he takes his time with all his fans and makes sure everyone (aside from the obvious scammers) gets his attention. sometimes parents or adults will start conversations with him and he’ll happily carry them on because why not? he has time for everyone, and it feels great to be treated like a regular human being sometimes.
dealing with reactions-wise, i think hes kinda bad at noticing cues in social situations so he’ll either completely misunderstand what someone wants (ex. someone stops in front of him and occasionally glances over and he assumes they want an autograph but really they were just waiting for someone/something else) or not realize what people actually want from him (he sometimes doesnt catch on that someone wants a photo or autograph until they outright ask)
people definitely have big reactions to meeting him or seeing him so hes very used to fangirling and excitable kids running up to greet him while their parents follow behind with concern in their eyes, he doesnt mind anything reactions wise
BUTTTT. he will sign merch of cal or bobby. if a person supports them, then they support him too — its a group respect the 3 have for each other (all of them will sign merch of the other if the person is okay with that). and, of course, if someone shittalks his friends while being a fan of him, the chances of them getting an autograph become slim to none.
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elliespectacular · 9 months
Happy nearly 10-years of The Vev Nungaround - I have had this idea in my head for years and decided to make it a little animation!
Audio source
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Transcript/description under the break
Homestar Runner fan animation with characters rendered in a polygonal flat-color style. Audio is from a review of The Velvet Underground's debut LP by theneedledrop, wherein Anthony Fantano talks to his roommate/alter ego Cal Chuchesta. In this animation, Strong Sad is depicted is Anthony and Coach Z is depicted as Cal. Kansas Mash from the Homestar Runner Official Soundtrack plays softly underneath.
Coach Z stands in Strong Sad's bedroom doorway wearing a pair of orange aviator sunglasses. A poster for The Cure's "Boys Don't Cry" is visible on one of the room's purple walls. As Coach Z speaks the view briefly cuts to Strong Sad looking blankly back at him, a rendering of The Velvet Underground & Nico visible on the wall as well as a record shelf containing B-est of B-Sides by Sloshy.
COACH Z: If you're gonna be reviewin' a super cool band like The Vev Nungaround, you're gonna need me--mehs--my super cool sunglasses.
View cuts to Strong Sad who is now wearing the sunglasses.
STRONG SAD: I couldn't possibly accept your cool-guy sunglasses.
View cuts back to Coach Z who is no longer wearing the sunglasses.
COACH Z: But you are... Right now.
Strong Sad places his hands on the side of his face in disbelief and makes an excited expression as the view cuts back to Coach Z, who waves his arms back and forth while sliding down toward the bottom edge of the screen.
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gold0kapi · 3 months
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Omgomgomg Okay I have centaur characters but I've never drawn them because I don't want to fiddle about trying to design them BUT THIS makes it so easy and fun. (I'm gonna have a MILLION centaurs soon aren't I? 😭)
Anyway, some very quick messing about in HeroForge this AM and I'm OBSESSED. (Also dapples are life)
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lesbianphan · 1 month
Review of ii please? 🎤
Hi Cal! Took me a while to get to this message cause I felt like I wanted to write a longer reply.
I feel like I need to preface by saying I'm not a big tour fan in general when it comes to youtubers. I know Dan and Phil do it like no one else ever dares to do, but I still don't really enjoy the format very much, especially since it feels exclusionary to people who can't be there when the youtube channels get dead for tour reasons (which means I might get more annoying during tour again whoops). So prefacing as well with the fact that tatinof makes me want to die inside and is maybe my least favorite thing they've ever done, I didn't have that high expectations for II.
That being said, I liked II way more than I thought I would! It's like the teenage version of dnp content, I suppose! TATINOF felt like it was made for 10 year olds, and even though introverts didn't feel mature or adult like I hope TIT will be, it was still fun enough! Phil especially did much better with this format (and maybe some more experience) and didn't make me want to die from second-hand embarrassment as much asdkj (sorry I promise I love him, hard to watch him act though).
I found it to be like an internet variety show of sorts, and was overall pretty enjoyable to watch. It felt more Dan and Phil than overly scripted TATINOF. They vibed more with the public, they felt more comfortable in their skin and on stage. Overall a better performance, and a more interesting show imho. It was still a litttlleeee too long imho, their shows tend to drag on a little too long for my taste (even WAD, which I absolutely LOVED, could be much shorter to pack more of a punch, so the message doesn't get lost in the amount of content in it).
I find it funny that it was supposed to be the last Dan and Phil thing, because idk if it's because I'm watching it now, but it just has middle child energy. It didn't feel like an ending at all to me! I found the theme interesting as well, about giving people what they want / doing what they want, but once again it might have been better communicated if the show wasn't as long.
Tldr: I really liked Interactive Introverts way more than I expected, I think they did a good job with it even if it does have some transitional energy that is hard to explain, and it's very of its time, as all of their projects seem to be.
I feel more ready to face whatever the fuck they'll do during TIT now that I've seen all their shows, but I do hope they throw out the booklet and let loose a little more on this one. I'm intrigued to see what an actual adult Dan and Phil show looks like (not onlyphans lol).
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daylighteclipsed · 4 months
Sora and Riku would love Star Wars
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glouris · 1 year
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me when I'm in a sending mixed signals competition and my opponent is boba fett
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ghost-inthemachine · 9 months
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aerticent · 2 years
The head canon that Maven's fire is blue is so interesting to me not only cause it just sounds cool, but I also like the implications it has for his character.
Blue fire, if you don't know, is the hottest type of flame. I like to think that it would be rather difficult for burners to conjure and it would need an intense amount of focus and discipline. We also know that burners are particularly affected by their emotions and, as we know, Maven is quite emotional! I think it'd be cool if burners can create blue flame but it either requires an intense amount of focus and control or a complete lack of control over one's emotions.
I like the idea of his flames starting as yellow and orange and as the story progresses it slowly becomes blue to represent the decline in his mental state. His flames being blue as a result of his emotions would also mean he has little to no control over them. He's losing more and more control over himself and in turn is becoming more and more dangerous to those around him, ally or not. I also like the idea of him in theory becoming better than Cal in terms of the damage they can cause with their abilities, but his lack of control just sets him back even more yk.
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daydadahlias · 10 months
what about MC1 or CH1?
dunno!! i don't really know if I see them making solo albums tbh?? I would love to see Mike try to produce things for other artists !!! and also see more of Cal writing for other people but idk if I can see them sitting down and doing a full album by themselves?? just bc they haven't really talked about wanting to do them. but we'll see!! id love to see one from either of them :)
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calli0p3 · 1 year
good morning tumblr!! how’ve we been? i totally forgot but yesterday i dyed my hair black and i feel so cool now 😎
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sadpurpleblood · 1 year
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wow who are these cool guys. dave harley, heir of skaianet systems incorporated (tho that wont rlly work out now that the earth is blown up) and his weird guide thing he made from the coolest puppet ever and that one corpse that was lying around.
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nordicbananas · 11 months
gasp i forgot i CAN do that
hrhrhrrhesbehrh >:)
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