#coolest ipad cases
enden-k · 3 months
btw now that i can get to it (was busy and had someone over) i can babble a little abt zzz and give my thoughts so far on it if anyone is still wondering whether they should try it or not
first thing i have to say is, to me it feels like a cozy casual kinda game. and i love it. i think thats the part i saw some ppl complain abt
it reminds me a lot of P5 w the overall vibes etc (i played on first release years ago but not the additional stuff afterwards so idk if there were changes to the plot or anything with whatever royal is about) and it was a comfort game for me back then so yea. this might add a lot to why zzz feels like such a comfort game to me
the siblings are not active, playable characters in combat since theyre the proxy guiding and supporting the playable characters (agents) in the hollows (compare it to domains). outside of the hollows you run around with ur chosen sibling and whoever you picked, the other doesnt disappear or becomes irrelevant. they are a unit, run their video store together, theyre one proxy, supporting each other. i already love how trailblazer is more vocal than traveler but the siblings are active, talking parts in cutscenes and whenever theres dialogue choices, your chosen sibling ACTUALLY SAYS IT. this is smth i wished for a while in gnshn so seeing it in zzz made me super happy. it gives them sm life and gets me into it idk how to say it
(this is them btw. pretty mfs)
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anw its not overwhelming like gnshn feels to me. gnshn has sm to explore and sm story and its smth i both enjoy and feel exhausted by. now, if you played persona or are familiar, its easier for me to use for comparison. you get to run around as the chosen sibling in the city but the fighting (w the agents you pull from the gacha) all happens in the hollows (similar to when you enter the metaverse). it runs with a day-night cycle and depending on the time, npcs and quests pop up. you can pass the time if you need a specific time of day for an objective, by doing hollow exploration or simply resting in ur room. theres side stuff you do, like running your store and visiting the arcade and play snake akjscbk
the combat itself reminds me of HI3 and wuwa and feels super smooth and fun to me
it has cutscenes etc but the story parts in between are illustrated and presented in a comic/storyboard kinda way? which fits the whole video/movie aesthetics well. its pretty cool
overall, if you didnt try it out yet bc you think it requires lots of energy and time like gnshn, its nothing like that at all. ofc im not through with everything but so far it feels like a very nice game to play casually, w a big cozy bonus when youre spending the day freely in game. i play only on pc or on console when i wanna lay down but this game even i would play on phone or ipad to chill akjscbk
the characters are also pretty fun and cool looking! like, look at them, so far we got
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the most chaotic ragtag group in all of new eridu (they share one braincell and its anby who is in charge of it)
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fresh looking heavy industry workers (they have a bear)
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classic horror housekeeping service who will poison ur tea ig
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motorcycle gang (oggling the glasses guy and boss lady super hard, they will be mine when playable-)
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public security (they have an actual catboy in case weve got catboy enjoyers here)
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special hollow operation elite squad aka the coolest strongest mfs out there taking care of hollow disasters
ALSO THE NPCS!!! LIKE!!! look at the cook!!! tinmaster running the coffee shop!!! the girl selling gadgets or the bunny person running the arcade!!!
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even the regular npcs just roaming the streets. theres lots of cool details and life in every bit, its really cool
anw!! idk if this helped or made sense, this is also just my own impressions and feelings so far so yeee. if someone decides to play, i hope you will have fun and get whoever you really really want!!
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jjtheresidentbaby · 11 months
baby spencer who definitely is NOT regressed on the jet ride back to quantico and garcia, morgan, and big sis jj can’t help but notice. after lots of coddling and a meltdown from spencer, he starts to warm up to the rest of the team. (i really love the idea of fatherly hotch and regressor spencer :(( ) but less sad and more just spencer getting the love he deserves. n garcia is the coolest of cool aunts and she most definitely is waltzing over with her ipad and a whole folder of new games for spencer to play!! sorry m rambling i hope u have the best day/night <3
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Big Sis Duties ໒꒱ ⋆゚⊹
|| jennifer jareau x spencer reid
a/n: this more so turned into big sis Jj & lil bro reid sry
warnings: talk of rosslyn/when Jj was a kid, reid being insecure about his regression
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Jj kicks her foot lightly against Reid’s leg, he’s curled up in the corner of the couch on the jet while Jj is sprawled across the rest of it. She might be annoying him, but she’s regressed to around fourteen and that’s the best age to be annoying her younger brother in her humble opinion.
“Reid?” She sing songs his name and grins when he huffs at her, she’s pretty sure he’s regressed or at least starting to.
“Let’s play cards I’m bored.” Bored and keenly aware that there’s over four hours left on this plane ride, she hates cases in Alaska for this exact reason.
“Not now Jj, I’m tired.” A small pout appears on Jj’s lips, Spencer’s never too tired to play cards with her, especially when she’s regressed and she knows he knows, the entire team does. She had accidentally made it very apparent when she waltzed down to the lobby of their hotel in black skinny jeans and her rock music playing loudly in her headphones. Whoops.
“Are you okay?” Reid lets out a small sigh when Jj slides over to his side and lays her head on his shoulder.
“Yeah I’m okay.” The assurance sounds fake and Reid drops his eyes to the floor as he says it, only furthering Jj’s concern.
“You know you can regress if you want to.” She makes a point not to say ‘need to’ as she remembers before she got more comfortable in her regression she had it in her head that if she didn’t absolutely need to regress, she shouldn’t. It took a while for her to realize that regression is how she copes and she’s allowed to regress when she wants to, and she knows Hotch has been trying to make Reid understand the same truth.
“I don’t.” It’s meant to have a snap to it but it doesn’t, Spencer’s too tense to show that much emotion. He’s so curled in on himself Jj wonders if it hurts to sit like that with his tall frame, and if he realizes how outwardly stressed he looks.
“Can I nap with you?” The question must take Reid off guard as he turns his head and furrows his brows at Jj.
“You said you were tired, we can nap together.” After school she remembers throwing herself onto Rosslyn’s bed where her older sister was probably already half asleep since the higher grades got out a little earlier than the younger ones. It’s a memory she clings onto, the sunny afternoons she’d spend in her sisters room half awake giggling at Rosslyn’s playful teasing and badly sung pop songs are some of Jj’s favorite moments she had with her sister.
“Um…” Spencer trails off and chews his bottom lip while his hand fidgets with the corner of his shirt. He’s definitely falling into his headspace, Jj can practically see it stamped across his forehead.
“Or we can play games on Penny’s ipad if you want, or ask Rossi to tell us war stories, or have Hotch read to us, or Em can play poker with us…” Her shoulder bumps into Reid’s with a smile on her face as she lets her voice go quiet, waiting for Spencer to be the one to decide what they do. Rosslyn used to do the same thing with Jj, it feels like something a big sister has to do.
“Can we um… play games on Penny’s ipad?” Jj immediately nods and ruffles Spencer’s hair before standing to walk over to where Garcia is sat next to Derek.
“Hi there pumpkin, need something?” The blonde instantly greets Jj, ignoring whatever banter she was just having with Morgan.
“Could me and Spence use your ipad to play games?” A chuckle comes from Derek with a mutter about Jj using the ipad more than Garcia herself which Jj promptly sticks her tongue out at. Until Penelope tells her to stop asking or the games get boring, she’ll be using that ipad anytime she can get her hands on it.
“Course sweetie, here you are. You remember the password?” She nods, the password is Unicorns123 which is very easy to remember even when Jj’s regressed.
“I’m back!” Reid lets out an oof when Jj thumps into his side and clicks the ipad open to the folder of games Garcia has downloaded for her. There’s a few she only uses when she’s regressed really young and others reserved for when she’s a tad older, she isn’t sure what age range Spencer falls into right now so she goes with a block stacking game since that seems safe for about any age.
“Here, you play and I’ll watch.” A beaming smile gets sent Jj’s way as Spencer takes the ipad from her hands, his tongue poking out the side of his mouth in concentration and a low hum of contentment coming from his throat. Jj can’t hold back her own grin, settling against Spencer’s side to watch him try to line the blocks up, and a warm feeling spreading through her chest. She thinks she’s getting pretty good at big sister duties.
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northwest-cryptid · 21 days
The future is now, and a lot of people really don't like it.
It's something I've noticed, I was born just before the turn of the century, and I grew up with a lot of talk about what the future would be like. Computers, the internet, technology itself was still fairly new at least to the everyday consumer. Sure my father had been programming for years, but cell phones were still bricks we had to carry around in our pocket. This isn't a put down, so please don't think I'm using Zoomer as a derogatory term or anything but; Zoomers may not really grasp the fact that our first cell phones were these really chunky bricks that had 2 toned small screens that literally could just make calls or play snake. Texting was a pain, you had to literally hit the same key multiple times to cycle through letters and then wait for it to move to the next slot if you needed a letter on the same key.
And yet, almost everyone around me, and everyone I spoke to online was excited about technology; about the future. Integration of tech into the daily lives of those around you was the coolest stuff you could see, we had classes in school that taught us not just how to type and use the computer, but also things like internet safety and even really basic stuff about how to program. We're talking about elementary school by the way, I was playing computer games in the lab and learning how to type properly, how to stay safe online; and in some cases even how to make games. It was uncommon for anyone even in middle school to own a cell phone, and if they did it was a Nokia. You had people who would swear by Apple products because "they made the iPod!" Which yea, you read that correctly; not the iPhone; the iPod. The iPhone was still just this sort of concept back in the day. The idea of a future where our phones could do more than play snake, send texts, and call people.
You had a lot of people online who made their own websites and were lamenting how easy the internet was becoming for "just any schmuck on the street" to use. It used to be a utopia for only the biggest nerds with their text based computer games and personal websites. However it was quickly becoming more and more accessible to the every-man and people were divided on whether or not that was a good thing. Some didn't care for the direction the internet was going, and others enjoyed the attention the internet and technology by proxy was finally getting.
With more people being able to use technology effectively, the demand for better and better tech was growing. At the time, the capitalistic nature of the industry was fine, it prompted companies to compete for the biggest and the best new stuff to show off. If you were going to spend your money on something; it really had to be quality made. This isn't just about cell phones and computers either, if you look back at how much advancement was made in game consoles back during the time of the Gamecube or Dreamcast eras, you'll see that no one in the console industry could stand by and make sales by just being a brand name. Everything from computer parts to gaming consoles to even software was becoming better, whether that meant faster; higher definition, or even just sometimes having bigger numbers. I mean hell the Nintendo 64 literally put the number in the name to tell you how big of a deal it was.
This was the golden age for technology, and I am genuinely sad that a lot of Zoomers never got to really experience it. We shit-talk Zoomers for growing up without tech literacy, or being iPad babies, but the truth is; they're not taught like we were. Most of the older Millennials, or gen Xers had a lot more understanding of tech because we either were literally raised on it, or we were making it. Zoomers never got to experience what it was like to know the what and why of new tech coming out. The market has become so taken over by capitalistic greed that no one is really happy about it.
We wanted a world where tech made people's lives easier, integration of tech into your daily life was meant to simplify things. Not to advertise 20 different products to you before you can request an uber to come pick you up just so it can ask you if you want to upgrade, only for your uber driver to be so distracted by their phone and the reek of marijuana that they can't drive safely. Which mind you, isn't to say phones or weed are necessarily bad, but hey don't drive under the influence you piece of shit, especially not with passengers; you make the rest of us look bad! Now I gotta go online and complain about this on social media, of course I'm talking about like, maybe one of five social media sites people actually use. Yes it's highly censored and what isn't censored by the people running the site is likely to be caught in the net of the social culture around the website, so of course I have to watch what I say and over explain myself. Then I think I'll reblog that post about how we're all explaining ourselves too much and being too nice and we're too afraid to speak our minds and we really need to stop doing that. Then I'll answer the anon hate I got for speaking my mind and trying to not over explain myself because the social culture net is so broad it encompasses significantly too many different kinds of people who won't see eye to eye...
My point with that whole paragraph is to say that even someone like me, who adores technology and wants it to progress and wants it to integrate more into my life; still doesn't agree with what has become of it. I think the worst part about it is that some of it is inescapable while other parts can be fixed but every time I say that I get yelled at for it. It's like people would rather believe they're trapped here than understand they still have a lot of power over the use of their technology. It's easier to accept the world around you when you don't feel like you could do anything, when you understand that you could do something rather than merely complain it creates a dilemma. Suddenly you know for a fact you could fix your problem, but that requires a certain amount of effort on your part. I've heard people tell me they can't learn to code in HTML for reasons branching from trauma to disabilities. Which is baffling because if you can literally make a text post on tumblr, or send me anon hate to yell at me about how you can't possibly learn HTML; you could easily type out HTML or copy paste it.
However I'm not here to point fingers, I'm here to say I've noticed that the places we can't escape from are getting more and more aggressive, and no one feels like we can do anything. It's rough, because I know if we did try to do something it would be a hell of a lot more effort than just getting people to figure out they could make their own websites if they don't like the ones they are on.
The majority of public transport, businesses, and restaurants have apps that require you to have a smart phone. I sit down and ask for a menu, I'm told there's a QR code on the table I can scan. I once told a waitress my phone couldn't scan QR codes and she made a big fuss about how they don't have physical menus anymore and she wasn't about to tell me what all they had as options. It was my fault for being too poor to afford a good enough phone. Something that was once considered a luxury is now a necessity to eat at an establishment. If you're curious, it was a waffle house. A fucking Waffle House decided to do away with their menus and opted for QR codes. Thankfully I've not seen this catching on with other Waffle Houses, but consider the target audience of a Waffle House. This isn't some fancy classy restaurant, this is a 24/7 diner where you stop in at 3 AM to eat some poorly cooked hash-browns and eggs that were made by a poor college student who isn't paid enough; and hope no one starts a fight because the only other two people in this place are drunk off their ass and getting a little loud with the waiter. When I asked the waitress for literally just hash-browns, a couple of eggs, and bacon; a typical breakfast you could get just about anywhere that serves, you know; breakfast. I was told that's not a menu item and that I'd need to order off the menu if I wanted to actually buy anything. We went back and forth for about 5 minutes and I was doing my best to be polite about the situation because I've worked food service before and I understand too well what it's like to just want a quiet, simple shift. Finally the manager came out, charged me about $7 and made me some food. When they told the waitress to leave me be I heard her remark "alright but they were being rude as fuck" as she walked off. Mind you the only thing I asked for was a menu, then some food; and then asked what the menu item most resembling my order would have been and to just charge me for that. As the waitress stood off in the corner of the Waffle House she literally pulled out her smart phone. Not once did she offer to just scan the QR code for me and help find an order closest to my request, or any such thing. The situation was simple in her mind, I didn't have access to their QR code menu, so I couldn't order anything; end of story.
For many if you take public transport and you need an app for it, your phone needs to be able to run that app. If it can't you're out of luck, it doesn't matter if you have the money for the bus, it doesn't matter if you could pay a taxi. You need to have the app on your phone to travel, you need to scan a QR code to eat, some apps will literally ask for your ID or driver's license, so that's fun. I've literally had apps ask me for my social security information. Yea, remember kids don't give out your personal information to anyone online... unless it's this fun app you use, because remember the guys at [business] are your friends! I know you may believe that they're a business and therefore they have to use your data responsibly, but the truth is that's just not how it works. The people working at Google, at Tumblr, at Uber, they're all just people; people like you and me. Except they have access to your cloud storage, they have access to everything you've ever posted, they have access to your location, they have access to any pictures you've taken that get automatically backed up to your phone with metadata that lists the exact place it was taken; yes that includes your nudes. "For your eyes only... and like all the google employees who see this, and that one creepy guy who screenshot it and shares it with his friends uwu"
Not to be a boomer, but back in my day we were literally taught internet safety in school; and a lot of people cared deeply about this sort of thing. They weren't so apathetic to it all just to get through the day, I hear people say "oh I don't care, I know they're watching, listening; they know everything about me, targeted ads are real; etc." Hell I've been there myself, it's hard to care about it all because it feels like it's everywhere. I understand you may not want to really concern yourself with it, but when you're aware of it you can actually take measures to prevent it where you can. That's literally WHY we were taught this shit in school.
Truth is, I still have those hopes of a future where tech is part of the daily life of those who want it. I love the idea of convenient apps and fun websites. I love the idea of tech advancing and everyone finding new ways to enjoy life. Things like Vtubers, VR/AR tech, video games, and yes even the good things about shit like cell phones, and smart devices. That's all great, but I want it without all the bullshit. I hate using AR tech and going "hi random Meta employee who's likely viewing my data, location, and possibly has random access to my cameras and what I'm running on my own personal tech!" People call me paranoid, they bitch at me for being cynical; and I can't blame them. I really can't, because I know I'd enjoy life a lot more if I didn't think like this, if I didn't know what I know. It's that age old saying that ignorance is bliss.
However, when I see things like the Old Web Movement, and I understand people are trying; they're fighting the good fight and I'm just sitting there? I can't do that. I have to do my part, I have to try as well; or else I have no right to complain, to want for better tech; safer tech, more private tech. I can't scream about something as simple as discord suddenly telling me about everything my friends are playing, or what they're watching in a server I'm not even a part of; unless I'm actively actually doing my part to spread awareness and fight against the violations of privacy that so many tech applications are imposing upon people. I have to speak up even if people hate me for it.
If I was alone on that front, I'd probably let it die; I'd just be some hermit living my own way and not even care. However when I see people trying to fight for others to make their own websites, to give that power back to the public. When I see people trying to teach others how to jailbreak their tech, how to fight back against the automation of data mining and AI stealing your every word to teach some multi-billion dollar waste of electricity. I have to do my part, because I was born just before the turn of the century; and while I'm sure people would tell me it's not that deep. I still dream of the future that was promised to me when I was young, and if I can't have it in my life time, I'll fight for Zoomers; and if they can't have it in theirs, I want them to be armed with the knowledge necessary to help the next generation.
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wolfisland · 4 months
that ipad was the first time i ever had anything over any rich kid i went to school with. i was the only kid i knew with an ipad and it was the coolest fucking thing ever. i didnt give a shit about anyone else after that. i took it everywhere with me. drew constantly. read every day. devoured books and art and made friends i still have to this very day. people i talk to often, who i love dearly. i might actually still have it lying around somewhere in storage. a bulky, heavy, thick thing. with its yellowed plastic protective case and the shitty stylus i had to replace every few months because the tip would wear through because i drew so much and the apple pencil wouldnt be invented for years.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Oh to be an eternal 6 yr old making mud pies and setting fires.
Imagine being eternally 6 and living through all of history and suddenly you can have plays! At home! In a tiny portable form that is pink and has butterfly wings holding it at the perfect angle as you drink your O- people juice.
What I’m a saying is if you lived through every war you deserve to be a tablet kid with the coolest iPad case.
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sonicenvy · 11 months
a solid 80-90% of my coolest craft/art/writing/making ideas come to me at the most inconvenient of times:
late at night when i am trying to sleep
in the shower
at work while im helping someone out with a thing
while i am biking or driving
when i am on a train car or bus having to stand instead of sit
tonight's inconvenient idea was for a new, different embroidery hoop that wasn't the pattern i downloaded and printed onto my dissolvable stabilizer, stuck onto fabric and mounted into a hoop (and then bought the thread for) and started on.
This idea was to do some of the images from the book of kells. I am especially fond of the very famous folio 27v which is from the gospel of matthew and depicts the symbols of the four evangelists (matthew, mark, luke and john as the man, the wingèd lion, the wingèd calf and the eagle). The one that seemed to be the least technically difficult to stitch in my mind was the wingèd calf (luke) so I cut the image out of the page in photoshop, enlarged it and printed it out. Once printed out I made a (clumsy) tracing of it onto another paper, which I'll have to refine and ink later. For now, I'd call that proof of concept.
After inking, ill probably scan it back into the computer and make a vector of it and print that vector out on the water dissovlable stabilizer to attach to my fabric. I decided to go about this route because, frankly, I'm shite at tracing things digitally with my ancient wacom tablet (and my ipad is too old to do apple pencil + procreate which would probably be better. Plus, like, I have a light box, why not use it?
As a side note I cannot draw AT ALL, but I am passable at tracing because of embroidery and because I traced stuff all the time for assignments back in primary school that we were supposed to draw stuff for if I couldn't get away with doing layer collages cut out with my x-acto knife for the project instead. (yes i was a single digit age child with an x-acto knife. my dad had an a+ parenting moment when I was like, maybe 5 and taught me how to cut out things (mostly my paper dolls) with an x-acto knife. I didn't even know how to use scissors at the time lmaooooooo. because x-actoing shit out is soooo much better, as I result i still stink at scissor cutting things.)
anyways. in case you were wondering about what the little guy im planning to embroidery looks like.... boom!
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he's just a little guy! medieval monks drew all kinds of fun and funky creatures and frankly, dear old irish/scottish medieval monks, im obsessed. y'all dont get me started on medieval art and illuminate manuscripts or ill be here for 100000 years. my bones will be telling you about medieval art.
the other embroidery projects that are totally still going to happen:
the sea shell pattern i downloaded. good thing i didn't have to pay for it....
a blue morpho or a paper kite butterfly.
some kind of stitch sampler
other fiber art projects:
that crocheted shawl i downloaded a pattern for a kajillion years ago
the giant blue crocheted scarf that I got about 60% of the way through making from that pound o' love yarn skein.
mending. so. much. mending.
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chiaralbart · 2 years
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The coolest most badass ipad cases if you ask me tbh 🥹🫶
Feminist Killjoy Ultra Impact Case and Zodiac Sky Folio Case available only from casetify​ ✨ 🔮
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longfitness · 2 years
Fairy godmother tycoon 2 free. download full version
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comicsgreys · 2 years
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It does not make you sign up for a subscription, which is refreshing and will please budget-conscious users.
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Like its sibling Affinity Designer, Affinity Photo costs just $55 for Windows or Mac ($22 for iPad). If you have only ever used Photoshop, but want to make a change, Affinity offers inspiration videos and tutorials to help you get started. For example, when you are in the Export persona, you have more control over how you export your images to other formats. So when you select a Persona, the tools on the screen change. One of the coolest things about Affinity Photo is that it offers four “Personas” (Photo, Liquify, Develop, and Export), which you can change depending on what you are looking to do. PSD) editing, panorama stitching, HDR merging, batch processing, digital painting, 360-degree image editing, and multi-layered compositions. Affinity Photo editing features include professional-level adjusting, RAW editing, Photoshop file (.
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This lesser-known software has just about every feature you can think of for photo and image editing. Affinity Photo is one of these competitors giving Photoshop a run for its money. But since Adobe's recent switch to a subscription-based business model, even some longtime users are looking for a more affordable alternative. If you have never used Adobe products and you are not tied to the Adobe suite in any way, Affinity Designer is a great alternative.Īdobe Photoshop has been the gold standard in photo editing for years. It is just $55 for Windows or Mac ($22 for iPad) and does not require a subscription, making it an attractive option for anyone on a budget. Notable features include the ability to zoom in on a graphic to one million percent (no exaggeration), a rich color palette and boundless gradients, brush stabilization, crazy-good curve control, advanced grids, and capable text and font editing.īut the thing that really sets Affinity Designer apart is the cost. While Affinity Designer may not have every feature found in Illustrator, it does have just about everything you need for the majority of graphical projects. This is the case with Affinity Designer, a smart and fast vector graphics app that can help you with concept art, icons, illustrations, patterns, and web graphics. In the universe of graphic design software, almost every app in this category wants to position itself as a better alternative to Adobe Illustrator. Like the rest of the Adobe suite, Illustrator is a somewhat expensive subscription-based application, which can be paid monthly.
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These include letting you import multiple-page PDFs, syncing and browsing with Dropbox, adding the ability to create multiple artboards on a single canvas, supporting the new MacBook Pro touch bar, and more. Over the years, Adobe has added a ton of features to Illustrator.
#Pixelmator classic m1 how to
These effectively let you create anything you can think of, including logos, icons, drawings, and more - as long as you know how to use it, of course. A toolbar features all kinds of useful creative tools: selection, typography, reshaping, symbols, drawing, painting, graphing, slicing, moving, cutting, and zooming. Illustrator lets you import, modify, or create new graphics from scratch. Vector graphics are incredibly useful in publishing because they can be scaled to small sizes (for mobile phones or small icons) or large sizes (for billboards or big prints). When it comes to creating and modifying vector graphics, no software is better known than Adobe Illustrator. "Combines both word processing documents and page layout (including some graphics tools) in one program." "This alternative is here to save you cash and still bring you most of the features you need to edit and create imagery." Runner-Up, Best Budget: Pixelmator at Apple "A supreme value for novices and users that don’t need the extra bells and whistles." "A huge number of copyright-free images for all of your publishing needs." "Does not make you sign up for a subscription, which is refreshing and will please budget-conscious users." Runner-Up, Best for Photo Editing: Affinity Photo at Affinity "Robust features for enhancing photos, illustrations, and artwork…also lets you design websites, mobile applications, and other assets." "A smart and fast app that can help you with concept art, icons, illustrations, patterns, and web graphics." Runner-Up, Best for Vector Graphics: Affinity Designer at Affinity "Lets you create anything you can think of, including logos, icons, hand drawings, and more." "Xpress offers modern publishing tools and can help you create physical and digital documents."īest for Vector Graphics: Adobe Illustrator Runner-Up, Best Overall: QuarkXPress at Quark
#Pixelmator classic m1 pdf
"The first app you should look at…whether you’re looking to publish a book, magazine, poster, or a simple PDF report."
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nitroish · 2 years
I already commented on ur post asking for asks so just in case u didn’t see.
How do u figure out ur art style?
How did you drak fabric so well?
How do you draw body types so good?
Can you show me how to do the shiny effect you use for armor or golden stuff?
How do you draw such intricate people?
what is one of your first Zelda memories?
what are some Zelda core memories?
when did you come across the linked universe fandom?
I am also working on a au, it’s on my page and you shouldn’t have to scroll far, but long story short it’s called
linked universe: broken chain
and I was wondering if you had any ideas for additions to the new chain of links?
also there’s more details I’m thinking about posting later for the au, but if you have any design ideas for characters then I would love to hear/see them
also:what is your favorite OUTFIT(not person) to draw?
what one do you think is the prettiest or coolest? what one do you think looks funky/off? Is there anything you would change? What feels weird about them?
sorry if that’s too many questions, but you needed a distraction so I provided, I know ur probably not feeling good right now so I just want to make sure your at least happy, I know what it feels like to need to keep your mind from wandering. But also:
I hope to the golden three you’ve been feeding, watering, cleaning, medicating, sleeping, and generally taking care of yourself because i might pop though my iPad, through the internet, through whatever your using to read this, and into your room to strangle you and take care of you my self because you deserve it! You make so many people happy with your art and interactions and it sucks to know your in a less than great mood to say the least. So take this as you will, but more importantly take care of yourself and get some sleep, because I know you are probably reading this at fuck o clock at night. *makes pointed, intense metaphorical eye contact* I mean it, try and take care of thine bitch self. *smacks you with affection*
ill toss my reply under a read more since its a long ask eheh
ive already answered the questions in response to the reply you sent to the post and i greatly appreciate all the questions youve offered !!
what is one of your first Zelda memories? playing skyward sword !! i really REALLY enjoyed the wing ceremony - the introduction to flight using motion controls was one of my favourite things. i could spend hours flying around and using the wii-mote to pick a direction or flap the wings. it was gorgeous in my eyes as well. skyloft was a safe spot that i did not really leave, i was less interested in the rest of the game aside from faron. twilight princess as well !! i quite enjoyed running around on epona or in the wolf form. i did not get much done in either game, but i was mostly there for the sights, anyway.
what are some Zelda core memories? zeldacore memories ... my grandparents have an orchard that we would go pick from. sometimes if the apples werent good they would take us to a public orchard to pick apples there. when i was a kid i would grab a sword [ foam, of course ] and go out with my sister and we would hack down weeds and also pretend to battle one another to protect fake kingdoms that we would make up on the spot upon being questioned about it JFGHDFG we enjoyed running around and hiding in the orchard from one another. the same grandparents had some woods back behind their house, we'd go take walks through there sometimes and skuttle around thru the weeds and such.
when did you come across the linked universe fandom? mmm thats a good question. im pretty sure it was the start of 2019-ish? maybe 2020? im not very good with dates, but i knew of lu before i joined the server [ im no longer in that server tho ] !! i didnt really get into the fandom or whatever side of things until later, seeing as i was obsessing over loz at the time and ended up finding lu as an extension of that hyperfixation :)
what is your favorite OUTFIT(not person) to draw? i would have to say im biased towards my legend design's outfit !! i like adding details and embroidery to it. if we went with JUST canon lu outfits i would say im biased towards hyrule or twilight's :)
what one do you think is the prettiest or coolest? same answer as above !! my own for legend, but hyrule and twilight are pretty neat lookin. for Pretty i would have to say four - his tunic is rather ornate, especially when it comes to the embroidery in each square.
what one do you think looks funky/off? is there anything you would change? what feels weird about them? honestly i think wind's could do with some updates and upgrades, but im not entirely the best at designing characters either. his model has definitely gotten better over time though !! i think its the shirt and pants. i havent played his game(s?) so i couldnt entirely give answers on what i would change.
and i GREATLY appreciate the questions and your concern. youve no reason to apologize - im quite honoured tht u took the time to even type any of this out to send to me !! i am doing my best with what ive got currently, but rest assured im caring for myself just fine !! i definitely was readin that at fuck-o-clock at night ( and am answering this at the same time, if not worse !! its 5am just about now )
ill be heading off to bed here soon, but i have been thinkin on how to respond to this HDFGGDG no need for the smacks of affection, tho appreciated!! ill be cozied up and asleep soon enough :)
as for your au; ill check it out when i wake !! im sure its fascinating, feel free to toss an ask again on some information / the ideas behind it in here :)
have a good night / day !! here is to hopefully better times in the future
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hyucksong · 4 years
a gift for huang renjun.
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His heart was full on a love he’d never experienced before. Like a baby having their first bite of a sweet vanilla cake on their first birthday, the dilated pupils and newfound sugary rush coursing through their veins. Renjun felt like that.
Except, it was his 22nd birthday and the cake was cheap and bought from the nearest convenient store (it was also red velvet, not vanilla, but who’s keeping track?).
But, that was okay. The soft shuffling of your sock-clad feet on the kitchen’s cool black-and-white tile floor and the way your tired swollen eyes crinkled as you smiled at him -- it more than made up for the cake you bought last minute. Besides, how could he be mad when the kiss you planted on his lips tasted like the sweetest candy he’s ever had? How, in good morals, could he be mad at your (bad) cake when you hand-made him a cheesy couples-bracelet made from those nostalgic beads your parents bought you when you were eight and wanted to be the coolest kid at school? How could he be mad when he literally cried when you presented your gift to him, his soul feeling so rich and happy that it overflowed from his eyes? 
Renjun’s 22nd birthday was mediocre in content at best. The cake gave him a stomachache after eating one pity-slice, his gift, though thoughtful, could’ve been made better by his seven-year-old niece, and he awoke to his eyes being assaulted by the sun. Yet somehow -- maybe you were a witch or warlock, casting a spell on him to keep him so in love, so many years in -- somehow, he felt like the luckiest man on Earth. In the solar system. In the universe. 
Because the cup you brought his morning tea in was Moomin-themed, because the table was decorated with presents his friend’s had dropped off, because the bracelet fit like a charm, because his phone was filled with loving text messages from friends and family, because Chenle sent a photo of Daegal in a cute little mini-birthday-cone hat, because Mark was visiting later, because Haechan got him a real gift instead of a joke gift (like he did for the past three years), because Doyoung sent him an awkward ‘happy birthday!’ text, because Jaemin was going to cook something for him later, because Jeno got him a new iPad case (one that could stand), because Jisung promised he would stop eating on Renjun’s bed (he knew that would last only a day), because he woke up next to you, in all your morning glory, because you love him, because you’re here with him, because, because --
He was full with the warm, sweet love from those that were closest to him -- his friends, and you. There was nothing else he wanted but his cringy friends, your teeth-rotting kisses, crappy bracelets, and head on his chest as you watched crime shows late into the night that would most certainly give him nightmares later (he knew you’d comfort him). Renjun’s mediocre 22nd birthday was just the way he liked it. 
And that’s really all he really needed.  
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
What is your guilty pleasure song right now? I don’t have one. Least favorite band? *shrug* Who is your favorite character on Spongebob? I don’t have one. Which country do you live in? The US of A. Do you own anything Adidas? I own several pairs of Adidas shoes and several clothing items and accessories as well.
How many clothing items from your high school do you have? I have all 4 of my class shirts and one from a club I was in. Do you like olives? I like black olives. What is your favorite thrill ride ever? The Cars and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad roller coasters at Disneyland. Pick two random number from your phone number? Nah. What color is your ceiling? White. Biggest irrational fear? Losing my loved ones. I say that because it’s something inevitable and will happen one day, but it’s truly a big fear of mine. I can’t even talk about it.  Favorite movie sequel? I have several. Best concert you've attended? All of ‘em, honestly. Concerts are just a really fun, cool experience. Who is your role model? My mom. Who do you miss the most in your life? Loved ones who have passed. Least favorite food? I don’t like seafood, steak, pork chops, bone-in chicken, bacon... to name a few. I’m super picky and particular with my food, so there’s a lot more. Song that absolutely annoys you? Taylor Swift songs. :X Do you use Tumblr? Nope, never heard of it.  ... 
What kind of device are you taking this survey on? My laptop. Do you prefer a laptop or desktop computer? Laptop. Do you like hardcore music? No. If you had endless funds, where would you buy most of your clothes? I buy most of my clothes from Boxlunch and Hot Topic. Do you know how to safely put out a grease fire? I’m not entirely sure... I should probably know that just in case. Do you know what the safe temperature of chicken should internally be? No. How many jobs have you had? I’ve never had one. Have you ever worked at an amusement park? No. Are you afraid of spiders? Y E S. Do you have an iPad? No. How many siblings do you have? Two. Do you give homeless people money? Sometimes. Do you recycle? Yeah, we recycle plastic bottles and cans. Who is your favorite character on Modern Family? I don’t watch that show. How many times have you listened to your most played song on iTunes? I haven’t used iTunes since like 2012. I use Spotify. If you had to get a tattoo in two hours for free what would you get? Let’s be real I wouldn’t take up the offer cause I’m a big scardy cat, but for shits and giggles I’d get ‘free bird’ tattooed on my inner wrist. I’ve wanted that for many years. Do you have any secret tattoos or piercings? Nope. How old are you a year from today? I’ll be 33. What picks you up when you're down? My mom. Have you ever been in awedding? No. What is your favorite thing to do in your city? There’s nothing fun in my city. Have you ever gone strawberry picking? Nope. Have you ever almost drowned? No. What color are your socks? Black and gray. Do you get excited when you hear Misery Business? No, but I do like it. Do you like spicy foods? I loved spicy foods, like I was obsessed once upon a time, but I developed a sensitivity to it and can’t eat it anymore. :( I miss it so much. How many times have you seen a doctor this month? Just once so far. What is your favorite college? My alma mater. Could you pull off orange hair? No, nor would I even want to have orange hair. Do you shave your legs? Yeah. What type of weather is your favorite? Fall and winter weather. Coolest place you've ever been? Disneyland. If you had to live anywhere else in the world for a yr where would you go? Hmm. I don’t know. Do you like your wardrobe? Yes. I don’t get clothes I don’t like. Why is a raven like a writing desk? Because. Where is your best friend? She’s in bed asleep. Do you like corn on the cob? Yeah. What do you put on your hot dog? Mayo, ketchup, mustard, cheese, and chili beans. What do you put on your hamburger? Mayo, ketchup, mustard, cheese, and pickles. Have you ever waited tables? No. What is your dream job? I don’t know. Build your favorite pizza. Pan crust, extra red, white, or creamy garlic sauce, extra feta, ricotta, and shredded mozzarella, garlic, green onions, spinach, cilantro, crumbled meatballs, and pesto drizzle. What did you last get fancy for? A friend’s wedding a few years ago. Dream pet? I love having doggos. What is your favorite color to wear? Black. Do you paint your nails? I haven’t in years. When did you last go on vacation? February 2020. It happened to be like 2 weeks before shit hit the fan and everything shutdown. It was so crazy that we had just been at a place like Disneyland, somewhere extremely crowded, and then all that happened so quickly after. What are you favorite 3 websites? YouTube, Tumblr, and Pinterest. How you like tacos? I like them with shredded chicken, cheese, sour cream, guacamole, and cilantro. Where is your heart? In my chest, I’m pretty sure. Road trip?! Sure.
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bangtanfancamp · 4 years
every story I’ve written on this site- every single one- was written on my phone. Just me and my two little thumbs hacking away at the mobile version of google docs because I don’t own a laptop. I never complained because it was better than nothing 🤷🏽‍♀️ and anytime I needed to post a story and add the keep reading tab, I’d have to borrow a friend’s computer. And as inconvenient as that was, I was so excited to write that I made the best of it.
Life has been a particularly terrible crapshoot as of late, and writing has brought me so much joy in the midst of it. But it has been becoming really challenging to continue on my phone. So fast forward to the other day, my best friend surprised me with this after I babbled about how cool it was. It’s an iPad case!!!!! With a color changing light up keyboard!!!! He’s basically given me his iPad since I use it more than him and he’s getting a laptop—so this is mine to use as much as I want so I stop killing myself writing 12k stories on my broken iPhone 6s
😭😭😭😭😭😭✨ I could weep guys. IS THIS NOT THE COOLEST THING YOUVE EVER SEEN?!?!?!?!
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renee-walker · 6 years
Get to know me or something maybe
I was tagged by @emeejee 🥰
Name: Shana
Star Sign: Aries
Gender: Damn, I feel like a woman
Height: 5’2”. On a good day :/
Sexuality: Well, not straight?
What image do you have as a wallpaper: On my computer it’s just. A cool mountain.
Lock screen: On my ipad both my home and lock screen are different pics of @carol-on’s balcony. On my phone rn it’s this very generic thing S found me because it matches my phone case lol.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years: I mean, I’m not a planner? But hopefully with a job that leaves me less stressed for money than I am now and living in an a-frame cabin with @carol-on, two cats, and a tortoise named Genevieve.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be: well, the instant answer is someplace where the heater works. The more heartfelt answer is somewhere where I could see Amelia more than four times a year and also have my kids around a whole lot. Bonus points if it’s not humid.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Well, in fourth grade my friend Julianne and I dressed up as a two headed monster. We each got into one leg of my grandfather’s overalls and we put stockings over our heads. We legit did the entire trick or treat route having to jump in tandem in order to move. Amazing.
What’s your favorite ‘90s show: I mean, how can I choose between XF and Buffy?
Last kiss: Romantic kiss? Leaving Amelia at the airport :/
Have you ever been stood up: I don’t think so?
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: I have not, and I’m not sure I’m upset about that.
Favorite pair of shoes: HARD QUESTION. Because I love shoes to an unnatural degree. Tie between my black/multicolored Vans and my super gay almost knee high brown Doc Martens that I bought because MMB had them. I am embarrassing.
Favorite fruit: Nectarine, omg
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Marrying a boy? NO JK I WOULD NEVER TRADE MY KIDS FOR ANYTHING IN CREATION. So, allowing my self worth to be tied to my physical appearance.
Favorite .gif: This answer would change every ten seconds, but rn the one of Scully rolling her eyes in Bad Blood. Possibly tied with the Kermit flail, an absolute classic.
Tagging: @faith5by5-1013 @sophiascarol @imorca @silver-89 @rhiannonfrater @captain-coffeebean @lookforastar. But only if you want to play!
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The Motivation behind why Everybody Love Best Online Shopping.
The 14 best kitchen, home stylistic theme, and furniture bargains best online shopping at the present time
 This week, you can discover real investment funds on Amazon furniture, All-Clad cookware, thus considerably more. (Photograph: All-Clad/Amazon)
 — Our editors survey and prescribe items to enable you to purchase the stuff you need. On the off chance that you make a buy by clicking one of our connections, we may gain a little portion of the income. In any case, our picks and sentiments are autonomous from USA The present newsroom and any business motivating forces.
 The excellence of shopping on the web is that you can generally discover an arrangement on something. The trouble is that there are so cracking numerous retailers and things to purchase that notwithstanding finding a deal can be overpowering, not to mention finding that thing you need and ensuring it's very great arrangement.
 Increasingly: All the best back-to-class best online shopping arrangements and deals up until this point
 To enable you to begin your hunt out right, we scour all the top online retailers to perceive what they have going on. We observe these spots intently so we're sure that the spots in this rundown are really holding deals that merit perusing, regardless of whether you need to get another bed, substitute your worn out home stylistic layout for something more fall-centered, or overhaul your cooking apparatuses.
 1. All-Clad
 This exceptionally pined for cookware, which is made to work incredibly as well as endure forever, is regularly unattainable in light of the fact that it's so dang costly. Be that as it may, from time to time, Every single Clad ha deals on their "processing plant seconds" stock, and today is one of those time. This 48-hour streak deal is a stunning chance to get top-quality cookware for monstrous limits. Production line seconds does mean there might be some minor corrective harm, however no more regrettable that what will occur as you utilize these pots and container in any case, so why not exploit these profound limits?
 2. Heritage
 Alright, so this isn't actually an arrangement on things for your home, however we couldn't not make reference to that Family line is having a part of the bargain. You can get their DNA packs for just $59 now through August 26, which is $10 more than we saw on Prime Day and regularly observe on The shopping extravaganza following Thanksgiving and for the occasions. In any case, on the off chance that you have any birthday events or other present surrendering occasions coming, this could be an extraordinary present, particularly on the grounds that you are setting aside cash as well. Also, Attributes is simply $10 more to add on, rather than the typical $20.
 3. Bed Shower and Past
 BB&B consistently has a type of uncommon, and right presently they have a couple of worth investigating. In the first place, you can discover various types ofcollege bedding basics for 30% off. Also, in case you're not carrying on with that dormitory life, you can in any case shop reserve funds. They're offering $100 off select Dyson vacuums and fans (consistently a decent arrangement), 40% off select cutlery, and limits on Brita pitchers, shoreline towels, and the sky is the limit from there.
 4. Casper Sleeping pad
 In the event that you've constantly needed a Casper sleeping cushion, you should look at this deal, which finishes today. They're offering 10% off your request when you purchase the first Casper or the new Wave sleeping cushions, which is a similar markdown they regularly offer for all the real bedding deal occasions. Simply enter the code "SLEEPCOOL" at checkout to see your markdown.
 5. Costco
 You can locate some amazing arrangements in case you're a Costco part at this moment. You can spare $50 on Ring brilliant home security (cameras, video doorbells, and that's only the tip of the iceberg) and $70 on iPads. Furthermore, on the off chance that you have children preparing for the start on the school year, look at class kickoff reserve funds on mass bites, quarters basics, school supplies, and then some.
 6. Drop
 Football season is simply around he corner, and on the off chance that you need to observe each game on the best television conceivable, you might need to look at Drop's arrangement on the Samsung 65" Q900 QLED Savvy 8K UHD television. Indeed, that says 8K, a too top quality picture quality that is in all respects gradually turning into a thing. The 65-inch television is selling for $2,800. It ordinarily costs $4,000, so this $1,200 value plunge has us excessively energized.
 The arrangement is live for the following three days, and you should simply pursue a free record with Drop (once in the past Massdrop). Outsources it with white glove administration as well, so you don't need to stress over harm from travel. Also, on the off chance that you need something greater, the 75-and 88-inch models are at a bargain too.
 7. Dyson
 We as a whole know owning a Dyson vacuum is viewed as world class inside the cleaning network, yet really owning one is kind of a pipe dream on account of their high costs. Be that as it may, at this moment, Dyson is presenting to $170 off a huge amount of well known vacuums and devices including the V11 Torque, our preferred cordless vacuum. There are additionally a few cordless vacuums on this rundown just as air purifiers for your home.
 8. Home Terminal
 The Home Terminal is one of those retailers that reliably has in any event one noteworthy deal going on. This week, you can discover up to 35% on select machines, as much as 40% off shower and kitchen fundamentals, and class kickoff investment funds of us to 40% on furniture, stockpiling, and bedding. Indeed, Home Station sells bedding now.
 9. Houzz
 Fall is coming, and winter isn't a long ways behind. In the event that you've been pondering re-trying your stylistic theme before you're investing more energy inside, Houzz is having a middle of the season deal right now through August 18. You can spare as much as 75% on a portion of their most prominent items, and it's not all wallet-gouging pieces, either. There are some mind boggling pieces beginning underneath $199, including this adorable easy chair, huge amounts of lighting and bar stools, thus significantly more. In the case of nothing else, this is a deal worth perusing and staring off into space about.
 10. Macy's
 Macy's is having a huge same on furniture at this moment, with limits up to 60% on love seats, carpets, porch furniture, sleeping cushions, and that's only the tip of the iceberg. What's more, when you enter the code "HOME" at checkout, you'll get an extra 10% off. Nothing amiss with that!
 11. Nectar Rest
 In case you don't know a Casper is directly for you, we prescribe the Nectar. Truth be told, it's the best bedding we've tried up until now. I mulled over it for a month and a half and observed it to be the most agreeable (I'm a side sleeper) and the coolest (and I rest extremely hot) of the considerable number of beddings I've attempted. They began their Work Day deal all around right on time and are offering $100 off and two free cushions with the buy of one of their sleeping pads through September 9.
 12. Sur la Table
 There are not many things on the planet that I cherish in excess of a decent blowout deal, and right now Sur La Table is having a gigantic one. It's actuallythe last day of this deal, so on the off chance that you haven't looked at it yet, I'm so happy regardless you have time. Not exclusively are there limits as immense as 75% off, however they're offering an extra 20% off. You can discover everything from dinnerware to cookware to eating materials and preparing frill.
 13. Target
 Do you need a reason to go to Target today? What about, other than their school year kickoff deals, Target is additionally offering a huge amount of limits on furniture, lighting, covers, draperies, style, mats, and other home products for up to 25% off. This is flawless whether you need to spruce up your stylistic theme for fall or you're sending your children off to their dormitories or school condos.
 14. Wayfair
 With regards to Wayfair, the inquiry isn't On the off chance that they'll hold a deal, it's what it will be on. On the off chance that you're now preparing your patio for fall, at that point you're in karma. At the present time, you can prepare for the fall season with Wayfair's Prep for Fall deal, which offers up to 65% off outside stylistic theme and furniture. They've additionally got blaze deals on an assortment of things, including floor coverings and work areas and stylistic theme, just as limits on room furniture and territory mats under $150.
 The item specialists at Surveyed have all your best online shopping needs secured. Pursue Investigated on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the most recent arrangements, surveys, and that's only the tip of the iceberg.
 Costs are exact at the time this article was distributed, however may change after some time.
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techcronus · 5 years
Top iOS 13 Features That Will Excite You [2019]
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Apple recently announced iOS 13 in annual Worldwide Developers Conference 2019. iOS 13 is a major improvement compared to iOS 12. Apple has introduced host of new features and improved a lot of existing features. In this article, we will explore the top iOS 13 features.
In terms of improvements, iOS 13 is faster and more efficient. Apple has also reduced update times by optimizing the update download size by up to 50%. Application launch times are now 2x quicker. Let’s go through iOS 13 features in details for developers.
Custom Fonts Inside Apps
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With iOS 13, users will be able to install custom fonts on their iPhone and iPad. Apple App Store has a new section for fonts where the user will be able to find and install new fonts. They will be able to manage installed fonts in the Settings applications.
If you are an iOS developer, then you will be able to allow users to use your application in the custom font selected by the user.
Dark Mode – Coolest Of The Ios 13 Features
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With iOS 13, Apple has introduced a system wide Dark Mode option. It will change the entire look of the OS from light to dark. Users will also be able to select to turn on the dark mode in a custom schedule such as every sunset. Dark Mode in iOS 13 makes your content look more immersive. The idea behind the dark mode is to your content pop more.
All the native system apps will have Dark Mode support enabled by default; if you have an iOS application and you want to enable Dark Mode support for users of your application then, you can use Dark Mode API to enable Dark Mode support.
with Apple
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Apple also introduced a new privacy-focused feature named Sign in with Apple. This is an alternative to Login with Google accounts and Facebook accounts, which allow users to use their social accounts to quickly sign-in to other apps. Apple is differentiating the feature by making privacy the core of it.
With the new feature, users will be able to sign in with their Apple account without sharing their details with the app. In case the application needs email ID of the user, then users can generate randomized email addresses which will forward the email to the real email address of the user. Apple has also enabled Two-factor authentication for more security. As a developer, you will be able to allow users to authenticate their account via Touch ID or Face ID.
Application Shortcuts With Siri
Just like Android has voice shortcuts for Google Assistant, Apple has also introduced conversational voice shortcuts in iOS 13 by combining Siri and Shortcuts app. For example, if user says “Order food from Caviar”, Siri will bring up a list of restaurants with favorite dishes of the user.
All the shortcuts are located in the Shortcuts app rather n the Settings app. Shortcuts app will also provide users with Suggested Automation so that users can create personalized routines. Indeed, it is one of the smartest features among all the iOS 13 features.
Car Play Dashboard
Apple has overhauled Car Play in the latest version of iOS by introducing a new Dashboard for music, and maps. The new dashboard will allow users to see Maps and Music at the same time. A new Calendar application has also been made available. Siri in Car Play also supports third-party navigation and audio apps.
If you are a developer who is looking forward to developing a navigation application or music application such as Spotify, Siri will support your Car Play app.
iOS 13 Performance Improvements
With every new version of iOS, Apple improves performance. With iOS 13, Apple has improved the performance even more. Unlocking iPhone with Face ID is 30% quicker. If you are an iOS developer, then we have great news for you as well!
Downloading apps is 50% smaller, which will allow iOS 13 users to download your app in half the time. Your users will be able to update the app much quicker as updates are 60% smaller. Thanks to these improvements launch speed your iPhone application will become 2x faster.
Too long; didn’t read? Let us summaries!
Apple has made a lot of performance improvements and privacy improvements with the new version of iOS. iOS 13 features are so well refined that it will surely be very popular among mobile app developers and iPhone users. Which was your favorite feature among all the features we listed? Did we miss an exciting feature you are aware of? Let us know in the comment section below if you want us to add more iOS 13 features in the article.
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Working with an experienced iPhone app development company is the only way to ensure that there are no hurdles in your mobile app development project. We are one of the top mobile app development companies in India. Apart from iPhone app development services, we also offer custom web development and Android app development services in India and USA.
Why Should You Choose Techcronus?
At Techcronus, we believe in delivering value and growth to our client. Techcronus development team has experience spanning from corporate Android applications to games for smartphone and tablet. Our team delivers world-class products thanks to technical competence and creativity.
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