I saw your doc ock post!!! I also just got into him!!! Ummm idk if you’re still writing but really anything regarding him as the recipient of stuffing, farting, diarrhea, and/or constipation would be great!!! Thank you!!!
(sorry that this is so late! hopefully its worth it, ive been very busy but also writing this on and off for a while. Thank you for the request it was a lot of fun :) enjoy!)
BEFORE YOU READ! This story contains lots of scat, stuffing, and m@sturb*tion, READ AT YOUR OWN RISK 18+ i indulged myself a little more than usual lol
Doc rubbed his stomach, or at least tried with that annoying metal band in the way. He'd definitely never really been skinny, and the suit was designed to fit his body, but after the explosion it seemed to have clamped down onto him, and especially now that he was bloated; rolls of his tummy sticking out from the top and bottom of the belt. His poor stomach was pressing so hard on it the metal was bowing ever-so-slightly. The rubbing didn't help the ache, the only response from his gut being a horrible cramp and gurgle, weeks of trapped gas and waste and now what was probably a weeks-worth of cheap snack food swirling around. Being a super-villain you don't really have the best dietary options and can only really eat what you can steal, and primarily from gas stations unless you want to cause a scene over some steak. Another cramp surged through his intestines and he bent over to give room while he flexed his asshole with a grunt, pushing and pushing until his guts felt like they were going to burst. Nothing. Not even a fart. There had to be some way he could get things going, he'd been stuck in his lair barely making any progress on his generator because of this stupid bellyache, and it only seemed to get worse. But it wasn't like he could just stop eating! Then, he got an idea.
One of his four giant metal actuators crept over to the small fridge in the corner of the room; one of the many things he had invented to accomodate his stay in the ruins of his lab. The actuator opened it, and Otto was happy to find a full carton of milk. He'd gotten a little lactose intolerant as the years went by, not bad just enough to give him a solid case of the runs and some gas for a while, which he would gladly take on for relief. Another cramp shot through his gut, sending a gurgle out through his bowels. Excitedly, he bored down with his hands on his knees and pushed. His asshole gaped open, kissing the insides of his underwear, but again nothing. He groaned and opened the carton, ready to just chug it straight out. He didn't have any clean dishes anyway.
With the fullness in his stomach, which seemed already packed to the brim, the milk was not going down easy. Every few gulps he'd have to let off to calm down the nausea starting to build, and let out a few milky burps that only end up making him feel fuller. If before he was bloated, by half the carton was gone he was huge. His stomach gurgled nonstop, and he sat idly on the ground, milk in hand and a pack of crackers to help it wash down as his stomach expanded around the belt, coming over it on the sides with a red, angry hue. The pain was unbearable. Gurgles and groans that sounded sicker and sicker by the minute filled the room, accompanied with his animalistic grunts and curses as he desperately tried to get something out. He could feel the milk begin to seep into everything he had eaten, and then finally! Moving down his intestine. He could feel the burning inside him, and knew that his next load if it ever came was going to be liquid, but he looked forward to it if it meant he could actually poop. He didn't remember the last time he unloaded but it had definitely been over a week, maybe more. And he was usually a pretty consistent guy.
As the hours went by he had finally finished the jug and now sat on the floor, hands desperately kneading into his stomach as he let out dry burps and moaned through cramps. The milk was starting to run through his system, the pressure that once lie under his belt now pressing against some mass behind his asshole. Crawling on the floor, he threw his ass into the air, uncaring that he was still wearing pants and underwear, and pushed with everything he had. The mass moved maybe a centimeter.
"Come on..." he grunted to himself, and pushed again, feeling all of the hot mush in his rectum push against the hard turd. He was sweating now, teeth grit and eyes screwed shut as he lay unabashedly with his legs spread wide. He guessed he couldnt get anymore embarrassed than this, and two of his metal arms flew down to remove his pants. He hooked his naked legs over his arms and scooted down into place, his other arms steadied himself against the wall, holding him up as he shook and strained. Inch by inch, he could feel the hot liquid shit forcing the mass through his bowels, working him so hard he was breaking a bit of a sweat. "Please--" He grunted as hard as he could, flexing his asshole once more and a small pocket of air around the turd squirted out of him, blasting a jet of hot warm stink onto the floor in front of him.
His guts roiled, pushing desperately to get more out. He grunted and groaned, sounding somewhat primal as his eyebrows furrowed and face turned red in concentration. Several short and slightly damp farts shot out, each one carrying the mass a little more until it was finally resting against his asshole. He took a deep breath before giving it one final push, asshole puckering to reveal the large brown lump inside him, which didn't move. His guts groaned and churned around it, pushing the diarrhea that rest snugly behind it forward and compacting it even harder against the clog in his system. Trapped gas squelched and his eyes were starting to grow wet. Along with the strain, the embarrassment of the situation was very very real, even alone having his naked ass exposed like this felt alien.
The pressure in his stomach got worse, and the bottom of his belly and bowels bloated up, the pressure from the belt creating an even worse pain so bad he felt he would pop. He had to do something, and as another unsuccessful push traveled through his guts he grew desperate. His legs hiked up farther, and one arm came down to rest by his ass, hesitating. Was he really about to do this?
Gggrrgllgg... His stomach answered him, twisting in an agonizing affirmation, and his asshole was forced open another time. His fingers ventured inside, the rim wet and soft from forcing out what little gas he could, and lubing itself up to prepare for what was cooking in his guts. His middle finger slipped inside, and the foreign sensation made it feel like he was already messing himself, but he quickly found the log blocking said fate. It was hard and round inside him, stretching past the walls of his colon and stopping him up good. He knew there was no way he would be able to fit his fingers around the turd to pull it out, so instead he resigned to breaking it up. The sensation of having his fingers stuffed in his own ass, literally about to dig the shit out had already given him quite a tall erection, and he used some of the precum beginning to spit out of his cock as lube before venturing back into his hole.
The sensations were incredible; the pressure of his diarrhea crammed up behind the monster of a log he was currently dismantling, the sexuality of his fingers sliding in and out of his own butt, his massive erection steadily pumping thick hot precum out on his thighs... Even the actuators began to purr and click as they held his position on the floor for him. 20-30 minutes passed and the log was finally venturing closer and closer to the exit, now in still very large but easier to push out chunks. Sliding his finger out from his ass one last time, giving his aching belly and encouraging pat, and moaning out an even more encouraging grunt, Otto began pushing again. His asshole bloomed open, sore and irritated, and he could feel several large knobs of solid feces begin sliding out, fast. Wet farts forced themselves out, pushing his turds to go even faster until one exceptionally juicy fart was plugged by a soft, wet 'ppllrrfffbbt' as his asshole stretched around the first turd. His stomach groaned, the belt forcing even more pressure than he was applying as a hard, slippery shit shot from his asshole, letting out a series of wet sharts that stained the dark floor of his lair with a muddy brown. The turd fell on the floor, resting beneath his asscheeks with a soft noise unheard over the crackling of the rest of his load and his grunting. His face was certainly red from the struggle, and sweat rolled down his face as he filled the room with animalistic moans. His hole didn't even have time think about closing to rest before two more turds were forcing their way out, nudging over the first one to make room in their pile on the floor.
The bottom of Otto's asscheeks were smeared a dirty brown, and the whole room smelled of shit, an odd turn-on the physicist found as another hot smelly jet of farts covered the pile. The pressure was slightly better, but his stomach roiled and bowels moaned, and he knew he was nowhere close to finished. The next load that slid out of his hole was significantly softer and more malleable, pockets of chunky brown liquid sliding out the sides of each piece of mushy shit. The release was incredible; more than a weeks worth of waste all forcing its way out of him at once. As his asshole bloomed harder, forcing a small spurt of shit that began a trickling stream of thick diarrhea, he took one hand to his hard cock. Slowly, he began pumping it, and his moans of pain and grunts of relief turned into those of pleasure.
By this time he was having full on diarrhea, the milk having degraded all of the shit in his body to a thick, chunky liquid like a chowder. His legs were raised in the air, asshole on full display as it worked, the lips blooming open to kiss out more disgusting mud. The sounds were much louder and wetter, his farts becoming more frequent and intense, blasting chunk after chunk of poop all over the floor in front of him, going feet past the huge pile he'd created. Each wet noise from his body send a throbbing wave of arousal through his cock and stroked up the base, sending him closer and closer to coming, but he had more to go.
His ass squirted steadily for about 3 or 4 minutes, and by the time it finally tapered down his poor abused hole felt like fire. He actually had to push to get the final chunks out; mostly just degraded sludge and loud, hot farts. His stomach felt empty, a welcome feeling considering the past week and more of pain, and he realized how hungry he actually felt. Looking down at his pile, or more a smear, of poo he thought about how full he'd felt, and how bloated. All of that having been stored up inside him, brewing and going soft in his rectum. The idea sent him over the edge. At the same time the very last slippery turd slid out of his butt into the shitcastle, his cock throbbed and thick, hearty ropes of cum spurted out of it, adding what appeared to be whipped cream to a hot fudge sundae. With one last, airy fart splitting open his asscheeks, he laid down completely on the floor beside his pile, absolutely exhausted. One of his actuators crawled up, almost seeming embarrassed as it presented him a napkin, and upon his go-ahead, slinked around his legs to wipe up his ass. It was beyond disgusting, coated in diarrhea and would definitely smell awful for a while, as would the rest of his lair. He just hoped it wouldn't hinder him too much as so he couldn't focus on his project, now that he could finally get back to it.
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seductive-farter · 3 months
Um, what um
Put your hands on the table, you pervert
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I just really like this fucker okay? This bastard is my OC in short, he's a goth alcoholic and he loves his holey socks, because they were his first purchase after moving to the USA, um.
Say hi to my first experience drawing heels. It was not bad and now my heel drawing skill has not budged
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Do you smell this? I can smell this. Almost all my socks look the same in terms of holes, lol
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thethcministry · 4 months
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twoballs-onehammer · 1 year
Just described to my nursing student friend how the mom of the kid I used to nanny for told me that his affinity for taking off his diaper and playing with his own shit when he was supposed to be napping was “just a normal childhood phase” and also how she would frequently leave me to deal with the aftermath while criminally underpaying me anyways you’ll never guess what my friend told me
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transgenderer · 7 months
Phoretic (living on the surface, but not parasites) organisms on sloths
A sloth moth is a coprophagous moth which has evolved to exclusively inhabit the fur of sloths and to use sloth dung as a substrate for the early stages of reproduction. Sloth moths include Bradypodicola hahneli,[1] Cryptoses choloepi,[1] Cryptoses waagei,[2] Cryptoses rufipictus,[2] and Bradypophila garbei.[2]
Certain lepidopteran moths of the snout moth family Pyralidae (namely subfamily Chrysauginae) have evolved to inhabit sloth fur exclusively. Typically, sloth moths follow a life-style broadly on the lines of Cryptoses choloepi, a moth in the snout moth family that lives exclusively in the fur of the brown three-toed sloth Bradypus variegatus infuscatus. Adult female moths leave the fur of the sloth to lay eggs in the sloth droppings when the sloth descends, once a week, to the forest floor to defecate. The larvae of Cryptoses choloepi live in the dung and newly emerged moths later fly from the dung pile into the forest canopy to find a host sloth.[3][4]
Chrysaugine moths, such as Cryptoses spp., spend their lives as adults in the fur of sloths, particularly the three-toed species, except when the sloths descend to defecate and females fly to the sloth dung to oviposit. An imbalance in population sex ratios favouring males has been noticed and surmised as female moths not making it back to host sloths after ovipositing.[1]Pale-throated sloth (Bradypus tridactylus)
Sloth moths are thought to get nutrients from the secretions of the sloths' skin and the algae present on the fur, as well as protection from avian predators.[1]
Some individual three-toed sloths have been recorded carrying more than 120 moths in their fur. Two-toed sloths are recorded as harbouring lower populations. Several different moth species may coexist on the same host animal.[1]
some people say that the moths eat the moss on the sloth but no. theres no moss on the sloth. there is algae on the sloth. and also mostly it seems they eat the sloth leavins of various kinds
on the algae:
Milla Suutari and colleagues found that the predominant algae inhabiting sloth fur was Trichophilus welckeri. It is passed directly from mother to offspring and young sloths gain the algae and other parasites by the time they are a few weeks old. This species of algae is host specific and has not been found to occur in any other environment. This finding adds strong support to the hypothesis that there is a co-evolutionary relationship between the sloths and the algae of the genus Trichophilus, which may well only exist as a symbiont.
special algae just for sloths.
but its not just sltohs and algae! there are beetles!
Beetles form a prominent portion of the arthropod community associated with sloth and sloth dung. A number of species of the coprophilous family Scarabaeidae are associated with three-toed but not two-toed sloths. The populations of these beetles can be quite large, in one case more than 980 beetles of the species Trichilium adisi were found in the fur of a single sloth. Beetles of the genus Uroxys have been recorded from sloths in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Panama.[1]
Beetles appear to congregate preferentially in specific parts of the body. For example, scarab beetles occur near the elbow or on the flanks behind the knees buried deep inside the fur, while those of Trichilium spp have been found in the underfur of the lower back and thighs of Bradypus torquatus. Beetle larvae and some adult beetles use sloth dung for feeding. The population of beetles varies and the seasonal factors affecting the population size are yet to be ascertained.[1]
a little ecosystem just on the sloth... i wonder if other organisms filled this role before the sloth. arboreal dinosaur with bugs in its feathers!
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
"R&D? More like R&Deez Nuts"
In a future where intelligent life had managed to break the chains of death, disease, and famine, it had yet to escape the iron grasp of bullshit corporate team building exercises.
Luckily for the R&D division of TLOB Enterprises, they had a human. His name was Earl, and he surpassed even immunity to bullshit, literally gaining strength from it like some sort of coprophilic vampire. It was almost as disgusting as it was fascinating, but the novelty of it was charming enough to keep things in the green.
The specific brand of bullshit the group was dealing with on that particular day was a “team-building laser-tag battle” pitting the three main divisions of the orbital branch against each other: Accounting, Sales, and Innovations.
To be frank, it didn’t seem like a very fair fight. Accounting was the largest branch by far at twenty-seven heads. Sales lagged behind this a great deal with seventeen members, still absolutely dwarfing R&D’s mere four.
The rules of the game were explained by a cheery corporate speaker, aided by pictures presented in something that was dishearteningly close to a power-point program.
First, each player would be given an infrared phaser, and a tag suit. The suit itself was surprisingly high tech for a toy, freezing limbs if they got hit, and paralyzing the person entirely if they were struck somewhere vital. After receiving their gear the three groups would retreat back to their offices and strategize for the next fifteen minutes. When the time was up, the station would begin to decrease its spin, lowering gravity from a comfortable one-point-two G's down to zero. The match would then proceed in the low gravity environment until two teams were eliminated, with its end being signalled by the return of gravity.
“Any questions?” the speaker finished, chromatophores flashing a nervous pink as the room remained silent.
“Haha, I’m gonna take that as a sign that I did a good job of explaining things! Alright everyone, back to your offices! And remember: We’re all part of a greater whole!”
Brisinj smirked, jagged teeth on full display. There was a moment of slow motion horror as Shiloh, Earl, and Valrose all realized that he was about to “whisper” something under his breath.
Brisinj’s equivalent of whispering was still more than enough to be heard across the room.
“Hard to. Be greater hole than. Sales. Even if. Hole is. Asshole.”
As seventeen heads swiveled towards him in disbelief he did the only thing he could that would make the situation worse.
He made eye contact with them and kept going
Spittle foamed between the gaps of his jagged teeth as he forced air between them, the hiss he made literally filling the room.
And it just kept going.
And going.
And going.
Disgust morphed into disbelief as Brisinj continued to make the noise, eyes bulging, face flushed, before his lungs mercifully gave out and the hiss died with an artfully strangled gurgle.
Earl couldn’t help it. He guffawed. Shiloh’s disappointed and betrayed expression broke his heart, but he couldn’t help it. That final gurgle had been a masterpiece.
Valrose was the one that wound up taking the initiative, his hydraulic musculature giving him the strength to gently manhandle the cackling duo out of the room. Shiloh tried his best to give an apologetic wave as he followed the pseudo-crustacean out of the room, but the raucous laughter of three people behind him scorched that bridge like a leaf on the sun.
With a defeated sigh he ran to catch up to his coworkers.
“So… What do you think the odds are that sales decides to storm our little lab first?” Shiloh asked.
“Oh, 100%,” Earl replied offhandedly, his attention focused on rummaging through an old toolbox.
“Those are chances,” Valrose corrected, “Odds would be zero to one. But yeah, they’re definitely hitting here first.”
“I. WOULD BE. OFFENDED. IF THEY. DIDN’T.” Brisinj intoned at his standard just-below-deafening volume, “THAT HISS. WAS. PERFECT.”
Shiloh ran his claws over his scalp.
“Shit. They’re gonna slaughter us.”
Earl seemed to have found the tool he was looking for and was now rummaging through the LED drawer, gathering a collection of bulbs that he seemed promising to him. His tone was amused, even if he didn’t look up long enough for his facial expression to be read.
“Calm down. Slaughter is for real wars. Worst thing that happens here is they paralyze us and draw dicks on our faces.”
“That’s still not pleasant!” Shiloh protested.
No one argued that point.
The silence stretched on for a minute or so longer. Earl gathered his collection of bulbs before moving to the power testing lab, leaving the other three in the quiet. Valrose gave in first and pushed himself up, claws failing wildly as he got his four legs beneath him.
“So what are we gonna do? What’s our grand plan to avoid having to pretend to be dead for the next hour while the sales bastards make us into doodle boards?”
Shiloh shrugged.
“Make them work for it I guess? We could start by moving our shelving units, trying to funnel them through a choke point. Could give ourselves some cover while we were at it.”
Earl chimed in from the power lab.
“I got an idea, but I’m gonna be a little dramatic about it and make you wait to see it. Just uh… Cluster em’. The more of em’ you can pack together, the better. Even if it means making some cover on their side of the room.”
There was a slight sideways pulls as the station’s retro-thrusters activated, the rotation of the great craft gently pulling to a complete stop.
The game was starting, and Earl still hadn’t made his way back from the power lab. Brisinj was not pleased with this.
Earl’s voice came back a few seconds later, strained but chipper.
They could hear banging on the walls, the telltale sound of people launching themselves down halls in the zero gravity environment.
The noises were getting closer.
“So, uh, how ‘almost’ is that almost?” Valrose asked, his casual tone betrayed by the nervous twiddling of his manipulator claws, “Cuz I’m hearing a lot of boots hitting the walls and four wouldn’t be enough to hold them off, least of all three.”
Even without a person around to witness it, Earl still shrugged before answering.
“Yeah, well, that’s the thing: Four ain’t enough. Only way we’re winning this if I can get this party trick in working order, so just... Hold the line. Alright?”
Valrose clutched his pistol tighter, still feeling exposed in the pillbox he’d made from old shelving units and cardboard. Brisinj wasn’t pleased with Earl’s absence, but even that nuisance wasn’t enough to ruin the joy he felt at even this imitation of a fight. Shiloh just kept his sights on the lone entrance to the lab, hoping he could get the timing of his first shot right.
He did.
There was the black flash of a sales rep rocketing down the hall. He landed on all fours, limbs splayed like a tree frog, when Shiloh’s beam hit him in the back. He’d been too busy absorbing the shock of impact to begin his secondary launch, and as all four limbs froze at once from the registered vital shot there was nothing he could do but await his doom.
Apparently, doom chose to wear a grey suit that day. Another sale’s colleague had been following close behind him, and simply lacked the time to change direction. With no way to change course he slammed into his paralyzed comrade with a muffled swear, the two sent spinning into the open space of the research lab.
Brisinj picked the flailing survivor off with a casual snipe. His species was adapted for hunting and he didn’t even need to use the sights of the gun, firing from the hip like an old Western. The flailing stopped, but the accusing glare remained.
The second batch of sales workers seemed to have learned from the first, recognizing the challenges of rushing the choke point. There was the sound of scuffling in the hall as they struggled to position themselves in the 3D space before the first wave launched themselves out of the blind corner.
There were five of them, and they weren’t just smarter than the frontrunners, they seemed more physically capable. There was another sharp-toothed biped of the same species as Brisinj, and the two quickly locked themselves in a duel. Brisinj’s stationary position gave him an advantage in accuracy, but the speed that the other one was moving at made him hard to hit.
Brisinj let out an involuntary hiss as one of the shots hit him in the arm. His opponent’s eyes narrowed in fury at the sound, and the moment of distraction was enough for Brisinj to swap the gun to his functioning hand and take out one of his opponent’s legs.
Unable to position his landing well, the clerk hit the next wall and glanced off, spinning. Valrose took a careful shot at his chest and the flailing of limbs stopped, giving him the appearance of a shuriken as he whirled off in the direction of the power lab.
Still, his efforts gave four of his comrades enough time to get to cover unharried. As they began to fire at the entrenched trio, they gave more of their friends time to get through the door and set up.
Valrose was able to put up the best fight here. His head barely poked out of the pillbox, the only part of him truly exposed when he fired was whatever arm happened to be holding his pistol. He simply ran through them like an assembly line, one pincer passing the pistol off to the next as his arms took hit after hit.
He managed to get a chest shot against an upper levels sales manager, but the real gains of his strategy were in the way he took fire off the other two. Brisinj’s sharpshooter accuracy had gone down to mortal levels after swapping to his non-dominant arm, but he was still able to get two cocky reptilians through the chest when they tried to leap for better positions. Shiloh himself seemed content to take limb shots, whittling the sales team down slowly. His reptilian comrades weren’t particularly good shots, but they made up for it with their default ambidexterity. It was the real sharpshooters, the mammalian bipeds and greys, that suffered the most from losing their dominant limbs. For a moment, it looked like they could manage to hold their positions indefinitely.
The moment couldn’t last.
Two shooters made a bullrush for Valrose. The first, a reptilian, was taken out easily, but Brisinj only managed to get the second’s leg before he dove in through the entrance slot. There was a muffled curse before Valrose was evicted from the box, limbs splayed.
A chest shot.
The pillbox was positioned behind both Brisinj and Shiloh. Having it captured didn’t just mean that they’d lost their main distraction, it meant that they were about to get caught in a crossfire.
Shiloh may not have had the quickest body, but he had a lightning mind. Before Valrose was even shoved out of the slot he was launching himself out of cover. He had his knees bent in front of him like a shield, sacrificing them midflight. If he’d been aiming for a wall, he’d have hit the ground frozen, unable to push off, but he knew better: There was a water pipe hanging off the wall he could swing around like a gymnast on, repositioning his trajectory on a beeline for the power lab.
Brisinj himself realized a half second later what he needed to do, but his superior speed made up the difference nicely. He dug his clawed fingertips into the carpet, weaving serpentine down the hall, more of a climbing motion than anything else. It was working beautifully, beams of infrared traced all the places he would’ve been if he’d been foolish enough to move in a straight line. He’d almost made it the full length of the hall before a lucky shot grazed his hand, the remaining arm locking tight. Dropping the last pretense of strategy, he simply kicked as hard as he could off the wall, launching himself towards the door he’d just barely seen Shiloh disappear behind.
It worked. He barreled into the lab, just barely managing to twist enough to land feet first on the wall instead of bouncing around the room like a 140 kilo rubber bullet.
Earl turned around, a wild grin on his face. He’d built… something. There was a breadboard covered in crudely soldered chemical batteries, a handful of resistors, and most importantly, an LED. A matte black cone of plastic was wrapped around the top bulb, focusing the light from a radial burst to a much more concentrated cone.
Brisinj was good at circuits, but the whole thing was so rushed and messy he could barely tell where the on switch was. Shiloh, on the other hand, seemed to understand immediately.
“Does that LED emit in the same wavelength as the pistols?” he demanded, almost gleeful at the prospect.
“Close! We’ll see if it’s close enough to fool the sensors.”
There was no time for self-congratulating speeches. The sales team had begun to follow them down the halls, eager to finish what they’d started.
Earl braced himself by the doorway. Behind him laid his wounded teammates...before him laid destiny.
And what human would he be, if he had not laid with destiny?
He launched himself across the room, body parallel to the ground even as he fired the cone down the hallway. He didn’t have the expert precision of Brisinj, or the fast thinking of Shiloh, but he married both in a way that lent itself beautifully to movement. He only needed to be good at dodging, his homemade infrared blaster was basically miss proof.
It was a massacre. The infrared cannon froze everything in its massive, continuous cone, combining the best traits of both a machine-gun and a flamethrower. You couldn’t pray for a better room clearing device. Earl was able to clear out the entire corridor with a flick of his wrist, paralyzed salesmen drifting through the zero-gravity environment like frozen corpses after a hull breach. There was something eerily beautiful to the scene.
The effect was ruined somewhat when the drifting “corpses” started whining about rules and blatant cheating, but Earl was far too busy not listening to them to bother listening to them.
Using the floating bodies as jump-off points, he rocketed down the hall, the cone making a gentle figure-eight sweep as it cleared every point in his field of vision. Limbs froze at awkward angles, as people tried to fire from behind cover and those that tried to move for a better vantage point, desperate to make sense of the chaos, found themselves cast adrift.
It took him a little under four seconds to wipe out the remnants of sales. It took him longer than that to spot Valrose, buried as he was under a pile of four clerks.
It only took him one bounding leap to reach his friend, and two great heaving pulls to send the clerks flying off into space. Val was currently face down, and he took a moment to steel himself before turning his friend over.
They’d got him. There were four dicks on his face, each from a different species, with a level of anatomical detail that Earl found both frightening and educational.
Huh. So that’s what they look like.
Val’s expression was as inscrutable as any shrimp’s, and his casual tone wasn’t helping.
“Give it to me straight Earl: How bad is it?”
Earl placed a gentle hand on Val’s shoulder. They were both men here. He deserved the truth.
“Val… There are four dicks on your face. Like, full on dicks. Dicks with veins kind of dicks.”
Val’s face twitched a little, but he kept that calm, stable tone that everyone on the station knew him for.
“I see. Earl, could I ask you a slight favor?”
It was probably the result of seeing too many cheesy war movies, but Earl didn’t think he could refuse a comrade that had, in a way, given it all in pursuit of duty.
“Anything man. Just name it.”
The temperature seemed to drop, so cold was Val’s response.
“Avenge me.”
R&D solved its vengeance problem the same way it solved all of its problems: By breaking its solution down into easily replicable steps and then moving on to mass production.
It took Earl only a minute to print out a halfway decent penis stamp, time that Shiloh and Brisinj spent figuring out how to act as the other’s limbs. They were far from graceful, but they could get by. With no time to lose they began clumsily navigating the open spaces, moving from body to body, a flurry of stamping, jumping, and laughter.
Earl himself spent his time getting situated in the pillbox. He wasn’t sure if he could beat the onslaught of accounting, but it was worth a shot. Even in the worst case, his goal could be to just buy time for Val’s vengeance.
There was time for two people to get stamped before the first accountant poked his head around the corner. Earl recognized his face, even if he didn’t know his name. He was a fellow intern, green as a sapling. A quick pulse of the blaster was all it took to turn him into a statue, a fate he seemed surprisingly at peace with. Even as a casualty he continued to relay information to his teammates. It seemed that he’d been chosen specifically as a sacrifice.
“Alright everyone, you’re not gonna believe this, but the lab boys actually managed to eliminate everyone in sales.”
Even muffled by the blind corner, there was still an audible wave of surprised hums. It seemed that they’d massed just out of sight, taking the slow and steady approach. Classic accountant move. Their patience and general willingness to strategize didn’t bode well for R&D.
The intern spent a few more seconds analyzing the room before relaying back even more info.
“They’re uh… they’re graffitiing the sales branch with genitalia. I can see Val, it looks like he’s been out for a while. They’ve got Brisinj and Shiloh helping each other out, but they’re both missing the use of two limbs, they’re not very combat effective. The only one that seems intact is Earl, and he’s got a little fort made at the end of the room. Hi Earl!”
Earl gave him a little wave. This was… oddly amicable. If he could pull this bit out longer, it would be a lot simpler than fighting.
“Hey! Sorry, I forgot your name. Always been bad with names. Who are you again?”
The paralyzed accountant didn’t seem very bothered by this.
“I’m Velen! The thing in your hand isn’t a phaser, so I’m assuming you made your own weapon?”
Earl’s eyes widened in alarm. Huh. Well, that element of surprise burned out real fast.
“Eh… Well… Yeah.”
He was already tucking the weapon away, but it was too late, Velen was already passing on more recon.
“Earl’s made a phaser! Lots of batteries and a large LED! It’s got a cone shaped barrel, probably covers a wide area continuously. Anyone got any ideas on how to handle that?”
Earl couldn’t hear the voices too well, but there were suggestions of various shields, ranging from using a wall of interns, to coffee tables. The winning suggestion came from a reptilian voice, recognizable by its faint lisping accent, identical to Shiloh’s.
“...I think there’s a large mirror hanging up in the lobby? We might be able to reflect the beam back at him.”
Earl considered this. If he waited here, there would be the substantial delay of them traveling down to the main docking area, then traveling back, then making their slow and steady charge. He didn’t have a good counter to it, but it would at least be a slow style of victory.
Alternatively. He could charge, right now. He might get shot immediately, he might win, hell, he might do neither and just succeed in delaying the inevitable a little more staunchly.
What the hell. He still had some fight left in him.
He braced his legs on the back of his pillbox, blasting himself out of the narrow entrance slot like an ICBM leaving a submarine.
Velen startled a little before continuing his play-by-play.
“He’s pretty fast! Hey, he’s making a run for the hall. You guys might want to pull back a little, or you’ll end up like me.”
There was the ominous banging of twenty-five points of shoes bouncing off the walls before Earl even rounded the corner. He froze, unsure of what to do, when he heard that same, old reptile speak.
“Not bad! After what happened on your colony world I thought you’d be taking things slow. War of attrition. Glad to see that you’ll gamble on victory!”
Earl launched down the hall towards the voice. The lizard that he saw was old, older than Shiloh. He’d braced himself at the edge of another blind corner, shooting a wink before launching out of line of sight.
Earl followed in hot pursuit, gun held on in front of him. The lizard was damn fast, always just a few steps ahead. Panting, he rounded a corner just in time to see a green tail whirl into the bathroom.
He grinned.
The little guy was fast, but he’d cornered himself there. Earl pushed quickly, eager to catch the lizard before he realized his mistake.
He rocketed in through the door, blaster on, and immediately realized that the lizard wasn’t the one screwing up. He was.
He froze as the reflective surfaces in the room bounced the beam back at him. He drifted silently through the empty space, hoisted by his own petard, before he saw a familiar spiky head pop up from one of the stalls. Now that paralysis wasn’t on the line, the lizard’s movements were a lot more relaxed.
Earl spoke first. It was really all he could do, frozen as he was.
“I don’t actually know your name, but may I just say that you pulled this off beautifully?”
The lizard grinned.
“Ha! I’m Petrunko. I’ll take that compliment, today was probably the most I’ve used my brain in the last ten years.”
Earl tried to shrug, the suit reducing the movement to a neck twitch. He laughed at himself for trying, the excitement of the last few minutes wearing off, leaving him happy and tired.
“You sound like my boss. Get too good at your job and it gets boring, huh?”
Petrunko wiggled his hand a little, the surprisingly universal sign for kinda.
“Your job doesn’t really change, but your view of what you’re a part of does. Imagine if one of your cells became self-aware and you’ve got a good idea of what my life is like.”
Earl winced. That sounded like an existential nightmare.
Petrunko caught the expression and held up his three fingered hands placatingly.
“Whatever panic your ego has right now about feeling small and insignificant will be replaced when you get older. You’ll want to be part of something bigger than yourself. Give it time.”
Earl grinned at that. The advice was good but beyond that…
“Psh. Went from sounding like my boss to sounding like my dad.”
Petrunko crossed his arms, more amused than annoyed at the jab.
“Wonder what your dad would say about your little art project back there. Those canvases are a bit pricey for dick stencils.”
“Well, if it makes you feel better, we only defaced two of them before your nerd squad showed up.”
Petrunko laughed. The noise was only cut off when a distant hum began, the ion thrusters on the hull giving some faint warning that the station was about to begun rotating again. Apparently, the other accountants apparently had seized the opportunity to finish off Brisinj and Shiloh.
The game was over. Earl felt himself gently falling to the ground, arms and legs suddenly free to move once more. Petrunko offered him a hand up, and he took it gratefully.
“Hopefully your friends got a few more with the delay you bought them. Sales has always been hard to get along with, but they’ve been mean bastards for the last four years."
Earl dusted himself off before offering a handshake. Petrunko clearly wasn’t familiar with the gesture, but he got the hang of it quickly.
“What’s it mean?”
Earl paused, processing. He was still getting used to explaining body language, to expressing so much in only words.
“It’s got a couple of meanings, but right now it means ‘You beat me, and earned my respect.’”
Petrunko concentrated for a moment, clearly trying to commit it to memory.
“I like that. I hope I get the chance to shake your hand next time, Earl.”
Earl had a moment of startling clarity: He’d just made a friend. A good one too, it seemed.
“Well, we’ll see if I can earn it. In the meantime, we should go check the other science boys. I’m curious to see how they’ve managed without me.”
Petrunko shrugged.
“I’d point out the strangeness of the newest person here trying to mother people with three, four times his expertise but… I do want to see what they managed in your absence. Come on, let’s go.”
And together they left, walking down the halls that just moments before they'd flown through.
In the companionable peace of things after the battle, Earl had one final thought:
I can't believe I wrote this off as bullshit. --- This is a loose sequel to this post: https://www.tumblr.com/inbabylontheywept/721036534229434368/so-whats-the-biggest-gun-youve-ever-made?source=share But it's not required reading. The shorts I wrote in this world aren't part of an overarching larger story, they're just borrowing characters and setting. I think the rule I'm going to follow is that hard-series get reblogs, general settings will just get notes like this at the end, showing what pieces they're attached to. I might change that later, I'm still figuring out optimal ways to use the site. Tumblr is pretty odd.
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Mycological terms and practical vocabulary
I would recommend against reading all of this (except if you want to ofc), I made this post with the purpose of being able to look up what certain terms mean in my posts.
I have not yet used all of these terms, however I did think these were important terms. Whenever I use a new term in a post, I will add it to this list.
acute - (refers to the shape) sharp
amyloid - turns blue, grey or black when stained with Meltzer’s reagent
annulus - ring of tissue on a mushroom stem left by a torn partial veil
ascomycetes - a class of fungi that produces their spores in sac-like cells called asci
basidiomycetes - a class of fungi that produce their spores on basidia
basidiospores - sexual spores produced on the basidia of basidiomycetes fungi
basidia - (sing. basidium) spore-producing cells of a basidiomycete fungus
biotrophic - feeding on living cells of other organisms
bulbous - (describes a stipe) with a swollen base
caespitose - crowded together in a tuft or a cluster but not attached to each other
caulocystidium - a cystidium on the stem of a mushroom
cheilocystidium - a cystidium on the edge of a mushroom gill
chlamydospores - asexual spores formed by the breaking up of fungal hyphae
clamp connection - swollen area formed around septum in a hypha during cell division
clavate - (often describes a stipe) club-shaped
coprophilous - growing on dung
cystidium - special sterile cell among the basidia on some fungi
deuteromycetes  - obsolete term for a group fungi not known to reproduce sexually
dextrinoid - staining brick red or brown with Meltzer’s reagent
dichotomous - forking/divided into pairs
dikaryon - a pair of closely associated, sexually compatible nuclei
ectomycorrhiza (EM) - where the fungus forms sheathes around plant rootlets (often of a tree), growing between but not penetrating the cells of the plant root, and providing the plant with water and nutrients while the plant supplies sugars to the fungus
endomycorrhiza - mycorrhiza in which fungal hyphae penetrate cell walls of host plant
endophyte - fungus living within a plant without causing visible symptoms of harm
foetid - with a strong and offensive odour
fusiform - (describes a stipe) spindle-shaped, tapering at top and bottom
gleba - spore-bearing tissue enclosed within fruitbodies of gasteromycetes
guttation - the exudation of water and some metabolic byproducts produced by fungal cells
guttule - a small oil-like drop microscopically visible inside a fungal spore
hirsute - hairy
hyaline - clear/colourless when viewed under a microscope
hymenium - fertile spore-bearing tissue (e.g. on mushroom gill or pore surfaces)
hypha - (pl. hyphae) filamentous thread of fungal mycelium
inamyloid - not changing colours with Melzer's reagent
lamellae - gills
latex - milky fluid that oozes from cut surfaces of Lactarius species
lichen - organism comprising a fungus and an alga or a cyanobacterium
lignicolous - growing on wood
monomitic - monomitic systems only have one type of hyphae: generative hyphae
mycelium - body of a fungus, most of which is underground or hidden within wood
mycobiont - the fungal component of a lichen or of a mycorrhizal partnership
mycorrhiza - structure by which a fungus and a plant exchange nutrients mutually
myxomycetes - a large and commonly encountered group within the slime moulds
necrotrophic - feeding by killing and consuming (part of) another organism
nonamyloid - not turning blue, grey or black when stained with Meltzer’s reagent
organelle - a differentiated structure within a cell
parasitism - process whereby an organism feeds at the expense of another (host)
partial veil - protective membrane covering gills during development of a fruitbody
pellicle - the outer layer of a mushroom, often viscid (sticky, gelatinous) and easily peels off
peridioles - egg-like spore capsules in bird’s-nest fungi (Nidulariaceae)
peridium - outer wall of a fungus, especially a gasteromycete (e.g. a puffball)
perithecium - flask-shaped chambers containing asci within pyrenomycetes fungi
photobiont - photosynthesizing component (alga or cyanobacterium) of a lichen
pileus - (pl. pilei) the cap on the top of a mushroom stem
pleurocystidium - a cystidium on a gill surface
pores - the orifices of the tubes of polypore fungi via which spores emerge
pseudorhiza - a tap-root-like extension at the base of a mushroom stem
resupinate - fruitbody that lies flat on the substrate with its hymenium outermost
rhizomorph - a root-like mycelial strand comprising bunched parallel hyphae
ring - membranous remains of the partial veil attached to a stem
S saprophyte - an organism that obtains its nutrients from dead organic material
septate - (describes hyphae) partitioned by cross walls known as septa
septum - (pl. septa) a cross wall separating cells of a hyphal thread
serrate - (describes gill margins) with saw-toothed edges
sessile - without a stalk
slime moulds - a group of fungus-like organisms that use spores to reproduce
sphaerocysts - globose hyphal cells in the Russulaceae and certain other fungi
spore - reproductive structure of a fungus, usually a single cell
sporophore - fungal fruitbody
stellate - star-shaped
sterigma - (pl. sterigmata) prong at top of basidium on which a spore develops
sterile - does not produce spores, either sexually or asexually
stipe - stem of a mushroom
stipitate - (describes a fruitbody) having a stem
striate - (describes a cap) with fine radiating lines or furrows around margin
thallus - (pl. thalli) the body of a fungus or a lichen
tomentose - seemingly thickly covered in wool or soft hairs
trama - the flesh or context of a fungal fruitbody’s cap, gills or stem
tubes - spore-bearing cylindrical structures of boletes and polypores
universal veil - a protective membrane that initially surrounds an entire fruitbody
Uredinales - rust fungi (an order within the Basidiomycota)
ustilaginomycetes - smut fungi (a class within the Basidiomycota)
viscid - slimy or sticky
volva - remains of the universal veil found at stem base of some fungi
Zygomycota - a class of simple fungi whose hyphae generally lack cross walls
First Nature
The University of Adelaide
Hiyaaa:) This is another part of Mycology 101, it will be linked in my pinned post.
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scatpost-generator · 3 months
Calling all (female) coprophiles
Hi everyone! I'm hoping to create a zine or small book and looking for lesbian and bisexual women interested in coprophilia and eproctophilia who would be willing to contribute art, writing, or an interview. All of this can be done anonymously if needed or under a pseudonym. Please contact me if you're interested so that I can see if you would be a good fit and keep track of who would be willing to contribute! ❤️
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exported remix
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ao3feed-tf2ships · 7 months
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54169162
by placeholdername (heavenscented)
Scout puts bird feces in Medic's coffee. Little does he know, the doctor's a secret coprophile.
Words: 136, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Team Fortress 2
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Medic (Team Fortress 2), Scout (Team Fortress 2)
Relationships: Medic & Scout (Team Fortress 2)
Additional Tags: One Shot, Revenge, Revenge gone wrong, Coprophilia, Scout Is A Little Shit (Team Fortress 2), Bird Feces, Birds, Putting Bird Feces In Your Co-Worker's Coffee, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Scat
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54169162
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moonsugaremporium · 2 months
I still love it. Here’s what’s in it:
Sunflowers (Bambino & Evening Sun)
Bloodroot Blossoms
Fly Agaric Mushroom
Coprophilous fungi
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bluesfullbelly · 10 months
TMI under the cut
Sometimes I think I should talk to some coprophiles because chronic constipation sucks and they probably know a lot about Making Shit Happen (literal)
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stars-and-loops · 10 months
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HATE this new follower
he doesn't like new followers, doesn't like to pray, and he's a coprophile
he doesn't deserve the name asmodeus he deserves the name dungboy
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Nice blog title.
Dorian is quite the alluring smartass twunk, but I’ve been thinking I should change the Vishante Kafas thing to something else as my URL is already poo related and I don’t want people to think I’m a coprophile.
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concubuck · 2 years
△ have you tasted your own holes? Do you have a favorite?
1 out of 10. No favorite, since most of the holes come and go, and depending on which one we're talking about I've usually got some control over the flavor!
But I'm not particularly fond of the anus.
[This answer is completely accurate and honest, although he might be understating how unfond he is of the anus so as not to alienate the coprophiles and fans of rimming. There are lots of kinks he doesn't like that he's careful not to directly SAY he doesn't like because he's willing to do it anyway.]
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The Knowledge About Panaeolus cyanescens
P. cyanescens fruiting bodies are light brown when young, fading to creamy colored grey at maturation. The stipe grows to in between 7-12 centimeters in height, while the cap is convex and steps 1-4 cm when dry. The gills are adnate, with broad bases that attach to the stipe of the fruiting body. Panaeolus cyanescens produces a black spore print. The types is coprophilic, and also can commonly be located growing symbiotically on steed or cow dung. When bruised or damaged, both the cap and also stipe of Panaeolus cyanescens specimens stain blue or greenish blue, one indicator of psilocybin content. Despite their prevalent circulation, there's little archaeological or anthropological proof in a lot of areas of the world that Panaeolus cyanscens was ever before made use of ritually.
Because of this, the opportunities of Panaeolus cyanescens as an entheogen might have been overshadowed by more well-known entheogens that had already been integrated right into the society. A noteworthy exemption remains in Indonesia and also Samoa, where Panaeolus cyanescens is still used recreationally for its envigorating as well as psychoactive impacts. As just recently as the 1980's, Panaeolus cyanescens were deliberately cultivated in Bali both for sale in the vacationer trade as well as for routine use; on the island of Java, Indonesian batik musicians would typically consume Panaeolus cyanescens to acquire motivation for the fluid as well as vivid layouts seen in this indigenous style of visuals embroidery.
Panaeolus cyanescens is also popular to the indigenous individuals of Samoa, an island in the South Pacific where the mushroom goes by lots of names, including taepovi, pulouaitu or "spirit house", and the enlightening faleaitu or "comedy", a reference to the sense of euphoria and also amusement individuals of P. cyanescens typically experience. As with various other species of psychedelic mushrooms in the Panaeolus and also Psilocybe genii, Panaeolus cyanescens are generally dried and consumed by themselves; they are often eaten fresh. A more intricate preparation used in Samoa includes steaming panaeolus cyanescens caps in water till they are decreased to a thick black juice, which is after that mixed with brewed coffee. Alternately, P. cyanescens caps are eaten raw in Samoa, usually washed down with a chaser. In modern times, this is generally soda pop or comparable soda. In a 3rd hardly ever seen prep work, Panaeolus cyanescens is dried smoked and whole.
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While there is little reference in the literature about Panaeolus cyanescens especially being made use of in a medicinal context, the compound psilocybin itself has actually demonstrated promising therapeutic effects in clinical studies. In sub-hallucinogenic dosages, psilocybin has actually been demonstrated to lower the symptoms of migraine headache and collection headaches, and in some cases to stop these symptoms from establishing whatsoever. The few clinical research studies that have been done on psilocybin since the 1970's Vienna Convention banned nearly all research of psychotropic drugs have also recommended that psilocybin has terrific prospective to profit patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, clinical depression, anxiousness, and potentially even schizophrenia. If any one of our visitors know regarding the medical use, past or present, of Panaeolus cyanescens specifically, we invite your input.
Panaeolus cyanescens is among a number of Panaeolus mushroom types that is psychedelic. Panaeolus cyanescens contains, on average, psilocin (0.48%) and also psilocybin (0.11%), along with serotonin (0.072%), urea (1.8%), and baeocystin (0.02%); unlike its loved ones Panaeolus subbalteatus as well as Panaeolus sphinctrinus, this species has just negligible quantities of 5HTP (<0.005%). P. cyanescens was previously classified as Copelandia cyanescens, as part of a category created for psilocybin-containing psychedelic varieties of Panaeolus, and also it may still be found under this name in older messages. When ingested, Panaeolus cyanescens produces solid, vibrant acoustic distortions and also visual hallucinations usually lasting from 4-6 hrs, often up to 7 hrs. In high dosages, Panaeolus cyanescens may briefly disrupt volunteer muscular tissue control; Samoan sources have actually likewise reported that habitual usage can trigger a breakout to form around the neck, possibly due to the types' notable urea content.
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