#coronation anniversary
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canadachronicles · 5 months
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magicwithineleteo · 1 month
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i can’t believe it’s been 4 years since my pride and joy ended happy birthday my forever princess queenie beloved baby elena <33333
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nebulousandpowerful · 9 months
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Echo has been playing on my local radio station and this is all I can think of when it comes on
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valeriefauxnom · 11 months
Minor detail consistency I noticed a while back in dragalia:
The Halidom has a throne room, believe it or not! I always found it a bit odd that they never really had much take place in there that I could recall, not even when receiving heads of state, etc, so I began to wonder if the Halidom even had one.
It, as I said, does! Hiding in plain sight on the menu screens. Here's a blast from the past but the environs can still be seen on the homescreen and team prep, it's not like they got rid of it.
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Now that we have an area to compare art to, I had found an actual background art for it! I can vaguely recall this being used but not often or where.
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Very fancy. I'm starting to get an idea why Euden might not have spent a whole lot of time there if he wasn't wanting to feel like he was lording over people. He probably thinks he's got better things to do like getting out there and solving problems than sitting on his throne even to hear requests or something.
But it actually appears in a wyrmprint to my best understanding, too. The "Crown of Light" print, if you zoom in very carefully on the other artworks for the Halidom's throne room seems to line up with the throne.
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The sword behind the throne, the curtains, the pointy bits on the side, even the footstool you can see at the bottom seems to line up pretty well to the more detailed art.
Crown of Light's description is: "Alberia hands down no crown. The Founder decreed that authority ought to be conveyed in the people's admiration for their monarch. Such sentiment would be as a crown of light to illuminate the pride of the royal lineage." Combined with the fact all details seem to point that the background is Euden's throne, it's a subtler statement that he's earned the 'crown of light'.
So yeah, Euden actually did have a throne room. He just almost never seems to use it. Maybe that's why everyone treats it as a meeting hall in the home screen, it's practically a private spot! But just the fact they seemed to keep those details straight for Crown of Light was a very nice touch and attention to detail!
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I hope you’re okay. That sounds like an awful situation and I can’t imagine how disconcerting it must be. Truly, I wish you well.
It’s not the first time I’ve blacked out but it is is the first time I’ve woken up somewhere else I wasn’t expecting to and the first time I’ve injured myself that much so I think disconcerting is definitely the right word. I appreciate the message, I think I’ve just got to get through May then I should be good
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Nightbane: Gray Garden
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Designer’s Reflection: Gray Garden
Obtained: End of Vol. 1
Rarity: SR
Attribute: Purple/Sexy
Awakened Suit: Sanguine Garden
Story - transcripts from Designer’s Reflection
Chapter 1 - Lost Garden
Chapter 2 - Gray Blossom
Chapter 3  - Dark Clouds
Story - summarized
The day before Queen Lilith’s coronation festival, Nightbane notices changes to Ninir Kingdom: flowers turning gray, vines crawling up walls, people losing their inhibition...
He keeps Lilith in the main room longer. Shortly after, the Goddess of Desire appears. She offers to make Lilith the most beloved person in all of Miraland - if she agrees to be a vessel for the Goddess.
Nightbane grins as he remembered what his true Master had told him: to find a beautiful vessel, to find immense power, and to find the key to “all mysteries not yet solved.”
Nightbane had created a doll once, and it turned into Ashley, who grew up with an angelic voice and a strong desire for beauty and love.
He then waited for Nikki to arrive at Pigeon Kingdom, where he lay in waiting for Ophelia to give up her power to save the Original Crystal and for Nikki to steal Leonid’s manuscript from Mercury.
With the crystal’s power restored, he swiped it and brought it back to Ninir. The crystal came from the Ocean of Memories, where his Master was waiting for him. And Nikki was much easier to fool and steal from than Mercury.
Back in the present, Nightbane continues to prepare for the coronation. Everyone cries out their desires, and he remembers when he first became a proper demon. The Goddess of Desire had found him as a skeleton then, and she gave him a beautiful form. In return, he swore to serve her.
And now, everything is in place for his Master.
-Nightbane recounts in Soul Magic how he made the doll that became Ashley. At the time, the doll was so beautiful and pure that he thought he had failed to create the perfect evil, so he broke it and threw it away. In this Reflection, the doll is already described as ugly.
-Lilith says in her Reflection for Telosma’s Kiss that she earned the full devotion of the devil when she successfully replaced Lizzie. Here, we learn that Nightbane’s true Master was never Lilith. However, he still held much respect for Lilith, as she could match him at cruelty.
-Someone brings the other half of the manuscript to Nightbane once Nikki arrives in Ninir Royal City. This is recounted in the Dawn Duel story stages 4-1 and 4-2: one of Loen’s colleagues gets possessed by Nightbane to break into headquarters and steal the manuscript.
-Nightbane had to wait for the Original Crystal to regain its power. Ophelia had to give up her glory to save the crystal. There’s a strong link between all the Elves of Miraland and the Ocean of Memories through relics like the crystal.
Fun Facts
-It’s unclear if Nightbane recognizes Ashley as the doll he broke.
-The scene with Nightbane amplifying everyone’s desires parallels the one with Nikki seeing firsthand the deadly effects of unhampered desire.
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teamivankaye · 3 months
Team Ivan Kaye is 7 today! 🎈🎉🥂 Let's celebrate with some slides about Ivan himself and an array of his characters through the decades! 👑 With thanks to the big man for taking us on the ride and all the lovely team members for your support for the page and Ivan alike! 🙏
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
With a new Doctor Who companion incoming, the show has included a connection to the actress with a clever casting in the 60th-anniversary specials. Doctor Who season 14 is set to introduce Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday, assistant to Ncuti Gatwa's Fifteenth Doctor. Despite her career being quite short at present, Gibson has a lot of experience under her belt and has worked with more than her fair share of other actors.
There is one scene from the Doctor Who 60th-anniversary specials that features a face that may be familiar to those who have followed Millie Gibson's career. This particular actor appeared in Doctor Who before Gibson, and so hasn't interacted with Ruby, but the casting is a smart move. It's essentially a foreshadowing of the arrival of Gibson as her time traveling with the Fifteenth Doctor draws ever closer following Doctor Who's shocking bi-generation twist.
Charlie De Melo Played Millie Gibson's Foster Father In Another Show
The actors worked together on Coronation Street.
The opening of the Doctor Who episode "The Giggle" shows a man entering the Toymaker's shop to make a purchase, eventually settling on the Toymaker's puppet called Stooky Bill. The customer in question, Charlie Banerjee, is portrayed by Charlie de Melo. The actor is a former colleague of Millie Gibson, as the pair starred together in the long-running British soap opera, Coronation Street. Before leaving the show in 2022, Gibson played Kelly Neelan, foster daughter to de Melo's character, Imran Habeeb.
Charlie de Melo's character in Coronation Street exited the show after being killed off, whereas Gibson's character is technically free to return after stepping back from the story. In Doctor Who, Gibson's former on-screen foster father plays the role of assistant to John Logie Baird, a Scottish engineer who was heavily involved in the invention of television. As a result, both of the Coronation Street actors have been cast in Doctor Who opposite characters famous for their innovation...
While it's currently unknown if Gibson and Charlie de Melo's characters will cross paths in the future, the casting move is still effective, serving as a bridge between two stages of Gibson's career. Davies recognizing Millie Gibson's talent in Coronation Street is something that will benefit Doctor Who, and the casting of de Melo in "The Giggle" is the perfect way to signal her entrance as the companion to the famous Time Lord.'
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
Levi's horrible flirting skills part 8.
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Masterlist link to all the previous parts.
“So... King’s anniversary’s coronation. Are you coming?” Erwin casually dropped the question without a clear addressee, or at least in Levi’s opinion, as he played with a pen while waiting for the early morning meeting to end. He had only slept a very counted number of hours. 
But as the silence reigned, it made him raise his attention, fearing that the question was directed at him. And indeed, it was. Erwin was looking at him. 
“Are you coming?” Erwin insisted. “I don’t think I’ve to remind you how important this event is.” 
Escaping the intense blue eyes, Levi pretended to be interested in anything else inside the room. “I... I’m rather busy. I’ve got a lot of delayed paperwork I should work on over the weekend.” 
The commander looked exhausted as he stared back at him, the invitation slowly dropping onto the table. “I’m sure your boss, me, wouldn’t mind you presenting your work a couple of days later.” 
“You don’t know my boss.” 
Erwin sighed loudly and put away the letter with the invitation. “You know, very influential and powerful people attend these events. It would be great for the Scouts’ economy if you could go and land us some donations.” 
He passed his plus-one invitation to Hange so they could try to get some donations for their titan investigations. Levi fought the urge to roll his eyes as Erwin’s speech was so frequent and repeated, like a mother angry at returning home to find the dishes not cleaned. 
“You know that me and influential filthy pigs don’t get along.” 
“Hey, I’ve been part of the Scouts longer, and he gets his own invitation while I get a plus-one?” The brunette complained. 
“’Cause you’re not Humanity’s strongest?” Levi asked back with a raised eyebrow. “If you want it, I’ll gladly give you that stupid invitation.” 
“Ugh, since that title landed you a date with that nurse of yours, you’ve gotten cocky about it,” Hange pointed out playfully, intending to get on Levi’s last nerve. 
Erwin chuckled as Levi squinted his eyes. “She didn’t go out with me because of it.” 
“Not even you believe that,” unlikely of him, Erwin joined in on the joke, making Levi roll his eyes and frown deeply. 
“You two are just so fucking jealous. When was the last time any of your titles or medals got you a chick?” 
The other two’s silence spoke volumes as they searched for a proper comeback. 
He began to notice the small changes, like when they met again in a hallway. She greeted him first over Erwin and, very important detail, she still called him “captain,” but Levi swore it had an underlying sexy accent to it... or at least that’s what he liked to believe. 
The first rule in the animal world is to land her interest; the second one? Maintain it. That means marking territory. This time subtly, he was not committing the same mistake twice. 
How many hours was Levi sleeping to manage getting his paperwork done, his work as a captain, and trying to pay her as many visits as he could when he was over at the Capital for meetings? None, but at least he made sure a good couple of the MPs, who also walked around the hospital trying to land a nurse girlfriend, would think twice before approaching her. 
“You want scones? It was my day for buying supplies for the staff room,” she commented while moving around, preparing tea. Levi was there doing paperwork he brought with him. Balancing both of their schedules wasn’t particularly easy, and perhaps that’s why their second date was just going to be a little after-work dinner. 
‘Maybe... it’s my moment to casually imply that I don’t have a sweet tooth.’ 
“I don’t like sweet stuff, actually.” 
‘...great, just great.’ 
The confusion was all over her face as she turned around. “Oh...” she softly frowned as she gave it a deeper thought, “...but I gifted you a cake.” 
Lips pressed together as she stared at him. “You could just tell me.” 
‘Yeah well, the time I tried to just tell ya, you got angry at me for a good fucking time, so perhaps it wasn’t the best idea.’ 
How many times had he seen the same picture he had right in front of him, only separated by a couple of steps? Eyes rolling and clicking his tongue, finding it so idiotic that it was even annoying. The only sort of speech he could come up with for his own defense was that “he wasn’t in service,” and usually they were. 
Yes, they. Military police members walking around downtown without the jackets of the uniform on, but instead, the green unicorn swinging as any of their girls walked around with them on their shoulders. 
There she was, the wings of freedom adorning her back. The sleeves weren’t on, just the shoulder pads casually resting on hers, preventing it from falling but not secured enough. ‘It’s like too cold... but too warm for my coat,’ she had mentioned as they exited the building, doing honor to the season where taking the winter coat early in the morning is a good idea but, by afternoon, it hangs on your arm. 
“Here,” he had said, and before he knew it, he was seeing her walking slightly ahead of him with the jackets contrasting against her doveish uniform. 
Marking territory, isn’t it all about that? Especially at the Capital, where all the MPs are looking at them as if they were the most absurd of all couples or perhaps it’s just plain jealousy. 
“You’re going to love them! The food is so good, and the portions are huge,” she commented behind him as she guided him through streets it was rather obvious she knew better than him. As the sky turned coral, with days getting longer, the golden hour only helped highlight how cute he found her like that. 
‘I’ve become what I swore to destroy...’ 
“I’m asking for a small one because if I eat too much, I am gonna fall asleep, and today I’ve got night service,” she commented, looking at the options at the street stand. 
‘Thank god her suggestion wasn’t some stupidly fancy shop at Mitras that would force me to eat plain rice for the rest of the month.’ 
“You work tonight?” he commented back as he decided what to eat. 
“Yes, there are a lot of mothers who reported feeling contractions. I may be working all night,” she replied before pointing, “If you like spicy, those sauces are great.” 
He handed the money to the owner as he received both options and passed hers forward with his left hand. 
“Thank you~” she sang, smiling back at him. 
“You’re welcome,” he muttered as he put away the change back in his wallet. 
‘Havin’ a girlfriend is expensive.’ 
He felt the tug from his arm as she gripped his hand and began to guide him. “Come on, I know a good spot at the park,” she said enthusiastically as she hand-hold dragged him. 
Her hand felt stupidly soft against his, he thought, and delicate as if the absurd feeling of breaking it crossed his mind. 
‘...but 100% worth it.’ 
He let her drag him, mostly because she could hardly even dream of moving him if he refused, but if she wished to get him somewhere, he would just let her have it. 
‘I’ve to give it to them... the Capital is full of classist snob jerks, but the places are fucking nice,’ he thought, recalling how the downtown closer to the Scouts’ facility at  
Wall Rose always smelled like horse dung, the little poor town always looked a bit grey, and there wasn’t much to do there. In contrast, the huge park with well-kept green grass, flowers, kids with expensive uniforms, statues, and decorated benches like the one they were sitting on marked a difference, especially since that place received the early spring sun directly. 
‘There go my taxes.’ 
“MH-” she hummed, passing down a bite from her meal, “You want to taste mine?” 
Pushing her option in his direction for him to take a bite, Levi checked their surroundings and felt the shame of perhaps someone seeing him doing that, but he soon began to suspect that keeping a relationship would require him to start doing a lot of embarrassing stuff. He took one bite and hummed in agreement. 
Swallowing, he said with his usual monotone voice, “Wanna taste mine?” 
As she bent forward to take a bite, Levi forced himself to look away as perhaps there were too many kids around to even think it. 
‘Why when she offers it, it’s cute, and when I do it, I sound like a fucking pervert?’ 
“Mhhm, very good, I like yours. It’s more creamy!” 
‘...stop it, please.’ 
As they ate, he asked, “Do you like kids?” 
She turned around, confused, almost shocked. “Fuck—no. I didn’t mean it like that,” Levi quickly realized how odd that sounded. “I mean, the Midwife path is hard, so you must like kids a lot.” 
‘I mean if you want to reply to the other question, it’s also valid... I like kids very fucking much, let me know when you’re willing to start practicing,’ he thought. 
“Ah!” she exclaimed, understanding he referred to their previous conversation about her prospects of work tonight. “I became an orphan very young; both of my parents were very old when they decided to have me, so they passed away before I finished my studies. And midwifery is a very necessary but judged profession. Most of my coworkers can’t do it because their husbands or fathers think it’s inappropriate for a girl to be around strangers’ houses in the middle of the night.” 
“So... since I’ve nobody to tell me what I can or can’t do, I decided I should do it,” she replied to him. “This is a good time to tell you, I guess, that I’m not dropping my career.” 
Levi shook his head. “I don’t mind it.” 
“That’s why I went to Erwin’s office the other time,” she commented, making Levi frown, recalling the scene. “He was helping me write a project to present to the higher ranks.” 
Her enthusiasm dropped slightly. “But... they didn’t accept it. I felt so bad.” 
“Ah, that was why you were all weeping when we returned from the expedition?” he dropped the detail, but mostly because the idea was still lingering in his head. 
One hand covered her mouth, and then she blushed. “Ah! You saw that?! So embarrassing,” she said, giving a subtle little hit on his arm playfully. “Why didn’t those morons accept it?” 
She shrugged with a soft sigh. “They said something about the government resources not being enough for that proposal.” 
“Tch, they have money for their stupid events but not for this? What did you propose?” 
“Ugh... mh.hmp,” she seemed reluctant to reply and hummed incoherently. “I... don’t want to offend you.” 
Levi frowned deeply but raised a single eyebrow as a silent question. 
“It was about doing campaigns of pre-natal check-ups on the underground pregnant women. Sometimes they have difficult pregnancies, and the lucky ones are dragged up here if they have some connections when the situation is already unsalvageable. The pre-natal non-permanent posts are all around the walls except there... but, well, I told you their resolution,” she scratched the side of her neck nervously as she explained.  
“Probably because we will have to bring security to go, and MPs do not want to participate.” 
“Why would that offend me?” Levi spat out the question as her nervousness appeared ridiculous. 
“Oh well... I thought that perhaps it’s a sensitive topic for you, and I didn’t want to ruin the mood.” 
“I’m not that soft,” Levi replied quietly, but he felt completely different. He knew she was kind-hearted, but it warmed him that, despite the idea not reaching far, at least there were people trying to change something. “You should keep trying until those assholes listen to you.” 
She hummed positively. “You could try to change their minds,” she suggested between chuckles. 
Levi scoffed. “Talk to Erwin; he’s the one who doesn’t allow me to beat their asses.” 
‘Everything is going so well... it’s suspicious.’ 
“Oh! Careful!” she said, catching his attention before she ran her finger through his chin and then sucked it clean. “You’re going to dirty your shirt’s neck.” 
‘... just let me fuck you already, I’m on my knees.’ 
“I was thinking...” she started, turning around to look at him, doll eyes and a cheeky smile. “Maybe we could hang out this upcoming weekend. The celebrations for the king’s coronation will be ongoing all night all around the walls. I thought that maybe we could stroll around too.” 
Levi was already sweating cold; she was taking the initiative, inviting him out... there was only one issue. 
“Wouldn’t it be nice?” 
‘Think of an excuse, you asshole.’ 
“I... I actually have to stay at my place that weekend,” he said, but his last words were quickly followed by a soft pout, puppy eyes, and a subtle “Ow,” from her. Levi wasn’t usually a person to give excuses or unnecessarily explain himself. 
‘Oh shit, it’s not that I don’t want to—it’s just that—’ 
“I had this stupid invitation to the higher-ranks party whatsoever and—” 
‘And I’m kinda escaping my responsibility of attending that shitty party that’s why—oh... oh no,’ he thought. 
Her eyes began to shine, and the smile returned to her features. “Oh my god, you’re going to the official party?” 
‘No... no I wasn’t going—that’s the whole point,’ he thought. 
“I always wanted to go to one of those,” she said with a dreamy stare, her voice subtle and soft, almost begging but not quite. 
‘No, for fuck’s sake, don’t look at me like that.’ 
“These are the preparations for the upcoming week, and I’ve already reviewed your paperwork, and they seem alright,” Erwin reorganized the piles of paper in front of him quickly for the other soldier. 
Slender fingers picked it up, returning to the door’s direction, yet the pace was rather odd, and the fingers tapped the new papers with uneasiness. Erwin didn’t pay it much mind as he returned to filling out the multiple letters he needed to get ready so they would be sent first thing the upcoming morning. Spreading dust over the black ink so it would dry quicker, his movements were controlled yet rushed. 
“So... I was wondering... do you still have that invitation?” 
Those words made the blond freeze up mid-movement. He slowly looked up at Levi, who was standing in the middle of his office. Each second that passed, announced by the clock, changed the Commander’s expression from confused to angry as his thick eyebrows drew together. 
Straightening up but not saying a word, his fingers intertwined. “Tell me, Levi... how many years have you worked with the scouts?” 
“Tch,” Levi switched his weight from one leg to the other, arms crossing on top of his chest. Levi rolled his eyes, annoyed, “What does that even matter? Five.” 
“Ah, yes, I see,” Erwin muttered as if he didn’t already know the answer. “And how many balls, parties, and official events have you been invited to?” 
The Captain had a feeling where this was going and only frowned deeply. “Many... all of them.” 
“Yes, that’s correct,” the blond confirmed slowly as if the information needed to sink in. “You see, I’m asking because it seems like I must be losing my memory... because I can’t recall a single damn time you went to any of those events without me having to coerce you into it.” 
“When I don’t go to those shitty events, it’s about me not supporting the scouts. When I decide to fucking go, it’s also an issue?” 
“No, no, no, no,” Erwin clicked his tongue repeatedly, “You didn’t decide to go... she wants to go, isn’t it?” 
Silence. Reigning silence. 
“Are you making me a jealousy scene?” Levi raised an eyebrow, confused. 
“No, I just can’t believe that as your boss and friend, I’ve begged you all this time to go to those events, and you’re going because a girl—my friend—asked you to. You’re so henpecked it should give you secondhand embarrassment.” 
“Fine! Yes, yes, I’m doing it for her. Happy?” Levi replied, offended. “In a week and a half, we’re leaving for an expedition, and I’ve not even seen a shitty ankle! Fucking excuse me for trying to get laid before I risk my life out there with one of your suicidal plans! Maybe I should get out of here and ask Mike what type of stupid bullshit you did to get Marie’s attention.” 
The battle of stares was over when, reluctantly, Erwin pulled out the invitation from his drawer and handed it over, “Here, thank you for reconsidering it.” 
“You’re welcome... I’m in favor of the plans for the upcoming expedition, by the way,” Levi walked back to the desk to pick up the letter and replied as he took the piece of paper with him. 
“Glad to hear.” 
And the two of them carried on with their responsibilities as if neither of them had ever mentioned anything. 
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @flxrartsstuff @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @katharinasdiaryy @ackermanswifee @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @searriously @blackdxggr @storiesofsung @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @galactict3a @lemonsupernova @hyuckwon-my-husbands @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @love-for-faeries-go-burrrr @mandaax @sugacor3 @r0ckst4rjk @vegetasgirl2799 @catiwinky @pinksaiyans @sparklykeylime Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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bunnziebobcat · 2 years
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Fan Art Friday - Babar at the Rovers Return
This week #FanArtFriday, let's meet Babar outside the Rovers Return Inn, and he's celebrating not only the 62nd anniversary of ITV Granada's best-loved soap opera, Coronation Street, but also his original creator, Jean de Brunhoff, on what would've been his 123rd birthday today.
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dispatchusa · 2 years
Virgelia Productions 34th Anniversary 2022-2023 Title Holders and Queen...
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livelaughlovesubs · 17 days
hello! I hope you write for Neuvillette! For the event, could I ask for fitting him with a collar and presenting him as a trophy? Thank you sm! <3
also please don’t stress yourself nini! Drink water, get proper rest, and make sure to take breaks! 🫶
(P.S, can I be 🍡 anon? If not that’s okay! ^v^)
Heee! Welcome 🍡 anon! Ofc our neuvi is okay :] and I looove the trophy prompt for some reason
Dom!reader x sub!neuvi - reader is gn
Warning: public humiliation, hair pulling, objectification, collaring
Anniversary event
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A celebration in name of the new ruler of fontain has been organised. For the people to acknowledge him, to respect and worship him, and for him to come out as the one on top. It was a very important event, one that could be compared to the coronation of a new king. That’s why there’s a ball at the break of dawn, to showcase the authority of the chef justice - at least, that’s what was meant to happen.
The moment he entered the gigantic room - filled with people in fancy clothing chatting to their hearts content - every whisper disappeared, complete silence broke out under the sheer anticipation of meeting him. Many of them even held their breath, focusing on the only thing breaking the silence, the sound of footsteps. All eyes were on him, and on you, his escort. The music even stopped as the musicians couldn’t help but gawk. Though soon the smiles changed into shocked gasps, before quiet mumbling filled the atmosphere of the halls again.
You walked in front of Neuvillette, confidently, a big pleasant smile on your face. You had to show the world your chocolate side after all. Neuvi followed close behind, eyes as sharp as ever, not paying much attention to anyone other than you. His cold demeanour wasn’t anything new, but- he was wearing a collar.
Some were frowning at the sight, while others were still in pure disbelief. Your smile didn’t falter at their reaction, in contrary, you turned around and gestured with your hand for him to come closer. And so he did, obeying your command all obediently. Then you yanked on the very collar all the other guests were staring at, making him bend a little before you whispered, “they are all staring at you, feeling exited yet?”
Your little hydro dragon didn’t answer, he didn’t show much of a reaction other than the rosy blush that has begun tainting his cheeks. You sneered, a satisfied and proud look as you let go of him. A waiter came moments later, carrying a tray full with glasses of champagne. You took a glass out of curtesy, and sipped on it, then handed it to your sweet boytoy. He took it without questioning it.
It didn’t take long until the shock of the people died down, and the bolder ones dared to get closer, in hopes of building a relationship with the new ruler of fontain. A man approached you, trying to strike a conversation, “what a grandiose ball this is, fontain will be thriving in the future, all thanks to the chief justice.” The man in front of you said, smiling, a calculated expression. You recognised him, he was one of the rather big merchants.
“Indeed, I would expect no less from my most priced possession.” You chuckled as you cupped Neuvillette’s face with one hand, not breaking eye contact with the merchant. “You are proud to belong to me, ain’t I right, neuvi?” He didn’t answer you with words, instead, he nuzzled his face into your palm, finding comfort in the heat radiating through your glove. The merchant laughed uncomfortable, his facade failing him as he tried to not stare.
Then, to everyone’s surprise, you grabbed him by his hair and made him kneel down. He didn’t resist one bit, allowing you to manhandle him, shuddering at this humiliating act. “Neuvillette. When I ask you a question, what must you do?” Your voice became rougher, more demanding, and he gazed up at you from his sitting position. “…use my voice. Forgive me, I’ll do better next time.” The male said, almost whining, the blush darkened and he clenched the glass in his hands.
At this point, needless to say you were the center of attention. You, who can treat their new ‘archon’ like an object.
How scandalous it was… seeing him acting this shameless in public. The whispers only got louder, yet the two of you didn’t seem to care. As if both of you were in your own world. “Good boy.” Your gaze softened, now cupping his face with one hand, the other one caressing the dark blue collar around him. A prideful yet scary grin as you made a statement, “There’s a reason you are my prettiest trophy.”
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Some thoughts about the KP video and Kate’s statement today. (I initially put these as comments to another post.) These thoughts may be controversial and may be unpopular, but it is what I think and there may be others who feel this way too or who have similar thoughts and are looking for a place to discuss.
So first, this video is not unprecedented. It follows similar videos made for their 10th anniversary and the coronation (I believe there may be an Earthshot video as well), which suggests that KP’s media strategy commemorates significant personal occasions with film like this. What is unprecedented is Kate narrating - I believe this is the first “televised speech” she has ever given. She has given speeches before but I don’t think those were “broadcast” like this one was.
There’s been some commentary about how PR-ish and slick the video feels, to which I also agree. In my comments on an earlier post, I said that the video is responding to criticism and concerns that KP staff likely heard all summer, meant to reassure people of Kate’s status. It sucks that they had to do this because Kate made it clear from the beginning that her health is private. I think they chose a highly-stylized and edited video like this (instead of personal home videos) to help with their privacy. By having someone else film them, they can still protect their kids’ personal selves while opening the window into what “our own home” actually looks and feels like.
In my opinion - and I realize this could be fighting words - it feels like the emotions people may or be feeling about this video comes from how unexpected it was. I’ll give them that point - it was unexpected and very touching to hear Kate’s own words in her own voice narrating clips of her family in their ordinary private lives that she and William have been very protective over.
But it was not unexpected that there was an update on her status. It’s consistent with KP’s pattern of providing quarterly (or seasonal, depending on how you look at it) updates on Kate’s status. After the first announcement in January, we received updates in March (beginning of Spring) and in June (beginning of summer). Now we’ve had an update at the beginning of fall/autumn.
We’ll probably get another one in December for the beginning of winter, which will probably coincide with her Christmas carol service. Given Kate’s message today, I have a feeling that this year’s carol service may be themed around cancer charities, supporters, and patients and their families. (2021 and 2022 were also themed; I don’t remember if the 2023 service was themed.) And if the winter update isn’t for the Christmas carol service, it will definitely be for the holidays with perhaps a “new beginnings for a new year” kind of message.
I liked the video. I like that KP has updated their social media profiles and account pictures with new photos from the video. I don’t find it as emotional as others are, but that’s not a knock on anyone who is emotional about it. I do see it as a PR tool to counter criticisms and concerns that have been discussed all summer long, but I also see it as a genuine “thank you” from Kate for giving her the space, time, and privacy to focus on herself and her family. It was an extraordinary request that most people honored and so she thanked everyone in the most extraordinary of ways; a peek at what her family is like on their own time and in their own homes.
(Also, I’m warning all y’all now: there’s a very good chance the Christmas photo will come from one of these video filming sessions. I don’t want to hear anyone complaining about how upset they are we didn’t get any new exclusive content. We just got a 4 minute video!)
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glorf1ndel · 9 months
Happy 20th anniversary to The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King! 👑
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yueebby · 4 months
littol sneak peek at syth 2 bc i feel bad for taking so long :3
You haunt his dreams, he’s sure. Gojo never believed in superstitions or the supernatural— despite what all those old geezers preached. That was until you started appearing everytime he closed his eyes.
The familiar scene of you gets cloudier every time it appears in his dreams, but he knows it is still you. It’s nearly comical how even his subconscious knew of your everlasting beauty. Everytime, the same sequence replays: a grand celebration he had hosted in the palace in honor of a prosperous year of his reign. The two of you were overlooking the guests, seated at the head of the room.
You’re wearing court attire that was altered to fit solely you (it hugged your body in such ways that made Gojo’s head spin), fabrics and dyes all originating from foreign lands. In your hair sits beautiful hair ornaments, swinging with every movement you make.
However, Gojo knows it is not the materialistic items that make you beautiful, no, he knows that it was simply you.
“Has anyone told you how unnerving your eyes are?” You quietly comment, eyes still trained on the party in front of you. Satoru cracks a slight smile, not ashamed in the slightest that he was caught ogling you.
“I thought you said you loved them?” He blinks at you, attempting to lean closer to show off his blue orbs. “You’re starting to hurt my feelings, beloved.”
You purse your lips, subtly leaning away before he can initiate improper conduct. He does not take your action well, snaking an arm around you to firmly cage you in his hold. Normally, you would welcome his advances but you’d rather not be publically humiliated in front of the entire Imperial Court and all of the influential clanheads of Japan.
“Please have mercy on me, Your Grace,” You whisper, eyes flitting across the room, making sure there were no eyes on you. Luckily, everyone was too absorbed with the luxurious goods Gojo had imported for the occasion. It was the anniversary of his coronation, after all.
He makes a noise of disapproval, “Can’t. Must let these people know that you’re mine.” Gojo closes the gap between you and sniffs your neck, softly moaning at your scent. He knows that if the geezers looked up from their silver spoons they would have a heart attack at his public display of affection. Not that he cares, considering they had no power over him. His unorthodox ways may make them livid, but Gojo knows they won’t do anything. He was going to pave the way for the Golden Age of Japan— with you by his side.
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