#corporate portal software
kuldeepneha · 4 months
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Unlocking Business Potential: Corporate Travel Portal Strategies
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manishaadivaha · 1 month
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smak-annihilation · 9 months
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nekupen · 1 year
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Our story starts in the year of our lord and savior 2005. The seniors at the DigiPen Institute of Technology have a simple-to-do (Citation needed) senior project: Make a video game. A group of 'em, Nuclear Monkey Software, decided to make a first person puzzle game called Narbacular Drop. What the hell does "Narbacular" mean? No idea, but it makes the game easy to look up. You play as Princess No-Knees. That's not her God given name (Thank God), she's just called that because she can't jump. She got trapped in a dungeon by a demon because she was late on the Hospital bill, but there's a twist - The dungeon's a sentient being called Wally, and he can create portals! And thankfully, Wally's benevolent enough to let you use that to your advantage.
The game is played uniquely from a first person perspective (Hold your applause. No, seriously, your hands will fall off and sewing them back on is not within budget). You place portals at the click of your mouse, two at a time. One has blue eyes, the other has orange. These portals are only allowed on a natural surface and won't work on artificial surfaces, like metal. There's also switches, lava turtles to help you cross that piping hot magma, and boulders that can crush you. That portal thing sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it? No? Good, it'd be REALLY bad if we got dragged kicking and screaming into court over this portal thing.
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Screenshot of Narbacular Drop
The game was shown at DigiPen's career fair. In the audience was one Robin Walker, who you might know as the person behind Ricochet. 
(Wait, he's NOT known for Ricochet?)
Sorry, what I meant to say was "Who you might know as one parent of the Team Fortress franchise". He thought the display of innovative puzzle design and disability representation was marvelous and contacted Nuclear Monkey Software, offering to show their work to fellow Valve employees. When they presented the game to Valve, jolly ol ' Saint Newell rose up from his dingy folding chair, spontaneously decided that the entire team was on the nice list, and gave them the gift of having jobs working at Valve Software. Two years later, the award-winning video game Portal was born!
[Please note that Narbacular Drop is responsible for the video game Portal and not responsible for the creation of the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device, which was created in a pursuit of making shower curtains more hygienic.]
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Portal itself was sort of like a side project in the scheme of things. It had a measly ten people on board, which might not seem measly with all the solo, self-made indie devs out and about these days, but it wasn't the norm with Valve. And that's not to mention that Half-Life 2's episodes and Team Fortress 2 were in production as well. The small team resulted in a lot of design decisions geared towards smart allocation of resources. Need other characters in the narrative but don't want to model or animate another person? Make spherical robots! Don't want to make a bunch of new assets? Reuse some from another game! Want to justify the use of reusing assets from another game? Make them set in the same universe! The person behind that other universe will complain, but it's a net gain. It's enough to make a grown scientist cry. Except me. I'm too busy taking notes to cry.
Portal is also a REALLY good demonstration of Valve's usage of play tester feedback to determine what sticks and what doesn't, kind of like how we use test subjects to determine what's shippable and what should be destroyed and left to rot in a vault. You know that whole "narrative" thing? Well, that didn't really come up until the testers asked about it. The idea of having Advanced Knee Replacements to justify the lack of fall damage stems from the snotty little know-it-alls yakking about how weird it was that the protagonist was surviving falls that a man from our competing company couldn't. And let's not forget the Weighted Companion Cube, which was brought up to encourage players to bring a vital object with them to puzzles (A box in specific). It also ended up adding to the plot of the game, giving the player a revenge angle while also giving an idea as to what the final boss would play like.
It'd be foolish not to bring up how Portal released. You see, Portal was a part of Valve's "The Orange Box", a collection of older and brand new spanking new games: The older titles make up two of the games (And older is pushing it, they were still pretty young then), Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Episode One. The new games were: Half-Life 2: Episode Two, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. That's right, those folks at Valve dropped three big hitters on the same day, and they even made ports for the consoles of that generation! Except the Wii. You couldn't get any of these games working on the Wii if you got the finest minds from Aperture Science and the louts from Black Mesa working on it. But enough of all that, let's talk Portal!
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Portal puts you into the brain of Chell, a Aperture Science test subject that's been in stasis for quite a while.
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Our ever-so stubborn, orphaned, pudgy protagonist.
She finally wakes up but doesn't even get the chance to get her bearings, for a mysterious voice (GLaDOS, or Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System) starts yapping about testing! Enticed by the idea of receiving cake (Because who isn't a little famished from stasis?), she complies, and is introduced to portal technology! After getting through all 19 chambers, Chell is rewarded with a nice freshly cooked incinerator. But she's already lost her appetite by then, so she passes, and this annoys GLaDOS, ruining her already cracking guise as an apathetic emotionless robot. After traversing through the seedy unwashed parts of the labs, Chell finally gets face-to-face with GLaDOS, who, after having her morality core incinerated, tries to kill Chell with deadly neurotoxin.
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A Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System
Dying's not in her schedule, so Chell proceeds to destroy all of GLaDOS' cores, which causes the facility to blow up, leaving Chell and GLaDOS outside in the aftermath. But Chell, luckily, gets dragged back into the labs by the Party Escort Bot Luckily in a relative sense. better to die in the Aperture labs than to die in the Black Mesa-created hellhole outside.
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A still image of the ending
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Like the story, the gameplay itself is pretty simple, but it grows more layers over the course of the game. The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device is our pride and joy.
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The Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device (Or Portal Gun for short)
You place a blue portal, you place an orange portal. Neither specifically are an entrance or exit, whichever one you enter, you go out the other. The fun comes from the tests. A common application of the device is the use of momentum to gain the speed and height needed to reach an area. Or in the brilliantly put words of GLaDOS, "Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing goes out". And you might be asking "What the heck's stopping me from just placing a portal where I need to go?". Well, there's various materials that are, in mild terms, absolutely awful as portal conductors, gray tiled floors and metal just to name the main culprits. And that's not to bring up the other part of the tests!
See those buttons? Those are our state-of-the-art 1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Buttons! They activate something if you press stand on them, but they won't stay pressed. That's what our Weighted Storage Cubes are for, and they come in Companion flavor too!
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1500 Megawatt Aperture Science Heavy Duty Super-Colliding Super Button and Weighted Storage Cube Demonstration (Cube and Button for short.)
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Your best friend, the Weighted Companion Cube
Generally, you'd want to watch out for all that filthy... Goo down there in the pits. We have no idea what it is or where it came from, but we do know that it's incredibly acidic and you'll probably die in 4 seconds flat.
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Goo Demonstration
Look out for our High Energy Pellets! You'll be atomized if you don't. Your job is to lead the pellets from the launchers into the portals with clever placement of Portal. Although the pellets fizzle out after a certain amount of time, as long as they keep going through a portal they'll stay active.
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High Energy Pellet Demonstration
You might be asking "What's that thin, blue field of particles in front of the elevator? That's our Aperture Science Material Emancipation Grill. It disintegrates unauthorized materials like the cubes, and while it won't disintegrate your portal gun, it'll snuff out your portals.
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Emancipation Grill Demonstration
And finally, there's our Turrets. It's all the matter of whoever gets the drop on who. To ensure relatability with children every turret comes with a child-like personality. And if the children wakes up and starts to cry after the turret guns down a home invader, it'll play a lullaby to placate the child!
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How to NOT deal with a Turret
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How to deal with a Turret
Want some extra challenge in the chambers? Try out the Challenge modes in the Bonus Maps! Don't think those make the chambers hard enough? Well why don't you try out our Advanced Chambers since you think you're such a death-defying acrobatic smartass?
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The Bonus Maps menu
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Speaking of smartasses, if you want more tests to go through then you can look to the internet, as smartasses all around the world have made their own map packs, which you can download you can install more bonus maps by importing any you’ve downloaded online into the game. Alternatively, some might be “sourcemods”, which you just place in the sourcemods folder (and if you don’t have one by default then you can simply make one yourself). Of course, it’d be silly if we didn’t bring up Portal: The Flash Version, notable in that it came out before the actual game itself did! It’s popular in its own right, having a lot of Portal’s obstacles, but its own puzzles which are presented in a 2D space. It was popular enough to spawn a map pack that has its levels and original obstacles put into the realm of mind blowing 3D!
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Portal: The Flash Version's menu
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So where is Portal now? Well, it has a sequel (which has its own set of mods and custom maps), some non-canon side games, a compilation with its sequel on Nintendo Switch, a RTX version, a appearance in a LEGO game, a GEICO commercial, a educational program, A LOT of sourcemods for that sequel released on Steam.. I’d say it’s in a good place right now. This has been a Aperture Science blogpost, and we thank you for reading all the way to the end. We hope to see you again soon!
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Connect your team, improve efficiency, and secure your business operations with a customized intranet designed to meet your unique needs.
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fare-api · 15 days
Corporate Travel Management | Corporate Travel Solutions
Corporate Travel Management Software Company
In today's fast-paced business landscape, global connectivity is critical for expansion and operations. Thus, corporate travel has become an essential component of many business operations. Companies are increasingly turning to Corporate Travel Management Solutions (CTMS) to effectively deal with the complexities of business travel. These solutions go beyond traditional travel booking platforms, providing comprehensive tools to simplify the complete process. It also ensures cost-effectiveness and other necessary compliances.
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FlightsLogic is an award-winning global provider of innovative and cost-effective travel solutions for corporate, events, leisure, loyalty, and business travelers. It includes features like invoice generation, multiple payment options, and 24x7 support to help travel agents and managers make the best bookings. Our corporate travel software solutions automate document management and include pre-designed templates for all major travel document types. This feature allows you to increase the speed of your operations, avoid human errors, and track legislative compliance. Our corporate travel management solutions will help your business thrive.
FlightsLogic offers adaptable corporate travel management solutions that enable easy booking, an exceptional travel experience, and seamless trip management. Our cutting-edge technology-based solutions and services improve every aspect of corporate travel. We value complete transparency and incorporate it into all of our services. We help corporations select from a diverse inventory at competitive prices. Corporations can expand their reach by integrating it with leading GDSs.
Our industry-leading travel solutions make business travel simple and convenient. From simple booking to clear travel policies and simple invoicing, our powerful features make corporate travel less stressful. Corporates can use FlightsLogic to ensure policy adherence and generate detailed reports for increased ROI.
FlightsLogic, designed for modern organizations, streamlines corporate travel with an all-in-one travel management solution that includes intelligent travel booking, price assurance, traveler services, and more. Our all-in-one travel booking system allows you to book flights, hotels, and rental cars at the lowest possible prices in minutes. Gain total visibility into your travel spending with seamless integration.
For more information, please visit our website: https://www.flightslogic.com/corporate-travel-management-solutions.php
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weconnectintranet · 2 years
Basic, Alluring, Ready-to-go Company Intranet That Your Representatives Will Adore.
WeConnect Intranet is an easy to understand cutting edge intranet programming planned and produced for worker correspondence, cooperation and commitment.
Highlights like post declarations, hr management tools, commemorations, task the executives, helpdesk tagging, prizes and acknowledgments, representative competitor list, content administration framework , employee engagement platform are preferred and utilized by our clients broadly.
Imaginative Social Intranet is accessible on premise and on cloud also effectively accessible in cross breed arrangement.
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For what reason Do You Want an Organization Intranet?
Coordinated effort is key for each organization. Conveying, sharing and cooperating with partners on archives, plans and assignments is vital for helping group achievement and efficiency. An organization intranet programming like WeConnect Intranet   permits you to sort out data by offices, groups and tasks, smooth out exercises by making work processes and computerizing manual cycles. Such business intranet programming gives representatives efficiency instruments to work more intelligent.
Utilizing a business intranet guarantees consistent inside correspondence, simple admittance to significant organization news, ongoing sharing of data and thoughts, further developed undertaking and record proficiency, better group cooperation, quicker endorsements, improved security. WeConnect Intranet   offers from there, the sky is the limit.
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
green in the air
DannyMay2023 Day 22: Cryptid AU
title: green in the air
words: 2042
Summary: Ectoplasm is invasive and all consuming, and it shows in Amity Park's residents. (OC outsider POV)
Warnings: None!
Beta by: @probably-dead
Ectoplasm is invasive. Once it’s in the air, in the water, on the ground, it is there to stay. Most places have such minor hauntings that it is inconsequential an amount, a ghost or two at most struggling to maintain its form and unable to spare any.
Amity Park isn’t most places. Unknowingly, Jack and Maddie Fenton had released more ectoplasm onto the human plane in the past year than in all of history - recorded and not - up until that point.
And, despite science’s belief otherwise, ectoplasm can absolutely be absorbed into the human body, live alongside living tissue, it just had never been present in this large an amount before, unable to be studied. It snuck into the humans in so many ways. In the air, merely being breathed in, growing and multiplying within the humans’ lungs. In the water for hydration, coating the pipes inside and seeping into the liquid. On the ground, sticking to clothes, sticking to the skin of children too young to walk, who’s hands always end up in their mouths.
Invisible, untraceable, even as it changed the humans, changed the definition of normal for all within Amity Park and Elmerton. Only a year since the portal had been opened by a teen’s half-death and already, outsiders could see the change.
Could see everyone here was just a little wrong.
Joanne hefted the box out of the moving van, carefully avoiding her pet cats running around her feet as she moved up the stairs, depositing the box in her new bedroom. She wiped sweat from her brow, eyeing the mattress lying on the ground and debated collapsing onto it, making the bed frame be damned.
She sighed and instead moved to the window, looking at their new home.
Jo’s mom had been transferred to the Amity Park branch of the company she worked for and was expected to be here at least the next two years, updating software and training employees, unable to leave until corporate felt these employees knew the subject matter as well as the other locations did. Her mom had complained about it, worried about how poor the internet connection for the whole city must be, as this branch consistently had internet issues, thus the need for them to move on site.
At least Amity Park was pretty, she determined as she saw suburbia around her, trees and leaves dotting the area around them. It was still warm, the middle of July, and she had two weeks before she began her life as a sophomore at the high school. Jo wasn’t thrilled by this, though it wasn’t the first time her mom’s job had moved them. But two years here? That would have her moving again right before her senior year of high school, and who wants to be a new kid for their senior year of high school?
Maybe Amity would end up being nice and she could finish out her schooling here, convince her mom to stay an extra year.
She pulled herself from her thoughts, deciding her break was over and it was time to get more boxes from the van. Had she always owned so much stuff?
The first two other students she met were a few days later, when she had ventured out to the mall by herself, with her mother’s blessing and her cell phone in hand.
The mall was… not what she’d expected. Something in her just said something was wrong, though it didn’t pinpoint what it was. It was like the beginning of a small muscle cramp, almost entirely ignored except for the nag in the back of her head. As she settled in line at one of the fast food stores, she realized what was wrong.
It was too quiet here. People were everywhere she looked, in crowds, in all ages, walking and chattering excitedly, yet their footsteps were too soft, like walking across carpet. Their voices didn’t echo like they should in a room like this.
An uncomfortable tingling in her fingertips that she shook away. It was just nerves, she was just somewhere new.
“Oh, I don’t think we’ve met before.” Someone said behind her and Jo nearly jumped clear through her skin. She whirled around, willing her heart to calm down. Two girls stood there - a pretty Latina girl and a blonde who was almost as pretty beside her, both with friendly smiles on their faces.
“Oh, uh, hi? I just moved here a few days ago.” Jo said, offering out her hand, which the darker skinned girl shook. A chill sent shivers down her back. Man, was this girl anemic? Her hand was so cold.
“I’m Paulina.” She said in greeting.
“I’m Star!” The blonde added, waving.
“I’m Joanne. Uh, Jo. I prefer Jo, though.”
Paulina tilted her head to the side curiously. It was a move she’d seen for years and it had never unnerved her but Paulina’s head went a little too far, her eyes taking too long between blinks. “It’s nice to meet you, Jo. Will you be attending Casper?”
“Yeah, tenth grade in a few weeks.”
“Oh! You’re in our grade, then!” Star said, grinning. Were human teeth normally that sharp? “Maybe you’ll be a part of the A-List.”
“The best, prettiest, and most popular of Casper High.” Paulina explained, straightening her head back up. Jo had to resist the urge to swallow nervously. Why were these girls setting her so on edge? They were being perfectly friendly.
Whatever, they had just moved into territory Jo knew how to navigate. Popularity had always been a given for her and she knew how to say the right things. She shrugged, running her fingers boredly through her hair. “Hm, maybe. I just moved into Highland Park, do either of you know the area?”
Paulina smiled, no teeth, but the corners of her mouth went just a little too far up. “Oh, that’s where I’m from! You must have moved into the old Edgewood property.”
“Good guess.” Jo said, smiling back. The three had finished assessing each other and Jo slid in easily - rich and pretty was all it required.
“Oh, no, that’s just the only vacancy in Highland. There’s actually not a lot of available housing in Amity. People don’t leave here.”
That’s definitely a normal thing to say. “Ah, really?”
“Surprising, I know. But… we’re safe here. Protected.” Paulina said, Star nodding sagely beside her.
“Okay then…” Jo said, suddenly at a loss.
“Oh, you haven’t seen our biggest attractions, have you?” Paulina asked, understanding lighting up her eyes.
“What’s the biggest attraction?”
Paulina and Star glanced at each other and giggled. “You’ll know it when you see it. Trust me.”
“Uh. Okay?”
The two girls laughed again. “Here,” Paulina said, pulling a piece of crumpled paper and a pen from her purse, scribbling on it. “My number. Message me and I’ll introduce you to the rest of our group before school starts.”
Joanne took the paper, glancing at Paulina’s neat handwriting and nodding. “Sure, sounds good!”
“See you later, Jo!” Star said, and both girls waved at her. The waves were perfectly synced, each moving in tandem with the other. Again, discomfort in the back of her head. It just seemed… unnatural. But she said nothing of it, waving goodbye to the two.
If that was the popular crowd, she was almost afraid to see weird kids.
When school started ten days later, Jo had successfully integrated with the A-List, becoming easy friends with the popular kids. They’d hung out several times and - while they still sometimes made the hair on Jo’s arms stand up - she had gotten used to the weird vibe they gave off. Joanne had lived in a lot of places, but the people here continued to give her a sense of wrongness.
“Oh, you never told us about your first encounter with our big attraction.” Paulina said as the group lounged around outside the school before class started.
“What is this attraction? I haven’t really seen anything memorable.” Jo said with a shrug.
“Wow, you’ve been here two weeks and not seen them yet?” Dash said, wonder in his eyes.
“Seen who?”
Dash opened his mouth to answer but Paulina slapped a perfectly manicured hand across his mouth. “You’ll see. They’re seen at school pretty often.”
Jo just rolled her eyes, convinced at this point she was being pranked. What attraction sometimes popped up at a school?
The warning bell rang and they gathered their things, standing up and chatting about nothing again.
A bump against her shoulder sent her books tumbling to the ground.
“Sorry!” A boy said and the feeling of wrongness she’d had since arriving here spiked again, worse than ever before, a knife to the base of her spine. She spun around, suddenly feeling like she shouldn’t have her back to whatever this kid was.
She was surprised to see what looked like a normal teenager, black hair and blue eyes on a tired face. Still, as normal as he looked, something was wrong with him. His eyes were too bright to be real, his hair didn’t seem to be moving the way it should with the wind. He smiled apologetically and too large teeth filled her vision. She jerked back, suddenly convinced he was about to strike like a snake. A hurt look passed across his face, apparently surprised by her intense need to get away.
“Are you okay?” He asked and his voice reminded her of an avalanche, of a boat slamming against an iceberg, each killing anyone who dared be too close.
“Fine.” She squeaked. He eyed her and then bent down, picking up the books she’d dropped as she continued to not move.
“I’m Danny,” he introduced, holding her books out to her. Her instincts snaked into her stomach, her throat, her mind, to not touch him, but she didn’t want to be rude so she grabbed at the stack. Her hand just barely brushed his and fear flooded her every sense, terrified tears coming to her eyes.
Whatever this boy was, it was not human. It was death and decay, it was destruction and damnation.
This time he jerked away from her, worry etched onto his features. 
Predator. Her mind whispered to her as her heart beat so fast in terror it caused her pain.
“I’m gonna go now…” Danny said, turning and walking away.
Joanne did not stop staring at him as he left, frequently turning and glancing at her in confusion.
That was when she noticed the fact his chest was still. She did not see the rise and fall of breath, of life.
What was he?
The answer would come in second period, when a metal man crashed through the wall, locked in tense combat with a white haired boy.
When the chill she’d felt earlier returned, when the feeling of imminent death struck her like a hammer and she screamed.
When ghosts were explained to her.
When she realized Danny Fenton was a dead teenager and the others around her… they had to be toeing the line between life and death, with their too sharp teeth and too wide smiles, with their soft footsteps and the way their voices refused to echo.
Was anyone in this city fully alive anymore?
Joanne had no way of knowing that, no, they weren’t, death had touched all of Amity Park, the entire city too close to the veil but still far enough away.
Had no way of knowing the second she’d stepped out of that moving van, that death was infecting her too, that she’d never be able to leave without growing ill without the ectoplasm sustaining her living death, if she could even bring herself to try to leave, the air addictive.
No one in the city was fully alive, not anymore, not since the Fentons had punched a hole in reality. And she had lost her own claim to that idea - of being fully alive - the second the ectoplasm entered her lungs.
This was Amity Park’s normal.
This was her new normal.
Even if anyone from the outside could now tell she was a little bit wrong, too. A little too predatory, a little too quiet.
A little too dead.
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casliveblog · 3 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 181 Rundown
The Witch from Mercury: Now that Gund-Arm has been announced, Miorine and the rest of Earth Club she’s corporately conscripted have to decide what it’ll actually do. They ask Prospera how Aerial isn’t murdering people and she’s just like ‘idk love I guess’ and gives Miorine the hard data while not answering anything about the key details and kinda still getting jabs in about Miorine’s credibility. Meanwhile the Earth Club kids are not exactly happy about the obvious company direction of just being arms dealers and playing both sides to fuel a classic Gundam War brand war but they’re still working on all the PR proposals and missions statements and shit because they need more investment to actually do more than form the company. I get that they basically only brought on the research branches from the previous two Gundam companies but shouldn’t they be getting adults to help with some of the PR stuff because long story short the commercial they shoot ends up looking like a Youtube Poop. Like even if Phil from Prospera’s company only worked on building Gundams he’d probably have better software editing skills than a bunch of kids who’ve never done this before. Meanwhile Shaddiq is just standing there the whole time like “Lemme help for an innocuous share of the company I can deftly take control from” and Miorine is not having any of that. Eventually Miorine finds the promo video from the prologue about how the Gundam system was originally supposed to be for medical technology, limb replacement and physical therapy related to the various horrible eldritch disasters that involve corporatizing Space. The group basically forms the Gundam version of Doctors Without Borders which while not perfect is probably the most morally salvageable way to start a Corporation and shit just starts coming together in a weird school club kind of way which I feel shouldn’t fly in the ridiculously utilitarian corporate setting we’ve been shown where you get axed for not making exponential profits but we’ll hold onto that for later. But at the last minute Shaddiq updates the student council safety rules for new corporations/clubs to be like “no working on soul-stealing death machines” which I kind of feel like that should’ve been a rule in the first place but we’re gonna say this is a bad thing in this very specific scenario because it forbids them from making the soul-stealing death machines stop stealing souls or causing death and thus preventing death.
Inuyasha The Final Act: I love this episode, I love it a lot, it’s basically one long grudge match for a relationship that spans the entire series. Byakuya gives Sesshomaru a fragment of Kanna’s mirror demon that can steal Tessaiga’s power for Tenseiga and teleports Sesshomaru and Inuyasha into a demon dimension where they basically play Technique Tug of War with all of Tessaiga and Tenseiga’s techniques to see who will be the winner take all. Inuyasha is basically at his strongest here, full demon transformation with Tessaiga and most of his techniques as he takes them back from Sesshomaru one by one. And to Sesshomaru’s credit he’s not just being a pouty baby about this, Naraku doesn’t understand peoples’ capacity to grow so he doesn’t realize Sesshomaru doesn’t want to kill Inuyasha but he wants him to justify his right to wield the powerful weapon on his own path to acceptance. Eventually Inuyasha gets hit with the Meidou Zangetsuha and has to cut his own demon energy with the Dragon-Scaled Tessaiga to keep the portal open. Naraku can apparently control the sword since Kanna is him and the mirror demon is Kanna so transitive property I guess but Sesshomaru steps in to finish the fight himself, eventually allowing Inuyasha to take the rest of Tenseiga’s energy and break it, triggering the technique stealing effects of Tessaiga and granting it the Meidou Zangetsuha so Inuyasha’s moveset is complete at last. Inuyasha is eventually able to track Tenseiga and use the Meidou Zangetsuha to get him and Sesshomaru out of the hell dimension. Sesshomaru accepts that Tessaiga and all related techniques belong to Inuyasha and that he has to wield it in his own way and it’s a really great capstone on arguably the longest running arc of the series, like Sesshomaru popped up long before Naraku showed himself and now things are relatively good between them, like they’re still gruff emotionally distant brothers but they are also vaguely worried for each others’ wellbeing. Sesshomaru rejects the now Healer-only Tenseiga but Rin takes it anyway and promises to get him to bring it with him. I love episodes like this where they just devote the whole runtime to a huge fight with very little preamble, it’s even got some good comedy gags with Totosai’s bull acting as a projector so the group can stream the fight and Naraku watching by HDMI jacking his tentacle into Byakuya’s eye socket. Yeah, 10/10 prolly my favorite episode of Final Act overall.
Castlevania: Sypha has come down with a touch of the bloodlust and being a nomad her whole life combined with recently coming into the endorphin rush of killing demons means she doesn’t sit well with sitting still. Luckily the mayor has their next D&D quest ready and explains that the priory seems to have made a pact with one of the demons or some shit and it’s now calling disturbed Dracula sympathizers from all over like some kind of homing beacon and only some sort of bloodthirsty Avatar Nomad and her Jack Sparrow type husband can stop them. Meanwhile Isaac gives the Captain the short version of  Season 2’s story and tells him he’s going to go kill Hector for betraying Dracula but honestly considering where Hector’s at rn I think leaving him alive might be the better revenge. Still the Captain cuts right to the chase and advises Isaac to go on a full Vinland Saga character arc and get his revenge but then become a king of a land of peace and freedom rather than trying to genocide everyone since he’ll basically have a free kingdom once he gets done and considering running a genuinely good kingdom is both easier and harder than genocide, Isaac seems to take to this pretty well. Last and… well, last is Hector who’s getting his character groundwork in with Lenore until he tries to hold her hostage and she beats the absolute shit out of him, promising to get him better treatment but also never to fuck with her again because she’s fully capable of becoming a horde of bats which that’s new, don’t think we’ve seen that, like if Godbrand could do that I don’t think he’d have lost to Isaac. She also gives him a blanket so we can stop seeing his dick like we’re never getting full knob as far as I can see but there’s a lot of shots where we’re getting like 3/4ths dick. Hector really needs to make up his mind about whether he’s gonna lean into the Makima/Denji petplay thing the vampires seem to have going for him or if he’s gonna just die because watching him pathetically waffle between the two is really hard to watch, like if I was him I would either have smashed my own skull open on the bricks or committed to the bit and gotten a leash ready, like I’m kinda glad they’re not going for a straight ‘oh she won him over’ arc like was clearly Lenore’s initial plan but still he either needs to leverage their need for him or just stop pretending to have agency because this is hard to watch.
Konosuba: So Kazuma seems to have like legit PTSD from the whole Sylvia thing which isn’t explained very well but it’s just a huge middle finger to anyone who hasn’t seen the movie (though it is on Crunchyroll too so I guess there’s no reason not to). And I’m just kind of trying to figure out which part of it’s bothering him the most like if he actually feels bad for killing Sylvia who genuinely loved him or what but on the surface he’s just like ‘man girls don’t like me anymore that was all movie shit’ which is a fun joke but I also kinda wonder if that’s all this is. Still he wants to become a Monk and the rest of them join him on the journey to the Monastery to try and talk him out of it/laugh when he gives up. Megumin’s also got some Movie Fallout Syndrome with newfound feelings for Kazuma which he’s bad at reciprocating because he’s still a shitbag at the end of the day. Megumin does eventually get him to soften a bit but it’s an encounter with a person-mimicking monster that officially makes him decide that he doesn’t want to help people because people suck so he takes his money-creation mallet and goes back home and is rich for all of five seconds before Kris steals it off him. Still the euphoria of financial stability does exorcise Sylvia’s ghost from his pants or whatever and the group gears up for their next big score: dinner with the king while trying to not get killed for inevitably screwing this up. I like how this season immediately goes for a more serialized approach where even the random vignettes are in service of a small arc and character development from the last outing, I feel like I’m gonna enjoy this.  
Delicious in Dungeon: The group runs back into one of their two missing party members that have been kinda mythologized at this point in the story given how little we hear about them. Fun fact, Namari is voice by LittleKuriboh’s spouse and they’re nonbinary so that’s fun, the voice really threw me off for a sec so I had to look it up. Either way the episode’s basically about Namari getting back into the party’s good graces and Laios taking down a tentacle monster so their gnome patron can heal Marcille’s wounds. They unpeel the tentacle monster like a banana and Marcille’s healed but she’s basically running on empty. We FINALLY get an explanation on how death works in the dungeon which I feel should’ve been something explained upfront since ‘what happens if the characters die’ is kind of a vital stakes-setter. So essentially you can revive if you heal fatal wounds but only in the dungeon because it stunlocks your soul into your body so you aren’t really dead in the traditional sense just basically in a forever coma until your body gets back into working order. That kinda brings up the odd question since this show is all about eating of what happens to bodies that are eaten, like if the body’s been digested by other things it’d be kinda hard to heal, which does put added weight to them getting Falin back and also presumably if you die in an inconvenient or deep down spot it’d be really hard to get a rescue and may take a long time. So yeah that definitely should’ve been explained right away but good to know. Either way Namari helps Senshi trap the water monster that took Marcille out in the first place and they make it into a stew so Marcille can get her mana back. I’m not sure if Mana doesn’t come back very quickly in this world or if you just have like a set supply because they treat Marcille’s mana as exceedingly limited, it may just be they’re on a time crunch but they sure seem to make camp a lot and rest so this shouldn’t be as big a problem as they make it, like they make it sound like a mobile game where it takes twenty hours to get your energy back regardless of rest. Anyway despite teasing it back and forth for a while Namari decides to stick with the gnomes and not join the party to slay the dragon, guess she’s just in the Opening for no reason then, oh well.
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End: The group runs into a town with the sleeping sickness from the Hey Arnold movie and luckily Sein is the only one immune to it because he’s a Priest. We do get a good classification on the magic system here, Mages study magic academically, Priests study it religiously and use books like Robin Fire Emblem and Curses are just whatever either side can’t figure out and are like ‘idfk, demons did it I guess’ though it does kind of undercut the agnostic take some of the previous episodes had where they were puzzling over the nature of heaven to know that this world almost certainly has a god giving priests their power, like I guess you could argue their Faith is what gives the spells their power regardless of whether or not what they have Faith in actually exists and I prefer that ambiguity but I guess it’s just a placeholder for what we can currently understand and what requires more guesswork and assumption in the end. I always kinda laugh when shows get a new party member and then immediately run into a problem that would be impossible without them like if they hadn’t met them guess they’d just be fucked I guess and they were lucky to have not needed them until this exact moment but I guess you could argue they would’ve given the curse a wider berth if they hadn’t had a Priest who could handle it. Next Stark gets recruited and they have to fucking My Fair Lady/Princess and the Pauper him because he looks just like this Lord’s dead son and they can’t let the people know the prince is dead yet. Also Fern gets recruited because I guess they can’t have a noble lady set up as his date and would rather just train someone he’s already comfortable with. It’s really just an excuse for some pretty shots of them in different clothes so shippers can make AMVs and gush about how romantic it is but it does its job well enough. The story with the Lord struggling with his son’s death and how he and Stark have to resist the temptation to use each other as replacement family members is kinda nice, I also like how this guy isn’t a dick to his untalented hardworking Rock Lee son like Stark’s dad was to him, like he’s breaking the anime cliché cycle and that’s nice.
Nekomonogatari Black: So apparently this part takes place during the initial Golden Week before the start of Bakemonogatari where Hanekawa had her first Neko episode so it’s a full flashback arc, I’m pretty excited about that since I got kind of frustrated with them just vaguely alluding to past events in the previous arcs without explaining them fully. Like ‘as you know’ is a writing sin and all but you’ve gotta find a way to be upfront about that info somehow. Anyway, young Araragi is contemplating love which really shocks Tsukihi because apparently he was ridiculously antisocial before all this monster shit started. And we get a long list of classic Monogatari verbal gags as they basically say ‘you know you like someone when you find yourself liking them’ and Araragi’s just like ‘what about the boobs though, she’s got really great boobs’ to which Tsukihi concludes he’s not in love and just being a horny teenage boy and needs to go jerk off. I was having fun and then we immediately get into more incest stuff which is admittedly a fun subversion of how Tsukihi thought the conversation would go and then Karen just comes in and fucking strips so we’ve lost all subtlety here and like just get this man away from his sisters and girls half his age please like I like Araragi a lot but I always wince when we go in this direction and the fact that he keeps punching down to girls that are so much younger than him/related to him is what makes that part hard to root for even though he is a pretty good Scumbag Protagonist, guess this means Hitagi’s influence changed him for the better? Sorta? I’m gonna say it’s that for the sake of my own sanity because I CANNOT handle another disaster on the level of the toothbrushing scene. So yeah, because the town the Monogatari series is set in is an eldritch hellscape that only teleports Araragi to the most plot relevant acquaintance, of course he runs into Hanekawa while buying fap material to try and forget her. We get a refresher on her backstory about how she has two parents who through a series of deaths and remarriages she has no actual relation to and how they have a neglect and dispassion to her that is almost worse than the actual abuse they also sometimes do. He agrees to not tell anyone her father hit her in exchange for a request which in true Scumbag Protagonist fashion he deliberates over an agonizingly long time but in the end just uses some of his vampire blood to heal the wound on her face and both parties leave feeling mildly empty inside like a lot was said but nothing really happened which is kind of standard fare for a Monogatari episode. I like this series quite a bit but for the love of god can we steer away from Araragi torturing lolis for a while, that’s why I stopped watching for a while after Nisemonogatari in the first place.
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curiousmind-world · 6 months
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gmlocg · 1 year
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1,806.) Portal 2
Release: April 18th, 2011 | GGF: Platformer, Puzzle, Story Rich, Action-Adventure, Physics, Level Editor, FPS, 3D Platformer, Atmospheric | Developer(s): Valve Corporation | Publisher(s): Valve Corporation, Buke Entertainment, CyberFront Corporation, ak tronic Software & Serviced GmbH | Platform(s): Macintosh (2011), PlayStation 3 (2011), Windows (2011), Xbox 360 (2011), Linux (2014), Nintendo Switch (2022)
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We write the source code in different programming languages and the results are shown on a different browser. We at Nanoarch Software solutions have experienced web designers and developers which built websites through which you can establish your business services, products, brand and much more.
We are specialized in creating portals like B2B and B2C, Corporate websites, E-commerce websites
• Our web developers design and develop websites which is beneficial for doing business to business and business to customers.
Our web developers are well familiar with the guidelines of the search engine so that websites get quickly indexed in the search engine. The website which we develop is user-friendly and can easily be accessed by any electronic devices.
We write the source code in different programming languages and the results are shown on a different browser. We at Nanoarch Software solutions have experienced web designers and developers which built websites through which you can establish your business services, products, brand and much more.
We are specialized in creating portals like B2B and B2C, Corporate websites, E-commerce websites
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Our web developers are well familiar with the guidelines of the search engine so that websites get quickly indexed in the search engine. The website which we develop is user-friendly and can easily be accessed by any electronic devices.
We write the source code in different programming languages and the results are shown on a different browser. We at Nanoarch Software solutions have experienced web designers and developers which built websites through which you can establish your business services, products, brand and much more
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manishaadivaha · 13 days
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Simplify Your Workday with Intranet Solutions: The Key to a Connected Team
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In the hustle of everyday business, it’s easy for communication to get messy and information to slip through the cracks. That’s where Intranet Solutions comes in, giving your team a way to stay connected, informed, and on the same page. Whether you’re running a small company or managing a large enterprise, an intranet makes it easier for everyone to collaborate, share ideas, and get things done without the usual chaos. It’s like giving your team a home base where they can access everything they need, from documents to updates, in one simple, secure place. 
What Are Intranet Solutions?
Intranet solutions are like having a digital home base for your business. It’s a secure place where your team can come together, share information, and collaborate effortlessly. Instead of searching through endless emails or juggling multiple apps, everything your team needs—documents, updates, tools—is in one spot. Plus, only the people who need access to certain information can see it, keeping everything safe and sound. It’s designed to help your team work more smoothly, stay connected, and boost productivity, no matter where they’re working from. It’s all about simplifying your team’s day-to-day workflow.
Why Your Business Needs a Corporate Intranet Portal
A corporate intranet portal is more than just a place to store files or send messages—it’s the heartbeat of your team’s daily operations. It brings everything together in one spot, making it easier for your employees to find what they need and work more efficiently. Here’s how an intranet can make a real difference for your business:
Better Communication: Tired of endless email chains and slow responses? An intranet lets your team connect instantly with features like messaging and discussion boards, speeding up conversations and cutting down on delays.
Seamless Collaboration: No matter which department someone works in, an intranet makes it simple for teams to collaborate on projects, share ideas, and give feedback—all in real-time. It keeps everyone on the same page and moving forward together.
Simplified Document Management: Forget sifting through cluttered inboxes looking for files. With an intranet, everything is stored in one secure, organized place, making it easy for employees to access, share, and manage documents quickly and easily.
Boosted Productivity: A corporate intranet portal brings everything together—calendars, task managers, and project tracking—so employees can focus on what’s important without wasting time searching for tools or information.
Remote Access: With more companies adopting remote and hybrid work models, having an intranet that can be accessed from anywhere keeps your team connected and ensures they can collaborate effectively, no matter where they are.
The Benefits of a Custom Intranet Solution
Every business is different, and that means off-the-shelf software often falls short. A custom intranet solution is designed specifically for your company, ensuring it fits your unique needs like a glove. Whether you want to reflect your company culture or streamline specific processes, a tailored intranet gives you the flexibility to build something that truly works for your business, making daily tasks smoother and your team more connected.
Personalized User Experience: Customize your intranet to reflect your brand’s identity. Employees feel more connected to the company when the intranet looks and functions in a way that aligns with your culture.
Scalability: As your business grows, so do your intranet needs. A custom solution allows for easy scaling, ensuring your intranet evolves as your organization does.
Security Features: Your intranet can be built with security in mind, incorporating encryption, access controls, and user authentication protocols to keep sensitive data protected.
How to Get Started
Choosing the right intranet solution is a big step in making your team more connected and productive. But where do you start?
First, think about your company’s needs. What’s frustrating about your current internal communication and collaboration? Are files getting lost, or is remote work feeling disconnected? Once you have a clear idea of where things could improve, it’s easier to find the right solution.
That’s where we come in. At Supreme Technologies, we work with you to create a custom intranet that fits your specific needs. Whether it’s improving communication, making document sharing easier, or creating a space for your remote teams to thrive, we’ve got you covered.
Let’s chat about how we can help your business move forward. Explore our Corporate Intranet Portal Development Services and see how we can work together to make your team’s life easier.
Why Partner with Us?
At Supreme Technologies, we’re all about helping your business thrive. Our team is dedicated to building an intranet solution that fits your unique needs—easy to use, secure, and designed to grow with your business. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we take the time to understand your challenges and create an intranet that makes everyday tasks simpler for your team.
Whether you’re just starting out or running a large enterprise, we’ve got the experience to deliver something that works for you now and in the future. Your success is our success, and we’re here to make sure your team stays connected and productive every step of the way.
Let’s Make Work Easier!
Is your team feeling the frustration of clunky communication tools? It doesn’t have to be this way. A custom-built Intranet could be the game-changer your business needs—helping your team stay connected, collaborate better, and work more efficiently.
At Supreme Technologies, we specialize in creating intranet solutions tailored to your business. Imagine a place where your team can streamline their work, boost productivity, and communicate effortlessly.
If you're ready to transform the way your team works, visit Supreme Technologies. Let’s unlock your business’s full potential, together!
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market-spy · 1 day
Patient Engagement Solutions Market Forecast to Grow at 17.54%  CAGR from 2024 to 2031 | SkyQuest Technology
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The Global Patient Engagement Solutions Market was valued at USD 16.58 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow to USD 70 billion by 2031, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.54% during the forecast period (2024-2031).
Market Overview
Patient engagement solutions refer to tools like online patient portals that enable medical organizations to interact effectively with their patients. The growing awareness of mobile health technologies, an aging population, and government incentives are driving demand for these solutions. Patients increasingly use technology to monitor and manage their health, particularly in cases of chronic illnesses. Innovations in health tracking, wearable devices, and remote monitoring are further boosting this market.
Get your free sample: https://www.skyquestt.com/sample-request/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Key Market Dynamics
Drivers: The advancement of mobile apps and wearables, increased awareness of chronic disease management, and government initiatives such as the Meaningful Use Act are propelling market growth.
Restraints: Strict regulatory frameworks like HIPAA and concerns over the protection of patient data are hindering wider adoption of patient engagement solutions.
Segmental Analysis Segmental Analysis
Software (Standalone Software, and Services
Therapeutic Area
Chronic Diseases, Fitness, and Others
Telehealth, E-Prescribing, and Billing & Payments
End Users
Providers and Payers Regional Insights
North America leads the market, driven by the widespread adoption of mobile health (mHealth) and electronic health records (EHRs). Government support and significant investments also contribute to regional dominance.
Asia Pacific is the fastest-growing region, with rising demand for modern healthcare systems, an increase in smartphone users, and government initiatives supporting patient engagement solutions.
Ask for customization: https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Competitive Landscape
McKesson Corporation (US) 
Allscripts (US) 
ResMed (US) 
Epic Systems Corporation (US) 
Orion Health (New Zealand) 
GetWellNetwork (US) 
Athenahealth (US) 
Oneview Healthcare (Ireland) 
Cognizant (US) 
Symphony Care (US) 
Harris Healthcare (US) 
Recent Developments
Engage Technologies Group Inc. partnered with APX Platform in April 2023 to create an industry-disrupting Practice Performance System aimed at improving patient engagement.
Athenahealth Inc. implemented its cloud-based EHR and patient engagement solution with LCH Health and Community Services in May 2023.
Go through the detailed TOC of the report: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/patient-engagement-solutions-market
Market Trends
The rise in personalized care and the adoption of mobile technology are major trends shaping the patient engagement solutions market. Mobile health apps and wearables are enabling patients to monitor and manage their health on their own, fostering higher patient engagement.
The patient engagement solutions market is experiencing significant growth driven by technological advancements and increasing patient awareness. Major players are competing in a rapidly evolving field, introducing innovative solutions and forming strategic partnerships to capture market share. The market is expected to expand substantially through 2031, with increasing demand for personalized healthcare solutions and remote monitoring technologies.
About Us:
SkyQuest is an IP focused Research and Investment Bank and Accelerator of Technology and assets. We provide access to technologies, markets and finance across sectors viz. Life Sciences, CleanTech, AgriTech, NanoTech and Information & Communication Technology.
We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization have expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific.
Mr. Jagraj Singh
Skyquest Technology
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 351-333-4748
Visit Our Website: https://www.skyquestt.com/
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yugtechnology109 · 3 days
Career in Airline Ticketing: Courses, Eligibility, Job Opportunities, and Salary
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The airline industry is a dynamic and exciting field, offering numerous career opportunities. One of the key roles within this sector is that of an airline ticketing agent. If you're considering a career in this area, understanding the educational requirements, eligibility criteria, job prospects, and potential salary can help you make informed decisions. In this blog, we'll explore these aspects in detail and highlight how training from a reputed institution like Airwing Aviation Academy Udaipur  can be instrumental in launching a successful career in airline ticketing.
What is Airline Ticketing?
Airline ticketing involves managing the booking, issuing, and reservation of flight tickets for passengers. Ticketing agents play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth travel experience for customers by assisting with reservations, handling queries, and managing cancellations or changes. This position requires a mix of customer service skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of airline systems and procedures.
Courses and Training
To embark on a career in airline ticketing, specialized training can provide a significant advantage. Several institutions offer courses designed to equip aspiring ticketing agents with the necessary skills and knowledge. One notable example is Airwing Aviation Academy, renowned for its comprehensive training programs in aviation.
Key Courses:
Diploma in Airline Ticketing and Reservation: This course covers the fundamentals of ticketing, reservation systems, and customer service. It often includes practical training on airline software and booking systems.
Certificate in Aviation Management: A broader course that encompasses various aspects of aviation management, including ticketing. This can be beneficial if you are considering broader career options within the aviation industry.
Customer Service in Aviation: This course focuses on enhancing customer interaction skills, crucial for handling passengers efficiently and professionally.
GDS (Global Distribution System) Training: GDS systems like Amadeus, Sabre, and Galileo are vital tools for ticketing agents. Specialized training in these systems is highly advantageous.
Eligibility Criteria
The eligibility requirements for entering the field of airline ticketing generally include:
Educational Qualification: Most airlines and training academies require a minimum of a high school diploma or equivalent. However, completing a specialized course in airline ticketing or aviation can be beneficial.
Age Requirement: Typically, candidates need to be at least 18 years old. Some airlines may have specific age limits based on their policies.
Communication Skills: Excellent verbal and written communication skills are essential. Ticketing agents often interact with passengers from diverse backgrounds and must be able to convey information clearly and professionally.
Technical Skills: Familiarity with computer systems, including booking and reservation software, is important. Training programs often include instruction on these systems.
Customer Service Skills: A strong aptitude for customer service is crucial, as the role involves addressing passenger queries, handling complaints, and providing a positive customer experience.
Job Opportunities
The job market for airline ticketing agents is diverse, offering opportunities in various settings:
Airlines: Major airlines, both domestic and international, employ ticketing agents to handle reservations and ticketing for their flights.
Travel Agencies: Many travel agencies also require ticketing professionals to assist clients with flight bookings and travel arrangements.
Online Travel Portals: With the rise of online booking platforms, there are opportunities in e-commerce and digital travel agencies.
Airport Counters: Some ticketing agents work directly at airport counters, managing bookings and assisting passengers on the spot.
Corporate Travel Departments: Companies with frequent travel needs may hire in-house ticketing agents to manage their business travel arrangements.
Salary Expectations
The salary of an airline ticketing agent can vary based on factors such as location, experience, and the employing organization. Generally, the salary range is as follows:
Entry-Level Positions: Fresh graduates or those with limited experience can expect to earn between $25,000 and $35,000 annually.
Experienced Agents: With several years of experience, the salary can rise to between $35,000 and $50,000.
Senior Positions: Senior ticketing agents or those in supervisory roles can earn upwards of $50,000, depending on the organization and location.
Additional benefits, such as travel perks, health insurance, and retirement plans, may also be part of the compensation package.
A career in airline ticketing can be both rewarding and dynamic, offering opportunities to work in various sectors of the aviation industry. Specialized training from institutions like Airwing Aviation Academy provides a solid foundation for entering this field, equipping you with the skills and knowledge required to excel. With a growing demand for travel services, the job prospects for airline ticketing agents are promising, and with the right training and experience, you can look forward to a fulfilling career.
Whether you're interested in the customer service aspect, the technical side of reservations, or exploring broader opportunities within aviation, a career in airline ticketing offers a pathway to success in the exciting world of travel.
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