#corvus and helios
saffron-gold-stardust · 5 months
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Was thinking about Helios and Corvus again… I honestly dunno what this is but I looooove the faces. And part of it was thinking about slight changes I could make to Helios’ design heehoo
Corvus wants to be cared for and loved and forget about The Horrors XTale’s Destruction and Helios is more than happy to indulge him. As long as he never tries to remember again.
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myth-lord · 2 months
ALl greek myth characters I love
Achelous (Triton) Achilles Achlys Acmon (Dactyl) Actaeon (Stag) Adephagia Aeacus (Daemon Judge) Aello (Harpy) Aeolus Aergia Aethon (Caucausian Eagle) Agamemnon Aglaope (Siren) Agrius (Bearman) Aigle (Hesperid) Akheilos Alastor Alecto (Erinyes) Amethyste (Oread) Amphisbaena Amphitrite Antaeus Anteros Antiphates (Laestrygonian) Apate Aphrodite Apollo Arachne Ares Argus Panoptes Aristaeus (God of insects) Artemis Asclepius (Medicine/Healing) Askalaphos (owl) Atalanta Athena Atlas Atropos Attis Autolycus (Master Thief)
Basilisk Bellerophon Boreas (Anemoi) Briareus (hekantoncheirus) Brontes (Cyclops)
Cacus Cadmus Calliope (Muse, Poetry) Callisto Calydonian Boar Calypso (Nereid) Cassandra Cassiopeia Castor & Pollux Catoblepas Celedones (two) Cerambus (Beetle) Cerberus Cercopes (Passalus & Aclemon) Ceryneian Hind Ceto Cetus Chalcon (Telchine) Chaos Charon Charybdis Chimera Chione Chiron (Centaur) Chloris (Dryad) Chrysaor Chrysomallos Circe Clio (Muse, Art) Clotho Coronis (Maenad) Corvus (Raven) Cretan Bull Crocotta Cronus
Daedalus Deimos (Machai) Delphin Demeter Diomedes Dionysus
Echidna Echo (Oread) Empusa Epiales (Pet of PHobetor) Erato (Muse, Literature) Eris (Mania) Eros Erymanthian Boar Eurus (Anemoi) Euryale (Gorgon) Eurynomos Eurytion (Centaur) Euterpe (Muse, music) Evenor (Atlantis King)
Gaia Galatea Gegenees Geras Geryon Graeae (Deino, Enyo & Pemphredo) Griffon
Hades Harmonia Hecate Helen of Troy Helios Hephaestus Hera Heracles Hermes Hestia Hippocampus Hippolyta Hybris Hygieia Hypnos
Icarus Ichthyes (Aphros & Bythos) Indus Worm Iris Ismenian Drakon Ixion (Daemon)
Kampe Karkinos Keres Khalkotauroi (Colchis Bull) Kholkikos Drakon Kobaloi Kratos
Ladon Laelaps Lakhesis Lamia Leonidas Lernaean Hydra Limos Lotus (Lotus-Eaters) Lycaon
Manticore Marsyas (Satyr) Medea Medusa (Gorgon) Megaera (Erinyes) Melaina (Thriae) Meleager Melinoe Melpomene (Muse, Tragedy) Menoetes (Daemon) Midas Minos (Daemon Judge) Minotaur Mneme (Muse, Memory) Morbus (Nosoi) Mormo Moros (DooM) Morpheus (Oneiroi)
Narcissus Nemean Lion Nemesis Nephele (Aurai) Nerites Nessus (Centaur) Nike Notus (Anemoi) Nyx
Odontotyrannus Odysseus Oedipus Orion Orpheus Orphne Orthrus
Pan Pandora Panotti Paris of Troy Pegasus Peisinoe (Siren) Peitho (Persuasion) Peleus (Myrmidon) Peloros (Spartoi) Penthus (Mourning) Periphetes Persephone Perseus Phaea (Crommyonian Sow) Pharmacea (Nereid, Poison) Philyra (Odor, Parfum) Phobetor (Oneiroi) Phobos (Machai) Phoenix Phorcys Phthisis (Nosoi) Plutus (Wealth / Chrysus) Polyhymnia (Muse, Silence) Polyphemus (Cyclops) Poseidon Prometheus Proteus (Triton) Psyche Pygmalion Pyrausta Pyrois (Sun Horse) Pythia (oracle of Delphi) Python
Rhadamanthus (Daemon Judge)
Sciron (Cercyon) Scironian Turtle Scorpios Scylla Selene Sisyphus (Daemon) Skolopendra Sphinx Stheno (Gorgon) Stymphalian Birds Sybaris Symplegades (Planctae)
Talos (Automaton) Tantalus (Daemon) Tartarus Terpsichore (Muse, Dance) Teumessian Fox Thalia (Muse, Comedy) Thanatos Theia (Sight, gems) Thelxiepeia (Siren) Theseus Tiresias (Shade) Tisiphone (Erinyes) Typhon
Urania (Muse, Astronomy)
Xanthus (Mare of Diomedes)
Zelos Zephyrus (Anemoi) Zeus
Shades / Myrmekes / Gadfly /
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dark-breakers · 10 months
My Dimensional Counterpart OCs: A more comprehensive list
Sun Models
Sunshine Vuillemot Klase (Briar Glen Universe)
Dawn Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Solstice Celestial (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Helios Celestial (Faz-Cort Universe)
Naos Celestial (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Phlox Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Soleil Celestial (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Arcturus Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Samson Celestial (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Helianthus Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Twilight Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Skylar Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Lord Sundrop Celestial (Lord Sundrop Universe)
Callisto Celestial (Serial Killer Sundrop Universe)
Sirius Celestial (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Solana Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Moon Models
Midnight Klase Vuillemot (Briar Glen Universe)
Gibbous Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Crescent Celestial (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Umbriel Celestial (Faz-Cort Universe)
Corvus Celestial (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Magenta Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Jericho Celestial (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Gideon Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Muraco Celestial (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Grian Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Meridian Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Somi Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Lord Moondrop Celestial (Lord Moondrop Universe)
Cressida Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Eclipse Models
Lord Eclipse Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Umbra Celestial (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Violet Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Mars Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Haneul Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Calypso Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Lucas Celestial (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Kuiper Celestial (Serial Killer Sundrop Universe)
Ida Celestial (Servant Eclipse/Lord Lunar Universe)
Bloodmoon Model
Hunter Moon Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Ravi Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Alicia Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Lord Bloodmoon (Lord Bloodmoon Universe)
Harvest Moon Model
Ayuna Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Strawberry Moon (Princess Mars Universe)
Haemin Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Flower Moon Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Elizabeth Celestial (Teacup Blood Twins Universe)
Lady Harvest Celestial (Lady Harvest Universe)
Lunar Model
Aibek Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Lilac Celestial (Queen Lilac Universe)
Frost Moon Celestial (Princess Mars Universe)
Luan Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Lord Lunar Celestial (Lord Lunar Universe)
Casey Model
Eosphoros Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Stephano (Princess Mars Universe)
Eumenide Celestial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Cyrus Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Lord Casey Celestial (Lord Casey Universe)
Earth Model
Eunbi Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Erienne Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Evangeline Celestial (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lady Earth Celestial (Lady Earth Universe)
Space Model
Vega Celestial (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Solomon Celestial (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord Space Celestial (Lord Space Universe)
Glamrock Freddy
Ford Fazbear (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Flynn Fazbear (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Finnegan Fazbear (Faz-Cort Universe)
Fletcher Fazbear (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Fenix Fazbear (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Fabio Fazbear (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Faron Fazbear (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Fahim Fazbear (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Fallon Fazbear (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Fenrir Fazbear (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord Glamrock Freddy Fazbear (Lord Glamrock Freddy Universe)
Glamrock Chica
Callie Chicken (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Clara Chicken (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Claire Chicken (Faz-Cort Universe)
Cecilia Chicken (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Cora Chicken (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Cordelia Chicken (Starry Seafoam Universe)
Calliope Chicken (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Claudia Chicken (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Colette Chicken (The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
Cassandra Chicken (Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lady Glamrock Chica (Lady Glamrock Chica Universe)
Montgomery Gator
Maverick Gator (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Matthew Gator (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Maddox Gator (Faz-Cort Universe)
Maisen Gator (Zombie Apocalypse)
Melvin Gator (Celestial Popstar)
Malachi Gator (Starry Seafoam)
(Deceptive Eden Universe)
(Saint Eclipse Universe)
(The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord Montgomery Gator (Lord Montgomery Universe)
Roxanne Wolf
Riley Wolf (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Rosalie Wolf (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Raeanne Wolf (Faz-Cort Universe)
Rebecca Wolf (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Rhea Wolf (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Ruth Wolf (Starry Seafoam Universe)
(Deceptive Eden Universe)
(Saint Eclipse Universe)
(The Fazbear and Friends Show Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lady Roxanne Wolf (Lady Roxanne Universe)
Glamrock Bonnie
Byron Rabbit (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Lord Glamrock Bonnie (Lord Glamrock Bonnie Universe)
DJ Music Man
DJ Judicious (Nice Eclipse/Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
DJ Jovial (Saint Eclipse Universe)
(Starry Hope Daycare Universe)
Lord DJ Music Man (Lord DJ Music Man Universe)
Noah Peterson
Gordon Hotaling (Zombie Apocalypse Universe)
Gavin Hofting (Saint Eclipse Universe)
Elara Gabbamonte (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Neoma Callen (Celestial Popstar Universe)
Caden Fazbear Celestial (Lord Eclipse Universe)
Naomi Donnick (Setting Sun Daycare Universe)
Dorian Schaub Fazbear (Faz-Cort Universe)
Melania Valverde (Deceptive Eden Universe)
Aylin Marklund (Eclipsed Rockstar Universe)
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Space related names
Space is so cool, it's only natural that you'd want a name related to space. Here's all the space related names I could find
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No tw but basically every tw if you research the mythological characters in there
Sun :
Apollo : masc god of the sun in greek
Helios (with or without the H and/or S) : masc, sun in greek
Ray (like a ray of sun) : neutral, english word
Sol(e) : fem leaning, sun in spanish
Soleil : neutral, sun in french, not a name in france
Solas : masc, irish name meaning light
Moon :
Artemis : fem leaning, greek goddess of the moon
Diane : fem, roman goddess of the moon
Moon : neutral, english word
Luna : fem, moon in spanish
Lune : fem leaning ,moon in french, not a name in france
Selene : fem, moon in greek
Solar System :
Mercury : neutral, roman version of Hermes, god of messengers, travellers and thiefs
Venus : fem, roman version of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty
Mars : masc leaning, roman version of Aries, god of war
Jupiter : masc, roman version of Zeus
Saturn : masc but feels neutral, roman version of Chronos, titan of time
Uranus (you probably don't wanna be named "uranus" but maybe if you're not from a non english speaking country ?) : masc, latin name for Ouranos, titan of the sky
Neptune : masc, roman version of Poseidon, god of the sea
Pluto (IS NOT A PLANET) : masc, roman version of Hades, god of death and money
Stars : (basically the entire Black family and then some)
Aquila : neutral, eagle in latin, the eagle constellation
Aries/Aries : masc, ram in latin, the aries constellation, Ares is the Roman god of war
Bellatrix (Bella) : fem, female warrior in, latin star in the Orion constellation
Cassiopeia (Cass) : fem, "she who chooses to excel" in latin, constellation
Castor : masc, to excel/shine, beaver in french, mythological character, star in the gemini constellation
Corvus : masc, raven in latin, the Corvus constellation (btw it's my personal favourite)
Draco : masc, dragon in latin, the Draco constellation
Hercules : masc, greek and roman hero, Hera's glory in greek, the Hercules constellation
Irena : fem, peace in greek, star in the Hercules constellation
Leo : masc leaning, lion in greek and latin, the Leo constellation
Lyra : fem, harp or lyre in greek, the Lyra constellation
Orion : masc, boundary in greek, a hunter in greek mythology, the Orion constellation
Perseus (Percy) : masc, to destroy in greek, mythological greek hero, name of the book character Percy Jackson, the Perseus constellation
Phoenix : neutral, crimson in greek, mythical bird in greek mythology, the Phoenix constellation
Regulus : masc, prince in latin, in the Leo constellation
Sirius : masc, scortcher in Egyptian, star in Canis Major
Vega : neutral, star in latin, star in the Lyra consellation, Lyr is another name for Vega
Outer Space :
Andromeda (the galaxy, it's also a star) : fem, leader of humankind, mythological character
Other :
Aster : neutral, star in greek
Celeste : neutral, french for celestial
Ciel : neutral, sky in french, not a name in france
Cosmos : masc leaning, order of the universe, harmony in greek
Sky : neutral, english word
Stella : fem, star in spanish
(I also want to share that I have an OC named Michelle Way, shortenned to Micky Way (yes like Gerard Way's brother) because I think it's funny that it sounds like Milky Way)
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onlygamemedia · 4 months
Hero Wars Tier List 2024: Unraveling Hero Excellence
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Welcome to our comprehensive guide for Hero Wars Tier List 2024. Whether you're playing on mobile, PC, or the web, this guide serves as a valuable resource highlighting the best heroes, top teams, and tier rankings in the Hero Wars game.
Hero Wars Tier List: Best Heroes in FB/Web Version
Below is the Hero Wars tier list for the Web/FB version, categorizing heroes based on their performance: - Tier 1: The best heroes that excel in all aspects of the game and adapt well to most teams. - Tier 2: Great heroes that require a tactical approach for optimal use. - Tier 3: Good heroes that thrive with strong allies (heroes). - Tier 4: Average heroes that do not perform as well and are not as versatile as top-tier heroes. - Tier 5: Heroes to avoid. Check the latest Hero Wars news! Hero Wars Tier List 2024 (Web/FB) Marksman Characters - Dante – Tier 1 - Jhu – Tier 1 - Keira – Tier 2 - Artemis – Tier 3 - Astrid and Lucas – Tier 3 - Ginger – Tier 4 - Fox – Tier 4 - Daredevil – Tier 4 Healer Characters - Martha – Tier 1 - Dorian – Tier 1 ~ 2 - Thea – Tier 2 - Maya – Tier 2 - Aidan – Tier 2 ~ 3 - Markus – Tier 3 - Jet – Tier 3 Warrior Characters - FB K’arkh – Tier 1 ~ 2 - Ishmael – Tier 2 - Yasmine – Tier 2 - Kayla – Tier 2 - Qing Mao – Tier 3 - Tristan – Tier 3 ~ 4 - Elmir – Tier 4 Control Characters - Lian – Tier 2 - Jorgen – Tier 2 - Arachne – Tier 2 ~ 3 - Phobos – Tier 3 - Dark Star – Tier 5 Mage Characters - Iris – Tier 1 - Celeste – Tier 1 - Helios – Tier 1 ~ 2 - Heidi – Tier 2 - Lars – Tier 2 - Krista – Tier 2 - Orion – Tier 2 - Faceless – Tier 2 - Satori – Tier 3 - Judge – Tier 3 - Lilith – Tier 4 - Kai – Tier 4 - Peppy – Tier 4 ~ 5 - Mojo – Tier 5 Support Characters - Nebula – Tier 1 - Sebastian – Tier 1 - Andvari – Tier 1 - Isaac – Tier 1 - Amira – Tier 1 ~ 2 - Fafnir – Tier 2 - Morrigan – Tier 2 - Alvanor – Tier 3 - Cornelius – Tier 3 Tank Characters - Aurora – Tier 1 - Rufus – Tier 2 - Corvus – Tier 2 - Astaroth – Tier 2 - Cleaver – Tier 3 - Mushy and Shroom – Tier 3 ~ 4(New, Temporary)* - Galahad – Tier 4 - Luther – Tier 4 - Ziri – Tier 4 ~ 5 - Chabba – Tier 5
Hero Wars Best Heroes Tier List 2023 Mobile
This Hero Wars Tier List 2023 showcases the best and worst heroes, divided into five categories: Tier #1 (best heroes; OP performance), Tier #2 (Excellent heroes), Tier #3 (Good Heroes), Tier #4 (Average Heroes), and Tier #5 (Below Average Heroes). Hero Wars Mobile Best Heroes 2023 - Aurora – Tier 1 Tank - Astaroth – Tier 1 Tank - Cleaver – Tier 2 Tank - Galahad – Tier 2 Tank - Andvari – Tier 2 Tank - Ziri – Tier 2 Tank - Rufus – Tier 3 Tank - Corvus – Tier 3 Tank - Luther – Tier 4 Tank - Chabba – Tier 5 Tank Hero Wars Tier List 2023 (Mobile): Best Healing Heroes - Martha – Tier 1 Healer - Dorian – Tier 2 Healer - Markus – Tier 3 Healer - Thea – Tier 3 Healer Hero Wars Tier List 2023 (Mobile): Best Support Heroes - Celeste – Tier 1 Support - Nebula – Tier 1 Support - Jorgen – Tier 1 Support - Faceless – Tier 1 Support - Helios – Tier 1 Support - Sebastian + Jet – Tier 2 Support - Alvanor – Tier 2 Support - Judge – Tier 3 Support - Tristan – Tier 3 Support - Morrigan – Tier 4 Support - Isaac – Tier 4 Support - Mojo – Tier 4 Support Hero Wars Tier List 2023 (Mobile): Best Mage Heroes - Lars – Tier 1 Mage - Krista – Tier 1 Mage - Lilith – Tier 2 Mage - Satori – Tier 2 Mage - Orion – Tier 2 Mage - Peppy – Tier 2 Mage - Arachne – Tier 3 Mage - Kai – Tier 3 Mage Hero Wars Tier List 2023 (Mobile): Best Physical Heroes - K’arkh – Tier 1 Physical - Cornelius – Tier 1 Physical - Dark Star – Tier 2 Physical - Elmir – Tier 2 Physical - Daredevil – Tier 2 Physical - Ginger – Tier 2 Physical - Dante – Tier 3 Physical - Fox – Tier 3 Physical - Ishmael – Tier 3 Physical - Jhu – Tier 4 Physical - Artemis – Tier 4 Physical - Astrid and Lucas – Tier 5 Physical Hero Wars Tier List 2023 (Mobile): Best Pure Damage Heroes - Keira – Tier 1 Pure Damage - Yasmine – Tier 2 Pure Damage - Qing Mao – Tier 3 Pure Damage - Maya – Tier 1 (Pure Magic Damage) - Lian – Tier 2 (Pure Magic Damage) - Phobos – Tier 2 (Pure Magic Damage) - Heidi – Tier 3 (Pure Magic Damage) Go to Hero Wars community Read the full article
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amaretheon · 1 year
Icarus’s Freedom
There was a boy
A boy trapped in a maze
With his father,
Imprisoned in their own creation.
He yearned to be free,
To soar, and roam.
To see the brilliant light of Helios
To see the depths of Pontus
To feel the clean breeze of the Anemoi.
His father was born of Wisdom
He created wings for his son, and himself
Wings with feathers of gleaming bronze
Held together with delicate wax.
And together they soared away from their cage.
The father warned the boy to never fly near Helios
But the boy yearned for his brilliance.
He flew like none have flown before.
His head thrown back, 
his hair flying wild in the wind
The chains that shackled him shattered, 
nothing binding him any longer.
They say when he reached for the sun,
That it was an act of disobedience.
A rebellion against his father.
They spun his fate into a warning,
A cautionary tale.
But they never tell that he knew.
He knew it would be his destruction.
Freedom lost as freedom is gained.
He laughed as he fell.
His arms spread wide,
A final embrace, a final goodbye.
He gleaned golden, as if soaked in ichor, 
The gold blood of divinity.
As if in his fall, he became deathless & eternal.
Like the gods themselves were saying goodbye.
There was a bitter sense of triumph,
A sorrowful feeling of accomplishment,
That ran through his bones as he made his choice.
As he chose his fate.
That’s what comes from a life of being chained and caged.
Pain and joy become inseparable.
With his teeth bared in a defiant snarl at the world, Icarus flew.
He reached towards Helios- the Sun, without fear.
Uncaring of the fate that would befall him.
The fiery heat (so much like Icarus’s soul) began to melt the delicate wings
Molten metal trailed over his flesh,
As melted wax traced its way over his burning skin.
Blazing flames raced along his body,
(No one ever said the Sun was a gentle lover)
The flames and molten wax and metal covered his form.
No part of him untouched.
Tracing a story that only the Sun would ever see.
Fiery feathers trailed and fell around him,
As if in a heated dance.
(Some things just aren’t meant to be saved)
Icarus was dying as he fell,
But he’d never felt more alive.
But isn’t that what freedom really is?
A path of self-destruction,
Seeking something that is forever out of reach. 
Loving something unattainable.
A path leading only to a bitter end.
Still this is a path he’d chosen, 
A rise and fall not woven by the Fates.
One he’d chosen, breathing freedom and life into his soul.
Nothing can take away that feeling.
Not even Thanatos' arrival, and cold embrace.
Death’s cold touch soothes the scorched, burned flesh.
Death is a kindness, a comfort long needed.
Giving freedom and peace,
That cannot be found anywhere else but in Death.
He’s chosen his fate, and revels in it.
So as his body sinks into the watery depths of Pontus,
And Thanatos guides his soul to Hades,
He allows himself a laugh of triumph. 
Of joy and hope.
He’s walked the line between life and death for all his life.
He doesn’t fear Death.
Death has walked beside him his entire life.
But now, he greets him, as an old friend.
Now, he may rest at long last.
The Story of Icarus's fall for love and freedom.
By Avitori- aka Corvus Umbriel on Amaretheon.
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kerlonaspen · 2 years
Soleol heroes
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He’s going to laugh so much, I just know it ! Oh, and I do have to tell, you look even cuter with your tiara. When I go back to him, I’ll have to tell him how we met, for instance. It’s super easy to talk to him about… anything really. Just like you, I take a lot after my dad, and we have so many things in common. Soleil : Heh heh, I do ! And my mom too, of course – she’s such a cutie. Lucina : You seem to be very fond of him… I mean, you can notice he’s agile on his feet when he fights and everything, but usually he does his dancing routines far from anyone’s eye. Soleil : My dad too is a great dancer, though he doesn’t show it lots. He is just as shy and as talented a dancer as she is… In a way, I envy him for that. On the other hand, my brother looks a lot like Father and I, but his demeanour is closer to hers. Lucina : Yes, it seems I took after him more than after Mother. Soleil : … So that’s why your left eye reminded me of something ! Now that you’ve said it, it truly does look like your father’s brand – only his is much more visible. Now, let’s go ! You know what, as soon as we get your tiara back, we should go get some tea together ! Lucina : Yes, but please, call me Lucina. Soleil : My name ? It’s Soleil ! And if I recall it, yours is Lucina, right ? Princess Lucina ? Thank you… hum, may I ask you your name ? It’s a gift – one that I wouldn’t want to lose like this… You are right – no need to panic, we’ll find it. It’s just that this tiara is very precious to me, you know. I’m sure we’ll find your tiara – I definitely won’t leave you alone until we do. Soleil : … Hey, turn that frown upside down ! That’s what my dad always says : you can’t let something like this ruin your pretty smile. Soleil : Then let’s go ! I just saw them in the library, they can’t have gone too far. Lucina : I… didn’t, actually – I never thought of asking. Soleil : I’ll help you out ! Can’t leave such a pretty girl in distress like this, now can I ? Did you ask the Summoner ? Perhaps they’ve seen it somewhere. Soleil : Hair ornament, you say… You mean that super cute tiara you always wear ? I seem to have lost it and can’t remember where I would have put it. Lucina : Oh ! Nothing – just looking for my hair ornament. Soleil : Heya there, cutie ! What… are you doing ? If you spend emeralds before unlocking Phobos for free, you will still get Phobos with those emeralds.Įxact chances can be found on the mobile faq, Web/FB seems to follow similar patterns.Lucina : Now, where did I leave it… ? How odd – I was so sure I’d left my tiara here. Note: The first two Heroic Chests you open will always contain heroes Thea and Phobos, in that order. Sadly this makes Heroes that can be summoned with 1 star more difficult to level because the maximum of Soul Stones you can get from the Heroic Chest is capped at 7 because it is based on the lowest Evolution rank and not the current the Hero has.ĭrawing Cleaver for a second time will reward 50,000 Soul Coins instead. The amount of Soul Stones that will be dropped depends on a separate chance, it can be either 1 Soul Stone, 3 Soul Stones, or an amount depending on the lowest Evolution rank of the Hero: The top 5 Heroes with the most Hero Soul Stones have a 50% chance to receive additional Soul Stones.īut there is no information if there are more than 5 Heroes with the same amount of Soul Stones. 3 stars - Chabba, Celeste, Corvus, Kai, Krista, Lars, Lian, Morrigan.2 stars - Andvari, Arachne, Astaroth, Astrid and Lucas, Alvanor, Cornelius, Dante, Daredevil, Dark Star, Dorian, Elmir, Fox, Ginger, Helios, Isaac, Jhu, Jorgen, K'arkh, Lilith, Luther, Markus, Martha, Maya, Mojo, Peppy, Rufus, Satori, Sebastian, Tristan, Yasmine, Ziri.1 star - Artemis, Aurora, Faceless, Galahad, Heidi, Ishmael, Judge, Keira, Nebula, Phobos, Orion, Qing Mao, Thea.Heroes are summoned always with their lowest possible Evolution rank, e.g (browser): The first chest opening has a chance of 50% to summon a Hero, for each summoned Hero the chance drops accordingly while the chance to summon Cleaver increases for each opened chest. Browser: Alvanor, Cleaver, Corvus, Dorian, Isaac, Martha, Morrigan, Satori, Tristan.The following heroes can "only" be found in the Heroic Chest: Mobile: Arachne, Artemis, Astaroth, Astrid and Lucas, Celeste, Cleaver, Daredevil, Dorian, Fox, Galahad, Ginger, Heidi, Helios, Keira, Krista, Lars, Lilith, Maya, Mojo, Peppy, Phobos, Satori, Thea.Browser: Alvanor, Andvari, Arachne, Artemis, Astaroth, Astrid and Lucas, Aurora, Celeste, Chabba, Cleaver, Cornelius, Corvus, Dante, Daredevil, Dark Star, Dorian, Elmir, Faceless, Fox, Galahad, Ginger, Heidi, Helios, Isaac, Ishmael, Jhu, Jorgen, Judge, K'arkh, Kai, Keira, Krista, Lars, Lian, Lilith, Luther, Markus, Martha, Maya, Mojo, Morrigan, Nebula, Orion, Peppy, Phobos, Qing Mao, Rufus, Satori, Sebastian, Thea, Tristan, Yasmine, Ziri.The following heroes can be found in the Heroic Chest:
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landfilloftrash · 2 years
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a love letter
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Everything stays right where you left it  Everything stays  But it still changes  Ever so slightly, daily and nightly In little ways, when everything stays
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unrealityshift · 5 years
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it’s been ages since my last art post so uh, have my ffxv oc helios and my khux oc corvus and their chirithy hypnos hanging out together bc i think they’d be good friends!!! and also have some jackal bc he’s my most neglected of the main three of urban grey so i figured i’d show him some love lmao had him for 6+ years and i still haven’t figured out his tattoos!!!
helios and corvus are trans—he/they and they/them pronouns respectively—and jackal is one of my few cis characters!
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maskingthaleia · 3 years
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Apollo is most notably depicted with a lyre, bow and arrows, and a laurel wreath. When we learn more about him, we can ascribe others from the stories. By no means is this list absolute.
BOW AND ARROW — like his twin Artemis, Apollo is an expert archer. His arrows have the ability to protect as well as bring about destruction. The same way he avenged his mother Leto by shooting down Python with his arrows, he uses them to send plague to mankind. 
LAUREL — the laurel tree was claimed by Apollo as his sacred plant after his pursuit of the nymph Daphne. There is more to the tale, but in short, as Daphne fled from Apollo, she called out to her father (or Gaia by other accounts) for help and was then transformed into a laurel tree. 
LIGHT — often depicted as (but not to be confused with) the sun. Apollo is often described as “bright” or a “light bringer”, but is otherwise not directly associated with the sun god Helios. It can be assumed that as the god of healing, Apollo was attributed to the healing power of sunlight.
LYRE — perhaps his most common symbol as the god of music, Apollo is often depicted playing or holding a lyre. In some cases Apollo is said to have requested a lyre soon after his birth, although the invention of the lyre is attributed to Hermes who was born later.  PYTHON — as previously mentioned,  Apollo slew the beast to avenge Leto after Python’s tormentous pursuit of her during pregnancy with the twins Apollo and Artemis. By other accounts, he slew Python to claim the shrine at Delphi. 
RAVEN — or similarly, a crow, visited Apollo and informed the god of his lover Coronis’s infidelity. As the story goes, Apollo commanded Artemis to kill Coronis and in his anger, turned the raven’s once white feathers to black. Later on, Coronis was set among the stars as the constellation of Corvus, meaning crow. 
SWAN — to summarize part of a hymn to Delos: while Leto labored with Apollo swans circled around the island seven times, singing over her cries. Apollo has been depicted riding on the back of a swan in early artwork.
Other symbols of Apollo worth mentioning but are not listed include deer, dolphin, mouse, and wolf, most of which are involved in known epithets or survived artwork of Apollo. 
30 Days of Deity Devotion was a blog challenge created by Arrin Deuognatos. The original post has since been removed, but has been reposted here (mobile).
Sources Atsma, A. (n.d.). APOLLO (Apollon) - Greek God of Music, Prophecy, & Healing. Theoi Project. Retrieved from theoi.com Sherwood, W. (1916, June). The Mythology of All Races. Vol. 1: Greek and Roman. Marshall Jones Company. Retrieved from archive.org
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(I think this person missed the inbox but still meant it for the 🌹 meme dbdhfjdhv)
Greedy, brutal claws were tearing into him–his sorrows– Helios’ magic tearing with a ferocity that burned him inside-out.
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juniors0possum · 3 years
◇OC Masterlist◇
Blue: Important for me
Green: Semi Important for me
Orange: Side Character/Existing
_Own World_
Juli Anderson/Reed
Anthony-Jacob "AJ" Vayarus
Michael "Mike" Harvey Adams
Isaak Noah Yztar
Silas-Mike Reed
Chris-Connor Reed/Ceerus
Jaxon-Sasha Reed
Robin-Luna Reed
Aiden Evans
Evelyn Ceerus
Matthew Valtersen
Even Reed
Ymir Reed
Nathaniel "Nathan" Ceerus
Severus "Sev" Nathan Reed
Arya Khloe Reed
Joseph "Jo" Hawking
Bryan Hawking
Tiberius Hawking
Luciana "Lu" Ramirez
Camilla "CC" Caivano
_Far Cry 5_
(2 different versions)
Lukasz Seed
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Deputy Juli Anderson
Ameth Root
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Jaden Root
Tobias Clayton "Corvus"
_Far Cry New Dawn_
(2 different versions)
Lukasz Seed
Jayden Seed
Chloe Jamy Seed
Joshua John Seed
Amelia Octavia "Ivy" Seed
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Johanna "Jo" Rachel Seed
Juli Anderson
Juli Danvers
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Anthony "Tony" Adams
Rachel Jessop
Akuma "Kuma" Kurokami
Jaxon Anderson
Silas Anderson
Cayra Rye
_WatchDogs 2_
Aava-Noora Monroe (jj_m4sterm1nt)
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Dahlia Dawn
_Sky: Children of the Light_
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_Harry Potter_
Juli Malfoy
Silas Mike Anderson
Ymir Evans & Even Reed
Caspian Bryk
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Jaxon Sasha Anderson
(Own Apocalypse Story)
(not the right order)
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Stacy Thompson-Martinez
Yotairu "Yota" Yusubi
Hikari Aoki
Rylee Santana Steward (Night-Spider)
Nobody read that, but this is the reason I am an OC daddy.
And yes, these are still not all lol
I wished I could show you all of them, but it’s too much. Maybe anyone has some questions or want to do some oc x oc friendships
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zamgoods · 4 years
conspiracy to kill the princess
August 16, 2020  A continuation of myths and movies that explain current events in our history, we get clues from frozen, rapunzel, spiderman far from home, trolls world tour, and artemis fowl.    What’s Bet on vaccines. Key words in the myth tie with the movies. Artemis, Apollo and his white turned black raven Corvus conspired to put Coranis down with arrows.  Asclepios her healing baby was saved and raised by Chiron.  
Yeoman Warder Ravenmaster, a Beefeater to protect the crown and the tower.  Jubillee
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The Royal Jewels of the United Kingdom housed in the Tower Bridge for the Coronation of the new ruler.  Orb, scepters, crown, and ring.
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near Butler’s Warf you’ll find Tower Bridge and Tower of London.   which ties with the Artemis Fowl’s butler. Domovoi Butler. 
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Slavic HOUSEHOLD LORD Domovoi, turned black in the movie.
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MJ in far from home picked up a  mace or morning star (FLAIL)  on a chain from Crowned Jewel museum at the Tower to fight against Mysterio.  She wore a Joan of Arc Tshirt in the movie as a side note.  Thus representing a female warrior likening to Artemis/Phoebe twin of Apollo, Goddess of Hunters.  
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In Rapunzel, her sister, lady in waiting, Cass(andra) totes one in Before Ever After also representing Artemis/Minerva even has a pet Owl.  Rap(unzel) representing the sun Apollo or Helios/Horus.
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Ball and chain flail.
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Now these things tie with SIBILL who is Apollo/Artemis oracle.  Artemis oracles are Caraytids in Greece Peleponese
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kakouleuthem · 3 years
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Once upon a time it was Helios, the Sun. He was so tired and bored watching all those people messing around that he believed he could die because of that exhaustion... Silly me, he said. Suddenly, his lost bride came back home. It was Selene, the Moon. She immediately offered her helping hand and suggested that her dearest of the dearest should take a small break. And it was then...Nycta, the Corvus Black Maiden and Mera, the Snow White Maiden were born. The two maidens never fought against each other. They were glad they had one another. They made sure no one ever harms another...and their parents lived happily ever after. Κυριάκος Ευθυμιάδης #nofilter #nature #summer #summervibes #july #sunset #poem #poems #poetry #poetryislife #poetryisart #poetryislove #poet #poets #poetsofinstagram #writersofinstagram #writing #arts #literature #siblinglove #legends #myths #story #stories #tale #oldtales #oldtalesretold (στην τοποθεσία Κεφαλαρι Δραμας) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ_wQBnlj_q/?utm_medium=tumblr
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landfilloftrash · 3 years
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For context;
Needed a cup to please a Goddess, I  Addrus went to go get it, unfortunately, he’s broke as a joke, so when the fae lord said what he could take for it since he didn’t have money (a limb, a legitimately! tiny piece of his soul, a memory for instance) he offered a trade of a memory; I didn’t specify he couldn’t take while looking for what was equal value.
He took the entire memory of the npc dad in the group existence away. I cried.
Bonus under the cut
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Just them ;.;
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