#cosmere ref
Kelsier: Marsh what do your iron eyes see
Marsh: shut the FUCK up Kell
[Cue laughter from Sazed]
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purpleeivy · 10 months
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Day 9 (I think) of the Continued Art Show, yesterday it was his mech, today it’s the pilot, Mr Depresso Espresso himself… Shinji Ikari. Uhh so it’s almost 5am, sorry it’s so late, I sorta passed out lmao. I like having a theme when I draw, it helps for some reason, so I’m keeping with Neon Genesis Evangelion for a while. (I want to draw Asuka, Rei, Misato, and Pen-Pen before I swap to something else, likely either The Witcher or Cosmere, cus they will both take a longgggg time to get through unless I cut them short to do something else. (Actually I might do the ideas I have for Portal before I do so.)) Anyway… Sorry for rambling a ton and also passing out earlier, I’ll upload earlier than normal tmr (technically tonight i guess, but you could say that for every day considering the time). Commentary time :3
Shinji “Giraffe” Ikari… Okay technically it would be ‘Kirin’ not giraffe. But ignoring language, his neck is uhh, a little long.
Other than that I love this drawing hehe. His hair turned out great, as did the shape of his head. I guess his body/shirt wasn’t great, but other than that I think it was really good hehe.
Stream Koala by Will Stetson!!!! (tw depression if you do) I wasn’t listening to it today, but i wasn’t paying any attention to what i was listening to.
Yea I don’t think I got anything else lmao, I need to go back to sleep. So uhh good morning, good afternoon or good evening, and goodnight from me
love you all <3
(ref image of depressed boy smiling)
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colifower · 1 year
0.0 what I know before starting
I havent read any sanderson stories, but I wanted to ever since I watched his lectures on storybuilding. I was planning to, but before i had finished the last video he launched the secret project, and I thought it would be fun to start w those.
So here I am
Other things I know hes been involved w is the Wheel of Time series (believe he finished it bc the og author died). He does have cosmere/mistborn series but im not sure if they are the same or what is the relation btween them. I remember hype for the mistborn series so i sort of remember the cover and that maybe they are ya (?)
I do know that the "fantasy euro symbol" is from his series. The euro symbol is very aesthetically pleasing to draw (technical drawing), so I can see why somebody would want to rip it off lol
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If you told me that it is the euro symbol in an alternate reality where Türkiye (🇹🇷 flag for ref) was the most influential country of the European Union (but it wouldnt be just europe... name in progress ig) id believe u
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e1dritchqueer · 2 years
Hi there, and welcome to my blog!
I'm Kat, an artist and illustrator with a passion for fantasy art and fiction!
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I'm currently a student studying art and I use this blog for posting my work, thoughts, and musings. You can find my art through the #Kat's art and #finished pieces tag! I also use this blog frequently for general usage too so it's a nice bunch of organized chaos Use this blog alot for things such as The Stormlight Archive/Cosmere, Destiny, and many other passing interests as well! Feel free to reach out to me on any/most things through dms, asks, notes or reblogs, I love chatting about any shared interests and seeing/sharing others' art things!
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Tags I Use:
I use other tags of course but these are the one I'll be using to organize and maintain my blog (work in progress and shall be continuously updated * indicates atm unused/unlinked tag) #katposting thoughts, ramblings, musings, updates #kat's art #kat's sketches For sketches and studies #finished pieces #inspo art/things I find inspiring #ref art/things I find informative #fave really cool thing! #kat media* non art media things I post #art asks* (haven't done this yet but if I do any they will go there)
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Other Socials:
You can also find my work on Twitter and Instagram! Feel free to give me a follow! :3
Ty for reading <3
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kidrat · 6 years
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Anyway Oathbringer chapter five canonised rats in Alethkar
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sweaterregrets · 2 years
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just shallan lit by some broams probably..
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transkenobis · 2 years
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[Image description: A painting of Moash, seen from the shoulders up with his head turned to the right. He has a mostly neutral expression, but he's smiling a bit. He's depicted as a young man with wavy dark hair that almost reaches his shoulders, brown skin, and several small scars on his face. He wears a blue Bridge Four uniform with brown buttons and a braided rank insignia on the right shoulder. End ID.]
but then he made me again, a new man.
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fithragaer · 2 years
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dont have any #gains or anything but heres some pics of my hands i took for ref for a painting...hands have muscles
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whats up welcome to my blog, enjoy your stay 💛
call me Shroomy if you must call me a name, he/it/they, mid 20s, im a jewish genderqueer/genderfluid arospec dykefag ✌️ certified freak 7 days a week
asks open, always down to talk some nerd shit or answer questions!
current header: art by roger dean
current icon: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1136156
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reginadraws · 3 years
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some adolin doodles bc i realized i hadn't drawn him since like 2019!!! and now i can picture what he looks like in my head. also i accidentally made maya shardblade minty looking but its ok. she can be minty
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mxlxdroit · 6 years
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character/drawing ref for kaladin, maybe? i like some things about it but i guess it’s kinda a wip for now!
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gavinom123 · 3 years
About Me
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hi! I’m gavi, i go by she/they pronouns, and i’m 20! Asks are always open, so feel free to drop requests or silly little ideas in them!
https://gavinom.carrd.co/ main @gavinom123​ DISCORD - https://discord.gg/TWdCNRKJ4T
Current fandoms include:    Witch’s Heart    YTTD (Your Turn to Die: A Death Game by Majority)    Honkai Impact    VTSOM    ENDROLL    Houseki no Kuni    Hoshi no Samidare (Lucifer and the Biscuit hammer)    ZENO    MILGRAM    SHTDN    ORV    COSMERE (EVERYTHING BUT RoW)    WORM
Tag Organization: Fanart Tag - Wip Tag - Doodle tag - OC tag - WH OC INFO/REFS
additional info under the cut!
I tag content warnings when i can! These are generally formatted as “#cw gore” or “#cw blood” so if those bother you, feel free to blacklist them!
Spoilers will also be tagged! These will generally be tagged with “#[series name] spoilers”! Example: #yttd spoilers
If I haven’t specifically tagged a drawing of two characters as their ship name, please don’t interpret or tag is as a ship.
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hoids-banjo · 3 years
New Stickers!
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Hi everybody! I know y’all mostly know me as your friendly neighborhood cremposter who only remembers to post like, once a month tops, but I also run an Etsy shop! I just posted some Stormlight Archive sticker designs on the shop, and nothing would make me happier than if you all checked them out! They are themed after the “Punchy Guys” scene in Words of Radiance, and I think they are pretty cute. Linked below of course!
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hessis-ward · 3 years
Would anyone be interested in a Cosmere (especially Stormlight) fashion-oriented askblog and ref source?
I'm a fashion history enthusiast and I kinda want to explore the fashion history side of the Cosmere.
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therealpattern · 4 years
Under 24 hours left of The Way of Kings kickstarter!
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The kickstarter has been so much fun and at this point there are almost 28 000 backers (So why is the most liked Cosmere post at like 1200 likes? Where are all of these people when I put out objectively funny content????)
All this to say If you are not one of the 28 000 (28 000 people cAn’T bE WrOnG), now is the time to either snag a 200$ copy, that includes all of the swag, OR get the digital art pack + new Stormlight novella e-book for 10$ OR get that plus the hardcover of the novella and all the awesome swag that has been unlocked (including chicken scout greatshell wrangler badge - it’s as awesome as it sounds, and some almost unlocked Roshar themed coasters) for 50$. This is the ONLY way to get the e-book, taking place right after Oathbringer, before the release of Rhythm of War. It’s also the only way to get The Way of Kings Prime physical copy, which looks beautiful (it’s the first version of The Way of Kings and is WAY different. Remember Kaladin? He is Merin now and he loves them shards). IF unlocked we will also get this as an audiobook! I need the audiobook. Pls support the project. This will also unlock my eternal gratitude which is worthless (roughly 0$ in dollars).
If you tried to back before but it didn’t ship to your country you might be in luck since shipping now includes Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Costa Rica, India, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, and the United Arab Emirates.
If you have any questions about anything related to the Kickstarter I have been following it obsessively and knows about as much as Brandon’s team - so feel free to ask me (I do however have an agenda, because I want people to buy it so I can get my audiobook fix so proceed with caution).
Thanks for reading my dissertation on The Way of Kings Kickstarter I love y’all
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kidrat · 7 years
Kaladin and relationships: AKA why I read Kaladin as on the asexual and aromantic spectrum
So first off, personally I read Kaladin as asexual and arospec. Initially my reasoning was that as an aromantic asexual myself I get certain vibes off him, and there are a few scenes in the first two stormlight books which back my interpretation up. And then Oathbringer came along, in which Kaladin was even more relatable than ever, and previous assumptions about him were sent packing. Honestly at this point there is an awful lot of evidence for Kal being aspec, especially when compared to Shallan and Adolin, two characters his own age whose thoughts about relationships really don’t match up with Kal’s.
I’d like to explain my thinking:
(I’m going to assume anybody reading this will understand the vocabulary I’m using, but if not there’ll be a short explanation of some terms under a readmore at the end of this post.)
I’ll begin with Kaladin’s sexual orientation, as I think that’s simpler to explain. Kaladin contrasts a lot with Shallan, whose crushes are very physical. Shallan spends a lot of time being overjoyed with how hot people are, and while I’m not saying she doesn’t also respect her crushes for other reasons, her first impression of Jasnah is how ‘beautiful’ she is, and she goes on to think about her chest a lot. She clearly finds people sexy, whereas Kaladin... doesn’t. Adolin gets less page time than Shallan, but is still shown glancing at women’s bodies every now and again.
In Oathbringer, after prompting from Syl, Kaladin finally thinks about sex. In a humorous context. And is then immediately asked ‘Are you well?’, to which he replies he was thinking of a ‘painful memory’. Meaning that the one time Kal thinks about sleeping with someone, he makes a face. Same, Kaladin. (This is in OB, chapter 10)
Onto Kaladin’s romantic orientation. I’ll be analysing a few aspects of his attitudes towards romance. 
-          Missing romantic cues (ie. Not being On That Wavelength):
In Words of Radiance, Kaladin and his men enter a tavern. A ‘pretty’ woman who works at the bar smiles ‘brightly’ at Peet, right after Rock declares that Peet is their way of getting seats in the tavern. Kaladin does not appear to recognise this woman’s crush on Peet until Sigzil, who like Rock had obviously recognised this, brings up marriage. He then admits he hasn’t thought about his friends marrying, although he ‘should have’. (WoR, chapter 46).
In Oathbringer, an ardent repeatedly stares and sighs at Kal, and he doesn’t appear to think anything of this until Syl (a spren who in most situations isn’t as aware of human norms as Kal) points out that the ardent thinks Kal is ‘pretty’. (OB, chapter 10). Not noticing other people’s crushes, feeling embarrassed about this, and not regularly thinking about romantic concepts like marriage are all common arospec experiences.
-          Having fewer crushes than other people:
In total, during Kal’s entire life, he’s had two ‘crushes’ (quotation marks because you can make a strong case for them all being squishes). Personally, I’m counting Laral and Tarah for now but not Shallan, which I’ll explain later, and Kaladin cites Tarah as his first ‘real romance’ (OB, chapter 99), so it’s unlikely he himself even counts Laral.
It’s impossible to know how many crushes Shallan and Adolin have had in their whole lives, but it’s definitely a higher figure than Kaladin for both of them. Shallan has had feelings for four people in the series so far (Kabsal, Jasnah, Adolin and Kaladin), while Adolin has courted... pretty much everyone. At least six of the girls he’s had feelings for are named.
The extremely small number of crushes Kaladin has had compared to similarly aged peers is honestly enough in itself for Kal to self identify as grey-aromantic, since that’s a common reason for people to use that label.
-          Confusing platonic and romantic feelings:
This could just be as a result of asexuality, but Kaladin’s crushes come across as much less intense that other people’s. The chapter in which Tarah finally appears (OB, chapter 112) is a good example of this. He implies his feelings for her grew over time, and eventually picks his job over the biggest romance he’s ever had.
Kaladin also manages to mistake his squish on Shallan for a crush for a long time, basically interpreting ‘I admire this person’s strength, like their smile, and enjoyed cuddling with them’ as ‘I have romantic feelings for this person’, which a) is adorable and b) ...Kal honey no that’s a squish. In Oathbringer he has this conversation with Syl after Shallan ‘picks’ Adolin:
‘I don’t think I loved her, Syl. I felt... Something. A lightening of my burdens when I was near her. She reminds me of someone.’
He opened his palm, and she landed on it, forming into the shape of a young woman with flowing hair and dress. She bent down, inspecting the rock in his palm, cooing over it. Syl could still be shockingly innocent-wide eyed and excited about the world.
‘That’s a nice rock’, she said.
The implication here is clear; Shallan’s positivity reminded Kaladin of how his brother used to help him through his depression, and he mistook this for romantic feelings. In the above passage he indicates his realisation to Syl (who honestly acts like the embodiment of amatonormativity in this book.) by showing her a rock, something Tien used to love.
The confusion Kaladin feels about whether he feelings are romantic or platonic is a common experience for some grey-romantics, but could also be interpreted as him having not realised he is aromantic yet.
-          Being romance repulsed:
There are several examples of Kaladin being uncomfortable around PDA throughout the series, but the most obvious is in Oathbringer when Shallan and Adolin’s affection is described from Kal’s PoV as ‘nauseating’. The passage then goes on ‘He liked them both... just not together.’ (OB, chapter 77). The implication of not liking them together seems to be that he wishes to spend time with his friends without having to deal with romance, and the detail that he feels nauseous when faced with it explains why.
It’s possible to read this passage as Kaladin feeling jealousy either because he has feelings for Shallan or because he is single, but due to his own realisation later on that he doesn’t have feelings for Shallan, and since he never expresses interest in a relationship with anyone else, that can’t be the case. ‘Nauseating’ would also be a pretty weird way to describe jealousy, and Kaladin honestly seems like he’s just made uncomfortable by the romantic affection itself, which is again a common arospec experience.
-          Caring deeply about his friends:
Although its obviously not a uniquely arospec experience, the importance Kaladin places on his friends and his relationships with them is very relatable to me as an aromantic. At one point he expresses sadness over the fact his men will begin to have lives again, since if he doesn’t ‘know where they are’, how can he make sure they’re safe? (WoR, chapter 41)
It seems Kaladin has a very aromantic attitude towards friendships, wanting them to come first and for his group of friends to remain each other’s first priorities even after marriage. It feels as though, due to lack of or differing attraction, Kaladin never switched to what society sees as an ‘adult’ view of relationships, still viewing friendships rather than romances as the relationships to plan his life around and focus on.
To clarify, all of this is my own opinion, formed by being aspec myself and reading Kaladin as a person like me. If one or two of these examples seem wrong or like a reach to you it’s probably because it’s the combination of them that make me interpret Kal as I do, and this post was meant to explain how they all fit in to that interpretation.
Vocabulary under the cut:
Alloromantic: not aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum
Amatonormativity: the harmful assumption that romantic relationships are central to every person’s life and that everyone’s goal is to have one.
Aro: slang for aromantic.
Arospec: on the aromantic spectrum, could be aromantic or grey-aromantic.
Aspec: on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum
Romance repulsion: A feeling of extreme discomfort some aros get around things like PDA/getting asked out/romance in the media etc.
Squish: someone you want to develop a friendship with/a friendship crush. Important to a lot of aros.
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