#could be misremembering tho
sysig · 5 months
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Rainbows (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Papyrus#Sans#This rainbow is all out of order - and so many negative glows ah :0#I didn't mean for them to trend negative! They were just easier to imagine the expressions - maybe I'll take a second pass on the positives#Or in green's case the negative :')#Again in order of when I drew them so kinda all over the place haha#I wanted to go in order! And then I got distracted pft - thus started with red ow :(#Honestly I was thinking of it just being a surprise-pain more than anything lol - like a splinter haha that wouldn't even pierce him!#D'you think that eyeglows could also act like automatic word-responses? Like how we say ''Ow'' when we're surprised but not hurt sometimes#Silly haha#The second is a lot less silly-intended tho more actual pain#It's also sad to think that Sans' red would pretty much have to be sympathy/emotional pain :(#The kind of survivors guilt of not being able to shoulder more but he's so fragile! It's not his fault!#I am quite happy with both of their expressions there tho especially their mouth shapes - and how the colours interact with their eyes#Lineless colours are some of my favourites :) You can tell it's my pencils and not my pen there 'cause it's feathery hehe#For example Edgar's scars are usually with my pen and they have an almost hard-line quality while my pencils are soft :) S'pretty#Switched colours! I unfortunately misremembered what their meanings were oops lol#Well I got them kinda half-right - I like blue as skeptical quite a lot :D I think it suits them both!#Sans as wary and logical and wanting to keep distance to assure his safety and what he can devote energy to - I like it!#And Papyrus using his brother's colour to be grown up in the way that Sans is hehe <3 It's sweet#I misremembered orange lol I assigned blue's alt meaning of ''curiousity'' - orange is meant to be bravery! Oops lol#I think I was thinking of Papyrus' childlike excitement and wanting to know and be involved! Haha#Greeeeens <3 Happy boys happy with each other! I love when they're happy ♥ Interlocked holding hands hehe#Pinks! Along a similar line! I like pink as platonic affection :D And as embarrassment lol but hgg the sweetness! The care and love!#Is my bias showing lol - especially with the bros sleeping on each other haha ♪ They're both happy to know the other is safe!#Couple'a stresses - I like Sans' more I'm not even gonna sugarcoat lol his expression turned out so good haha#And the inverse for the purples! I do like Sans' face but his body :P Papyrus tho - he turned out sad and perfect :')
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spaceistheplaceart · 2 months
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found an old ekurei comic rotting in my files, decided to finish it. upon my rewatch of mp100 i kept noticing how many times dimple was referred to as a pet- but he's not ! ! ! he's a friend :)
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fairytail-rewritten · 1 month
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Didn't end up working on Pisces Star Dress, but I did nail down a "redesign" for Yukino (she barely changed) and started on some Angel concepts :PPPPPPP enjoy!!!
Edit: IK their surname is Aguria I just forgot in the moment^///^;;;;;
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remarcely · 1 month
Imagine if the Joker had never intended to kill Jason. What if he only wanted to scare Batman and remind him who was there first; That before it was Batman & Robin there was Batman vs Joker.
What if he'd expected Batman to get there faster and it was the smoke inhalation that finished Jason off, not the bomb.
If Jason had been pulled out in one piece with his external wounds only being from Jokers beating, then maybe the bomb was positioned in a certain way to keep Robin from being blown up.
What if, at a safe distance, the Joker had seen Batman carry the kid out from the wreckage and hear him screaming out in pain for his dead son, and just had a 'oh shit' moment, scared for the briefest moment that he may have pushed the man too far.
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birb-tangleblog · 4 months
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So back in the day, I would stream new episodes of TTS season 3 at like 12AM PST when they dropped using Kast. The watch parties capped out at about 100 users and it was always kind of chaotic to tell ppl to show up early so they wouldn't lose their spot, and then refreshing the page until the ep showed up on Disney Now- it would appear for different people at different times.
Here's a small collection of random screenshots from some of the streams I hosted, including Cassandra's Revenge where Ricky (one of the writers) turned out to watch with us. I only had (have lmao) 1 monitor, which means I couldn't actually participate in chat because I had to keep the video in fullscreen mode- and I'll always be a bit sad I missed it LMAO
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dayas · 2 years
Wait I have a Genuine Question.
And this is no hate!! But…
What has Ricky actually done for Gina?
EJ bought her a plane ticket so she could be in the show she worked her ass off for, drove her home from the airport, asked how she was and boosted her self esteem, swooped in to be her exercise partner & swooped in again when the undercover mission went south and respected her when he thought he wasn’t what/who she wanted.
Ashlyn let her stay at her place so she wouldn’t have to move away, offered Gina a spot with her and Kourtney for their audition song and hyped her when she came up. She also supported her going after EJ because that was what made G happy.
Heck, even Nini basically said Gina was solid af in the moment they had together! Their friendship grew as well with equal support on all sides.
By contrast, has Ricky done anything for Gina just because he wanted to, out of the kindness of his heart, or anything like that? All I remember is Gina constantly running after him/trying to make a connection. They did connect in S1 due to their similar situations/natures but at the same time, the only scene I remember of Ricky doing anything for her was the car ride back to her house.
It just seems like she’s always making the first move with Ricky/chasing, but everyone else puts her first and reaches out/chases her instead.
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akkivee · 2 months
BAJDSJSJSJS Reol fan I never saw that picture 😭 I know she's small but she looks so tiny at their sides lmao
and like, what’s so crazy is even without the heels the chuuoku seiyuu are wearing, she’d still be dwarfed by them she really is the crowning definition of short queen LOL
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amygdalae · 2 years
when i watched the lighthouse with my cousins one of em afterwards was talking about the VVitch (only one of us hasnt seen it) and saying like, “well if you think the language in THIS movie was hard to understand, the VVitch is even WORSE” but tbh that wasnt my experience at all? i almost felt like the dialogue in the VVitch was easier than in the Lighthouse cuz even if it was older english it was just. easier to pick up through context clues/ easier to hear clearly without the loud ambient sounds of the lighthouse environment
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iwtvdramacd18 · 1 year
Do you think Louis will get along with Madeline next season?
If I recall correctly they said they're not changing much with Madeline so I'm assuming there will be some motherly element put in there with her (whether objectively or through Louis' specific perception of events) and if I'm correct there I think not only is he gonna get jealous of her its gonna be a turning point in denying Claudia her role of sister and putting her back into the daughter box that he seems to have in Dubai rn.
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bbqhooligan · 7 months
i was so over Noragami but goddamn i keep going back to how Kazuma fucking kills people and tortures people and controls, subjugates, dominates people and he DESIRES his god and he can do all that without them being sins because he's fully convinced in his actions being justified and his insane love for his god overcomes all, gods can do wrong? KAZUMA can do no wrong by the power of his own will. god bless.
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erstwhile-elster · 5 months
Sort of a vent post but once again thinking about that post that was like "sometimes you gotta let yourself be a little 'mentally ill' to get better over all"
Was having a shit day for most of yesterday trying to get shit together and kicking myself for how I've been the past few months (which honestly, not deserved or nevessary but brains are like that)
And i started bemoaning how my life feels like it goes through these constant cycles and loops of feeling well and then spiraling, and I just can't escape it. And I was sitting face down on my desk, yankingnat my hair on the verge of tears the other part of my brain goes
"Hey, you know who else has been caught in a depressive cycle? Elster."
And I grit my teeth and finish getting things done bc I may not be a hot android lesbian with a wife and a promise but- I aspire to be one.
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ssspringroll · 8 months
sigh. i might have to try my hand at making a fishnet accessory top bc there is a specific cut i couldve SWORE i had but i must have imagined it. but i want it. i want it so bad...
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
VERY MUCH LOOKING FORWARD TO YOUR THOUGHTS WHENEVER YOU GET TO IT <3 The Judgment series has had a super solid start compared to RGG for obvious reasons so it's interesting to watch that play out and see how the two intertwine... Definitely best to go into it blind too☠️
OH YEAH I love WotH I definitely should continue the show... I was gonna say I didn't recognize him whatsoever either until someone posted it on Twitter so At The Very Least you're not on your own... enjoy your snackos :)
YEAH NO the most ive ever seen someone complain bout judgement is that yagami doesnt have too much of a personality, but aside from that i've seen nothin but praise for the gameplay and story and other characters SO IM DEF SUPER INTERESTED IN IT
THE SHOWS SO SILLY AND CUTE YOU SHOUUULD im biased....... but im just sayin....
#snap chats#i will not be gettin snackos </3 i did have my mango pudding and tea tho... thats good nuff for me.....#i love mango puddin... who remembers my mango lassi posting.. i love mango yall gotta have it lol... best fruit..#IM MAD THO every day i realize i forgot to grab something from my mom's#this time i forgot to grab my sushi mat and my rice paddle- not to mention My Favorite Cleaver#i COULD still make eggs of course but alas... no silly shaped eggs for me :(#unless i bully my sis into getting me alla that whe she comes by to give me my medicine LOL but anyway#glasses and facial hair really go change a person's face.... goddamn.......#i say this as if i didnt shave my moustache some days ago and then had a stroke looking at myself#it wasnt even that much hair but still... who the fuck is THAATTT#that aint even mentionin tatsu's tinted glasses.... which are incredibly swaggy and i want them..#MAN WotH IS SUCH A GOOD SERIES i watched its anime adaptation too#def a unique style but it was still cute.... and ofc the netflix special with tatsu's va... that was cute... and got me into making katsu..#oh but before i end my ramble im genuinely curious if judgement will continue#i only think it wont since my bestie said they werent going to do anymore do to somethin bout kimura's managers?#i think im misremembering idk i remember SOMETHING vaguely like that. but i hope theres more from the series#i love detective stuff so... hehee...#ok bye im gonna doodle and ignore the fact i start class tomoroww EW
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veocc · 10 months
Hackers (1995) had some bangers tho.
Genuinely been looping this all day. Go listen to it if you haven't. I Know its 10 minutes but you owe it to yourself to listen to it.
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sillyabtmusic · 1 month
60fps fun for stage and mv or whatever. but kingdom likes to upload their casual vids in 60fps also and to be entirely honest it annoys me 💔
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i do very much enjoy strong bad as a character but the problem is i was never exposed to the homestar runner comics, or rather i wasn’t exposed to them first. i was, however, OBSESSED with the wiiware series Strong Bad’s Cool Game For Attractive People. i begged my mom to let me get one of the titles and i ended up getting the Dangeresque 3 one in the series (which i BELIEVE was the fourth one? if memory serves) which was like, the least About The Homestar Runner Characters game out of the series i could’ve chosen but i played the FUCK out of it.
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