#could your love for your little brother ever stop you from reaching coldly for your intangible desires? yes/no)
dirtbra1n · 1 year
before I forget Tomorrow and/or in a matter of hours. don’t recall the exact numbers. remastered video game Ghost Trick releases on nintendo switch and steam and elsewhere also. there’s a demo available. you should play that. I have it on good authority that the entire game is as good
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asumofwords · 1 year
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: How good is tension? Am I right? haha.... ha...
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Chapter 20: A last Walk
Helaena arrived some time after Aemond left you at the Godswood. Breaths still heavy in your chest as rage bubbled up inside you. There was still that ever present slither of guilt that perhaps he was right.
You did enjoy it.
Your aunt's sweet face is a welcomed distraction, though you could not help but notice her skittish behaviour as she arrived to you. Every time you reached out to touch her, she would flinch away from you.
You spoke very little as you walked away from the Godswood and out to the garden together side by side.
Halfway through your walk in the garden you paused and called her name. She stopped, eyes still cast to the floor rather than meeting your own.
You reached out to hold her hand, watching as her body tensed.
“Dear Helaena, what has happened?” You asked in concern, hand slowly coming forward to grasp hers.
Her fingers were raw and bleeding, the skin at her cuticles gone. Helaena relaxed slightly in your hold, but her eyes still did not meet yours.
“Aunt Helaena?” You asked again, quieter this time, pulling her hands towards you.
With the movement, her tight sleeve rolled slightly up her arm, revealing the edge of a deep purple bruise. It bloomed from beneath her sleeve, the edges fading as large spots of burst capillaries stood out amongst the rest.
Looking down at the skin, you inhaled sharply. “Did he do this to you?” 
You watched as she pulled her sleeve down awkwardly, face tense as she still refused to look up.
“Only when he is drunk.” She murmured.
“We have to tell the Queen.” You implored the Princess, holding her gently, dipping your head to try and catch her eyes.
“She knows.” 
The rage bubbled up and boiled over. The Queen, her mother knows of the abuse and does nothing? You wonder what else the Queen knew about and swept under the rug.
The oh so valiant Queen who has looked down her noses at you and your family for years, ever the image of decorum and duty, allows her son to abuse her only daughter, and for what? You did not know.
“Come with me,” You blurted, “to Dragonstone. Bring your children and stay with us. Rhaenyra would love to have you stay. You are her only sister.” 
Finally your aunt's eyes came to meet yours. Her eyes were tired and red rimmed, little shadows under them as she smiled sadly at you.
“I cannot leave.” 
“You can,” You insist, “You can ride Dreamfyre with me and Sȳndor to Dragonstone. The babes can voyage on the ships with my brothers. You would be safe there.” 
“I'm sorry.” She stuttered, casting her eyes to look at the garden around you, continuing to walk forward.
You chased after her, “You can’t let him do this to you! He is cruel.”
“He is my husband.” She shrugged.
“What about your children Helaena?”
“He does not see them.” She replies coldly, eyes straight ahead.
“Helaena, please.” You beg, grabbing her once more, pulling her to a stop. She slowly turns her head to you.
“I have to stay. For Aemond.” She looks at you. 
“Aemond? What doe-“ Realisation dawned on you. You hold her gaze as she watches you knowingly.
Aegon isn’t the father of her children. 
“Oh.” You said dumbly, not knowing what to say.
“Helaena please, I care for you too much to know you are in pain.” You beg, softer this time.
She holds your gaze, squeezing your hand before giving you a small smile. Her answer is final. She would not join you on Dragonstone, and instead would live out her life at the Red Keep with an abusive husband, and her sadistic brother. 
“Promise me you will leave if it gets worse?” You implore, “Promise me? Send a raven, or ride to us immediately. Know that you always have a place with us. No matter what happens. You have refuge on Dragonstone.” You search her eyes as she continues to look at you.
She merely blinks at you, before nodding slowly. 
You began to walk together slowly after the confession, the tension between you both growing. You walked until you sat yourselves on a long stone bench, looking out across the ocean.
You felt grief as you sat. Grief in knowing that your aunt was being abused. Grief in knowing that you did not know when you would see her again.
There was grief in knowing that the Queen knew of all this and did nothing. Grief for your grandfather's worsening condition. Grief for the loss of your childhood.
Grief churned inside of you until it swallowed you whole. You fell straight into the depths of it, tears escaping your eyes as you sat beside your aunt. You did not know that you could feel such pain.
You tried to blink the tears away, but only more came. You sucked in a sharp breath, clearing your throat before turning your head away from your aunt in an attempt to hide your sorrow. 
You looked at the flowers, their forms blurred and distorted through your tears, mind racing away from you, as you found yourself overwhelmed.
Your thoughts were broken by the gentle touch of a hand, holding yours in your lap. You turn to look at your aunt, who was watching the water. She did not witness you cry, but only held you as you did.
A small comfort.
“I’m sorry.” You cried, wiping your face with the shoulder of your dress. She only held onto you tighter. 
“We will see each other again, very soon.” She whispered.
“I hope so.” You sob.
“Hope.” She parroted, voice seeming further away. 
Finally you turned to look at your aunt. Her gaze was still on the water, though her expression was unreadable. 
“One eye closed, another opened. What was lost, cannot be found.” She spoke, staring out at the ocean. 
“A dragon's death for a dragon's breath. A spool of green to black.”
Dread settled in your stomach.
“Three dragons will fall, one will rise.”
“Spool of green, spool of black. Union of blood and fire.” Her face tensed. She turned to look at you squeezing your hand tight, before looking back out across the sea.
“Spool of green. A great fall.” 
“I do not know what you mean.” You breathed.
She did not respond.
“Helaena what does it mean?” You asked, hoping she would answer.
“Helaena?” You searched her face.
Slowly she turned her head, eyes sad, “A great fall.” She uttered. 
Then once more, she looked away, watching the tide pull fluffy tips of white waves across the ocean, the sun glittering in its light. You both sat in silence, watching the waves swell and crash against the rocks below.
You did not speak again. 
Both you and your aunt walked together back into the Red Keep. No goodbyes were said, and no more tears were shed either. All that was done was a tight embrace, where your aunt tucked her head into the crux of your shoulder. You held each other for some time, praying that she would change her mind and come with you. 
She did not.
Numbly you walked back to your chambers, finding Saria and Aella tidying and packing your things away. Your jewellery was gone from the vanity, decanter and cups put away in the kitchens below, and the bedroom began to look as it did when you arrived.
The bed had been stripped and its sheets replaced. Golden blankets were folded neatly at the edge. The room in which you had grown in, now looked as though no-one had lived there.
Even the fire had been put out. No smouldering embers sat in the bottom, only the ash from the log that once was. 
The room felt as though it was closing in on you and panic began to race in your veins, and your breath caught in your chest. Stepping backwards you stormed out of the chambers, swiftly walking through the corridors hoping to get away from the suffocating feeling. You walked and walked until you stopped, finally looking at your surroundings. 
You stood in the Great Hall, staring at the beastly Iron Throne. The swords melted into a sharp seat. Rows of blades stood pointed upwards around it and down the stairs in front. This throne had led to many peoples ruin.
Your grandmother died in birth to push out a male heir to replace your mother. Alicent gave birth to males like your grandfather had chased for years, but neither named successor. Your father Daemon had been suspected of lusting for the throne and was banished. Your great aunt and grandmother, Princess Rhaenys, The Queen Who Never Was, had the throne taken from her, for the realm would never accept a Queen to sit upon its sharp seat.
Rhaenys had told your mother that men would rather set the realm to the torch than have a woman ascend the throne, and she was right.
You knew that many would not accept your mother as the Queen. After Aegon was born, many expected him to be named the new heir, but it never happened. 
Though your mother preached to create a new order, where Queens could sit on the Iron Throne without question, she did not name you heir, for she knew that the realm would never accept two Queens.
And although you have never outright wanted the throne, you always felt an ache knowing that it would never be yours, despite being the first born.
You may as well have been a second son. 
No, the throne would be taken away from you, just like it was taken from Princess Rhaenys, and any other woman across the realms who were the rightful heir to their kingdoms and lands, having been stripped away by men. 
You stood at the jagged seat, its points glinting from the light that streamed in from the windows around the Hall. Your legs moved forward, walking you up towards the towering Iron Throne. Footsteps echoing in the empty room, the sound of your dress rubbing against your skin softly rustled beneath you.
With each step you felt your breath even, back straightening as you stopped on the top of the last step.
Eye to eye with the Iron Throne, you looked over every sword's hilt and blade, each one different in their size and craft. Each one; a man conquered and fallen. Each blade a battle that had been won.
You reached a hand forward, resting your fingertips on the arm of the throne. It was cool to the touch, the blades hard beneath your fingers. Your eye was caught as you looked to one blade on the arm. Its hilt was twisted and raw, melted down onto the others, the edge of the blade still looking sharp.
“What are you doing?” A voice cuts across the room, pulling you from your thoughts.
You jerk your hand back, finger tip slicing on the edge of the blade. You hiss pulling your finger up to your face, blood beginning to bead from the small cut.
Turning, you saw Jacaerys, standing in the same clothes from this morning, watching you with an inquisitive face. 
“Saying goodbye to the Keep.” You respond, pulling your finger to your lips, sucking the blood into your mouth. The bitter taste of iron coated your tongue.
“Odd place to say goodbye.” He responded, walking to the bottom of the steps.
You looked down at him from where you stood, Iron Throne towering behind you.
From where you were, your brother looked small, the presence of the mangled swords behind empowered you. This is where you belonged. This was your legacy. This was your birthright.
To stand where your Grandfather stands, where Aegon the Conqueror had stood and all those powerful ancestors, standing exactly where you were, all ruling the realms on the backs of Dragons. 
This was your blood.
“You look like Queen Visenya.” He commented, head tilting as he gazed at you. You huffed a laugh through your nose stepping down away from the throne, coming to join your brother in front of you. 
“I will never be Queen.” You state, watching him. 
“You should be.” 
You blink.
A bitter laugh escaped you as you turn your head away from him, looking to the large stained glass windows to the side, colours streams of light landing on the stone floors. 
“You will be King one day,” You look back to him, his features soft like your mother, “and we will be thankful for it. You will make a fine King.” You praise, though a sad smile betrayed you.
“You are the eldest. It should be you on the throne after mother, not me.”
You laugh bitterly again.
“We both know that the realm would not accept me. It will barely accept mother with Aegon around. It did not accept Princess Rhaenys.” You argued.
“No. You will ascend the throne, and the realm will be gladdened for it.” You pause, “I will be gladdened for it.” You reach for his arm, looping yours through it. 
You turn the both of you to face the throne. 
“You will be King one day, and you will sit upon that throne, just as mother will, just as our Grandsire the King does. You will sit on the Iron Throne as your blood intends you to.” 
You look to him shortly before gazing back, “You are the blood of the mighty houses Targaryen and Velaryon. There is no-one more suited to the throne than you.”
“Except you.” Jacaerys countered, eyes still on the throne. “I never wanted the throne. I always thought that it would go to you,” He turns to watch your face, “I am surprised that mother has not named you her successor.”
“As am I.” 
You look at him, his face filled with guilt. You both knew that she had chosen him to be her successor, and although she had not made it official, she had still mentioned it in past discussions.
You take a deep breath, squeezing his arm to you, “I do not question her choice, I will always support you. Please know that.”
Jacaerys' young face turned serious as he looked to the large throne before him.
“It's not right. Women have a place on the throne just as much as men do.”
“My sweet brother,” You cooed, placing a hand against his chest, “Not all think like you. It does not matter what is right or not. Men will always be given preference on the throne and in the realms. That is the hard truth. Some men would sooner fall on their sword than be ruled by a woman.”
“We should let them.”
“It’s naive to think that way.” You shake your head, “When you are King, you will have to make hard decisions. That is the way of the world.”
“It shouldn’t be. When mother is Queen, sh-“
“It does not matter, Jacaerys. No matter what mother does, no matter how good of a Queen she will be, some people in the realm will not accept it. They would rather be ruled by a drunken fool than a level headed Queen. Women have been trampled on by men for thousands of years, it will not change in a day.”
“It could. I would sacrifice-”
“Sacrifice?” You hissed, “What would you know of sacrifice? What do men know of sacrifice? Nothing.” You shake your head rapidly, the rage from the day boiling up inside of you. “If I was born with a cock between my legs, many things would be different.”
“You could have the throne,” He argues, “if you-“
“If you truly think that, then you are a fool.” You hiss.
Regret immediately hit you as you watched your brother look away in shame, sadness in his eyes.
“I’m sorry.” You blurt, standing in front of him, reaching to hold both of his hands, “That was unkind. You are not a fool.” He continues to stare at the wall, evading your gaze, brow furrowed. 
“You will be one of the greatest Kings to ever live, and everyday you make me proud to call you my brother. I have known no-one like you. You are a rare man,” his gaze finally meets yours, face still tense, “your kindness knows no bounds. You are unwavering in your braveness, endlessly witty, but most importantly you’re you.” 
Jacaerys rolls his eyes at you.
“Dont you roll your eyes at me,” You chastise, “If there were more men like you, then I could sit on the throne without the realm being put to the torch.”
Jacaerys nibbles at his lip, chewing the skin.
“Stop that.” You swat at his lip.
Your brother gives you a shy smile.
“I mean it. There will be no greater person fit for the Iron Throne than you.” You loop your arm back in his, turning him to leave the The Great Hall, casting one last glance at the Iron Throne, “Besides, the realm does not need a Queen with such a temper.” You joke, pushing against his shoulder.
“You? Temper?” Jacaerys mocks.
“I’m afraid so,” You say with fake sorrow, “I would be called Maegor with Teats.”
Jacaerys snorts out a laugh, it echoing through the empty space as you get closer to the large doors.
“All jests aside, I meant what I said.”
“As did I.”
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
Tag List:
@izzicle @ej-shitchats @may-machin @alegria1580 @witchy-jadda @videovampire @inkdelicious @queteimporta39 @virtualsweetsqueen @fo-cus @auratiqs @feyres-fireheart @queenofshinigamis @asoiafwh8re @teasandcrumpets @shesjustanothergeek @grungegrrrl@queenofsarcazm @marihoneywk @curlszx88 @virgogaia @loser-keiji @asoiafwh8re @whore-of-many-hot-men
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
jzx, seeing yanli carrying around baby a-yuan: oh. Oh.
Also, the idea of A-yuan being surprisingly tolerant of jzx while his a-niang and jiang-shushu have never felt more Betrayed™️.
Thank you very much for ur cultivation baby sizhui au i am in love!!!!!!!
As is the way of things when one happens to be the heir to a sect, no one has ever dared to hurt Jin Zixuan's feelings.
Of course, he argued with his mother sometimes; and when he was a child, he tried to quarrel with his father about the women he brought into Koi Tower. Those arguments never turned in Zixuan’s favor, but no one but his father has ever tried to insinuate that he was wrong about something important: and when the first person to do so turns out to be Jiang Yanli, Jin Zixuan spends the next two weeks in a state of abject shame.
He had misjudged Maiden Jiang, badly. He never knew her to be dishonest in their childhood, and she had never been proud—but Zixuan was flattered by the notion that someone would take the trouble to make him soup on a battlefield, and when he saw the girl who delivered the first bowl, Jiang Yanli seemed weaker and more talentless than ever in comparison. She could not fight, and she was not beautiful; and her pursuit of Jin Zixuan into battle seemed poorly done, when there were other women who had come to fight or elected to remain at home to defend their sect strongholds.
“Do you have anything in that thick skull of yours? Anything at all?” Wei Wuxian had demanded, on the day Zixuan insulted Jiang-guniang for bringing him soup. “She has two brothers at the front, and you think she’s here for you? Do you think you’d even get to see her face if Nie-zongzhu sent me and Jiang Cheng somewhere else?”
Jin Zixuan had been a fool. He considered Jiang Yanli’s affections as his by rights, even when he thought he did not want them; and now that he did, it would be shameless to pursue her considering their broken engagement.
Just the other day, he had seen her walking around camp with Wei Wuxian’s child in her arms, and the picture she made was so devastatingly beautiful that Zixuan wished he could strangle the younger version of himself that thought her plain.
“It’s nobody’s fault but your own,” Mianmian said mercilessly, when Jin Zixuan asked for her advice on the day before they departed for the Nightless City. “No one asked you to treat her coldly when we were children, or insult her at the Cloud Recesses. No one forced you to reject her cooking, either. You’re reaping your own rewards, gongzi, and you won’t get any sympathy from me.”
“I know I don’t deserve your sympathy. I don’t deserve Jiang-guniang’s love, either,” Jin Zixuan pleaded. “But surely—surely I could apologize to her? Her feelings must still be wounded, and I haven’t done anything about it.”
“The time to make apologies was months ago,” she snapped. “Frankly, I don’t see how marrying you could make Jiang-guniang happy now. Let it go.”
So Jin Zixuan let it go, knowing that the bitterness of losing Jiang Yanli was nothing compared to all that she had endured at his hands. But then, a bare twenty-four hours after Wen Ruohan was finally slain, he meets her in the compound of the Sun Palace reserved for recovering cultivators, and stops dead in his tracks; for she has Wei Wuxian’s son tied to her back in a sling, and the baby had seized one of the gold peony chains dangling from Jin Zixuan’s guan as he passed by.
“Oh!” Jiang Yanli exclaims. “Pardon me, Jin-gongzi. Yuanyuan, let go of his hair.”
The baby—Yuanyuan, Jiang-guniang said—does not let go. Instead, he winds his tiny fists around the end of the chain and pulls it towards his mouth.
“Bu!” he shrieks, when Jin Zixuan tries to free himself. Unnerved, Zixuan drops his hand and edges a little closer; he hates listening to babies’ cries, and this baby’s crying kept their regiment from sleep on so many nights that most of the Jin cultivators refuse to go anywhere near him.
Jiang-guniang reaches up and pries Yuanyuan’s left hand open. But the minute she reaches for the right one, the left hand clamps back down on Jin Zixuan’s hair.
“I’ll just give it to him. I’ve got others,” Jin Zixuan squeaks, his face burning. “It won’t take long, Lady Jiang.”
He detaches the guan and its six gold chains from his bun, letting his long dark hair fall free, and then he puts it back up with a spare hairpin and gives his guan to the baby.
“Here,” he says, and then, when she opens her mouth to thank him:
“It was no trouble,” Zixuan blurts out. “It’s just a guan, and he’s only a baby.”
Jiang Yanli gives him a kind smile and steps past him, heading towards the house where Wei Wuxian is convalescing.
But Wei Yuan, apparently unsatisfied with the peony chains now that they were his and not Zixuan’s, wriggles up and hangs the guan over Jiang Yanli’s ear.
“Pitty,” he coos, rubbing his tiny cheek against hers.
In that very moment, the sun emerges from behind a veil of rosy clouds; and when it falls upon Jiang Yanli, the light strikes the golden peony blossoms in her hair, and fills her big eyes with a gentle fire that nearly brings Jin Zixuan to his knees.
“Mianmian,” he gasps, after he staggers back to the Jins’ guest compound and collapses on the floor by his bed. “Mianmian, I need help. I love Jiang-guniang, I do—even if her affections for me have faded. I won’t press her—I could never press her, even if I had not disrespected her so in the past. But if I have the slightest, slimmest chance, then maybe—”
Mianmian looks supremely unimpressed.
“Get up,” she sighs, a little while later. “Very well, I’ll help you.”
Jin Zixuan bolts upright. “Then you think she might accept me?”
“Why do you think I told you to stay away from her?” scolds Mianmian. “If she’d learned her lesson after that business with the soup, I wouldn’t have bothered. I warned you off for her sake, Zixuan, because Jiang-guniang still loves you.”
Jin Zixuan gawks at her, wonderstruck, and bursts into tears.
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bananadrinkxxx · 8 months
[Aemond Targaryen x Original Female Character ! I fem!reader]
[Dark Romance / Enemies to Lovers / Revenge]
Content for adults. 18+
[warnings: smut, sex content, dark romance, angst, fights, domination, murder]
[description: Aemond Targaryen meets his niece under a different name and falls in love with her without knowing that she is supposed to be his enemy.]
Masterlist - click here for all available parts
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Alicent was an anxious woman, plagued by her own demons. The insecurity about her own body, her lack of self-love and the anxiety plagued her during the day and haunted her at night. But she was not a weak woman. She fought for what she believed, for what she loved, and she would die for it too. But to see her son lying here, injured, burned, tormented by pain that he could only forget with medication, she had not wanted. It had not been her plan to make Aegon king and thus override Rhaenyra. But when Viserys had told her of his new will in his last hours, she had put aside her obligation to Rhaenyra and done her duty as queen. Aegon was the rightful ruler. Viserys had dreamed of a boy with a crown. He had told her as they stood before the fire on Aegon's first name day, she pregnant with Helaena and he at odds with Rhaenyra.
Rhaenyra had been the heiress.
Until Viserys had changed his mind.
Alicent would not have taken the throne from her if it had not been the will of the king. She had not intended to take her birthright. But it was also Aegon's birthright. Even more than Rhaenyra's, and Viserys had acknowledged that in the end.
"Mother, you're here," she heard Aegon moan, and she walked up to her injured son and grabbed his hand. He looked at her through dazed eyes. She pressed her lips together. Milk of Puppy was a miraculous remedy, it relieved the cruelest pain, but it was also pure poison that befuddled body and mind. She stroked Aegon's head. His hair was damp and messy. He looked there like a little boy who was broken. This was all Rhaenyra's fault.
"Yes, I'm here," she said softly, putting her other hand on his cheek.
"It hurts so much," Aegon wailed, stabbing her in the heart. "I want it to stop."
She had to force herself to stay strong.
"I know. It will get better soon."
Aegon looked at her in despair.
"I don't want to be king anymore," he confessed, "I've never wanted to be king. Ever since I became king, my life has been a disaster."
He slightly twisted his upper body and groaned in pain.
"Aegon, you must stay still," Alicent admonished him anxiously, and suddenly Aegon's grip on her hand tightened. He pulled himself up by it so that he was closer to her face. Suddenly his eyes seemed clear, the daze gone from them.
"This is your fault," he spat. She saw the anger in his eyes. Alicent flinched, trying to loosen her hand, but he wouldn't let go.
"Aegon, let go of me," she commanded, but he didn't respond at all.
"It's only because of you that I'm here," his voice quivered. No matter what problems she had had with him in the past, he had never acted aggressively toward her. He had never tried to harm her in any way. He had only ever been the son who had shamed her by his behavior.
"Everything hurts so damn much. You brought me here. It's your fault!"
"Let go, I said," she didn't know what hurt more. The fact that he blamed her, or that he crushed her hand. She tried to push away from him, but Aegon was much stronger than her even in this state.
Suddenly a hand closed around Aegon's hair and pulled his head back. Aegon cried out, grabbed the hand in the back of his head, and looked up at his brother, who was giving him an admonishing look from above.
"No matter how bad you get, Aegon," Aemond began coldly, "if you ever get aggressive with our mother again, you'll wish you had died that day."
"Aemond!" exclaimed Alicent in surprise. The distance between her two eldest sons and the rivalry was nothing new to her. But Aemond's hateful words shocked her. She reached for his hand. He looked to her. "Aemond," she repeated, signaling him to let go. "I'm fine. Your brother is not himself right now," she looked down at Aegon, who was looking at her with tears in his eyes. He was suffering and it was her fault. He was right.
Aemond let go of Aegon and the king plopped back into his bed, groaning. He wailed and Alicent reached for him, but he only turned away dismissively and called for the Grand Maester to bring him new Milk of Poppy.
"He will calm down in a moment. He needs rest, noble Queen Alicent," said the Grand Maester, and Alicent nodded with a sad expression. She looked to Aemond, who was silently looking down at his brother. He seemed cold. She did not recognize her son. Together with Aemond, she left Aegon's room.
"Why were you there? Aegon didn't want anyone there but me and your grandfather."
Aemond raised an eyebrow. "Is that how you thank me, Mother?"
"What should I thank you for? For hurting your brother?"
Aemond turned to her, "He hurt you." His eye narrowed.
"He would have calmed down. He's suffering, Aemond."
"What do you want from me?" Aemond suddenly replied, his voice full of anger and Alicent winced. Aemond had never talked to her like that before. She looked at him, bewildered.
"Haven't I done everything you asked? Did I not go to war just as Aegon did? For a crown he doesn't want at all?"
"We have all made sacrifices," Alicent objected.
"Yes? What sacrifices have you made, Mother?"
She looked at him in shock. His words hurt her. "I have made many sacrifices to bring this family here. I've already made sacrifices for you when you weren't even born yet."
"Spreading your legs is hardly a sacrifice," Aemond replied coldly, and Alicent was so struck and startled by his words that she didn't realize she had hit him until her hand began to tingle painfully and the side of Aemond's face turned red under her slap. He had tilted his head slightly and stood there quietly.
"I'm sorry," Alicent said in a shaky voice and walked toward him, but he took a step back and shook his head. He looked her in the eye and she saw again young Aemond, he had come crying to her when Rhaenyra's sons had bullied him. Even his own brother had treated him like dirt and the moments when he had cried himself to sleep in her arms had not been rare.
"No, I'm sorry," he apologized and turned without giving her time to answer. He walked quickly and was gone from her sight shortly after. She looked after Aemond.
What had happened? What had happened to her good-natured and loving boy?
When had he changed so much?
Rhaenyra was the last to see Baela. Jacaerys rushed toward his fiancée, stunned at her unconscious state. Daemon was immediately with his daughter.
"What happened?" he angrily asked Ser Erryk, who was carrying Baela in his arms.
"They found her in the village. She was already unconscious, her head is injured."
Rhaenyra briskly joined them. She saw the wound on Baela's head and her heart began to pound against her chest. Seeing her injured in Ser Erryk's arms choked her throat.
"No one saw anything?"
"I am sorry, no, my queen."
She ordered Baela to be taken to her room immediately and sent for the Grand Maester.
"Her head wound, thank the gods, is not a deep wound. I have had the wound stitched and Milk of Poppy ready for her. She should wake up with a severe headache, but I don't expect any deeper or worse injuries. Young Prince Jacaerys is with her."
Rhaenyra nodded and thanked the Grand Maester. He took his leave and left her with Daemon. Daemon said not a word and stood before the fire, which danced wildly in their hearth. She approached him and reached out her hand to grasp his shoulder.
"Daemon, you-"
"You kept it from me that Rose was pregnant."
She winced. Her hand stopped in midair. "What?" How had he known? Had the Grand Maester gone against her orders?
He turned to her, his gaze full of anger and rage. He was quivering. She swallowed.
"How do you know?"
"Does it matter?" asked Daemon with a raised eyebrow. "We're at war and you're keeping something this important from me?"
Rhaenyra stroked her dress and straightened her back. "It has no relevance to the war."
"It only has relevance to the fucking war!," Daemon shouted, coming at her. She backed away, startled, and Daemon stopped. He suddenly looked so guilty and turned around, to the other end of the table. "You should have told me. She is pregnant with our enemy's child. We can use that fact to our advantage."
"You want me to use my daughter's child so I can win a war?" she asked snidely.
"Are you really such a fool?" shouted Daemon. He was scary when he was like that, but she would not show him any weakness.
Rhaenyra looked at Daemon, stunned. "I'm not a fool, I just won't let myself use my own family, harm them, so I can win my war."
"This is not just your war," Daemon countered. "This war hasn't been only yours since the Greens betrayed us all." He propped himself up on the table that presented her realm. "I meant no harm to Rose."
"Aemma," Rhaenyra interjected stubbornly.
"Aemma...," Daemon corrected exhaustedly. "But Aemond would have been easier to control if he had known she was pregnant by him."
"Or he wouldn't have cared and might have even gone after her. You know how much he hates Luke and Jace, insulted them as bastards like it made them worth less."
She had wanted to protect Aemma. She had suffered enough. She wanted to give her a new home here. A place where she could be happy and safe.
Daemon shook his head. "You weren't there. You don't know how he looked at her. He avoided a fight for her. She means something to him."
She means something to him.
Rhaenyra pressed her lips together. She wondered if Aemma felt the same way about Aemond. She hoped that wasn't the case. That she had only been foolish and naive, giving herself over to physical pleasure as she had done with Ser Criston one.
There was a sudden knock at the door and Daemon gave permission to enter. Ser Erryk stood there, bowing. His face looked pale and unrelaxed.
"Where is she?"
Rhaenyra looked irritatedly at Daemon. Where is she? Had he sent for someone?
"My prince," Ser Erryk began. "I learned from a servant that she was in the village with Princess Baela."
Rhaenyra trotted out.
"Who was with Baela in the village?" She looked alternately from Ser Erryk to Daemon and back again. "Daemon, don't tell me, no-" she said when she saw Daemon's look.
She didn't need an answer anymore. His look said it all.
"Has something happened to her?" asked Rhaenyra in a panic, walking toward Ser Erryk.
"She has disappeared, my queen."
It was as if someone had turned back time. Twelve years before, where she had felt the exact same feeling. She looked to Daemon and grabbed her neck. She felt herself suddenly unable to breathe. She reached for the table, looking for a foothold, and in the process threw down the figurines that were scattered there. Daemon grabbed her.
"You have to breathe, Rhaenyra."
Breathe? How was she supposed to breathe? How was that supposed to work?
Aemma was gone.
Her little girl was gone again.
"Rhaenyra," Daemon said, trying to calm her down.
"We have to find her, Daemon."
Rhaenyra was about to have a panic attack. She was shaking all over and her face was pale.
Daemon wiped the tears from her cheek and took her face in his hands. She had not even noticed that she had started to cry. It was as if a ghost from her past was haunting her.
"Rhaenyra, look at me."
Rhaenyra's eyes found Daemon's.
"We will find her, Rhaenyra. We will find her."
K I N G S    L A N D I N G
Larys turned his head just slightly to the side when there was a knock at the door. "Come in," he commanded, and his niece Alys stepped into the room. She curtsied to him and he signaled her to sit down. She looked at him in surprise but obeyed his command.
"I've just received information that Rose Flowers is back at Kings' Landing," he informed her, watching Alys' eyes grow wide. "I wonder, though, why I'm getting this information from someone other than you."
She bit her lower lip. "My lord, I cannot control what I see in the fire."
Larys smiled. "I'm talking more about your pathetic spy skills." He tilted his head and watched with satisfaction as she lowered her head in humiliation. She was afraid of him. Good, she should be. Fear meant respect. It was one and the same. Only those who were afraid thought twice about betraying you.
"Prince Aemond had them taken to one of the chambers in the east wing," Larys explained. "He has ordered that no one but select servants have access there."
Alys looked up at him. I wonder if she guessed what his next words would be. "Make sure you're one of them. Gain their trust. Become her friend. Be there for her, make sure she trusts you with all her secrets."
He would perhaps be able to put his plan into action after all.
He had tried to kill the girl. He had wanted to eliminate her, but now she was here again, guarded by men who could not be easily tricked or manipulated. He had to change his plan somewhat, but he would still be able to have the same outcome.
"The girl is pregnant with his child."
Alys snapped his eyes open.
He wouldn't want to kill Rose anymore. He had something else in mind entirely.
"You know what to do, don't you?"
He saw some emotion cross his bastard niece's face. She looked critical for a moment, desperate, but in the end she always did what she was supposed to.
She had been supposed to seduce Aemond, but that plan had failed. Larys was too smart to pursue it any further, hoping that Aemond would change his mind after all. No, he had something completely different in mind.
She nodded and Larys smiled with satisfaction.
"Make me proud, Alys."
@watercolorskyy @marvelescvpe @ammo23 @helaenaluvr @toodlesxcuddles @malfoytargaryen
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rome-alone · 2 years
Sanzu x son reader
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reupload from my AO3
sanzu learns he has a son after his ex holds him as blackmail
Also this wasn't supposed to be posted on this blog
My fanfic blogs are
Male reader @reallyromealone
FEM reader @rome-alone-but-feral
Character @absolutelynotromealone
Sanzu was infuriated when his ex sent him the photos.
He had a son.
He seemed no older than three but he was a spitting image of him.
There was no doubts as Sanzu grabbed the Haitani brothers and bolted to the location that Bontens hackers had tracked her phone from.
He was going to kill her for hiding his son from him and then using the boy to blackmail him!
The Haitani brothers said nothing as they watched the new dad drive like a maniac through Tokyo until they reached a run down apartment, Sanzu storming in Glock in hand and The brothers followed suit with curious looks in their eyes.
Kicking down the door Sanzu aimed his gun at the woman he once dated, he could never say he loved her as she was really just a bed warmer but now he felt something for her.
Pure hatred.
“H-how?!” She yelped and scrambled as Sanzu shot right beside her head “you really should have used a burner phone” Ran said smoothly as Rindou and him pointed at her, the woman freezing and allowing Sanzu to grab his son who was bound and duct taped to a chair, bruised and crying.
“Take him to the car, I need to have a chat with (mother’s name)” Sanzu said coldly and the room went silent as the Haitani brother’s freed the child and carried him out.
Leaving the happy couple together.
“so you wanted to blackmail Bontens second?”
The neighborhood knew better than to call the cops when they heard those bloody screams and the sounds of bones snapping until silence.
“hey bud let’s get that tape off you” Ran said softly as he removed the excess tape off the child and slowly peeled the tape covering his mouth and felt his heart stop.
Two bloody diamonds on each side of his mouth.
“holy shit…” Rindou mumbled as the child began sobbing quietly, little body shaking with each sob “don’t worry buddy, you don’t gotta worry about here now” rindou said awkwardly as Ran soothed the kid as Sanzu opened the door, “Get to the front” he said coldly as blood stained his suit and the Haitani brothers looked at him before speaking “Look what she did”
And look he did.
Sanzu felt his blood run cold when he saw the matching diamonds on the boys face and if the Haitani brothers saw him cry they would never say anything and left to the front seats to give the two privacy.
“hey bud…I’m your papa” those words felt strange on his tongue as he gently wiped the tears from the boys face “I-im sorry!” The baby boy sobbed out as Sanzu pulled out his pocket square to clean the boy up “why are you sorry?”
“I look l-like you!”
“did your mama do this to you because you look like me?”
He only nodded.
Jesus fuck.
What the actual fuck?
“you never have to be sorry for your mother’s actions, you’re a Bonten baby now and i will keep you safe” No one would ever believe that the most morally bankrupt man in Bonten would be so soft “what’s your name?”
“(name) (lastname)…” (Name) mumbled once he was calmed down and wounds cleaned as best as Sanzu could “well now you are (name) Akashi now” he said softly before the car slowed down and a gentle knock came from the partition and that was their queue as Sanzu gently lifted the battered and bruised child.
“let’s get you cleaned up, I got some people I want you to meet” Sanzu said carrying the boy out, heart heavy at the events that transpired.
By time (name) was treated and cleaned up, he was asleep in the pink haired mans arms and the room was quiet as the men watched curiously.
“do you even know how to care for a child?” Koko asked genuinely and the others couldn’t help but agree “I raised Senju, at least this time I don’t have to teach them about periods” Sanzu said slightly annoyed while draping his jacket over the boy.
“he will never know pain and suffering again” Sanzu said coldly while holding the boy closer and the room felt a shiver at the empty tone in that man’s voice.
God help anyone who hurts the child if Sanzu.
“Well daddy Sanzu, you should probably get him home and actually get child supplies” Ran said teasingly “kids need a bed time”
“don’t come in tomorrow” Mikey said bluntly while staring down his second “what do you mean?” Sanzu said confused, eyes scrunching together “be with him”
“he needs his dad”
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messers-moony · 3 years
Loyalty’s | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Potter!Fem!Reader
Summary: Instead of Regulus obeying the Dark Lord his loyalty’s lie with his girlfriend and becomes a spy for the Order.
The house was quiet. That was rare, especially after Fleamont and Euphemia took in Sirius Black. James and Sirius were like brothers, always causing mischief inside the manor while the younger Potter kept to herself more. Y/n Potter was only a year younger than James but was just as loved. Sirius Black became her brother just as much as James was, along with the other two Marauders. Unbeknownst to her brother - brothers if you will - she had been dating someone since her fifth year.
Y/n was in her seventh year while James and Sirius had graduated. James had already married Lily, and the war was raging on. Y/n was home for winter break. The Potter residence was to its fullest capacity. Remus and Sirius staying in the guest bedrooms. Y/n staying in her bedroom. James and Lily in James’ room. Fleamont and Euphemia had their master bedroom as well. It was dark outside, and all the young adults were in bed when a knock echoed on the door.
Fleamont held his wand tightly in his right hand as he approached the door. Euphemia was present at St. Mungo's for the night, and Fleamont was waiting for her to return home, but she never knocked. Hesitantly he made his way to the door and flung it open. Instantly Fleamonts wand made its presence known on the male's neck. The male had wavy black hair, grey-blue eyes, and sharp features. Resembling Sirius Black almost perfectly. The man gulped at the wand placed pointed at his throat.
“Sirius! James!”
Footsteps, “Yes, Mr. Potter?”
“ What’s up, dad?”
Both young adults focused on the man at the door, “No….” Sirius whimpered.
“What are you doing here!” Sirius yelled in distress, “Security question, Sirius.” Fleamont scolded.
“Where was my favorite place to hide when we were kids?” Sirius questioned, “Under Uncle Alphard’s cherry blossom tree.” He replied.
Fleamont didn’t back down, “What are you doing here?”
“I didn’t come here to see Sirius.” The man stated, “I came to see Y/n.”
James and Fleamont tensed, “What do you want with my daughter?” Fleamonts voice was stern and rigid.
“I-“ He swallowed, “I need to speak with her, please.”
“Regulus… You don’t know what you’re doing.” Sirius commented, “Please, Mr. Potter.” Regulus begged.
“James-“ Fleamont ordered, and James stood tall, “Go get your sister.”
He didn’t need any further instruction and woke his sister up, bringing her downstairs. There Y/n saw her father's wand to his neck. Before throwing her arms around him, she needed a security question. The pleading look in Regulus’ eyes broke her heart to pieces, but a war was going on.
Y/n’s heart raced, and her palms felt sweaty, but this was a question only he’d genuinely know, “When- When did we start dating?”
“November 16, 1976.”
“Reggie!” Y/n whimpered, throwing her arms around him.
Regulus held her back with the same amount of pressure. Holding her tight to his chest and never wanting to let go. The smell of her shampoo resonated in his nose and the faint breathing from her nose rested on the crook of his neck—a feeling he never wanted to lose. The world seemed to have stopped at that moment. Christmas break had been hell for Regulus so far, but now he felt hopeful.
But people were watching, and James snatched Y/n back, “Dating?! Are you bloody crazy?!”
“James-“ Fleamont began but was hastily cut off, “No, dad! She’s insane! Regulus is one of them! He’s a bloody death eater!” James exclaimed.
Sirius snapped, “He’s still my brother, ya’ know. If he’s here, then he’s defying mother’s orders. Let him talk.”
“C’mon. Everyone in the kitchen.”
The table was relatively large. It could seat eight. Fleamont took his usual seat at the end of the table. James sat on his left and Sirius on James’ left. Regulus sat in front of James and Y/n in front of Sirius. Regulus couldn’t face his brother at the minute because Sirius’ proud eyes were going to turn into disappointment soon enough.
Regulus held Y/n’s right hand tightly, “Lift your sleeve.” Fleamont ordered.
The younger Black brother obeyed; there it was; on his left forearm, “So it’s true. You obey the Dark Lord.” Fleamont commented.
“Dad please-“ Y/n began.
Heads turned, “No?”
“No. I bare the mark, but I don’t obey.” Regulus stated coldly, “My loyalty’s lie with Y/n. She’s told me about the order, and I want to be your spy.”
James ran his fingers through his hair, “You told him! Y/n!”
“James, come off it!” Y/n scoffed.
“You want to be a spy for the order?” Sirius repeated, and Regulus nodded, retaking Y/n’s hand, “Yes, but there’s something I need to tell you all. Something I’ve found out.”
They leaned in, intrigued, “The Dark Lord has horcruxs. He’s split his soul into multiple different parts. I know where one of them is.” Regulus informed.
“How did you find this out?” Sirius inclined, “I told you, my loyalty’s lie with my girlfriend - you know, the girl I plan to marry - I’m a spy. Not a pawn.” Regulus countered.
James coughed, “You are not marrying my sister.”
“I’m afraid that isn’t your call.” Y/n retorted, crossing her arms, “Cut it out both of you.” Fleamont scolded.
“We’ll have to come back to you on whether or not you can join. However, you can stay with Y/n in her bedroom for the time being.” Fleamont informed, and James gawked, “Absolutely not! Sirius and Regulus can share. I don’t want him near her.”
Fleamont turned his head slowly towards his son, “James Fleamont Potter-“ He began in a low tone making James stiffen, “Y/n and Regulus will share a room. If he is stupid enough to try something while in my house, then I’ll be damned.”
“Remus, Sirius, and you will only be a room away. Hopefully-“ Mr. Potter turned to Regulus, “He knows better than to try something.”
“With all due respect, sir, I’d never purposely put Y/n in any way of danger. That’s why she didn’t know about the horcruxs.” Regulus stated, and Fleamont looked pleased, “We’ll work on it. Now, all of you, back to bed.”
When the four of them reached the hallway upstairs, James grabbed Regulus' collar, “We need to have a talk.”
Without another word, Sirius, Regulus, and James stepped into Sirius’ bedroom, knowing Lily was asleep. Hopefully, Remus was too. Y/n gave an audible sigh and walked into her bedroom. She was slightly organizing it and grabbing clothes that she had stolen from Regulus back at Hogwarts. Thankfully she made out. Y/n had one of Regulus’ hoodies and pair of sweatpants. Twenty minutes later, Regulus walked into the room.
“Um- I- Here.” Y/n stuttered, handing him the clothes, and he quietly changed, “I’m sorry about James.”
“No need for you to be sorry, love.” Regulus replied as he slipped on the sweatpants, “I know he’s protective. I’ve also got the mark.”
Y/n stood up and embraced him tightly, “That mark doesn’t make you a monster.”
“It makes me feel like one.”
“I know, but-“ Y/n pulled away slightly, looking him in the eyes, “Did you mean what you said out there?”
“Mean what, my love?”
“That your loyalty’s lie with me?”
Regulus smiled, “Of course, I did.”
The following days went by quietly. Regulus wouldn’t speak about the confrontation with James, but Y/n didn’t mind. But she didn’t miss the glares James sent his way every time he’d get close. Strangely enough, Remus was the most protective over her. Euphemia had been hospitable in his stay, providing for him as she did Sirius. It wasn’t until Christmas Day when Regulus got the news.
They all sat together in the sitting room, “You’re approved.” Fleamont stated.
“You can be our spy. Dumbledore believes the information you’ve given us is worthy of trust.”
Sirius could’ve cried out of joy, “Oh, Reggie.”
Both boys hugged for the first time since they were kids. James smiled fondly at them. Happy for Sirius that he got his little brother back. The boys sat beside each other. Sirius had his usual Sirius-like smirk placed upon his face. The same smirk he had before he made a joke.
“Seems like all it took was the Potter charm.” Sirius nudged Regulus’ elbow, making him blush, “Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, for letting him stay. It means a lot to me.”
“You know Mum, always taking in strays.” James teased, “James Potter!” Euphemia scolded with a bright grin.
Y/n shrugged, “He’s not wrong.”
“There’s an envelope under the tree for you, Regulus dear.” Euphemia commented before leaving into the kitchen, and Regulus stiffened, “It’s a present, not a howler.” Fleamont added, making him relax.
Regulus’ fingers reached for the green-colored envelope. Inside laid a paper in both James and Fleamonts handwriting. The paper inside made him gleeful. It was possible the best Christmas gift he could’ve ever received, and Regulus was a spoiled baby at the Black manor.
“You have my permission to marry my daughter.” -F.P
“Take care of my sister, or I’ll have your head!” -J.P
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bubbleteaimagines · 3 years
End Up Here
Porco Galliard Oneshot
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Summary: How did you end up in your captors bed of all places, contemplating on staying?
Pairings: Porco Galliard x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, fingering, light spanking and hair pulling, creampie, unprotected sex (please wrap it every man is not porco)
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how did this happen? you wonder, as his rough hands, calloused from war and stained with the blood of countless enemies, roam over your body.
how did i end up here? you think, while his lips, plump and puffy, lean down to capture your own. they taste sweet, a stark contrast from how he actually was.
he hated you, didn’t he? and you hated him. at least, that’s how it had been for months, with you locked up in a marley jail cell.
after the attack on liberio, you had been one of the survey corps members to miss the plane and ended up stuck in marley. after that, you were taken as a prisoner of war and left in the custody of the warriors, or what was left of them.
with zeke being gone, reiner, pieck and porco had been the ones to look after you, questioning you for information and such.
of course, with reiner’s mission to paradis you already knew him. in fact, you thought it was absolutely hilarious how hypocritical he sounded while asking you why exactly you guys had attacked marley.
“i could ask you the same thing, reiner,” you had spat coldly, thinking back to that day seven years ago.
that was the only time you had ever seen reiner flinch, your glare causing his head to throb.
admittedly, before all of this, before all of the mess and the lies and the betrayal, you and reiner had actually been close once upon a time.
there was a time that you had idolized reiner, wanting to be just like the older boy. you wanted to be strong, you wanted to protect those around you.
you looked up to reiner as someone that was good, and the thought disgusted you.
how could you have idolized someone who caused so much destruction? someone who started a war with innocent people?
as you kissed porco back, your hands going to run through his hair, you supposed you did end up like your idol after all.
a hypocrite.
of course, you hadn’t always been that way. in the beginning, you truly did hate porco.
you hated the way he stalked around, glaring at you like you were the devil itself. you hated the way he talked, spitting insults left and right. but most of all, you hated how he wore that damn armband proudly, as if it made him any better than you.
you were the same, and porco hated you for constantly pointing it out. he hated the way you were so stubborn, never giving information but always having something to say nevertheless.
he hated the way you smirked, knowing they’d never get anything out of you but death. and most of all, he just hated how annoying you were.
for months, the two of you went back and forth like the enemies you were. glaring each other down, providing insults instead of answers.
honestly, who would have thought that one day you’d be beneath him, whimpering from his touch and moaning out his name as he left sloppy kisses down your neck?
you sure didn’t.
you were supposed to hate him.
but all that changed in a blink of an eye.
you don’t quite remember what it was, but one day you found yourself hating porco a little less than the day before. actually, you did remember. it was the one day you had seen porco show any emotion other than hatred. the one day of the year he just couldn’t bring himself to hate anyone, not even you.
his brother’s birthday.
you had watched, partially amazed, as porco lit twenty-three candles for marcel. even when he was on duty, he couldn’t forget to honor him.
when you had asked porco about it, genuinely curious, he told you his story and it was then that you saw him become more...human.
was that what it was? was that what lured you into his bed, lured you into melting at the way his honey eyes stared at you?
there had been more after that.
after that day, after seeing that porco was in fact capable of human emotions, you decided to test him. would he show you some sympathy if he heard your own story? would he still think of you as a devil if he knew you guys weren’t all that different?
he didn’t.
after you told him about your own brother, about how he had been killed that day shiganshina fell, something inside porco softened.
perhaps it was guilt. perhaps it was actually sympathy that drove him to understand, but he did.
he understood you then. why you joined the survey corps, why you idolized someone like reiner. why you had attacked marley.
he understood it all.
he understood that it was all for him, all for your brother.
and then he began to understand that you guys weren’t all that different after all.
he often curses himself for that. for him, that was the starting point of it all. if he had just turned his back away, if he had just rolled his eyes and told you that he didn’t care about your pathetic life story, that it still made you no less than a devil, then maybe, just maybe, you wouldn’t be under him in that moment.
“porco...” a breathy moan left your lips as the boy teased you with his fingers, hovering right over your arousal just to torture you. he liked seeing you like this, an island devil flustered by him, begging him to please her any way he could. “please.”
“please what?” his smirk was cruel, tilting his head in mock confusion as if he didn’t already know what you wanted. “use your words babygirl.”
you groaned. you hated when he teased you, but you weren’t gonna get anything out of him any other way. “please just touch me already! i can’t take it anymore!”
your body was aching for him, months of pent up longing for him just begging to be released.
luckily, porco wasn’t that cruel.
not long after your request, he found himself obliging, quickly yanking off your soaked panties. a low groan escaped his throat as your sweet aroma filled the air, pussy gleaming in the moonlight.
“is this all for me babygirl?” he asks, taking a finger to rub against your wet folds.
a whimper leaves your lips at the sudden contact, your hips bucking up for more.
“y-yes,” you can barley contain your excitement as you nod eagerly, causing porco to smirk. “yes it’s all for you, pock.”
“good,” he looks satisfied and decides that you deserve some attention. gently, he spreads your legs and then those long fingers of his begin to sink into your tight cunt, filling you just how you liked it.
“fuck!” you threw your head back, squeezing your eyes shut as porco began to move.
“don’t come yet,” he teases, knowing just how fast he can make you come undone.
you lift your head up to glare at him, but the sudden addition of another finger makes your anger quickly fade away.
“o-okay,” you’re a stuttering mess under him and porco loves it.
“that’s it,” he cooes, bringing a hand up to play with your nipples as he finger-fucks you. “you love my fingers, don’t you baby?”
if you were in any other position then maybe porco would get answers. but you were too occupied; too focused on the pleasure and the way he filled you beautifully to even get a word out.
“you’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” porco accuses as he assaults that one sweet spot over and over again. he knows it— he can see it in the way your face is scrunching up and he can feel the way you’re clenching around him. so good, so tight, his cock begins to twitch in anticipation.
“i- yes,” you moan out weakly, your eyes beginning to roll back.
“good,” he smirks as he feels your body shaking. “cum for me, baby. let me taste that sweet pussy.”
to edge you on further — not like you needed it — porco bends down and immediately latches his mouth to your sensitive nub. he sucks sweetly on your pussy, eager for what’s to come as he pumps his fingers in and out of you viciously.
“porco,” you moan his name as the coil in your stomach begins to unravel. your legs shake, and pleasure clouds your every sense but that doesn’t mean porco is stopping. as you scream and moan out his name, desperately grabbing at his slicked-back hair, porco continues lapping at your pussy and pleasuring you until he feels satisfied.
once he is, he pulls away from your pussy and grins at the way you’re shaking underneath him, breathing heavily. honey-colored eyes lean over to meet your own and you can see they’re filled with absolute lust, your slick juices dribbling down his chin.
“on your knees,” he demands, no longer being able to take it. his cock is itching to be free, itching to be inside of you and porco feels like he’s about to burst.
“y-yes sir,” you nod slowly, your eyes still clouded over but you’ve got the right idea as you shakily turn over, turning your ass up and stuffing your face in the pillow.
“atta girl,” porco cooes with delight as your slick pussy gleams right in front of him, begging him to fill it with his cum.
“fuck,” he curses involuntarily as he moves to situate himself behind you. then, porco finally relieves himself from his pants and hisses as his cock springs free.
“you’re gonna take me so good baby,” he tells you, gently rubbing himself over your folds, just enough to tease you. “you ready?”
“yes,” you nod eagerly, wiggling your ass a little at him. this is the moment you’ve been waiting for all night— the opportunity to be stuffed with porco’s thick cock.
“good girl,” he praises you before finally settling himself at your entrance, reaching up to lighty smack your ass.
your hips buck a little at the sudden sting but then your body is completely relaxed as porco begins to push himself in, a moan leaving both of your lips.
porco can’t believe how tight you are, even after his fingers. it feels like your pussy is sucking him in and he has to steady himself as he sinks in deeper.
“pock,” a whimper escapes your throat, your mouth dropping in an ‘o’ shape as he fills you deliciously. “fuck, baby— you feel so good.”
your pussy is throbbing, soft mewls leaving your lips as you involuntarily buck your hips for more. you can feel every moment from porco as he slides in until he’s buried at the hilt, stuffing you nice and full.
“haven’t even gotten started yet baby,” he grins, and then once he’s settled in he begins to pick up the pace.
porco was never a patient man, so it’s no surprise when he immediately starts to buck his hips into you, starting at a steady pace.
“fuck, pock,” his name is the only thing in your vocabulary as your eyes roll back again, a hazy smile on your face as porco fucks you just right. his strokes are deep, passionate, and he stretches you out in way that fills you with absolute pleasure.
“baby,” porco has a hard time controlling himself but he’s managing, playing with your bouncing tits and occasionally slapping your ass to distract himself. “you feel so good around me, you know what?”
“uhhh!” you gasp when he grabs your hair, forcing your back to arch even further and allowing him to go even deeper. fuck, this is just what he wanted, a smirk on his face as he watches your face become unintelligible.
“there we go,” porco chuckles as you begin to clench around him again. and god, if you don’t feel absolutely incredible. porco swears he’s in heaven right now, which is ironic because he’s fucking an island devil.
“that’s the spot, isn’t it?” he’s growing cockier by minute as he watches you begin to unfold underneath him.
gasps and moans reply to him instead of words, your hands going to grip anything you can find. subconsciously, porco begins to fuck you even faster and pulls your hair tighter.
he knows he’s got you on the ropes when you start explicitly moaning for him, begging for him to bring you to your release. your pussy is already dribbling with juices, the sheets beneath you stained but you want more. you want him and porco’s gonna give it to you.
“almost there sweetheart,” he promises, feeling himself on the verge of his own orgasm. and god, he can’t wait until he fills you up.
he knows that’s what you want, too, but he’s determined to get you there first. reaching down, porco rubs at your clit which only sends more pleasure rippling through you. he keeps his pace rough yet steady, abusing your g-spot over and over again before finally, you come undone.
a scream leaves your lips as you cream all over porco’s cock, arms and legs going limp. you see stars and porco has to physically hold you up. but he’s still fucking you though, still pleasuring you right up until the moment comes for his own release.
“fuck, y/n!”
your name falls from his lips like a prayer, porco screwing his eyes shut as he cums deep inside of your womb. and you can feel him— every inch of him as he stills and continues pumping you full of his cum, your pussy milking him until there’s nothing left.
“you’re the devil, baby,” porco says, out of breath as he slowly pulls out of you. there’s a trail of cum that dribbes down your leg as he does so, and porco smirks when he realizes he really did stuff you.
even then, you whine at the sudden loss, your pussy sore yet still aching for him.
you know you won’t be able to take another orgasm though, not like this. and so you settle for porco’s touch elsewhere, snuggling into him after he wipes you off and then holds you close to his chest.
“a devil you say?” you smile lazily, turning your body towards him to look him in his honey eyes.
“oh yes, the worst kind at that,” he smirks but you know he’s only joking. “using sex to lure me in.”
“how ironic, since i recall that it was you who wanted me in the first place,” you snort.
porco acts mocked surprised, but he knows its true. he’s the one that fell for you first, against all odds. and now...now he had you in his arms, resting comfortably but the future was still uncertain for you both.
“what will you...what will you do now?” he dares to ask, peering at you curiously. “will you go back to that island, or...?”
“i wasn’t aware i was allowed to leave,” you tell him honestly, looking down. gently though, porco raises your head up again.
“you know i wouldn’t keep you here against your will,” he says quietly, frowning. “if you wanna go back, i’ll...i’ll help you.”
it pains porco to say this and you can see it in his face. he doesn’t want you to go— but if going home was truly your desire then he’d make it happen.
“that’s the thing, though,” you tell him, slightly biting your lip. “i don’t...i don’t know if i do, not anymore.”
“what?” porco frowns. “b-but it’s...it’s your home, isn’t it? why wouldn’t you wanna go back? it’s not like you have any reason to stay.”
“i do now,” you say softly, looking at him through your lashes.
you wait a couple of seconds to get his reaction, and when you do, porco is undeniably shocked.
he can’t believe what he’s hearing. it’s almost too good to be true.
“you’d...you’d stay here, for me?” he asks incredulously, looking at you with wide eyes. “but why? you know we can’t— it’s forbidden for us to be together.”
“wouldn’t be the first time we broke the rules,” you chuckle softly, referencing your naked bodies and the fact that you weren’t even supposed to be out of your cell right now.
“that’s true,” porco muses, but he still continues. “you have your whole life back in paradis, though. staying in marley, staying with me, it’ll only bring you pain.”
it almost sounds like he’s trying to scare you away. like he wants you to go home, but you know that’s not the case. you know that all porco is saying is the truth. you were a prisoner in marley after all, you couldn’t be with him. but still...
“it’s better than being an entire ocean away from you,” you say, shaking your head. “waiting for you every night. wondering if i’ll ever see you again.”
“you know what this means, then? if you stay...” porco trails off.
“if i stay then i’m with you. one hundred percent, and we’ll find a way,” you promise him.
porco grins. “you’re always so stubborn,” he says affectionately, stroking your face. he remembers a time when he hated that about you, but now it’s one of his favorite traits. “i gotta say— having a secret rendezvous has always been on my goal-list.”
“oh,” you lightly punch his arm. “shut up. this is serious, pock.”
“i am,” he defends himself. “the war is over. the yeagerists are gone— i need something spicy in my life again.”
“god— you’re so stupid sometimes, you know that?” you giggle as porco grins, loving the way he can make you laugh.
“you’ve told me that on multiple occasions,” he says, “but i think this one just might be my favorite.”
“everything about this night is perfect,” you sigh, pressing your hand against his. “i never want it to end. especially not by going back to a jail cell.”
“hey...let’s just be grateful we ended up here,” porco says. “don’t think about tomorrow— just focus on the fact that we have tonight.”
“i think i can do that,” you smile softly. after all, how could you not?
you’re in the arms of the man that you fell for. comfortable and safe, even it’s only for a few hours.
it was strange, really, how the person you once hated the most became your reason to stay. but you supposed that destiny would always find a way, and if yours just so happened to be intertwined with porco’s then dammit you’d find a way, too.
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definitelyseven · 3 years
hurts so good | ten
summary: growing up with Park Jinyoung was never easy and things are about to get worse when you’ve been asked to marry him
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine | ten | eleven | twelve - final |
“Give me a reason to stay,” you said. “Something, anything!” you practically begged.
But he doesn’t say anything. He just stares at you, blankly. You feel your tears roll down your cheeks as you rolled your eyes at him. 
You sniffled before wiping them away. “You can’t even tell me a lie and ask me to stay, can you?” 
He keeps quiet and you continued to stare at him. You looked at him from head to toe - taking in every single detail on his face. This will be the last time you look at him this way. You grabbed your things and walk past him. Jinyoung follows you downstairs to the garage. 
“Goodbye Jinyoung,” you tell him while putting the last piece of luggage in the car. 
“I’ll call you,” he said. 
“Once I’ve settled down, I’ll have my lawyer give you a call.”
“Will you think about it for a couple of days?” he asked, softly. “I think you’re making a mistake.”
“My decision won’t change,” you said, firmly. 
“What decision?” Jaebum asked as he enters the garage. 
“None of your business,” Jinyoung responded. 
“Y/N, will you come with me to visit Chaewon?” Jaebum asked. You hesitated, knowing how mad she will be if she sees you. “Don’t worry. It’ll be okay,” he assured you. 
Jinyoung decided to follow you both to the hospital. “Will you stop looking at me like that?” He immediately turns away to look outside the window. You never understood him - how he can be hot to you one minute and cold the next. 
“What are you doing here?” Chaewon said bitterly. 
“Stop it,” Jaebum immediately shuts her down. 
“Jae!” you called out. He has no right to be mean to her - not now, not ever. 
“Are you fucking serious? I’m the one that lost a baby. I’m the one that’s hurting and you’re blaming me?” she said, teary. 
“No. No, he’s not blaming you. He’s just as hurt as you are,” you tried to help explain.
“Shut up! Shut up! You have no right to explain for my husband! He’s my husband,” she said through gritted teeth.
“Enough!” Jaebum shouts, startling the both of you. “I know what you did,” he said to her, angry. 
“W-what do you mean?”
“You got an abortion,” he revealed. Your eyes widened, shocked at what you just heard. You immediately turn to Jinyoung and then to Jaebum. “The baby wasn’t mine but you made me believe it was.”
“No...” she cried. “Baby, I really thought it was yours. I really did,” she tried to explain. 
“When you found out the baby couldn’t have been mine, you decided to get an abortion. You needed someone to blame and you picked Y/N. You wanted to punish her for my wrongdoing.”
“She’s your brother’s wife for God’s sake,” Chaewon cried. “I’m your wife,” she whimpered as she reached for Jaebum’s hand. He moves it away from her. You knew he was disappointed. “You love her - you always did. You always will. You don’t think I know? That’s why I drank so much that night - that’s how I got pregnant with someone else’s baby.”
“You still shouldn’t have blamed, Y/N.”
“God, even now...you’re on her side!” she shouts through her tears. “She’s the reason this happened!”
“She’s my wife,” Jinyoung interrupts. He grabs your hand and waves it in front of them. “She will never be with him. You have nothing to worry about.”
You stood there frozen. You never knew Chaewon felt that way. You never thought that your existence would cause so much pain to everyone around you. 
“She’s my wife,” Jinyoung repeated. “Do you know how much pain you’ve caused her?” You could tell he was starting to get angry. 
“Do you know how much pain she caused me? I do one little thing to her and the both of you come to her rescue. What about me? What about me?” she asked, sobbing. 
“I-I’m sorry,” you whimpered. This is all your fault. “I never knew my existence would cause you so much pain,” you cried as you ran out of the room. You can hear Jinyoung run after you but you don’t stop. 
“Be careful!” he screams at you before pulling you out of the road. “Are you trying to kill yourself?” he asked, angrily.
“I wish it killed me!” you shouted back. "Every bone in my body hurts and I just want it to stop! I want it to stop!” you sobbed. 
“Tell me how I can make it stop baby,” he said stroking your hair. “Cry it all out,” he whispers against your temple. You shut your eyes tightly, letting the tears fall.
“S-stop,” you pulled away from him. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t be so nice to me,” you hiccuped. “Don’t pretend you love me.”
“I’m not pretending,” he said cupping your cheeks. You shake your head. 
“It doesn’t matter,” you said pulling away from him once again. “None of it matters anymore.”
It’s been a week since you told Jinyoung you wanted a divorce. Before you left, you made sure he knew that you were never going to change your mind - you’ve had enough. 
“Don’t forget to water the tomatoes,” you father shouted from the other side of the garden. 
It was relaxing, peaceful to be away from Jinyoung and his family. You didn’t realize how exhausting trying to please his family was until you left. You felt like you could finally breathe again and the air was so much nicer here.  
“Y/N,” you hear someone shout from behind. You turned around and to your surprise it was Jisoo. She was the last person you ever expected to see here. 
“What do you want?” you said coldly. “How do you even know I’m here?”
“Jinyoung told me.”
You scoffed, “Of course.”
“I’m here to convince you to go home-”
“I am home,” you interrupted. 
“Home with Jinyoung,” she clarifies. “It’s like he’s gone mad without you.”
You let out a loud sigh before turning the hose off. “I can’t imagine him being that upset without me.”
“What do you mean? He loves you so much,” she said.
“Really? How come I never knew that?” you asked, jokingly. “Or even felt it?”
“He was never good at showing how much he loves someone,” she continues to explain for him.
“Why are you here Jisoo? You can finally have him now.”
“What are you talking about?” she asked, approaching you. 
“Jinyoung loves you - he always has and always will. You say he doesn’t know how to show he loves someone but I always knew he loved you. I felt it. You were the one he should’ve married,” you said. 
Isn’t it ironic - this is exactly what Chaewon is feeling. You should know better than anyone else how she’s feeling. 
She chuckles, “Hearing you say that - I know 100% you misunderstood Jinyoung and my relationship with him.”
You looked at her confused as she continued to approach you. 
“Jinyoung never loved me. He always loved you and only you,” she revealed. 
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Prompt: Post-canon, Nie Huaisang drops the 'Headshaker' facade and his disciples stop pretending they think he's incompetent, and a bunch of Sect Leaders who are used to being able to step all over Qinghe Nie are suddenly faced with a cunning, brilliant leader who Takes Absolutely No Shit.
Associates - Part 1 - ao3
Untamed verse
“I’m sorry,” Nie Huaisang said, so shocked that he didn’t even raise his fan in front of his face. “You want me to what now?”
“Help,” Lan Wangji said. He was seated across from Nie Huaisang, as stiff-backed and formal as if they were having a discussion conference banquet rather than a meal in Nie Huaisang’s private quarters in the Unclean Realm.
“Yes, I gathered as much,” Nie Huaisang said. “Two questions: Help with what? And – why me?”
Lan Wangji’s brow wrinkled minutely, which for the Lan sect suggested a state of extreme stress. “Brother has entered seclusion.”
“I know that,” Nie Huaisang said, firmly ignoring the niggling feeling of guilt. If Lan Xichen hadn’t wanted to be completely wrecked as collateral damage in Nie Huaisang’s revenge plan, he shouldn’t have tried to take Jin Guangyao’s side even after he knew what he’d done.
His da-ge deserved better than that. Especially from Lan Xichen.
“I have been appointed Chief Cultivator,” Lan Wangji said.
“I know that, too,” Nie Huaisang said. “I sent you a present in congratulations, didn’t I?”
Lan Wangji gave him a dead-eyed look, which meant he’d received it.
“I thought you and Wei Wuxian would enjoy it,” Nie Huaisang protested, hiding his twitching lips behind his fan. His favorite, as always – he might switch them out on a regular basis, but he always came back to this one, the one his brother had given him long, long ago. It served as a reminder that he should trust no one, which was a concept his stupid heart had a tendency to otherwise forget. “I understand that appropriate preparation is a very important part of the proceedings –”
The dead-eyed looked turned into a glare, and Nie Huaisang coughed into his hand and stopped talking about the jade phallus and jar of lubricant that he’d sent to the Cloud Recesses in a discreet package under the guise of a congratulations gift.
He really hoped he was lucky enough that Lan Wangji had opened it in front of other people, but sadly he suspected the other man knew him too well to do that.
“Speaking of which, have you married him yet?” he asked, ignoring his hurt at not having been informed. He hadn’t expected an invitation to the happy event itself, of course; Wei Wuxian had made very clear what he’d thought about what Nie Huaisang had done – don’t associate with evil. There was a reason that Nie Huaisang had carefully returned to referring to Wei Wuxian by name, rather than casually. But not even to receive a letter informing him of it having happened…?
“I have not,” Lan Wangji said. When Nie Huaisang goggled at him, disbelieving, he shifted minutely in his seat and said, “He wanted to travel. I – could not.”
“Well, of course you couldn’t,” Nie Huaisang said blankly. “You’re the Lan sect heir. If your brother goes into seclusion, then responsibility for managing your sect falls to you – and of course you were just named Chief Cultivator – wait, are you doing both jobs by yourself?”
Lan Wangji nodded.
Nie Huaisang had a momentary feeling of sincere pity, and then the true horror sunk in.
“And you’re asking me to help you?!” he yowled. “Hanguang-jun! You can’t be serious! Don’t you know what everyone says about me? Me, the hapless ‘I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know’, the one they all call the Headshaker?”
“I know what they call you,” Lan Wangji said, stoic as ever. “I also know what they said about Wei Ying, and about Lianfeng-zun. There is not much gain in listening to what people say.”
“I don’t think those are comparable situations,” Nie Huaisang complained, but even he had to admit it was a bit of a weak response.
“No?” Lan Wangji said. “Then you are not the man who drove Lianfeng-zun into a corner with no route of escape?”
Well, when he put it that way.
“That doesn’t mean I know anything about running a sect,” Nie Huaisang pointed out. “Sure, I’ve managed, but I had –” Er-ge and san-ge do it. “- help.”
“They each had their own sects to run,” Lan Wangji pointed out in return. “You must have done much of it yourself.”
“But –”
“Nie Huaisang,” Lan Wangji said, and Nie Huaisang blinked. Lan Wangji hadn’t called him as informally as that in years, and certainly never since he became Sect Leader. “Please. As a favor to me.”
Nie Huaisang pursed his lips and looked down at his plate, reaching out and playing with his teacup.
It was a low blow, that.
Pity for Lan Wangji that low blows didn’t work on him anymore.
“We used to be friends, once,” Nie Huaisang said, not looking up. “A long time ago – do you remember? I was seven, you were eight, it was right after my father died. I slept in your room.”
He’d had screaming nightmares back then, and they were worse when he was alone. It hadn’t been just about his father, either, but his brother, the memory of fear in his eyes and bruises on his face, the desperate way he’d pleaded for Nie Huaisang to agree to go to Gusu just for a little while, the persistent worry about what was happening back home once he’d agreed, the haunting thoughts of losing him in the same way he’d lost his father…
Lan Wangji hadn’t been much of a talker back then, either, but he’d crawled into the cot they’d set up for Nie Huaisang in his room and had held his hand, right up until he’d passed out like clockwork at nine. His steady breathing had reminded Nie Huaisang of his brother, calming his nerves, and eventually he’d started confiding in him. Telling him all his fears – the secrets he’d guessed about the Nie family cultivation he only half-understood – the qi deviations –
“I remember,” Lan Wangji said.
“Later, when I came back to the Cloud Recesses to learn for the first time, I was so excited to see you again, and so disappointed to find out you were preparing to go into seclusion. When I snuck over to see you, you chased me away – and when you came out, you only spoke to me long enough to scold me about how I wasn’t obeying the rules properly. I thought you were embarrassed to be seen with me.”
Lan Wangji said nothing. He probably had been. With the benefit of hindsight and age, Nie Huaisang could even understand: adolescence was such a prickly age, and little things seemed so important.
“I was angry at you back then,” Nie Huaisang said. “Very angry – but all I did was start treating you coldly, calling you Lan-er-gongzi instead of Lan Zhan, waiting for you to remember that you liked me. And then the next year we had all those adventures together, you and me and Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian, and of course we were close again during the war. You remember, I’m sure, how we used to stay together every time you came back to the Cloud Recesses or visited the Unclean Realm, how I couldn’t do anything for the war but worry, couldn’t do anything but keep you company, but you said it helped to lift your spirits before you headed out again. I even sent you letters after what happened with Wei-xiong– with Wei Wuxian. The siege of the Burial Mounds. I knew how close you were, and I wanted to comfort you if I could...but you never responded to any of them.”
He shook his head and rolled the teacup from one hand to another.
“And then you didn’t show up when my brother died. In seclusion again! For years and years! The honorable Hanguang-jun, always thinking about his cultivation; what a good seed you are, a pride and joy to your sect. Just like everyone always said.”
“I didn’t have a choice,” Lan Wangji said. His voice was very quiet, a little hoarse. “I was not well.”
Nie Huaisang shrugged. “No one ever explained, either then or thereafter. And no one else ever guessed ‘busy mourning the death of the love of your life’ was the reason, either, so I don’t know why you would expect me to.”
“You never spoke to me again,” Lan Wangji said, his jaw and throat working. He’d tried, a few times, but Nie Huaisang had looked through him as if he wasn’t there, twittering like a foolish little bird with only the most formal of addresses on his lips. “Only in passing, when you came to visit my brother.”
“As I’m sure you’ve realized by now, I’m very good at holding a grudge,” Nie Huaisang said, and put his teacup down. He knew perfectly well that he was being unfair, that he was being cruel and selfish and completely disregarding the many ways he had undoubtedly been unfair to Lan Wangji in turn through lack of consideration or otherwise. But he was cruel and selfish, his mission this past decade and more evidence enough of that, and that old pain of abandonment had lingered far past the point of reason. Still lingered, if he was being honest. “I’m sorry that you’re struggling, and for my part in it, but you’re going to have to do better than please.”
Lan Wangji was quiet, bowing his head. After a time, he said, “I was in recovery during that period. I did not learn about what had happened to your brother until – until much later. It was kept from me so as not to disturb me as I was healing...I can show you the remaining marks, if you wish.”
“That’d be something,” Nie Huaisang said, because he was a petty person like that. Because that had hurt back then, thinking that Lan Wangji was ignoring him even at that most desperate moment, hurt more than anything.
Well. Not more than anything.
Not more than losing his brother. Than finding out the truth about Jin Guangyao.
Than realizing he was the only one who could right this wrong, and that he would have to do it alone.
“If things had been different,” Lan Wangji said, and he did not lift his head. “If things had gone – otherwise. Would you have trusted me?”
Now it was Nie Huaisang’s turn to bow his head. If he had had Lan Wangji, had trusted Lan Wangji…yes, things might have gone very differently.
For Lan Xichen, at least.
“Perhaps,” he said, unwilling to commit himself but knowing that his mere lack of response said everything. “But enough about the past. Far more importantly - what about the future?”
Lan Wangji blinked at him.
Nie Huaisang sighed. “You’re right. I did learn to run a sect, at least somewhat. I may not be very good at it, but I know all the things a sect leader ought to know – all the secrets, all the gossip, how to commit to nothing while making people think you’ve agreed, who should sit next to who and who shouldn’t, what’s a trap and what isn’t, all the things you’ve never needed to care about it. Your brother made sure I knew it all, and told me many stories about things he was doing to run your sect to use as examples. As you suspected, I can probably help you, even if only in figuring out how to appropriately delegate the work.”
“I may not be a very good custodian of it, but my sect is the only thing I have left,” Nie Huaisang said. “And you may have once been my friend, Lan Zhan, but now you’re the Chief Cultivator. Do not associate with evil. Am I to expect a freeze in trade relations? A subtle ostracization of my disciples? Will I be invited to the discussion conferences, or will people turn their faces away from me?” He shrugged. “You don’t get to play hot and cold with me anymore. You want my help, you stand by my side. No more judgment.”
Lan Wangji was frowning. “As Chief Cultivator, I must be impartial.”
“Just like the last three were? Wen Ruohan, Jin Guangshan, Jin Guangyao…oh yes, impartiality is truly intrinsic to the position, with such grand examples in your predecessors,” Nie Huaisang said archly, and this time he did open his fan. Trust no one. “I’m not asking for favoritism. Equality with all the others, and your support if someone tries to criticize me or remove me, especially for anything to do with Jin Guangyao; that’ll be enough. Well?”
Lan Wangji considered it for a long time.
It wasn’t anything personal – Lan Wangji was a contemplative sort of person – so Nie Huaisang didn’t take offense, just waited, occasionally moving to eat a little of the food.
“Very well,” Lan Wangji finally said. “I agree.”  
Nie Huaisang was ready with his next question, and also a bite of some grilled vegetables, which he swallowed down before speaking. “And if Wei Wuxian doesn’t?”
Lan Wangji’s hands tightened around his knees. “I have said I will defend you. I have not named exceptions.”
“Just checking,” Nie Huaisang said, then smiled and put some of the vegetables into Lan Wangji’s bowl. “Eat up, Lan Zhan! We’re going to have our work cut out for us.”
Lan Wangji nodded. He seemed resigned.
“If you want, I’ll even deal with Jiang Cheng for you,” Nie Huaisang said. “But it’ll cost you.”
Lan Wangji tilted his head to the side, as if it could hide how much his eyes had brightened in anticipation of that particular burden being taken off his back.
“Remember when we were kids and I asked you to do my copying for me?”
A slow blink. “You want me to do paperwork?”
“I want you to do so much paperwork,” Nie Huaisang said emphatically. He even waved his hands around in emphasis, he meant it so strongly. “I’ll tell you what needs to be done and who needs to do it, I’ll show you how to keep the smaller sects in line and how to manage conferences, but if I never see another memorial in my life it will be too soon..!”
“I think,” Lan Wangji said dryly, “that we will be able to devise an equitable division of labor.”
“Old friend!” Nie Huaisang trilled happily, holding out his arms.
“Do not hug me.”
“Ah, Lan Zhan, don’t be like that –”
“Do not hug me.”
“Don’t be so cold! How are we going to get Wei Wuxian back by your side if we don’t put some effort into making him jealous?”
“Well, the way I see it –”
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Walburga Comes for Dinner (one shot)
Regulus Black AU
Summary:  Walburga comes for dinner and sees her children for the first time in a very long time. (goes with the Dinner with the Dursleys and Tuesday night dinner one shot...see below for links)
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: T
Dinner with the Dursleys 
Tuesday Night Dinners 
This will be interesting…
That was the thought that went through your mind when Regulus stepped through the front door after a long day at work. Joanna immediately waddled over to her father, hopping up and down screaming “daddy” until he was able to get his coat off and pay attention to the child.
“Good, Joanna. Get him buttered up.”
You thought as Regulus came into the kitchen snuggling his face against Joanna’s head.
“You look pretty, darling.’’
Regulus commented, looking you over. He was ready for nothing more than a quiet Thursday night. By quiet this meant having dinner, giving Joanna a bath, getting the child in bed without her needing twenty hugs while making Regulus look for a random spider under her bed that she was convinced would eat her toes, and alone time with you. People at the Ministry were driving him batty and Regulus didn’t have the patience for any calamities that night.
“I’m pretty too.”
Joanna said in an extra sassy tone that earned a smile from Regulus.
“Of course you are love. You’re the prettiest little girl ever. Why don’t you go play with your dollhouse?”
Joanna, appeased with Regulus’ comment, didn't fuss when he put her down. She toddled off. Regulus waited until Joanna was quietly amused before wrapping his arms around you.
“Now, as I was saying, you look beyond pretty...absolutely ravishing is more like it.”
You relaxed in Regulus’ arms enjoying the moment of quiet uninterrupted alone time. As much as you didn’t want to, you knew that you had to break the news to him.
“Guess who is coming to dinner?”
“Merlin, I don’t feel like entertaining.”
Regulus groaned. You had expected this reaction. Things were only about to get more interesting.
“It’s your mother.”
Regulus’ mouth dropped. He hadn’t seen his mother in ages. She wasn’t there when Joanna was born or through your pregnancy. Walburga had sworn that she would never speak to Regulus as long as he was married to “that mudblood girl.” Regulus was just fine with his mother’s promise. He had no use for the woman if she was going to insult his wife. All Regulus needed to be happy was Joanna and yourself. Walburga no longer fit into the equation of his life. When Regulus stopped believing in the “Black family way” he realized how messed up everything truly was.
Regulus said, crossing his arms over his chest. You put down the bowl that you were holding. To say that you were looking forward to meeting Walburga was a far stretch. You would much rather it be your mother and father coming for dinner.
“She wants to see you. I suppose she’s feeling guilty about not seeing Joanna yet. Maybe she even feels a bit guilty because she is getting old and has no son to look after her now that your father is dead.”
Regulus mumbled something under his breath before going off to search for the bottle of fire whiskey. He needed some liquid motivation if his mother was going to be stepping foot inside of his home.
“She can go to a home for the elderly. I am not looking after her. I was the good son long enough.”
Regulus commented before smiling coldly.
“Watch this.”
He said before picking up the muggle telephone and calling Sirius. You had picked up your teacup and were keeping an eye on your husband. He was up to something and you had a sneaking suspicion on what he was going to do
“Hey, it's me. Want to come over for dinner?I know you never wait for an invitation. See you at six.”
Regulus hung up the phone before grinning at you.
“He can’t wait to see his mother.”
You shook your head. Now things were about to be a shit show.
An hour later there was a knock at the door. Regulus stood up knowing who that was. Walburga fucking Black was back to ruin his life and cause problems.
“I’ll get it, love.”
He commented before going to the door. Walburga stood on the other side with her usual snobby expression. She forced a smile as she looked at her youngest son. Regulus was handsome and well put together as always.
Regulus kept his tone cold and icy. Walburga expected Regulus’ off-putting and unfriendly attitude. She assumed that he was still angry over her calling you mudblood. In Walburga’s mind, she was correct. Her “darling boy” married a less than desirable woman and this seemed to wedge between the two.
“Come in.”
Regulus said, keeping his eyes locked Walburga’s unfriendly face. He reached out and stopped her before she was able to get too far inside.
“I’m warning you now. If you are the least bit rude to my family, I will not hesitate to throw you out.”
Walburga glared at him. She wanted nothing more than to throw a few nasty mudblood comments out but decided if she didn’t want to die alone it would be in her best interest to be decent.
“I understand.”
Walburga looked around the homey living room. The house was very nice. Clearly, Regulus was doing well for his family.
“Daddy, come play with me.”
Walburga’s head snapped up the moment she heard the little voice that she had been wanting to hear for some time. She would never admit it but she had wanted to see her granddaughter from the time that the birth announcement came in the mail. Walburga had sent Joanna an “add-a-pearl” necklace as a way to say “welcome to the world” and that was that.
Regulus never took the time to send Walburga a photo or anything. Now before her stood the most lovely child that she had ever seen (with the exception of Regulus, of course).
Walburga watched as Regulus bent down to pick the little girl up. Joanna’s raven curls wildly fell down her back as she pressed her face into her father’s cheek. It wasn’t until Joanna pulled away from cuddling Regulus did she notice the new face in the room. She looked at Walburga carefully. Clearly, the little girl was well versed in “not talking to strangers.”
“Joanna, this is your grandma.”
Walbruga forced a small smile as Joanna put her head on Regulus’ shoulder.
She’s shy...just like he used to be.
Watching Regulus with Joanna, made Walburga’s heartache. Had she really lost so much time with her own son? While Walburga had wanted no part of being a mother originally, after losing Sirius then Regulus walking away for a muggle-born she realized how much that she actually loved her children.
“You can sit down, mother. I’m going to check on Y/n.”
Walburga immediately did as her son said as Regulus sat Joanna down.
“Keep grandma company.”
Regulus said softly. Part of him was screaming about leaving his darling baby alone with the hateful old woman but he knew Joanna would cause Walburga more annoyance. That in itself would be amusing enough. Besides, from his place in the kitchen door, Regulus could see the two perfectly.
You had just pulled the ham out of the oven when Regulus stepped into the room.
“Everything okay?”
You questioned. Regulus shrugged.
“She just walked in the door and I already feel like the love has been sucked out of me.”
You put the oven mitts down and wrapped your arms around Regulus’ shoulders. Kissing him softly, you chose to ignore Walburga who was watching the whole thing.
“I’ll suck something else out of you later.”
You said in a low suggestive tone. Regulus slightly blushed to know exactly what you meant and he would argue.
“That sounds tempting. We can throw her out, put the baby in bed, and have all evening alone.”
Before you could respond the back door opened and closed. Sirius stepped into the kitchen and smirked looking at Regulus and yourself.
“It's a wonder I only have one niece. The way you two snog there should be three or four kids running around here.”
Regulus rolled his eyes.
“One is enough. What about your love life?”
Sirius’ amused expression faded.
“Moony can’t get pregnant.”
Regulus put a hand over his face while you quietly laughed.
“How are we related?”
Regulus questioned as Sirius moved to go into the living room to see what his precious little niece was up to. He froze the moment that he saw the biggest demon from hell parked on his little brother’s couch talking to Joanna.
“Oh hell no.”
Sirius snapped before turning to make a line for the door but was stopped when Regulus brought him to the ground.
“If I’m stuck with her then you should be too.”
Sirius fought the urge to scream.
“You’re just evil!”
“Is everything alright in here?”
Both Sirius and Regulus got off of the kitchen floor as Walburga came in. Her cold grey eyes locked on her eldest son. The disappointment returned in full force as she looked between both Sirius and Regulus. While Regulus was dressed in a nice suit, Sirius looked like he had just gotten out of bed in tight clothing that he had worn for a few days.
Sirius decided not to call her “mum” to antagonize her. Regulus fought the urge to put a hand over his face as he remembered you standing beside him.
“Mum, this is my Y/n.”
Walburga’s vulture-like gaze turned to you.
So this is the girl that stole my baby from me.
Walburga thought before muttering a quiet and unfriendly hello. You only nodded. It was probably best that you kept your mouth shut. You were afraid that you would start going off on the woman for the way that she did both of her sons.
“Uncle Siri!”
Sirius had to tear himself away from watching you plot evilly as Joanna came running to him holding her hands out. He quickly reached down and scooped Joanna up, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“Jojo, where have you been all of my life?”
“In the living room. Did you bring me my pony?”
Sirius laughed as Regulus immediately started shaking his head.
“Do you want your daddy to kill me?”
“No, daddy wouldn't notice it if you stuck it in the back garden and tied it to a bush.”
Joanna commented, adding a sneaky little blink. Sirius laughed again.
“First things first, sugar, your daddy is standing right over there and can hear. Let's get you ready to eat.”
Dinner started off smoothly. You tried to speak quietly to Walburga but were only getting one or two-word responses. If you needed any more proof that your mother-in-law didn’t like you...this was it. You could feel Regulus tense beside you.
“It's okay, love.”
You whispered quietly as Sirius leaned back in his chair. He gave you an eyebrow wiggle before speaking.
“So, mum, what got you out of the stone-cold manor? Did you get that steak out of your heart finally? You have surely missed a lot of Joanna’s life...although she doesn't look very concerned.”
Joanna was happily ignoring everyone and nibbling on her little plate of noodles. She didn’t seem the least bit concerned with anything that was going on around her.
“That’s very amusing, Sirius. I thought that the two of you should know that I am remarrying.”
Both Regulus and Sirius dropped their forks as your eyes rolled up, clearly shocked.
“Is that supposed to be a joke?”
Regulus questioned. Sirius started laughing so hard that he had to put his head down.
“Is the guy desperate or already on the verge of death? Did you meet him on evil witch weekly’s personal page?”
Walburga frowned. This was clearly not the reaction that she expected. She had planned on Regulus being a little more supportive than her elder son.
“You’re not funny, Sirius. I decided to meet someone who enjoys my company?”
Sirius snorted.
“Does he enjoy you smacking him around or just ignoring him like you did dad?”
Walburga put her fork down.
“Regulus, do you have anything to say?”
Regulus chuckled. This whole situation was completely ludicrous.
“I thought that you only loved yourself.”
Walburga stood up and threw her napkin down on the table.
“I thought that I would get some support from my son. I didn’t come here to be made a fool.”
Walburga turned and stormed from the house without another word. Joanna was the next to speak.
“Granny needs a nap.”
Sirius nodded and stood up to take his plate to the sink.
“Sure does, Jojo, a nice nap in a big wooden box...six feet under. Who wants cake?”
@amelie-black @vixen @fandomsxxregulus @realgaytrash @acciosiriusblack @fific7 @jessyballet @knreidy1 @wolfstar4lifee @saturntomars @sxsalvatore @georgeweasleydumbhoe @zievyimas @buttercup-beeee @justfinishthis @vvipgot7be @whymyparentscheckmyphone @criminalyetminimal @bennyberry @mimisparkle12 @teletubiswszpilkach @siriuslyceleste @dumybitch @quuenofblacks @lucasfilms77 @spiderxalmighty @moonythemilf @fangirlforever2412 @brokencasbutt67-writer @authoressskr @moldy-old-boot @hankypranky @summer-novak @emiwrites3reads @shaylybaby2032​ @li0nh34rt​ @tas898 @deanwherescas @untoldshortsofthefandoms @knight-of-gleefulness @stuckinsaudi1 @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @sprnaturallover​ @shitfaceddaniel​ @wontlookaway​ @mycuddlycorner​ @rubyroscoe1 @hazncalsgal 
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imeternallylove · 3 years
Hurt You - BBC Sherlock (Part 2)
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Sherlock x Reader
genre: fluffy
words: 821
summary: he wants you back
(gif not mine)
warning: mention of drugs use
part two:
part one
Days past and Sherlock still hadn't heard from you. John and Mary visited to make sure he was eating and sleeping. Mrs. Hudson has taken his gun away. Even Mycroft came here, tried to convince him to play a game, a chess or to deduce something. But. Sherlock was out of the mood. To anyone.
"Sherlock. I know you loved her but, you can't throw your life away over some woman," Mycroft said during one of his visits. "She isn't just some woman," Sherlock told him deathly quiet. "She actually meant a lot me."
If the eyesight can kill a person, Sherlock might be killing Mycroft in thousand times.
Mycroft tries to smile at his brother mine. "And you really think to sit nearly to die here on your sofa will bring her back? Just stop taking this!"
"Nothing is going to bring her back. I finally did it. I finally drove her away," With his back still turned to his brother, Sherlock speaks through gritted teeth. "Mycroft. I place that everywhere. I also have a list! Find it if you want!"
"Have you ever tried talking to her?"
Sherlock rolled his eyes and turned to face away of Mycroft. "Of course not," he muttered into the sofa. "Do you think she will talk to me? I hurt her."
"Well then, luckily for you. I had a little bit of tracing surveillance on our dear Y/N. She seems to be as miserable as you. I would suggest you get off the sofa, maybe take a shower first, throw your things and at least go talk to her."
Sherlock instantly turned to look at his brother, "Is she really miserable?" Mycroft reply. "Maybe better than you," he said, and with that. Sherlock hopped off the couch and ran to the bathroom to finally shower. He was really going to win her back.
"God's Sake! Mycroft! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Sherlock raced out of the flat and over to Molly's house to finally make things right with you. You were gone, however not for long. Not Watson's house. Not Greg's flat! Molly is surely at St Bart's to work. He eagerly knocked on the door and eventually, you responded.
"What do you want?" you washed out asked. Almost dropped your food when you saw Sherlock in the front door. "I need to talk to you. Y/N," Sherlock holds you in his embrace, stroking your hair. "I'm so sorry, sweetheart."
You told him coldly. "Stay away from me," You put down the food on the living room table and take a few steps back as the memories of the fight flooded back into your mind. All you could think of was the angered look at his face and the stinging pain on your cheek that still lingered. "S-Stay away!" You stuttered, shaking in fear as Sherlock took more steps towards you. "Getaway!" You yelled, but still, he slowly made his way towards you.
"Y/N, I-"
"Get away from me!" You shouted, cutting off his attempts to speak. The tears that were gone came back as you broke down, sliding down through the wall. "Just leave me alone." You mumbled between sobs. "Y/N, look up at me." Sherlock softly asks. You felt your head hidden behind your arms, refusing his request. "Please?", Sherlock asked again, urging you to follow along. Slowly, you lift up your head. Your eyes widened when you saw his puffy, red eyes.
You watched Sherlock get up and go back to the entrance. Not knowing what to do, you wiped your tears away and stayed where you were at. The sound of plastic crinkling above you captured your attention, making you look up. Your eyes went to the beautiful bouquet of flowers in front of you then to he then back to the flowers. You hesitantly reached out to the flowers, slowly accepting them.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I'm so so sorry, I never meant to do that.", Sherlock began as he swatted down to your level to look at you in your eyes. "Please don't leave m-me. I promise I'd never do it again." Sherlock stuttered as you watched tears slowly start to form in his eyes.
Are you kidding? Bloody hell. You already forgave him.
"Sherl-", you started.
"Please don’t leave me," Sherlock begged, wrapping his arms around you tightly. You tried to get him off you by tapping him on the chest with your hand, but his grip on you only got tighter. "Y/N, I’m sorry. I know you don’t deserve me, b-but please don’t leave m-me.", he cried on your shoulder, stumbling over his words.
"Hey… It’s fine.", you softy said, slightly smiling as you nuzzled your head in your boyfriend’s neck.
You two stayed like that, in each other’s embrace, with his sobs slowly quiet down with the fact that you won’t leave him this time.
Who were you kidding? You’d probably never leave him.
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theshelbyclan · 4 years
Swords and Daggers
Summary: When a family meeting is interrupted by your sudden menstrual cramps, your brothers do everything in their power to take care of you
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(gif by @nofckingfighting​) A/N: Anon requested: can you do a shelby!sister imagine where she’s gets these awful cramps and in the middle of a family meeting she just bursts into tears because it hurts so bad and omg the boys would be so soft As I’m currently dying of cramps, it made sense to write this. It’s short, but I hope you like it. Words: 1585 *** “This Saturday,” Tommy started, “We’re going legit. John, you and Johnny Dogs are gathering the men at the Charlie’s yard. Arthur, I need you on the tracks, keep the Lee men off. You can take Finn. I will create a distraction and… Y/N, are you okay?” “Fine,” you ground out, not really wanting to attract attention to yourself, “Tell me where I’ll be.” 
“At home,” your brother said shortly. “Like hell I am,” you said, “If we’re going legit, I want in. Why the fuck else am I even here?” “Fuck if I know,” Polly sighed, “being decorative, I suppose.” Tommy shot daggers at his aunt and then turned back to you, “If you ladies have any problems with how I run…” “If we have any problems, we know to shut out mouths and get on with it,” Ada commented from the other side of the round table. “Remember we used to run this entire organisation, Thomas,” Polly scolded, “While you boys were off to France.” “Yes,” Thomas sighed, downing his drink, “I am aware, Pol,” Her look still had some effect on him, much to her satisfaction, “You remember that when you no longer care for our input.” “Fine!” he caved, “Y/N, what role do you want to play?” But you had stopped listening already. In all honesty, you didn’t feel well at all and so Tommy’s words seem to come from very far away. Still, you’d fought years and years to feel like you were a part of the Shelby Company Limited. Women were respected in this family, but never quite on the same level as the men. Sure, it’d been fine for you to take care of business while your brothers were away, and you and Aunt Polly had happily taken on the entire enterprise. With her head for strategy and your head for numbers, sharing the iron Shelby backbone, it’d been quite the dream team. But the boys came back and without many words of thanks, it’d been taken from you as well. There were so many mixed emotions that came with their return from France, but a day didn’t go by that you didn’t curse those men up top who decided to send boys into the mud to die for them. Tommy still stared at you, impatient and a little annoyed, so you said, “I’ll go to Epsom early. I still have the dress. I’ll let Arthur know where the Lee men are and what they’re planning.” Arthur grumbled something inaudibly and when you fixed him with one of your glares, he said, “You want to waltz in there, all dolled up and ready for the taking by any Lee bastard?” “Think I can’t do it, Arthur?” you said coldly. “We know you can do it,” Tommy interrupted, “Doesn’t mean we have to like it.” “I’m not fucking seven, Thomas,” you spat. Another sharp pain went through you and you found yourself physically doubling over in your chair. John immediately turned towards you, “What’s the matter?” “I’m good,” you tried to smile. “Doesn’t look like it…” “Maybe it’s food poisoning,” Arthur ventured. “It’s not.” “What is it then?” Both brothers said in unison. “Just…” you gritted your teeth as another wave of pain came over you, “leave me alone!” “Can’t do that, little sister,” Arthur moved to touch your arm, but you angrily pushed him away.
“She’s not doing good, Tommy,” John’s voice was full of alarm.
Arthur even stood up, “And she’s not fighting any bloody Lee men like that!”
“Calm down,” Aunt Polly said, “Women have been doing it for ages, every month, come hell or high water.”
“That may be so,” Tommy put down his drink, “but this is our sister.”
“I’m fine…” you croaked again, but you weren’t, at all.
“You’re not,” another unhelpful brother said, “you need to be in bed.”
“WILL YOU ALL FUCKING STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO FUCKING DO!” you suddenly burst out, and before you knew it, you had started sobbing.
“Oh no…” John said softly.
“Tom,” Arthur said unsurely, not knowing what to do with himself, “What do we do?”
He quickly took charge and picked you up from your seat. Held bridal style, he walked around the table and you could feel your brothers’ gaze on you, “She needs to be in bed.”
You still protested weakly, “Tommy…”
“Shhh,” he said softly, “We can talk about your plan to seduce the Lees in the morning, eh?”
As he walked with you up the stairs, you suddenly felt yourself lean into him. It felt safe, right there in his arms.
“Water bottles?” you heard one panicky brother shout downstairs.
“Boil the water!” the other replied, “I’ll get the blankets!”
“Ada! Where the bloody hell did you hide that chocolate?!”
You had to smile a little, “You’d think I’m dying…”
“Well, the truth is, sweetheart,” Tommy said in that soft voice he reserved only for you, “We have no idea what you’re going through. We spend half our lives talking to women, flirting with women, being with women…”
“Yeah, alright, I get the point,” you cut him off jokingly.
He pretended like he hadn’t heard you, but a small smile was tugging at his lips, “But we have no idea what it feels like, to lose all that blood…”
“What about France?” you asked.
“That was different, love,” he gently placed you on your bed, “That was a one-time thing and not a monthly struggle. Besides, we weren’t expected to just ignore it and get on with work.”
“I want to work,” you pouted.
Tommy sighed, “Y/N. Listen to me. I know you want to work for the company. I know you. You’re a Shelby and you don’t like being idle. I know. But for tonight, work is done. Get some sleep, eh?”
Suddenly, Arthur came rushing in. It was clear he felt incredibly awkward, but the fact that his arms were filled with hot-water bottles, blankets and chocolate showed he cared, deeply. There were times that you loved your awkward brother more than anyone in the world, and this was one of those moments. You smiled at him full of gratitude and he left quickly after, knowing he’d be back every few hours to check on you. He was the oldest brother after all.
You tried to find a comfortable position for a few moments and the occasional grunt of pain escaped your lips. Tommy looked at you with worry written all over his face, “Don’t know how you fucking do it every month…” he whispered.
“Careful,” you feigned shock, “people might think you’re a feminist.”
He slowly lit a cigarette, “And what if I am, eh?”
You scoffed and reached out, “Give me the cigarette. It helps.”
Another few minutes passed and John stuck his head around the door, “Y/N? Esme tells me it helps when I rub her back. Do you need me to do that?”
“I’ll be fine, John, thanks,” you smiled at him. Where you and Arthur had a bond that required no words, with John it was all words, but they were always good and open and honest. If you needed to talk, you turned to John.
He paused for a second, “What about a doctor, do you need a doctor?”
This made you laugh out loud, “John, sweetheart, this is perfectly normal and it does happen every month. We’d be wasting the doctor’s time!”
“Esme told me to tell you that it’s perfectly normal and there’s nothing wrong with you…”
“I know, John. I’m sixteen: I’ve been doing this for a while now.”
“Right,” he mumbled, “I knew that…”
“John?” you eventually asked and when he looked at you again, you said, “Thank you. I’ll manage.”
“Will you let me know?” John said with a serious look on his face, “If you do need something?”
“How? You’re four houses away. I’m not screaming loud enough for you to hear it, waking up the whole bloody street!”
“Just knock,” he replied, “Sleeping in my old bed tonight, just down the hall,” and before you could protest, he was gone and called from the hall, “Goodnight, babe!”
Tommy still sat in the corner, smoking quietly. You weren’t quite sure why he was there, but his presence was comforting. With Arthur it was protection, with John it was words, but with Tommy it was just his presence. When you two locked eyes, he gave you a warm smile, and it was just like you were six again. Before that god-awful war, he’d always been there. Tommy was the brother who couldn’t be dragged away from his little sister, always trying to get you to ride his pony. He followed you wherever you went and he gave you everything you ever wanted. But after the war, his head was filled with smoke, mud and ambition. But this, this felt like before, and it was good. Maybe it was even worth the swords and daggers attacking your uterus at the moment.
You started feeling yourself drifting off to sleep, with the warm bottle pressed against your abdomen. But before you slept, you mumbled, “I love you, Tommy…”
“Is this another hormonal thing?” a deep voice said in reply, with some sarcasm echoing through.
“Probably,” you smirked, “I’ll hate you again tomorrow, alright?”
“Good. You can take out that anger on the Lees, eh?”
“I will,” you heard your own voice was getting muffled. Still, you felt a small triumph of being allowed to go in the morning.
“Sleep, Y/N,” he almost sung, from a great distance it seemed, “And I love you too.”
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onlymexsarah · 3 years
Promise pt. 5 || Kaz Brekker
Summary: When the life of Kaz is threated by her presence, she had to make a crucial decision that will bring misunderstanding among the two of them. Now that he has his Fire Girl, will he be able to keep her, or Dirtyhand will mess everything up?
Pairing: Kaz Brekker x grisha!Reader
Warning: angst, Kaz being Dirtyhands for ten minutes straigh, spoiler of Six of Crows, my english.
A/N: Thank all of you for the comments, the likes and the shares. I didn't expected that this little idea would have captured your attention, really you made my writing more enjoyable and easy. I'm so sorry if I'm late but I've been sick these days and I couldn't finish the chapter :( there are a lot of things that I want to tell you, see you at the end of the chapter ;)
PT. 1 - PT. 2 - PT. 3 - PT. 4
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Few days passed with the girl lying on her bed recovering from the wound that the fight gave her.
When she opened her eyes after have fainted in Kaz's arms, fear had been the first to come to visit her. Fear of being already tied at some bed on a ship, sold at the Shu that would have been more than happy to make experiment on her. She was scared that the temptation must have been too much for Kaz Brekker to have such a value grisha in his hands, but then she noticed she was in her room at the Slat and a rush of tiredness hit her making her sleep again.
The other times she opened her eyes someone among Jesper, Inej and Wylan was always at her side, changing the bandage and bringing her food.
Inej told her that her father, Jan Van Eck, was now aware that she was part of the Dregs, and she was under Kaz Brekker's protection. Everyone was aware she was a grisha, but neither Jesper and Inej seemed to mind her lie, maybe because they had secrets too, she though.
A morning a letter came for Kaz, a letter from her father.
Mister Brekker
we never had the occasion to meet, and you'll agree with me when I say that I wish to keep things like this. Voice is spread that you have my beloved daughter with you. I hope you understand that she is a danger for this city. I've sent her away many years ago with the only interest of protecting Kerch from her, but I see that I could have done things in a better way.
It is as a father that I ask you to bring her to me so that I can repair my mistakes. She is a danger for all of us if not under control, Mister Brekker, and I am sure you saw it yourself last night. She has to face a trial for her crimes and be sent where she can't be a danger for anyone anymore. If she doesn't come back in seven days, I should consider you and your Dregs as her accomplices, planning to attack Ketterdam and all Kerch using her power.
Surely a smart men as yourself doesn't want those kind of problems.
Hope to see my city safe again,
Jan Van Eck.
Inej had brough the letter at her in the afternoon, and in the evening the grisha girl was already planning her escaping from Ketterdam for the third time in her life.
She didn't want to leave Wylan, hell she had promised him they wouldn't split up ever again, but if her plan worked then he would have been able to follow her after few months. If the Van Eck siblings moved together they would have caught too much attention, and they had to do everything in secrets.
Wylan tried to convince her to stay. He was sure that Kaz would have helped her, Wylan was sure that Kaz Brekker would have sealed all Ketterdam to keep her save, and even if as her brother he didn't like her closeness with the Bastard of the Barrel, he couldn't deny that it was useful.
"I'm putting all of you in danger just staying here. If I go away father will have nothing to threat you with." she said putting her clothes in her bags. Seven days, she couldn't give her father the time to close all the harbours in Kerch. If she wanted to go she had to do it as soon as possible.
"Talk to Kaz! Let see what he says, please." begged Wylan grabbing her hands in his to stop her.
She looked in his beautiful blue eyes and saw hope. "You really think Kaz has the power to keep me here?"
Her brother smirked. "I think Kaz would tear apart this city to keep you save. Talk to him, keep your options open."
Dirtyhands would never fight a battle where he couldn't win money, but Y/n was willing to try. That night after dinner she decided she would speak with Kaz and see if he was willing to keep her.
"Let see what the great Kaz Brekker think about it." she sighed putting her arm around Wylan's shoulder and walking downstair where their dinner waited them.
Kaz Brekker sat in his office, in his gloved hands the red handkerchief and Jan Van Eck's letter. Before that morning the death of Van Eck had been one of the many he wanted to deal with for what he had done to his Fire Girl, but now his death had taken a shape, colours and many details that Kaz's was adding one by one.
Brick by brick, Kaz would take all his enemies down, and Y/n was more than welcome to take her revenger with him.
He went downstair at the second floor walking toward Y/n's room. He wanted to check how she was, and speak with her about how she wanted to deal with her father. He didn't know if she wanted his actual death, but he was just fine with torture.
When he reached the door and looked inside his blood froze. All her things were packed in three bags, all her clothes were gone from her wardrobe and none of her objects were around the room. Neither the little portrait of she and baby Wylan that she kept on her bedside table before falling asleep.
She is leaving you.
These words felt like a stab in his chest, like someone had taken the oxigen from his lungs. Would she, leave him? Yes. Y/n would find a better life everywhere out Kerch, it was reasonable that she was already packing. When she wanted to leave? Where she wanted to go?
He knew nothing about it and Kaz Brekker always knew everything. Especially of what happened in his Slat. But this time the girl was leaving him, again, and she hadn't had talked with him about it. She hadn't advised him. Did you really think she was going to live this life just for you? For a man who can't even hold her hands without hyperventilate? A man who can't give her the love she deserve?
The fear he saw in her eyes when she saved his life with her power wasn't because she was feared of his rejection; she feared that he would have send her out of the Dregs, without protection and away from her brother.
He stormed back in his office, anger filled his boody and what else? Disappointment? Sadness? He was angry with himself because he had been a fool again. He had let someone playing with him again, that's what Y/n had been doing. She had been toying with him. She had made sure to have a safe place where live, a job and her brother beside her. Every little nice things she did for him was just to keep him close, to keep Dirtyhands at bay.
Like a fury he threw everything that was on his desk on the floor with his arms. Documents, the handkerchief, the letters, were all on the floor but he couldn't care less. She wanted to leave? Fine. Dirtyhands didn't care.
A known shiver crossed his spine before he heard a knock at his door.
"What?" he didn't look up when the girl entered, too focus on something in the drawers of his desk.
"Wow, and I though to be the one who had a bad day." she joked looking the mess at his feet.
He didn't smile, or smirked. He kept his eyes on something she coudn't see. "What bussiness?"
What bussiness. Those words were the greeting in Ketterdam when two bussiness men met, but the grisha girl though that she and Kaz had passed that step. He must had really a bad day, and it could have been because of the letter...she though sadly.
Who knew what other problems her father had caused around Ketterdam to earn the attention of Kaz, to push him to hand her in his hands.
"My father...I don't want any of you to be in danger because of me." she said carefully walking closer to his desk. A glimp of red captured her eyes but the pain at her waist made her close her eyes for a second.
"I'd say it's too late for it, isn't it?" he asked coldly. She took a step behind, taken back by his coldness toward her. "You seemed to enoy keeping secrets, didn't you? Do you know how easier it would have been knowing about your being grisha months ago?"
That wasn't the boy who had brough her in his arms out from the gala. He wasn't the boy who fought beside her, spied beside her and saved her a couple of time.
"I am sorry, I truly am Kaz. But I know what is the price of being a grisha here...it wouldn't have been easy for me walking with a target on my back. I have done it my whole life."
He refused to look her in the eyes, and it was driving her crazy. Was he really that mad at her that he couldn't bare even the sight of her?
"You decided for yourself, a thing you tend to do often I see." she was sure he had never spoken to her like that, neither in his bad days, and Kaz Brekker had a lot of bad days. "You swore loyalty to the Dregs, to the Crows. If you can't trust us then you shouldn't stay here."
He had said the crucial words, and there was no going back. She wanted to leave, then he would make sure to let her believe that he didn't care. That he didn't care about not finding his hot coffee on his desk again, or that from that day on he wouldn't feel the shivers in his spine anymore. He pretended to not care about not seeing her anymore. She had left him once, he could survive it a second time.
"That's it? That's what you want?" she felt her voice dying in her throat. Was her mistake that big? You knew that once Kaz knew what you were he would have pushed you away like everyone else. 'No one will understand you as the other of your kind', Baghra once told her, but when she met Kaz she believed that her old teacher was wrong. Kaz Brekker had been her safe harbour when no one else would care about her, was she so easily replaceable for him?
"You would have leave anyway at some point, you said it yourself the first time we met at the Club. Today, tomorrow, in five years...I don't see the difference." he shrugged like he didn't care.
He doesn't, her mind reminded her.
"Alright then...I don't want to be of any trouble to you anymore..." she whispered with her hands behind her back. She hated how little she felt, but he was sendind her away. Kaz Brekker, the boy she'd die for. The boy who had let her felt hope again after years, the boy who made her laugh even when he surely didn't mean it. The boy in who she was willing to put the most important years of her long life, that boy was sending her away without looking back.
"Then go." he said fixing his eyes in hers. She could feel the sharpness of his eyes cutting her chest.
"Fine, then I'll just-" she stopped talking when her eyes landed on the red thing she had seen before. A red handkerchief. Her feet moved on their own will. Before she could register what was happening she had the red handkerchief in her hands, her eyes fixed on the three letters on it. W. V. E.
"Y/n don't-" Kaz stood up trying to stop her but it was too late.
"Why do you have my brother's hand-" she was confused, but then her eyes raised to the boy in front of her. His brown eyes, his dark hair and pale skin, and in a second her mind brough her a memory.
The little boy smiled standing before her. He was at the same height of her belly, but his eyes seemed older.
"I have still things to do, and people I need to find. " the last words said with rage.
"Take care of yourself, boy. Don't let the bad days winning your good ones, there is always light at the end of a tunnel; you only have to walk a little more."
And then another.
"What is you name little boy?"
"K-..." he stopped for a long moment thinking about it. He looked the girl beside him and even if he wanted to trust her he just couldn't after what happened. "Jordie..."
"J-Jordie?" she asked, her voice trembling. "I-...You are not him, aren't you?" he stayed silent, looking her like a statue. "You would have told me if you were him...Kaz you are not the little boy I met eight years ago, right?!"
Her voice raised squeezing the handkerchief in her right fit.
She saw him gulped before answering slowly. "Yes, I am."
She took two huge steps back breathing eavily. He had known me all along. "Why you've never said anything? That day when you approached me, you knew who I was and you offered me a...job..."
"Can you keep a secret?" she asked touching his shoulder with her own. The boy, whose name wasn't obviously Jordie, nodded looking her curiously. She smirked bringin her left hand on her right one and rotating them slowly. A flame came out from her right palm, little but still powerful; red and orange like the handkerchief she had given him before.
The boy's eyes shone marveled looking the flame on her palm. "You are a grisha!"
The truth hit her hard. She raised her eyes in his letting him see the betrayal. "You had always knew what I was. That's why you gave me the job...you didn't care that I was new, you didn't care that I was the girl you met when you was a child. You wanted an Inferni to work for you!"
Every words, every attention, every talk they shared were all lies. Nothing of what he said was true, Kaz Brekker didn't need a reason, he didn't need a reason to give a job to a girl new in town, but it was clear that Kaz Brekker always had a reason. She had been only too foolish to not understand everything before.
She thought she was good to keep a secret, but something like her power couldn't pass unnoticed to Kaz Brekker. She had been a fool to believe he didn't know about her power. It was the only reason he kept her in the Dregs since the beginning.
"An inferni would have been very useful, but you have proved to know how to do your job perfectly without your power. Now, if you want to go you are free to do so. Nothing bind you here." he said, his voice cold as death.
You bound me here, she wanted to shout. But it had been Kaz's plan all along. Making her believe she was different, making her believe he saw her.
"Nothing." she repeated before walking away from his office, leaving the boy alone with the loudly silent that filled the room, staring at the handkerchief that she let fall on the ground, the only thing that had always bound them.
The next morning Kaz woke up and knew immediately that something was wrong. He took his cane and walked downstairs to the kitchen where he heard people talking out loud.
"I swear Jesper, when I see him I-" Wylan stop talking in the exact moment Kaz stepped in the room. The red haired boy fixed his eyes on him and before he could understand what was happening Wylan was yelling at him with all the rage he felt. "How dare you coming here like nothing happened!?"
Jesper had to put his arms around Wylan's torso to keep him from throwing himself on Kaz. "Last time I checked this was my Slat."
"And you find amusing sending people away, don't you?" Wylan spoke spitting venom from his mouth. "She needed help and you turned your back at her!"
Now Kaz needed few minutes to make his brain, still sleepy, working to connect the dots. It was clear that Wylan was talking about his sister, who seemed to have played the victim with her own brother.
"If you want to know, merchling, she decided her will herself. She came to me to let me know she was leaving." Kaz shrugged walking toward coffee machine. He didn't have the strengh to face an angry boy if he wasn't properly awake.
"As hell she did. She came to ask you what to do and you sent her away." Kaz let his words running in his head for a while, studying them one by one.
He didn't..."When she came in my office she had already decided." he refused to tell them he had seen her bags ready in her room, he refused to let someone know he cared.
"No Kaz, she didn't." This time Inej spoke, he hadn't even noticed she was there. "She wanted to leave to protect you from her father, but Wylan convinced her to slow down and come to you to ask what to do."
No, no, it was not possible. "When she came in your office she hadn't decided yet. You gave her the answer, Kaz." Jesper spoke keeping his hands on Wylan's shoulders, who now was sat on a chair with his face in his hands.
I would have noticed if she was asking me what to do. She had her bags ready...she came to me to tell me...his thoughs were running wild inside his head.
"That's it? That's what you want?"
Kaz tried to put his thoughs together. He tried to find a logic of what had happened the night before.
"You had always knew what I was. That's why you gave me the job...you didn't care that I was new, you didn't care that I was the girl you met when you was a child. You wanted an Inferni to work for you!"
No, no, no. Everything was so wrong again. He though she was going to leave him and he had let her believe that he had used her all this time. He though she was leaving him...that was the only thing he had needed to loose his mind.
"You didn't know..." whispered Inej surprised.
Kaz couldn't trust his voice enough to not break in front of everyone so he just shoke his head slowly looking the Suli girl in the eyes.
"What have you done..."murmured Jesper rubbing his eyes with his hand. "Alright, if you hurry you should arrive before the schooner leaves."
"Fifth harbour?" Kaz asked with raspy voice.
"Yes! Go!" said the Zemeni boy excited. "I love a dramatic romance."
He didn't let him repeated twice, ready to run if he had to he walked toward the door when Wylan's voice stopped him.
"Brekker, bring her back." Please, was the word the boy let unspoken.
He nodded before running toward the harbour. He took just his cloat at the door, leaving his hat behind. He couldn't let her leave again. He had to arrive in time, and if he didn't he would have swim until he'd found himself on the schooner and ask sorry to her for his infinity dullness.
"Alright then...I don't want to be of any trouble to you anymore..."
She wasn't a trouble, he wanted to shout in the air. She had never been a trouble, he was the wrong one. He was the twisted, crooked, problematic who couldn't stop himself from hurt her everytime.
"My father...I don't want any of you to be in danger because of me."
Even when she was the one in danger, she would think about him first. He didn't see it last night, too focused on accusing her of betrayal. Betrayal of what? She hadn't broken any vows she made. She wasn't bind to him, she own him nothing and surely Ketterdam did nothing to earn her protection.
Since the first day she had stayed on her own will, she had stayed beside him even when he pushed everyone away. That's what got under his skin, her perseverence. She kept fighting for him, she kept seeing good in him and the only thing he had been capable of was making her feel used and unwanted.
He saw the harbour and he barely noticed that he hadn't used his cane. It would have just slowed me, he thought already searching his girl with the eyes.
He owed her an explanation, he owed her a lot of apologies, and then she would decide if she wanted to stay. Kaz swore to everyone who was listening that if Y/n chose to stay in Ketterdam with him, he would have made sure to be worth her choice. He would fight everyday to go trought his boundaries for her, with her. He would be the man she deserved.
"The schooner for Os Kervo." Kaz asked urgently to a man. He knew Y/n, she would find a safe home in Ravka at the Little Palace where the grisha were safe and strong.
"The first one left this morning at four bells, the next it's at the berth twenty-four, leaves in half bell." the man answered.
Kaz didn't think twice and ran toward the schooner with his heart in his throat. Please, saints if you exist make sure she hadn't already left.
He felt pathetic. Never in his life he had ever prayed, but he though that if it gave him a chance to see her again that it was worth a try.
He arrived at the schooner, but looking around he didn't see her. She must be already on board, he though and without difficulty he went on the ship.
There wasn't many people, but from what Kaz knew the grisha girl could have been already in her room and there was no way to find her before that schooner left.
He felt a shiver in his spine, telling him that she was close, but he didn't know where to look. Right, left, he looked everywhere. People around him looked him worried.
She can't be gone, he kept reapeting in his head like a mantra.
"Came here to bring me back to my father?" a voice said from above him. "How much did he offer to you? Must be a lot to affront a grisha alone."
His heart missed a beat and when he looked over his head he though he might start to believe in saints.
She was there, perched on one of the boom. Her hood was up hiding her face like she always did when she was out of their zone. She was a wanted grisha now, and he felt a grip on his heart at the though that she was used to that life of a runner.
You are not alone anymore, Fire Girl, he though vividly.
"I thought you had decided to leave..." he said. It didn't sound like an apologize at all...Damn Saints, there were a bilions things he wanted to say her, and yet his throat felt dry when he could talk.
"I did." her voice was sharped as a blade and cold as ice.
He gulped, I deserve this. "I know..." He had a flashback of their first conversation at the Crows Club, and cold shivers ran in his blood. I will not make the same mistake twice. "I should have told you who I was since the beginning."
"Maybe if I knew I didn't have to hide my power you could have had your personal inferni sooner." it was his fault. He had let her believe that he wanted her just for her power, but it wasn't true. Kaz Brekker kept her with the Dregs because he couldn't bare the though of her being hurt or threated.
"Could you get off from that boom? Please..." the last word burned in Kaz's throat like fire. It wasn't easy for him to say out loud his feelings, but he knew it would have been the only thing to make her stay. He owed her the truth.
She scoffed and jumped, landing in front of him with the lightness of a feather. Crossing her arms over her chest she studyed him from under her hood, waiting for him to speak first.
You want me sto stay, you have to say it, her posture told him.
"I saw your bags in your room, I though you wanted to leave me, the Dregs. I would understand if it what you wish, but you have to know that I was angry. Angry because I though you didn't trust me. You had just packed all your things without talking to me first, I though...I though you..." said those words Kaz brekker, a voice said in his mind. "I though you used me as a protection, nothing else. And when you showed up in my office I though you were going to say me you were leaving. No question, no mouners."
She stayed silent for a bit, surely surprised by his words. He couldn't see her whole face from his height, and he needed to use all his self control to not take it and push it down.
"The only reason I decided to leave was because my father knew about you. I knew he would have used you against me if I stayed, and I couldn't put you in danger just because I wanted to be selfish." her voice had softened a bit, but it was still sharp as she was ready for any attack from him. "Wylan convinced me that you would have helped me, that you would have been willing to fight for me. But when I come to you, I find Dirtyhands planning my departure. And what I find out? That you kept me under your roof just because you knew I was a grisha."
"It's not true." he stopped her firmly. "I knew you were a grisha, but never in my head I though about using you for your power."
"Then what other reason to keep the truth about our first meeting from me?"
Now it's the moment. Don't let your shame eat you alive, put yourself together and take your Fire Girl back.
"Because I was ashamed of the man I became. Because if you knew who I was you would have seen that the little boy you met eight years ago doesn't exist anymore. You would have seen that I failed you..." saying finally those words after a year left him lighter.
She gasped softly. It's not true, I can still see that little boy right in front me... "No, I failed you. You were a child Kaz, you had no faults. I should've stayed with you."
She could see the surprise on Kaz's face when she spoke those words. She had time to think that morning, at the little boy she left alone in the streets of Ketterdam. The boy who had kept her secrets all those years and never blackmailed her.
"I don't think something would have changed. I chose my path." he said with his raspy voice. How many nights he had dreamt about that moment? When he would finally speak with her, when the little boy and the Fire Girl would meet again.
"Becasue no one was there for you. Beccause you were alone. But if someone would have taken care of you, if someone would have showed you another way, maybe everything would have been different." maybe you would have been different.
She wasn't disappointed in what Kaz had became, she knew that everything he did it was to survive at the Barrel. She was proud that he had found the strengh to fight and live; Y/n would change nothing of the man she had in front of her.
The captain of the schooner announced that they were ready to leave and Y/n took a deep breath. "You should go..."
"Come with me." his mind, his rational part stopped working. There were nothing to brake his tongue. "Eight years ago you asked me if I wanted you to stay with me, and I said no. Today I'm asking you to stay in Ketterdam, with me, with the Crows. We cant-...I can't loose you. Not again."
Her heart started to beat faster like a roller coaster. Was Kaz Brekker the one who was talking in front of her? The Bastard of the Barrel was asking her to stay with him. You are going to put him in danger, a voice in her mind reminded her.
She looked Ketterdam behind him, as she could see her father's house.
Kaz saw the shift in her face's direction, and immediately understood what was thinking that mind of her. He rose a gloved hand in front of him taking her by surprise.
"If you wish to go to Ravka I will not stop you, but if you give me a chance I'll try everyday to be the man worth to stay by your side. And I promise you..." he took a step forward making her gasp. "I promise you we will take down everyone who threat us and we'll make them know the real meaning of the word suffer."
That's the Dirtyhands I fell for, she though smiling brightly. She took his hand firmly feeling his fingers closing around hers. "Just one condition." He raised an eyebrow to say 'continue please'. "Jan Van Eck is mine, and he's not going to die until I say so."
She knew that Kaz wasn't the only one who had changed in those years, and there were no reasons to hide it. The grisha girl who lived in the shadows and the little boy who was scared would never meet again, both had died when the world had turned its back to them. Both had raised like phoenix and became stronger.
"The deal is the deal, Fire Girl." he smirked walking with her toward the berth. The schooner was already leaving and there was a little void between the berth and the schooner, so Kaz squeezed her hand and they both jumped. When their feet touched the berth he didn't notice he was laughing with her. Her hood was over her forehead and he couldn't hold it anymore, he stood in front of her with the steady hands of a magician and gently lowered it, feeling the hurge to see her smile again. "No secrets anymore."
"No secrets anymore." she replied keeping her eyes in his.
It was their promise to start from the beginning. Their past was a beautiful story to remember, but they would fight for their future side by side, and little did she know that for all the time she hadn't spoken with Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel. But the boy in front of her, with the light of hope in his dark eyes was the normal, simple Kaz Rietveld.
A/N:OH MY GOODNESS WE ARE HERE! This is the end of the story of our lovely, brave Fire Girl and our little, cute Kaz. I think I can cry... This is the chapter that most I love of the series and I think you can see why! Writing it was so emotional and still so easy, I knew from the first moment how I wanted their story to end and how I wanted to write it. I have many ideas for a future book with those two idiots, but in the mean time...would you like a bonus chapter where we are gonna see how they're managing they're "relationship"? Maybe where he tells her his real name...👀 but now tell me, what was the part that you most liked? Would have you made the same decisions as them? MY CHAT AND REQUESTS ARE OPEN SOO I'm gonna wait you there ;)
p.s. : who recognize the scene from an old tv series for young I took ispiration for the fight and the departure? 👀
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sincerelystranger · 3 years
not enough 1
Authors Note: A Jiang Fengmian based AU where everyone survives. 
The thing is, is that his wife is almost right.
Jiang Fengmian did find and bring Wei Wuxian to Yunmeng because of old love.
But it wasn’t Cangse Sanren. He had been in love long before she came down from the mountains.
And Wei Wuxian smiles and laughs and jokes just like his mother but…
But sometimes…
When he’s quiet. When he’s focused. When the light hits his face just so…
Well his wife is almost right.
His son is just like his mother, in both looks and personality.
His wife accuses him of being hard on him because of this.
She’s almost right.
But he’s not hard on his son because he’s like his mother. It’s because he’s not enough like his mother.
Jiang Fengmian is hard on Jiang Cheng because his son is just a little too much like him.
Jiang Fengmian had been arrogant once too. He had once believed the words of a man who swore to be by his side forever. He too had once taken that man for granted.
He watches Jiang Cheng angrily shove Wei Wuxian’s arm off his shoulder and walk off in a huff. Wei Wuxian laughs good-naturedly and follows, apologies spilling from his lips like music.
It shouldn’t.
It shouldn’t.
But the scene burns something hot in Jiang Fengmian’s gut. Something like jealousy makes its way up his spine.
He had been like that too, once.
He too had walked off angrily, knowing – trusting – someone to follow.
Jealousy worms its way up his spine but so does worry.
He’s hard on his son, because he loves his son. If he can, he wants to save Jiang Cheng from the heartbreak of walking off and turning around only to find himself alone. He wants to save Jiang Cheng from heartbreak. From regret. From loneliness.
He wants to save…
Wei Changze was quiet and steady and handsome.
Jiang Fengmian can’t remember when he fell in love with him – even in his earliest memories, he’s already in love with Wei Changze.
Wei Changze had always been endlessly patient with him. Always protecting him and guiding him and forgiving him.
But Jiang Fengmian had been arrogant too once, and love didn’t stop him from taking Wei Changze for granted. And he had been so easy to take for granted.
Wei Changze, constant and never-complaining; Jiang Fengmian just always assumed that he would be there. He thought that they had an understanding.
Wei Changze would serve Jiang Fengmian always, and Jiang Fengmian would love him always.
He thought they had an understanding. It’s embarrassing now to remember how foolish he had been.
Jiang Fengmian goes back for his wife, and somehow – somehow – they make it out with their lives.
He wakes up in a small, musty hut, his daughter tending to him.
“Father is awake!” she cries. She tries to help him up with her thin arms.
He looks around the hut. His wife is propped up across from him, staring at him with hooded eyes. His son is tending to her. They are all dirty and bloody and worse for wear, but they’re alive.
He had been sure that he was a dead man. He had been prepared to die in Lotus Pier.
“How…?” he asks, his voice raspy from disuse. Yanli puts a cup near his mouth and he drinks hungrily. The water soothes his throat. “How did we get here?”
“A-Xian,” Yanli says and her voice breaks at the name. Tears stream down her face. “It’s A-Xian, father. He – he did something.”
“A crude body transfer spell,” his wife says suddenly, disdain dripping from her voice. She points at two dark spots on the floor of the hut. “He most likely switched our bodies with two corpses from the looks of it.”
His wife reaches behind her and pulls a talisman to show him. He feels Yanli rip something off his own back as well.
He looks around the hut.
His son. His daughter. His wife.
“Then where is Wei Wuxian?” he asks.
Jiang Cheng’s face crumbles at the question. Fat tears drop from his eyes and his lips tremble. “It’s my fault,” he says, his voice warbling pathetically. “I was so angry – I blamed him! I gave him no choice but to go back.”
Jiang Fengmian doesn’t feel completely in his right mind yet. He’s still reeling from having woken up when he was sure he was a dead man. He doesn’t understand what Jiang Cheng is trying to say. “Be more clear!” he says impatiently, “Where is Wei Wuxian?”
“Where do you think he is?” his wife answers sharply, her mouth lifting in disgust. “Do you think these talismans were placed on us by the Wens? Both you and I were at death’s door. On who’s spiritual energy do you think this body swap happened?”
He hears Yanli’s muffled sobs next to him. Jiang Cheng sobs wretchedly before him.
All he had told the boy was to keep his children safe.
He’s all Jiang Fengmian has left of Wei Changze…
“I must go for him,” he says quietly. He pushes himself to his knees with unsteady hands. He doesn’t even have his sword…
“You will do no such thing,” his wife hisses, sitting forward, her eyes flashing. She looks at Yanli and Jiang Cheng and her upper lip curls in disgust. “What are you two sniveling for? Stop this instant!”
“I will go with you, father,” Jiang Cheng says valiantly, wiping his face with his sleeves.
His wife turns sharply and slaps Jiang Cheng across the face.
“Yu Furan!” Jiang Fengmian admonishes.
She turns her sharp eyes to him. “He is a servant,” she says through gritted teeth, “You will not endanger yourself or my son for a servant.”
“But he saved you, mother,” Jiang Cheng pleads, “He saved all of us.”
“As he should,” his wife says coldly. “Your father took him off the street and treated him well above his station. There are servants who died in Lotus Pier that received a fraction of what that child got from us.”
“He’s not a servant,” Yanli cries, “you know he’s not. He’s no different than a brother to us.”
“I did not birth him,” Yu Furan sneers, “How can he be your brother.”
Jiang Fengmian moves to stand. His wife is free to think whatever she pleases. He never put it on her to love a child he brought back on his own volition. But…
But to leave Wei Wuxian to die in his stead at Lotus Pier feels too much like betraying Wei Changze.
“I want my child to be more than a servant,” Wei Changze had said before he left Lotus Pier, and Jiang Fengmian had thought that he had been honoring that wish all this time.
To hear his wife, speak of Wei Wuxian so lowly… It feels like all of Jiang Fengmian’s efforts were for naught.
“He is more than a servant,” he says, rising to his feet unsteadily. Jiang Cheng rushes up to steady him. “If only to retrieve his body – I must go.”
Yu Furan stands then and rushes to him. She pushes Jiang Cheng aside and pushes Jiang Fengmian back onto the ground.
“Why did you come back to Lotus Pier then?” she shouts, rage contorting her face. “If his survival was so dear to you – for what reason did you return to Lotus Pier!? You should have left me. You should have left me!”
He looks up at her wide eyed. In all their years together, not once has she ever struck him.
“You’re my wife,” he answers staltingly, “I could not leave you.”  
A shocked silence falls upon the hut. No one seems to be breathing.
A second passes, and another, and all of a sudden Yu Furan takes a loud shuddering breath and collapses to her knees in front of Jiang Fengmian.
“I’m your wife,” she says in a desperate, defeated voice, “and I’m asking you to forget that boy. Let it be enough that our family survived.”
Jiang Fengmian suddenly can’t seem to recognize the woman in front of him. Never in his life has he heard his wife sound like this. Never in all their years together has she looked so… weak in front of him.
“I am your wife,” she says again, her voice stronger this time. She raises her head to look at him. “Do you understand how humiliating it is to have to ask you to choose me over that boy? Over the son of past love?” She shakes her head, her lips lifting in a sneer. “I am your wife.” She turns to look at Jiang Cheng. “I am your mother. And you will not leave this hut unless it is over my dead body.”
Yanli sobs desolately beside him.
Jiang Cheng stares at his mother in shock before nodding numbly and sliding down to the floor. He sobs wretchedly into his hands.
Jiang Fengmian looks at the woman in front of him. The mother of his children. The woman he agreed to marry because he foolishly thought it might arise some feeling from Wei Changze.
Maybe, he thinks faintly, he’s destined to take everyone who loves him for granted.
The woman he married out of spite. He never thought she might love him. But…
She prepares medicine for him. Her weapon recognized him. She defended their home, fully prepared to die alone – never imagining that he might come for her.
His wife.
They stay in the hut.
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spidernerdsblog · 3 years
Match made in Hell : Chapter nine
A/N : Chapter nine is here. I was excited for this chapter the most. Hope you like this chapter. Let me know what you think.
Pairing : Mob! Tom Holland x Reader
Summary : you always wanted a simple life but to be born as the daughter of a dangerous mobster turned out to be a curse for you. Everything changes when your father gets your lover killed and forcefully marries you off to another mobster as a part of a deal. You hate your father and your husband the only thing you seek is now revenge. Will you ever be able to fall in love again or this burning hatred inside you will consume you?
Warnings : 18+, mentions of blood, violence, language, SMUT, mature content, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), flashbacks in italics
Series masterlist
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“Victor, I'm here to talk, come out from wherever you're hiding” Tom announces reaching the dockyard. 
“I'm glad you showed up son” Victor walks out from behind a huge container.
“Cut the bullshit and just tell me what do you want?” Tom snarls as Victor scoffs with a cunning smile.
“I actually want a lot of things Tom one of them is to see you dead but for now I need you to handover the lease to the docks” he demands making Tom chuckle.
“And you really think I’m gonna do that? Plus bad news the lease is not solely owned by me my brothers have their share too so unless everyone agrees you’re not getting it anyways” he shrugs.
“Well I can be persuasive and I also seem to have perfect leverage” Victor says with a wicked grin.
“What do you mean by leverage?” suspicion grows in Tom’s eyes.
“A piece of advice son when the enemy is stronger than you never go unarmed” as soon as he finished his words your father’s men surrounded Tom from all directions.
“What is all this Victor?” Tom’s hand reaches for his gun in the holster to point at Victor before that could happen one of his men hit Tom at the back of his head with a club. 
“Aggh!!” Tom groaned out in pain and everything blacked out in front of his eyes due to the impact of the weapon as he collapsed on the ground unconscious. 
“Tie him up, see to it that he doesn't escape” Victor says coldly.
“OK boss” his men obliged
Handover the docks to me or else your brother will pay the price with his life
Harry read out the message he received on his phone a tense environment prevailed in the living room.
“We can’t handover the docks Tom would never want that” Sam remarks.
“Yeah why don’t you just go and take out your finest black tuxes while I get dressed in a nice black dress after all we are going to attend a funeral pretty soon” you seethe.
“Stop being such a pessimist Y/N nothing is going to happen to Tom” Harry snaps.
“Yeah keep on saying that to yourself in the meantime my dad kills my husband” you snarl at him.
“Listen guys calm down it’s not the time to fight among ourselves” Harrison intervenes “We even don’t know where he has kept Tom captive your father has clearly an upper hand over here Y/N” he elucidates which made you think for a moment when an idea flashed in your mind.
“Well maybe he doesn’t” you take out your phone and dial a number the person receives instantly.
“Hey Jules how are ya bud?!” everybody gives you an exasperated look as Harry mouths “what?!” You give them a I know what I’m doing look.
“Woah my little sis being nice to me that’s odd” Julian says mockingly.
“What? C’mon Jules you know how much I love my big bro” you say sweetly.
“It’s a no” he states.
“What? I didn’t even say anything” you say frowning.
“Well I know what you’re going to ask me but no sissy dear I can’t ask dad to leave Tom until and unless our demands are met”
“You can’t do this to me Jules” you argued
“He has made you weak, you're better off without him. Talk to you later sis” he was about to hang up when you stopped him.
“Ok, ok wait! What if we trade? You always wanted the family rum business right?” you proposed hastily.
“I’m listening” he perks up.
“You make sure Tom remains alive and I’ll write the business in your name”
“And why should I believe you?” he sounded skeptical about your offer.
“Because Y/N Martinez is desperate today and she is begging her brother to save her husband’s life and she’s ready to pay any prize for it” you felt choked up as you said.
“Wow you really do love him, huh” he chuckles.
“So what do you say?” you ask impatiently.
“I’m in, meet me at the Docklands I’ll take you to dad” he agrees to your offer.
“Ok” you hung up the call and hastily went to grab your leather jacket. 
“You aren't serious are you? Giving away the rum business that's insane Y/N!” Vanessa exclaimed.
“You really think I'm gonna do that?” you raise an eyebrow with a sly smirk etched on your face.
“You seem pretty confident what's going on in your mind?” Vanessa eyes you suspiciously. 
“I have a plan and I need you guys for this” you assure her before turning to the boys.
“What do you want us to do exactly?” Harrison enquires unable to catch on your plan.
“Oh you will love it” you had a evil grin on your face as you tucked your gun in the waist holster of your jeans. Your car reached the designated spot within an hour as you rolled down the car window and took a quick scan of the outside.
“Are you sure you wanna do this?” Harry asks from the backseat.
“Cent percent sure but are you ready to do this?” you ask him.
“Yes anything for my brother” 
“Good, just wait for my signal” you step out of the car and texted Julian that you have arrived. Your phone chimed with a message from him instructing you to come to him. You stride off to the said direction and soon you were face to face with him. 
“Hi Y/N” he greets you with an impassive voice. He was as usual well dressed in his expensive custom tailored suit which made you roll your eyes internally.
“Hey Jules you look as usual businessy” you try to lighten up the tension between you.
“Listen I can’t guarantee you that dad will leave him so easily so better make Tom agree to our terms” he gives you a fair warning.
“Oh dad will listen and leave him without any deal and you will make sure of that” you remark.
“What? How?” Julian frowns.
“Well we both know Jules between us you’re the apple of his eye and he wouldn’t want anything to happen to you would he? After all you’re going to inherit the mob” you explain.
“What are you trying to do Y/N? You said you were here to trade”
“Boys!” you called out as Harrison, Harry and Sam along with some other men rounded him up pointing their guns at him.
“You sided with them?” he scoffs in disgust.
“You should have known better Jules in what right mind would I give up the rum business?” you snicker “Guys he’s all yours do whatever you want but try to be a little gentle after all he’s my brother”
“Damn it Y/N they’re our enemies!” he tried to resist but Harrison had firm grip on him as Sam tied him up.
“Sorry bro, nothing personal this is just collateral damage” you sympathize scrunching your nose.
Tom slowly opened his eyes to find himself in a dimly lit warehouse he tilted his head but hissed in pain at the obvious concussion he had after getting hit on the head. He tried to move his limbs but the ropes were quite tightly fastened around him as he groaned in frustration.
“How are you holding up son?” mockery laced in Victor’s voice.
“Just like a pro” Tom says with sarcasm.
“That’s good to hear” Victor lets out a humorless laugh.
“You’re gonna pay for this you bastard!” he spits “my brothers will hunt you down” 
“Even if they do they will find your dead body instead”
“What on earth would a father like to see his own daughter get widowed?” Tom questions him as Victor scoffs.
“Huh trying to guilt trip me? That's not gonna work here” he says. “you see I never approved of this little marriage of yours it was just a deal to me and that foolish girl just had to ruin everything. I would actually be the happiest to see Y/N as a widow than lead a pathetic life with you! You are no match for my daughter” 
“That’s true I can never be a match to her because she is the kindest and most loving person I have ever known and I really feel bad that she was born to a monster like you!” Tom mutters.
“Oh I know I’m a monster but whatever I do is for my family. The comfort and luxury she grew up is all because of me. She had a momentary relapse with you, my girl is really naive when it comes to relationships but she will get over it once you’re out of the picture”
“This is the place” you say standing in front of the old warehouse where your father has held Tom captive.
“You really sure this is gonna work?” Harrison was still a little hesitant.
“It has to Harrison” you say gnawing your bottom lip stress visible on your face “you guys wait here let me go in first” you take a deep breath and went inside the old warehouse 
“Daddy” you say softly as he turns with a knowing smirk.
“Y/N!” He says in a sing-song manner “I knew you would come and I’m happy. Come witness it with your own eyes how I kill this imbecile and you’ll be free to lead your life as you want peanut just like I promised”
“Y/N” Tom croaks, you glance at him as you feel your heart clench seeing him in such a helpless condition. His gorgeous face now bruised you felt like running to him and tend to his wounds.
“Daddy, let him go” you say, raising your voice.
“And why would I do that?”
“You are doing this all because of the diner right? I’ll give it back to you but just let him go please” you plead as he tuts.
“Silly girl, that diner means nothing to me, you can have it take it as your birthday gift. But I can’t let him go unless he hands over the docks to me” he grabs Tom by his hair and gives it a rough tug to make him look up to him.
“C’mon now don’t be so stubborn the faster you do it the quicker you get to die”
“NO” Tom seethes. You thought it was enough you couldn’t see Tom like this anymore.
“You know what daddy people with glass houses don't throw stones at others” you mock at him with a smug grin. 
“What do you mean?” he frowns.
“Bring him in” you ordered as Harrison and Harry stepped in with Julian. A wave of shock went through your father's face as he saw Julian being dragged inside his face badly bruised it appears the boys did take out all their frustration on him. 
“Julian?” a light gasp escapes from your father as he looks at him in horror and turns to you “Y/N release him now!”
“Things don’t work that way daddy. You let go of my husband and I’ll give you back your son” you state with a calm voice. 
“You’re crossing your limit Y/N” he glares at you angrily. 
“You know me daddy I always get what I want” you shrug. 
“Have you gone insane? He’s your brother!”
“Ah ah correction, step-brother so I don’t care. And I know how much you care for him because after all he's going to be your successor. And if he dies I'll get all of it which you don't want do you? And once I take charge of your precious empire I'm gonna hand it over to the authorities, all your blood money whoosh! In no time” you say with a dramatic voice. 
“You think your false threat is going to scare me? I know you are not going to kill him, you don’t have that much guts” Victor mocked. You fumed at his words and without saying a word draw out the pocket knife from the pocket of your jacket flicking the blade open. Without a second thought you drove the blade slashing Julian’s right arm.
“Aaahhh!!!” Julian screamed out in pain as blood flowed from the huge incision on his arm.
“Don’t tempt me daddy” you warn with malice in your eyes, your previous act literally spooking everyone in that room “Now it’s up to you to save your precious son’s life” you say with a cunning smile wiping the blood off the blade with the tip of your index and thumb fingers.
“OK! I'll let him go” your father blurts out realizing you’re dead serious and it’s better not to mess with you.
“Let him go” he orders his men.
“But boss…” the man hesitates.
“Now!” he commands sternly as they hurriedly untied Tom as he got up from the chair and walked to your side slightly limping as Harrison and Harry caught hold of him partly relieved he was okay but worried at the amount of bruises he had.
“You made the right choice daddy” you feigned a smile “Untie him” you turned to Sam as he quickly freed Julian of his restraints letting him go. He weakly walked away as your dad held him by his shoulders. 
“This isn't over Y/N you're gonna pay for this” he spat.
“Yeah will see that later till then goodbye daddy love you” you chirped and turned your attention to Tom.
“You okay?” you cup his face with concern in your eyes.
“Yeah” he winced in pain.
“Let’s go home now it’s been a long day” you said as the boys slowly walked ahead with Tom. You were right behind them, your eyes roaming around casually when you caught sight of a figure in the dark at a corner with a gun aimed right at Tom you immediately ran towards him. 
“Tom move!” You yell pushing him aside and then 
The loud gunshot echoes through the deserted area. You feel something pierce on the left side of your abdomen as you let out a choked gasp. Your hand out of instinct goes to the spot to find your hand smeared with blood, an excruciating pain slowly spreading through your body making you feel weak your vision goes hazy and you lost balance.  
“Y/N!!!” You heard Tom cry out as he rushed to hold you in his arms and the last thing you saw was his fear stricken eyes then everything blacked out as you slipped out of consciousness. 
Your father and his men also came running out to find that you were shot instead of Tom blood gushing out from the wound. The man hiding in the dark came running as well. 
“You fucking idiot who told you to shoot?!” Victor yells at him.
“But-but boss you only gave order to shoot him dead as soon he steps out” he stammers in fear.
“You shot my daughter, you moron! Get out of my sight before I kill you” he barks. 
“Y/N!” Your father rushes towards you with concern but was stopped by Tom.
“You dare take one more step and there will be blood flowing everywhere” he growls as Harrison, Harry and Sam stand guard pointing their guns towards them.
“She's my daughter let me help!” 
“I don't want you anywhere near my wife do you fucking understand?!” he barks prompting Victor to back off. 
Tom turns his attention to you. “You're gonna be alright, love” he sniffles, lifting you in his arms and carrying you to the car as they rush to the hospital.
The whole night was a torment for everyone Vanessa came running after hearing of you being shot. Despite of everyone asking Tom to take some rest for his own injuries he was adamant to stay by your side. The procedure was completed as the doctors took out the bullet from inside you. They said you were lucky, the bullet was millimeters away from your kidney which could have complicated the matter. After some time everyone was allowed to see you though you were asleep due to the anesthesia. Tom decided to sit by your side as he couldn’t think of leaving you alone. 
You woke up at the rhythmic beeping of a machine next morning squinting your eyes open to find yourself on a hospital bed. You tried to sit up but a stinging pain near your abdomen made you groan in discomfort. Your slight movements woke Tom up who was dozed off on the couch as he quickly made his way to you.
“How are you feeling honey?” he asks holding your hand
“A little tired other than that ok” you said.
“They’re gonna release you today then we can go back to our home darling” he brushes your forehead gently. Your eyes went to the bandages on his hand and the cuts on his face. He was about to go find the doctor but you caught hold of his hand.
“Wait, how are you? You were hurt too you should be taking rest”
“I'm fine love, I'm used to these” he assures you pressing a soft kiss on your forehead and leaves.
And as you were told the doctor released you later in the day with strict instructions for proper bed rest. Tom signed all the necessary papers and in no time you were back at your home. Tom was by your side all the time as he walked you to your bedroom and tucked you in bed. 
“C'mon here you go, now close your eyes and take a rest. If you need anything just give a call” 
“You know I'm fine” you tried to reassure him. 
“Yes I know that but you are still not setting your foot out of this room” he says strictly.
“You know I can't do that. I have a diner and speakeasy to run” you object.
“Vanessa will take care of that”
“No she can’t! She’s way too irresponsible” you argued.
“Y/N for once can you just listen to what I say?!” he raises his voice instantly regretting seeing flinch “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled but please Y/N this time just stay in the house. I’m just trying to keep you safe I don’t want anything happen you”
“Ok” you agreed.
For the next two weeks Tom made sure you get complete rest while he planned about his next move. He can’t let go your father so easily not after you being shot in an attempt to save him. You noticed that he has stopped working late and is always home early. Despite your thousand objections he had made it a routine to feed you your breakfast in the morning before leaving for work he says it helps in calming his nerves which you thought was weird. The whole incident had shaken him to the core. Every time the memory of you bleeding in his arms flashes in front of his eyes a grappling fear takes over him. 
You were sitting on the bed reading a book with your legs stretched out back resting against the headboard when Tom walks in to rummage something in his wardrobe. 
“You're still awake” he remarks you glanced up at him and god he was looking hot in just his sweats and a black tank top as you gorged on his flexed biceps. 
“I can't sleep” you state out plainly.
“Go to sleep love you should not stay up late” he says sweetly.
“God you need to stop babying me Tom I'm completely fine now” you throw a fit annoyed. He looks over his shoulder smiling.
“What? I’m just saying you to go to bed on time. How am I babying you?”
“You know you should practice what you preach first” you quip. Tom sighs, hanging his head low in defeat. 
“Ok if I go to bed you promise to go to sleep?” 
“Yeah why not” you say nonchalantly.
He climbs up on the bed and lays down beside you. You close the book and keep it on the bedside table getting comfortable under the covers. A few moments pass in silence as you lay side by side before you turned on your side to face him.
“I’m sorry” you mumble. Tom brows draw into a frown in confusion as he turns on his side.
“Why? What are you sorry for?”
“All this rivalry with my dad is happening just because of me you shouldn’t have agreed to marry me I’m no good for you”
“Hey it was never your fault your sick father was using you as a bait. And marrying you will be the decision in my life and I mean it” he emphasizes.
“Thanks that’s nice to hear” your lips press in a smile.
“For the first time in my life I was so scared” he says tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.
“Hey it's ok I'm fine nobody dies from abdominal injuries anyways” you joke.
“Don’t say that” he tenses up.
“Don't say what?” 
“About dying I can't lose you” he says gloomily. 
“I really don't understand why do you want to hold on to me when the only thing I have given you is trouble and pain”
“You're the light of my life without you everything for me is dark and cold. Though it’s kinda true you can be a pain in the ass sometimes” he snickers and you slap his chest playfully.
“But we can't be together Tom” you say swallowing a lump in your throat.
“Why?” he frowns.
“If my father goes to jail so am I... I have blood on my hands too” he possessively cups the side of your face. 
“Hey listen to me, I will not let anyone lay a finger on you I promise”
“I’m counting on you with that” you lightly chuckle.
“Can I ask you something?” he gazes in to your eyes his fingers playing with your hair lazily.
“Mmm hmm” you hum.
“Why don't you like me? I mean what have I done to you that you hated me so much?” he fumbles.
“Well I wouldn't say it hate but I definitely am angry I mean was angry with you” you say “You remember the fundraiser event I hosted before our engagement?”
“Uh huh” he nods “but what did I do that day to upset you?”
“You did though unknowingly” as you went to narrate the whole thing.
You had just turned 18 and had got the most shocking news of your parents fixing your marriage with some guy you’ve never met. Your engagement was in two weeks so you were told that you would have to spend some time together with Tom so that you guys can get acquainted. You were already annoyed with the whole thing and now you were taking out your anger on the poor staff of your dad  who were helping you host your yearly fundraiser giving them a living hell.
“I clearly remember giving you the floral scheme. What the hell is this?! I want these to be fixed immediately!” you yelled at them not satisfied with the floral arrangement.
“Now how did I know that I'll find you here in the hell of this shit” Tom remarks with a smug grin.
“Go away I'm busy” you said annoyed.
“I was wondering at what time should I pick you up tomorrow?” 
“How about a quarter to never?” you sassed.
“I was promised a date” he reminds you with a serious tone.
“Yeah like a movie date where I can keep three seats between us and I don't have to talk to you” you snapped at him.
“I'm sure the mafia princess will not be hosting the event alone. I can be a good company with my dashing looks and charming personality,” he boasts and you huffed rolling your eyes.
“Fine if you insist on coming meet me here tomorrow sharp at 1pm, black tie optional and I already have a dress so don't even think of getting me anything.”
Next day at the fundraiser you were busy as a bee making sure the event goes smoothly.
“Why aren't you bussing the tables? I said no empty glasses” you scolded the usher seeing empty glasses on people’s tables before striding off to the live band.
“Can you just raise the tempo? It's a charity event not a funeral” you snapped at them.
“If anything is done right without my supervision” you scoffed and then you heard Tom from behind.
“And how do I look?” you turned with a disinterested look to be mesmerized at how good he looked in the well fitted blue tux.
“You-you look perfect. Annoyingly” you said.
“So father busy in illegal trades and daughter hosting charity, quite balanced I see” he quipped.
“I don’t support him and this charity is for those who suffered for my dad” your eyes caught sight of one of your friends “Now will you please excuse me” you went to meet your friend.  
“He looks so fine. Who the hell is that guy?” she gushes to you.
“My future husband” you sighed rolling your eyes.
“What?” Stacy’s eyes widened “Damn girl! You got lucky”
“Shut up” 
“I mean it I would literally do anything to have that hot piece of meat on my bed every night” she joked.
“OK I'm not marrying him for sex and I don't even know him” 
“So why are you standing here with me go and talk to him spend some time”
“Now you also don’t be so pushy like my parents” you whine
“Y/N we belong to mob families this is how things work for us girls we don’t get to choose the sooner you accept your fate the better” she tried to make you understand as you sigh nodding to her in understanding as you glanced at Tom standing at a corner.
Tom was getting bored as he took out a cigarette and lit it up when he heard someone familiar call from behind.  
“Oi Tom” Tom glanced over his shoulder to find one of his schoolmates.
“Hey Matt what's up mate?” 
“Nothing just spending some time with my girl there in that blue dress” he points at your direction referring to your friend as Tom looked back to have a glance “What are you doing here?”
“Well the girl with your lady love is my would be wife” he revealed turning back to him again
“What? Dude that’s awesome you finally found your woman too, she seems lovely”
“Yeah kind of a spoiled brat to be honest” Tom chuckles meanwhile you made your way towards Tom thinking maybe Stacy is right you should give him a chance.
“It’s really nice to see you finally shrug off that womanizer life and settle down”
“Nah that was much better! I don't have time for playing house but now for my dad I’m stuck” you stopped on your tracks when you overheard him as Tom takes a drag of his cigarette and sighs.
“Then why are you accompanying her?”
“Just making an alibi while my men relieve someone from his pathetic life. I don't know man, I mean she's pretty and I like her but this permanently getting tied up with someone is scary for a guy like me but what to do my family wants heirs and I’m the eldest can’t put down our family’s name” Tom ranted.
“I actually kind of had accepted my fate and tried to look at the bright side that finally I would be free from my controlling father. Finally someone will love me for who I am, I don't have to constantly prove my worth to anyone. But then I heard you saying that and I was literally hurt. I thought you were different but like others I was a mere object to you as well so I got angry and anger turned to hatred because I didn’t want to spend the rest of my life with a man like that” you rant as Tom was filled with guilt.
“Bloody hell! I’m so sorry Y/N I didn’t mean that way. I-I was known to be a ladies man and I didn’t want my reputation to go down so I just acted like a dick of not caring about you or this whole marriage. I’m really sorry that I made you feel that way”
“It’s ok I’m over that now” you gave him a soft smile.
“I promise you starting from now everyday the rest of my life I will show you how much I love you and cherish you. You’re the most prized possession I have” his thumb brushes lightly against your cheek bones as he dips his head down to capture your lips fervently. You drag one thigh over his hip wrapping around him and pull him closer to you. He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck pressing delicate butterfly kisses which made you feel ticklish.
“Tomm.." You squeal softly tangling your fingers in his hair. He turns you on your back pulling himself over you gazing into your eyes with lust his large palm reaches up to cradle the side of your face.
“Let me just treat my queen right tonight'' he murmurs against your lips, his hot breath fanning your face. He pushes his tongue inside your mouth deepening the kiss while his hands wander all over your body before his hand glides under your shirt as he breaks the kiss to pull the it over your head leaving your chest exposed as your nipples harden in the cool air. Your hands tug on his vest taking the hint he takes it off as your eyes trail up and down his well toned torso.
He leans down, lips lightly brushing against your lips as he started pressing soft kisses down your throat, gently nipping on the skin around your collarbones. He placed wet kisses between the valley of your breasts. 
“God you are so beautiful” he whispers before wrapping his mouth on your hardened peak. A moan erupts from you as his other hand cups your other breast rolling the nipple between his fingers. You moan louder when his teeth graze gently tugging on the bud then soothing it by licking with his tongue. He looks up at you with a smirk before repeating his actions paying equal attention to your other breast as soft whimpers fall from your lips. Releasing it with a pop he travels down further pressing butterfly kisses all the way long. He stops at the bullet scar on your hip and presses a gentle kiss on it.
You were already drenched down there as he tugs on your sleep shorts, you lift your hips slightly and he pulls them off. He presses a soft kiss over your clothed core before hooking his fingers on the waistband of your panties and slides them down your ankles. A low groan escapes from his mouth when he is met with the sight of your pussy glistening with arousal.
He starts by placing a kiss on your ankle mouthing his way up slowly kissing your calves dragging his lips through your inner thighs as you shudder at the feeling of his warm, wet lips on your skin. You squeeze your thighs together to get some relief from the growing ache but he was quick to push your legs apart running his hands soothingly along your inner thighs. He finally touches you where you needed him the most, dipping two fingers in your heat collecting your slick to rub slow circles on your clit and your breath hitched.
He bends your legs and places them over his broad shoulders as pulls you closer to him. His hot breath against your core sends shivers all over your body as he dives in giving a sharp lick through your folds. You felt your body ablaze as you grasp on the sheets inhaling sharply.
“So sweet” he hums against your core the vibrations reverberate through your whole body as he continues lapping you up before wrapping his mouth on your clit, sucking it gently. He flicked your bundle of nerves making you jolt at the overwhelming sensation as your grip tightened on the sheets.  
He easily pushed two fingers inside your wet heat scissoring inside you with precise movements while sucking on your clit. Your hands flung to tug on his hair nails scratching his scalp as he groans into your heat pumping his fingers in and out of you with a steady pace. Tom curls his fingers as your walls tighten around him the pressure building inside your stomach. He then adds a third as he thrusts deeper hitting your g spot. 
“Oh my god right there” you jolt in pleasure bucking your hips to his face. The burn inside your stomach grows in intensity as your toes curl and back arches. He has to place a hand on your stomach to keep you in place as he continues to devour you.
“Cum for me love” he coaxes as your thighs shook coming undone around his fingers and mouth. You were breathless as Tom watched your chest rise and fall. 
He got rid of his sweatpants and boxers and crawled up to you, slotting himself between your legs. You could feel his erection pressed against your thigh. He brushes the hair off your face and leans down to capture your lips gingerly before he grabs his hard member. He runs the tip through your slick before lining up to your entrance. He then slowly pushed the head in as your walls engulfed him inch by inch until you were completely full of him. Both of you let out a moan at the feeling.
“Fuck so warm and snug” Tom grunts before pulling back and thrusting right into you, going at a slow pace making you feel each and every ridge and bump of his cock. Your moans were music to his ears encouraging him as he slides deeper inside of you. Your jaws went slack, eyes fluttering every time he bottomed out. He pins your hands to the side of your head lacing his fingers with yours as he picks up his pace pounding into you hard and fast. 
For the first time you didn’t despise each other nor you were only driven by lust with the only goal to satisfy each others physical needs. This was something different, something subtle which made your heart bloom with warmth. You felt connected not just physically but connected through your hearts and souls. You could feel the love you had for each other. This is the feeling you yearned for all your life and now you wished you could stay like this forever. For the first time you made love.
Your legs wrap around his waist pulling him closer to you as your breasts rub against his sturdy chest making them more sensitive. The room is filled with your moans and grunts with the soft sound of skin slapping against each other as a thin layer of sweat covered your writhing bodies. Tom’s hand finds your swollen bud as he rubbed circles around it spurring you to the edge.
“Ah Tom I’m close” you moaned circling your hands around his neck and pulling him down  into a very passionate, sloppy kiss. Your legs tightened around his waist constricting much of his movement. His tip hit your spot, you raked your nails on his back as your body convulsed your orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave. His thrusts became sporadic as your walls clamped around him and you felt him twitch, spilling his seed inside you. Your walls contracted, milking every last drop of him. 
“Fuck” Tom lets out a low groan feeling fully spent out as he wraps his arms around you and collapses on top you panting. You stayed like that for a while with his cock still buried inside you as you both come down from your highs.
“I love you” you finally confessed as your fingers play with the hair at the back of his head. He looks up to you with a glimmer in his eyes as he breaks into a smile.
“I love you too” he says pressing his forehead to yours.
“We can't win against them dad as long as Y/N is with them” Julian points out pacing in his room.
“It was my fault I voluntarily gave them the weapon of my destruction” Victor says with disappointment.
“So what are you gonna to do now?” 
“We can't do anything if they are together so I have to break them apart and I know someone who can do that” Victor looks at him and Julian instantly knew to whom he was referring.
“What? You're not kidding right?” he asks in disbelief.
“It's time to use my trump card” he grins wickedly “Call him” he instructs as Julian dials the number the line rings
“Hello” a male voice receives from the other end. 
“Hey Ethan how are you my boy?” 
“I'm good sir. California is treating me really well not gonna lie” he chuckles
“That’s nice to hear but I need you to come to London” 
“London? Anything wrong sir?” 
“It's Y/N” 
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darthwheezely · 3 years
sand and stone - g.w. - 1
summary: marine biologist y/n has made a major discovery - george, prince of the north reef and heir to the throne of oceanic royals. but when sinister forces threaten his very life - and the life of his family - will they be able to make it out of this alive?
pairing: merman!george weasley x marine biologist!reader
warnings: cussing, light angst (in this chapter!) possible sex in future chapters (if so: I’ll add nsfw warnings to each chapter when that occurs!), cruelty
a/n: it’s taken ages for me to update my series’ and for that i am so sorry :,) i just needed to bust out smaller projects like one shots to bring my head space back and i PROMISE i walk chapter 5 will be next as i’ve been actively tackling it for a HOT second now, it just has some intense content to write so it’s been hard for me to tackle yk?
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Fred replayed the scene over and over, he knew there was nothing that could bring George back, nor heal his guilt in the process. Fred was older, he should’ve been wiser by default, he was always the protector and for the first time in his life he had chosen his own mischief over George.
And in his mind the outcome would always be the same:
George was gone.
And it was his fault.
Palace life was more stifling than it ever was, with Fred next in line as coronation as the next High Prince with a few more titles after his elder brother Percy, a marital match was next, and for some odd reason (Fred noted) that was taking a higher value than searching for his own brother.
And that didn’t really make sense to him.
Fred had asked every living merperson in the court if they had seen the ship, what it looked like, where it was going, anything to conclude that information was out there. But alas, none of them knew anything important.
King Arthur, on the other hand, didn’t seem to want to help at all.
So here was Fred, now pushing his way through the doors of the main throne room, watching with vile contempt as his father and his oldest brother Bill chatted about something making them laugh so hard they were wheezing.
“Son! How lovely a surprise,” Arthur had looked bemusedly at his fourth and bullheaded son.
“Don’t bore me with your bullshit, Father, I know nothing I have to say will probably mean anything to you anyways,” Fred snapped, prompting Bill to rise from his seat.
“Fred, what is going on with you as of late? What makes you think you can address our father, the King mind you, like this-“
“Because with all due respect, big brother” he shifted his eyes from Bill back to their father, who was looking coldly back at him with less than no remorse, “I’ve come to ask about the search party for George.”
“Then, ask, son, you know your brother and I can’t do your little tease all day,” Arthur coughed, waving his aide to bring him his handkerchief.
“How has the party been? Has anyone found anything new since the discovery that it was a boat that took him?” Fred was pacing, tapping his chin, a mannerism he always did when he was in thought.
Arthur sighed in frustration, “we would have told you if there was any other news, now get dressed for your courtship ball tonight-“
“No.” Fred said simply.
“Yes, no, as in no, I will not be attending the courtship ball tonight.” He crossed his arms and looked from Bill back to his now flabbergasted father. “Is there a problem?”
It was now Bill who answered an exasperated, “yes, there’s a problem, all the eligible women for currents on end will be in attendance and you need a wife before the kelp harvest, you know this-“
“Ah, forgive me, because a wife and a mindless piece of grass is more important than my own goddamn brother,” Fred spat, “my mistake, your Majesty.”
Arthur rose from his seat and started in towards Fred. “Frederick, Prince of the North Reef, you’ve got a lot of nerve coming in here and-“
“Demanding justice for your own child?”
The room was silent for a moment, Fred looking mightily angry but also pleased in the fact that yes, he had gotten his father right where he wanted him.
“Son. I’ll strike you a deal,” he said quietly. Fred scoffed and rolled his eyes, heading towards the exit.
“Father, I know the extent of your deals and as such, I’m not going to participate in your little games,” he called from behind.
“You don’t want to find George yourself?”
Fred stopped dead in his tracks.
“Freddie...a father knows his sons better than they expect...and George is your other half and...” he swallowed, “this search isn’t going as well as it should and we all need answers,” he finished softly. Fred turned around and tears pricked at his eyes.
“If you choose to find your brother on land and you do so in one week’s time,” he closed his eyes and inhaled, “you’ll never need marry-“
“Father-!” Bill sputtered.
“-and never need settle in any of the Reef palaces I’ve created. Son, you’ll be-“
“I’ll be free of royal life if I so choose” he rubbed his jaw, taking a moment to think.
“You’re the best brother I’ve ever had, Freddie!”
“And you’re my best friend, Georgie!”
“And we’ll never be apart-“
“Not as long as we live-“
“-forever,” Fred said to himself softly, before nodding.
“If I’m not back in a week - send the search. You don’t want two dead sons on your hands,” he paced back to the door, pushing both sides open with both hands.
“...and I’ve got answers to find.”
As soon as Fred left the room, Arthur chuckled deeply.
“Yes, father?”
“Keep an eye on him. We don’t need him getting out and stirring up any more trouble.” He rose from his throne, eyes still staring at the door.
“My son must learn to be quiet.”
George was back in the water, he knew that much. His head lolled back and forth as he slowly regained composure, seeing his tail as shiny and new as ever, but somehow unable to move it. He felt exhausted, like he’d swam to the South Reef and back like he used to do with-
“Fred...” he murmured, not really to anyone, just calling out to him somewhere. He realizes after a couple minutes that he was slowly sinking, his eyes fluttering open and shut again slowly in time before he hit the ground.
It was sand. He was in water, he knew that much, immediately jolting up swimming forward until-
“Neptune, what the fuck is this?” He rubbed his head, hitting something unbeknownst to him. He slapped and hit at the surface in front of him, making a sound of echo and reverb as he squinted his eyes and saw:
This was not home.
“Hey - hey let me out!” He shouted, banging on the clear surface, clearly seeing -
“Humans...” he mumbled, the laden horror setting in, backing up in shock and swimming for dear life before he hit the other side of this surface, repeating the same banging, desperate to be freed.
“Let me out! Let me go, I need to find my brother, please!” He cried out, swimming every way possible way, hitting the hard and translucent surface every time.
“What’s he doing?” A voice said, a younger woman for sure.
“He’s trying to break free, but unfortunately for him: that’s plexiglass.” A distinctly deeper and more even voice replied.
“He - he wants out.”
That voice. George stopped and turned around, he’d heard that voice before.
“I shouldn’t have brought him back, Dr. Lockhart-“
“Yes, and - and now we’ve stranded him here, I mean, we don’t even know how long he’ll survive under isolation-“
“That’s enough, Miss Y/L/N!” The man shouted, stilling the voices in the laboratory. He cleared his throat and pushed up his glasses before smiling tightly at the girl.
“You forget yourself, Miss Y/L/N,” he said softly. “You may be a fantastic marine student, but you are still just that: a student. And until you reach a higher potential,” George watched with rapt eyes as the man made his way to her pressing a button.
“That is all you will be. A very. Smart. Student.” He clipped, turning a gauge.
George heard a very loud sound, looking up and seeing a large square thing coming down to the top of the encasement he was in. He scrambled to swim up, attempting to push it up and off, but it was too heavy and eventually he realized -
“I’m trapped,” he said hollowly, looking out at the people in the lab, now looking highly uncomfortable and exiting the room.
“Please - please I need to get back home,” he pleaded. “No, no, please” he banged harder on the plexiglass, “let me out! Please, let me out, I’m begging you!”
He saw her then, her face of...sadness. And remorse. And maybe something else.
“Please,” he whispered at her, before she swallowed, keeping her eyes to the floor and exiting the laboratory.
George, Prince of the North Reef was alone.
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