#count speechless
rwpohl · 1 year
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blueteller · 2 days
Ok, first of all:
Pendrick's face reveal
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He's.... not blond.
He was supposed to be blond. 😂 He's a blond elf! He was meant to be the stereotypical pretty blond elf!! How do you mess that up!!! 🤣
...well at least the facial scarring is there. You think they they had some Harry Potter scars on sale? Lol
And I guess gray – or silver? It's hard to tell... – hair is close enough to blond?? Could have been worse.
...In any case, Pendrick's design details aside, I have to admit this: chapter 131 of the manhwa has been one of the most enjoyable chapters I've read in a long while.
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The entire scene of Cale inwardly freaking out while the elves were trying to approach him was priceless. Comedy gold. They made it even funnier than in the novel, which is rare.
I laughed so hard. Respects!
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birrdify · 2 months
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I sneezed and dropped something in your inbox
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meownotgood · 2 months
Hey, just so you know, the person who plagiarized your work hasn't actually deleted their ao3 but changed it to sugucidal. While looking through my one fic I know they commented on it showed up like that. Figured you'd want to know so you can still block them.
oh wow. the saga continues apparently because every single one of the fics this account has ever posted were stolen from me. like.... I'm not sure what could compel a person to do this....
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brutaliakent · 2 years
DC branding Jason as Violent Robin again. And they even stopped acknowledging him as Bruce's son now and just a "ward"
And my god I know I didnt just read Bruce comparing him with Joe Chill
I'm literally gonna kill someone this pissed me off so bad.
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marymekpop · 10 months
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⟢ highlight of the hour: my dearest [10/20] ⟣
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slythereen · 8 months
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this post is quite literally the exact same as memes i saw going around parodying the monaco incident... are we being fucking for real right now
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 13 hours
Griffin, chimera, phœnix, minotaur! 🖤🪶
Thank u, dear Nina! 🤍
🦅 Griffin: how many books have you read this year?
Devastatingly, it appears I've only finished one (I have GOT to start keeping a record bc I forgor) 💀 And what a one it is! The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern 🖤🤍 I definitely did not have a crisis of identity upon finishing it (last time I read it was in high school) ^_^ ANYWAY I'm currently reading more than just one, at least! Between fanfics, I've got Red Side Story by Jasper Fforde, Equal Rites by Terry Pratchett, & The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas on rotation 😃💞🌈🌌⛵️ After them will be Don Quixote!
🦁 Chimera: have/would you ever dye your hair? what colour?
Probably no due to having to bleach it first, which I don't want to do bc it would kill it stone dead I'm sure, & also bc apparently it changes once u wash it??? so it would be too high maintenance to keep the shade I want :( BUT if I ever did, I would like a few streaks in either dark blue or dark green 💙💚
🔥 Phœnix: do you believe in life after death?
Nay, which makes me an incorrigible altruist & hedonist... although I make too many references to my past lives for someone who doesn't lol
🐮 Minotaur: who do you dislike the most right now?
Torn between another person & myself... I dislike the other person for being cooler than me, & I dislike myself for disliking someone for such a silly reason 🤦‍♀️
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spxnglr · 2 months
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I've been unwell again so me being here has been delayed, but I woke up to this yesterday.
I'm floored. Thank you all so much for bearing with me even when I've not been giving this place the attention it deserves. I love you all more than words can say.
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kennethbrangh · 1 year
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RICHARD SCHIFF as Toby Ziegler in The West Wing | S03E15
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amywritesthings · 1 year
... oh ... my god?
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oh my god?!?!?!?
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yxkanna · 3 months
"You know," it's almost apropos of nothing - he's brought her home some flowers, tucked into the side of his kit to keep his hands free on the subway - but that was an hour ago, so this statement really will seem like its coming out of nowhere. "I've only ever loved two men in my nearly four hundred years of being alive. I'm so glad one of them is you." (get FLUSTERED - u thought it was going to be a sex thing but no get blindsided with true love and devotion)
get his ass // @miidnighters
THEY'VE BEEN IN comfortable quiet for some time. Nick's half-focused on the comfortable chatter of the TV, sprawled strangely on the couch, a hand tucked up under one of Bella's thighs just to hold her. His hair's still wet from his shower. He has half a mind to call it quits for the night and go to bed, except for the fact that he's so comfortable.
SHE STARTS UP with something, and his head tilts to look at her, and then - well. Anything he might've said gets all clogged up in his throat at that. He doesn't know what to say, anyways; anything he might've tried to voice probably would've been fucking stupid anyways, so maybe it's for the best he's speechless.
HE HAS TO look away before she can see whatever dumb expression he's got on his face, and he stays quiet here in his weird spot on the couch. But his thumb does rub gently at her thigh - he heard it, he understood it, he appreciated it, and God, does he love her too, even if he doesn't know how to verbalize it sometimes.
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zoeywades-spouse · 1 year
So I just found out that I have something called POTS (a medical condition that causes my heart to beat really fast when I stand) and when I told my doctor they said that three years ago the cardiologist I saw for the same issues thought I might also have POTS but instead they told me that I actually had anxiety and it was just all in my head
This is why people don't trust doctors
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nishicchikouchi · 2 years
Even fire ap was scared of his own powers in Xiaolen. 🤣🤣🤣
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dy1ng-athe1st · 4 months
My OC: *calls Delgado 'Del' way too many times during the mission while being a Rook*
Delgado: I am your Captain, and from now on you will refer to me as such.
My OC: Okay, Such.
Delgado: 😐🤨
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gxtzeizm · 1 year
okay that's a lot of plot twists and surprises for this gose episode tho i'm still can't even brain it rn 🤯🤯
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