#coup in niger
gameofthrones2020 · 1 year
Coup in Niger
Coup in Niger: On 26 July 2023, soldiers from Niger’s presidential guard deposed President Mohamed Bazoum and closed the country’s borders
On 26 July 2023, soldiers from Niger’s presidential guard deposed President Mohamed Bazoum and closed the country’s borders. The presidential guard also blocked entrances to government ministries. The coup leaders, who have named General Abdourahamane Tiani, the former presidential guard chief, as head of state, said they overthrew Bazoum due to poor governance and discontent with how he handled…
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The black culture is not all about slavery
This is a message for my black brothers and sisters
There are more than 100 gods, both small and big, in Igbo Culture, but for some reason, most people don't know anything about them, except probably for one.I think colonialism and the entrance of Christianity are to blame because they made us forget our roots as Africans. But that's a narrative we must work hard to change.Out of the over 100 gods we have, I will be talking about the nine strongest and most popular Igbo gods (Alusi)
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also known as ani, ana & ale in numerous dialects, is a female god representing the earth, fertility, creativity, and morality. She is the most respected god in Igboland.
She is considered the wife of Amadioha, the skygod, and commands authority in Igbo land. The symbol of the ala is a python & crescent moon
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This is the most popular god in Igboland, and he is the god of thunder & lightning. He is the strongest of all.He is considered a gentleman among the deities and the cruelest when annoyed.Amadioha represents the collective will of the people. A white ram represents him, and his color is red. He is still one of the most feared gods in Igbo land to this day.His shrine can be found in rivers state, Nigeria.
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This is the god of strength and war, as its name means "place of strength." It is a horned deity and is one of the most powerful and respected gods in Igboland.The Ikenga can is given a title to men of good reputation, wealth, and integrity.
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This is the god of health and divination. This god is one of the basic theological concepts used to explain good and evil, health and sickness, poverty, and wealth in Igbo land.Belief in the deity was widespread, with most villages having some agwu priests, who also doubled as physicians in the land.
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This is the goddess of the sun. As is done in almost all ancient religions and traditions, there is always a deity in respect of the sun.It is revered as the goddess that promotes productivity, hard work, and the overall positive well-being of the people.The Igbo kept this deity in high esteem. That's why many households took the name to be their surname.
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This is the guardian deity of yam in Igboland. (Yes, yams 😂)In many parts of Igbo land, people did rituals in honor of the goddess of yams, known as ifejioku.She is prayed to for productivity during the farming season.Children who were dedicated to this goddess were called Njoku and were expected to be prosperous in life
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The goddess of the ocean & the seas. It is believed to have found the Idemmili community in Anambra state.Its shrine can be found in that community and is one of the oldest shrines in Igbo land.It is a secret shine & the worship of pythons (eke) goes on there. Hence the killing of pythons in that area is forbidden.
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I don't think this list will be complete without a god of death.Meaning "the one that kills at night," he is known as the death deity.His victims are said to be criminals and those who have committed abominations in the land, and he is known to kill violently.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Regional reactions to Niger’s coup, 1 August 2023.
Map of regional reactions to Niger’s military coup. Nigeria threatens with military intervention, and Mali, Burkina Faso and Guinea announced they will enter with military against foreign intervention. Algerian government also said it will support Niger with military against any intervention
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bluegraywilde · 7 months
So reading an academic article on the interaction between extractive resources and civil wars and the author casually mentions that in 1993, Elf-Aquitaine (oil company now part of French oil giant TotalEnergies) paid $150 million to Denis Sassou-Ngeuesso, then the former president of the Republic of Congo (1979-1992), with the expectation of securing oil rights… very cool, very neat to bribe an opposition leader and former dictator, nice corporate responsibly to “participate” in the democratization of a former one party state
This man turned around and rather than spend the money on campaign finance and all that good stuff… raised a militia and tried to seize power, killing 10,000 people in 4 months (1993-1994)
Low level conflict persisted until a second wave of civil war that lasted from 1997-1999 (another 14,000-25,000 dead for those keeping score) in which he was finally able to seize power… which he still holds today!!!!
And like the Wikipedia pages (which I get not final arbiters of truth and knowledge but still) doesn’t even mention it on Elf-Aquitaine’s page and the only reference to any of this is on the Second Civil War’s page where there’s an allusion to French support due to unspecified oil interests…
… excuse me
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
49 out of 54 African countries join the Russia-Africa summit. The presidential guard of Niger coup pro French president with support of the people.
Hello and welcome to a sov original. Today, we talk about the Russia-Africa summit and what it means in the context of geopolitics.
Let's start with an unexpected star, Uncle Prigozhin is back from Belarus,he appears in good health and comes to reassure Africa that the wagner pmc is here to stay
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(Here, Uncle Yevgeny Prigozhin and the director of the publication "Afrique media" on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Economic Forum, a picture taken from the telegram channel orchestra W)
This star, in rather unformal clothing, has also said his opinion on the Niger coup,wich is as follow:
“The removal of the pro-French president is "in fact a conquest of independence" by the people of Niger. The former colonialists deliberately destabilize the situation in African countries, supporting terrorists and illegal gangs in order to prevent the further development of the former colonies.
(Source:orchestra W)
This is the effectiveness of PMC Wagner: a thousand PMC Wagner fighters are able to restore order and destroy terrorists, preventing them from harming the civilian population of states, ”
With Uncle Prigozhin out of the way,we can start talking about the main event
President Putin has confirmed that the end of the grain deal will not block delivers for Africa and that Russia will offer free grain to countries in need
President Putin has said that Russia is still very much willing to sit on the negotiations table and that it's Ukraine that is refusing compromise. The president added that the African peace proposal is similar in many ways to the one of China
President Putin has forgiven a large debt owed by Somalia,helping the economy of the struggling country.
The African delegates have shown support for Russia and have thanked once again President Putin for the offer of free grain and the deepening of economic partnership between Russia and Africa.
Fun fact: the president of Zimbabwe,during the meeting,was wearing an indument with the face of President Putin
The Eritrean president has maybe been the harsher on Russia,but in the opposite direction that what would be expected,he scolded Russia for not preparing more for the conflict in Ukraine and then re iterated full support for the russian cause
Source:intelrepublic,dd Republic
In Niger, the pro France president has been couped by its personal guard with the support of the people. Many Russian flags and pro Russian slogans were present during the pro coup manifestations,showing once more wich side the African people are on.
Source:Intel republic, DD republic
Once again, the weakness of the Western sanctions and the failure of the policy of isolation are absolutely clear. The west has lost allies,credibility, and an enormous amount of money in its failing anti Russian crusade. The Ukrainian suicide charge is giving no fruits, and Russia has even started its own counter offensive, re taking the no man land that Ukraine was previously able to capture at an enormous cost.
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cavalierzee · 1 year
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destielnewschannel · 1 year
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Ottawa has announced it will stop providing financial assistance to Niger's government in the wake of a military coup in the West African country.
Leaders of the military junta rejected a Sunday deadline from the Economic Community of West African States, known as ECOWAS, to reinstate democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum or face possible foreign intervention.
Additionally, Niger closed its airspace on Sunday until further notice, citing the threat of military intervention from the ECOWAS.
Global Affairs Canada says in a statement that the coup is a serious threat to democracy and stability in the region.
It says the Canadian government is suspending all direct funding to Niger's government, but other assistance to vulnerable populations will continue. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada, @sissa-arrows
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
If you had any doubts about the US's intentions towards Niger and its allies, know that they sent in for "talks" Victoria Nuland, the same woman responsible for engineering the coup in Ukraine in 2014 that lead to the current war.
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workersolidarity · 1 year
🇳🇪🇪🇺 Ousted President of Niger, Mohamed Bazoum has filed a lawsuit, appealing to the Court of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to free him from "arbitrary arrest", accusing the coup government of Niger of violating his "freedom of movement."
President Mohamed Bazoum was overthrown in a military coup on July 26th and has been detained with his wife and child since.
The lawsuit was filed with the ECOWAS bloc's Court based in Abuja, the Nigerian Capital, on Sept 18th according to his Senegalese lawyer, Seydou Diagne.
"We request... in view of the violation of political Rights, that the State of Niger be ordered to immediately restore Constitutional order by handing over power to President Bazoum, who must continue to exercise it until the end of his mandate."
Since the coup succeeded in July, ECOWAS has imposed Sanctions against Niger and has warned the coup leaders that it could intervene militarily if President Bazoum is not restored to power and if all diplomatic manipulations fail.
The Niger coup took place in the context of a wave of anti-colonial sentiment that has led to anti-government protests and a series of military coups that saw the region's former Colonial masters (mainly the French) losing their power over West African States it has exploited for centuries.
Just since 2020, there have been 6 coups in former French Colonies. This includes: Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Guinea, Mali and Sudan.
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By John Parker
The past few years have witnessed militant defensive actions and campaigns around the world defending the working-class movements that are collectively “fed up.”
They are fed up with the putrid smell of the deteriorating U.S. and West European imperialism — which rides on white supremacy.
Following the U.S.-backed 2014 coup in Ukraine, Nazi organizations were put into leading positions of power. The “ethnic cleansing campaign” they executed in the predominantly Russian-speaking Donbass region was finally countered last year despite the U.S.-led NATO proxy war.
On the continent of Africa, the actual impact of the “non-invasion” invasion of AFRICOM and U.S.-led NATO has been justified as a “war on terror.” However, even the United Nations was forced to expose that the U.S. is the source of terror — exposing another version of genocide on the African continent. The U.S. proxy wars have created and supported terrorists and policies that ensure the continuation of the U.S. and Western European plunder of resources, creating scarcity of water, food, health care, and electricity on top of debilitating sanctions.
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jloisse · 1 year
🟢 "Vert de rage"
L' uranium de la colère
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Latest developments following Niger's coup. The junta met with Wagner representatives in Bamako to discuss of a potential deployment, while Niger's captive president called on the US to halt the coup.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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dykeseinfeld · 1 year
personally i think it is the absolute bare minimum before you declare your opinions about the nigerien coup like you know what you're talking about that you should be able to get 100% on this quiz
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memenewsdotcom · 1 year
Niger coup
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