#covalent bonding
knixolatenuggets · 11 months
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Day 26 - Copper from Covalent Bonding (my OC) enjoying the changing of the leaves.
Oh gosh, a week into this month and I hadn't posted this? I've been taking some time off. Got two more to post though! I can say, after going through all the pages of the two comics I've started, I'm a lot more excited to work on them soon.
Copper is a coloring page! I know I have set colors for him, but I'm curious how others might color him! Just let me know when you do!
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gil-shalossssss · 1 year
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I got bored in science and we were talking about naming covalent bonds.
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blu-ish · 7 months
Guess who got a 79.9 on her first ever college science exam.
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Harvard here I come, I can't let all this ultra big brain level smortness just go to waste.
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what-the-stark · 1 month
@mindoverbanner from x
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"Nothing cataclysmic, just wondering...actually up is pretty on point. You have any plans for the next...month? Or so? I thought I'd check before I penciled you in."
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Aradia: "why are pe0ple wh0 d0 c00l things always s0 weird" i have a startling truth t0 keep fr0m y0u… ab0ut the relati0nship between c00l and weird
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o5-10 · 5 days
Fylgja: does your muse believe in fate? A higher power of any kind? 
Well, that's hard to say, honestly! O5-13, who I don't know terribly well, says and does things that imply that something is at play to some degree, but I certainly don't know enough about that to say. The Pataphysics Department existing also indicates this, I think. No one really likes talking with them very much. Since O5-10 is awake again, I did ask zem for input, and ze was surprisingly calm about it. You'll see what I mean. Here's what se had to say, transcribed verbatim:
Considering Thirteen, or, rather, what's wrong with xem, there is definitely something along those lines, though I lack a lot of context to understand things fully. Thirteen experiences his life in a fascinating way. His experience of time is nonlinear, I understand it to be that he is experiencing all of the events he knows about simultaneously, but I believe I am at least somewhat mistaken on that. It is not uncommon for ser to mix up tenses at times. Se will sometimes address those se is speaking to in ways that only become appropriate at a later point in time or that have not been appropriate in years. Se sometimes makes vague statements about things that will come to pass. These statements have never been wrong to my knowledge. Maybe they have and I either never knew or am forgetting. There are future events that se admits se cannot see or predict, as well as occasions where se knows something will happen, but the details are unclear, such as ser warning me I would die from overwork before questioning if that would actually be me or a different O5-10. Se has knowledge of things he was not present for and should not know about, including private thoughts that were never spoken or written in any way. However, se is not omniscient and his knowledge of these things is inconsistent and limited. At the same time as this, se lacks memory of some events that he was very much present for, even though everyone else who was present (except, perhaps, Eleven, when relevant) remembers it clearly. The only thing remotely approaching an explanation I can recall ser ever sharing is the occasional offhand remark about whether or not things have been "written," though I could not say what that means. I also remember him saying something implying he has felt forced to take certain actions in order to ensure certain outcomes, that he already knows about, occur later on. Again, I could not say what, exactly, this means. The last potentially relevant thing that Thirteen does is that he will occasionally stop what xe is doing to address some unseen entities, displaying varying affects as xe does so. I have never tried to question it. I do not know if "fate" is the best word for whatever is being dealt with, here, but I do think "higher power" fits the bill well enough. Mind, I do not understand this very well at all. Some of the Elevens seem to understand what is going on to some degree, though I doubt anyone could get a straight answer there. O5verthinking's Thirteen operates very similarly, as far as I am aware, but I do not know if ze would be very forthcoming, either, and it seems it would be rather rude to ask zem about it.
I will say that before I worked here, my beliefs were different, but now I do work here, and those beliefs have been altered. I apologize that this answer is very long as well as very unclear, but the question of fate and higher powers are very complicated by nature, and our experiences make those beliefs even more complicated.
I hope this is clear enough to make at least some sense.
--Nina Newport, Factotum
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spenglercore · 9 months
GOD i have a stupid number of AUs for Egon, 13 if you want to count the stuff for Ziskey and Don.
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The World of Warcraft au is currently eating my brain, you will probably get screenshots in the near future because I have no self control.
This startednas a JOKE, god dammit.
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thisstableground · 6 months
no you're not allowed dessert until you finish your dinner, and in this specific situation "dinner" is "your health sciences homework" and "dessert" is "trying to turn all of the chemistry that you don't know enough of yet into tortured metaphors about aspects of ruben's life"
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
This mf (my friend) had the fucking audacity to say personification and anthropomorphization of scientific concepts is weird when just a few months ago that bish wrote a fucking Sodium x Chlorine gay fanfic instantly on my demand 💀💀.
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skhardwarevers1 · 11 months
hehhhe. “I’m nothing like y’all 😎😭😭😭” banner
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legofemme · 1 year
The thing they dont tell you about uni/college is that if your major and minor are similar, then youve got to prepare for hearing the same lecture 10 diff times in diff classes. This is the 6th time ive been told about atom and chemical structure this week. I took organic chemistry last year. I know everything and yet i am damned to learn about carbon once again
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glowsticcc · 2 years
listening to the penumbra podcast finale during class was a mistake
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goldenguillotines · 1 year
God I'm in such a big ship mood it's unwell
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o5-10 · 5 days
Good morning, everyone,
First, I would like to offer an apology for the actions of O5-10 in the hours leading up to approximately 03:30, 21 September, 2024 UTC. I apologized less formally on my personal blog, however, we feel a proper apology is warranted, now that the situation has been handled. While O5-10 is known to be cantankerous at the best of times, it had not gotten to quite the levels that were being displayed in many years, at this point.
The actions that O5-10 displayed publicly in that time are not in line with the image they want, nor are they appropriate, even factoring in their general demeanor. While I am unable to directly address the entities that O5-10 targeted more specifically, I assure you all that the situation is being handled.
At the moment, O5-10 is asleep and the closest I can give to an estimate to when she will be deemed ready to return to her public facing duties is that it will not take more that two (2) days, that's forty-eight (48) hours, as of my typing this. For the duration, I will predominantly be fielding communications in his stead. When I am unavailable, this duty will fall to either Aether or Unrepentant, depending on who is available at the time.
We appreciate your understanding at this time.
--Nina Newport, Factotum
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spenglercore · 8 months
So I have Alchemy as one of Egon's professions in WoW and they have these little things now you can use to improve your skills. I forgot about this.
When I say I fucking died when I closed the alchemy tab is an understatement.
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naomiknight-17 · 1 year
Need to review 2 chapters of anatomy and physiology before tomorrow's class but it's soooo dry and sooooo dense and for some reason there's like. Fuckin biochemistry involved!?! And chemistry has never been my strong point. The only science I have more trouble with is physics
All this is to say
I don't waaaaannnnaaaaaaaa
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