#coworking vienna
matchoffice-germany · 5 months
Die Bedeutung eines geeigneten Büroraums für den Unternehmenserfolg in Wien
In der heutigen geschäftigen Welt spielt die Wahl des richtigen Büroraums eine entscheidende Rolle für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens. Besonders in Städten wie Wien, wo das geschäftliche Umfeld dynamisch und wettbewerbsintensiv ist, kann ein optimaler Büroraum den Unterschied ausmachen. In diesem Artikel werfen wir einen genaueren Blick darauf, warum die Auswahl des perfekten Büroraums in Wien von entscheidender Bedeutung ist und wie man ihn findet.
Die Bedeutung eines geeigneten Büroraums
Ein geeigneter Büroraum hat eine direkte Auswirkung auf die Produktivität und Effizienz der Mitarbeiter. Eine inspirierende Arbeitsumgebung fördert Kreativität und Zusammenarbeit, während ein schlecht gestalteter Raum die Motivation beeinträchtigen kann. Darüber hinaus spiegelt der Büroraum das Image und die Professionalität des Unternehmens wider und kann potenzielle Kunden und Geschäftspartner beeinflussen. Ein moderner und gut ausgestatteter Büroraum kann dabei helfen, Top-Talente anzuziehen und zu halten. Außerdem trägt die richtige Wahl des Büroraums dazu bei, eine positive Kundenerfahrung zu schaffen und das Geschäftswachstum zu fördern.
Kriterien bei der Auswahl eines Büroraums in Wien
Bei der Auswahl eines Büroraums in Wien gibt es verschiedene wichtige Kriterien zu beachten. Der Standort ist ein entscheidender Faktor, da er die Zugänglichkeit, Verkehrsanbindung und die Qualität der Nachbarschaft beeinflusst. Die Größe und das Layout des Büros sollten den Bedürfnissen des Unternehmens entsprechen und Raum für zukünftiges Wachstum bieten. Die Ausstattung und Annehmlichkeiten des Büros, wie technische Ausstattung, Gemeinschaftsbereiche und Parkplätze, sind ebenfalls wichtige Überlegungen. Nicht zuletzt muss das Budget berücksichtigt werden, einschließlich der Mietkosten und etwaiger zusätzlicher Gebühren.
Vorstellung von Büroraum-Angeboten in Wien-City auf MatchOffice
Auf der MatchOffice-Plattform finden Unternehmen eine Vielzahl von Büroraum mieten Wien. Von modernen Bürogebäuden bis hin zu historischen Immobilien bietet MatchOffice eine breite Palette von Optionen, die den Bedürfnissen verschiedener Unternehmen gerecht werden. Interessenten können die verfügbaren Büroräume einfach durchsuchen und diejenigen auswählen, die ihren Anforderungen am besten entsprechen.
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Praktische Tipps für die Auswahl des perfekten Büroraums
Bei der Auswahl des perfekten Büroraums in Wien sollten Unternehmen einige praktische Tipps beachten. Dazu gehören das Durchführen von Vor-Ort-Besichtigungen, die Exploration von Verhandlungsmöglichkeiten mit dem Vermieter, die sorgfältige Prüfung der vertraglichen Bedingungen und die Bewahrung der Flexibilität bei der Entscheidungsfindung.
Die Wahl des richtigen Büroraums ist ein entscheidender Schritt für den Erfolg eines Unternehmens in Wien. Ein optimaler Büroraum kann die Produktivität steigern, das Image verbessern und das Wachstum fördern. Durch die Nutzung der MatchOffice-Plattform können Unternehmen den perfekten Büroraum finden, der ihren Anforderungen entspricht und sie auf dem Weg zum Erfolg unterstützt.
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my coworker who has seen one episode of Vienna Blood: So what's Max and Clara's deal? Is he gay?
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Concept: Resident Evil Coffee Shop AU because I want to see my favorite characters happy.
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𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀 is one of the employees that worked at the café from the very beginning. Sometimes guides the new employees and is overall like a big brother. Kind and ready to help. Sometimes makes small talk with regulars like Jill or Claire do and always ask for their well being. Compassionate but feels sometimes hot headed when he encounters unreasonable and rude customers and isn’t afraid to stand up for a fellow employee if necessary. Buys his sister pastries even though she could do it herself and always takes most work onto his shoulders.
I think his special drink would be either a simple black coffee or something more special like a Latte Macchiato.
𝗝𝗶𝗹𝗹 working alongside Chris from the very beginning is very experienced and remains calm even during the rush hours. He cares deeply for her coworkers and doesn’t hesitate to help them out if needed. 10/10 amazing manager that stays professional and collected in every situation and is 100% reliable. Often seen joking around with her coworkers if not busy. Regulars love her and she actually remembers some of the usual orders of customers she’s that she likes. Very skilled with her hands and makes one of the best latte arts ever at a pretty high pace. Will always stand up for colleagues who have a hard time or are being insulted.
I think her special drink would be an Iced Latte to sip on during her free time or a Vienna Coffee when she can sit down with friends.
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗲 often comes to the café to help her brother out a bit if they are short staffed. Has a fair share of skills that she learned from Chris and is often worried that her brother over works himself. Never afraid to stand up for herself if she deals with a rude customer but is always soft to younger customers. Often studies for college at the café if her help isn’t needed, the table near the window in the far corner being her favorite spot.
Her special drink would be a Frappe or a Latte Macchiato. Tasty, fancy and a good mood is guaranteed during a long study session.
𝗟𝗲𝗼𝗻 being the young and new barista who’s a little bit inexperienced but learns and adapts pretty fast. He’s always kind and polite to his customers and colleagues and is just a very likable guy that you can’t be mad at for too long. Tries his absolute best and has many regulars that often come to his shift. Is often paired up with Claire since she has more experience and is usually a good head-strong counterpart.
His special drink being a Cappuccino because of the latte art and him trying to learn the skills or a Red Eye to wake up in the morning.
𝗔𝗱𝗮 being one of the mysterious customers that visit the café especially in the evenings when there are less people. Nobody knows when or why she came to the city or what she’s doing for a living. She appeared out of the blue and now the lady in red is a constant visitor in the café. Though her visits are irregular she always manages to come when it’s Leon’s shift. She’s very charming but has many different layers underneath her usual demeanor.
Her special drink would be either a Macchiato or a Mocha. I imagine her liking it rather simple but also having a sweet tooth from time to time.
𝗔𝗹𝗯𝗲𝗿𝘁 being another mysterious customer with a cold and intimidating aura. Always wearing sunglasses and expensive looking clothes he sure stands out in the café but nobody is brave enough to approach him. Also comes by during the calmer hours but never staying for too long. Some say he’s a business man, some say they saw him enter a pharmaceutic company and some say he does something shady. Wasn’t this guy in the law enforcement? But in the end rumors are just that: Rumors…,right?
His special drink would be either an Americano or a simply black coffee. He stays true to the simplicity of the classics.
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andorskenobi · 2 years
In Agreement | B. Floyd
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Apple Pie Series
Pairing: Robert 'Bob' Floyd x F!Mitchell!Reader
Previous Part ; Next Part
Summary: A training run gone wrong leads to you facing the reality of what a relationship with a pilot could entail.
Warnings: slight angst, fluff, no use of y/n, nickname: Vienna
a/n: Bob <3
w/c: 521
You were at work, it was a regular day. Not too busy and not too slow either. You were sitting at the nurses station doing paperwork when you overhead a conversation between two other doctors. You weren't really paying attention until you heard the words training and bird strike. Then you really started to pay attention to what was being said, your heart dropping to your stomach as your mind raced to the worst possible outcomes.
"Hey, Trish. Do we know which pilots?" You asked, earning sorrowful looks from her coworkers. They had known that due to her father's position she was incredibly close to a large majority of the pilots on base.
"Not sure, but there were no serious injuries. They're sending them here though." You smiled at your coworker's reassurance, forcing yourself to turn your attention back to your paperwork. Your mind was still racing, the not knowing was the worst part of it all.
You had managed to distract yourself long enough to finish your paperwork, you glanced at the clock realizing it had only been about fifteen minutes since you overhead the conversation. That's when you heard the door open and your dad walked in.
"Hey kiddo." His voice was low, he sounded tired. You took in his facial expression, considering it before you responded.
"Who was it?"
"Phoenix and Bob. He asked for you, he'll be sore and there are probably some pretty nasty bruises." You nodded your head when your dad paused, "He's a good kid by the way, I think he's what you need. Especially after that one jerk."
"I don't know what you mean, there's nothing going on between Bob and I." Maverick chuckled, rolling his eyes at you.
"If you say so Vienna." With that he said goodbye and you grabbed up your stuff to put it away in your locker. You were quick to change out of your scrubs and into your everyday clothes. Before you knew it you were standing in the doorway to the room they put Bob in, watching quietly as he laid there staring at the ceiling.
You walked inside still not saying anything, just sitting on the edge of the bed.
"You came." The way he said it made it sound as though he were shocked that you would visit him in the first place.
"Of course I did. How are feeling?" You took in the bruise on neck and the exhausted expression on his face.
"Just sore, but you're here now so that doesn't matter." He took your hand in his, using it to pull you to lay down with him.
The two of you laid there in silence for a while before you spoke, "My dad says you're good for me. I really want to believe him."
Bob moved his head so he could look at you, "I'd like to be something that is good for you, if you'd let me."
You looked up at him, moving so that your faces were level with each other. You placed your on his cheek before placing a gentle kiss to his lips. "I'd like that too."
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auckie · 1 month
Okay Facebook guy gave me an awesome table and free lamp and we talked for a while. So I take it back. Plus I my phone was about to die so I listened to the radio and it showed me this
Which rules. William Dawson rules. And now I have cherries to eat and also my EBT card came in so I’m pleased. Very pleased. Ooh and my boss gave me three fancy hand soaps and a room spray and some trash bags and a giant plant cutting. And my coworker gave me free Hardy’s leftovers. The dentist told me I have two cavities. Which I’ve never had before, but they don’t hurt, and she also asked if I wanted to ‘correct my buck teeth’ and I said fuck no!!! I don’t have to pay for it just yet, or possibly at all which will be amazing and very needed bc I just paid my mortgage, but I really need that night guard. Tomorrow I give plasma bc I’m poor. And then I go to a fancy consignment store to sell my expensive woman cloths. And then the sabbath I rest.
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rabbitcruiser · 14 days
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National Wienerschnitzel Day
Make your own deceptively simple Wiener Schnitzel out of pork or veal to add a delicious and wholesome new meal to your repertoire that dates back centuries.
Wiener Schnitzel is a delicious treat that is much beloved by Austria and other countries in that region. It is, in fact, one of the premier examples of Viennese cuisine and has served as the backbone of many a native’s childhood diet.
Wiener Schnitzel Day celebrates this meal, its culture and its history.
History of Wiener Schnitzel Day
A breaded cutlet that is deep-fried in oil, Wiener Schnitzel is traditionally made from veal, but also can be made from pork. In Australia, it might even be found made out of chicken or beef.
This dish is actually named after the city where it was invented, as “Wien” is the way Vienna is written in German.
Wiener Schnitzel was first mentioned in 1831 in a cookbook where it was called eingebröselte Kalbsschnitzchen, and would find its way to Vienna in 1857. The dish continued to appear throughout the region, and one comment from 1887 said that it was “a gastronomic dream”, though the dish he describes is decidedly a complex affair, including slices of lemon peel, sardines, gherkins, capers, and an unknown array of other spices.
Today’s version of Wiener Schnitzel is also known by other names around the world. In the Midwest of the United States, it’s known as a “pork tenderloin” and is typically served on a bun as a sandwich. In Latin American, the dish is known as “Milanesa”, and in Czech Republic, it is called “Řízek”.
Wiener Schnitzel Day celebrates this dish and its place in that history!
How to Celebrate Wiener Schnitzel Day
Enjoy the celebration of Wiener Schnitzel Day with these types of fun activities:
Learn Some Fun Facts About Wiener Schnitzel
Impress friends, family members and coworkers by sharing interesting facts and tidbits about the guest of honor on Wiener Schnitzel day:
Wiener Schnitzel is tenderized through the use of pounding on it to make it thinner and more comfortable to eat.
An American fast food chain named ‘Wienerschnitzel’ was founded in 1961. Strangely enough, they started by selling hot dogs, but have since expanded into other menu items. They’re located in at least 10 states and also in Guam.
In Finland, Wiener Schnitzel is called “Wieninleike” and is always made of pork. It became particularly popular toward the end of World War II. Here, it is typically served with mashed potatoes or french fries.
Garnishes for this food vary significantly based on the place where it is served. It may range from a simple lemon wedge to butter, from parsley to potato, from anchovy slices to capers and horseradish.
Visit Vienna for Traditional Wiener Schnitzel
A trip to Vienna is just the thing for experiencing the most authentic and tastiest Wiener Schnitzel found all over the globe. Enjoy visiting the palace where the Habsburg royal family would spend their summers, or view museums that house works of art by famous artists such as Gustav Klimt, Albrecht Dürer, or Hieronymus Bosch.
From the US, hopping on a flight to Austria can be fairly quick and easy, as Trans-Atlantic flights go. With several airlines that have direct flights from a few different American cities, a trip to Vienna can be made in around 8-9 hours from the east coast.
For enjoying the best of Vienna’s culinary delights, almost any traditional restaurant will serve a delicious schnitzel that’s probably bigger than your head! Squeeze a bit of lemon juice on that tender breaded meat and enjoy some potato salad on the side.
In between delicious meals, don’t forget to visit Vienna’s best attractions, including the Schönbrunn Palace, St. Stephen’s Cathedral and the Hofburg Palace and Museum. And, of course, after meals, visiting a Viennese cafe for a delightful cup of Viennese coffee is the perfect treat.
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sluttywonwoo · 9 months
All this talk about balls reminds me of the time my coworker was telling me about ball season in Vienna, and I wasn't following what she was saying, and I asked her "wum,like testicles"... :I
Side note: who tf decided to call dances,balls 🥲
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Made the mistake of joining a Spotify Blend with my coworkers and now my musical tastes are on display in a way that I find deeply uncomfortable. Hopefully they forget they did this in like two weeks and I can just quietly leave it, but till such point I have to be a bit more careful than usual in what I listen to because the algorithm there is always pushing some stuff I'd really rather not have them see.
Perhaps this is just me being dramatic about turning 30 in a month, but I feel like this is one of those Zoomer panopticon things. The person who set this up is one year out of college and has a bajillion public playlists, whereas I am the oldest person in the group and have zero public information* because that's not what Spotify is for. I understand I'm passing on certain social features, but I can easily imagine using those for specific playlists or close friends. It's thinking you should do a full-scale musical taste overlap test with the people in the office that mystifies me.
It doesn't help that Spotify isn't even emphasizing the stuff I actually like on here. If I were introducing the next generation to the Pet Shop Boys or Jim Steinmen (or heck, even Vienna Teng) then this would feel like less of a deprivation for me. I can't even lean into being an old man about it!
*Thank goodness my Twitter with that username has been private since forever ago. I think they're all TikTok/Instragram people, though. That's led to some interesting conversations since Congress finally banned the Chinese Spyware App.
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zooophagous · 2 years
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hello! thought you might like to see this young lady. at my work we frequently get animals abandoned in our grounds (despite being about a block away from an animal shelter). this particular bun was found at a separate park, obviously also once someone's pet. we did our due diligence of trying to find an owner, but she's our new baby now! just under a year old. my coworkers went with the name cinnabun. she's astonishingly sweet and easy to handle. i don't have much experience with lionheads, but i wonder if that might have something to do with it? she's clearly a cross and definitely a bit big. check out her killer hairdo :) and i've never personally seen a rabbit with blue eyes! I love her.
I've heard lionheads can be quite the opposite lol but maybe she just comes from nice lines. She looks like she might be what's called vienna marked, which includes blue eyes and white markings. It's a very pretty color gene. I'm glad she was rescued, so many people think they can just.
Let a rabbit go
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webslingingslasher · 6 months
STILL sleeping? i know trouble kept him up all night😔 he’ll be grouchy hehe
also vienna is so damn cute AHDHDBSNS
can u tell us the story of how you got her? was she a family pet first that you stole or did you get her yourself. if so, HOW DID YOU KNOW SHE WAS RHE ONE. was it instant. like. ‘ur mine forever now’ type thing🤭
i have a cat. she has one eye and she’s a rescue called marshmallow :’)
the story i told my parents was that i found her at a friends house. the real story is that my coworker and his wife had a stray cat (cleo 🥹) that they took care of and she got pregnant so they took her in before she gave birth and i told him i wanted one and when they were born (there were only 3) someone already claimed the two boys and she was the only one that looked like that!!! the other two were tabby’s and so was mom!!
but i still say i rescued her bc when i got her she was infested with fleas and had never been to a vet. she was also born on valentines 🥺🥺🥺
i thought she was adorable from the pics but i knew from the moment i held her she was mine 🫶🫶🫶
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Im having hard time remembering and putting into perspective what all boys and people around them said about hiatus and 1D break. As well as Louis and Harry’s relationship in all that, I don’t see them even being friends at that time. I wonder how boys got to a point like Louis said they couldn’t even share backstage and it explains a lot there lack of friendship and relationships after 1D was over. They will always have a bond but in the end they were coworkers.
We hear little bits of truth from all the boys although Niall stays the most vague. Zayn talking about politics and wanting to be first, Louis speaking about being betrayed and hurt, Harry separating himself clearly from everything and Niall staying out of it all. I think Liam genuinely misses them the most and still didn’t move on so it’s sad to hear him speak about them.
I not everting implies that it went how I wrote here but everything lately paints a certain picture. I was at Harry’s concert in Vienna and him saying Love band is in 12 years most talented and the best group of people he shared stage with was making me think…
I have a very different perspective from you anon I think. And partly its the way you use coworkers, which I think obscures much more than it reveals (partly I think because it shows little interest in the complexity and variety of coworker relationships. I think if people used it more in the context of what sort of relationships people form when they work together very long hours under very stressful circumstances - then it might be more revealing).
They went through an incredibly intense experience that nobody else shared. Their relationships were full of intensity. I suspect that towards any two 1D members would have times when they couldn't even talk or look at each other but still had to work together, times when they were partying together, times when they were just co-existing, times when they were having very intense talks until late at night, times when they were having screaming matches, times when they just co-existed, times when they fell into easy connection and familiarity, and many other forms of friction, connection, distant, joy, and rage. Everything I described could have happened within a week. I think what's important when thinking about that time - is not try and reduce it to one thing - and recognise everything that could coexist.
I also think you're over-reading statements people are making now - and looking for truth rather than feeling. They absolutely could and did share backstage - there were lots of backstage areas that were communal (and we have video from them).
I'm sure 2015 was a super messy year and a lot was going on, but I think it's as limiting to try to simplify that messiness into distance as it is to pretend that everything was fine.
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cupiare · 7 months
its insanely funny to me when other ppl arent comfortable mentioning/alluding to my sexuality even though i’m not closeted and like. wouldn’t make any effort to hide it. one of my coworkers who i directly told once in casual conversation was asking me abt my vienna trip itinerary and then whispered/mouthed if there was a gay scene in vienna just cause another coworker was in the office like HWIWJSJEBEJ i appreciate the sentiment of respecting my privacy but that knowledge is public domain… love you though
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jooniperbonsai · 8 months
Jooniper Bonsai's Master List
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about me
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regardless of content, all my fics are 18+.
key: a (angst), s (smut), f (fluff), ~ (one shot)
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Thanks for the Sub (camboy!seokjin x gamer!reader) (s, a, f)
Stressed about your newly acquired fame as a video game streamer, you're just trying to find something to take the edge off. What you never expected was that you'd find your crush coworker boss sitting at the top performer spot on a sex camming site. A gay sex camming site. But if Seokjin is gay, why did you two share that steamy kiss?
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I'll Give You the Sun (sundeity!hoseok x moondeity!reader) (s, a, f)
The prophecy states that during the first total solar eclipse, the fates will ascend two princes into kings and gods of the celestial realms. Hoseok, the future ruler of the solar kingdom, wants nothing to do with his new role. As for you, you're just hoping to get through your brother's coronation in one piece and return to your quiet life back home. But when the moon overtakes the sun, nothing goes to plan, and suddenly you are holding the title of Goddess and Queen of the Lunar Kingdom, a burden you too never wanted to carry.
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Vienna Waits for You (vampire!taehyung x vampire!reader) (s,a,f)
Coming Autumn 2024
Time. That's something he knew you didn't have. Still, he gave it to you, even though it wasn't his to give. Now, while he owns the streets of Paris, his past choices are coming back to haunt him and he can't run from the memory of a life he once loved, and all the things he left back in Vienna, including you.
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My Bloody Valentine (vampire!jungkook x human reader) (s, a, f, ~)
You don't understand why your vampire boyfriend is so caught up in the idea of a silly holiday, until you realize it's about more than just candy hearts.
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TBA (this man is going to be the death of me goddamnit woozi)
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medleymisty · 2 years
I was tagged by the awesome @nigmos in a music meme and you guys know I can never resist those. :)
Speaking of which, at the spousal person's library they made a playlist with contributions from everyone, and he says people ask about the Vienna Teng and Josh Ritter songs he chose for the playlist. They were talking about it and his coworkers asked him about my musical taste, and he told them about how I scream along with Rage Against the Machine and yell "Fuck you I won't do what you tell me!" in my very high pitched voice, and they said "Oh, so she's hardcore, huh?"
Anyway, the meme is to post five songs you listen to!
First, the song the spousal person will suggest for the library playlist the next time they add songs to it:
Azalea by Rolling Quartz, an all female Korean rock band
Looking at my 25 most played to pick the others...
Tetris by 2PM
Pizza by Anti Up
Bread by Norazo
Like a Stone by Audioslave
I tag anyone who wants to do it! Also these three people who were the first I could think of.
@quill-of-thoth @fireflys-locket @emperorofthedark
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goldhymn · 2 years
hello hello hello!! i'm milk (she/they) and i'm super pumped to be here and to introduce you to two of my muses! first up is silas, a concert pianist turned producer that's always expanding his horizons when it comes to genres of music he knows less about.
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╰   *   ꒰⠀⠀⠀⠀gong yoo.   forty.   cis man.   he/him.⠀⠀⠀⠀꒱        hold your f*** horses !    silas yoon    has just been spotted walking into revolution headquarters. they are best known for being the label’s resident   music producer   and have been working with the label for   twelve years.    they share a lot of interesting things about life in the music industry on their social media, so make sure you don’t forget to follow them at   @silasyoon.  the office knows them for being   taciturn   but i swear they’ve got a   sentimental   side as well. maybe that explains why they’re always associated with   cold hands and pressed shirts, perfect spelling and grammar in text messages, headphones playing classical music on the train home.   their coworkers even voted them most likely to   always have a pen on hand you can borrow.   we’ll see how they live up to that reputation.
╰   *   statistics.
full name  :  silas yoon seong-chul. nicknames  :  N/A. age  :  forty. date of birth  :  august 29, 1982. place of birth  :  cambridge, england. gender  :  cis man (he/him). orientation  :  bisexual. occupation  :  producer / former concert pianist.
╰   *   backstory.
silas yoon grew up in cambridge, england as a second gen immigrant after his parents moved to the uk for work. more accurately, his father, a professor at the university, moved for work; his mother simply followed. as a kid, he knew his dad to be out of the house a lot, and it was mostly his mother who took care of him. though she tended to be reclusive and struggled with english, she was the warmest part of his childhood — and even the jumpstart for his love of music.
she collects records, his mother. vinyls, of classical music, of jazz, of western pop music from the 60s. though he learned english before korean as a kid (given that his only exposure to the latter was his mother, as his father prioritised him learning the language of the country they were living in), it felt so easy for him to communicate with her when they were grinning at each other over music they both loved.
his mother plays the piano, too, though she never progressed beyond the basics. but she was his first teacher, and he still remembers being four years old and sat atop her lap with her hands guiding his own over the keys. when his father saw how much he enjoyed it, he enrolled silas in classes at prestigious music centres: and from there it was daily lessons, climbing grades and dazzling recitals.
silas was no prodigy. no naturally-gifted child. he worked tirelessly to prove himself as worthy of the regard he had somehow earned within the classical music circuit. when he graduated secondary school, he continued into the royal academy of music in london. by the time he’d finished with that, he was being flown around from vienna to berlin and prague and playing fully-packed concert halls. he fell in love with the piano the first time he heard his mother play, but at some point his passion dimmed in favour of perfection.
it came to a head when he had the opportunity to create and release his first recorded EP: to play and produce it from start to finish. his attempts to reach a standard he couldn’t even decide on led to overworking, and then tendonitis — and even then he tried to work through it rather than rest.the injury was a trigger for focal dystonia, causing a permanent loss of fine motor control in his right hand.
he was twenty-five and the career path he’d started over two decades ago was over, just like that. it’s difficult for him to describe his state of mind during the immediate months that followed, but eventually he tried to ‘escape’ his shame and grief by leaving europe. a friend in the chicago symphony orchestra extended an invite to a performance. and he stayed after, just for a bit, to see what the concert scene was like over there and to remind himself what he loved about it.
he attended shows in a handful of major cities, but it was during his trip to see the new york philharmonic that things really made a difference. he missed the show, actually — got turned around on the unfamiliar city’s public transport and ended up on the other side of town. he stumbled into a small hole in the wall club and sat through a menagerie of amateur performers rotating on and off the tiny stage, but something about that felt… meaningful, to him. like he was four years old watching his mother fumble with the keys, the both of them bursting into giggles when she messed up a chord.
when he went home that night, he pulled up the raw files of his unfinished EP and stayed up until the sun rose to finally create something from it he was happy with. the music had seemed… imperfect at the time of recording. unpolished. but after running it through with new insight, he found he’d made something he could really be proud of.
he didn’t release it, though. still hasn’t to this day. he keeps it for himself as a reminder, because he’s found his love of music goes so far beyond the consumption and performance of it. it takes him a couple of years working with indie artists and networking with his industry contacts, but at twenty-eight he finds himself applying for the position of a sound engineer at revolution records, and he gets it. another few years down the line and he’s a producer, with a hand in helping an artist realise every part of their vision; another few more and he’s made a home for himself here, at a production company that blessedly offers him the chance for creative input and interpretation even if he can no longer play for an audience.
╰   *   headcanons.
these days, silas considers himself to be fluent in both korean and english. having been to many a european city during his pianist days, he also considers himself proficient in german, and able to reasonably carry a conversation in french and czech.
while his injury means he can no longer play at the level expected of a professional pianist, he’s still able to fumble around with the keys and is more than happy to do so every now and then. sure he misses the stage, but he’s very happy doing what he does now.
has a bit of a... not exactly rbf, more just resting disinterested face? he's quick to offer polite smiles when approached, but his default expression can leave him seeming very unapproachable.
somehow gives off both "reliable professional" and "dad trying to keep up with the times" vibes. there are certain aspects of music creation/production and the industry that he's very insightful and eloquent about, but there's also a child-like mixture of wonder and confusion when it comes to new challenges and discoveries.
he lives in a high-rise in manhattan that comes with a solarium, which he's converted into a listening room, complete with his collection of vinyl records as well as a baby grand piano. it's easily the room he spends the most time in.
often prefers to dress smart casual/business casual to the best of his ability, and is typically more willing to dress up than dress down — it's a remnant from his concert days and his need to maintain appearances, mostly.
cat dad. his cat is six years old, named treasure, and is the cuddliest lap kitten you could ever meet (when she's not being a gremlin and sleeping on his work station/important papers/etc.).
texts in one single message (with paragraphs if necessary) using proper spelling/caps, and always signs his name at the end like it's an email, though isn't bothered with how other people choose to text. lots of his chats look like: Good morning. I'd like to remind you that the backing musicians will be coming for callbacks this afternoon at 2, and we'll need you around for the selection process. – Silas Yoon. / ya i rmbr!! thx / Excellent. See you then. – Silas Yoon.
he doesn't go to visit his mum back in the uk nearly as often as he should, but he does make sure to call her (and his dad) at least every other week. he got her to figure out facetime last year; next step, getting her to hold it further than an inch away from her face.
100% has classical music playing throughout the house when he's just flittering around and not doing anything in particular. some of his close friends have absolutely made fun of that giving "hannibal vibes".
while he can cook (and has like... a rotation of four specific recipes he's Very Good at that he'll pull out during date night to impress), lack of time and energy often lead to him dining out or ordering in on the regular.
╰   *   wanted connections.
collaborators. artists he’s worked with, or will work with! as someone with a largely classical background, one might assume that to be his preference — but exploring new styles and genres is one of the things he loves most about this job, so he’d work on anything from ballads to jazz to hip hop to heavy metal.
ride or die. silas knows the value of networking and having contacts, but his actual social circle is very small. this person would be his number one before all else; the person he’d trust with his life as readily as he’d consider them the bane of it. i imagine lots of back-and-forths, lots of bickering threaded with unwavering love; the sort of bond that comes only with time and comfort and intimacy.
work rival. as someone who’s always up for challenging himself, silas would love to be challenged by someone else, too. he might not say it and in fact, depending on the nature of the rivalry, he might not even admit it to himself, but he appreciates people who can keep him sharp, keep him motivated, keep him driven.
mentee (?). this is kinda vague but i’d really like someone for silas to take under his wing, in any sense! whether they’re an aspiring/junior producer or they’re a pianist or also have a classical background or anything like that. silas may be a little clumsy in figuring out the whole role model, mentor thing, but he’ll take the responsibility to heart. 
exes. given that he’s been at revolution records for over a decade, i’d like to think he’ll have at least one or two of these hanging around. whether they’re on good or bad terms is up for discussion, of course! exes who jumped into a relationship too quick but realised they clicked really well as friends? exes who gave each other everything and still hurt when they see each other across the hallway? i’m down for anything tbh. 
misc. friendly faces he’s met over the years through networking (though genuine friends are few and far between); artists he’s a fan of; kinda niche but an obligatory “oh you’re british too? let’s acknowledge that about each other” sort of acquaintanceship that somehow turned into an unlikely friendship; any kind of found family bond (sibling-like, paternal on his end, etc.); people in the industry who knew him when he was a concert pianist?
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aluvian · 1 year
15 Questions, 15 Mutuals
Tagged by @novasforce! Thank you so much for tagging me. Mwah mwah mwah! 💙💙💙
1. Are you named after anyone?
No! My middle name, Elizabeth, is in honor of my beloved aunt. I am very attached to my middle name. I think my first name (Brittany) was the most popular girls name the year I was born. I was, however, almost named Leia. God, what a missed opportunity lmao.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Earlier this morning, thanks to this Trigun meme. I was laughing so hard I legitimately started crying, and a couple of my coworkers popped into my workspace to ask what was wrong hahahahaha. I literally haven't stopped thinking about it. Living in my head rent free!!!!!!!
3. Do you have kids?
Not unless you count all the baby goats I've delivered and raised for the last 9 years, lmao! But in all seriousness, I love children. I get along with them so well. I have no desire to have any of my own, though. I am far more suited to the role of Cool Aunt. 😎
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Sometimes. It depends on who I'm talking to.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
None. I am not an athletic person in the slightest. I was on the basketball cheerleading squad in middle school, but I don't know if that actually counts.
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people?
How they treat other people around them, especially people in any sort of service industry.
7. What's your eye color?
Blue. I have blue eyes that rival those of Trinity, Brienne, and Scully.
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. Life is such an enormous bummer these days. I need happiness wherever I can get it. But I do enjoy a good scare every once in a while. My favorite horror movie is Alien.
9. Any special talents?
Umm, not really? I'm extremely good at trivia. It's a guaranteed victory if I'm on your team. I'm extremely competitive and out for blood when I play.
10. Where were you born?
The horse country capital of Florida, Ocala.
11. What are your hobbies?
Cosplay, cooking, playing videogames, collecting comic books, Disney pin trading, reading, raising goats and emus
12. Do you have any pets?
Yes! I have the most wonderful little wizard, my dog Merlin. He's the cutest and bestest boy ever! If you follow me on Twitter, you've seen many pictures of him.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
Any of the sciences. Science is the subject of all time for me. Marine biology, zoology, astronomy, and astrophysics are probably my most favorites. I also love history of all kinds and english/literature.
15. Dream job?
I have a few. Anything related to animal husbandry. I'd sell my soul to be able to work with elephants. Shark biologist. I would want to study either tiger sharks or greenland sharks. English teacher in Japan. I'm teaching myself the language and love it so much. It would be an honor to teach over there.
Tagging (there's no pressure!): @jewish-mulder @baronessblixen @moghraidhtrinity @genderqueer-klinger @ussfaramir @frogsmulder @swinging-stars-from-satellites @freckleslikestars @blackmelange @vienna-salvatori @viksworth @kriscynical
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