crazililwabbit · 7 years
Ghost Town - A Supernatural/Fallout Crossover Fic
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“Sam and Dean take the newly human Castiel on a routine run to look into what they have been told is a vampire abduction ring. What happens when they wake up over 200 years in the future, when the world is a wasteland and their saviors are three girls who's pasts have shaped them into the perfect survivalists? Action and romance in the Commonwealth!” Dean/OC, Sam/OC, and Castiel/OC
M rating for language.
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Chapter Four - Home Is Where Your Bot Is
“I don’t remember Boston being this cramped,” Sam looked up at the looming, empty skyscrapers.
“A lot of the technological advancements we were talking about earlier came out of CIT, making way for many of the major corporations to build headquarters here, including Vault-Tec, the makers of the vault you guys were in,” Ellie’s grip on her rifle tightened, “I don’t like them.” She continued to stare at the buildings as they walked down the deserted streets.
“There is something unnerving about them,” Sam took a larger step, so he was closer to her.
“They’ve always made me feel like there is someone up there watching me, just waiting for my back to be turned,” her eyes left the buildings and looked up at Sam.
“Well, that’s part of what is good about being in a large group right?” he offered a comforting smile, “we can look out for each other.”
“Yeah, well if we had left you idiots in Diamond City like I thought the plan was, we would be able to move a lot quieter, and might even be home by now,” Bo growled at the talking pair.
“Bo,” Lou sighed, “we voted, it was two to one…”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah…” she gritted her jaw.
“And…?” Lou prompted her friend.
Bo sighed heavily, “once a vote is made, everyone accepts the outcome, no questions.”
“That was your rule,” Lou smiled.
“Never thought the bastard would come back to bite me in the ass so hard.” She caught Dean out of the corner of her sight, “hey!” she hissed at him, “don’t go somewhere we can see you!”
“Oh,” Dean backed away from the doorway he was crouched in, “I just thought maybe there would be something in there.”
“That’s fine,” Lou joined him near the doorway, “but she is right, if you go out of sight we might not realize something happened to you.”
“I know,” Dean frowned, “I wasn’t going to go in alone.”
“Alright then,” Lou smiled, “let’s go take a look.”
“There is no chance there’s anything left in there,” Bo grumbled as she sat down on the sidewalk.
“We should rest while they’re in there,” Ellie sat next to Bo, “we are almost home though.” She craned her neck to look down the road, “only a couples miles left.”
Sam joined Ellie on the sidewalk, “Cas?” he glanced up at the angel who was trying to look in one of the boarded up windows of the building Dean and Lou had gone into.
“I should have gone in with them,” the angel gave up and sat down.
“They’ll be alright,” Ellie handed them water, “Lou knows what she is doing. The only person better suited to go in there would be Boden.”
Bo chuckled to herself.
The four sat in silence for almost twenty minutes before Castiel broke the silence.
“I am going in to find them,” he stood up.
“They’re fine,” Bo rolled her eyes.
“It’s been too long…” Castiel began to protest but was interrupted by Lou appearing in the doorway.
“Sorry that took so long,” Lou grinned, “Dean found a safe that needed opened.”
“Really?” Ellie elbowed Bo. “What was in it?”
“Someone’s cap stash, and a 10mm pistol,” Lou held up the metal tin and shook it, “seems like someone was hiding their backup goodies here.”
“Good find!” Ellie grinned at Dean who emerged from behind Lou.
“Here,” Lou handed him the tin, “you found them, they’re yours.”
“You picked the lock,” he looked at her, “you should get some of it too.”
“Nah,” she winked at him, “you keep it.”
“Let’s go, radroaches, I wanna get home,” Bo stood up and began walking down the street again.
“Yeah, we need to get back before it gets dark,” Lou followed her, “this isn’t the place to be when the sun goes down.”
“What time is it? What time is it?” Ellie pulled on Sam’s Pip-Boy.
“Um,” Sam pressed a small black button, causing the screen to flicker, “I don’t know.”
“Well, we have about…” Ellie looked up at the sky, “an hour of sun left.” She looked at the little green and black screen. She reached up and turned the top dial, the screen flickered again and a small map appeared. “Ah, there, it’s 7:00. So the sun sets at about 8:00!” she grinned from ear to ear.
“How did you do that?” Sam looked closer at the screen.
“We will take a better look at it when we get home,” she began to follow the group, “we’ll make a real vault dweller out of you yet.”
“This is where you live?” Dean leaned back staring up at the huge skyscraper in front of them.
“Sure is,” Bo walked towards the front doors. “Oh, and you see that little piece of rebar there?” she pointed to a piece of the twisted metal about a foot long sticking out of some concrete.
“Yeah, what about it?” Dean followed her.
“Those are all around the outside and inside of the building,” she stepped through the entrance, the doors hanging useless on their hinges, “they mark where we have buried landmines, so be careful.”
“Not much to look at, is it?” Dean stopped in what used to be a gigantic foyer to the building. The wallpaper was peeling down the walls, and the once red carpet had faded a long time ago.
“That’s the point,” Lou passed Dean, “it’s supposed to look abandoned. Less it looks like someone lives here, less likely you are to get raided.”
“Makes sense,” Sam nodded passing Dean as well.
The group crossed the lobby making their way to the elevators to the right side of the lobby.
“Does that even still work?” Sam looked around the lobby as Bo pressed the button to call the car.
A hissing and popping from the intercom by the button console prevented Sam from getting an answer.
“What is the music of life?” an electronic voice came over the intercom.
“It’s us Handsy, skip the bull-shit and just let us up,” Bo sighed.
“That is incorrect, the elevator car will not be deployed,” the voice replied followed by silence.
“Damn it, Ellie!” Bo glared at the grinning girl, “I hate your fucking robot, I’m tired and I just want to get home.”
“If you’d just answer the question, he would send the elevator,” Ellie continued to grin.
Bo angrily pressed the button again.
“What is the music of life?” the voice asked again.
Bo rolled her eyes and sighed deeply, “silence, my brother.”
“Very good, ma’am, the car is on the way,” the voice replied before cutting off again.
“What is that from?” Sam rubbed his chin, “it sounded familiar.”
“It’s from a comic I read when I was little,” Ellie smiled up at him, “added precaution, you know.”
The elevator creaked as it settled and opened the doors for them.
“I don’t think…” Dean took a step back, “how about you just tell us what floor to meet you on, and we will take the stairs.”
“Dean, I don’t think…” Sam began.
“You can if you’d like,” Bo stepped into the car, “but all the stairwells are collapsed at the third floor, and we are going to twenty-four.”
“Come on,” Lou patted him on the shoulder, “it’s perfectly safe, I promise.”
She followed Ellie, Sam, and Castiel onto the elevator.
“This is insane…” Dean mumbled as he joined them.
The elevator lurched as it began to slowly climb the shaft. It rocked back and forth, the bare bulb hanging from the ceiling seemed to pop and fizzle in time with each lurch. By the time they reached the twenty-fourth floor, all the color had drained from Dean’s face.
“See?” Lou smiled at him as the doors shuddered open, “perfectly safe.”
“Welcome home, ma’am!” a cheerful voice with a thick English accent called from the other room.
“Thank you, Handsy!” Ellie set her bag down by the elevator door and sighed heavily. “It’s good to be home.”
“Hell yeah it is,” Bo grinned as she hurried across the room and through a doorway, “I’ll see you suckers later.”
“Dinner in an hour,” Lou called after her.
“Roger!” Bo’s muffled voice could be heard from beyond the walls.
The guys slowly filed out of the elevator, taking in their surroundings.
“This looks like it was a waiting area,” Sam glanced around the large room, his eyes resting on the receiving desk opposite the elevator.
“Yeah?” Lou set her bag and the wrapped bundle on the desk. “Ellie thinks it was an extension of Robco before the bombs fell.”
“I don’t think it was,” Ellie sighed, “I know it was.”
Lou chuckled, “right.”
“Welcome home Miss Louise!” the accented voice called again as a slow moving robot rounded the corner.
“Hello, Handsy,” Lou was pulling items out of her back and sorting them on the desk.
“Miss Elenore,” the robot’s frame slowly began to turn towards Ellie, but froze when its sensors picked up the three men clumped in front of the open elevator. “Intruders!” the mechanical voice raised in pitch as the machine gun end at the end of its right arm began to spin.
“Abort!” Lou screamed, “abort, abort!”
“Handsy!” Ellie jumped between the robot and the guys, “initiate protocol 46, Newcomer Input.”
The machine gun slowed to a stop as the arm lowered back down, “protocol initiated, awaiting Input.”
“Handsy, input three new profiles, security level…” Ellie glanced back at the three men before returning to the robot, “blue.”
“Profile four created, input identifier,” the robot stood motionless as it awaited information.
Ellie motioned for Dean to speak. “Say your name, full name is best,” she whispered
“Uh, Dean,” he hesitated, “Dean Winchester.”
“Input received, profile identifier, Uh Dean Dean Winchester saved.”
“Override profile identifier,” Ellie rubbed her eyes with her thumb and forefinger.
“Profile identifier overridden, awaiting profile identifier input,” the robot whirred, the motion could be seen through the clear covering on its shoulders.
Ellie motioned again.
“Dean Winchester,” Dean stated, his voice stern.
“Input received, profile identifier, Dean Winchester saved,” there was a pause, “input pronoun preference.”
“Male, or female…” Ellie whispered.
“Male, for sure male,” Dean smiled, “all male.”
“Input received, pronoun preference saved for profile, Dean Winchester.”
“You next,” Ellie motioned at Sam.
“Profile five created, input identifier.”
“Sam Winchester.” Sam shrugged.
Ellie gave him a grin and a thumbs up.
“Input received, profile identifier, Sam Winchester saved. Input pronoun preference.”
“Male,” Sam nodded.
“Input received, pronoun preference saved for profile, Sam Winchester.”
“Now you,” Ellie smiled and motioned at Castiel.
“Profile six created, input identifier.”
Castiel cleared his throat, “Castiel.”
“Input received, profile identifier, Castiel saved. Input pronoun preference.”
Lou put her hands on her hips and raised an eyebrow at the angel.
“Input received, profile identifier, Castiel saved. Input pronoun preference,” the robot repeated.
“Neither, I am not male or female,” Castiel shifted on his feet.
“Response not recorded, input invalid, awaiting pronoun preference input for profile, Castiel.”
“I am not…” Castiel was interrupted by Dean grabbing his arm.
“Just tell the robot what to call you,” Dean whispered, “so we can get this over with.”
“Dean, you know I am not innately male or female, as an angel I…” Castiel was cut off by Sam this time.
“I think the robot only has two input values for this command, Cas.” Sam smiled an encouraging half smile, “maybe you could go with the gender of your vessel.”
“Jimmy identified himself as a human male,” Castiel looked down at his body, “I suppose in this case it is not untrue that I am a human male.”
“Awaiting pronoun preference input for profile, Castiel,” the robot repeated.
“Male,” Castiel answered.
“Input received, pronoun preference saved for profile, Castiel,” the robot began to move again, walking slowly towards the three men. “Welcome home, Sirs.”
“Uhhh,” Dean grimaced as the robot approached him and began to reach an arm out to him, “thanks.” Dean extended his arm for a handshake.
The robot’s claw moved past Dean’s extended hand and around to behind him, “good job!” the robot exclaimed as it gave Dean one quick swat on the butt.
“What the!?” Dean jumped back and raised both hands in the air.
Lou erupted in laughter.
“No, no, no, no…” Sam held his hands up and began to back away as the robot turned towards him.
“Handsy, you can skip the formalities,” Ellie giggled.
“Very good Miss Elenore,” the robot began to whirr again as it turned back to face her. “While you were out there was a glitch in the power grid. No security features were affected, however, I believe the water heater is offline.”
“Thanks Handsy,” Ellie sighed as she opened her bag and began to pull items out, “I hope no one had their heart set on a shower tonight, the water heater is going to have to wait until tomorrow.”
“What was that?” Dean was still standing with his arms in the air.
Lou chuckled, “Mr. Hansy is a bit of a…” she paused, “project.”
“Handsy is just fine the way he is,” Ellie sniffed.
“When we first found this place she found that old Protectron bot still in its power station,” Lou began to pile some of the items back into her bag. “The only thing she couldn’t manage to fix was the fried personality-interface card. The only viable one she was able to find was a card from a Mr. Handy, the bots made for helping in homes a long time ago.”
“It was an excellent find!” Ellie’s eyes lit up, “the Mr. Handy bots are rare to find in a semi-functioning state anymore, and to have one that wasn’t owned with a functioning personality card was amazing luck!”
“But,” Lou sighed, “there was a problem getting the card to fit.”
“It took some finesse,” Ellie grinned.
“She used a hammer,” Lou rolled her eyes, “it messed up some of the basic interaction parts of his personality matrix. If you don’t tell him that he can forgo the formal greeting with you, that’s how he will greet you every time.”
“How do I do that?” Dean frowned.
“Just tell him,” Lou smiled, “now that the three of you have profiles with him, he will respond to you like he does us.”
“Mostly,” Ellie zipped her bag up, “you only have blue level clearance, so you can’t alter anything outside of your personal interaction specifications.”
“That’s okay,” Sam gave her a half smile, “thank you for everything you guys have done for us.”
“People look out for people out here,” Lou zipped her bag up as well, “it’s the right thing to do.”
“Yeah, but you have shared your food, kept us alive, and now you’ve invited us into your home,” Sam walked over to Ellie and took her hand in his, “seriously, thank you.”
“Oh,” Ellie’s cheeks turned red, “like Lou said,” she pulled her hand from his and quickly made her way across the room to where Lou stood, “it’s the right thing to do.”
“We will go make dinner,” Lou took Ellie’s arm in her own, “you three make yourselves at home. The whole floor is ours, with a few exceptions.”
“Basically,” Ellie grinned, “if a door doesn’t open, it’s not meant to.”
The two girls turned and disappeared through the door way.
“Okay, okay, okay,” Dean rubbed his temples, “does anyone else understand any of what we have been through today?”
Castiel shrugged, “I must admit, I have a hard time keeping up with what is going on with humans most of the time anyway.”
“You are a human now, Cas,” Dean frowned, “no more of this, ‘I am not this,’ and ‘you humans’ crap, alright?”
The angel nodded.
“What about you Sammy?” Dean held his arms out, “are you managing to understand all of this?”
Sam also shrugged, “I don’t really understand most of it, but that’s how most of our lives have been Dean, always surrounded by things we don’t really understand.”
“No,” Dean pointed firmly at Sam’s chest, “I understand vampires, and werewolves, and, and, and even demons. I understand demons, Sammy, but I don’t understand any of this…” he motioned to the room around them.
“It’s survival, Dean,” Sam made his way over to where Lou had laid her items out on the table, “pure and simple survival. I don’t understand a lot of the jargon, but I understand the struggle to stay alive. I can see it in their faces, and the faces of those people living in Diamond City…”
“Fenway Park,” Dean corrected him.
Sam sighed, “I recognize the fight to survive, I just figure the details we will pick up along the way.”
“You don’t think we can find a way home, do you?” Dean stared at his brother.
“Dean, look around,” Sam pointed to a dirty window, “there is nothing anymore. I don’t even know if any of the supernatural things we are used to hunting are still around. I don’t see a way home… all I see now is survival, which like I said before, isn’t that different from how we lived back home.”
“Unbelievable,” Dean shook his head, “Cas, are you buying this?”
“It does seem as though a way home is impossible,” Castiel looked at the items Lou had laid out, his fingers lightly touching each item, “even as a human I should be able to sense any angels around, and I haven’t felt anything.”
“Come on,” Sam patted Dean’s shoulder, “let’s look around, see if we can find anything we can make sense of.”
Dean turned around to follow his brother before pausing at the table the other two had been standing next to. The items on the table looked all too familiar, the countless amounts and kinds of ammo, the barrage of weapons, and the non-perishable foods. Perhaps Sam was more right than he cared to admit, survival had always been a large part of their lives.
“I am sorry we don’t have enough sleeping bags,” Lou unrolled the spare rolled up sleeping bag, “we really only anticipated it being a backup for one of us. Honestly, we were lucky to have that spare mattress as well.”
“They will work just fine,” Sam smiled, “thank you.”
“Yes,” Castiel gave her a small smile as well, “thank you.”
“Alright nerds,” Ellie leaned on the doorway, the single lit lantern in her hand, “technically it’s lights out after dark, but we are making an exception for you. I would suggest getting it out as soon as you can manage though.”
“If you need light for anything though,” Lou joined her in the doorway, “the room with the double doors will have a fire going all night. There aren’t any windows in there so we are able to keep light going in it all night.”
“Noted,” Dean nodded at the two girls, “we really appreciate you guys.”
“Just know that we will put you to work,” Ellie grinned, “you three gotta earn your keep.”
“Lights out!” Bo yelled from down the hall, “if I can’t have lights on in my room to read my Silver Shroud comics, then you radroaches don’t get light in yours!”
Lou sighed, “see you in the morning.”
“Night,” Dean winked at her.
Once the girls were out of sight Sam shoved his brother. “No, Dean,” Sam glared at him, “just no.”
“What?” Dean shrugged.
“We live with them!” Sam whispered angrily, “the last thing we need is for you to mess around with one of them and get us all kicked out.”
“Or worse,” Cas sat down on the floor, “I think in the case of those girls, it would be worse than just getting kicked out.”
Sam pointed at Cas in agreement.
“Alright, alright,” Dean held his hands up in the air, “I hear ya, loud and clear.”
“Good,” Sam fiddled with the latch on his PipBoy, “now, how are we doing this with only two sleeping spots?”
“I will sleep on the ground,” Castiel rested his head in his hands, “I am not used to needing sleep, so I will not notice the difference between a bed and the floor.”
“Cas you’re still getting better,” Dean frowned, “you shouldn’t be the one to sleep on the floor.”
“I am fine,” Castiel wadded up one of the blankets Lou had given them and rested his head on it as he lay down, “you both carried bags today, you should rest.”
Sam sighed, “if you start to get too uncomfortable, wake us up, alright?”
“Okay,” Dean sat on the sleeping bag, “but tomorrow night you get the mattress.”
Castiel nodded.
“Better put this light out before Miss Tightwad comes after us,” Dean leaned forward and turned the handle on the lantern until the flame was snuffed out.
Castiel rolled over on the hard floor, he didn’t want to admit it, but his chest still hurt. He was having trouble falling asleep. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed since the dark had settled into the room, but it was long enough for Dean to start snoring.
He sighed as he pushed himself up from the floor. Moving as silently as he could, he made his way out of the room and followed the faint glow coming from down the hall. The doors to the large room had been sealed as best as they could be, an attempt to keep in as much light as possible. Castiel hesitated before pushing the doors open. He didn’t know how late it was, and he didn’t want to bother anyone who was using the lit room for something.
Instead of opening the doors he turned and headed further down the long hallway, making his way back to the room where the elevator had been located. As he rounded the corner his eyes caught sight of a person sitting in the window closest to the elevator. He froze, startled at first, but then he recognized the color of Lou’s hair.
She was sitting in the window sill, a leg hanging out the opening where glass used to be, her body turned mostly away from him, a shoulder leaning against the frame of the window. The heavy jacket and leather pants she had been wearing through the day had been replaced with a simple white sleeveless shirt and some shorts. Her hair that had been pulled up and stuffed under a helmet was in a loose braid that hung down her back. The moonlight was getting caught in the loose hair around her head, creating a halo.
Castiel took a step backwards, trying to back up without being detected.
Lou’s head whipped around, her eyes catching his, and for a moment he could see tears.
“Hey you,” she smiled, the sadness he had witnessed a moment before disappearing, “what’re you doing up?”
“I, uh…” the angel tried to return her smile, “I can’t sleep.”
“Me either,” she motioned for him to join her, “come over here and look at the stars with me.”
Castiel crossed the room and stood next to the window.
“Sometimes when the world seems too terrible, I like to look at the stars,” she looked up at the clear night sky, “they remind me that before the war there were people looking up at those very same stars.”
“Actually, most of the stars you are seeing died a long time ago,” Castiel looked up at the sky as well.
She laughed softly, “you’re a strange one, aren’t you?”
“I have been told that, yes,” his eyes lingered on the sky, where his home used to be.
“Well, it’s alright if they’re all dead even,” she sighed, “that’s almost more comforting.”
“How so?” his eyes left the sky and looked at the woman sitting next to him.
“It makes it seem more normal that I can still see all the people I love that have died when I close my eyes,” her gaze seemed lost in the sky.
He stared at her. She was smiling, but there was deep pain buried in her expression. He suddenly felt as though he was glimpsing a part of her he wasn’t meant to see and forced his eyes from her face, they settled on a scar that was coming out from under her shirt. It was like a welt, a deeper color than the rest of her skin, it stretched over her shoulder blade and arched up towards her shoulder.
“You have scars,” he mused, wishing he had the power to heal it for her.
“What?” she looked at his face, and realized he was looking at her shoulder, “oh, yeah.” Her fingers reached up and ran over the smooth surface of the damaged skin, “we all have scars here, some are just more obvious than others.”
“It’s hard living here, isn’t it?” Castiel looked back out the window, “I had no idea a war would make the world look like this.”
“War is a terrible thing,” Lou stared at him, “but you would know that, wouldn’t you, soldier?”
Castiel’s eyes met hers, “how did you know that I was a soldier?”
“It’s etched into your face,” she smiled softly, “my father was a soldier before he met my mom, he had the look too.”
“Where is he now?” his eyebrows knitted together.
“He died when I was nineteen,” her smile faded, “raiders came through our area and killed everyone on our farm.”
“But you survived,” Castiel sat on the edge of the windowsill next to her.
“I was gone when they came through,” she pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on them, “I’m the only one from my family left.”
“There was a time when I thought I had no family. I felt they had turned away from me,” he smiled, “but a wise man once said, ‘family don’t end in blood.’ It might not be any of my business, but while those two girls don’t look like blood, they sure do look like your sisters.”
She returned his smile, “you’re right.” She released her legs and let them dangle over the edge of the windowsill, “even though you’re a bit odd… you’re a good guy.”
A moment passed between the two of them before Lou’s eyes suddenly tore away from his.
“I…” she was flushed, “I’m sorry, I…” she stood up and wrapped her arms around herself, “I shouldn’t be here, not with…” she paused when her eyes met his again, “with you.” She began to back away, “it’s not you, please don’t think it’s you… I just…” she turned away from him, “it’s me, I just shouldn’t be here.”
Before Castiel could stop her she hurried from the room.
Lou closed the door to her room behind herself as quietly as she could. The moonlight coming in through the boards nailed over the window on the far side of her room gave everything a beautiful blue haze. She wrapped her arms around herself.
“What are you doing, Louise?” she whispered to herself, “you know better.”
The sting of tears filled her eyes as they welled up and spilled down her cheeks.
“You know better!” she scolded herself.
She let her body slide down the door until she was sitting on the concrete surface. Her fingers wrapped around the silver locket that hung around her neck, her thumb running over the etching on the front.
“I am so sorry baby,” she breathed, “I am so, so sorry.”
@iwantthedean, @goldenangelbloodcastiel
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iwantthedean · 6 years
Two Prompt One-Shot #45: Makeshift Medic
Summary: Sam is severely injured on a hunt; you do your best to save him, despite Dean’s doubts.  Pairing: Dean x Reader Word Count: 1265 Warnings: Description of injuries and makeshift medical attention, some really ridiculous medical stuff that probably doesn’t make sense at all and only serves the purpose of this story.  Prompt: Bolded in fic; chosen by those who voted for the next Two Prompt One-Shot back in mid-September. In true Nicole fashion, it took me until now to finish it. Here is the original post, if you need some explanation. 
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Your eyes grew wide as the werewolf shoved its claws into Sam’s abdomen. It had been the younger Winchester’s own idea to set himself out as bait and, not for the first time, things had gone terribly, terribly wrong. 
Dean screamed out his brother’s name before acting quickly, riddling the werewolf’s body with silver bullets. The creature dropped the ground, returning to its human form, eyes staring into nothing before the orbital muscles relaxed and his eyes closed. 
Sam was on the ground too, blood pouring from the wound in his side. Dean pulled off his flannel and pressed it to Sam’s side in an effort to stop the bleeding. 
“Dean, we can’t stay here,” you reminded him, looking around for the rest of the pack to quickly descend on the three of you. “We have to get him out of here.”
“Yeah, all right. Help me get him to the car.”
Between the two of you, but mostly with Dean’s effort, you got Sam slumped into the back of the Impala. His face was going pale as the blood saturated Dean’s flannel. Sam’s eyes grew glassy, and you told him to hold on — you were going to get help. 
“He’s never going to make it if we don’t stop the bleeding,” Dean called over his shoulder as he raced down the road. 
You nodded, pulling out your phone. This was going to be a huge risk, and Sam was not going to enjoy it, but you were going to figure it out. 
“You’re googling?” Dean demanded. 
“Shut up,” you said, quickly typing in a search inquiry. How to stop severe bleeding; once you got through all of the ‘Call 911, go to the ER’ type information, you found a survivalist site that gave a how-to on makeshift stitching for internal injuries. 
Rummaging in your bag for the first aid kit, you pulled out a needle, thread, a lighter, and some rubbing alcohol. You also found a fifth of something or other which you made Sam take a long swig of before you poured the alcohol over his wound. 
“Fuck!” Sam cried out, the alcohol stinging his exposed flesh. 
“Sorry,” you winced. You held the lighter to the end of the needle and pushed the thread through the eye. “Okay, Sam. You ready? This isn’t forever, just long enough for us to get you to a hospital.”
Sam took another swig of the alcohol and nodded. “Yeah. Okay. I’m ready.”
“First of all, this car is moving,” Dean reminded you. “Not to mention, you’ve never done stitches before, and that shit is deep, Y/N.”
“Well, like I said, it’s not forever. Thanks for the vote of confidence, by the way,” you muttered. 
Dean rolled his eyes and fixed his eyes on the road while you fixed your eyes on Sam’s wound. You took a deep breath, said a quick prayer, then put needle to flesh. 
Sam cried out with the first puncture of that deepest exposed layer. You could only imagine the pain he was in; you apologized over and over, with every dip of the needle back into his muscle. 
A couple of minutes later, Sam passed out. Blood was dripping over the seat of the Impala, and you could only imagine how that contributed to Dean’s concern over the whole matter. 
“You better hope he wakes up,” Dean growled. “Or we’re going to be in bigger trouble than explaining how he got hurt in the first place.”
You rolled your eyes and continued working. Some of the stitches broke through the tender flesh, requiring that you go back and redo them in meatier portions of the tissue. Sam’s pulse stayed as strong as it could with that level of blood loss, until you were done. 
“He’s looking really pale,” Dean said, looking over his shoulder. 
“Well, he lost a lot of blood,” you sighed, rummaging in your bag for supplies you kept only for the most dire of circumstances. 
After opening everything you would need, you splashed more of the rubbing alcohol over your arm and then Sam’s. Pulling your belt out of its loops, you tightened it around your arm and positioned the needle above the throbbing vein there. 
“What the hell, Y/N?”
You sighed. “Last hospital we were in, I grabbed a couple transfusion kits. Pretended to be a student, got taught how it works in trauma situations like this. Just trust me.”
The needle stung only for a second when it went in; you managed with one hand to tape down the needle, clamp the tube, and then got the belt off of your arm. You wrapped it around Sam’s arm, but before you could insert the needle into his vein, the Impala swerved to the side of the road. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” you demanded. “I’ve got a needle in my arm and I’m ready to put one in your brother’s and you swerve like that?”
Dean got out of the car and opened the backseat. “We’re just gonna call an ambulance. Forget this transfusion business. We can’t do this.”
“We aren’t doing this, I am. By the time the ambulance gets here and finds us, Dean, it could be too late. We’re in the damn middle of nowhere! You need to keep driving and let me do what I’m doing.”
“We can’t —”
“If you tell me again we can’t do this, I’m going to kick you somewhere you’re not going to enjoy,” you threatened through clenched teeth. “I want to save Sam just as bad as you do, but your doubt is really not helping things. Now. Get in the driver’s seat, get us to a hospital. Now.”
Dean still looked skeptical, but he managed to follow your orders. You finished setting up the transfusion, and then Dean carefully navigated the Impala back onto the road. 
When you finally reached the hospital, Dean ran in and yelled for help. A whole crew of hospital staff rushed out, their eyes wide at the scene in the backseat of the car. 
“He was stabbed,” you quickly explained, “some weirdo roaming around while we were camping. He lost a lot of blood while I did his stitches …”
“You did good,” one of the doctors assured. “Let’s get both of you inside.”
Sam was placed onto a gurney, and you followed beside the bed until a nurse could safely clamp the transfusion tubing again and pull the needle from your arm. She gave you some graham crackers and orange juice to help with the blood you had lost in the process, then sent you out to the lobby to wait with Dean. 
The minute he saw you, though your clothes were covered in blood and relief dragged your posture down, Dean pulled you close to him, kissed your forehead — then gave in to his own relief and hugged you tighter. 
“You saved his life,” Dean sighed. “And you didn’t give up your own in the process.”
You pulled back for a moment. “Is that what you thought was going to happen?”
“I dunno,” he shrugged, running his hands up and down your arms. “I didn’t know how much blood you were giving up. Thought I might lose both of you.”
In a rare moment of public affection, you pressed your lips quickly to his. “I would never let you lose either of us, if I could help it.”
Dean let his forehead fall against yours, working to catch his breath and slow his mind until the doctor came out to update you both on Sam’s condition. 
Tags: @illisea @growningupgeek @crazililwabbit@ashleymalfoy @busybee612 @deandoesthingstome  @jpadjackles @mrswhozeewhatsis @isometimeswritesomethings @charred-angelwings @sherlock44 @duherica @lipstickandwhiskey  @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ravenesque @multi-fan-dom-madness @feelmyroarrrr @atc74 @iamnotsaneatall @docharleythegeekqueen @jensen-jarpad @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @theplaidshirtmadness @mamapeterson  @blacktithe7 @moonlessnight14 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @girl-next-door-writes @kickasscas67 @charliebradbury1104 @smoothdogsgirl @impalaimagining  @melbrandes @captainradicalpassion @sandlee44   @xtina2191 @spnbaby-67 @emoryhemsworth @brooke-supernatural16 @goldenolaf25 @deanssweetheart @gabriels-trix @applesugar88 @1whit85 @starry-chaos @torn-and-frayed-writes  @jayankles @love-me-some-pie21 @bringmesomepie56 @tas898  @tryingnottocutyou-k @akshi8278 @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @supernatural-jackles @beatlesobsessionlove @superseejay721517 @bradygabrielle-blog  @adoptdontshoppets @flannelsandpie
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iwantthedeanupdates · 6 years
Hands On
Dean x Reader. Read it here! 
@illisea@growningupgeek @crazililwabbit@iwillprobablybechangingthislater @ashleymalfoy @busybee612 @deandoesthingstome  @jpadjackles @mrswhozeewhatsis @isometimeswritesomethings @charred-angelwings @sherlock44 @duherica @lipstickandwhiskey  @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ravenesque @multi-fan-dom-madness @feelmyroarrrr @atc74 @iamnotsaneatall @docharleythegeekqueen @jensen-jarpad @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @theplaidshirtmadness @mamapeterson  @blacktithe7 @moonlessnight14 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @girl-next-door-writes @kickasscas67@charliebradbury1104 @smoothdogsgirl @impalaimagining  @melbrandes @captainradicalpassion @sandlee44 @hexparker  @xtina2191 @spnbaby-67 @emoryhemsworth @brooke-supernatural16 @goldenolaf25 @deanssweetheart @gabriels-trix @applesugar88 @1whit85 @starry-chaos @torn-and-frayed-writes  @jayankles  @love-me-some-pie21 @bringmesomepie56 @tas898  @tryingnottocutyou-k @akshi8278 @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @supernatural-jackles @beatlesobsessionlove @superseejay721517 @bradygabrielle-blog  
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captain-s-rogers · 6 years
Yours Truly
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part Four
Master List
Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC // Chris Pratt x OFC Word Count: 1,573 Warnings: language, sexual tension Summary: As the presidential campaign heats up, so do things between Chris and Caroline. A/N: Here it is! Part four of me and @whiskeyxcola‘s new collab! Be sure to check out part three here! I hope you guys enjoy it! Leave some feedback so Nicole and I know how you feel about this! If you want to be tagged just send me an ask and let me know! :)
June 20
Sadie --
The pictures you sent with your last letter are gorgeous! Layla is adorable, and that farm looks like a beautiful, calm place to live. Want to trade places? You can run around D.C. and prep for a presidential debate, and I can relax on the farm. How does that sound?
For the record, I don’t have it bad for Chris. He’s just attractive and I happened to notice -- it’s not hard to. I mean...just look at him. As for not talking about Charlie, well...I don’t know. I haven’t been spending much time with him since the campaign is taking up pretty much all of my time.
To be honest with you, I think things with me and Charlie are on the verge of ending. He’s been more possessive than usual lately, probably because he feels threatened by Chris and how much time I’m spending with him -- but HELLO,, it’s my job. He texts me non-stop during the day and calls repeatedly, even when I don’t answer. I’m tired of dealing with him and I’ve been avoiding him like the plague. He’s not happy about it.
How is everything going with Farmer Pratt? You make him fall in love with you yet? If not it’s only a matter of time. I’m kidding….or am I? ;) Fill me in. I’ve gotta go, the debate starts in a few hours and I need to prep Chris. By the time you get this letter it will have already happened but I hope you watch! You might get a glimpse of me on the small screen!
Yours truly,
 Caroline sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She stopped pacing in the middle of Chris’s office and turned to stare at him, her arms crossing over her chest. He looked back at her, smirking.
“On a scale from one to ten, how bad do you want to kill me right now?” Chris chuckled.
“I’m hovering somewhere in the high thirties.” Caroline bit back. “I just don’t even understand why this is even being debated right now. Just put on the fucking suit.”
“I get that this is a high profile debate, I get that it’s the first debate of the election season, but what I don’t get is why what I’m currently wearing is such a problem.”
Caroline let out a frustrated groan. “Do I look like I’m in the mood for games right now, Christopher? No. If this was a fucking free-for-all, I wouldn’t be wearing this damn suit myself. Contrary to popular belief I would much rather be bumming out in my pajamas, but no. I have to work, and so do you. So, if I have to wear heels and a fucking skirt then you need to put on the fucking suit! A sweater and dress pants is just not gonna cut it. You can’t wear a tie and call it a day on looking professional.”
Chris looked at her and started laughing.
Chris just laughed harder.
“What is so fucking funny?”
“I’m gonna put on the suit. I was always gonna put on the suit.”
“I don’t … why did you … ? What?”
“I was messing with you, Linney,” Chris said, his laughter finally dying down. “You need to loosen up just a little. We spend a lot of time together, and we’ve still got months, hopefully years, left to go. If this thing goes our way, I’ll be spending more time with you than with anyone else in my life. You can’t be so damn uptight all the time.”
Caroline stared at him in disbelief as he picked up the suit from where it was draped over the back of a chair and walked out of the room to change and get ready for the debate.
When the debate was over, the entire campaign staff was running on adrenaline. Chris’s statements and arguments for his stances on the various issues were flawless, and it was clear that he was the winner. When Chris left the stage, he quickly found Caroline and hugged her fiercely.
“I couldn’t have done that without you,” Chris grinned, releasing her, “let’s celebrate!”
“You go ahead, celebrate with the rest of the team,” Caroline smiled, “I’ve got some phone calls to make, interviews to set up, and quotes to give. I’ll swing by when I’m done, if it’s not too late.”
Chris nodded and started to walk away.
“Oh, and Chris,” Caroline said; Chris turned to look at her. “Great job tonight. Congrats on the win.”
Chris smiled and gave her a small nod before leaving the backstage area. As soon as he left, Caroline went into press mode, making more phone calls than she could count. By the time she had finished speaking with the media on site and made her last phone call, it was well past midnight. She knew she should have gone home, or even gone to Charlie’s, but instead, she decided to head over to Chris’s house and see if he was still celebrating.
When the town car pulled up to the house, she noticed the lights were still on. Taking that as a good sign, she thanked the driver and climbed out of the car. She headed up the front steps and let herself in with her spare key. When she walked into the house, the place seemed empty, despite all the lights being on. She called out for Chris and waited a few seconds for him to respond. Figuring he had gone to bed and forgot to turn the lights off, she turned to leave, switching lights off as she went. She was almost back at the front door when Chris came stumbling into the living room, a bottle of champagne in his hand.
“Linney,” he smiled, only slightly slurring through his new nickname for her. .
“You’re lucky you’ve got the day off tomorrow,” Caroline smirked, crossing her arms over her chest, “or you’re lucky I made sure you have the day off tomorrow, rather. I had a strong feeling you would win and I also had a gut feeling you’d party if that was the case. Clearly, my gut is never wrong.”
“Yeah, I may have gone slightly overboard, but since you’re here -- have a drink with me,” Chris said, sitting down on his living room couch. “After all, I won because of you.”
“You won because of you,” Caroline smiled, setting her purse on the table, “I just helped. But, if you insist, I will have one celebratory drink with you.”
Chris grinned and practically jumped up from the couch. He made his way into the kitchen and came back with two glasses and a fresh bottle of champagne. Caroline cocked an eyebrow at him as he set the glass down in front of her and popped open the bottle.
“I said one drink, Chris.”
“Loosen up, Linney. Pretty sure if I have the day off tomorrow, that means you do, too. So, you can have more than one drink.”
Caroline couldn’t argue with his logic; she  accepted the glass of champagne he was offering her. Despite her better judgement, and knowing that she should go home and get some sleep, Caroline helped Chris finish off the bottle of champagne. Finally, a couple hours after they had opened the bottle, Caroline decided it was best for her to head home. Chris walked her to the door and stopped her just as she was about to leave.
“You consider me sexy, right?” Chris asked.
Caroline stared at him, shocked by how blunt his question had been delivered. “Umm...I  honestly don’t know how I should answer that.”
“It’s just a yes or no question,” Chris chuckled.
It was then that Caroline noticed exactly how close Chris was standing to her. Her back was flush against the front door, and his lips were only a couple of inches away from hers. It was almost as though he could read her mind; he knew exactly how she felt about him and he wanted to hear her say it.
Her eyes flitted from his eyes to his lips and back again. Her answer came out just above a whisper, with mixed notes of confidence and caution.
The tension between them was palpable. Chris moved agonizingly slow, closing the small gap between them a millimeter at a time. His lips had not finished brushing over hers when her phone started ringing loudly from her hand, bringing them both back to reality. Chris cleared his throat and stepped back.
Caroline took a deep breath and looked down at her phone; Charlie’s name was flashing on the screen. She rolled her eyes, silenced her phone and shoved it into her purse before looking back up at Chris.
“I’ll uh…” she cleared her throat, “I’ll uh...see you in a couple days. Get some sleep, Chris.”
Without waiting for a response from him, she turned and headed out of the house. Her apartment was only a few blocks away, and she was more than grateful for the late hour, as it allowed her a quiet walk home, alone with her thoughts.. By the time she reached her apartment door, she was more confused than she had been when she left his house. Scrambling for paper and pen, she did exactly what she needed to do to work out her thoughts -- she wrote a letter to Sadie.
@ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek @pheonixfyre374 @crazililwabbit @catching-up-with-kayla
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whiskeyxcola · 6 years
Yours Truly: Part 1
Summary: Sadie Coleman arrives at the Pratt farm for the summer and discovers she may have signed up for more than a simple nanny job.  Pairing: Chris Pratt x OFC, Chris Evans x OFC Word Count: 1650 Warnings: Mentions of divorce and abandonment.  A/N: Hope you enjoy the first part of the collab with @captain-s-rogers! Don’t be afraid to ask to be on the taglist, and please let us know what you think! Also, keep an eye out for part two, which Ashley will be posting later today! 
Tags: @ellen-reincarnated1967 @crazililwabbit @catching-up-with-kayla
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June 1
My first day here at the farm was insightful, to say the least.
The daughter, Layla, is four, and possibly the sweetest child on the face of the planet. And she is so smart! We are going to have an amazing summer, I can tell.
Her father on the other hand -- I’m not entirely sure what to make of him, to be honest. He’s polite but has some rough edges… I suppose anyone would be after their wife left them with a farm and a four-year-old. Although, if he was like this before, it’s no wonder she left. That’s a terrible thing to say, I know. If he expects me to stick around all summer, he’d better work on becoming more personable, that much is for sure.
How is D.C.? I want to hear all about the plane ride and your arrival and the people you’ve met. How is the guy you’re working for? Hopefully he is friendlier than ole Farmer Pratt. Ha.
Layla told me she likes to get up early, so I should probably get to bed. I’m already loving our idea to write letters this summer and only call a few times or in case of emergency. Send me a postcard from D.C.!
Yours truly,
The drive from her Wichita home to the Lawrence, Kansas, area was only a few hours, but it was just long enough for Sadie to wonder about a million times if this was really how she wanted to spend her summer. Teaching during the school year was one thing, but continuing it into the summer?
Although, the job description sounded more like a nanny with an education background than an actual teacher. The little girl she would be working with would turn five over the summer, and her father wanted her ready for kindergarten.
In search of a teacher to work with and care for my daughter over the summer. Must have education background and be willing to do tasks around the home. Must be willing to travel, if necessary. More details provided upon inquiry; serious applicants only.
The ad had been posted on a site many teachers in the area used, and had just enough detail to pique Sadie’s interest. She immediately emailed the man who had posted the job for more details and, even though she knew right away there probably would be more caring for than teaching involved, she took him up on the offer in return for negotiated pay, and room and board.
“Perhaps it will lead to something else,” Sadie thought to herself, thinking of the new job she would need to find for the next school year. Her job in Wichita had been secure, until budget cuts forced them to close down several schools in the area. The closings had left many teachers without jobs, and Sadie had been one of them. There were simply too many elementary school teachers, and she had not been around long enough to build up the necessary tenure to stay. She had, however, looked at the bright side: she would have excellent references and the opportunity to relocate wherever she pleased.
The farmhouse she pulled up to was larger than she expected, but the place still had a cozy feel about it. Laid out beyond the house was a lush backyard, a sturdy, wooden playset, and a barn. Beyond that was brown dirt, as far as Sadie could see.
“Ms. Coleman?”
Sadie looked in the direction of the voice to see a man and a little girl standing on the porch. Taking a determined breath and beelining for the porch, Sadie prepared to meet her new employer and charge.
“Please, call me Sadie,” she said as soon as she was shaking the man’s hand. His hand wrapped around hers was calloused and rough, but there was something gentle about his handshake, as well. “You must be Mr. Pratt.”
“I am. If I’m going to call you Sadie though, please, call me Chris. This is my daughter, Layla.”
The little girl had hidden behind her father’s legs as Sadie approached, and peeked out from behind now. Her hair was a mess of curls (literally, a mess. Sadie couldn’t wait to run a comb through them.) and her eyes were big and blue, just like Chris’s.
“Hello, Ms. ‘Adie,” Layla greeted in almost a whisper. Her ‘s’ at the end of Ms. and the beginning of Sadie ran together, but it endeared Sadie immediately to the small child.
Sadie got down to Layla’s level. “If it’s okay with your dad, you can just call me Sadie.”
“Daddy?” Layla looked up at her father; Chris’s face softened. Sadie pursed her lips in an effort to hide her smile. She had an inkling that there wasn’t much Chris denied his daughter.
“It’s okay with me. How about you show Sadie where her room will be, while I finish up the afternoon chores?” He looked to Sadie. “We can discuss some things later, after she’s gone to bed.”
“Yessir,” Layla obeyed with a sing-song voice, all hints of her earlier shyness gone as she took Sadie’s hand and led her into the house.
Layla played with her dolls on the floor of the guest room while Sadie settled into her new quarters. Sadie hummed quietly while she worked, until all of her things were put away. Finally, she stowed her suitcase in the closet, then turned to Layla. The little girl’s curls caught her attention again, so Sadie decided it was time to comb them out. She asked Layla where her comb was, then found some detangler. She sat on the floor with Layla sitting in front of her and carefully combed out the girl’s hair before styling it into a cute side ponytail. When she was done, she picked Layla up and took her to the mirror so the girl could admire her newly styled hair.
“Daddy!” Layla exclaimed when Chris came in, dirty and sweaty, “Look! Adie fixed my hairs!”
Chris sent Sadie the kind of look that could only be considered a low-key, don’t-want-my-daughter-to-see glare before grinning at Layla and sweeping her up into his arms and telling her how beautiful she looked.
“I’m going to take a shower. You girls can get started on supper while I clean up.”
Sadie licked her lips and nodded, taking Layla by the hand and leading her into the kitchen. She whipped up a chicken salad for sandwiches, had Layla help her set the table, and then served up the girl before making a plate for Chris and herself.
Supper was an awkward, silent event, save for Layla’s comments here and there. After they ate, Chris sent Layla to her room to play while he and Sadie cleaned up from supper and talked about her summer arrangement over coffee.
“I understand that you’ll be considering school year work while you’re here, which is fine. I do have a part-time babysitter, and I don’t intend to keep you here twenty-four-seven. I want you to have your own life.” He sipped at his coffee. “I’ve got Layla on a pretty good schedule, but I’m okay flexing it. Planting is done for the season, but caring for the fields and the animals still needs to be done. I’m out of the house most of the day, but I’ll be in at lunchtime. If I have to go into town, I’ll let you girls know. I’d expect you to do the same if you leave with my daughter.”
Sadie nodded. “Of course.”
“I’d like for her to be ready for kindergarten in the fall -- honestly, I don’t know what that entails, but that’s where you come in. Maybe just an hour or two a day, you can work with her, practice, all that.” He leaned forward and let out a deep breath. “Not to get too personal, Sadie, but, in case Layla talks about it, I’m going to be very honest with you. Not quite a year ago, my wife left us. We had a myriad of issues -- anyway. Layla seems to have adjusted all right, but occasionally she’ll talk about her mother.”
“I’m sorry,” Sadie said, not sure what else to say. “I can assure you, I do know what to ready Layla for. I’ve got a master’s in elementary education, and I’ve been teaching kindergarten for several years now, until they closed down the school I was working for. I had only been with the district for a few years, so I was let go. But I have excellent references.”
“I know,” Chris said, smirking -- the first time Sadie had seen the hint of anything resembling a smile sent in her direction. “I called them.”
“Wow,” Sadie chuckled. “You’re really serious about this.”
His smirk slowly faded. “Layla’s all I have left. I need her to be well-cared for, but I can’t be with her all the time, and I can’t do all of the things her mother could do for her. I’m trying, though.”
Something occurred to Sadie. “You did her hair this morning, didn’t you? I’m sorry, Chris, I didn’t mean …”
He waved her off, getting up to put both of their empty coffee cups in the sink. “It’s all right. Maybe you can teach me some things this summer, too. I’ll get Layla put to bed.”
“I’d like to tell her good night, if that’s all right.”
“Of course.”
The good night with Layla took a few minutes, as she excitedly explained to Sadie how she arranged all of her stuffed animals. Chris finally swatted her lightly on the bottom and told her to get her pajamas on, that she had talked Sadie’s ear off enough for one day.
Sadie smiled, leaving father and daughter behind for their nighttime routine. She closed the door to her room behind her, settling in to write her letter to Caroline.
Part Two
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atc74 · 7 years
OC Appreciation Day
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We all know that the Reader insert rules in fan fiction, but sometimes, someone creates an original character that is so well thought out and written, that you cannot deny their pull. When you read a novel, it is composed of all original characters, so let’s put aside any preconceived notions that the only good fan fiction out there is reader insert.
Please join us, @iwantthedean, @d-s-winchester and @atc74, as we pay homage to some of our favorite OC’s and maybe even come up with some new ones for you.
Do you have an OC that you love? YOur own or someone else’s? Tell us about them! Post your fics (old or new) with the tags:
#OC’s Rule and #OC Appreciation Day 2018 and be sure to tag us so we can read some new OC’s too!
Any genre is welcome (fluff, angst, fluff, crack)
One-shots, series, drabbles, imagines, whatever your heart desires.
Main pairing must be with an OC; please do not include children as your OC (unless they are the main character) as they are generally a result of a reader insert pairing.
Your OC can be you, a friend or the product of your beautiful and creative imagination!
NO SIGN UPS NECESSARY!!! Just post your fic on 1/7/18, don’t worry about time zones!
Tagging those that have previously written an OC: @rockhoochie @tankcupcakes @madamelibrarian @ellen-reincarnated1967 @wheresthekillswitch @mamaredd123 @chelsea072498 @growningupgeek @crazililwabbit @salvachester @hannahindie @docharleythegeekqueen @justanotherdeangirl25 @sammit-janet @hardertobreatheat-night @rainygalaxynerd @faegal04 @frenchybell @holywaterbucketchallenge @spn-hp-fanwrites @mrswhozeewhatsis @just-another-busy-fangirl @waywardjoy @percywinchester27
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Hey guys! So I know I have posted this before but I REALLY would appreciate it if you all could help me get Jacksepticeye to see this! 💚 On the left is the drawing I did, on the right is the original photo. I took my friend's picture, Mitchell Thompson, and made this for him. He is a huge Jacksepticeye fan. Jack is actually the reason Mitch is going to have a YouTube channel! It would just be super helpful if you awesome people could spread this around and tag @therealjacksepticeye in hopes he will see this! (Jack, if you actually do see this: would it be too much trouble to say "Hello" to Mitchell? It would make the stress he is going through so less bad and he would be so happy! Thanks for everything and thanks for making hilarious videos! You make the troubles of everyday go away, if even for a few minutes..Really, Thank you 😊💚) <Preferably A Subnautica video or Overwatch or something..If you pick a different one, would you please tell me which one it is?> @septic-strawberry @sammy-moo @not-moose-one-shots @notnaturalanahi @wayward-mirage @toothfairy-killer @simplytenae @doro7winchester @relmi-llorrac @crazililwabbit @lucifer-in-leather and anyone that loves Jack as much as we do!!!
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crazililwabbit · 7 years
Ghost Town - A Supernatural/Fallout Crossover Fic
Master list is here.
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Chapter Three - A Long Walk
Castiel’s shoulder hurt, no matter how he shifted, there was no relieving the pain of laying on the cold, hard ground. With a heavy sigh he pushed himself up and opened his eyes. It was a little lighter than he remembered when he laid down, but the chill from the night still hung in the air. Looking around it was obvious that everyone was still asleep. Dean was snoring softly in the corner while everyone else was wrapped in the thin blankets the girls had provided. He counted the bodies, there was one missing. He craned his neck to see the rest of the room, and found her sitting in the doorway to outside, leaning against the frame. His legs ached as he pushed himself up, and quietly made his way over to her.
“I thought you took first shift,” he smiled down at her.
She looked up at him, startled. Her hands had clamped down on her rifle, and her finger was on the trigger.
“Whoa,” he held up his hands, “I didn’t mean to startle you.”
She relaxed, “sorry, I was lost in my own thoughts.” She set the gun back down, “I should‘ve heard you approaching.”
He slowly lowered himself to the ground next to her.
“You feeling better?” she winced in sympathy watching him struggle.
“Despite what it may seem,” he finally sat down, “yes.”
“Good,” she rested her cheek against the gun, “then it wasn’t a wasted stimpak.”
“Anything out there?” he looked out towards the other empty homes on the street.
“A ragstag and his doe came through about an hour ago,” she pointed towards the blue house across from them, “they left that way. Other than that, nothing. But I think the storm we got last night would’ve kept most of the critters and people out of the night air.”
The pair sat in silence as the sky slowly grew brighter.
“I should wake everyone up,” she sighed, “if we don’t get moving by sunrise, Bo will be angry. And trust me, you don’t want to start the day with her angry.”
Castiel stared at the girl, his face serious, “thank you.”
She paused in her adjustment to stand up, “what for?”
“Helping us,” he rubbed his arm where she had injected him, “helping me.”
“This place is a real shit hole, and it’s hard for seasoned veterans of the wasteland to get by,” she patted him on the shoulder, “if we don’t do everything we can to make it better, then who will?”
“Still, you didn’t have to help us,” he watched her stand up.
“Yes I did,” her face grew serious, “you will probably never know why, but just know that I did have to help you.”
He nodded.
“Time to get up!” she hollered as she kicked Ellie’s boots, “gotta get up and moving, so we can make it back to civilization today!”
Ellie groaned, “just five more minutes, please!”
Dean jerked awake, “I’m here!” he looked around, “I’m awake!”
“Shut up, Dean,” Sam rubbed his neck as he sat up slowly.
Bo groaned, but sat up, “she’s right,” she twisted her back, warming up her muscles. “If we don’t want to have to camp out again tonight, we need to get movin’ asap.”
“I’ll go take down the parameter for you Ellie,” Lou slung her rifle over her back.
“Thanks Lou!” the sleepy girl grinned, “I’ll carry those land mines for you as payment.”
“I will take you up on that!” Lou grinned before ducking out of the doorway.
“So, how far are we walking today?” Dean stretched his arms into the air.
“Oh, no…” Bo shook her head, “I told you yesterday, it was only for one night!” She finished pulling on her boots.
“Oh, c’mon Bo!” Ellie whined, “they were helpful last night, and look at them!” she waved a hand in the air, “they won’t make it to Arlington, let alone anywhere they will be safe!”
Bo glared at Ellie, “I swear to GOD, if one of them causes any trouble, I am holding YOU and LOU personally responsible!”
“Quit yelling in there!” they heard Lou’s muffled voice from outside.
“Shut up!” Bo stuffed her blanket into her bag and pushed herself up from the floor. Dean’s eyes widened as she crossed the room and stopped in front of him, “I assume Lou gave you a gun.”
He nodded.
“Do you know how to use it?” her jaw tightened.
He nodded again.
“When I say get down, you get down,” she leaned into his face, “when I say shut up, you shut up.”
He nodded again.
“That goes for all of you,” she swung back around looking at Castiel and Sam.
“Bo calm down, you are going to rattle them so bad they’ll become a liability,” Lou stuck her head in through the doorway, “now, if you’re all done alerting everything within a half mile radius that we’re here, we’re ready to head out.”
Bo slung her bag over her back and stuck her chin out before turning around and stomping out of the house.
They all gathered on the small carport as the girls all adjusted their gear.
“Here,” Dean held out a hand, “I can carry that duffle for you.”
Lou looked up from where she had been wrapping up a large bundle in waterproof fabric, “oh, are you sure?” she smiled.
“Yea,” he returned her smile.
“Alright,” she stood up and slung the wrapped bundle onto her back, next to her rifle. “We have to show Bo how useful you can be, right?” she winked at him.
“I’ll carry the leftover meat,” Sam slung the pack from the night before over his shoulder.
“I can help too,” Castiel offered.
“No, I think you would do better to just keep working on getting better,” Ellie smiled and handed him a small pistol, “but you can take this, and help fight of any baddies.”
Castiel smiled, “thank you.”
“Alright, molerats, let’s head out of here,” Bo slipped on her black aviators, “I want to sleep in my own bed tonight.”
“So,” Dean whispered to Lou, “how far are we going today?”
“Um,” she clicked her tongue a few times, “from what I am guessing, at least sixteen miles.”
“Sixteen miles!?” Dean’s voice raised in pitch.
“That’s not too bad,” Sam smiled.
The group crouched up against the wall; Bo in front, followed by Ellie and Sam, Dean right behind them, and Lou with Castiel taking up the rear. Bo motioned for them to all stay low as she peeked around the edge of the boarded up house.
“Why are we moving so slow?” Castiel asked Lou.
“This area is known for feral ghouls, and if we can avoid them it’s better than trying to fight our way through them,” she replied, keeping an eye on Bo.
Bo waved them on to the next building. The group moved in this manner from building to building along what was obviously a once prosperous residential area.
After about twenty minutes of the intense shuffling from one building to another, Bo motioned for them to sit down and pulled out a canteen.
“Here,” Ellie said quietly as she handed Sam her own bottle of water.
“Thank you,” he nodded and gave her a small smile.
“I have an extra one you two can share,” Lou handed a full canteen to Castiel and glanced at Dean, “we are almost out of ghoul territory.”
“What is a ghoul, exactly?” Dean accepted the canteen from Castiel and swallowed a mouthful himself.
“That is a long story,” Lou tucked her own canteen away, “I will tell you later.”
“Alright, let’s get going,” Bo whispered, “once we get to Diamond City we can stop long enough for food.”
The group stood back up and worked their way down the final street of the residential area. Bo leaned around the corner of the second to the last building, but quickly jerked back, her back pressed firmly into the wall. She looked at Lou, her eyes wide.
Holding her right hand up, Lou motioned across the street once and then in the direction they were headed.
Bo glanced at the others in their party and shook her head. Holding up her right hand, Bo made an L shape motioned across the street once, down the street in the direction they were going twice and then pointed her thumb up. Bringing her hand down, her open palm facing the ground she motioned in a circle and then pointed to the ground.
Lou nodded before quickly making her way across the street and behind the buildings on the other side.
“What is going on?” Dean leaned in and asked Ellie.
Ellie pressed her finger to her lips, “there is something over there and Bo sent Lou to take care of it. Whatever it is, it is too close for us to sneak past, and we should be ready for it to come around the side of the building.” She let her assault rifle fall from her shoulder and held it ready.
It was quiet, so quiet that when the crack was heard overhead it startled all of them.
Bo held her hand out, five fingers up.
There was a second crack.
Four fingers.
A third crack.
Three fingers.
A fourth crack.
Bo held her rifle up and began to back away from the edge of the building.
The gurgling moan that came from the thing that stumbled out from between the two houses was unnerving. The shriveled humanoid was lumbering towards them, it’s mouth hanging open and an arm missing. It seemed to lock onto Ellie as it launched itself towards her at unbelievable speed, plowing her into the ground.
“Z… z… zombie!” Dean yelled as he held up his pistol.
There was a bang from Bo’s rifle as she shot at another one coming around the corner of the building. “Shoot it!” Bo yelled as she rounded the corner, standing between the two buildings and fired off two more shots.
A fifth crack resounded through the air as the head of the monster on top of Ellie exploded.
“Dean!” Castiel shouted as a third one pushed past Bo and ran towards the brothers.
Dean fired twice at the approaching threat, removing one of it’s legs. The thing tumbled to the ground, continuing to reach for Dean and Sam.
“Ugh, what are these things?” Sam frowned as he fired two shots into it’s head.
“Ghouls,” Bo sighed heavily as she pulled Ellie to her feet. “I don’t see any  more, but we need to wait quietly until Lou comes back to be sure.
The group returned to standing against the building, waiting. Only two more of the loud cracks were heard followed by a length of tense silence before they saw Lou emerge from behind one of the buildings and cross the street towards them.
“That’s all of them,” she smiled at Bo, “from what I could tell we are actually clear for a while, until we get to the city at least.”
“Good,” Bo’s shoulders relaxed and a small smile appeared on her lips, “good.”
“Alright, so,” Dean kicked the lifeless body of the withered green thing. “Now you get to tell us what the hell these things are exactly. Zombies, right? I vote zombies.”
“Not exactly,” Ellie slung her gun back over her shoulder, “zombies are humans who’ve died, and come back right? I read about them once when I was little in a Grognak comic book.”
“So, these things aren’t zombies?” Dean looked back at the corpses.
“No, they are humans that have been affected by the radiation that can be found in various areas around the wasteland. Their brains rot, leading to madness, and they try to kill anything that moves,” Ellie leaned over and turned the body at Dean’s feet over.
“They look like monsters,” Dean’s face scrunched up.
“They are not monsters,” Lou’s voice was serious, “they are victims, they should have our pity.”
Silence fell over the group.
“Alright,” Bo turned around, “we are only a couple of hours away from Diamond City, and I am hungry, so let’s get going.”
“Welcome to the biggest piece of civilization in the Commonwealth,” Ellie spread her arms out wide, “Diamond City.”
“Wait,” Dean frowned, looking at the statue in front of them, “this is Fenway Park.”
“As in,” Sam smiled, “the Boston Red Socks?”
“Isn’t Old Cronin always going on about the Boston Red Socks?” Lou raised her eyebrows.
“Yea, they played baseball, right?” Ellie looked at Bo.
“Oh man, I have always thought baseball sounded like fun,” Bo grinned, “meeting a whole other team of people, and seeing who can beat the other team to death first, sounds like my kind of game.” She raised her arms and mimicked swinging an invisible bat.
“What?!” Dean looked at the three girls in disbelief, “that isn’t baseball at all!”
“Sure it is!” Bo nodded her head excitedly, “they used baseball bats, and the best ones were called Swatters, Cronin sells some in the marketplace.”
“I’ve never bought one,” Lou sighed, “feels like you would just need to get too close to use one for my comfort.”
“Oh man,” Bo’s eyes were full of fire, “there is nothing like the feeling of bashing in the skull of something that was trying to kill you.”
“Oh my god,” Dean eyes were wide.
Sam snickered.
“I am confused,” Castiel frowned, “I thought I understood baseball, but I don’t remember anyone being beat to death.”
“Let’s just,” Dean began walking towards the stadium, “let’s just get inside so we can eat, please.”
The group walked through the entrance and only paused briefly for Dean to chuckle at the guards in their umpire gear.
“This is…” Sam paused and looked at the small town that had been built into the stands and through the field of the stadium, “amazing.”
“What is?” Ellie stopped and looked down at the buildings.
“All of these people, crammed in here,” Sam motioned to stands and the marketplace below, “people are trying to survive, despite everything going on out there.”
“I guess so,” Ellie watched the rest of the group descend the stairs, “but don’t let all the flashy buildings and propaganda pull you in, this isn’t a good place.”
“Oh,”he tensed up, looking around nervously.
“No,” she smiled, “not like that.”
“Oh,” he relaxed.
“It’s just not a good place to live,” her face was downcast. “But,” she perked up, “it is the best place to get lunch!”
“Get your free copy of the newest issue of Publick Occurrences here!” the girl called out as the group passed. “Get it before we run out!”
“Hey Nat!” Ellie smiled at the girl, “long time no see!”
“Elenore!” the girl hopped down from her wooden box and hugged her, “it has been too long! Why don’t you come back to visit more often?”
“Oh, you know,” Ellie wrapped her arms around the girl, “life gets busy.”
“Yea, yea,” the girl pulled away and held out a copy of the small paper she had been handing out. “Here, take a copy.”
“What’s going on in the Commonwealth that we need to know about?” She took the paper and glanced it over.
“Some Super Mutants have moved in just outside of the patrol zone,” Nat flipped the first page over, “the Mayor is looking for someone to take them out. We have already lost several security troops trying to clear them out.”
“What are Super Mutants?” Sam glanced at the paper over Ellie’s shoulder.
“Monsters,” Nat looked at Sam, her eyes focused on the bright blue jumpsuit. “What are you wearing?”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Ellie grinned at Nat and pushed Sam forward, “we need to catch up with the others. Thanks for the paper, Nat!” She waved as she pushed Sam towards the marketplace.
“What...?” Sam craned his head around to wave at the girl who just stared as they walked away. “What are you doing?”
“You don’t want too much attention from them, they will make a story out of just about anything,” she continued to push him forward. “They are nice people, just always itching for a new story.”
“Oh,” Sam leaned forward, “you can stop now, I‘m capable of walking for myself.”
Ellie chuckled, “sorry.”
The pair approached the outdoor seating for the small noodle shop where the others had found places to sit.
“I promise,” Lou was whispering excitedly to Dean and Cas, “this will be the best thing you’ve ever eaten!”
“Hey, Takahashi!” Bo waved an arm in the air, “over here!”
The tall robot slowly with a chef’s hat perched on top made it’s way over to where they had sat down.
“What,” Dean leaned back on his stool, “what is that?”
“What do you mean, ‘what is that?’?” Bo scrunched her face at him, “don’t tell me you have never seen a Protectron.”
“You know,” Ellie rested her finger on her chin, “they wouldn’t have seen most of the tech that we have now that I think about it…”
“What do you mean?” Bo turned in her seat to look at the pair that was standing behind them.
“Well, Sam and I figured out yesterday that they’re from almost 272 years ago!” Ellie nodded, “and given that most of the advancements in any field filled with technology, such as robotics, medical, military, and even just home technology didn’t start taking off until about 2037 with the first release of household robots, it would make sense that they haven’t seen… well, most of the tech that was released to the public after when they were placed in the vault,” she inhaled deeply, a huge grin on her face.
“My god,” Bo just gaped at the other girl, “you are a HUGE nerd.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Dean threw his arms in the air, “what did you say about 275 years ago?”
“We were cryogenically frozen,” Sam sat down next to Dean, “and left there for 271 years. Which is rather fascinating in itself, as I have never heard of a case of successful cryo-freezing.”
“You sound like a huge nerd too,” Bo turned back around in her chair.
“Oh, he is,” Dean slouched on the counter.
The robot finally arrived in front of the group. “Nan-ni shimasho-ka?" the robot stood in front of them.
“I would love one,” Bo pulled a metal tin from her bag and counted out twenty of the old, crushed bottle caps.
The robot collected the caps before placing a bowl filled with hot noodles and broth on the counter in front of her.
“Us too, Takahashi!” Ellie waved her arm in the air.
“Nan-ni shimasho-ka?" the robot turned towards them.
“Two please!” Ellie placed a whole bag of caps on the counter.
Again, the robot collected the caps and placed two bowls of noodles on the counter.
Ellie slid one to Sam, “here you go, enjoy!”
“Three please, Takahashi,” Lou pushed the pile of caps she had counted out previously over the counter to the robot.
“Nan-ni shimasho-ka?" the robot slowly collected them.
“Thank you,” Lou smiled and waited for the bowls to be presented before sliding one to both Cas and Dean. “Eat up!” she smiled.
Dean smelled the hot broth, “this smells familiar.”
“Oh, it’s sooo goood!” Bo closed her eyes as she ate her noodles.
“It’s like ramen…” Sam smiled as he finished his first bite.
“Ramen?” Castiel raised an eyebrow.
“Yea, like, instant noodles,” Sam took another bite.
The robot turned and began to walk off, the gears inside his torso whirring.
“Oh my god,” Dean swallowed his first bite, “this is delicious.”
“Power noodles are the best thing you can buy fresh in the whole commonwealth,” Ellie nodded in agreement.
Dean’s face was buried in his bowl as he gulped down the broth and noodles. Dropping the bowl to the counter he gasped for breath.
“Can I…” he looked at Lou, “can I have another one?”
Lou laughed, “sure.” She pulled her own tin from her bag, “Takahashi!”
The robot turned to face them.
“One more, please,” Lou placed the caps on the counter, “we have a long walk still.”
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crazililwabbit · 7 years
Burn - A Supernatural/Black Butler Crossover Fic
Master list here. 
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Ch 2 - You Know You’ll Always Lose
Elizabeth towel dried her hair and glanced in the mirror. "I look so tired…" She mumbled to herself and slapped her cheeks lightly. "Come on!" She tried to pump herself up.
She pulled on a black t-shirt, her favorite shorts and black boots. She was pulling her hair into a ponytail as she walked into the library. She froze. There was someone sitting in one of the chairs with his back to her.
"Are you ready?" A familiar voice called to her.
"Sebastian?" She gasped. Even from behind she could tell he looked different.
"Ah," He looked at her over his shoulder. "Forgive me, I forgot I had changed my appearance. Is this more to your liking?" He stood from the chair and raised his eyebrows at her.
"You…" She wasn't sure what to say. "You look younger."
"Yes. I tried to ascertain your age, I guessed twenty-five, and matched my looks accordingly." He smiled at her.
"I am twenty-six." She mumbled. She continued to stare at him. His hair was shorter and messy, but still the same jet black as before. He had changed from his suit with tails into a more relaxed black dress shirt and tie. "I like your shoes." She mumbled again and headed across the room to where her dad stashed all the smaller weapons.
Sebastian looked down at his feet. "Do you?" He smiled. "I saw them in one of your magazines."
"There is one place I can think of to begin." She changed the subject as she pulled several bottles of various ingredients from the chest. "It's only about seven hours away, so we can get there by morning." She checked her handgun to make sure it was loaded and then her pockets for ammunition.
"What might we be looking for?" He leaned against the table and cupped his chin in his hand.
"It's the only other place Castiel might be." She checked her backpack for water and a granola bar. "He has a, um, friend that lives there." She glanced up at him awkwardly.
"Friend?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow. "Normally friends don't make people feel as uneasy as you seem."
"It's not that he makes me uneasy. I actually love him. It's just that his relationship with Castiel is…" She paused again. "Complicated."
"Most relationships are." He mused.
"Well, it's just that Castiel spends more time there than he does here, where he supposedly lives. He insists they aren't a couple, but I don't know…" She shook her head. "You'll understand when you meet him."
"I see." Sebastian chuckled. "I noticed you are packing several weapons."
"Yea. You never know what you'll need." She closed her bag. "My dad always insisted that I carry a knife and gun, it's become habit." She looked down at her preparations. "What do you want? You can pick whatever you'd like."
"Oh, I am set." He patted the black pouch that was hanging from his belt.
"Oh, okay." She glanced at the pouch. "What are they?"
"Throwing knives." He grinned wickedly. "If I need to use a weapon, they are my preferred choice."
"Alright, I think we are set then." She looked away. The smile on his face was making her uneasy.
"Very well." She heard the table shift as he lifted his weight off it. "I will carry your bags."
"Oh, um…" She glanced up, blushing. "You don't have to."
"What kind of partner would I be if I allowed you to carry them?" He flashed her a quick smile that made her stomach tie itself into a knot.
"Th… thanks." She stammered and turned back to grab her dad's keys. She paused for a moment, running her thumb over the smooth metal keychain her dad kept. "I will find you Dad. Hang in there." She whispered to the keys.
She hurried after Sebastian, who was already halfway up the stairs. "Normally I would take my bike, but since we are going pretty far and I don't think we can both fit on it with all our stuff we are going to take Baby."
"Baby?" He turned and looked at her one eyebrow raised.
She held up the keys. "My dad's Impala."
The ride was quiet. She let the music pour from the speakers and he was content to stare out the window. Rides in the Impala very rarely had conversation anyway, so the silence wasn't new to her.
"We're here." She said as she parked in front of a large apartment building in downtown St Louis.
Sebastian strained his neck to look out the window. "This doesn't seem like a very safe area." He mused.
"It isn't…" She smiled and unlocked the car. "But that's why he lives here, plenty of work to keep him busy."
Sebastian only pursed his lips.
He followed her silently through the stairwell that led to the sixth floor apartment. She hesitated before knocking on the door. "Now, I am warning you. This guy is a little… weird." She turned to face him. "Don't take anything he says too seriously."
Sebastian nodded. "I promise, I will be nothing but courteous."
She laughed. "Sure. Just wait." She turned back to the door and knocked.
The door creaked open, but Sebastian wasn't able to see who was on the other side.
"Oh, it's only you Miss Lizzie!" A sing-song voice cooed.
Sebastian stiffened, even after a hundred years of being apart, he would recognize that voice until the day he died.
"What can I help you with?" The man pushed his red glasses back up the bridge of his nose.
"Have you heard from Castiel recently?" She expressed her concern. "The bunker was all messed up and my whole family is missing."
"Oh, dear." The man rested his chin in his hand. "I am afraid I haven't seen him in days. You don't think something happened to them, do you?" His eyes widened slightly.
"Well, I am sure my father and uncle were taken. Castiel hasn't replied to any of my calls or prayers, and I know he was home the night it all happened." She glanced over at Sebastian. "Oh! I am so sorry, I didn't introduce you two."
The man's green eyes turned to look at her partner. "Oh, my." He smiled. "You brought quite a handsome young thing, didn't you?" His cheeks flushed and he batted a hand at Sebastian.
Sebastian frowned. "Do keep that dribble to yourself, Grell." He looked away.
"Wait." Elizabeth looked back at the reaper. "You two know each other?"
Grell's eyes grew wide with excitement. "I knew I would see you again someday!" He was almost dancing with giddiness. "Oh, Bassy! It's been too long!" He threw his arms out as if to wrap them around the irritated demon.
Sebastian's frown deepend.
"Oh, but I must remember… I am a claimed girl now! I can't go letting myself get carried away by old sentiments." Grell clasped his over his cheeks. "Besides, I wouldn't trade my Cassy for all the handsome men in the world." He sighed and straightened his red button down shirt.
Elizabeth's eyes lit up. "I knew it! You and Castiel are dating!"
"Well," Grell looked away, blushing. "I like to think so, yes."
"Castiel never talks about your relationship, it's like pulling teeth to get him to say anything!" She took his hands in hers. "You will have to tell me everything!"
Sebastian glanced down at the girl who was excitedly smiling at the reaper. There was something in her expression he couldn't place, but he enjoyed, it reminded him of his promise to her, that he would remain polite. He sighed quietly and rolled his eyes. "Forgive my rudeness Mr. Sutcliff. I had forgotten a promise I had made." He bowed slightly towards the pair.
"Oh, Bassy." The reaper blushed and squeezed the girl's hands. "You are all formality and courtesy aren't you?" He looked back at Elizabeth. "You two should come in. Tell me all about what is going on and I will get you some tea."
"Thank you." She smiled at him. "I appreciate it."
"I am sorry I don't have anything to tell you…" Grell pouted as he held his tea cup near his mouth. "I honestly haven't spoken to Castiel in several days now." He took a sip of the warm liquid. "I hadn't really even noticed, I've been busy with work." He jumped to his feet suddenly. "Speaking of!" He set his cup down. "I had a soul that required my attention this evening!" He frantically grabbed his long black coat and bag. "I am so sorry dear!" He patted Elizabeth's shoulder. "Feel free to stay until I get back, and under no circumstances are you allowed to leave without me! I am coming with you. I would be completely distraught if something happened to my poor Cassy and I didn't do anything to help." He was closing the door behind himself. "Help yourself to anything! Toodles!" He gave a little wave as he closed the door behind him.
"Finally…" Sebastian sighed and rubbed his temples. "I detest that reaper."
"Awe," Elizabeth smiled up at the frustrated demon. "He's not so bad. I think he's fun."
"You have a tolerance for stupidity that I admire." He returned her smile.
"Oh, I don't know about that." She yawned and slumped back in the couch. "I do know that I am tired though." She glanced at the clock. "I can't believe we have been here for eight hours already."
"I can." Sebastian stood from where he had been leaning against the wall. "You should get some rest. When he returns I think it would be good for us to return to your home so I can take a proper look around."
"Right." Her eyelids were already growing heavy. "What about you?" She looked back up to him.
"I don't need to sleep." He smiled softly down at her. "I will stay here and watch over you."
"That's, um…" She pressed her eyebrows together. "creepy."
Sebastian's smile faded into mild shock and then returned with laughter. "I think that is the first time I have been told that."
"Really?" She chuckled. "Well, it is." Her eyes were getting to be too heavy to open. "Don't let me sleep too long, three hours tops."
"Yes." She could hear Sebastian's voice as she slowly faded into unconsciousness. "My lady."
"No!" The woman's voice cried. "I can't!" She was crying.
"Please." The man was begging. "You will be the only thing I will regret leaving."
Elizabeth couldn't see their faces, but she could hear the sorrow in their voices. It was almost palpable in the air around them.
"This…" The woman was stammering, overcome with grief. "All of this. You have gone too far this time, Azrael. You have gone somewhere I cannot follow."
"Leora…" The man began.
"No!" She yelled as she sobbed. "I can't believe you would choose this over staying here with me!"
The woman's sobs began to fade from Elizabeth's mind as she began to return to consciousness. The first thing she saw when her eyes opened was the sunlight pouring through the living room curtains. "What time is it?" She groaned.
"Ah. You're awake." Sebastian lowered the book he had been reading and smiled at her. "It is a quarter past nine."
"In the morning!?" She sat up quickly, feeling the blood rush to her head. She placed her hands on either side of her head to try and steady herself. "Why did you let me sleep so long?"
"You needed it." He continued to smile. "Besides, I did try and wake you. But you would only wave your arms in the air and mumble 'Not now Dad, I am about to meet Paul Bettany…' before rolling over and returning to sleep."
Elizabeth's cheeks burned with blush. "Sorry." She narrowed her eyes and looked to the side. "I am a heavy sleeper. It's from growing up learning to sleep in cars."
"Like I said, you needed it." He returned to reading his book.
"Is Grell back?" She stood and stretched.
"Yes." Sebastian's eyes didn't leave the page he was on. "He is back in one of those rooms." He jerked his thumb towards the back of the apartment. "Has been for about two hours."
"Thanks." She patted his shoulder as she walked by.
She tried to quietly make her way down the hall to the bathroom, but as she got closer to passing by the open bedroom door she could hear the reaper humming to himself. She peeked around the edge of the doorway to see him ironing some tan colored dress pants that were most likely Castiels. He would iron them and then fold them neatly before placing them on top of the pile of similar pants. Beside the pants were some light blue shirts hung on hangers and laid out flat on the bed.
"It helps me to act as if he could show up any minute." Grell mused without looking towards her. "Like he'll just waltz in with some greasy hamburgers he picked up from some rundown mom and pop restaurant and show them to me with a grin on his face. Like a child who has found a butterfly and caught it in a jar." His voice hitched slightly.
"We will find him." She crossed the room and placed her hand on the tall man's shoulder. "I promise."
He looked at her, tears in his eyes. "I know." He smiled sadly. "I know."
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iwantthedean · 6 years
Two Prompt Tuesday!
(First of all, forgive me for not having a cut here; I’m on mobile.)
It’s been SO LONG since I have done one of these! Though it’s now known as Two Prompt One-Shot, I am hoping (fingers crossed) to get this up tomorrow so that it’s actually a Two Prompt Tuesday!
If you’re unfamiliar with this, or need a refresher, here’s how it works: below are two prompts. You reply, DM, or send me an ask (I prefer asks as it is easier to keep track of) which prompt you would like to see a fic for, and also include which character/actor you think would fit best or you’d like to see with that prompt. Here’s a list of previous 2P1S fics.
For this one, I’m also putting out there that you’re welcome to request pairings from any of my other fics (OFC or Reader). It’ll all come down to that final vote!
Without further ado, here are the prompts! You have until 8 AM CST tomorrow, September 11, to vote!
Prompt 1: “If you tell me again we can’t do this, I’m going to kick you somewhere you’re not going to enjoy.”
Prompt 2: “I’ve lost count of how many times you’ve died in front of me.”
Tagging for possible interest and signal boost, everyone is welcome to vote! @ashleymalfoy @atc74 @apurdyfulmind @crazililwabbit @jayankles @ellen-reincarnated1967 @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @mrswhozeewhatsis @lipstickandwhiskey @impalaimagining @impala-dreamer @mysupernaturalfics @moonlessnight14
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iwantthedean · 6 years
4.5K Celebration! (You don’t want to miss this!)
I’m proud and grateful to say that I have reached 4.5K on my follower count! Thank you so much to everyone -- those who have been following since day one, all the way up to my newest follower. I know this little fan fiction blog may not be super important in the grand scheme of things, but it’s important to me ... and so are all of you. <3
I have two ways I’m going to be celebrating this little milestone! Details are below the cut! 
1. PayPal Commission Discount
From now through August 10th, I’ll be offering 45% off of commissions paid through PayPal for all of my followers! You can find details on pre-discount pricing and how to request a commission on this page; I have one commission posted so far and another in the works, and you can find them here. 
2. Fic Fridays -- A Rec/Reblog Marathon! 
Every Friday from 07/13 to 09/07, I’ll be reblogging and rec’ing five fics -- yep, that’s 45 total! Here’s how to get your fic (or someone else’s, if you’re feeling kind) on the list: 
I’ll take the first 45 that come to me. I’m going to open up my submit box for this, so you can send a link (REC A FIC! at the top of my page if the lin gives you trouble). You’re also welcome to DM me the post/masterlist. 
The person who wrote the fic (if it isn’t you) doesn’t have to be following me, but you do! 
I’ll be reblogging each fic that I read, as well as making a masterlist for the fics that I rec. 
You’re welcome to me why you rec’d the fic, and I’ll include that with my comments on the masterlist -- whether it’s your fic or someone else’s, tell me why it’s special to you! 
Please keep in mind, there are some things I don’t read; the list is long, so rather than try to include it all in this post, I will contact you and let you know politely that that story is not my particular brand of whiskey -- I will, however, keep track of these for an honorable mentions section of the masterlist. 
Reblogs will be tagged as #Fic Fridays With IWTD. 
Thank you again to all who follow ... I’m so excited to see what fics get sent in! 
 @illisea @growningupgeek @crazililwabbit @iwillprobablybechangingthislater @ashleymalfoy @busybee612 @deandoesthingstome  @jpadjackles @mrswhozeewhatsis @isometimeswritesomethings @charred-angelwings @sherlock44 @duherica @lipstickandwhiskey  @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ravenesque @multi-fan-dom-madness @feelmyroarrrr @atc74 @iamnotsaneatall @docharleythegeekqueen @jensen-jarpad @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @theplaidshirtmadness @mamapeterson  @blacktithe7 @moonlessnight14 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @girl-next-door-writes @kickasscas67 @charliebradbury1104 @smoothdogsgirl @impalaimagining  @melbrandes @captainradicalpassion @sandlee44 @hexparker  @xtina2191 @spnbaby-67 @emoryhemsworth @brooke-supernatural16 @goldenolaf25 @deanssweetheart @gabriels-trix @applesugar88 @1whit85 @starry-chaos @destiny14444 @tiffanycaruso @frenchybell @ioanashalala@starswirlblitz @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @torn-and-frayed-blog  @jayankles @shesbackbitches @love-me-some-pie21 @bringmesomepie56 @tas898 @captainemwinchester @tryingnottocutyou-k @akshi8278 @supernatural-jackles @beatlesobsessionlove @superseejay721517 @bradygabrielle-blog @keeryackles @apurdyfulmind
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iwantthedean · 6 years
Drabbles tonight? Anyone, anyone?
I’m getting back in the swing of things, so I’m going to take a page from @ellen-reincarnated1967, and do some drabbles to try to re-connect some more.
You can send me a prompt, pairing, or a gif (I’ll fix up my submit box) now, and I’ll write tonight. As always, I’ll finish what I can, and there’s never any promises. If you send something I thin the realm of things I don’t generally write, I’ll message you and see if we can’t tweak things into a win-win situation.
Hope to hear from at least a few of you! Tagging some just for possible interest and/or signal boost.
@d-s-winchester @atc74 @ellen-reincarnated1967 @apurdyfulmind @crazililwabbit @jayankles @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @spnbaby-67
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iwantthedean · 6 years
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Today is my blog’s third birthday! I can’t believe that time has gone by so fast. It’s been a crazy ride with the usual ups and downs life has to offer, but I’m excited to see what the years to come have to offer. 
Starting today, I’m opening a fic/aesthetic challenge to commemorate my blog’s birthday. It’ll be closing on my birthday, as a celebration! I know the title says Jensen x Hats, but I’m opening it up for Dean, too. See under the cut for details! 
Oh, and -- not sure what the big deal about hats is? It’s kind of a thing for me. You can read this post to help bring you up to speed. 
General Guidelines: 
You don’t have to be following me, but it would be nice! 
Both fics and fanart are accepted for this one! 
Any genre: fluff, smut, canon, AU ... whatever your little heart desires. 
Zero chance of me being okay with incest, dub-con/non-con, inappropriate acts with minors, and the like. Basic rule of thumb, you’re welcome to ask if you think something is questionable. 
Label your triggers. Period. If you don’t, I will neither reblog or include your fic on the masterlist. 
No word minimum or maximum, but if you’re over 500 and/or have a ton of tags, please use the Keep Reading feature. 
Must be a one-shot, start of a series, or the equivalent for aesthetics. If you’re throwing it into a series you’re sure I’ve already read, talk to me and I’m sure I can compromise. I just want to be able to read as many of these as possible, but my time can be limited, so reading a fifteen to twenty part series makes it difficult. 
Please sign up via ask only and include the following information:
Dean or Jensen
Fic and/or art
Any questions you may have
The name of the blog you’ll be posting from, if it’s not the one you send and ask from.
Challenge Guidelines: 
You’re welcome to include whichever characters/actors you like, but Dean/Jensen must be the main focus of the fic/art. 
A hat/hats must play a significant role in the fic/art! That’s the point of the challenge, after all. It can be any kind of hat, a song about hats ... be creative, think outside the box! 
You can write/create for any pairing that is reader insert, OFC, self-insert, or even Jenneel on this one. (Can’t promise to read those as they aren’t really my cup of tea, but I’m trying to be as inclusive as possible!) Other pairings or ships might be considered; just talk to me. No pairing is okay, as is sibling!reader, son/daughter!reader, etc. 
Sign ups/posting starts right now! Fics/art pieces will be due August 15th. Just DM me if you need to dropout or need an extension. I won’t come to you if you’re not posted by August 15th. Also, not super worried about the time zone, as long as it’s August 15th wherever you are. 
Tag me in the fic post (in your A/N, at the bottom, doesn’t matter.) and include iwtd’s birthday challenge or iwtd’s jensen x hats challenge. 
That’s it! Simple enough, right?? I’m open to any questions you may have! If you have an idea for something that you feel might be outside of guidelines but you really want to do it, seriously, just talk to me! I can be fairly flexible if you’re willing to come to a compromise.
I'll start answering asks later tonight/tomorrow for sign-ups as I’m going to be out tonight to celebrate @crazililwabbit‘s birthday! They’ll be answered privately so they’re not on people’s dashes in between everything else. 
Tagging for possible interest/signal boost.
Forevers: @illisea@growningupgeek @crazililwabbit@iwillprobablybechangingthislater @ashleymalfoy @busybee612 @deandoesthingstome  @jpadjackles @mrswhozeewhatsis @isometimeswritesomethings @charred-angelwings @sherlock44 @duherica @lipstickandwhiskey @ellen-reincarnated1967 @ravenesque @multi-fan-dom-madness @feelmyroarrrr @atc74 @iamnotsaneatall @docharleythegeekqueen @jensen-jarpad @thing-you-do-with-that-thing  @theplaidshirtmadness @mamapeterson  @blacktithe7 @moonlessnight14 @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @girl-next-door-writes @kickasscas67@charliebradbury1104 @smoothdogsgirl @impalaimagining  @melbrandes @captainradicalpassion @sandlee44 @hexparker  @xtina2191 @spnbaby-67 @emoryhemsworth @brooke-supernatural16 @goldenolaf25 @deanssweetheart @gabriels-trix @applesugar88 @1whit85 @starry-chaos
Jensen Only: @destiny14444 @tiffanycaruso @frenchybell @ioanashalala@starswirlblitz @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish
Dean/Jensen: @torn-and-frayed-blog  @jayankles @love-me-some-pie21 @bringmesomepie56 @tas898 @captainemwinchester @tryingnottocutyou-k @akshi8278  @supernatural-jackles @beatlesobsessionlove @superseejay721517 @bradygabrielle-blog @keeryackles
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iwantthedean · 6 years
Random Thanks
After almost four years in the SPN fandom, three years on Tumblr, and several hours of anxiety tonight, I’m up in some grateful feels right now. I’m grateful for each and every follower I have, but tonight, my gratitude is a tad more specific.
Undoubtedly I’ve missed at least one person, but I want to thank everyone tagged (and whoever I missed) for at some point over time being my friend, reading and praising my fics, following and inducing a fangirl reaction from me (haha), writing a request for me, including me and/or your fics in your podcast or recommendation list, making me feel better about having an unpopular opinion, maybe we had one random interaction that made me smile and stuck in my memory, maybe we don’t even talk anymore, just being someone who, when I see you on my dash, I smile ... so many, many reasons, and many of you, for more than one on the list. You’re all different in your backgrounds and perspectives — honestly, some of you don’t get along, and that’s okay — but you’ve been a good part of being in this crazy fandom.
Thanks for that. ❤️
I apologize there’s no cut, I still don’t know how to do that on mobile! Here are the tags, in no particular order: @ashleymalfoy @atc74 @crazililwabbit @apurdyfulmind @ellen-reincarnated1967 @shesbackbitches @jayankles @charliebradbury1104 @blacktithe7 @kittenofdoomage @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat @mysupernaturalfics @impalaimagining @seenashwrite @captainradicalpassion @lipstickandwhiskey @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @moonlessnight14 @death2thevirgin @jotink78 @mrswhozeewhatsis @dancingalone21 @bringmesomepie56 @katnharper @mamapeterson @manawhaat @oriona75 @iwillprobablybechangingthislater @letsgetoutalive @jerkbitchidjitassbutt @busybee612 @missbeccamay @growningupgeek @the-mrs-deanwinchester @ilostmyshoe-79 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @supernaturalfreewill @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog
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captain-s-rogers · 6 years
Yours Truly
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part Two
Master List
Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC // Chris Pratt x OFC Word Count: 1,717 Warnings: language Summary: Caroline Harper arrives in D.C., ready to whip her candidate into shape -- but not at all ready to feel such a strong attraction to him. A/N: Here it is! Part two of me and @whiskeyxcola‘s new collab! Be sure to check out part one here! I hope you guys enjoy it! Leave some feedback so Nicole and I know how you feel about this! If you want to be tagged just send me an ask and let me know! :)
June 4
Sadie –
I’m glad you’re getting along with the daughter, that’s always a good thing! As for Farmer Pratt, I’m sure by the end of the summer you’ll have him in a better mood, you’re good like that. People like you, you’re good for them. 
The plane ride sucked, as it always does, but D.C. is great! The people are wonderful — maybe a little incompetent most of the time, but that will change as this campaign progresses and I work my magic with this team. As far as the candidate goes...he’s nice. Almost TOO nice. I’m gonna have to work with him and get him to toughen up a bit if he wants to run the country, but that’s what you get for not being a politician by nature, I suppose.
Also, he’s really good looking. Like, someone who is campaigning to run the free world should not be allowed to be this attractive. It’s distracting. He’s got an interview coming up on CNN, look out for it and you’ll see what I mean. His name is Chris Evans.
I’ve got rally prep early, like five in the morning early (if you were here you’d see me rolling my eyes right now) so I’m gonna head to bed. Can’t wait for your next letter! Hopefully Farmer Pratt warms up to you by then.
Yours truly,
Caroline Harper flipped through the pages in the manila folder on her lap once more before the town car came to a stop. She had spent the better part of the last day learning as much as she could about the candidate whose presidential campaign she was being tasked with taking over, and she was pretty sure she now knew everything there was to know about Chris Evans.  She thanked the driver, grabbed her phone and bag, climbed out of the car, and stepped out onto the sidewalk in front of a small brownstone.
She knew her candidate didn’t have much money in the campaign and that he couldn’t afford extra space to use as a campaign office, which is why he ran things out of his house. She shoved the folder into her bag and walked up the front steps before ringing the doorbell. She stood there for a few moments before a tall brunette answered the door. Caroline immediately recognized the woman and thought to herself that she wasn’t surprised she had been called in to take over.
“Caroline, thank you for coming out on such short notice and taking over things,” the woman smiled.
“Of course, Sam.” Caroline managed a polite smile, despite not being able to stand the woman.
“Follow me, Chris is in his office with some other members of the team — he’s anxious to meet you.”
Caroline followed Samantha through the house toward an office at the back. She saw Chris sitting behind a desk, nodding at something one of his staffers was saying to him, and she was immediately taken aback by how attractive he appeared in person. She’d seen his picture in that manila folder and all over the news, of course, but seeing him in person was something she would have to get used to. His dirty blonde hair was styled neat and clean, and his blue eyes were brighter than she thought was possible.
A full beard was something completely unprecedented on a modern presidential candidate; Caroline wasn’t sure he would be able to get the votes he needed without the traditional clean-cut look — then again, someone as young and attractive as him was also unprecedented. The more she thought about it, the more she realized everything about him and his campaign was unprecedented. She had her work cut out for her.
“Just a fair warning, he’s a bit stubborn,” Samantha sighed. “It’s part of the reason I’m stepping down. I love the man, he’s a sweetheart, but trying to get him to change his image and bend a little to gain voters is next to impossible.”
“Well, he hasn’t met me yet,” Caroline smirked.
Samantha nodded and knocked on the office door. Chris looked up at the sound and smiled, motioning for the two women to enter the room. Caroline brushed down her skirt, took a deep breath, and walked toward him. She extended her hand as she reached him, prepared to introduce herself.
“Mr. Evans, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she smiled.
“Call me Chris, please,” he smiled, shaking her hand firmly, “I’ve been anxious to meet you Ms. Harper. I hear you’re good at winning campaigns.”
“You can call me Caroline,” she replied, “we’re going to be spending a lot of time together, might as well be on a first name basis. I don’t mean to brag but ‘good’ is an understatement— I’m the best damn campaign manager you can find in politics right now. I’m not sure how Samantha has been running things or what she’s told you about me, but I can assure you things around here are going to change.”
Chris smirked. “Change is probably necessary, but I don’t think we need to go overboard here. My platform should be enough for me to garner votes.”
“Do you want the oval, Chris?”
“Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t be doing this.”
“That’s what I thought. If you want to run this country, to be the most powerful man in the world, then I advise you to listen to me and do as I say. Trust me when I say that with me at the head of this campaign, come November, you will be the next President of the United States of America.”
“You’re that certain, huh?”
“Maybe under your last campaign manager,” Caroline said, glancing over at Samantha, “there was uncertainty, but I assure you, I don’t lose. You want that office, I’m getting you there. No matter the cost.”
Chris leaned against his desk, crossing his arms over his chest, a smirk playing on his lips. He considered Caroline for a moment and smiled.
“Sam, you can go,” he said, not taking his eyes off of Caroline. “Welcome to the team, Ms. Harper.”
Long after everyone else had gone home, Caroline remained in Chris’s campaign office. He was working on getting her up to speed on everything, while she took notes and offered her expert advice on what needed to change or improve. She was seated on the couch, her shoes discarded on the floor, her legs tucked up under her as she looked through the schedule for all of the upcoming campaign events. Letting out a sigh, she ran her fingers through her hair.
“I’m too sober for this,” she said, tossing the paper on the table in front of her.
Chris looked up at her, cocking an eyebrow. He’d been so rigid going over policies and appearances, she had made the statement in hopes of showing him that although she meant business, she also knew when to ease up — and he needed to know when that time came, too.
“What do you drink?” he asked.
“Red wine, if you have it,” she said, “but I’ll take pretty much anything at this point.”
Chris let out a chuckle and got up from his chair. He exited the room, and Caroline took the opportunity to check her phone. She had a few missed calls and a slew of text messages from her boyfriend, Charlie.
I know you’re working, but can you please just answer me? Let me know you’re still alive or something. Are you coming by tonight or what?
Caroline let out a groan before tapping out a quick reply.
I’m still working. Will probably be here late. Don’t bother waiting up for me tonight. I’ll be going back to my apartment.
She set her phone back down on the table, knowing that Charlie would be quick to reply but she was in no mood to deal with him. Her phone buzzed a few times as Chris reentered the room with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He set the glasses down on the table and poured the wine as her phone buzzed two more times, indicating more consecutive messages from Charlie.
“Do you need to get that?”
“No,” she said, picking up the glass and taking a sip, “it’s just my boyfriend. He knows I’m working. I’ll answer him later.”
Chris nodded and picked up the event schedule again as he sat back down. He didn’t ask her any questions about her boyfriend, sensing that she really didn’t want to talk about it, instead focusing on the schedule in his hand.
“There are a few empty days in here,” he commented, “we should probably fill them.” 
Caroline shook her head. “No, we shouldn’t. For two reasons. One, some of them are reserved for travel. Two, you need a day off here and there, Chris. You can’t burn yourself out. There will be time for that once you’re in office. For right now, you're going to need to do some serious campaigning in most of the cities on there. You’re not a politician and your opponent is. You may have won the primary, which is shocking because Samantha isn’t that good at her job, but that doesn’t mean you still have all of their votes. I have faith you can do this, but it’s going to be a lot of hard work, and you should relax when you can.”
A few hours and one bottle of wine later, Caroline was up to speed and more than prepared to get this campaign going in the right direction. She helped Chris clean up the mounds of paper on the table and slipped her feet back into her shoes before leaving the house, reminding Chris to get a good night’s sleep -- they had a long day ahead of them.
By the time Caroline returned to her apartment she was more than ready to head to bed. After changing into her pajamas, she sorted through her mail. She’d gotten a letter from Sadie, and was happy to hear that her friend was settling into her new job. Knowing she wouldn’t have time the following day, Caroline decided to write her first letter to Sadie before heading to bed; she could mail it out the next morning on her way to the rally.
@growningupgeek @ellen-reincarnated1967 @pheonixfyre374 @crazililwabbit @catching-up-with-kayla
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captain-s-rogers · 6 years
Yours Truly
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(gif credit to the creator)
Part Twenty
Master List
Pairing: Chris Evans x OFC // Chris Pratt x OFC Word Count: 1,616 Warnings: language Summary: Caroline and Chris may have worked things out between them, but there’s still a tiny matter of a presidential campaign …  A/N: Here it is! Part twenty of me and @whiskeyxcola‘s new collab! Only two parts left! Be sure to check out part nineteen here! I hope you guys enjoy it! Leave some feedback so Nicole and I know how you feel about this! If you want to be tagged just send me an ask and let me know! :)
November 8
Today is the day! I know you’re going out to vote, but I still better see a picture with your “I voted” sticker!
Chris and I are both a nervous wreck. Even though everything seems to have blown over since the press conference, I’m still worried about the outcome of the election. I guess I just have to sit here and hope for the best!
Now, I know I’M stressed out, but how are you doing with the wedding planning? Is everything going well? I know you’ve been keeping me in the loop with pictures and whatnot but I still want to make sure everything is going okay. Seems like Farmer Pratt is making things easy for you, but he’s still a man -- even if he is the perfect one for you.  
I can’t wait to watch you walk down the aisle and marry the man of your dreams! Let’s just hope I can remember everything I have to do! Kidding, I’ve got this on lock. Hopefully, if everything goes well tonight, you won’t mind having a bunch of Secret Service at your big day!
I’ve gotta go look over both of the speeches for tonight and make sure the party is running smoothly. I’ll call you when the vote count is all said and done! Let’s both wish Chris luck, though I doubt he needs it!
Yours Truly,
Chris’s living room was full of people rushing around, getting things in order for a presentable stage for his speech, be it acceptance or concession. Chris stood behind the couch with Caroline, watching everyone working, more than nervous. She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before kissing his cheek.
“It’s going to be fine,” Caroline smiled.
“Are you sure?” Chris asked. “Do you have my concession speech ready? I should look it over one more time, make sure I have everything down pat.”
“Chris,” Caroline said, giving him a pointed look, “you’re not going to need the concession speech. Now, if you want to look over the acceptance speech again I’ll gladly hand it over.”
“Linney --”
“No, Chris,” she countered softly, “now is not the time to throw in the towel. The polls are closing soon. All we need to focus on now is what the reporters are saying about the turnouts and counts so far. You’ve got this in the bag. I’m not worried and you shouldn’t be either.”
“Caroline --” Chris sighed.
“Christopher Robert Evans,” Caroline said, “I don’t want to hear another word out of your mouth. I’m rooting for you, we’re all rooting for you. You’ve got this, you hear me? I’m talking to you as your campaign manager, not your girlfriend, got it? You are going to win this.”
Chris nodded and leaned down to place a kiss on Caroline’s lips. The gesture eased his mind, if only for a few seconds, and when he pulled away, he decided that he would lean on her confidence but not get his hopes up too high. Caroline hadn’t steered him wrong yet, after all.
“Why do I see people walking around here without ‘I voted’ stickers!” Caroline yelled at the staff. Some looked guilty, some scrambled to adhere the stickers from their pockets to their lapel. “You’ve got ten minutes to get your asses to the polls and get your votes in! We’re down to the wire, people! Every! Vote! Counts! We want our guy elected, right? So get your asses to the polls! I want every single person in this room with a sticker once the polls close for good and the count reports start rolling in! Let’s go people -- time is wasting!”
Chris couldn’t help but chuckle at Caroline’s assertiveness, but he also couldn’t help but wonder if she was being so pushy because she thought he wouldn’t win. He pushed the thought from his mind as he downed the glass of champagne in his hand, more than ready for the night to be over.
“No more champagne for you,” Caroline said, taking the glass from Chris’s hand. “When you win -- notice how I said when instead of if -- you can’t be walking up on that stage drunk off your ass. No one is going to respect an alcoholic president. ”
“Linney, it’s neck and neck. There’s no way to tell what’s going to happen.” He reached for the glass, but she successfully kept it from his reach.
“I know you’re worried about California, but we campaigned hard there,” Caroline reassured him, placing a hand against his chest. “The people there loved you. People everywhere love you. Chris, I know you’re gonna win this. Have a little faith in your staff, in me, and -- most of all -- in yourself.”
Chris nodded and let out a sigh, running his hand through his hair and letting it settle against the back of his neck. Caroline could tell he was tense, but she left well enough alone. Nothing was going to calm the candidate’s nerves until the final counts had been reported.
“California is in,” the news anchor stated, and a hush fell over the room. Chris gripped Caroline’s hand, more nervous than he ever remembered being at any other time in his life. “We have called California, and this makes it official, ladies and gentleman. Chris Evans will be the next President of the United States.”
Chris’s jaw dropped as Caroline jumped up and down, releasing squeals of excitement. Cheers echoed through the room from the rest of the staff as everyone hugged, shook hands, and high-fived each other.
The President Elect was clearly in a state of shock, as he hadn’t moved since the announcement had been made. Not concerned at the moment with propriety and professionalism, Caroline broke through his stupor with a hand on either side of his face and an earnest kiss against his lips. Chris’s mind focused on her; he wrapped his arms around Caroline’s waist and pulled her closer, deepening the kiss as he did so.
“Congratulations, Mr. President,” Caroline grinned, pulling away from him.
“I did it,” Chris said, breathless. Disbelief was still etched into his features.
“You did it,” Caroline confirmed, kissing him again. “Now I have to stop being your girlfriend for a minute and go back to being your campaign manager. We’ve got to prepare you for your acceptance speech. Think you can handle it? I can stall for a bit if we need to delay.”
“I’m ready,” Chris grinned. “Where’s my acceptance speech.”
Caroline pulled the speech out of a folder on the table; they ran through it together before Chris looked in the direction of the makeshift stage in front of his house. The Secret Service agents that would begin protecting him from the moment of his acceptance speech and all through his term arrived just as Chris began to get antsy about getting the speech on a roll, introducing themselves to the President Elect and his Chief of Staff. After quickly securing the area, Chris was allowed out to the stage to begin his speech.  
Caroline stood back as Chris walked up to the podium, his acceptance speech in hand, when a Secret Service agent approached her.
“Caroline Harper?”
“I don’t mean to step out of place, ma’am, but isn’t President Elect Evans your boyfriend?”
Caroline was taken aback by the question, but only momentarily. “Yes.”
“Then you need to be on that X over there,” the agent said, pointing to a spot on the stage. “Normally it’s reserved for the First Lady to-be, but seeing as President Evans isn’t married yet, that spot is reserved for you.”
Caroline smiled and nodded confidently before making her way to the spot the secret service agent had indicated. She stood by with a proud smile, watching Chris as he made his acceptance speech. Pride radiated from her smile through every inch of her being as she thought of everything he had accomplished thus far, and everything he would accomplish once his term in office began.  
After the acceptance speech and all the parties Caroline and Chris lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, reeling from the events of the evening and unable to sleep.
“So what now?” Chris asked.
“Come January, you run the country,” Caroline chuckled. Wasn’t that the obvious next step.
“No, I mean for us,” Chris laughed, reaching over to chuck her under the chin.
Caroline shrugged. “What about us?”
“I want you to be my Chief of Staff, of course,” Chris said. “I don’t trust anyone running my life other than you. But, I also want you living in the White House with me. You’re essentially my First Lady.”
“First Lady? We’re not married, so that’s not the case, but I get what you’re saying.” Silently, she hoped that the term would apply to her someday.  Caroline thought for a few moments before kissing him and saying what was on her mind. “I will gladly be your Chief of Staff, Chris. In fact, I’d be honored. Everything about this is unprecedented, so I’m not sure how to go about it but if I need to do the duties of the Chief of Staff and the First Lady then I will gladly do so.”
“If anyone can manage it, Linney, it’s you.” Chris paused. “Wait, so does that mean...?”
“That I’ll leave my tiny-ass apartment and move into the White House with you? Yes. Yes, it does.”
Chris grinned and kissed her passionately. He never could have imagined his life would turn out this way, but he was more than happy to have Caroline at his side while he navigated his way through it.
@ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek @pheonixfyre374 @catching-up-with-kayla @crazililwabbit @speakinvain @merlinlover
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