#creamsicle shake
serendipitous-mage · 6 months
i am SICK and TIRED of all these recipes online that aren't even trying, like yes of Course it will be *tasty* but raspberries blueberries and vanilla ice cream will Not taste like The Grimace Shake it will taste like a Froot Smoothie
when i tried the mcdicks version, the two flavors that immediately stood out insanely clearly to me were:
creamsicle ... and berry cap'n crunch
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i was 94% sure i was riight, but didn't have a chance to test that theory ... until today >:3
that's all for my yappin here's that recipe! ingredients:
berry cap'n crunch cereal (we didn't have the 'oops all berries' it had regular mixed in, i just picked out the berry ones). blend or crush as finely as you can!
orange creamsicles
additional vanilla ice cream
milk (as needed to thin mixture)
optional black raspberry ice cream (for additional fruitiness if desired, purple colour also!)
optional whipped cream (topping)
i've only tried this once and it tasted too strongly of the cereal so i used too much of that, and i don't have exact measurements(sorry, if i try again and get closer i'll keep track and update!), but this go i did the following:
put approx 1 cup of berry crunch in blender and mix to break apart
add 3 creamsicles (minus sticks), and milk as needed, blend together
optional taste test
add 2 large scoops of ice cream, vanilla or black raspberry, depending what you have and/or how fruity the current mixture tastes, blend (add more milk if needed)
pour into cups and add whipped cream on top :3
it made about~ two good sized cupfuls, we split it in three unevenly so i'm not 100% sure lol. if you let the ice cream/creamsicles melt enough to be mixable by hand and went to absolute town on the cereal you could probably make this without a blender!
anyway go be free summon grimace and ik they dont have these anymore but dont give those clowns any money
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axolotluv · 2 years
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Goofy guys! :D
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ss-trashboat · 1 year
I, J, M, O
I - Icecream flavour? full disclosure i am lactose intolerant but still enjoy ice cream cause i love to suffer lol. but ben and jerry's non-dairy cookie dough is my absolute go to. sucker for any cookie dough flavor ice cream ~
J - Jellybean flavour? i actually don't eat many jellybeans so i'm not sure? the jelly belly bag basically? can vibe with those
M - Milkshake flavour? OKAY BUT THE ARBY'S CREAMSICLE SHAKE FUCKS SO HARD AND FOR WHAT. like i will gladly choose intestinal death to have one of those they're so good
O - One wish? oh i have many so i will have multiple answers for this. but one is to give a hug to all my internet pals someday <33
put a letter in my ask ~
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carl-ggrimes · 1 year
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Recipe for Orange Creamsicle Protein Shake This healthier shake substitute for a Creamsicle® that you can have for breakfast contains a whole orange, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and soy milk.
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shuruqharb · 1 year
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Orange Creamsicle Protein Shake This healthier shake substitute for a Creamsicle® that you can have for breakfast contains a whole orange, Greek yogurt, protein powder, and soy milk.
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
jack of all trades
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wc: 3.7k
pairing: handyman!james x teacher!reader [though can be read as any reader]
cw: fluff, life mishaps, handyman!james, mention of a break in, family dynamics [healthy], mention of food
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You were fucked. You should’ve just called a plumber from the beginning.
Now your pipes were all wrinkled and your sink wasn’t draining.
Your heart was in your throat as you pulled out your phone and called your brother, Michael.
“Do you know any plumbers? My sink’s pipe is fucked,” you send him a picture and he chuckles down the line. Your brother is a mechanic, but he's got friends in many places.
Places you hope include wherever they hire plumbers.
“Yeah, I’ll call someone. Make sure you don’t use it again, dummy.” you nod, chewing at your cuticle.
“Thanks,” your voice shakes and you know your brother is frowning.
Life had been fucking you with no prep for the last couple months. Someone had broken into your house almost five weeks ago, stolen a couple small pieces of jewellery and fucked with your locks.
You’d had to change the locks, your front door and you’d taken to sleeping in the living room with a three inch knife under your pillow.
That had put you out of money for groceries and your brother had taken over doing it for you till you could again.
Now you can’t wash your dishes and your anxiety is all over the place.
“Stop it, go get ice cream or something. I’ll come over with him if he can swing it, okay?”
“You're the best,” you say earnestly and he chuckles, “I’ll buy shit to make the buns you like as payment.”
Your brother doesn’t deny himself the delicacy- it had taken a while for you to get back into doing things that made you happy and he was also a sucker for them.
“I’ll text you what he says, be safe. Love you.”
You return the sentiment and head out, double checking that you’d locked the gate and the front door.
You’d gotten a pint of orange creamsicle, and a pint of caramel biscuit and cream before getting the stuff to make the buns for your brother.
As you set them all down on your counter your phone pings off.
‘He can come tomorrow morning at 9, I’ll come with him. He’s a good guy though, don’t worry.’
You send your brother a thumbs up and then he sends you a photo of the man you suppose is coming to fix your pipes. He’s good looking, his hair is long in the photo, tied back in a low bun but there’s curls on his forehead. Another thing you notice is how massive he is. He’s broad and muscular but in the photo you’re looking at he’s got a warm smile on his face that shows off a dimple.
He looks friendly enough. Maybe tomorrow won’t be so bad.
You try to sleep in your bed, you don’t want your brother to notice that you’re still on the sofa in the morning, but being so far from the door makes your heart clench and you find yourself dragging your blanket out to the sofa that you’re sure by now has your body’s impression.
“Last night,” you say to yourself as you cuddle your pillow and tuck your blankets under your chin.
Your alarm has you groaning. 6:30 is a nice time, but not so nice when you don’t actually have to go into the preschool to teach, but for parent meetings at 11. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up, legs already moving to the kitchen to set the kettle on.
You go through your morning routine and only feel alive when you have a cup of tea and a bite of the last of sourdough toast you’d made last week. Your phone rings and you already know it’s your brother, “Yes I’m awake, dork.” he might be older than you by four years but you’re really close so the teasing is nice.
“Open the door then, and make sure you have on your glasses.” you flip him off over the phone but walk across the floor, glasses on, to unlock the door.
“Where’s your key?” you ask as you open the door, finding your brother holding two brown paper bags and the man in the photo standing next to him in grimy coveralls.
“I hooked it on the look of my pants, James was being prudish about touching me.”
“I wasn’t,” the beefy man starts, jingling his toolkits as an answer. His voice is nice, deep, cherry and his drawl is a little slow, but still very pleasant.
“Come in,” you step to the side and open the door wider. “Don’t worry about him, he just likes people touching him.” your brother scowls but doesn’t deny it.
“Don’t laugh when you see it, this one already did. I know it’s bad.” you say nervously as James sets down his stuff.
“S’fine, can’t be much worse than some of the other stuff I’ve seen.”
“Come eat, I got you that breakfast cake thing you like.” your brother sets the box before you, sliding over your cup of tea and a bottle of orange juice.
“Did you eat?” you eye him as you sit on the island.
“Shanice made eggs and toast.” you love your future sister-in-law, but the mention of her in the kitchen has enough merit to make your stomach roll in discomfort and your body to produce a gag.
“There’s chicken salad in the fridge and the bread’s there too,” you turn to James, “Do you want anything to eat, James? There’s vegan stuff in the fridge too if you don’t eat meat.”
Your brother rolls his eyes, “He could eat an entire chicken if he really wanted to.” You’re positive there’s a small blush on James’ face. He’s even prettier in person and you’re really trying not to stare.
His hair is tied back like it was in the photo, inky curly spirals slipping out around his ears and the nape of his neck. His eyes are a shade of brown that reminds you of sand- dark but flecked with lighter hues; he’s captivating.
He’s almost as wide as your fridge and his arms are huge, but he looks soft, even with all the corded muscles. You will your eyes not to linger on his hands.
Your brother makes himself a triple sandwich and takes one of your iced teas.
“I’m alright,” he eyes your cup of tea, “I could do with a cuppa though.” you nod and set the kettle on.
“One sugar or two?” He holds up a single finger before opening the cupboards. He hisses and you suppose that’s better than the laugh that bursts from your brother.
“S’not that bad,” you can tell he’s being extra nice when he sees the embarrassed look on your face, “I’ll have to change all the pipes though. Whoever installed these ones used really thin PVC so under the heat it crumpled.” James stands and accepts the tea from the dainty mug without a complaint.
“Will it be super expensive?” you ask, and your brother flicks your forehead. “What? You know I can’t afford many more swings right now.” You only feel a twinge of embarrassed heat licking at your neck as you look between James and Michael.
“You’re such an idiot, I’ll go half with you.” He says and you nod, giving him your best smile but your brother draws the line when you try to hug him.
“It won’t be, but I can’t do it today. The better pipes have to be ordered in, but they only take like a day to get here.” James explains and you nod.
“That’s fine, I’ve got most of my stuff already cooked so there won’t be much dishwashing.” James finishes the tea and pulls out a pen and paper from his bag. “Here’s my number, you can text me in like two days about it if I don’t call Michael first.”
You nod again, thanking him as he gathers all his stuff and moves for the door. Your brother waves him away and then turns to you, frowning.
“You still sleeping on the sofa?” It’s then that you realise you hadn’t put your blanket or your pillow away and scowl.
“I can’t sleep in the bed, my mind just runs wild.” you say as you finish your tea and cake. “I’ve been trying though.”
The door shuts and you realise James has probably heard what you’ve said. Your mouth can’t seem to not run away from you when he’s around.
You brush the slight shame away with the semi-reassuring thought that ‘at least he doesn’t know why a grown woman can’t sleep in her own bed,’ it doesn’t last long, but it mellows the initial sting.
Michael ruffles your hair and you shrug, “It’ll just take some time,” he says softly, “Want me to get a security system?” You shake your head at that.
“You’re already going half and half with me on this, and you paid for my groceries for like three weeks. I’ll be okay.”
Your brother doesn’t look convinced, but he can’t argue with you because his phone rings.
“Work, I gotta go, but think about it okay? Shanice won’t mind either,” you nod but you both know you won’t be thinking about anything.
“Have a good day at work, I’ll bake those buns the second the sink’s all good.”
You’re coming back from work the next day when your phone rings, an unknown number. You frown and then realise it might be James.
“Hi, angel. This is James,” he says, like you’ve forgotten his name over the last twenty four hours.
“Hi James, is everything okay?” you ask, shoving a couple folders into your bag from the passenger seat of your car.
“Yeah, was calling about the pipes. I’ve just picked them up and I’m near-by. Would you mind at all if I came to install them today?”
You stick the key in the ignition, “I wouldn’t mind, but I’m about twenty minutes from my house, would you wait?”
You really hope he can, you want this problem resolved as soon as possible.
“I can, angel. Don’t sweat it,” he says before he hangs up. You do a happy shimmy in your seat before pulling out of the school’s parking lot.
Next, you call Michael.
“James is coming over to fix the pipes today, just in case you know, I go missing or something.”
Your brother laughs, “He’s a sweetheart. Maybe stop listening to your crime podcasts, you’re getting even more morbid.”
“Oh whatever, I’ll stop by tomorrow with the buns.”
“Make sure you get some sleep,”
“Yeah yeah, I’m going now.”
James is in his car when you pull up, a bronco that looks very well kept. “Sorry for the wait,” you say as you unlock your door.
“S’fine, had enough time to have a late lunch.”
You check your watch, “It’s almost four James, that’s more like an early dinner.”
The man lifts his shoulder and drops it with a smile, “It’s been one of those days.”
“Do you want a cup of tea or iced tea?” you ask as you open your fridge. “I should warn you though, they’re addictive.”
“What flavour iced tea do you have?” you smile, James might be someone else you get hooked on them.
“Peach, hibiscus and I think I see one last cucumber melon.”
“Which is your favourite?”
“Peach! It’s not really that sweet though, but if you like it super sweet maybe hibiscus would be better.”
James smiles at the way you ramble as he opens up his toolkit and then the pipes.
“I’ll take the peach angel,” you pass him the glass bottle after tipping it upside down. James takes a long sip and sighs, “That’s good.” you nod and then move to take out a bowl of rice and chicken.
“Do you need me to get anything? To help?” you ask and James shakes his head.
“Not right now,” you think about going to eat before asking,
“Can I watch? Just to know what you’re doing?” then you back track as James doesn’t say anything.
“Not because I don’t trust you to do it well, I just like knowing. Like with my door, I learned how to put it up when I had to change it,” you realise you’re rambling when James smiles and his dimple is visible through his stubble.
“You can watch angel, you can hand me the tools I’ll need.”
You and James make a good team- you’d been nervous at first and then when James was so close you could smell his coconutty cologne you felt your head go a little light but almost two hours later, your pipes were changed.
“Moment of truth is if the water goes down,” you say as you stand, knees cracking in the process.
James nods, “You’re not a bad assistant, if you ever change professions I’ll put in a good word for you.”
You beam at that before opening up the tap and letting the water flow. Not even a drop of it pools in the sink and your heart feels like a feather floating away in the breeze.
“You did it!” you turn to James with a pleased smile and he blushes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you exclaim and he chuckles, already packing up his toolkit.
“You’re welcome angel, Michael already paid by the way.”
You shake your head at your brother’s actions, but you can’t find it in you to be upset, not when your sink is fixed. “Can I entice you to have dinner then? I’ll feel bad if you just go,” you tack on when James doesn’t answer. “I’ve got pizza or taco bowls.” you sing-song and that breaks him.
“What kind of pizza?”
It’s how James ends up on your sofa, overalls hanging off his hips, revealing a dark red compression shirt as he holds his plate.
Your blanket is still on the sofa, but you shove it to the armchair.
“Wanna watch anything specific? I’m going through Christmas movies right now,” James’ eyes are wide at your confession.
“It’s the middle of August,” you nod and bite your bar-b-que chicken pizza.
“I’m making a short list of Christmas movies for this Christmas. Last three years in a row I did one.”
James grins, “So I take it you like the season.”
You nod, “If you ask Michael, he’d tell you I was obsessed with it,” you shrug, setting down the slice of pizza.
“When we were kids, I used to go crazy about it. Write letters to Santa with our address and mail it, play Christmas songs all through the month and I was a little excessive with the decorations- especially when I started working and could buy the ones I wanted. It just always feels like a good time- eternal joy and hope and all that jazz I guess.”
James looks around your house now and finds a few trinkets in the space and for a moment he can imagine it decked out for Christmas. “I can see it,” he groans as he takes a bite. “That’s delicious, angel.”
Your face gets hot under the compliment and you give James a small smile.
“What are you watching now?” he asks, taking another bite.
“The Holiday,” you search for the remote and find the movie. “It makes the shortlist every year, but it’s so good.”
James and you watch the remaining forty five minutes, and he nudges your shoulder during the sad parts so you don’t let the tears in your eyes fall.
“Do you think people rent that cottage?” He asks you and you frown.
“I dunno, but if it’s for rent it’ll be so nice! It’s so cosy looking.”
James doesn’t point out that your house looks just as cosy. It reminds him of the houses you see in magazines- not the boring ones that’s all one colour and minimalistic, but the ones that seem to be alive with colour and things.
He’s sure they all serve a purpose- the small statues in one corner near your window, the coasters that look like flowers, it all seems to complement you and your home and James thinks to himself, ‘this is what a home should be.’
He stretches as he stands and you do as well, reaching for his plate that he doesn’t give. Instead he takes your own and walks to the kitchen.
“You’re a guest, guests don’t do the dishes.” you try to get your plate back but it’s no use, James is already washing them and stacking them in the draining board.
“Thanks for dinner angel,” he picks up his toolkit and the bucket of parts that need to be tossed out.
“You’re welcome, thanks for fixing my pipes.”
James waves it off, “I’d say we should do this again sometime, but changing your pipes so frequently isn’t ideal.”
It isn’t till after you hear the innuendo in his words. You do laugh a little in the moment, so James counts it as a win. Your laugh reminds him of that fairy in the show his niece loves- a sweet tinkering, bell-like sound that makes him smile.
“It was nice though. You’re good company.”
You walk James to the door, “Make sure and lock up,” he says kindly and you nod.
You notice that you don’t hear his boots don’t move till he hears the locks click and your heart flutters stupidly at the action.
You can’t like him already, you barely know him. A voice in the back of your head says, “But he’s already so dreamy,” you’re very inclined to agree.
You’d thought that would’ve been the last time you saw James too, but three weeks later, he’s at your brother’s house for his summer party and you’re fucked all over again.
He’s not a bad sight to be greeted with, arms exposed in his black tank top and his thighs. They’re thick and you can see the outline of muscle on them, even from far away. There’s a couple smattering of tattoos that peak from the hem of his shorts and you have to stop yourself from drooling.
He’s laughing at something Shanice is telling him, and he looks even more gorgeous.
It should be illegal, you think to yourself, for the man to look that effortlessly beautiful.
“You made it!” Michael says, handing you the drink in his hand before gesturing for you to follow him.
“You said if I didn’t come you’d have called me non-stop. I love you, but that’s annoying.” Michael leads you over to his fiance and James. You hug Shanice and wave politely at James.
Conversation is easy, and James hopes he’s being discrete as his gaze falls to you a little longer than necessary. You catch him once, and the look in his eyes confuses you just a little.
You don’t think badly of yourself, but you’re just in a pair of jean shorts and the top of your bikini- a pretty pink colour, after you’d read an article about lifeguards having a hard time spotting people in pools and the ocean if they had on blues and greens- is exposed by your lack of shirt.
In any case, you didn’t think it was cause for his stares to linger and look so… primal if that was even the right word.
Michael says, “James, do you know any good alarm systems?” as you sip your peach iced tea and vodka. You elbow your brother as James nods.
“There’s a few out there that I’d recommend, why?”
“Don’t,” you murmur to Michael who ignores you entirely.
Your brother doesn’t hesitate as he says, “Someone broke into her house a couple weeks ago and she hasn’t been able to sleep in her room since.”
“Yeah, just talk about me like I’m invisible,” you mutter and James feels anger and fury for you fester in his chest. It blooms rapidly and takes him by surprise.
“You’re not invisible, you’re just a hard head.” your brother says, James is inclined to agree as well- especially after the portion of the conversation he had overheard that first day you met.
“I can stop by the hardware tomorrow if you want, should have some of the ones I usually recommend.”
Your brother smirks and you feel shame and something you can’t yet name balloon your belly.
“Thank you, James,” you say as you finish off your vodka iced tea, already feeling for another one.
As the food comes out, you help yourself; ensuring to avoid James’ gaze because over the last couple weeks he’s seemed to come to know a lot of the bad things about your life. You pile watermelon and pineapple on one side of your plate before picking some fries and a bar-b-que chicken breast. Your hand reaches for a lemonade when a bigger one grabs it.
“I got it angel,” James’ own plate is full too. More meat than fruit but it’s fuel either way so it doesn’t bother you. “Where’re you sitting?”
You point to the seat near the pool.
“You don’t have to be so nice, James. Michael’s mouth is just too big for his own good.”
James rolls his eyes, “I’m not being nice because of him,” he says, taking the seat beside you and handing over your lemonade after cracking the seal. “Or because I fixed your pipes, or anything else.”
You frown as you chomp on a piece of watermelon. “You’re not?”
James shakes his head, digging into his food.
You squint at him and James chuckles, “No, you should feel safe in your house.”
You don’t say anything much after that, overwhelmed by his care- even if you’re stopping yourself from reading too far into it.
“You’re real sweet, James.” you say after a while, spearing a look at him to find his eyes already on you; that same kind of hungry look in his eyes like earlier.
“Yeah?” he hums and for a moment you want him to kiss you. You want to feel the press and the heat of his lips on yours, then you catch the thought. You hardly know him. But you want him and him coming over to install the security system might not go as smoothly as the plumbing had gone. You find you wouldn’t mind if James does something other than install the alarm system.
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twig-tea · 5 months
9 People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Tagged by @visualtaehyun and @thegalwhorants 💕
3 ships
Need to limit myself because there are too many good couples in media! The three I'm most enjoying in what I'm watching right now are:
Qian and Yuan from Unknown
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Kazuhito and Natsukawa from Living with Him / Kare no Iru Seikatsu
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Aylin and Luna from 23.5
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First ship
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I've answered this before but I was reading galwhorants' answers and suddenly the words "world shaking" popped into my head, and I remembered that the main site I used to read Ami/Makoto (sailors Mercury and Jupiter from Sailor Moon) fanfic was on worldshaking.net so I looked it up and that site has been rebuilt and some of the fanfic restored! So if you are curious about what babyqueer me was reading ~1997 it's still around and you can go see for yourself (shout-out to the author & curator Erica Friedman who was [and still is] a mentor and community-builder for so many of us; she was the one who organized Yuricon which is still an excellent resource if you want to get into or understand the history of yuri!).
Last song
I'm a quiet TXT fan and I've been enjoying their new mini album; the last song I listened to was Quarter Life (which has the unfortunate effect of making me feel old since I'm long past the quarter-life crisis age lolol but it makes me nostalgic for the pop punk heydays):
Currently reading
I finished book 1 and am chipping away at book 2 of MoDu (Silent Reading); it is such a satisfying read! I need more hours in the day so I can keep reading it.
Last movie
I just finished the short Burmese film Khar Taw Mi (another Trust Entertainment work centered around Thingyan, this time around the cultural performance aspects rather than the water party parts, so lots of traditional music and dance). If we're talking feature film, hmm, I think it was either Doi Boy (2023) or Past Lives (2023), I can't remember the order I watched them in; I watched them both in March (and both were very good).
Currently craving
Honestly, what I most want right now is spoons to do the things I've been dragging my feet on doing. Food-wise, I was giving a colleague tips on visiting Newfoundland and now I'm craving soft-serve creamsicle ice cream, which I've only ever had in St. John's.
No-pressure tags! And if you've already done this one tag me in the comments: @lurkingshan (since we fought over ships last time); @happypotato48; @sorry-bonebag; @my-rose-tinted-glasses; @telomeke; @waitmyturtles; @bengiyo (especially for the movie question); @thisonelikesaliens; @hyeoni-comb
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alsojnpie · 7 months
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It had never seemed necessary for Papyrus and I to nail down an exact meeting place. “At the park” was always enough for the two of us to find each other. And today, we found each other at the top of the white columned stairs. Well. I guess technically I found him.
It really seemed like he’d been waiting in that exact spot, knowing I was going to be walking that way. But he was watching in the wrong direction; his back turned to me as he waited, watching the stairs. Or maybe he was watching the fountain? Cool air wafted away from flowing water, which I could feel even from across this small plaza. He seemed like he was watching something. I slowed my pace, in order to get a good look at him before he could know that I was watching him.
He was sitting on the wall, leaning forward, with one foot propped up in front of him and the other flat on the ground. A half-eaten lime creamsicle was in his hand, his arm lazily draped over his raised knee.
I guess he must not have been waiting long at all, since he still had popsicle left. As if he was aware of my thoughts, he took a big bite right as I considered it. The wind blew more cool air our way, and ruffled the collar of his too-large shirt and the tall grass on the other side of the wall. I considered, just for a moment, that maybe I should stop walking altogether--just long enough to snap a photo of the picturesqueness of it all. He looked so thoughtful and serious, gazing out towards the lake. Juxtaposed with a popsicle full of lopsided bite marks, this scene was a perfect encapsulation of the monster that was Papyrus.
But I couldn’t. I didn’t have the guts. I didn’t even have the guts to disturb what looked like a satisfying reverie by calling out or otherwise making my presence known. Instead I awkwardly shuffled up to his side and moved to place my hand on his shoulder, but then second-guessed myself and thought, maybe I should tap it instead? It didn’t matter, since he startled and swiveled his head around before I could even decide.
“H...HEY!!” It was always fun to watch his face, and the clear progression of emotions that often played out. Right then it was shock at being approached by a stranger, which instantly gave way to shock at being approached by someone you love, which quickly melted into glee at having been tricked (with a hint of sheepishness for having been facing the wrong way).
“HEH, I THOUGHT YOU WERE ON YOUR WAY UP! WANT SOME?” The softened popsicle was extended towards me. Of course I wanted some, so I obliged him with a slurp that took care of a good half of what was left on the stick.
“..........” His disappointment was palpable, and my sudden guilt must have shown on my face too.
“Where’d you get that from, anyway? Do they sell those here??”
“THESE? THESE?? YOU KNOW THEY DON’T SELL THESE HERE! I HAD TO BRING IT WITH.” He gives a good slap to a bag I hadn’t noticed sitting next to him.
“.....They’ll melt.”
“Hm. I didn’t know you had popsicle-cooling magic... Neat!” I reached down to the bag, eager for a popsicle of my own and curious about the cooling mechanism.
But the bag was swept away from my grasp, and Papyrus was shaking a finger at me. “YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO GO DIGGING IN MY MAGIC BAG.” He swung his leg over the wall, landing both feet firmly on the ground and standing up straight with an exaggerated gesture. “BUT I AM!” A bright red creamsicle was soon procured, unwrapped and thrust into my hands. I was suspicious of what sort of “magic” was keeping it cold, since it seemed to be already starting to soften, but couldn’t find the heart to complain about getting a treat.
Once Papyrus had started in on his second popsicle (orange this time), the two of us linked arms and began strolling towards the stairs overlooking the lake. From this vantage point, even more of the lake was visible, as well as the vague outline of paths surrounding it on the opposite side. This lake wasn’t particularly big, but it took almost half an hour to walk around a single lap. The paths were forested, at times so thickly that the lake couldn’t be seen, and that made them seem isolated, and longer than they really were. But all of it seemed so much smaller from up here even though it wasn’t that far away at all.
As we began making our way down the staircase, I bit the popsicle with my lips over my teeth then slurped up the melting ice cream inside. It cooled my face but warmed my heart. “You know, I didn’t even realize they still made these popsicles. I used to eat them a lot as a kid.”
On the lake there wasn’t much visible from here other than a few small paddle boats, but as we got closer I could make out groups of kayakers who seemed to drift effortlessly by.
In reality, I knew that the riders were having to work hard to propel their boats forward through the water. I’d never been kayaking, but it had always looked like fun to me. Stealing a glance over at Papyrus, who was still going on about the popsicles, I wondered if it could be a good way to work out together with him, fully expecting that he’d be excellent at it.
Suddenly I realized that my popsicle was gone. “Oh hey...can I have a green one now?” I waved my popsicle stick, licked mostly clean, in front of Papyrus and he grimaced. “It’s been so long since I had these, I forgot how much I liked ‘em.”
Seeing as there were no garbage cans nearby, I stuck the stick into my jeans pocket, much to Papyrus’s dismay. But he forgave me enough to serve me a green popsicle after all. This popsicle was suspiciously much softer than the last. “Hey.....you’re not using magic at all, are you?” I squinted at him as almost the entirety of the lime popsicle shell sloughed off in my mouth. “.....*gulp*. You just packed a ton of popsicles and counted on being able to finish them off before they melted.”
Papyrus seemed to be watching the boats on the lake quite intently now but surely he was aware of my accusatory stare out of the corner of his eye. His stern expression twitched with a grin. “I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT."
“True. It’ll be a lot of work to finish them all before they melt.”
The path down the stairs was lined with shady trees, but the lake itself was surrounded by a sunny, open walkway. I had a feeling that no, he could not manage it. These popsicles were not going to last more than 10 minutes, tops. Even through our combined efforts, there would probably be a couple of melted treats. I slurped up most of the ice cream center as we walked across a platformed break in the stairs, eager to do my part either way. 
But as we stepped down onto the stairs again, I saw something that made me jump in alarm: a wedding party! And their cameras were pointed straight up the picturesque stairs, right at us! Without even thinking, I pulled Papyrus by our linked arms, running back up to the platform before turning off onto a small dirt path running diagonal to the stairs.
The air was heavy and quiet as I pondered whether or not I had photobombed that bride and groom’s photoshoot. Probably so. Even though I hadn’t noticed it until we were very near, that was only because I hadn’t been paying attention. The pictures probably had us there in the background, though it wouldn’t have been very close to the subject. It was a public park, so I couldn’t really feel guilty for it, but even still, I didn’t want to be in some stranger’s wedding photos.
“.......” I wasn’t exactly sure why but suddenly things felt clumsy and awkward. I didn’t know what to say, or whether to say anything, and the little bit of popsicle I had left was completely forgotten. Slowly I turned my eyes up towards Papyrus only to find him calmly nibbling on a new popsicle (a red one now) while looking back in the direction of the couple.
My heart, pounding, leapt straight to my throat, blocking out any words or sounds from coming through, while my grip on the popsicle stick tightened. Was this a joke?
No...he was genuinely asking me for an answer, I realized, as he looked down, smiling at me expectantly. But he looked so laid back about it. Somehow, we must have been thinking of two different things.
“U..uh....I, I mean....um...ho-honestly, I’m, I-I’ve.......you know...it feels embarrassing somehow to b-be...honest...but....” My words got quieter as my face got hotter. I went to take a giant bite of the popsicle to cool down, but what had been left of it had already melted and ran down into my fist. 
“HANG ON....OH MY GOD......ARE YOU SCARED OF BEING OUT ON THE WATER???” His suddenly concerned face only confused me even more.
“WAAAAIT, WAIT WAIT WAIT...” Papyrus took a brief look around himself, which at first I took to mean that he was checking to see if anyone was around. But maybe he was looking for a place to hold his popsicle because the next thing he did was quickly suck the whole thing directly off the stick (swallowing it dutifully rather than savoring it, and tossing the stick to the ground), before placing his thick-gloved hands squarely on my shoulders, and leaning in close.
His worried frown was right in front of my face, much closer than it usually happened to be. I tried to listen to him instead of focusing on his features, but it was hard. I hadn’t had this chance to be so close before. His voice wasn’t...quiet... but, it was softer than I expected.
Suddenly everything clicked in my mind. Our eyes met. “To...go kayaking together....?”
Actually, it did sound fun. Really fun. I returned his smile, shyly, even though he didn’t seem to completely understand that look, and grasped his hand, pulling it to my chest confidingly.
“Maybe it wouldn’t be too scary....if we were together.”
Sorrowfully, Papyrus shook his head. “THE KAYAK IS A BOAT THAT ONLY FITS ONE PERSON, I’M AFRAID.”
“I meant. Together, in our own boats. Side by side on the water.”
“OH. SURE. YES! I’LL STICK RIGHT BY YOU!!” His grin was nothing short of triumphant.
Then he noticed my hand, clasping his.
“ ............YECCCK!! WHY ARE YOU SO STICKY?!?!?!”
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battle-of-alberta · 4 months
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i lost another bet with @orcanadian-blog :) but we'll see about game 5!
Playoffs season in Edmonton means a dramatic increase in orange creamsicle flavoured ice cream, doughnuts, etc (and honourable shout out to Duchess for having blueberry apricot macarons). This works for me, I loooove orange creamsicle. I should go out and sample some asap and figure out which is the best.
But what about Canucks flavoured things? I've only seen one so out of Victoria (and made by ex-pat Edmonton-area folks to boot) andddd it's just vanilla. Poor Van can't shake the No Fun City stereotype yet. Has anyone seen any interesting team flavours this year?
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everymlmhybrid · 3 months
grabs you by the shoulders and fuckening shakes you. ideal creamsicle dynamic includes larry being like man this guy sure does have his head in the clouds sometimes. wish he'd tell me what's bothering him. and freddy's just like "what if i told him rn lol. he'd murder me. that'd be crazy. hm."
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this fucking. horrible little orange creamsicle man. he’s been hanging out on the front porch and the windowsill next to the front porch most of the day (annoying but whatever) but has figured out, i think using the tree overhanging the balcony, how to get to the window next to the cat tree and onto the balcony, full of so so so many pots of beautiful soft dirt to piss in. mack was screeching and growling at him from the cat tree, phil was screeching and growling at him through the balcony sliding glass door, all he did was writhe around on the concrete. i had to shake a broom at him to get him to fuck off and im still not exactly sure how he got down. and im mad about this bc i want him to be semi friendly so when my friend is ready i can simply Scoop. and the only way to get him neutered for free before fuckin mid-march is to talk to the apartment owner and start TNR’ing these creatures. i don’t want to be in charge of these cats! i am not a huge fan of TNR! i dont want to put down perfectly fine cats either but there are so many awful things that can happen to a cat outside (eg whatever the fuck happened to Phil) and most of the time i think it’s kinder to give something a quick, painless, dignified death instead of being mauled or run over or getting stuck somewhere and becoming a little cat mummy
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aaalanasblog · 4 months
My June ‘Keep’ List 🌸
skincare, makeup, fragrances, bodycare, and foods I loved in May that I’m still using in June ✨
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Mediheal NMF Ampoule Mask
Paula’s Choice 10% Azaelic Acid w/ Salicylic Acid and Licorice Root
Torriden Dive In Cream
Experiment Beauty Buffer Jelly
Stratia Lipid Gold
Heimish Marine Care Eye Cream
Youth to the People Superfood Cleanser
Purito Centella Green Level Buffet Serum
Axis-Y Biome Radiating Essence
rom&nd Better Than Cheek (Peach Chip + Fig Chip are my faves!)
Dior BACKSTAGE Powder-No-Powder
NARS Skin Tint w/ SPF 30
Benefit Playtint
Maybelline Sky High Mascara
my Revlon lash curler
my handy dandy MAC Lip Pencil in shade Cork
Givenchy Prisme Libre concealer
Rare Beauty Bronzer Stick
Pseudo Labs PHreckles
Keiko Mecheri ‘UME’
Jo Malone Bitter Mandarin
Keiko Mecheri ‘DATURA BLANCHE’
Naturium Mandelic Acid Body Wash (perfect for ppl like me who get night sweats)
Naturium Glycolic Acid Body Wash (KP, who?)
Naturium Bio-Lipid Body Lotion
Up and Up (Target brand) Vitamin E + Aloe Body Oil
TOPICALS Slather Body Serum (KP and stretch marks, who?)
TOPICALS Faded Body Mist (hyperpigmentation, where?)
Banana Boat SPF 50 Spray
Josie Maran Self-Tanning Oil
Orange Creamsicle Protein Shake (should I drop this recipe? it’s so good 😭)
Braised Chicken
Roasted Sweet Potato w/ Flaky Salt
Sun-dried tomato + basil red lentil pasta
BBQ Steak Bites
Collagen Gummies
Mediterranean rice bowls w/ seared chicken, cucumber, tomato, onion, and a greek yogurt sauce
Jeni’s Ice Cream (a girl needs a sweet treat, okay? lol)
What are some of your “keeps”? 🦋
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axolotluv · 2 years
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Some human designs for funsies!
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usagi: can i get a hot dog?
jodio: anything else?
usagi: um... let me get some tater tots. oh, and also a slice of pepperoni pizza. and also a basket of jalapeno poppers.
usagi: and some chicken nuggets, a ketchup boat, three potato pancakes, a creamsicle, two quesadillas, a bread loaf, a side of ranch, pixie sticks, taco salad, order of ribs.
usagi: and... a diet coke. no! strawberry shake. no! diet coke. no! both.
paco: that is gonna be one huge shit.
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gingerwerk · 5 months
You ever have a day where you’re kinda tired but have motivation to do Things after work but then on the drive home your car stars making a Noise and when you stop to get gas you look under you car and can’t tell if the bottom of your car is falling out or if something got stuck and jammed under your car but you’re still like 20 miles from home so you hope your car can get back on the highway and then when you’re pulling back into town you don’t hear the noise anymore so you think cool. Jk. I’m fine. Nope because when you get home you see the same Whatever is still dragging on the ground/hanging off the bottom of your car???? So you start to tell yourself hey, maybe now is the time you have to start looking at cars, you’ve had this car for over 8 years, and then you do the briefest of glances at a local used car dealership- because for your first actual Adult Car that You buy, you want to actually get to choose what kinda car you drive and not end up with whatever random car your (very kind and helpful) parents (Graciously) provide for you and you would really like a small suv for both personal and professional reasons -and after five seconds of looking you start shaking with anxiety because Jesus you Knew cars were bad rn but why The Fuck is an 8 year old car with over 100k miles almost 10k??????? Like yeah I have some money and was aware I’d need to get a little loan or have some sort of dealership payment but what the Fuck??? So anyways you spend the rest of you day- which you wanted to be semi productive -in a panic haze too stressed to do anything until you say fuck it and grab the wooden stick you use to keep your unlockable windows closed (so a homeless man can’t break in again) and kneel in your parking lot at 10 at night and just start whacking that piece of weird metal up and off the ground so it won’t drag and make noise and stress you out because not only can you not deal with a new car rn but Also this is the busiest fucking month so far at work you Cannot miss work because car fuckery
And anyways, now it’s 10 at night, your house is still a mess, your cat threw up on your bathroom rug hours ago (but you just fold it up in a pile in your a bathroom because why bother washing it when the dryer is Full of clothes that you meant to fold today bud Didn’t so maybe tomorrow I’ll deal with it) you had a packet of 25 cent ramen and a creamsicle for dinner, and now you get to knock back some melatonin to knock you out because it’s now passed your bedtime even if your bio clock wants to stay up for 3 more hours
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vexingviolet · 2 months
~General energy of the band currently~
Yeah, baby! I sense a weak spot and I’m here to exploit it! I love doing tarot and I love the things that I love. I figured I could always use the practice so here I am, doing tarot reads for whatever I want on tumblr apparently.
Just to state this clearly. This is to be taken as entertainment. I do not know them. I don’t know shit. I can’t speak for them. I’m going off of my interpretations of the cards and it’s all in good fun.
That’s enough of that. I wanted this to just be a tentative little read on the energy of parx because I am obsessed with the idea of hearing the country song. I’ve been streaming the fuck out of FAI2 and that means waterparks is always on the brain at the moment.
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So. To start off, the energy color/ vibes I’m getting are fucking interesting.
For the band as a whole I got this very very very strong creamsicle orange. Which??? Not what I thought I’d be seeing at all. I went in thinking I’d get a strong blue but no. Nope. Orange. This is the closest pic I could find but it’s still so different
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Geoff has this lovely strong and rich green color. Like the ~good grass~ that’s super soft. It’s a very sure color as well.
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As for Otto, he has this velvety purple color. It’s almost hypnotic like those water things you shake that have lots of shimmery stuff in it? That’s the vibe. Again a very sure color.
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Now Awsten. Personal bias did me dirty for this. I figured Awsten would have a very “loud” or sure color. Because… you know… that would make sense. But no. The best way I can describe this color is like kids lipgloss. It’s just a lot softer and more honest than I thought it’d be. Kinda like these but more specifically the sugar sprinkle and the vanilla one (if you’re old enough to remember the snap-gloss we are best friends now)
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Okay, now to the actual tarot part
The overall energy of Waterparks is the Empress reversed. This card speaks of anxiety and uncertainty as well as not being satisfied with the current state of things. Because this is the energy for the band as a separate entity sort of thing, I’d say this has to do with this current state of independence/ finding their footing kinda deal.
As for the things contributing to this Empress in reverse
We have the chariot card. This is very interesting because this card talks about lot about successfully conquering obstacles and being motivated and confident in your journey. Seeing this card in this context gives me the vibe of fighting for something and realizing that winning that battle, getting over that hurdle is just the start of this journey you’ve set out on. It’s being confident about being in motion but It’s also the feeling of relief that can’t yet be fully enjoyed because you see a long path still ahead of you. (Ever been on a road trip where you’re halfway through and you hit mad fucking traffic? When you get through it you’re so excited you aren’t going 5 miles an hour on the highway anymore but then you remember you still have half the fucking trip left?)
Moving on to the 6 of coins now. This card talks of a change in circumstance as well as give-and-take. At first I was confused… an then I continued to be confused so I pulled a clarity card. That was the 2 of coins which talks about a struggle for balance, needing clarity (lol), and a choice. I would say that this specifically to me makes me think that there was a big decision that they needed help with (being independent?) and they’ve been lucky enough to have people around them who are in a position to help steady/balance out their scale. It’s also giving a choosing the lesser of two evils. But more than that I feel like it’s a bridge between the chariot and this next card
The world reversed. This card talks about a partial success, disappointing outcome and a sort of doubt in your own capabilities. Womp womp.
The death card at the bottom of the deck is a foreseen end and accepting the inevitable. It’s transformation. This makes me think that this “change in circumstance” was always going to happen. Entirely unavoidable. It also feels to me like there’s some sprinkle of embracing uncomfortable truths regarding longevity, motivation and relevance.
To sum up, moving too quickly out of necessity(?) with possibly unrealistic expectations have left them anxious and dissatisfied as well as doubting their capabilities in this time of “death” and/or rebirth. They’re left in this balancing energy of having to give and take and juggle responsibilities and freedom and make “compromises” they’d rather not make (probably pertaining to comfort). Also, in a money sense it feels like an “in-out” kind of deal. Could also be them being able to put out music and do what they want in that realm at the cost of promotions and connections. But it’s also good! There’s a feeling of determination throughout this whole thing.
Also more reliant on give and take with fans (stream FAI2 for that fucking country song, baby)
I also wanted to get a feel for the energy between them all. For that I got 6 of swords, 9 of swords and 6 of cups.
6 of swords is about moving past comfort in search of growth. Something like an intentional shift in mental state. With the 9 of swords we see what is essentially nightmares. It’s being troubled by worry, anxiety and despair. The 6 of cups is memories of the past. It’s being happy and imaginative. It’s nostalgia for good childhood memories and friends.
So… there may have been a period of unspoken contempt or unchecked fear and emotions that created a bit of turbulence or friction between them? Obviously I don’t know them so I can’t truly speak to this but it feels a bit like they let these bad things fester between them, likely due to stress, and eventually either they talked it out (or will idk) or worked through those emotions individually. Reminiscing on the past could have brought them clarity and perhaps led making a very big decision involving the direction of the band.
Things that I thought of and may/ may not be relevant :
Hear, see, speak- (no evil?)
Purple- in the context of blue and red?
26 & 14
Back and shoulder
Yellow- hair? Clothes? Like bright yellow
Skeleton key, like a cool one. Apparently it should be kept by the front door?
Pink eraser
Hubba bubba (the stupid tape gum. The sour green apple was the best and I will die on that hill)
Grey pants blue shirt.
Open bottles.
That’s all for now. I hope you had fun reading. I want to do more readings especially for waterparks bc the new album and what not (also I want to know why Awsten has kids lipgloss energy lol) so I’ll be back eventually for more.
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