#creationism vs evolution
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“Either a story conceived almost 2000 years ago is made up, or every credible scientist in the last 150 years is incompetent.“
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yabakuboi · 18 days
Eddie: Hey, Steve... Steve: Mmm? Eddie, slightly buzzed: What... What are we? Steve, high out of his goddamn mind, eyes filling with tears: Dude... Dude, I don't know?? Eddie: Wha— Steve: Dustin says we're monkeys, Eddie!! MONKEYS! What does that even mean???
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Evolution vs Creation? 👇
Just to make you think about it🤔
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the-ghost-17 · 3 months
ok Ima say something a little controversial
why do people look at evolution as If it is steadfast knowledge? I mean evolution does have ground, yes, but to say evolution is 100% proven to be true would be false.
I could make the same argument for creationism btw, "Oh but look at all this evidence toward a creator" yes yes evidence exists for both cases but that's not my point
My point is that people blindly put faith in a system of science that is a THEORY, evolution is a theoretical possibility for how the world came to be just as creationism is a theoretical possibility.
As I just pointed out yes there us evidence but evidence is nothing without the big picture. We have no clue how the world actually came to be and we shouldn't be fighting eachother over it.
A true scientist would go out of their way learn everything they can about the known universe and pick up all the little clues before deciding whether or not to support evolution theory or creation theory, it's basic math. (The dyscalcular person says)
All I'm saying is that I believe we let our views of the world get mixed too much into science, of course a Christian is more likely to study creationism and of course an atheist is more likely to study evolution. I'm not saying people don't do otherwise I'm just saying that's the most likely to be true.
Also as people who are not of science, we need to stop blindly trusting the world when it says the earth was made this way or that.
For hundreds of years people believed the sun circled the earth, they even has false evidence to prove themselves correct.
Im not saying that the sun circles the earth, I'm just saying that I believe everything and anything has the chance to be wrong, any if our world views could be shattered at any point in time.
Any thanks for listening to my Ted talk, I'm not a scientist, I'm a 15 year old sitting in my room ranting about shut I don't know.
Dont come after me.
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metalcatholic · 2 years
I’m just saying if the creationists were correct God would have made our veins, arteries, and nerves exactly like anatomical diagrams in color and size only a cold and uncaring process like evolution would make them look identical
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liskantope · 2 years
There's an issue when talking about people who are near the center of the political spectrum, and I think it lies in a nuance between the terms moderate and centrist.
A moderate refers to someone who holds political stances that happen to be near the average of the prevailing clusters of opinions on each side of the issue (within the contextual time and region). My impression is that "centrist" has a different connotation, and a worse one in the way that many -ist terms tend to have negative connotations at least among intellectuals who promote freethought: for instance, Darwinist and evolutionist are mainly used by those who oppose the theory of evolution because the -ist suffix suggests ideological adherence rather than something more scientific-minded (I've always tried to avoid calling myself an evolutionist for this reason).
Similarly, calling someone a centrist seems to suggest that they're adhering to a meta-ideological agenda, one which some people no doubt do pursue: that of choosing, as a rule, stances which reflect the average of the opposing sides. (I've certainly seen people accused of being "radical centrists" if they're perceived to take this philosophy too rigidly.) There are possible defenses for this: one could take something akin to majoritarianism as a guiding light, for instance, where they figure that humans as an overall population tend to be correct about things on average -- sure, we differ widely on certain issues, but the number of people too far on one side is always going to be balanced out by the number of people too far on the opposite side. I personally find this an extremely doubtful assumption. I also tend to think that some people use it as a cover for laziness: there's no need to research issues on your own in an open-minded manner if you can just take the average of the opinions you see around you as the formula for the correct stance.
So according to my interpretation of centrism, it's something I (and I think many others) view unfavorably. But it would be an unfair to conflate this with someone who arrives at their opinions in a freethinking way without reference to the major political parties' stances or how they perceive the camps that most other people belong to, and finds that their views happen to lie near the center on most issues -- in other words, centrists should not be confused with moderates. And I suspect that a lot of hostility towards moderates comes from such a conflation.
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never-was-has-been · 2 years
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eponastory · 6 months
Yall... I can't even...
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So I'm not here to make fun of someone's beliefs or call anyone stupid, but there is something I have to address about this movement where Christians believe the Earth is only 6000 years old. I was raised Christian and read the Bible religiously when I was younger. Nowhere does it mention the age of the Earth.
I have my issues with religion. I'm not going to get into it here...
But when someone tells me that my tribe was wiped out 4000 years ago by a global flood...
I'm going to look at you funny.
First off, my tribe has been in the same spot for over 6000 years. If there had been a global flood 4000 years ago, the Chitimatcha would not be here today. Why? Because the land the tribe sits on is swamp. It's all swamp.
Second, if there was a global flood, then how do any of the other indigenous tribes still exist? We have genealogical records and tribal records dating back to when the tribes split. Both Choctaw and Chitimatcha were in the same region before the Choctaw were forced to move. They were likely part of one tribe before they split. Kinda like how the Houmas split from the Chitimatcha. It just doesn't add up to what this movement is preaching.
I will be clear, this is mostly happening in the United States and its a relatively small movement based on someone adding up the ages listed in the Bible without using the Jewish Calender.
I'm not calling anyone stupid, but gullible at most. Because they don't know how to do their own research and trust that theory is fact and not hypothesis.
It's very concerning for the state of the country right now.
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jarredlharris · 8 months
A journey out of creationism.
This post is a copy of the answer I wrote to a Quora question.
Have you ever believed in creationism?
I did. I grew up believing in specifically Young Earth Creationism. I as convinced it was true and that all those “evolutionists” were either liars or just easily fooled idiots.
If so, what convinced you that evolution was a more logical explanation?
The short answer is “I learned about science.” Read on for the longer answer.
When I went to college, I got accepted into my university’s Honors Program. This was a program that involved taking a number of specialized courses that tended to focus on critical thinking and important subjects of the day. One of the classes I was required to take as a part of the program was called “Thought and Science,” and I took the second semester of my freshman year.
The name of this course could have just as easily been called “Philosophy of Science.” In fact, that was the title of the textbook the professor chose as our primary textbook for the course. In this course, we learned about the philosophy of science and how scientific inquiry worked. We also learned about pitfalls scientists can fall into like confirmation bias.
The final topic covered at the end of the semester was the subject of pseudoscience. The professor — who was a botanist, a professing Christian, and a dancer, spent a lot of time specifically talking about creationism and why it was a pseudoscience. During his final lecture of the semester, he said something that has stuck with me ever since:
“You can claim that God blinked the universe into existence last Tuesday as a matter of faith. But you cannot make that claim on any scientific basis.”
I realized he had a point. The alleged “scientific” arguments I had learned to support my creationist views were simply rhetoric that my mentors had disguised as being science. I could not deny this because I had just spent the past few months learning what science was and who science worked, and my creationist arguments looked nothing like that.
I didn’t stop believing in creationism right away, but I found myself being more honest — including with myself — about the fact that I accepted it as a matter of faith rather than something that could be scientifically demonstrated to be true.
I don’t really know when I quit believing in creationism. I didn’t really think a lot about the evolution vs. creation debate after that course. But no matter when I finally let go of my creationist beliefs, I know that the class I took from the dancing botanist was the genesis of its demise.
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Is Evolution A Fact? Is God / Jesus Real? Does Archaeology Prove The Bible Is Historically Accurate?
The Bible is 100% Historically Accurate which is Proof God / Jesus is Real. The Bible is the most Accurate History Book ever written. It is the History of mankind. And of God’s relationship with mankind. The most Significant event in Human History is the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The History of this event permeates the text of Scripture. The creation account shows us God…
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battleforgodstruth · 2 years
Noah's Last Days - Pastor Patrick Hines Sermon
Noah’s Last Days – Pastor Patrick Hines Sermon
18 Now the sons of Noah who came out of the ark were Shem, Ham, and Japheth; and Ham was the father of Canaan. 19 These three [were] the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was *populated. 20 Then Noah began *farming and planted a vineyard. 21 He drank some of the wine and became drunk, and uncovered himself inside his tent. 22 Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father,…
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Science tells Us: Humans created cooking 1 million years ago... Glue 300,000 years ago Clothing 170,000 years ago Jewelry 130,000 years ago Musical instruments 43,000 years ago Sewing needles 30,000 Ceramics 20,000 Booze 10,000
But God created the Universe 6-10,000 years ago...
Tell me again when arithmetic was invented?
An existent god could so easily have made itself known by giving us the correct answers in its scripture. All of them got everything wrong.
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void-tiger · 2 years
This morning’s existential crisis musings:
Did I ever “have faith” to begin with? Or was is a helluva lotta fawning, making something into a hyper fixation in an attempt to “like it” begrudgingly, and a brief handful of overactive imagination verging on mild delusions
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Is this Evolution? 🤔
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Importance Of Blog Creation And Its Uses In Our Life
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A blogger is a writer who posts on a personal website. A blog is an online publication that posts information on a particular topic or several topics (usually related to some common theme). Blogs can be regarded as a form of social networking.
To achieve the maximum benefits for your business and marketing, it’s critically important that you have a solid content strategy. While creating your blog, you should keep in mind the following points:
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dawntheduckrb · 5 months
Okay genuine question, do schools actually teach evolution?
I've been roped into watching a christian movie (tm) with my mom, and it's about evolution theory vs creationism, and I'm only now realizing that I have never actually learned anything about evolution in my life.
I'm very uncomfortable sitting in here watching this with my mother's commentary, but it's got me to do some thinking and now I think I've got some video essays to watch while I eat tonight
Edit; thanks for all the helpful comments! I'll be turning off notifications for this post because it's gotten more traction than I planned it to and it's gotten to be more than I can reply to, but I'll still check back on it from time to time!
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