#but. better for back swelling since I can Move. better seat to rest
void-tiger · 2 years
This morning’s existential crisis musings:
Did I ever “have faith” to begin with? Or was is a helluva lotta fawning, making something into a hyper fixation in an attempt to “like it” begrudgingly, and a brief handful of overactive imagination verging on mild delusions
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moved on ~ thomas shelby;peaky blinders
word count: 2213
request?: no
description: in which his ex comes back after two years, and his fiancée is worried about what this means for their engagement
pairing: thomas shelby x female!reader
warnings: swearing, use of y/n
masterlist (one, two, three)
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Tommy didn't expect to fall in love after Grace had ran off. He had loved her more than he loved anyone, and he thought he'd never find that love again.
Until he met (Y/N).
They met at an event Tommy had to attend. He only went to make an appearance, and was looking for a way to leave when he spotted her. Right away, he was taken by her. He spent the rest of the night talking to her, and even drove her home at the end of the night.
Within two months, Tommy had proposed. He couldn't risk losing this one. She made him feel even better than he had with Grace. (Y/N) was the one, he was sure of it. So, he asked her to marry him, and he was beyond ecstatic when she said yes.
Everything was perfect, until the day Tommy took (Y/N) to the races.
It was a scorching hot day in Birmingham. Tommy and his brothers were set to go to the races, and obviously he had asked (Y/N) to come with them. She was wearing a summer dress that Tommy had bought for her and, as he had predicted, she looked breathtaking in it. He couldn't keep his eyes - or his hands - off of her.
"You're going to cause a scandal," (Y/N) teased as Tommy's hand made its way under her dress again.
"No one's looking, love," Tommy assured her, moving her hair from her shoulder so he could start kissing her neck.
(Y/N) fought the pleasure his actions were giving her to push him away. As good as Tommy made her feel, she was no going to let him have his way with her in public.
"Can you get me something to drink?" she asked. "I'm parched, and quite hot."
"Of course, darling."
Tommy gave her a quick peck before going to find a concessions stand.
He was waiting for their drinks when a familiar voice said, "Tommy?"
He thought he imagined it, but he realized that couldn't be it. He hadn't even thought of her in years. There's no way he would suddenly be imagining her again. So, he allowed himself to turn, and there she was.
Just as beautiful as the day she left him.
"I didn't expect to see you here," she said.
"I didn't expect to see you anywhere," Tommy responded. "I thought you fell off the face of the Earth. Since I never heard from you and all."
A flash of guilt showed on Grace's face. It made Tommy happy to know she felt guilty for what she did.
"I can't apologize enough - "
"No, you can't," Tommy said. He was finally given his drinks. He took them and began to walk away from her.
"Wait!" She took hold of his arm, stopping him in his tracks. "Please, let me explain. I'll tell you everything."
Tommy looked down at her hand. It was hard to miss the diamond ring on her ring finger.
"Will your husband be okay with that?"
She seemed to bristle a little at the comment, but she managed to keep her composure. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind me catching up with an old friend."
Tommy held his tongue from correcting her. He wanted to know the truth about what happened with Grace. Even if that's all their meeting was - which it would be - then it could at least be some closure for him. He agreed to Grace's proposal, but only under the condition that she meet him at the Garrison. He needed to have some sort of control in this situation.
It was only as Tommy was walking back to his seat that he realized he hadn't told Grace he was engaged. In fact, he had completely forgotten about (Y/N) for those few moments.
She was still in her seat wen he got back, eagerly watching the current race. The moment he laid his eyes on her, Tommy felt his heart swell. He realized that he felt nothing but contempt for Grace. He wasn't eager for their meeting at the Garrison as he would've been nearly two years ago. It was nothing more than a business meeting to him now, because his heart belonged to one woman.
(Y/N) looked over her shoulder and smiled at him. "You've been gone for some time. Did you get lost?"
He smiled back. Instead of responding, he sat with her and kissed her cheek. (Y/N) giggled and leaned into him.
Tommy thought about telling (Y/N) about Grace, but he wasn't sure how to. He didn't want her to get upset over Grace's appearance, and their agreement of a private meeting, but he knew there was no way to bring it up without (Y/N) getting upset. He couldn't blame her either. If the roles were reversed and one of (Y/N)'s exes were trying to reconnect with her...well, that person wouldn't be around much longer.
(Y/N) looked up at Tommy and nudged him. "Are you alright? You look deep in thought."
"I saw Grace," he blurted.
"Grace? Like...the Grace?" Tommy nodded. "When? Just then?" He nodded again. "Oh, wow. What did she say?"
"She asked if we could meet up to talk about her leaving."
"What did you say?"
"I told her we could meet at the Garrison."
(Y/N) nodded, her face unreadable. "When?"
"Tomorrow night."
"And...did you tell her about me?"
Tommy was silent. He couldn't lie to her, and his silence was enough of an answer. She turned away from him to focus on the race again. She felt so many emotions that she couldn't even place them. She knew Tommy loved her, and she knew he was loyal, but she was also aware of Tommy and Grace's past. He told her everything about their relationship when they first got together. So she knew how intense Tommy and Grace's relationship had been, and how broken he was when she left.
Tommy reached over and put his hand on her leg. "Love, look at me."
(Y/N) reluctantly turned to face her fiance.
"I will call the meeting off if it makes you uncomfortable," he said. "Or you can come and be there when it happens."
She shook her head. "No, I think that will likely make it more awkward."
Tommy cupped her face. "Do you trust me?"
"My mind is screaming that I shouldn't, but my heart says I do." She chuckled and added, "That sounded so cheesy."
"It did," Tommy agreed. He pulled her towards him to place a kiss on her lips. "I promise this is nothing more than a meeting to get some closure. Any love I felt for Grace disappeared when she did. You are the only woman who has my heart, and that will never change."
(Y/N) smiled and leaned into Tommy. "I believe you. Just...tell her about me the moment she shows up, okay?"
"I will, love."
The next night, (Y/N) was pacing her and Tommy's shared living room. Tommy had left for his meeting with Grace moments ago. He had kissed her and told her he wouldn't be long, and she had smiled at him but didn't speak. Once he was gone, she had stood and immediately began to walk around the house. Her nerves were making it impossible to be still.
She told Tommy she had trusted him, and that wasn't a lie, but she couldn't help the gnawing feeling of unease and jealousy. It was a cliche to say, but it was Grace she didn't trust. She didn't know Grace besides what Tommy had told her about their previous relationship, and the fact that Grace was now married. But would that be enough to stop Grace from wanting to make a move on Tommy? Would Tommy's engagement be enough?
Her mind would not rest. She was starting to regret telling Tommy she wasn't going to accompany him to the meeting. Even if it would've been awkward, at least her mind would've been at ease.
Before she could register what she was doing, (Y/N) was pulling on a coat and heading out the door. She started walking towards the Garrison. She knew it was a bad idea to just drop in on Tommy and Grace's meeting, but the not knowing was killing her. She couldn't just stay home and wait for Tommy to come back.
It was a slow night at the pub. There were a few men sat along the bar, and three men sat around one table. Harry was wiping down some glassware at the bar when (Y/N) walked in. He regarded her and nodded towards the private room that the Shelby's frequented, signaling that Tommy was still in there. (Y/N) walked towards the room, intending to knock before entering, until she heard a woman's voice on the other side.
"I never meant to hurt you, Tommy. I know I betrayed you, and nothing can ever change that. But you have to know that I did love you - that I do love you. I left Birmingham because I knew it would be better for you if I did, but I never stopped thinking about you."
"What about your husband?" came Tommy's voice.
"I love him, but I'm not in love with him. He has been a marriage of convenience more than anything. He was there, and he had a good job and a good life, and I hadn't hurt him."
There was silence. (Y/N) could only imagine what was happening on the other side of the door. She hadn't missed Grace admitting to still being in love with Tommy, and even if it seemed Tommy had. Or maybe was just ignoring the fact that she said it.
Or maybe he was happy to hear it?
"I've missed you so much, Tommy," came Grace's voice, soft. "I've thought about you every day since I left. I've been hoping for a day where I could see you again, just one more time, and as for you to give me another chance."
(Y/N) could feel her heart breaking. Tears were welling up in her eyes as she backed away from the door. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Harry looking at her. She wouldn't look directly at him, but she could make out the look of pity on his face. He must've known what was happening in that room, or had some idea anyways.
She was about to leave when she heard Tommy say, "Any chances you had left when you did, Grace."
(Y/N)'s ears perked back up as she moved back towards the door.
"I loved you once, Grace. If you had come back, even after admitting to me your betrayal, I might've taken you back. But I've moved on now. I have found a woman that I love more than anything in this world, and who loves me just as much. There is nothing and no one in this world who could convince me to leave (Y/N), not even you."
There was a silence on the other side. It wasn't until the knob started to turn on the door that (Y/N) realized Grace was leaving. She quickly stumbled away from the door just before it swung open and hit her. She was stood frozen as she looked at Grace - beautiful, blonde, elegant Grace, stood in a crimson red dress and her hair curled. Grace seemed just as shocked to see someone standing on the other side, but swiftly moved around (Y/N) to exit the pub as quickly as possible.
Tommy was sat at the table with a lit cigarette to his mouth. He didn't look surprised to see (Y/N). He took a long drag and blew it out of the corner of his mouth, before motioning with his fingers for (Y/N) to join him.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to - "
"How much of it did you hear?" he asked.
"Well, I arrived sometime before her love confession."
"Which one?"
(Y/N) felt an angry heat rise in her face. "There were multiple?"
"There was two. Three, if you count her asking for another chance at the end there."
"Well, in that case I arrived before the second one."
Tommy reached out for his fiancée, gently touching her arm and pulling her to sit next to him.
"So you heard what I said to her, then?" he asked. (Y/N) nodded. "And you know I meant every word."
"Of course I do," she said. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just shown up like this. I just couldn't settle down at home while I waited for you. I needed to be here."
"I did offer for you to sit in on the meeting." His tone was light and there was a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. That's how (Y/N) knew he wasn't being serious, or that he wasn't upset about her appearance.
"I know. I should've taken you up on that," she said. She leaned close to Tommy and kissed his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you, too, darling. Don't ever think that I don't."
"I won't. I promise."
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Dear Hearts and Gentle People 16
Summary: While out exploring and scavenging the wasteland, you come across an old world object in remarkable condition. You go to Cooper and find out exactly what it really is.
Pairings: The Ghoul | Cooper Howard x Female Reader
Warnings: Smut. Sex toys. Vibrator. Rope play. Edging. Cooper is a menace. Body worship.
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You frown down at the pale pink object that you'd found in a drawer beside the bed. You and Cooper were inside an old apartment building in the "rich side of town" as Cooper had put it when they two of you had arrived in Hollywood. The building was sturdy despite the time and the damage done from the atomic bombs, and you had made the decision to bunk down inside for the evening since it was relatively safe.
The object gets shoved in your back pocket, and you go about raiding the rest of the bedroom before going to find your ghoul. He is kicked back on the couch in the living room, feet propped up on the table and watching a static laced cartoon. You tip toe forward, but the ghoul hears something crunch under your feet and turns around to smirk at you, his ruined brow twitching up.
"Gotta do better than that to try and get me, Baby."
You scrunch your nose at him, then round the couch to stand by his legs. Cooper drops them to the ground, and you step between them, a grin on your face as you move to straddle his lap. His hands land on your waist, pull you forward, and your knees his the back of the couch. The seat of your pants is flush with his own, and you can already feel his cock hardening under you.
Cooper grins, "Comfy Sugar?"
He rocks under you, and you nod as you bite your lip to keep the sigh of pleasure from falling. The ghoul smooths his hands up your sides, roughly digging his fingers in, before slipping to your back to grab your ass, only to come in contact with the object you'd shoved in your back pocket earlier. Coop's brow furrows and he grabs it.
"I wanted to ask you about that," you begin and look at the faded pink object, brows furrowed when you notice the excited gleam lingering in Cooper’s golden gaze, "What is it?"
The ghoul recognizes the toy immediately, shaped vaugly like a microphone with three buttons on the side and covered in a soft silicone. The company who made the vibratior assured their buyers that the product was "guaranteed to last forever." Cooper wanted to find out if that was true or not.
"This," He says with a mischievous grin, "Is a sex toy."
Your eyes go wide, and you reach for it, turning it this way and that as you examine the object. You find one of the buttons and press down, jumping when the toy comes to life and vibrates violently in your palm.
Cooper feels his cock swell, and he takes it away from you, eyes half-lidded as plans swirl into reality, "Get undressed, Sugar. I'll show you what it can do."
A ragged moan rips from your throat, and you thrash in your bindings. Cooper has strung you up on the bed. Wrists lashed together and tied at the headboard while your ankles remain free, for now at least. Your stomach clenches again when Cooper presses the head of the vibrator against your clit, and curses tumble into the air. The rope burns against your flesh, but the minor pain just turns you on even more.
It feels like it's been hours since Cooper ordered you to undress and then tied you to the bed. The ghoul sits between your legs, one hand keeping the toy pressed to your swollen clit, his other hand plays with your soaked folds, gently swiping them back and forth. His middle finger ghosts over your fluttering hole, and you grit your teeth, hips jerking.
"Ah, uh," Cooper admonished, "You don't get to come until I say you do, Sugar."
He leans down to press sweet kisses to your inner thighs, smirking at the way they tremble and twitch. Your body is like a live wire, sensitive to every touch and press of his lips. Up he goes, worshipping you to his hearts content, and his fingers flex against your cunt. You groan when one finally slides inside of you, the stretch making you see stars.
You can feel the crest coming, heat pooling down, and you're so close until you suddenly aren't. Cooper stalls his gentle thrusts of his hand and takes away the toy, and you glare at him through your sweaty bangs. He grins meanly right back, and you drop your head back down to the pillow with a sigh.
"Are you not havin' fun, Sweetheart?" Cooper coos below you and leans down to presses against your hip, peaking up at you with mischievous golden eyes, "Can't take it anymore?"
He loves having you like this, all strung up and open just for him. Your thighs shake against his face, and he nips your sensitive flesh. You look beautiful, skin flushed, and covered in a fine layer of sweat from the pleasurable torture that he's put you through. Your cunt flutters and twitches, and Cooper can't help but lean down and kiss your lower lips.
You moan when his tongue sweeps across your folds, gathering slick and slurping it down with a sigh of content. He stays there, drinking straight from the source like a man who'd wandered the desert for days. You jerk against your bonds, and the rope burns, leaving behind red marks that Cooper would sooth later on.
"Cooper," you grunt and flex your stomach, looking for that crest again and finding far away. You want to come so badly it hurts, "Cooper, please finish me."
The ghoul ignores you for a moment, content with his fun, before he stops with a soft sigh and raises up, his face coated with your slick. You watch him lick his lips and grin down at you.
"Beg a lil sweeter, honey," He drawls, "I know you can do it."
You blush and roll your eyes at his demands, but you know an order when you hear one.
"Will you please let me come, Cooper? It hurts," you plead and send him your best pitiful, woe is me look, "You're the only one who makes me feel this way."
Cooper hums lowly, appeased with your begging, "Mhm. That's a good girl."
A shout rips through your throat when he presses the vibrator back to your clit, and the powerful sensation explodes through your body. Your legs jerk, and you bite you lip hard enough to draw blood. His fingers pump again, and you bare your teeth in a silent snarl when his longest finger brushes up against that spongy spot hidden inside your cunt.
"There it is," Cooper rumbles, and focus on that spot, the tips of his fingers massaging harshly, and you throw back your head, hips jerking as the crest gets closer and closer. However, there is another feeling gathering in your lower stomach, a pressure near your bladder that makes panic zing through you.
"Relax, baby. Let it happen," Cooper orders, and you struggle to do so, that pressure building with pleasure until you break. Tears stream down your face when your pussy clenches tight around his fingers, gushing around him and soaking the bed below you.
Your body feels rung out and exhausted when you come back to yourself. Cooper has already stowed away the toy and untied your wrists. He kisses the burns left behind and slips onto the bed with you, tugging you close and curling an arm around your waist. You snuggle into his side, eyes slipping closed before a thought comes to mind.
"...we're keeping that thing, right?"
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coffeewithcocoa · 3 months
Drunk Confessions
Human Alastor x Male Reader
I’m spitting random shit outta my ass and this is one of them.
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You and Alastor were good friends. The best even! You too have been growing up together and both your parents have loved seeing you both do everything together. Whenever someone would push him down you would be at his side helping him, same went for you. He chose to be more violent though.
Even when you both were teens that didn’t plan on splitting you up. Though when you did have to move back to Europe, you and him realized that you wouldn’t be able to talk.
So you just declined moving back there all together. Your parents kept trying to say that it was for the better and you’ll visit soon but that didn’t convince you. It took 18 hours, with the help of Alastor’s mom, to get you to leave.
Tears ran down your face as you remembered all the good times with him.
“AHEM-!” Someone snapped you out of your thoughts. “HM- Yes Mimzi?” You chuckled at the embarrassment, that was probably like the fifth time today. “How about you go talk to him. You’ve been gawkin’ at him ever since he walked in!”
She did have a point. “No thank you, Mimzi.” You turned your attention back over to the bartender. “Another drink please Husker?” He rolled his eyes and fetched you another drink. “Thank you~!” You sang out to him.
“Look..you high haven’t talked ever since you moved.” Mimzi said to get your attention turned back towards her. “Just try and talk to him again?” She spoke again, rising an eyebrow at you
“I would love to..I truly would, but it’s been so long and..WHERE are you going?!” She chuckled as she got up from her chair. Her height being very noticeable as her flapper dress straightened out from being seated.
“If you’re not gonna do it, then I am sweetheart.” She waved her hand at you as she moved closer to your old friend. “Here’s your drink..” You quickly got up from your chair, ‘shit!’ But when you got there it was too late. You quickly turned your heals and walked back to your spot.
“Thank you again for the drink Husk.” You snatched the drink that he healed and left to the back room of the speakeasy. God, you hated when people fought your own battles for you. You get that they’re trying to help but damn.
You closed the door with a nice click noise. A soft sigh slipped past you, taking a nice sip from the whiskey that you so desired. The room that you were in held all kinds of liquor. Starting from whiskey and ending at wine.
‘Looks like I can drink myself to death over here.’ You quickly downed the rest of your drink like it was a shot and grabbed a similar bottle to the Whiskey you liked. Opening it with a nice pop sound, you started refilling your glass with it.
The smell of liquor quickly filled the room. A satisfied hum came out from you as you decided to drink your way till you were drunk. Even though that was pretty risky but you didn’t care.
“Anyways Alastor, sweetheart, how have you been doing?” Mimzi smiled at Alastor as her and him were walking back got the area that she was last seen with you. “Oh I’ve been doing quite alright! The radio broadcasts have been just swell!” He chuckled out in his normal happy self.
Mimzi made a lip smack sound, “Well isn’t that just nice. I’ll be happy to let you know that..where the fuck did he go.” She blinked at your seat a couple of times before turning around to face the taller person.
She chuckled out loud while tinkering with her gloves. “Okay look. I didn’t lie to you but he did disappear.” Her voice wasn’t that confident. Since Husk was right there he scoffed, calling her out on her fake bullshit. “You were the one who fucking scared him off, son of a bitch.” He mumbled the last part so the both of them wouldn’t hear.
“What did I do to scare him off?!” Mimzi started getting defensive. “You called over the very fuckin’ person that he didn’t want to talk to.” Husk blinked at Mimzi before heading away. Alastor just stood there smiling before moving towards Husk.
“Hello old pal.” Alastor gave Husk one of the fakest smiles know to him. “The fuck you want.” Husk turned around so he could clean some bottles. “I just have a favor.” Alastor chuckled. “No need to get all pissy now. I just want you to know where you saw him go!” Alastor said taking a glass of Whiskey.
I’m going to write a part 1. For right now I guess this is a prologue! FEAST MY LOVELY CHILDREN>:)
Part 1
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yunho0o0o0o · 1 year
ghost him. (09:47)
pairing: yandere! dom! seonghwa x sub! fem! reader
genre: smut, yandere
tags: best friend hwa, cum eating, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal fingering, exhibitionism (done without prior consent), marking, minimal plot mostly porn lol, poor sangie (previously dino, changed this for plans for the sequel ;) ) :(
note: requested: @whatudowhennooneseesyou, not edited, hope you enjoy! feedback is greatly appreciated! :)
wordcount: 1.2k
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“I just don’t think he could treat you properly. I say you should ghost him. You deserve so much better than what he could possibly have to offer you.” Your best friend stares at you from across the kitchen table, sipping from his iced coffee with pinched eyebrows.
“What’s wrong with Yeosang? He’s been so nice and respectful so far. I really think it could go somewhere.”
“Why go somewhere when I’m right here?” You look up from your coffee, eyes wide and eyebrows raised. His eyes meet yours with a fierce intensity and you look back down at your coffee mug.
You swirl the contents in the hope that it will help you focus on something other than your racing heart. His voice breaks your momentary concentration.
“I’m serious. I want to be your everything. You already have that role in my heart.”
You fumble around with words in your brain, trying to come up with a response. You’d had those thoughts about Seonghwa before. Of course, you have. He’d become your best friend three years ago and has been your roommate for the past 8 months.
You had never dared to approach him in that way before, though, thinking he would reject you and you would ruin one of your greatest friendships.
Eventually, you told yourself to simply move on and try to find love elsewhere. You had shut down all romantic attraction to him. Yeosang had approached you after class one day and had been coming on strong since.
The sound of his mug being placed in the sink next to you raises you from your thoughts. He leans down to meet your seated height and gently grabs your hands in his.
“Sweetheart, could I please have the honor of showing you how beautiful you are to me?” You’re stunned into silence, but manage to nod, interested to see where this would lead. He nods his head toward your bedroom and keeps your hand in his as you follow him there.
Inside your bedroom, your phone rests plugged in on the nightstand next to the bed. Several blankets are piled onto your bed, and Seonghwa takes a moment to move some to a pile off to the side of the room.
He motions for you to lie down on the mattress, but you hesitate. He looks at you with slight concern in his eyes.
“Are you comfortable with this? We don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I want to.” Your voice comes out meek. “I’m just nervous. I don’t want our friendship to change.” The feelings you had tried to suppress come to the surface, making it hard to look him in the eyes.
“I can promise I won’t do anything against your wishes. We can take it at whatever pace you want.” You take a seat on the edge of the bed and he stands in front of you.
“I want this.” You reach a hand up to the bottom hem of his shirt and look to him for confirmation. He helps you pull the fabric off his body, then you each take turns removing clothing from the other. He takes his time undressing you, all but teasing himself with the slow reveal of skin.
When you’re both rid of your clothing, he guides you to lie back on the mattress. He holds himself above your form as his eyes trail along the curves of your body. Soon his hands follow suit.
“Is this okay?” He whispers into your ear. You nod back. “Tell me, beautiful.”
“Yes, it’s nice. I… I like it a lot.” You let out a soft sigh and close your eyes. You feel his weight shift and then he’s lying at your side.
“What else would you like?” he asks. “Would you like my hands here?” he continues, a hand just under the swell of your breast.
“Yes, Seonghwa,” you manage to mumble out. “Please touch me more.” His hand softly massages your breast. Eventually, his hand works its way lower. His fingers find your clit and circle it gently. Light moans escape you.
His free hand soon finds its way to your entrance. Two fingers slowly enter you and he lets out a groan as your walls already try to clench around him. As one set of fingers swirls your clit, the other pumps in and out of you at a steadily increasing pace.
“You like that, baby?” A pressure starts building in your core.
“Yes, I love it. This feels so good.” His pace increases even more at your praise until soon his hands are trembling against you.
“Better than he could ever do, right?” You let out a confused hum before he continues.
“I fuck you better than Yeosang ever could, right? Tell me, beautiful.” It’s not long until you’re trembling under his touch.
“Fuck! Yes, you fuck me so good. He could never make me feel this good! Just you, Hwa!”
“That’s what I like to hear, baby. Remind me, who’s making you feel this good?”
“Seonghwa! You, Seonghwa!”
“That’s right, baby. Only me.”
“Hwa, I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” you moan.
“Cum for me, beautiful. Cum on my fingers.” His words instantly have you clenching hard until a wave of pleasure crashes over you. Your hips move on their own to grind further into his touch.
You gasp for air and meet his intense gaze with dazed eyes. He pulls his fingers from inside you and lifts them to his mouth, sucking on them. His eyes bore into yours while his tongue swirls around the digits, a smirk pulling at his mouth.
“You taste as good as you look, darling.” He pauses. “I’d like to savor you in another way.” He rises from his spot next to you and positions his face at your clit. His tongue gently swipes across it, sending a jolt through you. He chuckles, then begins to lick at the sensitive area.
Starting slow, he gradually becomes bolder in his actions. Soon his tongue is lapping at your pussy like it’s a gift from heaven. When he’s not swiping at your bud, he uses the flat of his tongue to press firmly against it.
His ministrations quickly have you unraveling once again. You lightly buck your hips to meet his face, creating a rhythm that matches that of his tongue. An orgasm builds in your core and before you even have a chance to tell Seonghwa, you’re coming on his tongue.
As you’re coming down from your high, he sits up and leans over you. He sucks at the skin on your chest, leaving hickeys in his path. Your chest heaves while you try to catch your breath. He gradually moves upwards until he’s leaving dark hickeys on the column of your neck.
“How was that, beautiful?” he asks, laying down at your side.
“That was amazing, Hwa.” You finish your response with a yawn. His hand holds your own.
“There’s a lot more where that came from if you’ll have me.”
“I think I’d like that,” you mumble before falling asleep.
When you wake up later in the day, Seonghwa is still asleep next to you. Your eyes flick over to your phone resting on the bedside table. You carefully reach over Seonghwa to grab it. When you unlock the screen, you nearly drop your phone, eyes locking onto the open call log.
Outgoing Call to Yeosang 🐶(09:47)
Unread Messages from Yeosang 🐶(5)
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wren-dy-flowergarden · 9 months
Hello, there! Since you got the final request slot open, can I request a fluffy scenario in which Leona and his fem! s/o share a kiss in the rain. Takes place during the Tamashina Mina event. If you can't write Leona or don't know much about him, I understand if you don't wanna write him. Thank you!
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴A/N: You want fluff- I gotchu fam. Also disclaimer- I only played half of this event in Japanese and had to go find the end on a wiki page lolllll. I'm not sure if this is accurate but fluffy hehe I'm sure it is. I hope my rendition of Leona is still in character let me know your thoughts on this sweet request hehe (´∀`)♡
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Leona x f!Reader (can be read as gn!Reader)
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴WC: 1.2k
*ੈ✩‧˚₊⁀➴Tags: kisses in the rain, fluff, possessive Leona, mine mine mine, gotta do anything to win mindset, good luck rituals
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The score is not looking good.
You glance around at the team. Lillia has already been disqualified for using magic, which in your understanding should have been nothing more than a penalty! Which is worse? Being disqualified or that imperial guard cracking his head on the slate after being pushed off the ring?
Vil's ankle is swelling more and more, and it further cements the idea in you that Lillia should still be in the tournament as you see Kalim ready his stance.
Jack was their third member and would have been perfect for the last round but he was already out due to a heatstroke from before.
You're on the edge of your seat as the referee calls the match for Kalim. A stroke of luck that his opponent was the bus driver they helped earlier in the week. Another tick on the board for NRC. That doesn't make you any less nervous, though. 
Grim already moved a couple spaces after you accidentally squished him too hard. That left you to fidget with the end of Leona's outfit as you tried to make plays, any plausible strategies for the last round with the players you had left. 
The fabric that ties around his tunic in golden sunset weaves through your anxiety as you fiddle.
"Nervous Herbivore?"
You jump, looking to your left where you see a Leona, his ears are perked up. Kalim exits the stage for the second time. Two small beast men jump on to clean the stage for its last round, giving you a little more time to think. 
"You're asking me that now? We have no more viable players, and you are going to stay here for an entire week if we don’t win!" You cry as the fabric strains against your pulls. "How are you not nervous?"
It seems like the question went in one ear and out the other, because all Leona is repeats with that sly grin is, "Ah~ So what you're saying is that the little herbivore will miss me?"
You stupor for a mere second. "N-No! I'll just miss Ruggie cooking extra for you." In reality, you will miss the late afternoon naps in the garden with Leona. He was like your personal blanket as he wrapped around you in the grass. You never felt better rested after a long day of classes. 
"Oh, really now?" He's closer and you feel warmer than usual even with the pockets of clouds coming in. He knows your lying.
A cough interrupts the both of you as the royal Chamberlin clears his throat, stone eyes not even remotely moving from the empty stage. "It be best for you both to focus right now."
You feel red and turn back to the stage, giving Leona a small push with your shoulder. Of course, her doesn't budge, but you can feel the pleasant hum run through his body into your own as you nudge him. You wish he stop that. "Yeah, focus or else you're giving lessons for a week at least."
Leona, with his signature smirk, lowers the mask on top of his head. You can only see his emerald eyes contrasting against gold. "Don't worry herbivore this is the last play before checkmate."
You stop fiddling with the end of his robes as he stands up, abruptly grabbing your hand leading you towards the staircase leaving the assortment of the NRC team and a few others in confusion.
"And I'm going to be borrowing you."
You hold your hands out, like a private hanger for Leona as he strips down his robes to the tunic beneath. You're a blushing mess as you see the way he slides fabric off bare muscle. He’s such a tease, the way Leona languidly slides his arm through one sleeve of the robes before depositing it in your arms.
Another piece of ornament clinks around your neck you grunt. "Is this really going to work?" Another trail of beaded gems and you swear your arms will start to buckle if he continues, "We look nothing alike ack-!"
A scarf covers your head, and you flail for a moment, before Leona hushes you, "I'm not tucking my tail between my legs and letting that prissy Vil fight with that leg." Large hands wrap the scarf a couple times around you head until you can see Leona's eyes again, "Heh- you sort of look like a wild monkey.”
You open your mouth to rebuttal that comment but the smell of fresh water touches your nose and soon your head, then your cheeks. Rain is falling.
"Ah..." Leona groans. You look up, and he looks displeased.
"What?" You ask, the tip of your lips becoming a smile. "You never told me you were part cat?"
His tail whips against your thigh and you almost drop his clothing out of reaction, "It was just a joke!"
Hu huffs, bringing a hand up to the rain. It was becoming heavier now. "There's nothing to joke about." His tail is swinging back and forward now, a frown etched on your face as he clicks his tongue. You look up into the sky and even with it raining so heavily you can still see the sun peeking through some parts of the clouds.
You blink rain falling down your lashes, "It’s kind of nice it started raining already. Like a good omen of sorts,"
He pauses. "What are you even talking about. Rain is supposed to fall for the victor." Leona crosses his arms over his chest, and you shrug the best you can with everything holding you down.
"Well, yah silly. That’s you.”
Maybe this is why he kept you so close. The way you speak your mind, unhindered by others. The way you break through walls in his life with full force. Something akin to shock is plastered on his face before it quickly disintegrates with laughter. Shoulders bobbing up and down. 
"That's some type of logic there Herbivore."
"Yes, so please hurry and go win.” You joke. The rain is seeping into the fabric around your arms and is starting to drag you down, "Especially if I have to hold this the whole match." The muffle of the announcement echoes in the stadium for the last round.
You're about to make your way inside the arena, but a cool yet warm heat enters your back as Leona holds you still. The ornamental beads trail off his mask onto your head as he tucks his head above, a warm chuckles leave his throat. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
You tilt your head upward to be met with his usual smirk. He’s playing games with you again, but you're not the type to back down.
Twisting around, still captured in his arms you look at his eyes hidden by layers of gold and precious gems hanging off the edges. "Hmmm, no you still look just as pompous as ever."
He huffs as he pulls you closer, you would be chest to chest, but you're carrying his dirty laundry- or soaking laundry. That doesn't stop you from feeling a little abashed though with the proximity. 
"Before battle, there is a tradition of sorts, beast men would receive a trinket from their king before going to battle. Sacrificing themselves for the kingdom."
"We went over this before.” You hum, "I thought you served no king?"
It the same type of rumble in his chest that you fall asleep to those quiet afternoons, "I don't."
"Well Mr. I-don't-follow-anyone, I'm not sure what I can give you." You beam. You want to make him ask for it. They were reserved for special occasions after all.
It's a quiet growl Leona makes close to your ear. The rain is slipping off the two of you, you can it dripping down his cheekbones down to you, you feel the headscarf becoming heavier as it slips of you head onto the back of your neck as you tilt you head to the side, playfully.
"Wasn't it Kifaj saying how a prince should have manners?" You ask as he digs closer into you.
"You can't deny me Herbivore." He mumbles, the strings of gems give a cold tickle on your face as he moves, he mask to his forehead exposing his face.
You laugh, he can be so cute when he wants to be. "I can you can't, but I'm feeling rather nice and I'm sure there will not wait any longer for,"me" to go on stage so just one.”
You tilt your head, and he leans closer than your lips touch. It's sweeter than usual. He tastes like the mix of hibiscus and coconut juices you have been drinking the past weekend.
It's also different from the small pecks you shared in NRC or the sessions you had when no one was watching. The chill of rain soaking you to the bone, the weight of fabric clinging to your skin wanting to drag you down if you were not careful. Leona's hand felt like fire against your back as he held you still, the other rubbing gently massaging your cheek. Gems would clink against gold in a soft chimes vibrant against the pelting of the rain on the concrete. 
He wants to deepen it, you can feel his tongue asking for permission as he swipes against your lips. To explore you deeper in a more intimate fashion compared to other times. It’s so quiet here and you almost let him if you didn't hear the microphone boom again.
NRC last contestant. Make way to the arena immediately or risk disqualification! I repeat-
You break away with a breath and Leona looks irritated as his ears twitch in annoyance. "Damn committee, can't they wait a couple more minutes?"
A laugh erupts out of you push against him escaping towards the arena, "We can continue later 'me'! Back at NRC when you win."
It's a little comedic to see a lion soaking in the rain by himself. You don't even hear him call anything back not that you needed that.
Words are useless in front of actions.
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Locker Room
Part 3 of my M!Hufflepuff Readerx Sebastian Sallow Smut
Part 1 Part 2
You are ever so excited to support your Slytherin during a game of Quidditch. Only problem is, it's Slytherin vs Hufflepuff and Lenora has some feelings about you being a turn cloak.
Sebastian makes you feel better.
M/M 18+ 4.6k TW: Mild Homophobia
You woke up easily, having had dreams of Sebastian most of the night, all of them being him kissing your knuckles, or looking down at you; all of them wonderful. You looked up at the ceiling of your dorm, the gentle sunlight streaming from the skylight waking you further. Noticing all of your dorm mates had already gone off to breakfast, you let yourself smile, thoughts racing to Sebastian once again despite yourself. 
He had really chosen you. Out of all the beautiful witches at Hogwarts, and even all the handsome wizards, he had chosen YOU. Your face becoming pink with happiness, you kicked your feet, letting out a soft sigh. Were you a bit lovesick? Perhaps. But it was also the happiest you had been since transferring to Hogwarts, and you were going to allow yourself to drink in all the warm emotions. 
After basking in the feeling of Sebastian's afterglow effect he always had on you, you finally got up and began to dress. Grabbing your favorite jumper and button down, you walked over to one of your dorm mate's desk, looking down at a large golden flag that read ‘Badgers Eat Snakes!’. You pulled on your trousers and let out a small gasp. 
It was the Slytherin vs. Hufflepuff quidditch game today. THAT'S what Sebastian had meant when he said ‘tomorrow’, he wanted you to go and watch him. You brought your hands to your face, which was warm and pink, a soft noise of happiness leaving you. 
The common room was full of happy, chittering Hufflepuffs, some of them patting the quidditch players on the backs as they left for breakfast, then would more than like head down to the pitch. Your eyes looked around and noticed all of the Hufflepuff pride flags, megaphones, and buttons. Not ever having been one to enjoy the sport that much, preferring to spend your free time reading or painting, you only smiled as your eyes landed on who you were searching for. 
“Good morning Poppy. Can I ask you a favor?” 
It was a very sunny November afternoon, not nearly as cold as it had been recently, which you were immensely grateful for. Pulling your jacket closer about your neck, you and Poppy found your way to the stands, looking down at the pitch excitedly. 
“At least he will be able to see us easier when we wave and cheer!” Poppy said happily, her green-dyed Badger on the scarf she wore about her neck flapping behind her as you walked. You looked down at your own scarf, a wide smile appearing at Poppy’s quick thinking. 
“I hope so! If not, this will have to do.” You said as you held up the moving emerald sign that read, ‘Slytherins Do Them In’, in bold silver letters. Poppy beamed at her handiwork as you both found seats in the very front of the Hufflepuff stands. 
As the stadium started to fill up, you saw Sebastian and the rest of his team walk out onto the field, having to squint from the sunlight bouncing off of the metal on the players' brooms. He looked up at you, and the brightest smile you have ever seen on his face lit up the field. You felt your heart swell and you waved animatedly, receiving a small wave in return as he had to return his focus on whatever the captain was saying. 
“Are you serious right now?” 
The voice behind you pulled you from your Sallow-filled euphoria, turning to see who the person was talking to. Lenora was standing there, fully dressed in gold and holding an obnoxious yellow megaphone. 
“I’m sorry?” You said softly, turning a bit more to look at her, now realizing it was you who she was talking to. 
“Didn’t realize you could switch houses this late. Why are you even on our side?” Lenora sneered, motioning to all of the other Hufflepuffs, most of whom were avoiding eye contact with the three of you, just wanting to watch the game in peace and not caring in the slightest. 
“Lenora I’m still in Hufflepuff I ju-“
“You do know they’re playing against YOUR house then, right? Don’t you have any pride? Slytherins always look down on us, and here you are supporting them.” Lenora's voice was getting louder, having to yell a bit to be heard over the announcer talking about the game that was happening before them. 
You had hardly even noticed the game had started, a slightly annoyed look finding your usually calm and quiet demeanor. 
“My friend is in Slytherin and I just wanted t-“ You started, Poppy’s small hand finding your shoulder in comfort. 
“Lenora, please stop, it's not that serious…” Adelaide said as she tugged on Lenora’s jacket, her round face pink with cold as she shot you an apologetic look. 
Lenora shook her hand away and glared at you. “Then go sit on the Slytherin side, they’re all a bunch of prats anyways.” 
Your anger flared, standing as you glared back at Lenora. “Shut up! No, they aren’t!” Poppy stood as well, but you hardly noticed, all of your attention on Lenora, your fists clenching at your sides. 
She stared at you and laughed. “You only think that because you follow that Sallow boy around like a lost puppy, you poof.”
Your heart sank, your anger immediately turning into anxiety as you shrank away from her. What if a rumor started going around that Sebastian was hanging out with… well, someone like you. What if he started getting called things, or getting looks in the hallways, or, Merlin forbid, he heard the rumors from a friend. 
Lost in your turmoil, you hardly had time to process that Poppy had shot past you, and Lenora was suddenly on the ground. You panicked, your hands going up to your mouth as you saw blood trailing from her nose. “Poppy!” You whispered into your hands. 
“Don’t EVER talk about him like that!” Poppy yelled, her small stature not hindering her ability to be intimidating in the slightest. Lenora quickly gathered herself off of the ground and wiped her nose, looking down at the red on her sleeve. In an instant, Lenora had grabbed for her wand, and so did Poppy. You grabbed Poppy's arms, holding her back, and almost hoisting her off the ground. She was a lot stronger than she looked as she struggled against your restraints.
Adelaide had barely wrapped her arms around Lenora quick enough to stop her, the surrounding Hufflepuffs were now scrambling to get away from the fight, one of them calling a professor over. 
The fight was quelled by Hufflepuff's head of house Professor Garlick, and both Lenora and Poppy were sent to Headmaster Black's office. You were left at the entrance to the pitch, watching them walk back to the castle with a pit in your stomach, your emerald-dyed scarf swirling about your frame from the wind. 
Slytherin had won the match shortly after the fight was over, and the two teams' captains were shaking hands now, the players getting ready to change. You turned back to the pitch, leaning against the rounded entrance, watching Sebastian talk to one of his teammates. You smiled, seeing his freckled face light up with laughter at a joke, getting patted on the back, his curls sticking to his face. He suddenly caught your gaze, and you looked down at your feet, embarrassed and slightly ashamed, not sure what to tell him. 
Suddenly, he was jogging over to you, broom still in hand, his uniform framing his waist perfectly. You mustered a smile for him and he looked at you curiously. 
“Hey… everything alright? You look a bit down-“ he looked at your attire and smiled again, however. “I like you in green.” Sebastian's lips curled at the corners and his cheeks flushed a bit, to your amazement. You looked down at the scarf and blushed as well. 
“I uhm… Poppy helped me dye them for the game. We weren’t able to get a hold of authentic ones before the match so we used a color-changing charm.” You said softly, dropping the scarf you were playing with and looking back up at Sebastian. 
“No need. You can have one of mine.” He said confidently, a wider smile on his face now, gorgeous as ever. You shrank away from the affection, worry filling you. Sebastian cocked his head to the side, his smile falling. “Puff, what’s wrong?” He asked, hand finding yours. 
You pulled away and looked around to see if anyone had seen, which it didn't seem they had, and you ran a hand through your hair. “Sebastian I need to tell you something…” you started, looking down at your feet again, your boots covered in dirt from Care of Magical Beasts and Herbology. Sebastian shuffled and grabbed at your jacket collar, making you look up at him. 
“Come on, I need to get changed. Walk and talk.” He said as he looked down at you, motioning towards the changing rooms. You sighed and shrugged, knowing he wouldn't listen otherwise. As the two of you walked, you noticed a large group of Slytherin players exiting the changing room, all brightly smiling and cheering in their normal clothing. One of them spotted Sebastian and cupped his hands around his mouth. “Let’s go Sallow! Party in the common rooms tonight, and make sure Gaunt doesn’t make a fuss about it, yeah?” 
Sebastian smiled back at them and nodded. “Yeah alright, let me get changed and I'll be right up.” He said as he tugged on his dirty uniform, the players shrugging and leaving the pitch, all of them apparently not even having noticed you at all. 
Entering the changing room, it was covered in emerald and silver drapings, bags, and uniforms scattered about haphazardly. You assumed house elves would come and clean up shortly, and shrugged it off. You leaned against a wall and waited for Sebastian to gather his clothing and go and change, but he didn’t. He sat down on a nearby bench and looked up at you, dirt on his nose. 
“Right then. What's wrong?” Sebastian asked quietly, his big brown eyes looking up at you with concern, and your stomach flipped. 
You brought your hands up to your face, rubbing it and sighing. “Sebastian… Poppy and Lenora got into a fight, and are in the Headmaster's office right now… all because of me.” You said pathetically, guilt washing over you. Sebastian stared up at you, a somewhat shocked expression on his face. “But, why?” He asked, a crease between his brow. 
“Lenora was mad about-“ You held up your scarf dramatically. “This. And a sign I had and just… she…” The words caught in your throat, even though you weren’t looking at Sebastian, you almost couldn’t bring yourself to say it. “I’m worried she’s going to start rumors about you, Sebastian.” You spit it out, your fists clenching. 
Sebastian looked even more confused when you finally caught his gaze again, his shoulders shrugging a bit. “About…?” He urged, motioning with his hand. 
You sighed in annoyance. “She called me a poof, Sebastian. Said I follow you around and… I don't think we should be seen together.” It broke your heart to even say, but you cared more about Sebastian's reputation than your own. People could say whatever they wanted about you, but never about him. You would make sure of it. 
Looking like you had just sprouted antlers, Sebastian's eyes were wide with shock, his face unreadable. 
“I… did she really say that?” He asked after a bout of silence. 
You just nodded, mind flashing back to the scene. You were incredibly grateful to have a friend as good as Poppy, knowing she would stick up for you like that made you warm inside; however, the fight only made your suspicions of Lenora going around telling everyone every mean thing about you that she could. Which didn’t bother you, but when it concerned him… you looked down at Sebastian, and the guilt consumed you again. 
“You don’t think I care about that, do you?” Sebastian said as he stood, looking down at you now. You looked up at him, stunned. “You… don’t?” The question came from your lips very quietly. 
“My uncle hates me already, and my best friend Ominis is also solely interested in Wizards… I have nothing to lose.” Sebastian caught both of your hands in his and brought them up to his lips, kissing your knuckles gently. “Let the birds talk, let them chitter. Ominis is the biggest gossip of them all, he will put a stop to any bad rumors, I can promise you that.” 
The reassuring tone he was taking with you made your heart break, and the vulnerability he was showing made you feel like you weren’t able to take in enough oxygen. “But-“ 
Any protest you were going to put up was silenced by Sebastian’s lips, salty and grounding. He smelled like sunshine and grass, like outside, and it was more than welcome. He broke away from you then, his lips barely touching yours as he spoke. 
“If you want to keep this between us, I’m okay with that. But I want you. Only you.” He whispered, and your face caught a blaze. “We don’t have to be open with it, we can keep it between us.” He reiterated. 
“Between us.” You whispered back, and slung your arms around Sebastian’s neck, dragging him down a few inches to crash your lips against his. You felt Sebastian smile against the kiss as he slid his hands under your button-down and jumper, warm and rough. 
All thoughts of Lenora, Poppy, and rumors were extinguished from your mind as you felt his hands run over your stomach, their warmth radiating through you. A similar feeling to that morning washed over you, thoughts of Sebastian only wanting you leaving you breathless and love-struck. Not only was Sebastian the only wizard you had fallen this hard for, but he was also the only one to declare for you so openly, so intensely. Your head was spinning, and before you knew it, you were tugging at Sebastian's uniform, his shirt off and your fingertips running over his bare chest and back. 
You let your eyes linger on his frame for just a moment, freckles absolutely covering his torso. This was the first time you had seen him shirtless, the majority of them spilling over his shoulders and collarbones. You leaned down and placed a kiss on his right shoulder, then peppered them down to his collarbone, as if you were trying to count the freckles with your lips. Sebastian hummed pleasantly, his head tilting to allow you more space. 
“You're getting braver-“ He breathed into your ear, soft and low, his own hands tracing down your spine and receiving a shiver from you. Not answering, you bite down on Sebastian's collarbone, his taunting ceasing immediately and a half-concealed moan barely escaping his mouth. “Easy, ‘Puff.” He purred, but the way his hip jerked up to meet your thigh gave him away. You smiled against his chest, a flush of embarrassment and pride filling you before you bit again, all the way down until you were on your knees in front of him. 
As you looked up at him, you suddenly felt like you were going to puke again. Sebastian looked gorgeous, his chest rising and falling with lust-labored breaths, looking down at you with half-lidded eyes. Your hands trailed up his thighs cautiously, as if you still needed permission; all the permission you needed was in the way Sebastian was looking at you, his lips parting in encouragement and brows upturned. 
“Please don't keep me waiting.” He whispered, hand finding the side of your face and tracing a thumb over your lips. “As much as I love looking at you like this, fuck-“Sebastian's voice cracked as you placed a kiss on him through his trousers, a jolt of arousal going straight to your core at the sound, so you did it again. And again. Sebastian's hand left the side of your face and found the back of your head, restraining himself from pushing you down with every fiber of his being. 
Finally unlacing and taking him out of his pants, you let your tongue loll out of your mouth, barely touching the tip of his cock. Sebastian clenched his jaw above you, big brown eyes dark with lust. You felt yourself twitch in your own trousers at the sight and knew there was nothing you wanted more than to make him satisfied. You ran your free hand that was previously gripping Sebastian's upper thigh through your hair, pushing it away from falling into your eyes and blocking your view of the gorgeous face above you. 
Sebastian's fingers laced their way into your hair, and you began to feel him tug lightly, obviously trying to restrain himself. 
“Is this your first time doing this?” He whispered, his freckled lips parted in pleasure as you sucked the tip of his cock, just barely taking the head fully into your mouth. You nodded, eyes locked on Sebastians. The movement of your head made the boy above you curse, his fingers clenching in your hair. “Could’ve fooled me.” He practically moaned, head falling back as he rocked his hips forward into your mouth. 
You were able to keep him from going too far back as your palms were on his thighs, but you knew you would have to give him more soon or he was like to start begging. That thought did not help the problem in your pants, the image of Sebastian's lust-filled face above you contorted into a begging plea made you shift, the lacing on your trousers becoming uncomfortable. 
After Sebastian's cock twitched in your mouth again, you decided to try and take the entire length, wanting to give him whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. Taking a deep breath through your nose, you took him as far as you could. You gagged, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. Sebastian let out a long groan of pleasure, and you froze. If you could hear that again, you would gladly let him gag you a few more times. 
And so, you did. Every time you leaned down and let him hit the back of your throat, Sebastian's thighs would shudder and the most intoxicating noises would fall from his lips. Because your eyes were filled with tears at this point, you didn't know if he was still looking at you, however, his fingers were now tugging at your hair rather forcefully, almost guiding your head down and holding it there. As you gagged around him once more, Sebastian held you there, his large hand pulling your hair hard now, and you tried your best to stay put. Thankfully, it seemed the Slytherin wanted you alive because he released you, air returning to you in a rush. 
Looking up at Sebastian with tears in your eyes, you could’ve came. He looked like something out of a dream, curls falling into his face, cheeks scarlet, and lips parted. Suddenly, you couldn’t stand it anymore, the feeling of need becoming too much to ignore. You stood, and the look on Sebastian's face almost made you smile, that is if you weren't so hard you couldn’t think properly. You brought your hands up to Sebastian’s chest, finding broad, freckle-covered shoulders, and gently guided him down in a sitting position to the bench directly behind him. 
“‘Puff, if you don't finish I think I-“
But you never got to hear what Sebastian thought, because as soon as he was sat, you quickly slid off your trousers and straddled him. “Merlin-“ he gasped, feeling your ass against his painfully hard cock being almost too much of a relief. You couldn’t help but smile, even if this was one of the boldest things you had ever done in your life. Not only were you straddling a boy, but you were also straddling a, very handsome, boy in a locker room, where anyone could walk in. The thought seemed to cross Sebastian’s mind as well, because his cock twitched against your ass, and yours against his stomach. 
Sebastian's hands found your hips, his thumbs tracing your hip bones as he absentmindedly rocked his own hips up, rutting against you. His cock, wet with your spit, made your mind go blank, wanting nothing else than to give him exactly what you knew he wanted. And so, you did. Reaching between your legs, you found him and positioned yourself above, eyes locked on Sebastian's brown ones. His face was entranced, looking at you like you were the only thing he ever wanted, he ever cared about; and when you finally pushed him inside, his head fell forward between your neck and shoulder, a low moan leaving him. 
“Fuck-“Sebastian's hands tightened on your hips, but you didn’t move. You were still getting used to the feeling of him filling you completely, his cock hitting the spot it did that night in the hidden Herbology corridor. Sebastian went to move, but your hands found the collar of his uniform, nonverbally telling him to wait. You wiggled down on him, pushing him even farther inside, a whimper escaping your lips. Not being able to obey your commands, Sebastian licked your neck and moved your hips with his hands, rocking you down on his cock. 
You let out a little cry of pleasure, the subtle size difference between you meaning he could easily pick you up if he so desired, including moving you on his cock with ease. “Fuck, Sebastian- please-“ you barely managed between gasps as he brought you down on his cock over, and over again. Each time hitting that spot deep within you that made your thighs shake. Your own cock was tapping against Sebastian's stomach every time you came down, and to your embarrassment, was starting to leak precum on his stomach. “Shit, Sebastian- im-“
But you didn't have the chance to apologize, Sebastian was abusing your neck again, to your absolute delight. You had grown to crave the feeling of his teeth in your flesh over your past two meetings, and this was no exception. Your mouth fell open as you leaned into the bite, and you must’ve squeezed around him because he hummed gratefully against your neck. 
He was relentless, and you didn't even have to move, Sebastian doing all the work for you. You let your arms drop around his neck as he pounded into you, your own cock rutting against the smooth skin of his torso with every jolt of his hips. You were starting to see stars, and before you could stop yourself, you came. Pleasure wracked through your entire body as you spilt all over his stomach, painting his freckled stomach white. Of course, that didn't stop him, and he continued to bring you down on his cock until you were whimpering, stuttering his name in broken praises and pleas. 
Suddenly, you felt his fingers tighten and his hips falter, a moan being breathed into your ear as he filled you. Your cock hardened at the feeling, and you did him the favor of rocking your own hips down on him as he rode out his high. Sebastian let out a hurried string of curses as you did so, almost stuttering as he said your name softly. Cum began to pool between his thighs, spilling out of you as he had finished. Finally bringing his face away from your neck, you were able to look down at him. 
Sebastian looked wrecked. His hair was sticking to his forehead, his eyebrows upturned, cheeks blazing. You couldn’t help but let yourself drink in the sight, relishing in the fact that you had brought him to this, that you had made him this way. He glanced down then, and so did you. To your embarrassment, you had become hard at the feeling of him cumming in you, and the sight of his face. You covered your face with your hands and laughed softly. “Sorry- it's fine, I'm good…” You whispered, but felt the tip of his finger graze against the tip. 
Letting out a soft gasp, you peeked out from the slits in your fingers and watched as he smeared the cum still leaking from your cock over the head with his thumb. You cursed, body shaking with overstimulation, but not daring to stop him. And he knew you wouldn't, because he just lazily started to move his fingers over you, slowly. So slowly it made you want to hit him, but instead, your mouth was open in a pathetic moan, your hips jerking up as his hand started to pump your cock. 
“Oh fuck- please, Merlin- please please-“ you started to beg, not realizing Sebastian was smirking until you completely removed your hands from your face and they found his hair. He looked up at you, shaking on top of him, eyes lidded and a satisfied grin on his lips. “You're so cute.” He whispered, and stopped stroking your cock, and instead drug his fingers over the tip again, causing you to break. 
Once again, you painted the already splattered freckles, your head tilting back as you restrained your moans as much as you could, which was not a lot. “Wow, twice.” He teased, and you could hear the smile still on his lips as you collapsed against his shoulder, your breathing labored and body shaking with the pleasure of him still inside of you and his fingers lingering. 
After a few minutes of you both catching your breath, you sat up and gently got off of him. Your legs shook as you stood, and Sebastian noticed, a wide smile appearing on his face again. “Hush.” You scolded, grabbing your trousers from the floor and tugging them on. “You're going to need your scarf too.” Sebastian said as he handed the green-dyed scarf to you, which had apparently fallen off sometime during your… activity. You wrapped it around your neck, the pleasant pain radiating from the area becoming a memory of Sebastian that, if you had it your way, would be there all the time. 
It didn't take long for Sebastian to change and soon after the two of you were back outside in the crisp November air. You shivered, having become used to the warmth of the locker room. 
“Are you going to come to the party with me tonight?” Sebastian asked as you left the pitch, the castle slowly growing closer. 
“Do you want me to?” You asked, remembering what had happened just an hour prior, your stomach tightening. “I’m not sure I should…”
Sebastian sighed, shaking his head. “Please?” He asked again. You felt your cheeks heat up, even after what had just happened, still feeling like a schoolgirl around him. 
“Well… alright.” You gave, not being able to deny Sallow anything, ever. And it seemed he knew that, because he smiled and wrapped an arm around you, to your dismay. “I thought you said we were going to keep this betw-“
“Yes, ‘Puff. Between us. I promise. No one is going to question me having an arm around my mate, alright? Calm down.” He reassured you, and you could’ve melted into his touch. 
“If you say so.”
“And I do. Trust me.” The authoritative tone he took made you believe every word he said, and as you entered the castle, you wondered what the Slytherin common room would look like that night, filled with people and full of celebration. 
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Shark Week: Kayce Dutton
Yellowstone Masterlist 
word count: 700
description: kayce take care of you while your on you period. 
taglist: @minesodontlikeleave​
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You groaned hearing your phone ring for the 20x in the past hour but couldn't be bothered to get up as you were currently fighting cramps making you unable to move. You slowly start sitting up, wincing as you did before grabbing your phone.
"Kace?" You asked answering the phone as another cramp shot through your body.
"Finally, I've been calling and texting you for the past hour." He said as you groaned.
"I know I'm sorry, my cramps are really bad and I couldn't move for a while to get my phone off the dresser. I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to worry you." You said.
"Cramps? Oh, sweetheart, I'm sorry. Do you need me to bring you anything?" He asked concerned.
"A gun." You said making him laugh.
"Sorry sweetheart, I love you but not that much. I should be home in an hour or two, okay?" He said even though he was already planning on heading home to take care of you.
"That's fine. I'll be here waiting for Mother Nature to take me out of my misery." You said.
"I love you, sweetheart." He said making you smile.
"I love you too baby." You said before hanging up and laying back down.
Once Kayce got the clear that he could leave work, he climbed into his truck and headed to the store to pick up some stuff for you knowing that this time of the month was rough on you. After grabbing you some stuff, he headed to your favorite takeout place to pick up dinner before heading home.
Once he got home, he set the stuff down on the table before walking down the hall to check on you. He slightly cracked the door as he walked in, and saw you laying there watching whatever was on the tv until your eyes landed on him.
"Baby, what are you doing here? I thought you weren't going to be home for another hour." You said as he took a seat on the bed.
"You should know the second you said you weren't feeling good, I was gonna come home and take care of you. How are you feeling?" He asked running a hand through your hair.
"My cramps are so bad today, I can hardly move." You said.
"Oh sweets, I'm sorry. But I'm here now and I bought treats." He said walking to the living room and grabbing the bags he had set down.
"You did?" You asked as he walked back into the room.
"Of course I did. I grabbed dinner as well, but I swung by the store and picked up some stuff since I couldn't remember if you had everything you usually need." He said making your heart as swell.
"I would hug you and kiss you, but I can't move." You said making him laugh as he leaned down and placed a kiss on your lips.
"It's alright sweetheart, let me get some aspirin so you can get some relief, would you like me to draw a bath?" He asked you.
"That sounds nice actually." You said as he helped you sit up so you would be able to take your medicine.
After taking some aspirin, he went to go run you a bath and helped you into once it was ready, leaving you so you could warm your sweats in the dryer, so they are warm for you once you got out.
"How are you feeling?" He asked walking in and checking on you and placing your sweats on the counter before taking a seat on the edge of the tub.
"Much better, thank you." You said leaning up and kissing him.
"No need to thank me, sweetheart, I'm glad your feeling better.  Are you hungry or do want to wait a bit?" He asked you.
"Can we wait a bit?" You asked him as he nodded his head.
He helped you out of the tub and let you get dressed as he got your favorite movie set up, and a few minutes later you walked out and climbed into his arms.
"Thank you for taking care of me." You said to him once you were in his embrace.
"Of course sweetheart, I hate seeing you in pain. Get some rest, we can eat once you wake up." He said pressing a kiss to your lips.
"I love you, baby." You said to him.
"I love you more sweetheart." He said to you.
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trulybetty · 3 months
26 x cabin | joel x reader
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prompt: cabin pairing: joel miller x reader word count: 735 notes: fluff, no outbreak, no y/n, no reader description, mention of alcohol but no consumption, galentines, we're in the end game now, no beta and barely edited summary: joel delivers supplies to you and your friends for galentines
x. masterlist
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The crunch of gravel under tires was the only warning you had before headlights swept across the cabin's front. You shielded your eyes until the headlights dimmed before turning off. There was no mistaking that it was Joel’s truck that had pulled up and you couldn’t help but bounce a little in your slippered feet, it wasn’t just the cold keeping you moving, but the excitement of seeing Joel.
It had been weeks since the two of you had more than a few moments together, his contracting business booming and your schedules, despite living under the same roof, barely were aligning. Valentine’s Day wasn’t a big deal, but you’d sacrificed a chance of a night with Joel for Galentine’s Day at the cabin. One of your friends had gone through a life-changing heartbreak of a breakup and Joel had assured you that he would be okay with your attentions elsewhere. 
But in that moment, seeing Joel, you realized how much you'd missed him.
The sight of him climbing out of the truck, clad in his Miller Contracting shirt, which now seemed a size too small from the additional physical labour he’d thrown himself into, made your heart skip a beat. His presence, so strong and so familiar, was a balm on the chaos of the past couple of weeks.
Joel looked up, his tired eyes lighting up when they landed on you. “Hey,” he called out, a weary smile spreading across his face.
“Hey you,” you replied as you watched him pull boxes of supplies from the truck, stacking them atop one another as he made his way over to you.
The clink of wine bottles was not missed, meaning he remembered the most crucial part of the emergency supplies. 
As he reached you at the doorstep, he set down the boxes with a soft thud, straightening up he stepped closer, “Why are you outside? It’s freezing.”
“So I can do this,” you said softly, reaching up to pull him down for a kiss.
Joel's hands found your waist, pulling you closer, deepening the kiss as if trying to make up for lost time.
When you finally pulled away, breathless, Joel rested his forehead against yours. “I missed you,” he murmured, his voice rough with emotion.
“I missed you more,” you whispered back, tucking his hair behind his ear you noticed the shadows under his eyes and the dust on his clothes from the work site, “You look exhausted,” it wasn’t something new, it was the same statement you’d made almost every other night lately.
Joel shrugged, turning his face into your hand, “It’s been a day, but it’s done. Got everything you need?” he asked, gesturing to the boxes at your feet.
“Yes, and thank you again. I really didn’t want to bother you, especially today,” you said, biting at your lip, feeling guilty for pulling him away from a rare moment of rest to bring up missing supplies.
He shook his head, his smile genuine, “You’re never a bother, besides,” he shrugged, a smirk now on his face, “couldn’t have you all running out of wine on Galentine’s, could we?”
With one last kiss, you watched him head back to his truck, “You better be going home to rest Joel, no work tonight!”
His hand paused on the door handle, he looked back at you, “Don’t worry, got me an action movie lined up and Sarah’s ordering pizza.”
You nodded, feeling a twinge of longing to join him and Sarah, but your place for that night was with your friends, “Sounds perfect.”
He opened the door, then paused again, half into the driver’s seat before he called your name, “Clear your schedule for tomorrow, I’m taking the day off. Sarah’s heading to her mom’s. I figured we could use a day where neither of us have to go anywhere.”
You felt your heart swell, a day home with Joel, no distractions, no work, just the two of you.
“I’d like that,” you called back, your voice cracking with a little more emotion than you expected.
Joel nodded once, a satisfied smile on his face before he climbed into his truck. As the engine roared to life and the truck began to pull away, you watched until he was out of sight before you carried the boxes of wine and groceries into the cabin, welcomed by the cheers and shouts of your friends inside.
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flailypichu · 7 months
Everyone collects themselves after that near death (not even near death, they watched him die and reform) experience and decide to put off the trip to the moon for at least a day, just to breathe and process. And make sure Ashton doesn't explode again. Like, really make sure.
Fearne doesn't make eye contact with him, each clop of her hooves sounding deep in his body as she gets further away. She links arms with Imogen and Laudna, who glance back at them with twin worried and frustrated expressions. Ashton doesn't think he burned any bridges today, but a few of them are heavily singed to match the rest of him.
FCG and Chetney help them up to their rooms, where Lord de Rolo has banished them to recuperate, Lady Allura still stunned behind him while he gave the order, face blank as she processes what could have happened. The smaller members of the group aren't honestly that much help when it comes to his movement, but if FCG could be pale, they would be, so Ashton lets them hold his hand and appreciates the warm flow of healing still being pumped into him.
And that leaves Orym. Quiet by nature, Ashton is disconcerned to find him near silent. He appears to have retreated into some sort of training, because even though he can see Orym moving slightly behind him, the halfling makes no noise. It's not until they reach the room Ashton was sharing with FCG that Orym says "I'll take them. I bought some healing potions before this, that I can use if we need to. You two get some rest, that took a lot out of you, Letters."
FCG pushes one last burst of healing into Ashton and squeezes their hand. With a firmness rarely heard, they say, "we are going to talk about that later. When I've gathered my thoughts." Ashton wants to bring him in for a hug, but the body language says he wouldn't be welcome. Tomorrow, maybe.
The two of them transfer his care to Orym and Chetney gives a small wave, pulling a lingering FCG into his room. Ashton can hear him muttering something to FCG but doesn't try to make it out, focus narrowing to the small figure standing like a statue in front of him.
Orym also hasn't met his eyes once since he opened them. Ashton waits.
With a hand on his thigh, Orym pushes him into the room and shuts the door. The silence presses in on them, and Ashton almost breaks the silence, but knows any words he wants to say need to take a back seat to whatever is brewing in Orym.
"What was that." Orym's voice comes flat like a bit of flint, wanting to be struck. Ashton chooses his words carefully.
"The stronger I am, the better chance we have to win this fight. The shard made me stronger."
"The shard made you dead." And Ashton does flinch at that. A tiny convulsion of muscles he doesn't have, at the pain in Orym's voice that's seeping into the coldness. "You exploded, and you reformed, and we watched while only two of us could do anything at all." His fists shake by his sides and with effort he flexes them and sits down on the bed. Ashton doesn't sit next to him, but on the floor in front, forcing himself to look up into eyes that swell with tears. Ashton makes an aborted movement towards Orym's hands, stopping themselves at the last moment, only for Orym to close the gap and squeeze.
Tears begin to slip silently down his cheeks and Ashton doesn't regret his choice - he's alive, he has more power with which to help his friends - but he regrets that it caused these tears. "I'm alive, I made it. Orym-" and he rocks back with the force of Orym throwing his arms around them. Long buried instincts kick in and he lifts his arms to return the embrace. Orym has always been careful with his touches, especially with Ashton, and the intensity of this one gives him pause. Orym pulls back and runs his hands through his hair, making it stick up with sweat.
"You idiot -" and suddenly Ashton is being kissed for the second time that day. After the shard settled he'd felt warmth flood his body, and then recede to a gentle simmer. It comes rushing back with the feel of Orym's chapped lips pressed to his, and he rests his hands on Orym's waist, unable to do anything more than helplessly kiss back.
And as soon as it started, Orym retreats and is halfway to the door before Ashton stands up with some notion of stopping him. But Orym stops at the threshold, turning back to say, "I don't know if what I'm feeling for you is going anywhere, but you dying before I can figure it out isn't going to help anyone. Stop throwing yourself into danger, Ashton. Please." And with that he's gone.
Ashton stands stock still, lips buzzing, new arm tingling. "Well, fuck."
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dilemmaontwolegs · 1 year
Running from the Flames {28}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x OFC Warnings: 18+ only, fluff
F1 Masterlist || Previous Chapter - Next Chapter
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April came and went faster than Addie’s growth spurts and our little girl suddenly wasn’t so little anymore. Our three year old couldn’t wait to meet her brother or sister and she had taken her role as a big sister very seriously, preparing herself by carrying around a newborn baby doll wherever she went. It was also how she ‘helped’ me pack for the trip to Baku by shoving all of the doll’s clothes into her suitcase too.
“Sweetheart, you can only pick a few outfits for the doll,” I reminded her as I took the majority out.
“But I want to take them all.” She huffed and crossed her arms defiantly. “Daddy would let me.”
I crossed my arms too. “Daddy is a big softy.”
I knew the moment he stepped into the room behind me as Addie’s face lit up with a beaming smile and she dropped the doll to race towards him. 
Pierre caught her as she jumped into his arms before picking up the doll next. “We have to be gentle with babies, mon fille. It would hurt to drop them.”
Addie took her doll back and kissed its forehead. “Besos make it better.”
She was busy catching Pierre up on how we spent our morning while he was at Alpine’s headquarters so she didn’t notice I finished packing her bag alone and prepared to carry it downstairs to the rest of our luggage. “What do you think you’re doing?” Pierre asked as he blocked the door and took the suitcase from my hand. “No heavy lifting.”
“It’s lighter than Addie is, are you going to stop me from carrying her?” I dared. 
He chewed his lip as he debated arguing it but the look in my eye stopped him short. “No?”
I rose on my tiptoes and brushed my lips over his softly. “Good answer.”
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May meant Monaco, and with Monaco came our first anniversary. 
It was hard to believe that it had only been a year since I met Pierre, but there I was, standing in the very same garage I first saw those eyes I had instantly fallen in love with. He had changed my life so significantly that I couldn’t seem to remember the time without him in it. 
People told us we moved too fast, even now they still said we wouldn’t last. But it was easy to ignore their comments when I was surrounded by the people I loved and who love me. That list had grown a lot since Pierre entered our lives.
In just one year, Addie had a father, I had a husband and we had a new blessing on the way. One. Year. And we still had a lifetime to go.
 “What are you thinking so hard about, mon amour?” Pierre asked as he joined me on the balcony overlooking Massenet corner of the track. 
“The first time we sat here.” I took the mug of ginger tea that he had made to settle my stomach, the morning sickness yet to fade completely, and took a seat on the outdoor settee.
“I didn’t think Otmar was going to give me your number that day,” he admitted as he sat beside me and draped one arm along the back of the chair while the other hand came to rest on my abdomen that had popped out a little in the last few weeks. “I may have lied to him about why I wanted it, kind of, I mean I did want to thank you for the gel, but that wasn’t all.”
My lips opened to tease him for lying but a gasp came out instead, my hand coming to my belly. 
“What‘s wrong, Bri?” Pierre straightened in alarm as he took the hot drink from my shaking hand.
“Did you feel that?” I asked as I grabbed his hand back and placed it on the swell of my belly, falling silent as I waited to feel it again. “Talk about something, anything.”
Pierre shifted on the lounge as he pulled my shirt up, laying down on his stomach so his lips brushed gently over my skin while his feet kicked happily in the air behind him. “Je suis impatient de te rencontrer, ma petite. I count the days until I get to hold you in my arms. Woah!”
Pierre’s wide eyes snapped to mine, awe and wonder filling them as he felt the strong kick beneath his palms. 
“I think she likes your voice.”
“Or he,” he corrected as he spread his fingers wider to cover as much space as he could, hoping to catch another kick.
“We’ll see who’s right next week,” I said with a grin at the thought of all the bets that had been placed around the paddock. Most of the drivers had bet on another girl, though some of them, namely Charles, only did it so they could keep calling Pierre a girl dad. 
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The baby had other ideas when it came to the ultrasound, refusing to move into a position that revealed the gender. All of Barcelona surely heard the mass groan the crews in the paddock gave when Pierre announced we still didn’t know who was in the running to win the bet. It was lucky I had extra copies of the scans printed out because all of the drivers were suddenly expert radiographers and certain they would be able to tell the gender if they squinted hard enough. 
“That’s definitely a boy!” Danny exclaimed as he pointed to the anatomy. “Look at it!”
“That’s the umbilical cord,” I said with a shake of my head and a giggle. 
“You know, that makes sense,” he said as he elbowed Pierre. “Thought we were getting Tripod 2.0.”
“That was a joke,” Pierre groaned. “I didn’t think they would use it.”
“Sure, mate, I totally, 110%, absolutely believe you.” Danny tried to keep his composure but one look at Yuki had him bending over in a fit of laughter. All eyes turned to Yuki but he looked everywhere except at us and gave an innocent shrug before lying that he was late for a briefing.
“What’s a tripod?” Addie asked, making another round of laughter roll through the drivers who looked expectantly at Pierre, just as I was.
“Yes, darling, explain that one, will you?” I asked with an arched brow as amusement filled me.
“Thanks Daniel, now I’m in trouble,” Pierre muttered before waving the drivers away until only Charles remained.
“I think you got yourself in trouble the moment you opened your mouth in that interview,” Charles teased as we watched Pierre try to explain that a tripod held cameras in place.
“But that’s not funny,” she grumbled in confusion.
“No, but those guys are very silly.” Satisfied he had put out that fire, he turned to Charles as his arm snaked around my shoulders. “Still betting on a girl?”
“Even if I’m wrong, you’ll still be a girl dad,” Charles said with a smile as he handed the ultrasound image back to me. “Is baby healthy?”
I ran my hand over my bump that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but a baby by now and smiled at the question only he would think to ask. “Growing exactly as expected, with ten little fingers and ten little toes.”
“Ah, that’s good to hear,” he said as he knelt beside Addie who was still carrying her doll with her. “Taking good care of your baby too, I see. Can I hold her?” Addie handed the baby over and Charles cocked an eyebrow at the mess atop her head. “Looks like your daddy has been practising on her hair.”
“Hey, I’m not that bad. And it was your mum who taught me to plait so if you’re criticising me, it's really on her teaching skills.”
“My mother is a great teacher,” Charles pointed out with a grin and handed the doll back with the addition of one of his bracelets as a necklace. 
Addie jumped happily around seeing the silver and onyx chain sparkling in the sun. “Thank you, Uncle Charles!”
“You’re welcome, chérie.”
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“Can I have mochi?” Addie asked as a delicious looking plate of the treats were carried past.
“Where are you manners?”
“S’il vous plaît, maman,” Addie answered as she pushed the destroyed pieces of food around her plate oblivious to the shock on my face.
“Eat your dinner first, then we will talk about dessert,” Pierre negotiated.
“Elle parle française?” I asked him when I saw he didn’t seem surprised at her casual use of French. 
“Avec moi, oui. Eat up, mon fille.” He winked at Addie before stealing a takoyaki ball so she would have less to eat to get her dessert. “You too,” he said to me as he saw the ramen bowl hardly touched.
“This little one is taking up too much space,” I admitted as I rubbed the tight skin stretching across my belly and earned a kick in response. “Plus, it is kind of mean that I’m not allowed sushi in Japan.”
“Two months and you can eat all the sushi you want,” Pierre said with a chuckle. “I’ll even bring you back here for it.”
“Six weeks and five days,” you corrected. “And not an hour more.”
The caesarean had already been scheduled for a few days before my due date to avoid going into labour and possibly damaging my restructured hip. It wasn’t as daunting the second time around now that I knew what to expect but I wasn’t looking forward to the recovery and bed rest that came with the surgery. But, it was what was safest for both me and the baby since the doctors weren’t sure if my pelvis would even widen as it should during labour with all the pins holding it together. 
The last thing we wanted to do was risk something happening just because I would have preferred a natural birth. It didn’t bother Pierre either since the pre-booked date guaranteed he was going to be there for the birth, or had he referred to it - coming out the sunroof. 
“You still need to eat more than that, amore,” Pierre said as he grabbed an edamame bean with his chopsticks and waited for my lips to part. “Please?”
I could hardly say no when he used his puppy eyes so I let him feed me and was rewarded with a proud smile despite feeling like my stomach was going to burst. 
“Did you want to take a walk?” Pierre asked after paying for dinner and a separate bag of mochi to take away too. 
It was a lovely evening in Suzuka and it wasn’t far to the waterfront but my feet ached along with my back, not to mention I needed to pee for the umpteenth time, so I shook my head ruefully. “Not tonight, but you two can go. Addie could probably do with running off some energy.”
Pierre kissed my temple as he saw my discomfort, his arm curling around my waist before we started the short journey back to the hotel. “I’ll take her out after you are settled in,” he promised.
“Oh yes, that’s the spot,” I moaned as Pierre massaged my swollen ankles that were propped up on his thigh. His strong hands were the best relief and their magic was almost putting me to sleep as another yawn escaped.
“Daddy, can we go now?” Addie begged as she stood by the door waiting with her jacket ready and her shoes on. 
He looked like he was going to ask for one more minute but she had already been waiting for five and that was about the most patience we could get out of her before a tantrum began so I lifted my feet off his lap. “Have fun, my loves.”
Addie ran over and kissed my cheek before taking Pierre’s hand and dragging him to his feet. “Call me if you want me to get you anything.”
“Except sushi,” he chuckled as he placed some cushions under my feet and gave me a quick kiss before Addie succeeded in getting him to take a step towards the door. “Get some rest, mon amour.”
Click here for chapter twenty nine.
Tagging: @my-only-way-tocooperatewithlife @prrttysposts @alwaysclassyeagle @dr3lover @adalynneva
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intheorangebedroom · 1 year
Road Trippin’
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Summary: you take a road trip along the west coast with your boyfriend.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x French fem!Reader.
Can be read as a stand-alone. This said, I respect you all far too much to try and make you believe this isn’t my two PTMY filthy puppies. Let’s say, for the sake of suspense, that it might be them OR it might be an AU in which they get a happy ending…
ETA (July 22nd 2023): Now that PTMY is complete, I can finally move that baby up to a brand new Drabbles section of its masterlist, because it's always been Frankie & Gabrielle, Gabrielle & Frankie 🧡
Rating: Explicit 🔞 Fluff and filth with a dash of angst because hey, it’s me 😏
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: @wildemaven here it is! Again, thank you so much for sharing your incredible talent with us, for this wonderful idea, and for showing me a different way 🧡 I sincerely hope that you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
As in 99% of what I write, the story is titled after a song, another source of inspiration for me, here RHCP’s Road Trippin’.
Warning: contains some very self-indulging reference to a certain line of dialogue from TF…
Drabble: Road Trippin’
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“Frankie, it’s beautiful,” you breathe out, your words immediately engulfed by the deafening noise of the waves crashing on the rocks below.
He nudges your shoulder, letting you know he heard you, and you chase the heat of his body, leaning against his arm and resting your head against the firm slope of his shoulder. The soft, cottony fabric of his hoodie caresses your cheek when you brush against it. You look up at him and it’s another vision that has your breath hitching in your chest. Locks of luscious brown curls perk out from under the hood of his sweater, swept soft and tempting by the ocean breeze over the landscape of his sharp profile .
Your heart leaps out of your rib cage and you quickly return your gaze to the tumult of the ocean. You don’t think you can withstand so much beauty.
“The weather could be better,” he says about the thin drizzle that surrounds you like misty drapes, but you shake your head no.
The subtle pink and blue pastels of his sweater stand out under the overcast sky, the pearl gray clouds highlighting the colours of the nature that surrounds you. Shadows play across the surface of the ocean, deepening its many shades of green, the soft slopes of the mountains evocative of the curves of a sleeping figure draped in emerald velvet.
“Oh no, this is perfect. Everything is perfect,” you murmur, breathing in his scent, woody and musky, with a faint, clean note of your laundry detergent. He smells like home.
Frankie smiles at the clouds, and his swelling heart feels cramped in his chest. He doesn’t think he can withstand so much happiness.
The large, white wagon you’re traveling with is parked behind you, where you screamed at Frankie to stop just before driving over Bixby Bridge. You got so caught up in the scenery you forgot your camera on the passenger seat.
You had always wanted to see Big Sur, and the trip had moved up to the top of your bucket list since you’d come to America. You had told him about this life-long dream of yours in passing, but of course, he had remembered.
And the idea had slowly taken root in his mind as you kept asking him for tales of his childhood and the place where he grew up.
One evening back in January, he had come home from work to find you sitting in the dimly lit kitchen, fiddling with a bottle of British lager, weary and defeated by a particularly rough day of icy cold weather and dealing with unpleasant customers.
The tired but sincere smile you had greeted him with had swept away the last of his doubts, and he had presented you with a half formed plan: flying to San Diego, and road tripping up north along the coast to Monterey. Perhaps even to Yosemite, if you’d like to.
You' ha'd risen up from your chair and jumped up and down excitedly like a kid who’s been told they’re going to Disneyland, and his face brightened up with a dimpled smile, which prompted you to sit on his lap, wrapping yourself around his body and pecking his pretty face with so many kisses he couldn’t open his eyes, his broad shoulders shaking with a breathy chuckle.
You’d agreed to travel in April, to avoid the crushing heat of Southern California, and the two of you had started drawing lists of everything you wanted to see.
Later that night, as you lied in bed naked, tucked in against his warm body with your legs intertwined, you’d ask him, encouraged by the friendly obscurity.
“Will it be ok, for you, Frankie? Going back there?”
He’d kissed the crown of your head, breathing in your scent briefly, before offering a reassuring answer. When in truth, he had no idea how he would feel about it. He hadn't set foot in San Diego, or even California for that matter, since he’d moved to Brooklyn with his sister after their mother’s passing, some twenty-three years ago.
And in the end, it had been just fine. Better, actually, than anything he could have hoped it to be. Seeing you walking these distantly familiar streets, the same ones he had spent hours exploring on his bike as a wandering child, had rewritten the narrative of this past life. Just like you’d done with his time in the army, just like you’d done with his scars, the tangible ones, and the ones only you and him could see.
You wanted a real adventure, you’d said, as real as they come in movies and postcards, camp out in the wild, sleep under the tent, snap a million pictures with your dented Rolleiflex, forget about the GPS and use a roadmap instead, because you were pretty good with these, you’d said. And sure enough, you were. He had had some reservations about the camping part, given how long you spent under the shower every morning, but you’d surprised him with your ability to clean up and get ready in under five minutes in gas station bathrooms.
And with his skills for organisation, a happy occupational hazard of sorts, the road trip was going as smoothly as possible.
Your enthusiasm and candid wonderment were like a drug to him, there was nothing you’d wish he could deny you.
When you’d ask to make a detour to visit Hearst’s castle, he’d immediately agreed. The excitement lit up your eyes as you buoyantly told him of the many tales you’d read about the place. Hearst himself, Marion Davies, Louise Brooks, Buster Keaton, Greta Garbo, Dolores Del Rio, the feud with Orson Welles about Citizen Kane, down to The White Stripes’ Union Forever.
You’d smile at him apologetically for being the most annoying Wikipedia page, but he’d cupped your sweet mug in his large hands and nuzzled your nose, telling you this was the best trip he’d ever been on, after the one you’d taken the previous year in Paris.
“I missed the ocean so much,” you sigh, wrapping both arms around his.
“We don’t live far, we definitely could go more often.”
“Could we fly to Coney Island?” you ask excitedly, tilting your head up.
His laughter rumbles over the waves as he answers, “Right! I can land the chopper on top of the Wonder Wheel, how’s that?”
You push him gently, with a quiet giggle. You know he’s joking but you’re pretty sure he’d try to do it if you kept pressing…
“Did you go often, back when you lived in Paris?” he asks after a pause.
“Any chance I would get. I usually went to Normandie to see the cliffs, by the Channel. It’s my favourite place, it’s really gorgeous. I could spend hours looking at the tide, just get lost in the waves, it’s just so soothing, watching something that existed long before you and that will remain long after you’re gone. Like I could get in the water and drift away, and everything would be fine. But it’s nothing like here. Here is much more… I don’t know, gentle?”
The way you express yourself in sensations triggers something warm within him. He untangles his arm from yours and positions you in front of him, encircling your waist and leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Tomorrow we’ll have a swim, if the weather’s better.”
His warm breath fans the soft hair on your nape and heat flares up in your lower belly. You don’t doubt for a second that this was precisely his intention.
“Did you swim very often, when you lived here?” you ask, and he can hear the arousal in your wavering voice.
“Yea, all the time. I’d ride my bike to the beach and swim for hours. Like you said, the water makes everything better. I would get a thrill swimming as far as I could, until I was exhausted, until I wasn’t sure if I could make it back. But everything would be fine.”
You shiver between his arms at the shared experience and he tightens his hold around you. The two of you get lost in each other’s silence, in the foreign memory of forgotten loneliness.
“That explains the shoulders,” you finally say.
“What’s with the shoulders?” he asks, and his husky tone confirms the mood has shifted.
“You know what’s with the shoulders, Morales. But I’ll show you tonight, anyway.”
The night air is cool outside the tent, but inside it’s humid and hot. The blanket scrapes your knees where they rub on it in your swaying movement on top of him, as you try to work in his length, your splayed fingers digging into the plane of his solid chest just like you like it, but it’s useless, Frankie’s restless underneath you, roaming his hands all over your body, cupping your breasts and kneading them greedily, then down to the swell of your ass where he grabs a handful of your flesh and uses it to press you further down on him, but you’re slippery with sweat and he grunts in frustration until you tell him, winded by exertion, “What do you want, baby?”
“Fuck,” he groans, tilting his head back onto the bunched up duvet, and oh god, his neck, his gorgeous neck, the view sends a new wave of slick rushing down your walls, “I’m sorry, baby.”
“It’s fine,” you say, “just take what you need, Frankie baby.”
He sits up and flips you on your back before you can even finish your sentence, and the air is punched out of your lungs when you hit the floor with a muffled thud.
Oh it is fine, you think, as you downright salivate at the sight of his sweaty chest, his golden skin gleaming in the yellow hue from the camping lamp, his dampened locks glued to his forehead and curling around his ears.
He takes hold of your ankles and places them on his shoulders, and you brace yourself on the blanket, knowing what’s to come. Frankie kisses your calf and as he lines himself up, you see how his eyes have gone completely dark, his pupils blown wide with lust and need.
He drives into you suddenly, to the hilt, and you clench your eyes and trash your head back with a hissed “shit”, but he grinds further in, swirling his hips against your ass, rearranging you for him, and for a brief second you recoil, you don’t think you can make it.
He leans down over you, pushing your knees into your chest, folding you in half. Your frowned brow halts his grinding, but the thought remains, he can’t shake it off. He wants to anchor you to his body, fuck his love into you, care for you and pleasure you in all the ways he knows how until you never feel the need to drift away ever again.
Comprehension strikes you when you open your eyes and look at his face. “I’m here, Frankie, I’m here with you, not going anywhere, baby,” you coo, running your thumb over the crease between his brow.
Frankie lets out a deep breath, lets his shoulders sag, softly kisses your palm, and pulls almost all the way out.
It’s passed. The storm has abated.
He leans back a bit, and you can breathe again, and when he resumes his moving, he rocks into you slowly, with shallow thrusts, giving you time to adjust.
You moan with the effort, you don’t think he’s ever been this thick or this hard, and when he places his hands on your forearms for leverage, you grip his back, using the hold to try and control his pacing.
“Alright baby, alright baby, come on now, you know you can take it.”
“It’s a lot, Frankie,” you whine.
“Yea? You’ve taken worse than that,” he smiles cockily and you answer with a soundless laugh because, yes, indeed, he’s made you take far worse than that.
He links your forearms over your belly, holding them with one hand, and brings his other one to your lips, prompting them to open. You take in his fingers, suck on them sloppily, with hunger, and he chuckles.
“That’s it, good girl. Look at you, so fucking filthy, of course you can take it.”
He starts rubbing fast circles on your clit and drives into you a little faster, a little harder.
“This okay, baby?” His voice is hoarse with restraint and you feel the tension shifting in your core as a new rush of slick pools down your folds.
“Tell me how it feels, baby, lemme hear your pretty voice.”
“It feels good, Frankie, fuck I- I’m so full, you feel good, you feel so good,” your voice is waning as your climax draws nearer, your belly pulled taut under your crossed wrists.
He’s pounding into you now, hard and fast and deep, his fingers a steady pressure across your bundle of nerves, and you watch as beads of sweat roll down his neck onto his chest, and you warn him, “Oh god I’m coming, Frankie, I’m coming.”
“I can feel it, baby, I can feel it.”
He presses down on your legs, his hips starting to stutter, but he keeps talking, talks you through it, and you let his voice swipe you and pull you under, let it take you over the edge as pleasure washes over you in violent waves.
The flutter of your cunt tips him over and he comes with a loud curse, and when you feel his body slump over yours, you shift under his weight and he pulls out all of a sudden.
Gently, he takes your limp legs off his shoulders, kisses your scraped knees better, and lowers them on the blanket. When you lift your head to look at him, he is kneeled between your spread thighs, watching his spend leaking out of your swollen folds, heaving, a tired smile curling his plush lips.
Your eyes meet, and he tells you, “Don’t worry, I’m gonna fuck it back in.”
Tomorrow you will go swimming together in the ocean. He will gaze in amazement and reverence at your smiling eyes, mirroring the sea and the sky that saw him grow up. He will kiss the burn from the sun off your shoulders and you will lick the salt from the water off his neck. You will sit close to him in the white wagon, tracing the route on the map with your finger, to the north, to the east, to the west, or the south, it doesn’t really matter, because anywhere on earth, with him, will always be the best trip ever.
Bonus: some pictures Reader captured along the trip 🧡
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Taglist (thank you 🧡): @elegantduckturtle @mashomasho @lola766 @flowersandpotplantsandsunshine @nicolethered @littleone65 @bands-tv-movies-is-me @the-rambling-nerd @saintbedelia @pedrostories @trickstersp8 @all-the-way-down-here @deadmantis @hbc8 @princessdjarin @harriedandharassed @girlofchaos @gracie7209 @mrsparknuts
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otter-pup · 1 year
we wake up, my long limbs still cradling your small frame, hands possessively on the swell of your belly.
while last night was the culmination of weeks spent apart, this morning it feels like the release of all that tension-- we fuck again, obviously, but it's lazy in the fresh light filtering through the window, a giggling, flushed morning. we talk about kinks, we chat about gender, we joke about being in bed with someone you barely know aside from the perfect way your bodies fit together, we discuss the developments of the past few weeks and i only occasionally derail your train of thought by making you gasp with pleasure.
it is morning, and at one point you have to prod me to bring me back to reality, as i'm lost in admiring how naturally suited you are to pregnancy, to growing my children... and how excited i am to see how huge you're inevitably going to get.
i could almost swear you already look more filled out than you did yesterday.
a few weeks later, i accompany you to an appointment. you haven't quite reached the second trimester mark yet, though your belly (so eager to grow with my young) looks like it could be approaching the third. coming up on three months, and, walking behind you down the hall, i can already detect the faint hint of a waddle in your gait.
time to find out just how thoroughly i've bred you.
everything feels so much more relaxed as you wake up, your arms tightening around me as you adjust back to the waking world. i mumble a good morning, and you hum back, hands already wandering down from my belly. i laugh a little at that, considering your eyes are barely open, before i gasp and buck my hips against you.
it continues slow and gentle, you starting an actual conversation while we tease each other. we learn our kinks match up well, another point to the possibility that our insatiable need for each other is a sign of some sort; we laugh at ourselves for how quick we gave into it, twice now, three times if we count this. you ask me about the obvious, and i bite my lip from a mix of embarrassment and pleasure before explaining that i forgot to consider consequences until about two weeks ago now, and, well. here i am. (at the end of it, you find a new spot to touch, and im left struggling to finish what I was saying through gasps and moans.)
eventually, we’re both sated, and your hands are roaming my belly and hips again, gently rubbing over them, your eyes focused exclusively on my body while still clearly lost in your thoughts. i bask in it for a while, before finally forcing myself to gently push you away, reminding you that we need to start the day, especially since I need to get back to my apartment and find something I can fit in for my plans later.
we remember to exchange phone numbers this time, and i text you the details of my first appointment—the office was busy, so I had to wait a bit longer than usual for one, but they assured me it was fine. we find times to meet before then, and im bigger each time, raising the anticipation for my first appointment more and more.
im completely helpless to slow it down, not that i’d want to. the only real issue is finding clothes that fit. the rest of it all—the steadily increasing weight, the struggling to get up, the cravings and the hormones—are surprisingly enjoyable. it just feels so right to carry your young, to let my body swell to care for them, that im not even concerned with the looks on the other parents’ faces when they ask when I’m due in the waiting room and I respond that im only about ten, eleven weeks along.
you stay behind me while one of the nurses leads us to a room, having to slow a bit with how my walk has changed as I’ve swollen, slowed me down a little. not quite waddling yet, at least—the longer I can stay on my feet and moving, the better, right now.
i take a seat on the examination table. they don’t ask me to change into a gown, just having me pull up my already-slipping shirt fully. i look up at you as the nurse rubs on the gel, giving a small smile.
they already seemed to be questioning how big I was already, considering this was my first appointment, but the way their eyes widen upon actually starting the ultrasound says almost all I need to know. they reset their expression a second later, clearing their throat and continuing the exam.
they don’t say anything until the doctor comes in after. she’s equally bewildered as she lets us know that the babies are all healthy, before saying the number.
septuplets. you knocked me up with seven of your babies. im carrying seven of your babies.
i look back over at you, face flushed. i knew it would be a lot—my size says that on its own.
but my body was eager enough to grow seven of your babies. i can’t say anything while the doctor is there, but i try to tell you with just my eyes about the heat rebuilding in my core, and that we’re gonna need to go back to one of our places as soon as the appointments over.
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Yes write that blurb!!!🥹😍😍
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Hehehe can do. (Also i made this gif so don’t come at me for not crediting)
Word Count: 1.1k
“Oh, wait,” Carson pondered for a second as she stood in the middle of the living room, one hand on her hip, the other touching her face as she glanced around in thought. “Maybe the tree will look better over there.”
“Carse, I’ve moved this box three times. Please make up your mind, babe.” Auston groaned as he stood up straight and looked over at his wife.
It was December 1st, just a regular Thursday to everyone else and an off day for Auston, but to Carson, it was so much more important than that. Why? Because it was the day, the Matthews family was decorating for Christmas.
Since moving out of the condo and into their new house in Toronto, Carson was overwhelmed and excited by the space she had to decorate. To make it all more exciting, it was also Mia’s first holiday season which had Carson wanting to make it even more special.
However, she didn’t expect to be so stressed out.
The rest of the house was basically decorated. Carson made sure to buy festive decor around the house's main floor, including garland, glass jars filled with ornaments, lights and an unnecessary amount of Christmas-scented candles. She’d already offered to host at least two Christmas gatherings, not including when some of the family would stay with them later in the month.
There was a lot on Carson’s plate with all the planning she had to do, but even that wasn’t as bad as the dread she felt when it came to making everything look perfect.
“Ok, but what if we set it up in that corner, and it doesn’t look good?” Carson asked, a slight pout on her lips as she looked at her husband.
“I think it’ll look great in either corner,” Auston tried to reason.
“Well, Mia might want it in a different corner entirely.”
“I’m sure Mia doesn’t care where the tree gets set up, Carson,” he told her and nodded toward their 10-month-old, who was busy trying to climb into a box of ornaments. “She seems occupied.”
“Oh, Mia,” Carson reacted as she moved from her spot to go over and pick up their daughter. “You can’t go in there, little miss.”
Mia started giggling as Carson peppered her with kisses, and as soon as she was set back on the ground, didn’t waste any time crawling over to where Frank lay in front of the electric fireplace.
Carson watched Mia with a small smile, and Auston observed them both for a moment, his heart swelling with adoration. He didn’t want to ruin the moment, but he knew that he and Carson needed to figure out the tree situation before Mia got into something she wasn’t supposed to.
“What about this corner here,” Auston spoke up as he moved to said corner. “It won’t block the window seat, and you can still see it from outside. It’s away from the doorway into here, so Frank won’t be running into it all the time, and because it’ll be against the same wall as the TV and fireplace, we’ll still have a perfect view of it from the couch.”
“I guess that could work,” Carson responded, but clearly still thinking. “I just don’t want to get it all set up and regret putting it there.”
“You’re really putting a lot of thought into this.”
“I just want it to be perfect, Auston. Is you not stressing me out even more about it too much to ask?”
Auston blinked in surprise, not expecting that reaction from the woman standing across from him, and even Carson seemed surprised by her outburst.
“I-I’m sorry,” she apologized immediately and looked away from Auston, trying to blink back the tears she could feel forming as she fiddled with the sleeves of her hoodie. “I didn’t mean to snap.”
“Hey, it’s ok,” Auston assured her and wasted no time moving from where he stood so he could go over to Carson. Once he was beside her, Auston pulled her into his embrace, and Carson immediately wrapped her arms around him and leaned against his chest. “You wanna tell me what’s going on? I know there’s no way the location of our Christmas tree has got you this upset.”
“You know me well,” Carson chuckled and shook her head before sighing. “I’ve just been thinking about my mom a lot lately. She loved Christmas and always made it so special for Mya, Nate and me. It was magical, and I want to do the same for Mia. Obviously, I know she will not remember her first Christmas, but I will.”
Auston couldn’t help the smile that grew as he listened before moving to place a kiss on top of Carson’s head.
“I love you,” he mumbled against her hair. “Mia’s first Christmas is going to be amazing. I won’t question what you want to do anymore. When we moved in here, I promised you could be the interior decorator, which applies to holidays.”
“Even though I go overboard?” Carson asked as she moved away from Auston’s chest to look up at him.
“Yes, I think it’s cute.”
At that, Carson smiled and then stood on her tiptoes so she could peck his lips. “I love you.”
“And I love you,” Auston reminded her. “Now, about this damn tree.”
“I think you might be onto something by putting it in the corner by the window,” Carson chuckled as she stepped away from Auston and over to the corner he was standing in a few minutes prior. “It’ll cover some of the bookshelf, but I can live with that.”
“You say like these aren’t all books you’ve read and that you don’t have more all around the house.”
“And what about it?”
“Nothing, nothing,” Auston responded, smiling and holding his hands up in surrender. “Alright, so the tree goes in that corner. Final answer?”
“Yes, I think it’ll look great there,” Carson answered.
“Perfect,” Auston said before pushing the box toward the area. “Now that’s decided, we can finally start setting it up.”
“And fluffing, which I know you love so much.”
“Right… the best part.”
Carson laughed at Auston’s sarcasm before moving to lift the box of ornaments and lights over to where Auston started piecing the tree together, but before she could even look at the box, she was met by a thud a gasp and the sound of small items spilling out all over the floor.
Carson and Auston quickly looked to the source of the noise to find Mia sitting beside the now tipped-over box, surrounded by ornaments and looking at her parents in surprise. Soon, her shocked expression faded as she let out a happy squeal and grabbed an ornament by its string to swing around merrily.
Auston and Carson looked at each other again, trying not to laugh before Auston spoke.
“I don’t think Christmas decorating will ever be boring now that we have her to keep us entertained.”
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hanabeeri · 12 days
new week!! my cats are doing good <3 the vet said to keep an eye on my male cat, to track his progress. no pretty decorations on this weeks update either because i feel sick </3 oh and i'm writing this on my phone so the formatting is a bit ugly and spacey 😭
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what happened this week? aaaah...
>i visited the vet and he checked both of my cats. lucy is doing good! he said that her wound is healing up just fine and that the swelling is gone. when he checked harry he said he seems to be fine now, and that he can't tell right away what caused his seizure. since in rare seizures can happen once (and then never again) he said he won't do any further testings just yet. but should it happen again, i'll have to give him his emergency meds and take him to his clinic right away. from then on he will initiate testings and i will have to monitor harry's further progress
>i've been feeling really dizzy since yesterday 🥹 someone i knew has once told me that whatever i'm dealing with sounds like POTS. i didn't know what it was to that time, and i don't think i will ask my doctor to look into it for a diagnosis.. but knowing the possible cause for my dizziness, racing heart and feelings of faintness is still a comforting thought. at least i know that it's not necessarily my fault. before that i always felt really frustrated and upset whenever i had a flare up. now i try to be more patient with myself, eat something salty and hope i'll feel better. the only reasons why it's still hard sometimes are either lack of options to rest in public or my very own parents who think i'm being lazy 🥹 they always blame flare ups on anything but you know... a possible disability which, in comparison, is pesky at best 😭 i'm fine most of the time, i just need to rest on some days more than on others.
edit: okay so, i'm not sure if this is funny but i am allowed to laugh because it happened to me. yesterday i felt really dizzy and faint in general. but for some reason i kept forgetting 💀 so everytime i sat or laid down and then got up for whatever reason my body would move but my soul would remain seated 😭 i was close to fainting once AHAHA i'm okay though. i laughed about it yesterday too after the... 3rd time maybe. i heard a cat meowing outside so i jumped up, ready to protect my cat in a fight AHAHAH but my body said 'no <3 hihihihi'
and... that's it. other than that i stayed at home and looked after my cats. i was too worried to do anything else. my previous plans were to accompany my friend to something she was anxious to do alone, and go to a book flea market with my friends. i couldn't go.. but next time for sure! they sent me their book hauls though, so i didn't miss out on anything, haha.
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i would like to think that my image descriptions are getting better 🥹 doing my very best haha. im holding myself back from going on rambles and adding extra information; like the fact that we grow vegetables and fruit in our garden or that there's a small spring and a house.
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vampyrsutton · 2 years
Yaku comes back from Russia to surprise his boyfriend at a game and spend time together after.
Ao3 Tags:
Fingerfucking, Kinktober, Kinktober 2022, Hand & Finger Kink, Anal Fingering, Mentions of homophobia, Oral Sex, Banter
Yaku watches from the stands as Kenma nods to Lev who runs for the net in a blur of limbs and smacks the ball to the side with a crack of one of his ridiculously big hands. He barely has to get any air to already tower over the opposing team, but between his jump and Kenma’s skills, the other team has no hope of blocking the titan. The rest of their opponents must have figured that out already as they’re already scrambling for the chance ball, but it’s no use. Lev had the entire off-season to actually learn control and it shows in how the ball is already slamming into an empty corner before the blockers even reach the ground. 
Yaku’s chest swells with pride to see how much his kohai has improved since his time of completely whiffing spikes last year as he cheers his approval with the rest of the crowd. He can hardly wait to run down and celebrate with him as the teams line up and he runs down to the main floor. 
“LEV!” Yaku yells as he jumps on his Slenderman of a boyfriend when he ducks into the hallway. 
“Yaku-san!” Lev beams down at the shorter boy dangling from his shoulders as he wraps his arms around him in return. “You made it!”
“Just in time for that last set. Kuroo helped me bully my way to the front row. That last set was perfect if a little close to the net.” Yaku grins, kissing his grinning dork. He was working on making his criticisms more constructive.
“Yeah, Kenma and I are still getting used to reading each other now that I can actually do the basics.” Lev laughs, heading to the locker room with Yaku still in his arms. “We’re definitely getting better though.”
“It’s understandable. He spent last year learning to work around you whiffing and now you can focus on more than the ball. That was great, Lion.” Yaku hums, sliding off the bean pole to let him go into the locker room.
“Thanks, chipmunk.” Lev smiles, opening the door. “I’ll be out in like 20 minutes.”
Yaku is already taking out his phone to distract himself. “Don’t tease Kuroo and Kenma too hard. I want you alive to celebrate later.” He snickers, taking a seat by the door.
It’s not even a full 20 minutes before Yaku is being hoisted to his feet and dragged after Lev as the giant ducks to avoid a shoe aimed at his head and he hears Kenma cussing behind them. It does nothing to cover Kuroo’s hyena laugh but is enough to tell Yaku they’re running.
“It wasn’t even 20 minutes, dummy.” Yaku sighs as they make it out of the building. “You’re lucky there are new first-years to clean the gym.”
“They shouldn’t be making out in the shower then.” Lev laughs, fixing his bag on his shoulder as they start for the train to head to Yaku’s hotel room. “How’s Russia going?”
“I see why your parents left. It’s cold as shit and my teammates keep trying to set me up with girls because I can’t tell them I’m taken because Russia is homophobic as hell.” Yaku huffs, leaning against Lev as they sit in a mostly empty car. “I know Japan still sucks too, but I forgot with how gay the majority of our friends are.”
Lev frowns, pulling him closer. “Alisa has never been subtle so we were pretty lucky our parents were accepting and moved us-Oh! Wait, actually!” He pulls out his phone and starts typing furiously.
Yaku looks at him curiously until the phone is turned to him and he sees a conversation with Alisa.
“She said you guys can take some selfies while you’re here to get your teammates off your back. This way it’s still a Haiba without the danger?” Lev explains. 
Yaku blinks, shaking his head fondly. “Only you. Sure, why the fuck not? Should I change your name on my phone too then so we don’t have to be so sneaky then?”
“Sure, do Lioness instead so you don’t accidentally send my sister a dick pic though.” Lev chuckles, laughing harder when Yaku’s face turns red and he pushes him lightly. 
“Dumbass,” Yaku grumbles, taking his phone out and making the change, taking a moment to remember the word before typing in L’vitsa 🐱❤ (львица). “Gotta practice my Russian just to date my boyfriend. Russia needs to grow up.”
“Agreed.” Lev hums in annoyance as the train sounds their stop and they get off the train. By the time they’re back above ground, however, Lev is back to his usual hyper self as he fills Yaku in on the rest of the game. “So Shibayama-san saved it and Kenma-san sent it up for Yamamoto to spike it like BAM! and then-”
Yaku listens absently as they make it to the hotel and he starts looking for his reservation on his phone. They split off briefly for Yaku to get checked in, but reconvene in the elevator for Lev to continue his recap. He’s trying to listen, truly he is, but after his flight and the energy of getting through the airport and to the game in time, he found himself spacing out. It has been a while since he’s seen his boyfriend, and it might be the jetlag talking, but he swears the giant’s gotten more handsome somehow. Has he grown more? It’s hard to tell sometimes with Lev’s freakishly long everything, but Yaku finds himself watching how those limbs flail throughout the retelling and wondering if his hands have always been that big as he recounts the winning spike. 
“Wasn’t it amazing, Yaku-san?” Lev grins as the elevator dings their floor and they step out.
“Yeah, you are.” Yaku yawns absently, checking the number on the key card again.
Lev looks at him strangely before finally taking in just how exhausted the older boy looks and smiling softly. “Come on, Yaku-san.” He hums, taking the other’s suitcase from him. “That was an intense game. How about we bathe and take a nap?”
Yaku blinks at him in momentary confusion before the taller boy’s words process. He’s about to decline or tease him for being tired, but he had his own game the other night, and the chaos of getting here really was catching up with him. He really is glad he has a week off before training starts back up and he plans to spend the bulk of it curled up with his skyscraper anyway so eventually sighs and nods. “Yeah…yeah, that sounds good.”
With the two now in agreement, they go to find Yaku’s room and get their stuff sorted. In all actuality, this is just dumping their bags, locating their toiletries, and starting the bath before figuring out how to fit Lev’s Slenderman limbs in the Japanese-sized tub, but that’s as sorted as things are getting tonight. Eventually, they figure it out and Yaku situates himself in front of the other, leaning his back against Lev’s chest.
“Why do tubs have to be so small?” Lev pouts, leaning forward to rest his chin on Yaku’s head and wrap his arms around him.
“Japan isn’t known for their height, babe.” Yaku chuckles, snuggling further into the enveloping warmth. “Not everyone can be descended from the spaghetti monster.”
“Did you really fly fourteen hours just to pick on me?” The half-Russian pouts, smiling when it gets his hands kissed as expected.
“Mhm, always. Someone has to make sure that head doesn’t get any bigger.” The libero snickers before acting offended when this earns him a bubble hat.
“I promise you, Kenma-san keeps me in line plenty.” Lev laughs, forming the bubbles into a fun shape.
“Obviously not if you’re putting bubbles on me. At least wash my hair while you’re up there.” Yaku huffs as he passes back his travel products, leaning back again when he soon feels long fingers running through his hair. “Thank you.”
“Gladly, you never let me baby you!” Lev knows the grin is obvious in his voice.
There’s some grumbling about not needing to be babied, but otherwise, they fall into a comfortable mostly-silence of Lev humming happily while Yaku appreciates the long fingers massaging along his scalp. He couldn’t help the appreciative hum when Lev barely has to adjust him to get the shower hose and the fingers return to wash the shampoo from his hair. He swears one of those hands can cover his entire scalp, but then Lev starts on conditioner and Yaku is too relaxed to pay further attention.
Soon enough, one of those giant hands is covering his eyes and half his face as Lev starts washing out the conditioner, long fingers running through once again to make sure it's all out.
Lev hums a little, pleased with his work and the relaxed look on Yaku’s face. It’s not long though before he finds himself once again unable to sit still and starts arranging the older boy’s still wet hair into weird styles that eventually earn him an exasperated sigh. 
“Oi.” Yaku mock huffs, more amused than anything. “Wasn’t the point of washing it to not have it at weird angles?”
“Aww, but you look so cute, Yaku-san,” Lev chuckles as Yaku turns around in his lap to roll his eyes at him.
“Oh, I’m gonna look absolutely adorable when my hair dries looking like a real ‘demon-senpai’.” Yaku huffs, reaching for the shampoo. Hand me that. I’ll get yours now.”
Lev just snickers at the little gremlin as he hands him the shampoo. “I think Kuroo-san would have a heart attack. Thank you, Yaku-san.”
“Don't tempt me. Scare that owl speechless, too.” Yaku snickers, standing up carefully and turning so he’s facing the spiker to reach his silver locks. “Tch, why are you all so pretty? You’re only half-Russian. This isn’t fair.” He mutters as he runs his much smaller fingers through the somehow still perfect hair.
Lev manages a chuckle, but, for the most part, his voice is stuck in his throat as the current position puts his face level with Yaku’s tummy and crotch, and hmm, yeah, definitely gay. Is that a new freckle?
“Oi, Lev. You listening?” A small hand covers his eyes now to rinse his hair.
Lev blinks, shaking his head to clear it. “Hm? Uh, no, sorry, Yaku-san. I was, uh, distracted…” He admits shyly.
“What could you possibly- Oh…” Yaku’s face quickly turns the color of the Nekoma jersey discarded on the floor as he realizes the position they’re in. He immediately tries to sit down but is stopped by big hands wrapping around his waist and holy shit were his fingers touching? It certainly seemed like it, but maybe that was just Yaku’s horny brain. Did he have a thing for hands? No, surely not, it’s just been a while, damn long-distance shit and all.
Lev spreads his fingers as though having the same thought process and Yaku realizes just how much of his back they cover and is suddenly struck with the memory of just how deep they reach. 
A surprised moan rips from Yaku as the fact that he’s hard is made apparent to him when a warm, wet stripe is licked up the side. He looks down into green, cat-like eyes and knows he’s done relaxing from the look in them.
“Did you finally realize the position you’re in, Yaku-san?” Lev hums dangerously. 
“Shut up, it’s just been a while.” Yaku huffs, now trying to squirm free. “Not like getting over her is a weekend trip.”
“True. Shouldn’t we try to make the most of the time we do have then?” There’s mischief in those green eyes.
Yaku stares at him in a mix of embarrassment and mock annoyance before groaning petulantly. “Well, I’m not going to say no!”
“I didn’t think you would.” Lev chuckles, pulling Yaku closer. “Have lube in your toiletries bag by chance?” 
I haven’t seen you in months. Of course, there is dummy. Side pOAh-cket-Shit!” Yaku groans, sarcasm cut short as Lev takes him in his mouth and sucks. He whines as Lev licks along the vein, one long arm leaving him to feel around on the floor outside the tub and find the red bag.
Has the zipper always been that loud?
“Condom?” Lev asks real quick before resuming his task.
“For today at least, yeah.” Yaku nods, fingers gripping silver strands as he groans. “Fuck, Lev.”
“That’s the plan.” Comes the snickered response, even as he gets a playful smack on the shoulder.
“Will you ever-shit-” The libero hisses as a lubed finger starts opening him up. “-stop making that corny joke?” 
“Mmm, probably not.” Lev snickers with a cheeky grin. “You’re cute when exaperbated.”
“Exap- do you mean exasperated?” Yaku sighs, half in fond exasperation and half to hide how his breath hitches when that long finger slides even deeper.
“Yeah, that.” The spiker laughs before his mouth returns to its previous task.
“DOrk-shit.” Yaku moans mid-taunt as he’s once again swallowed whole. “Almost forgot how good that big mouth of yours is when it's not running.” He quips.
The look in those green eyes tells him he’s about to remember and he throws his head back as Lev hallows out his cheeks and drags his tongue along the vein. He almost doesn’t notice the second finger that joins the first with the way Lev tongues at his slit before swallowing him whole again.
What did catch him by surprise, however, was that the long fingers that had previously been holding his hips still, had stuck their way up to toy with his nipple and make him cry out. “Fuck, Lev, shit your fingers!” Yaku whines, having trouble not thrusting into Lev’s mouth. “Tryna make sure to ruin me aren’t you, Lion?”
There’s a territorial gleam in Lev’s eyes and Yaku’s knees shake as the spiker does some trick with his tongue and slips a third finger in and fuck he’s full. Those fingers are long enough to near constantly torture his prostate, and for all the shit Yaku gives him, the giant knows exactly how to use them to take the libero apart embarrassingly fast. 
“Nghnn~ Lev, wait! Slow down. Shit, I’m gonna cum before you even get it in if you don’t slow down.” Yaku rambles, gently tugging silver strands as he tries to hold back.
“Mmm~” Lev groans, pulling away with a  pop before smirking up at the small libero. “We have all week, Yaku-san~” He teases, fingers not once stopping. “Maybe I want to play a bit first, hm? And it’s been so long, I’m sure you need to get used to me again? I have gotten taller after all, what’s to say I haven’t grown there, too, hmm?” Lev practically purrs, hooking his fingers to massage the smaller’s prostate. 
Yaku groans at the thought, mind reeling and dick twitching at the mere thought. “Fuck~” He moans, breath hitching, and legs shaking as the spiker starts torturing him. He knows it's not possible, but it feels like those fingers could reach into his stomach and somehow ruin him even more than they already have, and shit, there’s a thought. A twist to his nipple brings him dangerously close and he almost whimpers as much if Lev hadn’t twisted and spread his fingers in such a way that makes him cry out and his knees buckle.
“Mnmm~ Lev!” Yaku cries, the hand previously playing with his nipples returning to his waist being the only thing keeping him standing. He’s not even sure if he actually came or just got overwhelmed until he pries open his eyes and sees Lev licking whatever cum his tongue can reach off his face. His dick twitches at the sight and he groans in sensitivity. 
“Shit, damn skyscraper, I wanted you inside!” Yaku pouts down at the half-Russian.
Lev just smiles up at him. “Hmm, but Yaku-san, you looked so pretty cumming on my fingers. Your legs shaking, lashes fluttering, hole milking my fingers.” One of his cat-like smirks and a brush of Yaku’s prostate drags a whine from the shorter. “I almost want to see if I can make you do it again?”
Yaku almost wants to protest, but the kisses tracing along his stomach are making it rather difficult to find a reason. A possessive bite to his hip makes him moan and he curses as he makes up his mind. “Dammit, Lev~ Fine! But don’t pout at me if I pass out from exhaustion before you get to cum.” The libero warns. 
“Can I use your thighs if you do?” Lev knows Yaku’s weak to his puppy eyes when they’re like this. 
He’s right, and Yaku huffs about it a bit, but ultimately relents. “You better clean me up after.”
“Good thing we’re already in the bath then.” Lev grins, turning Yaku around to put his hands on the wall so he has better access. “So much for relaAhh~!”
“Insufferable. An absolute menace.” Yaku grumps as they’re laying in bed later, the libero resting his head on the spiker’s chest. 
“Yup!” Lev grins without an ounce of regret. 
“You and those fucking Slenderman fingers.”
“You could have said no~”
“And miss out on said Slenderman fingers? How many times did Kenma set the ball at your head?” Yaku glares petulantly. 
Lev rolls his eyes at the libero’s dramatics, leaning forward to kiss his head. “A few times, but just say you liked it like a normal person, Yaku-san.”
“Never.” Yaku huffs even as he hums happily at the affection. “Your head is big enough.”
“Yup.” Yaku smirks, squirming so he can sit up enough to kiss the giant himself. “But I love that big head of yours.” He smiles now.
Lev can’t help the dopey smile he gives in return. “Love you, too, Yaku-san.”
They exchange more kisses and quips, but it doesn’t take much longer for the day’s events to catch up with them, and for the two to fall asleep, curled up in each other’s arms. 
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