#crime tots comic
turtletimetown · 10 months
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fun fact: Raph is in all six panels this page
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muckumsing-art · 2 years
May I present the Universal Divide AU! Where each rottmnt turtle tot is teleported to another universe and becomes the problem of the local crime fighting reptiles. I've rlly given myself the brain rot on this one so if anybody is interested I'll make a fanfic or a comic based on this AU so please let me know if ur interested! Also feel free to ask questions I'd love to answer them ^-^
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drawberry03 · 1 year
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Made this in the middle of making the comic for Chapter 2 of TSoF (The Sensation of Falling). I really liked the fic "Missing" by Missie2, it's a pretty dark M-rated fic but it appeals to my love of mystery, horror and crime. I definitely shed a few tears for Helga in this fic, poor girl's been through so much and yet remains incredibly strong ToT.
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Alright guys, it's that time again. It's time for me to make completely unhinged in-depth theories on cartoon shows based on comic lore.
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Edition!
If you are unfamiliar with this series then congrats! You get to listen to the, hopefully entertaining, ramblings of a mad man.
But! If you, like me, binge watched this series and are now left with a burning hole in your chest wondering when season three will come out then congrats! You also get to listen to the ramblings of a mad man, this time with slightly more context!!!
One of the burning questions everyone was left with in the wake of Rottmnt and the movie was "who are the other two turtles?" See, Rise from its very inception had always intended on introducing two more turtle siblings to Raph, Leo, Donnie and Mikey's family dynamics. This inclusion can be seen as early as season one when there are six turtle pods shown on screen during the boy's origin story.
We, in fact, actually see one of the missing sisters in season 2 of the show. The character dubbed 'Big Mama's Assistant' is confirmed by the show runners to be a secret sibling and, if they had been given a season three, they would have revealed this at the end of season 2. Season three would then have been focused on the Hamato clan retrieving the missing sisters.
But who is Big Mama's Assistant? Is she Venus De Milo, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle sister from the live action show? Is she Jennika, the turtle in yellow from the comics? Well I've got news folks. She's neither.
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Tweets from the show runners confirm that Big Mama's Assistant was never intended to be Jennika or Venus, she was instead going to be an original character.... or was she?
Guys, gals and nonbinary pals, I submit to the court that Big Mama's Assistant is in fact an original character that is both an adaptation of Jennika and Venus.
First, let us establish some facts.
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In the above images I would like you to acknowledge several things.
this sibling is in the height range of Donnie/Leo (as can be seen when compared to Big Mama's height).
this sibling has a thin shell, one that is barely noticeable under her clothes.
this sibling has a gigantic forehead.
this sibling wears a mask that shows markings that start at the eyes and wrap around the head.
this sibling's weapon of choice is neko-te.
Finally, this sibling seems to have two small fake turtle shells strapped to shoulder as shoulder pads.
So I raise the question: Who do we know that has a thin, barely visible shell, gigantic forehead, is approximately Donnie's height and wears prosthetic turtle shells? Donnie.
Yeah, folks I'm pretty sure this sibling is a softshell. She's wearing her own version of her 'battleshell' from her turtle tot days as shoulder pads. Actually, I'm pretty sure we see her green battleshell here:
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And do you know what a Smooth Softshell Turtle looks like?
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It's the same face markings. And it's yellow. Objectively, they have to use yellow for one of the two sisters because they gave April green in Rise.
"Alright," I hear you saying. "So you think she's a softshell, but what does that have to do with who she is??"
What a perfect segway question! Thank you so much for asking. Did you guys know that Venus' name isn't actually Venus? Venus is the alias that she uses to fight crime/be a ninja with her brothers/fit their art theme. Venus' actual name is Mei Pieh Chi which translates to Beautiful Softshell Turtle Energy.
So it is actually ENTIRELY possible for Big Mama's softshell turtle assistant to be an adaptation of Mei Pieh Chi without being named Venus. If she simply picks a different alias then we're all good. (I'm assuming the creators liked 'Frida' because Smooth Softshell Turtles look like they have intense eyebrows)
Alright, so we've established how Venus fits into this (aka Venus doesn't, Mei Pieh Chi does) but what about Jennika!? Well that one is actually super easy. Yeah, so remember how the mystery sibling uses neko-te?
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Yeah, uh, Jennika's main weapon is a neko-te/tekkō-kagi mash up. (Aka Wolverine claws) I'm assuming she would use magic neko-te until she eventually unlocked her ninpō and got the wolverine upgrade (mirroring how the boys switched weapons) I'm also assuming that she would inherit Jennika's color (yellow), Jennika's sexuality (lesbian) and it's confirmed that she would inherit Jennika's personality (see below).
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(also I'mma call it right now, she's autistic and I love her. She's Very Very Serious ™ aka she takes everything literally)
And now let's take a look at what I call "The reason Big Mama and Draxum already knew and hated each other, got into an argument about stealing stuff from each other and the reason why Draxum waited 13 years to do the whole mosquito backup plan":
"No, it would’ve been sweet, right? Like, at the end we see, like, maybe Draxum’s bodyguard takes off their mask and, you know, reveals a female sibling, and then there was, like, another one 'cause we thought it’d be great to investigate, ‘Okay, like, Splinter was able to save four out of six and maybe we just didn’t see the other two and, like, what would that be if they were raised by Draxum and Big Mama?’ And this would be something Draxum would admit to them at the end of season two." - Executive Producer, Andy Suriano
Guys, Draxum in season one is a divorced dad who lost custody. He went with the backup plan after THIRTEEN YEARS because his kid said "Fuck you, I'm living at Mom's house!" Draxum threw Leo off of a roof because the goatman had PTSD from his daughter rejecting him and nOW SUDDENLY THERE'S FOUR NEW KIDS THAT HATE HIM?!
Also, let's circle back to the other sister being "a little kooky from being trapped in another dimension for years." You know what'd be traumatic enough to abandon your parent and completely reject them? If they got your sister stuck in another dimension with no way out. You know what'd be a super good reason for Draxum not telling the boys about their sisters? If he LOST ONE.
But where oh where did this lost sister go and who is she? Well, I've got more on that but you'll have to wait for part two because I am out of pictures!
Thanks for being unhinged with me and see ya next time folks!
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misteria247 · 2 years
Could you give some turtle tots hc
Also do you think Splinter broke into a pet shot to get some UV lights for the boys to help their shells develop properly since sunlight doesn't really reach sewers
~Donnies bo staff
To answer your second question yes Splinter definitely stole a UV lamp for his babies. Granted he didn't want to resort to it but his babies were in need of it so he chose them over the guilt of committing a crime. And now!! Turtle tots my beloveds let's go-!!!
When Mikey had first started to walk he was the kind of child who got into everything. No where was safe from the youngest's need to see what all was hidden from him. It honestly drove Splinter up the walls sometimes. Especially when Mikey learned to climb stuff, after that Splinter found quite a few gray hairs in his brown and black fur.
When Leo was young he actually had a biting problem. Like this kid despite being the eldest would literally bite anything and everything he could get his little beak and teeth on. This included siblings if they were too close in range. Splinter found this out when Leo had caught sight of his tail. Long story short Splinter made sure his tail was hidden beneath his robes.
Donnie was the first out of his brothers to actually start a fire in the lair. Since Donnie's a quick learner and was always craving to learn something new, he'd started experimenting with things around the lair. One of those things was unfortunately their toaster. Splinter about died on the spot when he saw the sparks from the toaster while Donnie was fiddling with it. He had to make rules after that to make sure that his genius son didn't do something that could get him hurt.
Raph when he was small was the type of turtle tot to cry when he saw anyone else cry. It didn't matter if it had nothing to do with him personally. If he saw Leo, Donnie, Mikey or on the rare occasion Splinter cry he'd be right behind them in the tears department, crying along with them while pouting in angry confusion because he didn't understand why he was crying yet seeing his loved ones doing it made him react the same way. Splinter found this to be extremely cute.
Whenever Splinter would get ready for bed, he'd always put his babies in the middle of the futon with him and would curl up around them to keep them warm. Since during the time he was still working on setting up their personal bedrooms in their new home. The young turtle tots would snuggle into his chest fur and the blankets, listening to his heartbeat as they slept while Splinter would keep his arms and tail wrapped around them in a gentle way.
Splinter would quickly come to learn that whenever Leo and Raph were together they'd often times cause mischief around the lair. Like even more mischief than they usually did when they were with Donnie or Mikey or when all four of them were together. It was quite clear that Leo and Raph would be the kids who'd he'd have to keep a close eye on.
This also happened with Donnie and Mikey as they too became mischievous when together alone. Due to not being able to sometimes join Leo and Raph on their own mischievous adventures the two youngest children decided to partner up themselves. Splinter wasn't amused when he realized this.
Leo and Donnie would often learn things together whenever Donnie found a new book. The two turtle tots would spend hours looking over a book and just quietly reading together.
Raph and Donnie used to wrestle with each other. Raph wanted to see how Donnie would handle it and surprisingly enough Donnie kept up with him. The two turtle tots would often be found wrestling around on the ground of the lair.
Leo and Mikey used to play with each other in games of imagination. With Mikey often leading them the duo would go on grand adventures together in the world of imagination and have hours of fun together.
Raph whenever he had candy would go straight to Mikey and the two would share the sugary treats together, talking about a new comic book or TV show they'd seen, slowly getting into a sugar high all the while.
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Masterpost/reading list
Cass' apocalypse series (y'all know this one) (ongoing)
Tapa's stuff!: life of violence era (L.O.V.E.) (completed)
Rise of the Parallel by Indie Y. rise and 2012 crossover (ongoing)
beannary's little prince au (ongoing)
Replica you probably know this one. Donnie is a robot. (ongoing)
Abby krang infection comic (completed)
K-tech prison dimension stuff. idk.
Empyreon weeping (ew) by cupcakeslushie seperated au inspired by the show Arcane. has art and written fic. (ongoing)
baskeigh-ball's mutant manhunt au - has a mix of fic/comic/Q&A stuff (ongoing)
Gemini-forest's stuff
coin toss - rise future mikey (ongoing?)
Sorry I'm late/ Papa Leo au - leo has a kid and partner. mostly art stuff/ lore dumps (ongoing)
an-artistic-failure's comic about Rise April, Casey and Sunita! it's a quick read. (completed)
Pinetree's Timothy comics <- love this shit (completed?)
DG's separated Leo au: mix of asks + comics and art (ongoing)
Twinpathy by Vane and Lee: rise disaster twins. (ongoing?)
life mission: save my brothers by Daedalweiss another separated au (ongoing, first arc done)
Anglepun's stuff: he does a lot of rise stuff and has his own iteration.
Kid Leo Au (ongoing)
L330-N AU (ongoing)
Rottmnt Rural Au <- fav (ongoing)
Turtle Tots Comics (oneshots)
TMNT: Home Movie Edition (iteration)
Heart Leo comic (completed?)
Would It Really Matter (ongoing?)
fusion mayhem au by fries (non-serial yet)
Butter masterpost:
Fuck it, we barn. (mainly ao3 fic but has a comic) (ongoing)
Elohyou's disaster twins incorrect quotes (they're hilarious) (completed?)
Sewer punks (iteration)
Carapace (rise ao3 fic) (ongoing)
Foxxes with feathers' aftermath series (hiatus)
Caliliero's colour-coded, a WIP video game project.
other links:
Triona's Yo.ho ho a ninja's life for me (ofmd meets rottmnt) (ongoing)
Tangledinink's stuff:
teenage mutant what now? ao3 fic (ongoing)
Foot Squad
TMNT: stabilise
processing grief through ninja turtles
Crime tot comic (ongoing)
Kendra Tello childhood au (ongoing)
Miiukka's subway lair reference
https://rottmntreanimated.tumblr.com/ <- i've seen a few clips on yt it looks amazing so far
https://www.tumblr.com/annaliearts because i love her art sm and the tmnt fandom needs more 2003 rep in general
Addystuff i just like their stuff.
Koolaidashley- a collection of work, indicidual comics, their own iteration, rise ftm leo. other Leo stuff.
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clay-cuttlefish · 1 year
I'm starting work on the Ultimate Question Spreadsheet, which means going over every single Question comic, which means I'm going to be liveblogging my way through 56 years of comics because if I try to store all these thoughts in my head I'll explode. Starting from the beginning:
Blue Beetle (1967) #1
The art slaps. This is exactly how Vic's mask should be drawn, nailed it first try.
It's a shame that the news crew is so one-note. There's the outline of some interesting drama, but they all end up being vessels for Steve Ditko's Opinions and then disappearing before anything really goes anywhere.
BB #2
Great job there buddy, you saved the city from a guy with a kite shirt. Truly an extraordinary crime fighter.
Vic seeing his first supervillain and immediately kicking ass is hilarious. Even the other people in the room are like "hey. what"
The tracksuit and turtleneck outfit is a Look, I think he should wear it again.
I think a lot about Vic's character development, so him being a prick feels normal, but Tot is so solid in my head that it's jarring to see him be so bland. Vic is running all over the city to fistfight a kite guy and he's just chill with that? Bizarre.
BB #3
The question mark cards are so dumb (affectionate).
Incredible Scooby-Doo energy here.
BB #4
The transforming business cards are also so dumb, but I like that he has a fake identity for the Question, that's a cool trait. He's reckless, but he's still thinking ahead.
The previous issues were pretty fun despite how full of Steve Ditko's Opinions they are, but the libertarianism is overwhelming in this one.
Nora's fun though. I can see how the bits of character she has were repurposed into Myra.
Appearance number 1 of drowning as a motif. Yes I will be counting.
BB #5
The Ted and Vic interactions would be so fun, and they're a neat way of linking the main story with the backup. Unfortunately the throughline is Ditko getting mad at modern art and accusing it of destroying "real" Western art, so they just end up sounding like statue pfp Twitter racists. It sucks :/
Vic using the binary gas for gaslighting is funny, at least.
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manofmanymons · 2 years
Survive cast meeting the cyber sleuth cast you know so far
I am just imagining that Shuuji would have an impossible time looking at Kyoko. He feels like the kinda guy who would feel that if he didn't hold aggressive eye contact the whole time, he would be committing a crime. She would definitely tease him for it.
Also RIP to any of these kids who has a crush on anyone while in her presence cuz she's gonna notice ToT
Repeat of that one wrathful route scene where the kids are trying to pretend that the professor's cooking is fine bc they don't wanna offend him only for Takuma be like EW but this time it's with Kyoko's coffee.
Aiba's just internally like "I haven't endured this coffee for this long for you just to come in here and shamelessly react that way wtf"
I am accusing Shuuji of being an old-person-befriender and getting along with Matayoshi
ALSO I JUST REMEMBERED I have talked with a mutual about how funny it would be to see him and Date interact. I can only imagine him being afraid of her.
Man I don't know if even Minoru can handle how energetic Nokia is. Although she and Aoi are both Defenders of Cute Things so I'm sure they'd get along even if Nokia would probably make Aoi feel a little freaked out at first. She'd get along better with the girls than the boys, that's for sure. I don't think she should be allowed near Ryo and Kaito she would just bully them ToT
Maybe Takuma would be safe.
Remembering how Survive Agumon kept picking up random things and asking if they were food, CS Agumon (and Gabumon) would insist on another food tour (while Nokia casually calls Yuuko and asks her to save her wallet).
Speaking of Yuuko. For one thing I think she would remind Saki a little of Aoi and they would totally get along. I bet Saki would INSIST on her trying Aoi's cooking (she would also help, ofc). Maybe also draft Ryo into helping. For another thing—
Yuugo 🤝 Miyuki
I'm not even gonna elaborate
I feel like I keep accusing Kaito of being a main character magnet but also you can't tell me it wouldn't be fun seeing him and Aiba hang out. The could both cause AND solve so many problems together. Also imagine
Takuma: Isn't that...illegal?
Aiba: I remember when I used to worry about those things...
I think any and all of the Survive cast would have q u e s t i o n s about what having a half-cyber body is like
*points at Miu, Minoru, and Arata* nerd gang nerd gang nerd gang
The question is can Arata cope with having these kids unironically think he's cool jsjdjrj he keeps waiting for the part where they make fun of him for being a dork or say something about his attitude but it just doesn't come and he's like "WHAT is happening right now"
(Meanwhile considering all the time they spent with Shuuji, Ryo, and Kaito, Arata's bad attitude doesn't even register to them)
Minoru @ Arata BUT ALSO Arata @ Minoru (in their heads): holy shit he's like a real life comic character
Totally random other thought but like I'm not saying that Miu would weaponize Nokia's loud nosiness to mess with her brother, but—
I think Fei and Ryo would be friends.
Just remembered Jimiken exists. Aoi would, with 0 offense intended, ask him if he's a Kiss cover band. He would take offense.
Kaito, about Suedou: so that guy definitely looks evil, yeah? And his behavior is kinda suspicious?
Everyone else: I don't know what you're talking about
Kaito: why do I even try
I know I said a similar thing about data squad too but
CS gang: whoa your partners are half of your soul?
Survive gang: whoa so many of you have more than one partner how does that even work?
Both groups I'd imagine would be really fascinated by how the other's version of digimon work. Like it would be genuinely baffling to the Survive kids how anyone could mistake a digimon for a computer program but things really are just Different. And even the cs characters who know digimon are living breathing things might still be surprised by the concept of a fated partner.
Especially Aiba and their million digimon.
(I mean I know you can recruit free digimon in survive but it's not...quite the same)
...Survive kids would totally all be on board with Nokia's digimon defense squad ksjsnd
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leoblooms · 2 years
Does anyone remember that discourse abt adam tots? Like his biggest crime as far as i know was literally just reusing assets for comics he had to churn out daily it was so unwarranted
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
I'm back this time for the same meme, give me the Rise!Raph headcanons too! This is another threat! xD
I'm starting to think this friendship is a danger on myself XD nnaaaah <3
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Has been confused for being his brothers dad in public more than once.
He has a bad habit of scolding them and due to his size and how his brothers act with him yokai at run of the mill have made the assumption that he is the dad of the family.
Deff has photos of his bros as tots on his phone and wallet so this dosent help his case. He jsut thinks they were cute back then....and wonders what happened u_u
Anymore it's easier to just go along with it then keep correcting and has turned into a bit of joke where whoever in trouble the whole gang brings up the dad thing, "oh imma tell dad" Raph just ready to get into the joke.
Where other versions of Raph hold a fear or hate for bugs. Rise Raph doesn't seemed to share this instead he seems to be scared of rabbits (awkward)
Splinter gave Raph the right to ground his brothers at the age of six. He made like a little badge even so it would be legit. Raph still used it as his sign of authority.
He is very very aware of Splinters depression and it has a lot todo with why Raph is the way he is. Often he as a child kind of had to take care of even his father
Has a lot to do with how he is now everyone first. Raph isn't even second hes somehow behind last on his list.
Raph favorite pizza is pepperoni and chocolate chips. But even he is against pineapple on pizza it is a crime but not his somehow.
He still trains one on one with Buddy (paper ninja), its kind of when he vents a bit about stuff.
He lets Mikey paint his shell he tries to return the favor Mikey also loves what Raph paints but Raph feels its not that great,
Raph doesn't actually have hobbies because he kind of focused to much on being there for others instead he kind of knows random stuff from trying to actively take an interest in what his brothers like.
In that he dosent have any of his own. he plays sports, he skates and such and read comics even but he also dose all of that with his brothers.
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2022: #1-Monkey Business
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I remember when I was a tiny tot being brought to theatres to watch films. I was not quite sure what this movie-going experience was all about, at first. Then, around age six, I hypothesized that these films were instructional, warnings to assist and prepare people for the rigors of the realities of the future. There were films about ships sinking with Shelley Winters plummeting. Some movies were about skyscrapers on fire and Robert Wagner dashing through the fire with a wet towel on his head. There were movies featuring earthquakes, and other disasters to warn us so we could be ready. This made sense to my growing, bubbling, and ripening brain. Fiction films as instructional tools to prepare one for the future.
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There were oodles of crime films warning us what to avoid, like Death Wish and Dirty Harry. Mad Max and A Clockwork Orange warned us about future mass crime and violent psychos. Films like Soylent Green warned about the future food supply, and that film was coincidentally set in 2022. There are even films about pandemics, environmental disaster, and much of what we have experienced over the last few years. Well, all the zombie film warnings have not come to reality since zombies have never walked this Earth, but we all know how to kill them! The ultimate threat of artificial intelligence is constantly popping up, from Terminator to Westworld to Tron. We have been well trained by movies how to deal with alien invasions, like War the Worlds, Invaders From Mars, and many more. One film that most accurately predicts the future for me is the film Brazil, from body modifications to terrorism.
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But one film series has not come true and has no future anticipated date, if or when it ever will come true. I watched these many films as a child, and I was sure that these films would come true in some way because there were so many of them. The Planet of the Apes. I was sure I would be living with ape-men by the year 2020. There were five original films, a tv series, a cartoon, books, comic books, action figures, Halloween costumes, and I even had Planet of the Apes cups and bowls. It had to come true! I counted on it, and as a small child, I knew I would have monkey friends when I was older. Some kids wanted flying cars when they grew up, and I was looking forward to living on the planet of the apes. I wistfully wondered about whether I would need special furniture for these future monkey friends. Would I need in my home hanging chairs, ropes, and hanging banana trees? Would the apes outnumber humans, and would I have to conform to their furniture? And, most importantly, would I need to eat bananas?
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I have never eaten a banana. I am not sure if you peel them or unpeel them. They have peels, so taking the peel off must be unpeeling, right? I have no idea, I have never taken that nasty thing off a banana. Possibly having never eaten a banana is somehow unconsciously connected to never having monkey friends… Well, I have slipped on a banana peel before…. I used to slip bananas down the back of the shirt of a next door neighbor when he drifted asleep on his porch at night, and Bardo thought it was funny. But that is my extent of experience with bananas. I am a banana virgin, and I am not ashamed of that. Anyways, do you supposed to do something with those banana peels or just throw them away?
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And where are the monkey men? Will we ever get them? I was sure those Planet of the Apes films were preparing us for future monkey men! Let’s not beat around the bush, it’s a primary letdown of being an adult human being: there are no monkey men, we have no monkey friends, no coconut parties. It’s just depressing. After all this crap we have to put up with, environmental disasters, political insanity, and a pandemic, can’t we just have monkey men now? We all deserve millions of monkey men on this planet, a plethora of primates, an abundance of apes, a surfeit of simians, and most definitely a cornucopia of Corneliuses!
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I know there are some who share similar views. I worked with a college researcher who had a childhood crush on Chaka from The Land of the Lost. Chaka was a fur covered small apelike protohuman, not exactly sexy, nothing like a sleek sleestak. And there was an evening when a friend of a friend visited me at my apartment many years ago. I was warned that she was eccentric, slightly off kilter. She wandered into my kitchen unescorted to retrieve a beverage, and was gone a long time. When she returned, she was wearing a full body monkey suit she had recovered and donned from a closet. She also had consumed a large bottle of alcohol in that short time, so when she returned to my living room, she sat on the floor, sitting upright wearing the ape suit including the full head covering. She slumped forward and the ape lady barely moved for three hours. Her life signs were periodically checked, until she suddenly recovered and transformed back into a human and quickly left.
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If I only knew in my life that would be the closest I ever came to having the monkey men over for a party, I would have taken photos. Monkey men where are you? You are not here yet in 2022, weepers! I will not be daunted, crushed, broken, or left without hope of a monkey man future! It will happen! One day. Until then, I will have to eck an existence off of old videos of Ernie Kovacs’ The Nairobi Trio and repeated viewings of the original Planet of the Apes films. So the waiting continues…
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turtletimetown · 9 months
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Good job guys 👍
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doyouwanttoseeabug · 5 months
Thinking about the prev post and discourse about whether Jason has a right to be upset that Bruce didn't kill the joker and, like -
I've been the victim of crimes - multiple - that severely affected my life and mental health. I would, personally, like those people dead. I absolutely indulged in violent revenge fantasies in the past and feel 0 shame for it. Whatever kept me breathing till eighteen, man.
I'm also completely anti-death penalty, ever. The rage and hurt of victims is always completely valid, and it's also a terrible system to organise a society around. It's the most totted-out - every single argument against the death penalty is met with "but what about closure for the families?" I'm sure if someone killed by kid and I got to watch them burn it would make me feel better! I also do not think that catharsis is sufficient justification for ending an actual life.
Just because Jason has an extremely valid and understandable reason to WANT the joker to be extra-judicially murdered does not mean that that's actually what should happen. Reading ANY superhero means temporarily forgetting about "search warrants" and "right to privacy" and "non-coerced confessions" in order to enjoy a comic, but a comic where batman killed the joker and it was presented as "ah, finally!" would be utterly fucking unbearable lol
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lesbianspeedy · 3 years
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merelygifted · 4 years
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Bad Diet & Bad Hair Destroy Human Civilization | by Aline Kominsky-Crumb and R. Crumb | The New York Review of Books
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starburstman · 3 years
Can we some Johnny headcanons? 🛹💙
Hi! Sorry it took some time. I was a little bit busy with some other things, but here are some headcanons for our fav boy <3
- Johnny had little time to spend outside his father's business, so he had a small number of friends his age (which sucks because he is so kind). He was a bit hesitant to hugs and affection at first, but he really grew into it
- Johnny's mother passed away when he was younger, and his dad really never got over that (which made him turn to crime). However, Johnny struggled for a while too, which is the main reason why he hadn't played the piano since he was a kid. It reminded him too much of her
- He has called Rosita 'mom', and he was so embarrassed about it at first, but now he does it casually
- Johnny is prone to pulling faces when people annoy him. You won't believe the number of faces he has pulled behind Mike's back
- He is banned from the kitchen. BANNED
- His first kiss was with a dude (because he is a bi king), and he once wore pink or "feminine" things for a really long time in kindergarten bcuz some douche said that boys can't be girly (as he should)
- Johnny has really never yelled at anyone, he gets annoyed and is a little irritable, but he has yet to genuinely scream at anyone (lovely boy TOT)
- The dude loves true crime and mystery shows, but now he has become even more paranoid due to that stuff
- He believes in ghosts and supernatural things. Fortunately, Meena also loves scary things (WHAT A TWIST). They are kinda like Buzzfeed unsolved, except Johnny has NO LOGICAL IDEAS
Johnny: a ghost did it
Meena: no
Johnny: yes
Meena: there are no haunted houses or cemeteries in our area
Johnny: ghosts can fly
Meena: ... You have a point
- He and Ash tease each other a lot, but in a sweet way 
“I will punch you in the face, gimme my phone pretty boi” 
“If you punch me, I will swallow your hand 😊"
- He acts like a child sometimes. He does things like picking up dandelions to blow them or nagging people to go get ice cream
- the dude loves laser tag so much, AND HE IS SO INTENSE ABT IT. He does rolls and dives and is consistently inviting people to go and do it
- HE DRIVeS SO FAST AND IT MAKES EVERYONE GO CRAZY (Ash and Buster just get flung to the other side of the car when he drives)
- HIS VOICE CRACKS comically when he is stressed out or trying to diffuse a stressful situation
- Johnny's sleep schedule is out of wack. Some days he sleeps at 4am, and then on others, it's 8:30. However, he insists on doing a facial and hair routine every morning
- He loves thunderstorms and mystery novels!!
- Johnny is an atrocious dancer, and his signature move was the lawnmower (which is ironic because Buster makes him dance in the second movie, and he is fantastic)
- Human! Johnny headcanon: He keeps wrist bands on his arm for the girls (sweet boy)
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