#criminal case request
"Care for a dance?"
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Here is Diego our favourite Consultant from Mysteries of the Past:)
Btw. I found the background on Google.
And here some transparent Diegos (not that different from each other):
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whiskeyghoul · 3 months
Hi can you please write a Hotchner x reader
Reader and Hotchner are married and reader is extremely pregnant. It’s kinda like season 1 episode 22 where hotch sends Elle home but instead it's the reader. And similar events take place, except the reader is kidnapped instead of shot. And it’s a quest to find and save her.
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Stay safe, be smart || [Aaron Hotchner x Pregnant!Reader]
A/N: Thank you for the request! This will be a little break between the new sbmws update, since it is taking a bit longer to flesh out. It sounded super interesting and high stakes to me so I hope you enjoy it. It was interesting to write something a lot more case based than what I am used to writing. So if anyone has any more requests please let me know!
WC: 3.3K
Tags: Angst, violence, pregnancy, aaron x reader, pregnant reader, 18+ case mentions, implied violence, death and murder, fluff at the end I suppose.
Warnings: Case details, violence against pregnant women (no real violence described but implied), death, murder, general criminal minds content.
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Aaron’s pov
The sun was beating down on the team as Aaron stepped out of the SUV. It was sweltering in the Phoenix heat. He opened the passenger door, helping you out of the vehicle. Married just a year, you were now pregnant and nearing your maternity leave date. “Thank you.” Your voice was honey sweet to him. Your hand in his before you took it to rest on your belly. He’d felt protective over you for weeks now. Afraid something would happen to you, or the precious little being growing inside of you. He’d asked you every week to take early leave, yet you, stubborn as ever, never agreed. Now he just tried to keep you safe in the field, and when he could put you on office duties.
This case was going to be a hard one.
Greeted by the local police, they led the team to the site where the last body was found. Opening the door of the shed made a wall of smell slam into his face. The crime scene was anything but pretty, with the weather the decomposition had set on quickly, leaving the non air conditioned shed they walked into one of the worst smelling scenes they had been to in a while. He knew it was bad when he had seen the picture, it was even worse in real life. When he heard you enter behind him it was only a moment before you bolted back out the door. “I’ll be right back.” Aaron said to the team before following you outside.
He knew what he would find, but still it pulled at his heart to see you hunched over, emptying your breakfast in a bush just a few feet away from the scene. Your nose had been extremely sensitive the past few weeks, he’d felt bad every time you mentioned just feeling nauseous from the smell of certain things. Jack’s soccer shoes for one, had been banished to the garage. “Are you alright, sweetheart?” he asked, walking over to gently rub your back as you heaved a sigh. Standing back up to full height once you felt confident enough that there wouldn’t be any more upchucking. “The smell, Aaron, it’s horrible.” You wiped the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. “I know.” he offered an apologetic smile as he pulled you into a side hug. Pressing his lips chastely against your temple. “There’s a bottle of water in the SUV, I think you might need to sit this one out.” He tried to make his voice soothing, placating. He didn’t want you to protest against it. 
“I can sit in the SUV, wait until we get back to the precinct and then work from there?” You said it like a question. Though it was clear you would rather be in the field, that was your place. Aaron nodded his head yes, “That sounds like a smart plan. We’ll get back as soon as possible.” He fished the keys to the SUV out of his pocket, handing them to you with a small, comforting smile. You took them, lips pressed in a thin line, nodding your head before taking off. Aaron walked back to the shed, ready to face the crime scene and finish up as quickly as possible.
The body was that of a woman, the third one in three weeks. Exactly a week apart, the unsub was consistent to say the least. The previous bodies had been thoroughly inspected, Aaron had no doubt they would find similar evidence on this woman. The previous bodies had been raped, but there was no semen left behind. The wounds were a near exact match, in the type, deep slashes on the limbs. Worst of all was the deep, surgical cut mirroring that of a C section. Each victim had been pregnant, the infants bodies were found close to the mother. He knew it was a tough case, emotionally it was going to be worse with you close. The idea of sending you home nestling in the back of his mind. Just in case. To be safe. But he also knew you would never agree. Which was still hard to accept. When they got to the precinct Aaron put you on geographical profile duty together with Spencer. There you would be alright.
“Can’t I go help interview the family?” You spoke up, the rest of the team looked at you. Usually you had just accepted the task handed to you. Aaron looked up from the papers he had just gone to reorganize. “Are you not satisfied with your task, Y/N?” he quirked a brow, looking at you he noticed the shift in your body language. Something in you was determined to get out of the precinct and ‘be more useful’ as you would put it. “I just think that Reid does not need my help on the geographical profile. He’s perfectly capable of doing it himself. Like he has done the cases before.” You crossed your arms. Resting them on the protruding belly, with an arched brow that conveyed an air of annoyance. Aaron sighed, he didn’t want to let up, but you did have a point. Reid had managed fine on his own for the last few cases. “Fine, you can go with JJ to interview the families. But only for the interviews. Stay safe.” He gave in. His lips pressed into a thin line. He really didn’t want to play favorites. Yet he relented so easily at times like these. Your small triumphant smile was barely there but he got a glimpse of it before you turned to the door, leaving him alone to ponder why he even said yes. 
“I thought I told you only the interviews!” Aaron had to take a deep breath, calm down, but his blood was rushing in his veins. If something happened to you, well, he wouldn’t forgive himself. You sat in the back of an ambulance, getting your wounds tended to. He had gotten to the scene as quickly as possible, racing from the precinct to the home of the family. “Thanks to me we have a suspect in custody.” You retorted, wincing as you moved your arms. There was a deep cut that looked to be made with glass, scrapes on your knees that tore straight through the pants. “You could have ruined the entire case. We don’t know if this is the unsub. We didn’t even have a profile yet.” he continued to scold. When he heard you had attacked a man, who was lingering around the house of the family, he knew he had made the wrong choice in letting you go. “He was stalking them! Clearly a sign of a killer checking up on the devastation he has caused.” you raised your voice. A certain mix of anger and panic mingling in the sound of it. 
Aaron sighed, pinching his furrowed brow, you had gotten hurt. “Go to the hotel. You are off the case.” his voice sounded cold to him. It must have sounded even colder to you. “W-what?” You stumbled over the word. He looked back at you, to see your jaw slack, eyes wide in confusion. “You are off the case. I can’t have an agent running around and attacking anyone with no probable cause. We need evidence, not intuition.” He explained. You closed your mouth. A deep swallow as you nodded your head. He could see your jaw tick, holding back from saying anything. “I’m sorry… I’ll see you for dinner.” He whispered but you looked away, eyes cast to the ground as though looking at him would hurt. He felt a tug at his heart. It was for the best. You would be safe in the hotel. He made a mental note to bring your favorite food to make it up to you.
Your pov.
Aaron was right. You had been reckless, even more so than usual. Now you were just reaping what you sowed. The wound on your arm stung, so did your knees. Everything had been cleaned with alcohol and bandaged up nicely by the medics on scene. JJ had stayed with you and drove you back down to the hotel, but you didn’t feel like going inside just yet. Being stuck in a stuffy room with just your thoughts didn’t sound that appealing. And you probably wouldn’t be able to nap. The little one in your belly was using your lungs as their own personal punching bag.
There was a park nearby the hotel, and a stroll in the slowly cooling late afternoon sounded nice. So you had changed into a flowy skirt, since you wouldn’t be doing any running after unsubs anymore. The pants you were wearing were delegated to the trashcan in your hotel room. The afternoon air was still incredibly hot but more bearable compared to earlier in the day. The park was spacious, you walked towards the playground where laughter sounded out from the multiple young children running around. Soon you’d have one of your own children begging you to play tag, going down the slide with them. You smiled to yourself, placing your hand on your belly again, absentmindedly stroking it in a comforting motion. 
You watched for a while, though an unsettling feeling crept up the back of your spine. The hairs on your neck began to stand on end. Having a look around to see if anything suspicious was happening. Maybe you were over reacting. Overly sensitive due to hormones and the entire proceedings of the day. This is what got you kicked off the case. Scolding yourself internally for letting this feeling take over. You left the park, maybe it would be better to stay at the hotel. At Least you won’t get the impending feeling of dread there.
“‘scuse me miss.” A voice said, you looked up to see a man approaching you. Your guard immediately went up. “Can I help you?” You asked, trying to quell the thoughts of mistrust. “Just wanted to ask if you knew the way to the art museum.” He seemed innocent enough. Dark black hair, a clean shave, nice white blouse with no stains. No clear markers that would need you to be on guard. “I’m sorry, I am just here for the week. I don’t know.” You said honestly, though internally cursing yourself for revealing you were not native to the area. A stupid mistake, though it wouldn’t matter if there was nothing to fear. “Ah alright, thanks anyways.” He flashed a charming smile before taking a few steps to walk past.
You let out a soft sigh. See. No reason to be so nervous. You scolded yourself internally. Taking a few steps back in the direction of the hotel before you felt a pinch in your neck, a hand clasped over your mouth and everything went dark.
When you opened your eyes it was still dark, slowly adjusting to the surroundings. Your hands were tied down to a bed, along with our legs and straps around your torso. Neck incredibly stiff from whatever happened. Lights turned on, blinding you, blinking rapidly to adjust to the sudden influx of bright, white light. “You’re probably wondering where you are right now.” A voice called out from over speakers. Training kicked in, knowing it wasn’t smart to engage the unsub in any way like this. They want a reaction, something that allows them to relish in the fear they have created. Biting your tongue you stayed quiet. 
“Well, it doesn’t matter where you are. Because you won’t leave.”
Aaron’s pov
When Aaron entered the hotel room the lights were off. He noticed just how silent it was. Usually you would be tossing and turning, trying to get comfortable when taking a nap. But it was still early. He walked in quietly, trying to not disturb you if you had finally managed to get some well deserved rest. He felt horrible for kicking you off the case, but it was the smartest thing for him to do. The bag of take out rustled in his hand when he put it on the small desk pressed against the wall. Turning to look at the bed, it was still pristinely made, no sign of you. The only sign that you had been there was the pair of pants that laid in the garbage can. 
His blood ran cold. There could be a simple explanation. You went out for a walk. Or down to the lobby for some tea. He quickly took his phone out of his pocket. Hoping that you wouldn’t be too angry to pick up. Dialing your contact, it rang once before immediately heading to voicemail. Your chipper voice saying your name on the other end of the line did nothing to calm his increasingly quickly beating heart. He called again. Same thing. His hands began to feel just a little clammy. ‘Where are you?’ ‘Please text me.’ ‘Are you okay?’ All his text messages arrived but weren’t opened.
He dialed JJ’s number. Who picked up almost instantly. “You went to the hotel with y/n, right?” He asked, his voice strained. “Yes, I watched her walk inside.” JJ sounded a little confused, he could almost hear the frown in her voice. “She’s not here. I can’t reach her, and she never turns off her phone.” He sighed. “I’ll meet you in the lobby. I’ll try and call her.” She suggested it before hanging up the phone. Aaron left the room, leaving the take out behind to grow cold in favor of looking for you. 
When he reached the lobby not only was JJ there, she had apparently informed the rest of the team. All sitting in the leather chairs around a short table. “I can’t reach her either.” JJ spoke up as soon as she saw him. “We’ve all been trying.” Spencer chimed in. His eyes held a certain fear. It was the least comforting feeling knowing that no one on the team could reach you. “She is the unsub’s type. We have to assume that they got her, and we need to be quick.” Aaron’s voice didn’t sound like his own to him. Having to take a certain distance away from the personal part of what was happening. He didn’t want to assume the worst, but he knew he had to. They had a profile and a geographical one too, atleast. A male, who likely lost his wife or girlfriend during childbirth, along with the child. Looking for a replacement, and when the baby doesn’t look like the one he lost, he gets rid of it. A harrowing thought.
“Alright, I will call Garcia to trace her phone. Maybe we can see where it last pinged.” Derek voiced. A smart idea. Aaron couldn’t really think, his mind reeling with things that could have happened to you. “Thank you.” He said and nodded his head. “Prentiss, Rossi, could you canvas the area of overlap in the geographical profile? Take Reid if you must. We know they take the victims to a secondary location, look for something isolated, something that won’t be noticed.” He added, looking at the three agents. “JJ, could you talk with the precinct? Get the police out on the street, looking for signs of y/n or foul play.” JJ nodded her head in return. “Alright, any information you call me, let's go.” Aaron nodded his own head, trying to instill some form of confidence in himself. It was hard.
Aaron kept tabs on everything as minutes ticked by, they seemed like hours. Penelope called with the last ping of your phone, apparently when he had first called it still pinged before it was turned off. Perhaps the unsub scrambling after making a mistake. You did keep your phone in an unusual place just in case. He remembered when he first saw you put your phone in the side of your boot, a strange habit he quickly began to find endearing. Derek, JJ, and himself got into one of the SUV’s as they got the information. JJ went to call Emily to meet them at the last ping place. An ambulance was called for backup, along with some of the agents from the precinct. 
As they raced down a dusty road out of the city, the fear began to take over again. With what happened with Hailey, he couldn’t lose anyone else. He didn’t think that he would be able to bear that. His mind reeled with the idea of having to tell Jack what happened. Losing another mother figure, he didn’t know what damage that would do to him. And his unborn sibling. It would be his worst nightmare. His jaw set, trying not to think the dark thoughts, wanting to remove them from his mind. You were going to be okay. They were going to find you alive and well.
When they spotted a dilapidated white van in the distance, next to a small barn he knew they were in the right spot. “Stop the car, we can’t let him know we’re here.” Aaron instructed, Derek slowed down, parking the car about 20 feet away, hoping the engines didn’t give them away. The second black SUV pulled up next to them. “First, the van, we need to check that no one is inside, then we go to the barn.” He instructed the agents. All geared up in their vests and checking their sidearms. They moved together to the van, no one seemed to be in the driver's seat. The back doors were unlocked and when they opened them Aaron’s stomach dropped. Screens lined one wall, with a computer set up rivaling that of their tech analyst. 2 screens, still lit up with a live camera feed. Two different angles that showed you, tied to a bed, a gag in your mouth. A figure standing over you, dressed in surgical gowns. This was all being recorded.
He stormed out the van, taking the gun from his holster and getting it ready. He walked over to the barn door, the unsub was stupid enough to not lock anything. Maybe it was arrogance. But it made his work a lot easier. He nodded towards Derek, who kicked the door in. “Hands up, drop the knife.” Aaron called as he raised his gun, walking into the barn. The man looked up from you, having a big knife in hand he froze. Looking down for a quick second in contemplation. “Whatever you are thinking of doing, don’t. You are surrounded, either step away from her and put the knife down or face the consequences.” He could feel the blood rushing through his ears, anger and fear colliding inside of him. What he wanted to do was shoot him, punish him for hurting you. But he knew that wouldn’t be the intelligent thing to do. The man stepped away, reluctantly, and from a few feet away he dropped the knife.
Aaron walked over to you, quick strides as he holstered his gun. His hands were shaking as he reached you. Looking at the small cuts on your arms. The wound from earlier that day reopened. He ungagged you, watching as tears started to spill from your eyes, hearing repeated apologies fall from your lips. “Shh… no, I’m sorry. I was so worried. I’m sorry.” He shushed, petting your hair, letting the soft locks slip between his fingers. He quickly worked to unbuckle your limbs and body from the bed. As soon as he could he picked you up, holding you close. As if he could still lose you if he didn’t. “I shouldn’t have sent you away. I’m sorry. I got you now.” He mumbled, his hands holding you tightly as he felt your unregulated breathing against his neck. “I shouldn’t have done it. I should have just thought.” You apologized and he shook his head.
“It’s okay. It’s alright. You’re safe.” He picked you up, taking you to the ambulance and not leaving your side again.
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russellcranebf · 1 month
hiiii! Can you draw Jones or Zoe? Maybe I have a certain addiction to these two... (your art style is SO CUTE!!! I WANT TO TIGHTEN!!
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honestly only thought of billie's bird of a feather whilst drawing this
'i'll love you til the day that i die' WURGAJDGWJAH
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mazmerized · 20 days
I hope I’m doing this right I’m still relatively new to Tumblr and this is the first ask I’ve done LMFAO
If there are any slots open could you draw my baby? :O
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HII really sorry to get this to you so late this has been sitting in my inbox for a couple of months now 😭 but thank you so much for requesting!!! Anna is so cute i enjoyed shading their hair lots :33
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ehilikeshoney · 7 months
Done :)
Hope you guys like them 💝
1. Abigail Baines - @chelleinyy
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2. Bernadine Rochester - @asharkapologist
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3. Jack Archer - @gachaclubideas
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4. Karen Knight (genderbent) - @anxietyfluffy
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5. Gail Harper - @blenderscientist
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6. Zoe Kusama - @dinamo123xpq
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7. Velma Bannister- @totojo2
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8. James Savage - @katrinahood
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9. Zara Tien - @cheriemarii
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10. Arthur Darkwood - @alexlesuagz
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11. Elliot Clayton - @blueberry84 + @turtlethebean
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12. Freddy Stewart - @4n0th3r-m4st3rm1nd
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13. Rex Logan - @babyzassou26
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14. Jarvis Donne - @questionablemarkii
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❗️ Please let me know if anyone’s request is missing ❗️
Also, I’m deeply sorry for the low quality ones, but I genuinely didn’t have any drawing ideas for those whatsoever.
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appleflavoredkitkats · 4 months
if youre still taking art requests, can you do Nathan Pandit?
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send me an ask of a cc character and i'll draw'em!
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ruth campbell from criminal case !! (if you find this, hi luca)
Dr. Ruth Campbell from Criminal Case is being blended!!
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You cannot save her.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 year
Sup everyone! Just a quick announcement, I’m planning on creating an ao3 account. The reason is because I want to upload strictly nsfw/smut content and before you ask, why can’t I do it on here? The answer to that is I’m not sure. I don’t really have a specific reason I just feel like posting it on there rather than here if that’s alright. I’ll still do my regular stuff here just if you want any nsfw/smut content then you can see it on my ao3 account. I’m already planning on a post for once I’m able to make one because I have to wait for an invite to join and it said it won’t be here till next Saturday (7 October 2023) so I’ll just have to wait. You can still request things for me to post there just be prepared to wait until some point next week for me to upload them. I’ll update for when I’ve made the account. Anyways that’s it hope you have a great morning/night. ~Blaze/Dawn
I’ve finally made the account this morning. Here’s what it looks like:
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wouldtheyfuck · 26 days
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kitty-av · 1 year
You guys, I'm so bored right now. Can you give me something to doodle? The criminal case designs in particular as fascinating to me, because by all means something simple shouldn't be iconic, and yet most of them are. I mean, Frank and Amy are essentially the basic grumpy older and younger cop duo, but I'd recognise them in a heartbeat. Jack could be any generic model/love interest in a rom com. Jones is somehow both the most cop cop that comes to mind, and very distinguishable.
I don't know why I started ranting. I guess I just wanted to say CC designs are dope, and I want to draw some of them •^•
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onamitaro · 2 years
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Soon I'll have (proper) holidays after my exams and as a way to get back into drawing I'll draw any Criminal Case character you want (OCs included, but please send me a picture of them (preferably in colour, but black and white is also fine)) in any clothes you want.
Exceptions: Se*ual or F*tish clothes. I'm just not comfortable with that.
Inappropriate attire for underage characters, etc.
Surprise surprise! My academically challenging college degree is academically challenging.
I keep trying to get back into drawing and writing, before college decides to screw me over once again.
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t0rturedangel · 2 years
Ummmm im sorry to bother but can we get some frank knight x reader fluff please
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Frank Knight x Reader - fluff
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A/N :: Sorry i havent been posting guys ! I havent had much motivation but now i'll post more i promise ! Also i have more new fandoms i'll write for <33 ALSO THIS WAS REQUESTED TWICE SO I HOPE THE SECOND PERSON WHO REQUESTED THIS IS HAPPY WITH THIS !!
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" Y/n, my office now please " You heard the familiar voice of your chief, sighing you got up ignoring all the cheeky whispers from your colleges as you walked to her office, they snickered, eyes following you making you uncomfortable.
Entering the office you noted how your chief was clearly annoyed, sitting down she began to talk. " Thank you for coming Y/n " she sighed and in return you gave her a nervous smile " My pleasure Chief, so- uhm what did i do wrong now? " you asked thinking you messed up again as you did have a reputation of being a trouble maker, the only reason why she kept you with the team is because you're a relative of hers and she has a soft spot for you.
" You didn't do anything n/n, its Frank " your eyes widened for a second and one of your brows raised, confusion evident of your features " What about him? What did he do? " Leaning forward you held the end of her desk for support of your upper body " He's gotten really drunk again and i want you to find him and look after him- also please try to sober him up he has a new case " " So i have to baby sit him? " you deadpanned, disappointed you'd much rather be in trouble rather than look after Frank, you didnt hate the guy its just that sometimes he was too much.
" In a way yes, i do hope this isnt an issue, is it? " Her gaze darkened and you knew that you had no say in the matter so you didnt even bother to try and argue with her " Nope, it isnt an issue auntie, i'll go and babysit him " you groaned standing up and quickly leaving her office not letting her lecture you about calling her auntie at work
It didnt take you long to find Frank, he was by a pub laughing and singing his drunk heart out and bursting your eardrums out while he does. No, seriously, he sucks at singing. Getting out of your car you went over to the older man " Frank! Buddy hey, what cha doing ? " You grinned even though you knew what he was doing and wanted to create a conversation with him to distract him while leading him back to the car.
Frank 'huh-ed' in a slurred voice before turning to you a wobblily grin on his face as he registered who you were " Y/N !!!! " He yelled out swinging an arm around your shoulders pulling you into a hug to which you gaged " Ew- fuck Frank you reek of booze and vomit ! " you glared at him slightly pushing him as a way of getting away from him and his stench but he held on firmly " I dont fucking stink you little cheeky twat " he pulled you closer making you gag " Fucks sake Frank ! " you hissed " We need you to get sobered up ! You have a new case to work on ! " " Oh my fucking god " Frank groaned his grip loosened letting you easily get away from him.
" I dont wanna work on shit- " " You think i dont know that? You alway complain about it but you cant do anything about it so why dont you shut up and lets go get you some water yeah? " You grabbed the back of his shirt and led him to the car despite his and his friends' rebottle against you doing so.
Quickly you both sat down in the car, you being in the divers seat and Frank in the passengers, pulling out a cold water bottle you turned to him " This might not help- like at all- but still drink this, you need something different than beer " and as you chucked the bottle over he barely caught it, groaning as he gulped down massive amounts of the flavorless liquid. After he was done he looked over at you a small smile on his face as his eyes glossed over slightly. Was he about to cry? What for?
" Ya know kid, i like you " "Frank you have a wife " " NOT LIKE THAT !- I mean- you remind me of my girls ya know? you just remind me so much of them with your personality and all that other shit " You sighed and shook your head slightly " Thank for that Frank, now i think you should go to sleep might help speed up the sober-ing up process " that comment made you receive a scoff from Frank before he leaned back and immediately passed out.
Starting up the car you looked over to the sleeping man a small smile on your face " Thanks for that Frank, you know you remind me of a dad . . . " gripping the steering wheel you drove off not noticing the grin on Franks face
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russellcranebf · 1 month
If you haven’t gotten him requested already.. could you please draw Jones? (Specifically TC Jones. ☺️)
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JONES MY BELOVED !!! i adore his s5 design sm... peak character design
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turtlethebean · 1 year
Have you, yes you, ever wanted to request a one-shot from me?
Have you ever wanted a one-shot idea of yours in my writing style? (which why would you but okay)
Or do you just want to torture me by making me write something emotional?
Well, you now have an opportunity with my new CC one-shot collection!
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ehilikeshoney · 7 months
Can you draw Olive Powell reading a book about criminology please?
Funny you should ask for her, because I've just reached Case 22 in S5, and I met Olive today, actually.
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Pretty cool coincidence, right? :D
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