vugnasmineralblog · 7 months
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Crocoite | Adelaide Mine, Dundas, West Coast Municipality, Tasmania, Australia
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emeraldcityminerals · 8 months
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Red crystals of crocoite (PbCr6+O4) and yellow gibbsite (Al(OH)3) on matrix. From Adelaide Mine, Dundas mineral field, Tasmania, Australia. Size: 4 cm x 3.5 cm x 3 cm
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mineralsandsomerocks · 8 months
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Locality: Dundas, Tasmania, Australia
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bellsolciere · 6 months
Shooting Stars - Hybrids!!
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Reblogs are Appreciated, and Askbox is always open!
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mysticplies · 2 years
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Have great endurance and can harden their body with spikes. They are used for charging and destroying alien colonies. Great for breaking walls and force fields.
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
The Ancients:
Bixbite (Andrewsarchus): Appearance: Bixbite, manifesting as the ancient Andrewsarchus, is a striking and formidable figure. Measuring approximately 15 feet in length, this gemstone creature boasts the appearance of the largest terrestrial mammalian carnivore. Its body is covered in a dense, reddish-brown fur that ripples with every movement, evoking the rich, vibrant hues of the bixbite gemstone. The centerpiece of Bixbite’s appearance is the square-cut bixbite gemstone embedded in its forehead. The gemstone, with its vivid red color, stands out brilliantly against the creature’s dark fur. Each facet of the square-cut gem catches the light, casting a radiant glow that reflects Bixbite’s sentient nature. Bixbite's head is massive, with a pronounced snout and large, sharp teeth capable of rending flesh and bone. Its eyes, glowing with an intelligent, fiery red light, convey a sense of determination and curiosity. The ears are keen and pointed, constantly twitching to pick up the faintest of sounds, enhancing its already formidable predatory senses. Despite its fearsome predatory build, there is an elegance in Bixbite’s movements, a grace that hints at its sentient nature and intelligence. Personality: Bixbite is characterized by a curious and adventurous spirit. It is an explorer at heart, driven by a desire to uncover the secrets of the world around it. This gemstone creature is highly intelligent, often contemplating the mysteries of existence and the intricate workings of nature. Unlike its appearance might suggest, Bixbite is not aggressive by default. Instead, it is inquisitive and seeks knowledge and understanding. It values wisdom and often acts as a mentor to those willing to learn. However, Bixbite can be fiercely protective, especially when it comes to safeguarding knowledge or defending the vulnerable. Bixbite communicates through a combination of telepathy and vocalizations, its mental voice clear and resonant, tinged with a sense of curiosity and wonder. It often shares thoughts and insights, encouraging others to explore and discover.
2. Bismuth (Woolly Mammoth):
Appearance: Bismuth, taking the form of an ancient Woolly Mammoth, is a magnificent and awe-inspiring sight. Standing at about 12 feet tall at the shoulder, this gemstone creature's entire body is a kaleidoscope of colors, mirroring the iridescent hues of the bismuth gemstone. The pear-cut bismuth gemstone is prominently embedded in the center of its forehead, its complex, rainbow-like patterns glinting with every movement.
Bismuth's thick fur, instead of the typical brown or tan, displays a vibrant array of metallic colors—blues, purples, pinks, and greens shimmer across its body. Each strand of fur seems to reflect and refract light, creating a mesmerizing, ever-changing display of colors. Its massive tusks, curving gracefully forward, are also imbued with this iridescent quality, appearing as if carved from solid bismuth.
The gemstone itself, pear-cut and brilliantly faceted, acts as a focal point, drawing the eye with its intricate play of colors. Bismuth's eyes, glowing with a soft, multicolored light, convey a sense of depth and understanding, hinting at the intelligence within.
Personality: Bismuth is characterized by a gentle and nurturing spirit. It possesses a deep sense of empathy and compassion, often acting as a guardian and protector of those who are vulnerable or in need. This gemstone creature values harmony and community, always striving to foster connections and bring others together.
Bismuth is incredibly patient and wise, often taking the time to listen and understand before acting. It has a calming presence, and its mere existence seems to bring a sense of peace and stability to those around it. However, when provoked or when its charges are threatened, Bismuth can become a formidable defender, using its immense strength and abilities to protect those it cares about.
Bismuth communicates through a combination of telepathy and gentle vocalizations, its mental voice soothing and melodic. It often shares feelings of warmth and reassurance, creating a sense of safety and comfort.
3. Crocoite (Saber-toothed Tiger):
Appearance: Crocoite, embodying the form of the ancient Saber-toothed Tiger, is a striking and formidable presence. This gemstone creature stands taller and broader than its modern feline counterparts, with powerful muscles rippling beneath its sleek, coppery-orange fur. Its entire body radiates a warm, fiery glow, reflecting the coloration of the oval-cut crocoite gemstone embedded on its left shoulder.
The crocoite gemstone, with its deep red hues and oval-cut facets, serves as a focal point of Crocoite's appearance. It gleams with an inner fire, enhancing the tiger's fierce and determined demeanor. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, casting crimson glimmers across Crocoite's fur as it moves with fluid grace.
Crocoite’s head is broad and powerful, adorned with the iconic curved saber teeth that protrude menacingly from its jaws. Its eyes, glowing with an intense amber light, convey a mix of predatory instinct and keen intelligence. Despite its formidable appearance, there is a calculated grace to Crocoite’s movements, a testament to its predatory prowess and sentience.
Personality: Crocoite is characterized by a strong sense of independence and resilience. It possesses a fierce determination and unwavering loyalty to those it considers allies. This gemstone creature values courage and decisiveness, often taking charge in challenging situations and leading by example.
Unlike its fearsome appearance might suggest, Crocoite has a noble and honorable nature. It abhors injustice and is quick to defend the weak or oppressed. However, it also understands the balance of nature and respects the laws of the wild.
Crocoite communicates through a combination of telepathy and deep, rumbling vocalizations. Its mental voice is commanding and authoritative, resonating with confidence and strength. It often imparts wisdom and guidance, encouraging others to embrace their inner strength and face adversity head-on.
4. Orpiment (Dodos):
Appearance: Orpiment, taking the form of the ancient Dodo, is a charming and endearing figure. This gemstone creature stands at a modest height, with a plump and rounded body covered in soft, downy feathers that shimmer with golden hues. Its entire form radiates a gentle warmth, reflecting the coloration of the French-cut orpiment gemstone embedded on its forehead.
The orpiment gemstone, with its golden-yellow hues and intricate french-cut facets, serves as a focal point of Orpiment's appearance. It glows softly with an inner light, accentuating the Dodo's curious and friendly demeanor. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, casting delicate patterns of golden rays around Orpiment as it moves with a waddling gait.
Orpiment’s head is round and expressive, adorned with bright, intelligent eyes that gleam with a warm amber light. Its beak is curved and slightly hooked, giving it a gentle, inquisitive appearance. Despite its ungainly appearance, there is a grace to Orpiment’s movements, a testament to its gentle nature and sentience.
Personality: Orpiment is characterized by a gentle and curious spirit. It possesses a playful and inquisitive nature, often exploring its surroundings with childlike wonder. This gemstone creature values friendship and camaraderie, always eager to forge new connections and share experiences with others.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Orpiment is not flightless in spirit. It embraces new challenges and opportunities with enthusiasm, seeking to learn and grow from each encounter. Orpiment has a keen sense of empathy and compassion, often acting as a mediator and peacemaker among friends and acquaintances.
Orpiment communicates through a combination of telepathy and melodic chirps and trills. Its mental voice is gentle and soothing, filled with warmth and sincerity. It often conveys feelings of joy and contentment, spreading positivity and harmony wherever it goes.
5. Antlerite (Irish Elk):
Appearance: Antlerite, taking the form of the ancient Irish Elk, is a majestic and imposing figure. This gemstone creature stands tall and proud, towering above most with its impressive stature. Its body is adorned with a thick, luxurious coat of deep green fur that shimmers with metallic sheens, reflecting the coloration of the drop-cut antlerite gemstone embedded on its upper back.
The antlerite gemstone, with its deep green hues and intricate drop-cut facets, serves as a centerpiece of Antlerite's appearance. It glows with an ethereal light, casting a radiant aura around the creature. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of emerald brilliance that dance across Antlerite's fur as it moves with stately grace.
Antlerite’s head is crowned with a majestic rack of antlers, each tine adorned with the same metallic sheen as its fur. Its eyes, glowing with an ancient wisdom and a serene green light, convey a sense of introspection and strength. Despite its imposing presence, there is a calm and gentle demeanor to Antlerite’s movements, a testament to its noble nature and sentience.
Personality: Antlerite is characterized by a serene and contemplative spirit. It possesses a deep reverence for nature and the cycles of life. This gemstone creature values wisdom and introspection, often spending long periods in quiet contemplation of the world around it.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Antlerite is not bound by the constraints of physical existence. It embraces the spiritual aspects of existence, seeking harmony and balance in all things. Antlerite has a profound connection to the natural world and the energies that flow through it, often acting as a guardian and steward of the land.
Antlerite communicates through a combination of telepathy and resonant hums and whispers. Its mental voice is soothing and melodic, filled with ancient knowledge and a deep understanding of the universe. It often imparts insights and guidance, encouraging others to connect with their inner selves and the world around them.
6. Boracite (Ankylosaurus):
Appearance: Boracite, taking the form of the ancient Ankylosaurus, is a formidable and armored figure. This gemstone creature possesses a massive, heavily armored body covered in thick, interlocking plates of bluish-gray scales that shimmer with a metallic luster. Its entire form radiates a cool, serene energy, reflecting the coloration of the round-cut boracite gemstone embedded on its forehead.
The boracite gemstone, with its pale blue hues and perfectly round-cut facets, serves as a focal point of Boracite's appearance. It glows softly with an inner light, enhancing the creature's steadfast and protective demeanor. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of ethereal blue rays that play across Boracite's armored form as it moves with deliberate and powerful strides.
Boracite’s head is adorned with a broad, domed skull and is studded with bony plates and knobs for added protection. Its eyes, glowing with a calm azure light, convey a sense of unwavering determination and vigilance. Despite its imposing size and armored exterior, there is a gentle wisdom and patience to Boracite’s movements, a testament to its protective nature and sentience.
Personality: Boracite is characterized by a steadfast and protective spirit. It possesses a strong sense of duty and loyalty, often acting as a guardian and defender of its allies and territory. This gemstone creature values honor and integrity, always striving to uphold principles of justice and fairness.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Boracite is not merely a creature of instinct. It possesses a keen intellect and a deep understanding of strategy and defense. Boracite is patient and methodical in its approach, carefully assessing situations before taking action.
Boracite communicates through a combination of telepathy and deep, resonant rumbles. Its mental voice is commanding yet reassuring, filled with wisdom and determination. It often imparts guidance and counsel, encouraging others to stand strong in the face of adversity and to protect those in need.
7. Lavender Smithsonite (Velociraptor):
Appearance: Lavender Smithsonite, taking the form of the ancient Velociraptor, is a sleek and agile figure. This gemstone creature possesses a lithe, muscular body covered in smooth lavender-colored scales that shimmer with a pearlescent sheen. Its form exudes a sense of swift grace, reflecting the coloration of the trilliant-cut lavender smithsonite gemstone embedded on its right hip.
The lavender smithsonite gemstone, with its soft purple hues and meticulously trilliant-cut facets, serves as a striking accent to Lavender Smithsonite's appearance. It emits a gentle glow that enhances the creature's agile and cunning demeanor. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of ethereal lavender rays that accentuate Lavender Smithsonite's lithe movements.
Lavender Smithsonite’s head is sleek and narrow, adorned with keen, intelligent eyes that gleam with a bright lavender light. Its snout is lined with rows of sharp teeth, hinting at its predatory nature. Despite its predatory appearance, there is a playful and curious energy to Lavender Smithsonite’s movements, a testament to its spirited personality and sentience.
Personality: Lavender Smithsonite is characterized by a spirited and curious spirit. It possesses a sharp intellect and a mischievous sense of humor, often approaching life with a playful and adventurous attitude. This gemstone creature values freedom and independence, relishing in the thrill of exploration and discovery.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Lavender Smithsonite is not solely driven by instinct. It is highly adaptable and capable of complex thought and reasoning. Lavender Smithsonite enjoys challenges and intellectual puzzles, constantly seeking new experiences and knowledge.
Lavender Smithsonite communicates through a combination of telepathy and musical chirps and clicks. Its mental voice is vibrant and expressive, filled with excitement and enthusiasm. It often shares stories and insights, encouraging others to embrace their curiosity and embrace the wonders of the world.
8. Tschermigite (T-Rex):
Appearance: Tschermigite, embodying the form of the ancient Tyrannosaurus rex, is a majestic and formidable presence. This gemstone creature stands tall and powerful, with a massive, muscular body covered in dark, iridescent purple scales that shimmer with a metallic sheen. Its entire form radiates a deep, regal aura, reflecting the coloration of the pentagon-cut tschermigite gemstone embedded on its upper back.
The tschermigite gemstone, with its rich purple hues and intricate pentagon-cut facets, serves as a central focal point of Tschermigite's appearance. It emits a subtle, mystical glow that enhances the creature's commanding and enigmatic presence. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of ethereal purple reflections that accentuate Tschermigite's imposing figure.
Tschermigite’s head is large and imposing, adorned with powerful jaws lined with rows of sharp teeth. Its eyes, glowing with a fierce and intelligent amber light against the backdrop of purple scales, convey a sense of ancient wisdom and predatory instinct. Despite its fearsome appearance, there is a dignified and contemplative air to Tschermigite’s movements, reflecting its noble nature and sentience.
Personality: Tschermigite is characterized by a regal and introspective spirit. It possesses a keen intellect and a deep sense of ancient wisdom, often approaching challenges with a calm and strategic mindset. This gemstone creature values strength and resilience, embodying the essence of leadership and authority.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Tschermigite is not solely driven by primal instincts. It is highly observant and analytical, carefully considering its actions and their consequences. Tschermigite takes pride in its role as a protector and leader, striving to maintain balance and order in its domain.
Tschermigite communicates through a commanding telepathic presence and deep, resonant rumbles. Its mental voice is authoritative yet measured, filled with insight and foresight. It often imparts guidance and counsel, encouraging others to embrace their inner strength and rise to meet challenges head-on.
9. Lawsonite (Spinosaurus):
Appearance: Lawsonite, taking the form of the ancient Spinosaurus, is a striking and formidable figure. This gemstone creature possesses a sleek and powerful body covered in glossy black scales that shimmer with a metallic sheen. Its form exudes a sense of sleek agility and strength, reflecting the coloration of the hexagon-cut lawsonite gemstone embedded on its chest area.
The lawsonite gemstone, with its deep black hues and precise hexagon-cut facets, serves as a central focal point of Lawsonite's appearance. It emits a subtle, mysterious glow that enhances the creature's commanding and enigmatic presence. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of dark reflections that accentuate Lawsonite's imposing figure.
Lawsonite’s head is elongated and narrow, adorned with a distinctive sail-like crest running down its back. Its eyes, glowing with an intense and intelligent amber light against the backdrop of black scales, convey a sense of ancient wisdom and predatory instinct. Despite its fearsome appearance, there is a calculated and observant demeanor to Lawsonite’s movements, reflecting its strategic nature and sentience.
Personality: Lawsonite is characterized by a calculated and observant spirit. It possesses a keen intellect and a deep understanding of strategy and survival. This gemstone creature values efficiency and adaptability, often approaching challenges with a methodical and patient mindset.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Lawsonite is not solely driven by primal instincts. It is highly analytical and perceptive, carefully assessing its surroundings and potential threats. Lawsonite is a master of adaptation, capable of thriving in diverse environments and situations.
Lawsonite communicates through a commanding telepathic presence and subtle, low-frequency rumbles. Its mental voice is authoritative yet measured, filled with insight and foresight. It often provides tactical guidance and strategic advice, encouraging others to approach challenges with careful planning and resourcefulness.
10. Aegirine (Coelacanth):
Appearance: Aegirine, taking the form of the ancient Coelacanth, is a graceful and mysterious figure of the deep waters. This gemstone creature boasts a streamlined fish body covered in smooth, glossy black scales that shimmer with a subtle metallic sheen. Its form exudes a sense of elegance and serenity, reflecting the coloration of the ceylon-cut aegirine gemstone embedded on its left side.
The aegirine gemstone, with its deep black hues and precise ceylon-cut facets, serves as a central feature of Aegirine's appearance. It emits a soft, ethereal glow that enhances the creature's enigmatic and contemplative presence. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of dark reflections that accentuate Aegirine's graceful movements through the water.
Aegirine’s head is sleek and elongated, adorned with large, expressive eyes that glow with a gentle, luminescent black light. Its fins and tail are adorned with delicate fringes that flutter gracefully with each movement. Despite its underwater domain, there is a serene and introspective aura to Aegirine’s presence, reflecting its deep connection to the mysteries of the ocean and its sentience.
Personality: Aegirine is characterized by a serene and introspective spirit. It possesses a deep reverence for the mysteries of the deep sea and the natural world. This gemstone creature values tranquility and contemplation, often approaching life with a calm and thoughtful demeanor.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Aegirine is not bound by the limitations of the physical realm. It has a profound understanding of the interconnectedness of life and the flow of energy through the waters. Aegirine embodies the essence of adaptability and resilience, navigating the currents of existence with grace and wisdom.
Aegirine communicates through a combination of subtle telepathic whispers and gentle, melodious hums. Its mental voice is soothing and serene, filled with insights and reflections on the beauty and mysteries of the ocean. It often imparts wisdom and guidance, encouraging others to embrace harmony and balance in their lives.
11. Beryllonite (Triceratops):
Appearance: Beryllonite, taking the form of the ancient Triceratops, is a majestic and formidable figure. This gemstone creature boasts a sturdy and muscular body covered in smooth, glossy white scales that gleam with a subtle iridescence. Its form exudes a sense of strength and resilience, reflecting the coloration of the baguette-cut beryllonite gemstone embedded on its forehead.
The beryllonite gemstone, with its pristine white hues and precise baguette-cut facets, serves as a prominent feature of Beryllonite's appearance. It emits a soft, ethereal glow that enhances the creature's noble and steadfast presence. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating patterns of gentle reflections that highlight Beryllonite's imposing stature.
Beryllonite’s head is large and powerful, adorned with the iconic triple horned crest characteristic of the Triceratops. Its eyes, glowing with a wise and protective white light against the backdrop of white scales, convey a sense of ancient wisdom and steadfast determination. Despite its formidable appearance, there is a gentle and nurturing aura to Beryllonite’s demeanor, reflecting its nurturing nature and sentience.
Personality: Beryllonite is characterized by a nurturing and protective spirit. It possesses a deep sense of loyalty and responsibility towards its companions and the natural world. This gemstone creature values harmony and stability, often approaching challenges with a calm and protective mindset.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Beryllonite is not solely driven by defensive instincts. It is highly empathetic and compassionate, caring deeply for the well-being of others. Beryllonite acts as a guardian and caretaker, using its strength and wisdom to ensure the safety and prosperity of its community.
Beryllonite communicates through a gentle telepathic presence and resonant, low-frequency hums. Its mental voice is soothing and reassuring, filled with warmth and compassion. It often provides guidance and support, encouraging others to embrace unity and cooperation in facing life’s challenges.
12. Rainbow Obsidian (Quetzalcoatlus):
Appearance: Rainbow Obsidian, taking the form of the ancient Quetzalcoatlus, is a majestic and enigmatic figure of the skies. This gemstone creature possesses a sleek and aerodynamic body covered in smooth, dark and dull rainbow-colored feathers that shimmer subtly with a metallic sheen. Its form exudes a sense of grace and agility, reflecting the coloration of the eight-cut rainbow obsidian gemstone embedded on its navel or bellybutton area.
The rainbow obsidian gemstone, with its dark and dull rainbow hues and precise eight-cut facets, serves as a prominent feature of Rainbow Obsidian's appearance. It emits a soft, mysterious glow that enhances the creature's mystical and ethereal presence. The gemstone’s facets catch and refract light, creating subtle patterns of shimmering colors that accentuate Rainbow Obsidian's elegant flight through the skies.
Rainbow Obsidian’s head is elongated and adorned with a crest of feathers that trails down its neck. Its eyes, glowing with a wise and perceptive dull and dark rainbow light against the backdrop of rainbow-colored feathers, convey a sense of ancient wisdom and keen intellect. Despite its imposing wingspan and aerial prowess, there is a serene and contemplative aura to Rainbow Obsidian’s demeanor, reflecting its deep connection to the skies and its sentience.
Personality: Rainbow Obsidian is characterized by a mystical and contemplative spirit. It possesses a deep affinity for the natural world and the mysteries of the skies. This gemstone creature values freedom and exploration, often approaching life with a curious and adventurous mindset.
Unlike its ancient namesake, Rainbow Obsidian is not solely driven by instinctual flight. It is highly introspective and empathetic, attuned to the rhythms of the natural world. Rainbow Obsidian acts as a guardian of the skies, using its aerial prowess and wisdom to navigate challenges and protect its domain.
Rainbow Obsidian communicates through a melodic telepathic resonance and gentle, harmonious hums. Its mental voice is soothing and melodious, filled with insights and reflections on the beauty and harmony of the natural world. It often shares tales and wisdom, encouraging others to embrace curiosity and respect for the environment.
13. Bloodstone (Sarcosuchus):
Appearance: Bloodstone, taking the form of the ancient Sarcosuchus, is an imposing and majestic figure. Standing at 40 feet long, this gemstone creature boasts the powerful and menacing appearance of the prehistoric crocodilian. Its body is robust and muscular, covered in rugged, dark scales that glisten like polished obsidian in the light. The scales are interspersed with deep crimson veins, reminiscent of the bloodstone gemstone’s natural coloration, giving the impression that the creature's lifeblood pulses just beneath its surface.
The most striking feature is the cushion-cut bloodstone gemstone embedded in the center of its broad upper back. The gemstone, with its deep green base color flecked with vivid red spots, contrasts sharply with the creature’s dark scales. It glows with an inner light, indicating the sentient nature of this Sarcosuchus. The cushion-cut facets catch the light, sending rays of red and green dancing across Bloodstone's form as it moves.
Bloodstone's head is large and elongated, with powerful jaws lined with rows of sharp, interlocking teeth capable of crushing bone. Its eyes, glowing with an intelligent crimson hue, convey both ancient wisdom and a predatory cunning. Despite its fearsome appearance, there's an air of nobility and purpose in Bloodstone's gaze.
Personality: Bloodstone possesses a deep sense of wisdom and a commanding presence. It is a guardian by nature, fiercely protective of those it considers allies. This sentient gemstone creature has a strong sense of justice and is unwavering in its pursuit of balance and order. However, its predatory instincts and formidable strength make it a relentless adversary when provoked.
Bloodstone communicates telepathically, its voice resonating with a deep, ancient timbre that commands attention and respect. Its thoughts are often conveyed through vivid mental imagery and emotions, making its intentions clear to those it deems worthy of communication.
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pocket-gems · 3 months
What do you think a Cinnabar and a Crocoite would look like?
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My boy Cinnabar needed a redraw so badly...
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kenjirose · 3 months
If you were to assign a rock to each of the main cast in TADC (or maybe just Kinger if that's too much work) which one(s) would you choose?
Caine -Vanadinite
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Pomni - Pierersite
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Jax - Cranberry Tourmaline
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Ragatha - Tanzanite
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Kinger - Imperial Topaz
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Gangle - Crocoite
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Zooble- Wixine
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Bubble - Moonstone
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snailspng · 2 years
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Gemstone sphere PNGs, part 2 (all from spheresdumonde)
1. Serpentine-stitchtite, 2. Rhodochrosite, 3. Australian opal, 4. Meteorite (gibeon), 5. Crocoite, 6. Azurite-malachite, 7. Apatite-calcite, 8. Malachite-chrysocolla, 9. Orbicular ocean jasper.
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wrathofrats · 5 months
asking you about your pebble gem headcanons
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@angryexo I apologize for how long this took did you know that there’s a fuck ton of ghouls
Anyways let’s get into it! Long post so all of the gems that pebble attributes to the other ghouls will be under the cut
Alpha- red tigers eye • Omega- purple jasper • Water- aquamarine • Air- howlite
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Earth- chrome diopside • Lake- kyanite • River-sodalite • Delta- iolite
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Mist- azurite • Cowbell- orange adventurine • Zeph- smoky quartz • Ivy- jade
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Ifrit- crocoite • Aether- amethyst • Dew- pietersite • Rain- sapphire
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Mountain- nephrite • Cirrus- larvikite • Cumulus- moonstone • Sunshine- citrine
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Aurora- rhodochrosite • Swiss- red ammolite • Phantom- sugalite
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gemsona-advice · 4 months
i basically need ideas for a few gems in certain courts (all of them being my diamond ocs):
some gems in a red diamond's court as well as their potential jobs (one being the RD equivalent of a peridot)
as well as some gems (potential jobs included if you want) for a midnight diamond, a bi-color (pink/blue) diamond, indigo diamond, mint diamond, peach diamond and sky blue diamond
(about like 3 gems per diamond)
as well as a name for a fusion between a red diamond and a rose diamond (not some weird combination of RQ and PD)
Red Diamond's court: Well, Rubies, Pink Star Sapphire, and Carnelian would be good canon gems for the Court. Pyrope, too, who was seen in the games!
Cinnabar and crocoite could be good for some type of poisons master role?
Painite would be a good elite soldier.
Coral and Hubnerite are some good aristocrats, I think?
Lake Superior Agate, Red Jasper, and Ferruginous Quartz are good red Quartzes??
For Peridot... maybe Proustite?
I... don't quite want to do the jobs for them sorry haha BUT here are the Gems you requested!!
Midnight Diamond: Black Moonstone, Galaxite, Nuummite?
Bi-colour Diamond: Bi-colour (or Parti) Sapphire, Elbaite Tourmaline, Ametrine?
Indigo Diamond: Larkivite, Sodalite, Tanzanite? (I would say Indicolite for the name, but I think they'd wanna get darker)
Mint Diamond: Prasiolite, Turquoise, Medusa Quartz?
Peach Diamond: Childrenite, Morganite, Peach Calcite?
Sky Blue Diamond: Swiss Blue Topaz, Cornflower Sapphire, Larimar?
Red Diamond + Rose Diamond = Fancy Pink Diamond, Fancy Red Diamond? I suppose Orange or Salmon Diamond might work if you didn't want them to be a lighter red.
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taspastondiams · 4 months
Crocoite, a lead chromate, is found in needle-like, bright red crystals, and here it is in a lead mine in Australia 📹 zigamineral
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mixterglacia · 1 year
TDC/SU AU: The Skeksis and Gelfling
(Note, this is not hyper accurate to SU lore. Just vibe with it y’all.)
Thra is a planet under the rule of Algodonite, the Empress of the Metamorphic Court. 
A result of failed experimentation by Homeworld. The original goal was to split a group of lesser Diamonds to clone them. However, this resulted in the loss of 18 natural Diamonds. They each split into two distinct Gems, none of which mirrored their former glory. Fusion is required to return to their previous state, but the Metamorphic Gems stubbornly refuse. They believe they are the stronger half, fooling themselves into thinking they can become Diamonds without Fusion.
Their counterparts are the Prism Gems. Lead by Shell Agate the Mistress.
While most are still withdrawn, a few of the Prism Gems have reached out to work with the humans that have broken away from the rule of the Metamorphic Court. While they cannot change what their species has done, they feel they need to help save the planet they had a hand in destroying.
Currently, three humans are also considered honorary Prisms.
Rian was born into a long line of guards that served the Metamorphic Court. He accidentally witnessed the Court he protected as they carried out an experiment on his beloved Mira. They were trying to see if a human soul could fill the void left by the Division. While it seems to work temporarily, it doesn’t last forever and kills the human in the process. While this fact doesn’t deter the Court, it sets Rian on his quest to save his planet.
Brea is from a royal bloodline, appointed by the Court to govern the other humans in their stead. She’s deeply curious by nature, and has a thirst for knowledge. This is what leads her to question the Court’s intentions. After seeing a horrible event where members of her people were forced to hand over family heirlooms, she sought the truth. What use are human artifacts to a Gem? These thoughts lead her to a strange, semi-sentient creature by the name of Dolerite. With their help, she joins the Prism’s in their quest to save Thra.
Deethra, also known as Deet, is from a small group of humans that live in a former Kindergarten. She’s deeply in tune with the natural world, often tasked with feeding the farm animals that sustain her remote village. After being attacked by a rampaging bull, Deet woke at the base of the Sanctuary Tree. A living database of Homeworld history, with full sentience. It’s unclear why the Great Trees are aiding the Prism Rebellion. Some think the Trees know they will die along with Thra if the Court is allowed to continue. The Sanctuary Tree gifts Deet with a vision of the future, and sets her on her path to join the Rebellion. Along the way, she befriends a Pebble that goes by Hup. While technically a Gem, Pebbles are treated like slaves. Hup escaped, and she intends to do whatever it takes to help save Thra.
A being by the name of Aughra is now organizing the Rebellion…in her own strange way. She seems to be a physical representation of Thra itself.
The Metamorphic Court:
-Algodonite the Empress
-Crocoite the Gourmand
-Lepidolite the Ornamentalist
-Howlite the Heretic (Banished)
-Yellow Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Prehnite the Collector
-Mookite the Satirist (Banished)
-Bloodstone the Huntress
-Hematite the Slave Mistress
-Ulexite the Scroll Keeper
-Pectolite the Mariner
-Sonora Sunrise Cuprite the Treasurer
-Cinnabar the Chamberlain
-Jadite the Scientist
-Magnesite the Garthim Mistress/General/Empress
-Rutilated Quartz the General
-Scheelite the ??? (Shattered)
-Sunstone the Ritual Mistress
The Prism Gems:
-Shell Agate the Mistress
-Andalusite the Cook
-Coral the Weaver
-Linarite the Wanderer (Sort of Banished)
-Blue Goldstone the ??? (Shattered)
-Milarite the Nun
-Septarian the Storyteller (Self-Exile)
-Tigers Eye the Archer
-Plume Agate the Herbalist
-Sanskrit Jasper the Scribe
-Variscite the Swimmer
-Tektite the Numerologist
-Serandite the Chanter
-Realgar the Alchemist
-Moldavite the Healer
-Iolite the Peacemaker
-Feldspar the ??? (Shattered)
-Boulder Opal the Ritual Guardian
The Fractured Diamonds:
-Radiant Diamond
-Sun Diamond
-Peach Diamond
-Indigo Diamond
-Green Diamond (Shattered)
-Teal Diamond
-Fawn Diamond
-Red Diamond
-Black Diamond
-Umber Diamond
-Aqua Diamond
-Gold Diamond
-Maroon Diamond
-Peacock Diamond
-Gray Diamond
-Sage Diamond
-Fallow Diamond (Shattered)
-Scarlet Diamond
The future is…uncertain for our band of rebels. The outlook is bleak, but you never know. Stranger things have happened.
(Inspired by @sifanjewel / far.dreaming.maudra on tiktok)
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mysticplies · 2 years
Crocoite is in which rank of the Gems roles?
Id put her in the same group as quartzes since her purpose is to break stuff, so rank 7.
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dyxtd21 · 4 days
My Gemsona OCs easily summarized (Part 2):
The Ancients: (Bixbite, Bismuth, Crocoite, Orpiment, Antlerite, Boracite, Lavender Smithsonite, Tschermigite, Lawsonite, Aegirine, Beryllonite, Rainbow Obsidian, Bloodstone, Green Smithsonite) = This
Morganite = Tsundere.
Sodalite = Kuudere.
The Sins: (Sugilite, Andesine, Aventurine, Gold Pearl, Carnelian, Bronzite, Aqua Aura Quartz) = The Seven Deadly Sins.
Picture Jasper = WW2 aviator.
Tiffany Stone = "I'm a baker and you're so fucking cute!"
Oregon Sunstone = "Hot tootin'! I found gold! Yahoo!"
Larvikite = Hawaiian dancer.
Brazilian Opal = "Wow! Did you see that shot? Move aside, Neymar. You have new competition!"
Australian Andamooka Opal = Bear Grylls but if he was Australian.
Gray Moonstone = Night Guard (Josh Hutcherson)
Triphane = "Let's get high and then dance!"/1970s hippie.
Spiderweb Jasper = Takes inspiration from spiders.
Larimar = Ice Queen.
Maw Sit Sit = Bellhop and hotel manager.
Phantom Amethyst = Jock.
London Blue Topaz = British, snobbish CEO.
Moldavite = Prasiolite's secretary.
Lapis Lazuli = Fisherwoman.
Hessonite = Characteristics of a Red Panda.
Atlantisite = Sea Serpent.
Howlite = Naga.
Apatite = Philosopher.
Azurite = Peacock characteristics.
Labradorite = "Colors of the Wind"/Native American.
Desert Rose = Wooden Marionette.
Moonstone = Guardian of the Moon with moth characteristics.
Lepidolite = Fashion shopaholic.
Galaxite = Space Pirate.
Jade = Chef.
Kunzite = Waiter.
Kyanite = Witch.
Dumortierite = Monster hunter.
Fire Agate = Archaeologist.
Fire Opal = Otaku.
Fluorite = Honorable and just knight.
Apple Aura Quartz = Anthropomorphic skunk whose obsessed with apples.
Blue Zebra Jasper = Succubus.
Garnet = WW2 solider who has PTSD and is sought after by German officials.
Green Garnet = Poison Ivy but if she was a librarian.
Green Tourmaline = Medieval hero.
Celestite = A specter/spirit who posses a blue rabbit plushie.
Heliodor = A handsome but sarcastic bartender.
Cat's Eye Chrysoberyl = Is a germaphobe and has OCD.
Crazy Lace Agate = "Howdy there!"/Breaks the 4th wall and his motifs are skeletons and time.
Cuprite = Teacher.
Danburite = 1940s-1960s doctor.
Pink Opal = Lovesick hacker.
Red Jasper = Spy/agent who's everybody's type.
Rhodochrosite = Innocent and sweet farm girl, who's the 'It' gal of her village.
Rhodonite = "Who're you gonna call? Ghostbusters!"/Ghost hunter.
Rose Quartz = Therapist.
Rose Aura Quartz = Historian.
Scapolite = Mountaineer.
Malachite = Movie director and talent manager.
Dragon's Vein Agate = Takes inspiration from dragons. Is a humanoid dragon.
Amber = "The new Mohammed Ali and Mike Tyson!"/Boxer.
Angelite = Ballerina.
Bloodshot Iolite = Vampire.
Londonite = Priest.
Brown Zebra Jasper = Oni.
Hubnerite = Creepy and terrifying, living scarecrow.
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crystal-grotto · 6 months
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Muse stone types
Draal: Blue Agate
Sturm/Hagel: Hematite
Alex: Lepidolite
Kanjigar: Kyanite
Renjai: Crocoite
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