#just to hold that opal sphere
snailspng · 2 years
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Gemstone sphere PNGs, part 2 (all from spheresdumonde)
1. Serpentine-stitchtite, 2. Rhodochrosite, 3. Australian opal, 4. Meteorite (gibeon), 5. Crocoite, 6. Azurite-malachite, 7. Apatite-calcite, 8. Malachite-chrysocolla, 9. Orbicular ocean jasper.
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megamanrecut · 6 months
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And here's the consolidated list (mostly?) All from Diamond in the Rough, character notes below cut (not in same order as pics)
Considered a few different systems for assigning gems (gemstone family, value, etc.) but ultimately just went with color/relative familiarity of gem. There’s so many cool gems out there~ (I was trying to not be too repetitive with types/use more common ones though Quartz has a million interesting varieties!)
Mega Man, Blue Sapphire Sphere I wavered a lot on his ‘trinket’, Sapphire seemed obvious (especially with Proto being a ruby, both are corundum gemstones) but also considered blue diamond, alexandrite (blue/purple color shift), and aquamarine. For the jewelry, was also considering an atomic model (for chemistry?), a screwdriver, and slightly regretting not considering circlet
Roll, Amethyst Earring: primarily always wanted amethyst, but also considered heliodor, padparadscha sapphire (but it wasn’t quite the right color? and perhaps too obscure), tanzanite, morganite, zoisite, kunsite, iolite, (purple gems etc.) For shape, was considering spikes/fangs though that’s also Treble and Punk’s lol
Bass, Emerald Snake Arm Cuff: loosely based on a real arm cuff I saw in a book. Also considered black diamond, green diamond (he’s the titular ‘diamond in the rough’), and black opal
Proto Man, Ruby Aviator Badge: I went with ruby in the end, which seemed most obvious choice, but also considered red diamond and bixbite (red beryl)
Elec Man, Black Opal Ring: Also considered chatoyant Sapphire, Alexandrite (??? color shift?), chrysoberyl, angelite/anhydrite, and even hawkeye quartz (loosely inspired by a real hawkeye ‘lightning’ ring, before that I was thinking cufflinks, but seemed weird for him to become either a pair of gems, or even a single cufflink lol)
Jewel Man, Colorless Beryl (Goshenite) Monocle - also considered rock crystal, diamond, and Padparadscha sapphire. Apparently both beryl and rock crystal were historically used for eyeglasses. Monocle is a reference to gentleman thief archtypes, also they are just fancy. (Also I realized while drawing this that having a plique a jour monocle chain is probably super impractical, oh well lol)
Top Man, Imperial Topaz  Pendant in a Jeweled Egg - also considered alexandrite and spinel (for the pun, heh) and spessertite
Kalinka/Mega Girl, Rose Quartz Blossom Barrette: Pink :) though I considered other lesser known (but more valuable) pink gems
Quint, Alexandrite Wristwatch: Quint is a time traveler (of sorts), also considered model armillary sphere/astrolabe, a screwdriver, and jade or malachite or nanocrystal
Wily, Agate Cameo Belt Buckle: Loosely inspired by his skull belt in some of his game art, also considered amythist
Dr. Light, Alabaster bead on a bookmark tassel:  Dr. Light likes books! Was also considering rock crystal and goshenite
Ring Man, Zircon Hoop Bracelet: Reference to both his namesake and his carney background. Was also considering class ring (before assigning the ring to Elec Man) and a circlet. ‘Zircon’ just sounds circusy, must be the Z
Magnet Man, Garnet Horseshoe Amulet: garnets are apparently magnetic, also considered fridge magnet
Cut Man, Citrine Paperknife: for obvious reasons. I also considered topaz for the gem
Guts Man, Tourmaline Paperweight: funny/fitting pairing with the paper knife, the shape is in reference to the boulder he holds in game art (for a brief week, was a rock crystal until I realized those are clear lol smokey quartz would have made more sense)
Punk, Spinel Motorcycle Chain: ‘Spinel’ may be a derivative from Latin ’spina’ which means thorn
Rush, Labradorite Bone Collar Tag: Went for the pun!
Treble, Howlite Fang: and ditto for Treble
Others that weren’t in chapter (this list has no significance what-so-ever, I brainstormed a list of gems but also ‘trinkets’ and my brain just started associating lol)
Beat, Aquamarine Aigrette: Beat actually avoided transformation, but that’s what he would have been
Gyro Man: Mood Ring
Dr. Cossack: Selenite something or other
Dark Man: D20
Time Man: a pocket watch
Enker: Chess piece
Metal Man: A knife
Shadow Man: Also a knife, maybe jade
Yamato Man: Natsuke
Burner Man: Match Box
Fake Man: phenakite, derived from greek word for deceiver
Magic Man: Card Case
Needle Man: Rutilated quartz (it has needle-like inclusions)
Pharaoh Man: Scarab collar pin/cloak clasp
Star Man: Star Saphire?
And that's it from the notes, haha.
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Witch Tools | Crystals
“Crystals and stones are used in rituals and spells for their energy and corresponding properties.”
Shapes of Crystals: [Source] [Authors note: The link has MORE crystals I just used the basic shapes most Witches use for their craft] Crystal Uses: [Source]
Ball: Cube: Pyramid
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Egg: Heart: Isis:
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Geode: Generator: Obelisk:
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Raw: Palm: Cluster: Tumbled: Wand:
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Ball/Sphere: Crystal that is shaped into a ball from a larger piece of crystal…quartz crystals rarely occurs naturally as a sphere. The Sphere is associated with Harmony, scrying, even energy all around.
Crystal Pyramid: Manifestation, intently focused energy. prosperity.
A crystal shaped like a pyramid, it has four equal triangular sides that meet to a point with a flat square base. It’s effective for amplifying energy. *Egyptian used the pyramids to send the pharaoh's soul straight to the gods. Crystal Generators and Obelisks are 2 shapes that are often confused with one another, just count the number of sides. A generator has six equal sides and an Obelisk has four. Generators, Obelisks and Pyramids are great shapes to direct/amplify energy. Better used in crystal grids, as it will amplify/boost energy. 
Crystal Wands: Healing and rituals, moving/directing energy.
Crystal wands have many uses, they can be used for massage therapy (eg a massage wand), acupressure and reflexology. They can also be used to direct energy in a certain direction, draw negative energy away from you and to activate crystal grids. Crystal wands can be used for chakra healing.
Crystal Eggs: Balance, Fertility, healing
The pointed end of an egg shaped crystal is often used by practitioners of acupressure, reflexology and massage. Similar to spheres, crystal eggs are a great shape to hold whilst meditating. Crystal eggs represent fertility, birth and new beginnings.
Cluster: A group of crystals growing together having many points and sharing the same base clusters rapidly radiate energy in all directions. The cluster radiates energy, meditation and unity.
Crystal Cube: consolidates energy, grounding and meditation, connects to the energy of the earth.
Tumbled: Gentle, constant energyRaw: Strong, Sporadic, pure energy.Double Terminated/Twin: Receives and emits energy transmits informationPalm: Grounding, healing, “Worry stone.”
Isis: Feminine energy, healing emotional, hurt and distress.Geode: Amplifies, conserves and releases energy, internal healing.
Crystal Heart: Sends love across time and space.Crystal Points, Generators and Obelisks: Energy amplifier, six facets
There are 219 Crystals [And I do not have the time or energy to go over ALL of them when we Wiccans can’t use/afford that many, and so we’ll only cover the basics/most used Crystals.
So other than Shapes that signify the ‘power’ of the crystal, what about a specific use? So here is a list of most common crystals that I have seen, that was recommended by other witches or popped up in my readings.
 Amethyst | Azurite  | Ametrine  | Aquamarine  |  Agate  |  Amazonite  | Bloodstone  |  Beta  |  Black Obsidian  |   Bismuth  | Chinese writing rock, chrysoprase, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Clear Quartz,  Dream Quartz, Danburite, diamond, Dalmation Stone Fluorite. | Garnet. Herkimer Diamond | Hematite | Jasper | Jade | Kyanite | Kunzite Lepidolite/Lapis Lazuli, Labradorite Malachite | Nephrite | Opal | Onyx | Pink Opal  |   Peridot  |  Rose Quarts  |  Rhodonite, Ruby | Sardonyx  |  Selenite, Sapphire, Sunstone, Smoky Quartz, Scolecite, seraphinite | Topaz | Tigers Eye  |  Tourmaline  |  Zoisite
*Clear Quartz: A substitute in case you can’t use a specific crystal for an intention or spell.
What you NEED to KNOW!
*Need to KNOW
Be VERY careful with crystals. Not ALL of them can be in direct sunlight and not ALL can be placed in water. Some Crystals are sun/water types and if you need to charge them or use them make sure you know which is which!
Crystals that will dissolve or have a chemical reaction when exposed to water. ____________________________________________________________
No Water: Angelite, Azurite, Calcite, celestite, flourite, hematite, kyanite, leoidolite, malachite, mica, pyrite, selenite, turquoise. No Sun: Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Beryl, Celestite, Chrysoprose, Citrine, Flourite, Kunzite, Opal, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Smoky Quartz, Topaz. Safe In Water: Agate, Amber, Amethyst, Apatite, aventurine, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Jasper, Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz. ___________________________________________________________
-> Page Two "Cleansing VS Charging."
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bruinhilda · 7 months
Ah, rock shows. The mix of serious gem and fossil sellers, amazing crafters, random jewelry sellers, and woo-woo crystal magic followers.
One booth owner assured me all the jewelry was infused with Reiki energy and that music bowls were involved and so forth. To me, this is code saying, "all wares are marked up because magic," so I moved on pretty quickly. The next booth had wonderful prices on simple carvings and random tumbled/polished stones. I dropped some money there, while listening to a family discuss the magical properties of various stones while they tried to decide what to buy. At one point, the booth owner was asked about the particular magic abilities of a particular stone, and I'm impressed at how she refrained from rolling her eyes as she recommend they look it up on google. Her booth was NOT selling magical items, so I'm not sure why this group thought she'd know whether serpentine has healing energy or whatnot.
Upon reflection, I probably should have gone back and bought more from her. The agate dragon heads were pretty cool.
I guess I just find it weird because back when I was into all things occult and mystic, "crystal magic" was explained as, "the rocks aren't actually magic. Some rocks are just good at focusing and amplifying certain energies, so they make good tools for doing magic." As in, any magic going on is coming from you, the rock is a rock to anyone else. And these days practitioners insist that the rocks are full of magic energy and just holding or wearing such and such stone will heal all your ills! Funny how there can be bins of $5 quartz readily available in a lot of places, but people still die of cancer, huh?
It's also possibly irritating to me because a lot of my selection IS based on personal vibes, and I don't like people blathering about magic that they haven't even researched properly while I'm trying to decide if this piece of jasper I'm holding will make me happy when I roll it around in my hands and study the abstract pictures in it. "Do you like rock? Does rock make you feel happy when you hold it? Buy rock. Don't expect rock to cure love life. Rock only bring love if you trying to attract geologist."
Which brings us to the multiple bins of penis carvings. The ones with little feet were charming, but most of them were just, "here's a bunch of dicks carved out of onyx!" Not that I'm objecting or anything. I fully understand why you might want a stone dick on your shelf or endtable. It's just with the magic talk floating around, I suspect some sellers would be giving me a lecture on how the carving will cure a person's erectile dysfunction if I showed any interest.
I don't know why the most common carving throughout the show was mushrooms. Except that it's probably a really easy thing to carve. I did consider buying one of the carved t-rex heads that were next to the dicks, but I would have had to risk using a downtown ATM to afford one, and that always gets my cards locked due to "suspicious activity."
I ended up with a bag of angelite that I'm going to try my hand at carving, a bag of I don't know what but they were pretty and the deal was for two bags, and I didn't need TWO bags of angelite, two nice tumbled pieces of ocean jasper that had interesting eye-like patterns, a crude sphere of I don't know what stone, but it looks neat, some beads that were on severe discount, a little bag of little fossils meant as a collector's starter kit, four cut pieces of quartz that were in the bargain bin because they were cloudy and full of inclusions (which is how I prefer them), and one rough opal that I couldn't take my eyes off of. I regret passing up some of the affordable carvings, but I don't exactly have display shelf space, and the cats routinely send everything they encounter crashing to the floor anyway. Maybe next time.
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goronska · 1 year
Follow the Shadow (choice #3)
You follow the priestess in a neat file, like paired up schoolchildren. "Hey" you whisper to your partner "What's her name?" "Opal" a smile blooms below his leather mask. "OPAL, MA'AM!" you raise your voice immidiately, when going up the staircase. "Yes?" you hear her voice from above. "Will we get a chance to participate in any rituals today?" you shoot out without thinking. "Oh, we have someone very eager today!" she claps her hands together "How wonderful!"
Your partner chuckles, but says nothing, and soon you emerge outside, by a scaffolded wall of the Main Temple dome. You don't remember how you got in its basements, but you have see the building many times, even once after it had been partially destroyed this January. The works are coming to an end, you can judge it more easily once you go around to the main entrance and look inside. White marble wall circling around a scene, with rows of seats like on a stadium. The roof has been finished again, with red, pink and milky white stained glass, encapsulating the top of the sphere, and letting in fantastic beams on color from the morning sun.
High Priestess Agat stands in her most ritual clothing on the stage surrounded by other girls, and you are all lead there by Opal.
"Dear candidates, it feels my heart with joy that more men, even if too unpure to be Ubisi's priests, want to join the ranks of the Temple Slaves and serve our goddess! Each of you has been assigned a mentor, with whom you shall be training your stamina and rites at the privacy of your new home and the little work out room you can use at your own discretion. There will be two such sessions a day, in the morning and in the afternoon, starting tomorrow." She looks around at all the confident faces you and other candidates are putting up, she seems satisfied. "This will be accompanied by one session of religious practices either after lunch or after dinner. If you finish the whole cycle of training, we keep the best of you in this Temple. Others will be dispersed to smaller cities to serve the Priestesses there. Let's hope you can all satisfy our Red Goddess!"
After that there are 1-on-1 introductions and you finally learn your mentor's name: Shadow. Everything is done in a laid-back atmosphere, almost like a gallery open night, because each of you is treated to a glass of the most exquisite Vermillious red wine, with its flowery aftertaste. Agat herself approaches you at one point. "II've heard you want to take part in a ritual today" she rather states, not asks. You feel an air of both amusement and disgust from her. Does she really thing men do not belong in this sacred building? Or does she hold a grudge to you personally? "Y-yes… I do, yes!" "Hmm.. have you seen the ritual during which the Temple got damaged?" "No, but I've heard about it! The Queen ordered a special Cleansing Ritual to one of the soldiers and…" "And I almost performed it" Shadow chimes in. "If not the disruption… we would perform it perfectly. Could you show our new candidate how?" The smile on Agat's face is done only with eyes, not her lips. It's creepy.
Shadows just shrugs his broad shoulders and asks for an appropriate table, adding a red leash to his collar of which he hands you the other end. "But… but isn't the Cleansing Ritual just some milk, fire, repenting…?" you are confused. "Well, not if somebody did something REALLY wrong. Now imagine I am a woman, all in red lingerie, red collar, red leash. Get me to that table."
You are more than baffled. Not least because you cannot imagine any woman looking at his sturdy body. But what also what sort of disturbance caused the Temple to partially collapse after a ritual like that? You approach the table, more like a block of stone, with your mentor on a leash. "Hint one, little one, I cannot walk more confidently than you do in this scenario." he says and lies on the table on his back. Bending his knees, he spreads his legs apart and puts his feet on the verge of the countertop for support. "OK, do your thing" he says with eyes fixed emotionlessly at the stained glass above. All the other eyes in the room are on you two. Unlike at school, you cannot say you are unprepared or await the best student from the first row to give you an answer quietly.
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gembleu · 11 months
Opal Engagement Rings: Radiate Romance with a Spectrum of Colors for Your Beloved
When it comes to expressing your eternal love and commitment to your bride-to-be, choosing the perfect Tanzanite engagement ring is of utmost importance. While diamonds have long been the traditional choice, there's a captivating gemstone that is rapidly gaining popularity for its unique and colorful allure - the opal engagement ring. If you desire a ring that exudes charm, individuality, and an enchanting play of colors, an opal engagement ring could be the perfect choice for your beloved.
The Mesmerizing Beauty of Opal Engagement Rings
Opals are truly a mesmerizing gemstone with a breathtaking display of colors, known as "play-of-color." This remarkable phenomenon occurs when light interacts with the silica spheres within the stone, creating vibrant flashes of various colors that dance and shift as the gem is admired from different angles. The enchanting play-of-color in opals is reminiscent of a miniature universe encapsulated within each gem, making it a romantic and meaningful choice for engagement rings.
Symbolism and Meaning of Opals
Throughout history, opals have been associated with a myriad of symbolic meanings, making them even more alluring for an engagement ring. They have been linked to emotions such as love, passion, and desire, making them an ideal representation of a couple's journey into everlasting love. Opals are also believed to bring luck and creativity to their wearers, making them wonderful gemstones to start a new chapter in life.
A Spectrum of Colors to Match Her Personality
One of the most captivating aspects of opals is their ability to display an incredible spectrum of colors. From fiery reds and oranges to tranquil blues and greens, each opal is entirely unique, just like your beloved. Choosing an opal engagement ring allows you to select a stone that perfectly complements her personality and style, ensuring a meaningful and personal connection with the ring she will cherish forever.
Opals and Their Durability
It's essential to consider the durability of the gemstone when choosing an engagement ring. Opals have a reputation for being somewhat delicate compared to other gemstones, like diamonds. However, with proper care, an opal engagement ring can stand the test of time. To ensure its longevity, avoid exposing the ring to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Regular cleaning and maintenance by a professional jeweler will also help preserve the stone's natural beauty.
Setting Options for Opal Engagement Rings
When designing an opal engagement ring, there are numerous setting options to enhance its beauty and protect the gemstone. Bezel settings provide excellent protection to the opal's edges, while prong settings allow more light to enter the stone, accentuating its play of color. Combining opals with other gemstones or diamonds in a halo setting can also create a stunning and unique look that truly showcases the opal's beauty.
Embrace Uniqueness with an Opal Engagement Ring
In a world where traditions often dictate choices, embracing the uniqueness of an opal engagement ring sets you apart from the crowd. Your love story is one-of-a-kind, and what better way to celebrate it than with a ring that reflects the individuality and colorful journey you're about to embark on together?
Final Thoughts
Opal engagement rings offer a truly colorful and romantic alternative to the classic diamond ring. Their mesmerizing play-of-color, coupled with the symbolism they hold, makes them an exceptional choice to symbolize your eternal love and commitment. When choosing the perfect engagement ring for your beloved, consider the vibrant beauty and uniqueness of opals. A spectrum of colors awaits, ready to capture the essence of your love and create an everlasting connection between you and your bride-to-be.
At GemBleu, apart from our extensive ring collection such as these, we also have a range of jewelry featuring other dazzling gemstones.
Browse the entire collection on our website, and make sure to follow us on social media for news, updates and offers.
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chockfullofsecrets · 2 years
Oooh this sounds like a fun prompt. How about 16 and Dorian? The spot in question could be sides or underarms.
16. Worst “NOT MY ________ [insert spot here]!!!” experience?
The road to Zephrah is more beautiful with every day they spend on it, Dorian thinks - lush greenery drifting above their heads in a gentle breeze, trees laden with ripe spheres that none of them have ever seen before.
He's currently perched ten feet up on one of the latter, mischievously strumming his lute to a tune he can almost hear whistling by his ears. He could probably hear it better, if Dariax and Opal weren't tossing the pits of the fruit he's so graciously used his Levitation to fetch back up at him.
"Come on, Dorian, we miss you down here!" Opal whines. Dariax calls out his assent, scrabbling up the smooth trunk as high as his stocky dwarf legs will take him and yelping with laughter as he lands right back down on the ground.
"I'm composing!" he laughs, snatching up one more fruit to lob down at them. "You can't just tear a bard from his work!"
Opal crosses her arms, tilting her head back with a scowl that the barbed crown on her head renders a little too real. The scoff she sends his way, though - that's all her. "Pssh, you think I can't get someone down from a tree? Watch this."
Dorian kicks his legs, strumming a flirtatious chord to accent. She's down there, and he's up here, and really, what's the worst she can-
There's a hand around his ankle - wow, those heels add some height - and suddenly that gentle breeze is in a couple more places than he'd like to be as one of his boots disappears. "Uh, Opal? I - I really like those, please don't break them - gahahhahh!"
He'd like to say that he's capable of holding out against a few wriggling fingernails against his sole, but it's torture, it's everywhere, he can't - can't - "no, nononoplease, AHAHA -gonna fahahALL!!-"
He snatches at the branch he's sitting on - he can't say that he's not... curious? Curious. Curious is definitely the word, with the way it establishes that he's not looking forward to being down there with his tickle monster friends, but he's an air genasi, for gods' sake, he shouldn't have to be worried about falling-
And then he is, dangling from his own two hands and sucking in a desperate breath as Opal dodges his flailing legs and Orym lunges to catch his lute as it topples with him. "Heh, hah... come on, don't t- don't do that, that's mean!"
"Don't do wh-at," Opal sings out, grabbing just behind one of his knees and squeezing. Dorian can't say he's ever tried to assume the fetal position midair before, but there's a first time for everything.
It does make him feel better, though, with all his worst spots covered up, except for-
"Oh, I know what he means," Fearne says, smiling placidly, and reaches up-
"Not my armpits!" Dorian shrieks, pushing every bit of bardic power he was channeling from his song before into his entreaty.
If he'd meant it at all, maybe it would have actually worked.
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Trinkets, 39: Interesting baubles, semi magical objects and items touched by mystery.
An umbilical cord in a neat wooden box, lined with velvet. The cord itself has small, glassy eyes over its surface.
A disc of black iron four inches across and almost an inch thick, set with raised sigils around the edge, one side having a leather cover held in place by a strap. If the cover is removed a spiraling set of sigils is revealed, each like a twisted spider and there is something deeply unwholesome in the way they hold the eye and seemed to writhe. Touching the sigils underneath the cover creates feeling of extreme pain as if the disc was white hot iron. The feelings dissipate the second the disc isn’t making direct contact with skin.  
An iron bracelet shaped like a coiled serpent with rhodochrosite eyes.
A simple looking box made of plain, unstained and untreated pine boards. The box is two feet high, three feet wide and one foot deep, and has horrific pictures of undead silhouettes burned on the outside of it. The lid is attached by a simple brass hinge and bears foul necromantic symbols. Inside, the box holds ashes that look suspiciously like cremation remains.
A roll of old bandages that has been inked with strange pictograms.
An unusual standing lamp made of brass sporting a vented wheel over top of its wick and a number of crystal chimes along its outer edges. When lit, the rising hot air from the flame slowly turns the wheel which has a number of outward reaching pins which strike the chimes creating soothing tinkling noises, while the light refracting from the crystals creates a rosy glow. While much more suited for an upscale pleasure den, the lamp is sturdy enough for travel if carefully wrapped in fabric beforehand. The lamp will burn for six hours on a flask (One pint) of oil.
A pewter goblet with dark and rancid blood lurking within. The lip is black and caked where it appears others have tasted from it. Scratched deep into the pewter are the words "Taste My Fear."
A vest fashioned from the hide of a large darkhaired ape.
A gallon jug of thick smoky glass wrapped in braided twine. The container is filled with a potent liquor strong enough to strip paint from wood. Only the eldest brigands of the wildlands know the secret to distilling a libation so pure. The devout have no need of drink, but vagabonds always thirst for more. One who consumes this superior moonshine feels they can take on the world and is filled with resolve.
A demonic gnoll totem of gold and silver coins hammered and nailed into a chunk of wood topped with a sheep skull.
—Keep reading for 90 more trinkets.
—Note: The previous 10 items are repeated for easier rolling on a d100.
An umbilical cord in a neat wooden box, lined with velvet. The cord itself has small, glassy eyes over its surface.
A disc of black iron four inches across and almost an inch thick, set with raised sigils around the edge, one side having a leather cover held in place by a strap. If the cover is removed a spiraling set of sigils is revealed, each like a twisted spider and there is something deeply unwholesome in the way they hold the eye and seemed to writhe. Touching the sigils underneath the cover creates feeling of extreme pain as if the disc was white hot iron. The feelings dissipate the second the disc isn’t making direct contact with skin.  
An iron bracelet shaped like a coiled serpent with rhodochrosite eyes.
A simple looking box made of plain, unstained and untreated pine boards. The box is two feet high, three feet wide and one foot deep, and has horrific pictures of undead silhouettes burned on the outside of it. The lid is attached by a simple brass hinge and bears foul necromantic symbols. Inside, the box holds ashes that look suspiciously like cremation remains.
A roll of old bandages that has been inked with strange pictograms.
An unusual standing lamp made of brass sporting a vented wheel over top of its wick and a number of crystal chimes along its outer edges. When lit, the rising hot air from the flame slowly turns the wheel which has a number of outward reaching pins which strike the chimes creating soothing tinkling noises, while the light refracting from the crystals creates a rosy glow. While much more suited for an upscale pleasure den, the lamp is sturdy enough for travel if carefully wrapped in fabric beforehand. The lamp will burn for six hours on a flask (One pint) of oil.
A pewter goblet with dark and rancid blood lurking within. The lip is black and caked where it appears others have tasted from it. Scratched deep into the pewter are the words "Taste My Fear."
A vest fashioned from the hide of a large darkhaired ape.
A gallon jug of thick smoky glass wrapped in braided twine. The container is filled with a potent liquor strong enough to strip paint from wood. Only the eldest brigands of the wildlands know the secret to distilling a libation so pure. The devout have no need of drink, but vagabonds always thirst for more. One who consumes this superior moonshine feels they can take on the world and is filled with resolve.
A demonic gnoll totem of gold and silver coins hammered and nailed into a chunk of wood topped with a sheep skull.
A shard of a mirror that shows strange shadows in its reflections.
A bizarre, metallic lump of iridescent crystals of concentric geometric shapes expanding outward in rough steps. Knowledgeable PC's can identify the mineral as bismuth.
A small silver dish inscribed with a smiling moon that will fill with fresh milk or food when placed in front of kittens, orphans, and kindly old half-blind men.
A black glass orb eight inches in diameter, that appears to have octopus tentacles that reach to grasp the inside of the sphere. Often, they separate, revealing one large cephalopod eye.
A steel mirror set in a fanged maw of iron.
A mask made from white ceramic in the round shape of a cherubic human child’s face. The lips are painted bright red and the hair deep black. The eyes are blank and empty.
A one gallon cask of Well Wishes Whisky that has a smooth finish and a warm, golden scent. This whisky is distilled from an ancient wishing well and rumor has it that the liquor grants people luck when drunk. Knowledgeable PC’s have heard that it is especially popular among students at the Wizard Academy during exam time.
A mage’s rod made of the smoothest black wood. It stands about three feet in height and had a base of five inches or so. At the top held by four intertwining pieces of silver ivy is held a crystal orb.
A set of pewter tankards, five in all, which have various pictures of historic castles and their coats of arms. On the back of each tankard is a verse which, if deciphered, will reveal a ribald and amusing fact about the holders of the coats of arms.
A small leather pouch, about the size of a book. Unfastened, it reveals inside several sheets of fine writing paper, a wooden stylus, a wax tablet, two quills and a pen-knife plus a small bottle of ink. A careful examination of one of the sheets of paper will reveal that it bears the impression of what was written on the sheet above it (now long gone). This will be the first half of a letter that gives some tantalizing hints regarding a mystery of the DM’s choosing.
A tall, black hat of a witchfinder, inside the hat is sewn the name Erasmus Pottingley.
A roughly circular slab of obsidian an inch thick, or thereabouts, and just the right size to be cradled comfortably in one's palms. Roughly shaped around its circumference, though one broad side is simply stone-pecked to a slightly convex, pitted surface the other has been polished to such a high degree that the surface is unblemished as still water. Perfectly smooth, the polished side can act as a fine (If dark) mirror. Those who peer into the silky smooth reflective face of slab long enough, however, see floating within the midnight depths a rendition of the starry skies in smoky points of light. Focused on the zodiacal constellations, these tiny dark "stars" change with the day and the seasons in perfect step with those in the sky above.
A small idol made of bone and crimson gems of unknown nature. It represents the blackened skull of a horned ox with six red eyes that seem to gleam slightly in the dark.
A burlap sack in which is stored a 2d4+1 days’ worth of trail rations. The foodstuffs take the semi-appetizing form of sparrow jerky which has been pressed into small cakes of many thin sheets. Each cake is wrapped its own linen cloth for travel.  
A cherry-wood box carved with arcane symbols of conjuration and binding. The interior is covered with scratches made by small claws. Knowledge PC’s can deduce from the nature of the magical runes that the box is meant to trap and contain an imp so that it can be become a mage’s familiar.
A fine pine box bound with a leather strap. Inside are five hand rolled cigars. They smell of spice, toasted almonds, and honey. They look quite expensive.
A small ivory box, carefully engraved at all sides. It depicts scenes of a nobility: feasts, dances, a marriage, and peasants tending fields. On the inside, it is divided into small square compartments. They were probably meant to store makeup or perfumes, yet none remain. It might have been part of noble bride's dowry.
An old but seemingly undamaged piece of abstract art containing a pattern designed to befuddle the viewer's brain.
A floor tile with a footprint on it that reads: "Step here to summon Balog." The tile is slightly charred.
A cheap wax seal stamp, depicting a generic shield shape.
A light woman’s coat with the emblem of a gryphon embroidered to the back of it.
A black obsidian crystal sphere filled with a dark inky fluid. Inside the sphere is a small white dodecahedron with black text on each of its faces. The sphere gives off a faint divination aura.
A pewter brooch with a galloping horse embossed on it.
A silver turtle shaped locket with a black opal shell. Inside the locket is a picture of somebody's loved one.
A scabbard of black ash and bronze decorated with a sneering bearded face with tourmaline eyes. It is suitable for longsword or similar straight blade.
A large tapestry depicting an ancient battle with tentacled monsters.
A missing poster with the image of a well dressed Minotaur and his children. It reads, “Hyam Hyrule. A loving, kind and down to earth family man. 200 gold reward to whoever can find him alive.”
A candle made from the grisly, severed hand of a hanged criminal, if lit it is believed to help people remain undetected as they enter an abode.
A soft cloth handkerchief on which is a limerick, written in blood: There once was a man with one sandal. His appetites most couldn't handle. He stalks the streets hunting souls. Cooks their feets over coals. And writes limericks about being a cannibal. A soft cloth handkerchief splattered with blood.
A scrap of parchment that reads; "It is done. Meet me in the graveyard at dawn, near the crypt."
A fine doublet of incredible intricacy and beauty, with a pattern of nymphs playing in a garden along the back.
A beautiful painting of a late autumn lake in the forest. The longer you look at it, the more mesmerizing it becomes. As you stare, the leaves on the trees seems to jostle in the wind, the lake seems to breathe as water, and the clouds seem to drift ever so slightly into the sunset, like a portal into a perfect glimmer of peace. The only curiosity is a sad old man with a gnarled crown sitting upon a small bench, not quite in the foreground though impossible to ignore. He seems to loom over the lake, and is vaguely familiar… He seems to weep, giving the painting a sense of loss and sadness, as if this world so perfect was dying with him.
A boldly colored quartz the size of a pigeon’s egg, etched and painted in such a way that when it is placed to one’s eye in the light, they see a clever but naughty image of a beautiful person in the nude.
A baby’s blanket made of the finest cloth. It was kept in a mothballed container for years. It smells faintly of mint, as if someone meant to store it for a very long time.
A durable, clear glass bottle filled with ashes and a note. The says “These are my wife's ashes. She always wanted to see the world but spent her life looking after me and our children. Please take her with you on your travels, we'd both appreciate it”.
A spiked red leather dog collar with a steel dog tag on it that  reads “Murderface”.
A sadistic violin that no matter how much it’s tuned, will always play terribly. The instrument seems to want to annoy and bring misery to as many people as it can. If anyone ever starts to actually enjoy the out of tune music, the violin will change to a different worse sound, ensuring no listener ever brought joy by its sounds.
A fist-sized glass bauble with beautiful coruscating colored lights inside.
An iron gorget with a large peridot in the center of it.
An ancient cup, now cracked and chipped, that was carefully carved out of a single large block of translucent red amber.
A simple framed painting of a figure leaning back in a chair, it's face shrouded in shadow.
A small, black, triangular stone, about the size of a human's fist. Engraved in the center is a spiraling mark.
A perverse and gaudy replica of a cleric's mask. When this facial covering is worn, the spirit feels nebulous, boundless even. The vast distances between each being dissolves, revealing a vision of the world beheld by a thousandfold eyes.
A censer filled with perfumed incense that can be held or hung from chains. The sweet smell wafting from this censer hides a poisonous reaction within. Knowledgeable PC's will know by the style of the stylized inscriptions that cultists used these burnt offerings to confuse and confound their senses. In a state of rapturous delirium, they behold obscene truths and righteous falsehoods.
A crudely made jack in the box child’s toy constructed from unfinished unpainted pine carelessly hammered together with varying sized of nails. The crank is a rough twist of metal bound with a length of burlap over the handle. On the front of the box, burned into the wood are the words “Turn the crank, close your eyes, and pray to the gods for a pleasant surprise.”
A stone tablet with fine holes drilled through it that seem to be arranged in some sort of pattern.
A bracelet of bone beads carved into skulls, the eyes are polished jet.
A brass monocular telescope, etched with decorative markings, but due to poor maintenance, stuck in its collapsed state.
A wooden peg-leg in the shape of a dragon's leg complete with splayed-toed clawed foot tipped with hooked claws of iron.
A shipwreck in a water-filled glass globe. At the bottom is a massive kraken with tentacles up through the water. The ship is in big pieces that float with different levels of buoyancy. There are tiny sailors that float and sink to the bottom.
An incredibly life-like sandstone statue of a cockatiel.
A chipped and cracked porcelain tea cup with a rose and leaf motif marked with a stamp on its bottom in an unknown language.
An agate scarab the size of a human palm with writing in Mulhorandi that reads "Even in death, I serve".
A brass and crystal hourglass that when turned over plays softly tinkling chimes as the sand passes through it for the unit of time known as a "song", lasting a minute or two.
A seemingly normal conch shell. When pressed to the ear, faint sounds of surf and wind, rustling palms and crying gulls can be heard. The area around the listener's ear is specked with sand afterwards.
A pair of carefully wrapped baby shoes, never worn.
A silver holy symbol sculpted to resemble a shining sun. Such an image is sometimes used by clerics and paladins not associated with any particular deity. The amulet is small enough to be gripped in one hand and a religious bearer can feel that it contains the divine spark of a truly holy object.
A gilded acorn containing a feather, a tuft of fur and a fish tail.
A one gallon cask of The Nine Hells, an alcoholic beverage that's traditionally served in tiny flasks. The drink is a very potent brew of vodka, extra-strength peppermint, pure capsaicin extract and garnished with a single drop of wolf's blood in each serving.
A violet shawl that twists and melds with the darkness, becoming as black as coal in even the faintest shadow.
A swirly mahogany wand that changes to a different color every night at midnight.
A copper chalice engraved with a geometric pattern.
A wooden jeweler box with copper detailing.
A simple chunk of flint broken off of a larger rock eons ago by natural forces. A closer inspection, however, reveals one edge of the rock has been carefully napped down to a razor edge, while the opposite side has been shaped into a crude handgrip. Small, primitive figures of deer, wolves, and bears are etched into the stone. The carvings sometimes appear to have changed places of their own accord, though they never move while being observed.
A brass statue of a winged wolf with quartz fangs.
A copper candle holder shaped like a galloping horse.
An embroidered silk tablecloth edged with lace.
A set of sheet music for a lost operetta composed by a respected composer.
An ornate scabbard set with agates of multiple colors.
A wooden flute from a birch tree from the feywild that sprouts small leafy branches.
A golden cloak clasp in a pattern of knotted vines covered in small leaves.
A large musical horn carved from the tusk of a mammoth and decorated with gold bands.
A brass lever nutcracker with head shaped like a bird of prey.
A drum made of dark oak and covered with hide from a giant elk with drumsticks carved from antlers.
A wand made of a sturdy ash. Each end is seamlessly reinforced with bronze.
A black chunk of obsidian that is roughly a round shape and has no sharp edges. Looking into its cloudy depths one can see an almost infinitely receding sea of gold, white, and blue flecks of colour. When held, the bearer will swear that he can hear the sound of perfect silence, the call of the infinite void...
A large forest green tapestry bearing a symbol stretching across its length switched in gilded thread. Its accented with white and red and all along its hem is a complicated mantra of magical sigils and signs.
An angular carved crystal vial holds a thin light blue liquid. The crystal vial feels chilled to the touch and when let sit for long periods of time it forms crystals throughout the liquid that quickly dissipate when disturbed again.
A porcelain disk painted with a detailed representation of the God of Random Domain.
A map to a series of underground tunnels with an area marked ‘tentacle-head’.
A set of sheet music for a popular folk song adapting it to tablature needed for a three-handed mandolin player.
A staff that more resembles a long and skinny marble column with white pearls embedded along its length. When used as a cane or walking stick, the wielder's step feels sturdy and secure.
A sturdy cloth backpack made of high quality cotton, adorned with exotic feathers and pretty cross stitches.
A small, framed painting of a castle, the details of which (The number of towers and parapets, the banners flown, siege weaponry on the battlements, and similar features) change subtly when no one is looking.
A crumpled map of Corvid Commons marked with the entrances to the hidden shrines of the Shrouded Lord.
A bewitched slip of paper which, if placed on the bark of a tree, reveals in writing the species of that tree.
The deed to a mysterious abandoned house in the Dreamers’ Quarter, wrapped around the brass key to the front door.
A fashion magazine, Rich Filth, describing the latest trends for the ultra-wealthy, including the most recent Slimewear, Cathedral Chic, and Roachdress looks, as well as even more outré fashions such as “Patching," which involves magically transplanting patches of flesh (Usually taken from corpses) to one's body in peculiar designs.
A taxidermy wolpertinger (A hybrid of rabbit, bird, squirrel, and deer) native to Mooncalf Valley.
A blackened diamond corrupted in a failed resurrection attempt.
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firaknight · 3 years
Today I’m gonna quickly talk about the gifts Adeleine gets on her 16th birthday (see: previous post about Adeleine getting a special bottle from Queen Ripple that allows her to live for longer).
Kirby gives her a Wheelie Scooter and she almost starts crying. Little man basically hands her a pet she can ride anywhere she wants. She names them Camille :)
Dedede gives her a robe like his own (but tailored to fit her) and a cool hammer like his Masked Dedede one! The exception is that it’s lighter so she can lift it (he’s been teaching her how to use one and she’s pretty good at utilizing the weight of it to her advantage!)!!!!!
Meta gives her a funky dimensional cape that works a little differently than his. She can wrap it around herself and disappear for a bit! It doesn’t allow her to warp tho because she’s a little clumsy and could warp wrong and hurt herself! It’s comfy and she likes how tough she looks in it!
Bandee gives her a bandana and a basket of gem apples (the basket is from bumper crop bump!) that have little ribbons tied to the stems! She thinks it’s super sweet and the basket brings back a TON of fun memories for her!
Marx gives her a shard of his wings and she is very shocked. Said shard can grow back. It looks cool and sometimes glows rainbow colors really fast. Serves almost no other purpose besides that.
Gooey gives her a slightly sticky twig he found (the stickiness is unspecified but assumed to be from him holding it with his tongue). Adeleine fucking cries again over this. She keeps the stick in a safe spot in her house and cherishes it despite everyone else insisting that it’s just a fucking stick it’s not that speciAL BUT IT IS THE GOOPY DARK MATTER BUDDY IM FRIENDS WITH GAVE IT TO ME AND I CARE HIM!
The animal friends trio give her a tuft of fur, a pin feather, and a large fish scale respectively! She keeps them in a little jar on the mantle of her fireplace!
Ribbon gives her a bigass chunk of opal she found in Great Cave Offensive (don’t ask how she found it she just scrambled through a tight space and came across it). Adeleine has no idea what to do with it but keeps it on her nightstand because Ribbon is her best friend.
Dameta replicates his sword somehow and gives her the copy. She now owns 2 weapons and isn’t afraid to use them. He’s very proud of his armed daughter and is working on teaching her how to harness the mirror ability of the sword to her advantage.
Daroach came next and he tried to make it a surprise. Adeleine was fitted with a hat and cloak similar to Daroach and was also fitted with a bell sporting the Squeak Squad insignia on it. He announced that she was now an honorary Squeak Squad member and she fucking sobs. Straight up cries. They all jump around loudly singing the Squeak Squad theme afterwards.
Magolor gives her a depleted Energy Sphere (it’s still moving but it’s inactive and cannot power anything) and a Grand Doomer feather he found (how the fuck he survived that is beyond everyone). Adeleine keeps both in a safe place, probably in her room.
Taranza gives her clothes and flowers, as well as seeds for her to plant wherever she wants! He teaches her how to care for the plants and also explains that the leaves can be used in tea! She’s very happy afterwards :)
Susie gives her a small mech similar to the ones Kirby used and Adeleine gets fuckin PUMPED. Bigass metal mech with high defense capabilities that can take things out in just a hit or two is a MASSIVE win for her fragile self. Susie says it’s an apology for being a douche sometimes and she teaches her how to use it! She keeps it stored under the longer roof of her house.
Queen Ripple of course gives her the spring water that will slow her aging.
Adeleine cries a lot that night out of joy :)
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loveaurapearl · 3 years
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Hey guys, it’s been a while. Had to recover from a pretty bad cold, thankfully it wasn’t Cov-19, but I’m feeling better now.  
Anyway, this here is my fusion of Blue Diamond and Pink Diamond called Violet Diamond 1.0. She’s a sweet bubbly hippy like gem who tries her best to make people happy. She’s an absolute sweetheart and I do believe that she did exist in the show back during Era 1, however, not with my design of course. After all, I’m not a part of the Crewniverse, but I wanted to do my take on what the fusion would look like. And yes, the 1.0 does mean I will have a Steven variant of this fusion planned for the future. Also, I have a Pink Diamond/White Diamond fusion here: https://loveaurapearl.tumblr.com/post/648126262721822721/before-i-begin-let-me-say-yes-pink. And yes, a Yellow Diamond/Pink Diamond fusion is planned for the future, I just don’t have the inspiration to draw her anytime soon. I also got other fusions for the Diamonds planned, but as the same as Pink’s fusion with Yellow, I just don’t have the inspiration to draw them right now. Also, Violet Diamond is a bit taller than White (just in case you were curios).
Anyway, Violet Diamond’s design is based off the stone statues in the Sea Spire in Steven Universe episode, “Cheese Burger Backpack”. Now, some of you are saying that episode doesn’t count because it was super early on in the show. But you are wrong, the statue shows up again in the episode, “Buddies’ Book”.
The proof and research for these claims are in this video by AJ Universe: Steven Universe Theory - Pink Diamond and Blue Diamond Fused - YouTube. Yes, he was wrong for assuming Blue and Pink Diamond’s relationship was that of lovers, but other than that fact, I still think the video holds up. After all, we don’t have a clear idea on what era 1 Homeworld was like other than the brief expiations we have gotten over the series. This is the reason I do believe Violet did exist back then. Also, I believe other Diamond fusions do exist, it’s just that Violet Diamond is the only one we’ve seen a statue of. But I digress.
Now let me explain something about the Diamonds, while I do think that the diamonds did fuse with each other, I do think it was a rare occurrence. They were often used for special events like special balls, to figure out a solution that the Diamonds couldn’t think of on their own, or for any reason the Diamonds deemed worthy. And even then, some fusions were rarer than others due to the fact that the Diamonds’ relationships with each other wasn’t the best. So, gems seeing these fusions was rarer than seeing the Diamonds themselves. Even rarer once Pink faked her own death. However, there is a rule when it comes Diamond fusion. No more than two Diamonds can fuse together. This is because of my upcoming Black Diamond fusion. Black Diamond was an eldritch horror only rivaled by Pink Star Diamond. Black Diamond was made out of Yellow, Blue, and White, and their fusion terrorized Homeworld long before Pink was ever created. Her terrifying reign was so great, the Diamonds were very hesitant on fusing with another Diamond again, but thanks to Pink Diamond and the creation of Violet Diamond, the Diamonds agreed that two Diamonds fusing was okay.
Out of all of Pink’s Relationships with her fellow Diamonds, her relationship with Blue was the ‘healthiest’. Blue did love Pink, she was the most level headed when it came to Pink’s ideas, she did care about her; however, Blue did hurt Pink. She locked Pink away, caused Pink to cry when she wasn’t sad, followed White’s idea of a perfect society, hit Pink with her spheres of light which inflict sadness, and would only let Pink out if she apologized. Their relationship to say the least was rocky. However, I did say Blue and Pink’s relationship is the healthiest because it was. As much Blue hurt Pink, Yellow and White’s relationships with Pink were much more unstable. Its why Violet is the most common fusion among the Diamond fusions. As Violet, Blue and Pink are able to enter a peaceful, relax mindset like Opal where their negative tributes are cancelled out. Violet is sweet and caring like Pink but also has the strong confidence, chill vibe of Blue Diamond. So, in my Headcannon, Pink used Violet as a base to form the identity of Rose Quartz. It’s why I gave Violet Diamond a similar design to Rose Quartz. And yes, Pearl was the one who gave Pink the idea of a Quartz solider and the hair. But I think Pink was the one who gave Rose her motherly charm and the dress.
Anyway, if you read the description of my Lake Superior Agate or Fire Opal descriptions, you know that I believe that each gem brings their own quirky element that they add to the fusion that’s dependent on who the gem is and not what type of gem they are. For Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz, her quirk is that all her fusions have a healing property to them. For Blue Diamond, it was much harder to pin down what her quick would be since we have never seen any of the other Diamonds have fused with a gem, so figuring out Blue, White, and Yellow’s quirks was a pain. However, I think I got a good idea on what it that would be. Anyway, for Blue Diamond, since her ability is to force an emotion onto others, all of her fusions have some kind of empathic power. With Violet, if she touches or just connects with someone, they will fully understand *who* she is. Her feelings, her intentions, and her thoughts. And she would get the same information from them.
The idea of Black Diamond being some horrible monster, the quirks, and Pink Diamond/Rose Quartz’s quirk were inspired by every lovely Cherry-Treats - Professional, Digital Artist | DeviantArt. And thank you Cherry-Treats for helping me figure out what Violet Diamond’s special ability is.
Anyway, I hope you like the picture and the upcoming pics I have planned. See you later.
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catboy-steve · 4 years
big three kids headcanons
this is my 2nd time writing this since my computer is a bitch but i still want to bc these headcanons live in my head rent free 
anyways imagine if after the war the big three kids become like royalty as their parents accept them into their familys (kinda zeus is a bitch he j gives his kids more powers) and are gifted expanded powers and a higher place in the world like they’re considered prince and princes of the air/sea/dead/earth and so they get fun crowns and animals and weapons and like a avatar state type thing where their power expands tenfold and they become even more op with the whole glowing eyes thing aang gets yk and they get like crowns they can show at will and yea 
- thalia doesnt get the same ranking simply because she already pulls rank as artemis’s lieutenant and so like she already has these powers 
- jason now has an eagle (the eagles name is brian bc jason doesnt understand pet names lets be real)
- he also gets a weapon from his father that is almost like the master bolt if you see it out of the corner of your eye it seems like jason is holding lightning but when you look at it head on its just a sword or a spear
- because he had so much time with lupa when he goes into his god state thing he grows fangs and claws
- i am a big fan of feral jason simply because of course he would be feral 
- jason seems to command more respect and has an aura of power at an even bigger degree
- when he goes into his god state his eyes glow bright blue like lightning and his voice kinda sounds like wind almost like he is becoming one with a storm
- he learns the langauge of the air and when he speaks it ,it sounds like the wind 
- he has greater control of wind spirits and they defer to him because he is a prince after all
- he doesnt show his crown that much but when he does its always to protect his loved ones and he wont hesitate to pull rank if he thinks it will help him 
- his crown is gold and looks like a circlet of lightning when he shows it he seems to become more princely
- again jason is feral and all romans seem to be a little bit feral because of their trials with lupa but he’s that to the extreme 
hazel and nico
- they represent their dads respective spheres of power
- nico gains an even greater control of the dead and shadow travel
- he also has hellfire black flames that seem almost cold 
- he gets a scepter to better control the dead also and his animal is a screech owl named  elmo bc he’s dumb
- his crown is made of stygian iron it seems to radiate darkness
- when he goes his god state his eyes glow silver and when he speaks it sounds like the earth shifting and his form becomes blurry as he is becoming more connect to the earth and the dead 
- both he and hazel learn the language of the dead and while hazel cant really summon the dead she can speak to them 
- hazel gains a greater control of the mist and is kinda scarily poweful
- none of them 7 are scared of her and they treat her like a little sister
- she gains a greater control of metal and can even manipulate her enemies weapons and she can manipulate earth almost like an earthbender
- she gets a serpent and names the serpent lucifer bc she’s an edgy 13 year old
- she gets a sword she can manipulate at will (even easier the other metals) and it changes shape as she fights 
- her crown is made of opal and seems to shift if you look to closely
- her god state makes her eyes glow gold (he eyes are normally brown cuz fuck u rick) and her voice sounds becomes more ethereal and sounds like rocks scraping like she is becoming the earth and the mist 
- she gains a room in plutos palace like nico
- both of them don’t hesitate to pull rank as royalty if necessary 
- as the only known child of poseidon and also his dad’s favorite so he gets even more special treatment then hazel and nico
- he learns to use a trident and is just as much a natural at that as he is with a sword it helps him form hurricanes and cause even bigger earthquakes
- he now can cause earthquakes at will 
- percy already has a bunch of pets but his dad gifts him two more a shark named taco (bc percy has a dumb sense of humor) and a bull named oreo ( he really likes food ok)
- he learns the laungauge of the sea and can easier communicate with naiads, nymphs, nereids,other royalty, and even oceanus who only speaks the langauge of the sea
- he can transform into a merman :)
- he can use siren songs much like pipers charmspeak and his voice is  ethereal and kinda scary when he sings but beautiful
- his power over water increases even more so like homie is super powerful
- he gets a room in his dads palace and even starts to get along with triton and  amphitrite
- his crown is silver and is shaped like waves it 
- while in his god state his eyes glow a deep green and his voice sounds like waves crashing onto shore
- his powers are crazy man
- he really hesitates to pull rank but will if absolutely necessary 
all the new campers are really intimidated by the big three kids in both camps but the seven and old campers literally don’t care they’ll be grumpy and instead of being intimidated one of the seven will be like go take a nap homie and its kinda funny 
if anyone wants to write an actual story about this pls send it to me im a sucker for stupidly powerful characters
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moon--vixen · 4 years
Glimwood diaries
August 31st, 2020
it’s finally here! Audie’s birthday!
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I knew exactly what I wanted to wear, a nice emerald green
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though I didn’t get very far before I ran into Poppy, asleep in the middle of the road! can you believe it? she’s so cute.
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when I finally got there the party was already in full swing.
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but that didn’t seem to bother her one bit!
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it was so nice to see Ms. Opal there. seems she was the one who put in most of the effort to make today what it is.
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and Audie was just loving every single second! and I for one Cannot Blame Her!
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it’s so cute seeing her so excited over it all.
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but I’m just glad she was excited to get a present from me!
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and that she liked it! there were so many things I could get her, but. I knew this custom sphere would look especially nice in her room.
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it was so much fun getting to hang out with them all day. the cake was especially good!
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but seeing the giant goofy grin on Audie’s face was the best of all.
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I hated to leave, but I had to eventually.
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there was still work to be done, even at sunset now, but at least the start to my day was a lovely one!
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I changed into something more comfortable, opting for the pattern I’m so proud of now! I mean, I may as well before it gets too cold!
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I found myself staring off at the sunset, wondering where the day had gone. where the month had gone. it feels so long ago and yet just yesterday at the same time.
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but when I see my neighbors, relaxed and at peace, I remember why.
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but, at least as luck would have it, I found Flick up among the bamboo. at least, I know what I’m doing tonight!
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well, at least not until after I upload a few more patterns! mostly just recolors, but I love them all the same!
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but, that is exactly how I spent my night!
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well, until the stars started to fall!
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I hadn’t found Celeste, until I learned she was on a friend’s island! I promptly went to visit her and wish on her island with the others.
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and check out her lovely costume! she did quite a good job, I must say!
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and when I finally found Celeste, I got a virgo harp! and my goodness, it’s lovely! I can’t wait to make one, although I have no idea where I’d put it..
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but it was nice to spend my evening with friends, wishing on stars together.
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at least until I got home, to return to the hunt!
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although before I knew it the clock struck midnight, and lo and behold, a new critter appeared!
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I didn’t realize they’d show up so instantaneously!
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thankfully though, Flick hadn’t left yet.
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but, that little critter wasn’t the only thing I found!
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I’m really proud of how well everything’s filled out in the museum.
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I wonder how it’ll look once it’s complete...I’ve never fully completed a museum before...
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but, it’s late, and I can’t stand in the museum pondering what ifs forever.
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but...I do wonder what surprises this new season holds..
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only time will tell.
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angst-art-writing · 3 years
Prince of the Playground-The Island(9)
TW: abuse, burn wounds.
Magic had always been a hard thing to do. Sure, it had gotten easier over the years, but it was still always difficult. Especially big things, but Zaina could never say no. Not to Victor when he asked. She learned her lesson with that one. Whenever the word tried to cross her tongue, she was reminded of the scar going down her spine, jagged and pink. The memory itself was fuzzy but she remembered the fear she felt as clear as day.
So now she stood, in the middle of a dried-out clearing. She looked up at Victor who was watching from a small distance. His expression was smooth, unreadable. There was not a wrinkle in his face.
“It might-It might take me a while,” she said to him. “The portal to Kiliana hasn’t been open for years... I don’t know how much it’ll take to open it up.”
“Well, hurry it up. We don’t have a lot of time.”
She nodded quickly. Kiliana was a realm, only accessible through portals- Ever since its fall, it had never been opened again. Legend says the last time it opened it was to save a child. The only chance of there being more Kiliani’s, is that child. But it is likely dead now. She had read it in old books.
‘Kiliana ripped down in the flames. The air tore and a spark left Kiliana; A gift, a memory, a chance. From the demon’s veins. The mix of life, death and ash.’
Zaina knelt down carefully and put her hands on the floor. She closed her eyes for a moment, exhaling slowly. As she let the breath go, shapes and symbols began to appear in her mind, flashing green and blue. She began to draw them.
The tips of her fingers began to burn, a slow sting at first. Still, she drew the shapes. She couldn’t stop even if she dared to.
The symbols appeared, black as ash with a bright green halo of color around them. She turned in a circle, drawing the shapes. The burning worsened, and she bit down on her tongue to keep herself from crying out. The only thing that burned worse was Victor’s gaze that she felt on her.
At last, she could hear the sound of something tearing behind her. The burning crawled its way to the top of her arms, past her elbows.
At last, she had turned all the way around. A small tear in the air had formed, glowing green and blue. Like the strip of a blue fire opal.
Zaina moved her hands up from the ground and placed them at the edges of the tear, before she forced them open with a gasp.
At last, the portal opened with a shrill cry, and it emitted a small blast, throwing Zaina back. The witch rolled on the ground before she sat up, staring at her work. There was no pride she felt.
The portal was open in the clearing, sizzling and crackling at the edges. But inside, she could see the remains of Kiliana, though the image was warped like a reflection in the water. The burning from her arms faded and she looked down at them. They were red, bleeding. It had burnt her.
She felt a hand on her shoulder and jumped, turning back. Victor was there. His face hadn't changed much besides a look of satisfaction. Part of her felt relieved. He was happy.
"Get up, Zaina. Let's go." He let go of her shoulder then, beginning to walk.
"My arms-" Zaina stared for a moment, sitting on the ground.
"Your legs aren't hurt, are they? Get up, and let's go. We'll fix them later."
Zaina bit her lip and stood then, hands quivering. She followed him, and together, they stepped through the portal.
Kiliana had been destroyed long ago. In the poems Zaina read about them, she figured out that they had fought amongst themselves, fighting against ‘scaly demons’.  They had been fighting for ages, but on the day the two eggs touched, war coursed through the veins of all. This was the outcome.
Reading about the damage was different than seeing it.
Ruins of stone and building littered the place, ash floated in the air like feathers. The sky was dark and rumbling, almost growling at the two intruders. They stood at the edge of the village. Straight ahead was the castle, a few of its towers ripped down. Behind them, was the forest. Or, what used to be it. It was burnt to a crisp, corpses of trees barely standing.
"What a pathetic place," Victor spat, his nose wrinkling slightly. "No matter. You'll fix this place up for me, won't you, Zaina?" He didn't wait for a response. He began to walk. "Come, now."
Zaina trailed behind him. They stepped over ruin and rubble, heading up to the castle. She kept close to him, eyes surveying around. Something was off here. Someone’s presence was sensed, but perhaps that was just the death trapped under all this ash.
Soon, they reached the end of the village. A bridge separated the village from the castle, and fog surrounded the castle in a thin veil.
"Be careful. I read somewhere that there is no bottom if you fall," Zaina murmured.
‘And if those who dared, their clothes were ripped, the rope cut, and they fell. Fell into the mist. Falling forever, flightless.’
Victor began to walk, striding up the bridge with his shoulders back and his stride full of pride. She followed him still, coming up to the entrance. Her whole body was shaking now, and all she wanted to do was pass out or throw up. The death here was overwhelming and her arms hurt even worse. Finally, they paused, right before the castle. It loomed over them.
The castle was covered in tangles of vines, dead and stiff. Thorns faced them menacingly, and dead petals of flowers littered the ground.
The beauty of destruction is devastating, Zaina thought.
Her head snapped up and she turned around at Victor's hiss, following his gaze. Behind them, she looked.  Only to be faced with a set of snarling teeth and bright blue eyes. Scales shone all over the beast and the horns were twisted towards the back of its head.
Dragons. Demons.
Before she knew it, she was conducting her magic.
There were no thoughts, nothing. Only her hands moving.  The dragon lifted up its head and snaked out it's tongue when she moved. Her heart pounded faster than ever, and the bridge crackled behind the dragon as her fingers curled. Large chunks of it came up at her command, before they began to melt. Her arms burned again, but still, she persisted.
The dragon sat back on its legs and flared out its wings. It let out a shrill shriek into the air. As it opened its mouth, Zaina could see blue inside- charging up a blast of flames. Her hands moved through, controlling the new liquid. It shot over, in front of the dragon, covering around its mouth and shutting it with a snap. The eyes glowed brighter in cold fury, and it tossed its head, smoke flaring out of its slitted nostrils in harsh clouds.
At Zaina’s control, the liquid began to spread, coating the whole dragon’s body. Her hands were swirling with black mist with yellow sparks, burning her whole skin. Though she imagined dragon flame would burn a million times worse.
The dragon thrashed, rearing up as the liquid coated it. As it settled, the liquid hardened into stone again. Soon enough, the dragon was frozen there- still as a statue. But her work wasn’t done.
“It called for its-”
Two more dragons came shooting from the forest, but Zaina was already taking from the bridge and melting the material. She shot a sphere at one, a dragon as black as ash with grey wings, as it flew over.
The other sphere soared to the left; her arms outstretched. Both dragons let out high-pitched roars as they were hit, almost like a whine. They began to fall into the fog, but Zaina’s yellow glow surrounded both. She swung her hands towards the village, sending the newly formed statues crashing into the village.
Silence settled over them just as the dust did.
Zaina collapsed to her knees, her breathing ragged. She cradled her arms and sunk forward, wanting nothing more than to lie down. The sleeves of her dress had burnt off, too, leaving her arms exposed; Bleeding and bright red. Victor was still there.
She sat up then and turned back to face him. He headed over slowly and grabbed her shoulder. She jerked slightly and bit back her cry, his fingers digging into tender flesh, but Victor only tightened his hold and wrenched her back onto her feet. Zaina choked back her tears and wail.
“Sorry,” she breathed. He took her wrists then, looking over her arms. Her eyes welled with tears but didn’t dare spill.
“As soon as you fix this place up, we’ll take care of your arms.” He let go and turned, looking up at the castle. “Fucking dragons...” He barely seemed fazed by it all.
“But they burn wherever I use my magic- I can’t-”
He looked back at her, his red eyes more piercing than an icicle and Zaina lost her words.
He spoke again with a threatening voice. “You can and you will.” He looked away again. “I want this place fixed up to the best. It’s mine now. And take those dragons to a cave. I don’t want those fucking things near me again.” He began to walk back to his castle. “Hurry with it, Zaina. I don’t want my people waiting too long.”
Zaina stared at his back. She nodded quickly, before following him up the steps to fix the castle.
His castle, she corrected herself.
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medusozoic · 4 years
yo, so about them opals and that explanation you offered...? oh local rock guy, enlighting this not so rock gal with regards, me
ok first important distinction: precious opal is different from common opal.
This is common opal:
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Yeah, boring and white (but still beautiful all minerals have a special place in my heart). All of the pictures from the post I rbed are precious opal.
 Both have the same composition:  SiO2.nH2O. The  (.nH2O) part of this formula means that this is a mineral that contains water within its structure. I’m bad with words, hope you understand what I mean by that. An opal is built from very tiny SIlica (SiO2) spheres. Because of these spheres being so tiny (around 3000 Å, or 0.0003 mm), an opal is translucent and sometimes transparent. Because of this, we can see the internal refractions of light that go on inside of the opal.  
The difference between precious and common opal is that with precious copal the silica spheres are arranged in a regular pattern, whereas common opal has an irregular pattern. When light hits a common opal, it scatters and the opal loses its translucency. It also appears milky white, as seen above.  
BUT IN PRECIOUS OPAL. The light hits a very specific, regular pattern, due to which the light is refracted into different distinctive colors. Because the opal's color depends on the way the light hits it, the appearance of opal can be changed by the slightest differences in how you hold the opal, or from which angle the light hits it. Here’s a picture of the process, it’s called play of color. More minerals display it, opal is just most famous for it. 
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(also most precious opal is found in Australia)
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borealis-strange · 4 years
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Chapter 5: Nevermore
That was the worst idea he had had in years, but it was too late to regret it.
A couple of weeks passed after Freddie's birthday, and that was long enough for Brian to dare to go to Nevermore.
That Saturday he got up earlier than normal to prepare everything essential for the trip and the madness that was: Water, some food, a compass and obviously his wand. Before the sun had even risen completely, Brian had already begun his adventure; without telling anyone, not even Roger.
He felt bad about it, but if he had told him where he was going, Roger would have done everything possible to stop him. Now he felt genuinely bad for lying to him. The only thing he had done was leave a small note saying that he went to explore the city and would not return until late at night.
Notes: So... I don’t know what will happen with this story. I want to continue this story but at the same time I lose motivation. Maybe I’ll take an hiatus, it may last a week, a month or maybe I’ll never finish this story, who knows?
Tag-list:  @whitequeen-ofwillowgreen​ @likesomekindofcheese  @0-primejive-0 @starr1000
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That was the worst idea he had had in years, but it was too late to regret it.
A couple of weeks passed after Freddie's birthday, and that was long enough for Brian to dare to go to Nevermore.
That Saturday he got up earlier than normal to prepare everything essential for the trip and the madness that was: Water, some food, a compass and obviously his wand. Before the sun had even risen completely, Brian had already begun his adventure; without telling anyone, not even Roger.
He felt bad about it, but if he had told him where he was going, Roger would have done everything possible to stop him. Now he felt genuinely bad for lying to him. The only thing he had done was leave a small note saying that he went to explore the city and would not return until late at night.
He left the castle in silence, trying not to turn on lights or make noise. He walked the gardens, then the streets, until he reached a bus station where he would take a route that would take him as far to the outskirts of the city as possible, since there was no direct route to Nevermore.
He arrived at the station and waited a few minutes for the bus to arrive, got in and chose a seat by the window. It was a long and somewhat heavy trip, since there was traffic in the city, but when starting to move away everything went with more and more fluidity.
The bus was emptying, until there were only The driver, Brian and two more people. Finally the bus reached the last stop. The most rural area of the city, near Nevermore, where it practically overlooked a field. He got out of the bus, walked a few steps, and stood still. A few small houses, a blue sky, with few clouds and the blazing prairie sun that lit the tall, thin grass that covered everything as far as his eye could see. It was there that he realized that he still had a long way to go.
He walked through the eternal meadow for a long time, alone, with his thoughts and nothing more than the noise of the wind moving the grass. Little by little the landscape was changing, the grass and the dry land were transforming into greener pastures, the environment became more humid and fresh until finally in the distance he could see large and leafy trees. The Nevermore. He started running and saw the trees approach and the whole landscape changed until he finally came and stood, amazed at what he saw.
Finally there it was. In front of the fence that separated the Nevermore from the rest of Rhye. After a three hour trip in the bus and walking in the field for two hours, now he wanted to turn around and continue with his life as if nothing had happened.
"Come on Brian" He said to himself "Here you will find all the answers you need"
He took a deep breath and moved closer to the gate, preparing to enter the Nevermore.
Entering Nevermore would not be difficult. It was only a metal fence of about three meters, it was not even electrified or magic approved.
Brian pulled out his wand and made a hole in the grate large enough for him to pass through. He took one last look at the field again before entering into Nevermore.
"Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine” Brian repeated to himself to try to relax.
In the first few seconds inside the forest, absolutely nothing happened. And strangely, it seemed that he was in a completely different forest than what it looked like outside.
The forest was absent from sunlight, except for small, faint rays of light that barely made it through the dense top of the trees. All the light that was there came from the leaves of the willows that were next to small lakes and fireflies of various colors that flew around. As Brian's eyes adjusted to the darkness, he realized that there were small houses in the tree branches. Maybe it was just his imagination. There were small paths made of wooden planks, if he walked them he would surely find the prophet. He took out his wand to light his steps, and almost enchanted by the beauty of Nevermore, he entered the beautiful forest.
The more he walked in the forest, the safer he felt. Until now he had not seen anything out of place or terrifying, until he found a small town, just the one he was looking for.
The town was completely deserted, the strange thing was that everything was in its place. The shops and houses looked perfect as if nothing had happened. It was as if the inhabitants had simply decided to leave without taking anything.
As Brian walked down the stone-plank streets, he felt watched. He knew it was just his imagination, but still he couldn't help but be turning around all the time. In addition to hearing something moving behind, it was as if little bells sounded at the same time as when he walked.
"This is the madness everyone was talking about," Brian thought.
Brian saw a small stall and walked over to see what it was. Like the town houses that were closer to the main street, it was no taller than him. The stall was based on a small wooden counter topped with a white tablecloth; an orange vase with a bit of soil inside kept alive the exotic flowers, endemic to Nevermore, in the vase; an empty jar with a slot in the lid to insert coins. Several wooden boxes with different stacked fruits, and crowning the stand was a wooden plank with a drawing of a fruit basket decorated with flowers. It was a fruit stand.
The fruits all looked flawless, not a single stain, and all so fresh and juicy that they would seem freshly cut, so colorful that they seemed to have been painted by the hands of the most gifted painters and so perfumed that he would have liked to make a fragrance that smelled like that. They were really peculiar and unusual to see so much quality in a fruit, so Brian decided to have an apple. He would have liked to pay, but there was no one in sight, and besides, judging by the size of the jar slot, it looked like they were using a different coin than the rest of Rhye's.
When tasting the apple, he noticed that it tasted delicious, and it was so juicy that when he bit it, it even dripped a little. He chewed it enjoying every second he ate that sweet and perfect bright red apple. It tasted different, it wasn't very noticeable but it was definitely sweeter.
He continued walking down the deserted street until he spotted a store that caught his attention. The sign outside said it was a bookstore specializing in magic and potions. He tried to enter but, as expected, it was closed.
He looked through the window. It was dark, rustic in style, with wooden furniture, stone walls, and a steel chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The shelves were filled with some flasks with colored liquids inside, there were others with several books in all their volumes in somewhat opaque colors, wands with shapes that he had never seen and empty mannequins, of exaggeratedly varied sizes.
Suddenly he was scared. He felt something on his shoulder, heavy and slightly damp, like a hand. A deep, husky voice spoke to him.
-Hey, - Said the voice behind him - You must pay for what you consume. -
-I ... am very sorry. I thought that….
Brian turned and froze at what he saw. A tall, green creature of great physical mass, wearing dark brown pants discolored by time and slightly torn. A huge ogre.
The ogre was just as scared as Brian.
-A human! - The ogre shouted completely horrified.
Brian tried to walk away but realized that the scream had drawn a lot of people. Fairies, ogres, dwarves, and even minotaurs peeked through the streets and emerged from behind the trees. Brian, in amazement and fear, slowly lowered himself to his knees holding his head in his hands.
All kinds of magical creatures cornered Brian in a fetal position. They said all kinds of things:
"What is a human doing here?" "It's horrible" "Why did he come here?
Their voices were strange. Not unlike a normal voice, however, they had peculiar voice timbres.
Among all the people there were all kinds of creatures, from little fairies with strange and different appearances from those in the stories, to lake nymphs, ogres, trolls and endemic fauna of nevermore.
More and more murmurs were heard and the crowd grew around Brian scared who was seeing his end closely, until the voices suddenly subsided and they felt a small blast of air hit him directly, saving him from the suffocation that the creatures were causing him.
-Leave the poor boy alone - A voice was heard from the crowd - Is this the way to receive a prince? -
Murmurs could be heard from the crowd again as they parted to make way for the woman. She was medium-short stature, definitely advanced in age, she had gray hair that seemed to have almost imperceptible shades of green and blue, flowers tangled in her braided hair, she wore a yellowish-white tunic, and a crown of small flowers. She was barefoot and in her hand she carried a wooden staff with a sphere of obsidian and opal. There was a pair of gargoyle wings on its back, but she didn't look intimidating.
-I will take care of the young prince - She said once he was in the center of the circle with Brian - Go back to what you were doing. -
There were no protests from anyone, they just walked away slowly still looking at Brian strangely.
-Are you okay? - The woman asked Brian as she extended a hand to help him up.
Brian accepted her help and standing he could better appreciate the woman. Her eyes were deep, intense lilac with elongated upward pupils and on her face she had several black scales.
-Yes - Brian said even without understanding what had just happened - Just confused.
-They are just as confused as you. They had never seen a human in their life, we are not used to receiving many visitors around here. I know by the look on your face that you have questions, and I may be able to give you some answers. Follow Me Young May. -
The woman turned and walked calmly. Brian was distracted for a moment processing what had just happened, and when he returned to reality, the woman had already advanced a few meters. Brian ran a little to catch up with her.
-Wait. How do you know who I am? - Brian asked once he reached her.
-Son, I'm a prophet, that's my job. - The old woman expressed as if it were something incredibly obvious.
-Are you the prophet ?! - Brian exclaimed.
The prophet continued walking and Brian was at her side.
As they both headed to the prophet Brian's house, he could feel the stares of the habitants there. Most were just curious looks but Brian couldn't help but feel judged, he could even hear people whispering about him.
They walked following the forest path for a few minutes until they arrived to a small clearing, still covered by the treetops, but a little more light filtered compared to the rest of the forest.
It was a stone hut, old medieval style with a palm roof. They walked to the gate and entered the main garden. There were different colored flowers under the windows and a path of white river rocks to the door. When they reached the main door, made of solid oak with a curious knob of a strange colored wood, they opened it and the prophet turned on the light.
It was a rather curious house. It was relatively small, and it seemed that the years had not passed in that place. The interior was a combination of wood and stone. With all the style of a rustic cabin, there were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, mirrors and a few pictures on the walls, furniture hand carved by skilled furniture makers. Everything smelled of a floral combination from the forest breeze and a wood from all the furniture made of that material. To the left of the hall, the living room could be seen, with small sofas, cushions on the floor and a fireplace large enough for the small room. To the left was a small kitchen, equipped with pantry furniture, an oven, a dining room, and four chairs.
-I know you have many doubts - Said the prophet once they entered the house - Take a seat, prepare some tea to calm you down - Arthemisia disappeared into the kitchen.
Brian went into the living room, but didn't sit down right away. He began to explore the room better. There were several shelves with many books of different kinds and in different languages. English, Spanish, Latin, German, there were even some that appeared to be ancient Greek or original handwritten books by translators from the Middle Ages. He moved to another of the shelves. They were filled with glass jars of different sizes, with different labels with strange names written by hand in a delicate and perfect calligraphy. They were the scientific names of the dried leaves that were inside each jar. On the shelf below, there were things that looked like laboratory equipment, but focused on magic. Distillers, lighters, test tubes, as if they were to prepare potions or enchanted concoctions. Next to it he saw cabinets, containing magical artifacts from wands made from some of Rhye's strangest trees, to rare-find metal mirrors, magic gem rings, and goblets next to bottles with names engraved on them. Scrolls, original maps, this place was like a history museum.
-I see that you are someone curious - Arthemisia came out of the kitchen with a tray with two cups, a kettle and a plate of cookies. - Why don't you sit here by the fireplace? - She said placing the tray on a small glass table.
Brian sat in the wooden chair that was in front of the prophet.
Arthemisia sat cross-legged on a cushion on the living room rug. She snapped her fingers and the kettle spread little wings and flew a few inches above the tray. Brian looked at the kettle in fascination.
Arthemisia took one of the cups and brought it to the kettle. It carefully poured the tea and stopped when the cup was filled. Brian took his cup and with shaking hands approached the kettle. It did the same with Brian and when it finished, it descended to the tray.
- What doubts do you have, young May? - Said the prophet as she took a sip of her tea.
Brian didn't know where to start. There were so many things in his head and so many things he wanted to know; they were all important and it seemed there was not enough time.
-Why… - Was the first thing Brian managed to say - Why are they here? -
Arthemisia sighed heavily and closed her eyes before answering.
-I'm not going to tell you everything I know - She spoke calmly - Since the other princes also need to be here to know the history of their own country. The only thing I can tell you is that we cannot get out of this forest. There is a barrier that was created just when Atlas died. -
-Well, I understand that you can't tell me everything, but, I'm not really sure I can bring the others here - Brian said somewhat worried.
-I know you had difficulties coming here, Mr. May, I am a fortune teller and it is not difficult to intuit that with the bad reputation you never have in the outside world again, it does not give much ... confidence to come. But I knew you would come. You must make the other young princes come too, but we will see that later, that from what I know, you have more doubts than the one you just asked me. - ’
-Well ... - Brian said trying to process what he had just heard. - Could you tell me about… Atticus Swine? - Brian asked - You can know about anyone with just their name, right?
-I know a little about him… But I'm afraid I can't tell you what you want to know. -
-Why not? - Brian asked disappointed.
-Well, see, Young May, in the wizarding world we all without exception have a middle name, and that middle name is the key to knowing something about a person. The first and last names are simply to identify you between people, but your middle name is your identity. By knowing someone's middle name and having some kind of divination magic, or by turning to someone who does, you can know absolutely anything about the person in question. From things like his real age to his magical weaknesses, shameful things from his past or what he will do in the future. All that is known about Atticus is that he worked for the king; looking for a solution to get out. But recently it disappeared without a trace. Nobody knows where he is, not even the king himself.-
-I understand ... - Brian said trying to assimilate everything. - Then I guess you can't tell me much about My Fairy King either - He said disappointed.
-I can tell you how little is known - Arthemisia said calming Brian a bit. - My Fairy King arrived with Atlas's crew. He was obsessed with ruling a perfect kingdom, but he never succeeded because Atlas got in his way. Unfortunately, there is not much information about him. It was censored ... completely erased from history. -
-Oh, I understand… But at least it's true that it existed. - Brian said at least a little more excited.
-Yes, of course, young prince. He was a real person, just like you. -
Brian was somewhat disappointed, if he hadn't found a lot of information there, he definitely wouldn't find it anywhere else he knew about. But he might at least know something about Atticus if he could find his middle name, a task that, judging by the importance the middle name seemed to have, would be difficult to find.
Arthemisia told Brian that he should go back, before it was too late, so he escorted him out of the house back to the village he had arrived in. From there on out, she let her come back alone.
Brian admired the scenery as he walked around. The town had him simply enchanted. From the architecture, to all the plants that were everywhere. There was a certain magical atmosphere in the whole place that he admired and fascinated him. He thought about the possibility of staying to live there, to learn from the people, their culture, but unfortunately he could not, he had responsibilities to fulfill as Prince of Rhye.
The way back was silent. Brian had the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of the forest once more.
Brian looked wistfully at the forest before leaving. Brian wanted to help everyone in Nevermore, he wanted everyone to be free and enjoy a normal life like the rest of Rhye. But he couldn't, he had no idea of the nature of this invisible barrier. Most likely, this barrier was created with magic and he was not capable of such advanced magic.
Brian left in the same place where he came from. When he was outside the Nevermore he noticed that it was already much later than he thought. Although there was still time to take the last bus. He took one last look at the Nevermore before setting off on his return journey.
The forest looked the way it always did: dark and dismal. Dominique was nowhere to be seen either. The beauty of the forest was hidden by a barrier that he could not see.
On the way back he noticed how tired he was and that he had hardly eaten anything since breakfast. He also had too many questions in his head and more doubts than answers. He finally managed to know a bit about My Fairy King and Atticus's purpose but still wasn't convinced with the answers. What happened to My Fairy King and why was it erased from history? What did the crown have to do with Atticus? And where was Atticus? All those answers were apparently unanswered. At least not yet.
To find the answers he needed, he had to return to the Nevermore at least once ... or two ... or several times.
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gluttonousgoddess · 4 years
Pokeball-inspired spirit binding containers
What some people don’t know (as it was really only ever mentioned in a Japanese-only booklet for the first movie), Pokemon are in fact spirits. One may even liken them to djinn from Arabian folklore. This can thus explain how Pokeballs work; small spherical objects, sometimes wooden or made of large nuts, but nowadays moreso made from metal, that house something for the Pokemon’s essence to go into; essentially, a spirit binding.
What you need:
-Object to hold the base (this can be a sphere, such as a Christmas ornament, but it can also be a wand like Sir Aaron’s staff, or a box like old Technical Machines from the manga and card game)
-Base house for the spirit (commonly crystals are used, but other material can also be used, and may be made to fit the spirit summoned; my kitsune likes opal, while my sphinx prefers a plastic spoon “staff” adorned with Egyptian-like designs) 
-Optional: Binding spells or seals or prayers to be wrapped around the base (if the Container opens up, it’s possible to write these inside of it, or onto it if it’s, for example, a wand or a spoon, but paper also works)
How it works: the container makes it easier to carry multiple spirits with you. Some official Pokeball toys even come with belt clips or keychain clips. But say you want to house multiple spirits, but you want them to be easily accessible and difficult to lose. Simply put them all on a wand, or put them all into one container if the bases are small enough.
Warning: While some spirits may find it cute that their houses are protected by their favorite anime or videogame’s mechanic, it is also possible that even a spirit that likes Pokemon could find it degrading, since most Pokemon are seen as pets or otherwise inferior to humans. Always communicate with your spirits so as to find out any concerns your spirits may have. Another option is to bejewel a Pokeball, and use the bejeweled part as the base so it’s more like they are protecting the other spirits.
Notice: With the exception of possible color coordination, the container is purely aesthetic. A Masterball container works just as well as a Pokeball container (though might give the spirit a stronger sense of value), and a Luxuryball will not give the spirit a better experience. That is purely based on the energy and spells placed upon the base.
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