#crops like every polo
gueswho · 2 years
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Pushing my trans fem Steve agenda
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windblume · 2 years
today was the last day of school and a girl in my choir walked up to me and was like hey i just wanted u to know i rlly loved all the outfits u wore this semester and i was like OMG😢 and then during last period a different girl came up to me and was like just so u know i think ur really pretty i wanted to tell u all semester and i was like OMG😢. i almost started crying both times btw.
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augustjustice · 7 months
Pretty in Pink
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I am still firmly on my Stevie Harrington agenda this week, so please enjoy below Eddie's thirsty-turned-sappy thoughts about his favorite girl, inspired by @getlost0p's absolutely delightful art as well @cherrycolasteve's very cute tags.
Eddie taps the pen against his front teeth absently, eyes flitting uncomprehendingly over the various multiple choice options of his practice test. With his brain already feeling fuzzy and unfocused, it’s easy to let his gaze drift away from the page over to the girl currently sprawled out beside him–Stevie Harrington, curled up reading the X-Men comic Dustin had strong-armed her into picking up. 
And, look–who could really blame him for getting a little distracted? There's a hot girl in his bed which is, admittedly, a rare enough occurrence–until shit went sideways last spring, at least–to still feel a little notable. Even if she is only there for moral support while he studies, his GED test date circling ever closer.
Stevie's wearing a striped white and pink polo with the buttons undone all the way to the bottom of the neckline and tight stonewash jeans. The absolute preppiest of prep attire, completed by the cherry-flavored chapstick shining red on her lips.
Eddie wants to kiss her stupid.
The jeans are high waisted, pulled up snug over the curve of her ass, and with Stevie rolled onto her stomach reading the comic, Eddie's getting quite the view.
Then she shifts, flopping over onto her back beside him, the movement followed by the sound of pages turning. The new position offers a tantalizing glimpse of her cleavage, a further hint of what her clingy polo is doing such a great job of highlighting. 
Eddie looks. Of course he looks.
Estrogen has taken to Stevie’s figure like a duck to water. In the plush spread of her hips, making her pert ass even rounder, which Eddie would have thought was damn near impossible. And in the plumpness steadily gathering at her chest, her once defined pecs softening, giving way to the gentle swell of her breasts, which grow fuller by the day. 
It’s become something of a problem for him lately–the staring. 
That was true, to some extent, even before she started to transition. Stevie's always been gorgeous, and Eddie's always been aware of that fact, harboring a hopeless, from afar crush on her since they landed in the same impossible English class his first senior year and Eddie had become painfully aware of what all the Hawkins High girls were on about. Not that he would have admitted that, at the time, not even under threat of painful, agonizing death–no, the coming terms with it came later, during his spring break from hell spent realizing that Stevie Harrington was not only surprisingly sweet but a totally badass, bonafide hero.
…The whole ripping that bat apart with her teeth thing certainly didn't hurt, either.
The point is, he's always looked at Stevie, flirted with her. Probably been too obvious about it, too. 
It's just that since she started to transition, it feels like he's gotten so much worse, like any subtlety he was holding on to by his fingernails has been ripped from his hands. Eddie can’t stop staring at her, the heat of embarrassment prickling his face, tongue-tied like a school boy with a crush each and every time he gets caught. 
And that's the worst part of it–he does get caught, far more often than he'd like.
It’d been months, now, since the first time Stevie explicitly called him out for it–a warm Saturday in the summer when they had dragged the kids down to the arcade, trying to beat the heat with the dark, air-conditioned interior of the local nerd haunt. 
Stevie had been watching Erica beat her own high score at Duck Hunt, leaned over the machine in her Daisy Duke cutoff shorts and a cropped pink jersey, ponytail swinging against her back and the scars littering her sides unashamedly on display. That’s something they had both been working themselves up to, together–not hiding their war wounds, fighting off the anxiety that came from people’s stares.
But Eddie had been staring for an entirely different reason when Stevie caught him. 
As Erica ran off to ‘pummel’ Dustin after his latest Dig Dug win, Stevie propped an elbow on the abandoned game, shooting Eddie a knowing look.
“Like what you see, Munson?” she asked coyly.
Eddie’s entire face flamed with heat. 
“I was just–your top!” he blurted. “I was just admiring your top, my lady. It’s…it’s cute. The pink–think that might be your color, Harrington.”
Stevie’s cheeks burned her own pretty pink to match it, then, which Eddie couldn’t help but preen about. 
And if he noticed she started wearing a lot more pink around him after that, well…he tried not to read too much into it.
Just like the pretty pale pink she’s wearing today, attracting his eye and forcing Eddie to hold back a twitterpated sigh as he watches her, wrapped up in the bright primary colored pages of the X-Men
…This bullshit of his is definitely gonna get his ass kicked by Robin or Nancy, one of these days, he’s sure of it. Possibly both of them at once–Buck may just hold him down while Wheeler does what she does best.
But the truth is, it's not just about how Stevie’s figure has steadily filled out. He's not gonna lie, that's definitely part of it–but also…she just has this glow about her, now, like she's settling so happily into herself. It’s like that contentment beams out of her, radiant, in every little gesture, every giddy smile. He's drawn in by it, like Icarus with the sun, like a moth to a flame–too entranced to turn away, even if it might end up burning him in the long run.
The thing is, Stevie's beautiful, and she takes his breath away.
She’s become such an intrinsic part of his life, since everything that happened, he’s not entirely sure what he would do without her. Hell, they still share a bed, some nights–fighting back the nightmares together is always easier. And in the intervening months since that started, she's grown steadily softer beside him, curves pressing against his body where there were once hard planes and sharper angles. Her presence is no less warm and comforting than it had been from the beginning, though, her weight and smell familiar, the steady rhythm of her breathing when it finally evens out the same.
Eddie wonders if they were supposed to have stopped doing that, somewhere along the way–the sleeping together part, even though they're only doing it in the most platonic, just-friends sort of way possible. Then again, he's never put all that much stock in it, what he is and isn't supposed to be doing. Besides, how much difference could stopping really have made? Not a whole hell of a lot, in his opinion, considering they've both been bi as fuck the whole damn time.
Sharing a bed all the time doesn't really help his other problem–the staring, the thinking about Stevie's plush curves and soft skin–but that's his own shit to deal with and work out. Stevie shouldn't have to suffer through the nights alone just because Eddie can't keep his hard on for her in check.
So, yeah. He thinks she’s a knockout–of course he does–but the truth is, that’s all secondary to the way he feels about her. She’s steadily grown into one of his best friends, in the time since he’s finally gotten to actually know her. And if all he ever gets to do is look–and better yet, talk to her, bicker and joke and tease, share popcorn at movie nights crammed too close together on the Harrington’s couch and laugh at all the same stupid inside jokes–well, he considers himself honored for the privilege of it. 
“What, Munson?” Stevie laughs suddenly, drawing him out of his reverie–during which he had, of course, still been staring–by smacking him lightly on the arm with her comic book. 
That had been another secret, shared between them–Stevie liked the X-Men, she’d confessed, even if she couldn’t resist pretending otherwise to Dustin. She said the Mutants made her feel…seen, in a way she really hadn’t ever before. 
"I know exactly what you mean, sweetheart," Eddie had agreed easily when she told him. 
"Kinda figured you might, Eds,” she had shot him a soft smile, which he returned in kind.
That feeling of being seen–understood–stretched out beyond the pages of the comic book to encompass them both, the way they just fundamentally got each other.
"Mystique's got nothing on you, though," he had added with a wink, falling back on his old routine of borderline flirtation just for the pleasure of seeing her blush yet again, ducking her head as she gave his shoulder an exasperated nudge.
He blinks back to reality, finds himself looking into those same mesmerizing eyes now, big and brown and staring back at him expectantly. A smile plays at the corners of Stevie’s mouth as she puts her comic aside. Scooting closer, she reaches to give one of his test booklet pages a quick shake. 
"You're supposed to be studying, you know. Believe me, I get how hard that can be, and I wasn't exactly the best in school…but I'm still like 99% sure you at least have to look at the page before you get it,” she teases. “And I haven’t got the answers to this question secretly penciled somewhere up my sleeve, promise. So, not really sure how staring at me is gonna help you here."
Eddie studies her face–the amused pink curve of her mouth, the cute little moles that dot her cheeks and throat. 
That wistful sigh finally escapes him.
“Shit, sorry,” he apologies on autopilot, and then, the confession rolls off his tongue before he can stop it, “you’re just so…fucking pretty.”
As soon as the words have left his mouth, he cringes, preparing to blurt out yet another apology–and then Stevie’s finger presses against his lips. When he glances at her, he finds that her whole face has lit up. 
Well, fuck. If she’s gonna look at him like that, he can’t even be sorry for his big mouth.
Then, surprise of all surprises–he feels a jolt as she leans in and pecks him once on the cheek, lips smooth from her cherry chapstick. 
“Thanks. You’re sweet, Eddie,” Stevie murmurs, quietly, as she pulls back. Then, her smile turns mischievous, pretty eyes giving one of her patented, exasperated eyerolls. “And good of you to finally say something about it.”
Eddie barks out a disbelieving laugh before he can help it, hiding his face for a moment between his fingers.
“Seriously, Harrington, you know you’re a total babe.”
“Yeah, sure,” Stevie agrees, a glimmer of that overconfidence she’d carried herself with in school shining out. Eddie can’t even lie–he loves it. “But a girl still likes to hear it, now and again.”
“Shit, Stevie.” Head still ducked, Eddie reaches out slowly and takes her hand, twiddling with her fingers as he looks up from beneath the fringe of his bangs. “Now that I know you want me, too–I’ll tell you anytime you want.”
Reaching forward, Stevie tucks a tuft of hair behind Eddie’s ear, not letting him hide behind the curtain of it. Then, she leans in, and this time she presses a soft kiss to his lips. 
Eddie sucks in another sharp, surprised breath, finally tasting that cherry flavor for himself. 
“I’m totally gonna hold you to that one, Eds,” she says, leaving their foreheads pressed gently together even once she pulls back, “so just get ready for it.”  
But, then, a mere moment later, Stevie is bouncing backwards on the bed, giggling when Eddie leans in, trying to chase after her lips again. He groans as she picks up his booklet and presses it against his chest. 
“You can check me out all you want later, stud,” Stevie shoots him a wink, flipping open to the page he had left off on. “But, for now…you’ve gotta get back to work.”
When she settles down beside him this time, though, she stays close, hooking her chin over his shoulder. 
“And, I’ve got an idea. A tried and true method for studying. Works every time.” 
“That right?” Eddie tilts his head to face her, cocking an eyebrow. “Well, lay it on me, then, sweetheart. Tell me what’s going on in that pretty head of yours.”
He taps a finger lightly against her temple. The playful twinkle in Stevie’s eyes as she grins at him makes Eddie’s heart skip a bit.
“How about…I give you a kiss for every question you get right?” she murmurs, close enough her warm breath ghosts over his skin. 
Eddie lets his eyes drop down to the red shine of her lips, and feels giddy, for once, knowing he can look his fill. After a long, loaded pause, he gives a sharp nod, clapping his hands together.
“You know what, Stevie? Studying never sounded so good.” Snatching up his pen again, he settles back with the test now spread across both their laps. “I’m in.” 
And, this time, whenever Stevie distracts Eddie from his studies–well. At least he can tell himself it’s all in the name of a good cause.
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femmefatalevibe · 8 months
Femme Fatale Guide: My Fall Wardrobe Essentials
Pima cotton long-sleeve tees (I like the Supima ones from Everlane for every day)
Contour body suits (I like the Express Bodycon Compression line and Spanx bodysuits in vegan leather/silk)
Silk button downs
Structured cotton button-down
Cashmere sweaters (crewneck, turtleneck, polo neck, etc. – Everlane, Nadaam, and Cuyana are great affordable options)
Zippered knitwear (I like options from Pixie Market, Naadam, COS, Ganni, Helmut Lang, Nanushka, and more)
Black high-waisted tailored trousers (bootcut, flared, and straight leg)
Black high-waisted jeans (straight and bootcut for me!)
Elevated stretch pants (I like the Norma Kamali Boot Pant and Spanx Perfect Pant for this)
Cashmere trouser
Cashmere hoodie
Thick, well-structured black sweatshirt
High-waisted straight-leg leather pants
Long-sleeve black sweater dress
Maxi-length black satin slip dress
Leather/quilted/tweed mini skirt
Long knit skirt (love a co-ord top for this, too)
Perfectly-tailored longline, single-breasted black blazer
Tailored hourglass blazer
Leather blazer
Classic leather moto jacket
Cropped patent leather jacket
Lightweight wool/satin duster coat
Black cotton trench/leather trench coat
Black tweed jacket with elevated hardware
Structured black wool coat
Leather puff jacket
Minimalist white sneakers
Black block-heeled, sleek square-toed/pointy-toe boots
Modern black loafers
Croc-embossed black boot
Black moto/lace-up boot or minimalist platform boot
Stiletto heel, pointy toe black boot (one short and one knee high length to dress up any outfit)
Western-inspired boot
Sleek and sexy black pumps
Structured black tote/shoulder bag
Structured crossbody bag
Small shoulder bag
Novelty/fun top handle bag (beaded, croc-embossed, crystal-embellishments, etc.)
Seamless bras/underwear
Control-top black tights (sheer and opaque)
Comfortable white and black ankle/crew socks
A cashmere, silk, or faux fur everyday scarf
Fingerless gloves
Chunky chain necklaces/bracelets
Delicate gold and silver chains (necklaces and bracelets)
Mixed-metal rings
Diamond-encrusted & cocktail rings
Ear cuffs and threader earrings
High-waisted shapewear shorts
Cashmere or silk loungewear/pajamas
A lace teddy
Cozy slippers
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rafesapologist · 11 months
the set up — rafe cameron; part two
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴(𝘀): cussing, slight angst (?), topper being annoying, some flirting, possible mentions of drug use
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: thank you guys for all of the love on the first part of this story! genuinely, it means so much to me that you guys enjoyed it. pls bare with me as far as adding some of you who asked about being on my taglist, i've had tumblr for like 11 years now but i've never posted my writings on here before so i'm figuring things out to keep it all organized! it's also likely this will become a series, bc there's so much more to tell w this story. let me know if you'd like to be added! anyways, thank y'all again. mwah
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-𝘀𝗶𝘅 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗵𝘀 𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗹𝗶𝗲𝗿-
The plan was finally set in stone. After many weeks of scheming and devising up a strategy with the help of Pope's unparalleled intellect, and JJ's bizarre inebriated ideas, you and your friends eventually came to an agreement. You had one month to gain the trust of none other than Rafe Cameron, Kook prince and vain asshole. You knew ahead of time that the task itself was not going to be an easy one, especially after Sarah had warned you of how untrusting her brother was with everyone, besides his dad. What made it even harder was that Rafe already knew that you were a Pogue, his number one enemy in the world. But despite his wariness and bitterness towards your kind, at the end of the day, Rafe was no stronger than any other man when it come to his desires and urges.
Sure you were a Pogue from the Cut, but you still knew how to clean up exceptionally well, and regardless of how much he loathed people like you, Rafe couldn't resist you when you'd show up at the golf course he frequented, dressed up in your short pink tennis skirt and a white polo collar crop top. You knew that the fastest way to the Kook prince's heart was through cajolery and the use of magnetism, so when JJ scored you a job as a bev cart girl at his work in order to be in direct contact with the Cameron's son, you transformed your appearance to that of a temptress.
You had been employed at the golf course for about a week before you had a proper interaction with Rafe. Before that, you were mostly being occupied by his best friend, Topper Thornton, who made it his mission to chat you up during your every shift that he was there for. It was a minor displeasure to have to endure Topper's desperate attempts at flirting with you, but you reminded yourself that you were there for one reason - Rafe.
"Y/n! Hey!" You heard a familiar, grating voice call out to you, stopping you in your tracks immediately. Topper.
"Hey Top," you masked your irritation through a forced smile as you quietly sighed to yourself, mentally preparing for the exchange you were about to have, "what's up?"
Topper flashed you a small, genial smile in return at the sound of your soft-spoken voice, "Was hoping I'd see you hear today, the other bev cart girl kind of sucks." He joked in his typical monotonous tone, shaking his head as he let out a half-hearted chuckle.
Behind him you heard a deep, dry laugh approach the conversation, catching you off guard at the sudden noise. Your eyes shot over to the direction at which the sound was coming from, and once you discovered just exactly who it came from, your heart skipped a beat.
"What a simp," the smoky voice of the dirty blond Kook teased as he nudged Topper's arm, "flirting with the damn bev cart girl."
You could feel heat rise to your, now, flushed cheeks at the low-pitched tone that sent vibrations down your spine. You found yourself peering up coyly at the tall stature in front of you, soon being met with a piercing set of blue eyes that locked with yours. His stare felt rather domineering as he eyed your half-exposed figure, which only made you feel more vulnerable than before. As if that wasn't enough, your breath hitched when you noticed the way he bit down on his lip subtly while his eyes found their way to your mini skirt. The feeling of Rafe watching you so intently had your body heat rising gradually, an impuissant energy coarsing through your veins as you watched him tower over you.
"I do have a name." You interjected, deriding Rafe's comment that felt as though he was reducing you to nothing but a beverage cart attended, which had you rolling your eyes internally at his ignorance. However, in order to refrain yourself from catching an attitude with the boy, and quite frankly because part of you was scared, you pressed your lips together in an attempt to keep what composure you had left in you.
Topper chuckled in regard to your statement, finding it amusing that you had the guts to, somewhat, stand up to Rafe Cameron. Something very few people did, and the ones that did, barely lived to regret it.
"Well excuse me," Rafe tilted his head condescendingly at you, an arrogant smirk forming on his lips, "why don't you tell me your name then? Don't think we've had a chance to meet yet." His words sounded welcoming but his tone told another story. You could tell by his burning stare and snarky timbre that he was trying to get a rise out of you, this was a game to him. But it was his mistake for misjudging the kind of person you were, because you had just enough stamina to give it right back to him.
"Y/n," you stated matter-of-factly, "I've only been here about a week now, but typically I'm the one delivering the drinks to you and your friends. Which seems to be often." You satirize back at him, your voice remaining at the same soft and subtle pitch it's usually at, which only throws Rafe off even more at your remark. You could feel a sense of chagrin radiating from the petulant Kook as he momentarily glared at you, only to be set off even more once Topper erupts in a brief fit of laughter, patting his friend on the back in a teasing manner.
"See, told you she's better than the other girl." Topper bantered at his moody friend, whose glare hadn't left your figure since you spoke last. Part of you felt like withering away the longer Rafe burned holes into you with his scowl, but you remained in place, refusing to let him get the best of you.
After another minute of Topper basking in the humor of the situation that had just occurred, he finally walked off back to the rest of his friend group that accompanied him to the golf course, all of course being Kooks. Your confidence seemed to falter following the absence of the preppy teen, now having been left with the irascible Kook who seemed to have inched closer to you since you two had been left alone. You gulped quietly as you broke eye contact with the dirty blond, keeping your eyes glued to the ground as you felt him approach you closer and closer.
"You know I will say, even though you are a Pogue," Rafe lowered his voice, the sultry tonality of it purring in your ear as he brushed your hair aside, "you are pretty nice to look at." His tantalizing words setting off fireworks at the pit of your stomach, feeling as though your knees were going to buckle beneath you.
Then suddenly, an idea popped up in your head. You were there for a reason, and that reason was standing right in front of you, the perfect opportunity right at your feet. Play along with him. You told yourself.
You looked up at him through your eyelashes, an innocent facade casted over your dewy-eyes. Your body language relaxed a bit, shoulders dropping as you attempted to invite him into your company before you spoke, "I don't see you doing anything about it, Cameron." You whispered softly, voice barely audibly to anyone besides you and Rafe. Your comment seemed to have taken him by surprise since his eyes went wide and his eyebrows raised instantly, but you could see a glimpse of amusement in his azure irides. A sense of victory washed over you as you realized Rafe was slowly, but surely, falling into your trap.
"Trust me," Rafe hummed to himself, looking your physique up and down once more, "I've thought about it."
You smirked up at him in response, "Why's that?"
"Because for the past week, I've seen you parading around this place like you have no clue in the world how these men look at you. So naive to the way they all gawk at you. I can't tell if it's just you playing dumb, or that you genuinely have never been told. But if that's the case, I'll gladly be the one to show you." Rafe whispered fondly in your ear, his body so close to yours that the smell of his cologne clouded your airways and put you in a daze.
"What would you show me?" You asked naively, acting as though you were blissfully unaware of the way that those putrid old, rich men gaped at you as you strolled around on your golf cart, hoping they could get a better view up your skirt as the wind blew while you drove by. Truth be told, their goggling made you feel queasy and uncomfortable, but you had a promise and a plan to stick to for your friends' sake, even if it was at the expense of your amenity.
"I'd take you out of that hell-hole of a place you Pogues reside at. Show you what it's like to be a Kook for once. With your looks, I think you'd fit in just nice. A Kook princess." Rafe's eyes began to darken with a strong urge to covet you to accept his offer, except little did he know, it was exactly what you wanted to hear from him.
"So prove it to me."
"No fucking way." Kiara expressed in disbelief at the recount of your interaction with Rafe Cameron earlier that day. Proud was an understatement to describe the feeling your friends' had towards you once you had told them just how the boy immediately fell for your tricks. In all honesty, the Pogues, yourself included, assumed it would take a bit of time to weasle your way into Rafe's interest, but in reality all it took was a short tennis skirt and flashing your doe eyes at him. It was almost comical how fast the leery Kook fell for it and you.
"So now what? Where do we go from here?" You asked, walking over to the dilapidated couch where your best friend, JJ, sat with a joint in his hands. As usual, you found your seat right in JJ's wide-open lap as you gently snatched the blunt right from his fingers and putting it in-between your gloss covered lips. The blond frowned at the theft of his beloved joint, but his sorrows were soon erased as he watched you inhale, becoming entranced in your movements, unbeknownst to you.
"Just keep things going with him," Sarah added, "keep him interested. Rafe's usually the type to use girls and disregard them afterwards, so you've got to keep him on his toes."
You sighed in response, taking in the magnitude of how difficult the plan your friends' conspired may be. "Alright, sounds easy enough." You replied sardonically.
"He's not going to be an easy one to crack, but we've got to do this. If this doesn't work, we'll all be fucked." Pope chimed in with his typical state of panic and distress.
"It'll be fine, Pope. Y/n has got this." Kiara reassured, flashing you a small supportive smile as if she could sense your own self-doubt radiating off of you.
"Well I'm going to bed, it's been a long day," John B announced as he stood up from the armrest of the couch, "good job with everything you did today, y/n. Knew you could do it." He smiled as he approached you, giving you an encouraging high-five before ruffling up your hair some. Behind the brunette came Sarah, who followed him back to his bedroom once she said her goodnight's to everyone in the living room.
"I think we're gonna head out, too. Pope has been stressing me out about this damn plan all day and my head hurts." Kiara commented shortly after Sarah and John B exited the room, "I'll see you guys tomorrow." She gave a soft smile before dragging Pope to the spare bedroom of the chateau with her. With the new absence of your coupled-up friends, you found yourself sitting in a comfortable silence with your blond best friend, JJ. You sat slouched horizontally across his lap, feeling his warm fingertips trace gentle lines across your exposed thighs.
"Y/n?" JJ muttered, his blue eyes somewhat hazy from the high he was experiencing.
"Hmm?" You hummed tiredly as you turned your head to face him.
"You're not like, actually gonna date him.. Are you?" The boy asked with all sincerity in his voice, which made your heart flutter.
"Of course not, that'd be crazy." You laughed, shrugging off JJ's evident concern.
"Okay good. Yeah I just, I don't know, that dude is crazy. A girl like you shouldn't be caught up with someone like that." JJ stated, scratching the back of his head as the feeling of awkwardness crept up on him while he approached the new topic.
"What do you mean by that?" You raised your eyebrow at him in confusion, lost by what point he was trying to get at.
"Well you.. You're you, and Rafe, he's just insane. Dude gets in fights every other week, I mean he's definitely got to be on something. No sober, right-minded person acts like he does and he just-"
"What about me?" You interrupted the blond's endless tangent, which could have went on for hours if you let him keep talking.
"Oh. Well you know, you're important to me and I just don't want you getting hurt by him. He's not a good guy, y/n. And if he ever did something to you I'd kick that son of a bitch right in his-"
"JJ," you stopped him, laughing at his blethering, "that's not going to happen, I promise you. So don't worry about it." You assured him, shaking your head lightheartedly.
"Just sayin'." JJ added as he shrugged, his back beginning to sink further into the couch as his body grew more relaxed. You found comfort in that moment with your dearest friend, watching his chest rise and fall gradually as he breathed. You felt yourself growing more and more drowsy as the mixture of silence and a comatose state washed over you. Ignoring the fact that you were still sat in JJ's lap and not having the energy to care to move off of it, you allowed yourself to rest gently against JJ's chest, his warm skin heating you up like a blanket. He accepted your gesture and gave you room to snuggle up into him, nuzzling your face into his neck gently. Before sleep could fully take over, you felt JJ shift a bit as he leaned over to grab the nearest blanket next to him, throwing it over the two of you just before shutting his eyes and dozing off to sleep himself.
It was safe to say you felt a great sense of accomplishment at what you had managed to achieve that day, with Rafe seeming to so easily give in to his desire and invite you into his life without much question. However, it was just the beginning and you still had an entire month to gain his trust and keep it. It all seemed so easy, but anything involving Rafe Cameron was bound to be complicated.
But nobody could have anticipated what was to come.
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𝘁𝗮𝗴𝗹𝗶𝘀𝘁: @bibliophilewednesday , @sublimepenguinpeach-blog
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chxrryhansen · 5 months
pairing: steve rogers x reader
Warnings: 18+, slight daddy kink, lots of pda, choking, face slapping, thigh riding, hair pulling, degradation.
He watches you across the room barely paying attention to Bucky and Sam’s conversation as you prance around in your pink mini skirt, only allowing you to have worn it since he was with you.
Your tight cropped shirt showing off your toned stomach which was now a nice shade of tan, caused by the amount of sunbathing you and Steve had done on the two week holiday break that iron man himself had graciously gifted you.
Your golden jewellery shining underneath the disco lights Tony insisted on getting when you all moved out of Stark tower and into the compound. Steve’s eyes leave you for a split second, engaging in Sam’s rambling.
Pool stick in your hand, you lean over the table ready to shoot your shot, too tipsy to notice your skirt riding up against your thighs exposing the light blue panties he picked out for you for everybody to see, wiggling your hips you lined your eyes up with the ball, every male (and female) gaze in the room suddenly fluttering to your ass.
Bucky notices this instantly, following their eye lines he lets out a low whistle “Think you’d best go and get your girl rogers.”
Steve’s focus is already out of the window, not even picking up on Sam’s hushed “god damn.”
Within a split second steve is on his feet making his way towards you, his thick thighs pounding across the room and at the sight of his biceps straining against his dark blue polo connecting to tensed fists.
Tony’s guests watchful eyes abruptly return to whatever they were doing before the sight of your pretty behind distracted them, the guys you were playing poker with making excuses as to why they had to leave, feeling the scene, not wanting to be the main attention of the super soldiers anger, confused as ever you begin to stand.
Swiftly you feel his familiar hands pushing you back down against the table, hips meeting your behind, you practically moan at the feel of his cock straining against his pants, pressed in between your asscheeks.
“Pretty girl…” oozed out of his lips, a smile grazing against your teeth knowing exactly who’s behind you “Stevie baby!” you say excitedly, making your second attempt to stand straight
“Ah ah ah” he whispers softly yet so harsh at the same time “You like acting like a slut baby? is my attention just not enough for you anymore, hmm?.”
“What are you talking about stevie” you giggle lightly, not understanding what he’s upset about, suddenly his large hand wraps around your ponytail, pulling your hair back roughly causing you to yelp, in both pain and pleasure.
“You know exactly what i’m talking about, you stupid little brat, you like shaking your ass for everyone to see?” he growls, his grip on your hair tightening.
You begin to try and defend yourself yet your lips don’t even have the chance to part before he’s dragging you away from the public eye and into a supply closet down the hall.
The second the door to the small room closes, steve’s on you in a flash, pushing you up against the wall, his knee sliding in between your legs pressing against your pussy, already soaked for him due to his man handling tactics, his veiny hand running up your chest and to your throat, gripping tightly against your throat as you choke for breath.
“God your such a stupid fucking whore sometimes” he shakes his head, you don’t dare try to speak knowing your already in enough trouble, “Grind against my thigh baby, i know you want to, you dumb, stupid little girl” he lets out in a condescending tone.
“Daddy please” You whimper as you began to grind your hips into his thick muscle, your clit throbbing against his jeans, as you rutted against him he started to feel your slick dampening his thigh.
“You can do better than that, speed it up dirty girl, before you make this even worse for yourself.” he threatened, your speed picked up instantly not wanting to anger him further, steve already knew you were getting close as your moans got louder, your mouth blabbering incoherent sentences.
Just as you began to feel your insides tighten, the familiar flood of pleasure was snuffed out within an instant as he gripped your hips, removing his thigh from between your legs.
“You didn’t really think i was going to let you cum after the show you just put on out there, did you?” he teased, you cried out desperate for that soothing release you had previously been so close to, whimpering and begging him to let you cum.
His hand lifted from your throat, hitting you across the face, not hard enough to hurt but hard enough to get his point across, your cheek instantly turned a light shade of pink as your eyes welled up with tears.
“Cut that shit out right fucking now” he warned, “the next time i hear a noise come out of those pretty lips you’ll have wished you didn’t wear that damn skirt tonight” he growled as he stroked the cheek he had previously hit.
“Oh and you’d better hope those perverts are praying for you because you’re in for a very, very long night little girl.”
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rinbowaman · 6 months
Random Thought!
When I see this….
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MDNI 18+ content below the line…
I see you staying late one night after class, studying at the college private library. When it was time for you to leave, you walked past the conservatory, and that’s when you heard the strumming of a fierce, and screeching guitar. You thought it was odd, considering that the auditorium didn’t contain a member of the schools music group that played such heavy metal themed rifts.
Curiosity got the better of you, do you walked in and took a peek. There, you saw a young fellow with ripped jeans, dressed all in black, a rock themed logo on his shirt and a jacket draped around his elbows as he continued to finger the strings of his electric guitar. You were intrigued, though intimidated as you stood, all pretty in pink and prepped with your cropped polo and matching tennis-themed skirt. Little rich girl meets the college rebel, or so it would appear. He catches you from his side profile and stops playing.
“Can I help you?”
His voice was calm and deep, and eluded more of an aggressive demeanor than his countenance. You stuttered out your words, doing your best to remain composed as you took a few steps forward.
“S-sorry…I heard you from outside and I was just admiring the way you play.”
“Huh….admiring? Well, nothing to it. Stare away little girl, and be mind blown.”
His rhythm and melody becomes more intense as his fingers slide, pick, and shift through every string on the instrument. There was something about the way he stood, his jacket looped around his waist as he played away, looking like a God…his fingers…the way he moved his fingers while standing there, being so ethereal. The images that flowed through your mind as you paid attention to the details of his hands.
“You wanna try?” He asks, noticing your slow-opened gape as you watched this musical God manipulate his majestic guitar skills before you. You nod your head and set your bag down.
Walking up, your notions were obvious, you didn’t know what to do and was terribly confused when he handed you the pick.
He chuckles. “Alright, come here then.” Distancing the instrument from his chest, he swings you over in front of him, before bringing the guitar in front of you. He places your hands in the correct position, and guides your fingers, teaching you to play each key. “There, just keep doing that until your fingers flow smoothly. It’s all muscle memory.”
You attempted, yet this was harder than it looked. How in the world did he make it look so easy? You struggled, yet remained adamant; you refuse to let this instrument get the better of you.
“Follow my lead.”
“How?…we only have one guitar…” you turned your face to look over your shoulder, and back at him as you slightly whimpered out your words in a confused state. His jacket remained looped around his elbows, you felt the warmth as he cradled you in, grabbing on to your waist. You held tightly onto the guitar, gasping as you felt his magical hands slip under your crop top, down your thighs, lifting your skirt, caressing your breasts and hooking your panties. Pushing the material odd to the side, he swoops his fingers delicately over your skit. Hissing, you yelp out a plea. “Ah—what!….what are you doi—“
“Shhhh…” he whispers before gently nibbling onto your ear, “follow my lead baby.”
At that moment, you realized that the movements he was performing on you, the way his fingers take turns inserting you, gently strumming your clit, while his free hand would slide over your areola and cup the mounds of your breasts. He was playing you just the way he played his guitar. Inserting his middle finger, he hooks it and presses against your walls. “Press down on the chord.”
His index and ring remain on the outer edges of your plush lips, pressing in, he whispers…”glide your fingers on the strings baby….keep that finger steady.”
Your knees tremble as he moves melodically, playing beautifully as he did earlier. He strums, hooks, presses, glides, and flickers each finger, playing away at intense and fierce rhythm, harmonizing a beautiful melody that would have made God’s own musical angels flare up with envy….only this time, the screeching and music didn’t come from the guitar.
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quietblueriver · 1 year
Did I write an AU based on a McDonald's commercial? Somehow, yes. I...I don't even know, y'all. But here's a hopefully fun, fluffy thing.
Ava watches Beatrice walk into the McDonald’s, pristine gray and yellow polo tucked into ironed black pants, and thinks for about the thousandth time that nobody should be able to make a fast-food uniform look that fucking good.
“Yo, Silva,” a pen hits her helmet and falls to the concrete next to her. She doesn’t look but stretches her arm out behind her and flips the bird in the general direction of the voice. “Fuck off, JC.”
“Rude. Stop staring at your girlfriend and get back over here.”
“She’s not my girlfriend.” The response is rote at this point, because he makes some comment every fucking time they hang out here (and, yeah, sure, that’s because every fucking time they hang out here Ava stares at Beatrice or talks about Beatrice or daydreams about Beatrice but whatever) but she still winces at herself because she sounds like she’s five and also because she would rather not have to say Beatrice isn’t her girlfriend.
Reaching down to retrieve the pen, which is one he’d stolen from her earlier anyway, the dickhead, she turns back to him and says, “Go home, JC. I’m done for the day.”
“Aw, Ava, c’mon. We just got here.” It’s whiny and Ava’s the smallest bit endeared, as always, because he’s charming and guileless and really actually wants to spend time with her, even after she dumped him pretty unceremoniously when her interest in him flamed out about three weeks into their sort-of relationship. He’s giving her puppy-dog eyes and she rolls her own because he’s absolutely ridiculous. “We’ve been here for two hours, JC. You have study group with Zori soon anyway.”
He looks like he’s going to protest, but Chanel steps in. “Let’s go, doofus.” She wraps an arm around his shoulders and pulls and Ava smiles at her gratefully until she says, smirking, “Ava has to go make pathetic heart eyes at the pretty girl over an ice cream cone she doesn’t want.” “Hey, I always want ice cream.” It’s…not a great comeback, and she knows it, sighs when Chanel laughs loudly and turns to walk away with JC, a totally rude, “Yeah right,” serving as her goodbye. Ava’s undoing the strap of her helmet when Chanel nearly yells, still walking toward the bus stop, “Ask her out, you idiot!” Ava flinches and looks toward the entrance of the store, but nobody is there to hear the call-out.
Also, though, she’s totally going to do it. She’s going to ask Beatrice out. Today. Right now. Because she wants to and has wanted to for like six fucking weeks and because on Friday some girl, some stupidly hot girl, had been leaning over the counter and touching her and Beatrice had blushed and Ava had squeezed a ketchup packet so hard she’d ruined JC’s white tee and damaged her own dignity pretty badly in front of Mary and Lilith, who is terrifying and who had looked at her like a fucking Orca who had found a bunch of baby seals to snack on. Literally the only thing that had made the night okay was Camila, an absolute saint, texting Ava later to tell her Beatrice wasn’t going out with the girl even though she’d really tried but “Ava get it together already because she’s not going to wait forever and she shouldn’t! She’s great!” She is. Cam’s right. So. Yeah. It’s time.
Ava runs a hand through her hair and trades her helmet for her favorite cap, putting it on backward and clipping her helmet to her messenger. She takes stock. She’s wearing denim shorts and a black crop-top underneath one of her favorite button-downs, black and covered in colorful shapes. Her right knee is scabbed over from a fall last week and there’s a hole forming at the big toe of one of her black-and-white checked Vans. She wiggles her toe and sees the threads move, the tip of her lime green sock poking through. She looks like herself. She looks good.
She pushes her shoulders back and walks out of the park and into the parking lot, board in hand. It’s a Monday afternoon and school hasn’t let out yet, so when Ava walks in, dropping her board into the little stand by the door, hardly anyone is there. She sees a very stressed woman with three small children by the indoor playground and a dude messing with his phone and eating fries in the corner and that’s it. It’s great, because it means Ava won’t feel bad about trying to keep Beatrice talking to her for as long as possible (she really, really has it bad) but it’s shit because it means she has no buffer time.
And yep, she’s almost immediately greeted with an amused, “Hello, Ava.” Leaning against the drink station and looking like she’s about to have a really good time is Mary. Ava sighs and smiles, waves a little and fortifies herself for the shit she’s about to take. At least Lilith isn’t on today.
For reasons she isn’t totally clear on but thinks boil down to “queer fam helps queer fam get jobs,” this McDonald’s is staffed by like half of her History of Medieval Spain seminar. She’d felt like she was in a very realistic and mundane dream two weeks into the semester when she’d walked in from the new skate park to get an ice cream cone and been served by the hottie with color-coordinated notes who sat next to her on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 to 11am while the also hot but absolutely terrifying woman who sat across from her glaring at everyone filled fry containers and the smoke show who sat next to her manned the drive-in. (How her History of Medieval Spain seminar came to be fucking stacked with hot queer women is less of a mystery—Professor Suzanne “step on my throat” Superion draws a very particular kind of student and Ava couldn’t be happier to fall into that category.)
Mary makes a tv-gameshow-style motion at the soda machine behind her, as if offering a prize. “Thirsty?” She’s so fucking smug, and she’s also depressingly right, which makes it way worse. Ava looks at the children now snacking at the table with their keeper and resists the urge to flip Mary off, sticking her tongue out instead because she’s very mature.
Before Mary can respond, they’re interrupted. “Hello, Ava.” Ava smiles automatically, turns in the direction of the voice so fast she’s at risk of whiplash and blurts, loudly, “Hi Bea!” She bounds over to the counter and leans against it, palms pressed flat and body tilting forward. It’s a genuinely innocent act; she just wants to be closer to Beatrice, who’s standing behind the register. But she watches Bea’s eyes drift down and then guiltily snap back up and she knows that the position combined with her top also does great things for her tits. She preens a little, self-confidence growing, and says, “How’s my favorite ice-cream-magician-slash-Religious Studies-major today?”
It’s a lot, but whatever—she’s way past pretending she’s anything other than a lot and anyone who has an issue can go find less. And anyway, it gets exactly the reaction she wants: Beatrice’s cheeks tinge pink at her enthusiasm, a small, pleased smile appearing on her face like it does nearly every time Ava says something even remotely complimentary. It’s a little weird, because in class Beatrice is like, model student who knows it. She always pays attention and makes points so good that Superion writes them on the board and operates with a general level of confidence that does embarrassing things to Ava. Outside of class, though, Beatrice kind of folds into herself. It seems almost like she isn’t used to people seeing her, remembering her, being glad she’s there, and Ava thinks that’s fucking wild and absolutely wrong.
Beatrice deserves someone who will be loud about her. She thinks of the girl from Friday, with her beautiful cheekbones and her wandering hands, and of Beatrice’s blush, the one Ava did not appreciate seeing directed at someone else even if she was, in the better parts of herself, very glad to see Beatrice getting the attention she deserves. And, yes, totally, Beatrice deserves all of the attention but she wants to be the one who gets Beatrice’s attention. And she wants to be the one who gets to be loud about Beatrice in a respectfully possessive way. If Beatrice is down, of course. The girl in question is still smiling at her, and Ava’s body leans even further forward on instinct, drawn to the stupidly perfect human in front of her. Her palms catch her weight, her feet lifting slightly from the ground. Beatrice’s eyes don’t wander again, sadly, but her head tilts in this way that Ava thinks indicates affection, and she’ll take that, for sure.
Bea’s voice is teasing as she asks, “Do you know a lot of Religious Studies majors?”
Ava grins at her, grins bigger when Beatrice angles just slightly closer, which Ava might think was an unconscious move if Beatrice weren’t maybe the most intentional person on the planet (there are at least four colors in her highlighter system and Ava’s 95% sure she irons her t-shirts). “Nope. But I don’t need to to know that you’re my favorite and the best.”
Mary says, loudly, “I’m going on break.” She passes by them and adds, enjoying herself way too much, “Beatrice, I was just asking Ava here about a drink. I’m sure you can also see she’s incredibly thirsty. Must be the skateboarding.”
Ava glances at the kids, still working through a pile of french fries, and puts her feet back on the ground, angling her body against the register so that she can flip Mary off and keep it shielded from tiny human eyes and from Beatrice. She wants to tell her to lick rust. She says, instead, “Thanks so much for your concern.” Mary keeps her shit-eating grin and saunters outside.
When she turns back to the counter, Beatrice is looking over the register at Ava’s hand in amusement and okay so Ava apparently hadn’t hidden her finger as well as she’d thought but at least Bea seems to think it’s funny instead of off-putting. She had once admonished Ava, totally unironically, when Ava had let fly an admittedly impressive string of curses after realizing she left her coffee sitting on a table in the student union. The tone of that ”Language, Ava” had made Ava’s stomach drop in a very unexpected and pleasant way.
“The usual?” Her eyes are really fucking pretty.
“Yep. Yeah. Please.” As Beatrice turns to grab a cone Ava gets her shit together. Right. Yes. Go. “Actually, Bea.” She turns back holding a cone and smiles, eyebrow raised in question as she waits, and Ava wants to kiss her. “Would you want to go out with me sometime? In, like, a date way?”
Her smile is gone then and she’s blinking slowly and oh shit, did Ava mess up? Was Bea not interested? Was Bea not gay? There’s no way Beatrice hadn’t noticed her flirting because she had literally never been subtle and also Bea had just been staring at her boobs and talked to Ava and smiled at Ava and blushed at Ava more than anyone else? Or anyone else Ava had ever seen. And Cam said! And Mary wasn’t mean enough to let her make an ass of herself, right? Not like this. Lilith, maybe, but…
Ava has become distracted, staring at the kid’s meal toy display to Bea’s right as she spirals, and when she looks back, Beatrice’s mouth is twitching and her eyes are bright with amusement, and oh, shit. “Um,” she tries to run a hand through her hair and hits her hat. Smooth. “So, exactly how much of that did I say out loud?”
“I apologize for so obviously staring at your chest earlier.” Her tone is at least half genuinely apologetic but the rest of it is amused? Delighted? Something in that range and definitely at Ava’s expense and that’s fair given the gay panic monologue she’d apparently just spouted at her crush in her place of work.
“Jesus Christ,” she mumbles as she tilts her head back and rolls her eyes to the ceiling. After a breath she forces herself to look at Beatrice, who is fully smiling now. She throws the cone away and steps toward Ava again and then her hand is on Ava’s forearm, which she had crossed with the other over her chest in what was a totally ineffective attempt at self-preservation. Hard when the attack is coming from your own fucking mouth. Beatrice’s hand is warm and her fingers are calloused and Ava short circuits (whatever fucking circuits are left) at the contact, staring in disbelief until Beatrice says softly, still amused, “I would love to go out with you sometime.”
“Yeah?” It’s the most she can manage. The fingers over her arm squeeze just slightly and Ava knows if Bea pushed even a little bit she’d fall right fucking over. “Yes.” Warm brown eyes meet hers as she takes her hand back. Ava misses the contact immediately.
“Cool. Um, maybe Thursday? Dinner?” Bea doesn’t usually work Thursdays and Ava’s shift at the gym near campus ends at 3pm so she’ll have time to go home and shower and lose it a bit over what to wear but not so much time that she’ll be able to talk herself into a full panic.
“Thursday works perfectly.” Ava pulls her messenger around and rummages for her phone, pulling it out and handing it to Bea. Based on what she knows from class and a lot of longing stares, Beatrice keeps all her stuff as neat and tidy as she keeps her uniform. So, she’s pretty sure her own phone is something out of Bea’s nightmares. One corner of the screen is shattered and scratches dot the rest while the back, an ice blue color Ava really likes, is covered in spidery lines from way too many drops and impacts suffered in Ava’s pocket at the park. Still, she can’t be fucked to get a case because it’s pretty and sleek and smooth(ish, at this point). Beatrice’s lips purse slightly but she says nothing, taking it, entering her number, and calling herself before handing it back. She removes her own phone, in its pristine black case, and immediately creates a new contact.
A group of teenagers comes through the door, loudly, followed closely by Mary, and Ava watches as Beatrice sets her shoulders. It’s very cute. Ava is going to date her. Incredible. “I’ll text you.”
Her smile breaks and her face is suddenly concerned. Ava’s nervous until: “Your ice cream. I completely forgot.”
Ava grins and waves her phone, nearly drops it and is stupidly charmed by the little flinch from Beatrice at the fumble. “Got something way sweeter.”
Beatrice shakes her head and half hides a smile, cheeks pink. Ava’s feeling very proud when she hears a loud groan from Mary, who’s stepping behind the counter again. “Absolutely not, Silva. Get out of here with that.”
Ava smiles at Beatrice one last time before basically skipping out, grabbing her board. She almost eats it three separate times because she’s so distracted on the way home, but she’s not even a little mad about it.
It’s both awesome and kind of torture to see Bea the next morning in class. They sit next to each other, like always, and Ava manages to keep it mostly together, flirting only slightly more than usual and letting her knee press into Bea’s below the table for most of class, the barely-there red under her freckles the only sign she’s even aware of the contact. She works an extra shift on Wednesday because she wants that date money and JC could give a shit about giving it up, only works because his parents make him even though they give him a shit-ton of spending money anyway.
It’s a bummer not to see Bea but she’s also texting her kind of non-stop. She started Tuesday night when she got home:
What’s Dracula’s favorite ice cream?
She didn’t expect a fast response, imagined Bea was busy with the flood of students and families who came in after work and school, so she was a little surprised to see Bea’s name pop up twenty minutes later: Blood orange?
Have you had blood orange ice cream?
No, but I am sure it exists. Not the answer then?
A good guess but no. It’s…
Three eye roll emojis. And then a truly terrible joke about snails. It had gone on from there, intermittent jokes and also little snippets of actual conversation. It’s still happening Wednesday night as Ava gets ready for bed. She settles and then nearly hurls herself out of bed in excitement when she reads Bea’s latest text: Goodnight, Ava. I’m really looking forward to tomorrow. From most people, it wouldn't be much, might even be discouraging. Ava knows Beatrice well enough at this point to know that from her, it might as well be fifteen firework emojis and twenty-seven exclamation points. She doesn’t bother to play it cool, as fucking if she would do anything other than encourage way more of that, and sends back immediately: Night, Bea. Me too. Really really. Along with three mutlicolored hearts.
She knows something is wrong the next morning when she gets to class because Beatrice is waiting outside of the classroom staring at her shoes and gripping the straps of her backpack (both over her shoulders, tightened evenly) as if they’ve personally offended her. When Ava gets close, Bea looks up and smiles unevenly and says, “I’m so sorry, Ava. I can’t go tonight. Lilith got the flu and I have to cover her shift.”
It sucks, of course, but Bea’s looking at her like she’s done something unforgivable, like she’s waiting for Ava to tell her off. Not for the first time, Ava wonders where exactly Bea comes from and what kind of shitheads she’s used to. She walks closer, slowly, smiles as gently as she can and takes a risk, reaching forward to tuck an escaped strand of Bea’s hair behind her ear and letting her hand skim Bea’s jaw as she pulls back. Bea’s eyes are big and her face is more relaxed, even if she does look a little confused and her hands are still white-knuckling the straps of her bag.
She keeps it simple, pretty sure Beatrice needs it. “Wanna try for this weekend instead?”
A few people file past them into the room and Ava knows they need to go sit or incur the wrath of Superion, whose anger is hotter in theory than in practice. She takes another chance, reaches up to tug at Bea’s left hand and laces their fingers. When Beatrice allows it, flexes her fingers lightly between Ava’s, Ava pulls them into the classroom, smiling a little at Bea’s still-wide eyes. She appears to have come back to herself by the time they reach their seats, squeezing Ava’s hand in an intentional way before taking off her backpack and settling in. As Superion gathers her notes, Beatrice leans closer, pressing her knee into Ava’s as she says quietly, “How does Saturday night work for you?” Ava beams.
Saturday morning she ends up, surprise surprise, at the skate park with JC, riding a little aimlessly and doing some reading for her Russian Lit class while he dicks around in the bowl. When he dips after a few hours, elbowing her just a little too hard as he tells her to have fun with Beatrice that night, Ava smiles like an idiot while he laughs.
Her stomach rumbles around noon and as she eyes the empty drive-thru, she makes a plan. Yeah, okay, so she’s gonna see Beatrice tonight but she wants to see her now and she’s right there and also, Ava’s legit hungry and it’s not even busy. So. She’s gonna get a fucking cheeseburger.
When she pays, Camila grins and Ava shrugs one shoulder as she says, “Cute, Ava.” When she rolls up to the window, Beatrice blinks in surprise and then shakes her head a little and the edges of her mouth tick up. “We’re not supposed to let you order on foot you know.”
Ava takes the burger and pops her board conspicuously. “Four wheels, baby. Totally counts as a vehicle.”
“Pathetic, Silva!” Mary calls over Bea’s shoulder and Ava shrugs again, winking at Bea before she rides off.
It takes her no time to finish the burger, and there are still no cars in the line, so she finds herself ordering fries, smiling at Camila as she laughs and bracing her arms on the window as Beatrice gets her order, her cheeks a shade darker this time around. Ava tips her helmet at Bea and says, as she takes her snack, “I only have fries for you.”
“Get out of here immediately with that.” Mary’s closer this time, swats at Ava from around Bea’s back, but the look on Bea’s face is open and affectionate and she’s so fucking handsome and Ava wants more of it. A lot more of it.
It takes slightly longer to finish the fries but luck is on her side because it’s still slow when she does, so she rolls through yet again. When Beatrice hands her the coffee, both eyebrows raised but still blushing, Ava says, easy, “I got thirsty.”
“You’ve been thirsty, Silva. Go away.” There’s no bite to it, and Mary doesn’t swat at her this time, just turns and walks toward the fryers shaking her head. Turning her attention back to Bea, Ava fidgets a little as she asks, “See you soon?” Bea bites her bottom lip and nods and Ava thanks bisexual Jesus that she only nearly face plants on her way down the drive.
It gets busy, of course, so Ava parks it outside and finishes her coffee and reads. She’s getting ready to go change for her date date date when she hears, “Ma’am. Your ice cream.” Ava’s up in a second, delighted as Beatrice holds the cone out to her and ducks her head. Ava can’t help but stare as she takes it, feels some drip down onto her hand. Beatrice’s hair is down, over one shoulder, and the sun is setting and wow .
“Your cone is going to melt.” Beatrice is looking at her now, a little flustered. “I might, too, if you keep looking at me like that.” Ava takes her hand, carefully but with more confidence than she had earlier that week, and offers, “Walk you to the bus stop? I know it’s traditional to walk someone home after a date but like, I can do before, too, right?” Beatrice brings their bodies slightly closer together as they start toward the sidewalk. “I’d like that."
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chrisbitchtree · 1 year
Billy’s going to faint. He’s going to faint and he’s going to fall backwards down the hill he and Harrington just climbed, hitting his head on every single root and rock on the way to the bottom, and he’ll have no one to blame but himself, because it’s his fault that Steve’s wearing bright red short shorts.
The problem was Billy’s big mouth, and the fact that the only way he knew how to flirt was by teasing the object of his affections. Harrington dressed like an old stiff in his polos and khakis, always so buttoned up, and by doing so, he was just handing Billy something to bug him about, so it was his favourite thing to pick on.
Steve usually took it all in stride, his only tell being the slight pinkening of his cheeks when Billy ribbed him. If it wasn’t for that, Billy would never know that he was getting to Steve at all.
The tipping point had been the week before, when Billy and Steve had gone to the movies with Heather and Robin. Steve had shown up in a long sleeve polo, collar buttoned to the top, and jeans that actually looked like creases had been ironed into them. It left little for Billy to ogle, so he couldn’t let Harrington get away with it.
“Really going for that Victorian romance vibe there, aren’t ya, pretty boy?”
Steve gave him a look of pure confusion. Oh right, Billy had forgotten who he was dealing with here. “It looks like you’re worried that if we see even a sliver of your ankle or wrist, we’ll cream our jeans. Who ya hiding from?”
“Not hiding from anyone,” Harrington muttered, glaring at Billy over their cup of soda. They’d decided to share because a large was cheaper than two smalls, and Billy couldn’t wait to get his lips around the same straw that Steve’s had just touched. “I can show skin if i want to. I just choose not to. Not everyone has to have their tits on display all the time, Hargrove.” Steve practically shouted, gesturing wildly at Billy’s almost completely open shirt. People were starting to stare, but Billy couldn’t care less.
Steve’s cheeks were bright red and his hands were crossed over his chest. He was pouting, and Billy couldn’t have found it any cuter if he tried. He dropped the subject and largely forgot about it.
That was until that very morning, when Steve had called Billy and asked him if he wanted to go for a hike. Billy asked if the girls would be joining them, and Steve said no. Billy and Steve were what most would consider pretty good friends now, so it wasn’t completely out of the ordinary for them to do stuff just the two of them, but they didn’t exactly make it a habit either. Things were just easier with the buffer of Robin and Heather. Billy agreed to go on the hike, and Steve offered to pick him up at 11.
Billy had pulled his sturdiest boots out of the hall closet, pairing them with some cut off jean shorts and a t-shirt with the arms and sides cut out, to show off his body to maximum effect. He had no clue what Harrington was going to show up in, but he was not expecting it to be the aforementioned red short shorts, stamped with Property of Hawkins Middle, and a grey cropped t-shirt that Billy actually recognized as his own, from a pizza place back in Cali. He must have left it at Steve’s once when he went swimming that summer.
Billy said into the passenger seat and buckled up, at a loss for words. Steve eyed him over the top of his Ray-Bans, as if waiting for Billy to make a comment.
When Billy remained silent, Steve placed his hand on his own bare leg, running it up the length, until his thumb slid under the hem of the shorts. “Like the new look, Hargrove? Is this enough skin for you?”
Billy nodded stiffly, unable to meet Steve’s gaze. His palms were sweating and his heart was hammering in his chest. He gulped. “I think that’s enough skin for about five guys, Harrington. When you go in, you really go all in, don’t you?”
The look Steve gave him was almost flirty, if Billy was reading things correctly. “Isn’t this what you wanted? For me to give you a show?” With that, he put the car into gear and zipped down Billy’s quiet street.
Now, they’re halfway through their hike, and they’re on an uphill, which means Harrington’s ass has been right in Billy’s face for the past ten minutes. Thank god the shorts aren’t any shorter, because Billy doesn’t see any panty lines, so if they were shorter, Harrington’s cock and balls would be greeting him as well. It’s taking everything Billy has to not reach out and touch.
And then there’s also the little issue of trying not to faint from the excitement of it all, a battle Billy’s pretty sure he’s going to lose. He’s feeling dizzy, and everything in front of him is becoming a blur. He hasn’t felt this was around a boy since he was about twelve, and it’s beyond embarrassing, but he needs to say something before he falls and breaks a leg.
“Harrington, I need to stop,” he says abruptly, looking for something to sit on.
Steve starts to tease him, Billy can tell it’s teasing from the tone of his voice, but he can’t really hear what he’s saying over the roar of his heartbeat in his ears.
Suddenly, he feels a hand grasp his arm and lead him off the path. In a second, he’s sitting on a rock, and water is being splashed on his face.
“You ok, man?” Steve asks, a look of concern on his face.
“Yeah, I think it was just the heat getting to me,” Billy mutters lamely, trying to cover the truth. It’s a nice fall day, but not hit by any stretch of the imagination.
“Sure,” Steve says, nodding. “The heat. Or maybe those Victorians were onto something, wearing all those clothes so no one got too excited?”
It’s Billy’s turn for his face to turn flaming red, and he groans, splashing more water from the bottle onto his face to try to cut the heat in his cheeks.
“Awww, poor little Billy’s burning up. Would a kiss make it better?”
Billy nods. He’s not sure, but it can’t hurt to try.
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official-darkforest · 2 months
i am SOOO unbelievably thrilled by your anthro au omg. do you have fashion ideas for the characters? like their favorite outfits, fabrics, etc? imo one of the best parts of anthro characters is deciding how they'd express themselves through their clothing :]
I HAVE A FEW ALREADY!!!! i dont have many specifics because theres so many characters ahd i havent drawn them all yet LOL but i'll share the ones i do have at least SOMETHING for
im also trying to keep these reasonable for the time period and location, as in my au the clan cats are mostly rural and in small towns set (mostly) before the 2000s so most may dress more modest and conservative (especially if theyre older and very religious)
squirrelflight - the best i can describe her sense of fashion is that it ranged from tomboy as a younger girl and is currently closer to a working class butch. im not sure if masc would be a more appropriate term since i dont hc her as a lesbian (shes bi) but she dresses "like a man" and owns a lot of jeans, slacks, and button-up shirts of all kinds of fabrics and patterns. she also enjoys bright colors as well, but as she got older her fashuon sense got a little more sensible and less "loud" like it was in the 60s and 70s. she also has glasses like her daddy once shes like 35 or so. she and firestar dressed very similarly, and a lot of her shirts and neckties are things she stole from his closet
feathertail - very feminine. hippie adjacent, lots of loose and flowing garments and jingly pieces. breatheable clothes and open toed shoes. her favorite swimsuit had some little frilly bits on it i think. often combines neutral earthy tones with blues and whites
crowfeather - lots of handmedowns from his father. clothes you can do farmwork in like jeans, overalls, hardy flannel/denim shirts and boots. never grew out of this and still dresses this way and he likes it
jayfeather - he looks like a modernized (as far as the 80s goes) version of his father - same hairstyle snd way of dress. he isnt too formal but does have some more preppiness to his clothing style (polo shirts and sweaters). he avoids full button downs since buttoning them himself jjust gets frustrating since he cant match them up every time. new wave band shirts. he also wears orange tinted glasses to protect his eyes (in this au i wrote that hes able to perceive shadows and light pretty okay, but not much else beyond that) And Kinda As A Fashion Statement cuz it goes well with his facial structure and hairstyle i think
lionblaze - hes like if the stereotypical jock and stereotypical 80s rock+metal enthusiast had a baby. muscle tees and bandanas, ripped jeans, those absurdly short shorts, crop tops, etc. he's a drummer i think if that matters LOL
ivypool - punk, also sorta like joan jett to an extent. very homemade, tho sometimes she gets lazy and doesnt really commit to the outfits all the way (but definitely has the mindset, dint get me wrong). one of those girls with a chest small enough to go braless 99% of the time; wears a lot of tank tops and sleeveless shirts LOL
bone/brick/scourge - just google "the outsiders movie" or "greaser" and you'll get the idea. tho i imagine these three in particular also have some kind of bare minimum formalwear scraped together from their escapades. theyre kinda like the jetts/sharks from west side story if that helps at all
daisy - she combines flowing, pretty dresses with a sunhat and work boots. she also teaches horseback riding and owns a few (its a business she runs w smokey and floss. i think its be funny if they were polyam ITS MY AU I CAN CHANGE WHAT I WANT) and she has horseback-appropriate clothing as well
poppyfrost - THEE preppy girl of the 80s. big hair, perm and all. dresses with pastel colors. her sisters cinderheart and honeyfern are pretty similar, tho i imagine honeyfern is a little more sporty and cinderheart takes inspiration from madonna once shes trying to court lionblaze
hazeltail - long haired country girl butch. enough said
spottedleaf snd cinderpelt are nuns lol
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jacksfandomrandom · 4 months
Body problems
Summary: Charlie has the perfect date in mind. Unfortunately while Vaggie is getting ready, she gets self-conscious of her body. Luckily, her girlfriend is there to assure she's okay.
Tw: slight implication of an eating disorder and implied sexual content (nothing graphic or smut)
“Vaggie, Vaggie, Vaggie, Vaggie!” Charlie ran into the mini library where Vaggie was reading a book. This day was one of the only day’s that they had free time and weren’t doing any activities to help redeem sinners.
“Huh, What?” She looked up, a little surprised. 
“I just had the best idea!” She prompted. “You know how we haven’t been on a date in like 8 months?”
“I want to take you out!” she said. This was the best idea ever. Both of them needed a break from everyone, even though they slept in the same bed and were near each other almost all the time, they needed a date night. They haven’t had one in so long. It would be fun!
“I don’t know, Charlie… what if the hotel gets attacked while we’re gone?” 
“Alastor will take care of it. You don’t gotta protect everyone, silly,” Charlie ruffled her girlfriend’s hair.
“I guess it has been a while since we went on a date… alright, lets do it!” Vaggie shut her books and got up from her seat.
“Wait, wait, what we’re doing is a surprise. You go get ready while I prepare the date,” Charlie kissed her cheek.
“But don’t you need to get ready too?” Vaggie asked.
“Babe, you know I slay in a tux, no matter the occasion,” Charlie said confidently. Vaggie chuckled at the pure cinnamon roll of her girlfriend.
“Well, maybe not in bed,” whispered Vaggie in a seductive voice. She inched closer, putting a hand on her shoulder. She looked into Charlies eyes, swooning in her own head. Charlie moved closer too as Vaggie tried to stand up tall. Their lips connected and vaggie put both hands on Charlies cheek’s. Charlie put her hands on Vaggie’s waist. They pulled apartbut only about an inch before passionately colliding their mouths together. 
“Wait, wait, you have to get ready,” Charlie pulled apart. Vaggie whined slightly but knew that they didn't have time for this right now. 
Charlie knew exactly what she was planning. She was going to take Vaggie on a perfect, picnic date on a hill behind the hotel. It was also a perfect day. Luckily the sun would start setting in about two hours, so the two of them could watch the sunset together and get all snuggly and share their feelings and swoon over each other.
As Charlie was setting up the picnic basket in the hill in the back, Vaggie was quietly freaking out over what to wear. She wanted to be perfect. But her body wasn't perfect. She was flat. Not skinny. Her nose was so long, she looked like a witch. And her arms and hands were covered in battle scars. She was a bit muscle-y but had a bit of meat on her bones. At least that's what she thought. She found that she had gained weight from the past couple of months. It really hurt her and she constantly tried not to cry every time she looked at the scale. It made her feel worthless and ugly. Her nose was so masculine but also looked like an ugly witch nose.
Vaggie looked through her closet, trying to find something that'll cover her up a little more. Maybe that was why Charlie hadn't taken her on a date in a while. She was disgusting for letting herself go. So she grabbed a white short-sleeve dress shirt and black sweater vest and put it on. It covered her up a little bit. She put on a black and red plaid skirt and finally rolled on her gloves. She looked a tiny bit better. Her stomach didn't show like it did with her crop top polo shirt.
She stared at herself in the mirror for a while, thinking ‘why can't I just be perfect?’ She couldn't start crying though, Charlie was probably waiting for her. 
“You almost ready? You've been in there a while,” Just on cue, Charle knocked on the door.
“Yeah, I'll be right out,” Vaggie called back. She sighed, looking at herself one last time before trotting over to the door and opening it. 
Charlie stared at her, blushing  behind the red circles on her cheeks. She thought Vaggie looked absolutely stunning. However, Vaggie thought she was staring because she noticed how imperfect her body was.
“You look…Amazing!” Charlie complimented. 
“You… you don't have to lie, Charlie,” Vaggie mumbled. Charlie sensed immediately that something was wrong through her defeated look and mumbling.
“I'm not lying, though,” She doubled downed.
“But I look so… ugly, my nose is weird and I've been gaining weight…” she tugged at her other arm with her hand.
“No, sweetie, you're not ugly,” Charlie took her hand and cupped it with both of hers. She looked Vaggie in the eyes. 
“Honey, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my hundred years in hell. You are amazing, and shit, I don't even care about what you look like, I love you no matter what,” She promised.
Vaggie’s eyes watered and her lips quivered. She ran into Charlies chest and hugged her. She needed comfort from her biggest supporter. The whole day she had been feeling unworthy of food and love. She thought she didn't deserve it with her disgusting ass self. Now she just felt emotional. All of the icky feelings she had over the couple of weeks came out in tears and sobs.
“There, there, babe. It's okay, we all become our biggest enemy at times,” Charlie told her. She wanted her girlfriend to feel loved.
“I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner that you were so self-conscious. I promise that I'll constantly comfort you whenever your mean thoughts get into your head. But you have to promise me one thing,” Charlie said. She pulled away a little and put her hands on her shoulders.
“What's that?” Vaggie sniffled.
“That you come to me whenever you're feeling like you're hideous or disgusting. Please, come get me when these thoughts get to you. You could easily develop an eating disorder-” Vaggie tensed at the words, “And your mental health could get really bad,” said Charlie.
“O-okay, I promise…” Vaggie answered. Charlie gave her one final hug before stepping away.
“Now come on, let's go on this date, I have a fun couple hours planned,” Charlie grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs. Vaggie laughed a genuine laugh to see how excited Charlie was to take her on this date.
The picnic was absolutely amazing. The food that Charlie prepared were pretty simply but just spending time together while watching the sun start to set made everything feel terrific. 
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diorb4bysblog · 11 months
How to dress like the Girls Next Door!
The Girls Next Door Part 1. Holly
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1. BLonde bombshell! If your trying to look like holly then this is your lucky day! being blonde is key to becoming a girl next door. Now you don't have to become a blonde but if you really wanna complete the look. Then go ahead and be extra cause why not?
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Back in the day Holly was the queen of wearing knee high socks. She wore them in almost every look. So get yourself a pair of knee high socks and a cute mini skirt! One tip is too not wear socks with sandles. TRUST ME!!! That is a no no socks with sandles is the most disgusting thing in fashion history you do not wanna be seen in those. They can only be worn with mini skirts,booty shorts, and in hot school girl uniforms. But Holly wears them in shorts and skirts.
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3. PINK Holly was known to wear a lot of pink but not as much as Bridget! but will get to that in the later parts of the girls next door series. As you can see she has a pink top on in this picture. She usually wore graphic shirts usually in the color baby pink. She would usually wear shirt with cute thing s on it like dogs and bunnies but will get to that later. The most important part of this series is to wear them tight. I'm not saying to suffocate yourself but start wearing more revealing clothes like v necks, crop tops, polos but un Butten them just a little bit to make yourself look a little more scandalous.
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Get your self a Victoria's secret bombshell bra. Ok well you don't have to get a Victoria's secret bombshell bra because we both now that's too expensive for us. But just get a cheap push up bra with a lot of plush in it. What I mean by that is to find one that's thick. Preferably one with pads in it and don't take them out. And if you don't find one like neither of those then stuff it I believe in you girl! you can do this! if you don't quite know how to stuff your bra then watch some tutorials to learn on how to make them look more natural or just wear to bras but if wanna go all out then you can stuff them too. Do you girl!
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One important thing into becoming a girls next door is imitating Hollys angelic personality. Holly was a sweetheart and still is and if you wanna copy Hollys angelic persona. Then you will have to start with manners. One reason why Holly is called angelic is because she is always polite with people and does not start arguments. Another reason is because she never smacks while eating or gets food on herself, or messes up her makeup. Lastly if she has something to do that is a important duty she will do it without complaining. One thing about holly is that she likes so have fun so im not telling you to be stuck up. But just be polite!
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6. Marlyn Monroe Just like the last topic about personality most of Hollys elegance comes from Marlyn Monroe. As you can see in this picture she has an haircut inspired by her. So if you wanna become like Holly then your gonna have to be like Marlyn a little to . Because Marlyn is Hollys biggest inspiration. Most of her outfits in the show "The Girls Next Door" are inspired by Marilyn Monroe. In important events like Casa Blanca Nights, Bridget's murder mystery birthday party, and her second photo shoot with Bridget and Kendra was inspired by Marlyn Monroe.
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7. Makeup!
Back in the 2000s Hollys favorite lip glosses were the lipgloss in the shade prrr which is still avalible too buy on amazon but i don't think it is in stores anymore.
Kevin Aucoin Making Faces book Cinema Secrets foundation Shade COTY airspun loose powder MAC lipliner Spice NARS lipstick Dolce Vita Maybelline lipstick 235 Warm Me Up https://amzn.to/3peewEw Bobbi Brown Lip Gloss Petal https://amzn.to/34Zhply MAC Lipglass Prrrr https://amzn.to/2KGkWNA Damone Roberts brow pencil in Latte https://amzn.to/3mQGMfy Laura Mercier SC 2 concealer https://tinyurl.com/y8rmnooo Guerlain Terra Cotta https://amzn.to/38FCKAW DOSE OF COLOR concealer brush https://tinyurl.com/y3pjgnh9 MAC eyeshadow white frost https://tinyurl.com/ycme6klp MAC eyeshadow Paradisco https://amzn.to/38Dc2IO MAC eyeshadow mulch https://amzn.to/3ponqiF MAC liquid liner boot black https://amzn.to/3aGigKN Revlon color stay black liquid eyeliner https://amzn.to/38FD42C Ardell demi wispies lashes https://amzn.to/3aDarn3 DUO eyelash glue https://amzn.to/2Ydhdeo Wander Beauty black mascara Paula Dorf Baby Eyes
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8. Clothes
Back in the early 2000s Holly wore shirts from the brand happry bunny,blonde mafia,juicy couture,denim jean skirts, high socks,low waist jeans, playboy jackets, fancy dresses, long sleeve shirts,converses,uggs,jackets,shoes,high heels. The end
sorry if this was sloppy i wrote this really late
also if holly sees this don't take it seriously because i know this is only how you acted on the show
ok by then lol
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genyasglockk · 2 years
warnings: gets kinda explicit halfway and onward. light bdsm. feminization. all that good stuff. very self indulgent.
steve harrington was never meant to be a hypermasculine jock. he wasn't meant to be a womanizer who's afraid of his emotions so he hides behind a wall of stoicism and cruelty. steve was meant for sweetness. and he finds that sweetness in doing his hair and getting it just right. he's meticulous about where every strand of rich brown is laid. he likes watching his hair shine and he preens under the attention it gets him.
he finds his sweetness in the soft fabrics he dresses himself in. his clothes never scratch on his skin the wrong way because he spares no expense when it comes to what he wears. his polos and jeans are gentle on every part of him they touch. and so are the things he wears when he's home alone. steve loves silk. he loves how it feels like water against his skin. he loves slipping on his nightgowns and being engulfed in a blanket of softness.
despite his preference for silk, steve doesn't mind having to do extra work to wear lace. when steve wants to wear lace, he has to shave. everywhere. his chest, his legs, between his thighs and his ass. it doesn't bother him. in fact, he likes it. the way his lace panties just glide up his legs without the presence of anything to snag on. the way the bralettes frame his pecs (his tits) and squeeze them together every so slightly to the point where he has a hint of cleavage.
eddie loves it when steve wears lace too. steve didn't share this part of himself with eddie till they were already seven months into their relationship. steve knew he wouldn't be an asshole about it but. he just had to be sure. in the end, steve didn't have shit to be scared of. eddie adored seeing steve all dressed up. he probably loved it more than steve himself did. "you look so pretty, stevie. so fucking sweet for me, baby."
and eddie. steve finds his sweetness with eddie most of all. steve had been with many girls. he was used to being the caretaker. the one to take control. and he enjoyed that. he liked holding his girl close and feeling her weight on his lap. he liked having her legs over his shoulder with his head squeezed between her thighs and his tongue buried deep. steve loved to give. he gave and gave till he was spent. he did the same with eddie but it was so different. eddie liked to hold him down and make him take it. he liked binding his hands and just using steve for hours. he liked having steve on his knees and making him choke on his cock till he stopped gagging on it and went pliant. eddie used him up till his mind went hazy and he couldn't speak. till there was nothing but eddie eddie eddie.
but after steve gave and gave and gave, eddie returned all of it right back and then some. he'd clean steve up with a soft towel and would press kisses into his skin as he went. sometimes he'd just lay down and pull steve on top of him, his nose buried in his neck, so that he could get his fill of eddie's scent. "you just smell so good all the time but especially after. you smell delicious, eds. you smell like us. eddie and steve." other times he'd get the bath running. he'd make the water nice and warm for his boy and slowly guide him into the tub and make himself comfortable right behind him. he'd wash his hair and and scrub his skin clean. he'd let his fingers trace every perfect mole scattered on his perfect skin and long to run his tongue across them. steve would lean his head back against his shoulder and just look so soft. he'd wear this dopey look on his face. pretty and satiated, the way eddie loved to keep him.
afterward he'd dry steve off and get him situated in bed before digging through his drawers to find him something nice to wear. sometimes it was a simple pair of short shorts with a little crop top and sometimes, when eddie wanted his baby to feel extra pretty, he'd pick out one of steve's many babydoll nightgowns.
eddie had felt guilty at first. he felt like he was perverting this precious thing that steve had trusted him with. this was how steve found comfort. he dressed himself up in expensive little garments because it made him feel happy and eddie was being a creep and getting off on it. steve shut that shit down real quick.
"I'm a grown man, Eddie. If anything you did made me uncomfortable, I'd tell you. I actually think you're incapable of making me feel uncomfortable. And besides," Steve's face practically went up in flames as he looked away and smiled, all shy and gorgeous. "I really fucking like the way you get when I'm all dolled up. It makes me feel... hot. You look at me like you wanna eat me. It feels so good to be hungered for, Eds. Especially by you."
then all doubt evaporated from eddie's body and he became shameless. the way steve wanted him to be.
when steve is finally dressed for bed, eddie would get him some water and fruit. maybe a sandwich if eddie felt like he needed more. then he'd guide his head down towards a pillow and run his hands through his hair till his body went slack. he'd wrap his arms around his babygirl, a term that drove steve absolutely wild, and press himself close from behind with his chest crushed up against steve's back. he'd bring his mouth close to steve's ear so that his lips brushed against it as he spoke, whispering sweet, filthy praise to him.
"You did so well tonight, stevie baby. so pretty and good for me. you took everything I gave you well. you're such a good girl for letting me get you all wet and sloppy. I love seeing you all cock drunk while I fuck you slow and deep. Love pulling your pretty panties aside and slipping right into your pink hole. Always so warm and tight for me. I love you, baby. I love you so much, steve. My good fucking boy."
steve, the poor thing, would try to stay awake so they could go again but he was always too spent. and eddie didn't mind. he loved watching steve drift into a peaceful sleep. he deserved it.
because steve wasn't meant for whatever the fuck he was trying to be in high school. all that macho man bullshit was just that. bullshit. No. this is what steve was meant for. he was meant for being held and being pretty. he was meant for being used good and hard and then being lovingly put back together. he was meant for eddie munson. be was meant for kindness. he was meant for sweetness.
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roseshyuck00 · 2 years
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jaehyun x reader - happy valentine's
genre - smut, enemies to lovers (?) WARNINGS: unprotected sex, cussing, drinking, other explicit content word count: 2.7k words
enjoy! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Feb, 1:27PM, School "come on y/n, why won't you go? he has never done this before! this could be a great opportunity to get to know him!" mark insisted as i rolled my eyes. "there are MANY others who are way above our league who are going. do your really think someone like him would bother to talk to people like us with our status in school?" i said, and mark let out an exasperated breath."if he didn't care, he would have said that he's only inviting the higher ups to his place now would he?" mark fought back. i wanted to speak, but i knew he had a point. "ugh fine, but IF we get humiliated, this will be ALL your fault." i said, and mark just let out a sigh and nodded before walking away to his locker and heading for his next class. i still didn't want to go, and i already had plans to escape running through my head. i refused to believe that THE jung jaehyun, the most popular and bad boy heartthrob in the school, would just let anybody near him on his birthday. i have to admit though, he was insanely attractive, but i'm surprised that he never dated anyone. what made things worse, was the fact that his birthday just had to fall on valentine's day, and the thought of people, including him, making out with others right before me disgusted me. i leaned against the wall with my back on it, and looked up at the hallway. just as i thought of him, jaehyun just so happened to appear walking down the hallway. of course, every other girl couldn't take their eyes off him. they were swooning over him. "speak of the devil..." i muttered under my breath and rolled my eyes as he walked past me. he then paused and turned to face me. the school bell then rang, the hallway was cleared. it was just me and him, and there was an intense silence. as i gave him my resting bitch face, he just looked me up and down. "what do you want?" i snapped, as he still didn't move away from me. he looked me up and down once more, before putting his hands in his pocket. "you, i'd like to see you at my party." he suddenly said in a cold tone, and i folded my arms looking back up at him, raising one eyebrow. was i hearing things? why does he keep looking at me? what about my cropped black polo tee and black pleated skirt was so interesting to him? "i have a name you know, and why would you need me exactly?" i snapped at him again, and he rolled his tongue in his mouth. "huh, didn't know you were a fighter. well, y/n, that just makes things more interesting for me." he said, as moved closer to me. he then lifted my head up to face him, from my chin with his hand, and i froze on the spot. what the fuck was wrong with him?this time, i couldn't move. i didn't know why. he moved his face inches closer, and he glared at me intently. "i don't like saying your name, such a mouthful. i'll just call you... baby from now on, yeah?" he said in a cocky tone, and i had the urge to send him flying with a kick in his guts. his words sent a tingle down my spine. i opened my mouth to speak, but he swiftly placed his finger on my lips to silence me. "hush now, and listen to me. wear something... appropriate for me for the party, yeah? you wouldn't want to disappoint me, right baby?" jaehyun said in a dangerously seductive tone, and it made my heart start to pound. the smell of his perfume started to make me feel dizzy, and it was luckily enough for me to snap out of his manipulation. i pushed him back, and started to walk away from him. "as if." i yelled, as i stormed off to class before leaving him in the hallway. 12 Feb, 3:15PM, Home two days have passed, and jaehyun hasn't left my mind since he approached me. the thought of him being close, too close to me made me feel things i couldn't understand. the way he looked at me made my cheeks burn up every time the thought of it came up. thank god mark wasn't there to witness what had happened. wear something... appropriate for me you wouldn't want to disappoint me, right baby? his words replayed over and over again. ugh. a part of me knew he was right, as i didn't want to make a fool out of myself if i was going to the party. i got up from my bed and looked through my rack clothes. "appropriate..." i asked myself. i continued to scan through my wardrobe, and my eyes landed on one particular fit. "fuck, i never thought i'd end up wearing this shit." i cursed, and just stared at the outfit for a solid few minutes. i then let out a sigh, and picked it up. "this party better be worth my time." 14 Feb, 7:20PM, Jaehyun's Place "damn y/n, you aren't afraid of some random dudes coming up to you in that?" mark said, and i rolled my eyes. "look, it was either i wear this and not make a fool out of myself while i'm here, or i leave you to come to this party alone." i said, and mark looked like he was offended by my last few sentences. i wore a black top that exposed my back, which was paired with black shorts and thigh-high boots. as the music boomed and lights went crazy in jaehyun's home, mark and i then walked up to the door, and rang his doorbell. the door opened, and i looked up to see johnny suh, jaehyun's close friend, in the doorway. "damn y/n, who knew you could really dress up for a party!" johnny remarked. "haha, yeah..." i laughed sarcastically and nervously, as johnny made way for mark and i to enter. "well, come on in!" johnny gestured, and we stepped into the house.  before he closed the door behind us. just as i expected. people were drunk, making out in his kitchen and living room. johnny then asked us to follow him, and he led us to an area near jaehyun's pool. "she's here." johnny then said, and i looked to where johnny was facing. in front of him, was jaehyun himself sitting next to an empty chair. he looked up at me, and i could see his eyes then focus on my outfit. he smirked, and stood up to come up to me. "what a surprise. i thought you weren't coming." he mocked me, and i just folded my arms, glaring at him. "hey mark, let's get some drinks for us." i heard johnny say, and mark turned to me. "yo, we'll be right back then." mark said, and i just nodded nervously. i was now alone with jaehyun. i turned back to him, and he was just looking at me. he wore a white v-neck shirt, which was paired with black ripped jeans and leather boots. i studied his face, and found myself thinking about how hot he was. snap out of it y/n i thought to myself. 
i heard jaehyun say, when he suddenly wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me towards him. our bodies touched, and i instinctively placed my hand on his chest to keep a slight distance between him and i. his hot breath was on my face, and the scent of his woody perfume surrounded me.
"i never thought you'd listen to me baby... hm, good girl."
jaehyun slowly said in a low voice, and my cheeks started to burn from his sudden tease and compliment. as i felt his heart beat fast with my hand, mine followed suit. i quickly broke eye contact, and he let go of me. i was falling for him, hard, and i wasn't sure if it was because of the sudden pet name or the fact that he was hot. jaehyun went back to his seat, and patted the empty chair next to him.
"sit here."
he said, and i looked around to make sure that no one saw what happened between us before i sat next to him.
"hey! we got the drinks."
johnny and mark approached us with 4 shot glasses and 4 bottles of soju. i looked at them, alarmed, and looked back up at mark.
"uhhh mark are you sure about drinking this...?"
i asked, and mark just shrugged.
"i mean, it should be fine once in a while... this probably being last...."
mark said, and i sighed. i tensed up a little as i could feel jaehyun's eyes on me. he then grabbed one of the bottles and opened it, pouring the liquor into each of our glasses. we grabbed our glasses and raised them up.
we cheered in unison, as we let the alcohol seep through our systems through the night.
14 Feb, 10:35PM, Jaehyun’s Place
"god, why did i let him drink..."
i said to myself, as jaehyun, johnny and i just stared at mark, who was completely knocked out and wasted beneath me.
"sooo now we know... and y/n, the soju didn't get to you at all?"
johnny looked up at me, and i shook my head.
"nah, just feeling the heat."
i said bluntly. jaehyun's house was empty and it's just us left.
"it's already late, mark is pretty much helpless right now... alright how about this. i take mark back to his place, then i head home. jaehyun you take y/n back to her place?"
johnny said, and my eyes widened. i turned to jaehyun, and there was a dark look on his face.
"yeah sure."
he agreed with johnny, and johnny immediately carried mark on his shoulders, leaving the house. i was about to head to the door to follow johnny and mark, when suddenly jaehyun's voice boomed.
"y/n, don't go."
he called for my attention, and i just stared at him. my heart started beating fast again, and i wasn't sure if it was because we were alone or something else. he then came up to me, and took my hand, pulling me closer to him again like earlier.
"it's too late for you to be out there even if i escort you home. just stay here until tomorrow."
jaehyun said, i couldn't bring my self to speak. instead, i studied his facial features again, and my eyes landed on his lips. they looked soft, and i started to wonder how his lips tasted like. suddenly as i made eye contact with him again, i watched his eyes fall down to my lips before looking back up into my eyes.
"hm? you’re suddenly being all nice, and i thought you were a fucking dick?"
i snapped at him, and he just stared at me. i then let out an exasperated breath.
“ugh, fine i’ll-”
i was about i respond to his request, when the unexpected happened.
jaehyun swiftly brought my face to his, and kissed me. his lips tasted like cherry. naturally, i responded to him, and it only made the kiss escalate into a heated make out session. we came up for air, and he looked at me with a lustful expression.
"god you're hot."
he said, and i felt my cheeks burn up. that was when i realised that i really have fallen for him.
he then lifted me up and carried me over to his sofa, where he laid me down before hovering above me and kissing me again. i ran my hands through his hair, pulling him closer to me as his kisses deepened. i then felt his hand caress my thighs, slowly moving up to my shorts. his fingers hooked onto them, and slid my shorts off me.
oh god
i thought, and he started to plant kisses on my neck. a small moan escapes from my lips. jaehyun knew what he was doing, and he was too good. he then stopped to look at me.
"jaehyun... i..."
i said softly, and he gently caressed my face.
"baby... that was such a pretty sound coming from you."
jaehyun said, as i let out a gasp when suddenly felt a jolt of pain. without noticing, jaehyun had somehow slipped two fingers into me with his other hand as he was sweet-talking me.
i cried, and the hand that caressed my face flew over to cover my mouth.
"shhh... not yet baby, not yet..."
jaehyun said in a low voice, before he began to claw onto my inner flesh. i threw my head back, as he fingered me at an increasing pace. i started to squirm, and jaehyun used his body weight to hold me down as i watched my juices start to flow down his hand.
"god you're so wet already..."
he then took his hand off my mouth, and kissed me again, with his kisses getting rougher the faster he went.
"j-jaehyun, hhah... fuck..."
i moaned, and jaehyun then pulled his fingers out, licking and savouring every bit and drop of me that was on them.
"baby, you taste amazing."
jaehyun said before sliding my panties off me. he then kneeled, and i watched him unbuckle his belt, undoing his jeans and boxers to reveal his dick. i stared at it, and jaehyun held it as he moved closer and started rubbing his tip against my entrance. i started to shiver, throwing my head back over and over again as he continued to tease me. jaehyun then paused, leaving his tip right in the middle.
"now baby, i want you to understand this. you are now mine, only i can make you feel like this, only i can do this to you. do i make myself clear?"
he asked me, suddenly pressing my shoulders down hard. his hot breath sank onto the skin of my neck.
"yes jaehyun..."
i responded to him, and he smiled.
"good girl."
he said, before slowly pushing himself into me. i let out a whimper, and he began to thrust into me, slowly and steadily. i inhaled sharply as i felt him get bigger inside me as he moved.
"fuck y/n, you're so tight..."
jaehyun groaned, as grabbed my wrists and pinned them above my head, then started to slide into me faster and faster.
"a-ahh h-ahh, so good..."
moans left my mouth, and jaehyun looked satisfied with what he was doing to me. soon after, he was slamming into me ruthlessly, and i let out helpless screams and cries.
"h-ahhh, god j-jaehyun. f-fuck it hurts! a-ahhh!"
i cried, as jaehyun bent forward to kiss me, moaning in between, and soothing me from my cries.
"look at you, my helpless little brat. you're enjoying this aren't you?"
he said with a hint of teasing in his tone.
"h-ahh ahhh, yea-ah..."
i said in between my moans, as he bent forward again to kiss me.
"j-jaehyun, i'm gonna c-cum!"
i cried again, and jaehyun mercilessly thrusted into me even faster.
"jaehyun- ahh, it hurts so much, a-hahhh, f-fuck, jaehyun!"
i screamed, and jaehyun let out a moan.
"h-hahh, b-baby, i'm gonna-"
he cried out, and i suddenly felt a shot of warmth fill me. jaehyun came, and i did soon after. he then gave his final few thrusts, and crashed on top of me. he brought my lips to his again, giving a long and sweet kiss, before we came up for air, smiling.
"is there something you should be saying to me baby?"
jaehyun then asked me, and i looked at him, giggling as i looked into his eyes.
"happy birthday~"
i said breathlessly, and he chuckled.
"thanks for this birthday gift, but isn't there something else you should be saying?"
he asked again, and i cupped his face in my hands.
"fine, happy valentine's... love." i said, and jaehyun smiled at me, before giving me one final peck on my forehead, as we began to doze off with the warmth of our bodies embracing us.
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bowiebond · 2 years
Billy who thought he was gay having a full blown crisis over his growing crush on the Queen of Hawkins, Stevie aka Stephanie (🙄) Harrington.
At first he’s shocked because, how could that be? Billy has never been truly interested in women, even if he had slept with more than a few (whether it was for survival/manipulation/reputation, etc). Sure, a holes a hole, but he’s never wanted to kiss one. To hold a girls hand and take her for a joyride in his car, do couple shit. Actually found her attractive.
Though, Stevie isn’t really a girly girl. She’s got cropped short hair that’s almost a mullet, only just taller than him, wears boxy jumpers and polos that make her shoulders broader than most girls. She’s boyish, a total tomboy really, and he’s surprised she was popular in a small hick town when she…well she acts and dresses like a butch.
She seems like a total ‘carpet muncher’ (as coined by the basketball team) and Billy’s crush seems even dumber and more unattainable when he finds out she lost her popularity status and her ‘good looks’ because she was outed; she had been dating Nancy Wheeler. The girl seemed to get out of the fire scott-free though when she jumped ship to Jonathan Byers.
Stevie had been left to burn in the towns snide comments even when she had almost had an out, ditching her old friends after they sprayed ‘dyke wheeler’ on the movie cinema. Turns out she threw herself under the bus after she got into a fist fight with Nancy’s new piece, Jonathan.
So not only was he a gay man apparently in love with a lesbian, but the object of his affections was already hated by most of the town. Apparently the only reason she didn’t get disowned was because she claimed to like boys too and would stick to them. Probably a bold faced lie, but if it wasn’t…
Billy wouldn’t pursue her. He couldn’t. Surely not. She wasn’t a guy and Billy hadn’t spent years in grief over him being gay to just find the ‘right girl’ for him.
Except he stews on the thought. It would be perfect, wouldn’t it? His life would be easier if Stevie really was just the right girl he was waiting for. It’s the only thing that makes him pursue her.
She’s cold and bitter towards him at first, not trusting it, but Billy can tell he’s wearing her down, bit by bit, enticing small smiles and soft chuckles.
Stevie’s not a prude it seems. He takes her on the joyride he had been dreaming about and he is vibrating from how happy he is around her, can’t explain it for the life of him, and she crawls into his lap the moment he turns the car off, parked at the quarry with the intent of star gazing maybe, or throwing rocks and shit. Whatever suited Stevie.
She kisses him like she’s starving, tugging the handle beside his seat to snap it back so she doesn’t hit her head on the roof of the car, her hands feeling every inch of him.
She doesn’t undress herself, just tugs her pants down her thighs and sits on his cock like it’s her throne, and Billy can see now why she was royalty once in Hawkins, that wicked smile of victory on her lips as she leans down to kiss him hard.
Billy’s pretty sure he’s in love and it’s embarrassing how quickly he’s fallen into it. Stevie and him aren’t a secret. In fact, him dating her both downgrades his status and lifts hers. They’re pretty much equals, entirely average now, thanks to their relationship.
And the sex; fuck, the sex is good. Billy didn’t think it would be. Sex with women in the past had been performative at best, all about looking good and trying not to wilt at their annoying moans, but Stevie never hesitant to push him around, take what she wants with low groans and breathy moans, and it sends a spark down his spine every time.
She’ll pull his hair, bite his lip, swear under her breath in a low voice - tell Billy how fucking filthy and pretty he is like Stevie’s not the pretty one…in a weirdly boyish way. Stevie’s not pretty in a girly way, but Billy’s not sure if he can say that to her face. It seems rude, but Stevie is kind of just…a handsome girl? He couldn’t explain it.
They had been dating five months when Stevie turns to him one night, the pair tucked in her flannel bed.
“…Would you ever date a guy?”
It makes Billy’s heart seize, but after a moment, Billy realises he doesn’t have to be scared of her. She liked both. Had never hid that part of herself from him or anyone really.
“Would you call me crazy if I said I thought I was gay before you?”
Stevie doesn’t answer. It’s too dark to see her face. But she does kiss him. Soft and tentative before she pressed harder, molded herself to him.
Billy expects another round. Expects to feel a wet heat around his cock like normal, but instead there’s spit-soaked fingers at his rim, poking, prodding, pushing in deep as his head swims with confusion and lust.
He cums on his girlfriends fingers twice that night and it’s the best thing he’s ever felt, even if he’s not entirely sure why she even wanted to do that. Most girls didn’t.
Stevie owns a bunch of old makeup she never wears anymore. Refuses to actually. But she’ll touch it if she can put it on Billy, sitting in his lap and applying blue shadow to his eyes. She’ll only wear gloss if it’s from his lips, kissing it off and tasting artificial strawberries with an appreciative hum.
Stevie has two closets. One filled with dresses and skirts and blouses, all collecting dust, and another with polos and khakis and a growing collection of jeans after Billy infected her style. He lost his leather jacket to her and he doesn’t regret it one bit. It looks better on her. Looks the best when it’s all Stevie is wearing, rutting her pussy against his leaking cock.
They’re seven months in when Stevie gets into his car in tears one day and just says, “I can’t do it anymore.”
Billy goes cold at the thought that she meant them. And in a way, she did, but it’s so much more complicated than Billy could possibly understand according to her.
So he opens himself to understanding. Drives them to her place and sits on her bed with her and waits. Says he’ll keep waiting until she says what she needs to.
“I…I don’t wanna be your girlfriend, Billy. I never wanted to be.” He wishes he had kicked her out of the car instead of staying now. Wishes he had saved himself the hurt of those words. Seven months of his everything had meant nothing and— “I wanna be your boyfriend.”
It’s confusing. Billy doesn’t really get it at first when he asks her to explain, but slowly it starts to click. Her clothes, her hair, her boyish charm, her…
His refusal to wear makeup. His ability to spawn butterflies in Billy’s stomach. Why he wasn’t exactly a pretty girl, but now, no, now Billy can see that Stevie — Steve — is a very pretty boy.
It takes a little adjusting. The names easy; Steve didn’t mind Stevie since he chose the nickname forever ago with the knowledge it was a little more boyish, but Billy changed up the pet names. Good girl because good boy, princess became pretty boy, Queen became King.
The pronouns get jumbled at times; it’s hard to switch from public to private mode in general for Billy, but he has the incentive to try until he gets it right because the discomfort on Steve’s face is enough of a reason too. Because he really does love him and wants him to be happy. God, he’s a sap.
Billy’s too stubborn to let a good thing go, even if he knows there would be hell to pay for the both of them if anyone knew. Billy hid being a queer for years; at least he can play straight with his boyfriend in public. They both can, for now. It’s nice to know he can still hold Steve’s hand while out and about.
They make plans to leave the moment Billy graduates — Billy insists he’s willing to leave earlier since he’s already 18 and he wants away from Neil, and Steve waiting another year to be who is really is away from Hawkins would probably suck ass. But Steve can wait. He waited 18 years. He can wait one more to be with Billy as his boyfriend instead of his girlfriend. Even gets Billy to move in now that he’s 18, so they don’t have to be apart during the night and the mornings before they both part ways for school and work.
Sex’s is even better now in Billy’s opinion. Mostly because now he gets to try stuff he always wanted to. Like eating his boyfriends ass until he’s shaking and crying from bliss, soaking down his thighs and dripping onto the bed. Steve practically falls apart in his arms the first time he fucks his ass, thick and hard as he dragged his cock in and out of his puffy, stretched out hole. It’s not enough to make him cum, but Billy manages to get him off after, tasting his own cum as it leaks out of his aching hole and dragging his tongue up through the soaked mess of Steve’s cunt to bring him to the brink.
Billy has all the fun in the world when they do finally ditch Hawkins. He gets to take Steve to a proper toy shop and gets him a strap on. Which is both a blessing and a curse because Steve annihilates all thoughts from his mushy brain after destroying his ass with the stamina he didn’t know he had, and Steve likes to just,,, wear it. Around the house. And it drives Billy crazy seeing those straps fastened on his hips as he walks around in low hanging grey sweatpants. He knows it’s the euphoria of having a dick for Steve, but Billy really wants Steve’s dick like, all the time, and his horny brain can’t seperate those two things, okay?
At the end of the day, Billy is pretty damn sure he’s gay. Steve tries to tell him he’s bi because he did like Steve when he was a girl, but the debates never really gets solved or concluded because Billy’s firm in his belief.
His heart and dick just knew Steve was a boy. Simple as that.
Steve will never get it, will always roll his eyes and kiss him because the sentiment does make him a little giddy, but Steve doesn’t have to get it.
Billy’s soul knew his soulmate was a boy. That’s why he fell for Steve. Simple. As. That.
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kyuponstories · 2 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! Do your characters have any particularly interesting fashion choices? What are they and why?👔🥻👘👗👚🛍
My first ask on this account?? 🥹
It's a little tough to think about this w/ the OCB characters, because they're gonna mainly be cosplaying throughout the series. So they're "normal" fashion won't even be seen, really. 😅 But if I really think about it:
- Kiki is a complete pastel alt girl. More pastel (mainly pink) than alt as she'll wear anything bright & loud w/ color. A striped pink & white t-shirt and a black high-waist skirt w/ suspenders. Throw in a choker and some bright stockings too! It just matches w/ her cheery personality, and puts more emphasis on her sweetness.
- La'Rae is like dark academia but edgy. If cosplaying wasn't a huge part of the restaurant norm, I could see her in a crop top (somewhat covered by a flannel), ripped jeans, and fishnet gloves just to match the required hair net. 🤭 I always imagine La'Rae in soft hues of orange, brown, burgundy, and black. And with a long coat for some reason lol. Sorry if that explains nothing LOOL
These are bound to change since I'm in the early phase of writing only. Every other character's style is either unknown or most likely not considered interesting...? 😅 Jay is white academia w/ denim.... Idk how else to explain that lol. Akachi is extra casual - graphic tees & polo shirts. Kay looks completely alt, but all I know is he's always only in black 99% of the time. Idk about Youngheun, Kodak, and Dahye at all yet. 🥲
Thank you for asking me this, it was fun! ☺️💗💗
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