#crossed soriel???
spyretworks-official · 6 months
we get to the soriel proposal very soon please please please be patient (talking to myself)
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missholoska · 1 month
soriel week 2024 day 4: holiday 🎄
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veramillons · 9 months
Cross is in loveee
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De verdad amo lo tonto que se ve Cross
Referencia 👇
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El dibujo de Cross es TOOOOP.
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topazshadowwolf · 1 year
GoopTales: Part 17
Time for the kids to go to bed. (again... but this time in their room)
Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17(you are here)
AO3: Ch 1 (1-4), Ch 2 (4-8), Ch 3 (9-12), Ch 4 (13-16)
The bedrooms the boys usually slept in were close to his chambers but not right next door. They were in the same hall, just further down and clustered together. They chose them like mildly rebellious teenagers who wanted to strike out on their own while only moving a block away. With them currently being so small, Nightmare didn’t want them even that far away. Besides, their rooms were far too much of a mess as well. (Except for Cross’ room, but that is beside the point.)
No, Nightmare wanted these younger versions of his boys closer to his room and in a cleaner space. Also, with how clingy they were towards each other, they would be best all together in one room versus separated in four different ones like normal.
So he picked a room right next to his. While Lyra got them washed up for the night, he got the room ready for them. Their favorite blankets he did fetch from their rooms with pictures or other items each boy seemed fond of. They might not remember these objects, but if those items bring any amount of comfort, then the effort is worth it. As he was doing this, it was starting to hit him.
Obviously, he knew and understood what happened, but all this time, he had been reacting to the situation. He did ponder it before… but as he was setting up a room for them, the realness of this was sinking further in. He sat on a chair he set near the bed to read from as he needed a moment to settle the complex feelings within him.
This evening had been nice. They ate dinner together, played a board game, and enjoyed each other's company. But the fact is that his boys were different. As enjoyable as this afternoon and evening were, he wanted the adults back. He even missed the chaos of them. He would know they were alright if they were their true selves again. Additionally, they would know who he was and not be wondering why they couldn’t go home.
(Except for Dust, that one could use being raised by him. A far better option than his actual childhood.)
But even the adult Dust he sorely missed.
“Here we are!” Said Lyra as she guided the boys into the room. They were all dressed for bed and looking around with wide, bright sockets.
“wow! we get to sleep here?!” Killer asked as he looked up at Lyra.
“Yes, you do! It is the room Mr. Night chose for you to sleep in. Was that nice of him?” She asked.
“yes!” Cross replied as he then ran in and over to the bed. 
It was a tall bed, so Nightmare had put a step stool for the children to use. Cross, though, being the adventurous child he is, decided to disregard the stool and try climbing up on his own. The heavy emotions Nightmare had been feeling were replaced by amusement as he watched the child struggle to climb up to the top.
“Do you want help, Cross?” Nightmare asked.
“mm, nah… i got… it,” Cross huffed as he finally squirmed and pulled his way up.
“oh! I wanna try!” Killer said as he started climbing.
Horror used the step stool and then helped Dust up as well. They sat on the bed, watching Killer struggle his way up and join Cross in laying on his back and catching his breath.
Breath finally caught, Cross sat up and smiled at Nightmare, “thank you, mr. night!”
“what… he said,” Killer wheezed.
Horror and Dust also said their thank yous, though Dust’s was more mumbled than anything. He picked up one of the books Lyra had previously bought and opened it. The story was very… simple… so was the wording. He frowned for a moment and then looked at the Toriel in question. “This is really meant for children?”
“Well… yes,” She replied, looking confused.
“There is nothing here to challenge the mind,” He stated with a frown.
“They are getting ready for bed, not school. You can read something to offer a challenge in the morning. For now, a simple story, with a simple moral, is best for sleeping,” She explained, and Nightmare had to admit that made sense. Still, he had been reading far more advanced books when he was just a little older than them.
“i wanna be challenged!” Killer protested.
“what kind of challenge?” Cross asked as he sat up. “is it a test of strength?”
“or speed?” Killer asked.
“It is a test to see,” Lyra started, but Nightmare could see the nervousness in Dust’s eyelights.
“Not a test,” Nightmare said quickly to cut off. “Also, no challenges tonight. What Lyra was saying is right. You four need sleep.”
“but i don’t wanna,” Killer huffed.
“Well, if you do not sleep, then you will not be able to do anything fun tomorrow,” Nightmare stated flatly.
“what?! why not?!” Killer then demanded, sitting up, “that’s mean! why won’t you let me do anything fun tomorrow just for not sleeping?”
“It will not be me not letting you. It will be you being too tired to do anything fun,” Nightmare replied. He then mused and set the book aside. “I think I have the perfect story for the night. It is one that actually happened, and I was there to see.”
“Did it happen last week?” Killer asked.
“Longer than that,” Nightmare replied.
“Last month?” Cross then asked, wanting to join in this game.
“Longer,” Nightmare answered.
Horror was now curious and spoke up, “two years ago?”
“Still longer,” Nightmare replied.
“how old are you, mr. night?” Dust asked quietly.
“I am both very old and not at the same time,” Nightmare answered, “Now, will you let me tell my story?”
“how can you be very old and not very old?” Killer asked.
“are you like the boss monsters? they stop aging unless they have kids.” Horror asked.
“We are like that, yes,” Lyra replied. She then smiled at Nightmare. “I will go clean up and let you tell your story.”
She left the room, and he stood and readjusted the blankets. As Nightmare tucked them each in, he started his story. “Settle in, comfy cozy, as they say. Now, once upon a time, a very long time ago, there was a tiny sun and a tiny moon. They were brothers, and they got along very well, sharing what they had and protecting a great planet that was their mother.”
Killer gasped quietly and whispered, “i love space!”
“shhh,” Replied Horror.
“Now the sun was always bright and happy, and all the mortals that lived on their mother were happy to see him. They were so glad to see him that one day, this tiny sun asked if he could stay up with his brother, the moon, all night long. The moon wasn’t sure if that was wise and asked the sun if he would still be able to warm the planet the next day if he did that. Too excited to think about the consequences, the sun assured the moon he could. That night, the sun played all night with the moon, and the moon had so much fun playing with his brother, the sun.
“Then the morning came, and the sun was so tired that he fell asleep. Worried for his brother, the moon tried to help, but his light wasn’t as strong as the sun’s. The mortals became cold, and that made them angry.”
“Moon!” Nightmare snapped in a more gruff voice. “Where is Sun? We need him, not you!”
The next voice he did was more youthful, and he felt odd hearing it. Still, he continued, as the children seemed happy, “I am sorry, cried Moon. I am trying my best, but my brother is tired and needs to sleep. I will help you the best I can.”
“It is your fault! You tricked him into being active at night when we need to sleep. Now, when we need his light and warmth, we are in the dark and cold! The mortals yelled at the small moon. They continued to insult and threaten the moon until he ran and hid. Soon, the sun woke, and he saw his brother was gone.”
“Sun! The mortal called, We have chased off the wicked moon who dared to steal your place.”
“This surprised the sun, and he then ran. The mortals yelled after the sun as they were left in darkness without Sun providing his light. They did not even have the tiny moon there to give his light. Still, that did not matter to Sun as he wanted to find his brother, Moon. So, he left the mortals in their darkness.
“He searched and searched, finding the small moon eventually by a stream of stardust. He apologized to the moon for breaking his promise and said that he would do his best to complete his duties so the mortals would never talk to him like that ever again.”
“did the moon forgive him?” Killer asked.
“Yes, he did,” Nightmare answered.
“the mortals should have apologized!” Cross frowned and folded his arms.
“what are mortals anyway?” Killer asked.
“i don’t know what they are either,” Cross frowned.
“None of you know what mortals are?” Nightmare asked. And all but one shook their heads. “Dust?”
“they… are any creature that can grow old and die…,” Dust said softly.
“That is correct. Humans and monsters are all mortals,” Nightmare praised.
“are there things that don’t?” Killer asked, looking at Dust.
“immortal is the word for a thing that doesn’t grow old and die,” Dust answered.
“Well done,” Nightmare nodded.
“are you in-mortal?” Cross asked Nightmare.
Killer then gasped and sat up, “is that how you’re old and not old?”
“It is pronounced immortal, but yes,” Nightmare said before he had Killer lie back to tuck him in again. “Now, we can discuss this more in the morning. Good night.”
He reached over to turn off the light when Killer whined, “don’t we get a kiss goodnight?”
“A what?” Nightmare frowned as he looked at Killer.
“dad always gives me a kiss on the head right here,” Killer pointed at a spot in the middle of his forehead. “i can’t go to sleep without it.”
“What do you mean you can’t? You did last night,” Nightmare corrected.
“that was a slumber party, that’s different,” Killer whined.
“Is this not also, in a way, a ‘slumber party?’” Nightmare frowned.
“nuh-uh! this is different,” Killer frowned and folded his arms.
“slumber parties have games, and you stay up late and watch movies and stuff,” Cross explained.
“this is ‘mommy and daddy wanna do fun stuff without the kids, so we have to go to bed when they want,’” Killer huffed, and Horror snorted back a laugh.
“what?! what kinda fun stuff do they do?” Cross said while looking shocked at the idea that what Killer said could be true.
“stuff that isn’t even fun, like kissing,” Killer complained.
“If kissing is an issue, why are you asking for one?” Nightmare inquired.
“it’s diiiiiifferent!” Killer threw his arms up as he spoke with an exasperated tone. As annoying as this was, Nightmare could not help but find amusement. “i want a bedtime kiss. adult do gross mouth kissing!” Killer frowned and glared at the ceiling as he folded his arms again.
“ewww, do they brush their teeth first?” Cross asked.
“i don’t think they do since they just kiss each other on the lips. or teeth for skeletons or non-lip monsters,” Horror added.
“nuh-uh! i saw some kissing before, and they were opening their mouths and-” Killer started.
“That is enough,” Nightmare interjected as this was getting out of hand. He highly doubted he would hear the end of this if he didn’t surrender to Killer’s demands. “Here,” he said as he bent over and kissed Kill’s forehead. Then he did the same for Cross, Horror, and Dust. “Now, go to sleep.”
“thank you, and good night, mr. night!” Killer said with a big smile before rolling to his side and closing his sockets. The others added their own thank yous and settled into bed to sleep. Nightmare turned off the light and then turned to leave. The cartoon-style dragon night light illuminated the way, even though he didn’t need it to see.
He stepped out into the hall, noticing Lyra was standing nearby as he closed the door most of the way. She leaned closer to him and said softly, “I thought I was going to have to save you.”
“You already have,” He smiled at her. “Thank you”
“I will ask you one more time. Are you sure?” She asked as she looked at him calmly. “My room is just right over there. The very room you gave me so I would feel more welcomed here. I can stay… I will stay however long you need me.”
He looked away, thinking about that. If there was no cure? What then? She would be stuck being the mother of his sons… his henchmen who would truly be his sons. No. He knows Toriel’s are motherly, but he highly doubted the boys sleeping in the room behind him were the type of children she would want to be the mother of. If he lets her stay, she will accept that fate… just as she has allowed him to cling to her.
“Lyra, I will call you when I need help, I guarantee that. But let me at least try,” He said.
She hummed softly and nodded, “Alright, I understand. They are your boys.”
Lyra then did something he did not expect as she placed her hand on his face, along his left jawline. She directed his head to tilt up as she leaned down and gently kissed his forehead. “Good night, Moonbeam.”
He blinked at her as she pulled away and gave him a mischievous smile. All the while, his mind struggled to get caught up with the act that just occurred. It took longer than it should have to register that she kissed him good night.
Not once in his long life had he ever been kissed goodnight before. And now…
Her portal was open, and she was walking towards it. His mind snapped out of its daze just in time for Nightmare to say, “Good night, Lyra.” She gave him another smile before walking through and leaving his castle.
Nightmare should go to his office, where he stashed the dating advice books. He was not as ready for that as he should have been. It was such a… soft and platonic kiss that it should not have startled him. Leaning against the castle wall, he sighed… it was likely just him being tired and honestly not used to acts of affection beyond initiating hugs with others.
He needed sleep… and while the boys were asleep, he should sleep too.
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wishingstarinajar · 2 years
So who has Rewind canonnonly dated?
A few characters, for sure, though I wouldn't call it "dating" for most xD Rewind is demiromantic so "love" is mostly reserved for a very special someone.
Rewind had a little thing going with Dr. W.D. Gaster (Rewind!Gaster aka Penumbra) back during his scientist days. Nothing serious though.
He was happily married to Rewind!Toriel for around five years after she became queen and Rewind!Frisk "completed" the Neutral run.
After Toriel's 'disappearance' and the corruption from multiple RESETs and hacks affecting his universe, he had on-and-off flings with Rewind!Grillby and later on Rewind!Asgore. Once again nothing too serious, though he tried with Grillby.
Once he was able to venture through the multiverse, he made several friends with benefits but never really dated anyone. Some FwB are/were Big B (@underswapcolor AU), Diva (Fame & Magic AU), and Slate.
During his (rather long) first visit to @stankychee's Huntertales, he unexpectedly fell in love with Snares. Unfortunately, he refused to accept his own feelings because he was on a mission to save his AU and the broken soul of his brother; he couldn't stay. It took a while for Rewind to come to terms with his feelings but he eventually did and moved into Huntertales to officially date Snares.
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
can you add me to the soriel killcount? I remember when i was like 12 i thought it was so basic and straight and stupid and all the fankids were stupid compared to...nightmare sans x cross sans...but now i have seen the light. soriel... so big brain.
welcome to the sorielarmy, warrior
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orchidlikesgamez · 5 months
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☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ START ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Hello, I'm Orchid/Ink! ~ The Silliest UNDERTALE fan you will ever meet (◍•ᴗ•◍)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ On here, I will post about Undertale, Deltarune, UTMV, AUs, Undertale Yellow, ETC.
⏤͟͟͞͞✩ I will also post art, comics, opinions and ships. If you don't like that, then it's fine, this isn't the place for you.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ This account will also have oc x canon / canon x reader.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ This is my Persona/Kinsona!
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ WARNINGS ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
This account contains:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Violence
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Suggestive Themes (NOT nsfw.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Ships
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Mental Health related things
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Sensitive Topics (Mentions of Abuse, Toxic Households in the media I'll talk about.)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ DNI ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Please DO NOT interact if:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You're Racist, Homophobic, Etc.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You would hate on me for my opinions and ships.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You won't respect my boundaries.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You hate on Ink Sans to insult me. (It's okay not liking him! Just don't say you hate him just so you can insult me.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You ship Proships (Fontcest, Frans, Dreammare, etc.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You're Under the age of 13. I don't feel comfortable that a child is looking through my blog. (Besides, I don't think children should be on Tumblr.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You had controversy with me.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Your boyfriend game and/or The coffin of Andy and leyley Fans/Supporters.
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ INTERACT ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Please interact if:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You're an Ink Sans Kin
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You like UTDR/UTMV
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ You like my favorite characters and favorite ships (check faves)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ BOUNDARY༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
My boundaries!:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't send "kys" messages unless you're a friend.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't Roleplay about characters and say "they wouldn't act like that!!". I don't care.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't EVER mention Fontcest or Frans. (Only if you're explaining them/Don't like them either)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't sexualize me. ESPECIALLY if you're 18+.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Don't mention Glitchtale. I'm sorry but I have a bad past with that series. (You can like it and tell some things about it! Just please don't force me into conversations about it.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I have MAJOR anxiety,, please be patient and use tone tags.
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ FAVES ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
My favorite things!:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Games: Undertale, Deltarune.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Characters (Canon Undertale): Sans, Muffet, Papyrus, Toriel, Chara.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Characters (Canon Deltarune): Kris, Suzie, Noelle, Toriel, Queen, Lancer.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Multiverse Characters: Ink Sans, Error Sans, Swap Sans, Gin (Fellswapx), Tori (Altertale), Dust Sans, Core Frisk, Cross (Xtale), Geno (Aftertale), Xchara, Xfrisk, Xmuffet.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Ships: Soriel (Sans x Toriel, Any AU), Dunkin Donuts (Sans x Muffet), Cream (Dream x Cross)
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ OTHER ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Other things to mention!:
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I am an Ink Sans Fictionkin! Ink is also my comfort character.
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Trans Paintgender, Bi-Demisexual! (She/They/He/Paint, preferred They/He/Paint!)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I have many socials! OrchidLikesGamez (Tiktok, Discord, Tumblr), OrchidReadsBooks (AO3), Orchidd.Musix (Spotify)!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I like drawing and Writing!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ I have Maladaptive Daydreaming lol
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ Surprisingly, Undertale isn't the only thing I'm into! I'm also Into DDLC, BATIM, CUPHEAD, FNAF, LAW OF TALOS, SPOOKY MONTH and many more!
☆࿐ཽ༵༆༒ TAGS ༒༆࿐ཽ༵☆
Tags I use to organize my account!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchid talks — silly rambles and headcanons!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids art — for my silly art!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids vids — Videos of my art! (animatics, animation memes, etc.)
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids jokes — joke posts/memes!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids rb — my reblogs!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids srb — my self reblogs!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids art reqs — for my art requests!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #inklyn — Everything about my kinsona!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #orchids doodles — Silly doodles!!!
⏤͟͟͞͞☆ #inklyn lore — Lore about my kinsona!
(Will add more if needed!)
That's all for now, hope we'll have a *great* time :3
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sansfangirl24 · 2 months
Hi!! my name is Brooklyn (or sansfangirl but you can call me either one) I am a minor, bisexual, an artist, kind of a writer, I identify as she/her, and I'm obsessed with multiple things (my rp blog is @kirishimaizhere24 )
MHA, ATLA, UTMV, Bluey, Spy X Family, Marvel/MCU, Supernatural, Hazbin Hotel, Disney Zombies, FNAF, Invincible, kinda getting into JJK,
Favorite characters/comfort characters
Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya, Prince Zuko, Sokka, Sans, Cross sans, Killer sans, Bluey heeler, Bingo heeler, Yor forger, Deadpool, Spider man, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester Charlie Bradbury, Circus baby, Mark Grayson (Invincible), Rex Sloan (Rexsplode), and Angel dust
Characters I simp for (just because)
Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Kyoka Jiro, Dabi, Shota Aizawa, Mirko, Himiko Toga, Satoru Gojo, Yor forger, Sam Winchester, Charlie Bradbury, Michael Afton, Mark Grayson (Invincible), Rex Sloan (Rexsplode), and Adam (HH)
Things I've created
A hazbin hotel utmv universe, a ship child named Sabrina, a Bakusquad fic (I'm working on part 2), 3 MHA AUs, and I have a MHA self-insert/oc character! I post about all of these and more information about them will be out soon :]
Favorite ships
Kiribaku, Bakudeku, Tododeku, Zukka, Crepic, Kross, Yor x Lloyd, Spideypool, Vox x Valentino, Destiel, Soriel, and RadioApple
Ships we don't allow in this house
Any ship having to do with a minor and an adult, any ship involving incest (minus sanscest), ships where the characters have never met
Other things I'm on
c.ai-SansFanGirl24 AO3-Sansfangirl24 imgflip-SansFanGirl24
Please don't:
Send hate (this should be common sense), Ask overly personal questions (you ain't know me like that), Share opinions about things such as: Political debates, racism, homophobia, transphobia, things like that. I would rather keep that stuff off my blog whether its good or bad, share if you don't like a post of mine (if you don't like a post or if it makes you uncomfortable for some reason just ignore me don't ruin my confidence more than I already do)
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You can always request drawings or ask me random questions I answer pretty quickly! Currently I'm most obsessed with avatar and mha but you can ask me about anything! Also we hit 100 followers! thank you guys so much it means so much to me and as promised there is a dtiys happening until October 25 and I would love if you guys joined! So yeah, that's my blog have fun and hopefully I can make you smile with my stupidity <3
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Edit: One more thing!
School is starting now so that means I probably won't be as active. please be patient with me I'll try and post as much as I can. Love you all <3
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imtrashraccoon · 8 months
And the winner is... Writing Requests!
Thank you to everyone who voted! \⁠(⁠^⁠o⁠^⁠)⁠/
So, I will be accepting up to five requests, depending how many of you are interested of course. (I may accept a few more though.)
Classic Papyrus Oneshot [Completed]
Doctor's Orders [Completed]
A Gentle Soldier [Completed]
I will write for any existing Undertale character, preferably those who have been in the fandom for a while or have easily accessible information so I can research them. I usually write Reader inserts (second person pov) but I can write OC's too.
The drabble will be at least 2,000 words but probably less than 3,000 words, depending on how much detail I end up going into.
I will not write:
Smut/graphic sexual content (I know a few of you are minors and I'm not comfortable writing that anyways.)
Anything endangering minors such as graphic violence or anything sexual.
Gore (Blood and injuries is fine, just nothing intense like torture.)
Incest, Sanscest, Papscest, or Fontcest. (You can ship what you like but I don't like any of these and I will not be writing them.)
Obvious kinks (I shouldn't have to list them all here but if they make me squirm, I am not writing them. Liking teeth or claws, pulling hair, or being slightly dominant in a situation are fine though.)
These are basic guidelines and I may add onto them if I realize I forgot anything. As much as it pains me, I cannot write everything and I have the right to reject your request if it makes me uncomfortable.
That said, I will write:
Reader x Character or OC x Character (I would prefer to write F/M as I am a female but I can write gender neutral too.)
Fluff (This is easily my favorite thing to write!)
Spicy (I also love writing this but I'm still new at it so no promises. Sex will be treated as a fade to black if you want that still.)
Frans or Soriel (I do ship these so long as everyone is consenting adults. I may consider other ships but no promises as I don't really ship any other non-canon pairings.)
Angst (I do like writing this, however, I can't promise it will be good. I prefer happy endings but if you want to see a character suffer, I can do that.)
I may also add onto this list if I remember something else. I have only ever written the Underfell brothers, some of the Classic brothers, G!Sans, and the Bad Sans' including Nightmare, Horror, Dust, and Killer.
I'm interested in writing Cross, Dr. Baggs, Dream, Ink, Error, Fresh, the Swapfell brothers, the Mafiafell brothers, the Underswap brothers, Farmtale, or various other interpretations such as cryptids, sirens, or different settings like a Western.
Have any questions about something not listed here? Please shoot me a message!
I'm doing this for fun but I want you to enjoy the process as well. No promises how long these will take to write as I'm generally pretty busy. I will update this post as the requests come in and unless you don't want me to, I will be posting these requests on my AO3 as well as on here.
Here's to a fun year! Thank you for reading this far if you did! (⁠つ⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)⁠つ
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utfandomevents · 1 year
🕸️ Fanzines / Anthologies 🕸️ Addizine - Clearance Sale (25% off) Ghost Cousins Zine - Digitally Released Secret Entries: XTale Zine - Orders Open 桜色ハーモニー - On sale ドギコヒドギ プチアンソロジー企画 - Preorder Form Open
🍂 Character Days, Fanweeks, & Fan Months 🍂 Torisans Day (Soriel): October 3 Cross Sans' Birthday: October 10 Underfell Anniversary: October 17 Deltarune Anniversary: October 31 Self-Shipper Approved Trick or Ship? Event: October 31
🖋️ Inktober Challenges 🖋️ Inktobertale/Inktale Challenge: Oct. 1-31 Sans OCtober Challenge: Oct. 1-31 Sanstober 23: Oct. 1-31 Spamtober: Oct 1-31
💀 Other Events 💀 UT/DR Pumpkin Contest: Seeking Mods and/or Pumpkin Photos キミと金色の約束 - Sign-Ups until Oct 22/Event on Oct 29
For more event info, visit our spreadsheet at the link in our bio! ✨
If you know of other Undertale/Deltarune fandom events, feel free to send us a DM on Twitter or an ask on Tumblr!
Happy October! 👻
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humankk · 4 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
@floofanflurr tag me it is time, it is my duty (it's really not)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
Let me count. ... ... 3
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
25,257... woah
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Bonk! (good name, I know, 57 kudos, I am so proud)
2. They're trying (They sure are! look at them)
3. Now I kind of want some ice cream (...yeah)
4. I only have three
5. help me
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yesssss..... well, most of the time, but I like answering comment...
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I, don't know? I have like three and two are oneshot that's happy and another is unfinished but probably would also be happy
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
the Bonk one? Like... kinda?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not really, people are polite these days... my dear commentors are a delight... for now(???Is this foreshadowing something?????)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...Not, here.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I have not! But I wanted to, and is wanting to... there is one that's like Undertale and My hero crossover that I have been planning (read, throwing plot in a document that hasn't been opened for at least 3 months now) for since like... 2-3 years ago, I want to throw Eri in the hole (cmon, someone gotta do it, child with time power she fits the theme!)
Mx. Floof also talked about cross fic crossover... I kinda want to do that too, but like... maybe after I get the fic to a point where I established more lore first, and character, and. things.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Nope! ...I don't think so! ... I would probably be a bit happy if my fic is good enough to be stole but also please don't do it.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! Not yet... I could probably translate some to Thai but I, as a Thai person, honestly don't know how to pronouns... in Thai, for the NB characters that is... mostly, for the other characters too, I don't think I could replicate all caps Papyrus does because we just don't have capital letters so the closest thing I could do is add a lot of exclamention marks. Which... uhh... yeah.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really! Sounds fun though.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Hm, I haven't think about that, that or I forgot (<-aromantic) Alphyne is nice, canon one and stuffs, Soriel is nice too.... I honestly don't really have a lot of opinion on ships as long as it isn't like, the horrible ones(tm) just... if they're happy then that's cool, good for them (both the characters and the readers and authors)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
The MHA crossover... okay not really like EVER but like, as you can see I haven't touched it for months, it'll probably be in... a while (I planned on it being like, long, and the story plan haven't even got past Snowdin like, linearly) I guess the other fics are like, oneshots I do in a meantime for fun (then They're Trying happened... as a oneshot, and I suddenly wanted to continue it so I guess they're getting to the surface now... like eventually) Oh OH! There's also the immortal Vampire child Chara thing... I want to do that, but a lot of thing isn't really planned enough to make yet probably... and I don't think if I do it it'll be a fic? Maybe I'll do a comic... or an askblog... that would be fun... but it sounds like a lot of work............
16. What are your writing strengths?
Not sure, maybe internal dialogue?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
P A C I N G and making it clear what's going on... probably (helps me with Pacing, the speed is all over the place sometimes I just speedrun sometimes I hyperfocus on a timeframe... or maybe that's okay, I don't know)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I have thought of... writing a fic where it's just Undertale but Frisk talks in Thai and they just, know dogshit about English, that would be fun... though you probably won't know what's going on and I probably can't do the whole internal dialog thing with them and.... pronouns... and also the alphabeth looks like อย่างงี้ so you probably can't even READ it, I can't really decide if I should type it in english in what it SOUNDS like? but then you can't throw it in google translate to know what they're talking about? and I also don't want people to HAVE to throw it in google translate to know what's going on? ...maybe I should stole the intent reading thing from Floof, that would probably helps a bit... making it Chara's pov and they just have to read Frisk's intent and emotion to figure out what they're trying to say, maybe they can send some back to helps them communicate with the monsters... or something
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Undertale, if I has wrote any before it's not in English and I don't remember it
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
...I love all of them, Bonk is fun and is kinda like my start... They're Trying is like... the current one I am very attached to, since it's the only multichapter one
...well I don't know, just whoever see this, that writes that is, I am sure there aren't a lot, my usual mutual mostly... it's like 3am in US now I don't want to tag now okay? but yeah if you see this feel free to do it I want to read those I might like... study it under a microscope or something (...what?)
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spyretworks-official · 6 months
the soriel proposal is happening!!!!!!!!!!!!
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bluu3berry · 3 months
Do u have any ships w utmv?
sans x sans yeah
Bloodycrop (horror x farm)
Crepic (cross x epic)
Killer x outer/color
Swap x Star sans
Ink x Star sans
dream x Star sans
Non sans...
MMMM, probably mainly just soriel I'm a sucker for that ship!
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holoska · 3 months
Tumblr media
❄️ about:
heyo, I'm Holoska! you can also call me Snoey, the name of my monstersona in my icon. I'm 29, autistic, aroace, and my main fandom and special interest is Undertale 💜
you'll mostly see queued reblogs here; I use my likes to bookmark posts I might want to queue later and fill my queue for a few days at a time, so if I don't post for a week or two, I probably just don't have enough posts for my queue yet. I also make rambly text posts once in a blue moon and liveblog games sometimes.
I'm a very quiet and anxious person and tend to just be a hermit a lot of the time, but I love discussing my interests when I get the opportunity to do so ✨
links, tags, faves and other interests under the read-more!
❄️ links:
@missholoska - art blog
❄️ tags:
#holoska rambles
#holoskart (reblogs from my art tumblr)
#holoska plays deltarune (liveblogs from 2018 & 2021)
#holoska plays sims 4 (mostly undertale sims)
❄️ UTDR faves:
characters: sans, toriel, chara, papyrus, undyne, noelle (honourable mention: lesser dog)
romantic ships: soriel, alphyne, suselle, asgorudy
platonic friendships: toriel & chara, sans & papyrus, frisk & dunkle sans
locations: snowdin, waterfall
❄️ other interests:
pokémon (faves: pumpkaboo, glaceon, alolan vulpix/ninetales, braixen, dragonair)
animal crossing (faves: sherb, pinky)
sims 4
mad rat dead
tomodachi life and miitopia
super smash bros
night in the woods
mystery skulls animated
steven universe
the owl house
winter and snow
autumn and halloween
sunrises, sunsets and stars
side note: I don't have a DNI or anything of the sort, as I don't have faith that the types of people I don't want to interact with would respect it. my default state is keeping to myself and staying in my lane, and the block button is my best friend 👍
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topazshadowwolf · 9 months
Chapter Sum: The boys go look for trees, and the Fire King awakens.
Fic Sum: It is that time of year again. It has been a few years since the first holiday he shared with his henchmen… his boys. Since then, a truce formed between his brother and him, and he has started to take the relationship between him and the Guardian of Balance, Lyra, more seriously. This year, he wants to be special… as life is changing, and for the better.
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hopesndreams-au · 1 year
This AU blog is run by Frisk, Asriel, and Chara.
Some stuff about Hopes'n'Dreams:
This is a Post-True Pacifist timeline.
Chara is male.
Gaster is NOT related to Sans and Papyrus, but is still a skeleton.
Chara is 19, Asriel is 18, and Frisk is 11 and a half.
Frisk is often bullied and harassed by others for being homeschooled as well as for the way they look. Also, they are often misgendered.
Chara is most often the one to stand up for them, mostly because he feels bad for not being able to protect Frisk when they needed it the most.
This AU was originally called Aftertale until I learned that Aftertale is already a thing.
Papyrus is 19 and Sans is 28.
Papyrus and Chara are gay and asexual.
Chara and Papyrus are besties.
Asriel is omniromantic and asexual.
Sans taught Chara how to use the shortcut ability.
Resetting will not put Frisk in the Ruins. It will set the timeline to the day after Chara got his body. (That happened after Asriel got a SOUL.)
Chara can go geno. His eyes and mouth begin gushing a putrid black goop
Some stuff that will not be tolerated on this blog:
Uncensored foul language.
fontcest and incest ships.
shipping Mettaton with ANYONE (if you must know, send an ask. Chara, Asriel, Papyrus, Undyne, or any combination of the four will answer your question about it.)
shipping Frisk with anyone.
Mentioning Jerry. He does not exist in this timeline.
bullying and harassing others for ANYTHING. Unless what they did goes against anything on this list. Then I don't care.
Shipping Alphys with anyone other than Undyne. No, they aren't married, only dating. No, they do not plan on getting married any time soon. They're fine with just dating each other for now.
Soriel or any other Toriel ships other than Toriel×Asgore (because Toriel and Asgore are back together.)
Any Asgore ships other than Asgore×Toriel (same reason as above.)
Any rping using any character from any Fell timeline. (Frisk is afraid of those timelines and Chara finds them annoying)
This is the list of text color that signifies which character is speaking (in an ask or ramble post). These are also the characters whose ask boxes are open. Roleplaying asks not sent by mutuals will not be answered. If one's name is crossed out, then that means their ask box is currently closed
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