astralcat · 11 months
hey, don't cry. one piece warrior cats au where luffy used to be a thunderclan cat but rounded up a bunch of cats from all the clans to form his own clan near the ocean, okay?
Otterstar (Luffy) - small reddish-brown tom
Mossyslash (Zoro) - large brown tabby tom with greenish fur streaks (that may or may not be moss) and huge claws
Snowyleopard (Law) - lanky black and white spotted tom
Burningdusk (Ace) - dark gray and white tom
Lizardflame (Sabo) - sleek blue tom with a burn scar on the left side of his face
Orangestalk (Nami) - ginger tabby she-cat
Goatkick (Sanji) - lanky golden tom
Deepshadow (Robin) - solid black she-cat
Russetflight (Shanks) - red tabby tom with scars on left eye; Otterstar's former mentor
Slugrun (Usopp) - small brown tabby tom
Hardclaw (Franky) - huge muscular gray tom
Fishleap (Jinbe) - large blue tom
Duckwood (Vivi) - long-haired blue she-cat
APPRENTICE: Anemonepaw
Sealnose (Buggy) - grayish-blue tom with a larger, redder nose than usual
Crushjaw (Bonney) - lilac she-cat
Tiderush - white tom
Smokebird - small chocolate brown tom
Driftpelt (Brook) - bony white tom with black ears and paws
Voledawn (Rayleigh) - golden-gray tom with connections to Gold, the King of Rogues
Longwren (Kureha) - gray tabby she-cat, former medicine cat and Deerpaw's former mentor; almost 19 years old and the oldest cat in SeaClan
Foamberry (Makino) - brown tabby she-cat, mother of Urchinkit
Fogsky - mottled gray she-cat
Stumpear - brown spotted she-cat with one ear torn off; mother of Crystalkit, Pebblekit, Sunrisekit and Driftkit
Deerpaw (Chopper) - small tan brown tom
Shellpaw - black and white she-cat
Gullpaw - grey tabby she-cat
Wavepaw - long-haired gray she-cat
Crabpaw - rusty red tom
Camaspaw - pure white she-cat
Goosepaw - brownish-gray tom
Woodpaw - brown tabby tom
Codpaw - light brown tom
Anemonepaw - dusky brown she-cat
Urchinkit - reddish-brown tom
Crystalkit - black she-cat
Pebblekit - long-haired gray tom
Sunrisekit - ginger tabby she-cat
Driftkit - fawn she-cat
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zarithial · 10 months
11. and 14. for Writhes!
11. Does your iterator have any non-iterator friends/companions? Such as an animal, an ancient, etc.?
Nope! Writhes is -Completely Alone- Its arrays are very faulty and lost connection to every other iterator very early on. Though it managed to keep contact with A Certain Iterator who it had a fight with and then lost contact with... And, the only things around its structure are: Grey lizards (A mix of caramel and white lizards) Crushjaw's (Miros ants) and lantern mice.
14. Has your iterator ever modified any part of their body (puppet, city, structure components, things that make up the structure like
In its canon, no. It is completely unmodified. In AUs however it does do a few puppet mods to stave off the boredom (Which doesn't really work at all.)
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-Crushjaw's Hammer
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pauldron-pieces · 3 years
Rumon 'Crushjaw' Thaerskaine's Backstory: Rearmed
Fandom: Dungeons And Dragons (5E)
Pairing: N/A, Crushjaw-centric
Rating: Holy shit M.
AN: This is a hypothetical scenario featuring original characters in a world created by my Dungeon Master. As usual, this is non-canon and I own nothing aside from intellectual properties specifically attached to Crushjaw. This installment is mechanically unsound in a multitude of ways and ignores certain important lore facets. Trigger warnings are listed inside. Enjoy!
Taglist: @sporadic-fics and @cookiethewriter!
Inspired By: Black Hill: Low Force
[Crushjaw is a level zero barbarian, and his appearance can be found here.]
[!TRIGGER WARNING!: This installment contains multiple triggering scenes including semi-graphic depictions of gore and mentions of bile/vomit. Reader discretion is advised. Stay safe!]
He would have loved to claim he had been goaded into it. Would have loved to say that it wasn't his fault or explain that it hadn't happened like he remembered. Except Rumon knew all too well that responsibility didn't work like that. His memory may be faulty, but the proof was in Krae's testimony.
Himself and his childhood friend Krae had both been interested in the same individual from a neighboring clan, the two of them butting heads over the object of their affections more than once. So of course when Krae came to him with news of an enormous ogre that had set up its stomping grounds near one of their trade routes, Rumon fairly leaped at the opportunity to fight the beast and claim victory over it. After all, what better way to prove his worth and earn a name from the clan leader than with an act of heroism?
Krae naturally came along, saying that he feared the ogre may be too tall an order for even Rumon to handle. This just made Rumon all the more determined to manage the creature single handedly.
They set up camp near where Krae claimed to have spotted the beast, the two goliaths joking and swapping drinks from a canteen of strong spirits. Truly, until both of them had set their sights on the same person, they had been brothers in all but blood. Rumon still regarded Krae as such, trusting to a fault, and thusly he missed the shifty glances the older goliath kept aiming at the treeline while the sun set.
"Come, Rumon! The moon is high. With its light, surely we shall find the ogre." Krae had cajoled after Rumon was fairly drunk, "unless, of course, you are afraid of a night hunt?"
"I fear nothing!" Rumon had boasted, "the gods are with me this night. You shall witness my triumph, Krae!"
Bold words. His grandmatron had always said that pride went before a fall.
Rumon recalled very little of the hunt after that, his memory muddied with drink. Despite Krae's insistence that the moonlight was sufficient, Rumon's recollections were oddly dim. He vaguely remembered stumbling around beneath the thick spruce canopy, his warhammer clumsy in his hands.
He remembered swinging with all his might and striking something that gave under the assault, the liquor Krae had plied him with steeling his ringing blows to something that rivaled even Varandur's mountain shapers.
He remembered when the weight of his weapon suddenly vanished, and there was a rancid gust of seethingly-hot air that blew his hair to the side. The roar was strange to his ear, far-off and faded. Emptiness rang too loud for him to hear as he wondered where his weapon had gone.
Rumon remembered realizing that he was flat on his stomach on the ground.
Where the memory became razor-sharp once more was when he tried to push himself up onto his elbows, and found his body woefully unbalanced. The goliath searched for the source of the problem and quickly located it, the sight of what was left of his mangled right arm more than enough to jerk him back to stark sobriety.
It had been severed at the elbow, though the term was a bit too kind for the injury. The appendage looked more as though it had been crushed with something that might have had an edge at one point.
Rumon had raised his eyes, mind grinding to a halt when he spotted his warhammer several yards away with his right hand still gripping the haft. Past that, along a trail marked by shattered tree trunks, slumped an enormous ogre clutching a slab of a sword. It seemed closer to a chunk of masonry than a true weapon, and Rumon's stomach had churned as he realized what had happened.
Mercifully, the agony had struck him and he promptly vomited before losing consciousness.
Gods only knew how long he had slept after that. It was a miracle he had even made it back to their healer; apparently Krae had all but carried him home. The embarrassment from that instance alone would have been enough to kill Rumon, never mind the fact that his dominant arm was now nothing but a bandaged stump.
The grandmatron would have none of it though, her craggy face somehow even more stern when Rumon managed to finally rouse himself.
"You have been named Crushjaw, little pebble. A worthy title." Her tone was icy. "I have gone through much trouble to save you. I am indebted to our chieftain."
Crushjaw. Rumon's face fairly burned with shame. "The ogre-?"
"Krae slew the beast. He brought one of its tusks back as proof. The chieftain was quite flattered by his offering, praising Krae for his accomplishment and naming him Tuskclaimer. As for his name for you..." The matron bowed her head, her expression one of grief.
"Don't you grandma me, little pebble!" The elderly goliath erupted, glaring fiercely at Rumon. Her eyes filled with tears as she went on, "you are anathema now, dear Rumon. Once you are able to walk, the clan leader has declared that you are to leave. I am no longer your grandmother. This place is no longer your home."
"'Leave'?" Rumon repeated stupidly. It felt as though everything was crashing down around him, his mind racing to comprehend. Their clan hadn't had an expulsion in his entire lifetime, wariness and confidence found too equally amongst their ranks. Compounding his confusion was the claim that Krae had killed the ogre. Rumon had been certain... "I understand." He said finally. "I am unworthy of your kindness. Thank you."
He couldn't comprehend why his grandmother wept harder at his acceptance. This was the way it had always been.
It certainly felt as though he was being crushed to death. Loneliness was a miserable traveling companion.
Rumon, very nearly unable to fend for himself, resorted to setting small game snares in the uncharted wilds. It was a child's way of hunting, but he was too hungry to be bothered by the prick to his already-bruised pride.
The few people he did encounter seemed overly wary of him. After all, a one-armed, exiled goliath would be the type to resort to petty theft.
But he wasn't a threat. He had never been a threat before, aside from just being large. Rumon couldn't understand the sudden shift in demeanor; he couldn't possibly fathom the air of desperation that his injury gave off.
It began to get easier when the weather cooled, the bulk of the thick cloak from his grandmother concealing his missing arm. The wound had not healed prettily, but Rumon knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. He hadn't died. That was all he could hope for.
He wandered alone for most of the cold times, his only companions the booming pines that fractured from the weight of the ice and snow. His thoughts had a habit of straying to Krae, and he wondered what had truly transpired that evening more than he would care to admit. Had he imagined killing the ogre? Was his mind that addled by the strength of the drink they had shared?
Surely Krae wouldn't have lied. Nothing good ever came of lying or taking the credit for someone else's accomplishments. Rumon eventually settled on the assumption that his memory must have been faulty.
After that, the whole world seemed a gray and unforgiving place, and the goliath could feel himself fading into something of the same type. Something ragged and harsh, no longer a proud warrior but a lamed animal with a crushed jaw.
That is, until the day he encountered an old elf hanging by the leg from his horse's saddle.
"You there!" The elven man shouted once he seemed to notice the large individual sauntering up through the trunks of barren maples. "Don't suppose you'd be able to lend me a hand?"
Rumon, for whatever reason, found himself throwing his mantle back over his shoulder to reveal the stump of his arm. "Good thing you only need one hand, sirrah. It's all I have to offer." He remarked.
The elf nearly died of laughter, already beet-red in the face from being stuck hanging upside down for so long. To Rumon's shock however, when he circled around the horse to help the elf dislodge himself, he realized that the leg that wasn't caught in the stirrups was severed at the knee. The fellow's pant leg was neatly pinned at the joint, padding sewn into the area as if to mimic a kneecap.
Before Rumon could say anything though, the wiry elf explained, "I lost my leg a few miles back, and this damned animal dragged me along until she got bored. Don't suppose you can accompany me a little ways until I relocate it? Thing is worth its weight in gold."
The goliath easily hefted the older fellow into the saddle before his words caught up with him. "You...lost your leg?" Rumon blinked, his brow furrowed in confusion. "I was unaware that elves could regrow limbs."
The elf looked at him a little sideways, muttering something about still waters running deep before he just shook his head and laughed, "no son, it's a genuine Chuck original. A fake leg."
A fake leg. Rumon seized the horse's bridle, desperation giving his voice a new level of gravel as he begged for more information. The elf shrewdly bargained with him: in exchange for help in reclaiming his prosthetic, he would gladly share what information he had.
"My name is Shawell." The elf introduced himself. "And you are…?"
Rumon hesitated for a moment. "Crushjaw." If people were to know his name, they would serve as a reminder of his foolhardy pride. A constant warning to heed in the future.
"Pleasure to meet you, Crush." Shawell tugged on the reins, turning his mare back in the direction he had come from. "We'd better hurry. We'll lose the daylight."
Crush. Rumon cracked his first smile in months, positioning himself on the elf's left side to steady him in the saddle.
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I am still extremely sad Krieg was cut from the main story cuz Maya seemed so genuinely happy to be working with him again and :( Just how casually she was talking to him and trusted him to get the bridge controls on his own and left the VHs in his care. It's so sweet
Imagine how amazing that reunion would have been with the two of them still alive and meeting for the first time in however long it had been, and Krieg catching Maya up on what happened while she was gone, how he had listened to her telling him he was still a Raider, so he joined back up to work with Lilith as a CoV spy (Burnt Turkey and Crushjaw) like... :(
Imagine having to personally tell Krieg that Maya is gone after the Vault of the Rampager once you get back to Sanctuary. Remember in 2 when you can tell everyone Roland is dead and they all mourn him and say a few words? Imagine doing that in 3 with the BL2 VHs. That would have actually broken me... Maya deserved that, not a bad speech played for laughs
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
Revised Midgaheim Dragon List
One day of suggestions and already the list have so many new dragons.  Why, it’s almost enough dragons!  Except no, no it’s not enough. There’s never enough.
I mean, specifically it could use more Wyrms and Wyverns, since they should be comparable in diversity to Greater Drakes.  The Greater and Lesser Drakes are in good shape though - I mean I’ll probably make more of them, but if these were the final tallies for them it’d be pretty ok.  Lindorms, Tatzelwyrms, Zilants, and Amphipteres have a low turnout, but that should be the case in the final tally anyway - though there could definitely be more of them regardless.
Suggestions - be they species prompts, names, actual dragons from folklore, what have you - are still welcome!
Overview of Dragons
Biological Facts
The Helm of Terror – the part of the skull where the horns are rooted
Dragon Fangs & Venom
Dragon venom dissolves flesh on contact before eventually combusting, working like a mix of Hollywood acid and Napalm
All dragons have a slightly different venom cocktail.  Some dragon venom ignites far faster than others.
Dracontite: a thick, hardened gland that emits a chemical that turns the venoms produced by a dragon into a volatile, combustible chemical mixture.  Sometimes called a Thor Thimble.
The Tail Spade
Evolution of the Dragon’s Wing
Terms that apply to all dragon clades:
Dragonets: young (i.e. everything from baby to adolescent) dragons
Knuckers: freshwater aquatic dragons
Guivres: saltwater aquatic dragons
Hydras: dragons with multiple heads (sufferers of hydra syndrome, a common magical genetic disorder)
Zmeys – three headed variant of Hydra syndrome, lacks enhanced healing
Lesser Drakes
Guardian Lesser Drakes
Medea’s Drake
Acidfang Lesser Drakes
Lernaean Hydra/Swamp Drake – most famous specimen is also the most famous sufferer of Hydra Syndrome
Carrion Lesser Drakes
Root Chewer Drake – Nidhogg’s species
Sir Samson’s Cave Drakes: live deep within mountains
Liesmith Drake – Glaurung expy
Caverndwell Lesser Drakes
Cavern Drake - named by Godzillakiryu
Lavender Eyed Drake – Skoloki’s species
Amethyst Drake
Hillden Lesser Drakes
Ammon’s Drake: massive, tail the size of a ship’s mast
Donatus’s Drake: big enough to prey upon oxen
Blue Shale Guivre – an ichthyosaur-like dragon from Breton, homage to Blue Ben.
Svara – Ruslovakian dragon with large ear-fins, enormous fangs as long as a man’s arm, an enormous cranial horn, and yellow scales
Trunked Drake – a missing link between Loongs, Persian dragons, and Midgaheim dragons.  Has a trunk-like snout.  Conceived and named by theload
Bipedal Lesser Drakes
Graham’s Bipedal Dragon – i.e. the reluctant dragon
Gem-eater Drake – a bipedal species of lesser drake that devours gemstones.  While a stunted, inbred lineage is popularly kept as a pet, wild Gem-Eater drakes grow to massive sizes and are incredibly dangerous. An MLP homage conceived by Ledi.
Aitvaras – a fairy version of a lesser drake, bipedal (slight homo falsum), the only known fairy dragon
Cychreides Drake – a crocodile-like drgon from Mediterra.  One was tamed by the deity Demeter.
Armored Lesser Drakes
Hammertail drake – short & squat dragon with a hammer-like tail spade, conceived by ledi
Jasper Drake
Tarasque Peludas – Peludas that evolved to resemble the chimeric Tarasque
Cucafera Peludas – Peludas that evolved to resemble the Cucafera, which is itself a turtle that evolved to look slightly draconic
Sir George’s Peluda
Viper Fang Peluda – based on the picture from that one dragon book you have, name inspired by theload
Wartail Peluda – a peluda with a thagomizer, conceived by Ledi
Greater Drakes
Flightless Greater Drakes – greater drakes whose wings are used for other purposes than flight, a missing link between lesser and greater drakes.  May be a wastebucket clade – none of the species seem remarkably close to each other save for their stunted wings, and some could conceivably have evolved FROM flying Greater Drakes instead of predating them.
Grayfang Dragon – Gravatak’s species
Sir George’s Gutter Dragon
Sir George’s Canyon Dragon
Krakow Dragon – enormous, swallows cows and men whole, gluttonous
Puff Dragons (F.o.D. inspired dragons, named by theload) – dragons whose bodies can puff up like bloated balloons as a threat display
Sir Smythe’s Dragon (Gorbash homage)
Sage Dragon (Smrgol homage)
Vormadon’s Dark Dragon
Rose Dragon
Pit Dragons – burrowing dragons renowned for their vicious fighting prowess
Red Pit Dragon – Y Ddraig Goch’s species
White Pit Dragon
Green Pit Dragon
Blue Pit Dragon
Yellow Pit Dragon
Orange Pit Dragon
Thornwhip Pit Dragon
Gnarlfang Pit Dragon
Crushjaw Pit Dragon
Sir Carantoc’s Pit Dragon: fairly docile
Garnet Pit Dragon
The Great Dragons – considered the most iconic dragons in Midgaheim, and some of the more prolific
Great Red Dragon
Great Blue Dragon
Great Green Dragon
Great White Dragon
Great Black Dragon
Great Brown Dragon
Great Purple Dragon
Great Gray Dragon
Great Gold Dragon
Great Silver Dragon
Great Bronze Dragon
Great Copper Dragon
Great Brass Dragon
Great Iron Dragon
Great Tin Dragon
Great Nickel Dragon
The Grand Dragons – largest of all the Greater Drakes, these species are rare but long lived
Green-bellied Mountain Dragon – Lawrence’s species
Regal Mountain Dragon – Charlartur’s species
Gilded Dragon – Smaug homage, name suggested by theload
Grand Ashen Dragon – an homage to Ancalagon the Black, a dragon large enough to dwarf mountains. Name suggested by Virouvac.
Butcher Dragon – Maleficent homage, sleek and sinister, nests in brambles, named suggested by Bugcthulhu
Cervine Cloud Dragon – a regal white dragon with deer-like antlers and a white coloration. Concieved by theload and an homage to her Landilizandra.
Grand Diamond Dragons – come in blue, yellow, rose, and white varieties
Sir George’s Tyrant Dragon
Sir George’s Coca Dragon – the one dragon Sir George could not slay, though he wounded it greatly.
Puks – closely related to Grand and Great dragons, Puks are mainly defined by their diminutive stature compared to their kin.  Rarely larger than a housecat, Puks are often kept as pets by civilized species, though whether a Puk is truly domesticated or simply enjoys getting free food and shelter in exchange for amiability is always in question.
Ox Dragons – named for their short necks and stocky, muscular builds
Sir Moor’s Dragon – i.e. the dragon of Wantley
Tristan’s Dragon: eats horses, pretty big, breaths fire
Thidrek’s Dragon: big enough to swallow a man whole with some effort
Sir Silvester’s Dragon: red eyes
Hound Dragons – named for their general size and tenacious hunting prowess
False Dragonet – a small, dog-sized dragon fond of chasing sheep.  Docile as far as dragons go, i.e. not a maneater.  An homage to Spyro the dragon, name proposed by Bugcthulhu.
Sir George’s Griffin Mimic Dragon – named by theload, based on that one picture of St. George killing a very griffin-y dragon
Carpaccio Dragon – also known as Sir George’s Corpse Eater Dragon.  Believed to spread disease, they are actually humble carrion eaters. Suggested by Bugcthlhu, based on a Rennaisance painting of Sir George’s dragon by the painter Carpaccio.
Fancy Dragons – incredibly colorful and elaborate dragons
Sir George’s Dazzling Dragon
Shadow Dragon – fast flying dragon with jet-black scales, a Toothless homage named by Ledi
Scourge Dragons – a clade of greater drakes known for their repulsive (to humans) habits and anatomy
Sir Hillarion’s Dragon: massive, eats cows
Sir Victoria’s Dragon: foul stench but otherwise not overtly hostile
Sir Andrew’s Dragon: enormous, destroyed a whole town
Sir Berkeley’s Dragon: a pretty scary dragon, based on the dragon of Bignor Hill.
Grave Dragons – a dragon clade that specializes in feasting on carrion and living a semi-subterranean lifestyle.  Often found in tombs, hence the clade’s name.
Beowulf’s Fire Dragon – fifty feet long, very strong
Sir George’s Stench Dragon
Sir Marvellus’s Knucker: scavenger, live in crypts, caves, and lakes, serpentine body despite limbs and wings
Guivre Greater Drakes – greater drakes evolved for life in the sea.  May be a wastebucket clade.
Gargouille – a guivre with a secondary set of wings/fins
Druks – a clade exclusive to the countryside of Ruslovak, known for their bipedal posture and advanced tool use
Imperial Zmey – Gorynych’s species
Bolovan’s Dupe Dragon
Carpathy Dragon – a massive dragon with large, pronounced fangs
Aristocrat Druk – a dragon species known for its almost humanoid torso (slight homofalsum) and its “civilized” lifestyle.
Armored Southern Dragon – heavily armored, massive Greater Drakes that are fiercely protective of their young.  Concieved by Godzillakiryu in homage to their kaiju, Jake.
Colchian Lindorm – grey eyes, longer than the Argo, lives in a massive tree, capable of speech, golden coils with dappled back, unsleeping
Ares’ Lindorm – slain by Cadmus, purple OR golden crest, blue scales, dapple-backed
Sigurd’s Lindorm – Fafnir’s species
Tundra Lindorm
Bearded Guivre – based off of that one famous red Jormungandr picture
Sir George’s Lindorm
Ruby Lindorm
Topaz Lindorm
Lunging lindorm – a heron-like lindorm that lurks at the water’s edge, created by Ledi
Iceflow Lindorm – a walrus-like polar lindorm, conceived by Ledi
Fateful Wyrms
The Lambton Wyrm: big knucker wyrm that loves cow milk, has off-white color
Fragment Wyrm: closely related to the Lambton wyrm, conceived by theload
Sentinel Wyrms
Ladon: utterly massive, suffers Hydra syndrome (100 heads), unsleeping,
Nemean Wyrm/Zeus’s Wyrm: blue eyes, golden horns & ears, barbed teeth, massive
Bagrada Wyrm: 120 feet in length, eats lions
Heracles’s Guivre: an enormous (kaiju-sized) sea wyrm with a somewhat dog-like face
Lydian Knucker – a river dwelling breed of wyrm. One was slain by Heracles.  Also known as the Maeonius Knucker.
Phrygioi Wyrm – a small Mediterran wyrm that lures birds with its magical breath and can stand on its tail.  Though they primarily feed on birds, they are also known to be maneaters.
Hillwrap Wyrms
Cnoc-Na-Cnoimh Wyrm: big enough to wrap around an entire hill
Dalry Wyrm: snow white scales, also wraps whole body around a hill
Nightscale Wyrm - a wyrm with dark blue, purple, and black scales.  Very fast.
River Wyrms
Sir George’s River Wyrm
Sir George’s Pond Wyrm
Lake Wyrms
Sir George’s Swamp Wyrm
Sir George’s Marsh Wyrm
Sapphire Wyrm
Sea Wyrms
Emerald Wyrm
Spade-tailed Wyverns
Winston’s Wyvern – the largest of all spade tailed wyverns, and one of the most powerful.  An homage to Vermithrax Perjorative.
Sir George’s Cave Wyvern
Sir George’s Blinding Wyvern
Sir George’s Fume Wyvern
Locust Wyverns – wyverns who reach maturity and reproduce at an alarming rate.  One of the least intelligent breeds of dragon.
Dracs – Castalanian wyverns who emit a stench so foul it rots food
Numb Wyvern – a close relative of the Drac, it has toxins in its secretions (saliva, urine) in addition to its venom
Vouivres – eyeless wyverns with jewels in their heads
Scythe Wyvern – a wyvern whose wings have become weapons instead of tools of flight, with the once delicate “ribs” turned into blades.  Concieved by Ledi.
Gull Wyvern – a coastal dragon known for taking long flights over sea, often seen as a bad omen by sailors. Concieved by Takingturnsatrandom
Zircon Wyvern
Hellion Wyvern – a elf-bred species of wyvern.  They are notable for being scaleless, ill tempered, and prone to hideous shrieking. They are also far more prone to cannibalism than other dragons.  Concieved by bugcthulhu in homage to the Fell Beasts.
Sabertooth Wyvern – a wyvern with killing fangs, sleek (no spikes).  Conceived by ledi
Crowned Fishing Wyvern – a wyvern with vaguely spinosaurid jaws that eats fish.  Conceived by Ledi.
Sting-tailed wyverns
Maude’s Wyvern – Mordi’s species
Azure Wyvern
Behemoth Bane Wyvern – a wyvern that specializes in hunting elephants, young behemoths, and other large mammals.  The largest breed of wyvern by far.
Comet Wyvern –  another massive wyvern.  It flies at incredible speeds and preys on other large flying creatures, particularly ruhks and griffins.
Sir George’s Scorpion Wyvern
Sir George’s Burning Wyvern
Sir George’s Devil Wyvern
Sir George’s Spitting Wyvern
Sir George’s Hook Wyvern
Sir George’s Fuming Wyvern
Pearl Wyvern
Sun Wyvern – golden-yellow wyvern, conceived by Ledi
Nettletail Wyvern – a wyvern whose tail is covered in toxin oozing spins in addition to the venomous stinger, conceived by Ledi
Amphis Wyvern – a wyvern whose stinger resembles a false heady, complete with fleshy “lips” that cover the sting.  Conceived by bugcthulhu
Zilants (False Wyverns)
Midgar Serpent – a guivre Zilant, Jormungander’s species
Root Crawlers – a diminutive species of zilant, Sven’s species
Graoully, a zilant slain by a saint in Francobreton (France)
Kulshedra – a long-tailed dragon that causes droughts and famines.  Its juvenile/dragonet form is called a Bolla and lives in trees for twelve years before a sudden growth spurt turns it into a terrifying adult.  While bollas spend most of their time sleeping and are fairly benign, Kulshedras are massive and powerful predators.  Found in both Mediterra and Ruslovak (Albania).
Agathosdaimon Zilant – playful, lived by a river
Sir Clement’s Zilant – watches over other serpents and fights as their champion
Sir George’s Zilant
Peridot Zilant
Aquamarine Zilant
Spitting Zilant – flightless and small, males are brilliantly colored.  Concieved by Ledi
Alchemist’s Zilant – named by theload, based on the image from that one dragon book
Sea King Zilant – A massive guivre zilant that’s amphibious enough to spend time on land.  Conceived by Godzillakiryu.
Olympian Amphipteres
Hera’s: dark blue scales, suck blood, Burmese python sized
Pythos (slain by Apollo)
Medea’s Amphipteres
Sir George’s Singing Amphiptere
Sir George’s Scavenging Amphiptere
Lapis Amphiptere
Blushing Guivre – named by theload, based on the picture of the gargouille in that one dragon book you’ve got
Bicha Amphiptere – named by bugcthulhu, based on bestiary art.  A highly belligerent species of amphipteres.  Though mainly scavengers, they will stand their ground and strike at anything, even creatures they really shouldn’t attack.
Cuelebre – Castalanian dragon whose scales become impenetrable with age that specializes in hunting nymphs/fairies.  Its spit can harden in a magical stone that cures disease.
Bergstutzen – mountain dwelling, stout species
Springewurm – leaping species
Stollwurm – burrowing species
Sir George’s Tatzelwyrm
Sir Staven’s Tatzelwyrm
Sir Christopher’s Tatzelwyrm – homage to St. Christopher as well as Jurassic World
Eve’s Tatzelwyrm – a tatzelwyrm with a fruit-shaped lure on the end of its tail
Bikawyrm – a heavy tatzelwyrm with massive goring horns.  Very territorial, and males perceive anything with horns as a rival. Concieved by bugcthulhu
Vinedweller Tatzelwyrm – a tatzelwyrm that lives in vine-encrusted trees.  Conceived by Godzillakiryu
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astralcat · 11 months
im insane about my op/wc au
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Otterstar (Luffy) - leader of SeaClan, a Clan he formed with a few Clan cats he knew and a bunch of rogues and loners who were living on what is now SeaClan's territory, which includes a half-rocky, half-sandy beachside that was once frequented by Twolegs, but has been closed off to them for quite a while. His den is a driftwood fort on said beach. The other Clan leaders often chastize Otterstar for "acting like an overgrown kit", but he doesn't seem to mind.
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Mossyslash (Zoro) - Deputy of SeaClan. Used to be a rogue. Goatkick started a rumor going around the Clan that the green streaks in his fur are moss because he sleeps so much.
Shellpaw - Mossyslash's apprentice. She idolizes him.
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Snowyleopard (Law) - SeaClan's medicine cat. Has a suspiciously large store of catnip.
Deerpaw (Chopper) - Snowyleopard's apprentice. Was originally Longwren (Kureha)'s apprentice when she was medicine cat of ThunderClan before she joined SeaClan as an elder, but since Deerpaw hadn't finished his training, he became Snowyleopard's apprentice. He was the runt of his litter and was kicked out by his siblings, so he was adopted by a loner named Yarrow (Hiriluk) who knew Longwren. After Yarrow was killed by a RiverClan patrol, Longwren took Deerpaw in.
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Burningdusk (Ace) - Otterstar's adoptive brother along with Lizardflame. His mother died while kitting, and Bearheart (Dadan) ended up suckling him in ThunderClan along with Otterkit. (Lizardflame was already apprentice age when he was taken in.)
Gullpaw - Burningdusk's apprentice. He saved her from a wolf attack when she was a kit.
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Lizardflame (Sabo) - Otterstar and Burningdusk's adoptive brother. A pedigreed Russian Blue who used to be a show cat named Tipton's Wuthering Heights Baby. He hated being a show cat, and after a fireplace accident that burned the left side of his face and left him blind in that eye, he was due to be euthanized. Luckily, he made an escape and joined ThunderClan, where he was mentored by Blazeflight (Dragon).
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Orangestalk (Nami) - A former rogue known for stealing fresh-kill and herbs from other clans to feed her sister and mother. Her mother unfortunately was killed in a dog attack.
Wavepaw - Orangestalk's apprentice.
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Goatkick (Sanji) - Always seen chewing a twig. Frenemies with Mossyslash. Figured out how to cook fresh-kill over a fire.
Crabpaw - Goatkick's apprentice.
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Deepshadow (Robin) - A she-cat who is very knowledgeable in the ways of Twolegs and other cat and non-cat races. Seems to have special ties to StarClan, despite not being a medicine cat.
Camaspaw - Deepshadow's apprentice.
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Russetflight (Shanks) - Otterstar's previous mentor. Lost his leg defending Otterpaw from a dog attack. Seems to have some unfinished business with Sealnose, and both of them have connections to the late Rogue King, Gold.
Goosepaw - Russetflight's apprentice.
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Slugrun (Usopp) - A small brown tabby that is one of Otterstar's closest friends.
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Hardclaw (Franky) - A strong and somewhat odd warrior with mutual feelings towards Deepshadow.
Woodpaw - Hardclaw's apprentice.
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Fishleap (Jinbe) - A former kittypet (and later RiverClan cat) senior warrior who's sort of a father figure to most of the apprentices.
Codpaw - Fishleap's apprentice, who Fishleap doesn't seem to show any bit of favoritism towards compared to the other apprentices.
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Duckwood (Vivi) - A former kittypet who used to belong to a rich family. She is very close with Orangestalk.
Anemonepaw - Duckwood's apprentice.
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Sealnose (Buggy) - Very sensitive about his nose. Seems to have unfinished business with Russetflight.
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Crushjaw (Bonney) - A former rogue who is close friends with Otterstar.
Edit: if you saw russetflight with four legs no you didnt
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astralcat · 11 months
thanks oda for making me change my op/wc au plans (she was originally gonna be warrior-aged and named crushjaw, and was going to be a surrogate queen for otterstar) she's now otterstar's apprentice
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-Rumon 'Crushjaw' Thaerskaine
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-Long Live Crush; WIP
Shoutout to @filibusterfrog for the guide video that they posted! I am not particularly good yet but everyone please witness my goliath attempt.
You can tell I'm a real artist because I left a copious amount of dead space on the canvas. 💚
Completed work:
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-Long Live Crush
God I love this boy, I love the campaign, I love the party I'm in. Getting to once again live my dream of being helpful to my friends 💚
(Tap the picture for better resolution I apologize ;-; )
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pauldron-pieces · 4 years
Dungeons And Dragons Masterlist
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As always, I do my best to keep my tags organized and any triggers labeled. If I missed anything though, please let me know so I can fix it. Enjoy!
Intro post here
Recent Updates:
4/30/21: Both Captain Physalia and Crushjaw have been added, and can be found below in their respective sections!
7/14/21: A new installment for Destrier has been added, and a new character arrives! Elanor Amroth-Rubiaceae has been added to the masterlist, and can be found below in her respective section!
4/19/22: A new installment has been added for Elanor, and can be found below in her respective section!
Trigger Key:
🍆 = Explicit Elements
💧 = Emotional Elements
💢 = Violent Elements (abuse and/or canon-typical violence)
⛔ = Nonconsensual Elements (explicit and/or alluded to)
✔️ = Complete
Burn The Wicked (Destrier-centric) Rated M for canon-typical violence and character death. Trigger warnings listed inside 💧💢 ✔️ 
For Leofore (Leofore-centric) Rated M for canon-typical violence and character death. Trigger warnings listed inside  💧💢 ✔️ 
Light And Home (Destrier Revel x Illeria Stennas) Rated G for emotional duress. Trigger warnings listed inside  💧 ✔️
So Little Time (Destrier Revel x Illeria Stennas) Rated M for smut. Trigger warnings listed inside  🍆💧 ✔️
A Choice (Destrier Revel x Illeria Stennas) Rated M for canon-typical violence and smut. Trigger warnings listed inside  🍆💧💢 ✔️
Worth The Wait (Destrier Revel x Illeria Stennas) Rated M for smut. Trigger warnings listed inside  🍆💧 ✔️
The Most Important Part (Destrier Revel x Illeria Stennas) Rated G for fluff. Trigger warnings listed inside 💧 ✔️
At Your Own Peril (Physalia-centric) Rated M for canon-typical violence and character death. Trigger warnings listed inside  💧💢 ✔️
Rearmed (Crushjaw-centric) Rated M for canon-typical violence. Trigger warnings listed inside  💧💢 ✔️
The Dark Secret of House Amroth-Rubiaceae (Elanor-centric) Rated M for emotional duress. Trigger warnings listed inside 💧 ✔️
Further Misadventures (Elanor-centric) Rated G for fluff.  ✔️
The Nightmare (Elanor-centric) Rated M for emotional duress. Trigger warnings listed inside 💧 ✔️
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Krieg??? and othe- wait. no. it’s just Krieg
spoilers for the main game and all under the cut, you know the drill. This goes over cut lines regarding everyone's favorite psycho.
TL;DR: i found a voice line where Maya directly refers to Krieg (says his name) and also he was supposed to help us take down Katagawa’s laser and also he went undercover in the CoV
y’all… i found a pretty incriminating voice line by Maya the other day and was like “ehhhh maybe… probably… but no confirmation. yet”.
and then i fuckin found more.
and it is PRETTY DAMNING (this is a google drive link)
(like SURE this COULD be dlc. but a) Maya is ded. which, i mean, hasn’t stopped many a zombie before, but still b) ehhhh it just. doesn’t seem like it given the context we get. just listen to the files provided and all will make sense)
So BASICALLY Maya was supposed to help us take out the laser for Rhys. In fact she told him to back off cuz we’re doing it her way this time. which means she was around with us on Skywell-27. WHICH IS AWESOME. She didn’t want Katagawa using it on Athenas. which is reasonable
then we get the lines in the folder in that folder
which blew my fucking mind
basically, the first one (bigger one) is her talking to an unnamed person about how he went undercover for ‘burnt turkey’, who she ‘translates’ as the Firehawk. She directly explains that Lilith sent this unnamed person to go undercover in the CoV, but he got caught by Crushjaw. If that name sounds familiar, it’s because he’s one of Zer0′s hunt missions, the one right before the Great Vault. so i imagine he was reused as side content.
The next voice line is about the laser again. and then
She directly references him, and asks if he can get to the laser controls.
K R I E G.
And I’m betting this is the same person that Maya is speaking to in the first file in that folder, bc who tf else would call Lilith ‘burnt turkey’ and WHO TF ELSE WOULD BE ABLE TO TRANSLATE KRIEG OTHER THAN ONE OF THE VAULT HUNTERS WHO HAD SPENT TIME TAKING DOWN HANDSOME JACK WITH HIM. I mean also Lilith wouldn’t just send any other psycho or crimson raider. Lilith *trusted* this person, and they could fit in with the CoV no problemo
anyway i made this meme about it
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tyrantisterror · 7 years
After one day of dragon suggestions, I have enough Greater Drake concepts to divide that clade into subclades.  A marvelous start.
And hell yeah I’m gonna post those subclades after the cut!
Greater Drakes
Flightless Greater Drakes – greater drakes whose wings are used for other purposes than flight, a missing link between lesser and greater drakes.  May be a wastebucket clade – none of the species seem remarkably close to each other save for their stunted wings, and some could conceivably have evolved FROM flying Greater Drakes instead of predating them.
Grayfang Dragon – Gravatak’s species
Sir George’s Gutter Dragon
Sir George’s Canyon Dragon
Krakow Dragon – enormous, swallows cows and men whole, gluttonous
Puff Dragons (F.o.D. inspired dragons, named by theload) – dragons whose bodies can puff up like bloated balloons as a threat display
Sir Smythe’s Dragon (Gorbash homage)
Sage Dragon (Smrgol homage)
Vormadon’s Dark Dragon
Rose Dragon
Pit Dragons – burrowing dragons renowned for their vicious fighting prowess
Red Pit Dragon – Y Ddraig Goch’s species
White Pit Dragon
Green Pit Dragon
Blue Pit Dragon
Yellow Pit Dragon
Orange Pit Dragon
Thornwhip Pit Dragon
Gnarlfang Pit Dragon
Crushjaw Pit Dragon
Sir Carantoc’s Pit Dragon: fairly docile
Garnet Pit Dragon
The Great Dragons – considered the most iconic dragons in Midgaheim, and some of the more prolific
Great Red Dragon
Great Blue Dragon
Great Green Dragon
Great White Dragon
Great Black Dragon
Great Brown Dragon
Great Purple Dragon
Great Gray Dragon
Great Gold Dragon
Great Silver Dragon
Great Bronze Dragon
Great Copper Dragon
Great Brass Dragon
Great Iron Dragon
Great Nickel Dragon
The Grand Dragons – largest of all the Greater Drakes, these species are rare but long lived
Green-bellied Mountain Dragon – Lawrence’s species
Regal Mountain Dragon – Charlartur’s species
Gilded Dragon – Smaug homage, name suggested by theload
Grand Ashen Dragon – an homage to Ancalagon the Black, a dragon large enough to dwarf mountains.  Name suggested by Virouvac.
Butcher Dragon – Maleficent homage, sleek and sinister, nests in brambles, named suggested by Bugcthulhu
Cervine Cloud Dragon – a regal white dragon with deer-like antlers and a white coloration.  Concieved by theload and an homage to her Landilizandra.
Grand Diamond Dragons – come in blue, yellow, rose, and white varieties
Sir George’s Tyrant Dragon
Sir George’s Coca Dragon – the one dragon Sir George could not slay, though he wounded it greatly.
Ox Dragons – named for their short necks and stocky, muscular builds
Sir Moor’s Dragon – i.e. the dragon of Wantley
Tristan’s Dragon: eats horses, pretty big, breaths fire
Thidrek’s Dragon: big enough to swallow a man whole with some effort
Sir Silvester’s Dragon: red eyes
Hound Dragons – named for their general size and tenacious hunting prowess
False Dragonet – a small, dog-sized dragon fond of chasing sheep.  Docile as far as dragons go, i.e. not a maneater. An homage to Spyro the dragon, name proposed by Bugcthulhu.
Sir George’s Griffin Mimic Dragon – named by theload, based on that one picture of St. George killing a very griffin-y dragon
Carpaccio Dragon – also known as Sir George’s Corpse Eater Dragon.  Believed to spread disease, they are actually humble carrion eaters.  Suggested by Bugcthlhu, based on a Rennaisance painting of Sir George’s dragon by the painter Carpaccio.
Fancy Dragons – incredibly colorful and elaborate dragons
Sir George’s Dazzling Dragon
Scourge Dragons – a clade of greater drakes known for their repulsive (to humans) habits and anatomy 
Sir Hillarion’s Dragon: massive, eats cows
Sir Victoria’s Dragon: foul stench but otherwise not overtly hostile
Sir Andrew’s Dragon: enormous, destroyed a whole town
Sir Berkeley’s Dragon: a pretty scary dragon, based on the dragon of Bignor Hill.
Grave Dragons – a dragon clade that specializes in feasting on carrion and living a semi-subterranean lifestyle.  Often found in tombs, hence the clade’s name.
Beowulf’s Fire Dragon – fifty feet long, very strong
Sir George’s Stench Dragon
Sir Marvellus’s Knucker: scavenger, live in crypts, caves, and lakes, serpentine body despite limbs and wings
Guivre Greater Drakes – greater drakes evolved for life in the sea.  May be a wastebucket clade.
Gargouille – a guivre with a secondary set of wings/fins
Druks – a clade exclusive to the countryside of Ruslovak, known for their bipedal posture and advanced tool use
Imperial Zmey – Gorynych’s species
Bolovan’s Dupe Dragon
Carpathy Dragon – a massive dragon with large, pronounced fangs
Aristocrat Druk – a dragon species known for its almost humanoid torso (slight homofalsum) and its “civilized” lifestyle.
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