#crying sobbing throwing myself out the window
small-spanish-face · 7 months
Do y'all think his name is Shelly de Killer because he is a shell of a man? A vessel for a name, a title?
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erik-christine · 1 year
ok but the fact that musicals have a reprise of a song playing during the bows but phantom DOESNT because erik said “it’s over now the music of the night” and he was the last one to command music on the stage and now that he’s gone there’s no more music
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ofdreamsnwishes · 6 months
“My god, I’ve liked you for soooo long…” You mumble, words barely coherent. You were drunk. Really drunk.
To be fair, you didn’t plan to get this drunk. After being dragged to a party you did not want to go, the fruity cocktails became your bestfriends, too delicious and barely tasting like they had any signifiant amounts of alcohol, so you just kept drinking and drinking until you found yourself in this situation; rambling about how much you liked your long time friend and crush… to your crush, himself.
“A-and like, you never look- looked my way?? I know you’re h-hot and all, but- Damn, I’m decent myself, aren't I-” Words spilled out of your lips, the alcohol in your brain making you throw all inhibitions out of the window.
Jeno on the other hand was… stunned, to say the least. In all of his time knowing you, he never expected you to be this drunk, or to be eloquently confessing your love for him. Not that he was annoyed or anything, in fact, he was quite flustered himself, having shared the same feelings for the past few months.
It was hard to pinpoint when the platonic feelings turned into romantic feelings for you, but one day it all clicked when Donghyuck pointed it out. He’d never admit that in Donghyuck’s face though, he’d rather die than give him the satisfaction of being right.
So for the longest time he kept it in, thinking about it over and over again, and- Wait… Were you crying?
“What- Wait- Hey- Don’t cry…!” He tried to soothe your cries desperately, hesitant hands reaching to wipe away the tears that ran down your cheeks.
"I just like you so muuuch... I wanted you to like me back soooo bad." A sob ripped through your lips. Your hands flew to cover your face, whining about how embarassing all of this was.
Jeno chuckled quietly, a sigh leaving his lips. Your hangover the next day will be horrible.
But it's okay, he'll be there to help you out, scold you for drinking so much and maybe get you to confess again. This time sober, so he can say he likes you back.
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un-love · 3 months
— afternoon | kmg
mingyu x f!reader
a/n: i wrote this last august and forgot about it. self indulgent asf bc my period is a horror story 💢
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“good game, guys. i’m gonna log out now.” putting his headphones aside, mingyu was greeted by complete silence in the house. it had been an hour since he left the bedroom to let you sleep in peace. the week of your period was always a hard time for you. hard is an understatement, really. he couldn't physically understand how you felt but the first time he saw you cry out in pain and struggle to walk yourself to the kitchen, he had decided to be there for you without you ever having to ask for his help; that’s the least he could do after all. the little widgets on his phone notify him of the approaching doom every month without fail, and one might even say he’s as prepared as you now (maybe more).
as he approaches the living room, his ears perk up. he opens the door carefully, and catches you wincing as you try to sit up. you look even worse than how he left you, somehow. sunken eyes and disheveled hair, there really wasn’t any way to romanticize this pain. “why didn’t you call me?”, he whispers and immediately springs into the practiced routine he’s got down. you're too far gone to protest as he props up your pillows, gets you a reheated hot water bottle and orders you to open your mouth as he makes you take your prescribed pain meds. regaining some consciousness after feeling the burn of the hot bag on your skin, you can’t help but smile at the concerned expression on his face as he assesses you. the way his brows furrow and a little pout appears on his soft lips soothes some of the ache in your body.
“what are you smiling at?”, he asks. “you’re just so cute like this. worrying about me and all.” the look he gives you is one of fondness. it’s somewhat relieving for your boyfriend to see you talk like this, despite the state you’re in. he could tell how disoriented you were by the way you hadn’t met his eyes the whole day. “who said i’m worried?”, he says cheekily, before disappearing into the kitchen again.
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“i don’t feel good; i think i’m going to throw up”, you call out from your new resting place on the couch, chewing on scraps from the kitchen for lunch. mingyu had asked you to move to the couch (read: carried you) so he could change the sheets and clean up the room a little. it still felt embarrassing to have him take care of you like this, but his kind eyes and kinder hands made you go along with whatever he said.
thinking back, you had tried to avoid seeing him the first few months after you started dating, for this very reason. he knew you were having a hard time with your diagnosis, so he never wanted to push you too much; until the day you had woken up in a pool of blood with him next to you on your bed. you had sobbed endlessly (from frustration, pain, embarrassment) before threatening to poke his eye out with a butter knife if he ever made fun of you for this. this was all very bizarre to your new boyfriend, who grew progressively more concerned for you after that. had someone made you feel bad for something like this before?
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a head pokes around the door with a determined expression you could read extremely well. another wave of nausea rocked over your body. “don’t come close to me, kim mingyu. i haven’t showered since yesterday. i stink.” “but you don't know what i’m going to s—” he tries to go on but you cut him off. “the sound of the air conditioner is making my skin crawl.” “but-” “the fabric of my tshirt is touching my skin in the worst ways and the birds won’t stop fucking chirping outside the window and you- you’re here seeing me like this. i want to dig a life sized hole and bury myself in it right now. just go away, please.”
he’s careful when he comes closer to you and stops right before sitting on the couch. “baby, i promise you, nothing about you can disgust me. unless you do something unforgivable like putting milk first in my cereal bowl”, he says, and you finally look at him. success. “and i’ll leave you alone, if that’s what you want. but can i get you something else for the pain or a hot drink first?”
how could you say no to him when he looked at you like that? with those big brown eyes, trying his best to read your face. freshly washed bangs falling into his eyes, and his pretty hand outstretched towards you. your eyes get distracted by his tongue coming out to wet his bottom lip, a nervous habit of his you found adorable. in the split second between his question and your response, you imagined pulling him by the shirt and kissing him breathless. swatting away the (welcome) visual in your head, you let yourself fall against the soft cushions, the fight leaving your body. it's time you let somebody love you.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Alcina's New Maid Pt. 9 Lady Dimitrescu x Reader
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu brings you in as one of her maids, at least, that's what you thought she brought you to the castle for.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: flirty, fluff, slow burn, smut, angst.
Notes: Part 9! More angst (hehe) but with a dash of fluff this time!
Click here for the rest of the series
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As you watch Alcina release the doorknob, your breath hitches. Anxiety, fear, hurt, anger, frustration, all of the complex emotions are swirling inside of you, but you still don't want her to leave. A small wave of relief washes over you as she slowly turns around, her eyes still trained on the floor.
You watch her as she releases a breath, following her movements with your eyes, you see her slowly lifting her head, her gaze finally meeting yours once more.
After what felt like an eternity of staring into each others eyes, Alcina breaks eye contact and looks down at the floor.
"How- how are you feeling?" She quietly asks, her eyes looking back up towards you.
You lightly scoff and gently shake your head, looking away.
"Never been better."
Alcina looks down and purses her lips.
"I hurt you." You hear the regret in her voice but the anger and hurt in your chest bubbles as she looks back up towards you.
"Really? I wonder what gave you that idea. Was it from listening to me cry myself to sleep for three fucking nights or the fact that I couldn't bear the thought of getting out of bed without wanting to throw myself out of the window for a week?" You spit, your voice cold and hardened.
Feeling the sting of your words in her heart, Alcina looks away as she fights back her tears.
"I- please," she says, exhaling. "these things are not easy for me."
You hear a hint of frustration in her voice and it only aggravates you more.
"Oh I'm sure, because it was so easy for you to go and fuck that maid. Of course this is the shit you have a hard time doing."
"That was a mistake." Alcina says with her fists clenched and her jaw tense, desperately trying to keep her tears at bay and her anger suppressed.
"I bet it was." You say, sarcastically. "You know, I'll do you one better, I bet it was an accident. The two of you just tripped and fell into your bed, and you just happened to fall face first between her legs. Whoopsies!" You throw your hands up.
"That's not fair." She responds through gritted teeth.
"Are you fucking serious right now?" You say, standing up. "Do you wanna know what's really unfair? Feeling safe, feeling protected, feeling loved-" your voice cracks as tears begin to fall. "Believing you when you told me I was special, that I was different from all of the others and then having it all ripped away with no warning!"
"You are." She says softly.
"Then why?! Why did you wake up one morning and suddenly want nothing to do with me?! You acted like I didn't exist, like I was nothing to you, like I didn't matter. Alcina, I- I loved you." You say through tears. "I think I still love you but I'm in so much pain I don't even know what to do. What was the point of any of this if you were just going to abandon me?! You took me from my home, from my family-"
"They didn't deserve you." She says with intensity in her eyes as her tears threaten to fall.
"And you do?! After everything you did to me?!"
That was the final blow for Alcina, she knew you were right, she didn't deserve you after everything she did. A sob breaks out and she covers her mouth with her hand, the dam breaks as tears pour down her porcelain skin. Turning her back towards you she rips her gloves off and throws them onto the floor and covers her face. Your heart and lungs threaten to jump out of your chest as you watch her shoulders shake while she sobs. Alcina tries to silence her cries but it's no use, they're pouring out of her like an overflowing cup.
You hate seeing her like this, you're still angry and hurt, but Zina's words replay in your head. "You can be both empathetic and angry towards her, they are not mutually exclusive feelings." Frustrated, you walk back over and sit on the bed, resting your head in your hands.
"I'm so sorry." Alcina says as she sobs. "I never wanted to hurt you." She takes a few deep breaths, trying to pull herself together, even if it's just a little bit. "You're right, about everything. Nothing I did was fair to you, not for a moment; and I don't deserve you, not anymore. Not after all of the pain I've caused you." She quietly whimpers, her hands leave her face and she wraps her arms around herself.
"Then why? Why did you do it? All of it?" You have more desperation in your voice than you wanted.
"Does it even matter anymore?" She says with a hurt in her voice.
"Of course it matters!" You say, louder than you were expecting. "You took my heart and shoved it into the dirt and stepped on it and didn't even have the courtesy of giving me any kind of warning or reason." The anger bubbles in your chest once more. "And you acted like you didn't even care! Like I didn't exist! You owe me an explanation. It's the least you could fucking do."
"You want to know why?" She says, trying to coat her voice in ice but the pain is still prevalent.
"Yes!" You yell.
"I was trying to protect you."
"From what?!"
Alcina turns and looks at you, tears trickling down her cheeks.
"From that maid? From Mother Miranda? From what Alcina?!"
"From Mother." She says as her eyes flutter shut. "Dealing with that obnoxious pest of a maid is child's play." Her eyes open and meet yours. "But Mother Miranda? I-" looking away, she crosses her arms across her chest, staring off into the distance and falls silent.
"Alcina, please." You quietly say.
After a moment she breaks her silence.
"There are not many things that I am fearful of. There are only a few things on this earth that truly frighten me, things that even I stand no chance of going up against successfully." Her eyes shift over to you for a moment and slowly move away as she looks into the distance again. "Mother Miranda is powerful. The most powerful being I have ever experienced in my very long life. Her powers were given to her by the Black God itself, they are near limitless, there isn't much she can't do."
"So you're afraid of her?"
Alcina continues to look away, not answering your question.
"What would have happened to me if she took me to that lab?"
"Nothing good." She says, you see her eyes flair with anger.
"Why won't you tell me?" You genuinely want to know, but you're starting to get frustrated again as she continues to dodge your questions.
You can see her jaw clench again, tightening her grip on her crossed arms.
"It's better that you don't know."
"How do you expect me to be able to trust you again if you can't even be honest with me?!" You say, your anger bubbling. "You tell me you're sorry for hurting me but you won't even tell me why you're protecting me?! You tell me I'm special and that I'm different but you won't even be honest, what's the point of protecting me then?! Just so you can have another play thing for a little longer?!"
"That is not it." She snaps, glaring at you. Turning her head away from you again you see her body tense in anger.
"Then why?!" You yell.
"Because I love you!" She yells as she turns towards you. "Because I was absolutely terrified after Mother Miranda showed up! It was one of the few times in my entire life where I was truly shaken to my core!"
"What were you so afraid of?!"
"You really want to know what happens down there? Fine! She would have implanted a parasite into you, the cadou. It would have been the most excruciating pain you've ever experienced in your life! It would mutate you and it would probably kill you, but not before you suffered more than you could ever possibly imagine! It was so horrific I wished for death! It's the reason I turned into this!" She says, gesturing at her body. "It took weeks for the mutation to complete, every second was filled with more pain than I ever thought was possible! That's what she wanted to do to you! I could not let her take you, I would never be able to live with myself if I allowed you to suffer the way I have and then die. When she fought to take you down there, it was like," she pants, searching for the words. "it was like someone had their hand in my chest and was threatening to rip my heart out! I couldn't bare it, the feeling of terror, the thought of you being put in harms way because of me. If she brought you down there," she shudders at the thought as more tears fall. "I would have spent the rest of eternity filled with regret."
Studying her face, you realize you've never seen her this disheveled before. Her golden eyes are red and bloodshot, her mascara is smeared under her eyes, remnants of it mixed with her tears leaving streaks down her face. Her usual pristine lipstick has moved from it's place, smearing at the corners. Matching her eyes, her nose is red and runny.
"So I abandoned you." She says softly, her voice laced with regret and hurt. "I need you to know that it was not because of something you did, or because you were not special or important to me." She says, looking into your eyes. "It was the only way I knew how to protect you."
"What about the maid?" You ask as your voice shakes.
"It was truly a moment of weakness." She says as she hangs her head in shame. "I was so frustrated, so pent up, nothing I tried offered any relief and with each passing day it was getting worse. I almost killed a maid for tripping for Gods sake. No matter what I did I could not get you out of my mind. The harder I tried, the worse it got and the more frustrated I became. After seeing you in the library and at dinner, I couldn't take it anymore, so I brought the first girl I came upon into my chambers. Even at the height of my release, you were all I was able to think of." She says with defeat in her voice.
Her words sink in as she speaks, it's comforting to know why she did what she did, but it doesn't take away all of the hurt, all of the insecurities that developed because of what she's done, it doesn't ease the anger.
"I wish you would have just talked to me." You say as you look away, staring into nothing.
"I didn't know how to."
A few more tears roll down your cheeks.
"Will you ever be able to forgive me?" She quietly asks, looking down at the floor.
"I don't know." Your voice is so low it almost comes out as a whisper.
Alcina nods her head and bends down, picking her gloves off of the floor. She stands and stares at you for a minute in silence, watching you staring off into nothing. Eventually, she turns towards the door.
"You're just gonna leave?" You ask.
She turns back towards you.
"Do you not want me to?"
"I don't know." You look down and fidget with your hands in your lap. "I don't want you to leave. But I don't, I don't want to ask you to stay." You say as tears begin to fall again. "You really hurt me, Alcina. The only other time I've felt this much pain was when my parents died. So much of me wants to hate you, but, I- I just can't." Looking up you see Alcina staring at you, hanging onto each word you say. "There's a big part of me that hates myself for still loving you. It would be so much easier if I could just stop, but I can't. But I can't forgive you, not for everything, not yet."
"I understand." She says quietly.
"I was in so much pain- I'm still in so much pain. My heart felt like it was dying." You bring your hands to your face as you sob. "I went from feeling like I was actually worthy of someone's love, like I was actually worth more than what I was told for so much of my life, to feeling completely worthless. I didn't think I could feel more worthless than I did at home, but this- this broke me. It completely broke me."
You see Alcina walks towards you in your prereferral vision and you look up at her. She slowly and carefully reaches her hand out towards you, hesitating as she waits for your reaction as tears stream down her face. When you don't pull away, she gently rests her hand on your shoulder. It almost pisses you off how much comfort such a simple touch from her brings to you, but the truth is, you missed the comfort she brought you.
You lightly lean into her touch and in one quick movement Alcina wraps her arms around you, kneeling on the floor in front of you. The floodgates open as you grab onto the fabric of her dress, sobbing into her. Alcina buries her face into your neck and you feel hot tears dripping down your shoulder and chest as she cries into you.
"I don't know how to stop loving you." You cry into her. "But I don't know how to forgive you either. I don't know what to do."
"You are worth more to me than you will ever know. I'm so, so sorry y/n. I never wanted to hurt you and I ended up doing it anyway." She says as she cries on your shoulder. "I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive myself."
You spend the next few minutes crying into each other, her arms wrapped tightly around you. As your sobs slow, stray tears fall down your cheeks onto Alcina's chest while your head rests against her. Alcina breaks the silence once she hears your heartbeat begin to settle.
"Is there anything I could possibly do?" There's a hopelessness in her voice that makes your heart ache a little.
"I don't know." You quietly say, gently shaking your head.
She nods and rests her cheek against the top of your head.
As you sit on the edge of your bed with your head resting on her chest, you allow yourself to be comforted by her. The stabbing pain in your heart persists, a game of tug-of-war rages on. Fighting between wanting to find a way to forgive her so things can go back to the way they were and never wanting to trust her again. Your body rises along with her chest as she takes a deep breath and slowly exhales.
"I love you."
Alcina's voice is barely a whisper, you're surprised you're heard her at all. Closing your eyes, you listen to the relaxing tempo of her heartbeat as you rest against her.
"No matter what you chose to do, I will support your decision. It's the very least I can do after putting you through so much pain." She gently pulls away and cups your face in her hands, looking into your eyes. "I don't know if I will ever stop loving you, but if you chose to stop loving me, I give you my word I won't hold it against you. All I want is for you to be happy, even if that means you're happy without me."
Tears stream down her face as you study her. You see the sincerity in her eyes, the fear that you'll never come back to her, the hurt, you also see love. It's a look in her eyes you've only seen once before, it happened one night when you were in bed together. At the time, you weren't sure what it was, it flashed across her eyes so briefly you were only able to see it's softness, that she was letting her walls down. Within seconds the look in her eyes was gone, the walls put right back up. This time she didn't put up walls, letting you see deep into her soul through her glittering gold eyes.
You still love her. Tears fill your eyes once more as you think about it, you still love her, so much. But you were also hurt by her so badly you can't bring yourself to forgive her as easily as you would both like. It frustrates you that you're still able to love her so much after all that she did; you don't understand how or why. There's still a part of you that wants to hate her forever, but you're beginning to realize that that little voice is the voice of fear. The fear of getting hurt again, the automatic defense put in place to protect your heart from being heartbroken again. As you look into her eyes you realize that you would regret it if you didn't at least try to forgive her. She has a lot to make up for, a lot to prove, but you have to try.
Closing your eyes, tears roll down your cheeks. Her cool thumbs gently wiping them away.
"I still love you so much." You say, opening your eyes and looking into hers. "I will never be able to stop loving you Alcina." Feeling her body tensing in anticipation, you see tears filling her eyes once more. "I will regret it if I don't try and forgive you, but I need you to put in the effort to fix this. I want to take things slow, but I need you to show me, to prove to me that I can trust you again. And I don't mean by buying me a bunch of expensive shit or waiting on me hand and foot. I don't want gifts, I want to see effort, real effort, in trying to fix this."
"I give you my word, I will do everything I can to regain your trust."
Looking into her eyes, you nod your head. She wraps her arms around you once more and pulls you into her.
"Thank you." She says quietly. "I know I don't deserve your kindness, but I am grateful for your generous heart."
"Everyone deserves a second chance."
The dinner bells rings and Alcina holds you for another second before letting you go.
"Would you like to join the girls and I for dinner?" She asks.
"I don't know if I'm ready for that just yet."
Alcina has a sadness in her eyes but nods her head.
"But, I was thinking of spending some time in the library after dinner, if you and the girls want to join me?"
Looking back up at you, you see a spark of hope and excitement in Alcina's eyes.
"I would love to." She says with a smile. God, how you missed seeing her smile.
The second dinner bell rings and Alcina wipes the tear streaks off of her cheeks with the back of her hand.
"Oh I probably look like such a mess." She says to herself as she goes to stand up.
"Wait here." You say, she tilts her head at you but stays kneeling on the floor. Hopping off of the bed, you go into the bathroom and grab a hand towel and run it under warm water and make your way back out with it.
"Can I?" You ask, holding up the towel.
Alcina smiles and gently nods. Placing your hand under her jaw you carefully begin to wipe away the mascara and makeup that ran down her cheeks and clean up the smeared lipstick.
"Look up." Alcina looks up and you wipe away the makeup smeared under her eyes. "Much better." You say as you finish wiping off the last of it. Her eyes are still red and puffy, but it's an improvement.
"Thank you -" she opens her mouth to continue but stops herself and smiles. Tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, she rests her hand on your cheek for a moment and looks into your eyes. "I should start making my way to the dining hall, I'm sure the girls are waiting. I'll have a maid bring you up a tray?"
"Thank you. I'll meet you all in the library after dinner?"
Alcina pauses and looks into your eyes once more, she studies your face and gently caresses your cheek with her thumb. After a few moments her hand leaves your face and she stands up and puts her gloves back on. Turning her head towards the door, a smirk crosses her face. You have no idea what she's smirking at until you too begin to hear the excited buzz of the girls outside the door and a few "shhh's" and "shut it's."
Without making a sound, Alcina walks towards the door, she carefully reaches for the doorknob and whips it open, revealing the three girls huddled outside. The girls are startled and they all let out a squeal, bursting into a large swarm of flies and flying down the hall towards the staircase. Alcina chuckles and shakes her head, looking back at you. You can't help but chuckle as well at the girls antics. After exchanging one more smile, Alcina ducks out of the doorway and closes the door behind her.
You toss the hand towel into the hamper and go into the bathroom and wash your own face. Just like Alcina's, your eyes are red and puffy and your face and chest are flushed. Once you're finished you hear a knock on the door, you open it to find a maid delivering you dinner.
"Thank you." You say, taking the tray from her. After making yourself comfortable, you dig in, you didn't realize just how hungry you were until you ate almost everything on the tray.
"I guess not properly eating for a week will do that to you." You think to yourself.
Once you're finished you leave your room and head down to the library and find the book you wanted. You take a seat on one of the couches by the fireplace and begin to read. After a few minutes you hear the door open and a buzzing noise fills the air.
"Y/n!!" Daniela says as she appears in front of you. "What are you reading?!"
"Hey! Look who's not dead!" Cassandra says endearingly.
"Cass!" Bela says, scolding her. "Glad you're back, y/n."
Daniela plops down next to you and looks at the book.
"Is that the one you started reading to me last week?!"
"Sure is kiddo, want me to keep going?"
"YES!" Daniela says as she wraps her arms around you and squeezes you just a little too tight.
"Daniela, please don't crush her." You look up and see Alcina walking into the library with a smile on her face.
"Sorry mom, I just got so excited!"
"I know draga." Alcina says as she takes a seat across from you.
Daniela lays down in your lap and you begin to read to her. Bela and Cassandra make themselves comfortable, Bela with a new book in her hand and Cassandra with her sketchbook.
With her glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, Alcina looks over them and takes in the scene around her. Bela sitting nicely in one of the chairs, deeply invested in her book, Cassandra laying on the rug, sketching her little heart away, Daniela laying on the couch with her head in your lap, and you, with your hand in Daniela's hair, gently scratching her scalp, reading to her. This isn't the first time you've all been here together, but after the last week, Alcina has a new appreciation for seeing the people she loves more than anything all together once again. Her heart swells as she looks at each of you, a smile stretching across her face.
Looking up from the book, you watch as Alcina studies each girl with the warmest smile on her face. Her eyes shift from Daniela and lock with yours, she's a little surprised to see you looking at her, but you see the love in her eyes. You exchange smiles and return to your books, you know you both have a long way to go before things get back to where they were before, and you know it won't be easy, but for the first time in a while, you're hopeful.
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cupidcures · 3 months
𝟏𝟑 ♡ 𝐇𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐢𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠
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it’s been a year since you and jisung parted ways, but he can’t help but still think of what used to be.
PAIRING: han jisung x reader (slight felix x reader)
GENRE: angst
DISCLAIMER: this is 100% fiction and doesn’t portray how the featured idols act in reality, this is made purely for entertainment.
WORD COUNT: 1.9k (not proofread)
a/n: late night short fic cuz i got bored lol…… i’ll proofread this tmrw when i’m actually FULLY conscious and not half asleep😭 hopefully this actually makes sense when i reread this tmrw haha…
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Jisung hates the number 13.
In the far back corner of the cafe, there sat Jisung with nothing but an Arnold Palmer in front of him—the cold precipitation from the drink stuck onto the glass— and his songwriting book. The place was a bit busier than usual, with people coming in and out of the front door, some staying for a while, some leaving right away. He assumed there were more customers since it was raining outside, the drops of the rain clashing with the window imitating that of a cat’s paw hitting the floorboards as it runs across a room.
Today, exactly 14 years ago, marked the day he asked you to be his girlfriend. But exactly a year ago, was the day that you decided to break up with him, tainting this day he used to assimilate with love and happiness, replacing it with sorrow and heartbreak.
And there was nothing he wanted to do more than to go back in time and fight harder for you to stay.
He could recall the memory of that day rather vividly, and it made him want to throw up just thinking about it.
The two of you walked down the dim streets of Korea hand in hand, but silent. Not a single word was uttered. You have been distant the past few weeks leading up to that dreadful moment, and he had no idea why. You sat him down on a bench located in a park and announced that you wanted to break up.
“I want to break up.”
“Wha… What? Why?” Jisung stiffened and looked into your eyes in disbelief. “It’s our 13th anniversary today… What do you mean?”
“You’re not happy with me.”
“What are you talking about? Of course I’m happy with you!” Jisung’s eyebrows knit together in confusion as he reached out for your hand to hold it.
“You say that, but your actions say otherwise.” You laughed weakly, looking down and away from his gaze. “I don’t make you happy. Not anymore. You just don’t want to leave me because I’m all you’ve ever known, and you hate change.”
You took that as a chance to keep going. “You love the memories we had together, but you don’t love me. At least, you don’t love me the same way I love you.” Your voice was filled with pain as you trembled, doing everything you could to keep it together and not break down.
“Oh.” Was all he had to say.
“I’ve seen the way you look at that one friend of yours. I’m not stupid. You look at her with the same sparkle in your eyes that used to be for me.” You palmed your hand into fists, tears finally falling freely from your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d notice. I didn’t even think I would like her that much.” Jisung muttered with pity, staring down at your crying figure and observing the way you so desperately tried to stay calm, but failed.
Your body was wracked with sobs, and you could feel your chest hurting and your throat burning.
It brought Jisung to panic.
“I’ll stay with you. I won’t leave you for her, I’m yours okay? Please don’t cry.” He frowned and bent down to hug you, but he was pushed away.
“No. I don’t need you to stay out of pity, Jisung. I’ve given you everything I could, but it still wasn't enough. I can’t make you happy, and I shouldn’t be selfish and keep you to myself just because I love you.”
“…I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for. You can’t control your feelings. You stayed respectful to me even if I couldn’t provide you with the needs you wanted, and I’m more than grateful for that.”
That day, he walked you home for the very last time, and that was the last time he has ever laid eyes on you. Despite living in the same area country, you guys haven’t seen each other since.
To say he regrets that day was an understatement.
He tried hitting it off with the girl he thought he gained feelings for, but no matter what they did together, all he was able to think of was you.
The mere infatuation he felt for her was nothing to the love he held for you and only you, and he cursed himself every day without fail for letting you go.
He tried contacting you before, but you blocked him on everything the day it happened to protect your peace, and your friends refused to give him any information about you.
Jisung wanted to blame you for giving up so easily, but he couldn’t bring himself to. He knew it would be a lie. You would never give up without fighting for it, and it was a fight that you have been fighting with yourself in silence for a long time.
He knew that you did this to do what you both thought was the best for him at that time, and it hurt to think about how you didn’t believe that you were the best for him.
Jisung wrote in his songbooks, being lyrical as he always is. He tuned the entire world out, hyper-focusing on the paper in front of him. Every gentle stroke of ink from his pen was for you. He wrote song after song endlessly in hopes that his music would reach you, find you in ways he wasn’t able to. He sings to the world that he knows as you, hoping for even the smallest signs that you’ve heard all words he was unable to say to you through his music.
He has known you since you guys were children, you weren’t lying when you said that you were all he ever knew. The two of you grew up together, learned how to love each other at only age 13, and have spent every day and moment with each other.
You were inseparable until you weren’t.
Jisung missed you more than words could tell.
With every day that passed, the more his hope that you would come back, fades.
That was until he heard a familiar voice. The same tranquilizing and hypnotizing voice he had known for as long as he could remember.
Your voice.
Jisung’s head shot up as you spoke to the cashier at the front who was taking your order. His eyes were wide like platters, and he could feel himself falling in love with you again just by looking.
You had just finished ordering and paying, so you sat down on one of the free tables, unaware of the pair of doe eyes admiring you.
He was captivated by you, just like he always has been in the past. You had cut your long hair short, you wore makeup that accentuated your natural features instead of hiding them, and your fashion had improved immensely. You looked like you were doing great, and he was glad. He never wanted you to ever feel sad.
Jisung quickly packed his stuff up and shoved it into his crossbody bag, getting ready to stand up and walk to you.
You were finally in his line of sight again, and he’d be damned if he didn’t try to win you back.
“Y/N? Hey haha, it’s been a while.” Jisung approached you with a bashful smile as you looked up at him with a shocked expression.
“Ji? Oh my god, hey!”
Your heart skipped a beat.
And so did his.
“How have you been? I haven’t seen you since… yeah.” He rubbed the back of his head sheepishly and you giggled at his antics.
“I’ve been good, how about you? You still look as good as ever.” You got up from your chair to hug him, but only for a brief moment before you pulled back.
Jisung fought the urge to pull you right back in.
“You look amazing. I’ve been good too, life has been a little dull though, not gonna lie.”
“Ah. Is that so?”
The two of you stared into each other’s eyes, the look of longing reciprocated between one another.
“Can I take you out? On a date?” Jisung blurted out while blushing profusely. “I miss you.”
You stayed quiet as a pang of hurt and yearning hit your heart. “…I—”
“Sorry for taking so long, had to find parking.” A deep voice interrupted what you were about to say, and the arm belonging to said voice wrapped around your shoulder.
Jisung’s eyes flickered back and forth between you and the man, anger bubbling inside from how close he was to you.
“Hey babe, who’s this?” He smiled at Jisung, whose eye twitched when he heard the nickname.
“Hi, baby!!! This is Jisung, an old friend of mine. Jisung, this is Felix, my boyfriend.” You smiled awkwardly as Felix stretched out his arm and shook his hand. His face was adorned with freckles and his long hair was bleached to a light neutral blonde, he looked like a god.
Jisung swore that he was able to hear his own heart crack.
This was the closest he’s ever had you in an entire year, yet you were so far away.
How could he have let you stray so far from him?
“Hi Jisung, it’s nice to meet you! Are you going to hang around?” He greeted sweetly, offering the chair across the table.
Jisung felt sick to his stomach. He doesn’t know why he expected you to be single, of course you had a boyfriend now. You were incredible, and he could bet that you’re still the same. If not, more so.
“…No. I just came to say hi. It was nice meeting you too, but I’m gonna get going. Bye, Y/N.” Jisung smiled sadly, and without wasting a single second, he rushed to leave before the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes, escape.
‘I shouldn’t have come here.’ Jisung thought to himself. It was pouring out by now, and the rain didn’t seem to be stopping any time soon. Despite the weather conditions, he refused to go under a shade and stay still.
Still, he ran wherever his legs took him. Memories of the two of you together flashed through his mind like a slideshow, each memory attacking his heart with regret and anguish. Memories that now fill him with despair—when just a year ago, these same memories filled him with happiness and love.
Love story. No, this isn’t a love story. Love is kind, and love is patient. Love is sweet, and love is beautiful. And you were just that. You embodied love like second nature, and love came to you.
You, who was once a person who never failed to put him in a state of sweet serenity. You, who was once a person who he would run to whenever something happened. You, who was once the calm center of the storm he called life. You, who was once a person who loved him ceaselessly. And you, who now belongs to somebody who doesn’t make you doubt his feelings for you the way he did.
I still love you. Four words that lingered on the tip of Jisung’s tongue and pen, but never voiced aloud.
This was a story about love, but this wasn’t a love story.
Jisung hates the number 13.
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MASTERTAG (OPEN)! @skzstan12345
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estellan0vella · 3 months
Office Cry Fest Older Brother Sukuna AU HFBU
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The parlour is quiet this evening, the buzz of tattoo machines having died down as the last clients left an hour ago. Sukuna’s office, however, is bustling with activity. You, Yuji, Megumi, and Gojo are all huddled on the plush couch, eyes glued to the TV screen. Marley & Me plays, a seemingly innocent choice for movie night. None of you had seen it before, and it promised the warm, fuzzy feeling of a family-friendly film.
Sukuna’s office is now a haven for an emotional rollercoaster. You’re curled up in Sukuna's oversized hoodie, clutching a pillow to your abdomen, dealing with the dual discomforts of cramps and the poignant narrative unfolding on screen. Yuji is nestled on your left, his tiny fists gripping your sleeve, while Megumi is on your right, half-hiding his face in the crook of your arm. Gojo is sprawled out on the floor, back against the couch, sniffling loudly.
As the movie reaches its heart-wrenching climax, you feel the tears streaming down your face. Yuji is openly sobbing, and even Megumi's brave façade crumbles as he clings to you tighter. Gojo, despite his usual nonchalance, is wiping at his eyes furiously, muttering under his breath.
“Who the fuck makes a doggy snuff film?” Gojo exclaims, throwing his hands up in exasperation. His voice cracks slightly, betraying his distress.
“What sick fuck made this film?” you shout, echoing Gojo’s sentiment as you bury your face in the pillow. The emotional weight of the movie, combined with your period-induced sensitivity, is too much to bear.
Suddenly, the office door swings open, and Sukuna strides in, followed closely by Geto and Toji. They pause at the sight before them: two adults, two children, all in various states of emotional disarray.
“What the hell is going on in here?” Sukuna demands, his eyes narrowing as he takes in the scene. His usually stern demeanor softens slightly when he sees the tears streaking down Yuji’s and Megumi’s faces.
You point at the TV, where the credits are now rolling. “That movie... Marley & Me... it’s awful,” you manage to choke out between sobs.
Geto raises an eyebrow, glancing at the screen. “Isn’t that supposed to be a feel-good family movie?”
“Yeah, well, it’s not,” Gojo retorts, his voice thick with emotion. “It’s a fucking trap.”
Yuji sniffles, looking up at Sukuna with wide, teary eyes. “Suku, the dog... the dog dies.”
Sukuna’s expression shifts from confusion to understanding. He crouches down to Yuji’s level, gently wiping away his tears. “It’s okay, buddy. It’s just a movie.”
“No more dog movies!” Megumi declares, his small hands clenched into fists. “Ever!”
You nod fervently, feeling a wave of determination wash over you. “Agreed. We’re making a pact. Never again.”
“Never again,” Gojo echoes, raising his hand as if taking an oath. “That was emotional terrorism.”
With a newfound sense of purpose, you eject the DVD from the player and march over to the window. “Good fucking riddance,” you say, launching the disc out into the night. It sails through the air, disappearing into the darkness. 
As you turn back, Megumi reaches for another DVD on the shelf. "How about this one?" he asks innocently, holding up "Me Before You."
Your eyes widen, and you snatch the DVD from his hands. “Not a fucking chance!” you declare, and with a swift motion, you throw it out the window as well.
Gojo lets out a loud laugh, wiping away the remnants of his tears. “If we watched that one, I would have killed myself,” he jokes, though his voice still wavers with leftover emotion.
“I agree,” you say, nodding solemnly. “That would’ve been the end of us.”
Geto wraps an arm around Gojo, pulling him close. “You guys are a mess,” he says softly, though there’s a hint of amusement in his voice.
“Come on, babe, let’s get you some tea,” Sukuna murmurs, pulling you into his arms. “And maybe something less devastating to watch.”
Yuji tugs on Sukuna’s sleeve. “Suku, can we watch something happy? Like Toy Story?”
“Sure thing, buddy,” Sukuna replies, ruffling Yuji’s hair. “Anything but another sad dog movie.”
Toji picks up Megumi, who is still sniffling. “Let’s go find something fun to watch, okay, kiddo?”
Megumi nods, resting his head on Toji’s shoulder. “Okay, Daddy. No more sad movies.”
You smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over you as Sukuna leads you to the kitchen. “Thanks, Kuna,” you whisper, leaning into him.
“Anything for you, baby,” he murmurs back, kissing the top of your head. “Now, let’s find something that won’t make us all cry our eyes out.”
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taglist - @sad-darksoul @thejujvtsupost @kyo-kyo1 @kalulakunundrum @ryomku
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borathae · 11 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #41 - Protector]
“When Jungkook shows you why you can always count on him.”
Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Warnings: harassment by a stranger, that stranger is really scary, violence in the form of Kook punching him, cursing, bruises, he is so protective over her, domestic fluff in the form of her taking care of his wounds, she is really vulnerable
Wordcount: 3.1k
a/n: sometimes i need to write about the trope of strong man protects you from danger. somehow i always wanna write that trope with kook. he gives me such “imma fight for you no matter what” vibes and ogc!kook is the epitome of that ngngn
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You are so scared. All of your employees left for the day already and there are no other customers in the restaurant anymore. Except for one. A man. Drunk. Tall. Stronger than you. And with bad intentions in his eyes. 
You can’t get him to leave and you are so scared. He has started to attempt to get behind the counter. If he does, you won’t be able to go anywhere. 
He is telling you about how he thinks it fascinating when women scream. You are so scared, but keep nodding your head and smiling. You are scared that if you don’t, you would be the next one screaming for him. Not in a good way obviously. 
This never happened before. You don’t have creepy customers. Most of the drunkards staying past their curfews are sappy drunks or straight up sleepyheads. You know most of them by now and in some weird way, you see them as friends. You see most of your regulars as friends. It’s a small town and they are always welcome here. Some you even knew all your life. 
You don’t know this man. His dialect lets you know that he wasn’t from here. Probably from another province. 
He is inching closer to the bar entrance, lulling his words. 
“It’s also fascinating when women run. Their tits bounce. I like that.”
You nod and smile, but your fingers grasp the knife as tightly as possible. You used it to cut limes hours ago, but won’t hesitate to use it to cut a person. 
His eyes flit to your chest. 
“You have nice tits.”
Your hand places itself over your chest to hide away. He follows the movements of your fingers. He licks his lips.
“I’m married. Very happily.”
“So? Is a nice guy, such as myself, not allowed to compliment a nice pair of tits?”
“You know, it’s getting very late and we are actually in the middle of closing up”, you tell him, smiling the entire time, “my husband will come any second now.”
“Don’t throw me out yet, I don’t like to be denied”, he says coldly and inches closer to the entrance.
You bite down a sob. Where is your husband? Where is Jungkook? Or anyone for that matter? You are so scared. 
“It doesn’t do well with me to be denied”, the man says and places his hand on the edge of the little swing door. He pushes, opens it just enough that he can take a step inside. 
“Please no customers behind the bar”, you beg.
“I don’t like that”, he says with furrowed brows, “I don’t like that one bit.”
He steps closer and you flee. You were too scared to do anything else. You run with your body still turned to him.
He follows in big steps. Manages to get three steps and then gets tugged back so harshly he falls on his ass. 
“The fuck are you fucker doing?” Jungkook spits, placing himself between you and the criminal. He closed up shop next doors and was in the middle of getting to you so you could drive home together when he watched you get harassed through the window. He jumped into a sprint instantly with only one thought in mind. Save you. 
Your knees buckle in relief, you have to hold onto the counter because of it. You could cry. You are so relieved that it gets hard to focus. 
“Baby, is he bothering you?” Jungkook asks, staring at the man. The latter currently gets back up.  
“I’m not bothering her”, he says.
“Pumpkin pie, is he bothering you?” Jungkook insists.
“Yes”, you choke out, “pumpkin pie.”
You thought of the codeword a long time ago. You will call him pumpkin pie whenever you find yourself in a dangerous situation and he will know that it is serious. You agree that a silly nickname won’t call attention and keep you safe.
“Okay, Imma need you to leave this place”, Jungkook addresses the guy. He speaks darkly and with honest danger in his voice, “now.”
“I haven’t finished my drink.”
“And I don’t give a fuck, you’re gonna leave now.”
Jungkook steps closer to the guy in warning, intimidating him by making himself bigger.
It does work. Jungkook can be a really scary guy if he wants to. Obvious muscles, dark hair, black leather bike clothes and dark tattoos. Heavy boots and big rings on his hands and piercings on his face. Jungkook can be scary if he wants to and on many occasions it worked to get whatever danger was harassing you, off your ass. 
Tonight it only works a little. The man stumbles back to the customer zone but then gets so angry at being pushed away that he tries to attack Jungkook.
Which was a mistake, because Jungkook has been on attack mode the moment he saw you fleeing from the man. Jungkook doesn’t even give the man a chance to lift his hand for a punch and he has already landed one straight across his face. Hard and with his restraints entirely gone. The man stumbles back and falls, hitting his elbows as they cushion his fall. He groans in pain, looking disoriented for a few seconds.
One must know one thing about Jungkook. He knows how to fight. The days on the streets taught him how to act in a real fight. The years and years of daily training helped him perfect his techniques. He knows how to throw a punch, land a kick and dodge. So the punch he threw right now, landed right where it was supposed to land. With Jungkook’s entire strength and anger bundled into it.
“Leave this fucking place!” Jungkook screams so loudly his deep voice bounces off the walls. It is distorted in anger. He doesn’t sound like your dorky, sweet husband right now.
The man, bleeding from his cheek and with his eye already starting to swell, still gets up and tries to fight him. Broken pride is the initiator. Alcohol the motivator. 
Jungkook catches his hand and uses his strength against him by twirling him and pressing his arm against his back. The grip is painful. The kind police use on their victims. 
The man screams up in pain and Jungkook tightens the grip.
“You’re on thin fucking ice, Imma fuck you up if you keep trying shit. Hear me? Imma actually fucking fuck you up”, Jungkook spits as he pushes the man to the door. 
“You’re breaking my arm!”
“I’m gonna fucking break so much more than just your fucking arm. You motherfucker, I’m actually gonna fuck you up”, Jungkook barks, twisting his arm to the point where the criminal whimpers with buckling knees, “you think you can go around threatening my wife? I’m gonna fucking show you what this gets you, you shit low life fuck.”
“Please, it hurts you fucker!”
Police is arriving outside. You called while they were busy fighting. They enter the restaurant and greet you loudly. Two take over for Jungkook. You know them well and they know you. They often times have lunch at your restaurant or if they don’t, they enjoy some burgers at Seokjin’s diner. They’re part of this town, as much as you and your friends are.  
“Fucking take him, Imma actually fucking curse. Take this fucker, he was threatening my wife, acting like a predator”, Jungkook spits, “fuck, I’m so angry how dare he-”
“You did a good job, Jungkook”, the police officer tells him and steps in between, “now please stay calm. We have it from here.”
“Make sure he never leaves his cell. I hope he rots in prison. This motherfucker. He threatened my ___.”
“Stay calm. Everything will be handled, but we still need to take your testimonies. He won’t leave his cell for the night, but we need you to calm down.”
Jungkook takes a step back, “fuck”, he presses out, lifting his arms, “I’m calm. Just do what you must.”
You don’t hold back any details, telling them about the scary things the man said and how he came at you when you tried to throw him out. And while you do, you are shaking while Jungkook was holding you and trembling in anger. 
They leave after making sure that the restaurant was safe. They offered to drive you home, but you told them that you can take the bike home. 
You ended up keeping it parked by the restaurant and driving home with Jungkook. You hugged him so tightly that it felt as if you wanted to merge with him. All you needed was a hug. You didn’t get a proper hug yet. You didn’t feel comfortable hugging like this in front of the police. 
The garage door closes behind you automatically. Jungkook is in the midst of taking off his helmet. You do the same. And while he is by the biking gear cupboard, you are still by his bike. It feels impossible to move. Jungkook places the helmet on its holder and turns to looks at you. Your eyes fill with tears instantly.
“Hey”, he is by your side immediately taking you into his arms, “I’m here, my love.”
You break. This was all it took. This one hug. His safe arms around you and his strong chest against your cheek. This is all it took to break your composure. 
You sob loudly and honestly and you do so with your fingers twisting his thick leather jacket while Jungkook sways your bodies from side to side soothingly and repeatedly kisses the crow of your head. 
“I’m here, I’m right here, let it all out, I’m here”, he keeps repeating over and over again. 
“I was, was so scared.”
“I know baby, god I know. Nothing can get you anymore, I’m keeping you safe.”
Jungkook holds you until you calm down. He takes off the bike gear for you and then carries you inside. He sits you down on the sofa and wraps you up in a blanket. And he does all of that whilst repeating that he was here for you over and over again. It really soothed you like nothing else.
“Can you check the windows, please?” you ask because you were scared. You know that the police were taking care of it, but you were still so scared. What if the guy flees and then tries to find you? The possibilities of that happening were next to zero, but you were still so scared.
“Of course”, and so Jungkook checked every single window and he rolled down the blinds for every single one and even turned on the lights in every room. He checked the locks twice and checks the garage door once more. You were safe and the outside world was locked out. 
Jungkook returns to you and squats down in front of you, taking your hands. 
“Nothing can get inside”, he assures you. 
Bam is by your sides, sniffling at you. His body language was tense. He must smell the anxiety. He will protect you as well if someone dares to break in. 
“Thank you for checking”, you whisper shakily. 
“Of course”, Jungkook straightens up and places his hand on the back of your head so he can pull you into a forehead kiss, “shit baby, I’m still so angry that I feel sick.”
“I’m so happy that you came when you did.”
“Me too, but fuck I should have come sooner.” 
“Don’t blame yourself please. I’m so happy that you’re here.”
“Me too. Fuck, if something had happened to you”, his face tightens in dark anger, “I would have hunted this asshole down and killed him.”
“But it didn’t”, you reach out to caress his cheeks, “thank you for keeping me safe.”
“I’ll always keep you safe.”
You feel so grateful for him. So, so grateful that you have to pull him into a kiss. Gentle and filled with eternal love. Jungkook kisses you back with just as much love and his hands cradling your face. You end it with a gentle nudge to his nose.
“Thank you, my love”, you whisper, “I still feel shaken up, but I know that I don’t have anything to worry about because you’re with me.”
“And I always will”, he assures you and seals the promise with a loving kiss. He kisses your cheek afterwards, caressing your skin with his thumb, “now stay, I’m making you some tea to calm the nerves.”
That night, Jungkook holds you as you fall asleep, running his fingers over your scalp until you find peace of mind and rest.
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You wake again when you can hear Jungkook leave the bedroom. You check the clock. It’s been an hour since you went to bed. Feeling incredibly cold without his hug and just a little scared without his protection, you roll out of bed to follow him. You follow him all the way to the kitchen. 
The lights by the sink were on. Otherwise the room is dark. He is sitting on the counter and is pressing an ice pack to his knuckles.
“Sweetheart, are you okay?” you ask into the silence.
Jungkook lifts his head. His messy hair hangs into his eyes.
“What are you doing up?” he gasps, “go back to bed, sweetheart.”
“I can’t sleep without you. Are you hurting?”
Jungkook removes the ice pack and shows off his bruised, swollen hand.
“I hit him with all my strength. The rings tug into my hand.”
“Holy fuck, it looks terrible. Sweetheart, we should go to the hospital”, you gasp, hurrying to him to take his hand and inspect it.
“It’s okay. It’s just bruised. I can still move my fingers, so nothing’s broken.”
“Kookie”, you press out and lean down to kiss his knuckles, “why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just didn’t wanna worry you.”
“God, no”, you choke out, “I’m so sorry.”
“For what?”
“You got hurt because of me.”
“Hey. Stop that”, he says sternly and tugs you between his legs. He tilts your head up, staring deeply into your eyes. His bruised hand is the one cradling your cheek, “I’d take a fucking bullet for you, so don’t you ever apologise for this again. I’m happy I got these bruises because it means you were safe.”
You whimper and spill tears.
“Hey, my darling”, he speaks softly and pulls you against his chest. He hugs you safely, swaying you from side to side, “everything’s gonna be alright. I’m here now. Your hubby’s here.”
“Kookie, I love you”, you choke out, “I love you so much.”
“Well, I love you too my baby”, he says and kisses the crown of your head, “you should go to sleep, staying awake will only hurt you. I can see how it hurts you.”
“I can’t fall asleep without you.”
“Okay, I’ll just take care of my hand and then we can cuddle.”
“No”, you step back and take his bruised hand, “I wanna take care of it.”
“You don’t have to.”
“No, no I want to”, you say in a tiny, sad voice, shaking your head vigorously.
Jungkook can see that you aren’t yourself right now, that you fell into this very vulnerable, almost child-like headspace. And that this was the result of a traumatic day, which has been dragging on for way too long. You got this way two times before. Once when you found out about your grandparents’ house burning down and the second time was when you dreamt of what happened in the alley years ago and he had to shake you awake. He was there for you on both occasions and he will make sure that he is there for you right now.
“Okay fine”, he gives in because he knows that this is what you need, “but let’s not do it here. Let’s go upstairs.”
“Yes, please.”
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Jungkook sits down on the bathtub. Only the small mirror cabinet light is turned on, painting the walls of the bathroom in a faint golden shine. You hurry to your medicine cabinet and take out everything you need.
“Give me your hand”, you ask him quietly.
Jungkook offers it to you, running his thumb over your skin as you inspect him.
“It looks so painful”, you get out and choke down a whimper, “Googie.”
“It’ll heal, don’t worry.”
“Googie, please lets go to the hospital.”
“It’s not that bad, I promise”, he assures you and tilts your head up with two of his fingers holding your chin. His eyes are filled with adoration, “but I’ll go the doctors tomorrow, yeah? So we can be sure that it’s just bruised.”
“Yes, please go”, you pout, “it, it looks so painful.”
“It already hurts a little less because you’re taking care of it.”
A small smile curls at your lips. You lower your eyes and let out a shy giggle. Jungkook smiles upon hearing it, running his thumb over your cheek. He leans in and kisses whatever part of your head he can naturally reach.
“I’ll put cream on it now”, you say.
“Yes, do that. Thank you, sweetie. You’re taking such great care of me”, he speaks softly, guiding his hand from your face to your hip so he can massage it slowly. The touch feels really good to you, letting you know that he will always be there for you.
You make sure to be as careful as possible, spreading the healing cream with nothing more than a featherlight touch. The knuckle on his ring finger carries the smallest of cuts. It’s where he wore his heaviest ring. You look up at him and he gives you a reassuring smile.
“It doesn’t hurt”, he whispers, nodding his head, “keep going, you’re doing so well.”
“You, you really gotta let a doctor look at it tomorrow.”
“I will, baby. Promise. First thing I’ll do is drive to the doctors.”
“Yes. Good”, you say, now moving on to healing the knuckle of his pinky. It only carries a small bruise, “Googie, I wanna stay at home tomorrow. I’m scared to go back.”
“This is totally understandable. I think a day off sounds like a good plan. You deserve to have some rest. I’m sure that Steph can manage the place perfectly. I’ll talk to her after I went to the doctors, yeah?”
You nod your head, “thank you, Googie.”
“Of course baby, don’t mention it.”
You look up at him, “I finished the cream.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook gives your hand a gentle squeeze. It hurts a lot when he does, but he doesn’t let it show for your sake, “it already hurts so much less, thank you baby.”
“Was…was I able to help?”
“Yes baby, you helped a lot”, he assures you and pulls you into his arms. He kisses your cheek and seconds later, has you making yourself smaller so you can rest your head on his shoulder, “thank you so much, I couldn’t have done it any better.”
You snuggle into him, release a shaky breath of relief.
“Now”, he begins and squeezes your buttock, “let’s finally get back to bed and sleep the day off. Yeah?”
“Yeah. I’m so tired.”
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Ever since that day, Jungkook closes his shop one hour earlier just so he can stay with you until you close up. And if anyone was wondering, Jungkook kept his promise and went to the doctors. His hand was bruised, but will heal just fine.
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cheollipop · 1 year
So maybe I am just emotional but I am in the soft girl hours of the sleepover.
You know I love big, kinda dumb men that are in touch with their feelings, Song Mingi... Just imagine having a bad day, a rough week, or an okay month. It kind of seems like it's dragging on, and for the sake of holding on, you try to keep pushing forward. Today is not a push-forward day. Water overflowed in your bathroom; you have to turn the water off bc there's no off value to that pipe. You are a little behind on work, and the sites that you need are down, and the deadline is closer than you would like it to be. All you want is a warm shower and to curl into the covers until you forget what day it is. Mingi notices you slowly folding into yourself. It's difficult to be present with so much to worry about. So today he called just to check in. Through blurry eyes, you answer. Unable to hold the dam back any longer, you let out a soft sob, and he's throwing on his coat and snatching his keys off the counter to come get you.
Mingi stays on the phone with you until he climbs the stairs to your apartment. Opening the door to him, there are dried tear marks on your cheeks that you have failed to wipe completely away, but he just wraps you in the biggest hug. His hands pull you close and tight, squeezing a few more tears from your eyes.
"Let's go shower at my house. Then I'll feed you while we watch TV on my couch. That sound good?" He mumbles before pulling you back to look at you. Pinching your lips tightly together, the worried look on your boyfriend's face just makes you want to cry more, but maybe a nice shower and some private time is what you need to clock out of life for a bit.
Shut up, I'm going to cry my eyes out lolol
Nora I am too soft for life rn
2𝙠 𝙎𝙡𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙀𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩
oh, my nabi. the warmth and comfort this made me feel—reading your ask and writing it out—drove me to tears, on multiple occasions. i was initially saving this drabble for a bad day, and ended up starting it after a particularly taxing one, but I actually wrote most of this while feeling quite...happy. so putting myself in mingi's shoes instead of reader's was the way to go, i guess. I really hope I did this justice, and that it floods you with lots and lots of comfort <3
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pairing: bf!song mingi x gender neutral!reader
w.c.: 0.8k
tags: hurt/comfort, angst, fluff, mentioned symptoms of anxiety & depression, non-sexual nudity (they shower together)
note: you are not alone
The drive to his apartment was silent, save for the wind blowing through the cracked-open windows to send short, blonde strands flying in different directions. The sun had departed from its locus, descending the changing sky to kiss the horizon, a gradient of orange and pink painted before your eyes. Your gaze moved off the breathtaking scenery to focus on Mingi—a hand resting over the leather wheel while the other locked with yours, glancing over at you every few minutes, squeezing your fingers to remind you of his presence.
As if you could forget, you thought, as he guided you down the hall to his door, twisting the keys while your hands remained intertwined, his thumb drawing soothing circles over your skin as he ushered you inside with a swing of his arm.
Steam engulfed the small bathroom, the warmth of the shower brushing against your skin as delicate fingers helped you out of the hoodie you should’ve washed last week. Mingi didn’t complain, though; he didn’t even comment, wordlessly adding it to the pile of clothes building up in the corner. Your insecurity must have bled into your expression, strong arms pulling you ito his chest and plush lips pressing against your forehead.
“I’ve got you,” was all he said, but it was though you were already immersed underneath the balmy stream, a comfortable heat searing through your skin as he held you against him.
With your back to him, Mingi noted the way your muscles slackened under the steaming water, the soapy droplets rushing down the curve of your spine while he worked his fingers through your hair, hoping his shampoo was strong enough to cleanse away some of the burden you’d carried on your shoulders, the dread he’d helplessly watched eat away at you for weeks. Twisting your body to face him, his thumb and pointer closed around your chin, tilting your head back to rinse the scented suds out of your hair, leaning forward to press his lips to your cheekbone while the water warmed your scalp.
Washing away weeks-worth of grime and self-loathing with delicate palms and a lathered washcloth, Mingi silently spoke of his infatuation, his care, his unconditional, overwhelming devotion to you. Even when you were broken, anxious, blind to any and every possibility of a future worth looking forward to. Mingi was there, calloused hands picking up the brush you’d broken and painting tomorrow, then the day after, one stroke at a time—open fields of daisies and sunflowers, the hopeful orb of light splaying golden rays over the land while the man with the grown-out roots stood amidst the flora, pearly teeth reflecting the daylight as he watched you approach him, his warmth seeping into your very soul as you buried yourself within his embrace.
You felt light, your breathing steady while you rested your head on Mingi’s chest, his thighs on either side of you as you curled up in his lap. You’d heard the doorbell while you were dressing, walking into the living room to find takeout containers spread out over the coffee table, and a shoujo anime paused on his TV.
“It’ll pass,” he spoke, tapping the spoon against your bottom lip and watching you take the steaming food into your mouth. Your eyes remained downcast, and he noticed hints of guilt tainting your features as you processed his words with inexorable disbelief.
“I know it’s difficult to see it now, so I’ll believe it for the both of us,” he held his lips to your forehead, your eyes fluttering shut and heartbeat erratic. Not because of anxiety, or dysphoria, but because of the overwhelming sense of tranquillity Mingi flooded into your chest so easily, the animation in your peripheral and the cheesy sound effects now masked under the faint movement of his lips over your face, planting kisses over the trail of tears rushing down the skin. “I’m here, (y/n). You don’t need to go through this alone.”
And you didn’t. Episode after episode played on the big screen, takeout containers and popcorn bowls resting empty on the coffee table while you remained encompassed within Mingi’s arms. The moonlight, aided by the warm hue of his standing lamp carved shadows over the drowsing man’s face, and you took in the slight part of his lips, pretty eyes shut as he explored the dreamland, limp arms somehow still firm around your figure, as though he couldn’t bear to leave you alone again, even while dormant.
The overbearing weight of your thoughts had long since mitigated, your chest rising and falling to the same rhythm as Mingi’s, and now that it was no longer overcrowded with taxing angst and negativity, hints of credibility laced themselves into his words. You ran your pointer over his knuckles—his fingers draped over your hip—a silent ‘thank you’ stuck in your throat as you mooned over the tomorrow he’d drawn out for you. A tomorrow you wanted. A tomorrow you didn’t dread. A tomorrow illuminated by a gentle sun, and a contagious, toothy smile.
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ax-y10 · 10 months
✮ knock ✮
in which- you have a fear of showing too much of your own skin due to past dreams and coincidences, but wilbur is there to help.
chapter info- mentions of private areas, mentions of fears, descriptions of nudity, descriptions of past situations, just a vent fic essentially
a/n- i made this as a sort of vent/coping mechanism because i needed to get this out somewhere to make myself feel better so here you go
pronouns- none (you/yours)
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you're sat in your boyfriend's bedroom, a frown present on your face and hot tears running down your face. maybe this wasn't worth getting so worked up about but it reminded you too much of years ago.
when you were in grade five, you'd had a dream where you were naked at school, beginning your fear of being judged by everyone. a year later in grade six, you had another dream about being naked at school, and that heightened your fear, if not hatched your fear of showing skin.
to make things worse, you've had multiple occasions where someone you know, whether it be family or close friends, has walked in on you changing, ultimately making your fear of showing skin ten times worse.
you'd swear that you would rather die than show skin to anyone in close relation to you. if you had to do one thing before you died, showing skin was the last on that list. it was your last resort, barely that. showing skin was never an option for you.
you'd been pressured by beauty standards, peer pressure, and wanting to seem more confident that once you did finally show a tiny bit of skin, it all went haywire, and every girl you walked past gave you weird stares or even just laughed at you as you walked past. you were never and never will be known for showing skin. you'll always be known as the girl who has self-esteem issues, hates showing skin. the amount of times you've been called a pick-me for the way you dress has you fuming at the statement.
and now, your boyfriend accidentally walking in on you showering has sent you back into a horrible spiral of worries and concerns and fears, breaking down into hysterics on his bed.
did wilbur know you were sobbing in his bedroom? no. he was in the kitchen cooking dinner for you both. were you desperately trying to calm yourself down without wilbur's help? yes, and it sure as hell wouldn't work with him not there.
"darling?" his voice from the other side of the door startled you enough to break you out of whatever bad thoughts were strangling your head.
"i have dinner," he'd state, before the handle of the door slowly starts turning.
"no! not yet. give me a second!" you yelled from his bed, scurrying into his bathroom and throwing on one of his sweaters he'd left in there for you.
it was silent. at least on the outside of his room. inside however? your mental rambling had started back up again and was attacking you.
a minute passed. two minutes passed. three minutes passed. five minutes passe-
"sweetheart, i'm gonna come in. something's wrong,"
his large figure in the doorway was inching it's way towards you, causing you to move back with each of his steps.
"oh, my love, what's wrong?" fuck. he'd caught on.
you were silent. all your communication skills were out the window.
"c'mere" his voice soft, calm, and collected rang through your ears.
and before you could blink, your head was nuzzled in his neck, your arms tightening around his shoulders as you clung to him, you legs bent uncomfortably underneath you, and your tears soaking into his shoulder.
he was happy to stay there all night if you needed, happy to let you cry it out, happy to listen, happy to talk. as long as you were okay.
"knock before you walk into the bathroom if i'm in there, please?"
"no problem, darling. have some pasta and rest easy and you can talk about it more if needed when you wake up, alright?" he paused, took a deep breath, and continued., "i'm right here, always. i'll stay with you tonight, okay? i love you,"
and all you can remember was the warmth of his arms before you fell asleep.
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irlrachelamber · 4 months
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Ellie Williams x ExGf!Reader
preview for my upcoming fic " BITTERSUITE " ,, based on Billie Eilish's new album / songs.
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" , but I gotta be careful ,"
She was standing at my door. Her entire body was shaking and soaking wet, and she looked at me with an expression of sadness. I looked back at her, my heart breaking at the sight of Ellie standing at my doorstep once again, like she had been earlier this morning. I swore to myself I'd never see her again in this position, her most vulnerable and my most sensitive. Her green eyes meeting my blue ones. I couldn't believe I was letting her in. I just gotta be careful..
" ... gotta watch what I say... "
Her sombre eyes watched as I brought her over a towel. She took it in her hands and said a quiet thank you before throwing it over herself. I sat in front of her, my eyes piercing into her own. She was shivering violently and avoiding all forms of communication between us. I opened my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. All I was left with was air. She shifted her weight from side to side as she tried to make herself warmer. Her hands were clasped together in a ball, her fingers crossed over one another.
" Do you want a hot chocolate?"
" God, I hope it all goes away.. "
I placed the mug on the coffee table in front of her. She nodded and picked it up, her hands immediately wrapping around the ceramic. She blew on it a few times and smiled down at the liquid contents before drinking some. I continued to look at her. I realised she wasn't wearing the outfit I saw her in this morning. Her t-shirt was ripped and fraying at all sides, the soles of her shoes were breaking apart, and her jeans had even bigger holes in them. I studied her face as she drank the beverage, her eyes all bloodshot from what looked like crying. The thunder struck from outside the house, and she violently jerked, her face striken with fear. I looked outside, watching the trees sway from side to side in the wind.
"God I hope it all goes away, huh?"
I said to her, turning away from the window and to her curled up figure. She nodded and cleared her throat, giving me the cup.
"Yeah I hope so."
" 'Cause I can't fall in love with you.. "
"Ellie. Why are you here?"
I said, my arms crossed over each other. She looked up at me, her eyes darting around. She sighed and stood up gently.
"I wanted to say that i-"
"If you wanted to say you were sorry, you would've done that earlier when you came and got your shit."
She looked at me stunned, her mouth hung open.
"You know I'm really sorry. I didn't know that she was gonna kiss me at that party."
I felt a rage burn right through me as she spoke. She spoke as if it wasn't her fault, as if she didn't cheat and enjoy it.
"Oh Ellie, you and Dina did a lot more than just kiss. You fucking know that."
I spat, pointing my finger in her face. I could feel my blood running cold as she stuttered, trying to make up and excuse.
"Cmon babe. You're being dramatic, it was a party!"
"Yeah, but if I was there, would've Dina and you fucked?"
She stood silent, her face rested in a soft frown. I felt tears run down my cheeks, and I let out a stifled sob from my chapped lips.
"Everyone was right. I should've never picked you up on that offer to go out for coffee."
"Oh stop being pathetic, you don't mean that. Please. I'll make it up to you, it'll be like we fell in love all over again!"
I stood up angrily and pushed her too the door.
"Ellie, I wish I could but I can't fall in love with you again."
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(c) irlrachelamber 2024
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neo404 · 5 months
Omg can you write about nick getting his wisdom teeth out, like his bf is there comforting him while he’s scared and when he’s done it’s really funny.
Hold my hand
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Summary: you go with Nick to take out his wisdom teeth and comfort him.
I walk impatiently from one extreme of my living room to the other, Nick is on his way to pick me up so I can be there for the surgery. Chris texted me that he was crying, Nick couldn’t sleep most of the night, I am a bit anxious if I’m being honest, I know how sensitive he can be. I hear a car horn outside my house so I take a deep breath and grab my backpack, I go outside and close the door behind me.
"Hiiii." Chris smiles throw the half-lowered window and waves at me, I smile and wave back. When I open the car door, I see Nick covering his eyes and tearing up.
"I can’t, I hate this." He murmurs and I coo at him. I sit next to him and kiss his forehead.
"Hi baby." I whisper to him. "Hi Matt." I say louder. Matt greets me back and starts driving slowly. Nick hides his face on my chest.
"You know what they told me?" Nick looks up at me with his wet eyes, I shake my head. "The tooth fairy won’t come to see me again!" He starts crying again, I gulp and look to Chris who is laughing and to Matt who is trying not to laugh.
The whole ride there was chaos, Nick sobbing and his brothers laughing and trying to comfort him, my supporting hand on his and my arm wrapped around his shoulders.
When we arrived, I grabbed his hand while they put the IV on him. I tried to hold my laughter back when the anesthesia kicked in because even when our relationship wasn’t a secret it wasn’t something public either. I sat with Chris and Matt and waited, I drank some coffee, I checked some e-mail, and when he was done, we all jolted from our seats and entered the room. Nick was… groggy, to say a word. His eyes moved around the room, and when he saw all of us, he smiled widely.
“Hii.” He said to us, I grabbed the camera as his brothers walked up to him.
“How are you?” Chris asks, Nick puts his thumbs up. We share a laugh.
“You feeling well?” Matt asks.
“Hm. I hate this.” Nick mutters while waving the tiny square attached to his finger.
“No, don’t take that off.” I speak. Nick turns around to look at me and smiles.
“Hi handsome.” He winks at me, but his eye closed to hard and for too long, making it look goofy. I smile at him.
“Wanna say hi to your boyfriend?” Chris laughs walking to me and taking the camera off my hands. He gives me a little push on the arm and I walk towards Nick.
“Wow, you are hot.” Nick babbles and I chuckle.
“Nick, we are in public.” Matt scolds him.
“Thanks. I think you are hot too.” I pat his shoulders gently.
“Come on, don’t indulge him.” Chris talks behind the camera.
“WHAT!? I can’t speak my mind now?” Nick frowns and tries to cross his arms but I hold them still.
“Careful, your IV could move.” He rolls his eyes and groans. “Come on, stay still. I’ll cuddle you when we are home.” I see him smile quickly.
“Okay, I like that.” he tries to stay still but I see him play with the gray square on his finger a bit.
After talking with the doctor, waiting for all the medicine to go into his blood, getting the care package and all the instructions from the dentist we made our way downstair with Nick in the wheelchair.
“Nick, look at me.” I laugh behind the camera of my phone; he looks at me and playfully raises his arms and smiles. “Great picture, love it.”
“Wanna see.”
“I’ll show you when we get to the car.”
The car wasn’t very far, we put Nick into his seat and with a bit of a fight we buckled his seatbelt. I sat next to him, holding his hand telling him how brave he was and how proud I am of him. His little smile and blush were the best reward. I smiled at myself knowing the surprise that awaited home. (Ice-cream and his teeth he thought he lost).
Tiny extra:
“Nick sit down, you are not a drag queen, you are still a bit weak from the medicine.” I say while looking at him dance in front of the tv.
“If I was drugged, could I do this?”
“NICK!” I grab him and we land on the couch, he laughs manically and I sigh loudly. “Jesus, this is like babysitting.” I feel him pout against my cheek. “What? You feel sorry?”
He shakes his head. “They eliminated my favorite queen.” His eyes water and I rub his back up and down, trying to console him for that lost, even when we have seen this season more than 5 times.
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Taglist: @freshloveforthefit @shywolfapricotfan @sturnphilia @matty-bear @thenickgirl @stvrniolvsp @paige05 @soursturniolo @miloisdone1 @teenagetrash00 @lovely-calypso @h3arts4harry @malirosee
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daddyhausen · 1 year
Hey girly, I was wondering if you can do dialogue prompt 62 with dominik mysterio? Maybe where he like misses something important or like an important day like your anniversary and then just shows up at 3 am 🥺
• missed call — dominik mysterio •
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{ masterlists } | { wwe masterlist } | { dominik mysterio masterlist }
{ commission info } | { like my work? buy me a coffee <3 }
{ summary } — after forgetting your two year anniversary, dominik tries to make it up to you by showing up to your house at three am
{ warnings } — none
{ word count } — 601
{ pairing } — fem!reader x dominik mysterio
{ genre } — fluff
{ taglist } — @cosmoholic13 @thewrestlingbitch @omg-im-such-a-masochist @adamjf @slut4kennyomega @wardlow @alexisquinnlee-bc @sammiejane22 @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @omegasluvbot @melissahausen @writtingrose @drummergrl1310 @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin @bonehead-playz @cherrytheeredheadmamaclaymore @crowleysqueenofhell @romanreigns-supreme @janetreader @thenerdybaker523 @sunshinevirus @nicoleveno14 @rubyred1980 @elsteenerico @igncrxntripley @ripleyswhore @embermdk
{ beta readers } — @allelitesmut + @legit9thlunaticwarrior
{ comment if you want to be added to the taglist }
{ 62 } — “it’s three am. What are you doing?”
you couldn’t sleep
thoughts racing over and over in your mind
like a car whose brakes had been cut
the turmoil was never ending
your mind in shambles trying to process exactly why he did not show at the restaurant this evening
it was your two year anniversary
something you were certain dominik would not forget
yet here you were
in your bed, all by your lonesome
tears stained your pillowcase
a salty film clung to your cheeks in trails where your tears had dried up
only breaking the silence that consumed the room with a sniffle or a choked sob
your phone continued to buzz on your nightstand
knowing it was him yet choosing to ignore it
whatever his excuse was you did not want to hear it
at least not right now
another twenty minutes it continues
the soft vibration only irked you, disturbing whatever little slumber you could achieve before silencing for the night
somehow the silence made your attempts at sleep futile
it made you focus on the thoughts you’d been pushing back since you’d left the restaurant
thoughts that you certainly did not want to reminisce on now
little taps could be heard from your window
little pebbles rapped against the glass in an attempt to gain your attention
it did
climbing out from beneath the covers, letting the winter air freeze your bones as you wrapped a throw blanket around your body
you peered through the glass
seeing dominik standing below
the only warmth shielding him from the frozen air was his denim vest
the material worn and fraying, it did very little to help
you opened the window, staring down at him with a mix of worry and disdain
“it’s three am, what are you doing?”
you replied coldly, feeling only a shred of sympathy for him amongst noticing the slight chatter of his teeth
“i’ll explain everything, just let me inside…please?”
his eyes were glossy
as if he’d been crying just the same as you
you gulped down a sob, practically rushing to unlock the door
you did not want to see him freeze
you opened the door, noticing he’d already made his way to your front porch
yet you kept your distance
despite the pleading look in his eyes
arms wanting to outstretch and hold you close
yet he refrained
“how could you forget?”
you pressured him for answers, feeling the tears well in your eyes once more
not allowing him to make himself comfortable inside your home
“baby, i didn’t forget-“
“then where were you?” you accused.
“do you know how embarrassing it was for me? sitting there all by myself waiting for you for hours, people starting to stare-“
“baby please” he outstretched his arms, he grabbed you by the shoulders to try and jostle you from your own ramblings
“i’m so sorry i didn’t show up, they kept me back at work. i tried to call you but my phone died”
you remained silent for the moment, still trying to process his words
“you’re so special to me, i’d never forget our anniversary.”
he cupped your cheek daintily, you could not help but lean into his palm with a heavy sigh
“how could i ever make it up to you, love?”
you contemplated for a moment whether or not you should kick him out into the cold again
but his words seemed genuine
how he silently pleaded with you to forgive
“just stay here and hold me”
he gave a small sigh of relief
engulfing you into his embrace
his palm smoothing your hair
“anything for you, my love”
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tulypes · 10 months
tags: unestablished relationship, black reader, mild angst, brief sexual touch, Jason a little paranoid and worried
Jason felt absorbed, his heart was beating at full speed inside his chest, causing his breathing to become irregular. A part of him hated what was happening. But the other part of Jason was selfish enough to be happy with the whole situation.
The scream was stuck in her throat, tearing through her violently, eager to echo throughout the room. But he didn't want to wake you up.
Insomnia had become Jason's close friend, accompanying him in his short moments of rest. Now he watched over the sleeping woman lying on the messy bed, the result of previous caresses.
The selfish part of him loved having you like this, naked and delicate, sleeping peacefully. His selfishness loved having the comfort and security of female arms, the adorable smile present on the full lips that he loved to kiss so much; He loved coming to your house and playing with the kitten, while listening to you tell him about your day.
The selfish part of him — his heart — loved you. He loved her so much that it made him feel truly alive.
Now the side that Jason believed to be rational filled him with fear, with insecurities about what could happen to you, thanks to everything he lives.
His chest hurt just imagining you dead or injured because of his actions, this woman who slept such an innocent sleep in front of him.
Poor Jason.
He hated that the selfish side won every time the phone rang.
Jason tried to disappear from her life, stopped responding to her messages and didn't even answer her calls. But when the violent raindrops covered Gotham City, he knocked on the door, soaking wet and sobbing about being gone. Crying for showing up too. Damn, he didn't know. I was so confused!
The boy's face cried out for forgiveness, affection and attention, but it also showed fear, anguish and restlessness. You hugged him as if both of your lives depended on that contact, so desperate, but at the same time so sweet.
Sitting in the armchair, next to the bedroom window, he watched the moonlight paint his black skin in such a beautiful way that classical painters would give anything to capture this image.
Jason prayed so hard to the heavens to allow him to stop loving you because he felt if that happened, you would be safe.
Frustrated, he throws his head back and takes his own hands to his hair, tugging at it nervously. Jason was so focused on his world of anguish and paranoia that he didn't notice you waking up in bed.
— Insomnia? — with a voice hoarse with sleep, you break the silence in the room, making green eyes turn to your figure.
— I was just thinking. — A big problem.
— You think too much, it will fry your brain, you know?
Jason didn't respond to what you said, he just laughed weakly. He knew you were right, because he felt like smoke could come out of his head at any moment.
His eyes never leave you for a moment.
Calmly, you get up from the bed and walk to the armchair where he was sitting. He analyzes every part of your body, every detail he had ever recorded in his mind; every curve he could spend a lifetime kissing, and still think it wouldn't be enough.
You stay between his legs, looking at him affectionately, knowing that the maps you completely with his greenish eyes.
— You're so beautiful… — Jason murmured, running his rough, but at the same time so delicate, hands over your belly, going up to your breasts, caressing them.
— I don't like seeing you so worried. — a sigh escapes your lips as you talk to him, feeling his fingertips press your sensitive nipple. — Nothing's going to happen, Jay.
He abruptly stops his caresses. His right leg starts to shake nervously. Jason was a mess inside.
— You have no way of knowing! — His voice comes out rougher than he imagined.
— Fuck, neither do you! It's not fair for fear to get in the way of what we're experiencing.
— I'm afraid of losing you, [Y/N]. I will never forgive myself if something happens to you.
— Nothing will happen while we are together.
He takes a deep breath.
The selfish part of him loved hearing you say that, that nothing could happen if you were together. His selfishness loved knowing that he would bring your body to sit on it, and make you a woman with the moon being a spectator. His selfishness loved knowing that he loved you to the point of being sick without you.
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uevue · 23 days
Something cracks as your face slams into the window again. I think it was your voice. You’re crying for help. People point and stare from the sidewalk below us. Someone’s got a camera across the street. I wish I could see. Your tits are pressed against the glass. My cock is pressed against your cervix. Your hair is wrapped around my wrist. You gotta stand up straight for the pictures. You’re going limp. I slam you into the window, and something cracks as you spill down the pane. A camera flashes. They're leaning outta their cars. You sob for someone to help, please help. Why won’t anyone help you? Your neighbor’s looking through binoculars. I wish I could look through them too. I wanna see me hold you up by the hair, up against the splattered glare squeaking as you blindly struggle, streaking your nose through the hot mist to tally your shame while the world watches, watch myself hold you down by the clit, down against me while you stretch around my arteries in the wet reflections taking you and letting go, or almost, get so close but can’t cos your hair’s knotted in my fist so I just take you again and again and keep smearing your mess, keep busting your lip against the window flattening you like a perfect picture, and you just take it. You’re going blind. The world watches. The look on their faces. It’s holding up traffic. You can’t see. You needa be seen. You’re so close. Something cracks. Our blurred reflection reverberates. I wanna see your face. I see your dripping reflection. I wanna watch you cry. You’re not crying for anything anymore. You're just crying, crying for me to rape you six stories above a busy street. Crying for a kiss. I tear myself away long enough to twist you around and give you one with a bite on the busted lip as your spine curls against the glass and I force myself back between your hips, clear back beneath your desperate ribs til something cracks. You gasp. Everyone’s looking at your ass. They can’t look away. You can’t see. You’re trying not to look at me. Look at me. Your eyes are so sad. They’re going dark. You still have so much left to see. I see myself reflected in the teary black. I look so good, trembling while you weep. You don’t blink. You look like you’re choking. I tighten my grip. It’s all tangled. Your hair's twisted around your neck. It must hurt. You claw at my breast, but I throw you back. Something cracks. I take your breath. A camera flashes. Silver little slivers shimmer around your empty head. Your ribs plead for more, but all you have is me. Your sad eyes disagree. I wanna blind you. You needa be seen. You look straight through me, and I fall in, straight through you clear to the back of your skull in a shimmering spray. You spasm around me like you don’t wanna let me go, like you don’t want it to show. I know. I don’t wanna let you go. I wanna show you off. You spit in my eye, and I glare out the other. I show you up, shove my tongue between your teeth and fuck you into the glass til I hear something crack, but it doesn’t. It fucking shatters. The wind whistles. The air's cold. A camera flashes. Blood runs down your cheeks. You’re gonna make me come. You swallowed the tip of my tongue. You scream. I scream too, hold you close and fall into your eyes as we plummet in a shimmering spray, and all I see is blinding silver. I can’t let you go. I can't see my reflection. I spasm around you, trembling while you weep while the wind whistles, your tears falling upward. We’re falling faster. We’re coming together. We’re so close. A moment lasts longer than it should. The flash isn't over. It keeps coming. We keep coming closer. My head feels like it’s gonna explode. The shrapnel shines like stars. They burn deep inside us, so close together. It's so beautiful. I’m so alone. Your head explodes on the sidewalk.
I can’t breathe, but my heart beats. Your heart still beats. It sprays outta the hole and collects in the cracks. I look straight through you, clear through to the wet cracks in the concrete. A sad eye rolls away. The other one’s squished. There’s window where your nose should be. I let go but can’t leave. My legs feel like jelly. My kneecaps are shattered. Your hair’s still tied to my shredded hand. It's so shiny. I’m still deep inside you, halfway through and coming deeper, still smearing your mess coming clean through the back of your skull, trembling while I weep, while I grind up broken glass. Everyone’s looking at me, and I see myself reflected. I’ve never felt like this. I can’t help it. I cry for help til my voice breaks. I can’t stop. I can hardly take it, but my cracked ribs plead for more, flattened like your face. Like a perfect picture. My twisted fingers sink into gray matter. My crushed pelvis spasms. I needa be seen. Your neighbor’s still looking through binoculars. I don’t wanna see. You’re all I can see. My eyes roll back, clear back to the back of my empty skull. A camera flashes. I’m going blind.
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marblemoonstones · 2 months
🩵 catharsis ~ chapter eight
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series masterlist 
pairing: bts ot7 x reader
genre: collegestudentreader!au 
warnings: ❗️any characters in the story have nothing to do with their real life counterparts❗️f reader, reader with glasses, curse words,
word count: ~3.4k
a/n: i say this every time, but please excuse the cringe 😭
The bus ride passes quickly and soon enough I reach the house. I brace myself as I open the garage door, knowing that the boys are going to (probably) bombard me with questions. 
Surprisingly, there’s no one around. I take my shoes off and place them where the normally huge pile is. 
“Hello? Someone?” I call out, scrunching my eyebrows as I search the main level. 
“Anyone there?” 
After thoroughly checking the ground floor I go upstairs, confused as to why there’s no one here even though Jungkook said he wanted to hang out.
“Jungkook? Taehyung?” I’m now frustrated, giving up on finding any human being in the house. 
I go into my room and throw my backpack on the floor. Huffing, I feel a little hurt that the boys said they wanted to hang out but aren’t here. 
Maybe I’ll take a little nap, I think, dejected. Tears well up in my eyes unwillingly, but I push them down. I can’t cry now; the boys could show up at any moment and I don’t need them to see me like that.
Instead, I shut the curtains on the balcony door (which also serves as a window), turn on the fairy lights around my bed, and grab the fluffy blanket on my bed. 
I remove my glasses after a moment of hesitation, then curl up on top of the bed with my blanket. My eyes close, but I am still alert, waiting to see if I hear any of the boys. But, after a couple minutes of silence, my body relaxes and I let a couple tears slip. 
Even though I was determined to not cry now, once I start I can’t stop. My eyes are already tired because of earlier with Haneul, but I don’t care. 
The tears started out quiet, but soon they’re full body-wracking sobs. I lay there with my hands over my face, body shaking uncontrollably. 
They never seem to stop. 
What’s wrong with you? Why do you have to care so much? You just want sympathy. Don’t think anyone actually cares. 
These thoughts run, darting around in my brain. But they’re neither whispering nor screaming; it’s a sort of constant, like I say it as a fact to myself. 
Why are you so stupid, Y/n? 
This echoes through me, unlike the others. 
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
God, I just can’t take it anymore. I curl up even more, begging my brain to stop. 
It never does.
I open my eyes hesitantly and rub them as they feel drier than a desert. Blinking, I turn to the clock and squint. I make out a blurry 2:46am and do a double take. 
Shoving my glasses on my face, I check it again, and it’s indeed the wee hours of the morning. 
Fuck. Where did the time go? And did the boys ever show up? How did I even fall asleep? I guess I cried myself to sleep. How sad.
In the glow of my fairy lights I make out a piece of paper on my nightstand that definitely was not there before. 
I pick it up and turn on my lamp. The handwriting is hardly legible, but I can make out the words.
We saw that you were sleeping and didn’t want to bother you. We are so sorry for not being here earlier, we wanted to surprise you with gifts. But I guess we were too late. Please accept our apologies and take the gifts. 
We’ll talk more in the morning. I hope you know we are all here for you. 
Bangtan Boys
It’s signed by all of them at the bottom, and judging off of that Yoongi wrote this note. How sweet, they wanted to surprise me. I feel touched and relieved because now I know they weren’t trying to avoid me earlier. 
What gifts, though? I can’t accept more. They’ve already let me stay with them, and are so kind to me with taking me to class, picking me up, and allowing me into their private lives.
I throw the blanket off of me and realize there’s another thicker blanket on top in addition to my white fluffy one. It’s a pretty green color and has a bit of weight to it. 
This must be a gift from the boys. I sigh and spread it out on my bed, grudgingly admitting that it does look good in my room. 
I turn around and gasp. There on my chair is a giant bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates. On the floor by the chair is a giant stuffed panda.
For Y/n reads the card on the flowers. I marvel at the beautiful burst of color in the bouquet that seems to brighten up my dim room. Hoisting it into my arms I inhale a sweet scent of the lilies, hydrangeas, and delicate baby’s breath.
They’re too kind. I glance at the big chocolate box, sweetly in the shape of a heart and think that I need to thank them somehow. For now though, I should put these flowers in water. 
I try not to crinkle the cellophane loudly as I tiptoe down the stairs. The blooms dwarf my view a little, but I manage to put them on the table. 
I open a cabinet that I think houses vases, and find that I’m correct. I choose a semi-big one that has roses engraved into the glass. 
“Hey, how are you doing?”
I jolt. The vase drops and shatters on the floor, shards going everywhere.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to and-oh it’s everywhere!” I start to freak out and try to pick up the pieces. “How could I be so stupid? I’m sorry, how  can I repay you? I’m sorry-“
Warm hands envelope mine. I risk looking up and see the concerned eyes of Yoongi. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Take a breath,” he says, squeezing my hands softly. 
“But I broke your vase. I’m sorry-“
“Sweetheart, I know. But I need you to breathe with me, okay? You’re almost hyperventilating.” 
I stop short at that and realize that, yes, maybe I am breathing a bit fast and heavy. I attempt to take a deep breath.
“There we go. Now, let’s get you to the table, okay?” Yoongi guides me to a chair and I sit, still slightly in shock. 
“Alright, now I’m going to get a warm cloth for your hands, okay? Please stay here so I can help you.” Yoongi looks into my eyes and I nod, afraid to use my voice.
The flowers on the table mock me as Yoongi wets a cloth, grabs some bandaids, and comes back over.
“Here, let me clean your hands up.” 
I hold them out, and then do I register the small prick of pain from my hands. There’s a couple shards of glass stuck in my palms and I wince as Yoongi gently pulls them out. 
“Sweetheart-“ Again with that nickname. “Would you please tell me what happened?” Yoongi has now moved on to putting on the bandaids, carefully smoothing them out onto my skin.
It takes me a second to muster up the words.
“Well,” I begin softly, “I was going to put the flowers you guys gave me in a vase, but then I got startled by your voice and accidentally dropped it.” I panic now. “I’m sorry! I can’t believe I broke it-“
“Y/n. I don’t care about the vase. It’s not as important as you. Are your hands okay? You can’t pick up glass with your bare hands.” Yoongi’s brows are creased with worry now.
“Okay…I’m sorry again,” I whisper, looking at my hands in his.
“It’s okay. Never apologize for something that isn’t your fault. Did you at least like the gifts we gave you?” Yoongi subtly changes the subject, something I’m grateful for.
“Oh, yes. They were all so nice, Yoongi,” I gush, “The blanket was so soft and the flowers are so gorgeous, and the panda! You guys went all out and I’m so grateful for that.” 
Yoongi smiles his gummy smile. 
“I’m glad you like them.” Another voice huskily joins in. 
I turn my head and there’s Namjoon, running his hands sleepily through his hair.
“Hey, Joon. Do you mind getting a broom and helping me clean up?” Yoongi asks, standing up from the table.
I cringe internally, thinking that of course he doesn’t want to.
“Sure. Y/n, sit tight. You don’t need to worry after the day you had.” He flashes me a dimpled smile. 
I stay put, but sigh as I watch them clean up my mess.
“I’m sorry, again,” I say, pursing my lips as they sweep the glass away.
“It’s okay, Y/n. Accidents happen.” 
They finish cleaning up and Yoongi grabs another vase and fills it with water. He plops the flowers in and throws away the cellophane.
“I know that you’ve had a long day. Do you want to go back to sleep?” Namjoon asks.
“Not really,” I admit. 
“Okay, then do you want to watch a movie? Just sit and chill?” Yoongi offers.
“Aren’t you guys tired? You should go back to sleep because you guys have work tomorrow.” It’s literally like three am right now. 
“No, we want to make sure you’re okay first,” Namjoon says firmly.
“Okay. I guess could we just sit in the living room?” I hesitantly ask.
“Of course we can.”
We move to the living room and I sit on the end of the couch, Yoongi next to me and Namjoon next to him. Blankets cover us, but it’s still a bit awkward.
I slowly sink into Yoongi’s side, testing to see how he would react. He lets me and just tucks the blanket around me more. Leaning my head on Yoongi’s shoulder, I look up and see Yoongi’s normal face, albeit with a tinge of pink.
We sit there for a little bit, calm in the warm light of the lamp. Absorbing each other’s presences and soaking up the serene morning hours.
Soft steps down the stairs cause us to look up and there we see a sleepy Jungkook and Taehyung. 
“Hey. What are you two doing up?” Namjoon asks, stifling a laugh as Jungkook almost falls down the stairs.
“Wanted to cuddle but you weren’t in room,” Jungkook huffs out, leaning onto Taehyung. 
“And he dragged me down here,” Taehyung says, looking a bit more awake than Jungkook.
“Oh, Kook. Come here,” Namjoon says, accepting Jungkook as he buries himself into Namjoon’s lap. 
“What about me?” Taehyung whines. 
“You can sit with me,” Says a new voice. There’s Jimin, hands on his hips. “Since Kookie stole you from me, the least you can do is cuddle with me.”
We all laugh at that, and Jimin drags Taehyung to the loveseat, satisfied. 
It’s like when we were all on the balcony in pairs. Everyone gets enough love to go around.
“Now we’re only missing Jin hyung and Hobi hyung,” says Namjoon. 
“Don’t worry, they’re here now,” a voice calls out. And, sure enough, there’s Jin and Hobi,
“Yah! You brats were being so loud, it woke me up,” Jin complains, pointing his finger at us. 
“Our bad. But look, we can talk to Y/n now and give her our gifts!” Jungkook counters, suddenly becoming more awake if it means he can make Jin annoyed.
“Fine fine.” Jin dramatically lowers himself into an armchair, Hobi next to him.
“Wait, more gifts?” I ask. “But you already got me flowers, chocolates, and a giant stuffed panda! Which, by the way, was so nice and totally unnecessary.”
“Did you like the panda?” Asks Taehyung, “It was my idea!” 
I laugh. “Yes, I did enjoy it Tae so thank you.” 
“We’re glad you did. And we are so sorry that we weren’t here earlier when you got home. We had wanted to surprise you, like we said in the note, but by the time we had picked everything up and came home you were passed out,” said Yoongi. 
“And, judging off of the day you had, you needed your sleep,” said Hobi quietly.
The energy immediately shifts. 
“Yeah…about the rumors. Could we talk about it now? If not, we completely understand and respect your privacy. We just wanted to check in and see how you were doing,” Namjoon says.
I avoid their waiting eyes and look at the floor. 
“I appreciate that a lot. I’m fine, and the rumors aren’t that bad,” I say, wondering if they had heard of all the rumors.
“No offense, Y/n, but they seem to be kind of harsh,” Taehyung says. 
“No no they’re not that bad!” I protest, shaking my head.
Jungkook shoots me a look, then says “Yeah. They are. You being a gold digger is bad enough, but the other one is so much worse.”
Fucking hell.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I meekly say, avoiding Jungkook’s eyes.
“Don’t lie to me Y/n.” Jungkook’s mad now and I feel guilt shoot through me.
“I’m sorry about earlier Kook,” I say quietly. 
“Wait wait I’m lost. What’s the other rumor and what happened earlier?” Hobi interrupts, looking between Jungkook and I.
“Y/n, why don’t you explain from the beginning so we can all understand?” Jin asks, coaxing the truth out of me.
I decide to come clean, but I omit some of the details about who exactly started the rumors.
“Well…I heard from some people that there were rumors going around between you guys and me.” I hesitate for a beat before going on. “The rumors are that I’m just using you guys for your money and…” I fully stop now, unsure of how to explain the other one.
“Go on, honey. You can tell us. We’re big boys, we can handle the truth.” Jin says. 
The nicknames are getting out of hand. I feel flustered.
“It’s that I’m doing…things with you guys, if you get my drift.” I dart my eyes around, seeing if they get my underlying message.
The hyungs and eyes’ widen and I know they understood. Jungkook just looks at me. Jimin and Taehyung look confused so Hobi leans over and whispers something to them. Their faces change instantly. 
“I’m really sorry, honey. People who make up those rumors and especially the people who spread them are trash,” Jin declares. The rest of the boys nod their heads in agreement.
“Yeah. Fucking garbage,” Yoongi mutters. I look up at him in shock but he just looks tenderly down at me. 
“We’re always here for you, Y/n. That will never change.” Namjoon says this with such firmness, yet there’s a warm undertone to it.
“What about what happened with Haneul earlier? Jungkook said you two got into a fight,” Jimin says. 
“Well, uh,” oh god, this is so hard to say, “We fought because I lied to Jungkook about the truth.”
Their eyes widen and I go on.
“And I’m so so sorry, Jungkook. I should’ve told you the truth about the rumors. I’m sorry. I understand if you don’t forgive me, I feel so horrible,” I apologize to Jungkook, who just sighs. 
“It’s fine, Y/n. I forgive you, and I do understand why you didn’t tell me,” he says, “But, please in the future tell me and the rest of us the truth.” 
I nod.
“I will. I promise. Speaking of that, um, there’s something else you guys should probably know too about Haneul.” 
I stutter for what feels like the millionth time today and get a lump in my throat. Damn it, I can’t cry. Not again. 
I spit it out before I can cry again.
“She thinks the rumors are true.” 
Crickets don’t even chirp in the silence that follows.
“What the fuck?” Yoongi is the first to break the silence, staring down at me as I slither out of his grasp.
“Yeah. What the fuck, Y/n?” Jungkook echoes Yoongi’s sentiment. 
“Why would she think that?” Hobi’s face is neutral, but his eyes give him away. He’s livid.
“I don’t know. But don’t get mad at her. She’s probably just confused because she doesn’t know me and because I’m living in your house.” I try to plead with them to not overreact, but I know the damage is done.
“Guys. I’m serious. Please please don’t worry too much about her and the rumors. They’ll go away eventually. I can deal with them, I’m a big girl.” I hope the rumors don’t tarnish the boys’ reputation. 
“We won’t do anything Y/n, promise,” Namjoon says, eyes hardening to look at the rest of the boys, “Right, everyone?”
“We promise,” Taehyung and Jungkook say in unison, as Namjoon’s stare was mostly directed towards them. 
The rest of the boys chorus them and then Jimin pipes up, “We have to give you the rest of your gifts!” 
This successfully breaks the tense atmosphere.
“There’s more?!” I sputter out. 
They all laugh at that.
“Yes, sweetpea, there’s more.” This time it’s Namjoon.
Again with the nicknames! A girl can only take so much, especially at three am in the morning. 
“I already have so much, there’s no need for more. I love everything you’ve given me! And you’ve given me a place to stay too. It’s too much.”
Despite my objections Jimin goes to get a bag.
“Okay, so we all decided to make little personalized plushies for you, that way you can think of us when you cuddle with them, or even take one with you if you need a little extra friend!” Jimin says excitedly, bouncing up and down in his seat.
Personalized plushies? That sounds awfully like something a boyfriend do. 
“That’s so sweet of you guys!” I praise, touched that they went through all this thought and effort for me.
“Let us introduce them one by one,” Taehyung suggests.
First is Yoongi.
“Uh, mine is called Shooky and well, as you can see, it’s a cookie,” Yoongi mumbles. 
“Aw, so cute Yoodles!” I use his nickname and am happy to see him get a little flustered. 
I hold ‘Shooky’ in my hands as Hobi goes to introduce his.
“Their name is Mang! I know they have a mask on, but it’s removable!” 
I take it off, and there’s a cute heart smile on the character. I grin at Hobi and place Mang next to Shooky in my lap.
“Mine next!” Jimin insists, “Their name is Chimmy, and aren’t they so cute?” 
I have to admit the adorable yellow hoodie clad plushie is pretty cute. 
“Yes, Jimin, they’re adorable,” I say, grinning at the excited boy.
“I want to show her mine, “ Taehyung says in his deep voice. He pulls out a-wait. What is it?
“Their name is Tata! They’re a prince,” boasts Taehyung. 
Well, the heart shaped head does have a certain charm to it. 
“Nice, Tae. Now, what did the maknae come up with?” 
Jungkook is a bit shy as he introduces his.
“Their name is Cooky, and they’re a bunny.” Jungkook meets my gaze, seeking approval from me.
“Aw, that’s cute Kook! And I wonder how you came up with that name,” I tease, rewarded with a red Jungkook.
“Don’t tease the boy too much, Y/n,” says Namjoon, even though he’s smiling too. 
“Okay, then, Namjoon, show me what you got,” I challenge playfully.
He pulls it out and adds it to the pile on my lap.
“Well, their name is Koya and they’re a koala. They really like sleeping,” said Namjoon as he scratches the back of his head sheepishly.
A sleepy koala? I could see that in Namjoon.
Jin thinks the same thing, because he says “Yah, Namjoon-ah, that seems to really fit you.” 
“They’re adorably sleepy,” I muse, then turn to Jin. “Okay, last one.”
“Prepare to be dazzled, Y/n. I wouldn’t be surprised if mine is your favorite,” Jin says dramatically.
“Just show it!” Yoongi says, impatiently rolling his eyes. 
“Fine. This here is RJ, a lovable alpaca with a fluffy coat.” Jin gives it to to me and I will say, it is really fluffy and soft.
“Thanks, Jin. And thank you all. I really can’t explain how much this means to me.” I look down at the plushies in my lap and hold them close. 
“Of course. We’re so glad you like them!” Hobi says, smiling.
“I’m so lucky to have you guys,” I say, looking around at them. 
My heart feels like it’s healing, slowly but surely. 
I end up going to bed surrounded by the boys that are healing me. 
a/n: finished another chapter! woo hoo! also, i hope it’s clear but at the end mc falls asleep cuddling the boys; nothing else. ;)
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