#crypt tv camp monster
doodleferp · 4 months
Crypt TV Update!!!
So I realized as I was returning to complete my overhaul of the Crypt TV Fandom wiki, I was NOT a good little Crypt junkie and I didn't give the latest update to this post! But there HAS been news on the Crypt TV front believe it or not.
TLDR: Crypt TV has been bought out by another media company that runs similarly to them. The new company seeks to revitalize Crypt's more recognizable monsters as well as create new original content for the CMU.
So as of January of this year, Crypt TV has been bought out by another web media company called Brat TV. Brat seems to do the same sort of thing that Crypt does, make media with the Gen Z demographic in mind -- except they're much more generalized with their stuff and don't focus on just one genre. They've got some good content on there, so I don't suggest blowing it off right away. Brat TV intends to expand into other genres to reach more viewers, and in buying Crypt TV is their way of expanding into the horror genre.
So what does this mean for Crypt fans? Well, Brat apparently plans on revitalizing some of Crypt's IP and getting their channels up and rolling again. Just to assuage peoples' fears, the deletion of the Crypt YouTube channel is extremely unlikely. The Brat execs plan to keep Eli Roth and other Crypt OGs on-staff, and they plan to revisit OG properties, specifically naming Sunny Family Cult and The Look-See.
It looks like the content launch is already beginning as well, because there's not only a new Facebook Meta series shot entirely in first-person VR, but we've had a brand-new Crypt video within the past week! It's a creepypasta video straight out of the creepypasta era starring The Mauler from Camp Monster and a brand-new monster, The Banshee! Since the creepypastas aren't exactly canon, I can't say for sure if The Banshee will be in any CMU stuff, but it's still a pleasant surprise after all these months of inactivity!
I've got a link to the new creepypasta below in case anyone wants to check it out!
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Crypt Monster Universe “Fuck” Meme
Regularly says “fuck”
The Brute
The Mordeo
Has sworn off saying “fuck”, but has said it at some point
Dream Screecher
Mira Mira
Geppeto (Crypt Fables)
Roger (Sunny Family Cult)
Rapunzel (Crypt Fables)
Has not said “fuck” before, but can do so if desired
The Look-See
The Mordeo Queen
The Thing in The Apartment
The Reek
Has not said “fuck” before, and refuses to say it
The Birch
The Ice Cream Man
The Kinderfänger
Legally cannot say “fuck”
Anthony Kane (My First Day)
Estelle Adelle
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theliterateape · 4 years
I Like to Watch | Zack Snyder’s Justice League
by Don Hall
Mythology is fun.
As a kid I loved reading Edith Hamilton’s book on the Greek gods and the myths. Hercules, Perseus, Apollo, and Hera—this fell completely in line with my love for superhero comics. The strangely petty human traits of envy, greed, and lust combined with the power to level cities make for some great storytelling.
Zeus was basically Harvey Weinstein in the retroactive revision we’re mired in today. If Harvey could’ve changed into a golden animal and boned unsuspecting ladies looking for careers in Hollywood I’m pretty certain he would. The gods and demi-gods of the Greeks dealt with daddy issues, mommy issues, bad relationships, and fighting. Lots of fighting. Sometimes for the good of humanity but more often for the glory of winning.
Zach Snyder is in the business of tackling myths and reframing them with a style all his own. His career has become its own myth.
From Dawn of the Dead (not so much a reboot of Romero's zombie mythology but a philosophical reimagining of the genre that arguably jumpstarted The Hollywood fascination with it), 300 (a borderline homoerotic take on the myth of the Greek underdog), and Watchmen (a ridiculously ambitious attempt to put one of the most iconic takedowns on the potential fascism of the superhero legend machine ever written) to his nearly single-handed hack at answering the Marvel juggernaut with Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, Snyder is in the artistic business of subverting and re-envisioning the mythologies we embrace without even seeing them as such.
Snyder's style is operatic. It is on a grand scale even in the most mundane moments. The guy loves slow motion like Scorcese loves mobsters and Italian food. When you're tackling big themes with larger than life stories, the epic nature of his vision makes sense and has alienated a good number of audience members. With such excess, there are bound to be missteps but I'd argue that his massive take on these characters he molds from common understanding and popular nomenclature elevates them to god-like stature.
Fans of Moore's Watchmen have much to complain about Snyder's adaptation. The titular graphic novel is almost impossible to put in any other form than the one Moore intended and yet, Snyder jumped in feet-first and created a living, breathing representation of most, if not all, of the source material's intent. Whether you dig on it or not, it's hard to avoid acknowledging that the first five minutes of Watchmen is a mini-masterpiece of style, storytelling, and epic tragedy wrapped up in a music video.
Despite a host of critical backlash for his one fully original take, Sucker Punch is an amazing thing to see. More a commentary on video game enthusiasm with its lust for hot animated chicks and over-the-top violence that a celebration of cleavage and guns, the film is crazily entertaining. For those who hated the ending, he told you in the title what his plan was all along.
The first movie I saw in the theaters that tried to take a superhero mythology and treat it seriously (for the most part) was Richard Donner's Superman: The Movie. Never as big a fan of the DC characters as I have been of Marvel, it was still extraordinary to see a character I had only really known in pages to be so fully realized. Then came Burton's Batman movies. The superhero film was still an anomaly but steam was gaining. Things changed with Bryan Singer's X-Men in 2000, then Raimi's Spiderman, and those of us who grew up with our pulpy versions of Athena, Hermes, and Hades were rewarded with Nolan's Batman Begins. A far cry from the tongue-in-cheek camp of the 1966 TV Batman, Christian Bale's Bruce Wayne was a serious character and his tale over three films is a tragic commentary filled with the kind of death and betrayal and triumph befitting the grand narrative he deserved.
I loved Singer's Superman Returns in 2006 because it was such a love letter to the 1978 film (down to the opening credits) but by then, the MCU was taking over the world.
Snyder's first of what turns out to be an epic storyline involving perhaps seven or eight movies was Man of Steel. It was fun and, while I had my issues with the broodiness of Kal El, the odd take on Jonathan Kent, and a redheaded Lois Lane, I had no issue with Superman snapping Zod's neck. Darker and more tragic than any other version of the Kryptonian, it was still super entertaining.
Then came Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. By 2016, Marvel had codified their formula of serious characters wrestling with serious issues of power and responsibility peppered with lots of good humor and bright colors. Snyder's desaturated pallete and angst-filled demi-gods was not the obvious road to financial competition.
I'll confess, I hated it. BvS felt half-rendered. Lex Luthor was kind of superficial and played as a kind of Joker. The whole Bruce Wayne wants to kill Superman thing felt undeveloped and the "Martha" moment was just stupid.
When Joss Whedon's version of Snyder's Justice League came out in 2017, I was primed for it to be a turd and I wasn't surprised. So much of it didn't work on any level. I dismissed it as DC trying and failing miserably and was comforted by the coming of Thanos.
Following Thanos and the time heist was COVID. Suddenly, we were internationally sidelined and the movie theater industry caved in. Streaming services started popping up like knock-off smartphones and Hollywood was reeling, doing anything and everything to find a way back. Since Whedon's disastrous helming of Snyder's third act, fans online had been demanding to #ReleasetheSnyderCut but no one was ever really taking them seriously until all movie production was shut down for a year.
The stage was set to remedy a mistake (or at least make some bucks on a do-over of a huge box office failure). Snyder had left the production in part because of the suicide of his daughter and in part due to the constant artistic fights over executives looking for the quippy fun of the MCU but he still had all the original footage. Add to that the broiling accusations that Joss Whedon was "abusive" during the reshoots, the path seemed destined. For an additional $70 million and complete control, Snyder delivered a four hour mega-movie streamed on HBOMax.
Of course, I was going to watch the thing as soon as I could.
The Whedon version opens with an homage to the now dead Superman (including the much maligned digitally erased mustache on Henry Cavill). The SynderCut opens with the death of Superman and the agony of his death scream as it travels across the planet. It's a simple change but exemplifies the very different visions of how this thing is gonna play out.
Snyder doesn't want us to be OK with the power of these beings unleashed. He wants us to feel the damage and pain of death. He wants the results of violence to be as real as he can. When Marvel's Steve Rogers kicks a thug across the room and the thug hits a wall, he crumples and it is effectively over. When Batman does the same thing, we see the broken bones (often in slow motion) and the blood smear on the wall as the thug slides to the ground.
The longer SnyderCut is bloated in some places (like the extended Celtic choir singing Aquaman off to sea or the extended narrations by Wonder Woman which sound slightly like someone trying to explain the plot to Siri). On the other hand, the scene with Barry Allen saving Iris West is both endearing and extraordinary, giving insight to the power of the Flash as well as some essential character-building in contrast to Whedon's comic foil version.
One thing I noticed in this variant is that Zach wants the audience to experience the sequence of every moment as the characters do. An example comes when Diana Prince goes to the crypt to see the very plot she belabors over later. The sequence is simple. She gets a torch and goes down. Most directors which jump cut to the torch. Snyder gives us five beats as she grabs the timber, wraps cloth around the end, soaks it with kerosene, pulls out a box of matches, and lights the torch. Then she goes down the dark passageway.
The gigantic, lush diversity of Snyder’s vision of the DC superhero universe—from the long shots of the sea life in the world of Atlantis to the ancient structures and equipment of Themyscira— is almost painterly. Snyder isn't taking our time; he's taking his time. We are rewarded our patience with a far better backstory for the villain, a beautifully rendered historic battle thwarting Darkseid's initial invasion (including a fucking Green Lantern), and answers to a score of questions set up in both previous films.
Whedon's Bruce Wayne was more Ben Affleck; Snyder's is full-on Frank Miller Batman, the smartest, most brutal fucker in the room. Cyborg, instead of Whedon's sidelined non-character, is now a Frankenstein's monster, grappling with the trade-off between acceptance and enormous power. Wonder Woman is now more in line with the Patty Jenkins version and instead of being told about the loss of Superman, we are forced to live with the anguish of both his mother and Lois Lane in quiet moments of incredible grief.
To be fair to Whedon (something few are willing to do as he is now being castigated not for racism or sexism but for being mean to people) having him come in to throw in some levity and Marvel-esque color to Snyder's Wagnerian pomposity is like hiring Huey Lewis to lighten up Pink Floyd's The Wall or getting Douglas Adams to rewrite Cormac McCarthy's The Road.
I loved Snyder's self-indulgent, mythologic DC universe.
So much so that I then re-watched Man of Steel and then watched the director's version of BvS (which Snyder added approximately 32 minutes). The second film is far better at three hours and Eisenberg's Lex Luthor now makes sense. Then I watched Zach Snyder's Justice League a second time.
After nineteen hours of Snyder's re-imagining of these DC heroes and villains, I saw details that, upon first viewing, are ignored or dismissed, but after seeing them in order and complete, are suddenly consistent and relevant. Like Nolan or Fincher, Snyder defies anyone to eliminate even one piece of his narrative no matter how long. With all the pieces, this is an epic story and the pieces left at the extended epilogue play into a grander narrative we will never see.
Or maybe we will. Who knows these days?
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darkdoelette · 5 years
Coquette in Autumn
Hello everyone! I know that Summer has ended, and that means many people who enjoy the coquette aesthetic are sad because the season of crop tops and shorts, boardwalks, ice cream, swimming, and much much more is gone. Most of the fashion requires warm weather. Fear not, if you’re like me and live in a place where fall exists I have made a list of helping keep up the asethetic and lifestyle.
Sweater dresses
Thigh high socks
Thigh high knee boots
Gloves. Especially ones with skeleton hands or little bows on them.
Hoodies. Especially ones with animal ears/bat wings.
Tights and pantyhose.
Light jackets
Beret hat
Fuzzy socks
Plaid skirts
Mary Jane shoes
Ankle socks (especially with lace)
Mini backpacks
Cat bell chokers
Ribbon chokers
All kinds of chokers
Combat boots
Label pins (especially on a jean jacket)
Black latex
Skull necklaces
Skull rings
Body butter
Body sprays (especially those like candy corn, warm sugar, fall leaves)
Hand sanitizer. Especially ones that are Halloween themed.
Dark lip colors.
Red lip colors.
Natural lip colors.
Orange, red, purple, brown, and nude eye shadow colors.
Spiderweb false eyelashes.
Bath bombs. Especially with all the horror themed ones.
Shower steamers
Late night face masks
Black eyeliner.
Brown and black mascara.
Hair chalk.
Fawn makeup
Cat makeup
Black nails
Lip scrub
Lip balm
Pigtail braids
Any kinds of braids
Pony tails
Candy/caramel apples
Pumpkin spice
Apple cider
Hot coco with whipped cream, marshmallows, and cinnamon sprinkled on top.
Halloween candy
Cherry pie
Apple pie
Acorn squash
Black charcoal anything
Put together some cute back to school outfits. If you wear uniforms, but can have SOME level of individuality (such as makeup of accessories) find those.
Jump into fall leaves
Go trick or treating! If you feel you’re too old to do it for yourself do it for charity! There are plenty of kids who can’t get candy themselves, or who need money!
Go to a haunted house. Volunteer for a haunted house if you feel it suits you. Being petite can actually be an advantage. Creepy dolls, creepy children, being able to hide in small spaces can all be freaky!
Watch scary movies while sitting on the couch/bed while eating autumn food and wearing fuzzy socks and under a blanket. If you’re too scared by scary movies, watch Halloween specials.
Make/buy a cute/scary Halloween costume! Just make sure not to appropriate any cultures! There’s nothing cute about dressing up like someone else’s race.
Find things to be thankful for.
Volunteer at a local animal shelter. Nothing says Halloween like cats.
Go shopping at Halloween stores.
Decorate your house/apartment/room for Halloween.
Educate yourself on witchcraft and pay respects to those who made Halloween possible.
Pass out candy to trick or treaters (and if you want to, the single cuties chaperoning them).
Cover yourself in fake blood and take photos for Instagram. Just be careful! It stains clothing VERY easily.
Go on a walk through the walls.
Apple picking.
Pumpkin picking.
Carving a jack o lantern.
Reading. Especially with a cup of tea.
Try your hand at archery
Other Objects:
Small pillows
Pine cones
Black roses
Cats (especially black ones)
Three headed dogs
Movies/Tvshows/ tv specials:
Hard Candy (2005)
The babysitter (1995)
The crush (1993)
Sleep away camp (1983)
Scooby Doo (2002)
Jennifer’s Body (2009)
Orphan (2009)
Lollipop Monster (2011)
Mumsy, Sunny, Nanny, and Girly (1970)
Tales of the Crypt-(1989-1996)
The Addams Family Values (1993)
Poison Ivy (1992)
Heathers (1988)
Devil in The Flesh (1998)
The Horror Beach Party (1964)
The Love Witch (2016)
Supernatural (2006-2019)
American Horror Story (2011-)
Scream Queens(2015-2016)
68 Kill (2017)
Black Swan (2009)
Trick R’ Treat (2007)
Red Ink (Black Box Tv)
Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975)
Scream (1996)
Look for me by moonlight-Mary downing Han
Dracula-Bram Stroker
The Picture of Dorian Gray-Oscar Wilde
The Vampire Chronicles-Anne Rice
Grimm’s fairy tales- The Grimm Brothers
The Twilight Saga-Stephanie Meyer
John Winchester’s Journal-Alex Irving
Tales from the Crypt (1950-1955)
The coloring book for goths-Tom Devonald
Candy apples
Fall leaves
Face paint
Pumpkin spice
Apple pie
Candy corn
Burning wood
Lollipop Chainsaw
Light as a Feather, Still as a Board
Big fish games
Doki Doki Literature Club
Batman Arkham Asylum
Harley Quinn’s Revenge
Escape from Horrorland
Disney Guilty Party
Yandare Simulator
Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
Truth or Dare
It’s almost Halloween-Panic At the Disco
I’d Rather be Burned as a Witch-Eartha Kitt
I Wanna Be Evil-Eartha Kitt
Sweet but Psycho-Ava Max
Wonderland-Alice Chater
Dead Girl Walking-Heathers
Be a Light-ESMÉ
Waking on Air-Kerli
Black Magic-Little Mix
American Beauty/American Psycho-Fall Out Boy
Spooky Scary Skelton-Nyanners (cover)
Dracula-Bea Miller
Mz Hyde-Halestorm
Tear you Apart-She wants revenge
Eight in Nine-Slow train soul
Animals-Maroon 5
Bad guy-Billie Ellish
Check out this dark coquette playlist I made!
Check out this music video I made for “Bad Guy” by Billie Ellish https://youtu.be/h6L5CKwiqoE
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weirdletter · 5 years
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The Science of Women in Horror: The Special Effects, Stunts, and True Stories Behind Your Favorite Fright Films, by Meg Hafdahl and Kelly Florence, Skyhorse Publishing, 2020. Cover image by GettyImages, info: skyhorsepublishing.com.
From scream queens to femmes fatale, horror isn’t just for the boys. Gothic media moguls Meg Hafdahl and Kelly Florence, authors of The Science of Monsters, and co-hosts of the Horror Rewind podcast called “the best horror film podcast out there” by Film Daddy, present a guide to the feminist horror movies, TV shows, and characters we all know and love. Through interviews, film analysis, and bone-chilling discoveries, The Science of Women in Horror uncovers the theories behind women’s most iconic roles of the genre. Explore age-old tropes such as “The Innocent” like Lydia in Beetlejuice, “The Gorgon” like Pamela Voorhees in Friday the 13th, and “The Mother” like Norma Bates in Pyscho and Bates Motel, and delve deeper into female-forward film and TV including The Haunting of Hill House, Teeth, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and so much more! Join Kelly and Meg in The Science of Women in Horror as they flip the script and prove that every girl is a “final girl.”
Introduction     Section One: The Mother Chapter One: Prevenge Chapter Two: The Babadook Chapter Three: Bates Motel     Section Two: The Final Girl Chapter Four: A Nightmare on Elm Street Chapter Five: Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight Chapter Six: Halloween     Section Three: Sex Chapter Seven: Sleepaway Camp Chapter Eight: Teeth Chapter Nine: Gerald’s Game     Section Four: Revenge Chapter Ten: Us Chapter Eleven: What Lies Beneath Chapter Twelve: A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night     Section Five: The Innocent Chapter Thirteen: Let the Right One In Chapter Fourteen: Beetlejuice Chapter Fifteen: What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?     Section Six: The Gorgon Chapter Sixteen: Drag Me to Hell Chapter Seventeen: The Visit Chapter Eighteen: Friday the 13th     Section Seven: The Healer Chapter Nineteen: Stranger Things Chapter Twenty: Misery Chapter Twenty-One: Nails     Section Eight: Hysteria Chapter Twenty-Two: The Haunting of Hill House Chapter Twenty-Three: Hereditary Chapter Twenty-Four: The Others     Section Nine: Women in a Man’s World Chapter Twenty-Five: Ghostbusters Chapter Twenty-Six: The X-Files Chapter Twenty-Seven: Ginger Snaps     Section Ten: Kick-Ass Women Chapter Twenty-Eight: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chapter Twenty-Nine: A Quiet Place Chapter Thirty: Kick-Ass Women of the Past and the Future Acknowledgments About the Authors Endnotes Index
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amplesalty · 5 years
Day 12 - Chillerama (2011)
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The last drive in...
As is tradition around these parts, we like to toss in the odd anthology film just for some variety. Now, it has been a while since we properly covered one since the last few I watched were in that blind period where I’d be watching stuff but not blogging due to laziness, namely Trick ‘r Treat, V/H/S and Tales from the Darkside. Between those and early entries like Creepshow I/II/III and the Twilight Zone movie, I feel like I’ve hit upon the bigger names of this sub-genre. I think the other big one would be Tales from the Crypt, which occupies this space in time between the comic and the TV show. I will freely admit, I’m watching this for one reason alone which we will get to.
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Things start with a guy digging up a corpse and getting his dick bitten off before exclaiming that he’s ‘late for work’. I suppose that’s one way to avoid answering any awkward questions in the office. ‘Good weekend?’ ‘What did you get up to last night?’. No one ever asks you what you did before you came to work, clearly the best time to get your necrophilia ways in.
I don’t get the significance of the blue blood though, other than maybe it standing out because it’s so unique? It’s not like they’re trying to tone down the movie or anything, doing a Mortal Kombat turning the blood grey and calling it sweat. We will see later that this movie gets very graphic.
Turns out he works at a drive in movie theatre that is shutting down, tonight being the last night. This serves as the framing device to tie all the other stories together, cutting back to the drive in between segments to catch up with some of the main characters.
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Up first is ‘Wadzilla’ the story of Miles, whose swimmers aren’t so strong if you know what I’m saying. His doctor, played by Ray Wise, prescribes him some new medicine that hasn’t been approved for market yet but he would make a good test case for. It wont help him make any more sperm but it will give what he does have a little more pep.
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Or in actuality, cause him to grab his dick everytime he so much as feels the slightest arousal and have a look of the guy from the ‘Jizz in my Pants’ video.
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Turns out that new medicine is causing his sperm to grow massively. Look at the size of that thing, must be like passing a kidney stone. The good doc advises he cease taking the pills and, should this happen again, he needs to jerk off as soon as possible to get the little bleeder out.
Unfortunately, Miles heads out on a blind date and catches sight of his date’s cleavage so has to rush to her bathroom to rub one out. What ensues is a chaotic scene in which the released sperm starts scurrying around the room like a lost gerbil and Miles trying to stop it. He even wrenches the shower curtain off the wall and tries to harpoon the gooey troublemaker like he’s Captain Ahab. Well at least we avoided that horrible trope of the date blocking the toilet.
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Or so I thought, as Miles tries flushing his wasted offspring, only for it to cause the toilet to backup and spew water everywhere. Miles’ date wonders just what the hell is going on in there, only to get attacked by the beast which has even spawned teeth by this point. It even tries to fulfil it’s destiny of getting inside her, only for Miles to intervene and launch it out of a window.
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This sperm doesn’t stop growing though as it starts to go on a rampage through the city like it’s the T-Rex is Jurassic Park 2, starting by eating this Worzel Gummidge looking hobo.
Pretty soon it’s destroying buildings and the army have been called in. But even they can’t stop it from what it wants to do...
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Hump the Statue of Liberty.
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It even has fantasies of the statue doing a sexy dance. LADY LIBERTY’S TWERKING, MAGGLE!
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This calls for General Bukkake, played by Eric Roberts, to call in an airstrike which destroys the creature and the statue, even if that means he ends up living up to his name in the resulting explosion.
Our two love birds even get to finally share a kiss, though it’s a lot closer to snowballing under these circumstances.
Blocked toilet tropes aside, my most hated of tropes, this one was pretty fun. Definitely has that 50’s b-movie quality down with some fake film grain, green screen and practical monster effects.
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Meanwhile, back at the drive in, dickless the clown is in the store room and the implication is that he’s jerking off. But I don’t know what he’d exactly be jerking off at that point except a small stump. The only other thought is that he’s trying to clean the wound or something but there’s a definite jerking motion going on. Either way, he sticks his hand in the popcorn butter so he can rub it where his junk used to be. Unfortunately for everyone intending to eat that night, one of the staff comes in to restock and chooses that can. This doesn’t end well.
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Segment two is ‘I was a Teenage Werebear’, Werebear being a sub-genre I feel Hollywood has not explored sufficiently. The best way I can describe this one is Grease if it was written by Chuck Tingle, with some supernatural elements thrown in. Pounded In The Butt By My Closeted Lust For The Local Greaser Thugs Who Happen To Be Werebears. Just a strange mix of musical, horror, LGBT and beach movie.
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Cosplay James Dean and his girlfriend here are in the middle of song when she promptly gets run over and surprisingly not killed. She’s just left in this sort of half brain dead state for the rest of the segment where she’s spouting random nonsense. This isn’t all bad as it lets him focus on his real love, Cosplay Albert Wesker. 
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What he doesn’t know is that leather daddy here is a werebear and, during a wrestling match, he gets bitten on the ass and infected with the werebear curse. There’s worse things you can be infected with through the ass. This does lead though to a homo-erotic argument cum slowdance set to the remarkably catchy ‘Love Bit Me on the Ass’ sung in a 1950/60’s rock and roll style.
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But it’s a love that cannot last and Ricky knows he has to save the good people the only way you can stop a werebear, by sodomising them with a silver pole.
This one is certainly...different, I’ll give it that. I certainly wasn’t expecting a coming of age story dealing with the confusing world of the developing sexuality of the hormonal teenager so kudos to it for pushing some boundries.
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Now, onto the reason I picked this one out, ‘The Diary of Anne Frankenstein’. My gosh, what a glorious pun. I should have known just from that that I shouldn’t take this movie seriously so I’m not sure why I was so surprised when it turned out to be a goofball horror comedy but oh well.
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I don’t know quite what I was expecting from this but I still feel letdown slightly. It just feels like an excuse to poke fun at Hitler by making him a bit stupid but I feel we already explored this idea quite thoroughly in the Producers. Still, I guess they had to make things up a bit considering this involves creating a Frankenstein monster from the limbs of concentration camp victims. Christ.
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It does end with the Monster beating Hitler to death with his own arm before dancing over his decapitated corpse so it does have it’s upsides.
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We then get faked out with the next segment ‘Deathication’, a movie so scary it will make you shit. Only, the projector starts playing up and the movie cuts out. I for one am glad because the 30 seconds we see of this was bad enough, I don’t think I could have taken a whole segment of it. Te come to find that the drive in owner is being attacked by dickless who has turned full zombie. Turns out his special brand of butter has contaminated all the popcorn and turned the patrons into zombies as well.
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That is to say, randy zombies that engage in a blood orgy that would make the people in Event Horizon blush. People are giving blow jobs to intestines, stump fucking, spit roasting people before tearing them in half and engaging in even more stump fucking.
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It feels like someone else wrote this section specifically because it turns into the drive in owner going out in a blaze of glory, bandoliers and weapons strapped to his body as he tries to save the last few kids left alive. All the while he’s just speaking almost exclusively in movie quotes, most notably when he sodomises one of the zombies with his shotgun and invites it to say hello to his little friend. Lot of sodomy in this flick.
I’d say this matches what I’ve come to expect from anthology movies, strong book ends with an indifferent middle. Wadzilla is a cheesy take on the old giant monsters and the zombie outbreak at the end is a bizarre spectacle. If you’re into those Troma type movies, this one is worth looking at.
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datenightfright · 5 years
Hi! I was wondering if you were planning on writing any headcanons for crypt tv monsters? Other than that love your work!!!
Fuck yeah! I’ve been binging the fuck outta Crypt Tv when I have the time! I have only one ask for The Look-See. But I’ve seen a bunch of them. I should update my ‘Who I Write for List’ Shouldn’t I?
Also, if it seems like I’m banging these out and you haven’t seen yours yet, don’t panic. I have a back log of requests, roughly 12 or so, and I like to go in order of requests. I’ll make an announcement when my inbox is empty. And I always make a point to tell someone when I won’t write their requests. 
Feel free to send a billion requests in though! Current Crypt Tv Monsters are: The Look-See, The Mordeo, The Birch, Mira, and The Camp Monster. I’m sure there are others I’m missing, but you can always just suggest one to me. 
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darlingstarstuff · 5 years
dream journal. 57.
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july 14th, 2019
no lucid dreaming today, woke up too early and knocked right back out. but i’m remembering more dreams again, most of them i’ve come to realize manifest after my second waking- i’ll have to research why that is, i’m sure there’s a paper on it.
anyway, my first dream, i was in a classroom, and in the middle a girl was showing off her aquarium tank, i get up right to the glass and peer inside. now, this tank is huge, it could probably fit a small shark inside, and the fish swimming around is no joke either. it was one fish who was probably the size of two footballs, and one smaller fish, maybe… close to the size of a wallet. and it was pretty uneventful just looking at a close up of these fish just flowing there in the water. but then, suddenly and literally out of a nowhere this huge, gigantic fish just comes into view and eats the other fish whole. i get shocked and have to back away, water’s splashing out of the tank from this huge monster of a fish. it was a little crazy.
second dream was similar to my robin movie dream from two nights ago, though i think instead of a hotel, i was watching tv in a house, hm, maybe now that i think about it, it looked like a grandma’s house, with only a couple of other people. this time it was us watching a transformers animated series, very similar to transformers prime, but the animation was like-so fluid and movie-grade? i’ve never seen 3d animated like that, especially not with transformers. it was a chill dream, nothing much happened other than that.
third dream, it’s a work related dream. woo hoo. and its about people trying to steal money too. fun! i don’t know what stared it. two older women, one tall and one short, where standing by the counter. but i couldn’t help them for some reason, so i left the counter, thinking they would go about their day as well. i go to the corner to do some stuff, my back turn, and when i turn away, i see the two women are now behind the counter opening the tills with some key they probably stole, and taking money from them. immediately i start yelling- i’m the only one in front and since they’re older ladies, i’m somehow just able to grab the both of them and hold them down. i yell out my shift’s name, and she comes out, sees what’s happening, and calls the cops. unfortunately, the cops of course take for-fucking-ever and in the meantime i have to walk around with these two ladies under my arms, because they’re wiggling and me moving around keeps them secured under me. finally a police officer shows up, and i’m like “holy shit, please just take them” and pass them onto her. they’re her problem now.
last dream, i actually only remember tidbits, but i do recall the setting pretty well. imagine a summer camp, the kind where you go away from home for a couple months, except its for kids who are occult or monstrous in nature. kids are who like crypts but you also got the human kids who are deeply rooted in ancient magic and ritual and shit like that. their parents are most definitely cult leaders. but in this camp as well, some of the parents sign up to be chaperones and helpers. i remember one scene in particular, where i bumped into this cliche vampire looking down, but he was tubby and had a ‘beach bum’ vibe to him, and he was trying to tell me that i shouldn’t be frumpy because this was supposed to be fun and i was going to have a blast. i’d probably have to hold him to that expectation.
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incomodtutorials · 4 years
Lista filmelor si serialelor care apar pe Netflix in luna August
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Luna August bate la usa, iar Netflix a facut cunoscuta lista filmelor si serialelor noi care apar in ultima luna de vara. 1 AUGUST 2020 Super Monsters: The New Class (Supermonstruleții: Clasa cea nouă); Anaconda; Black Lightning (Black Lightning: Fulgerul Negru); Bulletproof (Antiglonț); Bumblebee; Double Jeopardy (Evadata); Dumplin‘ (Dumplin’. Vreau o viață pe măsura formelor mele); Duplicity (Duplicitate); Failure to Launch (Cum să dai afară din casă un burlac de 30 de ani); Free Willy (Salvați-l pe Willy I); Ghost (Fantoma mea iubită); Labyrinth (Labirintul); Land of the Dead (Tărâmul morții); Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Leagănul Vieții); Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (Lara Croft: Jefuitoarea de Morminte); Made of Honor (Mireasa e iubita mea!); My Perfect Landing: Season 1 (Operation Ouch: Season 1); Operation Ouch: Special (Petit Ours Brun: Little Brown Bear: Season 1); Rango; Rise of the Legend (Huang Fei Hong: Nașterea unei legende); Rudy; Seed of Chucky (Fiul lui Chucky); Sicario: Day of the Soldado (Sicario 2: Soldado); Star Trek (Star Trek: Un nou început); Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (Sweeney Todd: Bărbierul diabolic din Fleet Street); Talking Tom and Friends: Season 2; Terminator Genisys (Terminator Genisys); O cursă cu obstacole; The Stepford Wives (Neveste perfecte); The Sum of All Fears (Pericol absolut); Where’s the Money (Unde-s banii?); 2 AUGUST 2020 Connected (Conexiuni: Viitorul e azi); Hook: Season 1; 3 AUGUST 2020 Immigration Nation (O națiune de imigranți); Dinotrux Supercharged: Season 1; Dinotrux Supercharged: Season 2; Dinotrux Supercharged: Season 3; Paul, Apostle of Christ (Pavel, apostolul lui Hristos); The Underclass: Season 1; 4 AUGUST 2020 A Go! Go! Cory Carson Summer Camp (Tit-Tit! Matei Mașinescu: Tabăra de vară); Malibu Rescue: The Next Wave (Salvamarii din Malibu: Valul următor); Mundo Mistério (Câte-n lună și în stele); Sam Jay: 3 In The Morning (Sam Jay: La trei dimineața); 5 AUGUST 2020 Anelka : L’Incompris (Anelka: Neînțeles); Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. the Reverend (Indestructibila Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. pastorul); World’s Most Wanted (Cei mai căutați infractori); 6 AUGUST 2020 The Rain: Season 3 (The Rain: Sezonul 3); The Seven Deadly Sins: Imperial Wrath of The Gods (The Seven Deadly Sins: Imperial Wrath of The Gods); The First Purge (Noaptea judecății: Începutul); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 7 AUGUST 2020 Berlin, Berlin (Berlin, Berlin: Fuga miresei); High Seas: Season 3 (Mările nimănui: Sezonul 3); ¡Nailed It! México: Season 2 (La fix! Mexic: Sezonul 2); Selling Sunset: Season 3 (Apusul e de vânzare: Sezonul 3); Sing On! Germany (Să cântăm! Germania); The Magic School Bus Rides Again Kids In Space (Din nou la drum cu autobuzul magic: Copii în spațiu); The New Legends of Monkey: Season 2 (Noile legende ale Regelui Maimuță: Sezonul 2); Tiny Creatures (Creaturi micuțe); Wizards: Tales of Arcadia (Vrăjitorii: Povești din Arcadia); Word Party Songs (Bucuria cuvintelor: Cântecele); Work It (Arată-le ce poți); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 9 AUGUST 2020 Hook: Season 1; Unfriended: Dark Web; 10 AUGUST 2020 GAME ON: A Comedy Crossover Event (Pe locuri, fiți gata, start! Un eveniment de comedie pentru familie); The Underclass: Season 1; 11 AUGUST 2020 Rob Schneider: Asian Momma, Mexican Kids (Rob Schneider: Copii mexicani, mamă asiatică); 12 AUGUST 2020 Greenleaf: Season 5 (Greenleaf: Sezonul 5); (Un)Well ((Ne)sănătos); Alex Cross (Detectivul Alex Cross); Hands of Stone (Pumni de piatră); 13 AUGUST 2020 Une fille facile (O fată ușoară); RIDE ON TIME: Season 2; Skyscraper (Infernul din zgârie-nori); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 14 AUGUST 2020 3%: Season 4 (3%: Sezonul 4); Dirty John: The Betty Broderick Story (Dirty John: Betty Broderick); El robo del siglo (Jaful secolului); Fearless (Neînfricatul); Glow Up: Season 2 (Glow Up: Sezonul 2); Octonauts & the Caves of Sac Actun (Octonauții și peșterile din Sac Actun); Project Power; Teenage Bounty Hunters (Adolescente pe urmele ticăloșilor); Honey 2; Land of the Lost; Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 15 AUGUST 2020 Rita: Season 5 (Rita: Sezonul 5); Escape from Alcatraz (Evadare din Alcatraz); Takki: Season 1; The Squad (Brigada de elită); 16 AUGUST 2020 Hook: Season 1; 17 AUGUST 2020 Glitch Techs: Season 2 (Tehnicienii de glitch: Sezonul 2); The Underclass: Season 1; 18 AUGUST 2020 Pope Francis: A Man of His Word (Papa Francisc: Un om de cuvânt); 19 AUGUST 2020 Crímenes de familia (Umbra crimelor noastre); DeMarcus Family Rules (Acasă la familia DeMarcus); High Score (Scoruri mari); Little Singham: Season 2; 20 AUGUST 2020 Biohackers (Biohackeri); Great Pretender (Marele șarlatan); John Was Trying to Contact Aliens (John încerca să contacteze extratereștrii); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 21 AUGUST 2020 Alien TV (Emisiune extraterestră); Fuego negro (Forța obscură); Hoops; Lucifer: Season 5 (Lucifer: Sezonul 5); Rust Valley Restorers: Season 3 (Restauratorii din Rust Valley: Sezonul 3); The Sleepover (O noapte cu surprize); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 23 AUGUST 2020 Hook: Season 1; Septembers of Shiraz; 24 AUGUST 2020 The Underclass: Season 1; 25 AUGUST 2020 Emily’s Wonder Lab (Superlaboratorul lui Emily); Trinkets: Season 2 (Zorzoane: Sezonul 2); 26 AUGUST 2020 Million Dollar Beach House (Plaja reședințelor de milioane); Rising Phoenix (Renăscând din cenușă: Istoria Jocurilor Paralimpice); American Psycho; Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again; 27 AUGUST 2020 Aggretsuko: Season 3 (Aggretsuko: Sezonul 3); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 28 AUGUST 2020 All Together Now (Ca un star rock); Cobra Kai: Seasons 1-2 (Cobra Kai: Sezoanele 1 și 2); I AM A KILLER: Released (SUNT UN UCIGAȘ: VIAȚA DUPĂ ELIBERARE); Orígenes secretos (Origini secrete); Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight (Cavalerul întunericului); The Bridge Curse (Podul blestemat); Unlucky Ploy: Season 1; 30 AUGUST 2020 Hook: Season 1; 31 AUGUST 2020 Luo Bao Bei: Season 1; The Underclass: Season 1; Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya. Read the full article
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stacks-reviews · 7 years
Must Reads Special Part 4
This episode: It’s Time to get Spooky!
A look at some of Stacks favorite scary books and shows.
Please note: not everything that will be listed is necessarily scary. I scare easily. 
--Anything by Junji Ito Junji Ito is widely considered a Mastermind of Horror and for good reason. He has a very surreal art style that makes his stories all the more disturbing. So far I have read Uzumaki, Tomie, Gyo (all the deluxe editions), Fragments of Horror, and Junji Ito’s Cat Diary: Yon and Mu (this one isn’t horror, it’s a biography of him, his wife, and their two cats). 
I didn’t find every story to be scary (like Gyo) but each has disturbing imagery, Fragments of Horror might have the worst image but it’s been a year so I can’t recall what that scene was. My favorite story was Uzumaki but my favorite short story was in the end of Gyo, The Enigma of Arigara Fault. 
Uzumaki: A town is infested with spirals Tomie: There’s something about a young woman that drives men to love her and then kill her. And somehow she always comes back to life. Fragments of Horror: Various short horror stories Gyo: Dead fish with robotic limbs terrorize the world Dissolving Classroom: A series of shorts following two siblings. One who is obsessed with the devil and can melt people’s brain by repeatedly apologizing to them. And his little sister who is just plain crazy. It came out in January of this year. I haven’t read all of it yet. Shiver: Another collection of short horror stories that will be released in the US in December of this year.
--The Forest of Hands and Teeth, The Dead-Tossed Waves, and The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan It’s basically The Village but the monsters are real and they are zombies. At least in the first book. Everyone in the first one wears puritan style clothes and it a very old-fashioned village, surrounded by a fence that they may never cross unless they are a Guardian who spends every day or night walking the fences and watching for breaches and fighting when necessary. Travel beyond the village is forbidden due to losing contact with the other villages years back (they’d travel using a fenced path). Forbidden by the Sisterhood, the governing body of woman of the village. (Forgive me for this summary. It has been a long time since I last read this series).
Our main lead is Mary who ultimately wants more out of life than just marrying and living in this fenced in world. Then one day a girl wearing unusual clothes shows up on the path which proves to Mary that the other villages are still standing and would like to see them. But the Sisterhood takes the stranger away. And Mary soon after finds her among the Unconsecrated outside the fence. An unusually fast and strong Unconsecrated. And thus they have doomed themselves.
I loved this series when I first read it. And as I reread it before each new book came out. The writing style is very beautiful. Some scenes gave me chills (the scene with the baby, the name sake of book two, the sewers of book three). It was one of the few zombie stories I was able to read and enjoy. And that list hasn’t grown much. Because I am a coward and frighten easily.
--The Girl with All the Gifts and The Boy on the Bridge by M.R. Carey “Melanie is a very special girl. Dr. Caldwell calls her “our little genius.” Every morning, Melanie waits in her cell to be collected for class. When they come for her, Sergeant Parks keeps his gun pointing at her while two of his people strap her into the wheelchair. She thinks they don’t like her. She jokes that she won’t bite, but they don’t laugh. Melanie loves school. She loves learning about spelling and sums and the world outside the classroom and the children’s cells. She tells her favorite teacher all the things she’ll do when she grows up. Melanie doesn’t know why this makes Miss Justineau look sad.”
Read this last year and really enjoyed it. And it was recently made into a movie which I hear was pretty good; from a friend who has also read the book. The Girl with all the Gifts starts with a facility housing zombie children who can function like a person. Sorta anyway. They are extremely smart and can even talk. The children are being used to find out why they are so different and to hopefully find a cure. But then contact with the last standing city in England is cut. Then the facility is attacked by a group of humans who decided to live outside the city as they lead a hoard of zombies to attack. A small group escapes the facility, including Miss Justineau, Sergeant Parks, (evil) Dr. Caldwell, and Melanie. The rest of the book follows them as they try to reach the city.
The Boy on the Bridge is a sorta prequel but can be treated as a stand alone novel within the world of The Girl with all the Gifts. It follows the group of the Rosalind Franklin, also called Rosie, that is referenced in The Girl with all the Gifts. Rosie is a massive and impressive research truck that set out from the last city in order to get samples, make tests, and hopefully find a cure for the virus. 
I would recommend reading The Girl with all the Gifts before reading The Boy on the Bridge. It made the prequel a lot more nerve wrecking to me. Because all we know about Rosie before this book is that contact with her was lost. No one knows what happened to her or her crew. So while reading it I just knew that at any moment they were going to get attacked. It made me tense. I wanted to avoid the moment at night so I wouldn’t have nightmares (once again I am a coward so you might not have the same problem).
--Kenan & Kel: Two Heads are Better Than None “The Rockmores set out on a family road trip with an uninvited Kel stashed in the trunk. While camping out in the woods, Kenan has a scary encounter with a mysterious, shadowy figure...”
The Halloween movie of the TV show Kenan & Kel. I adore this movie. So does my whole family. We still have a recording of it on a VHS, which was later burned onto a DVD thanks to one of my aunts. Though now that I have The Splat I can just watch it off the DVR. 
It’s a really fun movie. We quote it a lot.
--Tales from the Crypt When I was younger my family watched this show all the time. My cousins and I would lay down and sit up in time with the Crypt Keeper. A while back I slowly bought each season and I try to watch some episodes every year. It’s a great little anthology horror series. 
A reboot had been planned for this series but it is still in hiatus. If not already canceled.
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doodleferp · 4 years
Avengers: Endgame but the Avengers Army is the Crypt Monster Universe
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aqueenpromised-blog · 7 years
I saved these tags separately because one lovely human bean, @rhysfcyre , tagged me in everything ten hundred years ago so I’m finally getting to of course ♡♡
THE LAST  1. drink: cafe con leche  2. phone call: my best friend 3. text message: my best friend  4. song you listened to: Touch My Body by Mariah Carey  5. time you cried: last month so much but I can’t recall a more recent time  6. dated someone twice: fuck no  7. kissed someone and regretted it: nope 8. been cheated on: yes  9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes ??  11. gotten drunk and thrown up: one fucking time it was very anti-climatic I woke up felt sick and threw up in the bathroom then went back to sleep
3 favorite colors
12. black  13. off-white  14.  light brown 
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yes 16. fallen out of love: kinda  17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you: no ??  19. met someone who changed you: yes  20. found out who your friends are: yes 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: not on my Facebook anymore  general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them  23. do you have any pets: yes, my little fat cat  24. do you want to change your name: no, i use to because for some reason people can say my name right but i’m over it  25. what did you do for your last birthday: my old friends and my ex threw me a surprise birthday party at the park that was cat themed my ex even wore a cat onesie  26. what time did you wake up: 9.00 AM 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: sleep, I took my melatonin and went to sleep  28. name something you can’t wait for: I’M LEAVING TO NEW YORK NEXT MONTH FOR DRAGCON I’M GONNA SCREAM  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: next question ♡♡ 31. what are you listening to right now: She’s Learning to Roll!  32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: no  33. something that is getting on your nerves: anything when I’m hungry I turn into a monster 34. most visited website: youtube  35. hair colour: black  36. long or short hair: long 37. do you have a crush on someone: hahahaha, no  38. what do you like about yourself: I’m pretty chill  39. piercings: septum, tongue, cartilage, surface triages, and  first and second lobes 40. blood type: A positive, I think ? 41. nickname: Nachita ♡♡ 42. relationship status: single ♡ 43. zodiac: Aquarius  44. pronouns: she/her 45. favourite tv show: ash vs evil dead, twin peaks, tales from the crypt, and american horror story 46. tattoos: none yet  47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: three years ago in my ovaries to a remove a cyst  49. piercing: please refer to above  50. sport: hahaha                51. vacation: I usually I don’t go anywhere crazy but I’d love to go to Europe  52. pair of trainers: I got some good semi new ones from goodwill :D  MORE GENERAL 53. eating: i don’t think i’ve had anything yet  54. drinking: agua  55. i’m about to: redo my tumblr theme and then clean  56. waiting for: my best friend to wake up  57. want: to get a second job                                                                                           58. get married: at this point probably not gonna happen haha  59. career: I’m pre-med right now but I’m not sure if that’s what I really want  WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: kisses  61. lips or eyes: lips 62. shorter or taller: taller 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant  HAVE YOU EVER: 67. kissed a stranger: no 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: no 70. turned someone down: yes 71. sex on the first date: no 72. broken someone’s heart: yes 73. had your heart broken: yes 74. been arrested: no 75. cried when someone died: yes 76. fallen for a friend: yes DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 77. yourself: yes 78. miracles: no 79. love at first sight: nope 80. santa claus: no 81. kiss on the first date: nope  82. angels: no  OTHER: 83. current best friend’s name: jackie  84. eye colour: brown 85. favourite movie: that’s so hard: Sleepaway Camp, Bride of Chucky, Silence of The Lambs, Evil Dead 2, The Conjuring series, Pans Labyrinth, Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 1971
I am 5′7″ or taller
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo
I have at least one piercing ( i have multiple ) 
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces
There is something I would change about the way I look
My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin
I am an introvert
I like meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges ( it depends on the challenge lol ) 
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
There is something I would change about my personality
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
Fandoms are my #1 passion
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
I’m in a relationship
I have a celebrity crush
I have a crush on someone I know
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
I get crushes easily
I have had a crush on someone for over a year (if this is past tense)
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs
I share my room with someone
I have breakdanced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages fluently 
I have made a new friend in the past year
rules: put your top ten favorite tv shows below, and then write your favorite female character, favorite male character, and otp from each show and then tag ten people. 
- Kelly 
- Ashley 
- Amanda Fisher and Ash ( I don’t know their ship name )
- Kimmy and Donna 
- Agent Cooper and  Deputy Andy ( fight me I do what I want )
- James and Donna or Andy and Kimmy 
- Sister Jude Martin and Cordelia Foxx and Marie Laveau 
- Kit Walker and Liz Taylor 
- Kit and Alma ♡♡
- Elena
- Paul 
- Mark and Elena 
- Donna Noble 
- Matt Smith 11th Doctor 
- Rory and Amelia 
- Katya Zamolodchikova and Trixie Mattel 
- Bianca Del Rio, Alyssa Edwards, and Bob TheDragQueen 
- Sharon Needles and Alaska Thunderfuck ; Katya Zamolodchikova and Trixie Mattel 
7. Friends
- Monica 
- Chandler 
- Monica and Chandler 
8. Orange is the new black
- Poussey and Alex
- Poussey and Taystee 
( I don’t watch that much television so i’m gonna end it here D; ) 
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