#currently in the “its finally weekend so i can stay in bed all day” mood
kuerbisflocke · 1 year
*not eating bc i have to get out of bed for it
*remembering that i baked cookies
*getting up anyway
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Relationship Headcanons
↦ Character(s): Hakkai Shiba x fem!reader
↦ Rating/Warning: No rating though there are some light mentions of abuse (if you have read the manga you are aware of what I am talking about, I’m not going very deep into it though it literally just mentions it), mentions of anxiety attacks (no detail though), fluff, not proof read
↦ Word count: 1.8k (longer than planned, sections are bolded)
↦ Your Momo’s Receipt: Hello~ I’m post yet another TR headcanon and this was requested by the lovely @strawbub I hope this doesn’t disappoint, it did get longer than planned but I enjoyed writing it. I'll prob do a part two that's more of a scenario based on your first date or something since I didn't go into it here. Please note: for those of you who don’t know my blog is currently under construction, meaning I will not be updating my masterlist for the time being.
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So how did you guys meet, well mostly because of Yuzuha,
One day in like elementary you’re walking home and you see this super pretty middle school girl just like yelling at this small group of guys
The guys end up running off just because they don’t wanna deal with her or the attention she's drawn to them
Behind her was a boy, taller than her but obviously younger. You didn’t assume they knew eachother though.
The boy and yuzuha began walking in opposite directions because one was going home while the other was going to pick up something like groceries
You’re so entranced by how she stood up to them yet she’s a girl who was far smaller and you end up catching up to her, almost stepping on her heels
You end up absent mindedly following her into the grocery store and eventually she just freezes, turns, and stare directly at you
Your eyes widen since you must’ve been staring and she just goes “may I ask why you’re following me?” And you explain how cool she was earlier. She invites you over for dinner (esp since her older brother won’t be home) and figured it’d be good for Hakkai to meet someone his age
You end up going over but Hakkai didn’t come down to eat so you never actually got to meet him, though from then on you would see Yuzuha every so often, visit every other weekend or so
But no matter how often you came over the next few months, you never once met hakkai,
That was until you both reached the end of your middle school education and we’re about to begin high school
You had gone over because you were going to borrow an old work book from Yuzuha, and when you go to knock on the door the door opens before your closed fist could hit it, instead hitting a firm chest
You blush and quickly apologize but the person in front of you doesn’t move at all, doesn’t say anything and almost looks like they drifted into space with their dead stare
You assume this is yuzuha’s older brother because you’ve also never met him and you immediately turn to walk away but Yuzuha calls over hakkai’s shoulder
“Y/N-Chan! You just got here where are you going?” This was def not yuzuha’s older brother. There’s no way she’d be that happy with him around; oh my god. Realization hit, the guy who you hit (though it was more of a tap) was hakkai.
The hakkai you had only caught a glimpse of in yuzuha’s photos, never talked to or actually seen in person despite going to the same school and living in the same neighborhood
He must hate you. That’s why he avoids you. That’s def why - is what you think
Yuzuha drags hakkai back inside and invites you in; you sit down with them in the living room and watch hakkai visibly relax now that he’s inside his house, his own space, with a pillow behind him and a blanket covering his lower half, he almost curls up into it as he continues to avoid your stare
“Hi hakkai…Kun? Im L/N Y/N” you say and you see his face dead pan once again
Yuzuha can be heard laughing from the kitchen as she comes back in.
She leans over and begins explaining that hakkai literally just freezes with any interaction between him and girls who aren’t in his family
You nod, thinking maybe it’s an anxiety thing? Which is the case with you, but only because he’s been watching you since you’ve come over (not in a creepy way) wanting to and working the courage up to talk to you
The 5th or so time you came over after that encounter he was inches away from introducing himself before the house phone rang causing everyone to kind of “wake up” in a sense
Every time since then he gets closer and closer but isn’t able to say anything; he even realizes he has a crush on you.
The way you sit when you do homework and how cute you look when you’re focused.
How your forehead scrunches up when you’re trying to figure something out and you end up just sitting back with a small huff followed by yuzuha’s signature laughter.
It’s also a huge thing that you get along with Yuzuha.
So enough with first meeting time for the confession.
He ends up confessing accidentally. He didn’t know you were coming over to begin with so he was flustered out of his mind. And how was he supposed to know you hadn’t actually fallen asleep and you could hear him over the tv
The tv was more white noise than anything and the day was hot since it was the middle of summer causing the window to be open and the sound of soft wind and small birds to drift in; this was the hot that makes you tired so you were all sprawled out of just sitting in a daze
So while resting your head on the table you’re dozing in and out but then you hear hakkai begin to speak, something he never really did around you
Now did you and hakkai text? Yes. Did it take him an hour to reply because his brain would explode when you replied to him? Yes. But was it a start to communication? Also a yes.
You hear him say your name quietly before he moved closer, you can feel his gaze on your features
“I like you” is all he says. Simple and sweet. But you sit there in shock, trying not to blush so he’ll have no idea you heard him but he can tell because your forehead scrunches
You heard him and are focused on if you should reply or not. And he knows that.
You open your eyes and just look up at him, he’s closer than expected. His hand close to yours on the floor and he reaches over and grabs it lightly. Hoping you’ll also return the gesture by holding his hand instead of leaving your hand limp inside his.
And you do, thank goodness, and Hakkai almost mentally can’t handle it.
Once you start dating it’s more so just hanging out at his house or yours; however he talks a bit more and you text a lot more. He’s gotten better at replying. It usually takes him like 15 minutes now
He’s kinda stressed about your relationship but not due to anything you or him did
He’s stressed because of the mentality his older brother gave him
Is he even allowed to be this happy?
He finally has someone thats small enough and naive enough that he can protect you; compared to constantly being protected it’s a sudden, strong, yet good change for him
He’s touch s t a r v e d
Yes Yuzuha shows affection; but he stopped accepting her hugs when he was around 8 just because he physically wasn’t able to handle it due to his bruises and such
But with you, even with his bruises and all you take care of him. Able to coax him into using medicines and toning down the physical violence (that he can control himself)
He also finds it super soothing when you lightly brush over his scars (especially those that his brother gave him), it helps him believe that scars are only physical and can fade with help
One thing that stresses him out the most is trying to hide you from his brother. Any time you leave something at the house its easy to pass it off as yuzuha's but when it comes to things like photos he has with you, he can't hang them up, show them off, or have them as his phone Lock Screen, etc. because he just really doesn't want his brother to know and target you since he'll then know that you're his weakness (aside from yuzuha as well)
Sometimes won't explain why he can't hang out and has legit pushed you out of his house before at the last minute notice of his brother coming home
Will always make sure you get home safe though, usually by having Yuzuha go with you since then she can just say you're a friend from school
Your parents love him, though they were a bit hesitant it became a "you always have a place to stay" because they learned about their family situation from you and yuzuha. So expect him to spend the night when he's too scared to deal with his brother. Same with yuzuha. (yes I know this isn't yuzuha head canons but its hard to write for him without mentioning her when they're so close)
We're talking three person sleep overs. Yuzuha and you of course share the bed and Hakkai takes some time to even set foot in your room much less sleep on a mattress that's on the floor
He has a small heart attack every time he comes into your room because he's overwhelmed with everything, he's never been so comfortable and it makes him feel restless. Like he's never and I mean n e v e r been less stressed and slept better than when he does so in your room
The smell, the colors, just being surrounded by you is something that completely changes his mood
Once showed up after he fought with his brother, tears in his eyes and clothes a bit tattered and you just pulled him to your room, and sat down with him.
You laid on your bed with him laying down onto of you, head on your chest as you rubbed his head and only said a few words "its not your fault"
He ends up crying so hard he falls asleep and gets dehydrated and you have to make him drink a bunch of water when he finally wakes up.
super fucking careful w you
almost annoyingly so, but you're understanding
He knows that he might be taking things frustratingly slow but he knows that since you understand and know his history that you can help him get through it
Your first time you think you'll have to call it off because he's shaking so bad
"baby... are you sure it won't hurt you?" he keeps asking.
pretty sure that's the longest its ever taken him to finish because he was so anxious
despite being so slow and hesitant, late he isn't too scared to get a bit rougher
but im not talking anything crazy im talking like he's willing to pull your hair a bit or nip a bit harder at your neck.
Please never ask him to do anything like degrade you or some type of harsh physical rough shit, he can't
like literally im 99% sure that if you ask him to choke you or something he will pass out because of the anxiety attack he would have at even the thought.
in short with nsfw though he is sweet boy. He's a switch through and through. Loves when you take care of everything because then he doesn't have to be scared of hurting you.
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inkesmind · 4 years
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haikyuu characters taking care of you when you’re sick headcanons!
reader: gender neutral
featuring: akaashi keiji, bokuto kotarou, iwaizumi hajime, and sugawara koushi
warnings: petnames? (sweetheart, angel)
a/n: feel free to request something!!
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akaashi keiji
school was stressful and one of the only people who can help lift his mood a bit was you
but for some odd reason, akaashi couldn’t find you at all throughout the school day
he texted you a few times to ask where you were but you just weren’t responding. he even facetimed you during his lunch break
unfortunately, you didn’t respond to any of his means of communication which meant there was only one more thing he could do
after school, he decided to head to your place between the short break he had before practice started
when he arrived he found you passed out on your bed with a high fever with a warm wet towel on your forehead that needed to be changed
“y/n. y/n. wake up, it’s me.”
akaashi woke you up so he could help you as much as he could
when you saw him, you weakly smiled and akaashi felt a bit of relief seeing you respond to him
he bent down by the side of your bed and took your hand
“after i change the towel i’m gonna head out to the convenience store to get some medication. you can wait for me, right, angel?” (bye i love him)
you nod your head and he smiles lightly at the gesture then gets to work.
he gets a bowl of fresh cold water and a new towel and replaces the one on your forehead before heading out to the convenience store down the street
he finds some medicine and brings them back to your place and finds you sleeping soundly in your bed once again
he hates that he has to wake you up again but wants you get better as soon as possible
you sat up in your bed and take the medicine he bought for you
after you take the medicine, he waits for you to fall asleep while holding your hand
honestly he doesn’t want to leave but he knows his team also needs him during practice
he stays with you a little longer before changing your towel once again and heading out to practice
bokuto wouldn’t stop asking him why he was late
bokuto kōtarō
you loved your himbo a lot, so much that you’d go to his practice even when you feel like you’re about to pass out
you wanted to support your boyfriend even during practice so you decided to do some studying while doing so
finals were near and you had been overworking yourself more than you needed
bokuto might not seem perceptive, but he always is especially when it comes to you
he was happy you attended practice because it always motivates him to do his best but he knew something was up when you weren’t as energetic or giving him the same energy back
you looked a bit tired and bokuto suggested you get home and get some rest but you declined
while sitting on the sidelines and doing homework, your surroundings suddenly became blurry and your body felt heavy
bokuto glanced in your direction to see how you were doing and noticed how you were struggling to sit up straight
he ran up to you to make sure you were okay
“y/n, you okay?”
you could barely lift your eyelids but managed to nod before slumping in his lap
he touched your forehead with the back of his hand and realized you were burning up
hair immediately deflates- he’s upset that you’d deny your current health for just for him :(
the infirmary closed early today so bokuto ended up carrying you on his back to your place. akaashi also tagged along to carry your stuff (the team is grateful for you since you always help with bokutos mood swings but its more than that) anyways akaahsi wanted to help
you said you could walk yourself but bokuto insisted. he wasn’t sure but he swears he felt you smile against his back (aw u cutie)
on the way to your place, akaashi swung by the convenience store and picked up some medicine for you
when you guys finally got to your place, akaashi dropped your stuff off along with the medicine then left y’all alone (somehow trusted bokuto with your life)
bokuto was literally being so gentle with you though and wanted to help you with everything but you said you could do it
you took the medicine and he helped get you ready for bed
he stayed with you for as long as he could even though you really were fine, just needed rest
iwaizumi hajime
you and iwaizumi had plans to hangout this weekend
unfortunately, you had caught the the sniffles with a pounding headache and fever so you decided to text iwaizumi you wouldn’t be able to make it
iwaizumi: do you want me to come over instead?
you: no it’s contagious i don’t want to give it to you :(
iwaizumi: do you need medicine
you: i already took some
you: that said, don’t come over zumi, i’ll see you soon ❤︎
sweetheart, it’s a given that he won’t listen, so of course he came over right away
he thinks it’s his duty to take care of you at all times
on his way to your house though, he buys you a delicious healthy meal from your favorite restaurant so you could at least eat something good while resting
when he arrives unannounced, you’re sleeping soundly in your bedroom but when he feels your forehead it’s piping hot
you were sick home alone and you didn’t want him to come over just because you were contagious? you’re a 100 years too early to be worrying about that
iwaizumi wakes you up gently by rubbing your arm
“zumi, is that you?”
“have you eaten anything today?”
gets straight to the point, wants to make sure you’re on the right path to recovery
well you didn’t have much of an appetite so you said no and then you smell the food he brought for you
you smile lightly as you sit up in your bed. even though you weren’t hungry there was no way you were going to pass up on the food iwaizumi brought you
after you ate as much as you could, iwaizumi stayed by your side as you fell asleep again
he accidentally fell asleep too while holding your hand
sugawara koushi
sugawara was always up to something, it doesn’t matter what it is
you weren’t answering any of your texts today and was MIA from social media
so suga decided to surprise you while you were at home but when he arrived to your house, no one answered the door
it was only 4pm so someone should’ve been able to open the door but since no one did, suga entered himself
“excuse me!”
the only reply he got was the audio from a tv and quiet snores from the couch.
he walked over to the couch and found you sleeping soundly with tissues and medicine for colds littering around you
it wasn’t hard to deduce that you were sick
you woke up from the pressure you felt on your forehead from sugas hand. he didn’t mean to wake you up, but he wanted to check your fever
“how are you feeling, sweetheart?” he said quietly with a smile
now that he was here, he wasn’t going to go back home until he helped you as much as he could and you knew that. so you told him your symptoms
even though you were sick, that won’t stop him from teasing you especially after he learned how you got sick in the first place
but suga was caring nonetheless, so he decided to use your kitchen to make you rice porridge since you hadn’t eaten anything beneficial today
you eat the rice porridge he makes for you as he cleans up the space around you
he makes sure you’re drinking enough water and not neglecting your body from what it needs
suga even helps you get to your bedroom so you can sleep comfortably even when you told him you could go yourself
gives you a cold towel to put on your head to help reduce your fever
he rubs circles on your palms to help you fall asleep, it’s very soothing
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bye i love them all, hope these were good!!
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goldenpixel · 3 years
The scene with Wilbur in Quackity’s latest lore stream made me Think some Thoughts, and I wanted to get all of my SBI family headcanons together in one place, so here’s this post
First thing, this is their age order:
Philza -> Techno/Wilbur -> Tubbo -> Ranboo -> Tommy
- Techno and Wilbur were born on the same day, so most of the family refers to them as “the twins” but they are not blood related
- Philza did not know how old Techno was when they were ruling the Antarctic Empire, he thought that Techno was around 21 when he was actually around 14-16
- this is a fact that haunts Phil to this day, because he committed a massive amount of war crimes with an actual child, and also for reasons that will soon become very clear
Philza and Techno
- they’re married
- they got married with them each thinking that the other was close to their own age (Phil thought Techno was in his early 20’s, Techno thought Phil was in his late teens)
- for more on their marriage, check out this post
- despite Techno and Wilbur being the same age, Techno is mentally much older due to his past and his general status as the Blood God
- Phil did most of the work raising the older kids, but Techno did his fair share, and you can definitely see his influence when you look at the kid’s behaviors
- both of them are immortal
- Techno is a new immortal, the Blood God has only just come into existence, but he isn't leaving anytime soon
- Philza is an old immortal, he was there when the world was born, and he'll be there when it dies
- Wilbur and Philza are the only blood relatives in the whole family
- as much as he loves him, Wilbur has always been a bit bitter towards Techno, because when they were teenagers, Techno was off ruling and adventuring and having fun with Phil during the AE, and Wil was left home with a young Tommy to look after
- Wilbur’s hair is naturally blond, just like Phil and Tommy’s
- no one knows who Wilbur’s mom is (unfortunately mpreg is the norm on this server, so Phil carried him, and he’s got some ideas on who Wil’s mom is, but he honestly doesn’t care enough to look into it)
- Wilbur has wings
- they’re much smaller than Phil’s, he can barely fly with them, but they’re the same color and shape as Phil’s
- because of how fragile his wings are, Wilbur should not technically be able to fly, but he literally sheer force of will-ed it and threw himself off the roof of their house so many times that he can glide when he jumps from high places, and if it’s a really high place, he can get in a few good flaps of his wings to get him some extra distance
- Phil doesn’t learn that Wilbur can semi-fly/glide until one day they’re off adventuring together and Wil is being dramatic and theatrical and walking backwards while he talks, and he falls off a cliff
- Tommy has been with them since he was a few days old
- because of his light features, most people assume that he is Phil’s son by blood, and he just didn’t inherit the wings
- (at ages 10 and 16, Tommy and Wilbur did the blood-brothers handshake where they cut their palms and then shook hands, so if you ask them, they’re blood brothers through and through)
- Techno taught Tommy how to sew
- Tommy is a young god, but he hasn’t grown into most of his powers yet
- Tommy is a god of death, the future Death himself, Kristen is his mother
- (this is how Phil comes into possession of him. Phil, being the Angel of Death, was really the only reasonable choice when it came to Death herself finding someone to raise her son)
- Tommy has light features, even though Mumza has dark features, because she purposefully made him out of the light, she wanted him to be good and kind, so she created him from the literal light that you see when you're dying
- because he was born from the actual moment of death, despite Tommy's eyes being blue, they hold the void itself in them
- if you look too closely into Tommy's eyes, it can be easy to lose yourself and fall right in
- sometimes Mumza comes to visit, these are very bittersweet moments for Tommy
- he loves his mom, and he loves seeing her and seeing Phil happy to see her, and she usually takes him along on her next trip, ever so slowly teaching him how to be Death, but he also hates that that is his future
- he doesn't want to be the next Death, he doesn't want to outlive all of his friends and his brother, he just wants to be normal
- because of this, Tommy represses pretty much all of his godly powers, trying to seem as normal as possible, the one he represses the most is his automatic healing, when he gets hurt, he wants to stay hurt
- he represses everything so well that its years before Tubbo finds out that his best friend is a god
- Techno raised Ranboo more than Phil did
- (because of this, he’s the only kid who actually views Techno as his father. Despite him literally being their stepdad, the others see Techno as more of a brother or an uncle)
- Techno found Ranboo when he was around 12 years old on the edge of a warped forest in the nether (if you want some more nether-boys hc’s, check out this post)
- at that age, Ranboo hadn’t hit his growth spurt yet due to malnutrition, so he was much smaller than the average human 12 year old, and everyone thought he was around 8-10 (because of his memory issues, Ranboo thought the same thing until Tommy kept pestering him about when his birthday was and he remembered the year)
- Ranboo is brought into the family when he’s 12, Tommy is 11, and Wilbur and Techno are 17
- as I said before, Techno may have been 17 when he took in Ranboo, but he was definitely a father to this anxious amnesiac preteen
- because of his height, Ranboo is constantly slouching to fit through doorways, inside houses, and to make himself appear smaller, so he grows to need a cane
Tubbo (and Dream)
- street cat
- they fed him once and he just kept coming back
- sometimes he’ll disappear for a few weeks, but he always turns up eventually
- boy’s got some family issues, some real bad family issues
- his dad is Schlatt, who left him and big brother Dream to fend for themselves when he and Dream were 6 and 11
- luckily Dream has an excellent sense of direction and memory, and got them to Aunt Puffy’s current port before she pushed off on her next adventure (but not before getting briefly separated and making some friends)
- (the few weeks they spend separated are when Tubbo first gets found by Wilbur and Tommy and forcibly adopted by Phil, and Bad lures Dream home with food and he meets Sapnap)
- both boys have ram features - floppy ears, horns, etc., Dream also inherited their Aunt Puffy's rainbow hair (he dyes it blonde semi-regularly. It's dyed when he meets sbi, and Wilbur and Techno have the exact same reaction to it when they finally see his natural hair: relentless teasing. Like father like son amiright?)
- Tubbo and Dream are half brothers (same dad, different moms), Tubbo is 1/2 ram and 1/2 human, Dream is 1/2 human, 1/4 ram, and 1/4 what he and Sapnap think is demon (basically Dream had a human-ram hybrid dad, and a human-demon(?) hybrid mom)
- when Tubbo introduces Dream to his new brother-in-law, Dream feels a bit of a kindred spirit, but he quickly brushes it off
- Dream spends most of his time either with Bad, Skeppy, and Sapnap, or on the sea with Puffy, so Tubbo mostly fends for himself
- Tubbo is more than happy to fend for himself, he actually prefers it most of the time. He doesn't like people fussing over him and sheltering him, so whenever his mood switches and he decides that he does, actually, want some family time, he just appears on sbi’s front porch
- Tubbo first meets Ranboo when he comes to visit after a few months away. No one told him that Tommy was with Mumza for the weekend, so when he arrived at 3am, 2 days before he told Phil he’d be there, he just let himself in and threw himself on top of the sleeping figure in Tommy’s bed, only to be met with a startled enderman screech that woke the whole house
- (Ranboo was in Tommy’s bed because he might not be a part of the official Clingy Duo, but the boy is as clingy as they come. He regularly sleeps in his family’s beds, both when they’re home and when they’re away, because his sense of smell is heightened as an enderman and he needs to be surrounded in their scent when he misses them or when he’s feeling sad (especially because these are the only scents he knows, he doesn’t remember any of the scents from before Techno found him))
Big brothers being friends
- one day, after Tubbo’s near-constant raving about how great the Minecraft family is, Dream agrees to visit with him
- this visit happens to fall during the AE, so the only ones home are Wilbur and Tommy
- Dream and Wilbur take one look at each other and their similar situations in raising their chaotic, problem-child little brothers, and never let go
- the four of them live together for a good 5-6 months before Dream gets a letter and he and Tubbo need to leave
- after this visit, Dream and Wilbur stay in contact, and they visit each other even without their brothers around to drag them along
- I know I said that Wilbur makes fun of Dream for dying his hair, but that’s only in public
- in private, Wilbur confesses to Dream that he also dyes his hair, that his hair is naturally blond and he dyes it darker. After this, Dream and Wilbur start dying their hair together, it becomes something scheduled that they both look forward to immensely each month
- the next time Dream and Tubbo visit together, Wilbur is off with a water spirit who stole his heart (I refuse to write about fish Sally, fight me), and Phil is showing Ranboo some cool builds in his current hardcore world, so it's Techno and Tommy who welcome them in
- Techno starts out pretty hesitant of Dream, but Dream almost instantly is like
- "I'm gonna annoy the blood god into being my best friend"
- and whatever Dream sets his mind to, he achieves
- so the visit sort of ends with Dream and Techno making Tommy and Tubbo promise not to burn the house down, and leaving them home alone to go off to cause some chaos together
Father/son relationships
- As I said earlier, Phil primarily raised Wilbur and Tommy, and Techno primarily raised Ranboo, with Tubbo coming in and out like a feral cat
- to Wilbur and Tommy, Techno is more of a cool uncle who brings them valuable trinkets from his adventures, and they want to be like him one day
- Ranboo and Phil’s relationship is almost exactly the same as Wilbur and Tommy’s relationship with Techno
- when Techno brought Ranboo home, Phil pretty much decided that he had his hands full enough with raising his two chaotic boys, and he declared that it was finders-keepers, Techno found Ranboo, so he gets to raise him
- after L’Manburg, Ghostbur and Phil learn sign language, because the explosion blew out Phil’s hearing in his left ear, and Ghostbur’s so soft-spoken that it’s sometimes really difficult for him to hear his son speaking
For more random hc’s I have about these characters and the characters of the smp in general, check out this post
Some quick tags for people who commented on my post asking who wants this post, thanks for the support guys :’) @anotherweirdohere @haveadayasgreatasyou @jupiterjordan
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babbushka · 4 years
Beyond Reasonable Doubt (ch.1)
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                                –      A Lawyer AU      –
You and Kylo Ren have hated one another for as long as you can remember. He, a criminal prosecutor, and you, a defense attorney should be natural-born enemies, and you are. But when Kylo comes to you seeking representation after being charged for a murder he didn’t commit, you both learn a thing or two about life, the law, and love…
[5k, no warnings for this first chapter!] 
Available on AO3
In a world of ever-changing circumstances, where people do things that cause ripples and shocks through the very fabric of society that shake them to their core, where the sun shines and rain falls and snow blows cold through the streets of Manhattan, where there is life and death and a mess of bullshit in between, there was but one thing that you could ever comfortably rely on in life.
Only one thing remained constant in the grand scheme of it all: your alarm.
With a grunt and sigh, your arm extends out from underneath the covers to smack at the loud blaring jingle that sounds from your phone, hand desperately trying to hit the dismiss button without looking so that you don’t have to face the day just yet. It’s too early, you reason, to pull your whole self out from under the covers.
Eventually you give that thought up though, because dammit now you’re awake and it’s Monday morning and you have an office that’s waiting for you uptown. So, ever grudgingly, you throw the plush comforter off of your body and stretch to greet the day, saying good morning to the city that never sleeps.
You don’t usually dread waking up, but well, the last time you’d been in the office was Friday afternoon, after you lost your case.
After you lost your case, to him.
Glancing at the clock on your phone, you chew your lip for a moment or two, before finally turning off the do not disturb function, immediately going into the bathroom to shower and ready yourself for the day while damn near a hundred backlogged notifications make your phone buzz nearly onto the floor.
There’s a small mirror in the shower, a little compact to make sure there’s nothing left on your face after you scrub your skin clean, and you catch your own reflection in it. You’ve looked better, that was for damn sure – but by that same token, you’ve also looked worse. Mondays were shit, but today was gearing up to be an even worse one than normal.
No, you think as you shake your head adamantly, you have no desire to let him soak up any more of your good mood than he had already. So what if you had forgone your entire weekend, canceling plans and ignoring friends to nurse the sting to your pride that was losing? So what if instead of checking your email or your phone, you sat yourself on the couch and wasted two entire days doing nothing but watching shitty shows on Netflix?
What you did on your downtime was nobodies’ business, and since you live alone in your beautiful one-bedroom in SoHo, no one was there to spill your secrets. If anyone asked – not that anyone would, if they knew what was good for them – you would tell them that you absolutely did not spend the weekend wanting to throw darts onto a photo of his face. That wouldn’t be very professional, now would it?
Shutting off the water, you wrap yourself up in a big plush towel, and pad across the floor to your closet. Briefly, ever so briefly, you glance at your phone on your way, holding your breath, wondering, hoping that there might be something from him.
If there is, it’s buried under a pile of emails and text-threads from your firm, so he’ll have to wait.
Manhattan in January was chilly, so you bundle yourself up in your chicest coat overtop your most well-fitting skirt suit and a pair of heeled boots. Even if you felt like shit, you could look like million fuckin’ bucks, and no one would be the wiser.
And what a wonder the power of confidence was! Through the streets and down to the subway, you smiled at everyone, and they all smiled back. You offered your seat on the train to an elderly man who clearly needed it more than you, and he complimented your gloves. Everyone from the NYPD officer drinking his coffee to the mom scolding her three children brightened as you wished them a good morning, and somehow, along the way to work, your Monday blues disappears into something a little brighter.
Your good mood only continues to grow as you exit the elevator of the huge high-rise that you call your home away from home, your office on the twenty-third floor right in the heart of the Upper West Side. Sandwiched between the Hudson and Central Park, you have to admit that getting your ass out of bed was worth it, even if just for this view.
“Morning (Y/N).” The front desk security guard greets you, and you say hello back to him with a performative show of your badge.
HKS Law, so named after the founders and current partners Amilyn Holdo, Ben Kenobi, and Luke Skywalker, is a shining pinnacle of what defense attorneys and opposing counsel at trials should be. Not only had the firm made history time and time again with incredible wins and even more incredible ultimate losses, but it prided itself on being representation for the people no one else could represent.
Most of all, it had you.
If your alarm was a constant, than this was a universal truth: you are a damn good defense attorney. As you walk through the crisp and clean polished floors, you hold your head high, knowing that this loss against him still put you at the lowest loss rate of anyone in the history of HKS, lower than even the founders themselves.
That little reminder has you grinning to yourself. You’d been working with HKS for nearly six years now, and very quickly you saw your office climbing higher and higher up the skyscraper, saw it getting bigger and bigger. And now, you were nearly positive, that your meeting at eleven o’clock would be to discuss partnership with the firm as a reward for your continued hard work.
“Hey (Y/N)!” One of the associates, Rose Tico smiles at you from where she’s chatting with her sister Paige by their desks.  
“Someone looks like they had a nice weekend.” Paige remarks, and you only wink at them, playing the game.
A game, which becomes instantly easier as your assistant, a bright-eyed intern fresh out of law school appears seemingly out of nowhere.
“(Y/N), good morning!” She is already offering you a cup of something nice and hot, her arm cradling a stack of manilla folders that have all sorts of sticky-note flags on them, that she shifts onto her hip ever so slightly to brush a few loose braids out of her face, speaking at what feels like a million miles a second, “I have your coffee ready and there’s a fresh breakfast buffet in the break room if you’d like, I can get you something – ”
“Good morning Neisha.” You accept the coffee gratefully, but interrupting her only to give her a chance to catch her breath. You check your watch, it’s only half-past seven, she’ll wear herself out if she exerts that much energy first thing. “A bagel with the usual would be perfect, thank you.”
“No problem – oh, Rick wanted you to look over those case files before your eleven-o’clock.” She breathes a sigh of relief, and gives you a smile.
Groaning, you accept the manilla folders too, balancing the coffee cup on top of them as Iman follows you into your own private office. Your assistant stands in front of your desk at the ready, looking sharp and put together, as ever.
One thing that you loved about Neisha – aside from the dozens of things that you admired and appreciated about her – was that you have never ever seen her in something other than a pantsuit. She did not wear dresses or skirts, she was almost never in heels, and she did not carry a purse. Instead, Neisha could almost always be found in a very smart trouser and blazer set, often complete with vests, and fun-colored socks in her loafers to coordinate with her ever-expanding collection of ties.
“Rick can go fuck himself.” You mutter under your breath, and she laughs.
“Should I tell him you said that?” With a playful glimmer in her eye, she crosses her arms over her broad chest.
“Yes.” You wink, before checking your watch once again and reminding her about that, “Bagel?”
“Bagel – right, on it.” Neisha snaps her fingers and leaves, closing the office door behind her.
 You like your office, even if you’ve outgrown it. Much like the rest of the firm, it has stayed up to date with the contemporary interior design of the day. However where the open floor of the firm is mostly whites and silvers and glass, your office feels warmer with shades of coffee browns and creamy neutrals. 
Remembering how you had been so excited for the promotion to your own office, you can’t help but chuckle to yourself now – it really was a small office. It consisted of a long dark brown desk situated in front of a wall-unit bookshelf/display area, and a seating arrangement of matching brown chairs situated around a free-edge wooden coffee-table. A soft rug covers the marble flooring, and cream gauzy curtains cover the windows, but that was about it.
You had been to the offices of the higher ups, you knew just what you could achieve if you made partner – even if you made junior partner.
And if all went well during this meeting at eleven, you knew you’d be moving into one of those offices soon.
For the first time all weekend, you sit down in the big leather chair behind your desk and finally check your phone. The case files remain on your desk, and you know you’ll get to them eventually, but until you’ve had some breakfast and that coffee can work its magic, no one could blame you for scrolling through the shit that you had put off since Friday.
It’s mostly work friends taking your side, which you appreciate. They knew losing a case was hard for you – you didn’t do it very often. And even though you never lost to anyone besides him, it still never got easier.
The case had been a simple one, or at least, you had thought so. Murders are so often simple, either the person did it, or they didn’t. If they did, there’s evidence, and if they didn’t, well, there’s evidence too. And when two parties come forward with their own evidence, compelling, strong fucking evidence – evidence of alibis and proof that your client couldn’t have been there, couldn’t have done it – it’s up to the jury to decide who to believe.
In this case, this jury decided to believe him, and there was nothing you could do about it. It was losses like this, losses like the knowledge than an innocent man was going to prison, that make you seriously question the legal system as a whole, frankly.
It’s then that you see it, and your hand freezes.
You have a missed message from him.
He’s saved in your contacts as the dick from VTH, and even though that could refer to any number of people, you know that it’s him. You have five missed messages from him, as a matter of fact, which sends both a rush of adrenaline through you, as well as a spike of anxiety.
The two of you…you’d never been friends, not really. In fact, the closest thing to a relationship that you might have is that of a rivalry, if not flat out enemies. You hated him, and he hated you, and he had hated you ever since the first day he set eyes on you, from the very first moment you walked into the courtroom as a last-minute addition to the defense counsel, and won the case in fifteen minutes.
Which was a shame, because you often find yourself thinking that if he weren’t such a…well, a dick, there could have been something there. Instead of a friendship, or even a civil acquaintanceship, you have over the years developed something of a hate-fucking-enemies-with-benefits arrangement. He was probably pissed that you ignored him all weekend, but that was okay – let him be pissed, you were pissed too.
You don’t open his messages, not yet. You’d need coffee in you and food in your stomach before you’re able to handle whatever mood he has to be in, now that you’ve got the energy to deal with him.
You’re so deep in thought that you nearly miss when Neisha returns with a plate for you, a big spread arranged on your desk for you to enjoy. You’re about to thank her and let her get on with whatever work she has to do, but she holds out a newsletter with a devious smile and curiosity gets the better of you.
“Have you seen?” She asks, and you raise a brow, a smile of your own creeping across your face.
The newsletter was something that circulated through the different firms in the area, keeping everyone up to date – or at least as up to date as legally possible – on the goings on in the sphere of influence that you all found yourselves in. Everything from congratulatory memos to case results, and even high profile celebrity gossip was fair game, but one of the more scandalous parts of the newsletter, was the publication of trouble that various lawyers found themselves in.
The Monday morning newsletter had quite a bit of this from over the weekend, and right there on page sixteen, is none other than his face looking as irritated as he possibly can, as he’s being given a hard time for a DUI on Friday night.
“Oh fuck.” Your eyes widen, wanting nothing more than to call him and yell at him for being a fucking idiot, “What the hell does he think he’s doing?”
“Whatever he wants, evidently.” Neisha shrugs, no doubt thinking the news would cheer you up in some sort of vengeful way that you appreciate. She reaches for a pumpernickel crisp from the spread on your desk and muses, “I bet the cops are thrilled, they hate that sonofabitch.”
“Yeah them and me both.” You mutter, already rubbing away a headache that’s starting to form across the expanse of your forehead. “He’s not going to be pleased about that photo, he looks rumpled.”
Sighing, you look down at the photo. He’s very clearly intoxicated, you’ve seen that look in his eyes more than once, the blurry out of focused glassy look that he gives you over smiles at dinner sometimes. You blink away the image of him in a nice suit on the other end of a table, reminding yourself that you’re angry with him.
“Doesn’t he have a driver? I wonder why he got behind the wheel himself.” Neisha continues, and bless her you think, for continually giving you a means to not be left alone with your thoughts.
“If there’s one thing I know about that man, it’s that when he sets him mind to something, no one is going to stop him from doing it.” You reply, not able to ignore a bit of gut-wrenching regret.
Maybe if you hadn’t been so mad at him, you could’ve gone with him to wherever he was coming back from, and maybe you could’ve --
“Should I have this framed?” Neisha asks, and you blink again.
You check your watch, it’s only a quarter ‘til eight. Have you really only been at work for fifteen minutes? That stack of folders sits on the edge of your desk, taunting you. You’re gearing up for an extra long day.
“No, that’s okay.” You shake your head, opening the bottom drawer of your desk and dropping the newsletter into it. “I will keep a hold onto it though. Just for fun.”
With a laugh, Neisha leaves and once again closes your office door.
“God dammit.” You grumble, pulling your phone out yet again.
The unread messages from him sit buried beneath thirty other messages that don’t warrant responses, and you hover your thumb over his name.
After all these years, something about getting a text from him made your heart jump. It felt stupid, you weren’t some teenager with a crush in high school, you were an adult, and this was just another adult, who you happened to have developed some sort of attachment to. Not a friendship, or a relationship even, but some kind of attachment.
Right now, you wanted to bitch at him for getting himself into trouble, for driving while he was so very clearly drunk, a whole argument prepared about how he could have seriously hurt or even killed someone, how even though he’s a rich asshole he can’t afford to be so reckless.
But first, in order to bitch at him, you have to read what he’s sent you over the weekend, and that’s where you keep tripping up. You don’t know why, but when you do finally open up his texts, you find that you’re holding your breath until you read them.
You try to ignore the way the thread starts out, try to ignore how if anyone were to squint, they might think something was going on between you two.
 Incoming: [1/8 6:03am] just picking up croissants from that place u like. jam?
[1/8 6:10am] Yeah, raspberry if they have
Incoming: [1/8 6:11am] on it, go back 2 bed.
 That had been just over a week ago, and you remember the day well, how you exchanged smiles over bites of fresh and flaky pastry, how you had dipped the croissants into hot chocolate in his bed, not giving a fuck about the crumbs that weren’t your problem because they weren’t your sheets.
How that was the last time you had seen him, before the conclusion of the case.
Now, now that you’d lost, the tone of the thread has very clearly shifted to something much colder. One thing you’re surprised to see though, is that they’re all from around Friday night, which was unusual.
 Incoming: [1/15 7:43pm] going out 2 celebrate tonight, join me
Incoming: [1/15 8:57pm] u can’t ignore me forever u know
Incoming: [1/16 12:02am] i’m glad u didn’t come, ud fucking hate it here. theyre playing music 2 loud
Incoming: [1/16 12:15am] r u seriously still mad?
Incoming: [1/16 1:09am] Fuck you.
 Rolling your eyes, you rub away more of that headache that starts to form. It was weird that he didn’t text you at all for the whole day of Saturday, or Sunday for that matter. If you didn’t spend the weekend together, he was very content to simply blow your phone up with links to random bullshit or long text conversations in broken grammar because his thumbs were too big for the buttons.
So for there to be radio silence after one o’clock in the morning was strange.
“For fucks sake.” You find yourself texting him back without even thinking about it, your fingers moving over the keyboard easily and quickly, sending off a slightly antagonizing reply after two days of nothing;
 [1/18 7:55am] Looks like you had quite the night on Friday.
 There, you think. That should get a response out of him. No doubt he would be quick to complain about how he had been pulled over and the whole nine yards. You wait for it to come through, the text. Or more accurately, the string of impassioned paragraphs that he tends to send you.
But a minute go by, and there’s nothing.
Five minutes, and nothing still.
You know you have to work, you have shit to do, you have that big meeting in a couple hours that you have to mentally prepare for, there’s no time to be worrying about him not texting you back. Still, you don’t like the silence. Sure that makes you a hypocrite, but he deserved your cold shoulder for beating you in court. At least, that’s how you justify it for yourself.
Getting up from your desk, you hover in the doorframe, where your assistant’s desk sits just outside to act as a buffer for anyone wanting to bother you.
“Hey Neisha?” You ask quietly, getting her attention, “I haven’t missed any calls, have I?”
A crease of confusion dips between her brows as she frowns, and immediately she checks the call logs on the conference phone that sits on her desk next to the big computer that takes up most of her space.
“No not that I can think of, are you expecting someone – ?”
Just as she’s asking, the phone rings. You lean over and see the number is one you don’t recognize, and you frown too.
“Better get that.” Neisha says awkwardly, so you just nod and retreat back into your own office from where you came.
It’s been seven minutes now, and there’s still nothing from him.
“Fine, fuck you too.” You mutter at the phone, locking it and putting it in the shallow drawer of your desk so you can focus on the folders in front of you finally.
 The stack is pretty normal, all the weekend material finally coming in now that it’s the start of a new week. There’s new case files to look through to decide if you’re doing to accept the client, supplementary material from old case files that you’ve asked for to review, notes and evidence belonging to associates’ cases that you said you’d give your opinion on – all mixed into one big pile.
You liked it though, liked staying busy. It was a good distraction from a loss, the ability to win, the ability to prove to yourself and to the world that you’re good at what you do. There are all sorts of awards and pieces of paper displayed on the walls of your office that show that you’re good, but still, there’s nothing like a strong win after a frustrating loss.
But you’re not even halfway through reading the first folder, when Neisha knocks on your door and opens it slowly, a look of preemptive apology on her face.
“I’m afraid you’re going to need to cancel your eleven o’clock.” She says, and you can tell by the tone of her voice that there’s no use in trying to argue with her.
You let the folder fall down onto the desk, and brace yourself for whatever bombshell she’s about to drop on you, what could possibly be so important for you to have to reschedule one of the biggest meetings of your career. They would understand, you’re sure.
You hope, anyway.
“Who is it?” Your tone is already filled with dread, but a resigned kind of dread, knowing that whatever it must be, it has to be big, and you’re the only one in this entire fucking firm who can handle big things like this – it was the reason they wanted you for partner in the first place.
But Neisha hesitates with this response, scratches the back of her neck in a way that makes you instantly curious.
“I…I was instructed not to say, just that you’ve been requested to meet with them regarding representation.” She tells you, and now your headache pounds even harder.
Clients didn’t withhold their identity from you; some used an alias of course, but you can’t say that so far in your career you’ve had a completely anonymous client. Whoever this person was, had to either be royalty, or something very very close.
And though that meant there was going to be a nightmare of a trial – because these high profile people almost never got to simple settle, not when the prosecutor wants to make a show of prosecuting them – you can’t help but think that would be a pretty good notch in your beltloop, as it were.
“Alright, where are they?” You’re already up and away from your desk, shuffling the case files into a locked cabinet.
“Rikers.” She says straight away, and you let out a groan.
“Of course they are.”
You had almost hoped that whoever this mystery client was, they had posted bail and could meet at a nice neutral location. You didn’t have anything against Rikers personally, but rather the entire prison industrial complex as a whole, and as far as New York prisons went, there were few more infamous for being unnecessarily brutal than Rikers Island.
“I can call them back and tell them you’re busy…but they sounded adamant about wanting you in particular.” Neisha nudges gently, and really there’s no need to butter you up, you’ve already made up your mind.
“I’m guessing they didn’t tell you why?” You ask, even though you know the answer.
“Correct.” She replies with a sheepish shrug.
You look at her, at your watch, at your phone screen which shows no new notifications from the last time that you checked it, and you square your shoulders.  
“Alright, reschedule the eleven o’clock, and let’s get out of here before Holdo freaks the fuck out on me for that.” You say, grabbing your coffee and a few more of the pastries to take in the car with you for the drive.
Most times, you have no problem taking the subway wherever you need to get, but visiting Rikers wasn’t as easy as hopping off the train and walking a couple blocks. For times like these, you and Neisha take one of the company cars, a sleek and shiny black thing with dark tinted windows. Cars really aren’t practical in the city, which is why you don’t have one of your own, but it was nice to be driven around from time to time in the peace and quiet of a car like this.
Normally, visitors are not allowed on Mondays or Tuesdays, but you’re not a normal person, and you’re not here for a normal visit, so once you pass through the security gate, the K-9 unit and the metal detector security tests with ease, you find it a pretty quiet lobby.
“Good afternoon Ms. (L/N), here on official duty?” One of the correctional officers that sits up by the front visitation desk beams at you.
“No, I just missed you Jake.” You reply, fishing out your identification for him even though he really doesn’t need it. Jake has worked there only a year or so, and every time you see him you can’t help but think he’s young, too young for this job, you think, too young to become desensitized to the humanity of incarcerated individuals. But that’s not a conversation that you’re here to have today, so instead you keep up the chitchat with, “How’s Lottie and the kids?”
“They’re good, who are you here for?” Jake asks as a matter of protocol, and you give Neisha a look, before looking back at him.
“That’s just the thing, I don’t know. I wasn’t informed for confidentiality reasons.” You try to explain, before leaning forward and mock-whispering to him, “Please tell me someone has me on the list and I didn’t drive all this way for nothing.”
Jake laughs, a sound that feels out of place in a place like this, and pulls something up on his computer. You can’t really see it, the list, and that’s okay. Whoever this mysterious person is, you’ll find out within just a few minutes.
“You know the drill, they’re waiting for you in the back.” Jake waves you off, and you’re glad to go.
“Wait out here.” You tell Neisha, who clearly looks uncomfortable even being in the lobby, and with good reason. She doesn’t argue you on that, instead takes a seat on a bench near Jake’s table, and the two of them get to chatting while your boots click on the floors as you walk away.
There’s a couple different visitation areas in the jail, and the deeper into the building you go, the more that you’re glad that visitation isn’t allowed on Mondays. You don’t want the chance of running into someone that you had failed. Granted there had only been a handful of those instances, but the thought of any one of them being here is not outside the realm of possibility.
Through the sea of empty tables and chairs that are reserved for long term inmates who happen to have visitation privileges for good behavior, you find yourself moving deeper and deeper, until you’re at the door of another room, a closed off one more typical to that seen in movies and television shows.
Opening the door, you hang in the hallway to confirm that there’s no one else there, as there shouldn’t be. There’s eight stations, four on each side of the small room, with a phone and a pane of bulletproof glass. Right away, you have a feeling this is going to be a murder trial, if they’re not even letting you meet with the client out in the open, if they’re monitoring the phone conversation that you’re about to have.
You see a shuffle of movement out of the corner of your eye, and assume that that’s who you’re here to meet, so with your chin held high, you step into the room, and make your way to the visitation booth where a man in a bright orange jumpsuit is waiting on the other side of the glass.
Stopping as quickly as you’ve started, you stand frozen in the middle of the room, blinking away and desperately shoving aside a wave of feelings that have crashed over you at the familiar face behind the glass.
The dark hair, the deep eyes, that proud nose, those full lips, you take it all in with some strange sense of disbelief – surely this must be a dream? It has to be, even as you sit on the little stool and yank the phone off the wall, shoving it against your ear, not even knowing where to start as you try to wrap your mind around the fact that the man, this mystery client…
“Hey sweetheart.” He says, and you could smack him upside the head if only there weren’t this glass between you and Kylo Ren.
Tagging some pals, please let me know if you’d like to be added to or taken off the taglist! @safarigirlsp​ @steeevienicks​ @mochabucky​ @sacklerscumrag​ @artsymaddie​ @bitchydecisions​ @direnightshade​ @reyloaddict55​ @kylorenswhxre​ @sunflowersinthesnow​ @mousemakingjam @the-unmanaged-mischief​ @drake-bells-waxed-penis @littleevilme13 @rennaissance-mama @materialisthicc​ 
162 notes · View notes
rikumorimachisgirl · 4 years
Iris, I like your Miya Twins hc! Please write more!
Hello, Anon! Thank you so much, I'm happy to hear you enjoyed the HC I made. I hope that you enjoy this one, too. I thought I'd write about how they met/fell in love with you. 💕
Title: Falling in love (with the Miya Twins)
Word count: 1,816
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own Haikyuu!! nor its characters, but the HC below is my idea.
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You and Atsumu had been classmates since middle school, and you, fortunately (or unfortunately) always end up sitting next to each other at some point during the school year. 
He knew that puberty wasn't kind to you - what with having bad breakouts, and excess pounds. He also knew that you had a thing for him back then - stealing glances when you thought he wasn't aware, sneaking into the gym a few days a week to watch him practice, and bringing extra pens for him because you knew he was bound to forget his own. 
Since there were very limited choices of schools in your district, he knew you'd end up studying in Inarizaki, and he was open to the fact that you'd end up being classmates again. BUT - what he didn't know was that you were starting to bloom into a young lady and that you've shed some weight since he last saw you. 
While he didn't exactly fall in love with you the moment he laid his eyes on 'High school you', he was enchanted - quite so that he often caught himself stealing glances at you and asking himself, "did she always have rosy cheeks" or "why hadn't I noticed how deep her dimples are", and he'd immediately look elsewhere when he knows you'd notice him watching.
Since you no longer seemed interested in following him around, nor did you seem to find the idea of watching volleyball practices remotely amusing, he thought he ought to let you know that he was even more amazing now than in middle school. He would talk louder when you were around (even if what he says doesn't make sense). "Samu, yer wonderful older brother is here to lend you a hand," he once called out to his younger twin when he knew that you spotted his twin in the hall with an armload of books. "Huh? Our parents have a child other than the two of us," the quieter twin gasped. "Shut yer trap and give me that!"
He started leaving notes in your locker, too. He'd try his hardest to copy Osamu's penmanship and write the lyrics of a song he heard that made him think of you, or a cheesy love quote he found in Kita's Literature textbook, or sometimes, he'd write something random like, 'your pen writes so smoothly', or 'oversized jackets don't look good on you', and 'your notes are the neatest I've ever borrowed'. 
He knew you read the notes, but you just didn't give off the reaction he was hoping for… or any reaction for that matter (you were pretty hard to read, and it was driving him crazy. Lol!)
A day before the Volleyball Team left for the Nationals, he left another note on your locker that read, 'I like you and I want to get to know you better, but if you're not interested, it's cool. If only middle school me paid more attention to middle school you, then maybe High School us would've been a thing.'
He thinks about you when he's not busy with practice, and when he gets a wee bit anxious about their upcoming game (because believe me, he does get nervous about it), he thinks about the possibility of you showing up in his games and he gets all fired up. 
He saw you cheering with your friends in the bleachers, during the championship match against Itachiyama. He knew he had to work harder because he wanted you to see how cool he was. He played his best - serving, setting, and blocking the ball perfectly every single time. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on their side, and they lost by a few points. No one in the team was more crushed about the outcome than he was, and he stayed in the locker room a little while longer after everyone had left. 
"Miya-san!" You were the first person who greeted him as soon as he stepped out of the locker. His eyes widened and he didn't react for a few seconds because he couldn't believe you were standing in front of him. Clearing your throat, you gave him a shy smile and said, "you were amazing! I think you did even better than when we were in middle school." 
He continued to stare at you, which made you even more nervous. "A-anyway, I wanted to say I thought you were the best player out there - win or lose. And… and.. If you ever need to borrow my notes, I could pass them on to you when you get back to school." You shifted your weight awkwardly from one foot to another, thinking you must've looked like an idiot in front of him because he was just staring at you like so. "That's all I wanted to say," you said awkwardly, "that, and I know it was you leaving the notes in my locker. I thought you should know that I also like you, and I want to get to know you, Miya-san."
"Atsumu," he finally said, cutting you off, and took a step closer. You felt something warm over your shoulders and suddenly, you were engulfed by his scent radiating from his jacket. "If you want to get to know me, you can start by calling me Atsumu."
"Atsumu," you smiled back, holding his jacket closer to you. "But I thought you said oversized jackets don't suit me."
"Yeah, but mine looks perfect on you," he shrugged before offering his arm out to you. "Well, shall we go get to know each other then? I don't know about you, but I feel so bad I could use some comforting and a nice big serving of Chūtoro." And with that began your love story, and the rest, as they say, was history. 
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Osamu and you go way back. The Miyas lived next door so you practically grew up with the twins. 
Since you were the same age, you used to play with them when you were younger. Of the two boys, you got along with Osamu better and you shared a lot of secrets - including a secret hideout, secret handshake, and secret codes. He knew everything about you, including - much to his dismay - the huge crush you had on his twin.
You love playing board games with Osamu and would happily come to their house so you could beat his ass in a game of Monopoly, Scrabble, Risk, and Clue. You were usually so good at this, except when you spot an Atsumu sighting nearby and lose your composure. Osamu would tease you, of course, but little did you know how much he despised it - especially since his twin also thought you were cute. This carried on until you went to high school. 
He completely lost it one weekend. When you and Aran came over to play Guesstures with him, Atsumu decided to join and insisted that the two of you team up. Osamu rolled his eyes, and hoped you'd pick up on his mood, but you were currently on cloud nine. 
Thirty minutes, ten cards, and a dozen googly eyes (between you and Atsumu) later, Osamu declared he was done playing and stormed off. Clueless as ever, you looked at Atsumu and Aran to help you understand what was happening, and the two guys just shook their heads in silence. 
You were sorely mistaken for thinking that he would be over his upset when Monday rolled in. He avoided you like the plague the moment you both set foot outside the gates of your houses. "Samu," you called and jogged up to him, but he didn't stop or slow down. "I'm in a hurry today, I'm on class duty," he said coolly, without sparing you a glance. And all you could do was watch your gray-haired best friend disappear into the distance.
He didn't bother waiting for you during breaks and lunchtime and talking to him after class was a lost cause due to his volleyball practice. You initially thought giving him space would help, but two weeks had passed, and you were desperately missing his company, so you sought the help of the only other person you could think of at the moment. 
After stalking him for most of the day, Aran finally agreed to help. He called Osamu so that the two of you could talk, but your best friend was too stubborn to care. Little did you know that after you left, Atsumu and Aran confronted him for acting like a jerk. 
"The hell was that about, Samu?" Atsumu called out, just as his twin was about to walk back to the court. "It's none of yer business, Tsumu," he replied nonchalantly. "Sure it is! You like her, don't you? Why don't you just tell her instead of treating her that way?" The older twin said, forcefully grabbing Osamu's arm. "Because she doesn't like me -," Osamu replied harshly. "Oh, I wouldn't be too sure about that," Aran said, as he patted Osamu's shoulder and walked back to the court. 
He tossed and turned in bed that evening, thinking of what Aran had said. Grabbing his phone, he went through all your messages from year's back, across all the different messaging channels - he went as far back as the time you confessed you liked Atsumu, and the entire year you only wanted to talk about his popular twin. And then he noticed how you stopped mentioning Atsumu at one point and started asking how his day went or if he's eaten. He saw the food pictures you'd sent from your trips with your family, and how you wished you could eat those with him someday. 
And then it hit him - you wanted to be with HIM - not Atsumu."I'm such a fucking jerk!" He groaned. 
He was waiting at your gate bright and early the next morning. He hadn't slept much nor thought about what to say to you, all he knew was that he had to see you. As he thought about what to say, he heard your front door open. "Samu-san?" He straightened up at the sound of your voice and saw you looking genuinely confused. "Y/N-chan, I… I…," he started to say as you hurriedly opened the gate to stand in front of him. 
"I like you, Y/N-chan, and I was jealous of my idiot brother." Your eyes widened in surprise at his admission. "So, I'm sorry I acted like a jerk, but I hope you could -you know…," he trailed off, blushing furiously. "Did you want me to forgive you or go out with you? Because I could do both," you said, as you grabbed his hand and looked into his dark eyes. "You… you do?" The shocked look on his face made you chuckle, and you tiptoed to plant a kiss on your boyfriend's cheek. 
The end. 
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flamehairedwritings · 4 years
Happiest Season Of All
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Characters: Chief Jim Hopper x Female Reader
Rating: M, 18+ ONLY
A/N: Happy Holidays! Phew, it’s been a while. Here is a kind of drabble, and also kind of a sequel to Pain In My Heart? Set the year before S1, there’s no mentions of family, no use of Y/N, and it’s just a gentle, kind of angsty little story.
This story contains broken hearts, swearing, alcohol and embarrassment.
I hope you enjoy and have a lovely week!
Summary: Broken up with just before Christmas? Fantastic. The only thing that can help is returning to your home town, old friends... and an old love.
Please don’t copy, steal or repost my work; credit does not count.
23rd December 1982
‘... There'll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and carolling out in the snow...’
You quietly hum along absent-mindedly to the cassette someone’s playing from a boombox, gazing out of the window. Usually, you’d have been annoyed but, hey, it’s the holidays.
Besides, you haven’t had much of a chance to get into the festive spirit or mood recently. With the classic Christmas song playing, the train rumbling gently and the twinkling lights in the darkness slowly growing brighter, you’re finally starting to feel it. Inhaling a breath, you lean your temple against the cold glass, your fingers lacing together in your lap as you gaze at the lights.
Hawkins, Indiana. Your hometown.
It’s been a few years since you were here for longer than a weekend but, oh, boy, this year you just need to be here. You’re retreating, you’re not too proud to admit, coming home to lick your wounds and be surrounded by all things familiar, cosy and boring.
You almost laugh. You’d left this place because it was so damn boring and now here you are, craving it. If teenage you could see you now. She’d be giving ‘that’ look which you’re told you still give to this day. 
Ah, well. Time’s a bitch, baby.
The train slows as it pulls into the station and you start to gather your things while a few others around you stand and pull their bags down from the overhead racks. You pull your suitcases down as the train comes to a stop, all three of them, with their different colours and patterns. Pulling on your scarf, coat and rucksack, you haul the suitcases down the aisle as best as you can single-file, muttering under your breath as they catch every few steps against chairs.
The wheels clatter onto the concrete of the cold platform when you step down, one suitcase twisting onto its front and tangling with the others as it nearly falls from your hand. Muttering under your breath again, you right it and continue walking down the platform, two small groups of people reuniting having to part for you. Making eye contact with a grateful smile, you’re relieved you don’t recognise any of them; you’re really not in the mood for your own reunion right now.
“There she is!”
Well, just the one.
A smile spreads across your face as Karen Wheeler trots down the platform in her heeled boots, grinning and her arms open wide. The suitcases drop from your hands as you throw your arms around one another, rocking from side to side slightly.
“Oooh, hello, sweetheart,” Karen murmurs, pressing a big, wet kiss to your cheek.
“Hey, Karrie.”
Your smile lingers, and it’s the first genuine one you’ve had in a while. Karen has worn the same perfume since high school and it puts you at ease instantly. God, you just love her. You talk on the phone every other week and have done since you moved out of Hawkins; she’s been the most consistent friend in your life and you love her with all your damn heart.
“C’mon, give me those, let’s get out of here, it’s freezing...” Pulling back, she takes two of the suitcases from you before you can protest and starts striding down the platform.
You have to do a quick little jog to catch up with her, marvelling, not for the first or even fortieth time, how she can go so quickly in those heels. It’s a short walk to the exit, made shorter by Karen’s pace, and she’s parked right outside. Wonderful. Opening the trunk, you both bundle your suitcases in, tossing your rucksack on top of it, and then do a speedy little walk to the doors, yanking them open.
“Oof, coldest winter we’ve had in years,” Karen shivers dramatically in her seat as she rubs her gloved hands together before buckling her seatbelt.
Buckling your own as she eases out onto the road, you blow out a breath. “Yeah, definitely feels that way.”
“So, how was the journey?”
“Oh, the usual, long but fine. It was a lot emptier than I expected.”
“Well, we keep hearing there’s gonna be a blizzard, so some folks have come home a little earlier.”
“Well, that’s smart.”
“Yeah. Means I keep bumping into people at the store that I wish I could avoid, though, and on the street.” She snorts as she glances at you. “Ugh, I bumped into Peggy Dawnes the other day, remember her? She would not stop talking about her perfect life on her perfect farm with her perfect husband and her perfect kids and her perfect lawn. Well, there were ten bottles of wine in her cart and I know for a fact her mother doesn’t drink and her perfect husband only likes neat whisky, so, there.”
You cringe internally at your short reply, but you really can’t think of what else to say. Karen glances at you again, pausing. You look over at her and find the sympathy you’ve only been able to hear during the last few weeks. She reaches over and pats your knee gently before returning her hand to the wheel.
“Oh, sweetheart... How are you doing?”
You release a breath, raising your eyebrows slightly. “Better for being here, already. But, y’know...”
She gives you a sympathetic smile as she pats your knee again. “Don’t worry, toots, like I said you can stay as long as you want, it’s no trouble at all.”
You return her smile, relieved that you find you don’t have to force it. “Thank you.”
“No worries.” Her smile widens as she tilts her head. "The kids are looking forward to having you with us, you know how much they love you. It’ll do us all some good.”
You don’t ask about Ted because you know not to.
“I can’t wait to see them, too. How have they been?”
You gaze out of the windshield as she tells you how Nancy and Mike are doing at school and how many words Holly can say now, your eyes flitting from house to house. Decorations are out in full force, as they should be, they’ve probably been up since the 1st of the month, and it makes you smile to see them, remembering how you and Karen would go from house to house when you were younger and rate them out of 10 candy canes.
Ah, the simple life.
She’s still chatting about Mike and his friends when she turns down onto their long drive. It’s lined with various Christmas lawn ornaments, most lit up. Lights line the inside of some of the many windows of the house, too, making it look gorgeous and cosy and warm. A curtain is yanked back suddenly and Mike’s face appears, grinning. He waves frantically and you smile instantly, waving back with your eyebrows raised.
My favourite, funny little kid.
He’s already at the wide open door when Karen parks, still grinning. Unbuckling your seatbelt, you open the door and step out only to have him nearly slam into you before you can straighten, hugging you tightly.
“You’re here!”
You laugh, wrapping your arms around him just as fiercely. “Hey, buddy. You okay?”
“Yeah. C’mon, I wanna show you this book I got...” He’s already out of your arms and waving you towards the door, which Karen is muttering about the heat being let out of.
Chuckling to yourself, you help her with your suitcases and rucksack, feeling vastly different to how you did ten minutes ago; they never fail to raise your spirits. Nancy greets you as you enter, smiling widely and also ready for a hug. You give it gladly and just as fiercely as you had with Mike, asking her how she is. She shrugs and just says “Fine,” with a smile as you remove your shoes and coat, and you marvel at how she’d once been as talkative as Mike when she was younger. You hear the boy himself calling from the basement, telling you he can’t currently find the book but it’s around here someone and you’re gonna love it! You follow Karen up the stairs to the guest room with a wide smile, calling back your thanks to him.
Passing walls lined with family photographs, it’s a short walk down the hall to the room you’ll be staying in for... well, who knows. Karen opens the door with a trilled, “Ta-da!” and you laugh as you take in the sight before you. It’s completely decked out in Christmas decorations; tinsel on every bit of furniture, snow-globes on the window sill, a polar bear stuffed toy on the bed, fairy-lights around the headboard. You’d roll your eyes at the excessiveness of it if it wasn’t so damn sweet.
“Wow, it’s like Santa’s Grotto in here...”
“Eh, close enough, I wanted fake snow on the ground but Ted vetoed that idea pretty quick.”
You snort, hauling the suitcase you’re carrying onto the bench at the end of the bed and dropping your rucksack onto it before sitting on the bed, your fingers running over the blanket Karen’s mother had crocheted. Nancy lingers in the doorway, and after leaning your other suitcases against a chest of drawers, Karen turns to her, making a shooing gesture.
“All right, go on, Nance, us hot young things need to get ready.”
“Ugh, Mom...” Nancy just about manages to stop herself from rolling her eyes as she turns away and heads back down the hall while you stare at Karen.
“Uh... Ready for what? Bed?”
“No,” Karen laughs, and you suddenly notice she’s going through your suitcase on the bench, rifling through and pulling various items out. “We’re going out, to the bar.”
“The bar?”
“Yes, the bar.”
You’re still staring at her. “Where everyone we know goes?”
Karen shrugs, looking at you like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “Yeah, ‘cause it’s still the only good bar in Hawkins.”
“I thought you wanted to avoid everyone.”
“Eh, yeah, but... y’know, only good bar in Hawkins. And...” Oh, no, she’s looking sheepish, her head bowing slightly as she glances from you to some of your clothes she’s pulled out. “... Uh, we’re kinda having a party here tomorrow, anyway, so...”
Her eyebrows shoot up, her hands raising. “It just kinda happened. It’s been years since we’ve had one and Ted and I were talking about it and then I saw Mary-Lou at Mike’s school and I just happened to mention it and she got so excited and then I got excited and it just, it suddenly happened.”
Your lips press together as you exhale a short breath. “Well, they were fun...”
“Yeah, they were, weren’t they?” Karen sits beside you with a nostalgic sigh, shaking her head. “We had some of the best times of our lives at ‘em.”
“Yeah... I remember the one after you gave birth to Nancy, I thought I was gonna have to take you to the hospital.”
“Ha! Thank God my Mom came over to look after her. What about the one where you set fire to the tree?”
“Oh, please don’t remind me, and that wasn’t actually my fault, you know,”
“Ha, yeah, sure, that was great...”
You both sigh together, a smile finding its way onto your lips at all the memories that come flooding back. They had been fun. You hadn’t been able to attend every one over the years but the ones you had had been so great they’d almost made you want to stay in Hawkins. Maybe... Maybe a return to a beloved tradition is exactly what you need.
Turning your head to her, you arch an eyebrow. “You didn’t think to tell me it was happening, though?”
Karen shrugs as she smiles. “I didn’t want you to talk yourself out of enjoying it before it had even happened. Same as tonight.”
“Oh, Karrie...” You huff out a breath. “... You know me too well, it’s so annoying. Ugh, I was so looking forward to just curling up on the couch, drinking and watching some of the classics.”
“I know.” She pats your knee, nudging her shoulder against yours. “And we’re gonna do that the day after Christmas, and every day that you want to while you’re here. But tonight, we’re gonna get fancy and go out and get a little bit drunk. It’s Christmas, c’moooon.”
You just can’t help but smile. “All right. All right! Fine. How long have I got?”
“An hour.”
She’s already on her feet, pointing at you as she heads to the door. “Take a shower while I cook us and the kids something up, and then we’ll get ready. okay?”
You know you have absolutely no choice in the matter. “Okay, fine.”
 “Great!” she beams, reaching for the door handle to close it behind herself. She pauses, though, resting her weight on one foot as she clears her throat. “Oh, and uh... he’s probably gonna be there.”
You don’t have to ask who she’s referring to.
Staring at her, you manage to keep your features expressionless. “Oh. Really?”
“Yeah.” She’s watching you carefully, teeth grazing over her lower lip. “He is nearly every night, apparently, according to Marian.”
Raising your eyebrows slightly, you smile. “Well... maybe he won’t be.”
“Yeah, maybe he won’t be...” She’s still watching you, a gentle smile pulling at her lips. “Shower, toots.”
“Okay, okay...” You wave your hand as she pulls the door closed, hearing her move down the hallway.
The moment you hear her heading down the stairs, you release a long breath, lying back on the bed.
Oh, shit... 
You stare at the ceiling as the realisation suddenly dawns on you.
I might see Jim Hopper tonight.
James Hopper. Jim. Hopper. Hop. Chief, also now, not that you’ve ever been around to call him that.
You’d been friends since you were kids, best friends actually, at one point closer than you and Karen had been, and then feelings had developed when you'd become teenagers and then you’d taken the leap and had started dating and then...
You’d broken up.
And you’d been the one to initiate it.
And you’d done that because, well... It was because of a lot of little things. Mainly, though, you hadn’t known what route you wanted to take, college or work, you hadn’t even known what you wanted to do, but you knew you wanted to get out of Hawkins. And Hop... hadn’t known what the hell he wanted to do either, but he hadn’t even thought about it. He’d spoken once or twice about joining the military, or just starting a job, too. College hadn’t even crossed his mind. The conversation had come up and, well, it hadn’t ended well. 
In fact, when it ended, that has been the last time you’ve spoken to him. As you’ve returned home over the years you’ve heard he did join the military, fought in Vietnam, came home, married, and lived in New York the same time you had. You’d been heartbroken to hear from Karen that his daughter had died, and he’d divorced and moved back home.
Now, he’s Chief of Hawkins Police and, well, you’d love to avoid seeing him at all costs. There can come a time when, having not seen someone in decades, you can’t even have a casual conversation because all both parties are doing is screaming in their heads.
Well. Like you’d said yourself. He might not be there.
Hey, as Chief of Police this is probably a very busy time of year and he’ll be off doing something.
It’s gonna be fine.
Absolutely fine.
After showering, you throw on some clean, comfy clothes and head downstairs to eat with Karen and the kids.
Holly sits at the table in her highchair, silent as ever, well, being two years old she only knows a handful of words, but she just stares at you as she has done since she was a baby. Mike talks non-stop about school and his friends while Nancy chimes in every now and then to talk about her own friends, saying names of people in her class that you take a moment or two to remember, and to mutter insults at him while he mutters them back.
Karen half-heartedly tells them to stop in between telling you what she might wear, and you somehow manage to keep up with all conversations. Frankly, it’s also quite nice after being surrounded by mostly silence for the last few weeks.
Whipping your plate away from you seconds after you finish, Karen is up and striding to the kitchen, calling over her shoulder.
“C’mon! Let’s get sexy!”
Your lips twitch as Mike and Nancy groan, the only thing they can agree on right now being that their Mom is a complete and utter embarrassment.
She practically shoves you up the stairs, trying to get you to move faster, and from then on the next 30 minutes feels like a whirlwind. She tries on six outfits before settling on her usual favourite, and changes in your room while you rifle through what you’ve brought. Luckily, even though you can’t really remember packing, you’ve brought some of your own favourites, and, after scrambling to find some shoes to go with them, she helps you decide on an old classic.
Gazing at you, her hands on her hips, she beams with delight.
“Well, look at you, huh! Fancy lady!”
You give a twirl as she whoops, and then her arm is looping through yours and she’s practically dragging you towards the door.
“Bye, guys, we’ll be back late!” she calls out, though no one answers, too busy doing their own thing. 
You haven’t seen any sign of Ted and, once again, you know not to ask.
“Late? How late is late?” you ask with an arched eyebrow as she hurries you down the stairs.
“Oh, come on, not that late, we’re not gonna get wasted, we’re not teenagers anymore.”
“... God, I hate it...”
The stall door slams against the cubicle wall as you pull it open a little more forcefully than you had intended. Holding it for a moment, you exhale a short breath before moving towards the sinks, only swaying a little. Washing your hands, you glance up at Karen, watching her try to reapply her lipstick as neatly as possible.
“And did you hear Julian is engaged? And Andrea has a new boyfriend? Is it me or is everybody getting into a relationship?”
She snorts, rubbing her lips together. “It’s that time of year, folks hate being lonely at Christmas.”
You scoff, turning the tap off and drying your hands. “Just sleep with people, then, doesn’t mean you have to get into a relationship and hog someone all to yourself.”
She laughs, slipping her lipstick back into her bag before turning to you, a hand on her hip. “Oh, babe... C’mon, let’s find you someone to have meaningless sex with it.”
The bar has been heaving from the moment you’d arrived. It usually is, but tonight the place is rammed, perhaps because of the time of year, but maybe more because, it turns out, there’s an offer on drinks, it being the holiday season and all, and happy hour has lasted more than one hour. More than two. It’s nearing three now.
Each sip has helped you relax, even as Karen gasps and points out old high school classmates, filling you in on every detail of their lives she’s learned. So far, incredibly gladly, she’s not pointed out a certain Chief.
Returning to your table, which a guy you don’t recognise has been guarding for you, as in literally guarding, he has his hands behind his back and is saying, “Nah, move along, this ain’t free...” to anyone who looks like they’re going to swoop in. At spotting you both, he grins and holds his arms out wide, gesturing at the table.
“All free for you, m’ladies.”
You’re unable to stop a smile because there’s something so weirdly charming about this absolute goofball of a man. He takes a seat beside Karen as you sit, the two of them having been exchanging small talk that verged on flirting. Heck, it was flirting. Sipping from your drink as you watch them, you feel a small, familiar twist in your stomach.
Karen is more like her teenage self when she’s with you, but when you see her with Ted, no longer Teddy as he had been in high school, and the kids, she’s Karen the mom, like she’s caged her personality in and doesn’t quite know how to bring the two parts of herself together. When she’d come to visit you once last year, you’d gone out to a bar and you’d watched her flirt with a couple of the men there. You’d thought it was harmless at first, just a bit of fun for her, she’s a charismatic lady, but then something had changed and, as a guy had held her hand, stroking it, and she hadn’t pulled away, you’d felt a twist in your stomach.
She’s gonna have an affair one day.
The thought had come to you so suddenly and so sharply that you’d shoved it away with all your might, horrified with yourself. No, Karen wouldn’t do that... Would she? Since then, you’d become more and more unsure. You’ve stopped asking about Ted when you talk because she’d just sigh heavily and spend the next ten minutes pointing out every flaw he has, how the romance has gone, how she’s tried and nothing happens. You know she’s unhappy, but you just can’t see her doing it. You hope not, anyway.
Looking away from them, you watch a few people dancing, Christmas music flowing out of the speakers above.
Karen laughs at something the guy says, and in the corner of your eye you see her place a hand on his arm.
“Oh, that’s too funny! You’re really funny... Sorry, what’s your name again?”
The man is unfazed, still grinning. “Callahan. Phil Callahan.”
He says it with such an atrocious Sean Connery accent, making Karen burst out laughing again, and it makes you smile, too.
“Oh, big James Bond fan, huh?” she says, her elbow on the table, chin in her hand.
“Oh, yeah, it’s why I became a cop.”
Your gaze darts to him. “You’re a cop?”
He raises his hands as he laughs. “Yeah, but, hey, you go on and drink as much as you want, I’m off duty now.”
Karen laughs and you make yourself join in, but your heart has started to beat a little faster.
Oh, stop it, he’s not here.
You take a quick sip of your drink again to cover the fact you aren’t laughing anymore, and then Callahan looks up, his grin widening somehow as he waves his hand frantically.
“Hey, boss, over here!”
The entire room seems to slow down as you turn your head and see a man, who’s stopped for a moment to shake hands with someone, with brown hair and a neatly clipped beard, wearing a brown leather jacket, plaid shirt and jeans, his eyebrows raised—
Oh, God.
Oh, shit.
Oh fucking Lord in the manger.
Callahan is slapping his hand against the vacant seat at the table, that happens to be close to you, practically shouting, “Hop’, here, saved ya a seat!”
You swiftly turn back around, staring at Karen. She’s frozen, staring at you, and for the next three seconds you somehow communicate an entire conversation with just your eyebrows and eyes.
Both of you seem to agree on fuuuuuuck.
You can’t just get up and leave, that would be the most obvious thing in the entire world. What if he doesn’t recognise you? Yeah, maybe you’ll be so incredibly fucking lucky and it’ll be a Christmas miracle and you’ll somehow have just disappeared from his memory.
Swallowing hard as you hear him move past a group behind you with an “Excuse me,” you rest your hands on the table, gripping them together.
“Hey, Callahan, where’s everybody else?”
Oh, his voice has changed. It’s deeper, rougher.
“Oh, well, Powell said he and his wife are gonna come later when he finishes his shift, and Jones, Davids and Williamson are over there, they’ve been waitin’ to get a drink for ages.” Callahan laughs delightedly, and Karen joins in, giving a slightly nervous one.
It draws Hopper’s attention and you don’t dare look up to see his expression but there’s a note of surprise in his tone.
“Karen, hey, you doin’ okay?”
“Yes, thank you.” And then she panics. “We’re just having a night out.” And then she panics more when she realises what she’s said, and that she’s gestured at you, her eyes as wide as her now somewhat manic smile.
Oh. God.
Lifting your head, you automatically smile, your features frozen.
He looks from Karen to you, and you’re suddenly subject to the full force of Jim Hopper’s gaze for the first time in decades.
Oh. God.
You can’t help it; the memories of the last time you saw him flood your mind.
“Hop’, are you even listening to me?”
He swiftly puts down the ball of rubberbands he’d been picking at on your desk, his eyebrows raised as he looks to you.
“Yeah, yeah, course I am.”
Your own eyebrows rise even higher, your hands lifted. “What, then?”
He tilts his head slightly, grazing his teeth over his lower lip. “’What’, what?”
“You weren’t fucking listening—”
“No, I was,” he quickly says at your weary sigh, leaning forward in the chair and resting his elbows on his knees, an easy smile pulling at his lips. “C’mon, just repeat the last part.”
You’d once found this all charming and endearing.
Your hands going to your waist, you exhale another breath before folding your arms, managing to calm yourself.
“What are you gonna do after school?”
Hop’ shrugs, leaning back again. “I don’t know. What are you gonna do?”
It was just the answer you’d feared, and expected. Licking your lips, you glance down at the carpet before steeling yourself and meeting his gaze again.
You can do this.
“I’m thinking of moving.”
He nods, his smile returning. “Okay, where?”
“I don’t know. New York, maybe. There’s jobs there and I have a friend there, I could stay with her for a bit.”
“Or we could get a place together.”
You stare at him, feeling your stomach twist.
“So... you’re, you’re just gonna follow me where I go.”
“Yeah.” His brow dips slightly, the smile still there, though it’s hesitant. “Aren’t girlfriends supposed to be happy when their boyfriends say that?”
“Yeah, but... What do you want to do?”
Hop’ shrugs again. “I don’t know. I know I wanna be with you, though.”
You’d once have quietly swooned at that and given him a fond smile. Now, though... You want more.
“Hop’, I don’t... I don’t wanna be one of those high school couples that just sticks together because they’re together. I want you to actually want this.”
He’s frowning again, confusion starting to set in. “I do.”
You say it quietly. “I don’t think you do.”
He stares at you, all traces of his smile gone. Then, he scoffs, leaning back in his chair a little more as he folds his arms.
“So now you’re tellin’ me what I do and don’t feel?”
“No, I just, I want you to have some drive, some ambition, not just go along with what I say and do.”
“I go along with it because it’s what I want.”
You can feel tears stinging at your eyes but your mind has also been made up.
“I don’t think it is, I just think it’s easy and safe for you.”
“Stop tellin’ me what I’m feelin’!”
His voice raising makes yours, too.
“Am I wrong?”
He looks at you like he has no idea who you are, and for some reason that really pisses you off because you don’t really recognise him anymore, either.
“Why are you pushing me away?!”
“I’m not, I—”
“Where has all this come from, then?!”
“I don’t know if I want this!”
Silence falls.
You swallow thickly as he stares at you, your voice cracking slightly.
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, but... y’know, Karrie and Teddy, they... I look at them and at Joyce and Lonnie and they’re so happy, they know what they want, and they can’t wait to get married and settled down, here, but...”
“You don’t want that,” he finishes for you, quietly.
You speak after a moment, your tone matching his. “I don’t.”
“You don’t want me.”
That sends a knife through your heart because honestly? You have no idea. 
Shaking your head, you close your eyes for a moment. “No, yes, I... I don’t know. I care so much about you, but... I just think we’re on different paths.”
His gaze drops as your words linger in the air. Clearing his throat, he glances up at you again.
“What if we just take a break, for a bit. Or I can come up and visit you, in New York.”
He’s just a boy, you suddenly think, your heart breaking.
Biting at your lower lip to stop it from trembling, you give a small shrug. “I think that wouldn’t be fair on us both.”
He nods slowly, his jaw moving, and you’ve never seen him this distant. Raising his eyebrows slightly, he stands.
“Seems you already had this all figured out.”
“No, no, I didn’t, I just don’t want to be unfair to you—”
“Could I have said anything that would have changed your mind?” His quiet words silence you, and you have to stifle a sob.
“... No.”
Hop gazes at you, and after several moments he nods. “Good luck with everything.”
You’d burst into tears the moment he’d left your room. The front door had slammed shut and as you’d sat on your bed and cried and cried you’d heard his car door slam, too. You’d cried for days, going between telling yourself you’d made a huge mistake, and then that you’d done what was best, that he didn’t appreciate you like he used to and it wasn’t your job to fix him and coach him through life and that... yeah, you’d fallen out of love with him.
You hadn’t just lost a boyfriend that day, though, you’d also lost your best friend.
You loved Karen but there was just something different about Hop’, something that made you feel safe and like you could tell him anything and he wouldn’t judge. As you’d moved away and the months had gone on, several triumphs and bad days had happened, and all you’d wanted to do was just pick up the phone to call him and tell him. You’d stopped yourself every time.
Then, at some unremarkable point, you’d just stopped getting that urge, and life had moved on.
Oh, it certainly had moved on.
You stare at him, trying to look without looking. You can still see the face of the teenager you once knew, though with the beard and the lines at the corners of his eyes he’s very much a man now.
God, is he a man.
He was tall when you’d known him, but is he taller now, somehow? Had he had another growth spurt in his twenties? His hands are huge, too, and he’d been confident back then but it had come from cockiness whereas now he just seems quietly so, more sure of himself.
And you have absolutely no idea what he’s thinking. He’s staring at you so expressionlessly that you believe for a moment or two he actually has forgotten you.
Then, he speaks
“Hey. Been a long time.”
Hey. Been. A. Long. Time.
Said like you didn’t once whisper “I love you” to each other and share every single secret you’d ever had.
Then again, all you’d been able to muster up was a ‘Hi’.
You’re still smiling and you don’t know how to stop.
“Yeah, it has.”
“How are you?”
“Fine, thank you, you?”
“Yeah, good. You home for the holidays?”
He runs his fingers over his mouth as he nods, and oh my God, he’s attractive. Is he, or is it the alcohol?
Wanting to banish the thoughts from your mind and distract yourself, you quickly continue.
“I’m staying with Karen.”
“That’s nice.” It’s said absolutely expressionlessly. “Just ‘till the new year?”
“Uhm, indefinitely. I’m, I’m working, uh, going through, uh, I’m moving, at the moment.”
“Okay. Well, I hope it goes okay.”
Oh my God, he’s winding down the conversation. He’s gonna go.
And you’re still smiling.
“Thank you.”
Nodding, he glances at Callahan. “I’m gonna go and check in with the others, see how they are.”
Callahan just nods once, his gaze flicking from you to Hopper and back again with utter confusion.
Rising, Hopper glances from Karen to you.
“See you around.”
“Yeah, bye, happy holidays,” you answer, Karen possibly unable to speak.
His lips move slightly, possibly into a faint smile. “Yeah, to you, too.”
And then he walks away, heading for the bar. Staring at where he’d just been sat, a slightly strangled sound releases from the back of your throat.
“Oh my God, oh my God...”
Looking to Karen, a whole range of emotions are flashing across her face as she tries to find the most comforting one. She fails.
“Oh, babe, oh God, that was horrible.”
“I know, I just, I forgot how to have a conversation, my voice got so high.”
“It did, I don’t know why you did that.”
“Neither do I, oh my God...” Putting your head in your hands, you then quickly lift it after a moment, pressing your lips together as you raise your hands. “Whatever. It’s fine. Let’s just, please, move past it. It’s over, I got it out the way, it was civilised, it’s done.”
“You’re right, you’re so right, please let’s forget it. Let’s drink.”
“Yes, please.”
You tap your glass against Karen’s as she raises it, and both take a long drink.
Oh, God.
That had been... so uneventful you don’t quite know what to do with yourself. In all the times you’d thought about how this exact moment might go, you’d never thought it would be uneventful. You’d imagined yelling, or crying, sometimes even laughing, but this...
Well. It was really like it had meant nothing at all.
You don’t know why it’s getting to you so much. You broke up with him. Of course he’d have moved on and left it all behind, God, you have as well. You’ve both lived your lives, gone through so many things and come out the other side and... A break up when you were teenagers kind of pales in comparison.
Yeah. It’s all fine. In fact, you know what, you’re relieved. It’s mature. It’s done. That’s it. You don’t have to be best friends with him again, for fuck’s sake.
Lowering your drink, you don’t realise your internal monologue has played out on your face, eyes widening and narrowing. Looking up, you find Karen and Callahan staring at you.
Licking your lips, you shrug. “It’s fine. It’s fine. Who wants another drink?”
You’re out of your seat and heading to the bar before they can respond. Karen sits back in her chair as she blinks, watching you stride away.
“Can someone just please tell me what’s going on?” Callahan bursts out, his hands raised.
“Oh, God, sweetie...” Karen sighs, reaching for her drink again. “... I have no fucking clue.”
24th December 1982
“Ughhh... Oh, God...”
It’s not your own groaning that wakes you, but that of someone else.
Cracking open an eye, you stare up at the ceiling as the groaning continues.
Uh, my mouth is so dry...
Licking your lips, you turn your head and find Karen on the other side of the bed, her hair bedraggled and spilling across the pillow, mascara halfway down her face, lipstick smeared. Turning her own head, she looks at you and groans again.
“Am I alive?”
“I think so,” you rasp, and she groans mournfully.
“Ughhhh... I don’t even remember how we got home...”
Closing your eyes, you scratch at your forehead, trying to remember yourself.
You’d gone to the bar, drank, drank a lot, maybe danced a little, spoken with your old classmate, Jessica? Justine? and then... Oh, what was his name again...
“Callahan,” you murmur, your throat aching. “Callahan brought us home.”
“Oh, yeah... Didn’t we ask him to turn on his lights?”
Your lips twitch as you recall how you’d both screamed with joy and whooped and cheered as he’d turned on the lights, waving your arms from side to side.
You snort and she glances at you. A laugh escapes you as you think about the absurdity of it all, and then she’s laughing, too, her cackle loud and delighted.
“Oh my God... Ugh, that was fun...” she sighs, her smile lingering.
“Yeah...” you murmur, stretching your legs out.
“We’ll have fun tonight, too.” She pats your hand, exhaling a breath. “If we just... If we just sleep ‘till noon, and then we can start preparing the house... Maybe even two, it won’t take long...”
You hum, closing your eyes, and, yeah, sleeping a little longer does sound like a good idea... Besides, when you’re unconscious, you don’t have to think about a certain embarrassing event that happened... 
You focus on the softness of the bed as Karen snores lightly beside you, already fast asleep... Yeah... the joy of unconsciousness...
“... Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle bell rock... Jingle bells swing and jingle bells ring... Snowin' and blowin' up bushels of fun... Now the jingle hop has begun...”
Adjusting a plate on the table, you straighten and blow out a breath, trying to stifle a yawn.
I really can’t handle a night out anymore.
Brushing your hands together, you turn, surveying the party that’s in full-swing. It’s only a couple of hours in but it’s already a success. People are talking, laughing, dancing, singing, eating, drinking, having a merry old time in general really. You feel more proud than you would have thought as your gaze drifts across the room.
You’d had to shake Karen awake at half one, both of you practically dehydrated and feeling not so fresh. After drinking copious amounts of water, showering, changing and finally eating, realising you were both starving, you’d flown around the house together, tidying, cleaning, cooking up food, putting drinks out and decorating. It had been another whirlwind but a wonderful whirlwind. You’d had so much fun, and hadn’t thought once about The Incident. An hour before the party was due to start, you and Karen had gotten ready, selecting slightly more festive outfits than the ones you’d worn last night.
Now, she’s in the kitchen, laughing at something a neighbour is saying, while Mike and Nancy talk in separate corners with some of their friends who have turned up, and Ted, who’d you’d finally bumped in to and greeted, was sat in his armchair, talking with a guy who looked slightly desperate to get away.
The doorbell chimes and you catch Karen’s eye, waving your hand and mouthing, “I’ll get it,”, as you’ve done so for the last few chimes.
You have to carefully push your way past people on the way to the foyer, which is surprisingly empty. Moving to the door, you grip the handle and pull it open, a smile already on your lips.
You cut yourself off, pausing as you stare up at the man.
Hopper stares back at you, shoulders slightly hunched from the cold, hands in his pockets.
"Hi,” he says, glancing behind you briefly.
"Hey,” you repeat, your heart pounding.
... Whaaaaaat is he doing here?
As if he’s somehow heard your thought, he clears his throat and raises his eyebrows a little. “Uh, Callahan said we were invited.”
Oh, fuck, yes, you’d forgotten Karen had insisted he come, and you, jokingly, had said, ‘Hey, why not invite Hopper, too?’
Haha. Ha. What a hilarious joke. What a hilarious little joke that Callahan clearly hadn’t taken as a joke so it is now real.
Just as you realise you haven’t answered him, he clears his throat again. “Should I—”
“Oh, no, God, sorry, come in.” Holding the door open, you step back, gesturing with your other hand into the foyer.
He steps in, glancing at the party beyond before he turns to you as you close the door, looking up at him.
You’re staring again.
Swallowing, you point at the stairs. “Uh, coats are up here, I’ll show you.”
Before he can answer, you stride to the steps and ascend, gripping the bannister.
Ooh... Ooh, what’s happening... What am I doing...
You’ve shown the last few people up to where the coats are being kept, just in case you can’t see them out, but this is... This is rather intimate.
You hear him behind you, following you up, and you make yourself exhale a long breath to try and calm your heart.
Be an adult.
The coats are being kept where they usually would at a Wheeler party; the guest room, AKA your room. It’s one of the reasons you’ve been basically escorting people up to it, not wanting them to linger in there or have a stranger possibly go through your things.
Pushing the door open, you step in to the dimly lit room and gesture at the bed that’s piled high with coats, scarves and jackets.
“Just here, leave it anywhere.”
He stands in the doorway, hands back in his pockets.
“I’m actually not stayin’ long, I’ve got a shift soon.”
Your hands drop. “Oh. Okay...” You can’t stop a slight frown from crossing your features. “Why did you come up, then?”
Hopper meets your gaze, his jaw moving minutely. “‘cause I want to talk to you.”
You’re sweating, your fingers flexing by your side.
Okay, here we go, he’s gonna yell at me and tell me everything he’s been holding back, here we go...
Shifting his stance, he leans against the doorframe, his gaze holding yours. “Listen, last night, I... I’m sorry I left so abruptly. That wasn’t, uh... polite of me.”
... Well, that’s not what you’d expected.
Your lips parted, you gaze at him. “Uh, no, no, no, it’s fine, I, I completely get it. It’s, uhm...” You pause, swallowing. Then, you smile faintly, and just say it, your voice dropping slightly. “... It’s weird, isn’t it.”
“Yeah. Fuck, yeah, it is.” He lets out a laugh, and for some reason the sound of it warms you. “I was a little taken aback when I saw you, I was totally unprepared.”
“Oh, me, too.” You exhale a laugh, your smile easing. “I wanted to say so many things but my brain wasn’t quite connected to my mouth.” You laugh again, though it’s more nervous this time, because you know if you don’t say it now, you never will. Your tongue gliding across your lips, you raise your hands a little. “Look, Hop, I...” Fuck, it feels strange saying his name again. “... I’m sorry for how things ended between us.”
Hopper’s already shaking his head before you’ve finished, a slight dip to his brow. “Don’t be. I think it was the kick up the ass I needed, and I knew you were right. Took me a little while to admit that, but, yeah.”
“Still, I could have given us a chance—”
“We were kids,” he cuts you off gently with a light smile, shrugging. “Neither of us knew what we were doin’ or how to handle somethin’ like that.”
You snort. “I still don’t.”
A corner of his mouth lifts a little higher. “Yeah, me, too.” Grazing his teeth over his lower lip, you watch him as he seems to consider something, your cheeks heating slightly at his intense gaze. “... Stop me if I’m, uh, treadin’ where I shouldn’t, but, and I’m just connectin’ the dots here, you said you’re stayin’ in Hawkins indefinitely, is that because something similar has happened?”
You give a faint smile, pointing a finger at him as you raise your eyebrows. “Yeah, you got me. I, uhm...” Here we go... “... I broke up with my fiancé. Or, he broke up with me, actually.” Your smile widens a little more. “Good connecting, you must be a great Chief.”
“Well, I do my best.” He looks sympathetic in a way that is mercifully not pitying. “I’m sorry to hear that.”
“Thanks. I feel like shit every day, but, it was for the best. He was an asshole. I just didn’t want to see it.”
“How come he did the breaking up, then?”
You fold your arms, exhaling a breath. “He met someone else. Didn’t even bother to hide it or save my feelings. Just told me.”
“That sucks.”
“Yeah, it really did.”
“Still,” he nods his head at you, “you seem much better off.”
You feel a little proud at that, because, actually, you feel like a mess. “Thanks. Karen’s letting me stay here until I figure out what I wanna do. I don’t even know if I like my job anymore or if it’s just everything that’s going on making me feel like I hate it, or maybe I have hated it for a while and I just don’t want to admit that to myself either.” You catch yourself from continuing, releasing a sheepish laugh. “I’m sorry, I’m just rambling on now, you can go back down—”
“Nah, it’s okay, I like listenin’ to you.”
He says it so sincerely, holding your gaze, that you don’t quite know what to do. Biting at your lower lip briefly, you look away for a few moments, your fingers twisting together.
“Well... Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”
You can hear the smile in his tone, so you look up, and God...
You’ve missed that smile.
His expression is so soft, too, so gentle and...
No, no, no, no... No, it’s just because you’re sad and it’s Christmas and—
Clearing his throat, he leans an arm against the chest of drawers beside the door.
“Y’know, I... I’ve thought about you over the years, thought about reachin’ out. I heard from someone years ago that you were in New York and I... I told myself I was gonna look you up but... I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. Didn’t know if you’d even want to see me.”
A smile pulls at your lips, your chest aching slightly. “I think I would have.” Biting at your lower lip again, you take a breath. “... I’ve thought about you, too. Sometimes I think about if I made the biggest mistake of my life in leaving you.”
He blinks, before quickly smiling, shaking his head. “Like I said, we were just kids. We didn’t know any better.”
“I know.”
You’re gazing at each other again, quietly.
Clearing your throat, you make yourself smile. “I’m so sorry, I should have offered you a drink, I—”
“Would you like to go out for a drink?” he asks, so swiftly that it’s as if he’d been waiting to. “So we can catch up properly?”
Staring at him, you feel something quietly ignite within you. He looks somewhat nervous, and for some reason it calms you instantly.
A softer smile returning to your lips, you nod. “I’d like that.”
One corner of his mouth lifts a little higher than the other as he straightens, his hands falling to his sides. “Good. Okay. I’ll call. I gotta head out now, sorry, I just wanted to drop by before my shift.”
He wanted to drop by... to see me.
Trying to contain your smile, you move towards him, heading for the door. “It’s okay, I’ll walk you out.”
You head down the hallway and stairs in silence, your heart fluttering wildly. You’re suddenly very aware of your body, and of his right behind you, and oh my God, when was the last time I felt this way?
Pulling the door open, you hold it for him as you smile.
“Well, I hope your shift goes okay.”
He’s stood before you, a hand in his pocket, and he doesn’t move.
Then, his other hand moves to rest on your arm gently as he lowers his head and presses a soft kiss to your cheek.
Oh, fuck.
His lips brushing against your skin makes your heart stop and every inch of your skin warm. It’s brief, far too brief, and when he pulls his head back to look at you, you desperately hope you don’t look as flustered as you feel.
Giving a slightly breathless smile, you hold his gaze. “Merry Christmas, Hop’.”
The smile he gives in return has you feeling a way you know you haven’t in years.
“Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
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Shelbys at Somme: Chapter 8
Thomas X Reader
Summary: Tensions grow between Grace and Reader when Grace is informed one of her co-workers is dead. Reader meets Ada.
by @adventuresintooblivion
Grace was due for a rendezvous yesterday, but she hadn’t a moment of free time until the Garrison Pub closed its doors two hours after it was supposed to. She had called into the station, but no one answered, which led to her practically sprinting to the nearest cabby who might take her to see Inspector Campbell.
After an all too expensive ride, Grace strode into Inspector Campbell’s office, clutching her purse between herself and the world. At first he didn’t even look up from his papers. It wasn’t until Grace cleared her throat that he spoke.
“You’re late.” He slowly looked up. Something about his posture had changed since last Grace saw him. While before he had stood tall and proper, now he held a tension in his movements.
Grace glanced down. “The Pub kept me working late yesterday. Everything was closed by the time I was free to contact you.”
Inspector Campbell grumbled, “You could’ve come over.”
She raised her eyebrow. “To your house Sir? Isn’t that dangerous?” 
Not to mention wildly inappropriate?
The Inspector ran his hand through his thinning hair. “Yes, I suppose you’re right. But your father would want me to look after you, so I can’t have you missing deadlines like this.”
“If you don’t mind my asking, why didn’t you send anyone now?”
It was his turn to break eye contact. “Something has happened. I’m not sure how big it is, so I didn’t want to endanger your cover just in case.”
“What happened?”
He grimaced, “We questioned that girl you gave us a picture of. We’d been keeping an eye on her, but when she contacted Thomas and stuck around we thought he might be trying to fence the guns through her.”
Grace felt blood rushing in her ears as the world dropped from underneath her. “W...Who did she turn out to be?”
Inspector Campbell shrugged, “Y/F/N. She was an old war buddy of his. Worked in his company as what they called a Runner. Distracted the Germans while they dug.”
“She joined the army and fought?”
The Inspector nodded but didn’t elaborate. He started shuffling through papers until finally he held one out for Grace. When she took it there was a list of names with Y/N’s picture next to it. Each name had a different occupation listed next to it along with locations.
Grace frowned, “Is this all her?”
He shrugged, “Supposedly, though she’s never done jail time for anything. I’m half convinced most of these she just made for fun.”
“So how did you get her to come in? I didn’t think she’d be the type to offer up information for free.” Grace folded the paper and tucked it away in her purse.
Inspector Campbell’s features darkened. “Oh, it wasn’t free. She gave us no choice, we had to corner her. When she tried to escape, she killed Matthew.”
She froze, “Matthew’s dead?”
He nodded. “The funeral is this weekend. Due to your current assignment, I can’t allow you to attend, but we are all pitching in to help his wife and son. At least until she can figure something out.”
Grace nodded and practically threw what little cash she had on hand at him. She’d always liked Matthew. They’d bonded during the late hours working to neutralize the IRA. When Inspector Campbell had offered to take them both to Birmingham, Grace had even helped him pack up his whole family. Now he was gone.
Something about the situation didn’t all she could think about was her friend’s tired smile. “Please tell me you at least got something.”
He paused for too long but Grace was desperate for an answer, “We have a possible location.” 
She nodded. It was all she needed to keep going, to not run out of here right now and give Y/N a sound lashing. 
The next day Grace wiped her hands on her apron, her foul mood having settled in to stay. Her mind kept wandering back to images of Matthew. While Inspector Campbell hadn’t gone into details about his death, her imagination provided plenty of gory details for her to mull over. 
She knew Y/N was upstairs. Hell, the topic of last night’s search party was all she heard about all day. Details were fuzzy at best but from what she could gather Tommy had roused half the Peaky Blinders in the late hours of the night to track her down. 
Grace tried to strike up conversation multiple times with her patrons, but they were all dead on their feet. Several of them went so far as to nap next to the pints they’d been nursing moments before. Even Harry’s stern glares weren’t enough to keep them awake.
Yet Grace was determined. If she couldn’t get information from them, she’d get it from Thomas when he returned.
It was late afternoon by the time Y/N awoke. For the first few moments she lay there perfectly still and enjoyed her last couple minutes of peace. Then she shifted and it was all over. Her muscles spasmed, causing her to lose her breath for the briefest moment.
“Well, damn, I was wondering when you’d join us.” Nearby a woman sat with a book splayed open on her lap.
Y/N slowly sat up, her arms shaky beneath her.
The woman stood suddenly. "Hey now, don't you think about getting up alright? Tommy gave me strict orders to keep you off your feet."
Y/N chuckled, "Thank you for the attention, Miss…?"
She waved away Y/N's feeble attempts to dismiss her, "The name is Ada Shelby."
A smile spread across Y/N's lips. "So you're Ada? I was wondering when I'd get to meet you."
She nodded proudly, "The one and only. Now listen here, missy. You'll not get out of this bed until you're healthy again. You hear me?"
"Yes, Ma'am." Y/N tried to hide her growing smile.
Ada ruffled Y/N's hair. "Don't be cheeky with me. You're the one that got caught by a copper of all things. Now, what would you like to do today?"
Y/N shrugged. "Just grab me a couple books and I'll be fine. If you need to go do something I don't need to be babysat."
"Well, while that might be the case I'm not supposed to really be out and about either." Ada fidgeted with the ties on her dress.
Y/N raised her eyebrow. "I'd ask how come, but it doesn't look like you're comfortable sharing."
"I know I can trust you, otherwise you wouldn't be living above the Garrison right now. No it's just… I haven't said it aloud yet. Not to anyone except Aunt Pol."
Y/N shrugged, "I mean, I'm not really sure where I stand. So really, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
Ada sat back, drawing her shawl closer around herself. After a moment Y/N noticed it was the same as Pol's just a different color. Wonder which one of them knits.
Then Ada spoke so softly Y/N almost missed it, "I'm pregnant."
The words hung in the air allowing their weight to settle as the implications slowly became clear.
Y/N bit her lip, "And you've only told Pol. Yikes."
She glanced down, "Yeah, he's missing too. Do you think.. He’ll come back?"
"I'm not exactly the expert on that. “Y/N paused for a moment. “But I did also come back from the dead. That’s a weird case though, so I’m not sure I’m the best person to ask."
Ada smiled sadly at her. "You really came back for Tommy?"
Y/N blushed, "Don't say it too loudly. You're gonna make me sound like even more of an idiot." 
She burst out laughing, the color returning to her cheeks. "Come on, let's get you some breakfast."
"I didn't get a chance to buy any groceries yet." Y/N bit her lip.
Ada bounced back up excitedly. "Don't you worry about that. I stopped by the market on the way here."
"I hope you're not hurting for money then, because I have absolutely no way to pay you back right now." Y/N felt a pit forming in her stomach. Or pay rent for that matter.
Ada turned towards the kitchenette, the room so small Y/N caught herself checking to make sure the blankets wouldn't get caught underfoot. She rifled through cupboards and moments later the smell of food filled the space between them.
Ada finally answered, "Don't worry about paying for anything, Y/N. Tommy would lose his head if anyone asked you for a dime."
Y/N shifted around until she was sitting at the foot of the bed, closer to Ada. "Yes, making a deal with the Devil is the perfect way to never worry about anything ever again."
Ada threateningly waved a wooden spoon at her, "You calling my brother the Devil? Cause you'd be right."
They burst into laughter, an easy chatter formed between them. Ada remained for a large part of the day. Eventually the sun began to set and the two women were interrupted by a knock on the door.
Thomas waited barely a moment before slowly poking his head in. “I hope everyone here is decent.”
Y/N rolled her eyes. “It’s not gonna be the time you’ve seen me in my underwear, Thomas.”
Ada cast her a somewhat scandalized look but was quickly distracted by Thomas’ soft chuckle. “Yet you looked manlier than most the men you were changing next to.”
Y/N gasped dramatically as she clutched at her heart. Thomas’ chuckle rose into a full on laughter.
“What kind of sorcery is this? I haven’t seen you smile like that since you found out John tried to stick it in the wrong hole his first time.”
“John did what?” Y/N’s mouth fell open in astonishment.
Ada glanced between the two shrugging, “He said his reasoning was that ‘that’s how animals did it.’”
Thomas shook his head. “I still can’t fucking believe-”
Laughter filled the room, however the mood was dampened quickly as Y/N groaned. Thomas rushed forward, kneeling beside the bed while Ada stood nearby frozen as they waited.
Finally, after catching her breath, Y/N grimaced, “Oh stop your fussing. A good laugh is worth a few loose ribs.”
“You’re supposed to be healing,” Thomas growled.
She dismissed his concern with a small wave, “If I spend all my time healing I won’t have any left for living. Stop worrying so much about me Shelby, I’ll be fine.”
He shook his head before turning towards Ada, “Would you mind giving us some privacy? I have to talk to Y/N about a couple things.”
Ada huffed, but soon her steps could be heard receding down the stairs.
Thomas slowly turned back to Y/N. “How are you holding up?”
Y/N shrugged, glancing out the window into the abyss. When did it get so dark?
He took her hand in his, so gently she almost didn’t recognize his touch. “Y/N, don’t spare me the details. I can’t do my job if you don’t tell me how bad it is.”
“What exactly is your job when it comes to me?” Her voice was the barest whisper.
There was a long pause as the answer hung in the air, the one they needed to be said before either of them could move on. It was their last chance to escape from each other; if he pushed her away now, she would leave. Disappear. Once again becoming the ghost of his past.
Thomas bowed his head, pressing his lips to the back of her hand. “I’m going to look after you.”
Only the slightest tremor in her voice betrayed her, “You don’t owe me that, Thomas.”
“Not everything is about payment, Y/N?”
She raised her eyebrow. “Is this the same Birmingham that I left five years ago?”
He released an amused hum from somewhere deep in his throat, finally looking up at her. The dark circles had etched themselves deeper beneath his eyes. A tightness around the corners reminded Y/N of the darkest days in the trenches. Instinctively she reached up to cup his cheek and brush the worry away with her thumb. 
“Rough day, Tommy?”
It was as if the whole room released a deep sigh, “It always is.”
Y/N gestured to the chair Ada had been using, “Wanna talk about it?”
Thomas ignored the chair and sat at the foot of her bed, his hip pressed against her leg and his elbows resting on his knees. Old habits die hard, don’t they?
He gathered his thoughts, but soon he was catching her up on a myriad of events. About the horse and the unfortunate turn of events that had taken place. The guns. Thomas’ meeting with Inspector Campbell and how close he had come to throttling the man. Danny’s head being payment for the death of a man he’d caused during an episode of shell shock.
For the most part Y/N listened, offering advice where it seemed to fit, until he brought up Danny, “They want you to kill him with witnesses?”
He nodded. “I’ve already taken care of that. A casing full of sheep brains.”
Y/N couldn’t stop the smile that played across her lips. “This is why I love you. So do you have a good hiding place for the guns or are they still at the docks?”
Thomas’s mind went blank, then suddenly every thought he’d ever had felt like it was clashing together as he registered what Y/N had just said. His heart was pounding in his ears. The room was too hot and not warm enough all at once. It took every ounce of control he had left to control his breathing enough to speak.
“W...what did you just say?”
“Hmmm? I was asking if you had a good hiding spot for the guns yet.”
“No...Um, before that.”
Y/N furrowed her brow, “I was asking if they demanded witnesses.”
Thomas finally let himself look at her. There was no indication that she was messing with him. No tell tale smirk or signature twinkle in her eye. She just sat there confused on why he was asking her to repeat herself. He ran his fingers through his hair.
His voice was gruff when he finally answered, “No, I don’t have a place picked out for the guns yet.” He honestly already had several ideas, but he couldn’t conjure up a single one right now.
Y/N glanced around the room thinking for a moment. “Why don’t you put them in Danny’s grave?”
“He’s not actually dead. I thought I made that clear.”
“Yeah, but if he was dead you’d dig him a grave come hell or high water. So you’ll have to dig him one anyways so that no one gets suspicious. Plus, this won’t be related to any other contraband that the Peaky Blinders deal with so if someone snitches on you, it won’t be there.”
Thomas blinked slowly before he nodded. “That is actually quite brilliant. I’m a little disappointed I didn’t come up with that myself.”
Y/N shrugged, “One of my many random skills, hiding things.”
Thomas wasn’t exactly sure what to say about that, but he had one last thing to tell her. After her slip-up in the previous moment, the words felt like poison on his lips. “I’ve also asked Grace to the races.”
“Did you just need her for a plus one?” Y/N raised her eyebrow.
Just say yes. 
“No, Billy Kimber owns the race tracks, and we’re expanding. Making legal money and all that.” He pressed his lips against his clasped hands, wishing he didn’t have to answer what came next.
Y/N frowned, confused. “And what does this have to do with Grace?”
Thomas sighed. “Mr. Kimber is known to enjoy sampling the pleasures of women. She asked to work for me, so I plan on offering her up to him as part of the bargain.”
“Did you ask her if she was ok with that?”
She smacked his shoulder, a sharp sting exploding from his arm. “Tommy!”
“Hey, don’t hit me, Ms. Cracked Ribs.”
She shook her finger threateningly at him. “It’s Ms. Broken Ribs to you, and I’ll smack you as much as I damn well please. You can’t just go offering up a girl’s dignity like that.”
Thomas turned and grabbed her hands in his, preventing any further retaliation. “She asked to work for me, Y/N.”
Y/N growled, “She’s not from the underbelly of Birmingham. Or any other city for that matter. You can tell from a god damned mile away. Shit like this ruins women.”
He paused. “You may be right, but I don’t have anything else he wants.”
She let out a deep sigh. “What were you gonna offer him?”
He told her, and she nodded. They sat in silence for a while as they mulled over what to do about all this. At the end of the day they both knew if he brought Grace she would end up having to go with Kimber sooner or later. He expected it to say the least. And it wasn’t just Grace, any woman Thomas brought would be offered up as a bargaining chip.
Finally Y/N spoke, “She may have to go with him, but she doesn’t have to stay with him.”
“And break the deal?”
She shook her head, “Save Kimber. Like tell him she has something.”
He smirked at her. “So much for preserving dignity.”
Y/N shrugged. “At least she won’t have to sleep with him.”
Thomas glanced away, “Yeah.”
Y/N glanced down. Her hands were still in his, though his grip had loosened into something more casual. A small thrill went through her as she realized how much smaller her hands were compared to his.
She stammered as she spoke, “It’s getting late.” 
Thomas took a deep breath broken out of his thoughts. “Yeah it is. I’ll head out and give you some peace. If you need anything, come get me.” He stood, letting Y/N’s hands slip from his grasp. 
The air was cool on her skin compared to his touch. She found herself following him with her gaze.“Come get you? I thought you lived at the Shelby house?” she asked.
He paused. “I’m going to be staying in the room next door for a while, until you’re better at least.” And with that he was gone.
Y/N awoke in the late hours of the night. Darkness had escaped it’s daily chains, exploded from every nook and cranny and coated the room in a thick film. It took her a moment to shake off the disorientation before she remembered where she was.
Then she heard what had woken her. Through the wall she heard a cry. She couldn’t tell at first what it was for, but then it came again. Thomas.
She stood slowly, pain shooting up her back with every step as she shuffled out of her room and down the hallway. When she finally reached the rickety door she pressed her ear against it.
That was enough. Y/N pounded on the door. On a normal day with the noise of people, it would’ve been deep and resounding. But now it was so deafening she caught herself wincing as she hit the wood.
A bewildered voice answered, “Wha..Who’s there?”
“Thomas it’s me. Open up.”
A shuffling sound and rattle later the door opened slowly. Thomas blinked at her blearily with bloodshot eyes. Y/N waited patiently for him to come back to reality just enough.
He asked groggily, “Is everything ok?”
“You’re having nightmares.” 
Thomas stiffened, glancing around as if the whole world might be listening. He was about to answer when Y/N stepped forward, gently placing her hand on his chest. 
His skin was hot and damp, the sweat having left a small layer that made him glisten in the barest of light. The air inside the room was hot as it poured through the crack in the door, trying to escape.
He placed his hand over hers. “What’re you doing?”
She looked up at him, somehow finding his eyes in the darkness. “Let me in.”
“She says at the entrance of the Devil’s den.” A soft rumble rolled from deep within his chest, a sleepy laugh.
“If you think I’m not a devil myself then I really need to jog your memory.”
Every ounce of fight in him suddenly dissolved away. After so many years of nightmares. After so long in the darkness. After watching her die a thousand times in his dreams. He had no will left to say ‘No’.
Y/N pushed her way inside, careful not to bump into anything that could make her fall. The room was much smaller than hers, and the window wasn’t open even the slightest, accounting for the heat. 
As she walked inside she let her hand fall from his chest to intertwine with his fingers. Thomas let her lead him back towards the bed. It was actually smaller than the one she had in the other room, but that didn’t stop her from laying down and pressing her back against the wall.
She waved for him to join her, “Come on, Thomas. Before the room becomes freezing again.”
His brows furrowed as he tried to process what was going on. “I don’t think this will help your ribs heal.”
“Just shut up and get in here.”
He crawled in slowly, careful not to jostle her. Thomas paused before laying his head down. Y/N finally got tired of waiting and slid back onto the bed proper and maneuvered him until his head rested on her stomach. 
Her fingers ran through his hair as he mumbled, “This isn’t hurting you?”
“The broken ones are higher up. And while I’m pretty sure any doctor would be shitting themselves right now, I’m fine.” 
“Y/N,” he protested.
“Hush now, and get some sleep.” 
After a few moments he chuckled, “My feet are hanging off the edge a bit.”
She hummed as sleep reclaimed her, “We’ll just have to sleep in mine tomorrow.” 
“The scandal.”
“Damn right.”
64 notes · View notes
papergirllife · 4 years
Chapter 2
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You don’t know what it’s like to be free, to make your own choices, and live your own life. For your whole life, your parents have been treating you like a puppet on strings, controlling your life to every single detail, as well as ignoring the fact that you have feelings. Other times, when you disobey their wishes, or speak up about your own opinions, they bash you down with words, in other words, psychological abuse, has led you down the long winded road of depression and anxiety. What happens when you meet a man who’s willing to be your guide out of this terrible downpour? Would you give a shot at happily ever after?
big age gap (kinda?)
issues on anxiety
issues on depression (mild)
issues on parental abuse
smut (maybe)
Tag List: @etherealtyjaem​ ,  @caratzennie  , @johnnysuhnflower  , @euphoricchannie  ,  @yeollieseo  ,  @jjhmk  , @sherzess
(lmk if you wanna be on the list) (and sorry for reposting, it just won’t show on the tags)
The new house you’ve just moved in was small, you were perfectly fine with the size, you always stayed in your room anyways, the sizes elsewhere doesn’t really matter. It wouldn’t have been an issue if they weren’t making a fuss outside. They were yet again arguing about the company’s debts and complaining about the recent stock market turn outs. Your parents sold the old house in order to pay off some of the company loans, moving into a decent condominium in the older township.
Why are they so obnoxiously loud? Why can’t they talk like normal civilised people? They had an awful habit of shouting from one room to another, even if it’s about 3 feet apart, the study to the kitchen like it was just steps away.
You placed your pillow on top of your ear as the other was covered with the other one you’re sleeping on, you woke up from nightmares just this morning and needed a nap, but from the looks of things, you weren’t getting one anytime soon.
You reluctantly got up from your bed and told them to lower down their voices, but they just ignored you, as they always did. After the third time of fruitless attempt, you’ve given up hope on resting, but your body wasn’t happy with what was happening, the voices in your head hammering in your head, blaming you for what happened as you felt your heartbeat quicken, your breathing staggered. You could feel your whole body tense up as tears started to cloud your vision.
You inhaled deep breaths as you tried to push the anxiety attack away, humming a song, fiddling with a pen, but nothing you read on the internet helped. You hugged your knees towards your chest as you sat on the corner of your room, trying to muffle your choked sobs. A sentence you kept repeating in your head like a mantra,
‘make it stop.’
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It’s currently 10 a.m. and your parents are rushing you to hurry up with your morning routine as they have an important meeting with some potential investor, they’re taking you along because they need an errand girl to buy them coffee and in case of any other task that is deemed much too troublesome for them like filing away documents or printing out contracts.
You woke up at the crack of dawn to get ready, so to say that you were tired after yesterday’s ordeal was an understatement. As your father told you to double check the files needed in the bag, you found out you left one up stairs, your palms sweaty as you informed them of your mishap.
“How can you be so dumb?! This is why you’re such a failure of a person! I told you to prepare everything last night! Were you day dreaming again?!” your father bellowed from the driver’s seat, his angry eyes filled with rage whenever his gaze darted to your sight through the rearview mirror, putting your lives at risk on a busy road.
You bite back retorts, head hung low through out the quick detour back, exiting the car alone to go back up and retrieve the file you left behind.
Not a day goes by where they don’t criticise you for something you did, whether an accident or not. You can feel your anxiety levels going up again as your heartbeat picks up speed, a wave of sadness coming over you. You quickly recalled a familiar song to block out their hurtful words ringing in your head.
“Useless piece of shit,” your father mumbled as he drove, throwing a clothe he uses to clean his car on your face, the rough material stinging you.
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As you dug through your pockets for loose change in your jacket, your fingers found a card instead, it was Mr Suh’s card.
I can take you away from all this chaos raging among your family, if you can call it a family that is. I’ll be seeing you soon, Y/N.
‘What does he mean?’ you wondered.
“Miss, you’re holding up the queue. Do you have 50 cents or not?” the cashier at your local starbucks snaps at you, yanking you away from your own thoughts.
“Sorry, I don’t,” you apologised.
You looked around you to see the long line behind you and the usual full house condition of the cafe, sighing at what you call a norm of your life now, being an errand girl for your parents, and not even a little bit of acknowledgement of your existence nor feelings.
‘Can Mr Suh really make all this stop?’ you asked yourself.
Now you think you’re ridiculous for thinking a man of such wealth and power would be interested in a girl with such a puny presence among a crowd and not even a valued family member in your family’s eyes. He’s going to get bored of a girl like you someday, how long would he stay interested? A week? A month? A year? You doubt you’ll even last a night.
You begrudgingly took the bagged coffee from the counter and quickly walked back to your parent’s office block, head hung low as you thought about your parents’ attitude if this investor ends up leaving them empty handed, shivering at the thought of being their ‘mental stress ball’.
“I’m sorry, but the debts your company is in isn’t something we’d want to have on our company’s reputation if we invested. Thank you for having us,” the man in the middle, presumably the boss said, a bored look on his face.
Just like that the investors stood up and walked out the glass door of the office. Once they were out, your parents let out a frustrated groan. You quickly hurried to close up the office as they always told you to after a meeting on weekends without workers in the office.
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A month later
The company is now under leased after being certified bankruptcy. Your parents’ savings are running low, so they told you to get a part time job at a local western grocer that rich people of Seoul go to for groceries that could most probably buy you a meal at your nearby convenience store, at the winery section, where you are now giving out samples to the customers.
It wasn’t an easy job, the customers here have high standards, whatever you’re giving out as samples are always deemed lacked elegance compared to the ones that they usually have, yet they always come back for more samples the next time they come to pick up groceries, and if they’re in a good mood, they might actually buy something. People who act rich but actually aren’t as wealthy as what they boast always ticks you off, they remind you of your own family.
On Friday nights, when the alcohol section always closes earlier are the times when you’ll head to the bookstore in the same mall you were working at to read, you knew that’s a really rude thing to do, but you can’t afford buying books anymore. So you read a few chapters every night, and slightly more on Friday nights, you never told your parents about the different working hours on this particular day of the week, you don’t want to go back earlier just to see their scowling faces as they hunch over different sorts of bills and statements.
You finally found a way to cope with your anxiety levels and depression by working out early in the morning, you read from the newspapers at the worker’s lounge in the grocer that it helps, and so you gave it a try, little did you know that you would enjoy it and the feeling of staying fit boosted your confidence. But on days when you felt tired and didn’t achieve the results you were aiming at, your mind reminds you of the times when your parents called you ugly, it was started when they found out you were dating, on those days, a shut of your eyes and you’ll remember the scene of them hitting you unfolding once again, if you focused hard enough you could still feel the sting on your face.
You pushed those thoughts away as you quickly packed up for the night, as you were preparing to leave, a man came in your section, requesting to buy a bottle of wine. You were going to say that the winery section is closed, but as you turned around, the words got stuck in your throat.
It was Mr Suh, dressed in his usual working attire. Even after sitting in the office for a whole day, he still looks breathtaking, his clothes held no crease.
“Y/N,” Mr Suh said your name, the corners of his lips tugging up in a smile.
He remembers you? After so long?
“Mr Suh. H-how can I help you?” you asked, eyes darting around hoping that there aren’t any more customers, worried that they’ll realise that you were letting Mr Suh in despite the closing time.
You weren’t as anxious as talking to strangers before, but Mr Suh was no stranger to you, not really anyways, and he always had an aura that made you shy away from his presence.
“I’m looking for a bottle of Pinot Noir by Emos,” Mr Suh told you.
You took tiny but hurried steps towards a counter where the grocer kept its more expensive bottles, typed in the password and handed it to him. You silently went to the counter, typing in the bottle’s code to ring up the register.
Mr Suh handed you 200 dollars, for a bottle that only costed 85. When you opened your mouth to tell him about the error, he stopped you.
“That’s tip for bothering you after working hours, keep it,” he said. 
You tried to disagree, but he refused, saying that it is what he should do. Mr Suh bid you goodbye, before he leaves your sight, he looks back at you with an odd glint in his eyes, one that you fail to read once again.
“I’ll see you soon, Y/N.”
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The wine was supposed to be for his conquest tonight, yet when he walked through that hotel door, he knew he wasn’t going to enjoy tonight at all. Maybe the girl isn’t pretty enough? No, she was his usual take on girls he brings to bed, but something was very much off.
Johnny didn’t usually mind a bit of harmless flirting over wine before sex, he did have a tiring day at work, usually this process would calm him down a bit before getting down to business. However, he found the flirting part rather boring and very much tedious today, the girl’s flirty remarks seemed it was droning on to no end. So he sped things up, the wine long forgotten as their limbs tangle up with the sheets.
There was something nagging him behind his head, he couldn’t place a finger on it, until when he closed his eyes, instead of seeing the girl beneath him, he saw you, your tiny body beneath his as your beautiful glossy eyes look into his, the size difference between the two of you significant in his head. That was the image that kept him going, the usual him would open his eyes wide and take in the figure beneath him, but today he kept his eyes closed as he places his head on her shoulder, that action might seem affectionate, but this was just an excuse for Johnny to let his imagination run wild without being questioned.
Johnny left after washing up in the bathroom, leaving just after one round isn’t his style at all, usually Johnny could go up to four or five if he enjoyed the first round, Johnny lets out a big sigh as he gets back into the car, he should’ve asked you to dinner instead of wasting time fucking a girl just to have him imagine her being you in order to finish up.
Johnny puts his car on drive as he swiftly leaves the parking lot, hoping a night’s sleep would clear his thoughts of you. But as Johnny’s head hits his soft pillow, he could only ask himself.
‘What are you doing to me, Y/N?’
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When you woke up the next day after a long night of reading through your business course books, trying to take in whatever you can before they realise that you don’t really know what you’re reading at all.
You walked out to the kitchen to grab a quick breakfast, but before you got there, you heard voices.
“We can’t send her college, we don’t have any money left,” you heard your father’s voice say.
“But it’s her future, you’re going to put that after the company?” your mother’s voice questions.
“It’s not like she’s smart enough for it anyways. I walk by her room while she studies, and it seems like she’s just staring at an empty void, we can’t place our future in her hands, we’ll starve!” your father argues back.
What your father said had stung your heart, but after a minute or so after taking it in, it wasn’t the first time they had said such hurtful words about you. You dragged your feet back to bed, no longer having the appetite for breakfast.
You went out for a run when you felt your heartbeat quicken up as your mind floods back all the bad memories that were brought forth because of the conversation you overheard between your parents, trying your best to avoid a full on anxiety attack.
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Johnny loves weekends, it was the only time he could invest himself into working out instead of the short two hours he does before work, the gym is the place where he built up his high self esteem, and it’s the reason other than his good looks of course, that brings all the girls into his sight.
Yet he didn’t feel like he achieved as much in the gym after last night’s events. Yes, he did give in his full attention in all the exercises. He purposely slept early so he could feel energized today. Yet he didn’t have the desire to show off his body through a one night stand. The party that he said he would go seemed troublesome instead of his usual excitement of knowing he wasn’t going to bed alone. He took out his phone to text his friend that he was going to sit this one out, making up an excuse about not feeling well.
Johnny was laying around watching television as he scrolled through the latest news of the stock market, feeling a sense of pride as he sees his company’s stock rising after he had taken over from his father.
The familiar chime of his grandfather clock in the corner alerts Johnny of the time, 7 chimes means 7pm. Something suddenly clicks in his head, the sign that states the operating hours for the winery in the mall, you were going to go off work in thirty minutes.
Johnny quickly changes into jeans and a black knitted sweater that hugs his physique perfectly, styling his hair a bit before heading out his door, a smile unconsciously gracing his pretty lips.
When Johnny got to the winery section, he was disappointed to see that you had left, only left with a promoter of some beer, he tried his luck with the staff, hoping to know your whereabouts.
“It’s a Saturday today, so I think she’s off to buy a cup of instant noodles for dinner, she’ll either be at the cashier counters now, or eating at the food court.”
Johnny thanks the promoter as he rushes to the counters, he wouldn’t have spotted you if he didn’t recognise the baby blue checkered scrunchie popping up from the crowd that you wore the last time to match your uniform.
Johnny makes his way in between the masses of people, making some people frown in disbelief as his large figure makes them move away. Johnny plucked the cup of instant noodles out of your hand when he got there, making you jump in fright from the sudden intrusion of your wandering thoughts.
“Mr Suh?” you addressed him when you looked up to see who had took away your favourite brand of cup noodles.
“You’re not eating that tonight, come with me,” Johnny said, his voice more cheerful than the previous times you had seen him, but why?
Johnny takes your hands in his, a smirk making way on his face as he feels your small shaky hands in his large ones, he didn’t mind one bit, instead he likes how shy you are around him. Johnny places the cup of instant noodles on some nearby shelf before dragging you out of the grocer.
When he was out, he stopped in his tracks, turning around to look at you, trying to look into your eyes that were darting away from his. He finds it endearing, how you’re always so nervous whenever you’re with him, it was something very much new to him.
Johnny suggests a few high class restaurants for dinner, rattling off big names in hopes to impress you.
“I-i was only planning to have a cup of instant noodles, Mr Suh. Anything’s fine to me,” you said after many times of trying to tell him that he didn’t need to take you out for dinner.
“But I want you to choose. Go ahead, anywhere you want,” Johnny said and waits, curious of what you’ll pick.
You rocked on you heels and bit your lip in thought as you wrecked your head for ideas to get yourself out of this situation, but you couldn’t help but feel the desire to grab dinner with him instead of eating cup noodles at the food court alone again, and the fact that his hand was still held onto yours made you feel a sense of serenity and had a need to stay with him.
“Do you have somewhere which makes you feel like a child again when you eat their food?”
Johnny was taken back by such a request. Was it touching? He hasn’t felt that from anyone else other than his family and a handful of close friends, certainly not a lady other than his mom. Was it different? Yes. But was it bad? Certainly not, instead he feels a tug in his heart. The girls he met only made requests, instead of asking for his opinion, because they know he could afford anything they requested for, but then there’s you, breaking all of those other girls’ standards. You were also the first one who made him speechless, even if it was just a mere seconds.
“I know a place.”
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You genuinely didn’t know why you had made such a sentimental suggestion, you just thought that food from a restaurant that reminds him of home would mean that it was affordable, but other than that reason, it was because if you were to have dinner with a man whom you only had met a handful of times, you might as well get to know him better by knowing little things about him.
You weren’t dumb, you remember what he had said about being interested in you, and that having dinner with him was a risk to your own safety as well. Yet you couldn’t stray away from his dashing smile and the way his eyes shine so brightly when he sees you.
You were slowly falling down the rabbit hole.
The interior of his car had several alterations made to suite his liking, it was interesting, compared to the people who just bought cars based on their ranking and wealth just for bragging rights in an afternoon tea. His car even smelt nice, like the Jo Malone cologne you’ve taken a whiff from the sample sticks given out, you wonder if that’s what he usually wears to work.
You couldn’t help but steal peeks at Mr Suh when he drives, the way he’s so concentrated and how he could casually drive with only one hand on the wheel made you swoon slightly in the passenger seat as his rnb music plays on the radio. You shouldn’t be thinking about Mr Suh this way regardless that he’s interested in you, especially given that the two of you have quite a large age gap, as well as the fact that you weren’t allowed to date until after college. If your parents found out about you going out with Mr Suh, they’re going to skin you alive. That thought made you shiver as you suddenly realise that you can’t be seen with a man out in public, if any of your relatives find out, they’ll definitely snitch on you.
You lowered yourself in the seat as you hope that you won’t run into any of your family members when you reach wherever Mr Suh’s taking you. The drive was quiet, only the radio playing softly in the background, making you feel relaxed. Suddenly, Johnny stopped at the traffic lights, taking a long look at you from his seat.
“Why did you suggest eating somewhere which reminds me of my childhood?” Johnny asked, his eyes full of seriousness.
“I-i just wanted to get to know you better, is that not the right way to make friends?” you answered, glad that you’ve pondered this question yourself.
“It’s not the usual way, but I like how you think, Y/N,” Johnny said before he averts his attention back on the road when the lights turned green.
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Johnny could sense something was off with you from the way you looked around anxiously from your seat when the both of you reached your destination, the way your brows furrowed and the way your jittery fingers mindlessly move about. It wasn’t a shady part of town, although the two of you were at the slightly older establishments of Seoul.
“Are you alright? Why are you suddenly so nervous?” Johnny asked, worry written on his face.
You looked down on your fingers that were splayed across your lap, twitching the hem of your skirt to try and calm your nerves with no avail, but you had to say something, Mr Suh, as you’ve grown to realise is a man who’s persistent and straight forward.
“I’m worried that we’ll bump into anyone I know. I’m...I’m not supposed to be  seeing anyone or going out with people without permission,” you told him, embarrassed at the fact that you were still very much on a leash despite being an adult.
Johnny feels a sense of guilt settling down his stomach as he sees your eyes avoiding him, if he could take a guess, you must feel embarrassed right now, to have a family like that, maybe that’s why you distant yourself from people around you, they must’ve judged you based on your parents’ decisions towards your life.
Johnny reached towards the spare sweater he kept in his gym bag and handed it to you.
“Here, this has a hoodie. I don’t think anyone would be able to recognise you with it on,” Johnny said in a gentle tone, not even a hint of judgement in his voice.
You obliged and slipped the sweater on, as well as the hoodie onto your head. The sight of your small figure drowning in Johnny’s hoodie made him smile, he never thought his clothes would look so cute on you.
“Come on, it’s peak hour and I’m starving,” Johnny said with a smile that seems to always lift your mood.
You nodded mindlessly, eyes gazed into his warm honey filled eyes and soft smile. When Johnny’s trance broke on you, you quickly reached for the car door, only to see Johnny opening it for you.
‘Must be nice to have long legs to walk that fast,’ you thought to yourself.
But when he held his hand out to help you out of the car, that’s when your head went haywire and could only feel your cheeks burning up from the gentlemanly gesture that you hadn’t expected.
You hope your hand wasn’t shaking as obviously as it felt, or that would’ve been very embarrassing, you thank the skies for the chilly weather, or your hands would’ve started getting clammy from what a nervous wreck you’ve become.
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The cold was getting to you as the both of you were waiting in line for a table and Johnny could tell from the way you subtly rubbed your neck, hands lingering there to leave some warmth as the wind blows by. Without thinking, he grabs the drawstrings of his hoodie and secures it surrounding your face like a cute chipmunk.
“There, all better.”
He could tell how nervous his bold action made you feel from the way you stuttered out a thank you, the two words almost lost in the wind from how soft it sounded.
Johnny didn’t know why, but the way you’ll get all flustered from his actions warms his chest like a cup of hot coco in the winter snow.
Not long after, the two of you had gotten a tiny table for two. It was cramped, but Johnny didn’t mind, as long as it’s this restaurant, and as a plus, he could see your face from a closer perspective. He was secretly admiring the shape of your cute little nose while he pretended to look through the menu that he knew like the back of his palm.
“What’s your favourite on the menu? I don’t know what to try first, all the pictures look so nice,” you said as your eyes was open wide with interest, taking in the photos of the food on the colourful menu.
Johnny was taken aback on how you had asked for his opinion instead of the demands of carvier and champagne that he used to hear all the time. He must’ve had a weird look on his face, because the silence made you furrow your brows.
“I’m sorry, that must’ve sounded weird and came off as boring, but I really don’t know what to get, so I thought you should suggest me something since you seem to come here often. Sorry, I ramble a lot when I’m nervous, I’m not a very sociable person, so the things I say might come off as odd...
“No, Y/N, listen, it’s fine. I like it when you talk, and it’s cute that you ramble. And no, I don’t find you odd or boring. I was just surprised you’d ask for my opinion, not many people do that unless it’s about business. I’m glad that you value my opinion, even if it’s just dinner,” Johnny explained, he wanted to listen to your voice longer, but the thought of anything making you uncomfortable surprisingly annoyed Johnny.
It was the first time someone had not found you awkward when you started rambling, you didn’t do it on purpose, it was just that the lack of human interaction made you socially anxious about talking to people and when you want to express something. Johnny is truly an eye opener for you.
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Johnny might have ordered a little bit too much for the two of you, but he could always take away and leave it for Mark when he drops by tomorrow. Although Johnny had came here many times, mostly on his own or with Mark, he couldn’t deny the satisfaction and happiness that filled his heart as you tried all the dishes with the most wholesome expressions on your face.
You weren’t Johnny’s workers or business partners, you didn’t need to appease him and give him positive reactions, because with you, he wasn’t Neo Enterprise’s CEO, he was just Johnny and it doesn’t bother him one bit.
The two of you talked about the most random things, from Johnny’s business partners Taeyong and Doyoung fighting in his office, to the time you pranked your co worker by mixing some heavy alcohol into his coffee.
“He couldn’t tell?” Johnny asked, curious because he was a coffee addict himself.
“He thought it was just part of the flavour, it was one of those seasonal starbucks drinks that he bought,” you explained.
Johnny paid for dinner before you could protest and refused to take your money when you had offered to pay him back your share.
You trudged beside Johnny silently when he said that he was going to take you home, you haven’t had such a nice time since forever, and you didn’t want this beautiful moment to come to an end.
You had a sad smile on your face as you watched Johnny drive, it was a peaceful scenery to take in, his face calm as he steered comfortably, the radio once again playing softly in the background.
When you had reached your house, you didn’t really know how to react, other than looking at him silently as he does the same as well.
“Thank you for tonight Johnny, I haven’t had this much fun in a long time,” you said genuinely, grateful that someone as interesting as Johnny would even bother giving you the time of the day.
You figured that this was the polite thing to say, but you inwardly cursed at yourself for sounding like a robot. You shouldn’t be reacting this way, especially due to the fact that he’s so much more older than you are, maybe not too old, 5 to 6 years maybe? Is that considered a big age gap?
“I had a great time with you too, Y/N. Thank you for having dinner with me,” Johnny said, usually he spoke this sentence like a little white lie to whoever he had to meet for business sake, but to you? It was nothing but the truth.
Johnny continued holding his stare even after what he said, the sincerity in his eyes evident as a soft smile graces his lips.
“You should head up now, Y/N. It’s already 9 p.m., if you stay any longer they’ll be suspicious,” Johnny reminded you.
“Yeah, okay,” you replied, immediately feeling down once more.
Even after you agreed to go up, your legs weren’t willing to move, you were going to miss him, so you asked him one last question before you willed yourself to open the car door, you were going to sound desperate, but in that moment, you didn’t have a care in the world.
“Will I ever see you again?”
Happiness fills your heart as you heard the question that comes after.
“Are you working tomorrow?”
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codename-adler · 4 years
Kevin Day and his Oblivious Literature Lover, pt.V
Let’s all repeat after me: therapizing our faves helps us therapize ourselves! If Kevin can get better, maybe we all can... right? 
>>Table of Contents, TW and other parts here!
the water runs behind the bathroom door for so long that Kevin spaces out in his spot on the floor, losing himself in thoughts about the Foxhole Court (surprise, surprise)
Juliet comes out at last an hour later, freshly showered, her hair wet and springy, her face even paler than before
she goes to rummage through her tiny dresser, slow and silent like a dead walker, and pulls out multiple clothes before going back into the humidity of the bathroom
she finally comes out into the room a few minutes later, dressed in clean sweatpants and multiple t-shirts and sweaters
the one on top is a simple, XXL black hoodie with the PSU logo on the front, in washed out orange
Kevin unconsciously thinks that the blindingly bright orange Exy hoodies the Foxes have would suit her so much better
happy colors help happy thoughts, right? 
(who said that again? was it Nicky? he was probably talking about the gay flag anyways...)
Kevin is pulled from his thoughts when Juliet trudges over to her bed, lets herself fall in it and sluggishly pulls on blue fuzzy socks to warm her cold feet
he slighlty turns to look up at Juliet, and they start a staring contest from where they each sit
but Kevin soon realizes that not everything is a contest, and not everyone exists to challenge him, and Juliet isn’t the Foxes
because she barely lasts 2 seconds before lowering her gaze to her hands, shoulders tensing and fingers picking at dry skin
however, as Kevin keeps feeling out of his depth and thinks about just leaving right there and then, Juliet quietly mumbles
“If I talk, will you talk too?”
Kevin’s first thought is “I don’t have shit to say and I sure as hell wouldn’t give you dirt on me,” and it clearly shows on his face
lucky for him, Juliet’s head is still lowered, so he has time to force himself out of his fight-or-flight relfex
she isn’t the Foxes, she isn’t the Ravens, she isn’t the Foxes, she isn’t the Ravens, she-
but still, what if she is? what if this is all a scam? 
but then again, he looked for her, he found her, he spent the night, he is asking... if anyone’s nosy in all this, it’s him
it feels like at the point where he is, where they are, he’s acted far from his usual, asshole self, and he just wants to keep going... it feels good not to fight
“Yes, I will talk. If the subject stays within the limits of what I’m willing to talk about. You should do so yourself,” Kevin states, not quite softly, but not quite sharply either, like he usually does
Juliet anxiously nods, still not looking up
the silence settles back between them, the room heavy with dread, fear and awkwardness
after a while, Juliet speaks up, barely above a whisper, but in the quiet of her room, it feels like her words ring in Kevin’s ears
“If I google you right now, what am I going to find?”
and shit
anything but that
he wants to hold on so bad, just a little while more, to this nobody he’s managed to keep up with Juliet
because if she knows... then everything he’s managed to keep at bay when he’s with her will come rushing back over him, and over her too
and he doesn’t want that
it’s not shame, it’s not pride
it’s pure fear
“You are going to see very ugly things,” is all he responds, face blank and emptily staring at the wall
inside, though, it stings to say those words. because it isn’t totally the truth. exy is his pride, his reason to live, his air to breathe. but if she finds out about exy, she will also learn about the violence, the multiple “accidents”, she’ll know about Riko...
and if she knows about Riko, she’s one step closer to Riko knowing about her
“Kevin. When you say ‘ugly’, you mean you’ve had a shitty life so far, or you mean you’ve killed many people? Because you’re the man who slept on my floor all night and I’m alone, and I’m very afraid right now.”
of course he fucked it up one question in
what is he supposed to say, though? ‘Of course I’m not a murderer, but my owners are’ ? 
and the more he thinks about the correct answer to give, the more he looks like he’s searching for an excuse and the more Juliet is retreating into the corner of her bed
“Fuck, no. It means that half the cards I’ve been dealt with are extremely good, and the other half is very, very fucked up. And it’s all over the Internet. And the things that you won’t find there are the ugliest. Ugly secrets that make me even more unlikeable to my... roommates, and our classmates. A walking asshole on a stick.”
Juliet stops moving
“That’s… quite the load of bullshit, Kevin. I won’t look, okay? I promise you. But you said truth for truth. That is not a truth. But... you also said we don’t have to answer if we don’t want to. Kevin, you don’t have to. I’ll take your word that you’re not a serial killer. I’ll haunt you if you are, though. I’ll make all your spoons disappear. And kick you in your sleep.”
Kevin didn’t know how to react
it was so… easy
too easy
just like that, the subject was dropped
no pushing, no threatening knife, no mood swing
now it was his turn
somehow he could only think of Matt, of Aaron and their nights out at Eden’s, of Seth…
“Are you on drugs?” was out of his mouth before he could be careful of his tone
it sounded severe, accusing
yet Juliet did not react, not even a little bit
she just kept on looking at him, letting the silence pressure him into guiltily babbling his excuse
“I’ve seen these signs before, okay! And heard about them too. I know what addiction looks like. The sickly pale skin, the mess, the absences, the shutdowns. Don’t look at me like that.”
“Like what.”
“Like a wounded animal.”
his tone was harsh enough to resemble the attitude he usually reserved for the Foxes
and he knew he’d been too rough when it caused Juliet to draw in a shaky breath
“Wow, you’re really good at that… Ever considered being a detective or a life coach? You’re actually not far from the truth… Jesus,” Juliet exhaled. “I do take drugs. Antidepressants. Strong ones. And I ran out this week. I don’t have the money. You’re currently witnessing a withdrawal combined with a depressive episode. Impressive, huh?”
her voice was so devoid of emotions Kevin was reminded once again of Andrew…
except that her face was a mirror cracked open, her pain palpable in the air between them
his first instinct was to reply ‘What’s wrong with you?’, because he genuinely wanted to know why she had to take such heavy medication at her age, and why she couldn’t afford it anymore, but he willed himself to let the words die on his tongue; try not to be a fuckup this time, will you?
however, before Kevin could formulate his thought correctly, the silence overworked Juliet too and she filled it with her story...
“I was diagnosed with dysthymia a couple of months ago. I’ve basically been stuck in a dark cloud since I was like, 15. Never went away. Wasn’t ‘serious’ enough to get medical attention, like the docs said. Fast forward last winter, I had a complete nervous breakdown at my workplace. It was pretty ugly. 911, ambulance, psych ward, psych eval, pills, and other… things. Oh, and a fuckload of bills. Even my scholarship doesn’t cover all of that. So I tried to make my prescriptions last longer by taking my medication every other day, which… Well, not recommended by your local psychiatrist. Last weekend I had to choose between groceries or pills. Now my body is missing its drugs and I’m missing major classes. So…  Ta-da…” she told Kevin, her arms slowly moving as if to present a show.
Kevin was speechless
not because he was shocked, or because he pitied her, or because he was disgusted
he was speechless because of the anger that choked him from inside
he felt such a rage at the idea that Juliet couldn’t receive the help she needed, the care she deserved
he was speechless because as anger consumed him, he realized that it was the same anger he’d felt when Jean was given back to him in pieces
he was speechless because he cared too much, now
he hadn’t even seen it coming
if Juliet were to be pulled away now, it’d feel like pulling every stitches he ever had
and all it had taken was a few months
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pinkkunt-imagines · 4 years
Erron Black || You Better Tell Her
Song: Teedra Moses - You Better Tell Her
Synopsis: After an almost physical encounter at a bar, reader decides to confront her partner about the reason behind the events.
A/N: Surprise! This ended up being a bit longer than I wanted, but welcome to a new series! I decided that I would work on what I wanted until I became inspired by these request in my inbox. It’s just a bunch of oneshot songfics with our MK BOIS. And we have everyone’s favorite up first, Toxic Erron Black! I have another one coming out later today as a gift for the extreme long hiatus, so please enjoy! Next up is The CAAAGE.
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[Name] knew Erron was a notorious flirt with the ladies; in fact, his suave words is how he picked her up in the first place. Despite this, she still didn’t play when it came to certain aspects of their relationship. There were boundaries, rules, and she was definitely going to be respected. Erron had learned this the hard way when he tried his flirting tactics with another woman in front of her. She slapped the audacity out of him, and he never did anything like that again, at least not in her face. Erron knew from that point on their relationship wasn’t going to be like his previous ones. This had only been about a week into their new kinship. Somewhere in Erron’s mind, he got off on that hit rather than his usual, “I’m not opposed to hitting you back” behavior.
Currently getting dressed in “casual” attire on an early winter Sunday morning, [Name] examined herself in the mirror. Erron was coming from Outworld to spend a few days with his new partner, and he agreed to breakfast at some diner. After dating for six months, she was used to the whole long-distance thing. Space and independence are what she valued most anyways. He’d leave for X amount of time, coming back on some weekends, and spoiling her. Their relationship survived their phones. Texting That being said, even she was in need of some affection, and more importantly-- dick. There was only so much a collection of toys could do during his absence, and none of them even compared. With her white mink coat on, accompanied by a matching headband, she walked out of her door.
Noticing Erron in the wide diner window, her mood quickly became sour as the events of the night before replayed in her head. Luckily for him, he hadn’t noticed her, otherwise, he would’ve likely been flipped off. Erron was about to get a mouth full, and he didn’t even know it. Thankfully, he’d already gone through the trouble to order her food before her arrival. Pancakes, bacon, eggs, and a tall glass of orange juice. It made her heart smile, but no. She shook it off as fast as it came. [Name] had to remain strong and not let that affect her mood going in.
He finally noticed her approaching from the distance, a white fur coat was easy to pick apart from the crowd. It had to be an occasion for her to put it on, and not a good one, usually meaning she was trying to present herself in a higher headspace than she was. Knowing this, he smirked, getting up from the booth to greet her.
“How are you, sweetcheeks? Lookin’ cozy this morning in that coat.” As Erron went to embrace his woman in a loving hug, she smushed his face away, eyes unamused behind her dark shades. “Don’t touch me.”
He rolled his eyes. “Well, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this mornin’.”
[Name] sat down on her side of the booth, sitting back and crossing her legs under the table. There was no attempt to hide her attitude, silence taking over, and tension becoming thicker the longer he asked about her, and the more he gave no response at all. Erron’s attitude and anger were growing with hers. When he said something, he expected to be answered. But, he calmed himself down, telling himself to just stay patient.
“I just came back and you’re already moody. What’s got your panties in a bunch? You on your period or somethin’? ”
She sucked her teeth, eyes rolling again, before taking off her shades and placing them on the table. [Name] stared Erron up and down with a stink face, and in return, he smirked again. That smirk, she could just punch it off his face right now.
“There are those pretty [E/Color] eyes. Was wonderin’ when I was gonna see em’.”
“I’m really not in the mood for your games today, Erron. So don’t try it.”
“Are you gonna keep your mouth shut about what I did wrong, or are you gonna say it?”
“What’s wrong is that you’re out here fucking around. I went to a bar last night with my friends, and some female approached me.”
Erron quirked an eyebrow, curious about the whole situation and how it played out, “And?”
“AND, if what’s she saying is true then she’s been sucking on you since around the time you left. She came up to me, bragging about the things you do to her, and things she does to you. Getting all in my face, and talking about how she’s going to replace me.”
He did a deep chuckle, taking a sip out of his glass of cold sweet tea, that stupid damned smirk there. He was enjoying this story. “Then, what did you,” he questioned. His arrogance was radiating off of him. It was taking everything in [Name]’s power to not jump across the table and bash his head in.
“I was close to slapping the shit out of her, but my friends stopped that. Had to get escorted out. I was looking too damn cute to be almost putting my hands on someone Erron. I am a grown woman, looking for a grown man. I don’t have time to play games with you and these other females.”
“Don’t tell me you believe her now, darlin’?”
“I don’t give a damn if its real or fake. You have women thinking they can approach me.”
Erron placed a handout, looking to cup her face with his gloved hand, “But sweetheart, I don’t even know who this alleged woman is.” 
Whilst he was speaking, she slapped his hand away. [Name] didn’t believe a word he said, and she wasn’t going to allow him to sweet talk his way out of this one. But that burning desire to strike him again rose. She wasn’t an abusive partner, by all means, she believed that if a woman hit a man they should be hit back, it was just being LIED to that made her want to go ballistic. It was almost certain that whoever that girl was, she was telling the truth. She spoke with such vibrance about Erron and their sexual life, the same way [Name] would, but in a very much subtle way.
[Name] decided she needed to calm herself down. How would look if she made a scene out in public? Or even worse, be brought out of character for a man? No. Taking deep breaths, she calmed herself before speaking again. “Well, whoever this person was they know YOU. And you better go tell that girl that I am not the one.”
Erron fixed his mouth to say something, but before he could even start, “And if you ever put me through something like this again, we’re done.” Angrily getting up from the booth, she placed her shades back on and walked away from the situation, her pride refusing her to look back as she did so. 
He picked the glass of sweet tea up again, moving it around so that the ice hit against one another. Smirking and letting out a deep breath, Erron took a sip again, then placed some cash on the table. “Yup, she just wants some dick.” And he wasted no time following after her.
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strawberrynamjoon · 4 years
our last summer
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– pairing: taehyung & reader 
– warnings: a bittersweet mixture of fluff and angst, taehyung being a cheesy romantic in love and a sweet shower scene!!
– summary: in order to rescue your failing relationship, taehyung tries to fight for you one last time and flies to paris with you to relive some of your favorite memories – desperately hoping that the city of love will remind you of how much you love him again.
– word count: 7k
– note: this is based on “our last summer” by abba aka the best song in the universe <3 like always, this is not proofread yet, i promise i’ll do it someday.
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You weren’t sure if you felt like crying or like smashing plates but by now, just looking at Taehyung was enough to make you feel upset. It was heartbreaking to see how the two of you drifted away, especially when you always were so sure that it could happen to anyone but never to you. At least that’s what you thought for the longest time.
A constant battle was going on inside of you, a turmoil, completely overwhelmed trying to decide between staying for the old times' sake or leaving and trying to move on. Neither of these choices was the right one in your mind but in the end, you still had to make one.
Maybe, your relationship with Taehyung was teaching you that sometimes in life you have to make a decision between two options that both are awful.
As he heard the sigh that escaped your lips, your boyfriend of five years glanced up from the book he was reading on the couch in the living room only a few meters away. The expression in his eyes gave him away easily – he knew exactly what was occupying your mind.
The book was thrown to the side, Taehyung couldn’t care less about which page he was on when he was currently watching his relationship crumble right in front of him, and his tall and broad figure made its way up from the couch over to the dining table you were desperately trying to work on your laptop to get your mind off your real problems.
He sat down opposite from you, closing your laptop so you would concentrate on him.
Studying his face, you still saw the same handsome man he was when you first fell in love with him. Actually, he might even be more handsome now than he was before, his boyish features grew into more manly ones over time. It was still painfully obvious that Kim Taehyung was an attractive man, no question – but the spark was missing.
“What’s on your mind, buttercup?” he asked carefully, lowering his head a bit so your eyes were forced to meet his.
Not even the loving pet name he gave you in the early stage of your relationship made you feel anything anymore. Well, nothing but frustration. Frustration because after all these years you spent together it didn’t seem fair to you that suddenly it didn’t fit anymore.
Thinking back to the start you were so sure that no one would ever be a better match for you than him. The way his hand fitted in yours, the way his body seemed to melt into yours at night as if you were two puzzle pieces, belonging together. Your beginning was such a happy one.
But that was the harsh reality about relationships, the bitter aftertaste. The endings are never happy.
Shrugging, you ran your hands through your hair, trying hard to sound as unbothered as possible, “Just the usual.”
It was hard to say who was in the worse position: You, the one who is falling out of love and sooner or later has to break the other person’s heart or Taehyung, the one who still loves so much and will get their heart broken.
Well, thinking about it for a second both of you didn’t seem to be in the ideal position. It didn’t matter who had it worse, both of you hated the current situation, feeling helpless and vulnerable constantly.
Taehyung was almost reaching out for your hand that was laying flat on the table for a second but stopped himself before he actually touched you. By now he knew that even his touch alone was making you feel burdened.
Now he was the one to let out a sigh. Sighs seemed to be your most common method of communication over the last few months, “I’m trying my best to be the best boyfriend I can. Please, if there’s anything I can do to save this, just let me know.”
It hurt how hard he was trying because you knew he was indeed doing everything that was possible to make you happy again. But the more he tried, the more you distanced yourself. May it be a defense mechanism or just you feeling guilty, it was the sad truth, inevitable.
Both of you were hurting and both of you knew where all of this was going – in the end, you would break up.
Despite the younger versions of yourselves swearing that you would never ever lose feelings for each other, the current you knew better. It was just a matter of time until you would part ways.
Pressing your lips into a hard line, you nodded. You couldn’t count the number of times you sat down like this in the evening to talk about your failing relationship on one hand anymore.
“What if those feelings will never come back, Tae?” you asked him carefully what was burning inside your mind for the whole day. Every time you looked at him you longed for just a hint of the feelings you used to feel – but no matter how much you wanted to, you felt nothing.
On the more positive side, Taehyung has always been your friend. No matter what kind of situation, you never had to choose your words carefully or be afraid of him judging you. If there was something on your mind, Taehyung would be there to listen and talk you through it, regarding your relationship or not.
His gulp, followed by him pressing his eyes together was giving away how much it affected him. You saw him crying one too many times to not know that he was trying hard not to let those tears roll down his cheeks at that moment.
“Don’t give up on us just yet,” his pained request was nothing more than a whisper and you could feel your heart physically cracking a bit, “Let me try one more time to convince you that the feelings are still hidden somewhere inside of you.”
You reached out for Taehyung's hand, squeezing it lightly. The unexpected touch made him look at you again, eyes longing.
"Sure," a weak smile was all you could offer him, "I don’t want this to be over neither. I really want this to work out again as much as you, believe me."
Nodding, his lips carefully pressed a kiss against your hand that was still holding his, "I have something in mind, it just needs a bit of planning."
The curiosity inside of you rose in an instant, Taehyung knew just how nosy you were and his favorite thing since forever was to tease something and then not tell you what it was.
"You're mean," you let out a weak laugh, "But I'll wait. I know you won't tell me anyway."
“Just don’t make any plans for next weekend.”
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You startled out of your sleep in shock when you heard the loud alarm clock. After all these years, you never got used to just how loud Taehyung needs to have his alarm sound in order to actually hear it.
But instead of being greeted with a sleepy Taehyung next to you in bed you instead found him standing in front of the bed, dressed in his most fashionable clothes, two luggage bags in his hand.
For a second, just the smallest second, your heart sank, the luggage making you think that he decided that he finally had enough of your constant mood swings and was about to leave you. Even though you played with the thought of breaking up so often, you never felt more vulnerable than in that second.
As soon as you saw him laugh at you though, you realized that he was not leaving you for good.
“What the hell are you doing?” you asked grumpy, stretching while sitting up, “Why do you have your stuff packed?”
“Actually, that’s not my stuff, it’s our stuff,” the proud grin never left his lips, “I have to go and get something quickly before we leave. You have thirty minutes, better hurry up.”
Now you were wide awake, wondering what Taehyung was going on about on this Friday morning.
“What do you mean, before we leave?” you yelled after him but you could only see his back as he was shrugging and telling you that it’s a surprise – certainly the thing he teased a few days ago back in the kitchen.
A part of you was afraid – you knew that he was just trying his best to make you stay with him, whatever the surprise would be, but you didn’t want him to be disappointed in case it wouldn’t work out. It would break his heart if he put the effort into something cute for you and it still didn't work out.
The other and luckily bigger part of you was excited. It has been too long since you felt this excited about anything – real excitement, not the one you feel when a new season of your favorite show gets announced but the one that grows deep in your stomach, almost thrilling.
Knowing Taehyung, his surprises always were a hit, and even though things are rough between you, it was definitely worth a shot. You trusted him enough to know that wherever he was taking you would not be a disappointment.
But before you could give in completely to looking forward to it you felt stress rushing over you, having to get ready within thirty minutes without even knowing where your adventure would lead.
Rushing to the bathroom you were surprised with a letter attached to the mirror with adhesive tape. It had your name written on it, a few red hearts doodled around it.
Sitting down on the edge of your bathtub you opened the letter,  wondering what your boyfriend thought off for this weekend.
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A small smile crept onto your lips as you read the letter. Taehyung surely knew how to be romantic, even after so many years.
But you had no time to gush about it, time was running and you had to at least look like a human before you were leaving.
Taking a quick shower and putting on concealer and some mascara in a rush was all you managed before Taehyung stood in the doorframe of your bathroom though, ready for the two of you to begin your adventure.
Turning around, you chuckled as you saw the croissants and strawberries he was holding up in the air, "Got us something for the flight."
"You're insane, Kim Taehyung. Taking me to Paris spontaneously like it isn't a big thing?"
"Anything for you," he shrugged slightly embarrassed and you could swear there was a blush creeping onto his face, "Are you ready?"
Nodding, you walked out of the bathroom with a smile on your face, "I'm always ready to go to Paris with you."
It has been some time since you thought about that trip to Paris many years ago but ever since you stepped into the airplane nothing else was on your mind.
The whole way from the apartment to the hotel so many memories of your first trip as a couple came back to your mind, each one of them making you miss how close you used to be.
Back then there was nothing more important than Taehyung’s and your relationship – you still remember how your heart skipped a beat seeing him fit in with the surroundings, not sure if he or Paris was prettier. 
You couldn’t help but giggle like an idiot when Taehyung insisted to carry you through the door of your hotel room in bridal style just like he did the last time. 
It was beyond you that he somehow managed to get the exact same room you were staying in back then – honestly, alone the fact that he still knew which one it was was impressive enough. It was typical for him to pay attention to the small details, one of the things you always adored about him.
In the back of your mind you couldn’t help but still doubt the intentions of this trip a little bit, fearing that not only it could become awkward but also that your precious memories of your favorite vacation with Taehyung could be replaced with worse ones after that.
But as soon as he insisted to carry you through the door bridal style you couldn’t help but giggle and promise yourself to push away all those negative feelings for at least this weekend.
After all, even if the love might be gone, Taehyung was still one of your closest friends.
“You know I could walk in myself, right?” you asked amused, your grin making Taehyung smile in an instant. It has been some time since he was the reason for your smile – your real smile, one that actually reached your eyes.
He shook his head while scrunching up his nose in the cutest way. Once again, you were blown away by how handsome he actually was. His tan skin, his wide chin and your favorite feature on him, his one double and one mono eyelid. All the things you were able to appreciate for hours back then.
All those pretty traits of him used to make you weak in the knees and you suddenly missed those feelings. Even though you weren’t feeling them right now, at least you started to miss them again. That was a good start, wasn’t it?
“You technically could but that would be pretty boring,” he laughed, kicking the door behind him so it would close while his hands were busy holding you. Your arms were wrapped around his neck and you wondered when you last were this close to him.
Walking to the bed, he gently let you down on top of it. The room didn’t change one bit, it was almost as if the time stood still since you last were here.
Taehyung raised his eyebrow at you, his eyes lighting up as something came to his mind, “I wonder if it’s still here.”
Before you could ask him what he meant he was already stepping outside to the balcony of the room. Curiosity took you over once again, following him out.
As you stepped after him, he was already squatting down, inspecting the lower part of the wall to his right.
“They painted it over,” he almost sounded sulky and you only now remembered what he was looking for.
Your eyes widened, “I completely forgot that we wrote our initials down here. Our criminal side jumped out back then.”
Laughter escaped your boyfriend’s mouth, shaking his head in disbelief, “We were so afraid to get caught. The whole thrill just for them to paint it over like it meant nothing.”
“It was so small, I bet they didn’t even notice it and just painted the whole wall because it needed a fresh coat of paint,” you assumed, remembering the little heart you wrote your initials in.
After the two of you put away your luggage and refreshed yourself a bit, Taehyung told you to get ready for today’s plan.
“Today, you’ll get the best out of reliving old memories and making new ones,” he informed you smugly as he was waiting for you to put on your shoes, standing in the doorframe, ready to go.
Your hotel was close to the centrum, surrounded by several cafes and bars. Taehyung has always loved the aesthetic of Paris, especially on a warm summer evening like this one. He didn’t care about the full streets and the traffic jam, he felt right at home in the overcrowded streets of France's capital.
All Taehyung cared for was the breathtaking views, the old architecture, and being with you. Also known as his biggest inspirations in life, even though if he had to rank it, you would definitely come first.
He always used to say that you couldn’t describe Paris, you simply had to feel it. Back then you thought it was cheesy and cliché of him to say but you knew how much Taehyung loved the city so you never said anything about it.
By now you felt the same way about Taehyung – it was hard to describe being with him, it was something you simply had to feel. And you felt it all, every positive emotion there was, over the span of many years.
You felt the comfort and joy of being loved by the man himself and once again he was proving to you that he was the best boyfriend anyone could have. It has always been like that. And that made it only harder to think of a life without him.
The two of you were walking under the pink-tinted evening sky, people were all around you, pushing and shoving, not caring if anyone gets run over.
“Are you okay?” Taehyung suddenly asked you, taking your wrist in his hand while hurrying to guide you through the crowded street, “I know this must be terrible for you since you hate crowded places.”
“I’ll survive,” you joked, appreciating the way he made sure to get you out of this mess as fast as possible, “Where are we even going?”
To your luck, the ending of the crowded street was right in front of you. The warm summer air was hugging you as you walked next to Taehyung and even though he let go of your wrist again, you took his hand in yours.
For most people that wouldn’t be a big thing but it must have been several months since you and Taehyung were holding hands in public – it almost felt like you were holding hands for the first time again.
“I thought we could start at the street with the cafe we always went to last time,” he immediately shot you a wide smile at your surprising action, squeezing your hand lightly, “I’m so happy to be back.”
You let out a laugh as the two of you were walking down the streets of Paris, “I thought you planned this to sweep me off my feet again but I see, you just did this because you missed Paris.”
It was nice to hear his laugh again, one without worries and filled with genuine joy, “Hey, I’m having the best of both worlds, just like Hannah Montana used to teach us when we were young.”
“Very wise. You’re an idiot,” you replied amused as you eyed the familiar café, a rather small one with the cutest tables out of green metal that reminded you of the ones your grandmother used to have in her garden.
“I agree,” he smiled while coming to a halt in front of the cafe, “But at least I’m your idiot.”
If any other men would say something incredibly cheesy as that it would have made you cringe instantly but Taehyung mastered the art of predictable flirting so well that you almost felt like blushing.
The two of you sat down outside of the cafe on one of the small, round tables as Taehyung ordered two café au lait for you. The ambiance was full of life as people were chattering all around you, enjoying their Friday evening just like you were. There were enough people around you to give the two of you a weird sense of privacy, everyone too busy with their own life to pay attention to anything else.
“I remember last time we were here a mad Jimin called you in the middle of our little date because you accidentally took his keys with you,” you reminisced.
Taehyung remembered that call too well, fearing for his life back then, “It’s been so long, I almost forgot I used to live with him.”
“To be fair, I snatched you away from him pretty fast,” you answered, “We moved in together so fast, once you moved in with Jimin we already made plans to move out again.”
Your boyfriend’s face was resting on his hand as his whole attention diverted to you, his eyes sparkling as he was listening to you talk about old times, “I remember your father wanting to kill me because he thought we were rushing things."
It was heartwarming to think about all the past memories, the smile on your face never leaving as you were talking about them, “You and my dad have come a long way. He might even like you at this point.”
“Well, it only took me several years of convincing him that I’m not leaving,” Taehyung was right. It was a fight for him to make your father like him but he never gave up, “I think as long as you’re not pregnant I’m fine for now.”
“If I’d come home pregnant he’d chase you down with a machete for sure,” the thought alone had you bit your lip so you wouldn’t burst out laughing, “I don’t think he would want to become a grandfather anytime soon.”
Agreeing, Taehyung nodded, "Thank god, I think us becoming parents now would be rather chaotic."
The two of you were having an easy-going conversation, a rare thing nowadays, for what felt like an eternity. He told you about his newest client that he disliked so much and you told him about the new band you discovered and instantly fell in love with. It was almost scary to realize how few things you talked about over the last time despite living under the same roof.
Two coffees each and several topics later, Taehyung and you decided that it was time to leave the café for now, even though you already agreed on coming back for breakfast the next day.
“Where are we going next?” you asked him, wondering what this night still had to offer for you.
As he was standing up he offered you his hand and you gladly took it, “Let me surprise you.”
About twenty minutes later you were sitting down on a picnic blanket on a grassy area close to the Eiffel Tower. Last time you were sitting there, Taehyung kept on insisting how sad it was that he already had kissed you several times before because he thought this would have been the most perfect first kiss to ever exist.
To this day you remember how whiny he was about it, not shutting up until you made him with a long kiss.
“Do you still remember how upset I was about the whole first kiss thing?” Taehyung asked with a smirk on his face while searching for something in his back.
Chuckling, you nodded, if only he knew that you thought about the same exact thing just a second ago, “I just wanted to enjoy the view but you kept on whining.”
“Stop making fun of me,” he laughed, handing you a bottle of wine and a corkscrew, “It was a missed opportunity. Imagine how cool it would be to tell our children about our romantic first kiss under the Eiffel tower. But no, our first kiss was an absolute mess.”
“Stop dragging it,” you insisted with a laugh, “It was perfectly fine.”
Scoffing, he got out a lunchbox filled with several croissants and some cheese, “Perfectly fine? We were drunk in Jeongguk’s bed with Hoseok and Becca spying on us through the window.”
“I loved it,” you assured him, laughing brightly. You did love it - it was perfect in its own way, “Maybe it wasn’t 'kissing under the Eiffel Tower while being wine-drunk' perfect, but it was enough to make my heart flutter.”
Taehyung's deep chuckle as he was thinking back to your first kiss was almost endearing, “I was so nervous back then. I kept on hoping that you wouldn’t try to hold my hand because it was super sweaty.”
Drinking the wine straight out of the bottle, you and Taehyung enjoyed the view as the sun was almost gone and the Eiffel Tower was shining brightly.
It was so easy to think of the old times, back when both of you had nothing to worry about ever because your relationship was the strongest thing to exist at those times.
“We were so much younger,” you laughed as you laid down, head resting in Taehyungs lap, “Just two college kids with no worries.”
Taehyung’s long fingers were playing with your hair as he was looking down to you – the sparkle in his eyes was still there, even after everything you’ve put him through. It never went away, not when you first told him you’re reconsidering you’re relationship, not when you started to sleep on the sofa, not even when you confessed that you weren’t sure about your feelings anymore.
How hard it must have been for him to watch you fall out of love right in front of him without being able to stop it happening – and still he never stopped fighting. This trip was just another try to save your relationship.
And honestly speaking, you felt closer to him right then and there than you did in months. As you were looking up into his eyes, in the city of love, with a thousand stars in the sky you almost thought you could go back to normal. But what would happen as soon as you were back home, the risk of your everyday life catching up and cursing you once again?
He offered you a breathy chuckle, not breaking the eye contact for even a second, “We’re still young, buttercup.”
“Why does it feel like I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders then?" you asked him with  a pout, "It certainly wasn't like that in college."
"That's probably because we stopped drinking in the middle of the week," he joked, his fingers were slowly wandering from your hair down to your cheek, caressing it lovingly.
He managed to get out a chuckle from you, enough for him to be satisfied. Nodding, you agreed with him, "You might not be wrong about that. But that's what I mean. We couldn't just get drunk in the middle of the week because we're simply feeling like it anymore. We're too old for that."
Taehyung let out a laugh, shaking his head in disagreement, "Let me prove you wrong. Next week, I'll buy a bottle of your favorite liquor just for the two of us and we'll drink it in the middle of the week and the next morning we'll both call in sick."
"No way," you scoffed with wide eyes, "We can't just do that."
Your reaction was too cute for Taehyung to handle, he could swear he felt his heart melting at the shock in your face, "Of course we can. And we will."
"You're insane," you told him, "We can't skip work because we're hungover. We have responsibilities."
Taking your hand in his he brought it up to his mouth, kissing every finger individually, "Stop discussing with me. We can and we will. You're always overworking yourself and I bet it could help you relax. Just trust me."
Laughing, you realized that Taehyung was actually serious, "Alright, Tae. I trust you. Let's do it."
It was about 10 p.m. when you and Taehyung decided to end your little picnic and continued your evening in the form of taking a walk along the Seine, your eyes glued to the shimmering reflection of the city lights on the water. Your hand was held by Taehyung’s, exactly where it seemed to belong.
“Hey, stop, for a second” Taehyung suddenly stated, standing still and making you do the same. As you turned around, you saw him smiling at the sky with his mouth slightly open, reaching out to the sky with his free hand.
“What is it?” you asked with a laugh on your lips, wondering what Taehyung was so fascinated by. all of a sudden
Freeing his eyes from the night sky he looked at you, raising his eyebrow playfully before his arm wrapped around your waist and instantly pulled you close to him, your body stumbling into his as his hand found your face.
“I swear I just felt a raindrop,” his eyes were full of excitement like the ones of a child and it was almost funny to see him like that, “This is just perfect.”
“It’s not raining,” you shook your head playfully, amusement in your voice, “I didn’t feel anything. You’re halluci–”
You were cut off before you could end your sentence, your face now shooting upwards too after you felt a raindrop on you. Taehyung and you both were standing there, him holding you close as you were waiting for another one.
“I told you,” he laughed, “I just felt another one.”
And just then, you also felt one more raindrop on you. And shortly after, another one.
“No way,” you whispered amazed before looking Taehyung in the eyes, shaking your head in disbelief, “There’s no way it’s starting to rain right now. This can’t be a coincidence. You planned this.”
The smile on his face was replaced with sincerity in his eyes, the situation turned serious within seconds as slowly but surely, more and more raindrops hit you.
It almost hurt to look Taehyung in the eyes, the moment a bit too perfect to be true. His arm was pulling you a bit closer to him, closing the remaining space between your chests.
“Do you remember what I said three years ago?” he asked with a certain carefulness in his voice.
You only nodded in response, both of you awfully aware of the tragedy of the situation. Of course, you remembered Taehyung's promised last time it was raining while you were walking along the Seine.
“Due to the circumstances I will obviously not drop down to my knees now,” his voice was filled with pain, “But I want you to know that if we manage to get over this and one day come back here I’ll do it without a doubt.”
It always has been one of your personal favorite memories – you and Taehyung, in the pouring rain in the middle of the night, right where you were standing at that moment. A strong feeling of required love to the fullest between the two of you.
The way your heart was racing and your stomach was tingling when Taehyung promised you that the next time he would take you here he would come to the Seine again on a rainy night and he’d ask you to marry him.
He was so sure of it, so sure that it would happen. Ever since you started dating, both of you were sure that you'd end up getting married one day. Not only you but everyone around you thought so.
Back then, no one could’ve known that the next time you would come you were coming to save your relationship instead of taking it to the next level.
You didn’t have to look at Taehyung to know that his eyes were filled with tears, the way his voice sounded already gave him away. You tried hard to stay calm, a deep sigh coming from you as you once again longed for Taehyung's and your happiness.
By now the rain was pouring, both of your hair sticking to your face and your clothes draining.
“We drifted away from each other,” you repeated what you told him ever so often quietly, your forehead resting against his chest, hoping for some kind of comfort, “but I don’t want to lose you. You’re still my best friend and partner in crime. But you also deserve someone who loves you more than I am capable of right now.”
You felt Taehyung’s hand on the back of your head, holding your head close to your chest right before his lips pressed against your forehead. The two of you haven’t had that much skinship in a long time and you almost forgot how much comfort the broad man could give you.
“Well,” he laughed lightly through the tears, “I don’t want anyone but you. It’s always been like that. I just need you to want me too, that’s all we need to work it out.”
Another quick kiss was pressed to your forehead before you dared to look up again, a few of your boyfriend’s tears getting mixed up with the raindrops on his skin but even though the situation was sad you could see a bit of hope in his eyes.
"I don't know where we went wrong," he started talking again after realizing that you were at a loss for words, "but if you close your eyes and think of the future right now, don't you see me in it?"
You never thought of it that way. Closing your eyes, you tried to imagine how your ideal life would look like in five years.
The scenario in your mind was a clear picture – You, on your birthday, coming home from work. You moved out of your current apartment into a house with more space and more daylight, your parents were there, smiling brightly, your best friend was there too, you saw Jeongguk and Jimin playing with your nephew in the garden, running around like crazy and you noticed Yeontan, running after them.
And then you saw Taehyung – not as your boyfriend but instead as your husband, lighting candles on your cake with the brightest smile, just waiting to kiss you and tell you he's proud of you – with nothing but admiration in his eyes. As soon as you noticed him you felt a tight feeling in your chest, not necessarily a bad one though. It gave you a sense of home, a place you belonged to.
Of course, you knew that this was only your imagination, your ideal idea of the future, and that the reality most likely will be different but he had a point – even though it is hard, you haven't given up completely yet.
“You think we can still save this?” you asked him as you wiped the tears from his cheeks, “What if we go home again and fall into old patterns?”
Slowly, he shook his head no with a sigh before both of his hands found your face and you felt him come closer.
And a few moments later you felt Taehyung’s warm lips on you, the contrast to the cold raindrops sending shivers down your spine. The kiss was slow, romantic, and meaningful – it said more than any spoken words ever could.
It meant that he would take care of you, he would work through every problem with you, he would fight and would hold you close. All of the things you always knew, just forgot over time.
Taehyung was always there and he would always be, as long as you let him.
As he broke the kiss, his forehead still against yours he grinned at you, satisfied with the feeling he knew he just gave you. Taehyung felt it too, the butterflies that went right to your stomach.
“See,” he quietly laughed, “I want to make you smile for the rest of your life. That is if you let me.”
You shot him a smile, a real one, one you actually meant, “Let’s go home, Tae. I’m cold and I want to take a warm shower.”
And like that the two of you walked through the rain, hand in hand, talking about everything that came to your mind.
Taehyung, the gentlemen he was, shielded you from the rain by holding his jacket over your head the whole time, working hard as your personal umbrella.
Despite your feet hurting and the rain pouring, the way home was not bothering you at all. It was nice to see Paris at night once again, especially with Taehyung not able to keep quiet about every little thing he loved about it. Every few seconds he'd point to a building or a statue and one time even to a simple bus stop to tell you how pretty it was.
About twenty minutes later the two of you were finally back inside the hotel room, completely drenched and freezing. Even though it was rather late by now, you weren't feeling tired, the adrenaline of the spontaneous trip and all the impressions of today keeping you awake.
The warm water hitting your body as you stepped into the shower was much needed to prevent you from freezing to death. You suddenly became awfully aware of how tired your limbs felt, how exhausted your body was and how much you just wanted to lie down in bed, excited to share it with Taehyung again after such a long time.
Your thoughts were processing the evening – just yesterday you were still doubting that you and Taehyung could ever go back to normal but seeing him today, proving that he still is able to manage to sweep you off your feet, you felt positive.
It might take some hard work and a lot of changes but both of you were more than willing to do anything for your relationship.
As you heard the bathroom door open, you were torn out of your thoughts.
“I’m coming in,” Taehyung warned you with a giggle before the shower curtain was opening, your tan and muscular boyfriend standing in front of you, offering you a big smile.
“What are you waiting for?” you asked playfully as he was hesitating for a moment, not sure if you’d be okay with him joining you but he won’t let you tell him twice.
Hugging you from behind, he pressed a  small kiss right under your ear. You almost forgot how sensational it was to feel his skin on yours, the feeling of it leaving a warm and burning desire in your stomach.
“I missed this so much,” his voice was almost whiny, pressing kisses to the back of your shoulder between every word as his hand was drawing circles on your hipbone, “Missed you so much.”
Turning around to face him, you gave him a small peck with your arms wrapped around his neck, “I missed you too. We should go to Paris more often."
“I’d love to just pick you up and kiss you wildly against the wall right now but the chances that we both slip and die in the process are too high,” he made both of you laugh.
"As sexy as that sounds, I'd prefer no broken bones tonight," you said before leaning in for a kiss. The water between the two of you was kind of distracting but you couldn't care less, just wanting Taehyung to hold you close.
This was the nicest shower you took in the longest time – while Taehyung was busy kissing your jawline, down to your neck, down to your collarbone, and so on, you were shampooing his hair, making him giggle as the kind gesture.
"This feels peaceful," he hummed with his face nuzzled into your neck, hugging you tightly as he was waiting for you to be done so the two of you could go to bed, "I won't let you stay on the couch tonight. Don't you dare to even try."
Turning the water off and reaching for the towels next to the shower you laughed, rubbing his hair with it playfully, the messy wet hair in combination with his puppy eyes being a dangerous combination, "I wouldn't even if you forced me to."
Both of you were slipping into your bathrobes, ready to go to bed after such an eventful day.
"Taehyung," you gasped as you opened the door to the room, your heart skipping a beat, "I don't deserve that."
You were greeted with lit candles all over the room, your favorite show on Netflix already waiting to be played and the biggest bouquet of roses standing on the nightstand.
His arms wrapped around you from behind and you could basically hear the smile he had on his face, "I told you tonight will be a mixture of old and new memories. We had all the old ones, now it's time to create some new ones."
He walked over to the bed, making himself comfortable, "Aren't you going to join me?"
Shaking your head, you told him to wait for a second, looking for something in your handbag.
When you found what you were looking for, you opened the door to the balcony, Taehyung following you, wondering what you had in mind now.
As soon as he saw you crouching down, close to the wall he knew exactly what was going on. Crouching down beside you he kissed your temple as he admired the new artwork decorating the wall.
"I love you still, so much," he almost sounded touched, the small action meaning a lot to him, "We'll get through this. I promise."
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Soryu - Pregnancy [Fluff]
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Soryu pregnancy story, I apologise because its fluffy af and I cried whilst writing it and I can’t stop 
Dedicated to the beautiful @brialoveskbtbb​
You hid the test in your bedside cabinet, the steps of your husband coming upstairs early from work surprised you. You were just about to look at the result when he had called your name. 
“Hey, you're early,” You giggled, getting off the bed and running into Soryu’s arms. He twirled you around, holding you tightly.
“It’s the weekend of our anniversary, of course I was coming home early, I just hope Inui can manage,” He mumbles as he presses kisses to your hair. You sighed in his embrace, it was your first wedding anniversary tomorrow and you were so excited to spend it with him.
“I’m going to get in the shower, if you care to join me,” He says, his fingers tracing up your arms, a suggestive look in his eyes. He had grown so much since you first met him, he never used to look or talk to you, he used to blush when your hands accidentally touched, he was always such a gentleman.
That was until one day you walked in on him touching himself, your name falling from his lips, his eyes were laced with lust as they met yours. Rather than being embarrassed or walking away, you gave into the desire of him, you yourself had touched yourself to the thought of him. That was the first night you spent together and had never stopped since, within 6 months of that you were living together, both deeply in love with each other. He had proposed to you on your one year anniversary then married in a big extravagant event a few months later. 
You hadn’t been trying for a baby, you were still taking your birth control, but condoms had gone right from the wedding night, Soryu ravishing every moment he was able to spill into you properly.
Forgetting about the test that lay in your draw, you followed your husband into the shower, lips never leaving each other as your bodies entwined. 
“That takes my breath away every time still,” Soryu panted as he wiped your body with the white fluff towel from behind. You smile at him, watching his actions in the mirror in front of you. He stood there, his hands on your waist and pressed small kisses to your shoulder, your skin was radiating with love and the passionate session you had just encountered and your eyes grazed to your stomach. You thought it was just a trick of the light or your infectious good mood but you swear you could see a small bump beginning to form. You had been experiencing some waves of nausea over the past couple of days, some strong enough to make you physically throw up. You also noticed you were currently late on your period, although you weren't exactly regular but nevertheless this had encouraged you to take a test.
When Soryu headed down stairs to check everything was okay with Inui, you took the opportunity to check the test and there it was, a pink positive sign. Your heart was racing and excitement rushed into your body. You pushed the test back into your draw and ran down stairs, wanting to tell your husband.
“Soryu! Soryu!-” You yelled, practically skipping down the stairs but your excitement died down as you saw him pacing across the room, muttering and yelling down the phone. He groaned as he ended the call and sat on the sofa, his hands buried to his face.
“Hey, whats wrong?” You asked, rushing to his side, now was not the time to tell him. 
“One of the new members had screwed up some documents, they need me to go and fix it, but I told them no,” He said.
“Soryu its okay, I’ll be here waiting for you when you get home,” You says as you run your fingers through his hair as he lays his head onto your lap.
“You're perfect, I’m so glad I married you,”.
“Me too, now go, I’ll be here when you get home Mr.Oh,” You giggle. 
A text from Soryu later that night indicated he wouldn’t be home until tomorrow and he wouldn't apologise enough. 
It’s fine, it’s not our anniversary until tomorrow anyway, I’ll be here waiting for you.
Goodnight Mrs.Oh, I love you.
I love you too, Mr.Oh.
It still gave you goosebumps when he called you Mrs.Oh. Your daddy is going to be so shocked to find out about you, you say out loud and press a hand to your stomach, unable to stop yourself beaming. You fell asleep, basking in your afterglow of love and happiness.
The following your day, you headed out early in the morning, you was going to tell Soryu tonight over dinner and wanted something to surprise him with. Scanning the shop shelves you saw it, a baby grow with the words ‘Mafia Baby’ written on it. You beamed and smiled, placing it in your hands before heading to the till before you bumped into someone.
“Eisuke…?” You asked in slight shock. You had never seen the man make a cup of coffee before, why was he out in the shops? Soryu and you had moved out of his penthouse suite but you was still extremely close, still spending 90% of your time there with them.
“What you got?” He smirks before taking the item out of your hands.
“Eisuke no!” You reached for it before his eyes widened as he read the words before turning to you.
“Soryu doesn’t know!” You pouted, you didn’t want Eisuke to be the first person to know. He smiled, like he actually smiled, at you before pulling you into a hug. This had never happened before and you weren't sure how to react.
“Sorry, I’m just I’m really happy for you both,” He mumbled before pulling away and giving you back the item.
“Thank you, I’m telling him tonight, so if you can just not know until he does and wants to tell you all,”. He nods in response. 
Soryu had texted you whilst you were still out, saying he was finishing soon.
“Hey! I’m out at the minute, I’m near the hotel, if you want I can meet you here?” You say down the phone as you had rang him. He agreed and you went to meet him in the lobby.
“Bella!” He said, racing to you and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“Hey honey,” You respond, your hearting beating rapidly, your adoring husband and father of your child smiling sweetly at you.
“Can we just run up, I could do with giving this documents to Eisuke, we’ve been shopping I see,” He asks, guiding you to the elevator, trying to sneak a peak into the bag.
“Hey stop! It’s a surprise for later,” You pouted, keeping the bag away from him.
“I hope it's the same surprise as our engagement night,”. You cheeks flushed at the thought, you had brought some new lingerie for him and both of you had gone pretty wild on each other. You arrived at the penthouse, all of the bidders were there sitting around the poker table with a drink in hand, including Eisuke. Shit, you knew he was a blabber mouth when he drank.
“It’s my best friend! I’m so happy for you man, just congratulations,” Eisuke mumbled, he was quietly obviously drunk, how you didn’t know. It had only been a few hours since you saw him in the shop. 
“Well thank you, we’re having a celebration tonight,” Soryu chuckles wrapping his arm around you, clearly thinking its about your anniversary. Determined not have your special moment ruined by him, you quickly shove Soryu to Eisukes office.
“Just sort the documents, he’s clearly not in a state to sort do it,” You say before shutting the door, leaving him inside the office.
“You idiot! I haven’t told him yet!” You hissed at Eisuke, the other bidders looking giddy at you.
“Soryu and youuuuu had seeex,” Ota sang giggling. Brilliant he’d told them, they all knew before Soryu. 
“Mamo! No, the smoke is bad for the baby,” Baba slurred, grabbing the unlit cigarette from the detective. Seriously, how drunk were they?
“Right okay, we’re playing the silent game! None of you can talk until Soryu and me leave,” You state, you’d seen them drunk before and knew this was the best way to deal with them.
“Can I be god-father,” Whined Eisuke, gently tugging your arm, he got so needy.
“Nooo, I want be god-father,”
“You can’t be god-father, you sleep too much, let it be me, I’m the oldest,”
“Bella pleeease, I’ll buy it cute matching outfits, it will look sooo good on my social media,”.
I don’t know why I’m excited for a baby, I already have four fully grown ones here.
“Right, you can all be god-fathers if you keep quiet,” You finally negotiated before Soryu came out. The men went silent and you pulled Soryu out of there as fast as you could.
“Oh wait, let me take this,” Soryu chuckles, grabbing a bottle of bubbly from the shelf.
“Waaa- no Bella can’t drink in her condition,” Eisuke yells and you kick his violently when Soryu isn’t looking.
“Condition?” Soryu asks puzzled.
“Yeah, do not remember the last time she drank and she threw up evvvverywhere” Ota giggled, chiming in to save Eisuke blurting something out.
“Oh yeah,” Soryu chuckled, thank god for Ota.
You had rushed home, you didn’t want anything else to get in the way or ruin your surprise.
“Come here, Mrs.Oh,” Soryu said, pulling you tight into his arms as he kisses you passionately, you pulling him down to deep the kiss. He snakes his hand over yous, and throws the bag you was holding to the floor but scooping you in his arms and carrying you bridal style to your bedroom, just like he had done on your wedding day. 
After your long afternoon of love making you finally get to work on Soryu’s surprise. You were going to make him dinner and present him with the test. You had told him to stay away from the kitchen until you were done. You shook as you placed the food on the table, lighting candles across the room before putting the test you had sneaked out of your draw earlier into the bag with the baby grow and placing into the to table.
“Soryu!” You called with a deep breath. You watched as your husband emerged with a bouquet of red roses and white lilies, your favourite and presented them to you.
“I tried to get one for everyday I’ve loved you, but the florist said that amount of flowers would flood the room,” He says with a subtle blush and you feel your eyes tear up, god bless this man. You put the flowers down and gestured  him to sit at the table. His eyes peaked at the bag and you took a breath.
“Open it,”.
He reached forward and tore the paper out from inside it like a child at christmas before pulling out the baby grow and giving a chuckle, clearly he hadn’t clocked. You gesture to him and he reaches future into the bag before pulling out the test and his hands begin to shake. His eyes look gaze of it before looking at you and then the baby grow and back to you.
“Your-” He says, trembling and you give him a nod. He stands up and rushes to you, the stone cold mafia man was on his knees, pressing kisses to your stomach lightly sobbing, making you over emotional as well.
“When did?”.
“I found out yesterday, I wanted to tell you as soon as I knew but you had to go work,”.
“Wait, is that why Eisuke said about your condition earlier?”. You sighed at his question.
“He saw me in the shop with this and it kinda clicked with him, I didn’t want anyone to know until you knew” You responded, running your fingers through his hair.
“I love you so much, thank you for giving me the greatest gift you ever could,” Soryu whispers before whispering more sweet words to your stomach.
“Oh there’s any other thing…” You say.
“We already have four god-fathers,”.
“That doesn’t surprise me one bit,” He chuckled.
“You're going to be so loved,” He whispered, pressing a kiss to your stomach. 
Once you both officially told the bidders together there was a massive celebration amongst you all. The drinks between them all were flowing, each other so happy for you both. You told Soryu to relax and enjoy his night with them, after all this wouldn’t happen for a while once the baby arrived. You watched as Soryu and Eisuke shared a sweet but extremely drunk moment.
“Your going to be a dad! You! You hated women,”.
“I know, but I found the one and only woman for me,”.
“I’m so happy for you,” Eisuke said through sobs causing Soryu to also sob, being an absolute hormonal wreck you began to cry too. 
You woke up one night unable to sleep, you were heavily pregnant.
“You okay?” Soryu said shooting up, he was on high alert and you gave him a reassuring nod.
“Yeah, she’s just being a madam and kicking again,” You whined. Soryu chucked and turned around.
“Now listen you, I know you're being stubborn, just like your mom and keeping us waiting, but don’t keep us waiting much longer, I can’t wait to meet you little girl,” He whispers, rubbing your bump and pressing kisses to it. You well up with emotions, this man was the definition of perfect. 
“Can you help me up, I need to pee again,” You whine, physically unable to pull yourself up off the bed. Soryu helps you to your feet as you waddle to the bathroom before stopping.
“Soryu!”. He comes running in after you.
“My waters broke…”.
“Ohmygod, she coming? She’s coming!” He yells before slightly panicking. You had the hospital bag ready and packed at the door and he helped you into the car before ringing the group chat he had made with all the bidders.
“Just breathe, it's okay, guys, she’s ready, our baby girl is finally arriving,” He yells in a calm but panicked voice as he grips your hand, reassuring you over every step. 
After hours of agonising labour, Soryu holding your hand through all of it, not leaving your side, she finally arrived. You enjoyed every moment and tiny detail of her, but you was exhausted. You held her tightly to you as Soryu leaned over you both, crying slightly, and stroking your hair.
“We made her, you did so good baby, so so good,” He whispered.
 “I love you so much, both of you, both my girls,” His voice filled with love as he cradled you both close to him.  He had changed so much since you first met him, no more being a stern reluctant man, instead he was full of love, joy and emotions.
There was a slight knock at the door and you watched as the four bidders came in, Baba already sobbing. They gathered around you, Soryu holding you both close to him, his face full of love as he introduced your baby to the rest of the family.
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starkerxstarker · 4 years
This fic is for @twokinkybeans​ 600 follower line prompt challenge!
My prompt was: "If you sass me one more time, I'm just gonna have to find something else to occupy your mouth with."
Title: Interrupted Rating: E Words: 2336 Warnings: None
Read on Ao3 
Tony had been busy recently. SI business had been taking up all of Tony’s attention all this week. On Monday Tony had to clean up after a PR fiasco when a tabloid published blatant lies over the weekend. There was no doubt Tony would win the lawsuit, it was a clear case of libel and Tony has world class lawyers to boot. But the situation still monopolized all of the man’s time for the beginning of the week.
Directly after that, Tony had nearly back to back meetings with business partners, both current and prospective. Tony barely got meals in between all the phone calls, conferences, meetings, and press releases. He even had a meeting at three in the morning because some investors from China wouldn’t budge on their time schedule.
All of this left Peter feeling rather neglected. Of course, he knew Tony couldn’t help it, it wasn’t his fault and he wasn’t ignoring Peter on purpose. Tony was an important man with important business to attend to. But that didn’t change the fact that Peter had hardly gotten to spend any quality time with his boyfriend for days and no sex for nearly a week.
Tony had promised Peter that Saturday would be just the two of them. No calls, no meetings, all of his attention would be for Peter. Which is why when Saturday morning rolled around and Tony’s business phone rang, interrupting their sleepy make out session before it even really began, Peter was extremely irritable.
Tony groaned as he pulled away from Peter and gave him an apologetic look before he snatched the offending cell phone off the bedside table. But the look did nothing to comfort Peter. He did his best not to huff like an agitated toddler as Tony sat up, leaving the bed and answered the call with a put on professional voice.
Peter watched with a frown as Tony pulled on some sweats from their drawers along with an old t-shirt and headed out of the bedroom towards his office room, turning back to mouth a silent ‘I’m sorry’ to Peter before exiting. Peter sighed to himself in the now empty room, trying not to be too upset. He knows it would be a disaster if Tony just blew off that call, but it doesn’t stop Peter from being disappointed. After a few minutes of moping Peter decides to get up and head for a shower. Maybe by the time he’s done with a long shower, Tony’s call will be wrapped up, and then Peter will already be clean and prepared to spend the rest of their day together.
So Peter takes his sweet time in the shower, letting the water get nice and hot before he even steps in, soaking himself under the spray thoroughly before lathering himself with fancy lavender scented body wash. He even double washes his hair.  The brand of shampoo and conditioner Tony buys makes Peter’s hair extremely soft. He does whatever he can to drag it out trying to at least enjoy it, hoping Tony will be free when he gets out.
But when Peter is finished toweling off, getting dressed, and even blow drying his hair, Tony is nowhere to be found in the bedroom, kitchen, or living room. Which means he’s still preoccupied in his home office. Peter swallows down his disappointment and irritation and figures he can kill some more time with breakfast.
The coffee maker has half a pot still warm, Tony must have made himself a mug while Peter was showering. Peter pours himself a large mug and decides on toast and some fruit since he’s really not in the mood to actually cook. He eats slowly at the kitchen island, but as he’s reaching his last sips of coffee and his final nibbles of toast, Tony still hasn’t reappeared.
Ordinarily, Peter wouldn’t intrude into Tony’s office space. He only uses it when absolutely necessary. If Tony had his way, he wouldn’t even have an office area at home, keeping Stark Industries solely at work. But sometimes that just wasn’t possible. But this was supposed to be their day together, finally, after a busy week, and Peter just wanted to check in to see if Tony was almost done.
He quietly entered the room to see Tony sitting in his office chair, looking as irritated as Peter felt. He curtly spoke into the phone saying that “No. That wouldn’t be possible, I’m sorry,” in a tone that indicated that he was, in fact, not sorry at all. It took him a few moments to even acknowledge Peter’s presence with a glance, and as it looked like he was about to open his mouth to speak to him, he cut himself off with an incredulous “No” before launching into a rant about how business deals are supposed to work.
That goes on for a few minutes before Peter speaks up, “Tony?”
It catches the man’s attention and he pushes mute on his phone before he responds to Peter, “Honey, I’m sorry this is really important.” He speaks quickly.
“Yeah, I know. I just-” but before Peter can even inquire about how much longer it’s going to take, Tony has already unmuted himself and is back bickering with whoever is on the other line. Peter’s irritation grows, nearly at a breaking point, seeing as Tony’s spent the past almost two and a half hours on a work call on what was supposed to be a work free day.
Peter waits a good ten minutes more, hoping he can wait it out but there seems to be no end in sight. He speaks again when there’s a length of time when Tony is quiet, “Do you know when you’ll be done?” He asks, trying to not sound annoyed but Tony just waves him off, obviously trying to listen to the phone and not Peter.
Peter scoffs at that, his irritation boiling over now, and calls out Tony’s name more insistently. Tony once again mutes his call and turns to Peter. “Peter. This is a critical deal, you really can’t keep interrupting me.”
Peter doesn’t hold back mouthing off this time, grumbling. “They interrupted us first.” Which was true, but Tony didn’t seem to appreciate the sentiment as he scowled.
“If you sass me one more time, I'm just going to have to find something else to occupy your mouth with until I’m done,” Tony all but growls out. Peter thinks he’s won over the man’s attention. Sure, warming Tony’s cock while he’s on the phone definitely isn’t what Peter had in mind today but it sure will get the ball rolling in the right direction.
So Peter spits out a bratty ‘whatever’ to provoke Tony one last time, and it works because Tony’s eyes darken, then he snaps his fingers and points down to his feet in a clear command for Peter to come kneel. Which he immediately does while trying to keep his excitement hidden behind a grouchy look and an eye roll as he sinks to his knees between Tony’s legs, already wanting to pull Tony’s cock out of his pants.
But Tony bats his hands away with a sharp ‘no’ as he shifts to keep the phone pressed to his ear with his shoulder and leans over to open one of his desk drawers. Peter is confused why he’s being denied but waits and watches as Tony pulls out a plain black box. He slides it open to reveal what seems to be a substantially sized dildo, which confuses Peter even more until he realizes it’s actually a cock gag and that is not what he was wanting out of this situation.
Peter didn’t even know they had one of those, but Tony often hides gifts and future surprises in his office because he knows Peter never comes into the room. So there’s no chance Peter would accidentally come across the secrets. This must be one of those items. Peter groans quietly, extremely disappointed that even now, he’s still not getting his boyfriend’s cock.
Tony only taps at Peter’s chin and commands ‘open’ to which Peter begrudgingly obeys. The gag is pushed into Peter’s mouth and it’s definitely big, bigger than Tony’s cock for sure. It reaches the back of his throat and the girth isn’t forgiving either, but it's not unmanageable. Peter swallows a few times to try to get adjusted as Tony secures the latch at the back of Peter’s head, keeping the gag firmly in its place.
“That should keep you quiet until I’m done,” Tony says smugly, clearly knowing this was not what Peter had expected. But almost immediately his attention is drawn back to the phone and he hastily unmutes himself to speak, Yes! Yes, I am listening. Yes, those terms are much more reasonable. I think I can work with that.” And just like that, Peter is ignored again in favor of the phone.
Peter is definitely not thrilled about the situation. He feels tricked, thinking he was finally going to get something after the long sexless, affectionless week. But here he is with his mouth stuffed with a toy when he’s only inches from the real thing. The synthetic cock is stiffer than a real one and doesn’t have much give, stretching his throat and his jaw enough to be mildly uncomfortable after a few minutes. With it pressing down on his tongue and being unable to close his mouth, saliva builds up and a bit of drool escapes his lips involuntarily.
It's somewhat humiliating to have a cock lodged in his throat, not even for the purpose of pleasuring, just to have him opened. Even more so with the fact that he’s being completely ignored. Tony talks on and on about negotiations that Peter really doesn’t care about and he wishes Tony would wrap it up already. The stretch of his jaw and the spit dripping down his chin are both becoming uncomfortable by the time Tony and the person on the other end of the call seem to reach an agreement and even after that it's nearly ten more minutes of parting formalities and goodbyes.
Once Tony finally ends the call and places the phone on his desk, Peter looks up at him expectantly, if not a bit resentfully. Tony turns his attention down to Peter, “Now it wasn’t so hard to just stay quiet while I was working, was it?” He asks in a condescending but playful tone. Peter only huffs through his nose in response.
“Look at you taking the new toy so well. I was saving it for a different occasion but it just fit so well right now, didn’t it?” Tony went on, still talking to himself as Peter couldn’t speak. “But you’ve waited all week long for the real thing. So I think it’s finally time you get it, hm?” Peter nods vigorously, as much as he can with the gag down his throat. Tony chuckles at the enthusiasm and releases the latch, gently pulling the toy from Peter’s mouth and sitting it on the desk for the time being. He swipes a thumb across Peter’s chin, collecting the drool that gathered there and wipes it off on his sweatpants. “Just drooling for my cock aren’t you baby?” he asks full and well knowing it was unavoidable due to the gag. “Go on, take your prize baby. You’ve earned it,” Tony encourages and Peter doesn’t waste another second shoving the waistband of Tony’s pants down and pulling his cock out.
“Finally,” Peter mutters before wrapping his lips around the head of Tony’s rapidly hardening cock. Peter makes a satisfied sound as he takes more into his mouth. Everything about Tony’s cock is so much better than the stupid gag. The taste, the texture, the warmth, all of it incomparable to the cheap imitation, no matter how expensive the toy may have been.
Tony hisses in pleasure as Peter sucks him down into his wet heat and tangles a hand in Peter’s soft hair. Peter is easily able to deepthroat him since he spent the last better half of an hour with his throat held open. Tony groans at the feeling, a deep rumble in his chest and he isn’t going to last very long like this. Peter wasn’t the only one suffering from blue balls over the past week, after all. “God, you feel so good Peter. Missed this so damn much.” Peter hums around Tony’s cock and he can feel the warning signs that Tony is getting close. His hips making small stuttering motions into Peter’s mouth as Peter takes him down to the root and laves his tongue all over the underside of his shaft.
Tony’s fingers tighten in Peter’s hair, pulling deliciously as he spills into Peter’s throat moaning his younger lover's name. Peter takes it all like a champ as spurts of cum are shot down his throat, only somewhat disappointed at the fact that he didn’t get much of a taste of it. Tony guides Peter off his cock by his hair, breathing heavily and looking down at the sight of Peter, cheeks pink, eyes blown wide with arousal, and lips shiny and swollen. If he was physically capable he could’ve came again from the sight alone. “Fuck… always so good for me Peter,” Tony muses as he lovingly strokes at Peter’s hair. “I’m sorry our day got interrupted.”
“I missed you this week,” Peter pouted, voice a bit strained between the gag and Tony’s cock.
“I know. I missed you too. But I promise, the rest of the day absolutely belongs to you. And tomorrow too,” Tony picks the cell phone up and completely shuts it off. “Anything anyone wants can wait until Monday,” he says decisively. “Now let’s get you off this floor.” He pulls Peter up from the floor and Peter climbs into Tony’s lap, crashing their lips together in a deep, needy kiss that sets the tone for the rest of their weekend.
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fandom-necromancer · 4 years
Furniture struggle part 2
This was prompted by @headfulloffantasy and the AO3 users imaginaryfriendashkun and DetReed900! Enjoy!
Fandom: Detroit become human | Ship: Reed900 [part 1]   [read on AO3]
Some new wallpapers and the essentials to survive didn’t make a flat a home. But more wasn’t possible in the short vacation time they were granted just after the revolution. Cases were coming in rapidly and they needed everyone back at the precinct as soon as possible. That’s why after all important work was done and they could both live in their new flat, Nines agreed to get back to work on 24/7 shifts. Gavin had protested against it but couldn’t say anything more as he was given a list of reasons. The main one being that Gavin couldn’t just forgo his vacation as his rent on his old flat was running out. He had to have all of his stuff out of his old home before the end of the week and moving was more difficult on his own when he didn’t have an android with superhuman strength and unlimited stamina at his side.
So, his days just got busier. Juggling watching over the shower installation crew, some technicians the landlord had sent over for the recently found water leak last minute, driving to and from his flat with his car to get out everything he could and carrying everything he couldn’t out for bulk collection, really took its toll on Gavin. And so, he was quite relieved when all was done and the last few days there would only be assembly of cupboards for kitchen and bedroom and more furniture for the bath- and living room.
Gavin swung back and forth in between the door to accept all the packages and his current projects, often forgetting a step during assembly or having to do it all over again because when he returned he had to find out which piece was what number again. It was a frustrating work, but in the end, he really liked the change. It was less a physically tasking one and more counting on endurance. Plus, the added satisfaction of seeing the assembled piece in its rightful place was enough to keep him going.
He couldn’t wait to see Nines’ reaction when he got home after his inhumane shifts and be able to relax in a fully furnished flat. Maybe they could spend the weekend on their new sofa. Or maybe the new king-sized bed? Either way it would play out, Gavin looked forward to spending it with his love.
Nines hadn’t minded staying at the precinct the rest of the week. It had been the normal for androids before the revolution, so he had supposed it would be easy for him. But knowing he could have spent his evenings with his human made it all the worse. He was so looking forward to the weekend when he could see him again. He was also quite excited to see how much work Gavin had managed on their flat. He hoped he hadn’t done too much. He already felt guilty leaving the man alone with it all.
Maybe it would have dampened his mood once he saw what awaited him at home.
Gavin had put the small brass name plate just above the doorbell and Nines affectionately let his thumb run over it before opening the door. Nines & Gavin Reed. He would never not love the sound of that. ‘Gavin I’m ho-‘
The words got stuck in his throat as his sensors overwhelmed him with new data. He had been about to hang up his coat on the clothing hanger, but froze mid-movement. ‘Oh, Nines! Welcome back! God, I missed you! Here, let me take that!’ Gavin came running in for a quick kiss, before snatching the coat from him and throwing it over the hook. ‘Come on, come on! Let me show you around! I got everything set up while you were gone and I’m loving it!’ Nines allowed himself to be pulled into the living room and swallowed hard. It was hard to think of anything Gavin had created as less than perfect as the man was perfect in every way, but… it was hard to look at. Incongruencies in size and shape, minutely wrong aligned edges and uneven surfaces. It might be along the five percent variation that humans couldn’t see or didn’t mind and looked nicely to a human, but he wasn’t. He was an android designed to be better and… it troubled him. ‘Do you like it?’, Gavin asked. ‘I just put it where I thought it would look best, but if you want something somewhere else, I’ll gladly change it!’ Nines looked around, desperately looking for a way out. ‘It’s nice’, he finally managed to press out, but he hadn’t expected the static a lie often brought with itself. Gavin, ever the attentive Detective, immediately frowned and looked up at Nines. ‘Hey, what’s wrong? We can talk about it. It is your flat, too and I want you to be comfortable.’ ‘It’s all crooked’, Nines admitted. ‘Minutely. I don’t even know if you would pick it up, but I see it everywhere.’ ‘Like the screw thing?’ ‘Like the screw thing’, Nines nodded. ‘But you got over it’, Gavin remembered, cocking his head. ‘Do you think you can bear this?’
As an answer, Nines took the screw out if his pocket. ‘You… How… Oh my god.’ ‘I went to search it in the night’, Nines confessed. ‘I meant to put it in once I was alone, but I didn’t have the chance to yet.’ ‘That…’ Gavin stopped, looking at the screw. ‘That still bothers you?’ Nines looked over to the shelf he had assembled, the knowledge there was a component missing not as pressing now as seeing all the other furniture abhorrently assembled. ‘Not anymore I guess’, Nines said. ‘Do you think it will be the same with the rest? Can you live like this?’ ‘I will make do’, Nines sighed. ‘Maybe it will make me less machine-like.’
Gavin stepped closer and took the android’s hands in his. ‘Hey, I love you as you are, tin-can. If you can’t stand it, you can tell me. I didn’t plan to spend my weekend like this, but we can disassemble everything and redo it so it isn’t as bad for you.’ ‘That’s nice of you’, Nines nodded and squeezed his hands. ‘But you spent so much time with it, I think I will try first. Maybe I will get used to it.’ Gavin chuckled, trying to lift the android’s spirits to make him feel less guilty about judging the human. ‘Hey, you got used to all my irregularities somehow.’ Nines huffed in amusement. ‘I did. Maybe with time I will love our home nearly as much as I do you, then.’ ‘Oh, c’mon, quit the cheesy shit!’ ‘Make me.’
That was something Gavin didn’t have to be told twice. Immediately he pushed Nines towards the sofa until he fell onto the still new smelling cushions on top of him and kissed him. Maybe that would give his sensors something else to fuzz over.
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80s-roger · 4 years
Not On My Watch (pt 5)
Pairing: Dad!Roger x Mum!Reader
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summary: you’re divorced with queen’s roger taylor due to constant cheating and irrational behaviour towards you. but u have one person in common: your daughter, Laura aka your favourite human on earth. Your marriage with roger had its ups and downs but laura was the happiness in it. Now that she’s 8 and starts to realise how your terms with roger are, you finally tell her that you’re seeing another man except her father and she took it really warmly. She seemed excited to meet the new man unlikely your ex husband who accidentally learns about it by Laura, the weekend you would leave her at his place: on weekends you had some cute getaways with R/N because the court decided that Laura could stay or visit her dad on weekends and stay with him for five days each Christmas and easter vacations. On summers he has the right to be with her for two weeks.
check: masterlist // dialogue prompts
If you haven't read the previous chapters, here they are: part one // part two // part three // part four
note: it wasn’t supposed to be this specific plot, but I promise you the good one is at next one ;)
warnings: flashback scenes, angst, fluff
words: 2,849
taglist: @madeinheavxn​ @namelesslosers​ @stacymaytaylor​ (send me an ask or a message if you want to be tagged)
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You set the table, eating like a proper family for the first time in two and a half years. Laura was extremely happy seeing her family reunited. You were telling her stories from the past, which she found intriguing and interesting. You didn't forget mentioning about Roger taking you with him on tour in the United States, a year after started dating. It was the first time you went abroad. You fell for Roger hard. Losing him made you lose yourself too.
"Wow mum, you never told me stories with dad. Fairytales are boring." She gasped after hearing your US experience.
"Why didn't you tell her stories about us?" Roger curiously asked.
"Because at the time, our marriage was going downhill. You know, so I tried to not think of you." You answered.
"Oh.." he didn't have to say something. "So Laura, do you want to hear another story of mum and me?" He asked. Meanwhile, you prepared the dishes for the washing machine. Laura nodded, waiting for the narration.
"So you're going out with Kath's friend?" Brian asked Roger.
"Yes," Roger answered while fixing himself at the mirror. "So Kath is your new girlfriend? I thought she was a groupie." He joked.
"Haha, very funny." Brian mocked him. "She's a nice company." He added.
"What about the bone zone?" The blond drummer pondered with a naughty smile on his face.
"That's good too, I don't complain." He shared a laugh with his friend. "So where will you meet her?" He questioned.
"Outside of the pub we met." He answered. "Where should I take her?" Roger nervously asked as if he never went on a date.
"Where do you take most of the girls you like?" Brian asked trying to help him think rationally.
"Bed?" He said back and gained an eye roll from Brian. "But Y/N is so hard to get, I don't know. I'm afraid if I say something wrong she'll lose interest in any second." He mumbled.
"Easy Rog.." Brian tried to calm his friend down. "She agreed to go on a date with you, that's progress, right?" He continued. Roger nodded. "Which means she finds you cute or hot or I don't know how girls describe us." He chuckled at the end making the blond drummer laugh.
"Alright, maybe if I take her to some other pub where we can talk?" Roger thought again.
"Excellent. She's not like the other girls you date, Roger. She's, you know, -" Brian tried to explain what type of girl you are.
"The I-want-the-man-to-chase-me. She's screaming that." Roger described what girl you are and he was right. "It was so hard for me to get to talk with her after our gig ended, I'm even surprised she finally agreed." He added, now wearing his perfume, ready to meet you.
"She likes you, pal. Good luck!" Brian hugged his friend and Roger was on his way to meet you.
You were nervous too. You didn't want to be late. You were used to never arriving on time, but this time, it was a date with a man you liked from the first moment, as much as you denied it. There wouldn't be any other second chance with him, he'd become a famous rockstar.
"There you are!" Roger spotted you coming faster to his place.
"Shit, am I late?" You asked, checking your watch.
"No, no, I just arrived." He was waiting for you, for about ten minutes. But he came at the checkpoint a little earlier due to impatience seeing you.
"Alright then." You stopped a little to catch your breath. Your high heels hurt your feet by walking so fast. But you wanted to look beautiful. The blue dress you were wearing had Roger staring at it and you all the time.
"You look so beautiful Y/N." He gasped as he was checking you out. "Nice dress, nice heels, nice hair, nice you." He ended the compliment with a hand kiss. He really wanted you to catch feelings for him.
"Thank you, Roger." You smiled after receiving his kiss and his compliments. "Where can we go?" You asked.
"There's another pub downtown that plays jazz music and we can talk without shouting." He joked and gently grabbed your hand, opened the door for you and placed you inside.
"Oh, I like jazz." You were surprised that he was probably into jazz. You waited for him to get into his red Renault car.
"Perfect, let's go." He started the engine and nervousness hit your body. You were shaking, feeling like throwing up. A handsome guy next to you, an upcoming legend wants to go on a date with you. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked after stopping at the red traffic light. He checked your hands trembling and gently placed his on yours. "You're not cold, are you?" He asked. You can't be cold on a May night.
"No, I'm just a little nervous." You tried to keep smiling. You're not the tough girl he met a couple of days ago, but a vulnerable nineteen-year-old girl trying to find love.
Roger was feeling split: He had two options in his head. Should he take you to the pub you both agreed or somewhere isolated to talk with no one seeing. That would make you feel more uncomfortable.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked waiting for any answer. "You want me to keep driving or stop somewhere? I promise I won't do anything." He shared his ideas with you. You looked at him confused.
"Could you stop somewhere, please?" You politely asked trying to not sound bitter after your sudden mood.
"Sure, are you alright?" He asked again, trying to find any isolated place for you two.
"Yes, it happens a lot when I'm feeling nervous." You explained.
He didn't say a word. Until he found that place, behind a church, with no soul around. It seemed creepy if you consider you are on the car with a man you met a week ago. But you liked him.
"Listen, if you are feeling nervous, we can call it off." He showed empathy at you feeling awkward.
"No, I won't have another chance with you if we call it off." You got out of the car, trying to get some air. Roger followed your moves, now standing behind you.
"What do you mean?" He asked raising his hands.
"I mean you'll become famous and everything that goes with it and you'll forget about me anyways." You tried to explain.
"Why would I forget you? I like you." He straightforwardly said, sending you shivers.
"I like you too, but I don't want me to love you."  You are a person full of emotions, throwing that to Roger made him feel weird.
"Why are you talking about love? This is a date, not a wedding." He objected.
"Exactly, I'm afraid if we become a girlfriend-boyfriend thing, I'll eventually love you and then things will get nasty." You could look years away. Look at you now.
"Are you nuts? I wanted to get to know you, I want to know you well, be my girlfriend, how do we call these things?" He questioned.
"Relationship." You answered turning around, to face him. "Would you like that? I wanted that for years." You asked trying to hide your desperation. But you couldn't.
"Hold on, you never had a relationship?" He asked confused, coming closer to you.
"Don't make fun of that, I never liked the boys who approached me." You admitted. You could see his eyes, sparkling from excitement because he knew now how inexperienced you were on that part. A hopeless romantic with huge fantasy.
"Well, I'd like to be the one." He smirked and grabbed his hands around your waist, pulled you into his arms and kissed your lips. Your first kiss ever. His lips harmoniously moved onto yours giving them what they needed all this time. Tenderness. "How was that?" He asked, his eyes now focused on yours.
"Amazing." You licked your lips and smiled, not feeling nervous anymore.
"Is the pub still a plan?" He asked.
"Yes." You were so hyped after your kiss you couldn't focus on anything besides Roger. His hand caught yours leading you back to his car.
Flashback ended.
"Wow, mum!" She turned to your place. "Dad was your first kiss?" She asked fully awed by the narration.
"Yes, he was." You blushed as you both looked at each other. He was fluttered by your current reaction. Your first everything.
"Oh dad, tell me more!" She begged for more stories, but it was time to leave.
"No young lady, I need to have some other memories between your mum and me." He playfully berated her. "Besides, we have to take you to Laura." You stood up from the chairs and moved towards the hall, wearing your shoes.
"Mum, will you tell me these stories instead of fairytales?' She asked while Roger helped her once more with tying her shoes.
"Yes, I will." You answered. You wanted to tell her stories about you and her father, but most of these are explicit. Not special for children.
Roger drove off to John's house to leave Laura. "I'll take her inside." He declared and you stayed in the car to wait.
"Daddy, what about my stuff?" She asked.
"We're going to mum's place now to take your stuff. We'll come again." He rubbed her head before knocking the door.
"Hey Roger, I was waiting for you now." He smiled at his bandmate and turned his gaze to Laura. "Hello, Laura! The other Laura waits for you inside! Come in!" He kissed her head.
"Bye, daddy!" She hugged him and walked inside the house.
"I'll come back again to bring her clothes and tomorrow's books for school," Roger said.
"Sure. I'm waiting for the details tomorrow." John winked.
"Ah, I see where you're getting with that." Roger laughed. "Just the abstract." He joked and left the grand house to come back to you.
"You have the keys to your apartment?" Roger asked you.
"Yes. And a piper spray for any case." You showed him that, referring to R/N who could wait for you around the corner.
"He won't harm you, over my dead body." He reassured you and placed a kiss on your forehead. "Shall we go?" He asked and you nodded.
There wasn't any talk during the car drive, but that didn't make it awkward. It was a peaceful silence you used to have before the dark days arrived. You couldn't hide your fear though, it was visible. Your hands were rubbing your thighs nervously. Roger, noticed your behaviour and placed his hand on yours. "It's going to be alright. That's why I'm here, with you." He placed his head on yours, giving you a reassuring kiss. You hugged him in return, feeling his scent against your senses. He smelled amazing. His perfume combined with nicotine was what you could characterize him.
You opened your apartment's door, seeing the inside of the house upside down. You knew he would fuck it up. All you could think of was who's going to clean this mess?
"Oh God-" you gasped and closed the door behind you.
"Y/N, don't worry we'll fix this mess together." He reassured you. "Do you think he did it on purpose?" He asked trying to figure out what was R/N's intent.
"Shit." You gasped again, looking at your ex-husband horrified.
"What?" He asked after seeing you turning pale.
"FUCK." You yelled, running to Laura's bedroom, looking for your diary. He knew about it.
You searched for it at the place you're hiding it and thanked your lucky stars it was up there inside the pillows you keep at the closet. "Oh God, oh God, thank you!" You stared above, kicking out all your angst while holding your huge notebook. It was clever of you to hide something personal at your daughter's room, in a cupboard she never uses. Roger followed you and sat next to you.
"Y/N, you alright?" He asked placing his hand at your back. His eyes fell at the notebook you were tightly holding. "What's this?" He curiously asked and tried to hold it but you politely refused. "Oh. Is it personal?" He questioned.
"I was keeping a diary all this time." You confessed.
"A diary? How long?" He asked as he was checking all these used pages.
"Before you." You smiled and scrolled a few of your pages.
"Wow, that's a lot..." he was amused. "So I guess I'm in there, aren't I?" He asked checking for assurance.
"Don't guess. Be sure." You smiled.
"Can I see just one page please?" He politely asked.
"I'll show you my favourite." You seemed too excited to get to a specific page.
Roger next to you was smiling through the entire process, trying to read while pages were fastly zapping, until you stopped somewhere from the first twenty pages. He focused on your point of view, trying to understand what you were writing about.
"Oh, your first time." He awed. After reading the sentence: my heart was beating so fast at the moment he was inside me, even my soul could see his, from our eyes. "I didn't know you were so sentimental about it." His cheeks blushed from everything you wrote.
"Of course I was, it was my first time. I loved you, Roger." You opened your heart to him for one more time. His eyes were wide opened. It was the first time he got to hear from you how you really felt about your first time. He continued reading to the next day, how you behaved after your first time.
It had to happen right? Or not? My parents are going to kill me. It should have happened after marriage. That's what they've been saying all my life. I love Roger but he would never settle for a wedding. He's a rockstar now, he would probably abandon me if I ask him to marry me. I have to keep it a secret.
"Y/N, you never told me that your parents are against sex before the wedding." He was shocked at what you were writing.
"I know, I had to do it, otherwise you'd break up with me. I didn't want that at the time." You said feeling secure now that he's still by your side.
"Oh, baby..." he whispered and kept you in his arms. "Was it too important to your family to keep your virginity?" He asked.
"It was for them to keep it until my wedding night." You started. "But you know? I only wanted to give it to the man I loved so bad one summer night. And it was special for me, you made it all about me." You continued and stayed in his arms for a couple of minutes. "They always believed my first time was at our wedding."
"I think you have to take this with you. It's not safe on its own. We should grab Laura's stuff and drive them off to John's." You both stood up and put your daughter's stuff in a bag.
You got in the car again, still silent. You were just reading random pages from your diary, getting all emotional. From you meeting him, dating him, marrying him, giving birth to his child, divorcing him... You wrote many things in there. It has an emotional value. You knew by now that Roger was the only person you wouldn't bother reading it, after your permission of course, because almost every page has his name on it.
After giving Laura her stuff, you went back to Roger's fancy house. You were getting used to getting there. He looked like wanting to stay with you again, without including the disagreements. He opened the door and you both walked upstairs, leading to his bedroom.
"Do you think you should stay here now?" He asked.
"Why?" You returned as you placed your diary at the nightstand.
"That asshole could come to your place, any moment. You're not safe." He explained. "Maybe you should stay here. With me." He came closer to you, his face inches away from yours. You didn't say anything. Just let him do all the work for you.
His kiss was deep and his hands couldn't restrict themselves from touching your waist. These couple of days, you are much closer than you were when your marriage went downhill. You wanted to give it a chance.
"Tonight, I want you to be loud. I missed that." He stated, looking you into your eyes.
"Loud?" You asked, trying to understand his motives.
"Really loud. This is why Laura isn't here." He winked and left his room, going to the bathroom to take a shower.
"You're the filthiest man I know!" You playfully yelled at him.
"Oh, I know love!" He loudly answered from the bathroom and so on, you went downstairs to fix two glasses of red wine. Chilling situations like these, haven't happened since Laura was a baby.
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