#cusp signs
astrologygirl96 · 1 year
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jyeshindra · 10 months
Astrolovations (I)
Hey there! Just noting down some things I observe and connections I make regarding astrology. And yes, I made up a new word. Deal with it.
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You can always spot an Aquarius by that look in their eye and a half smile. Like they're judging you, studying you, and experiencing you all at the same time.
More feminine Aquarians give me cool-girl vibes. They're detached and kind of removed from things, but super chill at the same time. Friendly and open but they have and will express their boundaries.
The more masculine Aquarians can fit that stubborn, know-it-all Aquarian stereotype a bit better. These more unhealed Aquarians are so difficult. Fixed air? Saturn and Uranus dominance? This is not a person who will follow other people's rules. A frustrating energy for sure. I dare say it's giving asshole. LOL
Sagittarius and Gemini make a good duo, but these signs are likely to solely be intellectual. Neither sign is very good at feeling. They aren't emotional! And they may talk about emotions...sure! But don't be fooled!
The most important thing to a Sagittarius Moon? Their freedom! They won't do well in relationships where the other is constantly telling them how to live their life and making critical analyses. Remember this sign is half-man and half-beast. That lower half wants to frolick and go wherever it wishes! If it feels pinned down or caged, it'll fight back or just disappear.
Taureans are always listening. These people are super wise and super knowledgeable but they won't be obvious about it like a Sagittarius or Gemini. It reminds me of how earth has this ability to hold things and fossilize things over time. Taurus kind of has this energy. I think it's the receptivity of Venus in Fixed Earth. AND that Scorpio opposition. Both of these signs are super observant and notice the little details. Their intuitive knowledge is gained from absorbing so much over time and letting that information marinate. It's how they both are able to create such amazing foundations for themselves.
I do believe in cuspy energy. But only cause Sidereal exists. A lottt of people are two different signs in two different systems. Cusps feel like the same sort of situation to me. But also...if you have your birth time you know which sign you fall under, which destroys the whole cusp argument.
I actually do kinda identify more with my Vedic chart than my Tropical chart. I see both energies, but my Pisces Sun/Scorpio Moon makes so much sense to me. Especially once I learned I'm Jyeshtha!
Speaking of Jyeshtha...the voices of these natives are usually distinguishable in some way. I think this may be Mercury-ruled nakshatras in particular (Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati) but I can only feel strongly about Jyeshtha with this one. I mean Charlie Sheen...Donald Trump...even Nicki Minaj. The voices are so distinct. Even my Jyeshtha professor has a pretty distinct, raspy voice.
The way trauma has made certain aspects of my chart invisible to me. Part of what makes this practice so interesting to me is how much of my chart is waiting to be lit up by my own future. There's mysteries inside of me I haven't even met yet.
I think the last four zodiac moon signs (Cap, Pisces, Sag, and Aqua) can deal with their emotions in a very existential way. It's almost like they're thinking about their emotions in relationship to bigger/large concepts or constructs. Their perspective is already geared towards a "bigger picture" so to speak. They'll often handle their emotions in an impersonal way too. Aquarius will rationalize it, Capricorn will likely fall into pessimism or suppress it, Pisces may wallow and succumb to existential dread, Sagittarius will also intellectualize or avoid it altogether!
That's all for this round of observations! Stay tuned for the next edition.
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
Cancer and Basic Survival
Sign of cancer often denotes what someone needs bare minimum.
Cancer on 1st Cusp: Basic defense, at least an argument to defend
Cancer on 2nd Cusp: Basic security, food clothing and shelter
Cancer on 3rd Cusp: Basic intelligence, at least high school.
Cancer on 4th Cusp: Basic happiness, at least a candy to feel happy.
Cancer on 5th Cusp: Basic creativity, at least a kid's story.
Cancer on 6th Cusp: Basic tools, at least an ability to fix water tap.
Cancer on 7th Cusp: Basic relationship, at least one fling.
Cancer on 8th Cusp: Basic intimacy, at least a cuddle.
Cancer on 9th Cusp: Basic faith, at least a small prayer
Cancer on 10th Cusp: Basic job, at least a delivery job.
Cancer on 11th Cusp: Basic friendship, at least one friend to care
Cancer on 12th Cusp: Basic rest, at least a nap after lunch.
Checkout Readings now DM
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lunadileo · 1 year
🌟 Leo In The 9th House 🌟
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✨ Natives with Leo in their 9th house are well-travelled. They have a very powerful subconsciousness and strive to be the best at what they are doing. They spend a lot of time studying the subjects they are interested in (for example, politics, public relations, philosophy, spiritual topics) and are very good at teaching other people. They speak with power and authority, being confident in themselves and in what they are preaching. When travelling, they absolutely love to learn about new places, cultures, cuisines and landmarks. They have great skills in learning foreign languages. These people strongly believe in themselves and are confident in their forces. Many people look up to them for how much they have gone through in life and came out as a winner!
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✨ Some people see natives with Leo in 9th house as arrogant and boastful as sometimes they tend to act intellectually superior. They put a high emphasis on knowledge, be it self-development or getting higher education as this is a symbol of status to them. Natives with Leo in the 9th house learn early on in life who they are. They define and validate themselves. They have a very high level of self-confidence and self-respect and would never allow anyone to dictate them who to be and how to live their life. They are very independent in their views and opinions about everything in life. They are their own bosses and do what they want.
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✨ These natives are very enthusiastic, ready to live their life to the fullest. Inspiration comes easily for them, they are very creative and passionate in whatever they do. Natives with Leo in the 9th house are natural born leaders, great spiritual mentors. They are able to lead people to become their best confident and successful selves. They are constantly working on bettering themselves, focused on self-improvement. They are very confident in their skills and abilities when it comes to their education and have a lot of academic success. Once these natives set their mind on a certain belief or philosophy, it's almost impossible to change it no matter how many people try to influence them.
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✨ Natives with Leo in the 9th house can gain popularity and recognition in foreign countries. People admire and look up to them. These natives consider themselves to be a worldwide person and feel comfortable living in a foreign country. It gives them freedom and joy to expand their horizons. They have great opportunities to settle in foreign lands, gain admiration and love from other people. Natives born with Leo in Ninth House can learn from people with authority, like their boss or the man who raised them, but can’t be influenced by women to attain their true potential.
© 2023 Credits to my blog @lunadileo ღ
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wheremyhugat2003 · 1 month
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this was me on the way to the beach in santa monica this past march just before i turned 21. me n my sister got sandwiches n diet cokes. n listened to bittersweet symphony driving thru the mountains . nd i cried . it wuz awrsome. ive been having recurring dreams ab the ocean for months now for the first time since i was a little girl. but it always used to be me being the age that i am now unconscious sinking deeper into the water. it was always dark. now when i dream about the ocean its always beautiful, bright blue, clear and peaceful. just like how it was when i saw it on the west coast for the first time. when i wake up , i think about the ocean. when i go to sleep, i only ever dream of it …
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samanthasgone · 4 months
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Credit: sportsforthegirls
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shallanspren · 1 year
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natsmagi · 1 year
i dont think u guys understand how stressful summer birthday gachas in enstars are for me
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m3lssposts · 1 year
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
Who are you more drawn towards nature 🌿 or water 💧 characters?
So I do like both, but I'd be more drawn to water characters. Water is like a perfect aesthetic that is incredibly flexible with however you want to do it. It can be serene, playful, adventurous, mysterious, or even spooky and unnerving. Especially playing off that fear of what's below.
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So water I'm always more drawn towards. For water associated characters, you just never know what you're going to get, which can make them refreshing (pun intended). And it's an element I'm just always drawn towards. Beach vacations are always the best for me. When we go hiking my day gets even better when we come across a creek or river to wade and relax at. I enjoy swimming. And I got an aquarium and goldfish pond.
So I'm more partial to water characters.
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*cradles this fic*
You said Marius was an air sign, what's the zodiacs of your ocs?
Marius is a Gemini, Eveline is a Pisces, Jack is a Taurus*, Lottie is a Leo. Máire is Virgo sun/Sagittarius moon, she's got whole planet charts and her birthstone and zodiac stone and everything. Malwina is a Libra but got offended at the negative traits Máire told her and thinks its all silly, but sometimes she'll believe if she gets a good horoscope. She waffles on it.
(*Jack can't actually recall his birthday, so he'll take my word for it.)
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nixieofthenorth · 7 months
Pisces Masterpost
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Happy Pisces Season!
Pisces Sun
The Decanates of Pisces
Pisces – The Oracle
The Cusps of Pisces
Pisces Crystals
The Perfect Scent for Pisces
Pisces Food
Pisces & Animals
Witchcraft by sign – Pisces
A Pisces Thing
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killingmoon · 1 year
it’s the eve of my birthday >:-)
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apiscesthing · 8 months
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bitchkay · 1 year
I still can't believe they made Aquia a Leo.
Like thinking about what I know about Leo's, and you're gonna tell me that's Aquia??? Aquia Avari???
Sure he didn't end up being an aquarius like I originally thought but all I'm saying is he could've been a Cancer- HE COULD'VE BEEN A CANCER‼
How tf they manage to take Aquia and make him the least possible compatibility with me--
And he's on the cusp of virgo too like-
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lfc-unbelievables · 1 year
Fuck it, Liverpool FC birth chart
(Please ignore the ascendant cos I don’t really know what time we were “born” so it’s just set as 12 nn)
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