#custom made fuse link
imperialchem · 5 months
Transmission and distribution manufacturers in India | radiantenterprises
Explore a comprehensive range of electrical transmission and distribution solutions with Radiant Enterprises, one of India's leading manufacturers. From outdoor support insulators to high-voltage primary bushings and custom-made fuse links, we specialize in delivering high-quality products tailored to your exact specifications. Trust Radiant Enterprises for top-of-the-line fuse cutouts and housings, along with high-current bushings engineered for maximum efficiency and durability.
Experience innovation and reliability like never before with Radiant Enterprises, your trusted partner in powering the future of electrical infrastructure.
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convito · 7 months
Blasting Off To The Past: Chapter 1: The Customers Are Used To This By Now
Finished chapter 1 of my fanfic based on @yamujiburo's Jessie/Delia Pokemon comics. The fact that it's just the first chapter is a development that materialized roughly 5 minutes ago when I realized this thing is getting way too long to write all at once. It's just a fun little day-in-the-life story because I wanted an excuse to write these characters.
Here's the AO3 link.
Below is the full chapter text. Enjoy!
“Meowth, I demand to know why you just kicked me!” James yelled dramatically.
“Don’t flatter yourself, I wouldn’t waste my time kicking you!” Meowth
The lunch rush took its toll on everyone in different ways. For Delia, the strain kept her too busy to notice anything outside the restaurant. For Jessie, it meant Delia wasn’t looking at her.
In the case of James and Meowth, it was dealer’s choice. Today, that meant each blaming the other for the table leg they each routinely tripped over. Meowth’s thimble-sized temper had reached a boiling point. James was mad by association.
Delia had been holding down the kitchen until the commotion piqued her attention, prompting a peek around the corner into the dining area. She saw Meowth seething as his serving tray clattered to the ground, trading leers with James whose serving tray remained pristinely perched atop his fingers.
Then time stood still as she saw Jessie burst in with a face that gave her conflicting feelings, making a Beedrill-line for the bickering duo. How she heard the noise from across town would remain a mystery. The love of Delia’s life was a lit fuse heading straight for a flamboyantly colored powder keg. The focus now needed to be heading off the stormfront before it turned the restaurant into a restauNOT (she took a second to chuckle at that).
“Jessie. Babe. Sweetie.”
The red menace continued undeterred. Delia raised her voice.
“Jessie, stop! Jessie! Honey!”
Still nothing. Delia was desperate.
Jessie screeched to a halt, bringing the universe with her. She and her two partners in something or other all turned their heads toward Delia, three identical faces of exaggerated shock. Though Jessie’s sported a tinge of crimson.
“I… buh…” she attempted.
“Delia made a swear,” Meowth whispered.
James simply covered his ears.
But whether through shock or sheer force of Delia’s long-bided power, the situation was defused for now. The residual fallout kept things together until the restaurant finally slowed down. James and Meowth lost their abrasion around each other, more or less back to their regular selves give or take the occasional shared look towards Delia. Granted, not unlike their usual behavior.
Jessie, meanwhile, had stuck around to help however she could. At the moment, she was employing her puppy dog eye technique to try and soften Delia’s mood every time her wife looked her way. Despite coming across more like bewildered Magikarp eyes, which had Delia desperately suppressing a snort laugh at every turn, it probably would have worked even if she actually had been angry.
Eventually, closing time arrived. Jessie had finally released Delia from her fishy look and was taking a break from cleaning to watch James and Meowth. The other two former Rockets were Taurosing around with each other as they took the garbage out back. Delia noticed a wistful look in her wife’s eye. It was one she’d been seeing a lot of lately.
“You miss the adventure, don’t you?” Delia asked warmly.
Jessie gave a slight start at this before nodding. They’d grown to know each other well enough that it was no surprise Delia could read her so intimately.
“I know we weren’t the good guys going after the twe- eh, Ash and Pikachu like that,” Jessie seemed just a bit embarrassed, “but getting out there and traveling around really got my juices moving.”
“Even more than our little battling vacations?”
“W-well, I wouldn’t say…” Jessie hesitated, but she knew she never needed to hide anything from Delia, especially after all this time. “Kinda, yeah.”
Jessie’s regular trips out into the region with Delia to explore and battle gym leaders had very quickly begun to rank among the highlights of her life, and she wouldn’t trade them for anything, no matter how shiny. But…
“I just miss the camaraderie with James and Meowth,” she found herself gushing. “I miss the cartoon-level plans we came up with together, I miss the big Meowth balloon, I miss James’ camp cooking and Meowth’s snoring, not to mention-”
“I’m sorry, what was that about Meowth?”
“Oh, right, you never heard his outdoor snoring. Only happens when he’s camping. Real conker of a wavelength he could belch out, which you wouldn’t expect from a little fart like him. I think he developed it as a defense to make predators think a Snorlax is sleeping nearby or someth-”
“What?” Delia had trouble getting a word in edgewise sometimes, a trait of their relationship she oddly treasured. She liked seeing Jessie excited. “No, why would I ask to hear about…? Never mind, I meant the balloon thing.”
“Ok, yeah, that makes more sense,” Jessie admitted. “It was a thing of genuine beauty. A huge hot air balloon in the shape of Meowth. We even used official Team Rocket funds to commission it. They seemed cool with it.”
“I’d like to point out that they did very much fire you.”
“Oh yeah,” Jessie said with a guttural giggle. “Wow, things are definitely starting to make some more sense now that I say them out loud. But anyway, we used to go everywhere in that balloon. It was our own little home where we never had to deal with property tax. We’d sleep up there, have some fun by spitting off the sides, do… other things off the sides…”
“Honey, I love you but oh my god.”
“Hey, if you can think of other ways to handle being up in the air for days at a time…” Jessie’s old smug nature crept in, which she caught before going any further. “Th-the point is I just miss the balloon. It was sort of a symbol of that complete freedom we used to have. Nothing tying us down, literally. No rules. No responsibilities. No bosses or authori-” she paused, her expression that of a system reboot. “How did we not get fired sooner?”
“I didn’t realize how much you thought about that time,” Delia started to feel just a touch of guilt. Or was it jealousy?
“Not 'all the time' or anything. Some things just remind me of that past life. Like how James and Meowth have been sniping at each other a lot lately,” Jessie said with a look of dawning realization. “They must be feeling homesick too. Or, I mean ‘homesick’ I guess,” she made some halfhearted quotes with her fingers. A glance over at Delia dropped the fingers immediately as Jessie read her wife’s expression, as subtle as it was.
Jessie wordlessly walked over to Delia, not rushing, not holding back, simply going. She took her hands in her own and clasped them.
“I am happier now than I’ve ever been,” Jessie answered a wordless question. There was no need to explore the topic further. This is the most she’d talked about the old days since, she realized, that awkward time when she, James, and Meowth had shown up on Delia’s doorstep completely out of options. It was enough that she got it out.
Delia just smiled. It was a genuine smile, but one that obscured hidden depths. Depths that ironically flew right over Jessie’s head.
Once they finished closing, Jessie and Delia stepped out of the restaurant hand in hand, following James and Meowth who had apparently regained their passion for griping. Jessie paid little attention as they fired quips back and forth, sounding to her like synthesized speech from a Nintendo 64 game. She was content where she was, blissfully strolling home with the love of her life. No thoughts, just vibes.
If she’d only opened her eyes, she’d have seen the poorly-hidden look of sneaky determination emblazoned on Delia’s face.
-the next morning-
“Ash!” Delia burst into her son’s room. “We’re making a balloon!”
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subway-boss-jericho · 15 days
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Queuing posts for most of my AUs! Check out this Masterpost! ᵈᶦˢᶜˡᵃᶦᵐᵉʳ ⁻ ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶦᶜᵒⁿᶦᶜ ᵏⁿᶦᶠᵉ ᵇᵃⁿᵍˢ! ᴵ ˡᵉᶠᵗ ᵗʰᵉᵐ ᵒᶠᶠ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᶦˢ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵏᵉᵉᵖ ᵗʰᵉᶦʳ ᶠᵃᶜᵉˢ ᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᵛᶦˢᶦᵇˡᵉ.
Fossil AU
-Premise- (TW: Temporary character death mentions) Ingo's disappearance had been weighing on Emmet a little too much, to the point that everyone else had noticed. With some protest, they managed to convince him to take a vacation and get away from work. Emmet decided to go to Sinnoh. He had always had a soft spot for fossil pokemon, and with their bustling, active fossil community, he thought he might hit the underground and get Archeops a buddy. He was having a lot of fun! They managed to dig up a dome, skull, and root fossil- a great haul! The dome fossil even had pearls embedded in the surrounding rock, that might end up verrry special!
Unfortunately the revival in Oreburgh does not go smoothly as expected. Lileep and Cranidos went fine- but there was no Kabuto to round off the trio. In a freak accident, they've broken the laws against the scientific necromancy of any deceased persons- Covered in spines and plates, his twin brother sits up on the revival table. When the first words that leave Ingo's mouth are, "...How am I alive..?" it only makes more questions than answers.
-Noteworthy Points- Emmet's outfit here is based on a gag comic I made, I promise he doesn't wear this all the time. Those aren't sleeve cuffs, they're custom arm bands. Enjoy! :]
Ingo is not fused with a kabuto! He has some of the genetic material combined with him, but no kabuto were harmed in the making of this centuries long comeback! The spines were from Kabuto, but the "dome fossil" was uh,,, kind of Ingo's skull. The pearls are from the Pearl Clan burial rituals. Yes he is a rock type now. His outfit is custom made for him, pearl clan themed at his request. (Although he has others!) It's loose fitting and drape-y to keep from restricting or covering up his spines and plates, as the sensory feeling of it makes him uncomfortable.
👉👈 Held off on talking about this one for a long time because I know other people have done it before, but I came up with this idea a solid while before I saw any others pop up. Not trying to have a "who did it first" war, just trying to say this isn't based on or inspired by anyone else's stuff!
-Links- Discussion - What about other pearl clan members? Artwork and Official Writing - Little Pearl Artwork and Discussion - Ingo's Eye
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beatthegame · 4 months
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I just beat the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. It's a direct sequel to it's predecessor, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which is a first for the franchise? Perhaps Hyrule Warriors? Or Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link could be an exception but even that was a huge pivot from the original Zelda. But I digress...Storywise, Zelda games typically occur generations apart from each other. But this game is unique in bridging two games together within a couple of years. Nowadays, good sequels are rare. We usually go backwards through the prequel route but this game takes place just a few years after the events of BOTW. Not many sequels live up to outshine their originals. Often falling short in certain aspects. And Breath of the Wild, as a stand alone game, is an absolute masterpiece. One of the greatest adventure games I personally experienced. So when the developers announced that there would be a direct sequel to one of the greatest adventures ever made? It left a LOT to be desired. But does TOTK truly live up to the hype? Let's try to fuse all these elements together and try to make sense of it...
In a nutshell: It's like Minecraft in Hyrule! You take the same open world template from Breath of the Wild. Triple down on the map & add heavy emphasis on crafting abilities. Combined with hundreds of side quests, treasures, characters and challenges sprinkled across the largest open world in gaming history. (If you can find a larger open world in a game, please let me know.) When you boil it down, Tears of the Kingdom should be considered tears of joy!
The Good: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is a BEAST of an adventure game! The cel shaded anime inspired graphics are simply gorgeous. These screenshots would be good enough for the artwork inside the 8-bit game manuals of years past. Trying to imagine those details on a 8-bit platform was great for the time. But being able to control those stillframes now like a beautiful moving painting is like a dream come true. Most open world games are pretty rich in terms of a playable area with missions sprawled across the land. But I don't think I've played a game world this deep? And I mean that literally. You have the vast continent of Hyrule to explore. Same map from BOTW. All of it's valleys, lakes, mountains, islands and more. And when I say more, I MEAN MORE. Because now you have islands hundreds of feet in the sky to explore. In addition to the underworld depths hundreds of feet below the surface. The deepest bowels of a planet you can think of? And it goes DEEPER than that! I find it difficult to express myself through words, how packed this game map is. But you have the freedom to explore it all, however you like! And boy, does this game offer a rich variety of CHOICE. Something I feel is an gift AND a curse in this game? For now, let's talk about how AMAZING it is to create almost ANYTHING your imagination can handle...based on the items scattered throughout the land.
Your Sheika technology from the previous game has been replaced with new Zonai fusion technology that will allow you to combine all sorts of objects, monster parts and broken vehicle pieces to construct all sorts of cool contraptions. From simple suspension bridges to complex flying automatons with rocket launchers! There's a bit of a learning curve to manipulate pieces and placing them in functional spots. But once you get the hang of it, it becomes 2nd nature. You can even save your creations to quickly assemble duplicate machines, which is convenient at times. But that is only ONE fraction of your creative capabilities. You are also able to create custom weapons, armor and arrows to expand your arsenal. You will need these abilities to explore the land, skies and depths of Hyrule. It's an experience that can grow beyond your imagination. Which sounds amazing. And it is, in so many ways. However, it also one if this game's many problems...
The Bad: I hate to say it, but this game is the very definition of "trying too hard". Breath of the Wild is off the charts fantastic! Almost a perfect game. So when you're tasked to make something great even better? Sometimes adding more ingredients to a stellar dish ruins the meal. Like, imagine the best 5 layer cake in the world...perfectly frosted, with sprinkles and a cherry on top...and now add a tomahawk steak, and a peanut butter & jelly sandwich, and nacho cheese fries with frosted flakes sprinkled on top of that? A bit much, right? That's how this game is... You have an entire world of objects and machine pieces and monster parts. But there's only so much you can do to actually function well in the game. What's the point of building an elaborate hovercraft when a crude assembly of logs & rocks can get the same job done? Which leads to the weapons. One of the main things I hated about BOTW are the fragile weapons that break after a few swings. This game not only brings back the shitty fragile weapon system, but now you have the burden of crafting your own weapons. Which is FUN... for about 5 minutes. But when you are in the heat of battle? Quickly assembling weapons or sifting through my entire inventory under durress was more annoying than it was fun. And don't get me started on the Blood Moon. A couple of times would have been ok but like every 10 minutes?! Give me a fucking break! Let me build this wooden helecopter in peace LOL!
But refocusing on the positive, overall, this was a fantastic gaming experience! But even though this play-thru was satisfying. There were too many flaws that effect the final score. Tears of the Kingdom would have been a decent spin-off game. Like, focus on the Sheika Lab team and have them rebuild Hyrule and deal with the Ganon threat with building gadgets. Harvesting minerals underground. Rebuilding towns devastated by the Calamity. That would've been cool. But as a Zelda adventure? It falls short when you compare it to the other masterpieces throughout the years. But when you put aside the competition? Tears of the Kingdom is a stellar game experience!
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ilgaksu · 7 months
never a god (mysterious lotus casebook, post-canon, genderfluid li lianhua)
@difeisheng is a filthy enabler and my mum told me to tell them i can't have discord sleepovers with them anymore. they're also writing a ficlet in the same series and i'll link to it in this post when it's up!
The evening shift at the House of Scarlet Delights starts out just like any other. Li Xianghua wakes late in the afternoon, eats at the long table in the kitchen with the others, crowded in amongst girls still in sleep-clothes and others already fully made up for the night’s work, hair ornaments shimmering against each other like enamelled butterflies. Li Xianghua is tired, but it’s a familiar kind of tired. Still, he keeps his head down and eats. He inhales porridge with ginger and chili oil and lets his brain meander; painless, like floating. His body aches. 
“Huahua,” Xiao-mei asks, startling him. “Sorry! Huahua, do you have a comb I can borrow?” 
Her eyes are huge and pleading, round like a little animal’s. All of Xiao-mei is round to match, small and plump and plush with a matching mouth, and wildly, wildly popular with customers. She makes herself very hard to resist. Even as she speaks, she is always reaching out, twining some of Li Xianghua’s hair around her fingers. Against the fresh pink of them - Xiao-mei is barely twenty - the cold brittle white of his hair, like frost on an immortal’s mountain, is stark. Not for the first time, Li Xianghua feels old around her. Had he been so bright back then, too? No wonder Shan Gudao couldn’t stand to look at him. 
“Stop bothering Xianghua,” Weiwei snaps, from the kitchen doorway, frown etched on her face like iron, fan in her fingertips like Li Xianghua might have held a sword. “You know she’s had a long week, and here you are, hanging all over her like she’s your own mother. Have you no shame?” 
“But I missed her,” Xiao-mei whines, “And she always lends me things when I ask. Not like you, Weiwei.”
Weiwei sighs, crossing her arms and flipping the long braids of her hair over her shoulder. Even years of life in the Central Plains haven’t done their work to erase the signs of her first home from her; she still dresses like a girl from the plains, albeit one laden in jewellery. Weiwei purses her lips as she says, “Li Xianghua lends you her things when you ask so you’ll go away and stop bothering her.” 
Li Xianghua’s lips, despite himself, twitch. Weiwei, looming over Xiao-mei’s head, winks at him, so fast it could be denied, before dropping back into her ice princess act. 
“That’s not true is it, Huahua?” Xiao-mei demands, eyes now enormous. Li Xianghua inhales the last of the porridge, lips stinging with chili oil, and stands. In a previous life, he had to dodge girls like this all day. The dance doesn’t get any less tiring, especially when they’re sweet like she is.  
“I’ll give you the comb in a second,” is all he says. “I have to go get my flute now. We’re about to open.” 
He escapes. In his room - compact, not quite cramped, dominated by the bed, the chest of belongings, prone to steam from the girls’ bathhouse below entering through the open window but therefore always nearly warm - he dresses quickly, kneels and opens the chest. Inside, the flute is wrapped in a piece of red marbled silk, like the veins on a man just before he becomes corpse. The flute itself is beautiful, fixed along a distinct break right through it, like a newly fused bone. But the memory of the wound will always be there. Both of these things, silk and instrument, are from men before Li Xianghua became a dead man to them, each for a second time, and now, what is he? In the polished bronze of the mirror on a low table nearby, pushed right back against the wall and partially obscured by a medicine chest, he catches a glimpse of himself: hair fever-white, robes a dark green like mulch, and face painted like a heroine in a story. 
The story is over, and what he is, is what is left alive.  
He selects a comb at random from the splay of them on the table and leaves. 
And so, the first hour is peaceful. Usual, even. Xiao-mei is embarrassingly grateful, even holds her breath as Li Xianghua helps fit the teeth of it firmer into her hair. Li Xianghua ignores this. Li Xiangua focuses on his work. He kneels on a dais at one end of the main room, head bowed, and plays for the incoming flux of customers, all lilting songs that suggest yearning over satisfaction. It helps encourage them to stop drinking and go upstairs. This, too, is peaceful; usual. Li Xianghua focuses on his breathing and the music and the world melts around him, and then he gets paid for it. It’s a good life, as they go.  
However, once that first hour passes, this - the music, the brothel, the sanctuary - is interrupted, when a man in lilac, shimmering robes and hair tied up high and away from his face strides in, still no subtlety about him in sight. There is shock, certainly, but then comes with it an immediate wave of resignation, so much more muted than dread. What is a shadow meant to do in the face of unyielding light but dissolve? It’s the way of things. Li Xianghua watches, resisting the urge to laugh or scream or distract or sprint away, any of it, anything at all, as the man, still boyish about the face with it too, reaches into his robes and removes a wooden badge. 
“My name,” he says, voice as clear as a bell and just as headache-inducing in prolonged succession, “is Fang Duobing, and I’m a detective of Baichuan Court. I’m here to investigate the disappearance of Cai-daren's son.”
Li Xianghua resists the urge to roll his eyes. He keeps them half-down, instead, inspecting up from beneath his eyelashes. He shifts one hand, slightly, to try and cover the mended crack in the flute. But something about the minute movement must alert Fang Duobing, because he turns like a fox scenting blood, stares directly at Li Xianghua. He blinks. He gapes. His gaze drops to the flute, fixes for a deadly beat, and then rises back to Li Xianghua’s face. He tries to make a sound, but no sound comes, the bell cut out or cut down or shattered on the spot, and Li Xianghua, Li Xianghua who was twice a dead man but only, until this moment, once resurrected, looks back at him and thinks - 
Well, fuck.      
[read this on ao3]
[read ash's ficlet here]
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simplyaskfellowplural · 10 months
Hii! I don't know if someone has asked this yet but could there be guides/inspo for a SimplyPlural member Custom Field informations?
Simply Plural App Guide 3:
"What are inspiration and ideas for Simply Plural custom fields?"
Created and written by <3 (She/Her) + 💛 (She/They)
Minor Content/Trigger Warning!: There is a mention of Fusion and Dormancy in this!
Simply Plural allows for so many different areas of customization and levels of view ability, one of those being custom fields!
Custom fields are the fields in the "info" section of each and every member profile! To access the customization you click the three horizontal lines anywhere on any page at the top left, press the cog / settings button, press "Account" then it should be in the top half labeled clearly "Custom Fields".
If you've never accessed this before, it will have default pre-set fields available, but if you want to start fresh and need ideas? Look no further than here!
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So with a few previous questions, we linked an Imgur group, and that'll be the same here! Here, you can find some ideas to use for custom fields that might be helpful! But besides that, some general guidance on how to make custom fields work for you and your system or generally whatever you intend to use it for!: (That was a quick reminder that Simply Plural according to the developers has stated the app can be used for anything legal!)
What information is helpful for what you need? In the case of systemhood, what basic subjects do you think would help to know for your system?
Do you think you want to make your custom fields in some ways aesthetically pleasing? If so possibly a color border or a text border made for the title for a color border could be pleasing! (Shown below)
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What privacy settings do you mainly need? Are there certain areas only needed for your system only, or can everyone who's friends with you know that information?
How much time do you have to dedicate to updating information? Can you manage several 100s of members + 100s of fields of information? Or are you more comfortable at 100s of members + 5 simple fields of information?
Try not to feel peer pressure by other System's field information, always check in and recognize what works, not what looks good. Big one for us!
Possibly create a temporary or non-temporary puppet friend account specifically to test out how you can see certain settings and information with different profiles! Scared someone's information is viewable? Use the puppet account and test it!
Think about how often you might be editing specific headmates custom fields, and how much they'll be editing their own. Try to actively communicate in the way that's possible and see what information would be crucial for every headmate to have available for their profile.
Now! For us, here's some examples of how we personally organize our custom fields!
We have a field called "Contributors 🤝", This field is meant to help us know when a profile was last updated and by who. Primarily we put our name or emoji down, and the date of when we updated the profile information.
The next field is called "Formed, Fusion(s), Dormancies", this is Meant to help figure out when someone formed from just their profile, if they fused, the times they went dormant.
Afterwards we have a category, "System Related Information", technically split up for privacy purposes.
Below is an example
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Above, the two fields with the globe icon are shown to only public friends, then the two below are shown to old trusted friends. If the trusted friends info was filled out, no public friends would be aware. And it helps separate a title of what someone does internally to how they'd describe more personal things.
After these fields, we have notes fields. Mainly meant to be a public version of actual profile notes. We have one set of notes 100% public, then 2 labeled "Notes from system" and "Notes from friends". The notes from friends is a field for us personally as we have had situations where we've had to ask friends to log in and change information for us, and they left little notes for headmates in our system :>.
Then the last part is personalized. We have fields ranging from links, to playlists, to MBTI & personality Tests results. They're meant for the person to feel free to customize their profile in some way with different areas.
Those are the main areas for our custom fields!
We apologize this took a minute to get done! We're probably going to be reupdating our cover/pinned post to be more structured, and it took a while to focus fully on getting the most responsive tips for this guide out! If anyone has additional information and tips they'd like to add to this guide, or you'd like to request more specific information from this, feel free to interact!
For other Guides for Plural Apps / Websites / Resources, check out our List!
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mousegirlheart · 1 month
omg where did you get those grey mouse emojis from??? and if it's somewhere publicly available could I have a link 👉👈 they're adorable and I need them
they let you fuse together custom emojis, i made mouse versions of regular emojis! i love them a lot, although i do wish i could make them brown like my mouse...
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meriadoc-doc-hamilton · 9 months
I've been having some very strange trouble with my mech lately that I haven't been able to track down the source of. I was hoping you could help?
Also, just to get it out of the way, I do not have a Manticore. I don't know why everyone keeps asking me that. As far as I know, I've never even seen a HORUS frame outside of holos, and I certainly don't have any licenses for one. And yes, I have checked what licenses I'm recorded as owning just to make sure. I've checked three times, because people would not stop going on about it until I'd done it in front of them.
Now that that's cleared up, I pilot a custom quadrupedal Everest that's been refitted to have a small two-person apartment in it. That all went off fine, but ever since I decided to integrate a new laser directly into the chassis, the toilet's started flushing itself at seemingly random intervals, and about half the time when I fire it the kettle turns on.
Regards, Brimstone
P.S.: Speaking of laser systems, my lancemate's NHP designed one for her, and she figured she could do the install herself, but she's really been struggling with it recently and doesn't want to admit to needing her help for it. Any advice on connecting a customised GMS supercell blaze generator to a standard HA torch emitter?
With regards to the first question: it seems like you've linked them directly to the same power source. When your laser vents heat or fires, it's overloading the other systems on the same circuit, and causing them to activate. You can solve this by giving the laser a direct reactor connection, rather than attaching it to the expansion port.
With regards to the second: She'll probably need to install a voltage converter, since the two components aren't made by the same manufacturer. It should be fairly easy to acquire one from GMS. Additionally, they're constructed from different polycarbons, so she'll need to use an adhesive rather than attempting to fuse or magnaweld them.
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Hello! question for you? do you have a favorite car lock/unlock chime?
Hello! Answer for you:
That's a very hard opinion for me to form because here cars don't have them, we just trust car owners to be able to tell that the car that made the clunking sound and indicators flash it does when it locks its doors locked its doors. Which is partly why this answer comes to you well over two weeks after your asked me, as I just didn't know what to do with it.
So I could answer that my favorite chime is around 6:38 in this video, which I recommend you don't skip to because the rest of the video is great too...
...but if that feels like cheating to you, well, I'm out of answers.
So I will just talk horns and chimes some more until you're satisfied.
My mother's Citroën had this seatbelt chime, which I found pretty endearing, but without the peculiarity herein described. (It should start at 11:41, just in case it doesn't for you.)
My father's Audi had this calm, soothing chime which perfectly suited its soothing comfort, yet always reminded me of something...
2000s Renaults had a talking vehicle computer!
And if that sounds like a very 80s thing, well, you're absolutely right!
Chrysler's Electronic Voice Alert, or EVA, was an option made available in the mid-80s that used the Texas Instruments' LPC Speech Chip you know and love from the Speak & Spell.
Unfortunately, while that was just a warnings list, many of those were spoken quite frequently, in part due to the vehicles in question being mid-80s Chrysler products, leading to the system swiftly getting on people's nerves, and in the models before a switch to turn it off was included owners resorted to pulling the fuse, which in some cases disabled the fuel gauge. Welp.
But that was not the only system nor first system of its kind: there was, in 1983, the MG Maestro's system.
If that voice sounds familiar, its voice actress Nicolette McKenzie had starred in John Sichel's Merchant Of Venice. If you're not from that side of Tumblr, she also starred in Horizon: Zero Dawn. A monotonous career path sure doesn't seem to be among her problems.
But this system was not the first either: some '81 to '84 Nissans (or Datsuns, as those were the very years that brand name, created for American shores, was getting phased out) used a Voice Warning system that used an even earlier technology than TI's chip (that's Texas Instrument's LPC speech synthesizing integrated circuits, not the money of trap music pioneer T.I.): a phonograph.
This wasn't a novel approach either, phonograph-based warning systems being used in late '70s-early '80s appliances and toys, and in-car record players having been a thing even prior!
In fact, to paraphrase Dr. Doofenshmirtz, If I had a nickel for every time I wrote about in-car phonographs, I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice, right?
Although in 1985 Nissan too went electronic for their voice warning system - here's the warnings from those systems over a bad MIDI cover of Thrift Shop.
And that's without even getting into custom door chimes!
And boy will I ever get into custom chimes once I get to that section of my Miata Mod Master Mᴉsɥlᴉsʇ (that's "Wishlist" upside down), which by my estimations should be about April 2024. So keep your eyes peeled!
Links in blue are posts of mine about the topic in question - if you liked this post, you might like those!
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cosmozoa-sys · 4 months
Introduction Post!
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Table of Contents
Tagging System
Graphics Credits
1 — About
We're the Cosmozoa Conglomerate, a mixed origins system with a long history.
born as two, trauma made us an adaptive disordered system, fused to try and help amnesia, and have become a nondisordered adaptive system over time.
Bodily an adult (19)
Collectively use she/they!
Please call us headmates.
• Alterhuman •
This blog is to share our experiences, but also to make ID packs to help out anyone from those questioning their gender, humanity, or new headmates find who they are.
Some things we plan on putting on this blog:
Flags + Terms
You can submit themes or ideas in the ask box!
2 — Tagging System
We will include tw tags on appropriate posts. We won't make tw or cw tags custom to our posts for accessibility and for those who don't follow us.
Below are some tags we will be using. The tags themselves are also on here to easily find posts!
cosmozoa— id pack 🌌
cosmozoa— graphics ☄️
cosmozoa— moodboards 🛸
cosmozoa— terms 👾
cosmozoa— userboxes 💫
cosmozoa— reblogs ✈️
cosmozoa— other 📡
3 — DNI + BYF
DNI: ableist, think disabled people shouldn't drive, anti-alterhuman, cringe/flop accounts, accounts centered around EDs, politics, NSFW, anti-endos, sysmeds, system exclusionists, against mspec lesbians/gays/straights, terfs, truscum, anti-mogai
BYF: We will block at any time if we see fit. Our DNI is subject to change. We will not respond to rude asks. This blog is a safe space for all good-faith identities.
4 — Graphics Credits
follow me for the blinkie collection! (link will go here)
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readypanda · 7 months
wats infintie fusion im so curious
Ok so it's a fanmade pokemon game where you can take literally any two pokemon and fuse them into one. There are legit over 90,000 custom sprites made the the community and you can check em' out here https://if.daena.me/
Not to mention the actual game itself is super solid, like it has an actual story and progression and a ton of ways to play it (such as randomized). Y'all should totally check it out just make sure you go through the official infinite fusion discord since they have download links/instructions there
And they just opened submissions for custom pokedex entries, too, so that's what I've been doing
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hi-there-cake · 1 year
ok so @m3wllo asked me about my ocs. trust me guys im not going insane tumblr cant recover deleted drafts anyways. heres the gist of what was in that before before i in the true fashion of fate deleted it:
i was originally going to make an artwork for them but i realized it was just easier to tell you about them. also i dont know how to tell yuo this but whatever ocs i couldve conceived of in the past. weeks or years are all just vague concepts in my head not fully fleshed out. abyways
so first im thinking of a mysterious shopkeeper who has pretty rare and valuable items, im talking fairies, dragon parts, the most potent ingredients for elixrs and/or food, and with totk maybe even bombs or arrows. i dont want to have them sell elixrs outright because id want that for Another shopkeeper oc who sells (you guessed it) elixrs and food. that shopkeeper would also have a feature where they make custom food based on they players/links inputs/suggestions (like the custom tunes in ACNH). as far as im aware loz doesnt have many nonhylian shopkeepers, so to break stereotyping/tropes i think this shopkeeper would be a goron. in my concept sketches i rushed of them i thought about giving them a mask like in past entries! no idea what it would do besides add to the mystery, or what mask it would be of (in the art i made it an unnamed zonai mask) but i would still like to have masks with Actual Abilities in botw, even if its a pipe dream.
so yknow how botw has champions. what if. monster champion. botw or totk doesnt have friendly monsters like in past entries (well. they have Masks for it but it doesnt let you do anything besides have them not attack you. ycant even talk to them, which is what i mean here. they cant give you items or nothing) which is a shame because it wouldve been really cool to have!! so hypothetically, what if i were to retcon that and just add friendly monsters. secret monster village near skull lake or the breach of demise. while it would be funny for the champion to be a keese or something i personally think theyd be a lynel. with totk out they could also be a gleeok or one of the boss monsters (COLDGERA CHAMPION……. COULD YOU IMAGINE). this may or may not have come from an unnamed botw au i have but shh. also speaking of which what if lynels were fused with other animals. like yknow how theyre centaurs with horse(?????) genes? what if they had goat genes, or deer genes, or any genes of an animal within That Realm of Animal? giraffe genes. CAMEL GENES FOR THE GERUDO DESERT. this also came from that au
friendly yiga ocs. i would like friendly yiga ocs. by friendly i still meant they commit violent crimes its just not murder this time (i mean. if you hc hard enough you could argue that the yiga wouldnt actually murder you, but thats besides the point and also probably not canon. but who cares about canon.) they can either be all the way from 10000 yrs back or they can be in the current age! this is partly inspired by the pirates in castle in the sky. also i would also like to have yiga ocs of different races. like we know anyone can really join as we see a hylian asking to join, and link joins and is able to learn an earthquake technique, so its not just a sheikah thing. so if anyone can join then why dont we see other races in yiga outfits like zora or rito or gorons? are they just disguising themselves to look uniform?? i dont think thats how it works but im not going to ask! but yeah zora rito and goron yiga. the gerudo May be able to get into the yiga but its hard to tell. i feel like these yiga would be on friendly terms with both the yiga and the sheikah, kind of like an buffer(?) state between two states that are at war. neutral party. also theyd be really good with sheikah tech considering 10000 yrs ago they probably worked on it while they were banished. they could help link with a weakness in the divine beasts or smth, maybe link can help them with something i dont know i havent fleshed this out yet
this has totk spoilers so i’ll strike it. so zelda in totk turns herself into a dragon. now i have opinions on this, but thats not what youre here for youre here for ocs. so three dragons exist in totk and botw: farosh, dinraal, and naydra. its debatable whether they were people at first who swallowed their secret stones or if they were created by the goddess or something (in botw it might state they were created by the goddess but im not sure!), but for this im saying they were people at first who swallowed their secret stones. im basing their races off their flight paths in botw (in totk its changed so they go into chasms, but im assuming if there was no chasms this wouldnt be their normal route yknow? for some reason it shifted no idea why. also wow is that a sentence to say). dinraal flies from akkala, to behind death mountain, into the tanagar canyon. so by the logic im employing the could be a hylian, a goron, maybe a korok?, or a rito. personally im going with a rito as i find that the most interesting considering they live in a snowy area, plus revali literally got dinraals horn as part of his trials of becoming the pilot for vah medoh (which is never mentioned in game besides when we do the trials. pain). naydra flies above the lanayru bay between zoras domain and kakariko village, as well as over the lanayru promenade, kinda like a long oval over the mountain and between the two villages. in totk it flies way closer to hateno village which is really cool symbolism for the inhabitants of that village if you ignore why they fly so close to their to begin with. anyways naydra could be a zora, a sheikah, or a hylian from hateno. honestly in my concept sketches i went for a zora but i like the idea of a hylian from hateno scaling mount lanayru in the moth unorthodox way possible. i think theyd have a bunch of colored cloths but thats off topic anyways onto farosh. farosh is the most varied, flying around lake hylia, the faron region, and surprisingly around the gerudo highlands. so farosh could be a gerudo, a hylian, or if this was Before totk i would say a zonai but. honestly im not entirely convinced the zonai/the people in faron arent the same people like. their architecture has Similarities but im really not convinced its the same architecture at All like. the ruins have more animalistic features and curves while the zonai architecture is more squareish/geometrical and theres only really Dragons present, no boars or owls. plus the lamps are different, the ruins have like standard lighting thats kinda square while the zonai have lights shaped like lotuses. it could be the ruins are just an earlier period for the zonai but like in lore they were close to Gods and descended from the heavens, with rauru and mineru being the last left on the surface. they werent originally from the surface so it couldnt have been an earlier period. and why wouldnt that architecture style stay if it Were the zonai? rauru was the king of hyrule, if the style originated from the surface then the king shouldve used it as thats where he was butbhe didnt! he wasnt even Close to faron, and the memories show the style of architecture on the islands being used for the kingdom so whats up with that? plus why wouldnt their architecture style carry over on the islands??? if it was an earlier period for the zonai that didnt originate from the surface itd be on the sky islands, and yet it isnt????? the sky islands are parts of the old hyrule, not built by the zonai who left the surface. so who built the ruins???? its possible that it was just an early concept for the zonai but nintendo scrapped it in favor for what we got, and yeah thats probably it, but im not taking that for an answer. the ruin-makers (or scrapped zonai) were either hylians (lurien village theorized to be descendants from the zonai as they can read the glyphs on the palamore ruins in botw + they have the zonai swirl mark on the houses, as well as the barbarian armour) or, if you wanted to make a theory on crack, you could say they were lynels and lynels and the current zonai-
-are related somehow (sorry the dash is because tumblr limited the words in the paragraph). this is because the barbarian armour looks a hell of a lot like a lynel’s gear, and its upgraded with lynel parts. so hypothetically. when i said i could make friendly monsters #real, this could hypothetically make lynels a viable option as a race, and as such farosh could be a lynel. so anyways :3 also in my architecture rant i forgor to mention that current day zonai architecture isnt painted or if it is barely and not with the colors past/scraped zonai use
also this is for mainly pre-cal, but zonai researchers!!!! botw only really shows zeldas fascination in the sheikah artifacts as a way to still help hyrule without her powers, but i kinda wish we got to see her geek out about other old ruins? like she goes to the ancient columns but only focuses on the shrine there, not the columns or what they mean (though. to be fair in not excited about My ancient history either. i am about other peoples ancient history though). and in totk we see her geek out about the zonai ruins, which is really great for her character!!! and considering it was a popular theory that the sheikah and the zonai worked together before totk came out i feel like either she or Someone else would be interested in it!! if zelda isnt then i would want link to be involved Somehow, as it was theorized that the sheikah represent wisdom the most and the zonai represented courage the most, and well zelda is the bearer of wisdom and studied sheikah tech, so link could theoretically be involved with the zonai somehow. (also i just want to do something with link mainly because i have the most fun playing with him like a kid plays with barbie dolls. but also i feel like zelda should have more character traits too yknow. who knows this could be a bonding experience for them). but yeah zonai researchers, distinct from sheikah researchers theyre close to losing their minds with what few data/info they have On the zonai (at least in botw). if they found a construct theyd lose their mind. theyd argue with sheikah researchers on why researching the zonai is important especially for the sheikah considering they Couldve worked together (before totk).
speaking of researchers, somebody (also pre-cal but can be after pre-cal) who studies malice, gloom, and/or monsters!! in botw they dont really know the enemy, which is kinda easy not to as calamity ganon is like a natural disaster. but i feel like they couldve tried yknow? monster extract already existed pre-cal (the recipe for monster cake in the castle), so either malice already existed then too Or somebody somehow discovered it through monsters. i feel like these researchers exist for the sole purpose to know more about ganon and why monsters specifically can get under the influence of malice (especially because in prior entires the zora were enemies too, though i dont know if its because they were under ganons influence or not, but if the zora Were under the influence at some point and got out of it during botw, itd be a good topic to research on who is and isnt vulnerable to malice)
id like ghost ocs too!! in totk we get poes but we dont have a physical form of them, and in the botw artbook we have concept art for a ghost!! plus like yknow the ruins of towns everywhere? imagine ghosts in all of them. imagine the destroyed decorations of the towns strayed about. imagine meeting aryll or links dad as a ghost. or on the brighter side imagine involved questlines with these ghosts, making recipes that were forgotten by time or retrieving something lost. GHOST ANIMALS NEAR SATORI. though i dont want to have too many ghosts tbh as, after playing totk, i have decided that i like botws emptiness compared to totk. im not joking here i swear not insane. when i say emptiness i literally mean having no side quests nothing to do just empty space. i like that about botw. i swear im fine.so anyways yeah. honestly ive been thinking more in world building terms for all of this
i dont know how to end this. welcum to my sick twisted mind
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starsteemer · 9 months
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The days of creating amazing and creative dinosaur OCs with nowhere to show them off to is over! We're celebrating the new year by bringing back some old friends from the Mesozoic in this brand new prehistoric roleplay server, free from the Jurassic Park cliches and humans in general. Here, you can go wild in a speculative alternate-earth timeline that allows the three eras of the Mesozoic to exist simultaneously, alongside the implications of what dinosaurs with human level intelligence could mean for the world at large, and how different life could've been if the K-Pg extinction never happened, and by extension if mammals had never rose to dominance.
At the Extinction Boundary, you can explore custom-made lore and help forge this vast world of endless prehistoric possibilities, create unique characters, and invest in captivating plotlines that surpass the limits of mere survival alongside a community of other dedicated roleplayers and Queer/Transgender staff!
At Extinction Boundary, we offer:
A realistic RP that fuses realism and fantasy with a wide range of styles including paragraph, semi-paragraph, and script/banter, so you can roleplay however you are most comfortable
Extensively developed and open-ended worldbuilding, so there is always something to do or someplace to explore, with lore that is influenced by community contributions
No limits or quotas on word count, activity, or character count. Roleplay as much or as little as you want, no penalty!
An easy-to-use, optional stats and dice-rolling system for fair play and realistic combat
A polished server with useful bots, beta testing for quality assurance, and attention to detail put into its organization for a streamlined and user-friendly experience
An abundance of custom aspects, including hand-drawn emojis, maps, color roles, server icon, and more
Social aspects like voice, art, and gaming chats, as well as movie nights and other events
Not interested in roleplay? Join us anyways to share artwork and OCs and a love for all things prehistoric! This server is a work of original fiction and as such may not accurately reflect all elements of the real life Mesozoic. Keep an open mind for some fantastical creative liberties that keep the world grounded yet exciting! We look forward to crossing the boundaries of extinction with you! Extinction Boundary Discord Link
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call-sign-shark · 9 months
I have a question about Savage Daughter. I loved it however one part confused me a lot. Why did the mc buy a corset that was too small or tight lace her corset to make it hurt? And I'm also co fused on how the mc tore off her underwear (corset) without ruining her dress? Especially since at this time, the everyday corset she would wear would have worked no problem as long as the dress was appropriate so she wouldn't have any discomfort at all. Corsets through history have always been comfortable and easy to move in, as it was normal to do heavy labor, run, bike, or lift heavy objects every single day. They were either custom-made or shaped to the persons body to fit them perfectly. They offerd back, brest and shoulder support and took pressure off the hips. I'm sorry if this is a rant. I'm just genuinely confused about how or why this happened
Hi Nonny! Thank you so much for your interesting question and for enjoying Savage Daughter. Sorry for the confusion, I wrote this without the slightest proofreading tho, so I get it. Just so you know I’ll refer to MC as Heaven in my reply.
a. The corset wasn’t too small for her. The adorable dumbass she is just tied too very tight. Also even if 1920s corset were less restrictive than their mainstream depiction, it’s enough for her to feel suffocating. This uncomfortable sensation is also psychological since she feels oppressed by the crowd. I presume you haven’t read the series linked with the short story — it helps understanding why the character feels so cornered/choking.
b. As for the corset I get your confusion but it is not an underwear corset. It is not under her dress but above it. Just like the image below. This is why she managed to tear the lace off. Don’t know if the term corset is the good one tho, maybe bustier is better?? Idk.
c. Also to be completely honest with you, the character’s clothings are sometimes a bit “anachronistic”, either because I didn’t spent time doing extensive research on the matter or just because I love the aesthetic! 😌
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etes-secrecy-post · 11 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Title: Cuteness Member - Fuse V4
Hello, November. Here’s another pay commission artwork for my friend, Romulus907.
• Thanks with the trailer released of "Gundam Build Metaverse" (which, I haven't watch, yet or their recent "The Witch from Mercury"), Fuse's armor (as well as his uniform changed) upgraded with few parts from "Shin Burning Gundam" into a full blazing glory! 🦾🦿 Fuse's armor calls it, the armored "G-God Burning"! 🔥🤖
His information is still ongoing, so, I'll update my post when he posted...
BTW: • #1: Its been a while, since I've made a commission for Romulus was on July of this year. • (and) #2: Also, he asked me to trace this pose from one of his custom gunpla shots from (now defunct) "Gundam Breaker Mobile" rather than my sketch style, but hey, this is what "Cuteness Defender" looks like than before (say from 2008).
Well, that’s all for now.
Previous: • Cuteness Member - Fuse V3 • Cuteness Members - Kai & Kale V2 • Cuteness Members - Tyler Waltz & Zero V2 • Cuteness Member - Ark • Cuteness Member - Moki Katsu V2 • Cuteness Member - Jem V2 • Cuteness Member - Hiro Ryuku V2 • Cuteness Members - Caramel & Okai Chan • Cuteness Member - Kazami Miku • Cuteness Member - Pyrus V2
Fuse (Pokemon Quilava OC) - owned by Romulus907 (dA) Mixed Armors - Gundam Series © Bandai Namco Filmworks, Inc. (SUNRISE), Sotsu
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groovytimesyall · 2 years
A Mixtape For Your Thoughts
This is a Steddie fic I'm writing, It's not great but its got three chapters so far. I thought I would post it here and link the Ao3. There is also a playlist below this post and its on Spotify. Its under this title under the username TheGroovyGirl
The Start Of Mixtape Madness
Steve was sitting behind the counter at the Family Video checking in tapes when the bell above the door rang signaling a customer had entered “Hi welcome to family..” was all he got to say before one Eddie Munson interrupted him. Watching him he strolled in and up to the counter, this had been going on for a while now, meaning ever since everything went down and Eddie's name had been cleared and he graduated, he had been accepted into the tight knit group who shared the horrors of what laid beneath Hawkins. This acceptance had come with him now showing up to the Family Video to what seemed to Steve distract from his boredom when no one better was around. He had seen the way Eddie had fallen into place with the group and it made him happy but it also felt like a threat of losing what he considered his family even if Eddie was part of that. Thoughts aside, this had to have been the fifth time he had shown up either after work or just bored. 
“Hey Harrington” was Eddie's interruption to Steve's well versed greeting. Walking up to the counter he leaned on it being nosy of what Steve was doing. Looking at him, he could tell he was confused on why he was there because it was definitely not for movies. Since everything, Eddie had been studying Steve, the way he acted around his friends, from this he learned that Steve could hide very well but underlying emotions always cracked the surface with him. From that it came to his attention that no one other than Robin may have caught onto this. Other things he had noticed is how touchy he was with everyone except himself, it was always a hand placed on a kids shoulder, Robin tucked under or hanging from him or fuses over collars of shirt but he was always tactile. He himself did not want to admit how it set a jealous flame off but it did, and maybe it had something to do with the growing crush he had on Steve that he was constantly pushing out of his mind. The growing friendship with Robin had also helped Eddie in his study, she had said that though Steve had all of them he had no “guy friends” and that Eddie should try to be his friend as they were the only other guys their age that they talked to. That was kind of a slap in the face to him but nonetheless true, it made sense though he couldn’t share anything that had happened to him with others so why not stick with the ones that went through it to.She had also said whether he liked it or not Steve had put him on his list of people he would protect. Though insisting this wasn't true, Robin had denied and said that Steve was more than what people thought and once you went through shit with him he always had your back. From that Eddie had thought about how he found out Steve was “actually a good dude” and decided to try to wiggle his way into friendship with Steve. There was no other reason he told himself. That’s how he found himself visiting the Family video.
“Hey Eddie” was all he said, placing a tape down and giving his attention to the curly headed man leaning on the counter.  
“Have you seen Dustin around, he keeps pestering me about having a movie night with the whole gang.” Eddie said nonchalantly, he really had nothing better to do or ask even though he was the one that had come into the store. 
“Um no, but he has also been non stop asking me about that. You know one day I'm just going to go crazy from him, he is so demanding sometimes.” Steve said with no real bite behind it. Eddie huffed a laugh at that. 
“He is going to make you go gray with how much he asks and you nag at him” Eddie laughed. Steve pretended to look shocked and put his hand near his hair like he was trying to protect it. 
“That's not funny Munson, I don't have a lot but I have my hair.” Steve pouted playing along. “So is that all you came in to ask about or am I just a midday boredom distraction?” he said while drumming his hands on the counter. 
Eddie gasped being dramatic “Stevie no, you've driven a stake through my heart.” He was now leaning back gripping the counter as he slid down “I’ll never recover!” Steve was now looking over at him on the floor, a grin he was trying to hide plastered on his face. “Um actually I think I'm okay.” he said standing up invading Steve's personal space just a bit. “You want to go to the diner after your shift is done? Unless you have other things to do?” he babbled fidgeting in place. 
Biting his bottom lip where it had split open so many times before he stared at Eddie for a second then said  “Um sure, I get off in about fifteen minutes actually.” Eddie distracted himself by looking at movies while Steve finished his shift. As soon as Keith arrived Steve hurried to the back room to clock out and when he emerged Eddie was standing near the door to leave both not really wanting much interaction with Keith, he didn’t particularly like Steve but dealt with him and was still scared of Eddie like the rest of the place they called home. 
“All just follow you there” Steve said walking through the door and to the beemer. 
Following him out and to the van Eddie gave an “okay” and hopped in. He looked over at the beemer and the boy inside a little longer than he should. Quit that, it will never happen. Pulling out onto the road like a maniac he drove off the burgundy beemer trailing behind. 
“He is gonna get himself killed” Steve sighed watching as the van in front of him race off. In the few minutes he had to himself in the car his mind wandered, he really did want to be Eddie’s friend there was this little zap to his system whenever he showed up, but he pushed it down. The kids really liked him and Robin had fallen into place just as she had with Steve but one thing he didn’t know how to navigate was the space between them. He couldn’t lie, he was always touching people, with no parents around he had lacked that and had latched onto the people he had. It was most evident with Robin who just hung off him or was holding his hand or messing with him in some way and he didn’t like to admit it but he mothered the kids, now really teens, as much as he argued with them. Now he didn’t know how to initiate that with Eddie but he wanted to but it was confusing and made his brain hurt so he stopped thinking. Now in the parking lot he got out and watched Eddie as he went to the door. 
Opening the door for Steve he put on the dramatics, with a flourish he said “My good sir”. With a huff of a laugh from Steve he followed behind, he went straight for the corner booth and sat with his back to the wall. This was something Eddie had noticed, everywhere they went whether in a group or now he was finding out alone, Steve was always scanning and watching like something was going to pop out and attack. He didn’t blame him for this obviously with all that had happened but he also wasn’t sure Steve knew he was doing it. Before he could say anything the waitress came to take there drink orders, as soon as she saw Steve her eyes lit up then hers locked with Eddie’s and for a split second it was blank then scared.
Not letting a second waste Steve piped up “Are you gonna ask what we want to drink or just stare at my friend.” It was said flatly and no threat behind it but it shocked the girl into motion. She took their drink orders and left. “Sorry about that, I don’t like being rude but I also can’t sit here while she was looking at you like that.” He huffed, face tinting pink he picked at the menu trying to avoid Eddie’s face. She was quick to bring the drinks back and taking their orders. 
“Thanks, for saying something. But enough about that, she can go suck it. Done anything exciting since summer started?” He asked 
“Umm not really, unless you count Robin dragging me around to the thrift stores while you aren’t around. Don’t get me wrong I love Rob but there are only so many times I want to go shopping with her.” He exclaimed 
The reply came out giggling “I was gonna argue with you but honestly, going shopping with Robin sounds like a nightmare. I can just see it, I mean I get distracted but I know she does too but like she would want to dress you up and all that.” 
Putting his hands over his face Steve was trying to hide the blush creeping up.
Like a light bulb going off leaning back feet going forward into Steve’s space Eddie was laughing “she did that didn’t she, oh I’m definitely going shopping with you next time. 
Looking at him he assured “ You say that now but you’ll be subjected to it, I promise you, there is no stopping her once she has started.” 
The food was coming and Eddie had returned to an upright position but his feet were still bracketing one of Steve’s. This was one way he had decided to test the waters of touch with Steve. 
That little flutter happened when Eddie didn’t move his feet. The only sound between them was eating, he hadn't realized how hungry he was before this. Again his mind wandered, this time about Eddie and his music, just by looking at him you could tell it was important and he played the guitar. “So how long have you been playing the guitar?” He asked 
Looking surprised at the sudden question he answered “since middle school, Wayne saved up and got me an acoustic guitar one Christmas. I was already starting to obsess over music so that kind of just blew it out of the water.” He was grinning,talking about music always made him smile. 
“That’s cool, so when did you get the electric guitar?” He was trying to keep the conversation going. 
Looking up like he was grabbing information from his brain he replied “about 2 years ago, that I had to save up for myself.” Taking another bite and speaking with his mouth full he said “Probably should have not gotten the money like I did… if you know what I mean.” 
“Gotta do what you gotta do… right.” Steve defended his actions 
“Why are you asking Stevie, you want to come see me play?” He tapped him in the ankle when saying this. At that moment he blank stared at Eddie for a moment, the nickname rolling around his head and the implication of other things from the tone in which this was said. It was funny, that never happened when Robin called him that. 
Trying to play it cool he sputtered “ No, I mean yeah that would be cool, but I have been playing again for a little while and I don’t know anyone else who does.” His face felt hot. 
It was Eddie’s turn to blank stare, shocked at what had just been said “ You Steve Harrington play the guitar… an instrument… you know you're full of surprises. I don’t particularly like the music you listen to but I certainly respect fellow musicians.” 
“Okay for one: lots of people play instruments and two: how do you know you won’t like the music I listen to? I don’t know really much about your music you like but I would give it a try.” He argued back. 
“We’ll, from getting to know you a little bit. I think you're a top 40s guy. Also, is that a challenge, big boy, cause I’ll make you a tape to see how much you like my music.” He was leaning forward arms on the table being his dramatic self, some people were peeking at the two. 
“Okay yeah I do like the top 40s but I also have some stuff I don’t think you have ever heard of even if it is not your taste in music. Yes, how about we each make a tape with 12 songs. They're not really winning anything but I don’t care, I'll prove you like some of my music.” He was leaning into the table now, both their eyes locked on each other. And again that spark happened in his stomach. He relaxed again in his seat trying to calm whatever unnamed emotion was coming up. 
Still leaning on the table Eddie said” you gotta deal. Also back to you playing guitar how long have you played? You could have told me sooner. I feel like that is a cool thing to have in common with someone.” 
With a sigh “ So when I was little my parents kind of forced me to take lessons, they said it would make a well rounded person, and you know that’s a great privilege I had but if you're not into it then you don’t really want to do it. For like three years I did it and it was all classical as soon as they let me stop I did, but every once in a while I would pick it up and now I kinda found I like it, if I’m playing things I like.” There was a lot of underlying sadness to this statement and to Eddie it highlighted what everyone never talked about which was that Steve’s parents seem to be a topic he strayed away from. 
With this new information the need to hear Steve’s playing grew. “ I gotta hear you play now or at least at some point and you can see what I do. It would be fun!” 
With a shrug “Maybe… I’ve never played in front of someone.” 
He didn’t push it any further, sensing some underlying emotion to that statement. “Okay, but we still gotta make the tapes!” Steve nodded to that, in truth he already had ideas running through his head. 
Finishing up they paid and walked back out into the early summer heat. The days had gotten longer which was nice, less darkness for the unknown to lurk. The Beemer was parked closer so Steve stopped by his door “alright I’ll see you around Ed.” 
Walking backwards and squinting “ okay Stevie see you soon.” 
Getting into the car Steve waved as he started it and backed it out. He watched the van through his rear view mirror until it faded off in the other direction. All he knew now was Robin was getting a call, to discuss today's events. 
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