#cuz yes sam is big and powerful and needs to let go and be cared for
hurricanejane · 2 years
Saw that post about bottom sam and almost derailed with all of my bottom dean feelings but bottom sam is so valid and deserves his own post.
But here is my fresh post presenting bottom dean because. Have you considered bottom dean.
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the-firebird69 · 11 months
Then we're going to take over the cities that we remove the buildings from and we're going to hold those areas and we are going to keep those areas others will have other areas but they're not going to be so big and we do have similar same construction company names yes and most people will think that they're Max
Thor Freya
You want to be mean to me Max I'm going to be mean to you have these people sell this s*** Sam in the dumper with them you're going to pay you be men about it,Jesus
Zues Hera
Nobody talks to us that way and he says you're right you call me nobody you're figuring out something this kid is power and we're not paying attention he wants his office back he says if you had a few million dollars to be driving around doing nothing and it's proven to be true but now he has to worry about his future every second especially s*** has walking around him
Can you provoke us we did learn something Trump is doing it too they pushing him not letting him out of the job because the stupid name you're a nightmare too he doesn't care he's going to use it says they're not smart enough to overcome the basic stuff and he's right actually I don't have any proof except for we lost territory and can't take it back and we can't approach his bases it's not proof yet
So we're supposed to approach this bases for you or something cuz you're this loser who keeps falling for simple stuff that a child does
I don't think so I guess you're not never had somebody who wants to get rid of me so much he says don't make a huge deal at yourself you're really a nobody you're nothing a queen it's not that it's just that there are other people like you and they suck and their pussies like you
Zues Hera
So I guess there are other people like me and he's doing to them and taking tons of stuff because we pushovers we're around saying you want to fight and he goes and cleans our clock I don't like it and I don't need it anymore
Pussy. You're going to keep doing the job and you're going to keep getting f***** because you're not bright enough to do anything else and that's what you're doing and you insist on doing it it is so gross and you would not believe how sick it looks. They're going to run out there and make these kids and other things just like we need you to you're going to take the hits you're going to take the brunt of it you're going to be out there cutting yourself in half for us we're going to take the vehicles fix them blame you for what we do make our own that look like yours
Zues Hera
I can't stand this anymore it keeps saying it to me yeah I guess we're bothering him all day and the price we pay is we don't get to live but we keep doing it
That's a real smart guy we got there
Mac Daddy
I can't stand it he's really dumb and he's doing the wrong thing he's a huge a****** he's ruining things for real
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alirhi · 3 years
10 Sebastian roles as boyfriends
Because... I'm bored and I feel like it. 😂 Probably some spoilers for, like... everything? So yeah... That.
Putting it under here for easy scrolling:
10: Chase Collins
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Who doesn't love a goofball? In the first half of the movie, Chase is basically perfect. He's sweet, funny, not all caught up in his ego, and actually pays attention to what the girls around him are saying, not just to what he wants to hear. If not for the whole... it was all an act to get close to Caleb and try to steal his magic thing, Chase would actually be a damn good high school boyfriend. He's adorable and would be a fun date, but he's also only 18 so best not to start making long-term plans lol. Also, y'know... the whole psycho revenge/power grab thing.
9 Jack Benjamin
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Y'all. Y'all. Words cannot describe how much I love Jack. Pretty sure I've made this clear. As a person/character in general, he's absolutely in my Top 3 - not just of Sebastian's characters, but any character ever. ❤ But as a boyfriend? Boy's got baggage. It's what makes me so protective of him, but seeing as how he's trapped in the closet thanks to his overbearing homophobic family and the insane expectations heaped on him, as the show left him, he can't handle an honest relationship. He's too easily influenced by all the wrong people, poor babe.
8 Chris (Destroyer)
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On paper, undercover cop sounds cool and exciting, but even if you ignore the fact that he, y'know, dies... Chris got in too deep and kinda lost the mission, so to speak. Best case scenario, you're his sexy partner and in on it all with him and end up on the lam for the rest of your lives. Worst case, this man lies for a living, so can you even trust him? And... yeah. The whole dead thing. Chris is hot af but getting involved with him is a recipe for disaster.
7 Ben
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Min and Hathor have mercy, I love Ben! He's smart, he's snarky, he's caring and loyal... he's an absolute disaster. He's another one who seems allergic to honesty, until his lying and avoiding nearly kill his girlfriend. Not exactly relationship goals lol. Everything before totally was, though! Ben's adorable, and I love how he stayed up all night to protect his girlfriend (from a ghost/demon thing... with a baseball bat. I said he was smart, not perfect, okay? XD points for effort lol)
6 Mickey Henry
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I. LOVE. MICKEY. Oml I love Mickey. He's a spazz and - even more so than Ben - an absolute disaster of a human being, but I love him. Pros for dating Mickey Henry: he's fun, he's carefree, he'll cook for you even though he's kinda bad at it lol, he loves his son and wants to be a good dad, he wants his partner to be happy and to love life as much as he does. Cons, and the reason he's not higher on the list: He's a pushover; easily influenced by the toxic people in his life, and it gets him into a lot of trouble. Being easily influenced by toxic dumpster fire of a human being Chloe almost lost him the partial custody of his son that he barely even had. He's an absolute sweetheart, but he's a complete man-child, and dating him would often feel more like raising him.
5 Frank "Suffer Buddy"
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Come on! You know he and Mickey had to be back-to-back - they're practically the same character! 😂 Frank is Mickey... slightly more grown up. He's still a disaster, but he's respectful of boundaries, he's caring, he's funny in a dry, witty way that I just adore, and hoo lordy that man is a giver! 🥴🥵 Honestly, if he didn't smoke and didn't ditch Daphne in the middle of a party hours away from everything familiar to her surrounded by strangers to go do drugs, I'd call Frank perfect. He listened, he respected her wishes, he tried to keep some distance between them when he found out she'd gone on a date with his best friend (it failed utterly and brought us to the "damn that man's good with his mouth" portion of the movie lmao but still)... I don't have a whole lot of experience with men who actually give a shit, okay? So Frank is like a goddamn unicorn to me lmao. But that drug thing... That keeps him at the bottom of the Top 5 for me. Sorry, bb
4 Bucky
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I can already hear everyone on here raging at me for placing Bucky so low on this list, but hear me out: I love this man. I love all four iterations of this man. Flirty 40s Bucky was a doll (fun date, not commitment material). Post-POW camp 40s Bucky had a fire to him that set me on fire. The Winter Soldier can choke me any damn day. Unf. And TFATWS Bucky... Oh, lady above, 2023 Bucky is a gem! He's sweet, snarky, and broken. He feels utterly, wretchedly alone in the world, and everyone around him, including his only friend, is telling him to "man up" and "make amends" for shit that was never his fault to begin with, rather than helping him come to terms with all that he's suffered and all that he's survived. Bucky needs and deserves love. A relationship with him would be so solid, if he found the right person... But it would take a fuck ton of work. He needs someone strong, patient, and more stubborn than he is to prod him until he finds a better therapist and actually opens up, and to keep him on track because even good therapy comes with homework. He does have to "do the work," Sam was right about that much, but he was way off base with what that "work" is. Bucky needs help and understanding, and he would be an amazing boyfriend... if he found someone with the strength to help him weather his nightmares and flashbacks, and help pull him out of this PTSD pit he's been in since 1943.
3 Chris Beck
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Big brains turn me on, okay? 😂This man is an astronaut and a surgeon! Yes, please! Come here, you sexy genius! He's smart, he's funny - pretty sure Sebastian is incapable of playing anyone who's not delightfully snarky lol. He's pragmatic when he needs to be but there's also nothing he wouldn't do or risk for the ones he loves. This man is husband material and I cannot be convinced otherwise! So why isn't he #1? Cuz of the whole... spending years in space, thing. Super cool job and I'd be his biggest fan on the ground, but god damn, I would miss him while he's away!
2 TJ Hammond
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Look, I'm gender fluid and he's a little bit bi 😂😂😂 Let me have my fantasy, okay? TJ's definitely got a lot of shit to work through, but love brings out the best in him. Before that fucking closeted shitbag broke his heart and stomped on it for good measure, TJ was clean and sober for months, he was happy, he was playing piano again, he was pulling himself together. Not only would he be an amazing boyfriend, but his partner would get the extra joy of getting to watch their love and devotion to him be the thing that saves this beautiful man's life. It's not healthy overall to tie your self worth and will to live to a relationship, but if he found the right person who would be there for him through all of life's shit and stick it out, I think he'd be okay. Even after his lowest point and without the support of his family, TJ still had a dream and he still chased it. He's not just the sweetest person to ever grace our screens, but he's ambitious and business-savvy, too. Keep him off drugs and watch this man take over the world, I'm telling you!
So why is TJ only #2? Well, besides the fact that he's like 99% gay and I have no bits he'd be interested in lmao, there's also the fact that this guy owns my heart:
1 Will Franklyn
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And not just because we get to see him wet and mostly naked lol. Will is fucking perfect. I would die for this man... because he's already shown that he would die for his love. He almost fucking did, and they weren't even together yet! He's smart and very aware, he's a writer so we'd get to bond/geek out over books together, he's not all full of himself (self-deprecating humor ftw!) and he's willing to help a total stranger despite actual mortal peril, just because it's the right thing to do. Fierce, intelligent, sassy, strong-willed, and a flawless moral compass? YESYESYESYESYES! Forget boyfriend - let me MARRY this man! 😍🥰
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stuffronisays · 4 years
lmao this was gonna be short separate posts but I got lazy so this is just me reacting to bbh’s lore stream
how did I know that Karl would do something
hey Karl protect your fiancé
I’m gonna cry I love their acting
Also should we be worried about Callahan? Cuz he died right near the egg
oh my god please dont tell me Sam is gonna be pro egg now
“Yeah we vibing” anshshhdhdhdhd
wait why does the egg’s voice remind me of parseltongue from Harry Potter
is the lore over? Can I sleep now?
I don’t think so
c h e c k l i s t
why does quackity wanna meet up with BBH right after what happened
yea BBH thanks for the creepy stream disclaimer even tho it’s almost midnight and I have school
Why is big q leading BBH away
idk if this is even considered live blogging cuz it’s just gonna be one big post
skeppy infected okay yea
no way to get him back to normal
red skeppy does not equal everything being okay BBH
what does quackity want I don’t know I’m busy crying
bad telling big q that the egg is good
omg quackity’s acting is so good
BBH saying nothing worked to help skeppy not be infected
quackity telling BBH that he’s now a problem
not a person but a type of people
oh god
b r a i n w a s h i n g
BBH stfu about what the egg likes
serious quackity scares me
it’s not about gathering people okay
brain power okay
oh no are they getting in each other’s way
same objectives but different measures okay okay okay
empty land
it does matter
ok big q thanks for making me cry
“The egg isn’t evil” I disagree
maybe it is what the egg is saying
“As long as I have my friend, everything will be okay”
I’m gonna cry
anyways the acting in this stream was top notch
these people need to be in movies
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the-gray-ghosty · 3 years
Thoughts on season 4? (It’s my fav season and i love talking abt it cuz boy there is SO much to unpack here)
You are correct, there is Sooo much to unpack abt season four, so I'll go over a few of my favorite topics (These are all my opinions!) :) [sorry in advance for rambling]
So season four has so many topics, from angels to dean rising from hell to Sam's addiction to ruby, there is so much to go over! I'm going to start with the angels
my thoughts on angels are very limited, seeing as I didn't pay much attention to them. But I guess we'll start with castiel. The first we see (or hear) of castiel is when he burns Pamela's eyes out. It shows how powerful he is, and made me wonder whether he was good or not (when I first watched it). Castiel's entrance on the show is probably one of the coolest entrances (besides Death's entrance in season 5), and the shadows of his wings were super cool.
Alright now Sam himself. Sam saw his brother, his soulmate, his best friend, get mauled by hellhounds and deep down we know he blamed himself for not being able to save his brother. As we saw, before Sam met Ruby again he was drinking himself to death and was probably going to either kill himself or get himself killed. Ruby saved his life. Their relationship is so strange, because it actually isn't obvious that ruby is evil. She played the good guy, and did it damn smart. She manipulated sam, being kind to him and being a support system (not to mention giving him demon blood). Even though I hate ruby she was pretty badass. She got him to trust her, slowly, and became a support system/friend that he needed. Even though she was just playing Sam so he would raise lucifer, I feel that she did care about him a tiny bit. In Lucifer Rising, after Sam killed lilith and found out ruby was evil, she was comforting him and when Sam helped dean kill her she honestly looked surprised.
Now Sam's powers. They were always a fascination to me and I am so upset they didn't go anywhere with them. Especially with the relevation from ruby that Sam "didn't need the feather to fly", basically saying that he didn't need the demon blood to use his powers. I loved seeing a darker side of Sam, it was very interesting to watch. The scene where Sam saved Castiel and killed Alistair is probably one of my favorite scenes of Sam. The fact that castiel believed Sam when he told the angel that demons weren't killing angels was a big step in their friendship. Castiel trusted Sam, and I'm sure he knew that Sam saved his life from Alistair
One parallel that I noticed was in ep 21 or 22, when Dean told Sam "if you walk out that door, don't come back". John also told that to Sam when he left for stanford. This scene was powerful, and really showed how dean and john are similar or had parallels. John was abusive (maybe not physically but definitly emotionally) and so was Dean. (Though dean does actually get physically abusive later, like how he beats soulless Sam unconsious when Sam tells him he needs help. But that's a conversation for another time) when Dean said "if I didn't know you I would want to hunt you", he should have been trying to help Sam instead of hurting him and pushing him away. Yes, Sam did do some things wrong, I'm not saying he didn't, but Dean really didnt go about handling Sam the right way. You can tell I episode Lucifer Rising that after Sam realizes that he let lucifer out he feels really bad. And not to mention the fake voice-mail he got from dean, telling him he's a monster and a vampire, that really didn't help. I don't know if dean ever learned that the voice-mail was changed, but I feel really bad for Sam. And knowing sam, I'm sure he kept it.
Another thing I want to discuss is Sam's addiction to the demon blood and how they (the writers and dean) addressed it. First off, the way they (Dean and bobby) locked him in the panic room and left him alone, in pain halucinating and dying was so wrong. And how they focused on dean suffering, how he "couldn't listen to Sam's pain", (just another proof of the writers paying more attention to dean than Sam. -my opinion though.) They focused more on Dean instead of Sam who was literally going through withdrawal alone.
One more thing! did Sam ever learn that castiel was the one who let him out of the panic room to kill lilith? Yes I understand Cas was under orders and everything, but Cas letting Sam out was a huge reason lucifer was let out. Just thought I'd mention that
Okay I didn't go over everything and I rambled a lot :D thanks for the ask, it led me to watch a few episodes over again, I honestly forgot how good season four is :)
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 5X21 Two Minutes to Midnight
well...i have to jack sparrow it
lol they want me to disable adblocker that's so funny
oh god it's a doctor
I don't like the doctors in this show
this woman is dead
this motherfucker
boy he's such a dick about it too
she didn't deserve that :(
turns out its not even hot women that die! every woman dies!!
aw Dean's having his complexes
it upSet the SailoRs
ah right they had to go get pestilence
“or pain medication” he’s GRUMPY
Bobby will wire you the cash “I WILL??”
aww he has a crush
“you are not the broken shell and husk of a man I believed you to be” “thank you”
I missed them
“my nana” pfft
ah they got into the visual
they’re doing great
seriously guys, fate of the world
please tell me they manage to do something
AH it was a “how we got here”
it’s always brothers isn’t it
aw lil evil bitchboy holds a grudge for killing his shitgoblin brothers
and they all fall sick
I don’t like this episode
and they get sick too
they have half an hour left this can’t be the end
hey guys I think you need a new plan
mans sure did a 180 quick
he puts on MUCH more of a veneer it’s SCARY
he’s a lot crueler
does this motherfucker have daddy issues with god too
“How’d you get here” “i took a bus” god I love Castiel so much
“tell us you have good news” “chicago is fucked”
hey I know chicago
oooo it’s death time isn’t it
this is the funniest fucking scene
yes he sold his soul
“he has a temper issue about it” heh
hey at least he’s smart about it
he yells
huh his arrogance did a 180
I think…huh something’s here
“boy you’re lucky you’re pretty” heh
“are you really gonna bitch to me” yes bobby parent him too
“have fun killing death’ “have fun with the apocalypse”
aww the wendigo years
kiNg oF thE croSsrOaDs
is…I think…is crowley trying to help
this feels…fairly ableist tbh, as does most of bobby’s plot line? like I think i get what they were going for but?
Aw Crowley doesn’t like feeligns
ah it was strengthening the vessel, the demon blood
Cas you are terrible at good news
OK! NEW PLAN! I love Bobby
oh fun it’s zombie time
boy bobby has reflexes
haha Crowley likes his chicago pizza
I love Crowley
ah only crowley can see all the reapers
like Cas
“whelp he’s not there let’s GO!!!”
Gotta appreciate the consistency at least
the impala
Crowley was in there heh
F O u nD HI M what?
he’s in there
the fucking pizza place lolll
the zapping thing is gonna come back
god I love the teleportation thing, crowley’s such a bitch with it
shocker everyone is dead
he be calmly eating his italian food :)
“bacteria” heh
death, as always, is calm and big picture
“contemplate your insignificance”
boy he looks young here
neither of us can remember who’s older, me or god
oo i like that
ah he doesn’t like being controlled
he’s a bit more…confident? arrogant??
I’d say deserved
“I suppose it can stay…I like the pizza”
“put lucifer in the cell”
“and kill your brother lol”
“you think- “i know”
“you can’t cheat death” uh
“would you like the instruction manual”
aw bobby’s enjoying his legs
“the world’s dying bloody” yeah that does put a damper on it
so everyone but Dean wants Sam to say yes huh
Dean you fucking idiot
“an ass full of character defects” HAHAHA
they both raised him jeez
he’s been doing this for…ever
“what’s the specific hang up this time”
aw and no cool ending song
Death! ok so here’s the thing. Death was calmer, but he contextualized all the other three. Pestilence clearly cared about the other two horseman, but you got the sense they were younger..? not as big picture? like why did they go along like that? what was their goal? why was death the only one who rebelled? did the other like the chaos?
and death did have this like. “I do this because I want it” thing, but also..it’s death. That scene with Dean was so tense. he had so much more power and knowledge, everyone knew it, and Dean(and the audience was floundering). Hell of a bang, and it almost made me forget how they had to put them horseman in at the very end cuz they ran out of time
Bobby. The wheelchair thing felt…weird, but I loved his specific snark.
Cas. Mans is a strategist, you can tell. He had a PLAN going into the pestilence thing. Also, he was funny, and he handled being human quite well! he was fun to watch.
obligatory Destiel. That lil scene with crowley and the phone was condo was Cute, they’re a fun dynamic. Worth noting he talked to Sam and it was Business, but good, and also they should have vibed more.
CROWLEY. God he was so fun. He was like…the fairy godmother but he was fucking terrible at it wasn’t he. it was so good
oh yeah Sam’s the main character isn’t he. Look. He just Angst. And do Heroic thing, Yell, then Angste. Cas, Crowley, Bobby, they all DON’T ANGST, and it’s FUN!! and Dean’s guilty of this too, btw, it wasn’t that fun to watch him, but he gets to be riled by the supernatural creatures(Cas and Crowley), so it’s ok
Also, boy how explicitly can you make it that Dean had an incredibly active role in raising sam, huh?
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meteor752 · 4 years
MCU Hogwarts headcanons
A while back I did this with Lotr, and it was fun, so I will do it with the MCU now too. And no, I will not do a long ass post going over every fucking year because that would take such a long time, and I don’t bother.
And again, this is my opinion, you are entitled to yours, but I’m not interested in yours so screw it.
Tony: Ravenclaw, Pureblood. Kind of a slacker when it comes to classes, and basically sleeps his way through most of them, but still gets top scores on essays and tests. May be a Pureblood, but he don’t give a shit about your blood status. Addicted to sweets and coffee. Don’t approach him, he will start to gush about that kind Hufflepuff within five minutes. Is trying to find a spell that will make him taller because he smol. Ravenclaw chaser. Patronus is a Raven
Steve: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Is one of those Hufflepuffs that is all sweet and stuff, but can fuck you up if desired too. A fan of dueling. Is there if you need to talk about something. Doesn’t know what’s going on around him, ever. Is really good at Herbology. Often pets the plants cuz he’s soft like that. Is totally in love with that snarky Ravenclaw boy. Hufflepuff keeper, Quidditch captain and prefect. Patronus is a bald eagle (Yes I did that)
Thor: Gryffindor, Pureblood. Stans everyone around him. Come to him if someone would insult you, he will beat up the person and then give you chocolate frogs. A huge effing nerd tbh, and really likes the Holyhead Harpies. Is shamelessly dating his adopted brother (YES I SHIP THORKI NO I WILL NOT APOLOGIZE). Amazing at weather magic. Wants to become an animagi. Patronus is a Labrador.
Natasha: Slytherin, Halfblood. Adopted and raised by an auror. Is in one of those stereotypical Hufflepuff-Slytherin friendships. Really good at potions. Everyone is either scared of her or in love with her, or both. Is a faithful girlfriend though. Is honestly though a real cutie. Makes fun of everyone. Just needs a hug. Slytherin beater. Patronus is a cheeta.
Bruce: Ravenclaw, halfblood. Werewolf. Not the boldest person in the world. Can snark back if needed to. Would rather not though. Is basically good at every subject. Used to get bullied, before Stark started snarling at everyone that came close. They are basically best friends. Fancies that loud gryffindor girl, but has no idea why. Ravenclaw prefect. Patronus is a frilled lizard.
Clint: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Adopted and raised by an auror. Is in one of those stereotypical Hufflepuff-Slytherin friendships. Is trying to find a spell that will make him hear better. Really defensive of other disabled kids. Teaches them ways to use magic to make life easier. Is honestly just a huge mess. Constantly flirting with the stiff Hufflepuff girl. Goofball to the max. Likes flying. Hufflepuff beater. Patronus is a hawk.
Loki: Slytherin, pureblood. Was revealed to be adopted when he was ten. Has met his biological family once, and would rather not do it again. Master at illusion magic and the dark arts. Crossdressing icon. If you’re looking for him, he’s probably in the library studying something forbidden. Has taken the odd hufflepuff girl under his wing. Slytherin seeker. Patronus is a viper.
Bucky: Slytherin, muggleborn. Tired mom energy. Went through a goth phase in his third and fourth year, and is very embarassed by it. Lost his arm in his second year in a hydra accident. Loves his creepy girlfriend to bits. Friendly rivalry with the Hufflepuff boy that often hovers around his best friend. Bisexual Disaster at it’s finest. Slytherin beater. Patronus is a wolf.
T’Challa: Slytherin, pureblood. Probably the kindest person you will ever meet. Is often found at the top of the astronomy tower, watching the sunset. Recently found out about his cousin that’s attending Ilvermorny, and is trying to form a friendly relationship. Rumored to be from a royal family in Africa. Slytherin Prefect, Slytherin keeper, Quidditch captain and Head boy. Patronus is a Panther.
Rhodey: Gryffindor, halfblood. Childhood best friend with Stark. Has to drag him away from trouble constantly. Is the only one with a single braincell. Has often tried to combine small muggle devices with magic. Has often failed ar combining small muggle devices with magic. Aromantic icon. Is close to hexing his friend if he won’t stop babbling about the kind Hufflepuff boy. Gryffindor prefect and chaser. Patronus is a pigeon.
Stephen: Ravenclaw, muggleborn. Was so focused to learn everything about the wizarding world that he did it in the span of a single month. Was almost put into Slytherin. Kind of wants to be put into Slytherin because that Stark kid is getting on his nerves. Aims to be the next Merlin. Really good at charms and ancient runes. Has tried and suceeded multiple times to sneak into the restricted section in the library. Helps Loki to guide the odd Hufflepuff girl, so he won’t corrupt her in some way. Patronus is a Parrot.
Hela: Slytherin, Pureblood. Transexual queen. Goth lesbian to the max. Will protect her younger brothers with her life. Has a wolf as a pet, for some reason. Really fascinated by ghosts and Inferius. Basically really into death. Is often found talking to the thestrals. Hopelessly in love with her best friend. Might be a future dark lord, who knows. Patronus is a Unicorn.
Brunnhilde: Gryffindor, muggleborn. Butch lesbian and proud. Is not impressed by you. Has a firewhisky problem. Honestly just wants to chill with her BFF and do nothing. Constantly sneaks into the forbidden forest with her, just to skip class. Very oblivious. But is still relatively good at DADA and an amazing dueller. Gets along with her Best friends younger brother, who admires her a lot. Gryffindor beater and Quidditch captain. Patronus is a Pegasus.
Maria: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Adopted and raised by an auror. Is one of the few Hufflepuffs that isn’t just a kind softy, but a pretty focused student. Gets along with Rhodey relatively well because she too has a couple of braincells. Is trying to become an Auror like her adopted father. Could this Hufflepuff boy stop flirting with me I’m trying to study. Hufflepuff prefect and head girl. Patronus is a lark.
Peter: Gryffindor, Halfblood. Literally the sweetest boy you will ever meet, oh my god how are you this innocent. Just a huge adorable nerd. Everyone loves him. Is best friends with the snarky Ravenclaw girl. Care of magical creatures king. Trans boy. Deathly afraid of spiders. Gryffindor seeker. Patronus is a Wren.
Shuri: Ravenclaw, pureblood. Smartest person in school, and is not afraid to show it. Constantly talks back to teachers. Has gotten a lot of detention because of it. Often does not do her homework though, as she’d rather do her own magical experiments. Gets a lot of detention because of that as well. Bisexual mess. Totally crushing on the soft Hufflepuff boy that she took a liking to. Ravenclaw seeker. Patronus is a panther.
Sam: Hufflepuff, halfblood. Prefers flying on his broom to walking, so he is doing that as much as possible. Sometimes he just flies around on his broom in the halls between classes. Proudly dating the kind Slytherin boy, and wants everyone to know about it. Is actually not a bad student, despite popular belief. Hufflepuff beater. Patronus is a Falcon.
Wanda: Hufflepuff, Halfblood. Was raised in muggle society, as she was abandoned by her Wizard father. A tad bit odd, but really powerful. Is one of the best students in the school at Non-verbal spells. Can do a few tricks with just her hands as well. Is mentored by a Slytherin boy and a Ravenclaw boy, who just can’t stop arguing with each other. Hufflepuff seeker. Patronus is an Augurey.
Pietro: Gryffindor, Halfblood. Was raised in muggle society, as he was abandoned by his Wizard father. Is always late in someway, so is always rushing around everywhere. Accidentally got his hair dyed white during transfiguration his second year, and he ended up liking it so he kept it. Is trying to create a spell to make him faster so he won’t be late all the time. Gryffindor chaser. Patronus is a Fwooper.
Darcy: Gryffindor, muggleborn. The only person who has beaten Thor in a duel. She just tazered him halfway through. Is that one student that refuses to use quills because why would I when pens are much easier? Never wears robes, always wears muggle clothing. Sassiest at Hogwarts. Omni and proud. Doesn’t bother to learn to pronounce a single thing, which has resuled in a couple of incidents. Shamessly in love with the shy Ravenclaw boy, and is constantly flirting. Patronus is a Hedgehog.
Vision: Ravenclaw, muggleborn. Grew up in an orphanage with his older brother Ultron, his older sister Friday and his younger brother Dumme. All four are wizards however. Is not close at all with his siblings. Grew up without any real human connection, so is really bad at emotions. His friend Wanda is teaching him though. Is really bad at social cues. Has a thing for shiny things, especially gems and jewels. Patronus is a crow.
Scott: Hufflepuff, muggleborn. Accidentally shrunk himself in his first year, and no one will let him live it down. Got a good friend from the whole thing though. Is just a big fan of the wizarding world though, and admires everyone. A human puppy. Introduces himself to everyone, in hope of making friends. Really likes to look at and draw bugs. Has more than once used the Engorgement charm on bugs, just to get a better look at them. Patronus is a bumblebee.
Hope: Ravenclaw, pureblood. Made friends with the boy that shrunk himself, just to figure out how he did it. He somehow managed to rub off on her, and in her later years she is a lot more snarky and joking. She regrets it everyday, but it’s too late because that boy is now her boyfriend and she will protect him until the very end. Is often in the glasshouses studying rare insects. Ravenclaw prefect. Patronus is a wasp.
I decided to stop here, because I literally could have kept going for ages, but I didn’t want to do that. Maybe I will make a part two involving the Guardians and a couple of other faces, I can do whatever I want.
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copperhawks · 4 years
Dee’s asleep and not checking this blog much anymore so Imma write another essay cuz I wanna and I’m so excited for the next chapter of The Lost Mage, maybe she’ll backread through this during the next hiatus lol.
Anyway. To no one’s surprise, I also absolutely adore The Lord of the Rings series. I’m sure a lot of Pierce fans are probably simultaneously Lord of the Rings fans, they’re similar genres after all.
My favorite character was always Faramir. In both books and movies, Faramir was my boy. I didn’t care about Legolas much, the pretty boy of so many a young girl’s eye, or Aragorn, the gritty honorable hero who also caught many a young girl’s eye.
In the books, Faramir is flawless, practically. He is another Aragorn, in many ways, though perhaps just SLIGHTLY more scholarly. Both of them don’t want to really fight or lead but take on these roles because it is necessary and it’s what’s best for their people. They both are very grounded in terms of who they are, neither of them thinks themselves above anyone else, they don’t really seek power ever. This is why neither Aragorn nor Faramir is truly ever tempted by the Ring in the books, at all. Faramir is patient and kind and compassionate and has a very quiet sort of strength that hides in darkness until someone shines a light on it. He is the opposite of his brother, a foil to him the way Aragorn is, just slightly less flashy than Aragorn tends to be.
In the films, Faramir ends up somewhere in-between his brother and his king. He IS still tempted by the Ring, for similar reasons to Boromir, but he is able to eventually fight off the temptation and let Frodo go. He has flaws, he has insecurities that nearly cause his ruin, but he has a strength that allows him to overcome them. He still has that compassion and the patience from the books, though it’s shown less simply due to a lack of time, but it’s there. And he has his quiet strength still, too. He’s not flashy, he’s not seeking glory ever. Most of the time, what he’s seeking is acceptance, love.
You’d be forgiven for thinking that this lil mini essay is going to be about which of the Lost Mage’s characters reminds me most of Faramir. And you’d be forgiven for being surprised that this essay actually starts with his brother.
So let’s talk about Don.
Poor Don. Poor irresponsible, jealous, weak Don.
Don the Deadbeat, Don the Defective, Don the Deficient, Don the Discriminatory.
If you’re been in the Lord of the Rings fandom for any significant length of time, you’ve probably seen and read at least one essay about why Boromir is not a villain. Why his failure to resist the Ring is not a sign of irredeemable weakness. Why he was actually the most relatable character of all of them, aside from perhaps Sam.
If The Lost Mage were Lord of the Rings, Don would probably be seen as a villain, too. At least, for a while.
Boromir fails a lot, too, but this doesn’t mean he doesn’t TRY to do good. He tries to protect Faramir from his father. And fails. He tries to save Merry and Pippin from the orcs and dies for it. And still fails. He tries to resist the Ring and protect Frodo as best he can. And he fails.
But he’s trying, above everything else, to protect his people, to be a good leader, to do what he believes needs to be done to defeat the darkness in the world. And he is led astray, yes, but not out of personal desire for power ever. He’s trying his best to accomplish multiple tasks and please multiple people in a situation where not everyone can be appeased. Boromir wants to help, but feels as though his contributions and opinions are being brushed aside unfairly. The people he came all this way to try to protect are being dismissed as unworthy and untrustworthy, despite everything he has seen them do to keep the darkness at bay and away from the rest of the world. Boromir has had to lead his people to their deaths too many times to not take this personally.
Boromir fails. But his death provides an example of honor and leadership that Aragorn ends up following later on. Boromir’s sacrifice does not end up being in vain at all, as both Merry and Pippin live on and are rescued and are instrumental in helping defeat Sauron. Pippin in particular in instrumental in protecting Boromir’s own brother. And Aragorn goes on to take up the mantle of King, leading the kingdom of Gondor and Men in general into a new age of peace and prosperity. Boromir fails.
But he succeeds, too. 
King Donatien is fighting similar darkness. Both internal and external.
Don is, at heart, a good man. A kind man. A man who wants little else but to make life better for his people, human and animal. A man who will take in injured otters who won’t survive in the wild, a man who sees his mother murdered in front of him and has to find a way to move forward after that while answering calls for vengeance from everyone around him. A man whose personal beliefs are now at war with the needs of the nobility which are at war with the needs of the common people. Don needed to appease the nobility whose families were being massacred one by one but in doing so managed to unravel the only way of life many common people knew.
Don fails.
But does this make him a villain?
No, of course not.
Don was an 18 year old placed in a position of leadership during a time of crisis and who had much of his support slowly whittled away, placing him at the mercy of his own personal One Ring of Power.
Could Don have been a good leader in other circumstances? Maybe. Probably, even. Don would have been an excellent peace-time leader. He could even have been a decent leader during a crisis had the crisis not included a bunch of people working to chip away at any support he might have and tear down his mental stability.
Sadly, that’s not the circumstances we find Don in. The circumstances Don finds himself in put him in a position of always having to fail someone. Whether it’s Sav, the mages, the nobility, or even his own cats. Don fails.
But this arguably makes him one of the most relatable characters in the whole story. Because a lot of us can probably empathize with that feeling of having way too much responsibility thrown on you in the middle of a major crisis and just wanting to put your head down and sleep for a few months but being unable to.
Numair is, arguably, our Aragorn. He has flaws, yes. But he is the epitome of goodness so far. He’s the one who’s got things together the most, the most stable of the main characters, the kind and compassionate and patient hero who is there to support everyone else as they stumble and fall. He is big and flashy and powerful and capable. He is quite the opposite of Don in so many ways. But Numair, like Aragorn, is able to recognize that just because someone seems to be nothing but a failure doesn’t mean they aren’t TRYING to be better and doesn’t mean they don’t just need a little help.
Daine, I think, would be the Faramir. Sav’s too flashy for Faramir, I’m not sure where he’d be placed on the Lord of the Rings spectrum of heroic characters here. Maybe Sav’s Legolas. Or Eowyn. Oh gosh Sav’s Eowyn isn’t he. Regardless, Daine is our Faramir. Quietly strong, compassionate, somewhat broken down, loving, caring, patient and understanding. Someone who doesn’t really fall to temptation, either, and is able to fight through the darkness for someone else’s sake, no matter how far into the dark she is herself. Someone who refuses to lose belief in anyone, but won’t stand by and let bad things happen, either.
Don is TRYING, we’ve seen that. He’s not a villain. He’s perceptive and can be kind and compassionate in the right moments. He falls victim to certain vices and is incapable of pleasing everyone who wants something from him. But he’s trying. So so hard. He’s trying to let go of the man he loves and let him be happy with someone else. He’s trying to keep the peace between the nobility and the commoners, as impossible as they are making it. He is TRYING to work past his own trauma surrounding magic for the sake of his own people. He is trying. And that’s important. That’s SO important.
Don is perhaps not my favorite character. Boromir wasn’t, either, still isn’t. I’m a Faramir girl through and through, that’s just part of who I am at this point.
But that doesn’t mean I’m not ROOTING for Don. I want Don to get better, to BE better, because we’ve seen glimpses of the kind of man he can be, the kind of leader he can be. Don can be exceptional. Don can be inspirational.
Don the Dauntless. Don the Dedicated. Don the Dependable.
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Hi! you’re absolutely incredible I saw your recent work in the age play verse and I loved it! it made me think of a possible little Sam and Daddy Gabriel scenario revolving around his hair lol. Little Sam and little dean are playing and dean makes fun of his hair and when Sam and Gabe get home he cries and asks Gabe to cut his hair so dean would love him again. Daddy Gabe and Uncle Cas talk on the phone dean gets punished, sam’s hair is safe and the boys hug it out and dean apologizes.
Thank you SO SO SO much for this. I had a crazy week last week, and it was made worse by being cut off my internet, so I loved having this prompt as one of my things to write <3 
Read below or on AO3: Playdates & Arguments
Playdate & Arguments
“Pow pow!” Sammy yells, pretending to be the bad guy while superhero Dean takes him down. He always gets stuck being the bad guy, because Dean thinks Sammy would ruin his pretty red cape. Sammy promises he won’t, but Dean’s older, so he gets to choose.
“Psh psshhhh!” Dean makes little noises as he moves his hands, pretending to use his superhero laser powers. “You dead bad guy!”
Sammy falls to the ground, because when Dean says he’s dead, Sammy doesn’t ever argue. Sammy never argues with Dean. Dean always knows best. Well, no… Sammy’s daddy Gabriel knows best, but when on their own, Dean is the boss. He’s older, getting to wear pull-ups, drink from sippy cups instead of bottles, and watch Scooby Doo even though Sam isn’t allowed to.
“I bored,” Dean declares. “We play new game.”
“Yes! Yes!” Sammy jumps in the air, clapping his little hands in excitement. “We pway bwocks? Dee, pwease, oh, Dee pweeeeeeeasse we pway bwocks?”
“Blocks is borin’. We play new game. Daddy lemme watch princess movie. We play rescue da princess.”
“But - but,” Sammy sucks in a shaky breath, lips wobbling. He doesn’t want to play rescue the princess. That doesn’t sound fun at all.
“Come on, Sammy. No be a baby! I no play wiff babies!”
Sammy pulls himself together immediately, sniffling as he wipes at his tears. “Sowwy, Dee. I be big boy. We cans pway save da pwincess.”
“You go over dere! Preten’ yous in a biiiiiig tower, ‘n a dragon is gonna eats you!” Dean pushes Sammy toward the couch, then sets down Sammy’s stuffed pink elephant named Ellie on the floor, indicating that she’s the dragon in this scenario. Sammy doesn’t like that Ellie has to be the mean dragon. Ellie is not bad! She’s good. She makes Sammy happy. Sammy isn’t sure he can pretend, but he will try really really hard. “Oskay, Sammy. You stay dere, ‘n I be da prince comin’ save you!”
Sammy sticks out his bottom lip. “I no wanna be da pwincess… I a pwince!”
“No, you da princess.”
“I a pwince. My daddy say so. He caww me his wittwe pwince!”
“Your daddy wrong! You a princess cuz you looks like a girl!”
Sammy’s eyes well up with tears as he balls up his fists in frustration. “No I don’!”
“Yes you do! Your hair is like da princess in da movie. It too long for a boy. So you da princess. Princess Sammy.” Dean says that last part in a sing-songy voice that is clearly teasing Sammy.
“I no wike dat! Stop stop stop! I no wook wike a pwincess! I wook wike a pwince!” Sam feels his little chest quake as he begins to openly cry.
Dean rolls his eyes. “Stop bein’ a baby! It your fault you look like girls. If you no have stupid ugly hair, you could be da prince, but you a princess.”
“I not!” Sam yells, stomping his feet as he cries harder.
“You is! Or I no play wid you ever ever again!”
“Boys!” Castiel yells from the other room, making them both freeze. “I don’t know what’s wrong, but say sorry and come eat!”
Dean hurries away from the crybaby, not apologizing. Sammy stays back a minute, frantically wiping at his cheeks and nose, hating himself. He already looks like a girl because of his hair. Dean will just make fun of him more if he’s crying like a girl baby .
At least Sammy’s daddy shows up before he’s finished his snack, saving Sammy from actually having to be the princess. Next time they play, Sammy will be the prince. He just has to figure out how.
Sammy thinks long and hard during his ride home, sucking fiercely on his pacifier and clinging to Ellie as he sits strapped down in his carseat. One of the three things in the whole entire big world Sammy could never ever lose is Dean, and Dean hates him now! He thinks Sammy’s hair is ugly, and makes him look like a princess. He knew being a princess was a bad thing, too, because of the way Dean said it. Sammy has played princess dress up before, with Dean in fact, but today was different. Sammy doesn’t know why. It doesn’t matter.
Sammy knows what he has to do.
The second his daddy has him in the house, setting him on the bench in the foyer to take his shoes off for him, Sammy asks, “Daddy…. Wiww you cuts my haiw?”
Working on the velcro strips of Sammy’s shoe, Gabriel shakes his head and laughs softly, “Buddy, you would be so sad. You love your hair.”
“But - but,” Sammy sucks in a breath that shudders and shakes before giving into a watery sob. “I hates my haiw!”
Gabriel stops immediately, only one shoe off of his boy. He cups Sammy’s face, confused when he finds big tears rolling down it. “Baby boy, calm down. What’s going on?”
“I no baby boy!” Sammy cries, balling his fists and kicking his feet. “I big boy! I hates my haiw! You gotta cuts it now! Wanna wook exac - ac- exac- tiwwy wike Dean!”
“Sammy, buddy, you love your hair. Why would you want to suddenly get rid of it?”
“No wuv! No no no! Hates!”
Gabriel scoops his little boy up, not caring that one foot is covered in a sock and the other has a shoe dangling on it still. When they get to Sammy’s nursery, Gabriel heads to the rocking chair. There’s a blanket there that he pulls over Sammy, his arms tightening around the boy to make him lay down and relax. Since Sammy spat out his paci earlier during his meltdown, Gabriel reaches over for another one and pops it in his mouth. Sammy looks up at him with the biggest, roundest eyes in that way that makes Gabriel feel like he’s Sammy’s whole world.
It’s by far the greatest feeling in existence.
And Gabriel would know. He’s spent his entire life indulging in great feelings.
“Alright now, little prince. Just calm d-”
“No!” Sammy grabs his paci and yanks it out. “I no wittwe pwince! I stupid pwincess! ‘N my haiw ugwy! ‘N - ‘n - ‘n,” Sammy sucks in a gulp of air, then continues to sob barely intelligible words, “Dee Dee gonna hatesmewiffugwy haiw. Needs to cuts it owbepwincessinstpwince! Pwease, daddy. Pwease!”
Gabriel looks at his little one in shock, understanding enough to know what’s going on now. “Sammy, honey, did Dean tease you about your hair today?”
Rubbing a tight fist against his eye, Sammy nods and sniffles.
“Oh, baby. That was very mean, and he is naughty for doing that. Especially since my little prince’s hair is so so beautiful. Daddy loves to play with your long, pretty, soft strands. Don’t you like when daddy does that, baby? You always smile and get sleepy when daddy does that.”
More sniffles. Then a timid, “Yeah… Sammy wike haiw pwayed wiff. Feew good.”
“See? And sometimes you like to put bows in your hair to match your pretty outfits. If we cut it, you can’t do that either.”
“No… dat twue.”
“Don’t let Dean teasing you make you do something that will just make you more sad, baby boy.”
Sammy starts crying again, though this time it’s subdued. “But - but I jus’ wants Dee to wuv me again! Cuz I wuv him wots wots wots, ‘n me supew sad he no wike me no mowe.”
“What were you two doing when he said this to you?”
“Pwayin’ save da pwincess. I da pwincess cuz my ugwy haiw. I say no, but he say he no pway wiff me!”
Gabriel nods, starting to understand the situation fully. “Dean just said those things because he wanted to get his way. He wanted to play the prince, so he lied.”
“No, Dee no wie! Wyin’ bad!”
“Everyone makes mistakes and does bad things, little prince. Even Dean. Even daddy.” Sam gasps, making Gabriel chuckle. “I bet Dean doesn’t hate you or your hair at all. I bet he was just being stubborn and wanted to get his way.”
Sammy cautiously grabs his paci again, his fingers wrapping around it nice and tight. He lays on his daddy’s chest, resting his cheek on daddy’s shoulder. He nuzzles his nose into the soft skin of his daddy’s neck and wiggles closer to him. Sighing happily at the familiar scent, Sammy lets himself relax. Dean might be bigger than him, but daddy always know best, even more than Dean. Daddy must be right. Dean is pretty stubborn. He’s heard Uncle Cas say that lots, and it’s usually while Dean is getting in trouble.”
“Oskay daddy,” Sammy whispers, coming to a decision. “We no cuts my haiw.”
“Good. Daddy is proud of you for staying true to what you want, and not letting Dean change your mind.”
That was a lot of words, and the concept is too big for Sammy’s little brain. All he heard is his daddy is proud, and Sammy knows that daddy being proud is really really good. He smacks a loud kiss on his daddy’s cheek before cuddling in closer to him.
“I takes nap now. T’s been quite da day,” Sammy informs him before sticking the paci in his mouth and closing his eyes.
Gabriel has to fight not to laugh at how fucking adorable his little baby is in his arms. Especially when he says things exactly like Gabriel does. Gabriel is always saying ‘it’s been quite the day’, usually to convince him to eat, or nap, or take a bath, or relax.
Once Sammy is asleep, Gabriel gently places him in his crib and kisses his forehead. Then he dials his brother. Castiel answers on the third ring.
“Hey, Gabe. You forget something here?”
“No. It’s about Dean.” Gabriel frowns. He loves his nephew, and hates the idea of getting him in trouble, but Sammy will always come first, and Dean broke Sammy’s little heart today. That’s not okay. “We need to talk.”
Dean stands in front of his daddy, hands anxiously pulling at the shirt covering his belly. His little lips are wobbling, and his cheeks are flushed and covered in tears. Castiel looks down at him with a stern frown, trying hard not to let his emotions get in the way right now. His little one needs to be punished, no matter how sad or how cute he looks.
“So, is what Sammy saying true? Did you say all those mean things?”
“I - I,” Dean stops, trying to breathe to calm himself down like his daddy taught him. It just adds fuel to his sob though, making it loud and watery as it escapes his little pink lips. “I sowwy! I sowwy!”
Castiel frowns. “Yes, well, you will be.”
When Castiel picks his boy up and puts him on his hip, heading to his bedroom, Dean starts to wail. He kicks and punches, begging Castiel in hysterics. When they are sitting on Castiel’s bed, bedroom door locked so Dean can’t run, Castiel puts Dean on his feet. “Now, you are going to get five spanks for how mean you were to Sammy. Five more for the tantrum you just threw, because you know kicking and hitting is very naughty.”
Dean doesn’t try to argue. Castiel’s not sure if he could. The boy is crying far too hard.
“Now, come here baby boy.” Dean looks up at Castiel through tear soaked eyelashes, carefully shuffling forward. When Castiel picks him up and lays him over his lap, belly down and little bum up, Dean’s self-preservation kicks in.
“P-pwease! Pw-pwe-pease pease pease daddy! No! NO spanks!”
“Hush, or you’ll get even more,” Castiel warns, using his daddy voice as he tugs Dean’s elastic waist jeans and mickey mouse pull up down to his knees. His pull up is wet, as it usually is when his little one gets upset like this, but Castiel will just clean it up later.
Dean is quiet now, his tiny body trembling as he sucks on his thumb.
That doesn’t last long. After Castiel brings his hand down with the first harsh smack, the sobbing begins.
Dean hates spankings. Hates hates hates them. He likes his daddy giving him kisses and smiling at him. He likes cuddles and hugs. Not spankings. Not daddy’s angry face. Dean hates making his daddy upset. He hates disappointing him.
He hates how his little bum burns and aches as his daddy keeps spanking him.
He hates that he hurt Sammy’s feelings so badly.
He hates spankings, but he hates the rest so much more, and that’s why he cries so hard he can barely breathe.
“Shhh, little one. Just two more,” Castiel whispers, rubbing a palm over the boy’s bright pink bum. He can see his handprint on Dean’s left cheek, and he hates that, but even as a little boy Dean Winhcester has an obnoxiously high pain tolerance. Castiel learned early he can’t just give the boy a few tiny swats. They aren’t effective. Dean cries, sure, but then within an hour he forgets.
Dean never forgets now.
The boy squirms and sobs for the last two, little fists clenched around the bunched up fabric of Castiel’s pants.
Relief floods Dean when it’s all over. His daddy picks him up and lays him on the big bed. He slips a thumb into his mouth, sucking furiously. Every movement makes his little bum’s owies hurt worse, so he stays extra extra still. He doesn’t even complain when his daddy starts to change him like he’s a baby. He just winces around his thumb, sucking it harder when the baby wipe brushes over his sore bum. Dean usually gets so embarrassed during this. He’s a big boy now. Daddy potty trained him. Accidents are so scary, and they make him super duper anxious and sad. But right now he has too much to be upset about. The accident is the least of his worries.
Once powdered, a new pull-up in place, Castiel hands Dean a paci and his huge stuffed bumble bee. He leaves the boy on the bed while he goes to change his pants that got some pee on them. Castiel throws both his pants as well as Dean’s into the wash, then returns to his bedroom.
Dean sniffles and makes grabby hands at his daddy, clearly not liking that his daddy left. Castiel scoops him up and carries him out of the room. As he walks down the hall, Castiel peppers dozens of kisses on his damp cheeks. His little one doesn’t giggle or smile, but he does finally stop crying.
“Daddy is going to make you a little snack, and get you some juice. When I’m in the kitchen, you will stand in the corner. When daddy comes back, you’re all done being punished.”
“But - but I gots my spanks!” Dean whines.
“Yes, but you were very upset and distracted during that. Now I want you to think about why you got in trouble, and what you’re going to say to Sammy to make him feel better.”
Dean looks down at the floor, bowed legs turning in even further as he touches his toes to each other. He fiddles with his stuffed bumble bee, sucking his paci hard and fast. His daddy picks him up and carries him to a corner of the living room where Dean can take peeks and see his daddy in the kitchen. That helps Dean relax a little. He has a very hard time trusting that his daddy won't leave him. Especially when he’s been naughty.
Going to the kitchen, Castiel collects Dean’s favorite pink sippy cup and pours apple juice into it. He rummages in the cabinets before giving up and heading to the fridge. He always wants Dean to eat something healthy and little after punishments. Just enough to help settle him. Once Castiel grabs a strawberry go-gurt, he heads back to the living room.
His little one behaves well. Even though Castiel knows Dean is aware his daddy is back in the room, Dean continues to stand in the corner, Dean’s pull-up covered bum facing him. Dean still has his paci in, cheeks bright red and covered in tears, nose all stuffy. He has his bumble bee tight in his arms, up against his chest high so his face is against Dean’s neck.
“Alright, baby. All done,” Castiel announces, walking over and picking the boy up. He carries him to the couch, then settles with him in his lap. Dean takes the juice when it’s offered, shaky hand removing his paci so he can drink. He chugs half of it before putting it in his lap and making little grabby hands for the go-gurt.
Once Dean’s little belly is all full, and his crying has stopped, his daddy cleans his face. Daddy pops his paci back in and helps him get comfortable with his bumble bee. This time when daddy kisses him, Dean squirms and smiles. Then he buries his face in his daddy’s neck and nuzzles him, not caring when his paci keeps bumping and getting in the way. When he settles in his daddy’s arms, feeling very sleepy but very loved, his daddy brushes his hair from his forehead and whispers, “I love you so much, Dean. So so much. No matter how much trouble you get in, always remember that daddy is here. Daddy will never ever leave you. He loves you big lots, okay?”
Dean nods and mumbles through his paci, “Me wuv daddy big wots too.”
With a smile, Castiel kisses the top of Dean’s head. That’s all the little one needs before drifting off to sleep. Castiel puts his head back against the couch and closes his own eyes, exhausted. It’s been quite the day.
Dean and Sammy’s playdate is four days later. When Dean comes over with his daddy, he sheepishly peeks up at Sammy and mumbles, “‘M sorry for hurtin’ you feelin’s ‘n sayin’ all dose mean tings. I no mean dem. I wuv your hair!”
Already over this argument, Sammy just smiles wide and throws his arms around Dean, squeezing him extra hard. “It’s ‘kay. I still wuvs you!”
Hand in hand, the two go running off to the playroom. Dean lets Sam be the superhero AND the prince. They’re going to be best friends forever.
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stormbornspawn · 5 years
Winterfell - Season 8, Episode 1 Review
My thoughts on every (I think every? let me know if I missed any) scene from the Season 8 premiere episode.
Arrival - there was nothing wrong with this scene at all. Everything about it was expected. The northerners being apprehensive is exactly what I anticipated. Give it up for Jon and Dany looking regal AF in this scene. Good lord. Arya watching this whole scene play out was really great as a call back to season 1. Love the proud mama look from Dany as her babies fly overhead and scare the living shit out of everyone below. And did you notice her hair is in the shape of a heart? Tyrion and Varys banter is always welcomed and encouraged.
Winterfell courtyard - frosty is the only word that really feels right here. Dany’s trying to make a good impression and doesn’t get pressed when nobody kneels. Jon bent the knee - they should be on their knees, but no worries. She’s gonna overlook that cuz it’s her boo-thang’s family. All in good time. Bran coming up with the - we have no time for this - and dropping the Viserion bomb was way too rushed. This is the first issue I have with this episode. Dany’s dragons are often referred to as her children, yet hearing that one of them has been enslaved is completely glossed over and cut to next scene. This should have been a much bigger deal. Not just for Dany, but for everyone. Jon should have needed to take her somewhere to console her...you know, somewhere private...
The Great Hall - how many times does JOn have to remind these people that they are going to die without Dany’s help? Do they not believe him? I realize there are only a few people that have actually seen the army of the dead, but come on. I don’t expect anyone to be swearing fealty to Dany at this point, but a modicum of appreciation would be nice. She abandoned her campaign for this war and lost a dragon. Why did nobody bring this up? Lyanna Mormont needs to sit down - she almost called Jon a bastard and I was about to come up out of my chair. Sansa whinging about food - like, you knew they were coming and you are just now concerned about this? Dany holding her composure through that took some serious control. Her little clap back was good - whatever they want - that’s right, because they’re goddam dragons. I did like that Jon and Dany seemed to inch closer and closer to each other throughout the scene and the little look while Tyrion was talking was cute. Tyrion was well-intentioned, but they still won’t listen.
Sansa and Tyrion - I was waiting for this reunion and it did not disappoint. I would have liked to see Tyrion quell some of Sansa’s concerns as it relates to Dany. I was a tad concerned about the side eye that Bran was giving Tyrion at the end. Bran knows some things, so I’m curious what goods he has on Tyrion.
Jon & Arya - LOVE LOVE LOVE it. I was prepared to be underwhelmed here, but her jumping into Jon’s arms was everything I needed. The talk about family and Sansa being the smartest person Arya knows - yeah, didn’t see Arya siding with Sansa over Jon, but I get it. How is that dynamic of supporting family going to play out when it’s public knowledge that Jon is not their brother, but a cousin? I was also a little miffed that nobody brought up Littlefinger and that Dany and Arya were not formally introduced.
Euron/Yara/Cersei/Theon/GC - This whole segment of the show was just okay for me. I didn’t care for the dialogue. I love Pilou as an actor, but some of his lines were just cringe - I’m gonna put a prince in your belly. Like, wtf? I kind of felt a little bad for Cersei (well, not really) that she had to sleep with him and Lena brought the power in the after math of that scene. She’s brilliant and it will be the travesty of the year if she doesn’t finally get her Emmy. Theon finally rescuing Yara and making the decision to go and fight for the Starks - let’s get that ball rolling...even though I really enjoy Yara, I don’t think we will see her until way later in the season. The GC - and no elephants - wtf? Well, whatever...I would have rather had Ghost - and that’s the second big thing wrong with this episode. There was plenty of time.
Bronn - why? Completely unnecessary to have all the tits and ass in this episode. I know it’s classic GOT, but we are all over that element, I think, and it could have easily been him in a brothel and Qyburn comes to see him without all that sexposition. I don’t like the crossbow thing especially with all the talk about Dany getting hit with an arrow or a well-placed bolt.
Davos/Tyrion/Varys - can we give it up for Davos finally speaking the truth - Dany is a just woman and Jon is an honorable man - yes, please. Get married, make babies, and save the realm. Why Varys and Tyrion weren’t all over that - I don’t know. Tyrion wasn’t completely opposed to it, but Varys seemed rather extra cynical just then.
Jon & Dany - a lot to break down in this scene. Dany knows Sansa hates her and is really concerned that if she can’t even get her to respect her than the north is not going to fall in line either - that’s my interpretation of the scene. Jon saying that Sansa didn’t like them when they were growing up either was cute. Now, why in the hell are my baby dragons not eating? They hate the north? Or maybe, just maybe, they can sense that their momma isnt quite welcome there and they are feeling that emotion. I am shook that Jon got to ride the dragon (well, another one ;)) before learning about his Targ history. I saw this scene as Dany really letting him know, babe, I love you and I am willing to let you babysit my kids if needed. That 1000 years comment is coming back around again for sure. That waterfall and smooching scene was not for me - I ship them and know they are in love - that scene was for anyone that didn’t really pay attention in season 7 or read any interviews from anyone ever to just solidify that they are truly in love. Okay - it was for me too - I’m on my 3,487th rewatch. My prediction for why the dragons are acting funny - they know momma is carrying that man’s baby and they are overprotective. @me
Jon & Sansa - Sansa, why? All these two do is argue and it’s starting to piss me off. She says she trusts Jon and has faith in him, but then doesn’t trust Jon and has no faith in his decisions. They needed Dany and her armies and dragons and he got her to come there. This is why he left in the first place. She does have a valid question though - did you bend the knee for the north or because you love her? It’s a legit question, JON!! Answer. It’s both. That is the big theme of this season - love versus duty - and Jon can do both and will need to balance them both.
Arya/Gendry/Hound - the Hound and Arya was hysterical and I love the banter between Arya and Gendry. It’s like they picked up right where they left off. Can’t wait to see where this goes.
Dany/Sam/Jorah - This is tough for me. I am a Dany stan through and through, but I did not agree with her decision to burn the Tarly’s. At least not both of them. I do find it hypocritical when people chastise her for something that men have done for ages and hold her to a different standard though. I didn’t care for what she did, but I understand it. Sam’s reaction was expected and I do feel very sorry for him. I wish Dany had exhibited a little bit of remorse. Even if she wasn’t sorry, knowing he is JOn’s best friend, should have made her say - I’m so sorry. Just something.
The Reveal - I hated everything about this. Sam didn’t tell Jon as a friend. He told him in a fit of rage to try and turn Jon against Dany. I’m not okay with this. Jon wasn’t having it either. Jon executed Janos Slynt for much less. And Sam is the same person who told Jon they needed Roose BOlton’s help after the Red Wedding and told Olly to forget about his family being slaughtered by the Wildings. It’s a bit different when it’s your own family, but double standards much? Jon wasn’t having it, so I’m good with that - he’s still gonna have some words with his queen later. The reveal pissed me off because I think Sam should have come at it from a place of tenderness and instead it was bitterness about Dany and this news is gonna fuck her up. He doesn’t know they are together and he doesn’t really know her. I was pissed AF with the line - you gave up your crown for your people - would she do the same? Okay - when is someone going to bring up the fact that Jon bent the knee AFTER she agreed to fight for the north? And, please - she abandoned her fight for King’s Landing to turn her armies north and help fight. So, yeah, she would. This was the scene I was most disappointed with. John and Kit did a great job, but the writing was atrocious. All I can see is that they are setting this episode up to carry all the angst forward until the Night King is knocking on their door and then - just as Jon said - it won’t matter.
Umber - what the actual fuck? But I’m glad to see Tormund, Beric, and Edd.
Jaime/Bran - he’s waiting for an old friend!! GAAAHHHH!! I can’t wait to see the shit storm that his presence is going to bring in episode 2. That preview got my dragon momma heated.
Overall, I’d give the episode a 7/10. It was definitely not the strongest episode in the series and I blame that on choppy transitions and weird almost campy dialogue. Episode two better bring a little more grounding to the show, because I was not overly impressed with those 54 minutes. There were some great things that happened - dragon date, arrival, reunions, and how much was my girl Dany smiling this episode?? I’ve never seen her smile this much in seven seasons. Guess a good dicking down and falling in love will do that to you. The dialogue and lack of timeline really killed it for me though. As well as the glossing over of what I thought were really important storylines.
Let me know if you want to discuss.
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mittensmorgul · 6 years
So I haven’t really looked into this... Well, it seems to me that Dean doesnt want Sam to die cuz dean needs to keep Sam safe. Yes he would be sad to loose Sam, but more guilt ridden that he let Sam down. When it comes to Cas I think it started out keeping Cas safe cuz hes protective of him, but after this last Cas death (s13)I feel like dean wants to keep Cas alive almost for selfish reasons, cuz dean needs Cas. When he lost Cas this last time he was basically depressed and faithless! Thoughts?
Hi hi! And yeah, for the vast majority of his life, Dean’s gauged his personal “success” and his value as a human being by how well/safe/alive Sam happens to be at any given moment. It’s... kinda a shit way to judge oneself, you know? But that’s a core part of who Dean is as a person. As long as Sam’s okay, he’s been successful and his life has value and meaning.
*cue sad dean!girl sobbing*
If Sam dies (or is otherwise Not Okay), Dean has failed at his One Job.
But if Cas dies (or is otherwise Not Okay), Dean’s just... a mess. Not because he somehow failed Cas, but because without Cas there, Dean’s just a mess.
It might not seem like a big difference, but one’s codependence and the other’s just... Dean needs Cas.
I mean, of COURSE Dean loves Sam, but there’s this toxic burden that overshadows it all. He literally spells it out over Sam’s body in 2.22:
Dean: You know, when we were little— and you couldn't been more than 5— you just started asking questions. How come we didn't have a mom? Why do we always have to move around? Where'd Dad go when he'd take off for days at a time? I remember I begged you, "Quit asking, Sammy. Man, you don't want to know." I just wanted you to be a kid... Just for a little while longer. I always tried to protect you... Keep you safe... Dad didn't even have to tell me. It was just always my responsibility, you know? It's like I had one job... I had one job... And I screwed it up. (pause) I blew it. And for that, I'm sorry. I guess that's what I do. I let down the people I love. I let Dad down. And now I guess I'm just supposed to let you down, too. How can I? How am I supposed to live with that? What am I supposed to do? Sammy. God. What am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do?!
And then he summons a crossroads demon and sells his soul.
Granted, he’s grown LOADS since then, and he’s learned to live a little more for himself, but as we saw even in late s13, he still feels this way about himself and Sam. It’s just... not a great way to live, you know? His sense of self-worth is still so wrapped up in Sam’s well-being. But that codependence is basically the big engine that powers a good chunk of both Sam and Dean’s personal arcs. Finding a balance where Dean can let this go, and where Sam can finally become his own person equal to Dean and no longer Dean’s personal responsibility in this way is likely to continue until the very end of the series.
Sure they go through cycles where they grow a bit toward this eventual goal, but Dean will never fully feel like he can have his own life until he finds some personal worth outside of his ability to care for and protect Sam.
Enter Cas, who has been growing right alongside Dean throughout the last ten years, and whose presence has helped Dean through this immeasurably, just as Dean’s presence has immeasurably helped Cas with his own issues of identity and self-worth. Not because they’re glommed on to each other the same way Sam and Dean are, but because they support each other and care for one another not because it’s their job or their duty or their destiny, but because they WANT to.
And that’s the difference here.
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yerabearmum · 6 years
Finally got around to watching season 7 and HOOOO BOY do I have a lot to say
“he’s the youngest pilot ever to lead a mission into space” I think you forgot to mention ‘professional gay disaster’
Shiro looking at Keith, who is staring morosely out the window: he so obviously needs a hug but he would also glare a hole through my face if I come within ten feet of him how can I show this child love
why is Little Lance’s voice deeper than Big Lance’s
“the emo kid’s doing it!” of course he is what more would you expect from the kid who never talks and openly but silently hates your guts
how does this twelve-year-old know how to drive in the first place
Kieth:*steals a car*
shiro doesn’t even look upset he’s just concerned and impressed
lance is so done with science in general
hello my name is takashi shirogane and welcome to my ted talk
Romelle’s hand gestures fill my soul with warmth
Coran is literally just Space Steve Irwin
Coran’s intimidation methods are #fierce
if that’s seriously how you used to wrangle yelmores then is it really any wonder why Alfor is dead
“like you, lance” an hour of adoring silence for this sibling relationship
how much you wanna bet Shiro is aware of everything around him and his only thought is “listen baby bro I already came back from death once why do you fear that I can’t do it again”
Keith yawns like a gay queen
I aspire the be the same level of zen as the recorder guy in the background
just remember that keith was and still is just as much of a showoff as Lance
Hunk’s expression when James says the only reason Keith is there is Shiro ‘james srsly are you trying to die”
“is that what mommy and daddy told you before-” MY MOMMA NEVER TOLD ME SHIT
there is exactly -.0002% chance of me ever getting over the gorgeous indigo color of Keith’s eyes they’re like tiny emo galaxies
consider: Homelle is such a wholesome hufflepuff ship
Lance Saves All Our Asses Again and It Goes Completely Unmentioned Afterwards Again: a novel by nobody because Lance gets as much recognition as a piece of bra lint
Pidgeot shaking a water drop off her head like a tiny woodland nerd sprite is my new reason for existing
my smol children just got smoler
Shiro looks like some kind of Gaydiana Jones on that hover thing
it’s probably just the anime eyes but it seriously looks like Little Keith is wearing eyeliner
shiro zooming off the cliff is like me trying outrun the overwhelming weight of existence
bby keith in the sunset is Hiro Hamada minus the tooth gap and personal healt- oh no wait that would be Shiro. shiro is baymax. floofy boi= marshmallow bun. WHERE DO THE CONSPIRACIES END.
honey you’re like twenty-two and a very bad liar
Admiral Sonda is just Sam Holt as a woman
literally the gayest gay breakup they could get away with. I applaud you
how dare they use the most underappreciated character as literal bait 
ah, i see rescuers down under made an appearance in the timespace of a single frame
why do the yelmores sound like Chewie
the phonotonium bubbles are bringin back memories of the Newtcase scene
that moment when you realize what he means by “you can’t do this to me again” and you feel your will to live crumble into Satan’s coffee grounds
the way that Lance says “ready to charge up the lions?” reminds me so much of that time in Eureka when Zane was like “ready to smash some unstable atoms together at the speed of light?” 
I can’t remember a single time that Lance looked happier or more excited about life in general that he does in the intro and... oh, look, there goes my heart. falling to the floor. shattering on the concrete. again. look at it go.
Coran honey they are standing right next to each other does it look like Cosmo is eating her
road trip humor
darling child do you honestly believe that this lion is going to let some random-ass person sit down and drive it
What the everloving fuck is wrong with the Altean alphabet
Hunk's selfies are so precious
"No. Nope. Nuh-uh. No way. Can't do this." BIG MOOD OKAY
yes thank you for that recap Lance we had not yet noticed the difficulty of our situation
"super dangerous it's perfect" yeah me too hon me too
will the little PEW PEW sounds ever cease to amuse me? the answer is no
Kosmo+Krolia is the ultimate kickass mom team
guys come on have a little faith in him
I, too, sometimes narrate my life inside my head
Kosmo: oh I’m sorry I’ve been a wee bit BUSY DYING
so apparently Kaltinecker is just a generic name for space cows? I don’t like this
“who are you?” *Mushu voice, unfurls wings* “your worst nightmare”
Axca is just “whoop I kicked your ass mY bAd”
“Indeed I was, but now I am your savior.”
why is Ezor so lovable
“we’re going to have to use a more extreme approach” *pulls out silly string threateningly* “start talking”
Hunk looks so offended when they’re picking who to torture
Ezor would be perfect for one of those Garnier Fructis commercials where they pick stuff up with their hair
Can we talk about Lance and Pidge's sibling relationship? I think as much as they complain, they both really miss having that close kind of relationship. Pidge has Matt, of course, but he's not exactly open to talk anytime they want. This leaves Pidge and Lance to fall back on each other. Lance grew up in a big family, and probably also a very tight-knit one. So whether he realizes it or not, he depends on those kinds of connections, with stupid little arguments and support. I think that sibling connection is the one thing that really keeps them grounded when nothing else can.
Oh! And the other thing: This first occurred to me during the "DON'T YOU TOUCH HER" scene, because Lance is the first one to react protectively. Sure, the other's are protective of Pidge, but it's different for Lance because he reacts in such a 'big brother' sort of way. Again, Lance comes from a really big family, so playing the big brother role is second nature to him, and I love that it's such a huge part of his character to be protective.
*S&M plays every time Axca is onscreen*
Coran doing the Office Look
Coran: the lions are weak, we’ll end up right back here
Axca: then perish
I think the guard is already overwhelmed enough, what with having his quiznack handed to him by a couple of mice
Takashi honey does he look okay
why does Zethrid just sound like a guy trying and failing to do a girly voice
so apparently Axca has a type and that type is guys with ‘flippity hair’
Pidge’s smolness is a weapon in and of itself
when did Lance become the right-hand man I like this arrangement
“Can we just fight?” is the pg equivalent of “I’M GAY BITCH”
Ezor’s... head thing makes her look like Space Rapunzel
she was *Star Wars voice* seduced by the dark side of the force
do they seriously expect us to believe that there’s just an alien named Bob
‘intergalactic goofballs” is the most accurate description yet
“c’mere keith” WIVEL WIVEL WHIRL
“I... uhhh” is the most artist thing I have ever heard
do the creators just stuff cookies in their mouths and say random stuff to come up with alien words
princess Lance is playing this game the right way don’t you yell at him
Keith’s voice when he says “windy cave?”
”the dumb one” bitch you’re the one who’s dead so who’s really the dumb one here
Bob please stop hurting my son his self-esteem is already fragile enough
Is he beautiful? Absolutely. Is he dumb? ABSOLUTELY NOT STOP HURTING HIM
One of these days Lance will straight up dab and on that day I will die of joy
Allura is literally picking up Hunk and I love it
now Allura’s asking the really big questions. I mean, what are any of us doing here. We’re just specks of dirt floating on the vast tissue of time
Pidge is trying so hard to look like she couldn’t care less and I’ve never related to anything more
She looks so smug whacking the camera
Lance’s face when he’s talking about his little crush on Keith
I just want Coran to get to earth and be Dumbledore in a play
I like the end music it’s so dancey and disco but not cringy
In the course of two seconds Coran goes from the Lorax to a ginger version of the guy from Ratatouille
KoSmO ThE dElIvErY wOlF
was that for real an alien dick joke
I like how both my gay sons have marks on their faces. Shiro has a scar, Keith has a Galra mark. What’s next? Lance with airbender tattoos? I hope not.
that is legit just a watermelon with tusks
oh Merlin no that’s even worse please go back to the watermelon
zippity zap your neck goes snap
don’t you love it when female characters literally glow with power? because I do
that was such an Avengers moment
Chat Noir would be proud of you, Hunk
Shiro is a savage
the paladins adopting ‘quiznack’ into their casual cussing vocabulary is what I live for
if “something will come to kill us any minute now” is a good thing, you have severely low standards
oh yes lovely they’re having group hallucinations of space bats
Hunk stubbornly refusing to sound off is so relatable like my stubbornness also drives all those around me slowly insane
Hunk being shocked by being shown any form of value and appreciation crushes my heart this boy needs to be loved
that enthusiastic “YEAH!” is what sleep deprived happiness sounds like
I like to imagine the voice actors practicing dramatic anime screaming while they drive to work and now I can’t breathe cuz I’m laughing too hard
Keith and Lance’s bayards make giant magic wings that’s some serious soulmate shit right there
really you’re not gonna shoot it first to check if it’s real? after that whole space monster thing? you’re just gonna zoom toward it? hon c’mon
and of course the creators had to ask themselves “How can we best ruin this moment of joy? THE GALRA INVASION”
Colleen Holt is a force of nature and the living embodiment of “don’t fuck with me I’ve got the power of God and anime on my side”
Iverson: here’s what we know
Sammy’s not having none of your shit so shut it before he tapes it
oh jeez they’re lined up by height that’s adorable
I like how this clearly takes place in a fairly distant future, but robots aren’t doing everything like people seem to think they would. The evident majority of labor is still done by people, like engineers and flight directors.
If they’d shown Keith’s recording it would’ve been like “Hey, it’s me. *with Kosmo sprawled across his lap, panting loudly. Lance is snickering quietly behind the camera* I don’t exactly, uh... have family on earth. But I’m Keith, the Garrison’s number one discipline problem. I wear the title proudly, but I still just wanted to... apologize, kind of, to pretty much every authority figure at the Garrison for making your life living hell. Yeah.”
“but everything changed when the Galra invaded”
does Kinkade ever speak? I kinda want him to be mute. A disabled fighter pilot would be the coolest thing
Veronica is such a badass 
aw man he spoke 
I can’t wait for when Krolia comes back to earth everyone’s gonna be like “oh fUCK A GALRA SHOOT IT DOWN” and then Keith walks out with his arms up like “HOLD IT THEY’RE WITH US” *Krolia steps out* “everybody say hi to my mom”
“Don’t miss” oh yeah I just thought I’d let them go this would be a great way to let Sandac know we’re here
oh my Merlin they have a dog
oh what a soft moment
what was with that dramatic look between Keith and Griffin? I mean I know this is Keith we’re talking about but there’s no way they held a grudge that long over a disagreement when they were... what? Eleven?
Allura is rocking that Garrison uniform
“Allura, you’re a genius!” yeah sweetie I know
that’s going to electrocute him 
 Shiro’s hair floof looks less like a bird now and more like a dead bush
Veronica is officially one of my faves
Kaltinecker is just like “oh this is happening now”
I still can’t believe they got the particle barrier up in the first place
ohhhh look it’s launching somethings going good- wait never mind  WHY ALWAYS THIS
Leifstoder is adorable
Griffin has the voice of an angel
Shiro’s floating arm kind of ruins the dramatic hero effect of the doors opening into the light of battle
should the beams from the zyphorge canons be that pretty
I know Sendac is an ass and he deserves to die but I have to admire his dedication
my major problem here is that, a) how is Shiro alive? he has no helmet, no oxygen tank. all the air should be sucked right out of his lungs. He should be dead, and b) NO HUMAN BEING CAN JUST BARREL THROUGH EARTH’S ATMOSPHERE UNPROTECTED LIKE THAT THE THERMOSPHERE IS LIKE 5OO KELVIN SHIRO SHOULD BE A CHARRED PILE OF BONES
we will remember this as the Battle of the Floating Arms
“Victory or de-” *Keith, falling fiercely from the sky* DEATH
aaaaaaaaaand the victory is short-lived
oh I missed this when is the last time they dedicated an entire episode to just fighting a giant-ass robot
so what is this now? Dark matter? Dark quintessence?
Coran: but Voltron!
Shiro: bitch we are voltron
SoMeBoDy’S gOnNa DiEeE
is there anything I hate more than watching my children accept that they are about to die? My burning hatred for Severus Snape comes very close but no there is not
how much you wanna bet that when Haggar disappeared she took over Lotor’s little Altean colony and now she’s using them for the robots
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xxjaytx87xx · 7 years
Better School Daze * I had been dating a girl that same year. I don’t know how I pulled that off, it just kind of happened. I’d bring my acoustic guitar to school and saw she could play too, so it went from there. But man, I was even timid around her. It took me forever to grow the guts to kiss her, much less, hold her hand. Everything was on her schedule because she had to make the first move, every time*. * I was the first in my group of friends to go all the way, sexually, though. So I had that going for me. It felt like real love at the time. I really thought I was (more on that later...).* * I was able to go to prom with her since she was a junior, while I was only a sophomore.* *This was another reason for my experimenting with alcohol. I’d be an idiot kid when it came to prom and the many after parties, if I had never drank before.* So there I was, sitting comfortably in World History, feeling beyond great. I could feel as though my eye lids were hanging on for the dear lives. They descended into two slits in the middle of my face, while my mouth was gaping and giggling. Who knows what was so damn funny, I just had to laugh. I had taken about five swigs in a three-minute period. A tingling sensation grew in the back of my neck, as well as the top of my head. The rest of my body was numb, inside and out. Internally, my conscious revealed that I had just been reborn. I couldn’t remember who or what I used to be, only what I was now. I turned around to Sam, sitting behind me, and whispered, "Oh my God, getting drunk is awesome!” She glanced at me, lifted her eyebrows as high as they could go, surprised, exclaiming, “I know." All the while, nodding her head. I turned back around in my seat—a chair connected with half of a desk, instead of the full ones we had back in the middle school days. I wasn’t able to get that goofy grin off my face. I was permanently, The Joker from Batman. Sensations of confidence flowed through my body and soul like waves on a beach. Filling me with, what felt like, a new power. A secret that I had found. And it was all mine. I took another long swig from the bottle that was now half-full. I sat up a little and took a long look around the room at everybody. It was dark, but I could still see all their faces. Now, normally, I’d be thinking everybody was looking at me, judgingly; however, nobody was looking. Nobody was judging (except maybe Sam, who probably thought I was an idiot for drinking in class). This was what having no worries, no fears, and no inhibitions felt like. This was how I was supposed to be—without a care in the world. I didn’t care what others thought of me anymore. I was able to be my true self. It was an awesome thing our substitute put on some boring-ass movie, otherwise, I probably wouldn’t have had this spiritual and mental revelation. I put on my inconspicuous headphones—my desk was across the room from the teacher’s desk—and pressed play on my Disc-Man. It was a fast-paced punk band known as The Casualties. Their music was blaring inside my head. It seemed like my ears were bleeding. That felt impeccable. *I* felt impeccable. I wanted to jump out of my desk-chair and go wild. Dance in front of everyone like they weren’t watching, and who gives a damn if they were, too. I needed to keep myself hidden though—I still had that sense—so instead, I sat back and slunk down in my chair. Loving myself. Loving life. After all these tortuous years, I was finally comfortable in my own skin. I ended up killing the bottle by next period. * I gotta do this again.* ________________________________________ *Beep, bzzzz, beep, bzzzz, beep*— The radio clock read 5:00pm in digital, red numbers. Our time was up for this session. I turned to look at Gail— "Wow, there's so much more that I gotta tell you." "I'm sure there is. What a story, so far! I am very glad you had the courage to tell me certain things. Thank you. That was very brave of you," she said. I sat up, then glanced down at my black chucks, shaking my head, "that's funny. 'Cuz that is nothing compared to the rest." I looked at her, eyes up but my head down. She jotted down something on her clipboard. Maybe where I left off in the story, for when I'd see her next time. But I wasn't ready to end it there... "Can I at least finish the high school part? It won't take but a minute." She looked at the clock again and asked if I could make it quick. I nodded and began, again— "Ok, well... I ended up breaking up with that girl I was dating back then, after I went to prom with her and her friends twice. She was crushed, heartbroken. Didn't know that would come back and bite me in the ass later. "I started experimenting with pills which went great with alcohol. I remember in Geometry, feeling the Valium kick in with some vodka I drank earlier. As it kicked in, The Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony" started to play in my headphones. I slowly melted into my seat feeling pure ecstasy—until I later tried real X at a show, which was truly surreal. I loved X. Took it every time I had the chance. I didn't care for mushrooms or acid, though. I had had a bad trip when my parents weren't home and my buddy brought over a gallon-sized Zip-lock bag of shrooms, then told the five of us to eat up. I wish I knew how much I took 'cuz it was horrible, everybody went insane. I tried acid and found it a lot more smoother than caps (or shrooms), until I felt a sharp pain in my lower abdomen. It hurt so bad. I couldn't tell my parents because I thought it was from the acid. A day later, I couldn't bear the pain anymore so I eventually told my parents. They took me to the Emergency Care doctor who said I needed to be rushed to the hospital. My appendix had ruptured," I laugh, "a doctor in the E. R. told me I'd be dead, had I waited another day"— "Oh my god!" Gail stopped me. "Ok, this is becoming longer than a minute. Let me check to see where my next client is." "Sure thing, doll." *Every female nurse or counselor has been a victim of my charm*. After she picked up the phone and waited a few seconds, she started talking. I took glances around the room looking at the different furniture, pictures, and little knick-knacks she had. Of course, she had a full bookcase containing probably every textbook she bought for schooling and counseling. She had two different versions of the DSM, including the most recent one (DSM-IV, at the time). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It's used to categorize and determine a patient's diagnoses. It has a list of every single disorder or disease you can think of. If your therapist doesn't have one on their shelf, it's time to find another one. She hung up the phone after a minute and said her client was running a little late so I can continue if I want. "Of course I do. Quickly, though." I gestured my hands in a chop-chop motion. Then stuck out my index finger, rolling it. "I had a band back then, too, where I played drums. Sorta hippy jam band, but we had a decent following. It was right before our last show when my appendix flaked out on me, so we had to cancel the gig. I was super pissed. "So back in high school, I was always at school, high." *I laugh at my corny-ass joke. *"I was drinking everyday or getting tipsy, at the very least. Then I'd have a wicked hangover at the end of the day. That's when the drugs came in handy. I started doing cocaine at parties, then quickly, everywhere. As a senior, I'd sell key bumps to underclassmen for five bucks each. Stupid kids. Then we graduated. When I walked, tons of people cheered. The alcohol was my liquid courage throughout the years, which brought me out of my shell and into life. I became a popular guy, knowing almost everyone in my school and dated some very cute girls. On the other hand, I was becoming an alcoholic, though I didn't know it at the time. Even for graduation, I took some X and drank before our school-run grad party, afterwards. "Out of high school, nothing changed. I kept drinking. Blacking out became a routine thing for me. I felt like a detective the morning after, trying to figure out what I did the night before. I was constantly sneaking out of the house and fighting with my parents. They couldn't take much more of my destructive behavior, so we agreed that I go see a therapist. We tried to keep it a secret, but I didn't care, I was either drunk or high on something. Even when I met up with my new shrink. I could not talk to him unless I had drank beforehand. "This one time I had to pay a bum to get me a pint of whiskey, so I ended up being late. In his office, I would talk and talk and talk, usually about nothing, and always being a smart ass. This lasted a few months, until one day I could see and feel what the drugs and alcohol were doing to me. I had scars and bruises obscuring my pale skinny body. My parents then brought up rehab. Initially I said, "no, absolutely not!" "Until, I finally gave in and told my shrink that I was sick. His eyes were half-closed with his head resting on his hand when I said, 'I think I need help.' "He jumped up as if he'd been shocked by a taser. "Yes, yes, you think?" The expression on his face was of huge relief. I think he was tired of my blabbing and knew I drank every time I saw him. So he called my parents, who had already found a rehab, and two days later... I was off." I took a big breath in and slowly exhaled. "So then you went to rehab," said Gail, confirming. "Yep. The first one." I nodded. "Ok well, thank you for having the courage to tell me all this. I'll see you next week?" "Indeed. And that's when things get juicy."
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top1course · 5 years
Top 7 Wing Chun Techniques
Auction techniques, the blocking a lot of the drills a lot of techniques Foxhall everybody knows that, the techniques to attack an opponent, how to attack an opponent with his cell reception And A Peck art is not at so much a, what we do hit and block simultaneously but if you actually think of the philosophy you understand history, it’s actually very much an attack are we going in there with tack the opponent, a very very gently hit a lot of the vital spot, on a human body, the technique which is the most well-known which is the which is the, shake place, everybody teacher, the distinctions between the lowest but you have to experiment yourself and find what works for you so, common mistakes when it comes to Street Boston enjoy me, obviously we do this trip last winter is all about protecting you sent a lot so when you strip, Strict blasting the side, your nostrils chastised Street blasting, like this way see how I have my son open your protecting your Centerline, okay just right there, so from there, do you hit the throat, solar plexus, different angles as well, so here now, list of vertical to horizontal, this way, no I love him like a boxing jab he doesn’t have power, it does have power if you do it, properly, common mistake people make when it comes to straight loss after masturbation, uNC emergency in the side, tijuana strip plastic go ahead, go ahead, no we are not blasting down okay, that means that you are kind of scratching the guy, that has no power it’s more pump, pom pom, p***, gangster Centerline, home phone, like that feta, and you can go if you’re good you can go here you can go here where you can go as low as high or sometimes, Secondary data, no, that’s one, liberty Blues Fest, so it’s more like, is there a like this, if he doesn’t like that, francis fitzmaurice way, you might say okay, what the hell is the power, let me demonstrate, so my Seafood she did it this way so it’s very loose and I asked him, he did this exact thing to me., do it right so it’s, parallax very relaxed right, why he’s just like that relax, alex, so there he doesn’t lost power after he takes a step, like that he takes a step, notice how much you need, so if I’m here he doesn’t feel relaxed he practice at this way, that’s okay too and then also with the JKD way, which district flights this way a lot of, but I notice when you do that your power, you’ll you actually, We actually holding back some of the power when you hit.
Ajkd Way Dennis actually using him, i’m also is the boxing mechanic with a Wing Chun punch, what I find that to be the most effective, cenotes, right, chickadee, music, i’m using my hip, not just a different time. Going to hit this Louis Fish, who’s pissed I’m going to show it soon so Wing Chun, dNC, chickadee watch from here, like much more aggressive, much more aggressive in a boxing jab, i’m doing a boxing job but with a vertical fist, so that’s a very first winching techniques, second winter technique, order Filipino martial arts Libby different, you can see that this kind of stuff is the whole body, attorney, so it’s more like this way, whatever way but they different, when you’re soaked such a close range right when it close range this type of stuff, i can see right, Sometimes it could be stuff like this they’re trying to get it out of the way, looks like something like that, quiet and go back to street blocks, elbow this way for sometimes she tried to grab here, right there, like that so that’s a very powerful technique just turn your body like that, not just a hen, but my whole body, so that’s the elbow make sure when you practice be very careful, be very careful, since your body goes to go to the hospital so be very very careful so when you’re practicing as he grabs, just right there, who is very slow, make sure you don’t maybe don’t even try to touch, kissimmee The Tubby album login Dairy Deli, odessa second technique, diablo, wing Chun technique number 3 the Africa. The Opera card different from, russian boxing, living different, okay, it’s more coming from Heating and see the form again, Coming from here in the elbow, usually sometimes also combined it with, it could be a table saw like that, so I streamed when he comes in slow, sam grabbing him here, cuz I might break my knuckle directly, so it’s like the two things to go to the store, like a hit, ulta Beauty, but it’s more like that, sneak attack is it kind of goes, either you’re not taking this is not the typical strip classes more, this type of close-range stuff, right, you could also be, could be use, but sometimes when you doing just so you could be used this kind of stuff, this kind of stuff too, western boxing for the body mechanics a little bit different so when chat is not just straight blast, richard has different techniques in Different Stroke techniques Oswell, don’t you love the phone properly, So that’s number three, depakote, technique number for invention and that is the stock show in the form you can see, very very, powerful technique Stephen Stephenson is holding beer, but I pet this is chopping to the neck, height limit different from where we’re not doing a backflip with nothing affects 26 by body doesn’t move., which you could put into it but he mentioned, even this, that’s a short explosive power, best power Banks from here, just takes practice, application, neck, fight, come here, sawdust application, fox out, call the fox out, throwing something you’re not chopping, so it’s not like I’m not trying to, like chop like a karate chop, it’s not a chop it’s a Rolex motion, like that, try that again, flex Motion, like that, attract, i go into it my body, doesn’t move, doesn’t move me, i love him, i want the target so you can leave from here it could be from here, I could be from.
Here, deposit goes into the pet, very powerful technique is also sometimes I’ll show you, this guy stop baby sometimes the guy maybe got me a couple of times, i like this kind of stuff, bike there, might reverse the fight, sorties attacking from here, from here so I can get back to the ranch and Suffolk South, powerful technique is used as a defense, winchester number 5, gG which is the finger job one of my favorite techniques, as well, it’s almost like a snake, almost like a snake, that wasn’t my Seafood sea bottom Chan they talked about the first two forms, ceiling tile when Tom killed in Winchendon it’s for when you win the fight their bougie and also, actually when you’re losing the fight, is there a great resting help, wing Chun designs it backwards, Okay so, indu G the painter job, again I say offensive technique which is just a finger job you can see, finger jack, right, also has a, attack, you do it that way too so it looks something like this right right you could do something like that, right also but as a defensive technique, which again someone is if we you are losing the fight, the guys pounding on you right you just want the phone comes from underneath, is the reverse, it’s like something, something, invention and make it look nicer, but it’s the same idea when you Flinch right, i need to go do something hit, then hopefully, you can reverse and still win the fight now, make sure it’s not just try to think of you out in front of the camera and let me correct you, make sure, well like that like that and you’re heading with, Is three parts, yes and then a second one, underneath, it was underneath, if it was underneath, like a snake, try to slow, slow very slow, underneath, yes I’m Denise, yes, by that, yes, then you can also practice and sometimes someone can got to practice almost alike, under pit, like here, again it’s when something is going on, at least I can go in at least I can go in like there, that’s why, one of my favorite techniques Fuji. Course is one of the forms, the Apollo enchanting, wing Chun techniques number 6 the Char, this is Liberty Missouri karate chop, the mechanics of living difference, invention we don’t, horizontally, it’s more, a forward movement, so if you look carefully, we don’t talk like this, okay, it’s more like this see how it’s to protect my son to light, not like this, forward movement, oh Lord if I can short explosive power, No the power, not coming from your Elf not like chopping coming from the elbow exactly from your body, and a little micro explosive, motion sickness, chopping you chop the neck, in the neck, nunchaku, like that, again expect you to kind of punch him, this stuff, you don’t we can see, and you’ll need a lot of power, solar power, when you going forward what’s the power let me show you, relax, that little, okay I’m just, bright listings, same thing with this this is not, it’s, that’s all I need, cuz sometimes, say I do a La Salle, write this a watch has a bunch right here, is this much distance, from here, and then I can also, i’m here, spiritual I’m not retracting and try to Chiapas from here here here, right hand, watch, this much, villanova, this, his body has big shoulders imagine this is Nick, Right there.
One of my favorite, practice this way on the perfect, pakistan, but make sure you condition, your hands, lost but not least, define o technique, the final ancient technique, the Palm swipe to see the form right, cineform which is punctuated like that for, like that, it’s a tool that you don’t need a lot of conditioning, most people even this white woman self-defense, it teach woman not to paint with a fist but with a palm strike, and if you actually practice and you’ll see that you can generate more power for most people, with a palm versus inside of a punch, nicole, stomach Centre line, will do stuff like that, s’more, elbow in, techniques, old-time all the sawdust Venture mattress very very sneaky, try to kill the guy it’s a Deadly Assassin got a wad, is Natsu just bruised the guys to, Chopping Down Neck right so, gNC here, palm strike, i got a chop chop goes very nicely into Palm strike, there is a distinction, want me to see it, palm strike is going out, see pulse rate going up, now you can see the windshield sometimes it wouldn’t be for where they do stuff like that kind of stuff that punctured the ribs, which is I don’t meet okay, bottle person I don’t like the technique I think it’s pretty, i think I found out punches much more devastating with conditioning can hit the rips much hotter, love it, and is very very hot to block, cuz it’s coming from this kind of angle, buy a language from this kind of ankle pain if you can put this in Australia, intuit, this thing, just got done right there and knock someone go, very very easily and techniques, practice it watch from beginning to the end and showing you a lot if you enjoy this video make sure your comment below, Check on a subscribe button turn on vacation I’m a love out of ancient techniques video for you as well, you can check them out on the left side, you can check them out and let me know what are the winds in techniques that you would like to see how many call me, or you know what whatever you want to know, whatever you want to come in that’s okay, freedom of speech, that’s okay, practice often until next time, be water my friend, be water my friend.
from WordPress https://top1course.com/top-7-wing-chun-techniques/
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airmidtheawakened · 6 years
Sharp, Pointy Things, Part 3
Welcome back to the clusterfuck! Now that I’ve had that drink I promised myself (well, several drinks. It’s been a bit) we can get back to what is probably one of the worst jobs my cabal as ever worked. We didn’t stay at the bar long; Abraham came to pick us up before the police got there. We all went back to his place, Dave in tow, to try and figure out just what the hell was going on.
I tried getting information out of Dave. He kept talking about wanted to talk to a “Matthew.” He said that “Matthew would fix this. Matthew would protect him.” Whoever this Matthew guy was seemed like he must have been in charge of the meth thing, and thus a good candidate for having offed Dead Big Bro. Here I was hoping this would just be a normal, mundane, non-supernatural druggie dispute. But then we saw a tattoo on Dave’s back that proved otherwise. It was some sort of insignia that belonged to a vampire… group, I guess? Some sort of social club or whatever.
At that point I was absolutely done. Fisher and Aces showed up, so I left the rest of the interrogation to them while I went outside for some air.
I felt so… so helpless. I’d worked my entire life to be the strong one. The one who works hard, takes care of herself, doesn’t need help from anyone. And all that meant jack when it came to keeping Saki safe. I should have been keeping a better eye on him. We should have stuck together.
Lipsy came out a few minutes later. I don’t like people seeing me when I’m upset. I tried to pull myself together but it didn’t work. I ended up sobbing into his shoulder for a good five minutes. It was nice. I mean the situation sucked, but having someone there for me when I’m an absolute wreck is something I wouldn’t trade for anything.
Of course the moment was ruined when Fisher came storming out of Abe’s shop, murder written all over his face, Aces and SiSi hot on his heels. Fisher took off in En’s car. Aces was shouting in our heads that he was gonna kill En. I was so confused. Before I knew it I was being dragged into Abe’s car, then we were speeding out of Quincey towards En’s place… Really the whole night was a blur after that. I’ll try to remember as best I can but we were all so caught up in everything going on that nothing really stuck, you know? Your brain can’t commit anything to memory if it doesn’t have time to actually process what’s going on.
We got to En’s place just after Fisher, who had our dear professor pinned against a wall and was shouting at him. Lipsy and I tried to get him off and failed miserably. I don’t know what spell he threw at us but it made our limbs stopped listening to our brains. SiSi seemed to know what was going on and told us to back off, but we just wanted to find Saki and the whole situation was NOT helping us find Saki. Aces was having a breakdown on the sidelines, I was shouting at Fisher, Lipsy was… you know what I don’t remember what Lipsy was doing. Probably still being discombobulated from whatever spell Fisher used to keep us off of him. And then somehow another lady showed up to take En away to the Consilium. I think Fisher summoned her out of a book? Like I said, it’s all kind of blurry.
It was at this point that Fisher agreed to help us look for Saki. Finally. So off we trot (well, drive, actually) to Dreamboat Vampire’s club because we’re convinced he knows who took Saki. Fisher explained what was going on with En on the way there. Here’s the cliffnotes version:
1. En was like, hot shit it his youth. A bonafide magical genius from a long line of magical badasses.
2. En got cocky and tried to become an archmage. A word which here means “force your way through the Abyss until you kick in the gates of the Supernal Realms and make reality your bitch.” The Consilium tried to forbid him from doing that cuz it’s suuuuuper dangerous but he went ahead and did it anyway. In a theater. With witnesses.
I’m going to take a moment here to ask why the fuck didn’t the Consilium actually stop him? Like, it’s gotta be within their power to do so. It’d be one thing if En did it in secret but COME ON. He made a damn spectacle of the thing! There were some serious levels of incompetence going on there, if you ask me.
(Also let’s just keep that little aside between us, okay? My master would have my head if he heard me talking like that. Who’s my master? You’ll find out soon enough, darlings, so sit tight.)
Anyways, cliffnotes:
3. Predictably, En fails. He becomes an magical monster fueled by Abyss and Hatred. Slaughters almost everyone in the theater. 80 people in total.
4. Unpredictably, the part of him that was still En beat back the Abyss and un-abominationed himself. Which has like, never happened in the history of magic ever. Color everyone who was not dead super surprised.
5. Instead of killing him for fucking up so hard, the Consilium decided to put En under house arrest instead. They assigned Fisher to be a glorified babysitter and make sure he didn’t fuck up any harder. Oh yeah, Fisher’s a sentinel by the way. That’s gonna be important later.
6. En spent his remaining days helping wee babby mages like me and my cabal find our place in the world, hoping to make up for all the people he killed.
Which brings us to Sam. That poor, vengeful, lost little soul who just wanted to find out what happened to his brother. See, En wanted to help the kid, but he couldn’t do so directly without violating the terms of his house arrest. So he went and made a psychic manifestation of Sam’s desire for vengeance so the kid could get results himself.
Talk about stupid.
So yeah, Sam was the one who killed his brother’s friend and attempted to kill Dave. At the tender young age of… eleven? Twelve? Whatever. He was in middle school at best, and sending a mental projection called an Esoteric to take the shape of his victims’ worst fears as it killed them.
 But we’ll get back to that later. We’ve got to finish up with the vampires first.
We weren’t sure how we’d get Dreamboat Vampire to talk to us again, let alone in a situation where we’d have the advantage. I volunteered to lure him out with my feminine wiles. SiSi and Lipsy weren’t too keen on the idea, but neither had anything better. So we’re sitting there for like… three or four minutes trying to hash this out when Fisher decides to make a suggestion. He gave us a token of parley that Sentinels use with other supernatural types. Lipsy asked why he didn’t suggest that to start. And what does Fisher say? What does he say?
That he wanted to see how far I’d go with my “slutty” routine.
What. A. Dick.
I responded by jamming my knee into his groin. Was it smart? No. No it wasn’t. But was it satisfying? Hell. Fucking. Yes.
While Fisher was on the ground nursing his injured manhood, SiSi and Lipsy and I made our way into the club. It was clear pretty early on that we weren’t getting past the bouncer – Dreamboat Vampire had told him we weren’t allowed upstairs. Fortunately, there’s one of us who doesn’t need permission to get from one place to another.
Edgar’s such a good doggo.
We decided it would be best if we skedaddled outside once we heard the screaming and barking coming from upstairs. After a few minutes, Dreamboat Vampire came down looking considerably unhappy but willing to parlay. He and Fisher exchanged the formalities and we showed him the picture from Dave’s back, telling him that we needed to find Matthew.
Oh, also, turns out Dreamboat Vampire totally wears these old silver-rimmed glasses to read. Ugh.
Anyway, long and the short of it is Dreamboat Vampire was willing to take us to Matthew, who he already had in custody. He was being kept under the same fucking club we were in the first night we went looking for answers. Matthew was about as freaky a dude as you might expect. He looked almost feral and acted the same way. We asked him about Sam’s brother and he told us the truth: he was the head of the meth ring and recruited this group of morons to help him push it. Turns out, Sam’s brother got a taste for the junk and Matthew went over to his place to straighten him out. The brother got enraged and charged him and Matthew grabbed the first thing he could to defend himself with.
And what was that thing, you ask? A barbecue fork. A fucking. Barbecue fork. So it turns out Sam was right: a vampire really did kill his brother. But these particular sharp, pointy things just so happened to be attached to something that anybody could have used. After the brother died and was bleeding all over the place, Matthew drank from him, I guess not to let things go to waste. We left, pretty disgusted, and Dreamboat Vampire told us that Matthew was going to be taken care of and that we were, under no circumstances, ever to go to his bar ever again.
So now we had two problems. Saki was still missing, but we also had to deal with Sam, who had all these really intense powers and was still trying to off all his brother’s friends. It turns out earlier while I was questioning Dave, SiSi and Lipsy talked to Abraham about the tarot card Saki left behind, asking if it was possible to use that card to track down the rest of the deck, which presumably would lead us to Saki. Abraham said that it conceivably could be possible: the card was one of a deck and the deck wanted to be together, so we might be able to trace it to the origin.
The problem became how to figure out what we needed to do to actually make that tracking possible. The deck wasn’t actually alive, but it wasn’t really dead either. To top it off, we had to figure out what we needed to do to locate the rest of the deck. After some trial and error, we came up with something that worked. So sit back for a second while I learn you a thing. When you start to understand the very basics of a certain arcana, you learn how to see the world in a way that filters other things out and just focuses on that particular form of magic. As you advance, you gain the ability to grant that sight to others. I was able to use my Spirit sight to see the spiritual energy of the cards, so then I had to grant that ability to SiSi. Once she had it (“This is really weird,” she said. Hmph.) she was able to use her Space magic to scry and figure out where the trail was leading. She figured out it was somewhere in Quincy, which meant Saki wasn’t too far away.
Pretty cool, huh?
Lipsy wanted to drop everything and go find Saki. He was really anxious the whole time about Saki – we all were, but he really was. The problem was it was getting really, really late and a couple of us had been without sleep for close to 48 hours at that point. As much as I wanted to go find Saki, I knew if it was a dangerous situation we had to be completely at the ready, and if we went in half-cocked, we might end up just making things worse. Lipsy didn’t really want to hear it, but eventually he agreed that we should get at least a little sleep before we try to find Saki.
We got back to En’s house, where Aces had managed to calm down a bit. She’d been doing some research herself and found out about how to deal with the Esoteric. The first thing we had to do was somehow get Sam to get near us and destroy this form of the Esoteric. Physical damage, like what I did to the mummy in the bar, would be totally fine. Then we had to knock Sam out before he could summon it again, and then we had one of two bad options.
The first option was to kill Sam. It was certainly the simpler option, but all three of us felt sick at doing it. No matter how much trouble he’d been causing, he was still a kid trying to avenge his brother’s death. The second, much more complicated option, was for us to enter a trance state and actually proceed through some magical realms. Once we did that, we’d be able to properly destroy the Esoteric and stop Sam from summoning it in the future.
I’ll be the first to admit I know jack about meditation. Even if I’ve done it several times by now I can never remember the way the astral realms work. We had to go like, three or four levels deep or something? To the collective dreaming consciousness of the world.  
At any rate, we were just completely spent and weren’t in any shape to go diving into it that night. Aces said that if we wanted to try the second option, the meditation room in the house would be the best spot to do it. That meant we had to lure Sam to En’s house no matter what, and then, because none of us felt like murdering a sixth grader, knock him out and try to banish the Esoteric, and then wake up and find Saki.
No problem. Noooooooooo problem.
We got a few fitful hours sleep and in the morning (Lipsy wanted this done fast – “We’re done with this by lunch and then we find Saki”) we decided to try and get it taken care of. I called Sam at the number we had for him. It took a few rings before someone picked up and I didn’t hear someone on the other end. I tried talking anyway and he asked me what I wanted. I told him that we had some information about who killed his brother and that we wanted to talk to him. He asked where we were and I told him En’s house. He hung up right away and we tried to get ready. We didn’t know what was going to happen.
Turns out, none of us could have quite prepared for it. About 15 minutes after the phone call, we heard the sound of breaking glass. But it wasn’t Sam. It was this tall, creepy dude with black, black hair, a white, white suit, and the blankest, creepiest expression I’d ever seen in my entire life. The same one Sisi saw raising a knife over an unconscious Saki when she was scrying in the sports bar. We’d met the Esoteric.
Lipsy sent Edgar after it, and because he’s a good Doggo, Edgar fucking demolished the stupid thing. He charged, sank his teeth into it, and before you know it the Esoteric went *poof!* and started fading back into the Astral Plane.
As he disappeared, however, the Esoteric turned to us and said something that chilled us all, “If you want your friend, come find me.” We didn’t know what to do – did he have Saki? Was he responsible for Saki disappearing? Was Saki dead and he knew where his body was? We didn’t know, but it made the knot in my stomach even tighter.
After we dispatched the Esoteric, we heard someone screaming, “NO! WHAT DID YOU DO?!” We turned and there was Sam. By this point, we’d all had our fill of that little shit, so we quickly turned to him and pinned him down. He was raging at us and let slip that he sent the Esoteric to kill Saki because he thought we were double-crossing him. He’d been following us the whole time we were trying to help him and thought that since we were meeting with the vampires and his brother’s friends that we were going to betray him. Saki could have been dead and it would have been his fault.
So the next part, I took particular pleasure in. I hit him in the head as hard as I could and used my Life magic to explode melatonin in his brain while I yelled, “Sleep!” It took a couple tries, but eventually worked. I got a little magic blowback – the universe doesn’t like it when you use obvious magic in front of Sleepers – but it was well worth it to knock out that stupid little twerp.
The only thing to do at this point was finish it: go meditate, find the Esoteric, and finish him off. But I’m starting to feel a little too sober right now, so if you don’t mind, I’m going to get another drink and then when I get back, we’ll finish this. Next time, you’ll find out just what happened to Saki, but I’m warning you: just like we weren’t happy when we found out, you’re not going to be happy either.
Airmid, out.
(I’d like to extend a heartfelt “Thank you!” to Saki’s player for helping me with the recaps for this chapter. Give him a hand, will you?)
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