#cw antiziganism
deaths-accountant · 11 days
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This is the man the Green Party have trusted "to better educate Green representatives about anti-Jewish racism".
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kevinsreviewcatalogue · 8 months
Review: Vampire Circus (1972)
Vampire Circus (1972)
Rated PG
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<Originally posted at https://kevinsreviewcatalogue.blogspot.com/2023/10/review-vampire-circus-1972.html>
<CW: antiziganism/anti-Roma content>
Score: 3 out of 5
One of the last good films made by Hammer Film Productions during the famed British horror studio's latter period, Vampire Circus delivers exactly what it promises: a creepy circus run by vampires. It makes smart use of its premise, it has an engaging and alluring villain, and it has exactly the mix of bloodshed, sex appeal, and period glamour that make Hammer films at their best feel dangerous and classy, at least to me. Is the supporting cast a mixed bag? Are there way too many unfortunate stereotypes of Romani people in how the circus is portrayed? Yes and yes. But when the finished product works as well as it does, I can push all that to the side and enjoy what is still an entertaining vampire flick.
The film takes place in the Eastern European village of Stetl in a vaguely 19th century time period where, fifteen years ago, the locals, led by the schoolmaster Müller, murdered the nobleman Count Mitterhaus after learning that he was a vampire responsible for the disappearance and death of numerous local children. Before he died, he cursed the town, telling them that their children will die to bring him back to life. Meanwhile, his mistress Anna, Müller's wife and a willing servant of the Count, escapes into the night to meet up with the Count's cousin Emil, who runs a circus. Now, a plague is laying waste to Stetl, which has caused the local authorities to block all the roads out of it. Somehow, the traveling Circus of Nights got through the blockade to come to the town; the locals aren't too inquisitive about how they made it through, not when they're eager to just take their minds off of things. The circus has all manner of sights to show them, and what's more, the beautiful woman who serves as its ringmaster looks strikingly familiar.
This isn't really a movie that offers a lot of surprises. Even though she's played by a different (if similar-looking) actress, the movie otherwise makes it obvious that the ringmaster is in fact an older version of Anna even before the big reveal. I didn't really care, not when Adrienne Corri was easily one of the best things about this movie, making Anna the kind of (pardon the pun) vampish presence that it needed to complete its old-fashioned gothic atmosphere. She made me buy the villains as a dangerous force but also as a group of people and vampires who would seduce the townsfolk into ignoring their crimes, enough to more than make up for Anthony Higgins playing Emil, her partner in crime and the main vampire menace for much of the film, far too over-the-top for me to take seriously. The circus itself also made creative use of how the various powers attributed to vampires in folklore and fiction, from animal transformations to superior strength and senses, might be used to put on a flashy production of the sort where those watching might think that what they're seeing is all part of the show. And when push came to shove in the third act, we got treated to the circus' strongman breaking down the doors of people's homes, the dwarf sneaking around as a stealthy predator, and the twin acrobats (played by a young Robin Sachs and Lalla Ward) becoming the most dangerous fighters among the villains. It exploited its premise about as well as you'd expect from a low-budget film from the '70s, which was more than enough to keep me engaged.
Beyond the circus, however, the townsfolk generally weren't the most interesting characters. Only Müller had much depth to him, concerning his relationship with his lost wife Anna that grows increasingly fraught once he realizes who the ringmaster really is. With the rest of the cast, I was waiting for them all to get killed off by the vampires, as none of them left much of an impression otherwise. It was the circus that mostly propped up the movie. I also can't say I was particularly comfortable with the old-timey stereotypes that this film relied on in its depiction of the Roma. Notice how I'm calling Anna the "ringmaster" throughout this review. The film itself never uses that word, but instead uses a rather less polite anti-Romani slur to describe her, and it only gets worse from there, with the villagers using that word to describe the circus as "vermin" who need to be exterminated. This is why I've never been a fan of modern vampire fiction that, in trying to portray its vampires sympathetically, invokes the real-life history of persecution of marginalized groups (True Blood being one of the more famous examples). Given the history of both vampire legends and bigotry, especially that of real-life blood libels, pogroms, and hate crimes, it is a subject that can easily veer into suggesting that certain groups really are preying on people in unholy ways, especially when you bring children into the equation as this film does. Yes, Anna originally came from Stetl and isn't actually Romani, and for that matter, neither is the Count. But it's a subtext that this film, by invoking those parallels with a decidedly villainous portrayal of vampires, lays bare, and it had me feeling queasy at points in ways I'm sure the film didn't intend.
The Bottom Line
It's a movie that's very "of its time" in a lot of ways, and has problems fleshing out its supporting cast. Fortunately, it's buoyed by some great villains and that trademark Hammer horror mix of sex appeal and gothic flair. It's easily one of the better films to come out of their late period.
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corvid-shmorvid · 5 years
It's so fucked to know that there is a generational trauma that is deeply set in your genes, your soul, your blood, your very body that unconsciously every part of your being, yet that intergenerational trauma cannot and will never become a part of your conscious mind. This is a trauma which has been stolen by the very people committed to keeping me from my community -- the very people who have successfully done so for 20 years. It makes so much of my childhood seem that much more poignant. This trauma has affected my body-mind, even though I was/am not aware of it. It gives so much meaning to me to say, "Opre Roma" because this is a history that was stolen from me, that I wasn't supposed to remember, that wasn't supposed to be revealed to me. So, I will remember those two words for the rest of my life. I will whisper them, I will shout them, I will demand them. Because I refuse to let them become obscurity again.
Opre Roma.
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bikenesmith · 3 years
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"sokovian fortune teller". how are you going to erase wanda's romani heritage & then impress one the most prevalent romani stereotypes - the [g slur] fortune teller - onto her? as a “joke”? what the hell is wrong with marvel & how did this make it to the final release?
(this is also happening alongside the “sassy best friend” and “mexican wrestler” comments. somehow episode 6 managed to be more racist than wandavision already is)
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thevagueambition · 4 years
I remember there was a lot of talk about how Witcher 3 has the whole racism subplot with non-human humanoids being discriminated against but the game barely has a single character of colour
and while obviously it sucks that it didn’t have any poc I do think, in relation specifically to the racism subplot, it’s worth remembering that to the Polish audience this world was originally create for (in form of the original books), the most pertinent forms of racism would be Nazi racism, both in the extermination of various “undesirable” groups eg Jewish and Romani people and in seeing Poles (and Slavs in general) as a “servile race” not to be exterminated but to be subjugated. 
It’s worth considering the context that the most familiar form of racism to a Polish audience would not be one that was skin colour based as such (obviously Jewish and Romani people are racialised on the basis of their appearance and would often be a bit darker, but often not in a way where they would be read as poc by the global community). There’s a reason Nilfgaard is German-coded but in a very different way from how American media does German/Nazi-coding.
Poland never had any colonies so it hasn’t really been involved in the history of racist colonialism and indeed was frequently the victim of other European nations’ imperialism. Poland has historically been made up of primarily Catholic Poles and Jewish Poles, with afaik very little diversity outside of that. To this day the number of poc who live in Poland is afaik very limited which is partially due to a lot of racism in Poland (I’m by no means suggesting that a lack of historical involvement means a lack of racism in the nation) but probably more so due to poverty, etc, but either way it means that the relation to racism (in the global/Americanised sense) would mostly be a theoretical one about people living in other nations and rarely members of the community. It makes sense given that context that the sort of racism you would depict in a fantasy world would be against light-skinned members of the community who were nevertheless racialised based on a few key features. 
Anyway, I think the racism subplot is poorly handled in the Witcher games regardless and again, characters of colour prior to the DLC would have been nice, but I just think that there’s often a real lack of appreciation for the context of fiction created outside of the Anglosphere and there are a lot of aspects of the Witcher games that seem to me very informed by various elements of Polish history and culture. The depiction of the tyrannical church and of women written to use their sexuality as liberation in an often (on the part of the writers) rather misguided manner is not incidential to that context either. 
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seventeendeer · 4 years
Not to be extremely specific but i think the song your brain is trying to remember is “beyond her garden” and I really wish I didn’t remember that tbh
Anonymous said: Are you thinking of the gypsy bard? Her village was burned and she was orphaned
I can’t believe there were 2 songs like this and at least one of them was racist
it must have been “beyond her garden” though, because I actually remember the lyrics very vividly and that sentence is in there, so! thank you, I will now go listen to brony music like I’m 14 again lol
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arowrimo · 4 years
AroWriMo 2020 Writing
Here’s a masterpost of the 36 works from Aromantic Writing Month 2020 (under the cut)
Do share, like, and comment on the works you enjoy!
Screams by @exhausted-queer
Prompt: Self-love Language: English Words: 464 CWs: self harm, depression, death, grief, abuse, sex, sexual abuse
Let Me Be by Anon (via ask)
Theme: Loveless Prompt: Acceptance Language: English Words: 86 CWs: Ableism, Aphobia
Ballrooms and Waves by @aro-ace-and-hungry
Theme: Loveless Language: English Words: 655 CWs: Romance mention, Anxiety 
Loveless by @soph00bear
Theme: Loveless Language: English Words: 207 CWs: Aphobia mention, Arophobia mention
Am I A Monster? by @wish-ful-thinking513
Theme: Loveless Language: English Words: 157 CWs: Arophobia, Blood, Aphobia, Gore
Short stories:
Loveless by @kitkatt0430 Ao3 link
Original fiction Prompt: Acceptance Language: English Words: 753 CWs: Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Unhappy relationship, Gaslighting,  Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Amatanormativity Summary:
She’s never been in love.  It’s an odd realization to have as she’s packing her things and he’s given up on asking her to stay. Now he just obstructs her on occasion, arguing that things which are hers are really his.
Some things are worth the effort to fight for. Others are not.
He is not.
Two by @junietuesday Ao3 link
Original fiction Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Community, Acceptance Language: English Words: 953 CWs: Sex References (character is aroallo), Homophobia, Brief Mentions of Racism + Ableism, Internalized Amatonormativity Summary:
The girl is a loner.
Of her own will and desire, of course. Not because she’s a little too open about her opinions (particularly about romance), and a little too closed-off when they ask her why she has them. Not because she’s terrified what her fellow ninth graders will do to her when they realize she has no soulmark. Not because she figures that she might as well just push them away first, before they can push her.
To Unmask A Witch by @agnezztealeaf
Original fiction Language: English Prompt: Friendship Genre: Fantasy Words: 4457 CW: Discussions around amatonormativity and heteronormativity, references to blood and violence
It wasn’t that the cottage at the outskirts of the village was actually run-down or dilapidated, but if you squinted and looked at it through your eyelashes in dim light, you could imagine that it could be. It wasn’t that it was a ruckle, it was that the children thought it should be one.
You see, if a witch lived in a cottage, then that cottage should be falling apart, its windows murky with mould, the roof broken and roof shingles scattered on the garden path and in the flowerbeds, and the garden a mess of weeds and rotting greens. It felt insulting, the children thought, that an otherwise perfectly scary and threatening witch should live in such a charming and well-kept little house. So, when they hid in the forest near the cottage, staking it out, or walked past it on their way to a friend’s house, they squinted and imagined what should have been there, instead of what really was.
Annie of Anglesey by @writelikeanaro
Original fiction Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Self-love Genre: Historical fiction/folk tale Words: 4,676 CWs: Past marriage, Unwanted romantic interest, Public proposal, Grief
Annie is living quite happily alone in the mountains, when the king comes to her for aid in a competition. Hoping to get something for herself out of the situation, she agrees to help him.
Seed of A Memory by @skylights422
Original fiction Language: English Theme: Subverting Romantic Tropes, Fantasy Prompt: Friendship Genre: Fantasy, Drama Words: 1907 CWs: Brief mentions of racism and arophobia
Fiera Casales takes a stroll with her pretend boyfriend and ponders the importance of things like love and memory. 
Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot by @wellintentionedbibliophile
Original fiction Language: English Theme: Subverting Romantic Tropes Prompt: Friendship Genre: Fiction Words: 1088 CWs: Breakup, End of the World, Neopronouns
We’re not quite a gang (more like a strange family) by @amanita-cynth Ao3 link
Original fiction Language: English Category: Short Stories Prompt: Friends and Pride Genre: Superheroes/Slice of Life Words: 5232 CWs: Background romantic relationship mentioned, discussion of aphobia and amatonormativity, bomb mention
Some scars aren’t physical and can be all the worse for it. But maybe a woman brimming with her own hard-won self confidence and the new friends they pick up afterwards can help Allen overcome the hurtful words from his past. After all, if a dozen new friends think you’re great and a literal god chose you as a Champion it shouldn’t be so hard, right?
“Oh.” He blinked. “People usually say it’s weird that I don’t want people- women- flirting with me.”
“Boundaries are boundaries.” She waved a hand dismissively. From the depths of her hood, her eyes gleamed with light from a passing car and briefly lit up more details; the casual ease of her expression, her slightly lidded eyes, the soft curves of her warm, brown face. Shame it didn’t do much for him beyond the realisation that she really was that nonchalant about it, and also quite beautiful.
And A Monster Steals Your Children by @arosnowflake
Original fiction Language: English Prompt: none/belonging (loosely) Genre: Fantasy Words: 2170 CWs: heavy ableism (including internalized ableism), off-screen child murder, ableist language, mild amatonormativity.
It is said that, in a tower rising above the valley, a monster lives, and that it steals children’s souls. Netel, one of those stolen children, goes to kill it.
Untitled by @wish-ful-thinking513
Original fiction Language: English Genre: Sci-fi Words: 951 CWs: Needles, injections
This is a short story based on a prompt from @lgbtqwritingprompts. I don’t usually write sci-fi, so this was a fun change… I feel like it was obvious that science isn’t really my thing though. I tried to keep stuff vague (ie: are clones human??? The more I thought about it, the less sure I was)… well,  I tried my best!
November: The Hell Week to End All Hell Weeks by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Community and acceptance Genre: Slice of life Words: 2,776 CWs: Bigotry mentions, light marital romance
The Shatterdome baristas meet the regulars. Teasing, pranks, and awkward small talk ensue.
Traditional by @amanita-cynth Ao3 link
Fandom: Leverage Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Acceptance Genre: Character study Words: 1393 CWs: References to sex (aro character is aroallo), romantic relationship in the background and referred to, marriage mentioned
Eliot doesn’t so much fall in love as come to the realisation that he’s going to die for them.
Or: How Eliot learns some new things about himself and Parker and Hardison learn just how to stay with him.
February - Leap Year Sucks by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Family and self-love Genre: Slice of life Words: 2,866 CWs: Lingering grief over a parent’s death, light marital romance
The Shatterdome baristas and regulars slog through a soggy February with all kinds of struggles. At least they've got each other to commiserate with.
Skywalker by @kitkatt0430 Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Language: English Prompt: Family Words: 2,964 CWs: Major character death, indentured servitude/slavery
Rey’s family was never coming back for her.  In learning to accept this and move on, Rey builds herself a whole new family, one choice at a time.
A Place to Start by @kitkatt0430​ Ao3 link
Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Relationships: Kara Danvers/James “Jimmy” Olsen Language: English Prompt: Acceptance Words: 2,993 CWs: Break up
“I’m doing that thing again,” Kara told the duck. It ignored her for the corn. “Always happens. I was trying so hard not to do it this time, but there it goes. Happening all over again.”
(In which Kara doesn’t need Alex to tell her that dating James is making her miserable.  But she does wish someone would tell her why every time she starts dating someone, her romantic feelings fizzle out shortly afterwards.)
The Only Trope for Me is You by @tommytonebender​ Ao3 Link
Fandom: The Venture Bros Relationships: Billy Quizboy/Pete White Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Genre: Supernatural, character study Words: 4,338 CWs: Discussions of amatonormativity, non-explicit sexual humor, most references are there to make fun of fanfic tropes, language, brief heavy themes.
Supernatural forces ensnare our heroes, forcing them to… have a grown-up conversation? [A fake episode B-Plot]
April - Confessions and Epiphanies by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Friendship and pride Genre: Slice of life Words: 2,261 CWs: Martial affection and love confessions
Finally, communication!
Miss You by Dain Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Language: English Prompt: Friendship Words: 484
Luke huffed. “Maybe I don’t want to leave.”
“You do,” Biggs said. “You know it’s worth it. You’ll do fine.”
Baby I’m Not Made of Stone, It Hurts  by @emjenwrites​ Ao3 link
Fandom: Peaky Blinders BBC Language: English Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study Words: 22.6K (only the first 1.7K on tumblr, follow the links to AO3 for the rest) CWs: romance (character is demiromantic), implied/referenced sexual content, implied/referenced pedophilia (basically the same level of implication as canon), implied/referenced suicide, one instance of antiziganism, internalized arophobia (so much internalized arophobia), arophobia, self-hatred, canon-typical language, child abuse, parentification, codependency, prostitution, kidnapping, emetophobia, PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, headaches and migraines
Things with the Russians and Section D had started bad and ended worse, and that was before Polly, Arthur, John, and Michael went and got fucking arrested. Or Tommy Shelby grapples with loneliness, guilt, health issues, and romantic orientation in the aftermath of s3.
Unease by Dain Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Language: English Words: 1,227 CWs: One-sided attraction, Unwanted romantic interest
Summary: Beritt was new, and not in Luke’s squadron, but you got to know people. There’d been barely anything to do for the last week but mingle.
Which would have been enjoyable, if not for the fact that Beritt was…interested in Luke.
July - Come Back Home, And Soon by @eadrey-the-iptscray Ao3 link
Fandom: Pacific Rim (2013) Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Prompt: Belonging and comfort Genre: Slice of life Words: 1,271 CWs: None
Summer break means quiet days at The Shatterdome and the same old conversations with family.
The Only Demons Here are Mine by @amanita-cynth Ao3 link
Fandom: One Piece Language: English Prompt: Belonging and Comfort Genre: Character/Relationship Study Word count: 3048 Content warnings: Mental health issues including dissociation and suicidal thoughts and ideation. Medical/bodily things discussed. Spoilers for Law’s backstory and violence therein.
But he’d said it, hadn’t he, at Dressrosa? That if it all went wrong Law wanted to die by his side. Naturally, it had been 80% about Doflamingo, but there had been a part of him screaming: he’s here and in danger because of you, because he does the right thing just because he can, because he is selfish and insanely determined about those he calls friends and you knew that and still let him get close, because he looked at you and called you a good man and the least you can do for someone like that is die alongside them.
Or: dealing with a pirate war and a sudden lack of life goals is bad enough without trying to figure out confusing new feelings.
Chapter 2 of The Coffee Shop AU by @theinvisiblegurlz
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed Movie Language: English Theme: Subverting romantic tropes Genre: Coffee shop AU CWs: Amatonormativity mention Summary:
A non-romantic coffee shop AU.
To Our Future by Dain Ao3 link
Fandom: Star Wars Original Trilogy Language: English Word count: 999 Content warnings: Grief, Anxiety
Luke couldn’t keep the smile off his face.It was such a simple expression; the flexing of a few muscles, and not nearly enough to give full voice to his soaring, unrestrained joy, the lightness and fullness of spirit that made him ache until he thought he might burst with the strength of it.
Rain by @wellintentionedbibliophile​
Original fiction Language: English Genre: Science fiction Word count: 319 CWs: none
The Crystal Heart  by @twilight-lukos
Language: English Theme: Fantasy Genre: Speculative Fiction / Fantasy
Excerpt 1

Word Count: 931 CWs: Feeling pressure to choose a romantic partner
Prince Haraq visits Princess Chareith, who has a reputation for being difficult to suitors. The two bond over a legend Chareith loves about the lost Crystal Island. Haraq expresses interest in her opinions but shows no romantic interest.
Excerpt 2
Words: 695 CWs: none
After Chareith expresses her frustrations, Haraq suggest the two sneak out for a day and do some exploring. Chareith agrees, thinking to find some interesting relics in the nearby desert and marsh, maybe in relation the legend of the Crystal Island.
Excerpt 3
Words: 587 CWs: feelings of forced romantic normalcy or amatonormativity
While on a secret outing, Chareith is abducted by a sorcerer and taken to an isolated tower with a mysterious history. The sorcerer tells Chareith that she has magical potential. Finding this to be true, she wonders what this means for her now.
Excerpt 4
Words: 846 CWs: none

While on a secret outing, Chareith is abducted by an invisible, flying creature. Haraq sets out to find her. The stone fragment he and Chareith found has led him into a strange place, bordered by mist. A/N: this occurs before Excerpt #3; I wasn't going to post this but I've had it all nicely prepped to go since early February and I did want to share it, even if it's vaguer about the aromantic angle in-story
Aromantic Writing Month! by @anonymousaroace​
Language: English Theme: Acceptance Words: 487
Kricket’s First Zine by @autcore​ Direct link
Language: English
Super short aro perzine about questioning and being lonely whilst aro
To Be Aspected (WIP) by @anonymaceally​ Latest update itch.io game link
Ally submission Language: English Theme: Fantasy Prompt: Mythos, fables Genre: Friend sim/Fantasy CWs: Some unwanted flirting. Discussions about gender and sexual identity. Adult language and situations like taxes. Content might be unfinished.
The reader walks into a tavern owned by a squad of Aces called “Queen Anne’s Ace” . The reader stays for a week and enjoys has interesting conversations with the patrons there.
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oversought · 7 years
the g*psy rpc (for the show g*psy) really is doing its damnedest to alienate rromani wlw by refusing to address how g*psy is a slur and using it candidly in their rp posts while enthusing on about the lgbt+ rep. like noah fence but my gay rromani ass isn’t here for this shit. it’s still racist. you’re still racist. it’s still wrong. you’re still normalizing and supporting antiziganism. you’re still actively using a slur. you can’t say you support wlw and then use a slur in the same breath as that’s actively alienating and oppressing the wlw the slur is against. fuck all of that.
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oversought · 7 years
g*psy culture, in case there’s any confusion, is suffering
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oversought · 7 years
im not even like .. reluctant to rp with h.ml.ck gr.v. rpers anymore i just flat out want nothing to do with them. it’s one thing to enjoy media that is flawed or whatever flavor of Problematique it is, i get it, there’s not really any media that isn’t flawed in that respect in some way.. 
however, hg is a completely different playing field because the entire basis of the series is dependent on racial stereotypes and a lack of understanding of romani people, use of a slur, whitewashing, and complete disrespect for us. like, idk how to put this in perspective? none of what hg portrays of romani people is appropriate and is flat out racist on all levels. 
i seriously tried watching the show but literally couldn’t get into it and had to take what little i got through in small doses because of how disgusted, uncomfortable, and violated i felt watching it on the basis of how it portrayed romani people. 
it is 100% a sexualized/fetishized, mystical, incorrect, whitewashed, horrible portrayal of peoples hg should’ve never portrayed in the first place, it is just inextricably tied to these things. by rping that, it’s also inextricably tied to that racism & i just ?? can’t do it ? i have yet to meet a single person in the hg fandom who has not had some tie to racism even if they claim to understand it and even if they aren’t using the g-slur in their writing. i even thought about writing peter once with a romani fc just out of a desire to do it right lmao but ... just a glance into the fandom is littered with racists and a consistent and further perpetuation of the racism the series portrays EVEN FROM PEOPLE who are like “i get it’s racist and i don’t use the g-slur!” like that really, unfortunately, isn’t good enough when racism is the entire basis of the series.
it’s steeped in antiziganism, misogyny specific to romani women, a complete lack of understanding and respect for our culture and people, use of a slur, whitewashing, and stereotypes. no manner of “understanding” how it’s racist unravel it from that, especially when the fandom is so largely responsible for perpetuating it as well. a vast majority of the fandom is just straight up racist too and ?? to make all of this worse, both the show runners and the people in the fandom REFUSE to listen to romani people speaking out about the series harm and the misconceptions portrayed.
i just....... cannot in good conscience associate myself with that when i feel so violated just THINKING about hg and its bastardization of who i am. 
if it’s like ... a multimuse with muses from it among other muses, i might be more ok with it because then it’s not so entrenched in the fandom, but otherwise ?? i just can’t do it. i really can’t. it genuinely makes me feel physically ill. 
i’ve tried so hard to give the fandom room in my space and place here, like i’ve really tried because i’ve been made to feel cruel and unfair for wanting to alienate myself from it. i’ve just spent a lot of time trying to force myself to be ok with it and im just not. i tried to be ok with it for my friends in the fandom, for friends who didn’t see much wrong with it, but ... im at a point where i can’t even do that. it’s too harmful to me to associate with this. i don’t want anything to do with the fandom on a massive scale because im not ok with it and im not ok with the fandom or the series or any of it really. and i think im well within my rights to want to be as far away from it as possible on account of its immense ties to racism and the fandoms ties to racism, as well as just the refusal by the fandom to listen to actual romani people about how it’s harmful :/ 
i don’t want anything to do with it. i purported that i was ok with it in the past because i was still ?? trying to convince myself it was ok. but it’s not, and im not ok with it and i literally just ??? feel unsafe and queasy and violated thinking about it and its take on romani people.
im just tired of being and feeling disrespected on such a massive scale and having people facilitate that disrespect by normalizing a series founded on it
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