#cw isms
redd956 · 1 year
Whump Prompt List: Cultural Differences
The cast of characters involved in the whumpy situations are all from vastly different cultures. Whether it be different nations, regions, dimensions, time ears, whatever, there is a big communication obstacle in the way
Content Warnings: Isms, Whump, Violence, Captivity
Whumpee is trapped alone in a cell, the second whumpee in the next cell over is exactly who they need to get out of this mess. Only problem, they don't speak the same language.
While Caretaker is helping patch up whumpee's wounds, they're also teaching them a language so they can understand each other better
Whumpee relies another whumpee who is familiar with their current location, eventually they are both thrust into a different unfamiliar world, or maybe the roles are reversed
Several whumpees are forced to work together in order to get out of their situation. Problem, they're all from opposing cultures that have some serious bad blood
Caretaker has never been exposed to a sickness that whumpee catches, upon returning home sick whumpee learns the extent of what that means
Multiple whumpees have to learn to accept another whumpee, who is not of their background
Whumper can identify whumpee or is after whumpee due to their demographic, easily known by their accent. Now caretaker has to convince whumper that the disguised whumpee with them, isn't speaking in that accent
Multiple whumpees showing each other affection they way they would from their culture
Whumpee is being hunted due to their demographic. They're rescued by Caretaker, who whumpee notes immidiately is different demographic that whumper is also after
In a chaotic moment two whumpees met each other, worked together to save their lives. Only when they finally have a moment to stop and take in all that just happened, do they realize they're not from the same place
Whumper is obsessed with getting a whumpee from each different backgrounds (dimensions, alternate universes, nations)
Whumper speaks a different language then whumpee, and gives them no hints or leverage as to what is about to happen to them
Caretaker is in charge of taking care of multiple whumpees who are from opposing backgrounds. They frequently have to run into the room to break up brutal fights, recovery sabotage, and of sorts
Multiple whumpees teaching each other bits and pieces of their culture, until the group carries around a culture of their own
Caretaker is of the same demographic that Whumper is from, and whumpee is having a painfully hard time adjusting. The painful conversation finally needs to be said in Caretaker's eyes, and they sit down whumpee to call them an ism
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One thing wild about bigotry that I rare see brought up, is how it hurts more than just the targeted group, every time! And I mean everytime! Because bigots fail to understand that humans in themselves are often naturally ambiguous creatures
There is intersex, there is masculine cisgender women, there is feminine cisgender men, historically men wore pink/red and women blue, you look at a person and not know their age, voices can range so incredibly, the skin tans and pales real dark to very bright, there's metabolism differences, there's birth defects, there's war that can achieve the same thing.... and yet
Bigots fail to understand the world truly how it is. They are illogical, and that is something we must come to terms with.
They fail to understand how babies are born, how skin tone works, how brains work, how genetics work, how culture works, how puberty works, how compassion works, how you should treat each other...
Then when they try to understand, they realize they're wrong. Instead of accepting it, they try to force the rest of the world to see things how they do... illogical
It's unfortunate that they often succeed. Of course they do so by targeting the vulnerable. It never makes sense though, as they fail to notice how humans are ambiguous, and in their crazed crusades they end up eventually targeting each other. Bigots hate the ambiguous. If they don't target you, and you are one bit ambiguous, you will become a victim of their bigger plan.
In a world where trans people can't exist, neither can naturally masculine cis women, or naturally feminine cis men.
In a world where two men can't get together, neither can ace people live in piece
In a world where cross dressing is a sign of sinister scheming, the girl who wears pants is in danger
In a world where foreigners are seen an invasive species, the Bilingual shall live in fear
In a world where Atheist are illegal, anyone religious man is under threat for their beliefs
In a world where the disabled child needs to be put down for mercy, the unlucky veteran has to come home knowing no one will accept them
And bigots... they want that
Which is why we must stick together, as they're coming for us all if they're coming one of us
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callofdutylorist · 1 year
Speaking of fandom controversy..... i remember when there was an outrage amongst the male gamers when they found out that Kate has a wife. How they literally doubled down and attempted to come up with excuses and "reasons" as to how she said that as a cover up and how she's romantically involved with Price, despite the fact that it's clear that Infinity Ward did it not only to add more depth to her character but also to just not give fanatics any glimmer of hope that there will ever be a romance in CoD games, and they're right. The fact that it wasn't even something shoved into anybody's face nor made a big deal out, bigots were MAD af because a woman isn't interested in a man, let alone Price for that matter.
They're upset that we like GhostSoap, they make "claims" that we ship two straight men, despite the fact that none of these characters really have a personality outside of what they do on the field and chances are it'll stay that way. Imagine saying "straight" because they're both badass men and masculine like they own these characters. In the meantime, fans get fueled because VAs and even the directors of the game support their works. But bigots and fragile minds cannot stand it.
This was sooo ranty and perhaps even inconvenient on my side so i apologize for it but i just had to share how i've seen this community act towards people that just wanna do things that make them happy, and others too.
This is something I've grown more passionate and radical about over the years, as Call of Duty isn't the only FPS I play, and I'm seen very similar outrage occur in Rainbow Six Siege's community (arguably even worse).
It frustrates me, it truly does, and I'm glad the developers are all standing their ground on the matter. Giving out the Stadler (Stich x Adler) banners out for free in CoD Cold War I felt was their own way of flipping the bird toward this unsavory side of the community,
It's unfortunate, and we cannot ignore the homophobia (and other isms) problem in the FPS gaming communities.
Some notable instances for me
The outrage from the lgbt+ banners in Warzone 1
Disgust from Ghostsoap & Stadler shipping
Jumping through mental hoops to justify confirmed lgbt+ characters not being so
Killing players who use specific lgbt+ equipment cosmetics
Referring to said characters as a slur instead of their name/call sign
Whatever the hell is going on with Faze and Faze clan rn
Ragequitting and freaking out when getting best by characters in lgbt+ cosmetics
Harassing popular FPS gamers for coming out of the closet
and more :(
Bigots are illogical human beings they really are. They try to come up with the most outrageous excused so that they can deny the existence of characters like Laswell, Flores, Osa, Pulse, Bell, and more.
For instance the argument against Flores and Osa being in siege is that they don't want "politics" in their anti-terrorism game. Ignoring the existence of Post-Soviet cold war politics, pandemic relations, intercultural discourse, and so I dunno terrorism. (not to mention lgbt+ isn't politics) Like mental gymnastics awards should be handed out for that one.
Don't get me wrong there's been significant improvement in the quality of inclusiveness in FPS communities, and FPS communities have their own form of banter and culture I'm not against. But a fine line does need to be figured out I swear it.
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major-enbydyke · 9 months
don't know much about the Danny Masterson situation but it thoroughly disgusts me when people come to rapists aid because "their children will suffer without a parent." As if the victims haven't suffered enough and as if the potential suffering of a child is more important than the very real suffering the victims have already faced. Also just proves that they don't truly believe in the suffering of these women and idk seems a little patriarchal mom-ism to expect these women to sacrifice for this child that they know nothing about.
And not to say they aren't right that the child will be negatively affected by all this, but maybe the rapist should have thought about how their actions affect other people. Also not to be weird but many a people grow up without a father, I did. It's definitely not as bad as being raped. So yeah idk think about your shitty logic Ashton Kutcher and flush yourself down a toilet. You too Mila Kunis.
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rqpawz · 13 days
for some reason @/selfannihilator put u on a xenosatanist callout list :/
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clearing this up , incase anyone else is wondering about why I ended up on the list
𝜗 for starters , selfannihilatr has me blocked ( which is totally understandable ) , so to see what you were talking about i logged into my old account and looked to see the blocklist . bc im blocked , im not sure if selfannihilatr will ever see this so im not sure if ill get taken off of the list .
𝜗 anyways , i am not a xnst . that's not a label i use bc one , even as a religion , i am not satanist ( i consider myself a child of nature , and do lots of work with nature spirits , as well as greek deities such as demeter , aphrodite and apollo . )
𝜗 and two , the obvious reason of xnst-ism not following a lot of my core beliefs .
𝜗 i got put on the list , most likely , bc another headmate of mine ( will not be naming , as orders of clarity ) who IS a xnst , as well as a malicious alter , managed to get into main when i ( helena ) was taking a break from fronting and edited my intro post to say that im pro - xnst / pro - lsdqueer/basedqueer/lacedqueer and that i follow those beliefs .
𝜗 i do not follow those beliefs . i did not see the edit for a little bit , as ive been less active on tumblr due to my mom taking my phone , as well as exams for school and as well as trying to apply to jobs near me . once i did notice , i immediately removed the information and made our main gatekeeper , clarity ( love you clars <3 ) aware that said headmate had done that and clarity handled it in a way that would make sure he wouldn't be able to front without permission from clarity , as well as a protector also in main .
𝜗 " well , helena , if you don't support xnst-ism and such , what is your opinion on them ? " me personally , i try to be peaceful to people , even those who don't follow my beliefs . i treat people with respect as long as they treat me with respect , so i dont show aggression to those who use labels like xnst or lsd/basedqueer unless they are aggressive to me , but i do not believe in the ideologies that those labels follow , and i believe a lot of beliefs in those labels are not exactly healthy , or good beliefs to have .
𝜗 tl : dr : malicious alter edited my intro post to say im pro - xnst-ism when im not , i got the situation handled with a gatekeeper , and i do not support the beliefs in xnst-ism or anything similar but i do not treat people who use those labels with aggression if they are polite to me and do not restrict them from interacting with me .
𝜗 I apologize deeply for any confusion or concern people may have had if they noticed the edits my headmate made or if they saw me on the blocklist and i hope this clears everything up !! have a wonderful day and stay safe everyone <3
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cantuscorvi · 2 months
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^ Man who can only express how he's obsessed with you by comitting heinous acts of manipulation and neglect toward you and then desperately calling your name during the nasty sex afterward.
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tsarnvoiny · 3 months
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MANY TALENTS OF ANYA BARNES. ( getaway driver )
mutuals may like & reblog.
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hecateisalesbian · 9 months
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shouta-edits · 2 months
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"a ship moodboard of the bride/beatrix kiddo from kill bill and a teenage girl s/i, with themes of age gap relationships, sadism and martial arts?" -anon requested
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veneror · 2 months
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no don't mind me, just thinking about the inherent body horror that would've come with alastor's first waking up in hell.   looking into the first reflective surface he can find, realizing the creature that had followed him for so many years in life was the  creature  looking  back  at  him  now.  the world had thrown mockery on his name  :  once the hunter, now forced into the body of prey.  i imagine it as his first moment of eternal punishment, forced to live in a form that, initially, would bring  no fear  to anybody who saw him. 
that’s not even  touching  the horror that comes with alastor first using the powers lilith granted him. morphing into a demonic shape, one that his body was not meant to be forced into. the sensation of ribs caving in to narrow his waist. his spine extending, his limbs going far too long and heavy. claws growing, teeth jutting out, mouth opening to foam with crimson.  how heavy are the antlers that grow multiple feet over his scalp?  
(   and how much would it hurt still, knowing that no matter what magic he laces into his form, he remains a deer ? a frightened fawn, looking death dead in the eyes on a highway ?   )
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redd956 · 1 year
Worldbuilding questions to get the creative juices flowing 35
Theme: The ISMS
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What are the isms? Well isms are the discriminatory or prejudiced hate we are familiar with. In writing settings (including realism & fantasy) the isms tend to be these
Hatred against gender/sexual identities
Hatred towards a religious group or non-religious group due to religious beliefs
*Speciesism derives from fiction
All because these are the isms doesn’t mean in fictional settings new isms cannot be invented for the sake of worldbuilding and writing conflict. Now whenever including isms in your writing it is important to do tons of research, otherwise the situation could be romanticizing, offensive towards groups of people discriminated against, incredibly misguided (or potentially leaning into a ism itself) and more.
Now onto the worldbuilding inspo
What is the most prevalent ism in society? What does society view as the most prevalent? What isms are going hand in hand? Are isms overlayed commonly?
Is the society overall morally against it or for it? Does the government and people hold different perspectives on it? 
What are the discriminated peoples doing about it? How is that going? What is standing in their way? How are hate groups trying to counter them?
Are there safe spaces for discriminated peoples? If so what are these spaces like? How prevalent are they? Do they accept groups of other discriminated peoples? How else are these spaces used?
(Ronscovia; a beloved nation from SOA Series. A massive religious group moved back into the region, re-illegalizing mlm marriage and drag [Yeah my brother and I are dying about the irony too, it was made 2015]. Ronscovian people decided to turn the underground sections of their towns into gay districts, because they’re much harder for the Clevicry [law enforcement] to enforce. Also so that the gay revolutionaries could easily traverse around the city to usurp the enemy)
What’s the history between the present isms in the society? How is the history really bleeding through? Is the history taught about? If not how to hated groups learn about their historical circumstances? How do non-hated groups learn about it too?
Is there anything out their to support/aid hated groups? If so how do they do this? Does society try to stop them? Does society advocate for them? (Both)
Is there a nearby region, province, country that accepts these discriminated groups? Are the majority of the hated peoples trying to go there? If not why or what’s stopping them?
Are discriminated peoples moving into the society for safety? Is the society accepting (all) refugees? What is life like for refugees in society?
What are the well known minorities? What peoples are usually viewed as the majority? (Unless for specific worldbuilding reasons, it should rarely be a gender as the minority)
What types of people have easier lives? What types of people have more difficult lives? Do people get certain groups of peoples mixed up with one another? If so how does this affect them?
Is there any benefits to for the haters to do this? How is prejudice primarily spread throughout the society? What are stereotypes of the different groups of peoples?
Are younger generations against the current isms? Are older generations against the current isms? Is it a mixture?
How do isms affect the society? Culture? Quality of life? Etc.
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airctrl · 2 months
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a rough transition into my usual oc artwork lol
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mortau · 4 months
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Lucifer bio and tag dump
Name: Lucifer Morningstar
Alias: King of Hell, Prince of Pride
Race/Species: Fallen Seraph
Age: At LEAST ten thousand
Sexuality: uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Gender/Pronouns: male, he/him
Eye color: yellow and red
Hair: blonde
Height: shorter than Alastor
Body type: bro looks like an apple core
Skin color: stark white
Background: Once, Lucifer was a powerful angel. A dreamer, a creative... And because of his chaotic ideas, he was often not allowed to assist the other angels in creation. When the Garden of Eden was created, and Lilith rejected Adam, Lucifer flew down and met her and they fell in love.
After the creation of Eden, they gifted her the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. And that released sin into the world.
As punishment for this crime, he and his beloved were cast into Hell, cursed to look at only the most horrific results of their actions.
This sent him into a deep depression. For thousands upon thousands of years, he watched the worst of the worst torment each other. It was difficult, to manage his depression while raising a daughter with his wife... But his misery made him distant to both. And, eventually, both of them left.
After reuniting with Charlie, and having his faith restored by the battle with the exorcists and Sir Pentious's noble sacrifice, he is making more of an effort to be involved in her life as well as the welfare of Hell itself.
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estellamiraiauthor · 5 months
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NGL, even when I was like 12 and I lived in the US and had never left it, this kind of reporting pissed me off.
Three US soldiers died. THREE, guys. ZERO, THREE. THREE.
Of course I realize that the loss of a life, of any individual life, is a tragedy.
But WTF CNN (and all US news outlets). The very, very direct implication is that these three lives matter more than the THOUSANDS that have already been lost. American lives do NOT matter more than Palestinian lives, I’m sorry.
The US isn’t the only one who do this of course. It’s very typical for Japanese TV to report shit like: All 300 passengers on the flight died; fortunately, none of them were Japanese.
But actually yeah this does seem a little worse because the US is out there INTENTIONALLY BOMBING THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE and they get all “how dare they?” when tiny numbers of their own are killed in response.
Report on the real victims here, please.
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betsey-socialite-1757 · 10 months
Do you like John Andres?
John André, hm?
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I find him amiable, and charming, he is a good individual to have in your corner, as a friend, I wouldn't want him as an enemy.
Lord knows, my dearest Alexander had to face him and Congressman Tallmadge had to oversee his trial, but, in this life?
Yes, I think we should rise above an already-decided history. If only Lee or Arnold faced the hempen fever in his place.
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Hempen fever - to hang/the gallows (18th-century slang)
Amiable - friendly and good-humoured (SAT level English)
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ddyfckr-a · 8 months
Striker would absolutely, without question, punt a kid across a football field, zero hesitation. fuck them kids, he hates them.
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