#cw: hospital mention
kylos-starlight · 5 months
Me walking out of the hospital like a vault dweller leaving a super fucked up vault like
"what year is it?" "What time is it?" "The sun hurts my eyes" "I'm fucking hungry bro" "I feel like hell and look equally as bad"
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mugloversonly · 1 month
Accidents Happen
for this month's @steddiemicrofic "plug" wc:437 rated: G
cw: hospital, sick kid (kinda)
summary: The boys find out Amelia is allergic to peanuts...the hard way.
Eddie ran into the hospital, Wayne hot on his heels. He can hardly talk he’s crying so hard, but thankfully Wayne is able to speak.
“Amelia Munson. We’re her father and grandfather.” He informed the nurse who directed them down the hall. Eddie took off at a dead sprint, screeching to a halt outside the room, and barreling inside. Steve sat next to their daughter in an uncomfortable plastic chair but as soon as he saw Eddie he bolted upright and into his arms.
“Eds. I’m sorry. It’s all my fault.” Steve cried into his husband’s shoulder. Eddie rubbed his back and led him back to sitting as he took the chair next to him. He shushed Steve and stroked his hair as he turned to look at Amelia. She was plugged into some many machines that Eddie felt sick.
“What happened baby?” Eddie whispered as he engulfed Amelia’s little hand in his. Wayne sat on her other side, stroking her hair.
“I gave her a reese’s. She took a bite and couldn’t breath.” Steve hiccuped. “I didn’t know she was allergic. How could I not know?” Steve asked but it was clear he wasn’t looking for an answer. Eddie couldn’t let him beat himself up about this though.
“Baby, it was an accident. I didn’t know either. I would have done the same thing.” Eddie reassured. “Besides, I would have panicked. You were collected enough to call an ambulance.” He reminded his husband. Steve took a shuddering breath.
“She’ll be alright, son.” Wayne’s voice shocked the two men. They looked over and saw his eyes were wet but were dim and distant. Like he was remembering something else. “She ain’t hooked up to nearly as many machines as Ed was.” Eddie pulled away from Steve and went over to hug his uncle.
“I’m okay Uncle Wayne. I’m okay.” He whispered. Sometimes that was the only thing to break Wayne out of his memories. Steve stood still.
“Is this what it felt like Wayne? When Eddie was…” Steve trailed off.
“Feel like you’re helpless? All these machines plugged into her are taunting you?” Steve nodded. “Yeah, it did. But, then and now. You got help in time. Don’t forget that.”
“I’m sorry I put you through that, dad.” Eddie said. “This sucks.” The men chuckled softly in agreement.
“Daddy? Papa? Grandpa?” Came a tiny voice. The three men turned to Amelia to see her eyes finally open.
“We’re here, sweetheart.” Eddie promised and reached over to stroke her hair.
“I don’t think I like reese’s.” She said disgruntled. They all laughed wetly and waited for the nurse.
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papermint-airplane · 3 months
I'm really not doing well guys. Tl;dr my life sucks a lot. That's all you need to know.
My job is still jerking us around on the layoffs. They started in October of last year with "we're selling the department and laying everyone off in February" then when March rolled around and nothing had happened yet, told everyone "lol just kidding the buyer dropped out". So a lot of people quit because this clown company just told everyone it was willing to sell their jobs out from under them and didn't give a shit who was affected or how.
My job is not a job that can function when short staffed. It was already short staffed before they pulled this fakeout layoff shit and now we're lucky to have two people scheduled at any given time. They're paying thousands in overtime, begging people to come in even for a couple of hours on their days off because we don't have enough people to cover one shift, let alone the three they need because the department is 24/7. Customers are rude and entitled. I've been threatened, I've been called horrible names, I've been told I'm a shit human being and don't deserve to live. I'm not allowed to hang up on them. I'm expected to sit there and just take it and not say anything. Most days, we're so busy that I can't take my daily fifteen minute break or even get up to go to the bathroom. And that's only scratching the surface of what goes on at my job.
I have had a history of overworking myself in that job and everyone knows it. I've had literally hundreds of public panic attacks, three full-on mental breakdowns where I was screaming and literally tearing handfuls of my hair out in front of my coworkers from stress, ended up in the hospital twice because I thought I was having a heart attack, and took off three months in 2020 to check myself into an inpatient mental healthcare facility all the way across the country. I have had countless meetings with my supervisors and their supervisors and HR about the toxic work environment and shitty management. I had to beg them to take me off my 8 day rotation (four days of ten hour shifts, four days of eight hour shifts, all in succession with no days off in between) because I started shaking and laughing uncontrollably around day 6 because I was having a literal fucking breakdown. I have literally had to be taken away from work in an ambulance before.
On top of my anxiety being the worst it's ever been (and that includes when I lived with my abusive father), my depression has gotten so bad that all I can do nowadays is work and sleep. Sometimes I don't even get fully in the house before I pass out because I'm so exhausted. I have woken up on my living room floor after work more than once. I told them that I could no longer work shifts like that nor could I take overtime for my own mental health. And they still act like I'm lazy because I don't work 14 hour shifts daily. Bitch, I'm barely holding it together with my weekly 40 hours, and I'm expected to work every Thanksgiving and Christmas but that's just not enough. Nothing I do is enough. And now I don't even have enough energy for the few things I have that I still enjoy. Want to know why my Sims story is on hiatus? Because I have to force myself to do literally anything other than sleep. My house looks like a disgusting hoarder's nest because I can barely move on my days off. I cry all the time. I can't stand to be touched. I shower excessively because I feel filthy when I come home from work in a way I can't adequately articulate. My eczema is so bad that my neck and face are literally covered in bloody red rashes. I look horrible. I feel worse. I have gained over 150 lbs since starting that job in 2006. My thyroid is busted. Some days, I truly believe that I died long ago and this is my own personal Hell.
Now they're telling us that "we definitely have a buyer for the department and all the contracts have been signed". They said there'd be a transition period, after which we'd be laid off but we'd be told when the transition period begins. Now, we got an email telling us we're halfway through the transition period and are probably getting laid off in August "but we don't know when in August, so stay tuned." At this rate, I'm likely to show up one day and be told to go home. I have no idea when that will be and I have no way to know how to prepare.
The only reason I'm still putting up with this bullshit is because...well, to be honest, I've put in a lot of applications and got absolutely no replies. I'm an unemployable useless sack of shit. My company is at least giving us a really good severance package. I'm getting 17 weeks of pay (one week for every year I've worked there) plus another four weeks of pay, plus a $1000 bonus for staying through the transition period. I think I will also qualify for unemployment. I'm trying not to freak out but I don't know what I'm going to do when my severance runs out. I have only had two jobs in my entire life: a grocery store job when I was a teenager for 3 years and this job that I've had for nearly 18 years. My resumé is one page. I have no skills outside of this job. I'm never going to get hired anywhere that's going to pay me anywhere near what this hellhole of a job paid me.
I truly wish I were brave enough to kill myself but I'm not. I keep living and it keeps getting worse and I'm bombarded with hundreds of news articles and Tumblr posts every day telling me how the world is falling apart around me, so even if by some miracle I manage to find a job that pays me enough to fucking live, I don't have a future anyway. I'm almost 40 and I keep waiting for my life to begin but it never does. And it never will. I will never be happy. I will never be safe. I don't deserve happiness. I don't deserve safety. My own fucking parents hated me from the moment my mom read the lines on her pregnancy test. If my own parents can't love me, nobody can. I'm on medication and in therapy but sometimes, I wonder if it's doing anything at all. You can't fix what's wrong with me. I was just born wrong. And no matter where I go or what kind of job I end up in, the same shit will just keep repeating over and over and over because that's all I deserve. I'll just keep on hurting until global warming or war takes me out and I end up in real Hell.
In an hour, I'm going to regret writing any of this and probably delete this post. Because I'm supposed to take it and not say anything.
My Sims are the only thing that gives me any comfort anymore. Even then, I don't have the energy or attention span to do the things I want. I'm just as irrelevant on Simblr as I am in real life. If I disappeared tomorrow, nobody would notice.
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The gays!!!!!
Loki finale broke me lol
I’m out of the hospital‼️ Freedom 😎
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redd956 · 1 year
Whump Prompt List: NMA Edition
Based off of my NMA worldbuilding line
AKA Whump that @demondamage would like. AKA: nonhuman whumpees, experiment whump, medical whump, lab whump
CW: Violence, Hospital Whump, Experiment Whump, Nonhuman whumpees, Death Mention, Needles
Draining whumpee's blood in order to centrifuge a special resource from it
Hooking whumpee up to an IV that contains some form of sedative, paralytic, or similar formula inside of it
A physically powerful whumpee needing to be held down by a group, as a sedative is forcefully entered into their system
Whumpee watching their blood exit their veins through a tube, knowing theirs nothing they can do, slowly realizing that they're taking too much
Whumpee getting their blood drained, not knowing if their captors are going to stop before it's too late, or if they plan to get rid of whumpee this way after all
Filing down whumpee's sharp teeth, their pointed claws, sawing off their horns, tying down their tail. Whatever needs to be done to keep the nonhuman whumpee from having an advantage.
Whumpee being kept sedated or out of it, until they are needed for their magic
Muzzled and/or restrained whumpee lashing out at the doctors analyzing
Whumpee's every nonhuman aspect being analyzed, their privacy completely invaded, as doctors poke and prod, crooning over their find
A group of whumpees are captures, and they all fear the worse. However after one is found to be more rare than the others, they quickly discover that for one of them, it's going to be much much worse.
Multiple whumpees getting separated based off of the research that needs to be conducted on them
A limp whumpee, kept down for research, needing to be moved or treated as a comatose patient since the doctors dealing with them are too scared of their abilities
Testing to see what whumpee reacts painfully too, how they heal from the different things tested on them, watching them slowly grow terrified of the scientist opening their door
Taking a marker to whumpee's skin and going to town, preparing for the next set of plans
Forcing whumpee to use their magic or nonhuman abilities far past their limit
Whumpee growing more and more tired as they loose their magic/blood, watching the world darken and the noise of life muffle
Doctors taunting and teasing a heavily restrained whumpee. Whumpee, who is normally such a dangerous creature, can do nothing as they pull on their tail or forcibly spread out their wings
Hands latching onto whumpee's face, moving their head into the position they need to
Whumpee waking to the feeling of fingers prodding for the perfect injection spot
Strapping whumpee down to a table, the doctor admiring their work, thinking they'd never see a nonhuman of this type to work on
Whumpee being returned to a cell full of other nonhuman whumpees after a finish experiment, being plopped down unceremoniously in front of the others, before the doctor looks up to pick the next one
Tattooing whumpee to know what experiment group they belong to
Holding an oxygen mask to whumpee's face, watching as the mist of a sedative kicks in
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whumpfish · 4 months
Extractions! (Tooth vs. Nail)
I've been wanting to do this one for a long time, for all you torture fans out there...
So I metabolize lidocaine like a motherfucker, and any time I get a local, I always have to get a second one halfway through whatever is being done. For the most part, doctors and dentists listen to me when I say this... for the most part.
(The oral surgeon did not give me my second shot when I asked for it.)
1. Any fillings you have will collapse under the pressure of an extraction, even a medicated one. (I'm not sure if this is true for metal ones; all of mine are plaster.) It produces a half-crunch, half-thunk sound that reverberates in that half of your skull and sounds absolutely terrifying.
2. The pain of an unmedicated extraction is acute and radiating at the same time. The acute part feels more like having a stiletto stabbed upward into that space than a tooth taken out in a downward motion.
2a. In maxillary extractions, the stab goes straight up, and depending on the location of the tooth, that stab can feel pointed anywhere from your eyeball (frontmost) to right into your brain (rear).
2b. Mandibular extractions* stab downward from the chin (frontmost) to the hinge of your jaw and straight down your throat (rear).
3. The radiating part spreads like a flower blooming, from a concentrated central point outward in a rolling movement.
4. Your ears might pop like an airplane taking off as that blooming pain reaches the hinge of your jaw. Sometimes only in the one ear.
(I have been doing minor self-surgery** for years because I am genetically predisposed to ingrown nails, and if I don't catch it in time, they grow straight down and I have to extract them to be able to trim them. If I really don't catch it in time, they grow straight down and then curl backward, and I have to get an actual surgeon involved.)
1. Self-surgery, split off edge of nail, 0 to 1/2" down and backward: You have to wiggle these in a sawing/rocking motion back and forth in order to get that tiny bit of root to let go, and when you "saw" backward it feels more like a steak knife than a butter knife, this time moving with the direction of the nail. Then it reverses when you actually yank.
1a. The yank hurts more than the sawing, sharp like a stab from a steak knife instead of one being pushed in slowly.
1b. You will get the best whump out of a whumper splitting off the edges of the nail and doing this and then yanking the middle part
2. Medicated: Locals in the toe/finger area hurt like a bitch. They're sharp and needling like a stiletto to a paper cut, then if someone tried to pry that cut open. At the same time, they feel hot, almost burning. (Hotter than anesthetic being pushed through an IV, if you're familiar with that sensation.) And there are so many nerves involved that just the first round of locals takes 3-4 shots.
3. Unmedicated, grown down and backward, 1/2" to 3/4": The last time I went in, my surgeon said "given the amount of times I have to shoot you up, you'll probably hurt less if I just yank." (She was right.) This sumbitch goes in both directions, down/back from where the root is, then forward. The down/back is a stabbing pain. The forward is like somebody trying to pry open that papercut, a sensation probably caused by the fact that you are in fact messing with something stuck in a very small cut in the skin, in my case the cut was just caused by the nail that has now been removed.
4. If it is a toenail extraction, you are going to bleed significantly more than teeth or fingernails, because your body has to work harder pushing blood up through your leg veins than it does pushing it down into your shoe. Especially when you take a step. Ibuprofen makes this worse. If you take ibuprofen at all that day, expect your shoe to fill up when you take a step. (Mine did, scaring the tar out of everyone present, including me.)
Pain Intensity Verdict:
Teeth > Nails. By a LOT.
Happy yanking!!
*Because of nerve fuckery, dentists using the sonic cleaning tool despite my warnings results in a pain on the level of extractions, and the sensations described here are based on my experience with that.
**This never fails to horrify my friends. They'll see what I'm fixing to work on and say, "Oh ouch, that's bad, go to the doctor," and I'm just like "nah, just get me isopropyl alcohol and some office supplies, I got this."
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fluffygiraffe · 5 months
ey remember when i said the lore about how PJ!Mr. Puzzles saw one TV show not meant for kids and that's what caused his death?
That was a fucking lie.
TW/CW! Suicide, Injury, Brain Damage, and Hospital Mention
Puzzlevision Junior was a TV company made for kids to watch TV without parents worrying about them seeing something that they wouldn't like them to. There were budget options, like "Puzzlevison Mini", which was a plug-in/attachment to a pre-existing TV so they wouldn't have to buy the whole thing.
But the Puzzlevison Junior Television had lots more to offer than the "Puzzlevision Mini". You could play inbuilt games with the custom remote, which came with the TV, so kids could play and learn on specific channels built into the TV. Interactive shows could be watched as well, where the child chooses answers that would be helpful later in life, like solving math questions and choosing the most morally correct option.
Soon after, the first-ever intelligent TV, "Mr. Puzzles" was made. A friend that children could talk to or play with when the parents weren't able to, filled with safety features and physical games the child could play. The body could even go inside the TV, so the robot could work as a TV. It could be "programmed" to turn off or do specific things at certain times. It was an engineering wonder
The TV itself was too expensive, as well as the robot, causing the company to go into bankruptcy.
The CEO of the company was caught in a freak accident, getting caught in one of the areas of the factory where the TVs were being made, right where the screens of the TVs would get screwed on. A coworker stopped the machine before he was killed, but it was too late. He was rushed to the hospital, as two screws entered his forehead, going straight through the skull, and damaging the frontal lobe as well as other areas of his brain. He lived for 3 agonizing days, and it was clear he had gone off the deep end. He couldn't even remember his name. He was found dead on the night of the third day, as he had left hospital grounds and had sawed off his head. A Puzzlevision Jr. TV, specifically one that belonged to the "Mr. Puzzles" line, was found right beside his neck.
Parents alike had returned their products back to the company, and most had been sold for parts or scrapped completely. Some Puzzlevision Jr. robots were repurposed for other duties, and some were simply abandoned, left to rust on shelves of stores.
Unfortunate, is it not?
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caoimhe-from-hoenn · 2 months
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hey i'm alive
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ittybittystarryshow · 2 months
honestly i feel like hospitals and check-ups and knowing she's about to have a doctor's visit gets saki all worried about being alone again and the worries cause her to regress a lot of the time these thoughts occur. however most of the time she (or tsukasa if she's really upset and tired with the worries) is able to contact the other leoni members and they help her get through those worries because at the same time she was stuck in the hospital they were struggling immensely too and wouldn't want their friendship to fall apart again </3
Also i feel like whenever she gets sick with a cold or something because the others are already giving her lots of care and love she also feels small but it's more of a positive thing this time. she's also a fan of taking advantage of her cg(s) at the moment to do random side-quests that's not tending to her sickness even if it's comically random such as:
"iitan!!! read me the sto'y yow howlding!!!"
"i will, saki, just give me a second."
shows the book they grabbed for saki
"nuh uh! what abowt the pape's?" <- giving ichika a pouty face
"those were lyrics for our next song" <- tried switching them out earlier, doesn't know that her fate was sealed the moment saki noticed the lyrics in her hand
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tapuhauko · 5 months
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Hi everyone!! I'll be putting my blogs on semi-hiatus for now. I'll try to be around now and then but I got to put my health first for a bit! Details will be below the cut. Feel free to ask for my discord, I might make a 1x1 thing or a lil server for us to write in potentially! [ CW medical talk, hospital procedures, blood test mention ]
So. I had my check-up at the hospital yesterday. Had blood tested again last week for this, and got the results yesterday. Basically, all the values we wanted to go down have just risen once more. It's to do with my infection levels/CRP and my liver, both are still on the higher side and show no signs of lowering, and instead rose, despite it being two months now. It makes sense, cause my symptoms (muscle / joint / back and knee pain and extreme tiredness) have just worsened a tad too, so I feel kinda validated in a way as well? That I'm not making stuff up I mean, or that it's most likely not due to my brain's way of badly processing stimuli.
Either way, it's not good, so I now have a PET scan and an echo planned and they took more blood for testing. I'm honestly kinda afraid of what they could find given family history, but I also know it's better to just test and see than to just wait and do nothing. So yeah, that's my situation right now. I still go to my zoo work, and I still love it there, but I have to take a step back in multiple areas cause I just fall asleep after dinner and then sleep for 12-14 hours a day. It's just not healthy, and the lack of evening time to spend on hobbies has slowly dented my mood as well ;u; I'll try to be around at times, but I just need to watch my health for now ;u; I'll be around on discord a lot still, so feel free to ask for that! Once again thank u all for being patient with me!! care u all! <3
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gillipopmoji-archived · 9 months
at urgent care for chronic fatigue as of queuing this so i decided to make some wordmojis about hospitalization
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liamdni · 1 year
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Theyre. GROWING on me. and its scaring me
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thecouncilofidiots · 1 month
We moved, yeay! We feel safe here, so that's nice
Vent/Rant about psychiatric care, medication, psychosis
Our current therapist is competent and respectful, which has lulled us into a false sense of security (/dramatic)
Our previous experiences with mental health professionals (and all health professionals tbh) was abysmal at best; being with our current therapist has been so relieving and productive, that we forgot how fucked up the others are
Psychiatrist refused to prescribe us anti-psychotics (claiming it sounds like anxiety, despite us explicitly saying it feels entirely separate from anxiety, which we've experienced for most of our life unmedicated and are very familiar with), and instead recommending we up our SSRI dosage. Which is double-y annoying because she triggered The Overseer to front by a) refusing to listen to our concerns (fucking dismissing them and saying "I don't have time to go over the symptoms of each disorder with you" when we asked what other things it could be/what other symptoms are connected/relevent) and b) suggested instead to check ourselves into in-patient care if it gets bad enough to become an "actual" psychotic episode (ie lasting longer than a few hours and having hallucinations that can't be combatted, unlike our current experiences). Instead of helping us to NOT REACH the point of needing hospitalization. Debating getting a second opinion, because our psychiatrist is affiliated with our school and may be... biased because of that. Plus, we trust our therapist more, she's the one who's been actually interacting with and working with us for months, and she recommended we look into it.
Only problem is, that requires changing our current situation, which requires telling mother about, well, all of this (why do you need a new psychiatrist, I thought you had one? what do you mean she won't prescribe a needed medicine, what medicine do you need?)
Random Vents
Like, sorry we're too good at grounding ourselves back to reality, it's not like we've had to pick up techniques from years of having symptoms of other disorders
Just because we know on a logical level that it "isn't real", IT'S STILL REAL TO US! WE'RE STILL SCARED OUT OF OUR FUCKING MIND
"Oh, it's just anxiety and dissociation from your systemhood", ✨️no it's not✨️ we know anxiety intimately, we know derealization, this is neither thing. No, it's not tied to flashbacks, no, it's not just temporarily seeing things. We're telling you, it's something else.
'M doubling the SSRIs because I'm a spiteful bitch and I want to be able to tell her "I told you so" when it doesn't help. If anything, it's been the opposite of helpful, we've been feeling funky ever since. Hoping it's just an adjustment period
"If you had xyz, you wouldn't be able to function" ??? You see a small snapshot of what we go through, bitch, we haven't been functioning for years?? We've only just now started getting "better", we sure as hell ain't functioning yet, and we DON'T WANT TO GET WORSE, WHICH IS WHAT'S HAPPENING
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Guess who's hospitalized again✨🧚🌸
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Time to be (supposedly) Alive
Towa City. My old home. The place where I lost everything, myself, and carried so much on my back. A thirteen year old girl with a cat managed to save thousands only to be harmed by some. It combinated into an attempt to end my life.
I survived. At times I wish I didn't. I have so much trauma. I don't remember all of it. My body does remember. The day I was taken away for immediate treatment never fails to mix my feelings. Adults and awake children hailed me as a savior. A beacon of hope. For me I was in despair as I couldn't take the pain I went through anymore. I didn't want to be like Junko, the Warrior of hope, and the Remnants of Despair! I knew I couldn't let despair win in the long term.
It's been awhile. I'm going to Hopes Peak Academy for a while now. I've been slowly moving forward. My schedule dedicated to having classes in the mornings till noon then I have several appointments at Hope Mercy. Most of the appointments are learning to use my prosthetic legs. The last few are counseling with a graduate from the school who works at the hospital. They're nice.
Today, I've been thinking about the past. It's just numb for me. My mom, dad, older brother and Lilith died in that city. My clinic died there to.
I've came to realize that, I still want to live in Towa City once it's rebuilt and start a new. I've had plans for a large animal hospital and animal shelter built in one another for a while now. The issue is that I want to have a family who cares about me. Adoption doesn't seem promising for me as my problems are heavy, not to mention complex. Sure I could live alone but, it doesn't feel right to me.
I also have to consider my protection. The C.O.R.E and Future Foundation have been keeping the media and other things away from me. They'd even have some action on what I can do in helping them. It all sucks.
Soon, I'm going to be fourteen years old. I don't know what to feel at this point. I'm upset as it marks I've made it through the unfeasible then sad as I don't have a family of my own to think about.
At least I have Scout and Spike. Spike is now a therapy bot! That makes me happy a little bit.
Tenshi shut her journal. Fourteen years old and has nothing. It was tuff to handle.
She slumped her head over her chair, "two days till fourteen. Fuck this hell called life."
It's been a while since she's been staying in the school dorms. She decided I'd be best to stay on campus other than be with one of the survivors. She didn't want to burden anyone at the moment.
Tenshi looked at the clock, "damn. I haven't slept in three nights. Fucking insomnia."
Tenshi tossed a ball into the air. Spike went off to catch it. Other pets where running around the park in the sun.
"Damn. What am I supposed to do?" Tenshi muttered.
@mercy-of-the-ashes @human-monokuma and anyone else!
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