#cyborg centaur
psuedofolio · 1 year
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Ya'll seem to like Billie.
So here's some more details on her concept and design if you'd like
Billie isn't exactly a new character from me, but she has gone through a couple iterations. The one at the top is close to the current design but the legs there are a little too "sleek" or catlike. But at least you can see how she's supposed to carry her cannon. Most of the centaur's torso is a battery for charging the accelerators in the mass driver, allowing her to punch holes in the biggest mecha. She can also serve as a portable battery bank for the ranger crew and their equipment!
Billie's human body doesn't have legs, due to a birth defect caused in part by the radiation in their post apocalyptic wasteland world. She was able to get different prosthetics and adapted well to different frames from wheelchairs to legs. I still haven't decided how much of her body is mechanical but I think it's just her legs as the most recent drawing shows.
An earlier idea was for her to be a small woman in a large exoskeleton centaur frame however I went ahead and gave her big muscles because that seemed much more fun. And I'm pretty sure it's gonna stay that way from now on.
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She is one of a few rangers as part of the crew of The Big Bug, a large land ship that goes across the wasteland. They move from settlement to settlement, providing medical and mechanical aid when they arrive and act as a supply lifeline between different communities. The rangers explore and scavenge parts from the wasteland, and are equipped to deal with hostile wild mecha.
To get around on the ship, Billie will separate from her hind legs. Sometimes she's even seen with much smaller front legs or her wheelchair, depending on which one's more comfortable for her on different parts of the ship.
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veilantares · 2 years
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Arachne Centaur
Spider, spider crawl around, skitter, scatter then leap and bound, in a web they stay and glare, eight shining eyes are over there
In my sketches these kinds of weird centaur things tend to be my compromise  between making more humanoid sketches against maing more monstery designs - that way I still get practice at drawing monsters and vehicles even though I mostly post person shaped designs online. That being said I hardly ever take any of them to completion, which I dont feel too bad about since theyre kinda simple.
This one in particular came about from me wholesale ripping some organic jet and tank sketches I made and just mashing them in for a character I only drew the upper torso of. Initially it had two extra set of legs, but I couldnt figure out a way to make them look good while overlapping the ones in the sketch.
To compromise so I could still say it had eight limbs (even though spiders have more than eight), I added those clawed tendrils to the back - the idea is that they can grab things more easily while suspended above them with those than the “regular” arms.
I think that the silhouette looks incredibly striking as a result but to me its noticeable I took a lot of shortcuts, and this one feels somewhat unfinished compared to my other completed pieces...
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angelonasher · 9 months
pspspsps can i get a uhh cyborg Tango, with a side of minotaur Jimmy? 👀
i didn't want to draw a minotaur so i drew a centaur-but-cow that good?
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[click image for better quality]
do i know what im doing here? no. did i enjoy drawing this? yes. you have to appreciate the drawing though because i had to learn how to draw cows for this
i imagine tango is more robot than human
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skelegold · 24 days
The Monster Mashup! Being a gang of badass looking monsters/vampires/cyborgs based in classic monsters from horror fiction, and some extras
-Dracula (has a pair of Rocket Launchers)
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-Prometheus (based on the Frankenstein monster)
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-Wolfdude and Soter (Werewolf and Mummy with the last one based on the chinchorro mummies)
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-Igor (a bad bitch, don't trust him, his secretly ugly)
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-Black Sabanas (a dude who becomes invisible via gadgets, based on Ghosts and The Invisible Man)
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-Centaurus (just a (cyborg) centaur)
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-Headless Horseman
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-Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde
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There's a shitload of lore behind these dudes, but hey is just a game theory (i'm lazy to writting it rn)
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killjoyconstruct · 1 month
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an image of a vengeful centaur knight was beamed into my head the other day, and then my friend suggested i make them a robot so.
anyway this is fathi, it's a robot centaur knight that's out for blood after the destruction of its village
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darks-arts · 9 months
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Christmas gift art I made for my gf @jadedoeart of her oc S0ur-D0e n her lol D0e-bots !
Merry Christmas everyone !
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eruden-writes · 11 months
Sexy Robots and Pinups Part 2!
Alright, I got 5 more packs of these cards! My original post, where I opened 3 packs, can be found here. The artist's name is Hajime Sorayama and I linked to his site on my previous post.
Sadly, 2 packs were completely duplicates. I'll figure out something to do with them.
Anywhodle, I got a ton of really great new cards.
So let's get into it!
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Here is the overview of my favorites. Which is all I'm showing right now.
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The background on this one is so neat. I'm also glad they're not wearing heels in this one. I just think a robot having feet is a nice change of pace from the "heeled robots" we've seen int his pack.
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A dominatrix. ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )
I don't have much to say about this one. I just really like her.
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The pose on this one is bonkers. They're supposed to be in space and she is wearing heels or her feet are heels? idk. But the reflections on her body (okay, her ass) make this really mesmerizing to me.
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I feel like I've seen this before somewhere...
Anywho, a guy! A centaur! Such a refreshing change of pace. lol
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Okay, so I really like this one, because they feel so androgynous/gender queer. I don't think that's what the artist intended, but that's just how it read to me.
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Mermaid robot! This is the one I was hoping to get, since I saw different prints of it. It's a little underwhelming in person. I feel like the tail portion should be a bit longer, the knees able to extend higher.
But I enjoy this concept still. :3
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Finally, not a femaley robot. They're alright. It's really the detail in the metal and subtle veins that I find super cool on this one.
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Here we go, robo-fuckers. A robot with a lady/cyborg!
Kinda wish the robot had silver hair.
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Robo-Manchurian Man! Probably my third favorite. I wish they had chosen a different color for the background, though. Maybe a golden yellow?
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This one is super phenomenal. Sorayama's detail in the metal - as we know - is really good, but the fabric of the tights? *chef's kiss*
Plus, I'm just glad we finally got to see a robot in a full outfit that's not a dress or negligee.
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Ridiculous armor, but I find this card pretty baller. The cyber sword dealie, the wings on the feet, the detail on the armor. There's just a lot to look at here.
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Another top fave: Robo Angel.
The detail of the wings is so crunchy, in a good way. I like the background, even though it's pretty simple. There really is some way this guy renders metal that's just really nice.
Anywho, that's all the cards I'm showing. Maybe just for now.
I need to figure out what to do with all these duplicates now. XD
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lasagnelover420 · 8 months
_M-O-T-H-E-R_S-H-I-P_ or whatevaaaa.
[LMFAO this is another form my bugzona/furzona has takeen for a little stroll around town or sm]
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bushybrush · 6 months
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Check it out! Check it out! Check it out! Baba Is You characters as humans!
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triangle-meanace · 11 months
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Hi some art for the time being smileeeeeeeeee
Promise Constantine ref will be here I promise
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kogo-dogo · 2 years
I showed some of my friends the original Mortal Kombat movie the other day, and it got me back to thinking how much I love the pre-reboot camp of the series back in the ‘90s. Furthermore, I don’t think people realize that Mortal Kombat was, like, as huge of a thing in the early-to-mid ‘90s as it was. Most people know what it is, but the closest thing I’ve ever been able to compare the ‘90s MK boom is the early stages of Pokemania back after Red and Blue came out.
You need to understand: there wasn’t just one live-action movie, there were two. There was a Saturday morning cartoon series called Defenders of the Realm (which was HILARIOUSLY bad). There was an animated movie that defies explanation. There was a live-action television show. Cards and toys, and pogs because that was a thing back then. There was a FUCKING STAGE PERFORMANCE THAT TOURED, A LA POKÉMON ON ICE. They weren’t on ice, but they tried to do Kabal without the mask and it took me years later, after seeing a clip on YouTube, that I figured out who it was supposed to be. There’s an entire age bracket that, if you play Techno Syndrome (a.k.a, “the Mortal Kombat theme”), they lose their fucking shit.
They came out with special editions of their games before that was a thing. MK3 has an Ultimate edition AND TRILOGY, which was a game where you bought UMK3 again but you could play as the bosses if you want. And then there’s Gold Edition MK4 and Sub-Zero got his whole spin-off game where all the cut scenes are in FMV and…
… Look. What I’m saying is that I want to go back. The more I think about it, the more I really miss whatever the hell they had going on. And the writing for the old games themselves?
Chef’s kiss. I have never seen anyone write themselves into nonsensical corners so flawlessly.
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puphoods · 2 years
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hes kind of
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screechingpersimmon · 2 years
Holy shit this doll is so damn gorgeous!!! Perfect for an alchemical character, clearly. Both blushing options are so good too. Just top tier sculpting and design. She’s from Coral R and I found her for sale here
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truly-sincerely · 7 months
Okay so I figured out how I'm gonna put a centaur in my space opera.
It's a prosthetic. The animal part (more cat proportioned than horse) is entirely robotic. It's autonomous and has basic machine intelligence when not attached to its person, but when attached it is fully in its person's control.
The person part (Precipitate, she/they) is human, born without legs. She builds all of her cybernetics/prostheses herself. Self-taught and bitter about having been left to fend for herself.
Tate isn't actively transhumanist in the way that the therianthropes and their cohort are. She's just doing what's best for herself and has no opinions about what being human is or isn't. Technically a villain but something tells me it's gonna work out.
Catbody is covered in metal, exoskeletal plates with faux-skin between plates to cover the joints. The exoskeletal parts are decorated to look like oil-slick tiger stripes at a distance but lively jungle scenes up close full of birds and tropical flowers. A few of the exoskeletal plates are new and undecorated due to events preceding Tate's arrival in the story.
It has a prehensile tail, primarily for balance/stability but also it can be used as a weapon. The feet fold up into little hooves for trotting around, but can unfold into something more hand-like for climbing or other difficult terrain. Chest cavity is for storage.
Tate has other visible/non-removable cybernetics including a partially mechanical spinal column. The part where her coccyx should be slots into the catbody as the primary point of communication, but catbody also has a retractable belt element that goes around her hips to hold her in place so the spinal cybernetics ar also intended to reinforce her body in case of structural reinforcement for her torso.
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tanookijon · 1 year
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Taur Tuesday; Tiefling Edition
"IDK, I just felt like drawing my tiefling; Caesar Hellwalker as a buff taur.... What do you mean he's Tumblr Sexyman material?" -Tanooki Jon; seconds before disaster
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killjoyconstruct · 18 days
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the thing. the machine. the harbinger of death. el-haddad.
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