rowan-blood · 7 months
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snakestry · 4 months
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I finished reading Herald of the Witches Mark a while ago and drew the lads to celebrate!
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✨The Care and Keeping of Your Beantighe✨
1.) Wash often (preferably with the finest oils and salts, lest your chambers smell of creek and stables.)
2.) Always praise (and give smooches) never scold!
3.) Lavish with fine foods (especially strawberry cakes) so they have the energy to serve you, best.
4.) Read to them; Gods know they can’t do it themselves, and there’s something rather endearing about pulling them close by the fire and sharing your worldly knowledge with them.
5.) A well-rested beantighe can accomplish more work! Make sure they have a comfortable bed to sleep in at night (preferably satin sheets.)
6.) A spoiled beantighe is a happy beantighe!
Cylvan: “…Saffron wrote this, didn’t he?”
Saffron: 😏😏😏
Cylvan: “At least púca’s literacy is improving. But at what cost…”
✨fanart by me, characters belong to @skellygraves from their book “Prince of the Sorrows” 💖✨
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cylvan: are you horny?
saffron: no
cylvan: oh okay
cylvan: like about what time do you get horny?
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mikey-beans · 1 year
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"Another miserable sob broke from Saffron's mouth, pressing his face into Cylvan's shoulder before kissing the soft skin below his ear... Cylvan had stopped moving entirely. Perhaps humiliated just as Saffron was."
@skellygraves, Lord of Silver Ashes
The scene got to me, man. Go read the Rowan Blood series by them, it's real good
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elainechaos · 2 years
This is everything I want, Cylvan breathed. To devote my mouth to every inch of those legs I'm obessed with, and find other parts of you to worship.
Our Golden High Lord
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 1 year
Please check it out 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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taymartiart · 9 months
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Horned Boys with Frilly Clothing explain their methods of spoiling.
Only like three people will get this
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winterskulleton · 1 month
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Icarus, the sun, and the moon
Please read Prince of the Sorrows I am so normal about this book
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rowan-blood · 5 months
Rowan Blood names and where they come from
by @skellygraves via X
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"(*) indicates fictional language from the Rowan Blood world, though many have real world inspiration"
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itachi86 · 1 year
“ Did the underworld have indoor plumbing? Or did Persephone wash her hair in the River Styx? “
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mothlau · 4 months
read the first book from the rowan blood series. became obsessed. it is now a problem
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saffron: *is carrying all the groceries*
cylvan: *holds out hand to help*
saffron: *aggressively moves all the groceries to one hand to hold cylvan's hand*
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laroserie · 7 months
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— character : yandere!high noble fae lord oc
— content : x human servant gender neutral reader , headcanons ?, just general toxicity / yandere stuff (very soft here)
— authors note : woo more about my high noble fae lord (first 'part' here) because inspiration has came to me - as said before it's heavily inspired from a book series i'm reading because it's a fantastic one ( it's 'Rowan Blood' by Kellen Graves ) it's kinda inspired by Cylvan (fun fact i hated his guts for the two first books and only started to like him now which motivated ... this ! but imma be honest i prefer his sibling ) anyways if you can definitly recommend y'all to go read it and support the author. ( i will need to make a third part because i have so many others ideas !! )
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they aren't the heir of their family - their sister is, which is great for them as they already feel suffocated by their position. in addition they have a younger sibling.
they never really care for humans before you - they never felt any specific ways for the humans servants working for his family. they didn't hate them but it's not like they cared if the servants got mistreated, but they always avoided engaging in it. - after meeting you, they still don't care about the others humans servants but they may try to be somewhat 'friendly' to your friends, fellow servants when they attempt to win you over and show you they are 'different'.
once the two of you got somewhat close, mostly by them annoying you will you work and changing your chores from sweeping the floors to listening to them talk about whatever books they read recently, they make you their official personal servant.
which include, waking them up, dressing them, brushing their hair and accompanying them pretty much anywhere. you are excluded from helping them wash and cooking duties.
like said before they are a big reader, they read a lot, pretty much anythings they find. after getting interested in you they started to read more 'humans' books in order to impress you, they took a particular liking to mythology and classical theatre pieces. they could force you to read to them while they lay their head on your laps.
in terms of jealousy they get overly jealous when others faes speak to you, they are really on the defensive and won't shy away from quite literally grabbing you and dragging you away from any others faes. for humans ... they care less - don't get it wrong. they will be jealous if an another human try to flirt with you but seeing you simply talk with another human is fine by their standards. they don't see humans as rivals, - they don't feel threaten by humans, as humans are naturally inferior to faes in their world.
this fact is something that made it really hard for him to accept, they hold themselves to extremely high standards and ... liking a human doesn't fit in it.
oh obviously they do not care either you love them back or not - if you do, it's great, they are really happy about for sure but if you don't ... it's fine, they will make you love them sooner or later.
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cyrereads · 8 months
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October Releases (2023) - Indie Authors Edition
Here is a list of a few indie authors who have releases this Oct! Please check them out and support our small authors <3
The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle - Steve Hugh Westenra (Oct. 13th) A washed-up thirty-year-old actor and reluctant cryptid investigator, Tyler is used to playing the Scully to his best friend Josh’s Mulder on their stupidly popular YouTube channel. But when Tyler receives previously unseen footage of the B movie bombshell mother who abandoned him eighteen years ago— genre(s): horror
Posthaste Manor - Carson Winter, Jolie Toomajan (Oct. 18th) Everyone has a story about Posthaste Manor. None of the stories end well, but that doesn’t stop the hopeful from hoping and the desperate from trying. This composite novel stands as both history and eulogy of one very haunted house, as recounted by artists, real estate agents, and beloved family pets; by the debauched, the dead and the dying, and anyone looking for one last chance. genre(s): horror
Blood & Flowers - mars adler (Oct. 31 🎃) No one has been able to set foot in the D’Arcy family’s ancestral home for the last twenty years. The family was forced to relocate, and the only place they could find was close to their rival family, the Kanes. Proximity and years of anger have brought the situation to a boiling point, and it’s only so long before all-out war ensues. As a last attempt at peace, the Kane patriarch sends his half-witch, half-vampire advisor, Elio, to help one of the D’Arcy sons try to unravel the house’s mysteries. The only problem? Elio and Valerian D’Arcy hate each other. Years of mediating for their families have left them embroiled in a bitter rivalry, and unable to trust each other. genre(s): vampire, queer, novelette
Δάιος: A Call Me Icarus Novel - Andromeda Ruins (OUT NOW!) The Elysians are here to protect us. They uphold order, they keep citizens safe… unless you are their kid. When you are the child of an Elysian you get to see what they are truly like. You get to see their fears, their anger, their hatred. You get to be subjected to their wants and whims. Most importantly, you get to be trained by the ‘best of the best’ to become an Elysian yourself. At least that’s what we were told. We weren’t told what that training would cost us. What it would do to our bodies and our minds. How it would make us into what the Elysians really are, mindless abominations. genre(s): retelling
Herald of the Witch's Mark - Kellen Graves (Oct. 20) Saffron finally has the one thing he's always a chance to attend school. To be able to do so alongside Prince Cylvan, even while glamoured as a high fey and pretending not to know one another, Saffron is eager to finally experience the education he's always dreamed of. But the expectations of being a perfect fey lord are suffocating enough, and are only made more difficult as the unfettered rowan magic in his body runs wild. genre(s): fantasy, queer, romance, m/m
The Witch of Borygen Marsh - Lysander Arden (Oct. 31 🎃) Corliss is a witch, but their specialty is black magic and necromancy. And there's nothing sexy about that-or is there? Atticus makes a deal with them, but can he survive three nights in that dark cabin in the marshes? The appearance of an undead ex-boyfriend, nightmares that plague the two of them, and the promise of ultimate pleasure may be more than Atticus can handle.
In The Garden Of Echo - H.S. Wolfe (Oct. 31 🎃) Echo and Ender have existed nearly as long as the earth itself. They’re hungry, in love, and indestructible. For centuries they’ve wandered across continents feeding from their favorite food source - humans. But the mess they’ve left in their wake starts their prey on the path of discovering that they are not what they seem. After being forced to curb their feeding and go into hiding, a tragic incident leads Echo and Ender to learn about what they are, and the power they are truly capable of. genre(s): horror, queer
Rosemary & Iron - Dorian Valentine (Oct. 22) When a ritual to restore Mana goes wrong and sends him into the distant past, Célestin Edevane seeks the help of a strange man inhabiting an even stranger estate in order to prevent the calamity that destroyed Mana. Faced with a fascinating world unlike his own, filled with vampires, fae, witches and old gods and an unexpected love affair...will he even want to return to his time? genre(s): fantasy, queer, vampires, romance
The Misfit Mage and His Dashing Devil - M.N. Bennet (OUT NOW!) Apprentice mage Wally spends his days cataloging rare artifacts and dreaming about finally mastering his magics and living the adventures he’s always desired. Bez, a once mighty devil who craves the freedom of the outside world again, despises his confinement inside a powerful object. His only company now comes from the mages working within the archives he’s stored. Among them, the most annoying of them all, an anxious and considerate Walter. genre(s): fantasy, queer, paranormal, m/m, romance
As The Light Goes Out - Olive J Kelley (Oct. 31 🎃) When Boston born and bred Simon Abbott buys an obsolete lighthouse on the coast of Maine, he envisions turning it into a short-term rental with nothing but a HGTV understanding of renovation and heaps of gay audacity. The current caretaker of the lighthouse, Bruce Cadogan, sees right through Simon’s confidence and, in a last ditch attempt to save his quaint New England hometown’s charm, asks for three days to convince Simon not to go through with his plan, or he’ll help him with the renovations himself. genre(s): contemporary, mental health, queer, novella
Knight - Elle Samhain (Oct. 31 🎃) Avery isn’t sure she should even still be alive after Morgana’s Legion left two Reapers dead… and one Saved. She and her friends have located the fifth and final Knight of Od placed in the realm of the living by the Beldam - the Knight of Spirit. The oddball Princess Yumi has waited with bated breath and uncertain heart for the Berserker Witch. Can she be trusted to resist the demon she harbors? The ragtag band of Reapers must confront the monsters of their own pasts before they can ever hope to save the future.
Reborn - Seth Haddon (Oct. 24) When the Rezwyn Empire mysteriously cuts diplomatic ties with the Kingdom of Usleth, merchant lord Oren Radek is sent to investigate. But when he discovers a coup brewing against the emperor, Radek's life and his country's safety is suddenly under threat. Izra Dziove, visionary advisor to the Rezwyn Emperor, is trying to hold the turbulent Rezwyn court together while being plagued by dreams of his fated man. But when Izra’s adversaries launch an attack on the diplomatic party from Usleth, he is forced to take action to protect them and prevent a war. genre(s): fantasy, queer, m/m, romance
King of Hell - Morgan Dante (Oct. 17) Still need to scratch that Good Omens or Supernatural itch? Laurențiu, a vampire staked by his ex-lover's husband, only craves one thing: revenge. In Hell, as a courtier for one of the kings of Hell, he's consumed by it and willing to make a deal to kill the man, Anthony, who turned him into a vampire and abandoned him. genre(s): queer, romance, fantasy, vampires
Devour - Dae Storm (Oct. 17) When Renee Reynolds finds herself dumped by her long-term boyfriend in the middle of the pouring rain on her birthday, she wishes she could escape from her life. Standing furious in the middle of the street, Renee sees something she was never meant to, bringing herself to the attention of a very hungry... feline monster. Unable to outrun the creature from beyond the realm of her beliefs, Renee is left in the claws of her captor: Hale. Hale cannot let a human go knowing what she is; but there's something different about this one.
Outfield Assist - Cat Giraldo (Oct. 17) Outfield Assist is an MMF polyamorous romance with a guaranteed HEA. It's book 2 in the Dominating the Diamond series and can be read out of order or as a standalone.
The Ghosts of Reeser Morrigan - Amara Lynn (Oct. 13) Robert Wutherford is a warlock who runs a shop in the town of Yverwood, though his services as a warlock mostly go unneeded in a town filled to the brim with magically gifted. He spends most of his days with his nose stuck in romance novels, wishing he were in one. When a mysterious client shows up at his door claiming to be in need of his services, Wutherford doesn't believe him. Reeser Morrigan has a ghost problem, so he claims. A warlock couldn't be what he needs… Wutherford agrees to observe Reeser for one night to assess the situation. Once Wutherford witnesses what the true problem is—that Reeser is visited by a new spirit out to devour his soul each night—he realizes he might be the only one who can help, as he possesses the rare wender affinity with souls.
a special thank you to Monster Manor on twt for providing some of the titles on this.
please SHARE and spread the word so we can show our indie authors some much deserved love <3
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