#cyno reader insert
blissfullyapillow · 2 years
The Beauty of Hand Holding
The Beauty of Hand Holding
Genshin Impact
Cyno x gn reader
wc: 1,065
Summary: Soft moments with Cyno centered around physical affection, especially hand holding. 
Notes: fluff
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
You always find a way to be touching Cyno.
Whether it be by holding his hands or hanging on to the hem of his clothing as you trail behind him.
Preferably, you remain by his side as he walks through the scorching desert with you.
No matter how bad the situation may be, once you feel his skin against yours a feeling of comfort & security envelops you like one of his warm hugs. He’s noticed your penchant for physical affection, and he’s found that he enjoys the sensation of your skin against his. 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
“Cyno, this is too heavy. Can you carry it for me?” I ask him. “Of course, love.” His smooth voice reaches my ears as he uses one hand to intertwine our fingers while the other deftly maneuvers the heavy object into his other hand. “Where are we bringing this to?”  He asks me as we begin to walk. 
I internally swoon at how attractive his actions are as I give him directions. I fret over him multiple times during our trip, and he constantly reassures me that he’s fine holding the heavy object without breaking the connection between our hands.
We reach our destination with no incident, and Cyno safely lowers the heavy object. "My, you're lucky to have such a strong boyfriend." The person whom Cyno helped me complete a commission for smiles fondly at me.
Their words catch me a bit off guard, but it's easy for me to agree. Once we finish our conversation I leave the area with Cyno, whose hand has yet to leave mine.
"Thank you so much for your help Cyno. You didn't have to hold my hand the whole time though, you know?" His gaze bores into mine, and it causes me to nervously shuffle my feet. "There's no need to apologize. If I needed to let your hand go I would. I was able to help you and that's more than enough for me." Cyno chuckles at my abashed expression as I awkwardly avoid his gaze. "Don't feel embarrassed. Come on, it's unusually hot today. I don't want you to overheat."
As Cyno leads me to a cool area indoors, I thank the Archons for being blessed with such a strong and considerate boyfriend.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Ever since you got here, Cyno has refused to let go of your hand. When it's time for everyone to sit down at the table, Cyno follows you to two open seats before you two sit down.
As the traveler talks to you two from across the table, Cyno continues to hold your hand under the table. His other hand rubs soothing circles into your thigh.
You've grown used to Cyno's physical affection, and you welcome it with open arms, but it takes all of your willpower to mask how flustered you are as the Traveler converses with Cyno. You jump a bit when Paimon suddenly eyes you from across the table. You do your best to placate whatever suspicions she may have with a friendly smile.
Paimon’s only response is a wink in your direction.
When your attention returns to the conversation at hand, the Traveler’s lips form into an obvious smirk when you fail to answer a question they supposedly asked you.
Oh boy, you aren't going to hear the end of this.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
"Hey, watch out!" Cyno's reaction time is faster than mine, and in one swift movement my body is pressed against the wall as Cyno hovers over me.
Cyno raises one of my arms above my head with his, and our fingers remain linked together above our heads.
I'm a mess as Cyno scolds the person profusely apologizing for the accident they almost caused. My free hand grasps his arm in an attempt to keep my act together. His response is a reassuring squeeze of his hand as he finishes lecturing the person in front of us. Once they leave, Cyno returns his focus to me. His free hand gently caresses my hip as he asks, "Are you okay?"
"I'm okay, but my heart is pounding." I sheepishly answer. Cyno chuckles at my honesty. It takes him a moment, but then the realization of the position we're in hits him.
I admire his ruddy cheeks and dilated pupils as his breathing increases. The rise and fall of his chest can be felt against my own, and I will my erratic heartbeat to slow down.
"My apologies, I didn't mean to-" Before Cyno can continue his apology I close the distance between our lips.
I slowly pull away from him to catch my breath. I only get a second to breathe since his lips chase after mine, and once our lips meet again no more words are said.
We remain in that position until Alhaitham stumbles upon us.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*   ♡ *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
I wake up with a start. I shoot up from my previous position and scan my surroundings, hoping to spot something familiar.
I hear Cyno's voice whisper reassurances in my ear as his hand squeezes mine, and I immediately feel my body relax.
I yawn as I languidly stretch my arms above my head, Cyno's hand following my movements.
I hear someone cough in front of us, and my drowsy brain rouses with a start.
Oh, right.
I fell asleep during Alhaitham's boring lecture on displaying 'inappropriate behavior’ around the Akademiya. After he caught Cyno and I making out near the Akademiya he wasted no time in bringing us to a secluded room, arguing with Cyno all the while, just so he could lecture us.
I didn't mean to fall asleep, but hearing Cyno exchange verbal blows with Alhaitham was weirdly therapeutic. 
…Don't ask.
I feel Cyno's knee gently nudge mine, and when I steal a glance in his direction he gives me an exaggerated eye roll.
I almost laugh, so I pretend to start coughing and use my arm to cover my face to hide my smile.
"Clearly it doesn't matter what I say to you two. I won't say anything else, just don't do that when I'm around." With those final words Alhaitham makes a swift exit without waiting for a reply.
When Cyno makes a joke about the door and Alhaitham, I lose my composure and burst into laughter.
As I take in Cyno's pleased expression, I squeeze his hand. He wastes no time in squeezing back.
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spiderverse —!
Summary: Spider-verse AUs with the genshin guys! Each features a reader in a different role. There will be references to ‘Into the Spiderverse’ and other renditions of spiderman (vaguely).
Characters: Kinich, Heizou, Tighnari-Cyno, Venti, Wriothesley, Lyney
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By day, Kinich is a recluse who spends the better half of his free time volunteering at the local animal reserve. It’s also where he got bitten by a radioactive spider, and you can probably guess what happened next.
Ajaw is a unique phenomenon — a ‘Venom-like’ symbiote who latches specifically to technology. After Kinich managed to seal him away in a random cell phone, Ajaw has made a deal with the hero to become an assistant of sorts. If you listen carefully, you almost always hear a second voice coming out of Spiderman’s mask — Ajaw, trying to get Kinich to choose violence, while Kinich kicks him off the server for being a distraction.
However, times when they do work together are one of the most terrifying things anyone can see. Kinich’s spidersuit is engulfed in Ajaw’s power, and every lunge and strike is more destructive than the last. Often, Ajaw tries to overpower Kinich and take over his vessel, but Kinich has more than a few safety precautions to prevent the symbiote from possessing him fully. 
You’re a spiderhero from another universe, much like the situation in ITSV (except it’s only the two of you)! Some sort of interdimensional portal has stranded you in Kinich’s world, and you were quick to track him down when he was on shift at the animal reserve one day, appearing out of nowhere and gaining his suspicion. The night ended swiftly, with you escaping and leaving a thousand questions in his head, while the building’s alarms blared deafeningly, trying and failing to locate the intruder that has since disappeared into the shadows.
It’s a shortlived game of cat and mouse, considering how you wanted to get Kinich’s help in figuring out how to get home. One thing leads to another, and your secretive interactions admittedly become a large part of Kinich’s daily life. When he realises that you’re destined to leave his world to protect your own one day, Kinich is left with a feeling that’s foreign to him: gaping loneliness, sitting next to an empty spot on the rooftop that used to be yours. 
It’s not just the fact that you understand him on a level that most others never would — but having something to look forward to when he was Spiderman was such a saving grace. Swooping past skyscrapers alongside you, going on impromptu missions (dates), and revelling at how normal you look without your mask on. He recognises the lilt in your voice, the scrunch of your brow, and knows deep down that there's no way to undo how your existence has been engraved into him. 
…And deep down, he already feels the stab of how hollow it will feel, when those who’ve seen you two hanging out together inevitably ask where you’ve gone. And all he can say is that you’ve moved back to your city with your family, knowing there was no way for any of them to find you. 
Shikanoin Heizou is a talented detective in Inazuma’s capital city, while Spiderman is a local hero. One works with the law while the other is sometimes considered a vigilante, but as far as Heizou is concerned, there was nothing wrong with using different methods to solve a case. So long as the outcome was the ideal, or best possible, he didn’t have the luxury of beating himself up over other ‘what ifs’ and ‘what can I do better’s.
Besides, Shikanoin Heizou was a genius detective, and with that came a high amount of success rates in his civilian profile. Spiderman, on the other hand, represents the parts of justice that sometimes can never be controlled — a criminal who was about to surrender, only to have been attacked by a third-party cop. A villain who realised the error of his ways and ended his life to spare the city, and the family Heizou reminded him still lived within it. 
…A friend who was stealing for the wrong reasons, and reached a tragic end. There are many ugly conclusions to the cases Heizou tackles, but all he can do is push on. While being Spiderman places more responsibility in his hands, it was better than not being able to do anything.
And even at times where Heizou’s morale is at an all time low, he can at least rely on your presence to make his days brighter. You’re a reporter who likes to visit him for psychological support and gossip — and while he’d never say it aloud, everyone with eyes can tell that you’re his favourite media staff. He gives you more intel and hints to your own cases than he does with anyone else, and even assists you as Spiderman from time to time.
Heizou isn’t one to place his trust in others easily, but when you defended ‘the detective Heizou’ during a run-in with ‘Spiderman’, who’d criticised the police’s slow progress on a large case, it was a little hard not to feel endeared. Heizou still remembers the frown etched into your face as you told him that the detectives were doing all they could. And to cooperate with them himself if he was so confident.
It’s an odd situation for sure, to see you acting wary with his hero-persona yet so warm and caring towards his civilian self. Regardless, Heizou’s main worry now is keeping you safe within a climate of risky investigations and volatile third-parties. So long as you place your faith in him, he’ll do everything he can to defend you in turn.
Yes, this is a Tighnari x Reader x Cyno situation! 
Tighnari and Cyno are the two spidermen of Sumeru — they work together on a reluctant basis, since they are unaware of each other’s real identities. Not to mention that Tighnari (Vulpes) is more outspoken and sharp-tongued in his hero persona, while Cyno (Lupus) is endlessly talkative and fond of bad science jokes even at really bad times. 
It’s a little similar to their regular selves, but dialed up within the drama of their hero work. While they get along well enough, Tighnari is endlessly exasperated about Lupus, while Cyno thinks that Vulpes needs to lighten up. (You could say that they aggravate one-another).
It does kill Cyno to not tell his best friends about his secret identity, but he is more than aware of the danger it’ll bring to them all. Besides, it’s not like he’s working alone against these villains, so it’s fine! In fact, this would be a very cool thing to reveal decades into the future, once the danger has passed onto other heroes who adopt the mantel 
This is where you come in as their best friend in school! You can generally be found as a trio, and while everyone’s been ‘busier’ since the year started, you still make time to catch up with one-another about things going on in your lives.
…But, seeing as both Cyno and Tighnari are keeping their spider-selves a secret, they’ve developed different systems to make convincing stories about how they spend their weekend. Tighnari rambles something about collecting new plants to add to his collection, and then has to rush to the florist after he agrees to let you see them after this (he had to jump in through his room window to put everything into place.)
Meanwhile, Cyno keeps droning about some Dungeon and Dragon’s campaign he’s developing for your larger friendgroup to try, when in reality he has nothing written down. It’s mostly just inspired from his daydreaming during patrols as Lupus, which Vulpes always snaps him out of with a whack to the head. 
The kicker, however, is when you become a bystander to a large villain attack one day, and upon the conclusion of it, Tighnari may have accepted a thank-you kiss from you (on the cheek) as Vulpes. It was a stupid decision, seeing as you didn’t even know it was him. But Tighnari was too busy trying to hide his own flushing ears when you were retelling this, to notice the way Cyno’s expression blanked out (he is planning a confrontation with Vulpes as you speak). 
Said confrontation will be one of the few times he sees Vulpes looking uncertain, or embarrassed, which immediately throws Cyno off his initial anger. It makes Cyno question if Vulpes knew who you were in real life, but Cyno forces himself to stamp that curiosity away in favour of their secret identities.
You and Venti were close friends in Mondstadt, before you had to move to Liyue for family reasons. In reality, you were getting dragged into a different sort of superhero business, within a universe where many other heroes exist (like the MCU with the Avengers and etc).
As such, this AU takes on a more casual route! You’re thankfully not too far away, so Venti can visit you via a train or bus ride. But it’s never the same as when he’d knock on your window after a rough day, not able to tell you it was because of a mission as Barbatos (Spiderman), but you always accepted him with open arms anyways. Him visiting you like that was nothing new, even before he’d become a superhero. And Venti never intended to cut off that connection with you.
But, you never told him about your hero-business either. Which is why when Venti tries to visit your apartment on a whim (just to see how you were doing, and then leaving back to Mondstadt immediately since he was in the area after chasing a villain) — he can’t resist the urge to enter through the window when he sees that no one is there. 
He just wanted to see how different things might be, compared to your old place. He’s getting hit by a web-block of all things at this time, and god, he can’t bring himself to call you up just to listen to his woes, but he misses you.
After what only felt like a few seconds, he hears footsteps at the door. Venti panics, praying to all radioactive spiders in the world that his web-block is not active now and sticks to the ceiling as your parents come in to look for you, only to leave after realising you aren’t there.
He lets out a sigh of relief, soundlessly steps back onto the floor. Only to hear the sound of something charging up to shoot behind his back.
‘Hands on your head. Turn around.’ 
The last thing you thought you’d see as the suited-infiltrator followed your instructions, was to see your best friend’s face. Eyes widened in just as much surprise as you were feeling, before he breaks into a sheepish smile.
‘Venti?’ ‘...Can I put my hands down now?’ ‘What are you doing here?’
And so, Venti ends up staying the night. He hides while you grab two portions of dinner and set it on the desk. Explanations float into the air. You tell him that your family only moved because of a project from Morax Companies. One employing your parents, while another recruited you for a certain task force. 
Lore exchanges were quick to follow. Venti tries to defend his honour when you snort, asking him to reiterate that he was bitten by a radioactive spider. ‘So you can, like—stick to the wall and stuff? Like what I saw in the news?’ 
To make a point, Venti shoots a web to wrap around your wrist, using it to tug you forward towards him. You lose your balance and end up closer than he intended, forcing the room to fall into embarrassed silence. 
This was certainly going to be a long night.
As the owner of an underground boxing ring, it was safe to say that Wriothesley’s origins as Spiderman was an incredibly tragic, and dramatic one. Forced into a corner as thugs attempted to take over his underground settlement, Wriothesley almost thought he wasn’t going to make it out alive when a stinging pain bit into the back of his neck.
Minutes later, the floor was cleared of hostiles, and order was restored. No one knows who Spiderman is until this day, other than you — the detective who’s always worked with Wriothesley for tough cases and invited him to casual teatime chats.
In his defence, working with you was a matter of course. You helped cover his tracks as Spiderman and the owner of an illegal business. …And you also came from the same orphanage as him. If there’s anyone who understands the need for an anchor within this world of muddled morals and false promises, it was you.
What he doesn’t appreciate, however, is the way you always find yourself in the middle of trouble. It comes with the territory of being the city’s best detective, but sometimes Wriothesley swears you have more enemies than him. More than a few times, he finds himself carrying you in his arms after a rather precarious mission, and you have the cheek to thank him and place a kiss on his lips, blocked by his mask. 
His fighting style does leave him with more injuries than not. Despite how most spiderheroes tend to use agility over strength, Wriothesley never shook off the habit of using punches and brute strength, in order to physically reorient his opponents. It’s less city damage, but the result is more strain on his body, and a silver lining of you exasperatedly scolding him as you treat his wounds. 
‘At this rate, I’m going to have to replace you as Spiderman if you ever get so injured you can’t continue.’
As if he’d ever let that happen. The last thing that’ll ever happen is him leaving your side, after all the hell you’ve been through together. If there was ever a world where you were separated, he knows that every version of himself would cross the multiverse for you.
As a reverse, you are the Spiderman while Lyney, Lynette and Freminet are part of the Fatui — not necessarily just a villain organisation, but an antagonistic force with a dangerous set of special agents nevertheless.
You first meet when you’re fighting Lyney and Lynette, in an attempt to put a stop to the Fatui’s nefarious plans. They’re known as the Phantom Twins but are otherwise unnamed — but it's clear from that one interaction that one of said twins were incredibly talkative and taunting, aggravatingly so, whilst the other was a silent blade.
Next, you meet as your civilian selves in school. Neither party suspects anything of the other, but the main attraction comes in the form of Lyney developing a hopeless crush on you. He admires you from afar, and all you know about him is that he’s a friendly, charming classmate. 
Then, by night: chasing the twins across the city’s rooftops, attempting to get back an artefact they stole from the museum. If you don’t get it back soon, that one reporter that hates Spiderman’s guts is going to imply that you were in on the heist too, for sure.
In that moment of distracted thought, Lyney sneaks up from behind you and holds a weapon to your neck. Silently threatening to use it if you muse, and it takes all the self control in your body to not act out when you hear the smirk in his voice. 
‘A little distracted today, are we? While I can empathise with having something on one’s mind, it really shouldn’t interrupt our dance. Unless you were thinking of another partner?’
It’s clear from his tone that his words were meant to purely taunt you. His false sympathy dripped like honey, making you see red.
If you ever got a chance to unmask these two, you already know who you’re going to get revenge on first. (Let’s just hope that this dance of double-lives doesn't interrupt each other too much, at the end of this saga. Perhaps Lyney will find out your secret identity first, and begin to sympathise with you — between his loyalty to the Fatui and his love for you, he surely will be put into a tough spot. And if he doesn’t play his cards right, he might just have to sacrifice himself to the fire to preserve your light.)
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin characters when someone's creeping you out
Part 1
Part 2
Summary: a creepy guy keeps bothering you, so you run to the character, and they handle it the best they can.
Characters: Al-Haitham, Cyno, Tighnari, Childe, Wanderer (Kuni)
Warnings: Creepy guy, stalker [childe], sexual comments [tighnari, Al-Haitham?], manhandled [Al-Haitham, cyno], violence [wanderer] implied gore? [Childe], dude gets tossed [cyno], making out [kaveh]
Notes: this could be very triggering so please read with caution <3
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"C'mon babe, I will give you so much more attention than that mediocre scribe" the creepy male had said yet again, he had been bothering you for around a week now, but today got particularly worse. Al-Haitham hadn't been with you for the week due to complications at the Akademiya, so you just had to suck it up for now. You attempted multiple times to decline him. However, he just wouldn't end his bugging.
You shook your head and walked past the male again. He was much larger than you, which struck fear in you. He obviously had dark intent.
'What do I do, I could go grab Kaveh... he'd save me.... no, he's at the house... I can't lead him to the house.' You huffed to yourself, your thoughts not giving you a clear plan. Walking into town, you decided to go to the Grand Baazar, hopefully Nilou was there.
The male followed you. Once you walked into the tunnel, he slammed you against the wall. "Don't you know it's rude to ignore a person?" his hand placed itself over your mouth, fear building into your chest. "haithem" you mumbled desperately, making the male holding you down laugh.
"Don't you know not to touch another man's lover?" Your eyes flashed towards your savior, Al-Haitham was livid, his eyebrows furrowed as he grabbed the man's arm with heavy strength. "If I even see you in the same place as them, I will not be so forgiving. Got that?" His tone was dark, causing the older male to shiver and nod. He ran away, however, was quickly stopped by Cyno, who took care of him.
Al-Haithams eyes scanned your body, his lips frowning looking at the marks the man left on your body. "Come on, let's go get you into the shower, we can talk about it at home... alright, love?" He said softly, trying to make sure you were alright. You nodded softly and walked with him to your home...
After a long shower with him and a small talk, the two of you had walked down to make dinner, informing Kaveh on the events. Kavehs reaction being slightly more frightening than your boyfriends. Gaining a chuckle out of you. You were safe.
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Childe (Tartaglia, Ajax)
Dating Childe meant that you were consistently in harms way. You have been safe from all the dangers. However, as of recently, there has been a person following you everywhere you go. You didn't notice at first, but today, everything was added together. Someone was following you...
Snow crunched under your feet as you picked up your pace, rushing to your home. The dark-haired stalker followed you swiftly, your heart beated faster as his body got closer.
You quickly swung the door open and locked it, running upstairs and hiding in the hiding spot, Childe made you in case of emergencies. The doorknob to the front door rattled heavily. You held your breath as tears made their way down your cheeks. 'Childe, please hurry up,' you thought to yourself as you curled into a ball. The rattling of the doorknob got worse until the door swung open. Unfamiliar steps make their way in the house. You stopped all movement as you heard the footsteps start going upstairs.
The soft clicking of boots entered your bedroom, "I know you're here." the deep creepy voice said, sending shivers down your spine. His footsteps got closer to where you were hidden but was suddenly stopped. More footsteps could be heard at the front door, his footsteps.
"Doll? Why is the door open?" Childes voice was urgent as he looked around downstairs. The intruder opened the bedroom window and booked his sorry ass out the house. The commotion caught Childes attention, his heavy footsteps charged into the room.
He knelt down to the hiding spot and opened it only to find you curled into a ball silently sobbing "ajax." He crawled in, hugging you tightly. "Shh, I'm here. I'm here, stay here for now, I'll take care of him, okay?" He placed his coat over your body, you nodded as he closed the hiding spot.
It had only been a few minutes, and your beloved boyfriend came back, "Don't come out yet," you stayed put, waiting for him to open the hidden door. Ruffling noises were heard and then his ginger hair peaked through the door, pulling you out. His clothes were changed, he placed you on your bed and hugged you tightly "You're safe with me... always."
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(Takes place after the whole fucking fight)
It was creepy how loyal some of the matras were to their leaders. As a leader yourself, you knew this, but certain followers did too much. Especially those following Cynos commands. People were envious of him, his position, his vision, his life. However, one person in particular was determined to have his exact lifestyle. They dressed like him, joked like him, and he even wore Cynos same cologne. But the worst thing was he was trying to get to you.
Of course, the hazel eyed male was aware of his colleagues' plan, so he gave him a heavy warning. This stopped the male, however, a few months after it struck up again, after Cyno had gotten on one knee. Making you his fiance. It was like a drug to the matra.
You and Cyno had been commissioned together to go to the desert to find more details on some missing artifacts. A handful of matras had joined you, one of them being the scarily obsessed male. The group had walked into an abandoned building to rest. You decided to take watch as everyone slept. It wasn't smart for two leaders to watch at the same time so Cyno couldn't be with you.
You sat on the top of the building, watching the stars twinkle in the deep sky. Soft footsteps caught your attention, 'dammnit' you thought to yourself. "U-Uh, I couldn't sleep, so I thought I'd join you." The male said, a weird smile spreading across his face.
You mumbled an alright and sat uncomfortably as the male shifted awfully close to you. "So uh, you're getting married to the General, huh?" He said, his voice had a distasteful twinge to it. You let out a hum nod, nodding at his question.
He grabbed your left hand, and you quickly went to pull back, but his hand was tight. "I just wanna see the ring... calm down, sweetie." his creepy nickname caused you to shiver. You pulled your hand away harshly. "Do not put your hands on me...." you said with a serious tone. "Now it would be in your best interest to go back downstairs." Your eyes glared into his shocked irises. "I just simply want to talk, you know make friends I-"
His sentence was cut off by a hand grabbing his neck roughly. "They said go. Now, since you didn't listen to the leader in charge, you are dismissed." Cynos voice was stern, rage boiling through his blood. "S-sir please I-" Cyno clicked his tongue and tossed the person off the roof. A yelp emitting from the obsessive guys throat. His body plopped in the sand heavily, Cyno still glaring at him. Causing the male to scatter and run out of sight.
Cyno then turned to you. He grabbed your head and laid it on his lap. "You rest here, alright? I'll keep watch. " he kissed your ring. "We mind as well toss the commission out if you can't get any rest." He said with a straight face. "Cyno, that wasn't even funny," you said, holding in a giggle "Love, you know it was"
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You sat at a table at Lambads Tavern, waiting for your architect boyfriend to join you. He wasn't late. You just liked being early to things. You sipped your drink as you opened your book, reading from where you last left off. The seat in front of you slid, a body sitting in it. Assuming it was your beloved, you spoke aloud. "Hey Kaveh, how was the new project?" You asked, closing your book, looking up only to be met with unfamiliar eyes. The man in front of you was clearly drunk, his friends cheering him on in the background.
"I don't know who that Kaveh is, but I'd gladly be it for you." He smirked... 'That wasn't even clever,' you thought to yourself. Forcing a smile, you shook your head "Actually I'm waiting for my boyfriend to join me." A heavy frown painting the guys face, he shook his head. "Well, he isn't here, so let a guy buy a hottie like you a drink"
You grumbled once again, declining his offer. He went to go say something again. However, a loud slam on the table startled you both. Your boyfriend stood their, an angry blush covering his face. He then looked at you, grabbed your face, and kissed you passionately. Causing the dudes friends to all gasp. "Mine." He said after he pulled away from your delicate lips. The drunk guy grumbled and hobbled away, Kaveh got a new chair and sat down. "Next time, punch him." he said to you. "Better yet, I'll get you a ring to place on your finger." his words caused a heavy blush to appear on your face. He smirked and kissed your hand. "I'm serious though, both parts."
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(Starts off platonic)
"Ugh, could you please leave me alone, I am not interested." You groaned at the male 'artist'. You continued to walk the path towards Gandharva Ville. He followed behind you, "I am just trying to teach you the arts of which none other than the Lesser Lord taught me." he said, attempting to defend himself. He had been trying to get into bed with you all afternoon, and it was quite annoying. He was one of the bed pickpockets. He would wait till you'd sleep and rob you clean.
You shook your head again, as the village finally came in sight. "I said no" your stern voice raised a little, hoping that someone was near enough to hear. You walked on the bridge leading to your place of staying, the dude still following you.
The familiar forest watcher, your best friend walked out, his eyes flickering towards you. His ears had picked up the commotion, and he walked over to you, pulling you aside. "Uh, excuse me, I am with them." The artist said his words gained a grumble from Tighnari.
"Yeah, right, go before I feed you to the withering zones." The artist looked at him shocked but then soon scurried off. Tighnari pulled you into his room, "you okay?" He asked. You nodded, still slightly annoyed at the situation. "Good, y'know you could always come to me whenever that happens." His words were sweet and sincere. "Yeah, but that'd be a bother, haha." you said as you sat down on a chair.
His face got close to yours, both of your eyes flickered to eachothers lips. The two of you slowly closed the gap, kissing very delicately. He pulled away, his tail swaying happily. "Now you gotta come to me."
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Wanderer [Kuni]
You walked into your house, locking the door quickly. Your swift actions caught the attention of your boyfriend. Your face was ridden with fear. He stumbled up from his spot and walked towards you, "What happened?" He asked, his voice was stern, yet laced with fear that his past came to catch him.
"Some guy keeps following me, Kuni." Your voice was soft. It was creepy, and you thought that The Fatui had come to end you. He grumbled, a large grimace present on his face. "Stay here." He said lowly, grabbing his hat, he rushed out the door.
You walked towards the couch and settled in. You knew what he was going to do. This has happened a couple of times before, but no one has ever followed you home. Whoever was stalking you was going to pay, Kuni would make sure of that. You grabbed his cape and hugged it waiting for him to come back home.....
The signature knock was played on the door, letting you know that your boyfriend was there. He unlocked the door, closed it and locked it again. His clothes were clean but his hands were bloody. "Pathetic, wasn't even a Fatui, just some weak excuse of life"
After he washed his hands he stood infront of you, he wasn't one to ask for cuddles so he would wait for you to ask. It was your little thing, you opened your arms "Lay with me?" You asked, a very faint smile was placed on his lips "if you insist."
This was surely something. Part two will be up soon :)
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sarahsartistportfolio · 9 months
SAGAU: A Rumor Spreads
Forewarns: Female reader, real self indulgent shit, not cult au or imposter au, reader is a virgin, reader is soft and feminine, ok honestly this is straight up virginity kink I'm going call it what it is lol, Kazuha having a bittt of a corruption kink, Wanderer's section turned out really romantic? lol, this bit isn't 18+ but future chapters might be, Cyno on his knees for us👀, Xiao yearning hard,
Kazuha - Cyno - Xiao - Heizou - Zhongli - Childe - Wanderer - Maybeeee Lyney and Albedo
“Ei I’m thinking of planning a girls only getaway at an Inazuma hot springs? Would you and Yae Miko like to help me out?” 
The two are immediately beaming and receptive to the idea. Any chance for you to spend more time in Inazuma is quickly snatched up. As you sit with the two lovely ladies, planning out who to invite, where to host the outing, you explain to them that you’d rather keep this event private. If word got around(especially to the other nations) that you were holding an exclusive get together in Inazuma(at an hot springs no less) you’re afraid some nosy guests might try to peep in on the conversation. The two swear to you they’ll keep their lips shut but as your invites go out rumors just tend to spread. Now every woman in the nation of eternity would love to attend this private get away, just to get an opportunity to speak to you their goddess one on one. And of course there are those with a little more devious intentions of seeing their beloved goddess in such an exposed state. 
Oh and of course once the word gets around to the boys, the absolute disappointment on their faces plus the swirling curiosity. A trip with just the girls? What will you speak about that you don't want any male ears to hear? Is it about them? Are you going to speak about them in private?
(Heizou not so subtly asking Sara what was said on this trip. Thoma sneakily listens in to conversations any of the women have on the estate that even mention your name. Itto loudly and desperately begging Shinobu to tell him where you are holding this outing so he can just, you know, not subtly spy on your conversations.) 
Despite the rumors still floating around, you follow through with this little getaway plan. With extra reassurance from Yae Miko that if she catches any peeping toms she'll be sure to zap them. 
And despite some of the girls being more nervous to be so up close and personal with you, others are just jumping at the chance to see you so laid back and vulnerable. And the steam from the hot springs just seems to melt away your walls, as the night goes on you find the conversation drifting to…romance. You tell Yae Miko how you love to write sappy cheesy romance novels and she’s more than happy to give some of your rough drafts a read. You playfully start to run your hands through Kirara’s damp hair just to hear her purr and now suddenly Yoimiya is asking “Me next! Me next!”
It isn't until you sheepishly say “Ah well despite writing about romance a lot I’ve never actually been in love or slept with anybody.” that an audible pause washes over the group. The deer scare making a loud echoing “clink”.
Now they all begin to coo and question you. 
“There’s no way no one hasn’t fallen head over heels for your Grace yet?! You must be like thousands of years old, surely you’ve stolen someone’s heart” Yomiya loudly proclaims.
“Aww so you’re saving yourself for your one true love, how cute.” Yae Miko insinuated.
“When you say it out loud its embarrassing-”
“Has anyone caught your eye yet your Grace?” Sara asks a bit too calmly as she and Ei eye you down with anticipation. 
The girls continue to grill you with nosy questions “What’s your ideal type?” “Do you prefer men or women more?” 
And you answer them with giddiness, happy to spill your life long dreams of getting married and having a family of your own one day.
“Ah, so you desire to get married and become a mother?...” Yae Miko vocalized aloud, wondering what this would mean for the whole of Tayvet. 
“I know it's a silly little dream of mine…”
“It's not silly at all, your Grace!” Yomiya cheerfully chimes in. “If you have your heart set on someone let me know and maybe I can set up a huge fireworks display that spells out I love you.” She giggles and Kirara nods in agreement.
Thanks but I don't really want anyone to play matchmaker…
The rest of the night goes on with laughter and drinks. The women feeling blessed to see this vulnerable side of you. You assume the conversations you had with the ladies will remain private but…it seems like someone has loose lips.
Soon days after the trip, rumors start to pop up.
“Ah didn't you hear our dear goddess is still a virgin, as pure as a lily kissing the sun’s rays for the first time.” “I aspire to have the same chastity as her.” “I heard she’s specifically looking for a husband because she wants to have kids.” “Surely if she chooses a man from our nation that means she’ll permanently reside here right?”
When you meet up with Venti again he’s a little more gleeful than usual. And when you part to say goodbye he leans in, eyes close but you abruptly stop him with a hand covering his mouth.
“What are you doing?”
“I wanted to kiss you before anyone else does.” He says with disappointed eyes, voice still muffled by your hand. When you allow him to speak more it's then that you know. Somebody in at that hot springs squealed. 
And there’s no stopping these nosy rumors once they start going. What happens when they reach the ear of...?
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taintedtort · 2 years
prompt ✧ cockwarming
characters ✧ listed at the end
warnings ✧ afab!reader, smut!!!, cockwarming (duh), orgasm denial, petname (baby)
a/n ✧ was feeling a bit devious and decided to write smut… which i haven’t done in months so sorry if it’s shitty
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"fuck— hold still, you’re squirmin’ too much," he rasped as his large hands gripped harder onto your waist. it wasn’t your fault, you just couldn’t get enough of him and the way his cock sat perfectly in your dripping cunt.
"‘m sorry," you mumbled, but you continued to try and move. you really couldn’t take much more, you wanted to feel him fuck into you already. however, he was set on just sitting there with you warming his dick.
your fists balled up his shirt in frustration and a sharp huff left your mouth. you tried once more to grind your hips against his, only to be held in place by his strong grip. your head dropped to his shoulder as a plea left you, "please! ’s aching, jus’ move a little!" you were met with a light laugh, causing your face to heat up in embarrassment.
"it hurts?" he asked, voice low. your head bobbed up and down quickly, letting your eagerness show. his eyebrows slightly raised in amusement, eyes darting down to where you two are connected. you heard him hum before his hand reached down and brushed your clit, causing a whimper to climb up your throat. after so long without stimulation, you were far too sensitive.
his rough fingers slowly rubbed circles on your swollen bud, his eyes glued to your cunt. your hips stuttered as a gasp left your lips. your hands gripped onto his shoulders when his pace quickened.
"so pretty, baby," he mumbled, eyes glazed over with arousal. you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, your face burning. his fingers continued to work your clit as he let you grind against him, not seeming to care about his promise of only letting you sit on his dick.
your breath was quickening and your sounds were getting needier, so you leaned forward to press your mouth against his in order to muffle yourself. he gladly kissed back, sharply inhaling through his nose. his fingers kept their pace even as his tongue invaded your mouth. your arms wrapped around his neck and you tangled your hands into his hair as your tongues met.
your grinds got sharper as you started to approach your orgasm. you forced yourself to pull away from his addictive mouth so you could gasp out a whiney, "‘m close."
"yeah? you want me to make you cum?" his voice was heavy with lust. a string of "yes please"s left you as you got more desperate for your long awaited release.
"what if i told you no?" he smirked, eyes shooting up to your widened one’s. your heart dropped at his sentence, but your pussy clenched at the same time. your head shook in a plea.
"please, need it, need you to make me cum," you whined, voice shy. he made a low sound in his throat before focusing back on your cunt. you thought you convinced him, but then you felt his fingers slow. a noise of disagreement clawed up your throat as your arm shot down to his wrist to attempt to keep his hand pressed to you.
your attempt was unsuccessful thanks to the strength difference between the two of you. he was easily able to bring both your hands up and out from between your legs. begs and protests tumbled out of your mouth as your orgasm was ripped away from you.
you watched with a dejected face as he brought his fingers up to his mouth and licked them clean of your juices. after he pulled them out with a 'pop' he leaned back against the couch lazily, a ghost of a smirk on his face.
"now sit still, can you do that for me, baby?"
— KAEYA, zhongli, cyno, CHILDE, AYATO, scaramouche, itto, KAZUHA, dottore + your fav(s)
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
Genshin men when they're horny.
««« | ««« | ««« |Part 4|
Sumeru ver.
Characters; tighnari, alhaitham, cyno, kaveh, scaramouche/wanderer, dottore x top!male!reader
Warning; in-heat, breeding kink, blowjob, cum eating (tighnari). dacryphilia, nipple play, feminization, creampie (alhaitham). grinding, slight choking, edging, semi-public (cyno). size kink, teasing, praising, overstimulation (scaramouche). [1st] dumbification, hair pulling, [2nd] masturbation, voyeurism (kaveh). aphrodisiac, cockwarming, dry orgasm, electricity (dottore)
•He tends to avoid people and focus on his job as a Forest Ranger
•So after spending days trying to find him, Collei tells you he came back a few minutes ago and he wasn't feeling good
•You go to his house looking for him
•Only to see him trembling on his bed
•You get closer to him, and before you realize it, you're under him while he pins you to his bed
•"You shouldn't... be here, (M/n)~"
Collei knew (M/n) had been looking for Tighnari for days now, so when she saw him walk in the ville again she headed his way before he could go around and ask others if they had seen Tighnari.
"(M/n)?" The male turned around when he heard his name being called, and he smiled at the green-haired girl in front of him. He was gonna greet her like usual but she stopped him, "Tighnari came back a few minutes ago," he was about to thank her and head Tighnari's way when Collei continued talking, "He didn't look too good though..."
Her words made (M/n) feel slightly worried, thinking he might've gotten hurt clearing a Withering Zone, but he simply nodded at Collei and started heading toward Tighnari's house.
"Thank you, Collei!" She smiled and fidgeted with her fingers, watching (M/n) running away from her sight before deciding on getting back to work.
After running for a bit, (M/n) opened the door and closed it behind him, heading toward his boyfriend's room, moving the curtain hanging over the door frame.
"Tighnari?" The curtain swayed as he released it, observing the male's trembling body laying on the bed. (M/n) took a step closer and stood next to his bed, noticing how Tighnari glanced at him over his shoulder, and all of the sudden, he was the one laying on the bed, Tighnari straddling his hips and holding his wrists pinned down on either side of his head, "Tig...?"
(M/n)'s voice got quiet when Tighnari leaned down closer to his face, their breaths mixing.
"You shouldn't be here, (M/n)~," said male only blinked at him in confusion, before he felt Tighnari's hips grinding down on his and he realized it was his boyfriend's heat cycle, that heat that only occurred once a year, "I told Collei to keep everyone away for the next couple of days~."
Well, that was new, the always hardworking Tighnari taking days off... his heat must be really strong this time around.
Tighnari's green eyes observed (M/n)'s expression closely, realizing he was most likely spacing out, so licking his lips he moved down slowly, reaching for the waistband of (M/n)'s and pulling them down.
Flinching at the sudden touch, (M/n) placed his elbows on the bed, raising his upper half, making eye contact with Tighnari, who was placing small kisses on the tip of his dick, smirking with half-lidded eyes before wrapping his lips around the head, his tongue lapping at his slit. Tilting his head back, (M/n) released a shaky breath, realizing how pent up he was when he felt his orgasm approaching a little too fast.
"Fuck- 'Nari, wait..." Tighnari only hummed a negative response, taking more of his twitching cock in his mouth, moaning when it reached his throat, "I'm gonna... c-cum, please, wait-"
Closing his eyes and arching his back, (M/n)'s cum filled Tighnari's mouth, who moaned as he savoured his cum, feeling its thickness and warmth on his tongue and sliding down his throat. He whined at the thought of his small body being stuffed with every drop of (M/n)'s cum.
He could cum just by thinking about it, his cock twitching and leaking pre-cum, dampening his underwear.
"You're staying here with me~" with a swift motion, Tighnari pulled his bottom clothes down, just enough to be able to align (M/n)'s cock with his pulsating hole, "I want you to breed me, (M/n), I..." Slowly lowering his hips, Tighnari gripped (M/n)'s shirt in his hand, taking a deep breath as he cursed quietly to himself, "I want you... to fill me up with your cum~."
His green eyes were glossy, his cheeks flushed red and his ears pressed back, flickering every few seconds. (M/n) clenched his jaw, and silently nodded, holding Tighnari's hips in his hands. The hybrid male smirked at his boyfriend's obedience, but the sudden hard thrust inside him made him go wide-eyed, soon rolling back as he felt his prostate being hit over and over again, his body now limp on top of (M/n)'s, releasing high-pitched moans and whimpers every time he felt his insides overflowing with cum.
•He's more obvious about it than you'll think
•He has a serious look on his face and a sort of mysterious aura around him, making him hard to read
•But to you? He's an open book
•He would constantly glance at you whenever you were near, sometimes even stare
•He thinks he's being slick and that you don't realize
•But nope, he's way too obvious~
•Occassionally, you give in right away, but there are other times when you like to watch
•Observe how he desperately tries to get your attention, almost begging you
After finishing the third book in a row, (M/n) decided to exit the library for a short while to get a drink and maybe something to eat. He didn't have to look behind to know Alhaitham was following behind him in complete silence, and hearing everything around him wasn't doing much to calm him down, it was just making his ears ring, as they were sensitive to loud noises, but canceling the noise from the world didn't do anything either, so he was struggling to keep his composure.
With drink and food in hand, (M/n) found a bench and sat down, glancing at Alhaitham when he sat next to him. His legs were pressed together and bouncing up and down slightly, very uncharacteristic of him.
Well, (M/n) was enjoying seeing the subtle pink blush coating his face, both of them knew that if Kaveh saw his roommate he would never let him live it down.
(M/n) kept walking around Sumeru City, ignoring how Alhaitham seemed to be losing his cool the longer it passed. And when he decided to head back home, the scribe was still right behind him. He saw (M/n) opening the front door to his house and he panicked, thinking his partner was just gonna leave him like that, horny and needy.
Without even thinking, he reached his hand to grip the back of (M/n)'s shirt, causing him to halt and turn around to look at him.
Damn, his green eyes filled with unspilled tears sure did something to him. But he hasn't heard Alhaitham beg yet-
"Please, don't leave..." Well, there it is.
(M/n) held the scribe's hand and dragged him to his room, glad that his roommate was gone on some sort of expedition or something like that and he was left alone with his boyfriend.
God... He was more than glad they were alone...
He hadn't even realized how much he had been teasing and playing with Alhaitham's body.
Tears blurred his sight and ran down his face, his cock was dripping cum, his nipples were swollen and covered with saliva, and his hole leaked hot cum, hearing his whines and cries whenever he was called "princess".
"You're such a good girl, aren't you~?" He nodded with a whimper, holding tightly onto (M/n)'s forearms, "You love it when I fill your pussy with my cum, don't you?" Alhaitham's thighs trembled at his words, releasing a cute shriek of embarrassment.
(M/n) leaned down and gently held his face, kissing him slowly, conveying all his love and adoration for him in that kiss. His hand moved to interlock their fingers together, causing more tears to gather in Alhaitham's eyes when his thrust went deep inside him at an even, slow pace.
"Such a good girl," he whispered against his lips, "Taking my cock so well, and keeping all my cum stuffed inside you~."
(M/n)'s kisses moved down to his neck, continuing to praise him about how beautifully lewd and erotic his noises were and how majestic he looked under him.
"Completely at my mercy, baby... you're all mine," Alhaitham closed his eyes tightly, his back arching slightly off the bed as he felt (M/n)'s thrusts stopping, every inch of his cock throbbing inside him.
"I'm... all yours~" he mumbled slowly opening his eyes, a smile growing on his face, his mind thoroughly fucked and stimulated by words and actions alike, "No one else's, only yours."
Damn, (M/n) really couldn't be more in love with him...
•Cyno is hard to understand
•He's hyperaware of his surroundings and his senses are heightened 
•Nose, smell, touch, everything that goes around him has him on edge
•He's also easily irritable, everything and anything annoys him
•But when he's near you or with you, he doesn't say a word
•His starting is so intense, you think he's mad at you
•Fortunaly, you've known him for quite a while and you're able to pick apart different expressions on his face (as subtle as they may be)
"Oh, (M/n), you're here," he sat his empty glass down when he heard the distinctive voice of Candace approaching his table.
He smiled at her and saw Dehya coming behind her. They looked concerned.
"Hey, ladies, is everything alright?" He asked them, and they looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.
"Do you know what's wrong with Cyno?" Well, now he was concerned as well.
He frowned and looked at them, "No... what happened? Is he okay?"
Now Dehya crossed her arms in front of her and proceed to explain what has been happening to the matra. Apparently, he was having quite the attitude, Cyno had been recurring to violence rather than just threats more often than usual. He tsks at the smallest of sounds, complaining that his hearing is sensitive and that they should keep quiet.
All in all, he's irritable and fidgety, which is weird coming from Cyno out of everyone.
With that, (M/n) paid for his food and left the building, deciding on going to find Cyno and maybe ask him what was wrong, so he started wandering around Aaru Village trying to spot his partner somewhere, and eventually, he did.
Cyno was arguing with Alhaitham about something, Aether and Paimon were there too, staring at the white-haired male with defeated expressions on their faces, it seemed like they had been trying to calm Cyno down but, clearly, it didn't work.
(M/n) sighed and walked closer to them, "Cyno!"
At the call of his name, the matra immediately stopped talking, turning around to look at his boyfriend as he walked to them.
He would've flinched at the way Cyno was glaring at him. If he didn't know better (M/n) would've believed he was at him, but there was a subtle crease in his eyebrows, even if part of his face was covered, the corners of his lips were twitching and his adam's apple bobbed up and down when he swallowed. And (M/n) understood Cyno's moody attitude.
Oh~, so that's what's bothering him so much.
Holding back his smirk, (M/n) stepped closer and Cyno moved aside, standing slightly behind the (h/c) haired male.
While he gave a dumb excuse and apologized to Alhaitham for Cyno's behavior, (M/n) felt said male reach and hold onto the back of his shirt, tugging on it and releasing it a second after.
"Let's go, Cyno," (M/n) smiled at the group of three still standing in place while the two of them walked away to a more... secluded place.
And well, they found it.
Gently holding Cyno's face, (M/n) kissed him, placing his knee in between Cyno's, letting him grind on his thigh, hearing his muffled whines, crying out that it wasn't enough.
"M-more... I want- more~," Cyno's legs trembled as he struggled to keep moving on (M/n)'s thigh, "I wanna cum, please..." His hands held onto (M/n) desperately, raising his leg further up.
"Fucking hell, Cyno..." Mumbling against his lips, (M/n) lifted his boyfriend in his arms, pinning him to the wall behind him. Instinctively, Cyno wrapped his legs around him, moaning as his leaking cock pressed on (M/n)'s abdomen.
(M/n) stared into Cyno's red eyes, glossy with tears, and the matra whimpered when they made eye contact, gulping and tilting his chin up, exposing his neck slightly.
Licking his lips, (M/n) raised his hand and wrapped it around Cyno's neck, the tips of his fingers applying a small amount of pressure, observing how tears rolled down his face, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as drool dripped down the corners of his mouth.
Cyno's thighs trembled as he came, his nails digging into (M/n)'s skin through his clothes, "(M/n)~," he mumbled in a high-pitched moan, having a bit of trouble breathing normally as the pressure on his neck increased, "F-fuck me..."
Thankfully, (M/n) knew a shortcut to his house.
•Oh. Oh
•He doesn't want to acknowledge it and won't tell you about it
•He never thought that you were able to tell something was up with him
•Even if he didn't show it or mention it, he's quite obvious
•Probably because he gets too tsundere with you
•He ignores you but blushes when you grace his hand
•He curses you between stutters when you flirted with him
•In the end, he doesn't tell you he's horny
•But you know and tease him about it
Scara has been feeling on edge and anxious for a few days now, but he didn't pay any mind to it, he guessed he was still getting used to everything so he decided to ignore the feeling until it goes away on its own, surely it wouldn't take too long.
He has been convincing himself that there was nothing wrong with his body or mind, and he had been handling himself pretty well for a while, but the moment he saw (M/n)...
That feeling only intensified and he finally realized what that sensation was.
Especially because he felt his mouth watering at the thought of having 'something' in his mouth, or better yet, inside his significantly smaller body.
Now he was actively ignoring his horny thoughts, deciding on keeping them to himself, fully convinced that (M/n) wouldn't realize. Well, he was wrong.
His lover definitely knew, or he at least had an idea of what was going on with Scaramouche, especially since he had been getting more defensive than usual, but only toward him.
He doesn't do a good job at hiding it, making it quite obvious when he blushes whenever (M/n) graces his hand -intentionally or by accident-, Scara just pretends he didn't notice, but the blush on his face says otherwise.
Or when he stutters a curse at (M/n) whenever he would flirt with him or compliment him. He's still getting used to feeling love, but he doesn't hate the fuzziness when he's with his lover. When they make eye contact and he can feel his stomach tingling, when (M/n) kisses him and he can feel his heart beating faster, and that sort of reminded him that he's alive.
All of those tales and signs Scaramouche has when he's horny are obvious to (M/n), but he likes teasing him, so he purposely holds his waist for longer than needed, or deepens their kiss just enough to have Scara chase after his lips with a whine after he pulls away.
He snaps when that happens too often and his confident demeanor returns.
"If you're gonna do it, then do it properly," he mutters and holds (M/n)'s collar to pull him down to his height.
The (h/c) haired male gasps and holds onto Scaramouche's hips, bending down to relieve the strain on his legs as he was on his tippy toes to reach his height, and his hand lifts to gently hold his face.
"What is it that you want me to do?" (M/n) saw how Scaramouche's expression changed to a pleading one, the blush on his cheeks darkening.
"Just-" his hands held (M/n)'s shirt, swallowing before continuing, "Touch me, p-please..."
And (M/n) didn't say no to those words muttered by those pretty lips...
Scaramouche was now gripping the bedsheets in his fists, his body trembling as he struggled to decide if he wanted to get away from the stimulation or get more of it, he didn't know, his mind was a jumbled mess of incoherent thoughts, all he could think about was how (M/n)'s cock bulged his lower abdomen and that made him go crazy. Hearing him mutter how good he was for enduring the overstimulation, how well he was holding up to his pace, and how he loved seeing him fucked to tears.
"Pl... please, p-please please..." He had no idea what he pleading for, he knew he liked it, how much he loved it.
"'Please' what? Use your words, pup~," of course, (M/n) liked teasing him, he just enjoyed hearing him say all the filthy things Scara wanted him to do to his petite frame.
"Please..." He opened his eyes and looked at (M/n) through the tears blurring his sight, "Please, d-don't stop~ I... I need more..." With shaky hands, Scaramouche reached to caress (M/n)'s face, "I need more of y-you, (M/n)."
And this is exactly why (M/n) like teasing his lover so much.
"That's my good puppy~."
•There are two occasions when he gets horny
•One; Alhaitham said/did something that annoyed him and now he need to release his anger some way
•So he drags you over and enjoys every second your dick is deep inside him
•And two; when he's spacing out, dreaming of a married life with you, living in that house he has been designing
•And bam, a graphic image of you fucking him on every corner of the house has him blushing a dark red
•Now he will certainly pay attention to the design of certain places in the house
•So, he's either confident and determined, or he's shy and hesitant
•Either way, you are more than glad to be there when he's feeling a little naughty
[1st scenario]
Kaveh watched how Alhaitham left the house nonchalantly, as if he didn't just make Kaveh's blood boil with rage. The blond let out a huff in annoyance and frowned while taking a deep breath.
He needed release, and he knew where to find it and how to get it.
He went out to look for (M/n), and he found him in the Grand Bazaar dancing with Nilou, laughing and having fun with his cousin.
"(M/n)!" The male hears his name being called and he looks at Kaveh from the stage. His expression is enough to let him know he needed him, so he says bye to Nilou and rushes toward the blond after exclaiming a loud 'Goodbye, everyone!' before following Kaveh out.
On the way, (M/n) doesn't ask, he just assumes it has something to do with Alhaitham and his attitude, so he just follows his boyfriend silently to his shared house.
As soon as they walk through the door, they're on each other, and (M/n) wastes no time bending Kaveh over the armrest of the living room couch, drinking in the lewd moans and cries of his name every time Kaveh came all over the furniture.
"Fuck yes~!" With his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his mouth open, Kaveh has no inhibitions, he doesn't care about being quiet at that moment, he's enjoying being able to only think about how good (M/n)'s cock is stretching his insides, filling him up to the point of making his legs shake.
(M/n) holds Kaveh's slim waist in his hands, stroking his soft skin with his thumbs as he continuously pounds into him, one of his hands slithering up his back until his finger interlock with his blond strands and pulls on his hair, effectively making him whine as cum spurts out of his cock, his back arched as he's only being held up by (M/n)'s strength alone. And he loves it. Every second of it.
[2nd scenario] (okay but like, I wanted to make this one afab!kaveh so bad 😭😭 I'll write it next time)
(M/n) had decided to stop by to give Kaveh a surprise visit, knowing his boyfriend was probably overworking himself with various projects he was working on, so he wanted to check up on him, make sure he was okay, drinking water and eating properly, and maybe, go out on a date together.
He knocked on the door a few times with no response, so he ended up using the spare key Kaveh gave him a few months back. As soon as walked in, he saw Kaveh's working room -or his 'office' as he liked to call it- had the door slightly open. He closed the door behind him and approached Kaveh's office, peeking inside to see if he was busy or not.
He was there, sitting on his work stool, spaced out as he usually got, daydreaming about his next and/or current design he was working on.
Which he was, but it was something a little more specific than just a design.
Kaveh was too busy imagining a married life with (M/n), his dear boyfriend. Living together and maybe, if possible, having a family with him. How? Well-
Some ideas came to his mind, and even though he could never get pregnant, the thought of "working on it" made him blush, his eyes opening wide as he started fidgeting in place.
He pressed his thighs together, and took a deep shaky breath in. His hands trembled as he slowly reached the waistband of his pants, slipping his slim fingers into his underwear, taking his erect cock out as he lifted his shirt to his mouth, biting it to muffle his moans and whimpers.
His hand wrapped around his dick and he applied a bit of pressure, just like how (M/n) does when he wants to cum together.
"(M/n)~," fuck, he couldn't hold in his whine, his eyes closed tightly as he started stroking his cock up and down, teasing his tip and wetting his fingers with his pre-cum.
And (M/n) was right there, standing by the door while holding his breath, feeling his cock throb inside his clothes as he observed Kaveh's expression change ever so slightly, watching his body squirm around and his hips trembling as he tried to thrust up into his hand.
(M/n) just couldn't stand there and watch how Kaveh pleasure himself thinking of him.
•Alright, he's most of the time in his office/lab doing who knows what
•So you have no idea honestly
•Except when he requests that you come over to see him
•He makes you sit on his chair, and suddenly, you're chained to it
•He grabs a flask in his hand and drinks its content, leaning down to your height to kiss you
•You end up swallowing the liquid, feeling it burn you from the inside out
•He removes his mask with a smirk, his face flushed as he stands in between your spread legs
•"Be a good boy~"
(M/n) was escorted to Dottore's office, where he waiting for him. The guard knocked on the door and waited for approval to come in, which she did as soon as she got it.
"I brought Mr.(M/n) over, sir," I complete silence, Dottore dismissed the guard with a simple hand motion and he stood up from his chair once the door closed.
The masked male walked up to him with his hands behind him, making eye contact with (M/n) as he locked the door. That made him a little worried, he was well aware that his boyfriend loved experimenting in private, for hours and hours, even days.
But it didn't look like it this time.
Standing next to him, Dottore place his hand on the small of (M/n)'s back, taking him to his chair, the same chair he was just sitting on.
"Sit down, (M/n)," his arm reached out, signaling him to do as told. Awkwardly stiff, he sat on the chair and observed closely how Dottore walked toward a shelf containing flasks of different sizes and shapes. He grabbed a rather small cylinder-shaped one, a bright pink liquid swaying inside it.
"Zandik?" The male looked at him briefly through his mask, before lifting his hand to his mouth.
(M/n) saw Dottore drinking it and walking up to him with big steps, the masked male held him by the chin and kissed him, pressing his fingertips on his jaw to make him open his mouth. (M/n) almost choked on what he swallowed, feeling how it burned his throat and everything on its way down, even so, it had a rather sweet taste.
"Enjoy~," Dottore said in a teasing voice, and suddenly, (M/n) was chained to the chair, his wrists bound to the armrests and his ankles bound to the legs of the chair.
A moment after, he felt his body heating up and his breathing became rapid and ragged, the same as Dottore's.
He took his mask off with a smirk and (M/n) saw his red eyes shining with tears, his cheeks colored red and some drool dripping down the corner of his mouth, moving to stand in between his spread open legs.
Without saying a word, Dottore leaned down to kiss (M/n) again, this time a longer and deeper kiss, his hands reaching down south to his pants and pulling them just enough for his cock to spring out. Breaking the kiss, he giggled at the sight of (M/n)'s cock already twitching.
He had only kissed him and he was already going crazy, how adorable~.
(M/n)'s whole body was trembling from pleasure, all because of that damn aphrodisiac Dottore made him drink. Well, said male was content with the effects of it, it was obvious by the smirk that hadn't faded from his face yet.
Dottore turned around, pulling his pants and underwear down, exposing his wet and twitching hole, clenching around nothing, greedily awaiting something to fill it up. The sight made (M/n)'s cock throb, pre-cum oozing from his slit.
"Be a good boy~," he muttered before slowly sinking his weight down on (M/n)'s dick.
(M/n) felt his body shaking as he climaxed, but no cum came out. Whilst Dottore stayed still and focused on a paper in front of him, he kept having dry orgasms over and over, relentlessly, so was Dottore, but he was doing a better job at keeping his composure, although it might've been because the drank significantly less aphrodisiac than (M/n).
But he knew something that will drive both of them crazy.
Dottore reached a hand under his desk and pressed a small button hidden in the wood, immediately, (M/n) released a loud moan, reduced to a blabbering, incoherent mess as shocks of electricity ran through his whole body. His hips were thrusting up involuntarily, chasing his orgasm but never having enough.
Feeling the electricity reaching his body too, Dottore gripped tightly onto his desk, as if he was desperately holding onto the little bit of sanity he had left. The electricity may not be as strong surging through his body, but he also had (M/n) drilling his insides, his eyes crossing momentarily with each hit to his prostate.
That aphrodisiac seemed to have worked better than he anticipated~.
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(The whole process of me writing this was;
[I fucked it][it got fixed][I fucked it][it got fixed] over and over again 😂😂)
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Sub! Cyno X Stressed Out Dom! Male Reader X Sub! Tighnari Nsfw Headcanons
Warnings: none, I think
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A/N: this is an Nsfw sequel of Cyno X Stressed Out! Male Reader X Tighnari Fluff Headcanons, guys can check it out if you haven't already.
Aww, stressed out again Y/N? If the answer is yes you have come to the right place at the right time, because your boyfriends, Cyno and Tighnari is there to help you with your stress. How you ask? Well, them sucking your cock and shoving it in their butts
Cyno would sit on your lap before making out with you and would whisper lustful things in your ear
Tighnari is way more sluttier than Cyno, he would always ask you if you want him to strip for you, or dance in front of you naked. Anything you want to him to do to ease your stress, he'll do it
If both of them wants to be slutty for you, you would have your cock out for them and let them have at it. They love sucking your cock, but Tighnari mostly loves it when he rides on your cock
When you eventually feel better, they'll let you do whatever you want to them
These guys may be very lewd and submissive, but at least they are your boyfriends and helps you out with whatever you are dealing with
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prettypinkpuddles · 2 years
gimmie a rough time
can we just… just imagine the soft boys getting rough, like dark eyes, serious tone, cocky grin and all… omg thoma with a cocky ass grin as he commands you what to do.. ahh~<3
please enjoy! i did! ⭐️
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you held your legs open, digging your nails into the back pits of your knees as you tried to keep quiet as your husband directed. felt your hole being constantly stuffed with his cock, the sticky mess of his lust for you coating part of his pelvis and your thighs, your core puffy and inflamed from his onslaught of ministrations.
you felt your brain falling apart, keeping your focus on the deep color of his eyes, how they bored into you as he utterly filled you, driving you crazy with how slow and dramatic his thrusts were; pulling all the way out slowly, then slamming back into you for his cock to kiss your deepest walls, fluttering around him to try and suck him in more.
you hadn’t realized he pulled his head close to your ear and picked up your head until he was whispering to you.
“god, you must really like being used darling, cuz’ you’re fuckin’ soaked!” he teased, his fingers tweaking at your nipple.
you squealed and bit your lip, shutting your eyes and feeling your orgasm build up.
“that’s it,” you husband huffed. “go ahead and cum for me. cream around my cock, make a mess of yourself.”
your orgasm flooded your system like a rivulet, a deep heat filling you before being coated by a serene cooling. you shook for a few moments before your legs came undone from your hands.
your husband sat up and clicked his tongue.
“you’re so fucked out, i have to do everything… well that’s okay.”
he grabbed your ankles, pushing them back to your ears and beginning to brush his thumb against your clit.
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omg… Thoma, Kazuha, Heizou, DILUC, TIGHNARI, Cyno, Aether, Pierro
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watatsumiis · 10 months
Being A Part of the Sumeru Squad!
I've been thinking a lot recently about being a part of the ‘in’ group in Sumeru - the ones shown to be good friends on screen already (Tighnari, Cyno, Al Haitham and Kaveh!) I feel like there's lots of ways one could slot themselves into the dynamic and it's just very pleasant and fun to think about. 
(Rambles below the cut. Platonic stuff, reader is referred to as ‘you’ and is entirely gender neutral) 
Though the squad is almost constantly making playful little jabs at one another, bickering back and forth and whatnot, they're overall a pretty supportive and kind group and accept you into their midst without too much fuss. 
You soon find yourself invited to a myriad of small, casual get-togethers where the group catches up with one another. It's kind of weirdly formal at first, with so many of them holding such high and important statuses. 
Luckily, Kaveh also ends up feeling pretty left out during these discussions, so you'll have someone to chat with or ask questions when you've lost track of the topic at hand. Plus, he's often got some very funny (and surprisingly astute) commentary to add on, even when the subject is painfully dull. 
Once all the politics are out of the way, the conversation tends to ease right up for a little while. Regardless of whether you're at some restaurant or cafe, or just hanging out at someone's house, there's usually snacks available and things will remain super lighthearted for a bit, all jokes and talks of recently released books or occasional infodumps about hyperfixations and special interests. 
On that subject, whenever the stars align and two or more group members have the same special interest or hyperfixation, hoo boy, you can expect them to monopolise the conversation and somehow always drag it back to whatever niche fascinations that they may have accrued lately. 
If you have something you want to talk about, you can rest assured that at least one person in the room will be able to engage. Everybody has their own collection of equally specific and obscure knowledge - with the occasional kind of hilarious overlap. Kaveh and Cyno’s shared fascination with Fontanian machinery, or Tighnari and Al-Haitham’s in-depth discussions of insectoid languages and their potential overlap with human ones are some of the first to come to mind. 
Of course, disagreements do break out every now and then - but everyone is fairly civil for the most part, if a little bit overdramatic and occasionally loud. It's interesting to see how everyone the group tends to take sides almost as soon as a hint of a possible disagreement rears its head. Al-Haitham once questioned Cyno's sense of humour, querying whether it could really be considered comedy if nobody was laughing, and pretty soon, Tighnari and Kaveh were arguing along as passionately as if they'd been personally insulted. 
You tend to be the tiebreaker more often than not - with such an evenly split group, there often tends to be an even balance between whatever arguments. It doesn't help that Al-Haitham likes to break it all down and give pros and cons for both sides (while still keeping his own stance firm), which may make it impossible for you to decide. 
Luckily, it's easy enough for you to guide the group's attention elsewhere. Just offer to make them some hot drinks or ask if someone wants to play a round of Genius Invocation, and it's like the argument never happened at all. 
It's easy to wind up feeling a little out of place in a group of such highly ranking people, but it's like your friends develop a sixth sense for when you're starting to get a little confused or feeling out of your depth. Instead of poking fun at you (like they do for Kaveh), they'll find a way to rope you into the conversation that doesn't put too much pressure on you. Cyno and Tighnari, especially, seem to have a way of relating things to subjects that are in your area of expertise to help you parse them better so you can find your footing and be debating back and forth with the rest of them. 
Game nights tend to get really intense. It's not a case of if someone will flip their lid, it's simply a case of when. Alliances and subsequent betrayals are all too common, and you'll often find yourself being bribed to help someone one-up another person. 
They even have a ‘trophy’ for winning each week's game night. It's a tiny crown, carved out of wood and painted gold. Collei made it and donated it to the group. Whoever possesses the crown also possesses the ultimate bragging rights until the next gaming night (or until they accidentally sit on it and squash it with their big clumsy butt. Kaveh ). 
Though the group is chaotic, noisy, and constantly teasing one another, they're all so supportive of one another and will stick together through thick and thin. As the conversations slow down, sometimes some pretty serious subjects get brought up, heavy venting and other such similar things. 
Though, they're all very understanding if someone isn't in the correct headspace for that sort of talk, and will happily postpone it or talk about it elsewhere if needed. They're also very used to multiple conversations happening at once, so it's easy enough for someone to dodge around the heavy topics if they need to. 
The squad can be almost violently supportive at times. Sometimes you worry that Cyno may be one hundred percent genuine about abusing his status as the General Mahamatra to threaten somebody who mildly inconvenienced you one time in the market last week. 
Overall, the vibes of the friend group are super fun (if a little intense at times). They may not say it directly, but everyone is super glad to have you around, hanging out with them and getting in on all the goofs they make and shaking up their dynamic a little bit.
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagiarise my writing! I do not consent for my works to be translated and posted elsewhere, or copy - pasted into bot or AI technology.
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shanniethewr · 1 year
in loving arms
summary: men are cruel as they disgustingly label women lower than them. as unfortunate as it may seem, you fortunately have your dearest who proves that he's not as low as the vile creatures.
warnings: boys being disgusting, harassment, past toxic relationships, sexual harassment, name-calling (slut, whore), swearing, assault, mentions of violence, lowkey ooc
characters: albedo, cyno, kazuha, lyney, and tighnari gn!reader but implied having feminine items such as a purse lowercase intended + not proofread
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traversing through mondstadt was another mundane routine for you, helping the citizens with their troubles and whatnot. fortunately, things had been far more peaceful ever since the traveler had came and gave leeway for peace in the city of freedom.
but that didn't mean horrid things would suddenly stop overnight. oh no, definitely not. because the least you expected was to find yourself in a vacant room in the favonious headquarters, surrounded by what people call the knights.
"heh. you know you shouldn't be walking around with those skimpy clothes you got, looking like a slut." you cringed, feeling a shiver down your spine as you stepped backward from the nearing hand.
"you're absolutely disgusting. how the hell have you become a knight with that filthy attitude? archons, i feel truly disappointed for your parents." you spat with venom in your tone, the consequence for that was angering the knight.
"a feisty one, hah?" he grinned with a sickening feeling, and his hands soon laid on your body, groping in places it shouldn't be. "stop it!" you yelled, thrashing around, attempting to pull the man away. you were no fighter, and that was obvious.
you felt nauseous, you couldn't even comprehend the words that were being said. you just wanted to go see albedo, why must the world play and pull on the strings of your life?
"to think such behavior was conducted in the headquarters filled with people who's desires are to protect the people, not to harass them... truly disappointing." a familiar voice, the speech was relaxed, if not, unfazed. however, there was a tone of hostility, dripping with poison.
albedo, whose eyes are glimmering with disgust and anger, a contrast to his gentle and calm expression. "c-chief alchemist!" you took the opportunity to slip away, quick to get to albedo's side and taking his hand in yours, an attempt of comforting yourself and to soothe the chalk prince's anger.
"i'm sorry my dear, have i not been caught up with affairs, this wouldn't have happened." albedo said, eyes softening when meeting with yours, lips on your forehead as you relished in his calming presence. "you can go wait outside, i'll just deal with some unnecessary variables."
ushered to exit the room, you saw nothing, but you sure did hear the sound of a fist meeting with a face along with the cries of the knight begging for forgiveness.
being a scholar in the akademiya and the rumored beloved of the general mahamatra was not a peaceful matter as you thought of it before. fortunately, it had its perks, the downside was that some people just forget about it.
"c'mon baby, let's just forget the past and move on, 'kay?" the man, boy, you used to call your lover has been invading your personal privacy and has been continuously annoying you about it.
'how the hell did he even find me...' you thought, gritting your fists as you stood up from your seat, being agitated for far too long. "hey! don't ignore me babe!"
exiting lambad's tavern, the night sky of sumeru looks down upon your figure along with the radiant stars. the scenery would be perfect for a romantic and dreamy moment, but unfortunately, an irritating being is stuck to you like a leech, having no intention of letting go.
"can you fucking stop!?" you yelled after the constant annoyance of the presence following you for archons knows how long, stunning your ex, standing in shock at your sudden outburst. "there's no future for the two of us! if you wanted one, you should've treated me like the way you want to be treated! i will never go back to the likes of you again."
"is that how you treat me? after i took care and loved you for so long!?" that was all you needed to snap, as the loud sound of a slap was heard echoing in the quiet, empty streets of sumeru.
"took care of me!? what the hell are you talking about you bastard!? i was the one who did all of your unfinished works and projects, i was the one making money!! you, you ungrateful bastard always took the savings i had just to buy some useless pair of jewelry only to find out you were giving it to some other girl!"
tears brimmed your eyes as you felt your throat becoming hoarse after every second of yelling at the awful man in front of you. archons, you just wanted to have a peaceful drink at a tavern, not to meet the person you hated the most.
because damn, he was acting like a fucking weed.
"hah!? you're really starting to become more disobedient now, talking back to me." you yelped in pain as he pulled on your hair, kneeing your stomach as you coughed in pain.
"where's your lover now, huh? don't tell me all of those rumors were fake." he chuckled evilly as you sob from the pain.
and everything went like a blur, you heard your ex howling in pain along with the sounds of bones being broken. not soon after, you were cradled in strong arms against a sturdy chest, the very action soothed your pain and worries.
"you weren't home my love, don't worry, i'm here now, i won't let anything bother you from now on." cyno's stern yet gentle voice brought you to reality as you melted in his embrace.
cyno's amber eyes soon turned into the eyes of a predator eyeing its prey, a frown on his lips, one of anger. "and as for you. i recommend you not to bother them anymore, less you want to be enclosed behind cold bars, feel free to take up the offer anytime."
your ex panicked, taking off in fear. your lover huffed, soon carrying you in his sturdy arms. "sorry cyno, for.. making you worry." you quietly stated against his chest as he remained quiet for a few moments before speaking.
"please, don't. it's my duty to make sure you're safe and loved, so no matter what, i trust that you will rely on me in times of need."
you leisurely walked into the streets of inazuma, enjoying the taste of freedom after the sakoku decree was abolished, there was a new upbeat in the city and the people were thriving.
that was only a few minutes ago, until you found yourself in a quiet alleyway with a weird man cornering you. "you shouldn't have gone walking around like that, you filthy whore, that desperate for attention?"
there wasn't anything special about your clothes, a typical inazuman outfit with a few alterations thanks to your dear friend, ayaka, who told the seamstress to add a few decorations, claiming it would brighten your beauty more.
"you creep. just because the sakoku decree was abolished, that doesn't mean you can just waltz in and start sexualizing our cultural outfit! have you not heard of respect!?" you countered, glaring at the man as your grip on your purse tightened, you should've asked kazuha for some martial lessons at the very least.
"but i can do whatever the hell i want. it's your fault for wearing those clothes." his hand was on your shoulder, attempting to pull down the sleeves as you thrashed your arms around.
"NO! STOP IT!" you hated this, you wanted to run, scream. but how could you do that when you're pinned against the wall as the man was grinning evilly? you prayed for the archons to at least save you from this moment.
and fortunately enough, your prayers were answered.
"attempting to sexually assault on an unwilling individual, much less my beloved, you've inclined me to do worse than having you rot behind the bars of inazuma." a voice so gentle yet cold and stern, kazuha spoke, hands gripped into a fist, "who the hell are you!?"
"just a wanderer passing by. now, if you'd allow me..." the samurai was quick to act on his feet, punching the stranger, causing him to falter and fall to his knees. kazuha immediately embraced you in his loving arms, lightly combing his fingers through your locks in hopes of soothing your shaking figure as he hid your partially clothed body from anyone's eyes.
"i'm sorry for taking so long, my dove. from now on, i swear on my name to never let you experience such things again. i will be your sword and i will protect you until death does us part."
the quiet atmosphere of the backstage was what you needed after a tiring night of endless cheering for your lover's and his sister's performance. undoubtedly, their performance was always pristine and beautiful, like always.
most of the staff had already packed away and home they went, for sleep had fallen among most of the people in fontaine. you were simply waiting for lyney as promised, claiming he had to go finish a quick task, leaving you alone in the empty opera.
the least you expected was to find yourself on the floor with a man you feared, on top of you with a terrifying grin on his lips. he has your hands pinned above your head as you weakly kick your legs around, only for it to be held down with his legs.
"i never expected you to wait like an obedient puppy for a man other than me! i think you deserve to be punished, i mean, come on, cheating already when we're just taking a break?"
you gritted your teeth in agitation, "the hell do you mean break? we broke up years ago! who the hell said we're still together?" you spat, glaring hard against the man on top of you.
"is that so? then i have no choice but to force you, it's your fault for doing this to me. if only you could've acted like you would with that filthy magician." a blade, seemingly out of nowhere was in his possession, lightly pressing it against your cheek as your breath hitched.
"knock it off!" you yelled, thrashing your limbs around as the man let out a disgusting laugh, enjoying the suffering he was putting you through.
"trespassing in the backstage is not something for audiences like you, especially when you dare to attack mon trésor, is something that i will not let go of lightly regardless of the circumstances." lyney said, his charming smile was seen yet his aura was the contrast of the magician lyney. he is upset, in the sense of madness.
"hah! what can you even do? throw cards at me?" the man chortled, you however, were subtly trying to escape from his grasp which lyney noticed. with a snap of his fingers, you found yourself in the arms of the one you dearly loved. "what!?"
"oh, i'll do something far worse than that. you see, i've been wanting to test out a new magic trick, one where they saw and tear through your limbs. your actions today demonstrated that you're the perfect candidate for such a terrific trick!" lyney's voice was coated in venom, his eyes glared with the intention to do something to the man.
you heard only bits and parts, as his hands were over your eyes and ears, embracing you closer to him as a gesture that you were safe with him. that was a pure and pristine fact, as the magician lyney would filter his words about you with nothing but truths.
"let the show begin! ah, but before that, mon trésor, please wait outside for a while. don't worry, i promise not to make you wait for too long, and i will make sure i will protect you as it is my duty as your lover to do so."
a visit to gandharva ville was a normal weekly routine for you, as you had a busy job, and so did your partner, tighnari. but that didn't stop the two of you to express your love to one another each weekly visit.
you were patiently waiting for him at an empty hut, quietly indulging in the music of nature as you sipped on your favorite drink that collei knew all too well, having it prepared before your arrival.
"oh hey! look who it is, it's been a while, old friend." one of your former scholars from the akademiya said, taking a seat in front of you as you smiled, "you as well. how are you fairing lately?"
"same old, same old. how about you? i heard you've gotten a partner recently." you nodded in response, "yup! he's actually—" "he must be lucky, huh?"
you went silent, a shiver crawling down your spine, and you knew something wasn't right. "what do you mean?" "well, you know, you've always been a heavy sleeper. i could've done anything to you and you wouldn't even wake up or even know about it."
"but it's not surprising if he'd already done that to you. i mean, even arjurn and daksh wanted to do you but they never got a chance. gotta give them one in the future, right?" he laughed as if he was just talking about the weather while you were shocked, disgusted even.
"please leave," you stated, glaring hard at the person you once thought as a friend in front of you, only for him to wolf whistle in return. "feisty huh?"
his hand wandered under the table and found itself on your thighs, causing you to flinch and stand up abruptly. "if you're here just to make disgusting comments about me and my partner, leave! you are not needed here."
"come on sweetheart, that can't do. besides, he doesn't need to know what'll happen between us." standing up, you found yourself defensively taking a step back from the awful creature in front of you.
"stop it. leave! i don't need you or your disgusting presence in this room, right now! if you won't leave, then i have no choice to report you to the chief officer of the forest rangers."
"then, let's just make this quick, alright? just—"
"they said to leave. you have made a trespassed against a very dangerous territory sir, with that filthy behavior, you are officially never welcomed in gandharva ville again." tighnari spoke from behind, his galre hard as his voice remained cold and ruthlessly.
making a beeline towards tighnari, you found yourself in his embrace along with his sweet gesture of a forehead kiss. "you dare to force my partner into something they were unwilling to do, have i seen them being harassed and forced into the act, i will not act as merciful as i did today."
"so please. leave, before i make your consequence harsher than it is. if you dare to go near to my lotus again, i am not afraid to make a hole in that head of yours."
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— © wr.shannie created on 8.26.23 finished on 8.27.23
do NOT copy or plagiarize my work!!
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tartagliove · 19 days
cyno x reader ✧ fluff, established relationship ✧ 0.4k
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Cyno’s occupation means he’s away from home more often than he would like.
It’s midnight, and he’s under the expanse of dark blues and purples that form the night sky, broken up by glittering stars—his only companion out in the desert. He doesn’t mind the solitude, but if it weren’t for an Akademiya lawbreaker on the run, he could be at home with you right now.
He can picture you lying in bed, draped in thin nightclothes. It’s too early for you to sleep, especially without him to coax you into resting for the night. The bed must feel massive, no matter how you choose to sprawl out as you read a book, trying to get lost in the story even as part of you is anxious for Cyno’s return.
If he were home, he would join you in bed. Make himself known by sliding a calloused hand up your thigh until it rests on your lower back, propping himself up with his other arm beside you so he can read over your shoulder. Soon enough, your book will have made its way into Cyno’s hands. At your request, he’ll read it out loud, so you can settle more comfortably into the mattress. His voice washes over you until your eyelids are too heavy to stay open and you drift off to sleep.
When he notices, he’ll slide a bookmark between the pages and quietly shut the book. Orange eyes trace over your face; your lips slightly parted and eyelashes casting little shadows on your cheeks. He can’t help but press his lips to your forehead.
Cyno then will turn off the light, pull the thin sheet up to cover you both, and lay down beside you. Pulling you in closer might wake you up a bit, but you simply mumble sleepy nothings and mold yourself to his side, all warm and soft.
A small breeze shifts the sand around his feet, pulling him out of his longing. Cyno picks up his pace. The sooner he can capture his target, the sooner he can return home to you—where he belongs.
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requested by @birinboom for my camping event. reblogs and comments are much appreciated!
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magicalbats · 2 months
When There's Lightning (Cyno x reader)
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Rating: R-18+
Word Count: 11,102
Warnings: afab!reader, chubby!reader, pining, unrequited feelings, established relationship (with Al-Haitham), possession, noncon, nipple play, biting, scratching, marking, unprotected sex, creampie, knotting
A/N: This is the second to last commission from this batch, and I am so, so happy I got to work on this one. The setting, the scenario I was given, the character. Mwuah. Chefs kiss. I hope everyone else enjoys it too! @frozenfauna you've been one of my greatest friends over the years and it was such an honor to fulfil your vision. Thank you for always offering me your support and advice when I need it most. 🫶🏻
There’s a heaviness in the crisp morning air, but Cyno can’t tell if it’s real or a figment of his imagination. 
He thinks it could go either way, really, as he stands there with his arms crossed over his chest and watches the spectacle that unfolds before him. It almost makes him sick, almost makes him reconsider the wisdom in even taking on this task in the first place. But in defense of his decision making abilities he knew full and well that the source of the problem was within him, so he couldn’t really blame anyone but himself for his own misery. 
It’s certainly not your fault that the almost iridescent glow of bright early morning sunlight bounces off your cheeks to make you look truly ethereal, and it’s not Al-Haitham’s fault that it makes Cyno want to kiss you so bad. That blasted Al-Haitham. In truth he hadn’t even thought the scribe would make an appearance today let alone linger for as long as he had. He was usually much too strict with his clockwork schedule to deviate much from its well worn path but evidently, for you, he was willing to bend a little. 
And Cyno really couldn’t blame him. 
“Don’t forget to take a break every once and a while when I’m gone, okay? And make sure you eat regularly too.” 
Scoffing a quiet sound, Al-Haitham sedately reaches out to tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear. The gesture is soft and affectionate, even when his words don’t quite seem to match. “I think I should be the one telling you that. I value my time far too much to lose track of it but you on the other hand …”
“Oh, stop it!” You huff, delivering a quick and lighthearted swat to the meat of his bicep, and Al-Haitham graces you with one of his secretively small smiles. It used to be a rare, nearly unheard of occurrence for the scribe but it’s been making more and more frequent appearances recently. It was pretty clear what the cause of it was. 
“You and I both know I’m not exaggerating. Stick a dusty old slate in front of you and you’ll get lost in it for hours on end if no one intervenes.” 
“Alright look, this isn’t about me right now.” Laughing softly, you nudge even closer to your paramour until the two of you are practically standing right on top of one another. Huddled close, your voices drop to an intimate whisper as you share your final goodbyes. 
Rolling his eyes under the brim of his mantle, Cyno quickly glances away to focus his attention elsewhere. He couldn’t bear to observe another moment of this, but obligation as well as the pretense of needing to appear as if his heart wasn’t twisting itself into knots inside his chest keeps him firmly rooted in place. He would endure it just as he always had and you would remain ever unaware of the turmoil that wages a bloody war within him whenever he stood in your presence. It was torture but it was also the right thing to do. 
He and Al-Haitham were friends, and you’d already made your choice. There was nothing left for him to do but accept it and move on. 
That was far easier said than done though, and Cyno has to try very hard to keep his expression neutral when you finally shuffle over to where he’s standing just off to the side of the city gate. Adjusting the straps of the heavy pack over your shoulders, you give him a bright, eager smile that feels like the sharp jab of a dagger in his gut but he pretends not to notice it just as he has with everything else about this unfortunate situation. 
“Ready to go?” 
“Yep!” You bob your head once, practically dancing on your toes in excitement. Clearly you were looking forward to this trek out into the desert a great deal and Cyno couldn’t conceive dallying even a moment longer knowing just how important this expedition was to you. But if it weren’t for Al-Haitham the two of you would have already long departed and set off without any need for further delay. If it weren’t for Al-Haitham … 
“Do me a favor and try to keep her out of trouble for me, yeah?” The scribe calls over, drawing Cyno’s gaze. 
“Of course. That’s why I’m tagging along, isn’t it? All the preparations have already been made so you’ve got nothing to worry about. By my estimate we should have enough provisions to last about a week out there but I’m sure we’ll be back before then. The el-Bahari temple isn’t that far from Caravan Ribat.” 
Giving a single nod of acknowledgment, Al-Haitham turns his gaze on you. “And did you remember to bring your waterskins?”
“My answer hasn’t changed since the last time you asked that question. Yes, habibi, I have my waterskins.” You give a quiet laugh and, seeing his chance, Cyno quickly jumps to take it. 
“Good, and I have a backup in case you need it. I also took the liberty of packing us a lunch for later. I hope you like sand-wiches.” 
A beat of surprised, befuddled silence passes over the still gate before you let out a mildly flustered huff of air. 
“Oh, Cyno …” 
Exhaling a slow breath of his own, Al-Haitham shifts his weight and brings a hand up to brace on his hip. “If he’s comfortable enough to be making jokes then I trust you’re in good hands. Have a safe trip and try not to do anything too reckless. Don’t forget how dangerous the desert can be even with a Matra at your side.” 
“The General Mahamatra.” You correct, shooting Cyno a quick smile. “We’ll be just fine, won’t we?” 
He honestly isn’t so sure about that when he can feel the lump in his throat solidifying into something that threatens to choke him up. But he still nods, hearing himself say, “Yes, there won’t be any problems while I’m with you.” 
He just sorely hoped that was true. 
The temple is a cavernous, sprawling monument that seems to stretch on for miles and miles. Among the largest that still remained, it would have taken weeks, possibly even months to explore the whole place and all its secrets. There were innumerable compartments and hidden rooms littered throughout its winding halls and subterranean levels, but luckily most of the hard work had already been done by past researchers of yesteryear. Those enterprising scholars had diligently mapped out every nook and cranny they could access to the point where el-Bahari was largely overlooked by most modern day academics who didn’t see the value in studying something that had already been studied ad nauseum. 
But you were not most academics. 
It was one of the many things Cyno liked about you, and as the two of you step into the spacious antechamber just within the great entrance hall he can feel his admiration for you growing ever stronger. He himself may not have been the most studiously inclined but he’d spent more than his fair share of time around people who were. In fact, he quite enjoyed the more eclectic ones and you are no different in that regard. 
The change in your demeanor is clear as day when you hone in on the hieroglyphics carved into the slate effigy just up ahead and he watches you make a purposeful beeline towards it with a fond twinge. Yours were not the first eyes to alight upon the stone figure by a long shot but it is that unguarded passion which sets you apart from all the rest. It wasn’t fame you were after or even a need for more research funding that had brought you here, and it is likewise what convinced him to play bodyguard in this manner. That, and the fact he couldn’t have in good conscience left your safety in the hands of anyone else. Your heart was in the right place and so was his. 
Sedately trailing in your wake, Cyno comes up behind where you’re knelt to inspect the inscription at the base of the figure. He allows himself only a brief moment of appreciatively glancing over your hunched frame before dragging his attention upward. It is a statue of Hermanubis, he realizes with a mild pang of familiarity. 
“This is impressive work for a temple not dedicated specifically to the grand priest.” He offhandedly comments, earning himself a quick look from you. 
“You’ve never been here before?”
“Only once, and it wasn’t in any capacity that would have allowed me to casually look around. Paleontology isn’t my strong suit so the remains of ruins don’t usually hold much interest for me.”
Blinking in rather open surprise now, you tip your head back to look at him full on. “That’s a bit of a surprise. You’re originally from the desert, aren’t you? I would have thought you’d be more interested in the connection you share with places like this.” 
“I may have been born here but all I’ve really ever known is the city in the rainforest. I’m afraid there isn’t much I even remember about my time spent here.” 
Noising a soft sound of acknowledgment, you start to say something else but then your eyes drift away from him to focus on another part of the dusty antechamber. Thoroughly distracted, you push back up to your feet before shuffling over to regard a mural painted on the adjacent wall. Cyno watches after you for a moment — to make certain you’re safe and the perimeter secured, or so he tells himself — before redirecting his gaze back up at the statue. 
It’s not as if he could really deny the truth in what you’d said. Even if he didn’t remember it much this was still his birthplace and, feeling compelled, he reaches out a hand to press his palm flat to the smooth detail of Hermanubis’ slate leg. 
A zap of static electricity instantly rushes through his skin and he yanks his hand back like he’d been burned. Unease starts to snake through his gut as he hesitantly peers down at his own fingers, half expecting to find them charred to a blackened crisp. The skin is resoundingly unharmed though, as if he’d only imagined that intense electrical surge and nothing more. How odd. 
Snapping out of it with a small jolt, the Mahamatra turns to look over at you through the shadowy, dust mote ridden gloom. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing, just … checking in on you.” Your wavering smile quickly stabilizes and grows, spreading across your face with an eagerness that makes his heart race. “I think this is the right place. It’s exactly like the books in the House of Daena described. Now we just need to find that mechanism it mentioned.” 
Shrugging off that disconcerting rush of electricity, Cyno turns from the ancient monument of Hermanubis and wanders in your direction. “A mechanism? Are you looking for a hidden room of some kind?” 
He hadn’t bothered to ask about the details when they meant so little to him in the grand scheme of things. Keeping you safe and hydrated in the arid desert heat had been the top concern at the forefront of his mind up until now, but he was starting to wish he’d at least hedged the topic a little bit. All he knew was that there was something here you’d wanted to study and, given all the foot traffic this particular temple has seen over the last few decades, he hadn’t thought this would turn into a very labor intensive expedition. 
Anxiously adjusting your supplies pack, you glance around the otherwise untouched and silent chamber. Still excited and eager, but perhaps feeling a bit daunted now by the full scope of this undertaking. “According to those books there should be some sort of prayer room dedicated to Hermanubis somewhere in here. A scholar was able to get inside and notate what he saw a few hundred years ago, but once the door closed he couldn’t get it open again. Many people after him tried to no avail before eventually deeming the mechanism broken and everything inside was quickly classified as lost relics.” 
“And you think you can repair it?” Cyno asks, tipping his head to one side inquisitively. 
“I’m going to try.” You optimistically shoot back and it makes the knot in his stomach twist just that little bit tighter. Whether it was his intuition or a sixth sense premonition, Cyno couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite right. 
It didn’t feel like danger in the strictest definition of the word. There was no one else inside this temple that he could discern, at the very least no one who was alive and breathing. Even as far as regional fauna was concerned the only creatures he’d spotted were the occasional scorpions that skittered across the block-tiled floor. They were likely the only humans within miles of this place. 
But then what was this oppressive, static charged atmosphere hanging in the air? If he hadn’t known any better he’d almost think a thunderstorm was fast approaching with all the destructive force of the gods themselves but it wasn’t the right season for that. There were no monsoons coming in off of the southern coast for at least another few months. So what was it then? 
You’re speaking again, he realizes, rattling off something about a corridor up ahead that should take you where you need to go. At his soft hum of acknowledgement, you start to shuffle further into the ruins but Cyno hangs back long enough to peer up at the statue of Hermanubis again, as if it would give him any of the answers. 
It doesn’t, of course. He isn’t naive or fanciful enough to be disappointed by that, and he just gives his head a slow shake when he feels the spirit dwelling within him start to stir slightly. This was not the time or the place for his control to start slipping. He was going to have to be exceedingly careful moving forward. 
“Are you coming, Cyno?” You call back to him, already halfway across the room. 
Pointedly stamping down his unease, he steps around the broad base of the statue and makes his way after you. In his dominant hand, he idly flexes his grip around the long polearm he carries, hoping the comforting and familiar weight of it would help ground him. He isn’t so sure it works but for your sake he wasn’t about to let his focus slip that easily. There was a job for him to do and he was determined to see it through to the end. 
An hour or so later, you finally find the mechanism. 
It is an odd, curiously constructed device that Cyno, for his part, can make no logical sense of. The apparatus in the center of the tri-pronged base doesn’t look like it should do much of anything after having lain still and dormant for so many centuries, and even at its inception he’s unable to puzzle out what purpose it may have served. But he knows just enough about the ancient technology of King Deshret’s long bygone kingdom that he recognizes it for what it is and understands that it should do something. 
He isn’t quite convinced that it can be repaired though, but he keeps those thoughts to himself as you kneel down and set your glowing lantern aside to get a closer look at the structure. Your brow is knit in concentration as you poke and prod at the thing, feeling along the base of it where it’s securely anchored into the floor. Even though Cyno isn’t a bad hand when it comes to puzzles he knew that the inner workings of technology this old and esoteric was more than a bit beyond his scope. 
So he takes the chance to glance around the room, noting the mural faded from the cruel passage of time on the opposite wall and the air ducts in the ceiling. The two of you had traveled quite deep into the ruins to reach this place and yet there always seemed to be a distant, vague current of oxygen traveling through even the deepest recesses of the monument's bowels. The ancient civilizations that once flourished here were especially adept builders and it was clear that they’d even left behind a very functional ventilation system that supplied most if not the whole entire place with a stuffy, slow moving draft. 
It was much appreciated even if it didn’t do much to dispel all the dust and sand grit hanging in the air, and he slowly turns back around after completing a full circuit survey of the immediate area. You were still fiddling with the mechanism, groping along the side of one of the tall prongs as if in search of a hidden switch of some kind now, and his growing curiosity finally wins out. 
“Are you truly confident you can get it to work again?” 
“Of course I am.” You murmur, distracted by the task at hand as much as the beads of sweat slowly starting to form and roll down your temple. It was a bit stifling in here. “What, don’t I seem like I’m brimming with confidence? I thought you’d have more faith in me.” 
Cyno tries to fight it but he grudgingly allows himself to smile at that, taking consolation in the knowledge that you were much too preoccupied to notice it. “My apologies for bruising your ego then but that’s not quite what I meant. It’s just that your expertise is more in the field of paleontology, isn’t it? I didn't expect you to have so much functional knowledge on the inner workings of a machine, particularly one as old as this.” 
Humming softly under your breath, you carefully follow the prongs up to the top of the apparatus where the center piece is located. “You’re not wrong about that.” You relent. “I’m certainly not Kaveh who can tinker around with just about anything and figure out how it works. I’m also not like Al-Haitham who just has that kind of information on hand for no other reason than he happened to read it in a book once before.” 
A sharp pang shoots through Cyno’s chest at the mention of your lover and he rather stiffly shifts his weight from one foot to the next to conceal it. “Perhaps we should have asked Kaveh to come with us then.” He says, pointedly avoiding saying the same about the scribe. 
“That’s only a last resort if I don’t have any other choice. I wanted to try it myself first. Just to see if I could do it, you know?” 
He lifts a brow. “And you think you can do it because …?” 
“I read a book about it.” 
It’s such a decidedly Al-Haitham answer that Cyno can’t quite stop himself from scoffing, as impressed by the simple gumption of it as he is rueful about the unintentional reminder that you hadn’t picked him. That it wasn’t his personality traits and bad habits rubbing off on you rather than the genius scribe’s. 
But the sound is thoroughly masked when you seem to at last locate what you’re looking for and, with a triumphant exclamation, the mechanism starts to glow a faint, almost iridescent blue. The suddenness of activity is close to startling for as unassuming and benign it is, and Cyno is immediately on high alert with his spear at the ready. 
Nothing happens though. The floor neither gives out in a crumbling mess of debris and stale sand, and neither does the ceiling collapse down on top of the two of you in wrathful vengeance. Everything is just as still and as quiet as it had been seconds before the apparatus abruptly came to life, save the hushed sound of excitement you make as you sit back to admire your handy work. 
“There! Now that that’s taken care of we can move on to step two!” 
Cyno really doesn’t like the tendril of unease that forms in his gut now. “There’s more?” 
“Yes, if the texts were right then there should be a secondary piece of the mechanism that we’ll need to adjust so that the two can connect with one another. That's easier said than done though, of course.” Heaving a quiet sigh, you push up to your feet and wipe your hands off on your pants. “This is the part that stumped all the previous scholars who tried to get inside this room. The positioning needs to be very exact for them to communicate and …” 
Sheepishly, you turn your attention elsewhere. “No one could quite figure out where the second piece is but there was some suspicion that it might be in a part of the temple that suffered a collapse. It’ll take some digging around on our part, I’m afraid.” 
Cyno’s grip on his polearm tightens, making the knuckles creak softly under the force. “Alright. I’ll help you look for it but we’re not splitting up.”
“What? But that’ll take so much longer!” 
“I don’t care.” He hisses, all but biting out his words now. “This place is massive. If you get turned around in here it could take me hours just to find you again, not to mention if something were to go wrong. I came here to protect you and that is what I will do. Either we stay together or we can leave and return to Caravan Ribat right now. Those are your only two options.” 
For a moment you look truly stunned by that declaration. The disbelief is written across your face in broad sweeping brushstrokes, confusion and even a pinch of affront creeping into your startled expression. It’s like you couldn’t believe what he was saying to you and, in all honesty, Cyno is a little surprised at himself too. 
He hadn’t meant to drop the tone of his voice and take on the kind of stern, authoritative command he’d usually only implement with criminals or lower ranked Matra who answered to him. You were neither of those things and he’d never spoken to you like that before. 
Whatever had come over him quickly clears though, the fog rolling back and dissipating from his mind to leave him once again clear headed and in control. Drawing a clipped breath, Cyno readies an apology for his slip but you’re quick to turn away from him, giving him your back now. 
“Fine. I understand the position you’re in so I won’t argue about it but don’t talk to me like that again, Cyno. You may be the Mahamatra but I’m your friend, not one of your subordinates nor a child you get to reprimand.” 
“You’re right. I’m sorry.” He softly relents, feeling some mixed up, confusing sentiment welling within his chest which slowly expands with the steadying breath he draws. On one hand there was an undeniable sense of guilt at having forgotten himself like that, for snapping at you when you didn’t deserve it, and that loss of control worries him even for as brief as it had been. But on the other there existed a sort of pride in your ability to not only set your boundaries but also enforce them. There wasn’t a doubt in his mind that you would deliver a punishing dose of retribution if he slipped up again, and it made him all the more appreciative that it was you who had captured his heart rather than any other. 
You were fierce in your own way and he respected that, even when you simply refuse to acknowledge his apology and instead shuffle off in a direction seemingly picked at random. He’s quick to follow, although he allows you to keep a few paces ahead so as not to intrude on your personal space given your current agitation with him. It could be mended in time, consolations given to soothe the ache given by careless words to vulnerable pride, but your safety was non-negotiable. Cyno would prefer you to be angry with him for decades to come before he ever conceded you to the shadowy underbelly of the great al-Bahari temple. 
The notion that he himself might be the greatest danger you face within the labyrinthine tombs never so much as crosses his mind. 
The second half of the mechanism is finally located and, with no small amount of head scratching, you and Cyno at last manage to maneuver it into position. The blue pulsing light from the first could now shine its incandescent beam into the receiving center node via a series of reflective surfaces along the pathway, which his knack for puzzles had helped a great deal with. A distant rumble of inner mechanical workings grinding open can be heard even from far down the long dusty corridor, and the two of you quickly hurry back to the antechamber room where the locked door resided. 
At some point in the last few odd hours, it seemed that you’d forgotten you were supposed to be upset with him for his carelessness and both of you had worked in amicable solidarity with one another, for which he was immensely glad. But to avoid reopening that stinging wound to pride and ego, he’d decided to hold off on trying to apologize for it again until after you’d already made your way out of the ruins together. It wouldn’t do to further escalate an argument you were willing to let rest, after all, and more importantly he still didn’t have the best feeling about the preceding series of events that brought both of you here. There was something strange hanging in the air, like a subtle electrical current so weak all he could pick up from it was the occasional, distant pulse of crackling energy. 
He realizes then, only when you and him reenter the sealed antechamber to find the once tightly shut door now wide open, that he hadn’t felt particularly good about any of this. Even that dewy morning standing in front of the city gates three days prior had carried with it a vague sense of foreboding in retrospect. He’d chalked it up to Al-Haitham’s presence at the time, his own traitorous heart creating rifts where they ought not exist, but these ruins had only further highlighted that something was not right. 
First it had been the statue of Hermanubis and the static shock he’d felt the moment his fingers grazed its smooth surface. The stormy tension in his body had continued to steadily mount after that until he then snapped at you, something he neither thought you deserved or understood the cause of. He wasn’t upset with you, couldn’t imagine being mad enough about anything to lose his cool as he had. 
And now he was watching you make a beeline straight towards the gaping, silent maw of the room's entrance that would take you into a part of the temple that hadn’t seen another living being in almost three hundred years. Only untrampled grounds lay ahead from here on out and Cyno just couldn’t wrap his head around any of it. 
But he follows, hot on your heels and with his spear clutched so tightly in hand that he half expected to feel the slick ooze of blood dripping down his palm at any moment. His heart pounds a wild, trapped animal rhythm against the interior of his ribcage as he quickens his pace only enough to reach the threshold before you do. He doesn’t cross it but rather stops just at the edge of it and peers inside the ancient chamber with the aid of the flickering lantern he holds up in his opposite fist. 
He has but a few seconds to take stock of the new surroundings. The shape of the room is that of an inverted T with the doorway situated along the widest part, and at the far end directly from where he stood was another stately effigy in honor of Hermanubis, the lost great sage. 
You’re coming up behind him then, easily sidestepping and going on ahead to wander further into the gloomy dark and down the perfectly straight aisle. Cyno almost catches himself trying to stop you but he refrains, because he knew it would be futile when you already had your sights set on the goal and because he simply wasn’t confident that he would be able to find his voice. 
The atmosphere in this space isn’t just heavy or oppressive, it’s downright bone crushing. He can scarcely draw a full breath and he wonders how it is that you don’t appear to even notice it, but then he feels the spirit within him shift towards wakefulness. It made a certain amount of sense, of course. If this particular room really was meant to venerate and pay tribute to Hermanubis then it didn’t seem so far-fetched that what was left of him on an immaterial level would react to these surroundings. There was familiarity here, but there was also a sinking, suffocating sense of dread. 
Willing the spirit back into dormancy, Cyno forces himself to move after you and he takes his first step into the chamber of worship. 
He regrets it almost instantaneously when a sharp, debilitating zap of electricity races up his leg into the rest of him and very nearly sends him sprawling on his ass. Staggering a step, he numbly stands there in frozen silence while that jolt of energy courses through every inch of him like a hot livewire. But unlike before, unlike the first time in the great hall just beyond the entrance to this place, it doesn’t fizzle out or dissipate. It just keeps bouncing around inside him, traveling the continuous circuitry of his veins and tendons, every individual ligament and bone until it at last finds the dwelling place of that ancient soul. 
The resulting surge of power feels to him like it rivals that of a lightning strike zeroed in on a metal rod and his body is the conduit that further amplifies it. Cyno draws a sharp, half strangled breath to warn you but his mouth is no longer capable of human speech. The words become jumbled and inarticulate, lodging firmly in his throat where they stay even when he manages to croak out a weak sound of distress into the stagnant air. You're too far ahead of him now though, you don’t hear it when you’re too busy using your own torch to light the handful of wall sconces at the far end of the narrow corridor. 
The flames that flicker to life are weak and irresolute at best, likely having very little oil left in their lamp wells to feed into the wicks for very long. But it’s enough to cast the room in a dull, almost eerie glow for the time being and he can now see that the statue is not the only thing residing on the far side of the room. 
There’s a raised dais situated directly in front of the towering slate figure and surrounding that platform on either side were over a dozen pots of clay, sealed with dried red wax and adorned with long wilted and decayed flower bundles. Further back sit chests of various sizes but all of which were of equal importance, as evidenced by their stately appearances and shapes. Some were painted in fine, vibrant colors with specks of gold worked throughout while others were meticulously hand carved to depict long forgotten scenes of a bygone civilization. And even further than that, beyond the numerous pots and chests and the dried out corsages, there were weapons lining the sides of the walls. Swords and spears, dusty old hunting bows and their decorated quivers, emblazoned shields and even war banners that were moth eaten to the point of being unsalvageable. 
Cyno understands then why you’d wanted to get into this room so badly. Why you’d refused to give up even after spending almost a whole hour on unearthing and then positioning one single mirror just right for it to reflect the incandescent beam the way it needed to. 
In the same breath he also understands, intrinsically and beyond even a shadow of a doubt, that this was no chapel of worship but rather a place of ritual and magick. This was a stage of offerings and sacrifice, an altar to the esoteric and the mystical. 
It was his altar. 
He startles at that sudden thought. 
Some fundamental part of him recognizes that it is not his own mind that had conjured the idea, that it was not his voice that spoke it into his ear with all the silken assurity of simple fact. But even knowing that the only possible explanation was that the fragmented spirit was the one who thought and who said it, he was suddenly having a very hard time differentiating between the two. Where did he end and where did Hermanubis begin? Had they ever been separate entities at all, or had he only imagined that they were? 
Helpless before its great power, Cyno can do nothing but watch as if from a great distance as he drops the lantern in his hand with a dull clatter and his body takes another step forward, and then another. He’s no longer in control of himself but he can’t quite seem to wrestle it back from the Tighnarian sage, or what was left of him. It’s like being trapped inside a prison of his own flesh and blood. He can hear his lungs drawing breath, can even hear you excitedly talking about the contents of the room as he draws nearer, but he can’t make his mouth move the way he wants it to. He also can’t stop his feet from carrying him up onto the dais, his hand coming up to reach for you even when he wills it to stop. 
All at once you seem to notice that something is wrong and he rails against his own skin when you turn to look up at him. It’s like he’s seeing you through a hazy lens, the edges of his vision grainy and wavering as if he were standing in the middle of a dense, encumbering fog, but your face he can see in almost startling clarity. The kissable lips that call and beckon to him even now, the soft quality of your rounded cheeks and, perhaps most clearly of all, the surprise reflected in your widened eyes when you find him standing directly behind you. 
There’s no chance for you to react. He watches himself grab your upper arm and physically drag you away from the statue, towards the center of the raised platform. You squawk in surprise, trying to wrench yourself free and dig your feet into the ground to stop the forward motion but it’s no use. Even if he’d been in his right mind you never would have stood a chance before his far greater strength. You, an academic and a scholar who spent most of her free time in the House of Daena, while he trained day in and day out to hone the tightly packed musculature in his body. 
His looks were deceiving and many a criminal has had to come to terms with that firsthand. Now it seemed to be your turn to realize exactly what he was capable of. This isn’t what Cyno wanted for you but all he can do is watch on, his horror mirroring yours, as he mercilessly shoves you onto the ground. The resulting bodily thump sends shockwaves of anger coursing through his system and he rages, pounding against the invisible barrier that keeps him locked out of his own personhood. You're completely unaware of any of it as you gingerly push up onto your elbows, peering at him through the flickering shadows. 
“Cyno? What are you …”
Trailing off when he extends his hand out to the side, you watch him drop his staff with a seemingly careless gesture. The heavy clatter of his weapon hitting the floor seems to frighten you into action and you twist, clambering on hands and knees to get away from him but it’s much too late for that. He’s too quick, and he descends upon you with a vengeance. 
His hands grab at you, ripping you back by the shoulders to make you sprawl out at his feet. Your shriek of terror goes unheeded and he drops to straddle you, locking his knees around your middle even as you wildly thrash and kick in retaliation. You manage to get one good, solid punch in right on his sternum which nearly succeeds in winding him, a distant note of pride lighting up the back of his mind for a split second, but it’s all for naught. He easily manages to snag your flailing wrists and he leans forward to pin them against the dais with his weight. 
Your struggle only increases, ratcheting up to even greater levels of desperation as you mindlessly buck underneath him in an attempt to dislodge Cyno from his perch. He’s almost reminded of an unbridled wild horse out in the lawless desert, so determined to break free that you’d rather tire yourself to the point of exhaustion than give up. But he more than anyone else knows just how futile it really is. Your chances would have been slim anyway, but with the grand sage controlling his body … 
“Dammit, Cyno, let me go! This - this isn’t funny!” 
A low, rumbling snarl rises in him, vibrating through his chest up into his throat. It’s a truly animalistic sound, one that he’s never heard himself make before, but one that he’s caught Tighnari issue on rare occasions. It’s a growl of warning and threat. A vestigial leftover from when his race was still young at the dawn of the age and a little bit closer to animal than human. Cyno hadn’t even thought his vocal cords would have been capable of making that kind of noise, and he realizes the cause of it with no shortage of existential dread. 
All of your writhing has made his cock stir to life where it’s trapped between your body’s, his skintight pants doing very little to conceal or dissuade the swelling erection. It’s distant and vague, like he was experiencing it through the malleable gauze of a hydro slime, but the excitement pumping through his veins now is unmistakable. It almost disgusts him, almost makes him internally retch, and he quickly renews his frantic efforts to take back control. 
Unconcerned, or perhaps not even noticing the state of its host, the spirit leans further over you so it can shove his nose into the crook of your sweat dampened neck. The deep, savory inhale he’s forced to pull in brings with it a sweet, almost saccharine rush of endorphins and the smell of fertility which dizzyingly overloads his senses at its potency. He’s never experienced anything like it before, had never been able to scent something, let alone someone, on such a deeply primal level as this. It too must be a result of the grand sage’s physiology then. Something his human body wasn’t naturally capable of but which this horrid, stifling place had facilitated with its long dormant excess of power. 
Cyno cries out then, shouting at you to fight it off, when the energy starts to drain from your heaving body. Shuddering faintly underneath him, you reluctantly grow still and try to catch your breath while he noses at you, sniffing over your erratic pulse and behind your ear. The way he almost seems to affectionately nuzzle into your hair makes you swallow hard enough for him to hear the muscles in your throat working but no matter how much he yells you just can’t hear him. Even if you could, he isn’t so sure you would have listened to anything he had to say at this point. 
You didn’t really have any reason to trust him after this. 
“Please,” You gasp, in a voice so small and uncertain it doesn’t quite sound like yours anymore. “Don’t do this to me. Just let me up and - and we can talk. I promise. Al-Haitham - -“
He cuts you off with another low, threatening growl, one that Cyno almost finds himself in agreement with. Even in a situation like this you still couldn’t forget about the brilliant scribe waiting for you back home. It was almost as astounding as it was sickeningly foolish. 
At the same time he realizes just how horrific that thought actually is, and he reels back against himself in shock. Such notions were not his own. He could never think that way about anyone but least of all you. It was the sage, it was Hermanubis manipulating his feelings and twisting them into something they’re not, surely. Cyno may have been suffering in silence out of his love for you but that didn’t mean he’d ever think of you so disparagingly. He’d never — he could never - 
“Cyno, stop it!” 
Your shrill cry breaks through his stupor and he focuses back in on the sensation of running his teeth over your skin, lightly nipping at your throat. The taste of warm, salty skin floods his tastebuds at the first experimental lick and the spirit must find it just as delectable as he does because it quickly does it again. Ignoring your renewed struggle, noticeably weaker now, he simply laps over your pulse for a long moment, enjoying the feeling of blood wildly pounding a violent rhythm underneath the fleshy topmost layer. 
He soon sets his sights on what lies underneath though and his teeth come out to sink into the sensitive juncture of your neck. But what should have been a mere love bite, a surface marking at best, turns out to be something much more animalistic when Cyno feels his canines sink into your vulnerable throat. A sharp, haggard inhale rattles through you as skin breaks and blood wells up to rush inside his mouth. It nearly makes him gag even as his cock gives an eager, excited flex against your lower stomach, instincts that were not his own driving him ever closer to your inevitable ruin at his hands. 
Understandably horrified but helpless to stop it, Cyno watches from somewhere far removed from his own body as he extracts his teeth from the wounds and replaces them with what was supposed to be a soothing tongue. He recognizes it for what it is, even if this was not a behavior natural to him. A mating bond. A mark to claim ownership.
You must understand it too, surely, because you’ve suddenly become very still and quiet, save the hot tracks of tears running down your face. Either that or the blunt trauma to sensitive nerves had shocked you into a semi comatose state, but he doesn’t think that’s what it is. The friend group you’d been welcomed into even long before you’d started dating Al-Haitham was a very close one. Tighnari wasn’t exactly secretive when it came to this unique facet of his race’s culture and all of you had met his mother on more than one occasion. All of you had seen the long healed scar on the side of her neck. They didn’t make any qualms about it when such practices were just a normal part of their lives. 
But neither you nor Cyno were Tighnarians. It shouldn’t have even been possible for his human canines to pierce the skin so smoothly and, far more importantly, it shouldn’t mean the same thing either. It shouldn’t carry with it the same weight and authority as a true mating bond … right? 
He desperately tries to convince himself of that even as he leans back, sitting up to admire his bloody mark on your once pristine throat. The sight of it makes Cyno internally cringe away but there’s no escaping the proof of what he’s done to you when he himself was trapped inside his own mind. He’s a helpless spectator who can only track the motion of his hands when he releases your limp wrists and reaches for the front of your blouse. 
Fisting the soft cotton, all it takes is one solid tug to send the buttons flying and clattering across the dust covered ground. You gingerly tip your face in his direction, wincing slightly when even just that brief movement makes the tendons in your abused neck scream in protest. Flushed and panting, you look up at him as if in a daze and Cyno feels the first real tendril of genuine terror snake through him. You were visibly pale and sickly looking even in the shuddering light from the sconces on the wall, and his gaze nervously flicks towards the bite mark. Had that damned spirit opened up an artery? 
He doesn’t get his answer, of course, watching himself part the destroyed front of your blouse to reveal your heaving breasts to the static charged air. There’s a thin, flimsy brassiere standing in the way but he shreds that easily enough too, ripping it with a sharp jerk that makes your chest bounce free. He feels his mouth start to water at the sight of your bare tits, so round and heavy, the fat little nipples standing up on them perfectly inviting and juicy. It was a near perfect manifestation of what he’d envisioned they would look like, as is the rest of you. 
You’re so soft to behold and grabbable, especially in the middle where your trousers have created a fleshy pudge that begged to be affectionately squeezed. But instead he finds his hand reaching for your chest where he appreciatively palms the curve of one breast to feel the weight of it. You suck in a slow, delayed breath at the contact but it’s already too late for protests. He zeroes in on the stiffened bud with his fingers, pinching it and then tugging at it, and the way your back bows with a low whine makes his cock violently jump in his pants. 
They must be receptive, he realizes, and the spirit must realize it too, for he leans down to capture that fleshy nub in his mouth. The responding shockwave of intense arousal leaves him feeling lightheaded and borderline delirious even as he works over your teat with a harsh, demanding suck. Twitching at the sensation, you shift on top of the dais as if you were beginning to come to, yet your movements were still far too sluggish and weak to truly fight him off. All you succeed in doing is squirming underneath him, softly gasping while he pulls the stiffened nipple towards the back of his throat and vigorously suckles at it as if to draw out a spurt of warm milk. 
Logically Cyno knew you couldn’t possibly be lactating so it didn’t make any sense why he would feel so compelled to drink from your breast. It was, if nothing else, an effort in futility. But either due to the sharp, overwhelmingly potent cocktail of fertile hormones clouding his already compromised judgment or because the fragmented pieces of Hermanubis didn’t understand that you weren’t a Tighnarian female, he’s simply unable to make himself stop. He just keeps sucking and sucking, until he can feel the pulled taut bud of your nipple turning soft and malleable, and you finally rouse yourself enough to seethe at him to stop. 
Hissing like an incensed serpent, you manage to bring your hand up to shove at his head where it’s bent over your chest. At first it doesn’t look like it’s going to do you any good but then, much to Cyno’s shuddering relief, he backs off with one last sloppy wet slurp to your tit. He pushes up to look down at you, admiring the puffed up, darkened bud and the glistening sheen of moisture coating it. His cock leaks at the sight of you sprawled out underneath him like that, flexing against the second skin of his pants as if in demanding search of entry to your body. 
Even for as distant and dulled as it is when he was no longer in control of himself, he’s acutely aware of just how great his need really is. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d been quite this hard or quite this sticky with eager precum. It wasn’t just that he wanted you in the simple way any man wants to sink himself into a warm, wet, welcoming body. He needed you to the point that it felt like he really might die if he didn’t follow through on it. 
The inherent fertile lushness of your womanly curves and heavy breasts call to him like a siren's song, and he watches himself reach out to tweak your poor, spit lathered nipple between his fingers. Fleshy and pliable, the engorged nub readily bends to the pressure he exerts and you grimace even as you try to push him away again. In retaliation, he gives your teat a mean little twist and pulls on it, making you squeal and dramatically arch your back to lessen some of the sting. 
It doesn’t work, of course, and by the time he finally releases you the nipple is achingly stretched and fresh tears are coursing down your face in heavy rivulets. There’s something almost humiliating about it, the way he plays with your tit for his own pleasure rather than yours, unconcerned with such trivial matters like how you might feel about it. 
Cyno’s guilt nearly matches his intense arousal, and he cringes in some potent combination of the two when he sedately reaches for your neglected breast next. You realize what he’s doing a split second later and, all but spitting at him, you viciously lash out to scratch at him with your nails. 
“You bastard! Stop!” 
He doesn’t so much as acknowledge the claws you rake down his neck and chest even though he can feel the sting of it through the muddled fog. It hurts, no doubt about that, but his body remains undeterred as he latches onto the cushiony swell of your tit and possessively squeezes, making the meat of it bulge up between his fingers. Starting to recover now after the shock of being bitten and claimed with a mating bond, you come alive under him again and you wildly twist in an attempt to free yourself. You’re cursing him, shrieking so wildly your voice starts to become hoarse, but it’s like he doesn’t even hear it. The external, physical form of him is some immovable, unflinching force that only seems to know how to take, take, take and you have no choice but to give. 
Pinching your chest tight enough to make the nipple bulge up and out, Cyno swoops down to flick his tongue over the stiffened tip. You mewl faintly at the sensation, scrabbling to get your sweat coated hands around his neck so you can shove him off. He doesn’t give you a chance to get your grip in place though, his teeth once again coming out to bite down on your teat, and you abruptly go stock still at the first hint of pressure. Given how easily he’d torn into your neck your fear was well founded, but all he does is lightly grind his jaw back and forth for a moment before tugging on the bud. You seethe at the stretch, idle fingers flexing helplessly against his shoulders. 
“Damn you, Cyno … once I tell Al-Haitham about this you’ll pay! Do you hear me?” You half sob, hiccuping softly on your grief. “You need to stop this before you make it even worse for yourself. I’m willing to protect you if you’ll just listen b - but this bite mark …” 
His ears perking at the name of your lover as much as the empty threats, the Mahamatra watches himself release your straining nipple and sit back to look down at you. Casually, he reaches out to pinch the teat and twist it, making you weakly yowl at the discomfort, but he remains ever unmoved. Your reasoning and bargaining would never reach him as long as he was not the one piloting his own body, and Al-Haitham had no power here in this ancient place of sacrifice. 
Everything comes crashing down on what was left of Cyno’s subconscious mind all at once. That was what had given the spirit within him the boost needed to overpower his consciousness. It was responding to this place and the residual, lingering magick therein, and it probably wouldn’t be quelled back into slumber until after the ritual had been completed. The material offerings were already here, leftovers from centuries spent in seclusion and silence where even the dead did not dare tread, their tithings delivered in sealed clay pots adorned with flowers and dozens of artisan crafted chests. All that was left was a pound of flesh and blood. 
Your flesh and your blood that was already staining the collar of your blouse and drying against the side of your neck. 
What remains of him reels at the tidal rush of understanding that floods into his mind but even enlightenment is not enough for him to wrestle back his control. All he can do is watch in dismay and stomach twisting dread as Hermanubis directs his hands down to your pants. Outright shrieking now, you mindlessly kick and pound your fists against him to no avail. His patience with the buttons quickly wears thin and he resorts to simply grabbing two handfuls of the crotch, ripping it apart at the seams with a violent wrench that jostles you. Gasping for breath, you twist around and try to drag yourself away from him but he just grabs what’s left of your torn trousers and drags you back to the center of the dais. 
Even as you beg and plead for him not to do it, Cyno’s hands once again descend upon the shredded fabric and he rips an even wider hole down the center. He quickly flips you back over then, forcing you to look up at him while he yanks his own pants down and out of the way with a clatter of his golden sash. You fight him every step of the way, just as fierce and unrelenting as he’d known you to be, but you were regretfully outmatched. No amount of struggle on your part deters him when he was not in his right mind or capable of making any conscious decisions, but that doesn’t stop you from trying. 
An intense shudder races up his spine the moment his wet cockhead hits the air, so sticky with oozing precum it almost feels like he’s found release once already. He knows that’s not true though and his back molars ache terribly at the blind surge of sharp tinged arousal that crashes through him as he moves to position himself between your legs. Keeping your lower half pinned and in place with one hand, squeezing the meat of your love handles hard enough to bruise, he sets his sights on your dainty little panties next. But rather than shred them the same as he had your pants, he simply hooks his finger and yanks the laughably thin fabric aside. 
The first glimpse of your sweet, fleshy cunt very nearly bowls him over on the spot and his mind reels in something not unlike disbelief. This part of you is even more lovely and inviting than he’d imagined it to be, when he dared to imagine it at all. Soft, pudgy lips create a tantalizing seam that runs up the centerline of your body, the hair there framing the flushed part so perfectly it seems intentionally made to further torment him. Most surprising of all though is the vague dampness wetting the curls as if you were excited. Like having your nipples pulled and tweaked, and hungrily sucked had turned your own body against you in the worst possible way. He knew you didn’t actually want this, there was no way you could, and yet … and yet —
“Don’t you dare!” Your shrieking suddenly registers in his mind and he internally jolts at the frantic terror in your voice. 
The sight of you spread out underneath him, wet and ready and waiting, so soft and round in all the right places, had momentarily taken him out of the moment. But now he has no choice but to look at you, wide eyed and tear stained, covered in your own blood, sucking in half strangled gasps for air while he stiffly guides himself to your entrance. There’s no stopping it though, he just can’t seem to overpower the great sage no matter how hard he rails against it, and the backs of his eyes start to tingle as soon as his cock presses into that center seam. 
He pushes, using his body weight to sink himself inside the tight clutch between your legs and to keep you obediently in place for him. It’s probably not necessary at this point when you’ve all but exhausted yourself, screwing your eyes shut and seething at the pressure of having your cunt forcibly invaded, but otherwise staying mostly still. You also probably understand that any further struggle could cause you more harm and discomfort when it had already escalated this far. No matter how much you didn’t want it, it was about survival at this point. You were smart enough to see the wisdom in letting him have what he wants in the here and now, so you can exact retribution for his egregious actions later. And he doesn’t doubt that you will. 
But in the moment he’s much too consumed with the wet, gripping warmth of your inner sleeve to think too hard about what might await him once you leave the secluded isolation of this temple. There were sure to be consequences for what he’s done here and rightfully so, a pound of his flesh for yours. Yet that looming possibility doesn’t seem to hold much weight to it when your guts were actively working to suck him in. 
You hate every minute of it and that’s clear as day in your pinched facial expression but your cunt has a mind of its own, and it hungrily accepts his cock with a welcoming wet squelch. Excessive precum mixes and mingles with copious slick to smooth the glide of him into your body, making the penetration easy even when you valiantly try to clench the muscles and keep him out. Against your will, you take him one sinuous inch at a time until he at last settles snug and tight against your labia with nowhere else to go. Internally, his eyes start to roll back at the intense, pulsing warmth of you squeezing around him, but externally he remains as stonily unaffected as ever. Evidently Hermanubis was not nearly as moved by this situation as Cyno was, far more concerned about taking and claiming his offering than enjoying it. 
And he does take it, just as mercilessly and selfishly as he’d bitten into your neck to mark you as if you were little more than one of his long forgotten concubines. Hands braced against the dais now, he leverages himself into a steady rhythmic pace that has your tits energetically bouncing even as you continue to ineffectively push at his chest. You must know that it’s much too late to stop him when he was already driving his cock as far into your guts as it would go but that doesn’t stop you from trying. It also doesn’t stop the tears from streaking down your cheeks or the hushed, hiccuping sobs that his thrusts seem to dislodge from your throat. They’re so threadbare and soft that the quick paced plap plap plap of his hips smacking into you nearly drowns them out. 
Cyno feels sorry for you almost as much as he feels sorry for himself. This was not the way he wanted to have you nor was it the way he thought you deserved to be taken. But the physical compulsion driving his hips forward is almost as powerful as the spirits hold on him, and he can’t stop it. You just felt so good gripping his cock and you looked divine under him even with a wet face and dried blood starting to flake on your neck. It’s no wonder he gives himself over to the pleasure, ill gotten though it may be. Throws himself into it with abandon and he doesn’t try to fight it when he feels his swaying balls draw up in warning. 
Thrusts stuttering at the onset of his orgasm, he doesn’t immediately understand why it feels like you’ve gotten ten times tighter until it abruptly occurs to him that his range of movement has been mysteriously reduced. Where once he’d been able to freely piston into the welcoming cradle between your legs, he now finds he can only move back a small fraction before being forced to shove himself back in again. Confusion marches rampant through his mind and almost succeeds in distracting him from the shuddering release that begins to bear down on him. But then, as if taking mercy on his helpless, foolish host, Hermanubis tips his head down to regard the spot where his body connects with yours. 
He doesn’t quite comprehend what he’s seeing at first and then it clicks. The same semi corporeal energy that created the oversized, monstrous hands to overshadow his own when he was channeling the great sage’s full power had culminated at the base of his shaft and had formed a … a knot. A faintly glowing, impermanent bulge that was effectively working as a plug to keep you tied to him even when he tried to pull out. He couldn’t dislodge it from your stretched open cunt even with his vigorous attempts to complete a fully executed thrust no matter how much effort he put into it. All he could do was slam his hips forward, forward, forward, again and again, bruising your cervix given the dire tinge of your breathless wails, and in the process he only succeeds in bullying that faux knot all the way inside you. 
This is something else that is not a normal part of his physiology and should therefore not mean much of anything to him. Yet somehow, someway, the visual of your raw pussy being forced to take the whole thing, finally stretching wide to accept the fattest part of the rounded girth before weakly trying to close shut around the base, sends him violently careening over the edge with a wounded lurch. 
His movements are even more limited now that he’s got you well and truly plugged but that doesn’t really seem to matter. Narrow hips jumping from the sheer force of his orgasm, Cyno kneels on that dimly lit altar before the ever watchful eyes of Hermanubis’ statue and basks in the mind numbing relief that comes with his cock spraying your insides creamy white. He tries to keep fucking you, driven by the instinctive urge that is not his own to deposit every last drop of his potent seed into your womb, but he only succeeds in working his spend even deeper into your cunt with the tiny little thrusts he can manage. 
Suddenly, and without even a moment's warning, the spirit within him recedes and he’s forced back into his body with a haggard, suffocating gasp. He slams into his own consciousness, his own skin like he’d been shoved off the highest mountain peak in the world and then hit the ground at full speed. 
All at once he’s aware of the thick sheen of sweat coating his entire body, the flushed static coursing through his flesh and bone. His spine dramatically bows towards the ceiling when he sucks in one frantic, heaving breath after another. It’s a violent thing, refitting himself into his own flesh again, filling out all the little nooks and crannies that he’d been forced to vacate. His hands feel weird, his fingers wrong and gangly where they’re splayed out on the surface of the dais. His stomach feels like it’s caving in, turned inside out and then flipped around in some unnatural fashion that seems to him like it hurts. Even his cock felt wrong where it was still wedged deep inside your cunt and weakly pulsing with the last lingering spasms of his release. 
Hair hanging forward, Cyno just stares at you in wide eyed, shell shocked disbelief. Perhaps some naive part of him had hoped it was just a dream, a nightmare, a sickening vision of what might have been if he allowed himself to lose control of the remnants of the great sage. That is not the case though, and the way you vindictively stare up at him through the tears still wetting your lashes thoroughly dispels any doubt about that. He’d not only hurt you, scared you, forced himself on you and taken advantage of you … he’d irreparably shattered any and all of your trust in him. 
There was no coming back from this for either of you. 
Gods, and what about your future! If his seed took and you — 
“I’m sorry.” It’s all he can think to say, croaking out each individual word like he hadn’t used his voice in a few dozen centuries. That didn’t feel too far from the truth, but all you do is turn your head away with a soft sniffle. 
“Save it for someone who cares, Cyno. Get off of me. I want to go home.” 
Home, where you could refuse to ever speak to him again. Where you could seek comfort and peace in your true lover's arms, not his, and figure out what you were going to do moving forward. 
It wasn’t fair to you nor was it something he actually deserved after what he’s put you through, but a tiny, vaguely human voice in the back of his cotton stuffed mind whispers at him that he could always keep you here forever. Make this your new home. Fill you with child after child until his claim on you was so uncontestedly concrete that no one could ever take you away from him, least of all that blasted Al-Haitham. 
This was his temple after all, wasn’t it?
Crossposted: here
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genshin-scenarios · 7 months
half-god, half-mortal…?
Summary: A demigod AU! If you’ve read PJO before you might find the premise familiar, but it’s not required to understand this post! 
These are just my take on who their godly parents might be. I’m open to explore how their powers/personalities can differ for other god assignments too! So just send in an ask if ever. 
The setting is vaguely like CHB, or in other words, a camp for demigods protected from monsters.
Characters: Tighnari, Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Gaming, Hu Tao, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Freminet, Cyno
If you liked this, consider checking out my other work or Wanderer fanbook, now available on my kofi!
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Tighnari, Child of Demeter. Associated gifts: summoning and manipulating plantlife, speaking to animals, having a natural immunity to toxins/poisons.
Tighnari is a token first-crush when newcomers arrive at camp. There’s something about meeting him when he’s tending to the fields, the Sun gentle on your skin as you explore the facilities on your own — Tighnari glances up at the sound of your footsteps, though you’re sure you’ve been walking so quietly, there’s no way he could’ve heard. 
At your confused expression, Tighnari explains he has more sensory awareness around agricultural sites. You aren’t too sure what that means, but his smile is pretty and it causes you to hang around and ask about the flowers. (He’s more than happy to ramble about them, to your luck.) 
On your birthday, Tighnari surprises you with a potted flower that he’s enhanced the robustness of. “That way, it won’t wilt even if you forget to water it.” You’re about to ask him when the flower bud will bloom, only for Tighnari to ask you to hold your hands over it and make a wish. Its petals unravel soon after, followed by the fluttering in your stomach as your hands brush against his fingers — Tighnari passing the gift to you.
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Diluc: Athena. Able to see/spy through an owl or serpent’s eyes (sacred animal), memorize virtually anything, weapon proficiency (knows how to use them instinctually), enhanced intelligence and reflexes.
Diluc arrived here with Kaeya years ago. After his father gave him directions to camp, Diluc’s planned route was interrupted by repeated monster attacks, and he was forced to continue the journey alone. During this time, Diluc ran into Kaeya, and they’ve been close as brothers ever since.
It’s hard not to fall a little for Diluc when you witness him in weapons training — he’s gifted with the claymore and hard-working. Sometimes after lessons, he hangs behind for hours to do more drills using other weapons, but always finds the energy to give you a soft smile when you check on him or ask if he can mentor you a little.
You also learn, eventually, that Diluc is stubborn. When he has a question on his mind, he doesn’t rest until he’s found an answer for it, resulting in the redhead passing out until the morning with scribbled notes across his desk.
Sometimes you’re tasked with waking him up, but you haven’t been very effective at this ever since you realized how long his lashes are (immediate panic, worrying he’d blink awake any moment and catch you there).
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Kaeya: Nike. Associated gifts: enhancing the chance of victory (or failure) for people, intuitive precognition of who will win in a situation, growing wings on his back temporarily (discovered later on during a battle).
Kaeya was unclaimed by his godly parent during his first two years at camp. Instead, he lived in the Hermes cabin and picked up some useful tricks and qualities from his cabin-mates.
He has a falling-out with Diluc after they return from their first quest. No one knows the reason why, but their relationship is mending, slowly. You never would’ve guessed this from your first impression of Kaeya though; charming and smooth as he asks you to make a little bet on where his coin-toss will land. You learn later that he pretty much controls the outcome of that, which means he’d let you ‘win’.
Kaeya’s happy to help you out if you’re having interpersonal troubles. He’s acquainted with practically everyone, and you realize later down the line that he’s put in a good word for you more than once. When you ask him to accompany you on your quest however, there’s something vulnerable in his eyes as he asks if you’re sure.
“I don’t have any special abilities, you know. And my connections end once you step out of the barrier—”
“...Kaeya. It’s okay. I trust you.”
He’d silently agreed after that, only asking you to promise you won’t regret it. Maybe one day you’ll find out what he’s carrying from his past.
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Albedo: Hephaestus cabin. Has the ability to manipulate technology and metal, gifted in craftsmanship and working with machines, good with their hands.
Ironically, Albedo is often mistaken as a child of Aphrodite. Rumors say he was dropped off at camp by an alchemist figure, and may not actually be a demigod as much as he was just another being who suited the Hephaestus’ cabin and gained special permission to board long ago. 
The truth remains a mystery. When you ask him about it, Albedo simply rests his cheek against his palm, asking you to make a guess.
Albedo’s choice of weapon is the sword, however he often gets distracted during practice and walks away muttering to himself about how he could add upgrades to the existing weapons at camp. There’s almost an uncanny perfection in the way he moves that adds to his elusive allure.
He created his own little corner in his cabin’s workshop, where he experiments past usual machinery into the field of alchemy. Not usual practice amongst his cabinmates, but no one complains since Albedo is equally diligent in other tasks asked of him. He sometimes invites you to go foraging with him, since he'd rather converse with a close friend than have passersby drag him for a chat. 
His undiscriminatory attitude towards those who ask him for help has made him popular around camp, although the Aphrodite kids still lament his lack of interest in socializing. 
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Gaming: Hermes. Can understand all languages, good at thievery, persuasive, charismatic, quick on his feet, athletic, can summon wings on his shoes! 
In your first week, you receive a welcome package from Gaming! He's in charge of sending items around camp since he's fast and gets along with most people, and has also been trying to start up a lion-dance group with other campgoers.
“Sure, performing by myself is fine. But can you imagine Wushou dancers hopping up into the sky? It'll take a bit of logistics, but I'm sure if we partner up with the Hecate cabin, we can figure something out!”
Gaming's saved you from a stray arrow in archery practice a few times, too — wings sprouting on his shoes as he jumps into the air. Not every Hermes child is this adept with flying, which also makes him a common target during capture the flag (lest he swoops in to steal the victory).
Gaming also runs a little side-business to help campers get parcels and letters out to their loved ones (this was not allowed until the camp counselor gave up and told Gaming to enforce safety measures, since demigods are as stubborn as they get.) 
He reveals that doing this helps him see a different side of people — like the Ares cabin having an unexpectedly quieter side when they pass items to him, telling Gaming to keep his mouth shut (they don't like showing the mushy side of their emotions very much.)
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Hu Tao: Hecate. Can perform magic using ancient greek or latin phrases, has telekinesis, can manipulate the Mist (magical veil which separates the Magical World from the Mortal World), and powers are stronger at night.
Hu Tao is one of the rarer Hecate children who can do necromancy and shadow-travel! Despite the serious sound of this however, she often uses these powers to play pranks. 
Once you get closer to her, you discover that her jokes to help people see the other side aren't just dark humor — a number of campers have deep-rooted respect for her for helping them gain closure by speaking to passed souls.
“A lot of campers arrive from a bad situation, after all. We demigods attract trouble. And even if camp is a safe haven, it doesn't erase what happened in the past.”
Once, she asked you for help with inventing her own spell. It was only by the end of her metaphorical rambling that you realize its purpose was to summon a ‘Boo-Tao’! 
The little ghost creature seems to like you, and often is the one to retrieve you when Hu Tao requires your presence (often with vague gestures and body language since it can't talk.)
Despite her cabinmates’ protests, Hu Tao likes to bring you to their cabin and get you to try carving runes for spells. She claims it'd be cool if non-Hecate children could have an affinity for some magic too, since they won't always be there to help with magic when things get dire. 
“Maybe a drop of my blood can activate the runes, even without my presence? …Kidding! Don’t look at me like that!”
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Alhaitham: Dionysus. He can manipulate plants (particularly grape vines), curse people, manipulate madness (cause/cure), and induce people to say what they’re thinking as if they’re drunk (wine-talk). Good acting and persuasion skills!
One can normally spot Alhaitham reading in an alcove somewhere. If you trip on a vine on your way to say hi, maybe take that as a sign that he doesn't want to be disturbed (most people don't realize it's his doing).
When faced with a difficult person however (in an argument), Alhaitham threatens to curse them or induces wine-talk, so that his opponent gets frustrated and hopefully leaves. With the amount of disputes that happen with Alhaitham, one might think he was a child of Ares instead.
“You— Are you inducing madness on me?!”
“Why would I? You’re perfectly enraged without my help. Though since this was caused by your simplicity, I'm afraid I can't cure it either.”
Who can blame you for laughing at that? Alhaitham doesn't miss your muffled cough, causing him to raise his head with a smile.
“See? Even the newcomer thinks you're ridiculous.”
Ever since, Alhaitham has unofficially considered you as a friend (a person with a sane mind). It’s kind of funny how he sometimes acts ignorant and slowly guides a conversation where he wants, leaving his previously-aggressive opponent confused. 
Only those he's close to will notice the little quirks in his expression that show he's amused by the volatile campers, though he prefers ‘to watch on the sidelines’ than be placed onstage.
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Kaveh: Iris. Associated gifts: Orb conjuring (imprisons target, defensive use), can manifest bird-like wings which lets them fly, rainbow manipulation and travel (teleports through them). They tend to be good artists and dislike fighting.
The only person you might ever see Kaveh arguing with is Alhaitham. Other than that however, Kaveh is nicknamed the ‘Light’ of the Iris cabin for both his beauty and intelligence, as he liaised with the Athena kids to design new facilities around camp. 
Many of the new cabins you see for minor gods were also planned by him, as he himself stayed in the Hermes cabin for a while and wanted to make sure every cabin had features personalized for them. His empathy means that he overworks himself often though, constantly flitting between Hephaestus and Hermes cabins to get construction done.
Children of Iris' appearances look rainbow-like when under direct sunlight. Kaveh’s no different, but you have to admit it was a shock the first time you witnessed it — you thought you were going crazy for a second, thinking he was pretty to the point of hallucinating such things!
You once asked Kaveh if you could offer a drachma to see him whenever you wanted (‘Iris message’ where you toss a drachma and pray to Iris for essentially a videocall, but magic) → he laughed and said yes, but commented that he prefers in-person meetings a lot more. That way he can conjure a rainbow against the water and see how your eyes brighten, or catch your micro-reactions during idle conversation.
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FreminetHypnos. Ability to cure/cause insomnia, induce sleep, create dream-like illusions (sight-based), travel through others’ dreams and manipulate dream contents, hypnosis, memory manipulation.
Freminet is a shy member of the Hypnos cabin who frequents the Hephaestus forges to work on new machine ideas. You first meet him while he's designing a penguin robot to station in his cabin, so that his siblings can wake up on time for meetings and meals. 
Once, you almost opened a bottle of sleeping powder that he just extracted from poppy flowers. In your defense, it was very curious and sparkly.
“Ah, please be careful with that! It's for the Aphrodite campers that’ve been suffering from insomnia lately.”
Freminet admits that he's erased the memories of some people before, particularly those who’ve seen him wandering out at night. In his defense, it was just because he kept stumbling over his words and got too embarrassed, so he'd rather they forget they saw him at all!
During a period of repeated nightmares, you asked Freminet if there was anything he could do to get rid of them. Despite how he could simply induce a pleasant dream for you, he suggests a more long-term solution — Freminet enters your dream so you can face the nightmare together, changing little things here and there so you could process the worries that manifested them in the first place.
He explains that this is better than relying on his powers too much. Speaking from previous experience… turning your dreams into a comforting realm might trap you in them, to the point of forgoing the real world in the end.
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Cyno: Nemesis. Ability to control physical and spiritual balance (incapacitating targets), summon vengeful spirits, sense opponents’ strengths and weaknesses, detect cheating, and temporarily neutralize other demigods’ powers. Enhanced strength and combat ability.
You once asked Cyno if he was able to strengthen hatred into a desire for revenge, causing people to fight in the distance — you’d only been acquaintances at the time, and you were admittedly intimidated by his intense aura (a trait of the children of Nemesis, which can startle other people and even monsters at times).
He surprised you by answering seriously, explaining that while it was possible, it'd go against his personal values. Cyno then continues to use a TCG quote to elaborate, which quickly shatters the tension as you jump in recognition of the words. “There are other TCG players in camp?!”
Cyno is usually impossible to sneak up on, nor does he lose his balance. That is, until you managed to fluster him one day by outrightly asking him on a date — and while he doesn't physically trip, there is a moment of surprise on his face that you'll never forget. It’s cute, in a different way from how he gets excited about tabletop games and cracks jokes with a goofy smile. Though he’s still the one who steadies you by the waist whenever you trip over your feet, so you suppose Cyno’s not just cute.
There's an unofficial rivalry going on between him and the Hermes kids during TCG matches, where they try every possible method to cheat just to see if Cyno can catch them. 
Ah, but the true moment that makes your heart skip is when you're fighting alongside Cyno on the battlefield, and he carves a way through the crowd of monsters with a vengeful spirit summoned at his side. Then, when you're about to get overwhelmed by enemies, he's quick to pull you out of danger and ask if you're okay. Casually slicing through the monsters with his polearm.
How can you not think he's cool by the end of that?
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bohbee · 2 years
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Genshin x Pregnant Reader
Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
Characters: Tighnari, Cyno, Al-Haitham, Kaveh
Warnings: throwing up, blood, water breaking, cussing, nausea, pain, kids💀.
Notes: please read! Tighnaris will be a bit longer than the others due to him being part fox! Also water breaking doesn't usually hurt but it will for his!
Anyways not proofread
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You sat in the bathroom the day had just started and you already threw up, Al-Haitham stood behind you softly rubbing your back, as Kaveh made you some remedy food. "Ugh, today's gonna suck." You said with a loud groan, before puking yet again in the porcelain toilet. Your grey hair boyfriend held your hair back "(y/n), I'm going to take you to the hospital." He said, causing you to whip your head towards him.
"Wha- it's just me being sick? You tell me each time that I will be fine how is this different?" You said in shock, his expression stayed the same, slightly worried yet calm. "You're pregnant." He said with a matter-of-fact tone. You went to go say something again however another wave of nausea hit you, making you throw up.... yet again.
~Five months later~
He was right, to say the least. Currently, the two of you walked around Sumeru City, a medium-sized bump on your abdomen. You sighed heavily, the two of you didn't want a kid yet, you guys made the best of the situation but it didn't stop you from feeling bad. "You alright?" His hand grabbed yours, turning you to face him. "I've told you to stop worrying about this." His eyebrows furrowed, and his hand that held yours moved to your stomach. Rubbing the bump softly, "This will be our kid, it isn't a problem." You smiled softly, despite him being based on logic, he was quite aware of your emotions.
"I know Haitham, come on, let's go get some food, they're hungry." He chuckled softly as you pulled him around the city. "Alright crazy, let's go"
~Eight months in the pregnancy~
You looked into Kavehs eyes with shock as the water dripped from your inner region. "Ka-" you went to say his name however his screeching interrupted you, he placed you in the wheelchair he made you last month and rushed to the Hospital.
You sat in the room alone, contractions slamming your body consistently. Kaveh ran to grab Al-Haitham as soon as he dropped you off in the hospital. The nurses informed you that your baby would be premature but that they would most likely be fine.
The hospital room door slammed open, interrupting your conversation with the nurse, Kavehs eyes shot toward you, and your boyfriend's eyes right after his. "Archons." He muttered before pushing past the architect, he slammed the nurse with questions before he interrogated you.
Your birth wasn't as painful as it should've been due to your baby's small size, however, she was completely healthy. Al-Haitham snipped the umbilical cord and walked back to you. "She'll be just fine, alright? Now, how are you?" He asked softly, the back of his hand pressed on your forehead. "Ah forget that, just get some rest okay?" He said before you could answer, he placed a soft kiss on your knuckled. "I'll be right here when you wake."
Al-Haitham was a patient father, always pushing his daughter to the better choices but still allowing her to have fun. Currently, you stood in the kitchen, your daughter strapped to your chest as you made dinner. Al-Haitham walked behind you, hugging you softly, and kissing your kids' forehead. "Smells good what is it?" You went to respond but your kid decided to make a Muffled noise before... "Dada" you whipped your head towards her. "No fair." You groaned...
(Bonus: Kaveh was an amazing uncle, he would often steal your daughter whenever Al-Haitham was at the Akademiya and you needed a nap. He often made her toys and even a playground. The cute baby brought the two roommates quite close to another.)
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Loud shuffles could be heard at the front door of your house, quickly catching your attention. You wobbled to the door of your bedroom, carefully peeking out. "It's just me," your husband said, causing a breath of relief to leave your body. You walked out of the room, his sunset eyes looking at you.
He let out a soft smile, "I got some medicine from Tighnari, it should help with your nausea. He also said it'd be smart to do some aerobic exercises." The white-haired male said softly, his hands softly caressing the bump on your abdomen. "Ugh, I just want to relaaaax." You groaned, a small pout on your face, which caused General Mahamatra to laugh. "Oh well, darling, this will help the birthing process okay?"
The two of you stood in the living room, your husband showing you some pregnancy-friendly stretches. "No no, move your hips out." He said calmly, his calloused hands gripping your waist and patiently showing you how to properly do it. A crack popped through your body, your back releasing pressure it had been carrying due to the child. "That soo nice" you groaned out, gaining an amused hum from Cyno. "See I told you, now go ahead and sit I'll make you some Duel Soul" you nodded softly and waited for him to come back.
~Nine months in the pregnancy~
"Agh!" A loud groan was yet again playing through the hospital room, Cynos hands grabbed onto yours. "Deep breaths remember?" You listened to his advice as another contraction rippled through your body. "Cyno-- ugh! It hurts!" You pressed your head into the pillow, sweat dripping down your forehead. His calloused fingers rubbed your hips softly, washing away a bit of your discomfort. "I know, it'll be over soon. Scream as loud as you need."
And that is exactly what you did. You grabbed his left hand which was rubbing one of your hips and squeezed it, causing his eyes to widen in shock. Not because it hurt, no something that simple couldn't hurt him, it was your immense strength that got him. He sat with you and let you squeeze him as hard as you needed, humming sweet nothings in your ear and praising you through the difficulties.
Cyno had to leave a lot due to his job, but when he was home he was the best father anyone could ask for. He would never fail to make the baby laugh, he finally had the dad joke title. Currently, the two of you stood in Gandharva Ville with your five-year-old messing with some jumping mushrooms. Loud laughter could be heard from each of you, you held your swollen stomach trying to calm the kicking infant in your belly.
"Hey kiddo, what does a bee use to brush its fuzz?" Your husband's voice said to your kid. "Hmmm, I don't know! What Daddy?!" They said with a large giggle "A honeycomb!" He exclaimed before tickling their stomach.
(Bonus: you would often visit Tighnari and Collie, and both of them would gush over your kid. Collie would always hang out with Cyno and your oldest, while Nari would stay back and assist you with your newborn. Each of them was amazing to the kids, your oldest even wanted to work in the forest like they did!)
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His eyes sparkled when you showed up with a gift box in hand, "And what is this my love?~" he said cheerily before rushing you inside the shared house. "Hm.... a gift for the best architect in the world!" You exclaimed happily before kissing his soft cherry-tinted lips, causing the Acting Grand Sage to grimace.
Kaveh set the gift down on the table and carefully unwrapped it, making sure not to damage the gorgeous wrapping. Inside were multiple gifts. A new sketchbook, nail polish, earrings, and a......... a bag of really tiny hair pins. "My love! These are amazing, might I ask though.... what could these tiny bows be for, did you find a hairstyle you'd like me to try?" He asked, you looked down slightly, causing both him and his roommate to look at you in confusion.
"I'm pregnant." You mumbled softly, your eyes focusing on the intricate details on the tiled floor. "You-!" Kaveh exclaimed, dropping the pins and running over to you. "You?!" He said again with a large smile, tears globbing out of his eyes, causing you to giggle a little, nodding. "YES!" He yelled and grabbed whisped you into a heavy embrace. "My baby has a baby!"
~Six months later~
Pregnancy was easy for you, it seems that Kavehs empathic tendencies rubbed off on the newborn. They never really kicked or made you sick, however, they did make you crave food. So you sat with your Fiancé happily eating Rose Custard and a Pita Pocket Kaveh made you. His hand rested comfortably on your abdomen as he told your unborn child fictional tales. "You know Kaveh, you're going to be an amazing father." You said out of the blue, causing his peachy irises to stare at yours in awe. "My rose, you flatter me so much." He said with a large blush painting his face, he got up and smooched your custard-tasting lips. "Stay here my beloved, I'll prepare the bed for a massage. You deserve it after that amazing comment!" He said with a cheeky smile.
~Nine months in the pregnancy~
You huffed out, grabbing the stair railing, catching Al-Haitham’s attention. "(y/n)?" He said with a questioning tone, wet droplets filled his eardrums causing him to shoot up from his spot and grab your body carefully. "Kaveh!" He shouted, "They are in labor!" Your Fiancé shot out of his room and rushed over to the two of you. "Okay okay, let's go honey!" He said urgently, rushing you out the house.
Kaveh was an anxious father, however, he had an immense amount of love. He'd constantly be scared of hurting the child, even with the slightest touch. This quickly disappeared though, you'd often find the two of them asleep together, random pins in your now husband's hair.
You walked into your husband's office to give him some Padisarah Pudding, your irises locked onto a beautiful sight. Your beloved was slouched over on the table, papers sprawled all over the place, your child holding onto a lock of his hair. You sighed softly at the sight and placed down the pudding, carefully grabbing the Kamera. *click* the soft noise filled the room. Now this photo had to of been the best.
(Bonus: Al-Haitham and Kaveh were known as roommates that hated each other, however, this was not true. Al-Haitham was there for a large portion of your pregnancy, hell he even bought most of the stuff for you. He would give you random facts and assist you when it came to your cravings. He wasn't the best with kids, however, when he first met your child a small smile painted his face.)
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The soft wind of Gandharva Ville tickled across your face, causing a sigh of contentment to leave your lips. Your eyes fluttered shut as you took in your surroundings, that was until soft twigs snapping caught your attention. You whipped your head to the noise only to find your beloved husband waving slightly "Hello dear." He said softly, walking over and sitting beside you.
A smile painted itself on your face and you placed your head on his shoulder "Welcome back, Nari, how are you feeling?" You mumbled, taking in his scent. "Relaxed now that I'm back, how're you and the kids doing?" His arms pulled you closer to him, your head now resting on his chest. "You make it sound like they're here already! But..... they missed their father I'd say...." You giggled softly, a light blush painting your cheeks. "Oh my! Well I guess I have to spend more times with my little plants now don't I."
~4 months in the pregnancy~
You huffed out and held your large stomach, despite being only four months pregnant your belly was LARGE. Having Tighnaris babies took a large toll on your body. As of recently, any food or food-smelling scent would cause you to throw up. Which made life hell for both you and all of Gandharva Ville. Tighnari would send people on missions to find different plants to ease his lovers seemingly endless nausea, everyday something new but nothing worked.
You sat on the chair after throwing up your old food, Tighnaris ears lowered as he watched your weak stance. "(y/n)?" He whispered, catching your attention, which you hummed in response. "I'm so sorry.." He walked over to you and hugged your frail body, "Just.... whatever you need.. tell me." He said, guilt rushing in his chest. "Nari.... I need to lay with you..." You said with a raspy voice, his ears perked up at your request, "of course."
~8 months in~
You thought four months was bad? No. Currently, you lay on the bed, the same bed you've been laying in for about a week in a half. The pregnancy really took your energy away, in the past you'd be able to join people for small walks, maybe on a good day dinner. But now you could barely get up to use the restroom. Your three children were definitely making themselves at home in your belly.
Tighnari walked over to your laying form and carefully helped you sit up, placing pillows behind you. "Is that comfortable?" He asked softly, causing you to nod. "Good, I've brought you some of the Pita Pockets Collei made, I placed some healing plants to hopefully allow it to stay down." He sat down beside you and unwrapped two of the four Pita Pockets. "Now you tell me which sounds better, Chicken or Shawarma"
~In labor~
A shrieking scream erupted through the village, causing Tighnari and Collei to drop everything they were doing and rush over to his house. Tighari ran into the room only to find your body on the floor in a puddle of blood and fluid. "Fuck" he said. He carefully lifted your body and rushed you to the nursery, placing you on the table. He was going to have to deliver them, you went into labor two weeks earlier than planned.
The birthing process was hell, your screams were loud causing him to get a major headache but he knew you couldn't control it. Luckily though it didn't take too long, with Naris' skills and Colleis assistance in a short 3 hours you were done and you lollied off into a much needed sleep.
You opened your eyes and looked around only to find Tighnaris's body curled into yours. Your movements quickly caused him to rush awake. "(y/n)! How are you? Do you need anything? The kids are in the other room. They're-" his quick speaking was cut off by your small giggle. "You big worry wart, I'm fine Nari, happy to be done with that whole thing.... but-" you stopped yourself, your eyes meeting with his curious earth-tone ones "But?" He repeated a large smile showering your face "I would kill for some of your mushroom soup right now."
Tighnari was a cautious tough loving parent, he would always make sure his three kiddos were safe and if they even dared to eat a suspicious plant oh they would have to face his Wrath. He would often grab the three of them and make flower crowns for you, teaching them different braiding techniques and such. Currently, you sat outside yet again breathing in the natural smell of the Village you called home. Small giggles interrupted you this time, "Hm?" You smiled softly at your three kids, each of them hiding something behind their back. "What's going on now my little devils?" You joked around, and your middle child stepped forward and shoved a small bracelet made of flowers in your hands, your youngest giving you a necklace, and your oldest giving you a crown. "This is beautiful! Oh, you guys are just the cutest aren't you? Help me put them on would you?"
(Bonus: Collei would ALWAYS steal your kids, she was a proud older sister and you never had any arguments against her actions. She would often dance around with them in the forest, always telling them fun stories about Aranaras. And when the green-haired storyteller wasn't there, Uncle Cyno and Aunt Nilou would be. Cyno would always come prepared with fun jokes, causing your youngest to always giggle. Nilou would often dance with Collei and the kids, sometimes even sneaking them some Padisarah Pudding.)
Held this off for a while, hopefully it's alright.
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thomine · 2 months
limbo : cyno
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pair: cyno x reader info: dialogue heavy, hurt/comfort (?), physical wounds, death of minor character, reposted + not proofread
summary: cyno returns heavily wounded from an investigation. he denies visitors, except you.
word count: 900 links: work tag
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“hey, cyno?”
“are you… there?”
there’s shuffling of feet.
“are you alone?”
“…what’s the matter?”
“well… i heard from the matra the case was complex and dangerous, so i’m glad to hear you’ve returned.” you swallow the word ‘safely’.
“yeah,” a pause. “it was one of those that required more time, more risks.”
“you would only be gone for at most a week.” you force a laugh. “it was a long month of silence.”
“that’s expected. a matra’s work is no fun and games.”
“and… uh, i also heard that… you ended up—”
“that’s enough.”
he clears his throat. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to—” a deep breathe followed by a shaky exhale. “maybe now isn’t a good time.”
“let me say it, please.”
“…your curiosity is dangerous.”
“it is not curiosity. it is concern. you got hurt, cyno, and you expect me not to care?”
“when will be a good time?”
“the doctors told me you’ll need your rest. i guess maybe i am pushing it.”
“what else did you hear? from the matra.”
“they’re innocent. i couldn’t get answers from you so i approached them.”
“unless i see a reason, you won’t have to worry about me punishing them.”
“they told me things with good intentions. they’re also worried for you.”
“…i’m aware. tell me still.”
you sigh, a hand clutching the other. “your coworker… no, your friend did this to you, didn’t he?”
a dreadful silence. then, a pained hiss.
“cyno? do you need the doctor?”
a breath is taken in through gritted teeth.
“no—just, a small mistake on my part.”
“don’t touch the wound.”
“sorry. instincts. no need to worry about me. rather, have you been drinking water? you always forget.”
“i get plenty of reminders from others,” you laugh, almost authentic.
another silence, but gentle.
“it’s not the same though.”
“what do you mean?”
“it was different when you did it. seeing your gruff and serious face saying such kind words… i always found it funny.”
“is it really?”
“for the record, i missed your jokes. tighnari was all like ‘good riddance at least we have peace and quiet’ and i proceeded to carry your legacy.”
“want to hear another one?”
“you spoil me.”
“what’s left of a sumpterbeast when the beast dies?”
“…meat? horns? materials!”
“no. you leave it stumped.”
“…” but you laugh anyways. with your whole body. lungs filled with cheer.
“…why did you come alone?”
“collei and tighnari couldn’t come today, so i’m here to pass the medicine they wanted to give you.”
“is that all?”
“i bought more gifts! deyha gave some bandages. it’s also apparently really tight. that helps with blood flow, but i’m not sure if you can wear it just yet—”
“—and alhaitham told me to give you this—oh, they’re chocolates—not sure if they still taste good… it has melted a fair bit. then—”
“—there’s candace who sent her blessings, and nilou who gave you a trinket! it was used in a folktale to bring good luck. she says when you’re ready, she’ll host a celebration for your recovery. it’ll be within us, and maybe even the dendro archon will come.”
“why didn’t you want to see them? i know it hurts to have been betrayed. you… surely don’t think we will, do you?”
“it’s not that. betrayal means nothing if all acts are weighed and brought to justice.”
“is it really nothing? the matra told me you returned with his dead body. you wanted a proper burial. you could have died too, trying to bring his body back.”
“what else did they tell?”
you inhale. “other than your wound, nothing else. cyno, i hope you’re not going to push us away.”
“it’s not that.” there’s a low growl. “… i just need some time for myself.”
“i understand. i’ll leave the gifts out here then. is there anything else you want to say before i leave…?”
“…my friend was mind controlled.”
“i see.”
“he didn’t deserve the death i gave him.” the atmosphere is tense. it’s hard to breathe. “when i’ve rested enough, i have this case to solve.”
“…rest…” you sigh and shake your head. “you’re not letting yourself mourn.” you place a hand on the door. “i’m sorry.”
“there’s nothing you have to be sorry about.”
“it wasn’t your fault either.”
“maybe i was too haste to pass judgement, but what’s done is done. his blood is on my hands.”
“cyno,” you breath out, like a drowning person letting out the last bubble. “you are only human.”
“promise me when you leave for your next case, to investigate on those who unfairly used your friend, that… you’ll come back safely.”
“i cannot promise that, but i will do my best.”
“that is enough.”
“…do you still want to see me?”
“that’s why i’m here, right?”
“huh, thought you were just acting as a delivery guy.” a dry chuckle.
“well, i’m that too.” you weakly laugh, lying your head against the door. “it must be hard dealing with it alone, but we’re all here for you, through the gifts we bring and the prayers we offer… i’m here too.” you press a hand on your heart.
there is a click.
“i’m coming in,” you say as you slip yourself through the door left ajar, careful of the items on the floor. it closes before you can catch a glimpse of him, but the familiar warmth that wraps you is enough to quell your uncertainties.
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author's note: an old piece! from an old blog! hello! i wrote some author's commentary so i guess that'll be up next. i have not looked through this nor the commentary. this is raw. i wrote this to practice dialogue. might actually do more!
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artful-aries · 1 year
Seeing You After Being Apart (Cyno, Venti, Itto)
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Work as the General Mahamatra keeps him very busy and carries him to the furthest corners of Sumeru more often than not. He’s dedicated to his work to a fault, and will often be away from you for extended periods of time as he works to ensure the safety of the nation
That being said, now that you’re in his life he gets anxious about leaving for such long periods of time on missions
Anything could happen to you while he’s away, and he’s certainly made a lot of enemies in his time as the General Mahamatra. The thought of him not being there to protect you eats him up inside, but ultimately he can’t give up his ideals for you. He has a job to do and he will make sure it’s done
Cyno would give you the sweetest kiss to your forehead before he sets out; it serves as a promise that he will return to give you a proper kiss once the job is done
He would want to lighten the mood with a few jokes, but he’s wrapped up in his own anxiety about what may happen in his absence that he can’t make the words come out
He’d become a bit more ruthless in his job while he’s away. Of course he never crossed any lines, but he will be urgent to quickly resolve the matter so that he can get back home to you.
Cyno goes out of his way to make sure he doesn’t get hurt on his missions as well; he would hate for his reunion with you to be made less joyous with your worry over him
When his mission is finally done and he gets to return home, he will be beyond relieved and pack up immediately to rush home to you. He can’t bear to spend any more time away from you than he has to
Upon finally reuniting with you, Cyno’s usual stoic expression will melt into a soft, fond smile that is just filled with love for you as he holds out his arms for you as you run into his embrace
He’ll kiss you tenderly once you’re back in his arms, pouring all of his love into it so that you can feel how much he’s missed your company while he’s been gone, and how grateful he is that you’re still in good health upon his return
Now that the weight of being away from you is finally lifted, he’s going to be in the mood to tell a joke or two
“You must be magnetic, because you always find a way to attract me to you.”
Regardless of whether you laugh at his joke or want to strangle him, this man is just over the moon to have you back in his arms again
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While Venti loves you and can be a bit clingy in his own right, ultimately he is a free spirit and will like traveling across Teyvat alone sometimes
He tells you that if you scatter dandelion seeds on the wind when you need him that he’ll be sure to come back immediately, but ultimately he values independence and doesn’t want to miss out on what the world has to offer. This isn’t to say he doesn’t ever take you on trips, but sometimes he just likes to enjoy things by himself
As he travels somewhat aimlessly, he’s thinking about you every single spare moment he has. Though he chose to have a little short adventure by himself, he does miss you a lot
While he’s gone, Venti composes a song especially for you. It’ll be a culmination of his love and embody how much he thinks of you while you two are separated
He can never find himself staying away from you for too long unless he has a genuine urgent matter to tend to. He just loves and misses you too much to be away from you more than a few days at a time
When you two finally do reunite, Venti is almost like a child with how giddy and bubbly he is. He’ll be happily shouting your name and running towards you, subtly using the wind to speed up his pace if you were in town when he returned
You’d think that he was going to knock you down with how fast he’s running to you, but just before impact he’ll slow himself down. However, he’s absolutely going to hold you up and twirl you around regardless of how much you might protest at the action
Venti will be stuck to you like glue when he returns, so much so that you might have to ask him to back up a little just so that you can breathe from how tightly he’s squeezing you
Plants kisses over every square inch of your face. He insists that each kiss represents each thought he had of you while he was gone. You might think he’s exaggerating, but if anything he’s low balling how much he thought of you
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If anyone is going to fight to NOT be pulled away from your side, it’s him. He acts big and tough, but he legitimately gets teary eyed if either you or him have to leave for an extended period of time. Let’s be real, you’re going to be the one who has to leave
The gang notices a shift in his demeanor immediately when you’re gone; he’s a lot crankier, rash, and ready to tear shit up. Shinobu has a difficult time reigning him in with his pent up frustration at your absence
He just doesn’t get it. Was what you had to deal with important enough to leave him? Itto sees things that remind him of you in everything, which only winds up putting him in an even fouler mood
If your business is something he knows is serious he won’t be as whiny, but he will still be in a grumpy mood the whole time you’re gone. Arataki Itto shouldn’t be without his greatest sidekick, his partner, his numero uno
When you finally return, Itto doesn’t waste any time sprinting towards you. It can be rather intimidating to have a seven foot Oni charging you, no matter how much you love him
You better brace for impact, because he’s absolutely tackling you to the ground. He makes sure to cradle your head so you don’t hit it on anything when you tumble to the ground, but his weight will feel like it’s crushing you
He’s already sniffing and holding back tears as he holds you on the ground, trapping you in a bear hug as he complains about how long you were gone
Once his initial joy of your return is out of the way, he’ll finally let you up off the ground with a big pout on his face. Why did you have to be gone so long?
If you point out how much he’s pouting, especially in front of the Arataki Gang, Itto immediately denies it. Psshhh, no, he’s not pouting! The One and Oni doesn’t pout. He just thinks it’ll be better to go with you next time. Surely whatever your business is will go faster with two people, let alone the great Arataki Itto at your side!
This is just his not so subtle hint that he doesn’t want to be left behind next time
Out of everyone, Shinobu will be the happiest that you’re back. With you here to mellow out Itto, perhaps she can finally go to sleep without waking up in a cold sweat wondering what he was getting into in the middle of the night
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