#cyoa series
vamprisms · 2 years
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whumpy-wyrms · 2 months
The Last Lab Rat: choose your own adventure #1
tllr au masterlist | tllr masterlist
umm yes hi i was NOT planning on making this at all but here it is! cyoa thing where we get to meet Anton for REAL and i’m very excited. these will be shorter than my usual writing since you all get to make the big decisions, sooo maybe weekly updates? we’ll see (also i’ll definitely come up with a different name for this eventually)
also if you’re new, you don’t have to have read tllr in order to read this :3 this works as its own thing!
content: you being followed, general weird and creepy vibes from the man himself (Anton), and most likely eventual lab whump in future parts :)
It’s just like any other night. You’re mindlessly kicking a small rock down the dark and empty street you walk on, dodging the puddles in the concrete from the rain from earlier. The street lights glow dimly above you, giving you some light in the otherwise cloudy night.
You’re tired, and you would be listening to music through your earbuds during your nightly walk home from work, but your phone died. So, kicking a rock it is.
But not so much like any other night, you pretty quickly realize that you’re being followed.
You hear the pitter patter of footsteps coming from behind you, hurrying across pavement and rustling through dewy bushes. This had been going on for at least fifteen minutes by now, and at first you thought it was an animal, but it was becoming increasingly obvious that it wasn’t.
You stuff your hands in your pockets and try to just focus on getting home. Whoever was following you could have easily made a move by now if they were going to. But they hadn’t yet, so perhaps they were just messing with you? Some teenagers pulling a prank? You kick the rock harder, watching it fly farther down the street and give you an excuse to hurry your pace to catch up to it and kick it again.
You walk past another street light, and from the corner of your eye, the light behind you casts a shadow of a person, a lot closer behind you than you had thought.
You are definitely being followed, and this person is definitely not going to just leave you alone.
Your heart speeds up, and you try to calm your breathing. Just keeping on walking won’t change anything, you have to do something.
Ready to face whoever it may be, you whirl around suddenly, apparently catching the stranger off guard as he freezes in place and looks at you with wide eyes.
“What are you doing?” You ask, taking a careful step away from him. He was closer than you realized. Dangerously close.
The stranger stands up straight and clears his throat, putting his hands behind his back casually. “Just going for a midnight stroll.” He laughs awkwardly and steps closer to you. There’s a strange glint in his eyes and a wide smile on his face. It’s unsettling.
You continue to back away from him, narrowing your eyes. Now that you’re both in the light, you can get a better look at the strange man who was following you. He’s tall, taller than you, and he’s wearing a baggy black hoodie. His hood is up, making it hard to get a good look at his face, but you can still make out the thin scar across his left eye, and his black hair with a white stripe in the middle. His eyes shine bright despite the darkness, almost glowing.
You think you might recognise him from somewhere, but… you can’t quite place it.
“You were following me,” you say, and he blinks.
“No I wasn’t.”
“What- yes you were.” You take another step back.
“What brings you out here anyway?” He changes the subject. “It’s pretty late. It’s not safe to be out alone.” He takes another fucking step closer.
“I’m walking home,” you say, and your voice starts to waver. “What do you want?”
He shrugs his shoulders. “You looked like you could use some company.”
The man seems to be subtly surveying his surroundings, as are you. You have a horrible feeling in your gut. You have to get away.
The street in front of you stretches on, and will eventually lead to your apartment. If you make a run for it, you might make it there before this guy inevitably catches you. You don’t wanna think about what would happen if he does.
Yes, it’s an if. This guy might be completely normal and innocent like he says. He genuinely might be going on a peaceful walk and just decided to chat with you for some reason. Weird, but you suppose we’re all a little weird at the end of the day. He might not have any devious plans for you at all.
But if he does… would leading him straight to your home really be the best idea? Maybe you should go a different route, run through the trees and try to lose him in the darkness.
The other option, of course, is to make sure he doesn’t follow you home. Now, this guy doesn’t look very strong, but it’s obviously impossible to tell under all that clothing. You don’t know if you could take him in a fight, and you’re not sure you want to try.
You swallow thickly. He’s just smiling at you. His hands are still behind his back. You fear that if you turn your back to him, you’ll soon find out exactly what he’s hiding.
this is very fun so i’m gonna try my best to do weekly updates :) i’m also doing a new taglist for this, so please let me know if you’d like to be added!
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza
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pitbabe-cyoa · 5 months
I wrote Martin but I meant Andy! Thanks @almayver for pointing this out. Sorry for the confusion.
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sundaywarning · 2 months
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doodle dump of mother stuff from over the last couple of months
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befuddled-calico-whump · 11 months
Wesgoesbrr: The Game
(image and poll under the cut for gore)
After much deliberation, you decide it can't hurt to make a few more incisions. The star of the show has already shown off his ribcage, why not treat his audience to some guts as well?
You move your tripod closer, giving the camera a full view of your workstation, then put on a fresh pair of gloves---for what must be the eighth time. You'll have to request a budget for disposables on your next mission---and grab your scalpel. Your captive's pleas when he sees what you're about to do are so pathetic you almost reconsider.
But you've never been much for backing down.
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Once everything is splayed out, nice and visible, you really start getting your hands dirty, plunging them into warm entrails and drawing more ragged screams from your guest. Eventually, you get bored of playing with his intestines, and pull away.
Your victim has stopped letting out shrieks of pain, now letting out small whimpers on every exhale, his eyes half-opened, staring at nothing, his body shuddering uncontrollably.
Even with the life-prolonging drugs you've given him, it looks like he's at the end of the line. Oh well. You've done everything the Fleet's asked of you and more.
tag list:
@whumpsday , @turn-the-tables-on-them , @onlywhump , @whumpyauthortm , @whump-in-the-closet , @kira-the-whump-enthusiast , @whumpterful-beeeeee , @apokolyps , @whumpedydump , @isntthisblank , @sodacreampuff , @what-if-i-just-did , @whimpity-whumpity , @ladyjaye13 , @shywhumpauthor , @grizzlie70 , @whumpinthepot , @aarika-merrill , @only-shadows-dwell-where-we-are , @100percentevil , @catnykit ,
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mens-rights-activia · 2 years
The Thrilling Conclusion
The Previous Part
Start Here
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shywhumpauthor · 1 year
To the Victor the Spoils—Part Five
Previous || Masterlist
Cw: torture, implied massacre/burning/destruction, kidnapping, restraints
There was just something about him, the arrogant set to his shoulders, the steel behind his eyes, the way the grin curled across his lips, shit, you can’t help it.
A laugh bubbles past your lips and you lean forwards, pressing your forehead to the pillar as heat rises to your face.
You know you shouldn’t be—there is nothing funny at all about this. You are tied to a column, a guard uncurling a long iron-beaded whip not ten feet behind you, your kingdom undoubtedly burnt to the ground. When you had been captured, just before they had blindfolded you in the carriage, you had seen through the small window gap, thick black smoke curling across the blue sky. The entire town square had been ablaze, by now it would be reduced to nothing but ash.
The king’s expression flattened with confusion, but it only lasted a moment before a sharp crack fractured the air.
Your laugh breaks into a sharp cry as the whip split across your shoulder blades, the beaded tail catching and ripping open the flesh. Blood begins to well almost instantly.
“Not laughing anymore, I see,” the king chuckled, stepping back to lower himself into his throne. He propped one arm on the armrest, resting his chin in his palm as he faced you. “Let’s start with twenty lashes, see if you still find any of this amusing.”
The whip cracked again, a line of fire slicing only inches below the first, and you clench your jaw to keep from screaming.
“Oh, and prince, count for me.”
Tag list (lmk if you’d like to be added): @tauntedoctopuses @sorrowful-hyacinth @kaz-of-crows @andromeda-liske @sonder35 @bloodsweatandpotato @merlilica @whump-me @gala1981 @lakelyasleep @icepick-hoe @suspicious-whumping-egg @whumpedydump @thelilbutifulthings @amazingmagda @itsmyworld23 @annablogsposts @whither-wander-whump @whump-in-the-closet @orphans-parent @shannon-foraker @mysticstarlightduck
(Sorry there’s not too many options this time, I couldn’t think of any lol)
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loonybun · 2 months
Meeting Aisling (CYOA) Masterlist:
current contents: fae whump, slight environmental whump, magically induced amnesia, abduction, mentions of abduction and drugging, and a mildly unsettling guy who may or may not be human. (will add on as future chapters are released :))
synopsis: after waking up in the woods, you find that any details about how you got there are incredibly vague. Unfortunately, you don’t have a ton of time to think it over, since daylight is quickly fading and being alone in the woods at night sounds very unpleasant. You bump into a totally normal stranger with totally innocent intentions! He seems a bit eccentric, but other than that, he’s been nothing but friendly. Nothing will go wrong.
- chapter 1
- chapter 2
taglist: @whumpy-wyrms @inkwell-and-dagger @lordcatwich @kawaii-cakes @enigmawriteswhump
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inkwell-and-dagger · 11 days
if the cyoa option were to win, would y'all like becoming rayan or just sort of being regarded as a nameless character (aka yourselves??)
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quorras · 1 year
AAA I DONT WANT TO SPOIL IT MORE THAN THAT BUT YES. SORTA LITERAL!! THE GRID IS CHARACTERISED SO WILDLY IN THE CYOA ITS AMAZING!!! It has been like. three years since i've read it so Perhaps my memory is exaggerating it but YES check out the cyoa for sure!!
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vamprisms · 2 years
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whumpy-wyrms · 16 days
The Last Lab Rat CYOA #4
tllr au masterlist | tllr masterlist
content: second person pov, home invasion, manhandling, drugging, gag, restraints, kidnapping, creepy whumper
You chose: Fight! Struggle! There are knives over there on the counter, grab them!
Fuck it. He broke into your home, it only makes sense for you to fight back. Good thing you’re in the kitchen, because a few knives are sitting in the knife block on the counter across from you. You finally have a chance to defend yourself, you have to take it.
You wrench your head to the side, getting away from whatever was about to poke into your neck, and you push away from him with all your strength.
But you get nowhere.
“Feisty one,” he lets out an amused chuckle. “You really don’t know when to quit, do you?”
You ignore his words and elbow him hard in the ribs. You’re flailing and thrashing, moving around too much for whatever he was about to do to you. With a deep breath, you bite the hand covering your mouth and he gasps in surprise, flinching back, giving you just enough room for you to stagger away from him.
He regains his composure quickly. “Hey, I wouldn’t step on that ankle if I were you. It looks bad.”
You don’t care. But you should’ve, because this time, your body can’t ignore the pain any longer. The last step you take, your ankle gives out and sends you collapsing to the floor. You cry out in agony, chest heaving in and out in a panic. You sit there, unable to get up, well aware that your attacker is coming towards you. As you scramble away from him, legs sliding against the floor, your back hits the cabinets. You turn around, vision tunneled. The knives are close. Your phone is close. Get to your phone. Get to the kni—
As you reach towards the counter above you, your wrist is grabbed in a firm but gentle grip.
You whirl around and look up at the man standing over you. Your horrified eyes are wide and panicked as you get a clear view of what the man is holding in his other hand.
It’s a syringe.
There’s nowhere to run. You’re cornered.
He kneels down and before you can react, he takes your other wrist in his hand, firmly holding both your arms away from him. Your struggles lead you nowhere.
Tears burn in your eyes as you feel a sharp sting in your neck, injecting whatever was in there directly into your bloodstream. You let out a pained whine. It hurts. You don’t want this.
You scream for help. It only lasts a second before he drops the now empty syringe and clasps a hand over your mouth.
“Shhhh, be quiet,” the stranger says. “Relax. It’s okay.”
You can’t, you can’t. This can’t be happening! You writhe against him, kicking out, trying to desperately pull your arms free but you can’t. 
“You’re only tiring yourself out. Just relax.”
You shake your head rapidly, getting hit with a wave of dizziness. You don’t care! You need to get away!
But you’re so tired. There’s a foggy feeling in your head. You blink, unable to shake the feeling. Your limbs are suddenly heavier and your movements are growing clumsy and weak.
Before you know it, your struggles die down and your body weakly slumps against him. It’s getting harder and harder to keep your eyes open.
“Good, that’s it. There you go.”
He takes his hand off your mouth and you can’t seem to muster up the energy to use your voice. You stare at him in defeat, looking up at his unnaturally green eyes that are staring down at you. A soft expression crosses his face, and he pets your head gently, hand carding through your hair, before turning around and grabbing something from behind him.
You shift uncomfortably where you lay on the floor, now slouched against the cabinets behind you. Whatever drug that was injected into your system is working fast, and you let out quiet sobs as you feel your body weaken further. Your breathing slows. Your eyelids feel heavy. You can barely move no matter how much you try.
He turns around. It’s too dark to see what he’s holding now; you can barely keep your eyes open. You feel a few strips of duct tape being taped over your mouth and smoothed over with his palm. 
You whimper through the gag, crying out as loud as you can despite the drowsiness overtaking you.
“Shhh. Stay still. It’s okay.”
None of this is okay. You don’t want this. You just wanna hide in your room and curl up in a ball where it’s safe.
He turns you around and your arms are pulled behind your back. Itchy rope rubs against your skin as it’s coiled tightly around your wrists, effectively restraining you. He grabs your legs, careful to avoid touching your sprained ankle, and you’re not strong enough to kick out anymore. He ties up your legs, and you’re completely restrained. You can’t escape.
Suddenly your eyelids are heavier than before. You don’t remember shutting your eyes. You slowly blink them open. But still… darkness. Oh, he’s tying a blindfold around your head. You barely noticed it.
You can’t see what he’s doing anymore, not like you could very well before in the dark anyway. You feel like you’re floating. Since when were you being carried in his arms?
Everything’s foggy, far away. You can’t keep track of the sounds around you, the direction he’s taking you. But you feel the breeze of fresh air on your skin. You’re not in your home anymore.
He gently sets you down somewhere small and enclosed. It almost feels cozy, warm…
Until a loud noise above you knocks you out of your thoughts. The sound of a car door closing. No, a trunk of a car. He stuffed you in the fucking trunk of his car.
You weakly kick out against it with your little remaining strength, crying out through the gag while the engine starts up and you feel the car start driving, gravel rumbling under the tires.
Realization finally sets in. This is it. He got you. The weird stranger who was following you home was now driving you off to who-knows-where, to do who-knows-what to you. You fought so hard, but he didn’t even break a sweat. You never stood a chance. There’s nothing you can do now. He has you.
You’re so tired. You can’t keep your eyes open any longer. You curl up in a ball, ignoring the discomfort, and your eyelids flutter shut. You finally drift off into unconsciousness while the man drives you further and further away from your home and into the unknown.
. . .
Eventually, you stir, waking up to darkness. It takes a little while for you to remember what happened, but you realize as soon as you feel the rumbling of the car all around you, and feel the rope digging into your skin. You’re still in the trunk.
Not for long, though. Only a few moments later, the car comes to a stop, and silence fills the air. It seems like you woke up just in time. Wherever the stranger was taking you, you’ve arrived.
Footsteps echo through the air and the trunk is opened, letting fresh air into the stuffy trunk. You tentatively move your body, but you’re still weak and stiff. You were out cold for longer than you thought you were.
“Ah. You’re awake.”
“Mmmf…” You whimper softly, barely audible. You still feel groggy, lightheaded, somewhere else. You can’t see where the stranger is, as your world is still filled with the darkness of the blindfold. You curl up deeper into a ball, making yourself small seems to be the only thing you can do at this point, and there's no use struggling when your body is weak and restrained.
“Aww,” the stranger coos above you. “It’s okay. Don’t be scared.”
His hands come down to wrap around your body, gently but firmly hefting you up into his arms, and holding you close. You freeze, unable to tell what was happening or what he was going to do to you. You feel the soft breeze in the air flowing through your hair as he starts walking, closing the trunk behind him.
There’s not much you can do now but wait, unable to see or move, you pay attention to what you can hear. He carries you up some steps, and through a door. It shuts behind you both. He shushes you when you cry as you are carried down and down and down more stairs, the air cooling around you. You can’t keep track of where he’s taking you, it all feels like a blur.
A sudden light flows through the fabric of the blindfold. You shiver. More steps, another click of a door shutting behind you, and you’re gently set down on something soft, your body melting into it.
“Okay,” he says, voice rumbling through your ears. “Let’s get you out of all this.”
Gentle fingers peel the blindfold from your eyes, and light fills your vision. You notice you’re in a small room, all white walls and bright fluorescent lights shining above you. The bed you’re sitting on is soft and warm, despite how much it reminds you of a hospital bed. You’re still restrained, your arms held firmly behind your back by the rope that’s now digging into your wrists, and your legs are still tied together. Your head is becoming clearer, and you look up at the stranger standing over you with wide, terrified eyes.
“Hi.” He’s smiling wide, as if he’s giddy with excitement. His hood is down now, and you can finally see him clearly. There’s a white streak through his short, slick black hair that falls out in all directions. His unnaturally bright green eyes bore into you. Despite the situation, his expression almost seems warm, kind.
“Mmh,” you squeak out a broken whimper. How casual he’s being about all this fills you with unease.
He takes a step towards you, and you flinch back violently, yelling through the gag in a panic.
“Shh, calm down, I’m just gonna help you out of this. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You don't believe him, but you do your best to calm down anyway, trying to steady your breathing and think smart about this. You look around the room more closely. There’s really nothing else here but a small nightstand to your left. There’s a door straight ahead, and a surveillance camera above it— the exit, you presume. There’s another door on the left wall, but it’s slightly open. The wall to your right is entirely made out of glass, and looking through it, there seems to be some sort of…
You look back at him, not sure if you’re more or less calm than you were before, but he seems satisfied. He reaches toward you and you try not to flinch away this time.
He brings a hand to your face and rips the duct tape off, you yelp at the pain, and he winces and murmurs a quick apology.
You glare at him, but can’t hide your obvious fear seeping across your features. You tremble under his gaze.
“If I untie you, you’ll behave, right?”
taglist: @creppersfunpalooza @whumpsday @watermelons-dont-grow-on-trees @inkwell-and-dagger @silly-scroimblo-skrunkl
@vidawhump @bottlecapreader @whumpinthepot @lumpywhump
let me know if you want to be removed or added to the taglist!
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pitbabe-cyoa · 5 months
Let's write the second season of Pit Babe together!
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theindexproject · 1 month
The voting has been cast, but make sure to follow and subscribe so you don't miss the next chapter and other stories! https://www.youtube.com/@TheIndex Also join the conversation on the Discord channel! https://discord.gg/zy25mxTuht
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zahroreadsthings · 1 year
The first step...
Question: How are you feeling?
Response: Time to step up. 'When do we start?'
Check notes for previous instalments
There was never any doubt you'd do it.
'When do we start?'
Deema says with a grimace, 'It's not 'we'. I won't be much help.'
'That's fine. I'll figure something else out.'
She draws a wide arc with her hand and points north. 'There have been a series of cold fronts in the north and they're moving down here. It'll be colder than usual because the air hasn't had time to warm up before the next front comes.'
'So I can travel up, collect a sample, then stop it.'
'You don't need to stop it. Just collect something for me. I'll stop it myself before it gets too bad here.'
'I could try! It'll be good learning for me.' You open your mouth to continue but Deema cuts you off with a groan.
She rubs her forehead and takes a moment to think. 'If you really want to you can do so with a full witch. If you can find one,' she adds, 'seeing as you punched someone.'
'I mean... aah... yeah, there was that.'
'Go outside and tell your friend if you want.' Deema crosses her arms and closes her eyes.
You open the front door to Lex sitting with their legs stretched out on the front porch.
'Update,' you say.
You debate how much to tell them. 'My guess was right. Long story... Deema asked if I can collect samples from stronger weather events.'
'Just head in there alone?' they ask, alarmed.
'I can ask around for a hand to stop it too if I want.'
'And? Who would you ask?'
You remember Hakim's offer to teach you.
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doctor-disc0 · 6 months
I thought of an amazing quest line (imho) for The Elder Scrolls VI and now I'm mad because I want to see it so badly. I would make a Skyrim mod for it, but I have no idea how to mod.
So, instead, we're doing a choose your own adventure style thing because I've thought of multiple endings for this quest, depending on your choices.
Anyway here we go lol
A Nord woman named Ingrid had her favorite book taken from her by a bandit while she was heading to Solitude. She wants your help getting it back, and you've agreed.
"Oh, thank the gods. You have no idea how precious this book is to me. It was a gift from my father, who passed a few years ago. Anyway, it's a very unique book called 'A Look Into Oblivion and its Princes.' I'll pay you handsomely for its safe return to me."
You realize, at that moment, that this is a book you sold last week to Belethor after looting it from a bandit you killed. Who knows if he even still has it?
But you said you'd help Ingrid, and gold is gold, so you may as well try to see if he still has it.
So, you travel to Whiterun and ask Belethor if he still has the book. "No, I don't. I sold it to a traveling Breton merchant yesterday. I think she said her name was Samantha Guy. Very strange woman. She mentioned she was heading to Rorikstead if you wanted to try to buy it from her."
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